Beantown Podcast - 12292019_Quinn David Furness presents the Beantown Podcast

Episode Date: December 29, 2019

Quinn comes to you LIVE from the West Coast for the 2nd straight week with a filler episode the whole family will love. This episode perfectly embodies the time between Christmas and New Year's: Kinda... weird, kinda spacey, but it's there and it's something to listen to. Oh well. Year Two recap next week!!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn Deivitt Fernandez. Welcome to my show, Quinn Deivitt Fernandez presents the Bean Town podcast for Sunday December 29th, 2019. The last podcast of 2019. What's going on? How are you? My name's Quinn. And this is my show. We're coming to you live from the West Coast in the middle of Oregon the state the 44th state 1927 this one and entered the Union West Coast time its capital is Salem famous for the Salem witch trials back in the 19th century. And we're coming to you with our second of two episodes from out here on the West Coast. If you caught, or if you didn't catch,
Starting point is 00:00:54 the interview that we did last week, you're going to want to put a pause on this episode, go back and listen to that one. Mom goes to prison, it was a shocking, raw, emotional, very, very tiring, very trying interview with my mom, Jean Dennis and Fernis, about her time that she spent in the slammer, the deer ridge, state penitentiary, something like that famous for where they filmed Shawshank Redemption and mom who is a big fan of that work
Starting point is 00:01:30 was able Hopefully to use that as some inspiration for surviving her time Behind bars, but thanks to mom for coming on the podcast last weekend Granting us that exclusive interview those the first time she's spoken out since being released. And it was very exciting for her. I hope to be able to tell her stories. So if you haven't listened to that yet, go ahead, pause it right here, go over and listen to that one.
Starting point is 00:02:00 I'll be here when you're back. Well, welcome back to Bean Tom podcast for Sunday, December 29th. It is the end of the year. And next year will officially be our last episode of year two. It's always a little strange because we started the podcast. I think our first ever episode was January 13th of 2018. So the final episode of a year ends up happening on the first episode of the new calendar year. So although this is the last episode of 2019, the first episode of 2020 will actually be the finale of season two of bean-tout and season three will be launching two weeks from today. That's the plan at least. So you might be thinking, hey, Quinn, you know,
Starting point is 00:02:55 two years. This is episode, what do we look at? 100 and four, I think, 103, 104, something like that. I think it's 104 is this one. Plus, what we have, seven or eight special, something like that. You might be thinking, well, Quinn, you know, that's a lot of content. You know, what else do you have up your sleeve? How are you going to keep this thing new? How are you going to keep this thing fresh? Well, we'll talk a little bit more about some of our big exciting things that we have coming up in 2020 on our state of the podcast. We'll do a second annual State of the Podcast speech. That happens sometime in January, I think we tried to line it up with the president's state of the Union speech. I don't know if impeachment affects that in any way. We'll do some research. We'll get back to you.
Starting point is 00:03:53 You know that you're gonna have a lot of the great old things that you love about being town to look forward to in 2020 and you also have some fresh new things. I think so. So some of the old things that you have to look forward to at least things that are coming up sooner rather than later. As always, we'll be joined by our Oscars extraordinaire Ryan Austin English who will be coming on the show for the third time, specifically to discuss the Oscars. He's been on a couple more times beyond that. He's probably up to five or six times total. And he was on our show, our home for the holiday,
Starting point is 00:04:34 special two weeks ago. You can go listen to that. But he'll be coming on earlier than usual in 2020 because the Oscars are earlier than usual. The Oscars are something like February 9th or something along those lines right after the Super Bowl. So we're literally only what, six weeks away from that, five or six weeks, so we will need to get that scheduled. The Oscar nominations haven't even been released yet. I don't understand why the timeline is so short this year,
Starting point is 00:05:07 but we'll do our best to navigate. Some people have asked, hey, when are you going to do another Oscars monologue this year? That hasn't been decided. I don't think the Oscars currently have a host. I don't know if they're getting a host. No one's called me. A lot of things are up in the air. No one's called me. A lot of things are up in the air. So it's TBD in that situation. We'll also have our
Starting point is 00:05:30 tax specialist Matthew Fiedler coming on the show for the third straight year to help us do our taxes. It's going to be fun because we have two different state taxes to file this year. And Matthew has been unbreakable in years past in terms of trying to throw fancy terminology and obscure forms at him thinking one of these days we're going to catch him by surprise, but he is always on top of his game. So we're going to have some new tricks up our sleeve for Matthew this year. We'll see if he can handle the heat. It's like hot ones, but less exciting.
