Beantown Podcast - 12162018_Quinn David Furness presents the Beantown Podcast ft. Jack & Walt Furness

Episode Date: December 16, 2018

Quinn comes to you LIVE from the Big Apple with his brothers Jack & Walt Furness to discuss brotherly topics including Kurt and Kyle Busch, the 2009 film Brothers with Tobey Maguire, and where it all ...went wrong for Jeb in 2016 #FriendsofthePodcast

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to the bean town podcast. It's your host Quinn David Furnest The bean town podcast come to you live from New York City the big apple the Queen of Queens the King of Kings as it's known. This is the bean town podcast one of Baltimore City And for this week only New York City's top 500 podcasts, the People's Podcast as it is affectionately known, don't forget to like, share, subscribe, rate wherever you're listening, you know where we're at. Follow us on Twitter at beantowncast, comments, concerns, grievances, you can let us know Bean Town podcast that's bean town be and to the podcast at What's going on? How is everyone coming to you live from Manhattan another name for New York City a lot of the
Starting point is 00:00:59 locals will call it that here for about 48 hours visiting with my two brothers, who have both been on the podcast, one recently, one not so recently, but this podcast is going to be all about brotherhood and fraternities and sibling celebrity couples and stuff. And that's like if you're from Alabama, sibling celebrity couple. It's gonna be fun, it's gonna be exciting, we're gonna keep it pretty brief, the format is gonna be just a lot of hard-hating questions
Starting point is 00:01:36 then we're gonna hear from our sponsors and we'll give you a preview of what the next couple weeks are gonna look like and then we're gonna wrap it up so we can do something that we all enjoy for the rest of the day not just the youngest brother but we've had a good time so far went to Brooklyn the Barclays Center wanted to catch an islanders game but turns out people don't really go to those so we didn't want to break with custom. I went to Schmorgus Bjorn, a board, something like that, across the street. It was exciting. Everything cost about $50. So, until that ad revenue starts rolling in, talking to you, Jack Links, or Home Pride
Starting point is 00:02:19 Oregon. You know, dad, been giving you free advertisements a couple of weeks now. Haven't seen the revenue flowing yet So we'll get our people on that, but then we went to Wall Street So I'm Michael Douglas Very exciting time with Shyla Buff was he in that new remake from early 2000s you have any insight into that answer wall Can't say I'm sure He's really really talking into the mic there. He's really made for podcasting
Starting point is 00:02:55 Let's look it up wall street money never sleeps. I think that's what it was called Now I'm having the problem over here where I'm so far from the Wi-Fi, but it's given me kind of the halfway thing. And so you can't really search anything unless you turn the Wi-Fi off. So let's go ahead and do that. Money never sleeps. Anyways, we did Wall Street. We walked to one World Trade Center. It is Shilabuff. Oh man, looking dapper. And walked up the High Line, which I thought was a Mel Gibson movie, but something different. And walked to the library and didn't quite make it all the way up to Times Square Rockefeller Center, but very close. And maybe the islanders should start playing at Rockefeller Plaza because apparently nobody
Starting point is 00:03:52 goes to their games at the Barclays Center. But yeah, it was good. Got a New York slice. Have not seen Spike Lee yet, but we're gonna keep looking. I haven't really seen any celebrities up to this point. So disappointing trip overall, but we're going to keep looking. I haven't really seen any celebrities up to this point. So, disappointing trip overall, but we're trying to stay in good spirits here. Let's go ahead, let's get into it before we take up too much time. Making, let's see, his third podcast, appearance, his second weekly installment, and he's been on one Being done on plugged special the roast of Quinn Davis furnace check it out now on iTunes Google Play Spotify Stitcher player FM soundcloud YouTube. You know where to find us Walter furnace welcome back to the podcast. Thanks for having me on Quinn
Starting point is 00:04:40 The mic is on is that correct Yeah, as long as the switches flipped up, then we're going to be a good shape. I had switched it off so you weren't picking up some of that cool background noise when Jack and Pierre were talking. Yeah, I don't know, I kind of like the ambience. I don't know if you ever listened, we didn't end up so live from Memphis. There were donuts, there was a river, there were people, it was a good time. But while let's go ahead, let's get you started off with a question here, again, the theme of today's discussion is brothers. So, brothers on a hotel bed, single from Death Cab for QT's 2005 album plans.
