Beantown Podcast - 2020 Oscars Special ft. Ryan Austin English

Episode Date: February 8, 2020

Quinn is joined by special guest and Friend of the Podcast Ryan Austin English for our 3rd Annual Oscars Predictacular. With more difference of opinions than ever with their picks, who will come out v...ictorious in our battle of the (not so) experts? It's 90 minutes of 2019 film discussion, and it starts right now

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Queen Davis furnace. Welcome to my show, Queen Davis furnace presents the Beentom podcast for Saturday, February, the north side of Chicago went for a nice little run this morning. The sun was out on the lake, it was a it was a phenomenon of epic proportions. We don't get the sun too often here in in February in Chicago. That was very exciting to witness that six miles and it uh boy I'm hurting. I tell you what I've been running you running three-ish smiles, a lot of five-k's, two or three times a week on the treadmill past couple of months. That's been where I've sort of settled into, which is not a bad place to be settled into.
Starting point is 00:00:56 But it was just, haven't run six miles in an embarrassingly long time. And so this was a little bit of a butt kickin'. But, you know, I finished it, legs are a little sore. Got a lot of fun twitches and such in my toes and other pedantic muscles coming from the Greek ped PED meaning foot or to walk pedantic muscles. There you have it. So we're really excited today for obvious
Starting point is 00:01:33 reasons because it is our 2020 Oscars Special A third annual and you better believe we've got our special guest back for this podcast. Ryan Austin English is our film expert, and he wipes the floor with the predictions every year. I don't think I've ever beat him, and I'm not planning on beating him this year. Particularly this year, I just feel completely in the dark. It's a combination of I've seen fewer movies, and I just feel like I have no idea what the hell is going on in a lot of these categories
Starting point is 00:02:08 So we're gonna do our best But I'll let you know before we bring our iron in that listener discretion is advised on the bean-town podcast Number one will occasionally use some call for language and number two Podcasts are objectively terrible although it's like 200% better when we have friends and guests on and so we're really excited to be able to bring that to you today. As always, this episode is going to be pretty long. We apologize. We're going to try to move through the, you know, frankly, just the ones we don't know about as much as quickly as possible so we can spend maximum time on things that you actually want to listen to. We're going to be having a good time. Kick back, relax. If you're listening to this before the Oscars, you can see how your predictions stack up to ours.
Starting point is 00:02:54 And if you're listening to this post Oscars, then you can see just how awful I was. Probably how good Ryan was. So let me take a quick pause here, and I'm going to get Ryan on the line. And when we next time hear my voice, it's going to be both of us, and we'll jump right on in we next time hear my voice, it's going to be both of us. And we'll jump right on in.
Starting point is 00:03:07 It can't even speak. It's going to be a rough one. Yikes. All right, here we go. And now we are fortunate enough to be joined by podcast legend, oftentimes collaborator on the podcast, host of his own podcast. But we'll get into that in a little bit and movie
Starting point is 00:03:29 Extraordinaire just told me he's gonna be watching two movies tonight alone. That's wild Ryan Austin English Welcome back to the bean Tom podcast. How are you doing today? Good Gwen? How you doing? This is our this our third year doing this right? It is Yes, so before you know? This is our 30 you're doing this, right? It is. Yeah, so before you know, it will be at 30. And, uh, you know, we'll be, we'll be sitting there in 20, uh, 47 or whatever, saying, Hey, remember when, uh, remember when 1917 came out as a halva picture. So, yeah, a tradition unlike any other, the masters. Yeah, exactly. You're a natural Jim Nance
Starting point is 00:04:06 That would be just think about this for a second. So you know 27 years from now that would be like us now talking about a movie from 1993 or something which is I Guess doesn't seem that old but at the same time it kind of is what one best picture Let me let me look if I had to guess I would say like it I was actually someone asked me the other day what one best picture in 1992 and I couldn't think of it I guess Cape Fear which did not win best picture I have a good guess actually do you know the English patient? Yeah. 92 with Sansa Alams, 1993 was unforgiven, I believe, by Clint Eastwood. Well, I've never seen or heard of that movie before.
Starting point is 00:04:53 I've heard of it. I've never seen it. What did you guess? The English patient. So that one, best picture, but I think that was a little bit later. That would have been like 95 or something. Let's see It came out in 1996 so it was a 1997 ceremonies wow
Starting point is 00:05:12 That's it's terrible. That's that's way off. It's slightly embarrassing. Well, we'll move past that Yeah, what else is going on Nothing really just hanging out, having a good time, being in the adults, and honestly just trying to map out the path of redemption on the Reek Entertainment channel, you know, been riding a lot of skits, getting ready for the car I'd combo, supposed to come back. It's been, it's been a year I think. I think it's been like come back. It's been a year, I think. I think it's been roughly a little bit more than a year
Starting point is 00:05:48 since we've done anything like this. So just trying to ramp it up, you know? Yeah, I know I tell you this a lot, both on the air and off the air, but when I say we miss it and we love it and we really want it back, we're not, or I speak for some people, including myself, but we're not just saying it to say it.
Starting point is 00:06:10 We love your channel and we would love to have it back as soon as possible. No, we know you've been super busy, but we're itching for some content. So whenever you drop it, just know how thankful we'll all be for that. Oh yeah, I think just at the end of the day, we like it. And it's like, I don't know if you've ever felt this before, but we went through a
Starting point is 00:06:30 long stretch of just not being creative and just being the typical wage cut Americans for like six months straight and like doing nothing creative. And that is totally not fun. Like I really hate it. So I got to do at least something, you know. Like that's, I gotta scratch the edge, you know. Yeah, Ryan's felt that way for one year. Imagine feeling that way for like 25 years.
Starting point is 00:06:53 It's just, just wait. No. I was having lunch with a coworker yesterday and she was asking on my podcast and how it got started. And of course, every time I talk about it it it's largely started it out of spite but I have to always bring up the fact that I really don't like podcasts I don't listen to podcasts very much it's just I feel like I can't stop now so I could but I'm not going to so
Starting point is 00:07:19 let's see and that's the motivation man we all got to find the motivation and that's the perfect motivation. Can you imagine what the fans would say if I just closed up shop at this point? There'd be an outrage. There would be a huge outrage. I mean, definitely more than you know, the impeachment trial that we just went through and stuff like that. I mean, there would be marches on Wall Street and other important things in America. It would just be a mess. Beentown would be in Chambles. Probably have to fly the flags at half-mast.
Starting point is 00:07:55 Oh yeah, definitely, definitely. All right, well, these Oscar specials always inevitably, regardless of how quickly we try to move through them, they always end up being super long and no promises on this year, but we'll try to keep it under five hours. That's sort of where we're going to start it here. As we're going to follow a similar format to years past, we don't skimp on anything. We make predictions, both of us for every one of the 24 categories, even the ones like documentary short and those other ones that you never heard of, including
Starting point is 00:08:36 ourselves. So we're going to jump right in here, the only preface I'll give and Ryan and I were talking about this before we went on air is that we both feel way more under-informed this year than the last two years so The lot of these categories. I think our locks particularly acting so our scores might end up being just as good as in years past. I think we usually hover around the high teens, although I didn't research to see where we ended up the last two years. I think you're usually one or two ahead of me.
Starting point is 00:09:17 And it's usually somewhere like 19 or 20 for you, somewhere in that range. So we might finish up there again just because there are a lot of the sort of important categories are not toss-ups this year. But that being said, there are a whole lot of categories with five films that I've never heard of and I don't really know what's going to happen. So that's my preface Ryan. Do you have anything you want to say before we jump in here? No, just kind of what you know hitting on what you
Starting point is 00:09:47 What you said so like that this year I've done very poorly at Watching everything I've done I think I've done the best that I could get given the circumstances and stuff But I'm still I'm watching knives out in Paris. I later on tonight and still, I feel like that's two or three movies short of how I would have done on an average year, you know, and I don't really know. I'm just going to chalk it up to like busyness and stuff, but I don't really know why that is. And I don't know. I just kind of, I love Sam Mendez.
