Beantown Podcast - 2023 NFL Draft Simulation (04212023 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: April 21, 2023

Quinn comes to you LIVE before his big trip south of the border to predict this year's first round of the NFL Draft. If I get 1-2 picks right, I am a prophet....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Fernos. Welcome to my show. Quinn David Fernos presents the Bean Town podcast. This is usually where I say the date. I'll tell you this right now today. three, only three days after four days after we recorded our taxes special with Matthew T. Feather. As of the time I'm recording this 529 PM on Tuesday, I don't know which day I'm going to release it. I don't think I want to just do a straight Tuesday release because then you're going to have to wait, you know, 10 days between listening to you, being town. So I'm Friday is oftentimes when we how that goes although I'll say this last time I tried to do a delayed release on soundcloud I pressed a button wrong in it stayed hidden the whole time and didn't get dropped until like Monday which was very embarrassing so we'll see how that goes the reason we are delaying or recording early rather is that we're going to Mexico, going to
Starting point is 00:01:08 Cancun, early Thursday morning, a 6am spirit flight. There is nowhere I'd rather be than in the middle seat on a spirit flight at 6am on a Thursday, but that's not entirely true. My fissitiousness, because I get to be next to my lover Rache as we embark on a trip to Cancun she's gonna she's gonna show me the ropes she's been around those parts before I'd never been to Mexico in my life which is kind of crazy considering I'm you know almost 30 now and been all over the country I've been to Southern California many times I was recently in Southern
Starting point is 00:01:44 California and Arizona drove through the Sonoran desert. Is that what it is down there? Just what was that like late 2021 when I went on that trip, that road trip. But never, never crossed all the way into Mexico. So it's going to be exciting. It's, you know, extremely touristy, might as well be in Florida or something like that. But we're going to get some sun, going to get some fun, going to get some drinks, all inclusive. It's going to be a good time. My name is Quinn David Furnace, and this is my show, Quinn David Furnace Presents, The Being Town
Starting point is 00:02:18 Podcast. What are we going to be doing today? Well, first I should let you know, listen to discretion, his advice. When you listen to this program. Number one, we'll cage you some language number two, this podcast is objectively terrible. I want to say hello and thank you to my friends in Pakistan for making a C 100 and 12th ranked comedy podcast in the great nation of Pakistan. I'm also mentioned that recently, you know, many episodes ago, we cross the 50,000 plays hits, whatever threshold, which, you know, considering we've been around for 275ish episodes is definitely nothing too crazy, but, you know, it's, do the math, it's still exciting, it's still, we're at what, five and a half
Starting point is 00:03:02 years of being talent podcast and engagement and all that stuff. So thanks everyone for listening. We never miss it Beat we never miss an episode and even when we travel out of the country We we do not miss a show. I very briefly toyed with the idea as you are probably wondering of taking Bintown Across the pond if you will, into Cancun. And doing an episode there, I'm racking my brain now that we're on the topic of international trips. I don't think I've ever done a podcast from a different country.
Starting point is 00:03:34 I mean, recently it had been in Toronto, but we've done one up in Alaska before, we've done one in Hawaii before, but I didn't start this program until after I visited Brother of the Show Jack in Africa for two weeks so that the podcast started what like nine months after that trip something like that know a year and nine months that trip was in 2016 so now I'm getting my my numbers is combined here.
Starting point is 00:04:05 And that's OK, because they don't matter. Regardless, we're not going to break the seal on that one just yet. But that's OK. We're going to have something cooking soon. I also wanted to, before we jump in here today, I also wanted to say hello to my, or thank you, rather, not hello, but also hello.
Starting point is 00:04:22 If he's listening, Thank you to our tax special Matthew feedler for coming on the program last week today is actually tax day April 18th 2023 so if you are If you're listening to this assuming we dropped this episode after Not in the next you know six and a half hours here you missed your you missed your deadline So I don't know what you know, that's an interesting question. This is something we never asked Matthew. Let's slot that in for year seven of the bean town podcast hacks, it's special.
Starting point is 00:04:51 What happens if you file like six hours late? I mean, obviously this sort of, you know, this type of thing happens all the time. Does the IRS have a very just like strict flat policy where if you file, you submit your returns after 11.59 p.m. local time, you are penalized x percentage or x amount or, you know, is there any sort of grace period. That's an interesting one. I've never, never asked Matthew that before and I never thought of that myself. I typically, I know in the spirit of the show, we oftentimes, the first year or two when we did our
Starting point is 00:05:26 text special, this was, you know, peak Trump era, Trump era, right? We started the show in 2018 and the whole thing was Trump was the first president ever to not release his taxes. So the origin of the text special was kind of like, when's going to release his taxes live on air? And I think maybe back even in 2018, when did really or when I did the the first ever tax issue I might have done some some version of like reading my W2 not that's not what it is but whatever you file I'm not a tax expert Matt's not here reading that live on air
Starting point is 00:05:59 now it's a lot more messy nowadays because I have all sorts of stuff that you know goes into a text you're trying to frankly it would just not be very exciting I think to read all of that live on air. But I'm completely losing my trainer thought here but basically to finish off this thought, I gosh, dead air. What's going on here? Oh, I don't know what the penalty is for late filing.