Starting point is 00:05:23 Is it in your top 10 favorite death cab for cutie songs? Yes or no? I'll say yes. What if we go live? Does that change how you feel? You mean the live version of it? Mm-hmm. To my perhaps great shame, I don't think
Starting point is 00:05:43 I've heard the live version of it. Yeah. Well, I've seen, so I've seen Death Cab for Cutie Live, but I only got in for like the last three songs because, you know, I've seen Skillet on the other stage before that, two very similar bands. And I think all I saw was, I will follow you into the dark, classic Ben Gibberd, and then they played something else. It might have been crooked teeth, and then of course, they finished with trans-Atlanticism.
Starting point is 00:06:12 It was right after what's his name, Chris Walla, left the band, so not quite as good now as they used to be, but it's okay, it's still fun. Let's see, we're gonna get our other brother in here at some point, but let's keep going with these questions Oh, this is one I've been looking forward to talking to Walt about For like two hours since I thought of the question brothers the 2009 film starring Toby McWire Natalie Portman and Jake Gyllenhaal Are you surprised Toby didn't get an Oscar nomination for this? I'm surprised Toby didn't get an Oscar nomination for this. I'm surprised Toby didn't get an Oscar nomination for Spiderman 1.
Starting point is 00:06:47 Now, okay, we're gonna go down a rabbit hole here because you're talking to the biggest Sam Remy fan. You've ever met Spiderman 1, 2, or 3, which one you like? Oh, definitely 1. Better than 2. Yeah, I know that I've been called out on this before for not really appreciating the genius of Alfred Molina's Doc Ock. I think maybe upon subsequent watching, I might end up appreciating it more,
Starting point is 00:07:13 but I don't know, there's just something magical about Norman Osborne. Yeah, Willem Dafoe came close to getting his Oscar. I'm a big world-of-fo fan, so. Yeah, there's a lot of good quotes I would say some of the best memes on reamy memes on the subreddit come from Willem Defoe quotes Yeah, that's a good one So you're not feeling any love for Tofer Grace in
Starting point is 00:07:39 In Spider-Man 3 in 3. No, I thought 3 was the worst of the batch. Now, how are we gonna, how are we feeling? Tofer Grace versus Tom Hardy as Venom? Where are we, where do you stand on that? Is Tom Hardy, Venom, and one of the newer ones? They made a Venom standalone movie this year. Oh man, see, I didn't even know that. Based on what I know about those two actors, I would definitely be in the Tom Hardy as well.
Starting point is 00:08:03 Wait till you see the movie, you might change your mind to the film boy. Didn't think Toe for Grace could pull it off. Good point, so good. Now he looks like he should have won an Oscar for that performance. Going back to this film brothers, you know, a lot of our listeners might not have seen the movie, so just briefly describe to us the plot of the 2009 film Brothers. Well, you know, you've got these brothers, and then, well, of course, there's narrowly Portman. And then, you know, there's Philadelphia,
Starting point is 00:08:37 often called the City of Brotherly Love. And, you know what, I think there's a good liquor store called Brothers. There's also a Crossroads in Oregon. I think it was a city at one point or a town I should say, but it's called Brothers. So yeah, brothers. Yeah, it's a it's a very deep emotionally tolling film, but one of the better films about the Rack War. So everyone get the chance to check it out. I was a
Starting point is 00:09:12 little disappointed. Toby didn't get an Oscar now. I think he got a Golden Globe nomination, but you know, those Golden Globes, it's is that, you know, if you get a Golden Globe nomination, does that really carry any weight? Because they got like 25 different categories. I swear there's like, best third build actor in an animated documentary series or something.
Starting point is 00:09:37 It's pretty rough. Anybody can get nominated for a golden globe, except for the Bean Town podcast, which I want to maybe do a little call out to the Grammy Awards. The nominations came out last week or the week before. I don't know the specific parameters for spoken word albums, but I'll say this. I'm tired of Jimmy Carter and Obama and Bill Clinton and all those guys getting Grammy nominations because literally all they have to do is show up. They're not writing the book.
Starting point is 00:10:11 They're just famous because they happen to become president and now they're getting Grammy nominations for it. So yeah, we're a little salty. I would say the Bean Tom podcast, just in general, has been kind of stifled in year one. I know we were talking to Ryan Liggan and Kristen English, host of the Card Connoise podcast, a couple months back when the invites went out to pod con, which isn't Seattle next month. And absolutely no mention of the Cardigan was podcast or the bean town podcast. So I actually wrote them a letter using kind of their online feedback form.