Starting point is 00:06:13 There's some old things that you have to look forward to again in year three, including the Pledge Drive fundraiser. Our third annual Pledge Drive fundraiser will be happening in February after the Oscar special. Of course, the entire month of February is our Pledge Drive fundraiser month. That's very exciting. And then we'll also have our annual Tulleth on Show, where we field live calls on the air from our listeners, from our supporters. I have not done the math. I haven't released what the number is going to be for this year, last year, is right now $200. I wouldn't expect anything more than that if anything, it might be a little bit less than that
Starting point is 00:06:56 for our Pledge of Funders this year, because we raised way more money than what we were anticipating last year. So we have some funds left over That being said we will continue with our donor incentive Packages that we started last year. We might even try to simplify things this year It might be a little bit more expensive for me, but I think it's gonna be a lot better for you all so Look out for an announcement on those donor tier incentive blocks as we get closer to February,
Starting point is 00:07:31 our Bloodstrike Fundaries are month. That's some of the old stuff, our new stuff, very exciting as well. Music has been something that's been thrown around here and there, the podcast music has kind of an interesting place on this podcast originally You know with a big part of the show's philosophy being low-budget low-budget low-budget Music was seen as something that was you know unnecessary, you know, we didn't want to get too big Blow up go viral too fast. So we said, let's just hold it on the music. Eventually, the fans kept saying, you know, you need intro music, you gotta have something fun. So it's kind of a ton of tongue and cheek thing. I started
Starting point is 00:08:15 playing songs to open the show that were not very good. But it's not, that was not the only time we've had music. We've done a concert series on the Meantown podcast with Matthew Feather when I was sick. That was a bumpy ride to say the least. So music has been interesting. You might be thinking what does this have to do with you? Through the podcast. Well, I'm going to record a couple of songs on the piano while I'm here at my parents house with access to a piano and we're going to try doing some
Starting point is 00:08:51 little bit more production value and year three here right show the investors that we're growing we're taking steps forward We're gonna be adding Hopefully some intro music and some outro music here. It's going to be completely recorded by yours truly. The songs are not original, they're completely instrumental, but I think you're going to like them. So look out for that. We should be able to get that started potentially as soon as next week.
Starting point is 00:09:20 The plan is to go record that stuff right after this. So wish us luck. Another big thing, and arguably the biggest thing that has happened to the podcast, since we started video. So it's been, what did we say, around 110 plus episodes and specials. Only a couple of them have been recorded on video. In fact, I think only the specials have been recorded on video, a couple of the specials. We are in talks of acquiring a very high-tech camera with, you know, 5G network and 4,000 K speeds and all that stuff. It's going to take a little bit more work, but I think it's gonna be a lot better experience for you all the fans.