Starting point is 00:06:29 So we'll get mad on that next time. Next year we'll ask him about it. One other thing I wanted to mention here, as we get into the show, is, you know, we had the two mics set up go in last week with Matthew on the call. I used, wanting Matthew to have the crispest, cleanest, newest, up-to-date technology we had, our third generation, Samson. I actually am going off of our
Starting point is 00:06:52 second gen Samson year, a special shout out to the Samson Q2U series for their crisp, clean, and clear audio quality. But I'm holding in my hand now to do the recording of the second Samson we ever owned, which is the one I bought pretty early on in the show. The very original one, that one has not lasted the test of time, so that one is gone rip in piece. But we're on our second gen Samson here. We used to record with our third gen one, but that's over Yonder in the corner somewhere.
Starting point is 00:07:22 We use that for a two-mix setup and I accidentally left the older one plugged in So if the if the sound quality sounds a little rustic RUS TIC Then you know why that is Let's also just say hello while we're at it not only Samson but hello to our sponsors at Home Prior to Oregon When you need your home inspection in Central Oregon, call someone who you can trust. Call the expert Steve at 541-040-0316. One other thing that you can check out is the cuts by
Starting point is 00:07:54 Q. Barber Shop Quintet Spectacular serving Northwest Indiana in all those other good places as well. When you need to fresh do something snappy, you're new called the experts at cuts by Q. All right, I figure now would be a good time to do our palindrome of the day. Thank you to Matthew for doing our palindrome of the day last week. And you know, you're probably thinking, boy,
Starting point is 00:08:23 when you probably didn't come up with a palindrome of the week this week, And you know, you're probably thinking, boy, when you probably didn't come up with a, a palindrome of the week this week, did you? And you would be absolutely right. But I do have trivia for you later on. And I wanted to be, be very intentional with getting you trivia and a palindrome. So we're going to pause. We're going to find a palindrome. We're going to come right back. All right, I came up with a, I think you're going to like this one. And apparently it's a, I think you're gonna like this one. And apparently it's a, we got this from
Starting point is 00:08:49 And apparently it's an unofficial name, although at this point in society, who, you know, what do we, what's the whole unofficial versus official thing with something like this word that I'm about to tell you about? Who decides, oh, this is officially the name, is it just Noah Webster and his goons? Or can we have a more inclusive definition
Starting point is 00:09:11 as a modern society of everything being official, you know? So unofficial or unofficial, this is unofficially the word that means the fear of paladromes, which I thought was perfect for today. And it's tough to pronounce, but it is Ibofobia. AIBOHPOBIAibofobia from the Latin root Ibo, meaning palindrome, Ibofobia. You're today, you're palindrome of the day.
Starting point is 00:09:41 So there you go. Let's jump into our topic here. And this is not going to be a long podcast. I don't usually do shows obviously after a long day at the office and coming home and all that fun stuff. My point being I'm just tired and I kind of feel like taking a shower and not talking. So what did I decide to do? I decided to put off the shower and talk a lot because that's how much I care about you, all the fans. And even when I take a vacation,
Starting point is 00:10:12 bean town does not take a vacation, okay? Remember that. What we're gonna do is jump into a 2023 NFL mock draft first round simulation. So this, believe it or not, is the last bean town podcast before the NFL draft starts on Thursday, April 27th. If, look, I'll say this, if you are not a football fan
Starting point is 00:10:35 at all, you don't give a crap, I'll be real here unless you can come back for some draft related trivia at the end, which I'll go through pretty briefly. But we're just, the point of this show. I try to pander to the wide variety of people who listen to this program. I know you're in Pakistan, think in football. What is that?
Starting point is 00:10:54 I'm American football is what we're talking about. But there, the NFL draft has become a much bigger deal for me in recent years. I used to not really care about it. And it was just like, oh, who do the Vikings pick you check in the newspaper the next morning and that's fun in games. Now there's a lot, a lot more just into, I'm a lot more into it. So we're going to do a mock draft simulator again. This is just the first round. We will produce another show at some point during the second or third day of the draft Friday, Saturday and about 10 days from time of this recording
Starting point is 00:11:25 the 20th, 29th. But we definitely will not put out a show up before that Thursday night, first round comes back because we don't get back till like late Tuesday and then it's back to work. So here we go. First up on the clock, we're going to we're going to run through picks one through normally 32 this year's only 31 because the dolphins have forfeited their pick because they tampered with Tom Brady, which is hilarious because they didn't even get to sign him. So number one, you all probably know the Carolina Panthers, the Carolina Panthers took our software is messing up here. I'm sorry about that.