Starting point is 00:10:54 They never even emailed back. So I don't know, it's all politics. When it comes time to podcasting, but. Here's the thing though, aren't you playing? I'm doing a like bean town year-in-review best of year one like in January here yeah coming up in a couple weeks well that seems like that's coming out you know at prime time for you know some of the award seasons right and they they tend to like those best of type things I just I really thought either the roast of Quinn David
Starting point is 00:11:25 Furness or when we brought on our political correspondent, Nikko Bono to talk politics, I thought one of those two episodes was really going to fly high, but I don't know. You know, you just got to keep grinding. You know, that's how LeBron James got to the NBA and stuff. He didn't let the haters detract from him. So I don't know, maybe I'll make got to the NBA and stuff. He didn't let the haters detract from him. So I don't know maybe I'll make it to the NBA one day. We'll see.
Starting point is 00:11:51 Rest in peace, Ron Baker. Yeah, cut from the nix this past week. Oh, is Jeremy Linsd on the NBA by the way? Maybe. I don't know. I can't say I've watched an NBA game yet this year. It's not that much to watch when you're a bulls fan. It's pretty ugly. Yeah. Let's move on to another question here. The brother's grim. Why do we say brothers before the grim while you have any insights into that?
Starting point is 00:12:22 Do you mean as opposed to grim brothers? Yeah, I mean, you hear about the Koch brothers and other brothers, but then you got the brothers Grimm. What's going on? I think it has to do with the way that it was maybe originally written in German, a lot of linguistic variety among the different enclaves and alps and Bavaria
Starting point is 00:12:51 and you know parts of Austral Hungary. So yeah, we're going to say linguistics. What would be some of your favorite grim fairy tales? Well, most people's mind goes to Hansel and Gretel, but there's some darker ones out there too, actually. I think Jack should be the one to weigh in on these because he had a volume of brothers, grim tales. And they take some wicked turns. You're not expecting. There's a lot of child beating, if I remember correctly,
Starting point is 00:13:26 a lot of children's body parts being eaten by different monsters. I think stranger things can maybe take a page out of this vintage stuff. Stranger Things season three, premiering this spring. Check it out on Netflix. That'll be flying stranger things now. Five dollars, please. Check it out on Netflix. That's your plan. That's your plan. Stranger things. No.
Starting point is 00:13:45 Five dollars, please. That's so sponsorship. I saw Millie Bobby Brown is in the new, the new, the second God Zero movie. And I swear, Millie Bobby Brown makes the exact same face in every sort of dramatic anything, whether it's a Stranger Things trailer or another trailer or Godzilla 2. It's always like there's some big catastrophic thing happening off behind the camera that you can't see and she turns around in her short little like bob cut is floating in the wind a little bit and she looks like she's about to throw up or something and it's just I don't know she seems like a
Starting point is 00:14:31 cool kid but I'm kind of getting sick of the whole Millie Bobby Brown look here they'll probably tap her to play a Danny in the remake of the shiny then well they're making Dr. Sleep here. You know that with you and McGregor. Is that another Marvel type thing? No, it's a Stephen King book, The Sequel to the Shining, and it follows Danny Torrance all grown up, but it's you and McGregor, so I'm looking forward to it. Okay, I could get behind that.