Starting point is 00:10:10 So this doesn't mean anything is going away. You'll still be able to listen to us in all your favorite podcast platforms. But now, whereas the current YouTube state of the podcast is just the audio with a slide show of one picture. The hope now is we get some video going and that will potentially build up some extra lore with the podcast. We talk about things like the cricks' couch. We talk about things like the flower chair. We talk about the TV guides all the time, but you don't as fans, as listeners, as
Starting point is 00:10:46 Hashtag friends of the podcast, you don't get to see those. So we're hoping to add that in. Maybe I'll have a different hairstyle every week. I don't know. There's a lot of opportunities for aggressive expansion there to use a Batman term. I have some problems with my voice here. Having this weird thing just today, and this happens all the time, but not frequently, where you kind of get like a, I don't know exactly what it is, it's kind of like a snot bubble, but it's way in the back of your throat, And swallowing doesn't really seem to clear it unless you get some water or something that usually helps. But you gotta try to do one of these. And that actually
Starting point is 00:11:36 worked, right? As weird as that sounds, then you swallow a bunch of snot. So that's, you know, that's fun. But having one of those, I had one earlier, and it got to the point where I could barely even talk ahead to, oh, let's do some of that. Wow. So fascinating sound effects here in the podcast. Anyways, those are the two big things that we're looking forward to in the new years. Mintra Outra music recorded by yours truly,
Starting point is 00:12:02 and then adding the video element. Now that's something where you're going to have to really bear with us, the technical elements. A big, we already mentioned this on this show, a big part of the show's mission, the show's philosophy as we started nearly two years ago was to be as low production value, low budget as possible. Because you might think, well, Quinn, that doesn't necessarily make you any different. That's true. But what you
Starting point is 00:12:31 don't see is a podcast that's super low budget, super low production value that goes on and on and on. You think after 5, 10 episodes, wow, this guy really sucks. Who would keep listening to his stuff and for the creator? A.K.A. Me, you think, wow, this stuff really sucks. Why would he continue to create this stuff? Well, jokes on you all because I haven't missed a week and we're about to start our third year. So that's the power of the podcast. And so you're probably thinking, well, you's really the inspiration for this, if you're wondering if it's purely spite, you might be right. That's kind of a big part of how the podcast was formed in the first place, spite, and
Starting point is 00:13:16 proven the haters wrong, the doubters, et cetera. And you might think, for some people that kind of dries up after a week or two, you kind of lose the passion, lose the spark. Not for us, Bean Town is the greatest creative outlet that I've ever experienced. And it leads to so many things, right? Bean Town includes Bean Town Blog.
Starting point is 00:13:39 That's a whole new medium of content that you're not gonna get anywhere else. You'll get a little taste of it from some of my Facebook posts, but you really can't find those, you know, essay length commentaries anywhere else. That's all stuff that goes right from my head, right onto the page, and it doesn't get talked about anywhere else. So that's and it been an exciting thing for us in 2019. You know other things like even projects in the works that we haven't started yet like bean town gives back are charitable sort of wing of the bean town podcast. Look
Starting point is 00:14:18 for more information on that in 2020 as we go in. So there's just there's a lot going on here and people I've talked to close friends, I've shared with them some of the struggles I've had with the podcast in year two and lack of inspiration, lack of motivation, all that stuff. But at the end of the day, no final decisions have been made on whether or not
Starting point is 00:14:43 we're gonna have any format changes in 2020 in terms of the episode structure, posting structure, that sort of stuff. But one thing I refuse to do is kind of give up momentum. You know, even if not every episode every week is a home run, you know, maybe it's just one episode a year that's good. That's kind of a chance you have to take because speaking from personal experience on podcasts that I've hosted in the past, other podcasts, besides being on podcasts, and podcasts from close friends that I follow closely, once you start to lose some of that passions, to lose some of that inspiration, and once you kind kinda get flaky with your posting structure,
Starting point is 00:15:26 all of a sudden, you don't miss it as much, your fans, your followers don't miss it as much, and you just kinda fade away. And to me, losing the podcast itself is not the big concern. It's losing the creative outlet. So we wanna be able to keep that going. You know, it's a it's a whole big social media experience, not just social
Starting point is 00:15:53 media, but a kind of a content experience that you're getting from the podcast, the blog, the Instagram page at, the Twitter at Bean Town Cast or at White Buns, a little bit more vibrant content there. The Facebook page, Quinty Referness, right? It all kind of comes together and the passion kind of feeds or the creative passion kind of feeds off of itself.
Starting point is 00:16:22 So you don't want to lose that. If you take out one weak link that's whole chain as a potential to fall apart. So that's a big reason why some take Snapchat, for example. I use Snapchat about a fifth as much as I did when I was in college. But the thing with Snapchat is, they're really by itself in terms of how it structured the content, the medium, that sort of thing.
