Beantown Podcast - 2020 Telethon Pledge Drive Fundraiser

Episode Date: February 15, 2020

Here it is: The highlight of Pledge Drive Month, I present to you the 3rd Annual Telethon Pledge Drive Fundraiser! This was by far our most successful event yet. Thanks to everyone for calling in! In ...this combo telethon/podcast episode, you'll hear from our #FriendsofthePodcast, learn about experimental casserole recipes, and get to the bottom of blood pressure readings. Happy Valentine's Day! Don't forget to DONATE here:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Here we go. Welcome to everyone out there, friends, family, fans, husbands and wives. Welcome to the third annual Bean Town Podcast, Pledge Drive fundraiser. This is your host with the most Quinn Davis furnace for coming to you on two screens. This is very exciting for those of you out there, Instagram, Facebook, Instagram, Facebook, camera one, camera two, camera camera one camera two. Oh, man
Starting point is 00:00:46 This is exciting. We are coming to you live from Rogers Park north side of Chicago For the third annual bean town podcast Pleasride Fundra is a telephonsepectacular You can of course donate link is in the description on Instagram go to the bio Facebook You'll see it in the description of the event go Fun me page. It's really exciting. We're raising money for operating costs and this is our third year doing this We're hoping it hit just about three hundred dollars things that the money goes to it's for our website It's for the bean town blog. It's for assignments It's for hosting costs soundcloud has been hosting us the past three years here and we're looking to continue that partnership in the future.
Starting point is 00:01:33 And then a very exciting, special new thing happening in year through the podcast. We're partnering with a brand called Wave and they do a really good job of condensing our podcast and not condensing but cutting out little 60 30 to seconds 30 to 60 seconds snippets that we can then put some visual over makes it super easy to share on places like Facebook Instagram Twitter Craigslist mySpace etc. YouTube so you don't have to go dig in through all you know the half-hour 60-minute podcast get our content I'm going to be partnering with them so that there's some operating overhead there going on as well. But that's where the money goes to. Of course, any additional donations that we get after we hit
Starting point is 00:02:09 our mark goes straight to charity JDRF Juvenile Diabetic and we're going to be partnering with them. So we're going to be partnering with them so that there's some operating overhead there going on as well. But that's where the money goes to. Of course, any additional donations that we get after we hit our mark goes straight to charity JDRF Juvenile Diabetes Research Fund here in Chicago. We're very excited to continue our partnership with them. And you know what, donor tiers, they are there for a CMO laid out in the GoFundMe page. It is really exciting.
Starting point is 00:02:46 Thanks to Tark Shahada for sort of getting that idea going in our head last year and we You know there was some confusion last year I think with the donor tier incentives. So we we simplified it a little bit this year right $10 gets you a shout out on the podcast. And for $20, you're getting a free autographed picture of Quinn David Furnace, as well as a fun little business card. We'll get a close up starting with camera 2 here.
Starting point is 00:03:16 Father, Quinn David Furnace, ordained minister, you see it right there. We are live. We got tons and tons of these. This is just a small stack that I grabbed. Those are going to be ready to go out in the mail very soon as we show camera to here. Gwynne Davis-Fernes, my new business cards. And for those of you who are just catching the audio either live or after, check Instagram, check Facebook. We'll try to get on YouTube as well.
Starting point is 00:03:40 Those will be included in your autographed pictures at no additional charge, which is really exciting. And then our Topaz Elite members, $35 gets you an interview of your choosing on the podcast. You get to talk at whatever topics you want as long as they're safe for work, SFW. And that would be a good time to mention that listener discretion is advised. When you're listening to the bean-tone podcast because addition to being live over the video airwaves here, we are also live on through SoundCloud. I mean this is our weekly episode right? It's February 15th, 2021 day after Valentine's Day and you know what, thanks everyone for listening.
Starting point is 00:04:27 So number one, this podcast, we'll occasionally use some language here and there. You know, we'll do that from time to time. Number two, podcast is objectively terrible, but it's a whole lot better today. We got our reading glasses on, just in case there's stuff we got to read. We have our telephone hat on, which is really exciting.
Starting point is 00:04:46 So there's just a lot to be excited for. We've got some buttons that will be given away live on air. We've got some crafts from grandma's cell that we're going to show off to you all. We've even got a TV guide. We got a blood pressure monitor. There is so much happening today at Live On Air that you can't help but thank G.
Starting point is 00:05:04 It would be a great time to donate to the podcast. So we're really excited that everyone is here. And of course, our faithful partner from the beginning of time, Jack links. Look at this travel mug courtesy of Uncle Andy. Thank you so much. It is full of water here because I'm still doing dry January. And so we'll be sipping that as the hour progresses here. Now would be a good time to mention that phone lines are wide open. 815298 7200, you're going to want to call in and donate to the Beans on Podcast. You'll have an opportunity to go live on air.
Starting point is 00:05:49 You can tell us in a couple sentences or more. How much you love bean town? What is great about it to you? How it's changed your life these last three years? You're gonna have that full opportunity to do all that stuff and you'll see the number we're posting it in the comment sections of both of these streams here. And if you're coming to us, you know, after the fact, if you're just listening to a recording, well, you have the opportunity to go back and donate, well, this is our big kind of center piece event to the cornerstone of Pleasure Island for sure is always the telephone fundraiser. We're going to keep that GoFundMe page open until we do indeed hit our goal. So I think those are the things
Starting point is 00:06:36 you need to know. We've got the phone is ready to go. It's been a little bit quiet here to start, but showing camera to first rotary phones, a new addition to the apartment this year and a fun new thing to have on the Pledge Drive fundraiser telephone. So that is ready to ring anytime here. And we'll take your calls if you want to be featured live on air again. Go ahead and dial in 8152987200. Again, that's 8152987200. And we would love to have you be live on the air. Follines are open, donations are wide open, ready for you to donate support.
Starting point is 00:07:17 The arts support local, small business, it is a small business. Saturday, of course, the day after Valentine's Day just says it is every year. So there has never been a better time to donate to the Pledge Drive fundraiser than right now. Show your support. We've got these bean-town buttons here. It's very exciting. We got tons of these ready to go. We'll ship them out to you. Thank you for donating just a small way for us to say thanks to you all. So what's been going on this past week? Well, it's all been focused on the telephone fundraisers.
Starting point is 00:07:53 I tell you what we've been all over town doing stuff to raise awareness, talk to local organizations, different people, just a lot of stuff going on. Starting last night, we were at the Garfield Park Conservatory in the western part of Chicago. Went there, their spring show was kicking off. I figured what better way to advertise the podcast than with the beauty of plants and flora and fauna and cacti and Sagittarius's and I think there was one that was called
Starting point is 00:08:34 Blooming Texas or something which I thought you could order at Applebees, but apparently it's a plant But we we also took the opportunity to spread the word and just kind of you know how evangelical Christians their big thing is all about going out into the world, salty to the earth and spreading the good news and all that stuff. Well, that's, it's sort of like evangelical podcastism, I guess is ANG, EL, ICAL, Evangelical, Podcastism, P-O-D, C-A-S-T-I-N-G. There it is. Evangelical, podcasting, going out into the world, spreading my seed to unsuspecting victims. And it was, it was, it's really exciting. We were able to do that at the conservatory last night Other places we've been we did some curling
Starting point is 00:09:29 That's right curling CURL-ing CURL-ing LNG no ladies are not talking about hair products We're talking about getting on the ice Russian back and forth just like you brush your teeth and Curling who would have thought you, is a little chilly out there, but it was very exciting nonetheless to be able to get out there and, you know, curl it up, got the stones or the rocks, whatever they're called. And you got, what's the name of the, the, it's not called a bullseye, it's called, called like the roundhouse or something or the, the cabin, some, some special term like that. And it's on the tip bullseye, it's called like the roundhouse or something or the cabin.
Starting point is 00:10:06 Some special term like that. And it's on the tip of my tongue. I can't think of what it is. And the house, maybe it's called a house. And, or we're getting work emails here. Live during what, that's just rude, frankly, to email somebody during their own telephone fundraiser. I can't control it, you know?