Starting point is 00:15:02 I didn't know there was a, I didn't know about that novel. Yeah, I feel like they haven't made a really home run, Steven King, moving a while. I didn't see the new it. I think it got like solid reviews, but I don't think it was like, I don't think in 50 years it's going to be considered better than the original, probably because of Tim Curry. But also, they made the dark tower into a movie, and as much as I like Edress Elba, it just really didn't. Do it for me. Even with, you know, Edress Elba and Matthew McConaughey, you'd think that's going to be tough
Starting point is 00:15:39 to mess up with a Stephen King book, but it didn't quite, I don't know, it wasn't very good. So I feel like when I think of Stephen King movies, I'm thinking the shining, carry, the Green Mile, misery, it. And I feel like most of those movies are like 80s, early 90s, and it's been solid 20, 25 years since we actually got it really. Maybe I'm missing something from the 2000s,
Starting point is 00:16:12 but it seems like it's been a while since we got it going on. So I have high hopes, and you and McGregor is one of my favorite actors. If you ever see him in Angels and Demons, watch out. It's the only spoiler I'm gonna say. I will say the Brothers Grimm, I'm a big fan of Rumpel Stiltskin. I just like that name. And Rumpel Stiltskin's kind of like a golem creature and he's super sneaky and he has fun with words. Thanks again to our holiday season correspondent Megan Lundgren for coming on last week. She doesn't
Starting point is 00:16:41 remind me of Rumpel Stiltskin, but we played around with words, a little bit, palindrons, Duky C. God, all that good stuff. Wow, mom, Bob, dad, often overlooked. Peep? That's a good one. We got a lot of questions here, so let's move on and we're going to get Jack on pretty soon here so he can field some questions to Walter a big cinephile you see at least one or two movies a year the brothers Grimsby The 2016 film starring Sasha Baron Cohen. Why don't you think it did as well as the other Sasha Baron Cohen movies? Probably because there's not enough Speedos or like you know have you seen the poster for it?
Starting point is 00:17:27 Oh boy, hang on. You keep talking, I'll show you. Well, as someone who's not seen a lot of Sasha Baron Cohen, I just imagine from the title of this one that it's not quite as edgy as something like the dictator or oh no, you're sorely mistaken my friend. Well maybe it went too far finally, maybe people said no, we've had enough. Well, it's looking at the poster for the brother's grim speed. Okay, so tell me why is this the brother's grim speed?
Starting point is 00:17:59 He's basically Dr. Spock with like a lab coat and then a speedo that in the parlance of Tobias Funeke does not effectively hide his thunder. Well I don't I've never seen the movie but he plays like a spy and his brother played by Mark Strong who I always get confused with Stanley Tucci by the way. It like plays also plays a spy but but he's really knows what he's doing and stuff. But back to your point of it may be not being quite as out there or ranchy as some of the other Sasha Baron Cohen movies. The famous scene from the Brothers Grinsby, this would be a good time to say, listen to
Starting point is 00:18:43 discretion as advised when you're listening to the bean-town podcast. Number one, we're about to get really gruesome here. Gursom's not the best word, but it's gonna be bad. You might wanna skip ahead one minute. Number two, the podcast is objectively terrible, but the famous scene is Sasha Baron Cohen and Mark Strong and they're in like, they're serengeti or something.
Starting point is 00:19:06 And they're getting chased by bad guys and there's nothing around but elephants. So they find a female elephant and they happen to climb up her lady parts to escape from the bad guys. It's pretty vivid, pretty graphic. There's a famous clip from the Jimmy Kimmel show when this movie came out two and a half years ago where they couldn't, Sasha Baron Cohen was on and they couldn't show the clip for obvious reasons. But what they did was they showed the audience the clip
Starting point is 00:19:39 and then they just had the cameras on the audience when they were playing the clip. And you hear the sound effects and stuff, and it's pretty fun, like, two minutes to watch. But yeah, I don't know. I think the humor was pretty British, and it's probably in a similar vein to why people don't love the first season of the office,
Starting point is 00:20:02 which I always find to be fascinating because it's got episodes like basketball, which I think is like one of the most iconic office things to happen. And what are other, that white does healthcare and stuff and the diversity day. Yeah, diversity day is a good one. And those are all like pulled from the British series. Did you ever watch the British series? Yeah. Okay. Recuter Vais. Yeah, I mean, I had seen a little bit and then I think it was last winter over the Christmas break. I went through and watched the whole two seasons. Yeah. And I found it enjoyable. I mean, you know, unsurprisingly, it's sort of a different brand of
Starting point is 00:20:43 humor. So you have to accept this or dryness, but there's some good parts. And it's not shocking, but it's really eye-opening just how much of the early American office was borrowed extremely heavily from that. Yeah, you even compare Steve Carell's version of Michael Scott in season one versus his version of Michael Scott in two through seven seven and it's pretty shockingly different. He's like a total straight up asshole and season one doesn't really have redeeming characteristics and then they make him much more. There are some adjectives that could describe it perfectly.