Starting point is 00:16:52 There's really no need for me to have a Snapchat right now. And I've thought many, many times about dumping it. But here's the thing. I have friends in life who are really only on Snapchat, right? They're not on Instagram, they're not on Facebook. Ensure you can always text these people, but right, there are so many things that a picture just does a better job of conveying,
Starting point is 00:17:19 and it's easier to send messages, aka pictures to multiple people at one time via Snapchat. So that's the reason I keep it around. It's not because there's anything about Snapchat that I think is special, but because there are certain friends I have who I really like talking to, and really the only way to consistently talk to them,
Starting point is 00:17:41 communicate with them is through this medium, which is why I keep that going. What I'm saying to you all, what the point of this is, is don't give up on bean town as we go into year three, because if bean town dies, the chain gets weak and Quinn dies metaphorically. So, hashtag SaveOurPodcast and with that long
Starting point is 00:18:06 digression and kind of ultimate tangent there, we're going to get to some ads here. Thanks to Mom last week for helping us out with that ad read. This is exciting for the second week in a row. We're doing a little home field advantage here for home-prior organ. Let's jump right into it. Are you tired of selling your house for less than a quarter of what it's worth all because you couldn't find reliable home inspector in time?
Starting point is 00:18:34 Well, organ listeners, and we know you're out there because I'm podcasting live from your state. There's good news. Home pride inspection services in Bend, Oregon, a central organ's hottest new home inspection provider with inspection services including things like heating and cooling, roofing, plumbing, and so much more. Home Pride Oregon is both contractor certified and home inspection certified so you know you're getting the good stuff. If you're tired of big real
Starting point is 00:19:01 states wrangle hold on the home inspection market and you want a safe certified home inspector that you can trust, you gotta call Steve at 541-410-0316 or you can visit That's 541-410-0316 or just visit on your smartphone or your tablet or your iPad or your MacBook or your Dell or other places. Home Pride Organ inspection perfection. A quick shout out to the Samsung Q2U series that pulled double duty first last week as it's been doing for over a year and a half at this point.
Starting point is 00:19:47 It sounded crisp, it sounded clean. You know how it goes when God speaks, He uses a Samson. You know, one of the first time ever, in fact, I believe it was the first time ever that we used a dual-action Samsung Q2U series microphone for the Bean Sound Podcast was the infamous lost episode between me and my former lady, Erica.
Starting point is 00:20:24 That episode has never been aired. It lives on my computer and no one has ever listened to it myself included. I think about it sometimes. I talk about it sometimes here in the podcast, but usually it's a situation where you just think about it for 30 seconds and then fades away and you think about it again a month later. Well, I've been thinking about it a little bit more and more lately and I'm considering if there is want from the fan base releasing the episode to kick off 2020. Let us know in the comments or email us, be in town podcast Yahoo dot com or tweet at us at white buns or at being towncast, whatever you want to do or slide into the DMs on Instagram at q.quindy. You know, let us know what your thoughts are on that. It's not like this
Starting point is 00:21:16 shining beacon of entertainment or like the Holy Grail that's you know, it's something you never knew you needed. It's a bad episode. There's a reason why we cut it in rerecorded the only time in two years of being Tom Podcast history that's happened where we just completely trash an episode and started all over again. Let us know. Something else I thought of here before we finish the ads.
Starting point is 00:21:44 I am now in possession of Scott Ferrell's autobiography, Tales, Tears, and Triumphs of the Stage, I think is what it's called. And as promised, we are going to have the audio book going. That is going to have nothing to do with our regular posting schedule. We're still going to be posting normal podcast episodes per week. But I think what is this?