Starting point is 00:10:28 Let's, should we read it on air? No, we're not going to do that. But we do have some stuff to read on air a little bit later, which is really exciting. Whatever, high school students, you know, it's there, a tough crowd. whatever high school students you know it's there a tough crowd. So we went curling on Tuesday night that was a lot of fun and I think I let's see a 119 to 4 which is pretty exciting. Usually curling games are a little bit lower scoring than that so this was there's a lot of energy it was really exciting to be able to do that. My first time ever curling, so I can check that off the list.
Starting point is 00:11:05 And I gotta say, I think I'm a natural at it. It wasn't a purely ice surface, it was sort of a slippery synthetic plastic kind of deal, but it was outdoors, it was on a rooftop. It was exciting, 10 rounds, four stones per side, and we pulled through pretty well. So that was a fun thing to do on Tuesday. In preparation, I wanted to make sure I was healthy,
Starting point is 00:11:33 hardy, fit for this podcast. So we've been eating pretty well all week. I made an experimental casserole on Monday night. And I know what you're thinking. Oh boy, experimental casserole. What is crazy? Queen up to this time. I was you know, so so when winter comes around, I'm a big batch cooker and not meth for you. New Mexicans over there. A big batch cooker. So oftentimes I'll do a stew or I will do a chili of some sort, how many sorts of chili there are. And I decided this week I wanted to shake things up a little bit.
Starting point is 00:12:14 You know, I got some casserole dishes, it's kind of like a pop-a-bear and a mama bear. So you got a classic 9x11, whatever size it is. And then a little guy, maybe more like a, more like a seven by nine sort of thing. Two casserole dishes. And I wanted to make a casserole, but I've been dieting pretty heavily the first two months of this year
Starting point is 00:12:36 and still doing dry January. And I thought, so many casseroles are either heavy in the cream or rice or pasta or some some sort of you know There's a lot of cream. There's a lot of carbs usually going on so I was trying to find a way around that and I you know It's it's it's hard to get volume without carbs of some kind I found so my thought is okay What's the what's the kind of the what's kind of the best carb that I can load up on? And Kenwa is a classic one.
Starting point is 00:13:07 I like it one, because it's kind of like my name with a little wah, extra like Quynwa. Maybe that could start my own Kenwa brand, Quynwa. We'll think about it. We have to think about how we want to spell it. But Kenwa, Quynwa, however you want to say it. So experimental cast role, starting with a Kenwa base. Andwa, however you want to say it. So, experimental casserole, starting with a Kenwa base.
Starting point is 00:13:28 And the next thing you got to figure out is, okay, what are you going to do for protein? So chicken, I'm a big chicken kind of guy. Love chicken breasts have it all the time. In fact, I was speaking of chicken, hearing about a form of roommate who apparently has one chicken a day. That's his routine to get big to get bulky. But doesn't go to the gym, which, you know, it's one thing to bulk up and get protein, the protein shakes and you know, hold chicken a day. But if you're not going to the gym, you're not pumping it, you're not lifting it.
Starting point is 00:13:59 This is how I pump when I go to the gym. Pump, pump, you know, you're just gonna, you're just gonna bulk up like this. Check that out. Um, put back, back to the recipe, because I know you all are hanging on the edge of your seat. Like what's Quinn's experimental casserole like? Um, get the chicken go in, get a bag of frozen broccoli. Now I'll say this, I like fresh broccoli,
Starting point is 00:14:20 but it's just a lot tougher to chop up. Um, you gotta worry about kind of snapping the heads off, the flowerettes, whatever you wanna call them. It's just a lot extra work. And for today's modern young man like myself, time is of the essence constantly. So, broccoli, just a frozen bag, let it defrost a little bit.
Starting point is 00:14:42 We threw in some black beans, right, add some volume to it, add a little bit extra We threw in some black beans, right? Add some volume to it. Add a little bit extra protein. Okay, you see where I'm going with this? Two bell peppers, one red, one orange yellow, whichever you want to do. Do some slicing and dicing, that sort of thing. Yeah, onions.
Starting point is 00:14:58 They say a Spanish onion, but I can do a yellow onion, as well. I don't know what the big difference is between yellow and Spanish. And then throw in some, you know, off the times of the casserole, you're gonna get some sort of heavy cream or something. And hang on, because we got our first caller.
Starting point is 00:15:18 This is very exciting. Come in live on the air. Here we go. Wow. Joaquin Lasko, your live on the podcast. What's going on? Hello, how is everything going? Oh, it's Beautiful day. I know today is gonna be considered one of the most important days in the history of the United States Because the bean sound podcast is having their annual telephoto. We sure are. Thank you for
Starting point is 00:15:48 calling in. Thank you for having me. You know, long time listener first time caller, I can officially say that. And I'm, you know, for me, it's a privilege to be able to be on the airway, to be able to share my opinion and just be able to support one of the top five hundred podcasts here in the great, great, great city of Chicago. Well, that's very exciting. What, Keen, we were going to have you on the podcast about a year and a half ago out in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and it fell through. I'm glad we're actually getting you back on this time around.
Starting point is 00:16:23 Well, thank you so much, Mr. Furness. Yeah. I just wanted to call in. Show my support. Are we doing donations over the air just through the website? If you want to put your credit card number out there, that's up to you. But I think the more secure option is through the website. I do this through the website.
Starting point is 00:16:47 Just wanted to call in, you know, and, you know, just be on the airways and just show my support for this great podcast. Well, you're off site. Just wanted to give a shout out to what is the, what is the call link? Jack links. Jack links. Oh, yeah, absolutely. We got it.
Starting point is 00:17:07 We got it right here. We're drinking from the Jack links. Travel mug right here live on the airwaves. Jack links. Can you please give this man money? He's he's supporting the brand. I thought many products from Jack links because because Quinn is such a big stand of your product.
Starting point is 00:17:21 I bought so many things because I was going to get a lot of money. supporting the brand I thought many products from Jack Lake because because Quinn is such a big stand of your product that I've bought so many things because I've heard good recommendations and I think honestly if I can be truthful I think Quinn you need to be the face of Jack Lake. You know maybe next year, next year on this time you'll be on a super boy I think like that you know, Pistol year, next year, around this time, you'll be on a Superboy, I predict like that, you know, push those revenues through. I just wanted to share that as an opinion. Well, that's very high praise, we appreciate that.
Starting point is 00:17:53 Ha ha ha ha. All right, Mr. Furness, thank you so much for having me on the air and have a successful day. Thank you so much, Joaquin, we really appreciate your support. Right. Right. Bye, Bye. Bye. Bye. Wow. How do you like that? Our first caller of hopefully many things are really heating up here on the
Starting point is 00:18:18 Pledge Drive Telephone Fundraiser. Wow. There's a lot to manage. I do want to shout out before we jump back into our riveting story on cashroll recipes here live on the telephone. Thank you to Fisher Price for the rotary phone. It's very exciting. You can see it's it's absolutely hooked up for real and it makes a fun. Just listen to this noise when you're doing the dialing. It's real fun. I feel like a kid again, except I never had this toy when I was a kid. So I'm learning for the first time. I'm getting to experience all this stuff, which is very exciting.
Starting point is 00:19:02 Okay. Back to the Pledge Drive Telephone fundraiser. The casserole story, we're almost finished. So instead of using like a cream of chicken, cream of mushroom, you know, Campbell's Cun's in the can, that sort of thing, you know, it's fine, but you're getting a lot of extra sodium in there, some more fat than you're looking for. So kind of a fun alternative, Greek yogurt.
Starting point is 00:19:26 Okay, so it's not gonna be exactly the same. It's kind of like cauliflower rice, right? It's significantly worse, but still passable. Kind of like my entire college career. But it's, you know, Greek yogurt, it's not really gonna do anything to the flavors, but it's gonna add some of that creamy texture or so. Camera one, camera two, camera one, camera two.