Starting point is 00:10:24 I love Quentin Tarantino, I love... I don't really love Ryan Johnson per se, but I feel like there's a lot of movies out there that came out this year that I have no desire to see because I feel as though I've already seen them. If you know what I mean, like I know what I'm getting into, you know, versus like as far as parasite goes, there's all these accolades and all these different things from every hipster guy that's sitting in this favorite Korean hamster cafe and Brooklyn saying that you should see parasite. I am interested to see that movie just because I've seen a couple of the director's films and it's always just an interesting take on everything and unique. But I just feel like there's so many movies that I'm like, I don't have to see that movie because I feel like I know what this movie is about shot by shot almost, but I'm going to do it anyway for research and for America, you know, and hopefully tomorrow there won't be any surprises and I'll be pretty on the point, you know.
Starting point is 00:11:34 Yep, wait, hey, when you watch Parasite, just my suggestion, turn the subtitles on, it's a whole different movie when you know what's going on. Just a heads up yep All right here we go. We're gonna get started and we've got some interesting ones at the start here We're not going from you know awful no one cares all the way up to best picture It's kind of it's kind of a blend so we're starting with best original screenplay the five nominees are Marriage story once upon a Time in Hollywood, Parasite Knives Out, 1917.
Starting point is 00:12:12 I'm gonna take this one first with my prediction because I feel pretty confident about it. It's one we've talked about already. I'm taking Parasite for Best Original Screenplay, Ryan, what about you? I'm actually taking Quinn Tarantino's once pot time in Hollywood. I just statistically this is Quinn Tarantino's category.
Starting point is 00:12:34 This is like typically, I feel like, actually, I don't remember Pulp Fiction one in like 92 or 93, this one, but I just feel like this is the, this is his dominating category. He never wins best picture, ain't like that, but he definitely goes for it here. I would say Parodite, Parasite will be a sleeper though. So I'm excited we have a big category right at the start. We already have
Starting point is 00:12:59 differing opinions, which is great. Good, good for the as well, to keep them engaged. This one could be interesting as well, because in terms of predictions, I've seen a lot of different things. And I actually, when I was typing this out about an hour ago, I actually had to stop and think regarding my prediction for a solid like 15 seconds, because I really wasn't sure what I wanted to do. And I'm still not very confident. I'll let you take your prediction first on this one. So for adapted screenplay, we have the Irishman, Jojo Rabbit, Little Women, The Two Popes, and Joker. Ryan, what are you thinking? Well, number one, let me just get this out.
Starting point is 00:13:37 The Two Popes is like such a boring movie. I can't believe I wasted my time watching that movie. No, it's a fine movie, but it's just a movie the two pokes is like such a boring movie. I can't believe I wasted my time watching No, it's a it's a fine movie, but it's just one of those that I'm just like this is such an Oscar bait. Yeah movie I'm actually torn in this one between JoJo Rabbit and little women. Okay me too. I Really am I'm gonna go I'm gonna go with I really am. If I were to pick, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go with, I'm gonna go with JoJo Rabbit. I'm gonna go with that, even though I loved both of those movies. Yeah. So the exact same conversation I was having with myself and I was trying to decide,
Starting point is 00:14:18 do I think the Academy is gonna go for like the hip-young trendy one, JoJo Rabbit, or are they gonna go with more of the traditional pick and try to give Greta Gerwig something? And I can't really explain why I feel this way, but I think they're gonna go with Greta Gerwig. So I'm taking little women on this one. But boy, I think it's gotta be one of those two, but I really don't know which one it is.
Starting point is 00:14:45 I feel like completely 50-50 on that, and that's just a hunch, and even as I say it, I feel like, oh, that's probably not gonna be right. So, I hope little women wins to be honest. That's the one that I'm point for. I really, I'm kind of appalled that it didn't get more nominations, but I guess that's a conversation for a different time.
Starting point is 00:15:09 But I guess when you got to throw the Joker into all these things, which I think is a good movie, I do think is a good movie, but I think he's even nominated for a directing. And I noticed a couple, they're like legitimate flaws with the movie. And I don't know, it's a weird year. It's a very, just setting the precedent already that, you know, they doubled down on Bohemian rap city so hard last year. And yet there's not a single nomination for that, what's his face movie? Well, there is a nomination for Rocket Man.
Starting point is 00:15:46 We'll get to that in a little bit here, but I know what you're saying. Yeah. Yep, I really like Rocket Man. I'm also very biased, because Alan John is one of my favorites. And I've actually got about 50 pages left in his autobiography that I'm reading right now. If you want to check it out for the listeners out there,
Starting point is 00:16:05 it's called Me, it's by Elton John, and it's absolutely fascinating. It's not too long, it's about 300 some pages. And he's a pretty good writer as well, or at least his editing team does a good job. So we'll talk a little bit more about Rocket Man when we get to the one category where it does have a nomination. But I'm with Ryan. I just, yeah, I can't really explain why they loved
Starting point is 00:16:30 Bohemian Rhapsody and did not like Rocket Man. I don't have an answer to that. Yeah. Well, okay, so two categories in and already two differing answers. That's very exciting. This next one I feel pretty confident in and we'll see if Ryan feels the same way. Visual effects, we have Avengers Endgame, The Irishman, The Lion King 1917, and Star Wars, whatever it was called, Revenge of Skywalker, or something. I never saw it. I don't know. I'm taking 1917 on visual effects. What about you Ryan? I am taking the Irishman. Wow okay. I can see one of these blockbusters sneaking
Starting point is 00:17:13 it out just for you know it's the end of these trilogies and I can see them giving it to one of them just out of sympathy you know all that work. Now have, have you made it all the way through the Irishman? Oh yeah, I have. I went to go see it and I saw in Chicago actually before I came back. I remember that. So what are your thoughts briefly on the D aging? You think that's a positive for it in terms of this category
Starting point is 00:17:40 or a negative or I'm guessing you view it as a positive base off of your pick. It's positive and I only say that because I didn't even notice it in the movie at all. Like there's no weird star wars moment where there's like a young princess Leia and you're like why does this person look like an abomination? But with the Irishman, it like, I just didn't even, it just seamlessly blends into the movie. Sure, fair enough.
Starting point is 00:18:11 Yeah. Alright, let's plow ahead here. We're gonna do a kind of a two-for-here, and the ones that I think I've said this every single year, I don't really understand how to pick differently in these two categories. I think one year I've picked the same movie and one year I've picked different movies and I never know what's going to happen and it's just plain fun. We have sound mixing and sound editing and there's only one difference in the group of five. So if you sound mixing, you have once upon a time in Hollywood, four versus Ferrari, Joker, 1917, and add Astra. And then in sound editing, you have that same group except substitute Star Wars, Revenge of the Sith for add Astra. So we're going to
Starting point is 00:19:00 take two here and I'll allow Ryan to go first. What do you pick in here? I'm going to go with sound, mixing the winners for V for Ari and sound editing. I am going to do 1917. Okay. And talk to us just about the difference here because I don't understand and I'm guessing a portion of the listeners don't understand either.
Starting point is 00:19:28 So the best way I can describe this and I am by no means an expert is basically sound editing is kind of like, I guess we'll use Star Wars, the rise of Skywalker for example here here is where you're kind of Engineering an entire sound for the film you're making sounds and you're editing them in a way That is appealing and mixes and works with the film and the mixing is the overall mix of the film to where the cohesiveness of, I guess, let's just throw it in and just say, you know, the Foley, the music, the transitions in the audio and editing. And still, to this day, it's just such a nuanced category that it's like you really have to be a sound engineer to kind of understand where. Because I would just pick stuff like Star Wars, the Rise of Skywalker every single year
Starting point is 00:20:29 because it's just so rich with, or at Astra, where it's just so rich with like, just, they had to build the sounds, you know what I'm saying? Like, they're not going to go to space and record the sounds of stuff happening that's a make it, you know? So I don't know, that's the best summarization I give for this sort of thing, but it's still like, I feel like these categories are so messed up. Yeah, we thanks for the explanation we ask Brian every year to explain it for us and we'll ask him next year and the year after that as well. So you always have that to look forward to. So to be just to confirm you're taking four verse for Ari for mixing, is that correct?
Starting point is 00:21:12 That is correct. And 1917 for editing. Yep. Okay. I'm taking 1917 for both. And I, despite being a music major in my former years, I, again, will continue to not really understand the difference between those two. And I just, I got a hunch that this is gonna be a big night for 1917, so I'm just gonna give it to both of them. We'll see.