Starting point is 00:12:02 We're using the Pro Football Network software here and it just bugged out because I had it open for a while. Okay, here we go. The Carolina Panthers had trade with the Chicago Bears who sunk all the way to the bottom, earning themselves a number one overall pick, which is hilarious. They shouldn't even have been in that position
Starting point is 00:12:22 because it came down to the Houston Texans last year and the last week of the regular season. All the Texans had to do to get the number one pick was lose and they staged a killer comeback vaulting the bears who also lost to the Vikings, I think it was, into the number one position. Which really helped the bears out quite a bit because they get a lot more draft capital. It gave me up number one to whoever wants it, versus number two. All of that is to say Panthers gave up an arm in a leg. They swapped first round picks this year. They gave up next year's first. I think they gave up maybe a third or something
Starting point is 00:13:02 like that, maybe another first. And of course, their star wide receiver DJ, DJ Moore, who now plays for the Bears. So the Panthers are first up on the clock. They did it obviously because they wanted to go get a quarterback. The real question now, and if you follow the NFL and the, you know, combines and rookie days and all that stuff and less, let's say, month and a half here. There's just been a ton swirling around, particularly around the four quarterbacks. They don't have time in this show to really give you
Starting point is 00:13:30 a full draft primer regarding positions and teams, needs and all that stuff. But there's been so much going on, lots of conversations, lots of reports. For a long time, the consensus was Bryce Young or CJ Stroud, Bryce Young or CJ Stroud. Bryce Young from Alabama Stroud from Ohio State, both quarterbacks would go one, two, but then there was a point where Anthony Richardson, who is a quarterback from Florida, who is basically like Dante Call Pepper 2. size, but he just is a terrible passer in college even, which usually you're supposed to be a really good passer in college and then get worse and get
Starting point is 00:14:10 to the NFL. It's much tougher defenses and less cookie cutter offense, but he just he can't hit anything, but he's just a freak athlete. He broke a bunch of combine records and all that stuff. So for a while around the combine, was all of a sudden like, oh is anything new Richardson going number one. But it kind of that doesn't seem to be the consensus at all or anyone's predictions at all even more. So we actually have a draft simulator here again pro football slash mock draft. They do allow trades and I'll say this. I was playing around a little bit with it earlier. I think there we are going to do trades in the first round here because I want it's realistic to,
Starting point is 00:14:50 it's just realistic. But the thing is you still have to do realistic trades like there's no, apparently there's no just override ability which is what I would want. The reason for that is look we're not doing a super realistic seven round draft with all the teams, GMs and the Ruben stuff. What I'm trying to get at is if we need a trade to happen because I think a trade's gonna happen, we're just gonna offer up whatever we need to do next year's first round picks and stuff
Starting point is 00:15:21 with no consequences because I'm less worried about what is a team getting return and I'm more worried about I think this team's going to draft or trade to draft in this spot so for the purposes of these 31 picks that's what I'm going to do. So that's basically where we're going with this. I'm going to move pretty quickly when we're not doing kind of the big ones you know the quarterbacks or the Vikings picks or the NSE North in general. And I will try to buzz through those trades as fast as I can. It's a little bit finicky. So, you know, we're just going to do our best. So number one, the Carolina Panthers, I will say this, I think it is absolutely going to be either Bryson or CJ Stroud. I don't think there's any chance it's not one of
Starting point is 00:16:00 those two guys. Bryson is the betting favor right now. We're going to go ahead. He is a QB from Alabama, of course. He's extremely accurate, somewhat mobile, kind of like Kyler Murray. He's short. He's only 5'10". So that's kind of the knock on him. But he's one of those guys where it's not really a risk. You know he's going to be a really good quarterback, kind of like Kyler Murray. Now the thing with Kyler is his video game habits and now his broken ankle or whatever. You have questions about it and the Arizona carnels are just a disaster in general, but we'll get to them in two picks here. Number one, I have Bryce Young going to the Carolina Panthers. Number two on the clock is the Texans, and this is super interesting because the Texans,
Starting point is 00:16:41 you feel like it would be automatic. They got to take a quarterback, right? They've sucked for so long. They have Davis Mills who's not a train wreck, but not, you know, you're not going to win a super bowl with Davis Mills. And that kind of raises the question, guys, if we're not trying to win a super bowl here then what are we doing? Which is a question I could ask a lot of teams over the past couple of years including the Vikings at certain points.
Starting point is 00:17:07 So you'd think Texans they got to take a quarterback, right? Well, apparently the Texans are really big on Bryce Young. They're not high on CJ Stroud and the other two kind of no-brainer first round quarterbacks will love us who we haven't talked about yet and Anthony Richardson, the guy from Florida, seems too high for them. So the question is if you're the Texans, would you take the best player available?
Starting point is 00:17:28 Will Anderson Jr., the Edge from Alabama, or would you consider trading back a little bit, not way out of the first round or anything like that, but just giving up some spots to a QB needy team? And I just, I don't think they're going to do that. The reason for that is they pick again at 12. So it's not like, oh, we have to get another draft pick or something like that. But I'm also, you know, I'm hearing rum wings
Starting point is 00:17:51 that they don't like CJ Stroud. At the end of the day, and I did one of these, kind of halfway earlier, and I had them taking Will Anderson Jr., but the more I think about it, even if they're not in love with CJ Stroud, I just feel like he's definitely the best quarterback Left here and I don't know how you can be the Texans and just casually like keep going through life with a mediocre quarterback, okay
Starting point is 00:18:15 So I'm gonna take and I know this is boring. This is not as exciting, but we're gonna we're gonna give I'm trying to be realistic here, okay I'm gonna give what I what I think is actually gonna happen, CJ Stroud to the Texans at two. Now this is very interesting, you have the Arizona Cardinals at three who are not in the market for a quarterback. And you have about a gazillion teams behind them who are,
Starting point is 00:18:36 but the problem is young and strouder both gone the top two quarterbacks on the board. The next two are Will Levis and Anthony Richardson, both with gigantic question marks along with their first round value. What I'm getting at is you kind of thought maybe the Cardinals and the spot could trade down for a QB Needy team, and if CJ straddle was still on the board,
Starting point is 00:18:56 I would trade down for the Cardinals, but because there isn't that QB there, I don't see that many teams scrambling to get someone. So we're just gonna send Will Anderson Jr. by far the number one prospect here is not a quarterback to the carnoes at three. Number four is the Colts. They have been trying the old geyser carousel, whether it's Philip Rivers, Matt Ryan, Carson Wentz, whatever. It's not a geyser, but he moves like one. They've been trying that for so long. They are done with that. The Colts are gonna go ahead and get Let's see. I think they like will will love us. So we're gonna give Will love us our third quarterback off the board and four picks here to the Colts. Next up
Starting point is 00:19:36 You have the Seahawks. Apparently they're pretty interesting. Jalen Carter if you don't know he was for a while like by far the number one If you don't know, he was for a while, like by far the number one prospect in this draft. It's a defense attack. I'll from George, of course, that defense is crazy good. But he had a rest issue and then he also showed up to the con by way over weight. Couldn't do some of the drills. There's a lot of questions about his personal kind of maturity. That being said, it's Seahawks. If there's a team that can whip someone into shape, it's Pete Carroll.