Starting point is 00:19:50 And you whip it all together. It's gonna make a lot. So watch out, I was using like a one cup of uncooked quinoa, which creates a lot more than a cup of cooked quinoa. And two chicken breasts, and, and you know all the other good stuff that I had mentioned. Oh, some diced tomatoes, rotel, whore-mel, whichever one you want to use. That's good stuff or even off brand, whichever doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:20:18 And then the kind of secret weapon here, which is something that I don't often have. Cheese. Shredded cheese. So I'm doing a bag of mozzarella, I'm doing a bag of cheddar, two bags for those of you coming at home. And we take about half of each bag, half and half like the dairy product, we're talking dairy now. And you throw it in the bowl, you know, mix in and mash in and that sort of thing. And then you pour it all out into the casserole dish. I didn't do anything with spraying or oils or essential amino acids of any kind because in what you realize is it can be a little bit runny
Starting point is 00:21:00 and I think that's because the Greek yogurt, once you stir it up, will turn a little bit more watery than your traditional cream based product. But because it was, you know, pros and cons to it, right? The con is you'll get a little bit of a runny casserole, but something that everyone deals with, at least once in their lifetime. But the con is you don't have to worry about really anything
Starting point is 00:21:22 stick into the bottom of the pan because it is, you know, you got a little bit of a watery action going to it But it's not that bad because it will help if you know perhaps there's some quinoa in there that didn't quite get fully cooked Or it will help soften up the peppers a little bit So there are there are significant pros to you know having it be a little bit more watery going into the oven when it comes out, it's mama mia, it's perfect. But what you do is you spread it all out into the casserole dish, then you sprinkle the rest of the cheese on top.
Starting point is 00:21:53 Now the thing is you don't have to cook it for that long because at this point, I had already cooked my chicken on the stove top, all that stuff I just cut it up into chunks and sauteed it, easy peasy, lemon, squeezy, and so everything that's going into the casserole dish at this point is actually cooked with the exception of the peppers, the broccoli, not really cooked, but you don't need to cook those, you just got to heat them up a little bit. So I stuck it in the oven, you know, 350 or 375, whichever you prefer, for about 15 minutes or so. And then my secret, secret weapon, which really helps the cheese on top get a nice kind
Starting point is 00:22:32 of golden brown action going. You turn it on the broiler, which is a hidden weapon that I feel like a lot of people don't know about, a lot of people don't necessarily take advantage of. You're going to want to broil. Do that for about five minutes. In case you don't know, all broilers when it gets super hot on top of your oven space. And so it just kind of zaps the very top of it. It's like abracadabra. And that all comes out. And I tell you what, I made so much casserole that I ate that for dinner Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. We just finished it up last night. On Valentine's Day, I got a belch comment.
Starting point is 00:23:07 Excuse me. Mercy. Be a good time to refuel. Thanks to Joaquin, of course, for calling in. And as mentioned, Jack Links, we would love to have you as an official sponsor. Jack Links, feature wild side, go to to find the nearest, jerky to you. Jacklinks,
Starting point is 00:23:26 we have been pining for your affection for the last three years here. We even interviewed one of your employees live on air once, and I know the deal is currently one billion followers to get that official sponsorship, but I mean, it seems like a lot. That's almost all of China, and with that coronavirus happening, it could be more than just China pretty soon here. So, just something to think about, we would love to partner up,
Starting point is 00:24:03 but one billion kind of seems like a tall order. Now would be a great time here to remind everyone that the phone lines are wide open. If you can't get through on your first call, keep trying. We would love to have you be live on air. You can join people like Joaquin Nalasco donating to the podcast.
Starting point is 00:24:25 Thank you Joaquin for calling in. So whoever wants to be next, the phone lines are currently open. Very much reminiscent of some old school American Idol. Remember American Idol, you had to call in to vote. There was no texting. You had to call in there. They think their original partnership was singular wireless.
Starting point is 00:24:44 If anyone remembers when that was a thing, their logo was kind of like a star, like 3D kind of guy going on, I think five spokes or something like that. Singular wireless, they then moved to AT&T. We're on Verizon wireless today, but no official partnership, so don't need to give them extra screen time. I want to mention, of course, yesterday was Valentine's Day, and it's a very excitable holiday for a lot of people, very neurotic, very erotic, very exotic, depending on where you live. I've never been in a relationship on Valentine's Day.
Starting point is 00:25:20 I'm not currently in a relationship, which has its pros and cons. I think oftentimes in the past, not struggled, but just felt slightly lonely on Valentine's Day. Didn't have an issue with that yesterday, I was working the whole day, I was really busy, I was only able to watch one episode of the wire at the office, so I was pretty busy, frankly. But went to the conservatory, see the start of the spring
Starting point is 00:25:49 show, as I mentioned, and talked about the podcast a little bit to some of the pass or buys there, and then went and met some friends for drinks, even though I'm not drinking. I met friends for drinks at Kunin's up on Devon and had a good time. But I want to mention a fun tradition and we're bringing it, we're tying it all together here. When you hear your family on the bean town podcast, grandma's cell is a podcast legend. She made one appearance and if you missed it, it was all the way back. You got to go to Year One of the Podcast to find this literally about a hundred episodes ago.
Starting point is 00:26:26 She came on in something like April or May to do a live interview about her career in stamping and card making and very successful and lucrative career I might want to add. But the great thing about Grandma Sell is you can always count on her for holiday cards. We're talking Valentine's Day, we're talking Halloween, occasionally a Thanksgiving card. I think we've done Lincoln's birthday in the past, not this year, but in the past. But Valentine's Day is always a big card kind of holiday.
Starting point is 00:26:59 And this year, Grandma's Sale is really up to her game in terms of the craftsmanship. And so I'm gonna show you, starting with camera 2 and then we'll move over to camera 1 Just kind of the basic format of this card, but wait till wait till we Show you what's really going on with this card so you see love is in the air on the back I don't really know what this has to do with Valentine's Day, but it says car pay DM and over here It's backwards on camera one. That's kind of interesting.
Starting point is 00:27:28 And then it says, love on the other side. But wait till you see, let me see if I can remember how to do this. Boy, I left the instructions in the other room. There's something really cool going on here where you gotta do some sort of folding action. Oh wait, I think you got it. And I'm just going to, whoa, blow your mind.
Starting point is 00:27:47 New one, camera two, camera one. Now it says, well, it still says love, but it's a different love. But check out the back, starting with camera one. High and hugs. Look, high and hugs. You want to, let's try that again. Boom.
Starting point is 00:28:04 Now it says, oh, it's back to the original. I thought there was more than that. But Grandma Sal, you really outdid yourself this time. Oh, here's a new one. Starting with camera two, you got a heart and a dog. Camera one, heart and a dog. That is very exciting. And on the back it says, carpe diem again.
Starting point is 00:28:24 Carpe Diem. So this is like the love version, Valentine's Day version of a Rubik's cube. I think I've done all the combinations now, but pretty impressive, Grandma Sale. Oh, this one has a fun heart on it. Check it out. Lots and lots of hearts.
Starting point is 00:28:43 So thank you to Grandma Sale. And. And thanks to Grammacell for coming on the show live. If you missed that episode, I highly encourage you going and listening to it. Again, it aired back in year one. So something like April or May, March through May, something like that is in the mid to late spring, I believe, year one of the podcast. So that was when the podcast was just a baby. You know, it was only about two or three months old at that point. We began an early January of 2018. We hit our two year anniversary a couple months, our last month right around this time.
Starting point is 00:29:22 And we are firmly in year three of the podcasts. If you're just joining us, a reminder, this is the third annual Beentown Pledge Drive, Telephone Fundries, we're raising money for our operating costs which are costs to run our website, And actually, I know I do a lot of joking around
Starting point is 00:29:42 on this show and that's sort of the purpose of it. But I had some time to kill on a train ride earlier this morning, it's coming back from breakfast with friend of the podcast, Targ Shahada. And I was reading through the bean-town blog, which I don't think gets quite as much traffic as I wish it did, frankly, because it's a lot more digestible than a lot of the content that we put out there because it's a lot shorter, right? You haven't checked out the bean-town blog. You gotta read some of our entries on there. We only drop one every other month or so. It's only when I really feel that creative vision. But in the past, we had ones that detailed my tonsillitis this year and how I lost like 45 pounds in a week. That was, there's some good stuff in there. Our most recent post was about the time I lost a bet in college and I fasted for a week, water fast, no calories for a week.