Starting point is 00:21:38 I think that's a solid pick, because I feel like, typically, but there's a lot of duplicate winners in this category, I think. Right? I agree. Sure. That's the way it goes. And it was Bohemian Rhapsody last year, which captured our hearts by winning best sound editing. I don't know why. I don't understand. I still will never understand. It was, or no, that was best editing, not sound editing. Sorry, I'm jumping the gun here. We'll get to that in a second. But allow me to take this opportunity to complain about Bohemian Rhapsody again. So I'll take every opportunity I can get. Yeah, we'll get to editing in a little bit here. We've got two categories now and I'll just be honest
Starting point is 00:22:27 Haven't seen any of them which is somewhat disappointing because When I lived on the East Coast in bean town I could oftentimes go to a local art theater and actually see these as a package deal You pay one ticket you get to see all five We'll start with short film live action. We have Brotherhood, the NEPTA football club, Saria, a sister, and the neighbors window. And I'm taking the neighbors window just because I don't really have any idea. And that's just kind of the aggregate of what I've been reading. Ryan, where are you at on short film live action? I haven't seen a single one of these and I'm picking Syria just because someone on my Facebook
Starting point is 00:23:11 feed, I don't even remember who saw it and said they really liked it. So that's the only, I don't know, I did much better with the short film animated than I did this. And I'm afraid to look at the short film documentary because I'm sure that is. I'm sure I'll just be completely in the dark in that one. That's how I feel for half of these categories. You said you feel better about short film animated, so I'm interested to get a little breakdown from it here for you. We have, I don't know how to say it, Dessert in Prince's daughter, it's D-C-E-R.
Starting point is 00:23:46 We have Herlov, we have Kippel, not Pippel, Kippel, memorable, and sister. And I'm taking Kippel, because I just, you know, I was kind of disappointed that Pippel wasn't at the Super Bowl halftime show. I'm thinking the Academy's going to try to make up for it here. So I'm taking Kippelball Ryan, where are you at? That is a good that's a solid pick. I've seen both kitball and hair love and kitball in my opinion has better animation So maybe that's what they're gonna go for but I'm gonna take hair love because it has a better story. So I'm going with story driven animated short and I think
Starting point is 00:24:23 East array has landed do with hair hair love I believe I don't remember you produced it or what was going on but it's uh coming from Sony it's a really good really good short little thing. I think it's on not YouTube I think so if you want to check it out. I will absolutely what is uh just so I know when I go into the award ceremony tomorrow night. What's Kit Bull about? Kit Bull is basically about a It's I think it's done by Disney or Pixar one of the two. It's
Starting point is 00:24:57 It's about a little kitten that is raised by a pit bull Okay, okay, yeah Pused animal situation. All right Interesting. Yeah, oftentimes you can check out these shorts on YouTube or just somewhere on the internet. So that's a good point. I will do my best to do that at some point today or tomorrow. Okay, an interesting one here. Another category, kind of like the sound ones where I just like I just don't quite grasp the whole concept. And I feel better about this category than I do the sound ones, but I still don't feel 100% on what it's about or my pick, certainly, but we have production design as a category.
Starting point is 00:25:38 And the five nominees are all familiar films. You have the Irishman, Jojo Rabbit, 1917, once upon a time in Parasite, and Ryan, I'm curious to hear your thoughts on production design. Just overall, it's like a category as like what it is or you just want me to. No, you're a pick.
Starting point is 00:25:57 Yeah. My pick is 1917 for this one. This is, I feel like there's a lot of pretty well done set pieces than this one. This is, I feel like there's a lot of pretty well-done set pieces than this one that I think will be beneficial on this category. You're right. It's a really fascinating film to watch behind the scenes stuff and I actually watched this film in Chicago with my brother and another friend of the podcast, Tark Shahada. And it was fun, briefly chatting about the film after we watched in a theater, just to try to, you know, feel okay, where, where were the spots, where they definitely made cuts, where, you
Starting point is 00:26:35 know, strategic opportunities to do that sort of thing. But the entire, like, filming location, the filming process, as well as really fascinating. And I think I heard they didn't start shooting this film until April or something like that. Which is just kind of mind-boggling. I saw George McCoy, I think is how he says it. And he did one interview that I saw. And it was just fun to hear him talk about shooting and some segments are a minute long, some segments are eight minutes long and how everything has to go just perfectly right and
Starting point is 00:27:14 it's just yeah it's one of my favorite kind of behind-the-scenes things that I've seen in a while. So production design I'm also taking 1917 and Ryan I know you haven't seen it but hopefully you will get the chance at some point here Oh, I will I will Yeah, I guess I have a huge I'm a huge Sim Mendes fan. I'm not like a James Bond guy per se but when he did I think he did skyfall that movie is like really really really well up that together and good and he also directed I think it's like a Foley indie movie it's called a way we go with John Krizenski in my Rudolph and that's one of my favorite movies ever like it's very I highly suggest people watch that movie it's very good yeah that's a movie that I feel like a lot of people don't really know about for one reason or another and I'm not sure why, but yeah, it is a very, very much a worth watching film.
Starting point is 00:28:08 Oh, I was gonna say one other thing I forgot. Oh well, boy, what was it? Man, it was gonna be a really juicy tidbit too. This is like, I feel like TMZ or something, I had breaking news. Maybe I'll come back to you. I'm gonna make a joke about how, you know, you should go back and watch American Beauty by Sam Mendez news. Maybe I'll we alluded to this category
Starting point is 00:28:49 in one of its nominees earlier. Original song. We got four of the five songs start with the letter I, which is just fun. We have, I'm gonna love me again from Rocket Man. I can't let you throw yourself away from Toy Story 4 performed by Randy Newman. We have, I'm standing with you from a film called Breakthrough,
Starting point is 00:29:11 which I'm not familiar with. We have Into the Unknown, From Frozen 2, and we have Stand Up from Harriet. This seems to be a lock to me. Hopefully it is, because I'm really happy about it. Elton John's going gonna get another Oscar. I'm gonna love me again from Rocket Man, is my pick, what about you, Ryan?
Starting point is 00:29:32 I think we're finally in agreement. I think this is gotta be what they pick. It's a fun song too. It's pretty catchy, I like it. Music video is really good too. They take a couple clips from this one Elton John song called Rapper Up that he did with George Michael and like 86 or something like peak Elton John coque phase and the greatest thing about this song
Starting point is 00:29:58 because I don't think many very many people know it because Elton John in the 80s kind of a pseudo period. But it's him and George Michael Reston piece singing about beautiful women. And you got these two gay guys up there just going at it on stage. It's pretty good. It's a pretty catchy song. You don't know rapper up, go check out the music video. And there's an extended version too that's six and a half minutes long. And a like a disco remix that's ten minutes long. I like to listen to that one in the shower. So I guess what I'm saying here is my pick is I'm going to love me again from Rocket Man.
Starting point is 00:30:34 Nice. And I am, and I know, well actually, okay, we'll get to best actor right at the end of our show here, but I'll just mention this now. Taren Eard and not getting nominated is just, how do you go from, and here I'm gonna bash on Bohemian Rhapsody again, but how do you go from Rame Malik winning this to then Taren Eard and winning the Golden Globe to not getting nominated
Starting point is 00:30:59 for the Oscar? It's frustrating to me, and we'll explain why he didn't get nominated towards the end of this show. I don't think it has much to do with him and has everything to do with guys like well, I can't even remember who's nominated now. Basically he got left out because in my opinion the academy wanted to please some other people who didn't I felt like really deserve it but we'll get to that in a little bit. Okay let me find my place again here so we've done original song sticking with the music trend we're going to original score this is a very interesting one our nominees are
Starting point is 00:31:40 Joker little women marriage story star, Rise of Skywalker, I think is what it's called. And 1917, I don't have a really great feel for this one and before I turn it over to Ryan to let him pick first, I'll mention this is John Williams 88th birthday today, I believe, and this is his 52nd Oscar nomination, which is second all time behind only Walt Disney. So a little tip of the cap to Mr. Williams. I don't think he's spoken much about it recently, but I believe he's signed on to Indiana Jones 5, and I'm not sure if he's scheduled to do anything else. This was confirmed to be his last Star Wars film which is exciting.