Starting point is 00:22:09 Our eighth or ninth Bean Town podcast on Plug Special will be the audio book of Scott Ferrell's book. It's going to take a lot of time, both for you to listen to, but even more so for me to record. And we're not talking about, you know, a couple hours here, a couple hours there. We're talking about days worth of recording for me. Obviously, I'm not gonna sit down and just record for a day,
Starting point is 00:22:41 but that's kind of the timeline that we're looking at here. So I don't have a good sense of when that is going to come out yet. I haven't done any tests. I probably will right after we finish recording here, which will be fairly soon. You don't have much more I want to add to the show. But look out for that. I'm hopeful sometime in the spring that that comes out. But it's a project of mine that I have committed myself to. And we're just going to see how it goes. In fact, what would be great for the second half of this show is for me to whip out that book, because it's right over here. As I get up out of these bunk beds, which
Starting point is 00:23:26 there's about, I don't know, a meter, maybe less in between the bottom bunk and the top bunk, it just makes things challenging when you are trying to navigate. It was a lot easier when I was five years old and all of three feet tall, a little bit more challenging right now. So what we're going to do after I finish with the ad reads here is I'm going to read the page or so of the book and then the you know classic thinking would say well read a page and multiply it by multiply the time by however many pages there are easy easy peasy right well the bigger problem with that is that this book has page numbers that stop after like 50 pages. I don't know why. I don't work in publishing. I don't
Starting point is 00:24:34 know if you ran out of ink or what the strategy was on that, but it makes this whole multiplication business a little bit more challenging. So what I'm going to try to do is Google this book, see if there, like if you go to the publisher's website, it's not even, he doesn't have a publisher itself published on See if there's a way to see how many pages there are because it's really challenging without it, just to see, oh, there, okay, so the table contents has page numbers. The chapter is themselves where they start
Starting point is 00:25:23 don't have numbers, so that's really not that helpful frankly but I can get a sense that there are chapter 15 which is the last chapter starts around or at page 449. Let's just trying to see you know how many pages to add after that. It's really hard, man. We're just flipping through this book with no page numbers. Is that the chapter beginning? I don't know. Nothing is labeled very well here. I don't understand this book at all. Man, this is going to take a long time to read. Popping the porn cherry, that's a title. Oh, man, man. Okay, we didn't give a list of
Starting point is 00:26:14 discretion as advice taken this episode. Oh, there's chapter 14. If you're happy and you know it, um, we didn't, but this whole boy, this is going to need, this book is going to need a listener discretion as advised, warning. I tell you what, man, because we're going to get pretty NSFW. Well, this one page, there's like five sentences in the page just in the middle of it But it's the end of the chat house weird. Okay, there's chapter 15. I found it And I'd say there's another 30 pages at the end of that so we're looking at It's really riveting last three three minutes of podcast here. Look looking at pretty much exactly 500 pages
Starting point is 00:27:04 So what I'm going to do is read paperback 510 pages. There it is. I'm going to read this final ad, then read one page of Scott Farrell's autobiography, and then we'll do the multiplication live on air, and we'll go from there, and that's all I got to say for this episode. Bob and we, we all know the hairstyle and we all love it, but how many Chicago-based independent barbers can actually give it to you the way you deserve? Enter cuts by Q. It's like enter sandmen, but just a little different. Cuts by Q has been independently owned and operated since 1995, and it's probably one of the better barbershop operations serving Chicago,
Starting point is 00:27:44 Cook County, and the greater Chicago land area. For beehives to banks, foehawks to flat tops and everything in between, call cuts by Q at 815298 7200 or you can email cuts by Q at Again, that's. Ha. Q you TZ by Q at Oh, when you need a fresh do, something that's nappy and new,
Starting point is 00:28:08 just call the experts at cuts by Q. That's that. Okay, so last bit of business here. What I'm gonna do is read the introduction page. This will also, you know, maybe give you a taste if you like what you're here, or maybe you just like this soothing voice and you want many, many more hours of it,
Starting point is 00:28:33 here is the introduction to Scott Ferrell's biography or Triumph Tears and Tales of the Stage, copyright 2018. So let me get my timer out here. And boy, this is exciting stuff. I can hardly wait. Okay, wait, stop watch. Alright, let's go. I first got the idea of writing my biography in January of 2014. I had recently read a biography of a gay youth who made a name for himself as a dancer, and I thought that my crazy life story might make entertaining and informative reading.
Starting point is 00:29:11 My sincere hope with the publication of this rather large volume is that readers will find my story to be relatable, that they may glean from it whatever they may and find ways to apply it to their own lives. This biography is a result of four years of entry in editing. This book is primarily about two things. My music career and how I got to worry I'm today as well as a few side jobs and a struggle to find my identity and community that did not accept who I am.