Starting point is 00:30:35 So if you want to get inside the mind of what it's like to fast for a week, you could absolutely do that. I go day by day and you check it out. We've talked about plus one suppression at weddings. So there's just there's a lot of good content on the bean-town blog. It's occasional move-movie review, so it's a little something different every month or every other month whenever we get around to posting on there, but go check out bean-town blog from SoundCloud, as well, has been our host
Starting point is 00:31:06 these last three years now, or two plus years. They host us for unlimited content and to get unlimited storage space and unlimited hosting anywhere in the internet. You're going to need some sort of subscription to someone. So SoundCloud has been hosting us. There's some operating costs there. And then I mentioned this earlier on the podcast,
Starting point is 00:31:27 but we're partnering with a new brand called Wave. And they're gonna allow us to make really digestible 30 to seconds snippets of the bean town podcast with some cool visuals laid over them. And it's just for us to be able to post those on social media. So whether you're on Facebook or you're on Instagram or Twitter, follow us at white buns or at bean-town cast or my YouTube page, Quinn Furnace.
Starting point is 00:31:48 Subscribe there, please, that helps us raise money for this podcast and for the arts and for small business. It'll just be way easier for you all to consume that content. You don't feel like you got to listen to an entire 30 plus minute episode of the Bean Tom Podcast. Those are our costs for this year, our goal history is $299.00. At the start of this show, we were already at 130, so we really appreciate that. We almost saw our halfway goal. I bet we're well past it at this point, although I'm not tracking the numbers live, but we are 32 minutes in to our annual
Starting point is 00:32:26 Telephone Pledge Drive fundraiser. He's a minor. The phone lines are wide open, 8152987200. You can call, be live on the air. And in 2000 words or less, you can speak about what bean town has meant for you, your friends, your family, your family, your community, your state, really kind of, you know, world peace in general.
Starting point is 00:32:51 So there's, you know, there's a lot you can say. And we've already given our listener discretion as advice take. So you can really let loose with the language if you really want to. We are going to do something that everyone looks forward to on the podcast. We are going to read ads live on the air and you actually all at home are now going to get to see this via video. So this is very exciting. We don't get to do this very often.
Starting point is 00:33:22 But here goes, so let's pull up the ad reads here. If you're wondering, Quinn, you've been doing this for two plus years. Don't you have a memorized? I got the gist of it, but you know, I want to I want to do this well. So here we go, Home Pride Oregon. This is for all you Pacific Northwest listeners out there, which I know is most of my base, Home Pride Oregon. Are you tired of selling your house for less than a quarter of what it's worth all because you can't find a reliable home inspector in time? We all know how frustrating that can be. Well, Oregon listeners, there's good news.
Starting point is 00:33:52 Home Pride Inspection Services in Ben, Oregon is central Oregon's hottest new home inspection provider with inspection services, including things like heating, cooling, roofing, plumbing and so much more. Home Pride Oregon is both contractor certified and home inspection certified, so you know you're getting the good stuff. If you're tired of big real estate, the rainbow hold on the home inspection market,
Starting point is 00:34:16 and you wanna save certified home inspector that you can trust, you gotta call Steve. Listen up, here's the number, it's different than the pledge drive telephone number. Call him at 541-410-0316 or visit Again, that's 541-410-0316 or just type in, whip out your smartphones or your desktops or your Nintendo Wii's, whatever you're using these days.
Starting point is 00:34:41 Visit Again, it's HomePrideOrgan Inspection Perfection. And again, we are streaming live on Instagram. Hello to everyone on Instagram. And we are on Facebook. Call out Hello to everyone on Facebook. Camera 2, Camera 1, Camera 2, Camera 1.
Starting point is 00:35:02 And we use a live stream podcast, something we get to do every week, through SoundCloud,, you can access the live stream. It's, you know, and if you're listening to this after the telephone, the donation lines will still be open. Full lines might be tougher,
Starting point is 00:35:22 but if you call on Sunday, you know, we won't get you on the air, but we'll talk to you anyways, because I'm always talking with the friends, with the fans, with the family. A shout out to the Samson Q2U series. Check this out. If you've never seen it before,
Starting point is 00:35:36 a live on air, here it is. And again, I want to be very clear. That's a Samson That's a Samson. Not a Samson. Oh boy, here we go. We got Jack Furnace, brother of the podcast, calling in live. This is very exciting.
Starting point is 00:35:57 Here we go. Jack Furnace, welcome to the podcast. First, you have some little boy and here we go. Hello. Welcome to the podcast. Hello Hey, what's going on? Not much just make some lunch little late for lunch. What do you have in? grilled cheese You despise it up in any way or not really? We got some avocado and tomatoes.
Starting point is 00:36:26 How much does an avocado cost in Manhattan? We got five or five, but there were kind of little ones, but that was a pretty good deal, usually like two for three or something like that. Yeah, I feel like that's a real good deal. OK. Yeah, they're actually not bad. I don't remember any cold word we get the avocados from
Starting point is 00:36:47 We got them from food bizarre Wow B.A. Z.A. R Two A's one art. Yeah, actually here's a story for you. We we went up to the when we go to food bizarre last Friday we went to this food bizarre. Last Friday we went to this shopping complex in the Bronx that has a grocery store and a target and the main reason we were going was to go to Home Depot because we wanted to get some plans. But it's also this grocery store there called Food Bizarre. And so we were stopping by.
Starting point is 00:37:25 We had never been there before. And we get in there, and it's just like a total zoo. There's people everywhere. Everyone's cart is like mounted over with tons of food, and there's people giving out. Three samples. Nicole got a whole hot dog as a sample. And we found out later that it had been their grand opening, which is why everyone
Starting point is 00:37:45 was going crazy. So that's where we got the avocados. Wow. Whole hot dog. Any cool toppings or anything like that? I think she got ketchup and mustard. Okay. We call that a Bucoy Vich dog in Chicago. Well, I don't know what they call it here. Yeah. Okay. Well, Jack is a a Topaz Elite member for the Bean Town podcast and we really appreciate his donation. Jack, in 2000 words or less, do you want to tell us what the podcast means to you? One of the podcasts means to me., last a tough one. It lost words. Give me a hand.
Starting point is 00:38:31 Something about building connections in the community and small business and healing through laughter and world peace, something along the way. I don't think I could have said it any better myself. Well, uh, what's going on in New York? It's cold. Not as cold as, uh, it is in Chicago, I don't think, but it's down into the 20s, which is pretty chilly for New York.
Starting point is 00:39:05 So everyone's bundling up and doing some work, nothing too exciting. Kind of a lazy, lazy Saturday. Sounds pretty good. Yeah. Yeah, that's about it. Still, yeah, it's working hard. All right, all right. Any, anything coming up in the legal world
Starting point is 00:39:29 that we should be aware of? Good question. Let's see. Well, there was a case that happened not too long ago where just as Gorsuch and the Supreme Court had a really interesting, concurring opinion, talking about the role of district courts and issuing nationwide injunctions and being pretty critical of the way that district courts have been acting lately,
Starting point is 00:39:59 so that, and Thomas, can Thomas sign in on that opinion too, so that that could be pretty interesting. Mm. Um, other than that, not too much. I was just hanging out at the seven circuit quarter appeals on Thursday, a bread, a high school group there, and I got to see some interesting documents from the Blegoyevitch case, and just about one in the throw up. Yeah. That's pretty cool. I didn't know it was a case from all the way up to the 7th Circuit.
Starting point is 00:40:32 Oh yeah. Well, I don't know because it's at the Dirkston Courthouse which has it's a district court and the 7th Circuit. That Northern District of Illinois too? Yeah, yeah. It has one of them. There's two. There's one in Rockford. There's one in Chicago. Oh Nicole wants to talk to you. Oh, here we go. All right, all right. Hey, Quinn. Ain't Nicole you're live on the bean time podcast. Telephone. Welcome. Great. Thank you so much.
Starting point is 00:40:59 This is my first time on the pod and I have a suggestion. Well first I have a question for you. Okay. Do you know what the NEO Graham is? Have you heard of this? Any a gram? Is that something you swallowed or cleaned out your digestive system? Well that's all areas joke but no. Okay, you need to look up the NEO Graham. I don't know how to spell that. Figure out what number you are, and I think that would be a great podcast episode. How do you spell that? E-N-N-E-A-G-R-A-M. All right, you have to text it to me. Okay, I am a counterphobic six.