Starting point is 00:32:32 If I ever saw it that would probably be the reason I watched it just to hear the score one last time but I'm not really sure on this one. I have my pick but I'm gonna reveal it after a Let's you parse it out Ryan. What do you feel in for original score? I Feel like this one is Actually a little bit straightforward. I mean They could possibly give it to John Williams. I mean obviously his body of work is just Amazing. He's won so many.
Starting point is 00:33:05 He's been nominated in four or five different decades or something like that, just insane. But talent-wise, and probably the reason why this movie is listed here so much is, I think, Hildur, good to do it here, is that they said it had the gold gloves and I don't remember but the Icelandic woman that did the score for Joker, I believe, is kind of win.
Starting point is 00:33:33 I think it's hands down. The only one I haven't heard in this one is 1917. So, you know, I could be mistaken but I think that it lends itself to, it makes the film better. So that's got to be what it is. I think you're right. 1917, as you'd probably expect from the style of movie, is a pretty minimal score and just sort of there to support it when it needs it. The scores from Little Women in Marriage Story,
Starting point is 00:34:06 I thought were good, but didn't stand out to me as anything amazing. And just based off of what they usually do with John Williams, they kind of give him the nomination. And that seems to be like their show of respect and they're not gonna give him the win. And I don't necessarily think he deserves it for this film. I mean, the sequels in general, he didn't create a ton of original music.
Starting point is 00:34:33 And I didn't feel like the original music he created for the sequels was really that amazing. And John Williams is a legend, one of my favorites of all time. So I'm with you here just by process of elimination. I'm taking Joker on this one. So we're in agreement on this one as well. Our next category is makeup and hair styling and pretty much everything I've seen is calling for this film to win,
Starting point is 00:35:02 which I'll mention in just one second. Here are five nominees are Maleficent 2. Didn't see it. Never will. That's okay. Judy, another one which is going to win big later that I've never seen. But I have seen the Wizard of Oz. So, feels good enough. Joker, 1917 1917 and then what I think will win and I also have not seen. I wanted to just never got around to it. Bombshell starring a lot of people but Charlie Starrin and Nicole Kidman and Margot Robbie and what's his name. Lithgow played Roger Ailes and a couple other people in it as well
Starting point is 00:35:46 i'm taking bombshell for makeup and hair styling that is a good pick i feel like this is kind of the hardest category i've seen since since a while i don't know who i don't know who's going to win this but if i were to guess going to win this, but if I were to guess, oh, I'm going to guess. Judy. Okay. I think that it's got to be either bombshell or Judy. I think that, um, I don't know, there's just like not like typically a makeup and hair styling. There's like a dominant, there's
Starting point is 00:36:22 like a horror movie that comes out where there's like a lot of prosthetics they need and stuff like that too. Oh, actually, so yeah, I'm gonna stick with Judy, but yeah, you might be right with Bombshell because I haven't seen the movie, but I bet you any money, there's some prosthetics on these women's faces and stuff like that to kind of reshape their noses and stuff to look like the women from
Starting point is 00:36:48 Fox News like to totally see that that would be amazing Oh, if you still go with Judy though if you haven't seen the image of and I haven't seen the film Just a still image of John Lithgo as Roger Ails. They've got all the fat neck rolls and stuff going on and Yeah, a little reminiscent of when Gary Ogan played Churchill, but just like more extreme. So yeah, it's one that I'll hope to watch. And if I've ever just like browsing Netflix or Prime or something and it pops up and I'm just looking for a solid
Starting point is 00:37:20 movie, I think I'll turn it on. Because I think I'd enjoy it. You know, I think it's be interesting to see that sort of thing. So, but yeah, this next one I think is the biggest slam dunk we have out of the 24, but let me know if you feel any differently. For international film, we have Pain in Glory, Le Mizz, Honeyland, Copus Christie, and Parasite, and not about to gamble here. I'm taking Parasite for best international film.
Starting point is 00:37:54 I'm going to agree with you, but if you're a betting man and Parasite loses international feature film, then immediately put all of your money on parasite winning best picture because Yeah, I mean, it's obviously this is the biggest slam dunk category, but I would be highly suspicious because obviously I think from what I've seen Laym is or Corpus Christi is kind of the Is is the runners up to Parasite.
Starting point is 00:38:26 But if either of those win in Parasite doesn't, I would be highly suspect that we might have our first ever international feature film best picture winner. But if they're gonna do that, they may as well let it win both categories, but it would just be, it would be odd. So. Yep, I think that's a fair assessment.
Starting point is 00:38:48 I can't see any reality where it doesn't win unless the Academy was trying to pull tricks and they were going to give it best picture and then give another film, International Film. I think you're spot on. I don't expect it to happen, but there, that is and a potential opportunity perhaps. Okay, so I had jumped the gun on this one a little bit about 15 minutes ago regarding editing and bitching about Bohemian Rhapsody. So I won't repeat all of it,
Starting point is 00:39:17 but if you'll remember last year Bohemian Rhapsody, but did it just not have a director after everything went down or what was the situation there? They switched out directors three or four times, I want to say, and it's one of those movies that like basically the producers were carrying it through filming and Brian Singer was one of the directors at one point. What's that? There's another big director who, the guy who directed the two popes,
Starting point is 00:39:52 he came in and directed a portion of it, but I believe he, he was either the one that finished the film or he left because of creative differences and someone else left because of creative differences. So I'm just like, it was a mess. So. Yeah, so the feeling is that the Academy gave Bohemian Rhapsody the Oscar for this just because they kind of felt like
Starting point is 00:40:13 the people in charge of editing did the best they could with an absolute shit show. That being said, I still really hated the editing in that film, which is why myself and many, many people were so upset that it won, because it just felt like a whole circus and they awarded a film for being a circus and not a film that actually was airtight and did a really good job. So, quick summary of where we were last, this time last year. For 2020 editing, we have Ford versus Ferrari, the Irishman, Jojo Rabbit, Joker, and Parasite. And I, this is probably like a top five for me in terms
Starting point is 00:40:57 of ones that I just have absolutely no idea. And I've seen a lot of different things and arguments for pretty much all of these films across the articles I've been reading the past couple of days. I really don't know. I'm taking parasite on a hunch but my confidence is real low. Where are you at, Ryan? is real low. Where are you at, Ryan? I'm kind of torn. First of all, the Joker being nominated in this category is kind of messed up, but I'm torn between the Irishman and Parasite, but I think Parasite is going to win,
Starting point is 00:41:39 I believe, but it wouldn't surprise me if the Irishman won. I can see Ford v. Ferrari winning because it's got all odd, but I'm going to go with parasite for this one. Yeah, I think the Irishman is interesting because it stands out among all these other ones because it's three and a half hours long. I think it's interesting because it stands out among all these other ones because it's three and a half hours long. I think it's interesting because it stands out among all these other ones because it stands think the Irishman is interesting because it stands out among all these other ones because it's three and a half hours long. So the question is, does the Academy like that or dislike that? And it's tough to tell.
Starting point is 00:42:17 If it was anybody else, besides Scorsese, I think they would definitely hate it, but because it's Scorsese and that's kind of his thing Maybe they like it. I don't know Not sure taking parasite. Don't feel Terribly confident in it though. We'll see The next two I've got no idea So we'll just jump right in and I don't really have anything to say about him because Unfortunately, I haven't seen any anything to say about him because unfortunately
Starting point is 00:42:45 I haven't seen any of them and that's more on me than anything else, but oh well Documentary short we have in the absence St. Louis Superman walk run cha cha life overtakes me and learning to skate board in a war zone I don't again have anything to say. I'm picking learning to skateboard in a war zone. What about you? I'm going to pick St. Louis Superman. I just sound cool, but I have absolutely no. I have not seen any of these and I think a couple of them are Netflix too. So shame on me, I guess. Sure. How long is a documentary short typically? humanry short typically. Isn't the parameters less than 30 minutes or something like that? I have no idea.