Starting point is 00:20:05 So I'm going to have the Seahawks taking Jaylen Carter. One of those players where if he can kind of get his shit together, he's going to be a significant problem. Size-wise, talent-wise, all that stuff. Next up, very fast and we have the Detroit Lions at number six. The Lions also pick at 18. You're kind of in a position here where there I don't think there's any one player here that the Lions are like oh my god we got to get this guy. Because there isn't like a no doubt generational talent sitting anywhere on the board here. But it's also kind of like you know
Starting point is 00:20:43 seeing as they pick at 18, they weren't gonna move up because I think they really liked Jared Goff. I don't think they're in the market for Anthony Richardson. I have seen Mox that have the lines taking a quarterback in the first round but I don't see it happening here.
Starting point is 00:20:57 So I think they're just gonna stay put where they're at. I will say in the draft they did earlier, I did a lot more trades. Now I've gone to my head, I'm just going with what I think is actually going to happen. I'm going to have the Lions taking Christian Gonzalez, the cornerback from Oregon, the duck, who is probably, along with Devon Witherspoon, considered to be the number one guy from a secondary perspective in this draft. Next up, you have the Raiders.
Starting point is 00:21:21 All the reports have linked that the Raiders love Anthony Richardson. And so we are going to send Richardson to Las Vegas at number seven. Number eight, you have the Falcons. This is a spot where the Falcons might trade down, but it really just kind of depends on who, what other teams really love someone enough that they would have to jump in front of the Bears and Eagles to get. And I think that seeing as you still have Tyree Wilson here, the edge rusher from Texas Tech, who is on this draft board, at least the number five
Starting point is 00:21:51 overall prospect, we're going to send Tyree Wilson to the Felkins. Seems like the Felkins defense is never up to par. And yeah, you could argue Felkins have serious offense problems. They're going to need a good wide receiver weapon for sure they don't have any wide receivers really right now Calvin Ridley again going to the jaguars they have Kyle Pitts who's been disappointing so far but it's kind of hard to tell if that's a him or an us problem. B. John Robinson of course is the only running back expected to go in the first round but he's just an absolute tank
Starting point is 00:22:22 a Texas longhorn but this is way too high for that, for a running bag in general. So we're going to send, we're going to send Tyree Wilson, Ed rusher to the Falcon Summer and I knew the Chicago Bears, so that's where the Panthers originally were. So the Bears are selecting nine years, so they can really have anyone they want here. You could get a dynamite offensive tackle. You could get the witherspoon, the cornerback out of Illinois. You could have any pick of your offensive skill players. You want whether it's B-john who we just talked about or any of these wide receivers. Not a super strong wide receiver class but there are probably three or four wide receivers more like four.
Starting point is 00:23:04 I would think expected to go in the first round. So if you're the Bears, it's really a situation where any pick is an improvement, they have holes everywhere, but just knowing the Bears because I live in Chicago and knowing what they like, what they don't like, I'm going to take, I'm going to have the Bears take a Miles Murphy, the edge from Clemson, because that defense is just So problematic. I think they really feel like with Justin Fields They obviously moved on from David Montgomery, but they you know just brought in DJ Moore They brought back Chase Clay pool. They self-darno mooney. I've seen a lot of drafts linking the bears to like Jackson
Starting point is 00:23:40 Smith and Jigbar or something like that But I just don't see how after getting DJ more, the bears really feel like, oh gosh, our defense sucks, but let's just go ahead and add another wide receiver to this room where Justin Fields can only complete 50% of this passes anyway, so it doesn't really make sense to be with the offensive philosophy I see. Next up, you have the Eagles at 10. This is unfair because the Eagles, you know, just won the NFC outright, and they have two first round draft picks, 10 and 30. The Eagles also lost a lot of players, however,
Starting point is 00:24:12 let's click on team needs. We got this cool little team needs tab. It says Eagles need cornerback, edge, safety, defensive tackle, and linebacker. So I'm gonna have the Eagles taking Devin Witherspoon cornerback out of Illinois at number 10. Next up, you have the Titans, maybe the most boring team in all of football.