Starting point is 00:41:41 I have no idea what number Jack is, and I have no idea what number Jack is and I have no idea what number you join us live on air for any grand up a cell? Well, I mean sure, I will definitely facilitate that Enneagram session, but you can't figure it out by taking a test. You have to like re-descriptions of all the numbers and see what resonates. Okay, we'll give it a shot. Great, just something for you to think about. Anyway, how are you? Good, this is a live air.
Starting point is 00:42:32 We're live streaming on Facebook and Instagram and we've got our podcast feed going on SoundCloud. So it's a big day, it's very exciting for us. Well, congratulations, I am so happy for you. Thank you. I'm going to give you back to Jack, who's making himself a sandwich right now. Yeah, grilled cheese.
Starting point is 00:42:53 Yes. Okay, going to fun. Thanks for following the call. Bye. All right. Well, any big plans for the rest of the Telecom? Well, we're already a minute 44 here. So what's your running time? Shooting for about an hour We're in the middle of our ad reads so we'll finish those up and then I think we're gonna do something very exciting
Starting point is 00:43:19 We're gonna take our blood pressure live on air All right, well, we'll be watching while we eat our grilled cheese. All right, very good. Well, thanks so much for calling in. Yep, thanks for things for everything you do and for bringing world peace to small businesses and how that stuff. Yep, synergy. That's a good word too.
Starting point is 00:43:43 Okay, don't do anything I wouldn't do. All right, that doesn't mean very much. No, it doesn't. All right, we'll check in on you later. Okay, stay frosty. All right, bye. Wow, another caller. The second of many for our live telephone fundraiser.
Starting point is 00:44:03 Well, that's very exciting. Thank you to Jack and Nicole for calling in all the way for Manhattan. It really shows you what a global reach we've got going on here. We really appreciate Jack is a topaz elite member. That means not only is he getting a live interview on the air on a future episode, he's also getting an autographed picture of yours truly, Father Quinn David Fernis is getting a business card from us
Starting point is 00:44:31 and he will be getting, of course, a live shout out on the podcast. And you too can achieve all of those by heading to our Go Fundamy page and donating. We are well on our way to our goal of nearly $300 to cover operating costs for the podcast in this upcoming year. And we are well on our way to year four of the Bean Tom podcast, believe it or not, things are just heating up here. People ask me how
Starting point is 00:44:57 you know, how do you keep this podcast going? And I don't really know how to stop at this point. So let's see, I wanted to quickly mention the TV guide. I've got one in front of me and before you get excited, no, it's not a fresh copy. It's got, it was this Keith Urban, I think, somebody on the cover. Kenzie and Deeks tie the knot. Oh, NCIS LA wedding. I thought it was the bachelor or American idol or something. It's been almost a year since we got our first copy of the TV guide. This is from March 4th through 17th, 2019. It was a double issue. I thought maybe we would, you know, if things were slow on the telephone today, if the phone lines weren't that hot, then maybe we would just
Starting point is 00:45:44 you know, read the TV guide live on that hot, then maybe we would just, you know, read the TV guide live on air. But I don't think we're going to need to do that because as mentioned, as foreshadowed, we're going to have a very special treat coming up in one second here, where we'll be taking my blood pressure live on air and releasing the results. You didn't think I had it in me. I've got it in me camera one camera two camera one camera two But let's finish up our ads here and the one that has really become a fan favorite Ritzen by yours truly produced composed all the music from right up here It's cussed by Q and in case you're wondering
Starting point is 00:46:21 This hair cut which needs some feathering, check my angles here. This is all cut by Q. If you are in the Chicago Land area and you're looking for an affordable haircut that makes you look good to call cuts by Q, and this isn't even the ad read yet. This is just, boy, you want actual user testimonials, you go to slash cuts by Q, that's cuts Q, U, T, Z by Q. And you will see all the different hair signs that we offer. I don't know about you.
Starting point is 00:46:54 I think this looks pretty good actually. It's been about a month plus since our last haircut. Starting to get a little shaggy, a little 80s look going on here. So we're going to trim this down pretty quickly in the next couple of weeks here. But yeah, you know what? Cuts by Q. If you want to look as good as Q does day in, day out, you know what you got to do. So let's read our ad here and then we're going to jump into our blood pressure readings. Okay. Bob and weave. Oh, my hat hats all off. You know, I kind of look like a slash in this thing, you know, the guitars for guns and roses. For those of you under
Starting point is 00:47:30 the age of 60, go Google it. You can see what he looks like. Bob and weave, we all know the hairstyle and we all love it. But how many Chicago based independent barbers can actually give it to you the way you deserve? Enter cuts by Q. It's like in her sandman just a little bit different, which is by Guns and Roses actually. Cuts by Q has been independently owned and operated since 1995 and it's probably one of the better barbershop operations serving Chicago, Cook County and the greater Chicago land area. From beehives to bangs, foeh hawks to flat tops and everything in between, just call cuts by Q8152987200 or email cuts by That is,
Starting point is 00:48:12 cuck, skew, TZ, All right, from across the nation, sing it with us loud and clear if you'd like. You know how it goes, I'll give you a pitch and we can start together. Mimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimim live on the Beentown podcast, Telethon fundraiser Pledge Drive 2020 year three. How exciting to be able to share that with the fans, the friends and the family across the globe. We really appreciate your support. Thanks to everyone who's been with us from the start.
Starting point is 00:48:57 We've got about 10 minutes, 10 minutes left on our Pledge Drive fundraiser here. Hey, that's pretty good. That turns out 10 minutes left on our Pledge Drive fundraiser here. Hey, that's pretty good. That turns out 10 minutes and then opposite on camera one. 10 minutes left on the Bean Town Pledge Drive fundraiser. And for those of you listening after the fact, oh, this is a treat. We had breakfast within this morning.
Starting point is 00:49:18 He's calling in on the podcast right now. Here we go. Tark Shahada is now live on the bean town podcast, Telethon, Fundres or Tark, what's going on? Oh, this is actually Lonnie. Lonnie, how's it going? It's going good. I was told if I call in I could get my blood pressure red. Oh man. All right. You got to hook yourself up to a machine.
Starting point is 00:49:43 Okay, I'm hooked up. What are there any instructions? On the machine. Yeah. Well, you didn't say what kind of machine, so I'm just using my hair trimmer. That's okay, that'll work. Just trim some racing stripes into the side of your head
Starting point is 00:50:04 because the Daytona 500 is tomorrow. He wasn't kidding. Okay, I got the stripes. That was pretty fast. You're very efficient. Well, thank you. I think we should hire you on it cuts by Q. Okay, that's fine. Well, thanks, thanks so much for calling in. What you want to tell us what bean town means to you? Well, I was kind of wondering about my blood pressure on a snow. Well, hopefully somewhere above like 50
Starting point is 00:50:37 and somewhere below 200. Oh, okay. It tends to be the safe range. Okay, I'll shoot for that. Okay. Uh, what else is going on, Lonnie? I don't know. This is this is really, uh, we've really hit a rut here on the telephone. Yeah. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:51:07 I've just been kind of concerned about my health lately. So I wanted to get some insights. Let me ask you this. Have you consumed any sweet rolls lately? I actually had one this morning, coincidentally. That could be a problem. Should I not do that? I think it's bad for your blood pressure. Can you imagine if you had two instead of one,
Starting point is 00:51:31 you'd probably be out cold right now. You have to be embarrassing. I can't quite pick up your accent. Where are you calling from? Me? Yeah. Well, I can't quite pick up your accent. Where are you calling from? Yeah Well, I'm calling from Jack Fentil North Carolina. You seem to be changing every every little second here
Starting point is 00:52:01 It's interesting. What's the weather like in Jacksonville North Carolina today? What's ice cold today? You got snow all day, isn't it? But a foot of snow is falling so far. That sounds a lot, North Carolina today. What's ice cold today? You got snow all day, but a foot of snow is far so far. That sounds a lot like North Carolina. Yeah, it's right. Hey, are you a big cam Newton fan? Oh, what the hell did you say? Yeah, we'll leave it at that. OK.