Starting point is 00:43:28 I've never cared enough about the category of the research. I have no idea what quantifies it. I'm not sure. It just kind of shows up every year and you say something and you move on. It's just, you know, it's the way it is. I was mentioning this to Ryan before we went live today. The for the documentary features, I feel like number one, usually I've seen one or two of them, but number two,
Starting point is 00:43:54 there's usually one or two of them that it, to me, at least, attracted significant national media slash press, that sort of thing. Last year, free free solo a lot of people were talking about but also and this is partially because it was just in our community but My need the gap attracted a decent amount of press as well, but I mean you also had like What's the creator of that name? Being Lou is that it? Yeah, Bing Liu. I mean, he was on the daily show and stuff, right?
Starting point is 00:44:28 So, I mean, there was significant press around that as well. And RGB, was that just last year? And I think a lot of people were talking about that as well. This is, again, just me, maybe I've been living on the rock, but I feel like there has not been that level of attention for these documentary features So I'll give you the nominees here. We have American factory the cave Honeyland For Sama and edge of democracy, which is not the sequel to edge of tomorrow
Starting point is 00:44:59 Which is getting a sequel, but it'll be a different title When I what I was reading online was sort of between two things, American Factory and Honeyland. They liked Honeyland because it was also nominated, I believe, for best international films, going back up to check if that was correct. But they also really liked American Factory because the Obama's were behind it.
Starting point is 00:45:26 And so I was just trying to weigh in my head, yes, Honeyland was nominated for international film. Way the two in my head think, what do I think is going to happen? I'm not really sure, but I'm taking American factory on this because of how liberal the academy typically is for the most part, not in all things, but for the most part. So I'll take American Factory for a documentary feature. I actually, I heard the same thing. There's two of them. But completely different ones than you. Who I like that.
Starting point is 00:45:59 The specific is the cave and for Sama, which is really interesting. But I'm not picking either of them. I'm picking Honeyland because just like the, I'm gonna be incredibly logical with this, but if it's gonna lose out in best international film category and it's in documentary feature, it's probably gotta win this category as well well unless they're selling domestic that was just overwhelmingly, you know, better than it, but that's just my logic behind it. I'm gonna pick Honeyland so yeah. Yeah, I can't disagree with your logic. I am curious. This has nothing to do with any of the categories, although I wish it did, because
Starting point is 00:46:46 I wish it had gotten nominated for something, although I haven't seen it, which is what I was going to ask you about. Honey Boy, the Shyla Buff Project. Oh, yeah. Have you seen it? I have not, but I just noticed that it's on Amazon last night, so that's definitely a movie I will be watching. Yeah, for sure, because I've only heard good things things about it but it didn't get nominated for anything. Two Shilobuff movies last year I heard really great things about it and that was peanut butter falcon and the one that you were just talking about. 100% and yet a word season comes around and there's just nothing about it. Nothing going on. So I don't know. Yeah, you figure one in these days,
Starting point is 00:47:26 Shilobuff seems like the type of person who, at some point the Academy is just going to say, all right, it's his time. I guess they just decided it wasn't this year. But I am a pretty big fan of what he's been doing the last five years or so. And I hope he continues that trajectory. I agree, I can totally agree.
Starting point is 00:47:48 All right, this is one with some big names and we're getting pretty close to our home run categories here. But I've really, I haven't seen a lot of disagreements with predictions here. So for best director, we have Quentin Tarantino I haven't seen a lot of disagreements with predictions here. So for best director, we have Quentin Tarantino for One Spongebob and Hollywood, Todd Phillips for Joker, Boon Jung Ho for Parasite, Martin Sourcezi, excuse me for the Irishman and Sam Mendes, Ryan's favorite for 1917.
Starting point is 00:48:20 Ryan, I'll let you take this one first, who do you like in this category? Well, I'll tell you first what I don't like and it's not that I don't like the movie But I do not understand why Todd Phillips is nominated for directing. There's like a it's not a mistake But it's just this poor decision while editing and directing this movie that Todd Phillips takes in the Joker movie that I was just I was puzzled like I was like I can't believe this is happening right now It was very odd If you haven't seen it see the movie there's a lot of good things about it But as far as directing it at an end go like it's
Starting point is 00:48:56 It's lacking in my opinion and I think this is just kind of like the I Think this is just the academy just being like hey if you're gonna throw superhero movies at our face, we want it to be like this. We want it to be a social commentary. We want the character to be actually dissected. We want it to be grounded in realism, which I think are all good things. I'm so sick of superhero movies, but I believe in this category,
Starting point is 00:49:27 Sam Mendes wins. I believe that, um, especially you talking about starting filming in April, that's just a dead giveaway that Sam Mendes knew and executed exactly what he wanted out of this movie. And I know this movie just by like reading what critics say is lacking in certain areas, but definitely not in the bulk of them. So yeah. Yep, in agreement, 100% with everything you said, I'm also taking San Mendes.
Starting point is 00:49:57 I do want to just briefly circle back and I'm gonna let you sort of flex your movie muscle here. So let's say Todd Philips is not nominated Who are you slotting in for the fifth director? Gratigur, we can easily good. That's what I was gonna say as well. Okay, then we are in agreement Okay, this one is is interesting and I feel like I'm going against the grain a Little bit here and it's because I think this film is not going to have a great night despite being nominated all over the place.
Starting point is 00:50:29 So for costume design, we have Joker, Little Women, The Irishman, Jojo Rabbit, and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. And I'm taking The Irishman, which I don't think is, it's not like a shocking picker upset or something, but I'm seeing just a lot of little women and a sprinkle of once upon a time in Hollywood. But I have seen one or two picks for the Irishman as well. Curious on this one Ryan, where do you feel because I'm not that confident on this one? JoJo Rabbit. Just because it's just like the cutest fucking outfits ever, it's like if Moonlight Kingdom, if everybody from the moon, was it Moonlight Kingdom? Moonrise Kingdom. Yeah, if Moonrise, if everybody from Moonrise Kingdom decided to join the Third Reich. Like, it's just so freaking cute in like Boy Scouty, it's hilarious. And there's even a completely original costume piece in the movie that is like hilarious
Starting point is 00:51:37 and like so well executed. It's just really great. So I think I'm gonna pick that. But again, I have no I have no experience of this category. I don't even know if I get this category ever right every year. You know, I don't know, but like you said with the Irishman, it's just hard to tell because it's so airtight and perfect and it's not like being creative per se. It's just being true to the era, it's really hard to decipher that
Starting point is 00:52:06 between like that or like a Joker, you know, but I don't know. Yeah, it will be interesting. I think your analysis was spot on there. This next one I don't think there's gonna be much disagreement, cinematography We have Joker, once upon a time in Hollywood, the Irishman, 1917, and the lighthouse, which I would love to talk about for a second after you make your pick. I'm taking 1917 for cinematography, Roger Deacons. Nice. And I'm going to not dog the joker for once because launcher actually did a really good job i'm going to what dog jaren blaschky for the lighthouse
Starting point is 00:52:52 i do not understand that cinematography at all like i understand like the square box format i get that but i could not believe how dark it is like it is people complained about that episode of Game of Thrones last season. This is like that, but on steroids. Like I can't see a damn thing in that movie,
Starting point is 00:53:14 which that movie in and of itself is very interesting. Like I don't know if I love it, I don't know if I'm hated, I'm still trying to figure it out. I'm still kind of jarred from the whole experience, but my actual pick, when Roger Deakin's is nominated, you pick Roger Deakin's. There's no other, there's no substitutes. Like you just can't, this, people think 1917's
Starting point is 00:53:35 gonna have a big night, and I think it could too, but I think this is by far 1917's hardest lock in the entire, uh, cinematography, in the entire catematography in the entire cat all categories and it has nothing to do With it being all premised around it being one shot Like I think that that can be kind of gimmick. He at times and stuff like that But Roger Deakin's is a pro. He's essentially the John Williams of Cinematography like I just think he's amazing, so
Starting point is 00:54:05 Why the spillier beans of cinematography. Like I just think he's amazing. So. Why display your beans? Exactly, exactly. Did you watch the lighthouse in a movie theater or at home or somewhere else? I watched it at home and I couldn't remember if I had lights on or not. I think it was fairly dark. It was definitely at night. And I can't think. It was, yeah, I think it was fairly dark. It was definitely at night.
