Beantown Podcast - 4282019_Quinn David Furness presents the Beantown Podcast

Episode Date: April 28, 2019

Quinn comes to you LIVE from the 36th floor of the Marriott Marquis in Chicago to discuss another Chicago blizzard, podcasting by the pool, and a tribute to Toon Blast, the game sweeping the nation #F...riendsofthePodcast

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? Quinn David Furnace, and this is my show. Quinn David Furnace presents the Beentown podcast. For Sunday, April 28th, 2019, how are you? What's going on? My name is Quinn. This is what we're doing here today. The Beentown podcast is known as the People's Podcast
Starting point is 00:00:24 as voted by you the fans and it is your number one source for misinformation. Probably. We are coming to you live from beautiful Chicago, Illinois, the second city, the crown jewel of the Midwest. And I tell you what, it's a beautiful spring day. I am on the 36th floor of the Merriott Marquis in the near south side and I say near the near south side and I got a beautiful view looking straight west. If you're curious the Miriam Arquie I believe is the largest hotel in Chicago and I am
Starting point is 00:01:15 looking directly over if I peer out my window literally on the next city of Black over from the hotel is Winchester Arena, home of the DePaul Blue Demon's Men's basketball team. And otherwise, if I kind of crane my head, if you could see my head, you can see I'm craning it around to the outside, you would see the Willis Tower or Sears Tower, and that's about all I can get of downtown because you are about three miles south of Madison Street here. But beautiful, lovely views out to the west looking at the inner state. What is that? 1994 or 55?
Starting point is 00:02:00 One of those two and you can see the green line and you can see the red line and a whole lot of civilization. That's a nice thing about Illinois. When you can see a little bit, you can see a lot. I don't know exactly how many miles out to the west. I can see right now but I would I would guess probably somewhere around 20 miles west. So it is a nice day. You should have seen it yesterday though. Oh boy! So you remember our podcast two weeks ago came from Chicago. The Hinsdale Oasis to be more exact a little bit outside of the city. And it was a blizzard and wouldn't you know we fly back into Chicago yesterday and I'll get to that story. But blizzardous materials were precipitating from the sky but
Starting point is 00:03:03 not just from the sky kind of from the from the sky, kind of from the side too. It was one of those things where it's snowing, slash raining, and I swear more of it is coming from below and from the side than above you. It was a lot. So I'm bumming around on Friday and I'm doing some stuff after work. and I should mention before I see anything anything else that listeners' question is advised when you listen to the bean-tongued podcast number one occasionally use some fouling which number two podcast is objectively terrible. There you go now you can't sue us.
Starting point is 00:03:38 But I wanted to, oh there's either a balloon or a drone of some sort floating off to my starboard side. It appeared maybe a kite, but it's really getting some air. I think it's some sort of ballooness material because it's kind of just on a fixed path here. It was going straight up for a while and now it's kind of going off to the side. But boy, that baby's babies packing some heat and moving fast. You can kind of, you notice it because you can catch the sun kind of glinting off of it. It's a, it's a nice blue sky in Chicago today out to the West over, I don't know, Naperville region. There's kind of like It's a nice blue sky in Chicago today out to the West over, I don't know, Naperville region. There's kind of like, you wouldn't even call them clouds,
Starting point is 00:04:32 just kind of a haze where it's not as blue, but the sky above us right now, there's nothing, it is just blue sky. So Friday night, get home from work, doing some things packing for this trip, giving myself a haircut, cuts by Q, we will hear from them a little bit later. But you know, you're looking at the forecast for Chicago, and even though Friday night,
Starting point is 00:04:56 it's about 60 degrees by Saturday at about 1 p.m., noon 1 p.m. it's supposed to be 30 degrees and snowing and they're looking at like five inches or something. So I had a flight that was originally supposed to get into Chicago at like two. And I was like, this is going to be rough. So after a long time spent on the phone with my airline. I was able to get it bumped up to a really early flight with left BWI at about 7.45. And so instead of me like mosing around Saturday morning, getting some brunch back in bean town and packing and all that stuff, I had to do the packing the night before and then I was out of my apartment by like 5.45 which was rough yesterday morning, long day. But we got into Chicago just fine before the snow started but then when it started it really started.
Starting point is 00:05:53 I had called the Mary and Marquis here in the near south side and I'm not about to go on a bashing ranch or anything anything got some just this was my experience. You get to the front desk and it was a long check in process and not long that I was like waiting in line. It was just get there, do the classic drivers license and credit card, all the good stuff. And ladies like, we don't have your reservation. Do you have your confirmation number. So I dig that up before I give it to her. After another probably like five minutes, she's like, well don't have your reservation, do you have your confirmation number? So I dig that up for a give it to her. After another probably like five minutes,
Starting point is 00:06:27 she's like, well, we found your reservation, but we're having a problem on our end. And I'm like, okay, well, I don't, again, I'm not really sure what to tell you here. So it took a long time, I was probably there for another like five or six minutes, and then the ladies, okay, so you booked it through your company's travel agency and it's like, yes,