Starting point is 00:21:21 They're not comfortable doing this or something. Yeah. Like kind of there something? Yeah. Like kind of a lovable ignorance. But yeah, I feel you. We got one more question before we're going to do our halftime advertisement here. It's one I think you'll like. If the band Hansen was here right now,
Starting point is 00:21:40 what would you say to those guys? Where you've been all my life. I mean, what is... When you have a hit, like the one they did, and then you just kind of follow that up with, you know, decades of silence. You know, what is there to say? I think the silence says everything that needs to be said? Yeah they did an NPR tiny dust concert last year or the year before. That was
Starting point is 00:22:16 pretty good. I don't know. Their new music is fine. It's just kind of a they're kind of in this weird genre space where it's like the music itself is still solid, but I Mean obviously they made it big and the whenever the bump came out. It's like early 90s I think and You know is all classic like tweens and teenage girls and stuff that doesn't, I don't know, maybe I'm incorrect in this. I feel like that just whole like culture doesn't exist a ton right now at least. It did a couple years ago with like one direction and Justin
Starting point is 00:22:57 Bieber. I feel like right now maybe outside of like just in Timber Lake. I don't know, maybe Bruno Mars, but both of those guys are pretty quiet right now. So I don't know, they just got this music like, yeah, I would pay five bucks to go see a Hanson concert, but I don't know, they're just kind of good for them because you listen to their interview on NPR and they're very much just like, we're just gonna do what we wanna do and make the music that feels right to us. Kinda like the Bean Town podcast. One is more successful than the others,
Starting point is 00:23:33 and I won't say which, but both are gonna have a best of pretty soon here. So that's always exciting. I think I did hear that time desk concert and it was bad. I, yeah, it's probably the first I had heard anything from them in a long time, but I I you know That could be as much my fault as anything Yeah, yeah, all right. Let's do a little advertising here and then maybe we'll get Brother Jack in on this we got a couple other questions
Starting point is 00:24:03 I'd be fun to get to here and we don't want to run too long already longer than I thought I was gonna go Here we go home pride organ Are you tired of selling your house for less than a quarter of what it's worth? Excuse me. Wow All because you can't find a reliable home inspector in time well organ listeners. There's good news Home pride inspection services in Bend, Oregon, Central, Oregon's hottest new home inspection provider with inspection services, including things like heating and cooling, roofing, plumbing, and so much more.
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Starting point is 00:25:25 So if you're up here, come out, say hi. We'd love to have you. My name is Quinn David Furnace. This is the bean town podcast, the People's Podcast. Want to Baltimore City and for this week, only New York City's top 500 podcasts. This episode is all about brothers and brotherly things. We've been joined by a good friend of the podcast speaking which don't forget to use
Starting point is 00:25:51 hashtag friends of the podcast when you're tweeting about the Beantown podcast. But we've been joined by Brother Walter Ferness who's making a re-emergence on the podcast. Came on twice in late July, early August, had some fun there. And we are also now joined by brother Jack Furness, who is almost our guest in residence at this point. This is something like your 24th or 25th appearance on the bean-town podcast. No, I think it's six or seven. It's something like that but
Starting point is 00:26:28 Jack Ferness welcome to the podcast. How are you feeling today? I feel great. Thanks for having me. Yeah, and I know you've been studying torts quite a bit lately So any tips for making the perfect tort this holiday season Don't overwork it Don't overwork it. Don't overstudy it, I like that. All right, question for both of you guys because this is something that you both, I think, like quite a bit.
Starting point is 00:26:53 Kurt and Kyle Bush. Both. I'm gonna do it. I can't even get through that one. Both have less than stellar racing reputations. 50 years from now, which one will we still be talking about and why? Is that the bush of political fame or the big deal? No, we have one of those questions coming up later.
Starting point is 00:27:18 This is Bush, B-U-S-C-H, Kurt and Kyle. Well, the other ones though. No, I think he's trying to talk to us about beer. I don't know what's going on. So you got Kyle in the number 18 M&M sponsor, classic sometimes furniture roll. Yeah. Kurt and Kyle, each one's one championship. Yeah, Kyle's usually M&Ms yellow car.
Starting point is 00:27:51 Kurt oftentimes, he's bouncing around, but I think right now he's in the number 41 furniture row. I'm going to go with M&Ms. So Kyle. See, I was, wait, I thought you said Kurt was M&Ms. Kyle's M&Ms. Kurt was Eminem. Kyle's Eminem's. Kurt bounces around sponsors. Last I saw, he was with furniture row racing.