Starting point is 00:24:33 They have a serious quarterback crisis right now, but I'm guessing they're not ready to give up on the league willess out of Liberty, who they drafted last year in the third round. According to this handy draft needs chart if I can find the Titans. Oh, they need offensive tackle. So we're going to take Paris Johnson, boring pick for a boring team offensive tackle from the Ohio State University. Okay, now we have a repeat. We have the Texans up again. They picked CJ Stroud at two. Now they're up again at 12. A lot of I've seen
Starting point is 00:25:04 a lot of mock drafts with the Texans go quarterback, then wide receiver. And I think we're going to do that again. We're going to, we're going to mock Quentin Johnston, who you probably watched in the college football playoffs from TCU, the horned frog. We're going to give him to the Texans. So now the Texans go from a just very pedestrian to bad offensive team with Davis Mills and Brandon Cooks to all of a sudden they have CJ Stroud and Quentin Johnston. So talk about a significant upgrade. Next up we have the Jets at 13. No one really understands what's going on with the Jets and the Aaron Rodgers situation. It is just
Starting point is 00:25:43 absolutely befuddling, but I'm going to have the Jets taking the Aaron Rodgers situation. It is just absolutely befuddling, but I'm gonna have the Jets taking Peter Skaronsky, the offense attacker from the Northwestern Wildcats. We're gonna put him in at 13. Now we have two teams right here, back to back, the Patriots and Packers who are absolutely fascinating in that you never really know what they're going to do. When you think they're gonna zig, they're going to do. When you think they're going to zig, they're going to zig.
Starting point is 00:26:05 They both need dynamite wide receivers. They could also use just offensive weapons in general. But they never seem to go for those big offensive weapons early in the draft, do they? So it's very tempting to send a Jackson Smith and Jigba to one of those two teams. But I just don't know if it actually, you know, is going to happen. I think the Patriots see an opportunity to take highly touted cornerback, Joey Porter,
Starting point is 00:26:33 Jr. from Penn State and run with it. So we're going to send Joey Porter, Jr. Bella check will never complain about having enough cornerbacks. We're going to send him to the Patriots. Number 15, the Packers, absolutely fascinating. They could have any of these wide receivers, like Jackson, Smith, and Jig, but Jordan Addison, Zay Flowers.
Starting point is 00:26:51 They could have the big running back, B. John Robinson. Obviously, they're not gonna take a running back, though, they just, you know, did a new contract with Aaron Jones, they still have AJ Dylan. So with that, I'm going to, and I don't think they're gonna wanna take
Starting point is 00:27:03 a wide receiver either, because, because they have Christian Watson who is solid and the other kid, I can't remember his name, who is not not half bad either. So I think they feel like they're set there. Obviously, they need a tight end, but I don't see them going all the way up for a tight end here. I don't think that that just fits in their offense. So for the Packers,
Starting point is 00:27:25 I see them taking an edge rusher to try to improve that pass rush. Lucas Van Ness, the big midwestern boy out of Iowa going to the Packers. Now we have speaking of dumpster franchises like the Packers, you have the Washington commanders who are in the process of selling the team. They're at 16 here and this is a team that needs pretty much everything because Washington is one of those unique teams and you see they're picking number 16 who they're not the worst at anything and they are far from the best at anything. We could give them absolutely anyone available here because they're probably going to squander their talent. They have Terry McClure in. They got some good juice out of Kurt Asamuel.
Starting point is 00:28:07 We really don't know what their quarterback situation is here, but of course there's a huge gap between the top four guys. And then number five quarterback, Hending Hooker, who is a very divisive player in this year's draft. We haven't talked about him at all. So I think what the Washington commanders are going to do is just small meeting potatoes. I'm going to give them broaddricrick Jones a very reliable offensive tackle from Georgia. Next up, you have the Pittsburgh Steelers who just traded huge blockbuster, a seventh round pick and Alan Robinson in exchange for a seventh round pick from the Rams.
Starting point is 00:28:39 So obviously just huge stuff going on there. The Steelers, another kind of classic meat and potatoes team. Who do I think the Steelers are going to take? They got some good options here. They definitely could use some defense. I'm not sold that. Can he pick it? Is really going to bring them to the Promised Land. It seems like they've drafted a lot of wide receiver ones over the years, and they just
Starting point is 00:29:04 don't seem to be working out whether it's you know chase Claypool or The George Pickens obviously last year look pretty good But they have another guy too who I can't remember all you know you can go all the way back to Martaivus Bryant and it's just like they keep trying Offensive weapons and they don't seem to be working out that well So I bet Mike Tomlin wants to get it another defensive guy in here, so I'm going to shore up that defense. So I'm going to give them, let's give them cam Smith cornerback from South Carolina.