Starting point is 00:54:25 And I can't think. It was, yeah, I don't know. So I really liked the lighthouse. And the entire visual aspect of it took some time to adjust to. I think the brightness aspect of it was a little bit better for me, and maybe that's because it was a movie theater setting, or maybe that's just because we have a difference of what's
Starting point is 00:54:51 good and what's bad. But I want to get a take on this from you. Do you feel like either, and I don't know if there's a right or wrong answer to this, but do you feel like in your opinion, either one of those actors got snubbed this year? If one of the actors got snubbed, I feel like it was Willum. I feel. I will see, when we get there to those categories, I will confirm. But also, Robert Pattinson, I don't know if he was doing this on purpose because obviously that would kind of lend itself to this movie, so maybe that's what it is.
Starting point is 00:55:35 But Robert Pattinson noticefully switches accents throughout the movie and I don't understand it. Like, I kind of, if he's doing that on purpose, I get it. If he's doing that on accident, then obviously that's a huge huge you know you're you're fucking up as far as acting goes and stuff like that but if you've seen the movie you could understand why that might make sense for him to do that but yeah it is an interesting I don't know what I feel about it. The whole experience has thrown me for a loop, so. I've read the conversation online regarding the accent.
Starting point is 00:56:11 And I like to believe that it's on purpose, because I actually think, and I think a lot of people still just know Robert Panson for Twilight. But if you begin to follow his body of work the last five minutes or five years or so, I'm actually a pretty big fan of his acting ability, what he's doing, the project he's taking on, he'll be in What's His Face Inception Director, Dark Knight, Christopher Nolan's new movie this next year.
Starting point is 00:56:43 So I really like it. I think he's a really good actor. So I'm hedging my bets that that was on purpose. And again, if he was doing it on purpose, it very much fits sort of his character development in the film. So that's what I choose to believe. Hopefully it's right, but either way, it works.
Starting point is 00:57:03 So I guess I'm not complaining. Yeah Perhaps are well Let's see it's certainly the last category we have here that's not a huge hard hitter Although some people might consider it to be animated feature film. We have how to train your dragon three toy story We have how to train your dragon three toy story four Wow revenge of the sequels here Klaus I lost my body and missing link and I'm just taking a page out of the golden globes here And I'm taking missing link for animated feature film Nice I'm going to the story isn't really that great in this movie, but I'm going to take
Starting point is 00:57:45 clouds. I love the way that that movie is animated. I think it's beautiful. It's great. I hope they continue to make, they continue to animate movies with that same team. It's really good. Missing Link, I have to, I think it's on Hulu. I have to watch that because that was probably the biggest surprise at the golden globes because people were like what?
Starting point is 00:58:10 Is this yeah V because at least if they pick I lost my body immediately people can say oh, it's just an indie Some kind of indie. I was a Netflix. I'll never mind. I have no idea It just seemed like kind of like more like an underground kind of animated film and stuff like that kind of N.D. Oh, it's a Netflix. Oh, never mind. I have no idea. It just seemed like kind of like more like an underground kind of animated film and stuff like that kind of like Anomalisa if you remember that from a couple of years ago Yeah, at least there's like a rhyme or reason missing link people like what what are you talking about? So I don't know I definitely need to check it out Yeah indeed like what? What? Now are you talking about? So I don't know, I definitely need to check it out. Yep, indeed. Um, okay. That's animated feature film. We're down to our last five categories, I think. So we're going to tackle the acting. Now everyone's rejoicing that we only have five categories left, myself included.
Starting point is 00:59:06 myself included. Okay, I'm really curious to discuss this one. Let's just get your take. I'd be surprised if we if we differed. But best supporting actress we have Laura Dern in a marriage story. Kathy Bates in Richard Jewel. Margot Robbie for bombshell. Scarlett Johansson for Jojo Robert. Jojo Robert. Jojo Rabbit, that's the prequel. And Florence Pugh for a Little Women. I am surprised that it all developed this way and that it's going to happen like this, but it's going to be Lord Dern for a mirage story.
Starting point is 00:59:40 Ryan, what are you feeling? I want to pick Lord Dern, obviously my huge Laura Dern fan, but I just feel like the screen time is lacking for her in that film, for whatever reason, and maybe that's going to count against her. So I'm torn between Florence Pew and Kathy Bates, and I have not seen Margot Robbie, so there's no, I've seen all of them but her, so I'm not really sure. I think I'm gonna go with Florence Pew. She had a really big year this year, and I think this is the, I don't think it's an overwhelming, like she just really knocked it out of the park, but I just feel like screen time meets performance and she wins out would not be surprised of Kathy Bates' one though. Okay, so when awards season really got going a couple months ago,
Starting point is 01:00:33 it felt like everyone was saying this is Kathy Bates' year, she's gonna get it, she's fantastic, and I agree with that. Now, I don't think I've read a single article in the last month that has picked against Laura Dern. And I don't really understand it because when I watched a marriage story, I thought she was fine, but nothing about her performance to me stood out. In fact, I've done Google searches in the past like five days that have basically
Starting point is 01:01:06 said why is Lord Durn going to win the Oscar? Because I just don't, I don't know. I like Lord Durn. I just don't understand this. The one thing I'll push back on you regarding is the lack of screen time and I'll just mention that Mahershal Ali cleaned up for Moonlight and he was in what seven or eight minutes or something of the film. So. That was point, that was point. Yeah, I wanna just, let me throw that sort of conversation over to you to just add to it
Starting point is 01:01:40 if you have anything. I mean, I totally witnessed the same thing. Everyone was saying that Kathy Bates was going to dominate that category and that was the automatic lock. And then all of a sudden people just don't care. Like people just, not seeing anybody saying anything about her, I think it's because there's just this, so Richard Jewel is directed by
Starting point is 01:02:11 what? Clint Eastwood, that old cranky guy. And I just think that there's kind of this, obviously liberal Hollywood has a bit of an issue with some of the things that he says as a person. Obviously, he doesn't overtly align with quote unquote the enemy, but I think that people just really struggle to accept him as part of just like the Liberal Hollywood in crowd and stuff like that. And I think that's what's going on here with like the Richard Jewel situation. Because obviously it just kind of tells the story of this like the...
Starting point is 01:02:55 It's literally like the Joker. It's just like a pressed white male. Like that's what it is. But like in a valid sense, you know. So, I don't know, man, like it's hard. I don't know why it's turned out this way. And I agree with you, Laura Dern, it's just, you know, it is where it is, you know, but I'm gonna guess Florence Pugh just because I'm surprised she didn't get nominated for the other movie she did this year, but that movie is definitely an acquired taste so which film was that So it's done by Most called him at aster, but his name's Ari aster. It is called midsummer. Oh, yeah
Starting point is 01:03:35 She's the most anti horror movie ever It has the first opening scene to that movie is probably hands down the scariest scene I've ever seen in a movie before and the rest of the movie is not scary at all and all it depicts is these kids being in this very these college students being in this very odd situation and It's literally just a deep dive into toxic friendships and they're so accurately portrayed that you, oh it just, it creeps you out. Like you're like this is very accurate to a like disgusting degree. But yeah, that movie of course didn't go anywhere because I think overall
Starting point is 01:04:26 people, I don't know, it's just very divisive. So yeah. I feel like mid-summer and the lighthouse were kind of similar in that. For the most part, people really liked it, but the critics just weren't really sure what to do with them. Yeah, it's such, they're such polarizing films and stuff like like mid-summer obviously was criticized for not really being a horror movie when it's like marketed as a horror movie, you know, so that throws so much confusion into the review process and stuff like that. So yeah, this is just how it goes. Every year there's a handful of films and I feel like it's those two movies
Starting point is 01:05:11 and then Greta Gerwig, I feel like there's just a handful of snubs that are pretty messed up, you know? So yeah, we haven't even talked about Adam Sandler yet, just wait. Yeah, we haven't even talked about Adam Sandler yet just wait Supporting actor we have Brad Pitt for once upon a time in Hollywood Joe Pesci and El Pacino for the Irishman Anthony Hopkins for the two popes and Tom Hanks for
Starting point is 01:05:42 Whatever that movie was called beautiful day in the neighborhood something like that won't you be my neighbor? I get confused because there was a documentary last year or the year before that had one of those titles, and then the Tom Hanks movie was the other one this year. I don't actually remember. I don't have an in front of me. Won't you be my neighbor? I think was this year? I don't know, who knows.