Starting point is 00:28:11 See, I think it's got to be Kyle because my rationale was that in 50 years, no one's even going to be using the name Kurt anymore. Maybe if there's like a Nazi re-emergence or something you go out to Charlottesville Virginia everybody's name Kurt All right the NASCAR question didn't get as much discussion as I thought We this is this fictional NASCAR racers. Yeah later maybe We asked this is real we asked this one on Kalandia a couple months back on the podcast, who's more attractive, Jeff or Bo Bridges?
Starting point is 00:28:56 Is Bo a sibling? Mm-hmm. I'm out, I mean, Bo does mean like, or handsome, but you know, it would be pretty shallow to go just on looks alone. So I think we gotta go with Jeff. So if you're looking from the within side, more of a spiritual attractiveness, does that change how you feel at all? I think Jeff Labowski is, you know, we have a pretty, you know, sort of a kinship, if you will, and
Starting point is 00:29:38 I'm gonna stick with Jeff. Now, I'm gonna throw a little curveball in here. What if you introduce their dad Lloyd Bridges? curveball in here. What if you introduce their dad Lloyd Bridges? Sure you're not talking about Lloyd Braun. No, it's a fictional character. Lloyd Bridges, which decade Lloyd? Sexties. Do you say sexies? It's when you look the sexiest. Okay. I would know I'm going through mine right now. This would be a good time to shout out to our sponsor, Sexties. No, I think, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:30:17 Jack, Lloyd Bridges is on the docket now. Lloyd Bridges? Yeah, like if you're an NFL GM, you're making your first round pick. He's number 18, number 19 is where your picks go and you think he might slide, but you're not sure all the way to the second round. Are you trading back? Cause he think he can get in bet 22, or what are you doing here?
Starting point is 00:30:40 I trade forward in that situation. See, but yeah, I don't know. I would get two guys with one pick, hashtag Chad Pennington. Or the Raiders trading away all their players this year, they're going to have about the entire first round trapped in a couple of years at this rate. That's going to be the John Green Party. Their average age age on the team's gonna be about 19 and a half.
Starting point is 00:31:09 Here's one that you guys can definitely both weigh in on, because we're back to the topic of NFL and football. And I like this one. Thought of this in the shower. If you woke up one day and found out you were coaching a team in the Super Bowl later that day, but your defensive coordinator was sick and you needed a replacement, would you pick up the phone and call Rex or Rob Ryan? One up both.
Starting point is 00:31:39 Because you only have salary for one. And you have to pay for their meals too. And he's coached the Jets for many years, right? Yep. He and Sanchez went to two AFC championship games. And who's Rob? Rob has been defensive coordinator for a lot of different team.
Starting point is 00:31:57 Saints, Cowboys, Browns. He picked Rob because he's a defensive coordinator. See, I got to disagree with you there. I go with Rex because Rob is very inscrupuous. I think we've all forgotten about bounty gate a little bit too soon here. That wasn't Rob Ryan though. That was Greg Williams. Did you see the guy that deflated all those footballs and filling L.F.A.?
Starting point is 00:32:16 That's the wrong city. When they poured bounty over the field, and the ball was everywhere. What? Yeah, that one lost me a little bit. See, you can't just say Rob Ryan because he's a defensive guy because Rex Ryan was not only that had coach, but he was in charge of defensive play
Starting point is 00:32:32 calling for the New York Jets. And what are their defensive coordinator do? It's the same thing that George Edwards does for the Vikings right now, because Mike Zimmer calls a defensive place, but George Edwards is the defense of coordinator. So he handles other defensive duties. Not a lot of information to go on.
Starting point is 00:32:53 I think there are animals in the wild that take a defensive duty to fight off, brain, stuff. It was very far from the brother. Well, I've got another scenario here, including those two people. What if the stakes were the same, but instead, it was a hot dog eating contest?
Starting point is 00:33:12 Right, it was a big dude. I don't know what Rob looks like. Oh, I got a picture for you. You think they're collective poundages in the quarter tongue range. They can't ride the six flags, rides together, and they have to take alternate cars. Let's see, Rob Ryan.