Starting point is 00:52:22 Hey, Lonnie, anything else you want to share with our listeners? Oh God, I can't think of anything. I guess be careful about this. I said it in roles. Yeah, they are tasty though. Yeah. Well, thank you. I'll wait for my results from the blood pressure test in the mail, I guess. And thank you for taking my call. Yeah, I'll write some on the back of your autographed picture, so you can remember. Perfect. Thank you much. All right, Lonnie, take care. Thank you, Quinn.
Starting point is 00:52:53 Yeah, bye. Bye. That was weird as shit, man. That was one of those things where it's like, you know, the comedy gig, but it was kind of caught off guard. That's probably how people feel every time they listen to my comedy. The goose was caught by the tail by the gander. I tell you what, man.
Starting point is 00:53:21 All right. The time has come for, I'm glad Lonnie sort of ushered us in to our next segment here, which is taking our blood pressure live on the air. We're going to have to plug it in, so I'm going to be off camera for one second here. But we got this nifty little guy and he reads our blood pressure and tells me if I'm gonna die tomorrow or not. So far, I haven't gotten that result. Oh, we got another caller in. Things are heat-nob, right at the end of the blood drive telephone. This is great. Okay, here we go. Wow, one second. It looks like it's Haley Benson live on the
Starting point is 00:54:00 telephone fundraiser. What's going on how are you? Hey, what's happening? Thank you so much. Thanks for calling in. How is how is it hanging? Where did you think it was gonna take you to? I thought maybe you set up a burner phone for this. No, no burner phones. I'm a straight shooter. How many calls have you had so far? Your number five I think?
Starting point is 00:54:41 Wow. It's been a big day. You just missed we had what keen to last go on about half an hour ago. Yeah it was it was it was good. You can uh when the podcast comes out on SoundCloud I'll send you the link and you can listen to his phone calls. It was a lot of fun. Okay are we live on the air right now? Oh, you sure are. Oh, wow. I feel like there should have been like a warning for that. Maybe the warning is that it's a telephone fundraiser. So what are we fundraising for? Well, I'm glad you asked, Adriana. So every year, the bean-town podcast has an operating budget. And that is money for a couple of different things. Our website,, where you'll also find the Beentown blog,
Starting point is 00:55:30 one of our best sources of comedy. You will have the operating costs for SoundCloud, so for an unlimited free storage account, it costs money each year. So there's money that goes into that. We're going to have a lot of time to do that. We're going to have a lot of time to do that. We're going to have a lot of time to do that. We're going to have a lot of time to do that.
Starting point is 00:55:52 We're going to have a lot of time to do that. We're going to have a lot of time to do that. We're going to have a lot of time to do that. We're going to have a lot of time to do that. We're going to have a lot of time to do that. We're going to have a lot of time to do that. We're going to have a lot of time to do that. We're going to have a lot of time to do that. smaller bite size pieces of podcasts that we can post on Instagram with fun visuals so that you can consume the podcast without committing a whole 30 or 45 minutes to it making being time more accessible for people like you as well
Starting point is 00:56:14 as you know the kids out there small business support the arts etc. I'm glad you mentioned so any once we hit our goal of $299, everything that we get after that goes right to JDRF, Juvenile Diabetes Research Fund here in Chicago. So there is certainly a charitable aspect to it for sure. OK. Well, thank you for all the information. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:43 What are you guys doing today? We went to a room at the car. Where are you going? We're headed back to the city. From where? We were in the Ferbs for a vital shower. Oh, that's very exciting. How was it? Perfectly.
Starting point is 00:56:59 Okay, that's great. How was the shower? How was the shower? Looks like they're going through a tunnel. Hello, are you still there? We're here. Wow, how was the shower? It was good. Sorry, we're trying to figure something out over here.
Starting point is 00:57:22 How much is this call charting me for a minute? I can't help you there. I said, how much is it charting me for a minute? What's your run greatest days? I don't charge you. You donate through the telephone link. Oh, OK. Can we just run?
Starting point is 00:57:41 Well, you were something. How do you donate? You sure could. I'm glad you asked Adriana. So you can either head to our GoFundMe campaign site. If you just Google GoFundMe being time podcast, you'll find it. Or you can then know us, and we'll funnel the money
Starting point is 00:57:54 directly through the GoFundMe page. So a lot of different options. Wow. Or in what? I really wish you success with your podcast. Thank you. Hopefully the money can go towards an updated website I really wish you success with your podcast. Thank you. And I'm going to download it now and your fun clips on Instagram. And also, does the money go to the dates that you go on for the podcast content?
Starting point is 00:58:19 Oh, wow. Wait, what about dates? Yeah, does the money go to the dates that you go on for your podcast content? I never, I want to make this clear, I never go on dates purely for the podcast content. Oftentimes it will turn into that because of something goes awry. But the intention is never to say, hey, I'm going on this date just to get podcast content. That's never at the, that's never at the genesis of making a date. Okay. Sometimes it turns into that.
Starting point is 00:58:53 I do feel like I have proof that says otherwise, but. Well, I know what you're referencing and I'll tell you that the date was not scheduled to say, oh, let's put this on the podcast, it turned into that. I got you. OK. All right. What are you going to do the rest of the day? Donate.
Starting point is 00:59:14 Donate, we're going to spread this like wild. I don't know what you said, but that's OK. I said, we're going to spread this like wildfire. We're just going to spread the telephone. Oh, we appreciate that. Yeah, thank you very much. Okay. All right. Bye, Quinn. Good luck. All right. Thanks for calling, guys. Bye. Yep. Bye. Well, that was very exciting. I will mention that our Instagram video, live video is ending in 14 seconds. Apparently, there's a cap on these sorts of things.
Starting point is 00:59:49 I don't think there is on Facebook, so we're going to keep going with camera, too. But for all of you watching on Instagram,, go fun. Me, head there, donate now. Thanks for tuning in. And the Live Video for Instagram has now finished. So we're gonna share that to our story which could take upwards of two or three hours considering it's a 60 minute video.
Starting point is 01:00:12 Thanks to Haley Benson, Adrienne Enriquez and whoever else was in the car for calling and supporting the telephone fundraiser. And we are now finally going to get to taking our blood pressure. Oh, nevermind, we got another caller. This is very exciting. I will mention that this hasn't shown up on caller AD,
Starting point is 01:00:30 so we're gonna see what's going on here. I won't put it on speaker phone first. Hello, this is Quinn David Furnace. Aaron, you wanna go live on the air? All right. Welcome to the Bean Tom Podcast. State your name again. My name is Aaron Dobby.
Starting point is 01:00:54 Howdy from Texas. Howdy. We're in Texas. Are you calling from? San Antonio. San Antonio. Hey, are you with Tim Duncan right now? I wish I was with Tim Duncan right now. He's probably in his car shop that man like remodels monso cars
Starting point is 01:01:09 I'm pretty sure wow that's pretty You seem to know a lot about Tim Duncan Well the whole city does We we definitely are gonna have like a Tim Duncan day as a city holiday at some point I like that forget forget president Day and just insert Tim Duncan Day. I'm definitely down for that. You know, we once about two years ago had Brian Scalabrini give us a live shout out
Starting point is 01:01:33 for the Bean Town podcast. And I think that's how we went from about three subscribers all the way up to six. So if we could get Tim Duncan to do something like that, get another three subscribers, that would be huge. Yeah, it doesn't like the same much, but if I ever see him on the streets of San Antonio, I'll be sure to ask him for a shout out. We appreciate that. Well, in, you know, 2000 words or less, why don't you talk about what the bean town podcast
Starting point is 01:01:57 means to you? Well, the bean town podcast is like a little short version of Quinn, but just because when we used to work together, it was always fun to get back from a tour in Northwestern, tired of talking to all these prospective students. And so, here's this quirky new to upstairs, I can crack a few jokes with. So it's a quote of a stable experience that even though it's been years since we worked together. And it's always fun to watch big trouble little China when you're at work, when you agree. Yeah, big trouble little bean house. That's the sequel. Hey, have you ever seen Roadhouse? I have not. I've been to Texas Roadhouse.
Starting point is 01:02:37 It's a big steakhouse, a chain over here. You got to watch Roadhouse. It's Patrick Swayze and Sam Elliott. And it's a classic like dive bar blues kind of movie with a lot of biceps and good barfights and stuff, I think you'd really enjoy it. I'm definitely gonna have to check that out. Yeah, I think it's on prime or Netflix or something like that, but you know how illegal streams are these days, you can watch just about anything.