Starting point is 00:29:36 Some names have been changed to protect myself from repercussions of litigious people who mate, M-A-Y, and apostrophe T like seeing their actions or words in print for the whole world to see. To them I say, you should have behaved better and you wouldn't have ended up as a character in my book. Wow.
Starting point is 00:29:52 And there are plenty underlined of colorful people in my story. Allow me to state here that I do not intend to revenge book, but to share my life story, both the good and the bad. The stories contained herein are entirely true to the best of my memory and some events are a matter of history or public record. One can't have opinions about history even if one disagrees with it's telling. I want to start this story on a positive note. No one's life is easy, struggles happen, things don't turn out like we want sometimes.
Starting point is 00:30:20 Friends come to go and there's no such thing as security. But life is also really good sometimes, getting what we want, exploring new things and new ways of life, learning to like oneself and falling in love. It makes us human. There will be times throughout this story when you love me, times you'll hate me,
Starting point is 00:30:35 when you'll cry with me, when you'll rejoice with me. By doing so, we share human experience and I think my adventures are worthy of retelling. That wasn't too profound a statement. I'll be profound and insightful later on I promise. I hope you enjoy reading my story, Scott. That's a page. Now, if you're doing the math at home,
Starting point is 00:30:57 that was one minute, 55 seconds, also known as 115 seconds. So 115 times 500 is 57,500 seconds. We divide that by 60. We get 958 minutes. We divide that by 60. We're looking at just a hair under 16 hours. So that is what we're dealing with here. And that's the first time we've ever done that math. That's the first time we've ever read the introduction page. So we're looking at 16 hours of time, the actual time spent recording and actual time the recording is should be almost identical. Don't plan on redoing any sections. So 16 hours, there it is.
Starting point is 00:32:00 That's the mark. Two-thirds of a day. And that's if I'm able to read at that speed consistently. I think you know half an hour here half an hour there you know that's about 30 to 35 different sessions of half an hour each. I think we're looking at you know three or four months is is what I could potentially pull off. Might mean a little bit less sleep here and there, but I think we can handle it and I'm excited.
Starting point is 00:32:30 So look out for that. It'll be here before you know it. Don't expect it next week because it's not happening, but that is the introduction to Scott Ferrell's biography or triumph tiers and tails of the stage. And if you're wondering, hey, who is this guy? I'll give you a whole back story in a coming podcast episode. But you don't have to worry about it right now.
Starting point is 00:32:52 This guy is a little, little out there. So that's what I have for today's show. Came in right around 33 minutes, but where we finished last week, I think it's a nice healthy link. Link's next year is going to be our full in-depth review of your two of the podcasts. If you're wondering, hey, are we going to get another four-hour episode with cool jingles in between? Absolutely not.
Starting point is 00:33:18 We did that last year on a little three-day weekend trip to West Virginia. You remember it, frozen pizza on the frying pan and we did a podcast live outside next to a river, which was really cool. The whole editing process on that is manageable. It takes a long time, but it's manageable, but here's the real problem.
Starting point is 00:33:43 My Mac is just, you know, it's been over a year since we did the Christmas Day live stream and the surgery on the laptop. She's still running okay, but the speed just isn't there, especially when you're using an application like GarageBand. And frankly, I know I could pull off a year or two special recap. I just don't have the time right now. So we're not doing a big, big old project. We'll just have a regular podcast or regular length where we dive into some of the highlights.
Starting point is 00:34:19 But, you know, it'll be fun nonetheless and maybe a little bit more digestible for you all of the fans. So look out for that. That's all I got for you. It's raining outside, perfect Christmas weather. So we're gonna maybe go get a little bit of fresh air after we court some music. Look out for some of that new stuff next week, and we'll be back next week to wrap up.
Starting point is 00:34:42 Year two of Quinnative Friends Presents to Being Town Podcast, and we'll get you next week to wrap up year two of Quinnative Friends Presents to Being Town Podcasts and we'll get you ready for year three. How do you like the sound of that? All right, take care, everybody. Safe travels, we'll talk to you next time.

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