Starting point is 00:33:28 We're almost to the end of our questions here. I promise. Are we going to talk about New York, given that we're in the big cheese, as you said? Oh, I talked about it already a little bit. So that's Rob on the left, and that's Rex on the right. Margin and Shari. on the right. Yeah, I don't know that would be a close one. Is that down to the higher? Where are they with in this picture? I didn't look. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:34:09 Like, Mark Sanchez is evil twin or something. Speaking of Mark Sanchez, just got benched for Josh Johnson. It's definitely not Mark Sanchez. I don't know. Let's see. I don't know. We'll figure it out later. Okay. We... Fair enough. I remember when I would play my Madden, whatever game, 07, with Sean Alexander on the cover. And you do a fantasy draft, but then you have a franchise. And I had one that went for like nine or ten seasons. And my quarterback was for most part, Sena Koalis, because he had really good scrambling ability. And then I went through a couple
Starting point is 00:34:54 different running backs, do some callister. And there's this one guy who was like a third stringer for the Seahawks in real life. Michael Bennett, what is his name? Something like that. But I'll have to look that up. But anyways, where I was going with this is at the end of the season, you could fire your coordinators. And so I always had Dick Jaron, I think, was one of my coordinators. And then I got, who was the coach of the Jags for a while?
Starting point is 00:35:29 It's a quarter back. You talking about Jack Del Rio? There was someone else. Was he the coach of the, I don't know who I'm thinking of. It wasn't Del Rio. There was somebody else. He was either with the Saints or the Jags for a while. I have to look it up.
Starting point is 00:35:42 But yeah, it was a powerhouse. Most that ain't loose it was pretty exciting yeah got a couple other questions here this is when you both are informed on do you think there's ever a world in the future or Dave Franco becomes more well-known than his brother James or is it already here James or is it already here? I think it might kind of depend on how James chooses to spend this time. I mean, last I checked he's enrolled in like three degree programs. You ever see him walking around Columbia Jackie teaches up here doesn't he? I thought he was doing some stuff at NYU. It's kind of what I was getting at yesterday saying NYU's more edgy place than Columbia. They have a good film program and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:36:28 So, that was my understanding that he was doing all of his weird degrees and teaching at NYU. I thought he was enrolled in a couple different places and at the risk of going on a rant here. I gotta say James Franco has got to be the only guy in the history of the world, or at least in the 21st century, because you know, back in the 19th, 18th century, the way that universities, degrees worked, and stuff was a little bit different. But he's gotta be the only guy who is both like a student and a professor at so many different levels. It's just, it doesn't make any sense. He like blows the top off all the rules. It's got to be really tough to date, you know,
Starting point is 00:37:10 you're not sure if you can date a student, if you can date a professor, all that stuff. Hopkins just proposed a policy on dating between graduate students and whatever faculty staff Like yesterday or two days ago. There's currently no policy in place but now they're trying to you know limit who I can go out with and stuff so I don't know It might not be there for long Well, there's staff and you know if you're direct supervisor or something
Starting point is 00:37:44 It's a comprehensive policy. All I'm saying is I want to be at a place where my dating abilities are not restricted by flirtatious policies and such. Sir Proofler's. What was that word again? Superfluous. So maybe you should come to Texas State University, the rising star of Texas. I'm pretty sure there's no formal policy in place there.
Starting point is 00:38:13 And some of the faculty and grad students have been known to tangle a little bit. Yeah, it's called God's Country. That's what I'm talking about. Jack, you had mentioned this a little bit earlier. What went wrong for Jub in 2016? Um, it's just kind of a turd. I don't know. It just kind of sits there. Yeah, he's like Buster Bluth.
Starting point is 00:38:46 He's just kind of always hanging around not doing anything. And he tried to ride the wave, but it was hard because George Bush, Numerow, two was so unpopular at the end of his tenure. So he did not much going for him. I don't know if the US is ready for the trif of his tenure. So he didn't have much going for him. I don't know if the US is ready for the trifecta yet. You know, we have HW. We've had W. You got John Adams, John Quincy Adams, you got Andrew Jackson and both Kennedys.
Starting point is 00:39:18 Yeah. Both Kennedys, what are you talking about? Both Johnson's. Yeah, those Johnson's that are definitely relate to. And Hillary tried, she wasn't a 3-peter, but there was just, you know, Hillary via 3-p. I just said she wasn't.