Starting point is 01:06:01 I am not going to go against the grain regarding what most people are feeling here. And I don't completely disagree with it either. I'm taking Brad Pitt for once upon a time in Hollywood. I would have loved to see Al Pacino win this one because he just had a real fun time playing Jimmy Hoffa. And I thought he was really good. But I think they're're gonna go with Brad Pitt But I mean you just look up these nominees. This is like maybe the most stacked
Starting point is 01:06:32 acting category of all time just in terms of the like star power Brad Pitt Joe Pesci Al Pacino Anthony Hopkins Tom Hanks I mean good luck cracking into that. I'm taking Brad Pitt for a best supporting actor. Nice. Well, I'm going against the grain and going with my heart and going with Al Pacino because I love his performance. Obviously, I love Joe Pesci being back, but I don't really understand the hype between his performance because he essentially plays Joe Pesci in a gangster movie, which we've seen four times in his history. And Al Pacino, there's just this glorious aura around him, and the entire film. And I can just imagine the conversation between, he looks to Martin Scorsese and he's like okay like direct me like how should I act to this part and he said I want you to be
Starting point is 01:07:29 Al Pacino and then he chugs a Red Bull does a line of cocaine and just does the whole three hour movie in like 15 minutes you know I just it's it's really great I know three and a half hours a long time to watch a movie or whatever but his performance alone is totally worth it. It's really great. I know three and a half hours is a long time to watch a movie or whatever, but his performance alone is totally worth it. Brad Pitt is obviously the favorite here and I haven't seen this movie, but I feel like Brad Pitt has a lot of convincing to do with me. How like going to this movie obviously you've seen it and I don't mind it spoiled, but like I need him to subvert that like cool guy Paul character he plays in almost every movie.
Starting point is 01:08:08 So I'm hoping he really throws me for a loop and there's just like a really interesting angle here because I just it's like one of the like I said it's one of those groups of movies that I haven't seen yet but I feel like I've already seen it. So I really hope it impresses me. That's what I want. I think you might be disappointed in terms of just expecting some huge different turn out of Brad Pitt in this. I think this is as much as anything a Lifetime Achievement Award for a Herald Dispoint, which is, and we'll get to Best Actor in a second here.
Starting point is 01:08:45 But that's sort of what I feel regarding this one for Brad Pitt. He's pretty much, in my opinion, exactly like you're expecting Brad Pitt to be in, you know, the last 20 years of movies he's made. Which it's fine. I liked it. I thought he was solid. I'm glad he got nominated. I'm not glad that his his co-star got nominated, but we're gonna get to Best Actor in literally two minutes here. Because I feel like Best Actress might move quickly, and I don't have as much to say about it. But the nominees for Best Actress are Renee Zellweger in Judy, Synthene Erivoh in Harriet, I believe is her movie. Scarlett Johansson, a double dip, which is exciting. She got Best Actress nomination for a marriage story, Charlie Starrin,
Starting point is 01:09:37 for bombshell, and Sarsher Ronin for Little Women. Again, this seems like a huge lock, and I haven't seen it. Don't have really much to say about it, but I'm taking Renee Zellweiger for a Judy. I did oh that's same pick. I don't see anybody else in this category that's really going to live up to that performance. All I'm predicting is that the acceptance speech is going to be fucking weird and I can't wait for it to happen because It's she is a mess of a human. She's a little firecracker Yeah, it Well, that's gonna happen in what 28 hours or something here. Hopefully before midnight tomorrow, which would be exciting
Starting point is 01:10:24 So see how fast it goes. I'm expecting just a quick sidebar here. I'm expecting another, maybe not a shit show, but just kind of a whatever from a production standpoint for the Oscars. And I know a lot of people actually really loved last year. I just thought it was meh. I didn't love it. So I don't know. We'll see how it goes. But yeah. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:10:53 I feel way less into it. I already said this, but I feel way less into it in general. So I think that is obstructing my opinion a little bit. But we'll see. I like having a host you know it gives you somebody to rally around. Yeah I'm sad about it I am sad about it. They should just get Dave should pal to do it and be done with it and just like just really ruin it for everybody and then at that point they're like hey we can't it won't be as bad as last year
Starting point is 01:11:20 where things are just really horrible you know I, I know, Ricky Jervais, I mean, he proved that people enjoy, did you see how many views that opening monologue got on YouTube? People like people like hosts, people like ribbing people. I don't understand what the everybody's got bad tweets, man. Everybody's got bad tweets. I don't, I don't care who you are. Like it's just just chill, move on. I don't care who you are. Like it's just chill, move on, cancel culture, stupid.
Starting point is 01:11:48 Indeed. Yep. Oh well. Okay, best actor. We are in our penultimate category here. We have Joaquin Phoenix and Joker and Tonyo Banderas for painting glory, which I have not seen. Leonardo DiCaprio, not happy that he's nominated for one
Starting point is 01:12:08 Spongebob in Hollywood. Adam Driver for a Merit Story in Jonathan Price for the two Popes. Again, I feel similarly about this as I did with Best Actress. I haven't seen anything that's saying anything differently. Taken Joaquin Phoenix for Joker. I am taking Joaquin Phoenix as well. And I love Adam Driver. I love Leonardo Caprio.
Starting point is 01:12:34 I love Antonio Banderas. I love Johnson Price. But what a down year for lead acting. I mean, there's like like you can just tell outside of walking Phoenix there's no there's no ranged performance at all, you know, I just I don't know man it's it's this one's the the roughest category like I wouldn't be surprised if Antonio bandera is their Johnson price one I'd be like oh yeah totally I mean like what a what a shit show of a category, you know, so I don't know. It's, it's
Starting point is 01:13:09 rough. It's why I'm so upset that Adam Sandler somehow could not get nominated because I, I don't think Adam Sandler can do better than what he just did in on cut jumps and I think that performance was absolutely magnificent. It blew me away. I loved it. That movie was weird and really infuriating at times but I thought Adam Driver's performance was just spectacular. So I'm really upset that they gave a nomination to Leonardo DiCaprio in not to Adam Sandler for this. Yeah, I have no idea. Like he didn't get nominated for a Golden Globe, right, Adam Sandler. I don't think so.
Starting point is 01:13:56 See, and that's where the Oscars need to take their opportunity and realize that they can really set themselves apart from the golden globes because let's be honest the golden globes have always been just the meh isht a war show ever and the Oscars have always been on the verge of glory but they keep on falling backwards and backwards like obviously you have the overwhelming issue of just like it just being like Enriched with just white art all the time obviously that's an issue and stuff like that But there are some extended circus dances that kind of contribute to that
Starting point is 01:14:37 But on top of that it's things like that like Adam Sandler not being nominated for you know That's that movie and stuff like that. And every year there's always one like it. It's agitating. Yep, very disappointing. Saw that movie with my family in Oregon. We didn't really know what to expect. I think everyone, no one walked away from it feeling like, oh yeah, that movie was awesome.
Starting point is 01:15:01 But you can't deny that the performance and the acting in general in that film, as strange a movie as that was, it was very well acted. And yeah, I just, Adam Sandler's never going to win in Oscar. And I don't necessarily feel that he should have won in Oscar for this, but like, man, you're such a weak category this year.
Starting point is 01:15:25 How does he not get inomination just disappointing? Oh, I agree. But I don't know if I said walking Phoenix, but I at least insinuated it. Yeah. Yeah. Walking Phoenix wins his category. So, yep, this will also be his first Oscar, along with Brad Pitt. And I think they both, I, I, I, I, it's more, especially walking. I think he definitely earned a Brad Pitt and I think they both I More especially walking I think he definitely earned a Brad Pitt I think I could go either way, but yep well deserved sort of lifetime achievement for both of those actors
Starting point is 01:15:58 Okay 76 minutes into the podcast we have reached our final category and probably the not well not the biggest toss up here because there's ones that we just have absolutely no clue on but it feels way more wide open than in recent years but then again I mean moonlight pull off the upset a couple years ago I mean I guess people were kind of thinking green book might have won last year. I still just can't believe that it did. But I'm not a living place.