Starting point is 01:03:02 Yeah, I don't know how I feel about discussing illegal streams of movies in the North-Dane minister though. Well, that's okay, I won't tell. Speaking of the North-Dane minister, I do apologize. I know early on the stream you mentioned a really old episode with your grandma talking about stamping. Yeah. And sometimes around that point, I think you also did a stream playing a card game with your brother or one of your friends.
Starting point is 01:03:28 Yeah, and I think brother, yeah. I admittedly have not kept up with the podcast too much since those old days. I got a lot to catch up on. But I just wanted to drop in for a bit, show my support. I donated to you on Venmo. At least I hope it didn't go into some other coin. But I'll definitely be catching up on that.
Starting point is 01:03:46 Well, we really appreciate that and I tell you what, you might start with the bean-tongued blog. It's a lot less to consume. There's like one blog post every other month and it's, you know, if you're digging the kind of stuff that's on there, then you might like what we're doing in the bean-tongtop podcast. I'm sure I'll dig it man. It's just I need to put more priority on the good podcast. You know filter out all the fake all the fluff and just get back to bean-town. Sometimes life gets in the way you know. Yeah well I just wanted to call in real quick to show my support man I really like what you're doing and I know it's just gonna get bigger and better. We appreciate that. Thank you so much for calling in Aaron.
Starting point is 01:04:27 All right. See you around, man. Yeah. Have a good one. Wow. The calls just keep coming in. We said, Hey, you know what? We'll keep those phone lines open for an hour, but it's sounding like we're going to have to keep them going for a little bit longer. So as long as everyone on Facebook is okay with that. Sorry for those losers on Instagram who have now lost their stream privileges because apparently you can only stream for one hour on Instagram. But we're still going live on the audio recording.
Starting point is 01:04:56 And as a reminder, if you are, are listening to this post telephonic, because we know Saturday midday is a busy time for everyone. You can still donate on the GoFundMe link. That's going to be continuing to stay open for a while. And of course, we're not just going to shut it down. Once we hit $299, our goal, right? We're going to keep it going because all that extra money, all that additional stuff, goes to juvenile diabetes research fund
Starting point is 01:05:21 right here in Chicago, Illinois. But the time has come for a blood pressure. Oh, that's pretty cool. Whoa. OK, so on the auto feed, you can't see this on a Facebook. I'm holding up my blood pressure monitor and you're seeing a reflection of me in the reflection of me. That's pretty cool.
Starting point is 01:05:40 It's like that scene in it chapter 2 where they go to the hall of mirrors. So let's adjust our laptop here. We'll get a better view of what we're doing. And you can see there's our Instagram where we were live streaming before the Rolla toilet paper in our football trophy and our rotary phone. And we got to get this bad boy plugged in. So give me one second to do that. Got a lot of stuff plugged in here.
Starting point is 01:06:13 Boy, this has been by far, excuse me, and I'm not just saying this, absolutely this has been the best telephone fundraiser we have ever had So what you do is you plug it into power it also says it runs on battery, but Mine's never been able to work like that then You take this little air tube guy and
Starting point is 01:06:41 Give me one second to get this adjusted guy and give me one second to get this adjusted. Then you got to take the big strap and the velcro and I'm now going to put the mic down for one second so that I can get this adjusted on my arm. Oh boy, we got another caller in before we take our blood pressure. We're never going to get to it. Just wait. This is oh, Queen of Podcasts yourself, Jane Dennis Inferness. Hi mom, you're live on the podcast.
Starting point is 01:07:18 What's going on? I'm joined. I'm joined. A discussion about the blood pressure device. Thanks. We've been trying to take our blood pressure for like half an hour with the colors just keep pouring in. Oh, dang, sorry to interrupt.
Starting point is 01:07:35 No, it's OK. We've got a delayed feed here, so you haven't even answered the phone on Facebook yet. That is pretty delayed. Wow. It is delayed. It was like half an hour ago. Now you're sitting here and we're watching some light snowfall,
Starting point is 01:07:49 but we heard that like coldest temperatures ever in Rock, Prado, Illinois. We were wondering what it's like in Chicago today. Yep. So the worst of it started Thursday when the sun went down. And then all day yesterday was pretty miserable. And then today as the sun has come up, well, it's all clouds, but it's been daytime, it's warmed up. The feels like is probably about
Starting point is 01:08:15 15 right now, which is still cold, but it's about 20 degrees warmer than it was this time yesterday. So we're on our way back. Yesterday was pretty tough. I was playing you in game pigeon on Thursday night, standing outside waiting for the train and my phone just gave up because it was too cold. So I saw that tragic. Very tragic. Yeah, I think I lost in anagrams or something
Starting point is 01:08:41 because of that. So tragic and advantageous. Disadvantages for me though. Adventages, ADVANTAGEOS. Advantages. That's a good word, Mom. Thanks. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:58 How's everything going with your dissertation? Good. I've submitted and waiting to hear back from my committee. Ready for March 19th, my defense. It's very exciting. What does a dissertation defense look like? Well, Uncle Andy wanted to know if there'd be num-shocks. And I told him it wasn't that kind of defense.
Starting point is 01:09:27 That's classic Uncle Andy. It is. You know, I was talking to him on the phone on Monday or Tuesday night or something like that, and he told me that you had a lot of juicy news for him, but that you had to run before you share the news. And so he was really trying to get me to share the juicy news with him, but I didn't know what he was talking about. So I hope you were able to share the juicy news with him, but I didn't know what he was talking about.
Starting point is 01:09:46 So I hope you were able to share the juicy news with him eventually. Yeah, he got juiced properly juiced. Okay. Well, what else is going on in Oregon this weekend? Dad and I are going to go see JoJo Rabbit this afternoon. Nice. I think you'll like it. Lots of. Yeah, we heard I are going to go see JoJo Rabbit this afternoon. Nice. I think you'll like it. Lots of things.
Starting point is 01:10:08 Yeah, we heard really good things about it. So we're trying to not stop. What, dad? It was funny. Yeah, I heard it was funny. Hitler's pretty funny. Hitler's always funny. Lots of.
Starting point is 01:10:18 We're looking forward to that. Lots of cute, percocious children. Cute and percocious children so that'll be good. I just had my blood pressure checked when I went to the doctor last week. Oh, how was it? Well, I went in and she said, how tall are you? And I said, six, two. And when she measured me, I was five, nine.
Starting point is 01:10:42 That's a problem. She said, how much do you weigh? And I said about 185 and she weighed me and I was 225. Damn. And then she checked my blood pressure and said it's incredibly high. And I said, I said, what do you expect? When I came in here, I was tall and blank. You know, I'm short and fat. Yeah. Good one pops. Absolutely horrendous. Thanks. Sounds like you've been carboloding too much. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:21 Yeah, his, you know, dad has incredibly low heart rate. And he had been out running errand water. Yeah, his, you know, dad has incredibly low heart rate. And he had been out running errands. He was pretty excited. So his heart rates, bike all the way up to 31 beats per minute. It was pretty
Starting point is 01:11:38 wild. That's, uh, that's getting into the dangers on like Kenny Lugins. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Well, it's, uh, thanks for calling in. We've been our most successful telephone ever. I think you're our sixth or seventh caller. Oh my gosh. Awesome. Wow.
Starting point is 01:11:52 Before long, you're going to have to hire people to answer the phone. I know. I'm thinking maybe next year we'll get a cool set up where we have somebody in the background answering the phone and stuff. I think that could be good. Did you show the telephone episode of Seinfeld last night?
Starting point is 01:12:11 Wow, it's perfect timing. Yeah, Jerry's grandma called in and made a big pledge. A little bit to be. I'm sure there's also there's, so the second live episode of 30 Rock, which came out, you know, eight or nine years ago, something like that. There's a telephone and it's Jimmy Fallon playing Jack or Alc Baldwin's character.
Starting point is 01:12:41 And in the background, there's Fred Armason and he's making all sorts of funny faces and stuff and that's pretty good too. Telephones are right for comedy I think. Oh, I gotta check that out. That sounds awesome. Yeah, I'll find the clip and I'll send it to you. I was just, I woke up the other day thinking about it. I'll send it to you. Man, your rotary phone is hot. Thanks. Yeah, I forgot, I forgot to answer it for the first five minutes of this call. Oh, that's embarrassing.