Starting point is 00:39:37 But why would she if she made it? That would make her a 2-p. The point is just that Americans only have so much appetite for these, you know, repeat these dynasties, if you will. You know, that's why we give first round picks to like the Cleveland Browns, because, you know, tell that to the Warriors. God knows the Warriors and the Patriots
Starting point is 00:39:57 and one of titles last about 200 years, so. Yeah, fair enough. But yeah, I don't know if you want to say more about that. No, that's my hot tape. I don't think anything that. I think the first family that will achieve three-peat status, it's going to be a high bar. You know, you might get it with like Barack and Malia and Bo Obama maybe. Oh boy, it'd be a good screenplay maybe. Bo Bridges perhaps, but Bo Obama might be tough. I don't know, Americans might be ready for a furry president.
Starting point is 00:40:34 Bo Obama, no problems. That takes me to the end of the questions I have. Do either of you guys have anything you want to plug While you're on live air in the big apple. I Assume this is being broadcast somewhere by someone Maybe time Square, I don't know. Yeah, that'd be kind of cool Tell someone you love him today. Heartwarming message, yeah. Sometimes you need to hear that when it's rainy and 40 degrees in the big apple.
Starting point is 00:41:20 Yeah, we went for a run this morning and saw Michael Douglas and it was really cold and windy and rainy but no Spike Lee, so we're gonna keep our eyes and our hearts open That's it's always good to remember it, you know, it's almost Christmas and It was Hanukkah, so Sure, there's some other how that wouldn't once quans of this year. We don't talk about that enough I don't know. I think it's... I think it's a neighborhood that's celebrated, you know?
Starting point is 00:41:49 I think it's usually like a couple days after Christmas. Okay, well, we should check it out. Well, next week, I don't want to see your thunder, but you've got some special episodes coming up. I'm sure you're gonna talk about that, but maybe there's gonna be some opportunities for getting some more music back on the podcast. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:42:07 Throw my hat into the ring there. Maybe we'll get a little something. We'll see what Quinn wants to do. So stay tuned. That's my plug. Well, there aren't any guitars in Texas, are there? Yeah, I don't think there's any guitars in Texas, Quinn. Don't you have any guitars?
Starting point is 00:42:22 Yeah, we can bring it. We'll see. We might get back, we might do a Hanson cover or something. I think that could be pretty good. Yeah, Jane has been clamoring to get back on the podcast ever since the roast of Quinn David's furnace. Of course, she comes on the one podcast, like the most popular one of all time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:43 So we'll see. I don't know. like the most popular one of all time. Yeah, so we'll see. I don't know. I don't just don't know if she has kind of that energy or spark that we're looking for on the Bean Town podcast. I mean, white guys saying around talking in a disaffected tone. Sports.
Starting point is 00:43:00 Yeah, if you guys kind of handle the Curtin Kyle Bush question, I can't even imagine what mom is going to say when I ask her, if you know, handle the Kurt and Kyle Bush question, I can't even imagine what mom is going to say when I ask her if you know, Denny Hamlin's got anything left in the tank. Speaking of tanking the podcast, we'll see if Jane can come on the podcast next week. Anyways, I think that's pretty much what we've got going on for you today. We're going to wrap it up so we can do a couple of things out and about in the city before head back to bean town. It wasn't me.
Starting point is 00:43:34 So thanks to brothers Walt and Jack Furnace for coming on the podcast. Who knows what next week is going to hold and then after that we've announced this before but reminding everyone that we're going to have a 24 hour Christmas day live stream of me and just you know everything and maybe Michael Douglas I don't know. We're going to be baking, we're going to be drinking, we're going to be whining and whining in another sense about being alone on Christmas. Maybe get some Papa Johns or something. There are no football games on Christmas Day, which is disappointing, so I'll just have to watch
Starting point is 00:44:13 the Warriors or something. Are there ball games this year? Not even college football? On Christmas? I don't think so. That would kind of be sucky to force college kids to play on Christmas day Yeah, we'll see we'll check it out, but
Starting point is 00:44:31 Gotta go check the noon game in active right now for fantasy football and it's a big day playoffs are here so thanks everyone for listening and Have a great week in Save holiday travel if you're looking for any TSA tips last week our holiday season correspondent Megan gave some great tips on that stuff so go check that out.
Starting point is 00:44:53 And that's all we have for you. So thanks for tuning in. We'll come to you live from deep in the heart of Texas next week. Maybe you will have Michael Douglas on. We'll talk to you later. Have a good one. next week, maybe you will have Michael Douglas on.
Starting point is 00:45:06 We'll talk to you later, have a good one.

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