Starting point is 00:29:32 All right, we have the lines up again. So first up at number six, they picked Christian Gonzalez cornerback out of Oregon. This time they're picking number 18. I don't think that the lines really feel like they need any offense at this point. They just signed David Montgomery. Their wider see-through is stacked, frankly, between Amon Ross and Brown and now James and Williams is in there. So I think they just take kind
Starting point is 00:29:54 of the best defensive player available. And we're going to go ahead and give them, let's go ahead and give the Lions Brian Branch who is listed as a safety out of Alabama. He's really probably more likely going to play slot corner, but that's just a very reliable pick for them. Now, you have number 19, the Tampa Bay Bucks, a team that is kind of going down and flames at this point with Tom Brady retiring. There's no real succession plan in place. This is really, frankly, a team that I don't think they're going to be the worst in football by any means
Starting point is 00:30:26 But I just don't really see sort of what their path to relevance here is they still do have you know Reshaud white looked good last year as a rookie running back And of course it's still a Chris Godwin and Mike Evans So it's not like the cupboards are bare on offense But it's just like you know, you don't know who's playing Corner quarter back of course, and you just have so many other needs So I'm gonna go ahead and give the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Let's go ahead and send them Kiley Ringo or Kelly Ringo Corner back from Georgia seems pretty reliable
Starting point is 00:30:58 All right, we got 11 12 picks left here. We got the Seahawks at number 20 The Seahawks are, we're starting to get into that B-Jahn Robinson territory here, again, the running back from Texas. The Seahawks already took someone, right? We had them earlier, taking Jalen Carter, defense attack, they still have, what's his name, a lock at number 16.
Starting point is 00:31:23 And then of course they're their freakish other wide receiver DK Metcalf, but I kind of get the sense that the Seahawks see the end of the under the road here for Tyler Locket pretty soon here. So I'm he's dropping way further than he usually does in these drafts, so I'm gonna send Jackson Smith and Jigba wide receiver the buck eye to the Seahawks at 20. Then we have the Chargers at number 21, wide receiver, the buck eye to the Seahawks at 20. Then we have the Chargers at number 21, a team that seems so close to taking the top off
Starting point is 00:31:50 and every year they find a new way to disappoint. They have, you know, Keenan Allen is really starting to get up there in years and you kind of wonder what do the, what, you know, what do you need to surround Justin Herbert with to be successful? Of course, Austin Eccler, if you follow news has requested a trade, which has not been granted yet.
Starting point is 00:32:11 So all of a sudden you're looking at that offense and thinking like, wait a second, we hold up, like we need something good here. So I'm going to send Jordan Addison, wide receiver out of USC to the chargers at 21, which I actually, I'm not an expert on this stuff, but I don't think that's a very hot take. I think I've seen that drafted other times. Jordan Addison being the second wider receiver drafted after Quentin Johnson.
Starting point is 00:32:32 22, the Baltimore Ravens here, a team like so others, so many others kind of like the chargers where it seems like they're so close, yet they're so far away. Let's actually see, what does the site say the Ravens need? Why do you see your quarterback, offensive guard, offensive tackle, defensive tackle?
Starting point is 00:32:50 Of course, the big sticking point with the Ravens is Lamar Jackson, say he's not gonna play with any new contract and you wonder what's going on there, what they trade him. It's a very messy situation. We don't have time as we wrap this show up here today to get into the whole Lamar Jackson thing, but it's really quite messy. So I think for the Ravens,
Starting point is 00:33:11 we are going to draft them scrolling, scrolling, scrolling, I don't think they're gonna reach for his A-flowers. So let's go back up the board here. Let's send the Ravens Deontay Banks cornerback out of Maryland. He doesn't have to move. He's close to home.
Starting point is 00:33:25 That brings us to the Minnesota Vikings at number 23. And I got to tell you, I'm looking at this board. B. John Robinson is a very tempting sexy pick. However, I really think the Minnesota Vikings are going to move back. I think that the Buffalo Bills want B. John Robinson, I think that they think, or actually the Eagles maybe. Let's start with the Eagles at number 30. I think the Eagles feel like they could really win it all, take the top off if they had
Starting point is 00:33:53 a B-john Robinson. So we're going to propose a trade. I mentioned at the beginning here that we didn't have to do anything too realistic here because I just wanted the picks to be swapped. So what we're definitely doing is getting the Eagles to number 23, sending the Vikings back to 30th. And obviously this is not the case, but we would just send the 248 of the Eagles
Starting point is 00:34:16 to the Vikings and exchange for that pick swap. That is, oh, it was declined. Okay, I was just literally just trying to, again, that's crazy. I was trying to have the Eagles move from 30 to the Vikings 23, Vikings moving back to 30. And in exchange sending the Vikings like a seventh round pick of the Eagles, which obviously in real life would happen a million times over.
Starting point is 00:34:45 For some reason that was declined. I don't quite understand this. Tennessee, the Eagles have a Tennessee sixth round pick. In 2024, we're going to hilariously add that to the package as well. Declined again. Well, Eagles are playing hardball. Let's try the, well, okay, what if we, because here's how I know this trade thing is actually broken. If we literally just do eagles to Vikings,
Starting point is 00:35:12 straight up 30 for 23, which if you know anything about just numbers in general, you know that that would be one of the worst trades of all time. There we go, it's been accepted. So, so again, let's's a quick time out here, and I promise we're wrapping up. According to, the Eagles would not trade the 30th pick and a seventh round pick to the Vikings for their 23rd round pick. But they were happy to trade just their 30th for the Vikings 23rd, which obviously they would do that second one.
Starting point is 00:35:47 But the fact that they wouldn't do it if they had to throw in a seventh round pick is, it just, that's laughable. Okay, let's move on here, though. We're going to resume the draft. So now to recap what happened for the purpose of this show, the Eagles were at 30, the Vikings were on the clock at 23, we just moved the Eagles to 23, and the Vikings moved back to 30.