Starting point is 01:16:31 I won't. We have nine nominees for the best picture, which has been the case recently. And we've all talked about all of them to some extent already. So here are the nominees. We have 1917, once upon a time in Hollywood, Parasite, Fort Versaulari, Little Women, The Irishman,
Starting point is 01:16:56 Jojo Rabbit, Joker, and a marriage story. So here we are. And before we make any picks I guess I'll just pretty briefly run run through where I'm thinking I feel like this is between a couple films is wide open as it is I think I can eliminate four versus Ferrari I think I can eliminate a marriage story. I don't think the Irishman has a shot at this one. And I don't think Jojo Rabbit has a shot. So in my mind, I'm sort of choosing between five
Starting point is 01:17:39 and there's certainly stratification in it for me. I think the front runners out of those five in my head are 1917 parasite and joker. And I could see maybe one spot of time in Hollywood sneaking in or whatever the last one I because I stupidly closed out my list here before I started talking about this. Whatever the ninth one I haven't mentioned yet, I could also see that squeaking in there. But I don't know and I don't feel super confident in my pick, but I know what I'm going to pick, but before I say that, I'm going to let you walk us through your thoughts on Best Picture. Kind of the same thing, except where I have two films that I feel like are the heavy favorites,
Starting point is 01:18:36 just percentage wise. And then there are three films that I could see sneaking in. I think 1917 Parasite are heavily favored, but I would not be surprised if, once upon a time in Hollywood one, Joker one, or Little Women one, I could totally see those three movies pulling it off. I don't see there ever been any way in hell that the Oscars would ever have a movie about Nazis win best picture. Just the image alone is just not gonna do it for the Academy and they probably think they're so edgy
Starting point is 01:19:19 for nominating it in the first place, you know, but I I do feel like that 1917 and parasite are heavily favored here, but you got those three wild cards in there that I just don't I don't know. I feel like so if you if they pick Little women to win best picture they look hip a hypocritical because they didn't pick Greta Gerwig to be best director. Joker would just come off as like an obvious ploy to a piece, you know, video game, Marvel, movie, loving, neckbeards, and then once upon a time in Hollywood, who's to say that that movie is, you know, it's a Quentin Tarantino film, like it's a great movie, but he's produced nine of them so far, you know, it's like he hasn't won best picture yet,
Starting point is 01:20:20 so why would this one be any different? And I just really feel like that parasite in 1917 really shined through. So. All right. So go ahead, take it away. What's your pick for best picture? I'm picking this both because I just want to see the insanity of this happen.
Starting point is 01:20:40 And I'm just picking something different than what I know you're going to pick. And picking parasite. Parasite's going to win. Yep. You know what I was going to say before I said it, I'm just picking something different than what I know you're gonna pick and picking parasite. Yeah, you know what I was gonna say before I said it. I'm taking 1917. It was also my favorite movie that I watched in 2019, although I technically saw it in 2020. I really loved it. And I liked parasite too. I don't think I had the overwhelming reaction to it that a lot of people did, but it is a fantastic commentary on
Starting point is 01:21:12 social and class welfare and stratification. I can't wait for you to watch it in a couple hours and let me know what your thoughts are on it So there you have it front page page headlines. Quintakes 1917. Ryan takes parasites, although Ryan's pick was partially because he knew what I was going to pick. And he wants to see madness, which I want to see madness. Absolutely madness. I can't fault you for that.
Starting point is 01:21:40 OK. Well, we made it 24 categories, 24 picks for each of us and a lot of differentiation, which is exciting probably more than we've ever had before, which I'm excited for. I guess I could have seen that coming just because neither one of us has seen as much this year, and I think we both feel a little bit out of it. But it's it's exciting nonetheless. The the Oscars start at I don't know, 7 p.m. Central maybe. Who knows? 7.30 I think but yeah, for a long time Red Carpet is usually like two hours before that. We'll see it. see. It's exciting. Yeah, that's pretty much what I got regarding the Oscars.
Starting point is 01:22:31 Ryan, I'll give you the stage to say anything you want. I'll have to say really is a just hope next year's better. I'm not saying it's a down year for film this year, but I just feel like there's just lots of mis film this year, but I just feel like there's just lots of missteps this year and I really hope things get better. And yeah, I'll definitely do better next year, but some years just not as compelling to,
Starting point is 01:23:00 sometimes it's just not as compelling material as other years and stuff. So it can be a struggle. Yeah, and this is this is maybe putting you on the slot, the spot, the slot, the spot slightly because I didn't prepare you for this one, but maybe you know it off the top of your head. If you don't, I'll let you vamp a little bit, but I'm curious. So I mentioned that 2017 is not the name of the, 1917 was my favorite film of this past year. I'm curious and granted there are a lot of heavy hitters that you have not seen yet,
Starting point is 01:23:33 but I'm wondering just right now based off of what you have seen, what was your favorite film from this past year. years. I had a lot of fun watching the Irishman and Joker and marriage story but really the two movies that have thus far really shined through for me is Little Women and JoJo Rabbit. Little Women is such a just perfectly adapted film. They should have called it Little Women 2020 or something that be hilarious but that's kind of essentially what it is. And JoJo Rabbit was much more moving than I thought it was going to be. I thought it was just going to be a comedy and just kind of, just like a fascist, satirist movie kind of like Starship Troopers. I went in there thinking that. Instead, it's not just satirist. I mean, it doesn't really even edge. It doesn't really
Starting point is 01:24:39 necessarily a satirical depiction of Nazis per se, aside from essentially just making fun of them, dressing up in their little suits, like a bunch of little boy scouts and stuff like that. But it is just like a really moving piece about humanity and stuff. And I thought it was really well executed, especially with the sensitive topics and stuff. So it's gotta be one of those two movies
Starting point is 01:25:08 and I really can't pick between either. They're just really good, but as far as best picture categories, I had a lot of fun at the movies this year. I just hope it's better next year. Yep, no disagreements there. Well, you can always find Ryan's content by subscribing to Reek Entertainment on YouTube.
Starting point is 01:25:31 Do the one with more followers, because that's the legit page now. And you can follow him on Twitter as well at Reek Entertainment. You never know when he's going to pop up and drop a truth bomb or something on Twitter. And it's always fun once a month when he does But be on the lookout for for his new content Coming hopefully soon in 2020, but if you subscribe you'll be the first to know when it drops Ryan was kind enough to give us 90 minutes of his Saturday afternoon for our third annual Oscars special. So this
Starting point is 01:26:06 least you can do to go subscribe to some of his stuff. Ryan, you have any last thoughts or anything before we stop the podcast here? Nothing really. Just I have the hell of a lot of fun every year that I'm on and I cannot wait till next year. This is the highlight of my year. So yeah, like talking hopefully we do. Did you, did you write down both of our, both of our picks? Are you just keep dragging yours? I have mine written down. So if you know yours and you want to send it to me, we'll, uh, we'll maybe put it in a digestible format for the fans. Otherwise I could go back through I think think, and remember most of yours,
Starting point is 01:26:45 or find them pretty quickly. But if you have them off-hand, if you want to send it to me, that would be great. Yeah, we need to start keeping track, because we always say, like, oh, I'm bad or oh, I did good. I have no idea. There's no way. No, you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 01:26:58 I don't know. So yeah, we'll make it a priority this year to get the hard and fast numbers. So in 50 years when we're doing our show We'll be able to compare it would be like a money ball with all the statistics and Whatever the John Hill Saber metrics stuff is All right, well for all of us here at the bean town podcast I want to thank our special guest Ryan Austin wish, English for coming out of the podcast today. Always a pleasure.
Starting point is 01:27:26 And we'll certainly have him back on before this time next year to talk about some sort of crazy high jinks, who knows. That's what we got for you. Captain under five hours, so you're welcome. The Oscars air Sunday, February 9th at 7.30 pm, Central Time Live from Hollywood. No host, but that's okay. Hope everyone has a great week. Thanks for tuning in and we appreciate your time.
Starting point is 01:27:51 And that's all we got for you. So we'll let this music play us out. Thanks everyone for tuning in and we'll check in on you next week for our special third annual Pledge Drive Telephone Fundraiser. You know Ryan will be there. We hope to see everyone else there as well. Look out for us on social media. You're gonna have a lot more information about that coming soon, including our GoFundMe page, donor incentive tiers, autographed pictures,
Starting point is 01:28:15 business cards, all that stuff. So stay tuned for that. We'll check in on you next time. Have a good one. M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M- nd Thank you.

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