Starting point is 01:13:09 Very embarrassing. Yeah, we never had one of these as a kid, I don't think, so I'm just... I did. That was, that was even older than you guys. Well, you didn't want to share with us apparently, so. Yeah. Oh, by the way, I do want to mention I love your Pimp Hat. Oh, thanks, yeah, it's my podcast
Starting point is 01:13:27 hat. It's also my Easter hat and it's also my Minnesota Vikings hat. So it serves a number of purposes and pimped and pimped. I don't do as much pimping these days, but maybe. All right. Well, we're going to send out a zoom link for fam chat in the morning. Yeah, we're gonna do live race analysis of Walter's marathon. Ooh. That's right. Yes. You're gonna be very exciting. Big day. Big day. You're gonna be analyzing his gate and breaking down his splits. And Kelly's gonna be giving us live sideline coverage.
Starting point is 01:14:04 Oh my gosh. That's gonna be super exciting. It's gonna be a two hour wreck. Two hour. Yeah, I'm sure 80 degrees in Austin is the perfect climate for that. Oh, port well, I hope that holds up till later. That depends on how fast he runs, you know. All right, well good luck with the telephone.
Starting point is 01:14:23 We're watching cheer and you on. Yeah, we'll be finishing soon. Thanks for calling in and enjoy your movie. Okay, thanks. Bye. Bye. Wow. It just keeps getting better and better. We're going in for the blood pressure reading right now. Got it all set up. Hopefully my heart rate isn't too high from all this excitement. So the tough thing with this is you got this little kind of thing going on here. You're supposed to line it up with your aorta,
Starting point is 01:14:53 I think, with your artery. Now, what I don't understand is there's lots of arteries, so which one are you supposed to do? They never tell you. Let me see if I, I'm gonna step away from the mic for a second here. Let's see if I can do this Keeping this jersey on. Let's let's see. Give me one sec So I'll continue to talk. Oh, yeah, we can pull this off And the audio is not going to be quite as strong into the Samsung Q2U. So I apologize
Starting point is 01:15:22 But you know, we do what we got to do for health So I think, right? That's aligned. So now what we're going to do is we're going to take this number and you're supposed to just set your arm rest like this, like so. And here we go. We're ready. Oh, it's like hitting the we go. We're ready.
Starting point is 01:15:47 Oh, it's like hitting the big red button. All right, arms relaxed. Things are about to get all inflated up in here, which is very exciting. Add some pressure, feel the blood coursing through your veins. My fingers have been twitching lately. I don't know if that's gonna affect this at all. So I have my toes. I've been running a lot more lately.
Starting point is 01:16:03 And I'll just lie there on the couch at night just watching my toes like they're doing their own little thing which is really exciting. All right we're getting ready here. I have traditionally high blood pressure. We'll see where this one goes. That's way too high. It reads as a 159 over 80, which is absolutely incorrect, because that's like, I'm gonna die if that was actually accurate. So what I like to do is try it again, turn it off, and try one more time. And if you're listening at this point,
Starting point is 01:16:37 you're probably thinking 159 over 80 G coin, you should probably, you probably should have dropped dead like years ago. I think you're right. The tough thing about this is it's nice to have the at home blood pressure reader, but one, I'm not as confident in my ability to do it myself and get accurate results. And two, I can take it three times in one sitting and we'll get 159 like that, we'll get 142, we'll see something in the 130s,
Starting point is 01:17:10 and then next time it'll jump back up to mid 150s. So I don't really understand what to make of this, and you don't want to assume the worst, but you don't want to assume the best either. Perfect example, remember I just said 159? 128 over 84, okay. So you tell me what's the difference? 31 points in a 30 second apart reading. That's why this is tough for me, right? Do you assume it's a 159? Do you assume it's a 128? Is that in between? I don't really know. Basically, what we learned from this
Starting point is 01:17:48 is that the results are inconclusive. So we are on our 78 moving on 79 of the bean-toned pledge drive Telephone third annual fundraiser spectacular. We're getting ready to wrap up here. I, we've, we've done all that we wanted to do with all the, you know, blood pressure and talking about Jack links and our business cards and grandma sells crafts and we mentioned the TV guide, our fun hat, all that stuff. We, we've done, right? And you're probably thinking, what did we actually do for the last 78 minutes?
Starting point is 01:18:25 I don't know. And that's how I feel every time I finish a podcast, I think. I don't know what I actually just did. You know, you sit there on SoundCloud and YouTube and you write the description and you do the tags and stuff. You got to think back, what did we talk about for the last, oftentimes, half an hour,
Starting point is 01:18:42 but today, almost an hour and a half? I don't know. That's, we're getting ready to wrap up here. So let's go through the kind of description of what we're doing here today, one more time to finish up. And then we'll say, Ostalavista to all you out there. Check our phone to see if there's anything else coming in. Not supposed to talk or move across your legs
Starting point is 01:19:07 when checking your blood pressure according to mom. Thanks mom. We'll keep doing some readings, and we'll take the conglomerate average of 10 ISO and we'll report our findings. And we'll also send Lonnie his numbers. Thanks to Lonnie for calling in. So as a reminder, it's our bean town podcast,
Starting point is 01:19:29 third annual Pledge Drive Telephone fundraiser. Thanks everyone who has called in. I don't wanna forget anybody, but we've heard from Joaquin, we've heard from Jack and Nicole, we've heard from Haley and Adriana, we've heard from Lonnie, we've heard from Aaron,
Starting point is 01:19:43 we've heard from Mom and dad, and I think I'm forgetting somebody. I apologize that person if I am, but thanks everyone for calling in, we've Manhattan, Oregon, Texas. We've been all over the place, so we really appreciate that. The GoFundMe page will stay open, Of course, your donations will continue to come through. Once we hit our goal, everything above that goes to the JDRF Research Fund, Juvenile Diabetes Research Fund, Research Fund is what I just said. It's like calling it a pin number,
Starting point is 01:20:15 personal identification number, number, but it's okay, it's fun. We like to say it anyways. Thanks everyone who called in. Keep those donations flowing as a reminder, it goes towards SoundCloud unlimited hosting. It's free hosting, which we pay for. It goes towards our website costs.
Starting point is 01:20:34 If you haven't explored BeanThom, I encourage you to. It has a link to our most recent podcast. This one will be up there soon, as well as archives of some of our older ones. But more importantly, it has the BeanThom blog, well as archives of some of our older ones. More importantly, it has the bean town blog, which is one of my favorite comedic outlets. I post on there once every other month or so, and they're usually fun reads, or at least I think so.
Starting point is 01:20:54 Also our cuts by Q page, you'll see some of our cuts from the past, as well as some projects that we've got coming up in the future here, and then a contact page as well. And then our new partnership, something to look forward to with Wave, that's going to allow us to create 30 to 60 seconds, sort of bite-sized pieces with some fun visuals overlaid over it, so that you can consume bean-town podcast content in smaller pieces, you don't have to listen to a whole episode. But that's what the money goes towards, and we really appreciate all your support. And we got donor tiers. $10 gets you a shout out on the podcast.
Starting point is 01:21:32 $20 gets you an autographed picture of Quinn in the mail with an ordained minister business card. Got that going right here. And then $35 is our Topaz Elite Member level. You're going to want to do this live interview on the podcast with the topic of your choosing. OK, phone lines are closing. So if you call in after this, we'll still take your money,
Starting point is 01:21:56 but you won't be on the live episode. Thanks everyone, Facebook Live. Thanks everyone on Instagram for tuning in. Thanks to our blood pressure meter. Thanks everyone. That's what we got for you the go fund me link is in the description go donate support local art support small businesses here on small business Saturday and support being Tom podcast new episodes every weekend I haven't missed an episode in the last two plus years and we're going to keep
Starting point is 01:22:21 that going so happy Valentine's Day everyone. Thank you for listening in. We really appreciate your time and support. That's what we got for you. The Facebook stream is ending now. Goodbye. And the podcast stream, yes, I want to end this live video. The podcast stream is now officially over. I'm sorry. nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd
Starting point is 01:23:56 nd nd nd Thank you.

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