Starting point is 00:36:09 So the reason I did that is because I thought the Eagles wanted Bigeon Robinson here, so they're gonna take Bigeon Robinson running back from Texas. Next up, we have the Jigs, a surprise team when a playoff game last year. This is a team that has an excellent defense, and now they're just trying to get more fierce
Starting point is 00:36:25 So I know they have Evan Engram who was solid last year, but I think they're planning for the future We are going to send actually no I was I was about to send a Michael mayor We're gonna beef up the defense. Why not? We're gonna send Nolan Smith edge from Georgia who I've seen mocked a lot higher than that to the Jags at 24 And then what we're gonna do at number 25, we're gonna take the Giants, tempting to give them a tight end because they need kind of those reliable short game weapons for Daniel Jones, because that's all he can do.
Starting point is 00:36:54 But they did just trade for Waller from the Raider. So we're just going to send, who do we like here? To the Giants, we're gonna send, well, they do need a receiver, someone's speedy. So we're going to send Z-flowers close to Home Boss in college to the Giants at pick number 25. That brings us the Cowboys at pick number 26. Is Donald Schultz still there? I thought maybe he had left for somewhere else. If he left, then that makes this very easy for me. Let's see, it looks like he's still there. Oh no, he agreed to win your contract with the Texans.
Starting point is 00:37:32 There we go, okay, that makes it easier. We're going to send big old boy Michael Mayer tight end from Notre Dame to the Cowboys at 26. We have the bills at 27, the bills are really a team where you're wondering like, what do we have to do to Take the top off and get to a Super Bowl It's probably not going to be offense at this point because B. John is gone Not any high quality wide receiver or first round caliber wide receivers
Starting point is 00:37:56 So I think you just got to kind of take the best player available and I think if you're the bills You're you're feeling like we just need we just need someone who can kick ass So let's give them Darnell right Or sorry, I read that wrong collage a can see defense attack from Pittsburgh big old run stuffer We have four picks left here the bangles at 28 They just said they don't really have a tight end right so let's go ahead and give them Dalton, Kincaid a tight end from Utah 6 3246. This this could be a big target for Joe Burrow there. So we're going to send them Dalton Kincaid at 28. We have the
Starting point is 00:38:34 Saints at 29. Let's just no one really cares. Let's give them Isaiah Foskey edge from Notre Dame at number 29. Now we have the Minnesota Vikings on the clock at number 30. Honestly would not surprise me if they traded back again, but the Vikings have a gazillion needs, most notably quarter back, and then like corner back, of course, and then other positions, wide receiver, they need a wide receiver to for sure.
Starting point is 00:39:06 There's just I mean a good linebacker could be nice, a good edge rush, they're probably going to need. So who do I think basically anyone except for like a you know, they're not going to take like an offensive tackle or something like that or probably not a running back at this stage in the game. So I think we will just send to the Vikings with pick number 30. Let's give them Brian Risi, DT, defensive tackle from Clemson. Defensive tackle not necessarily a huge need, but they did say goodbye to what's his name, who went and signed with the Browns. Who was a really solid runstuffer. Now they pretty much just have Harrison fill up. So I don't think I love that pig I would just need to research that more off the clock to see how that works
Starting point is 00:39:49 But last up we have number 31 the chiefs let's just give them a good old edge rush or will Mcdonald the fourth And there's our mock draft. So again Panthers just from one we're just gonna speed round this one to 31 here Panthers Bryce Young Texan CJ Stroud Cardinals will Anderson Jr. For Colts will leave us five or levis five Seahawks, Jalen Carter six Lions Christian Gonzalez Seven Raiders Anthony Richardson eight Falcons Tybury Wilson nine Bears Miles Murphy ten Eagles Devin witherspoon, from Illinois,
Starting point is 00:40:25 11, or a Paris Johnson, Jr. offense, attack, look to the Titans, 12 Quentin Johnson to the Texans, 13 from Northwestern Peter Skronski to the Jets, 14 Joey Porter, Jr. corner back to the Patriots, 15 Lucas Van Ness, to the Packers, 16, Broderick Jones offense attack all to the commander, 17, to the Steelers, Cam Smith, 18 Brian Branch to the Lions, 19, Kili Ringo, to the Bucks, 20 Jax and Smith, Injigba to the Ceeox, 21 Jordan Addison to the Chargers, 22 Diantay Banks,
Starting point is 00:40:59 to the Ravens, trading into the number 23rd spot, Bigeon Robinson to the Eagles, Nolan Smith, Ed Rusher to the Jags, Safe Flowers, where IJahn Robinson to the Eagles. Nolan Smith, edge rusher to the Jags. Safe flowers where I received it to the Giants, Michael Mayor, tight end to the Cowboys. Collage of Cansey, defensive tackle to the Bills. Dalton can K, tight end to the Bengals, to the Saints, Isaiah Foskey, edge,
Starting point is 00:41:17 30, Brian Bracy, defensive tackle, Notre Dame, and 31, Will McDonnell, the fourth to the Chiefs. Let's finish up today's episode with just some, very quick trivia. The theme is and it's not written out as very cobbled together. And then we're going to be done because I'm tired. NFL players who were drafted to baseball teams and I haven't decided the format I really want to do here. Let's just kind of mix it up as we go. There's ten on the list. We're not going to do 10 full questions.
Starting point is 00:41:45 But number 10 on this list is Tom Brady. So we all know his career, which has just ended. He was drafted by the Patriots, took over when Bloodsoat got injured. He was also drafted in the 18th round of the 1995 MLB draft to this MLB team. And the only hint you need, the only hint I'm going to give you is that this team
Starting point is 00:42:06 no longer exists. So really all you have to figure out, or sorry, let me phrase it this way because that's not completely accurate. This name no longer exists. The franchise exists, it is not where it was when they drafted Tom Brady, nor does it use the same name. So I want you to tell me which franchise drafted Tom Brady in the 18th round of the 1995 M&B draft.
Starting point is 00:42:30 Pause if you want more time to think about it. The answer is the Montreal Expose. Okay, they drafted Tom Brady. This one you might know is it's still relatively fresh and recent. This NFL quarterback was drafted maybe even twice. Yeah, that's okay. I knew that before I even read the right up here. This NFL professor was drafted twice out of high school, or NFL quarterback, out of high school drafted by the Baltimore Orioles in the 41st round of the 2007 MLB draft, but he didn't want to give up his college education at NC State University. He would, if you're thinking, okay, who is a quarterback who played at NC State? He was drafted in
Starting point is 00:43:12 the NFL out of Wisconsin, okay? That's where he played second in College Football. Then he was drafted by the Colorado Rockies in the fourth round of the 2010 draft. I think he also did some spring training with the Texas Rangers, perhaps, although not entirely sure. So who is this NFL quarterback that was drafted twice in recent years and ended up being drafted to the NFL out of the University of Wisconsin?
Starting point is 00:43:38 He is a super bowl-winning quarterback who has recently come under much malignation, M-A-L-I-G-N-A-T-I-O-N for his performance with a new team this past year. So that's the clue I'm going to give you. The answer is Russell Wilson. Okay, he's been drafted a couple times to the MLB, but as obviously never committed, he started at NC State playing college football, finished at Wisconsin, and he did not have a great
Starting point is 00:44:13 year with the Denver Broncos this past year. And we're going to see what happens now with Sean Payton. Okay, this is probably like one of, if not the most famous athlete to do the whole baseball and football thing. He's famous if you've ever played tech mobile before and you wanted to control this NFL player, you were probably not going to lose. He was drafted by the Kansas City Royals.
Starting point is 00:44:43 He played running back in the NFL. He was drafted with the first pick in the 1986 NFL draft by the Buccaneers, but he would never actually play for the Buccaneers. He would get drafted again later by the Oakland Raiders, and eventually I believe his career came to very screeching halt unexpectedly due to injury. If you are still trying to figure out the answer to this one pause because the answer is Bo Jackson. Alright next one. This is a current NFL quarterback who is not really a starting quarterback. He won the Heisman. He was drafted to the Texas Rangers
Starting point is 00:45:27 in 2012 and in the 15th round, your clue is crab legs. I said, some legal troubles. He was, I believe, the number one overall pick, but maybe like top three when he was drafted in the NFL. I can't recall exactly. No, he was the top pick. Top pick player in the 2015 NFL draft. He's a quarterback, crab legs. That of course is Jamis Winston was drafted by the Texas Rangers. This next one we're wrapping up here as a player who's
Starting point is 00:46:00 drafted to the Oakland A. As we've mentioned him already, he's known for being short and having a video game problem. He was drafted first overall in the 2019 NFL draft, and he was also, so fun fact, drafted to the Oakland A's in the 2018 MLB draft in the first round, the first ever athlete taken in the first round in both sports. So that is pretty neat. Again, he's 5'10. We already compared it into Bryce Young earlier. That, of course, is Kyler Murray.
Starting point is 00:46:33 All right, let's do one more here. We mentioned, we were talking about Bo Jackson earlier. I was like, mate, he might be the most famous two-way player in sports history. If it's not Bo Jackson, it's got to be this player. Your clue is that he's currently the, he's working his way up the college football coaching just ranks, if you will.
Starting point is 00:46:56 He started off at Jackson State and he is now transitioned to the University of Colorado where he is now the head football coach. He was drafted by the Kansas City Royals. He was a standout of football baseball and track. He did play in both you know football and baseball. He might have even done that thing where he played in both games in one day. In the late fall at one point. I don't know if that's a urban legend or if that actually happened or not. The answer is primetime himself, Mr. Dion Sanders. So there you go, that was very fast, it was a little bit different format than what we usually do, so I apologize for that. But hopefully, you know, if you know
Starting point is 00:47:36 sports, it all, hopefully it was fun for you. Because we stuck to the prominent player that I'm telling you, there are 10 on that list. We skipped over Matt Castle and Brandon Weedin, okay? So if you're really pissed off that we didn't spend half an hour trying to give you clues to guess Brandon Weedin, well, come back for next week's bonus episode. Guys, that's what I had for you. This went longer than I expected.
Starting point is 00:47:59 I apologize. Hopefully it was good fun content for you. If you're an NFL fan or just you like in-depth analysis of any kind in general, we do politics, news, sex relationships, church, Criminal battery. We do all of it on the Bington podcast here. Let's get our outing music going. I'm going to Mexico. My name is Quinn even furnace. Stay safe. Stay sane. I'll check in on you in about 10 days. Bye! nd nd Thank you.

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