Starting point is 00:06:50 she's like, okay, so you do have your company policy number. I'm like, I mean, I booked it through the, so you guys should have it at that point of sale, right? That POS and not the piece of shit kind. I guess they have a piece of shit, POS, because they're not getting the policy in their stomach, okay, well, let me dig for that. I've never in my two years of working for this company. I've never been asked for my company's policy number and I've stated my rates before. So, at this point, Quinn's fine, but Quinn's also like, just got off an airplane and getting a little testy and had to wake up at 5am and was
Starting point is 00:07:25 expecting to sleep until like 9. So I get the policy number. At that point, she's like, well, just don't worry about if we need it. We'll call you. And I'm like, I think this is the policy number. She's like, well, I was like, well, if we were making such a big deal out of it earlier, then here it is lady. So eventually we get to the room, 36th floor. And then I was able to get Wi-Fi on the phone, but not on the computer for the longest time. And I was actually pretty worried going into about an hour ago that it wasn't gonna be able to upload a podcast on time
Starting point is 00:08:04 because it needs to come from the computer because that's where I have the recording software. about an hour ago that it wasn't going to be able to upload a podcast on time because it needs to come from the computer because that's where I have the recording software. So long, long story short, everything as of right now is in order. There's no more snow and if you're curious, did it stick at all? No, it didn't. I don't know what the temperature is outside right now, but I would assume it's probably in like the high 40s somewhere around there.
Starting point is 00:08:26 So there is no stickage. And I am looking on roofs. I am looking in parking lots and grass. Again, I've got about 20 miles worth of stuff to look at here. I don't see a single droplet or a niblet of snow. So that was going on there. But we're here until tomorrow morning, and then we're hitting up St. Louis and Memphis and Nashville and Atlanta.
Starting point is 00:08:54 And then next weekend, X-82 announced, we're going to be doing a, I think I mentioned this in the bean town blog this last week, but we're going to be doing our podcast first ever from lost Vegas and That should be a good time. We have a couple things to talk about one just a lot of lost Vegas things, but two Next weekend is the Kentucky Derby and as this tradition on the bean town podcast We are gonna be revealing our top 10 horse names. I had mentioned a long time ago, like a couple months at this point,
Starting point is 00:09:30 that I had already found my number one horse name for 2019. And again, if you're wondering horse names, what is he talking about? I just come up with a list of 10 horse names. I pull them out of my butt. And I think they sound really good. Last year the number one horse name was Episcopalian and the full list of ten you can find on our episode from Kentucky Derby time last year and I will probably post them on the Bington blog this year
Starting point is 00:10:00 for comparison sake. Number one this year is going to be Pentecost. So if you're wondering just Quinn have a religious leaning yes but also they're just so many good names, right? Episcopalian and Pentecost are both great. Hey horse names and I could give you a lot of other ones too. So I got to work on that list. If you're curious as he have the 10 and he's just waiting to release it for Kentucky to read it, I know I haven't actually thought about it yet. But when my mind gets going on abstract concepts and projects like that, it tends to move pretty quickly. So we'll be doing that. And yeah, otherwise, don't have a lot going on.
Starting point is 00:10:42 Last week, thanks everyone for tuning into the Easter Sermon. It was a really good time. Had to talk like this for approximately half an hour and it ended up working okay. It was it was good. I had a lot of fun with it and I hope you enjoyed listening to it. I want to mention this, and I don't think it's been made public yet, and so hopefully he's not upset at me for saying this, but good friend of the podcast. Remember, don't forget to use hashtag friends of the podcast when you're listening to the Bean Town podcast. Good friend of the podcast, Matthew Feeler,
Starting point is 00:11:21 and I have a little, we got something in the hopper. Let's just put it that way. And we've got our production team working on some stuff and, uh, doing some recording. And this is unrelated to bean town. This is Matthew's thing. So I'll press inquiries. Chicago, sometimes if you're, you're picking up on this podcast
Starting point is 00:11:43 because of the geographic location of it from this morning I sent it to Matthew of feedler at Matthew T. feedler at It's something like that. I don't know You can find him on LinkedIn. I bet Matthew feedler. How many Matthew feedlers do you know that live in rocked in Illinois? I'm giving away a lot of information this morning. Yikes. Okay. Let's um, I'm gonna actually get to ads earlier than usual and then I'm gonna talk for a little bit more and then I'm actually gonna jump off. Gonna be a short episode. If you're here for um, 60 minutes, Well, that'll be later tonight. Who hosts 60 minutes these days? Is it Anderson Cooper?
Starting point is 00:12:30 I was going to say Jane Pauley, but she's on CBS in the morning now. No, it's going to be short because they don't have a ton to talk to you about. And I've got a hot family chat coming up this morning. And before the hot family chat starts and you need to go downstairs and get some coffee. And I got about half an hour right from the time you're not from the time you're listening to this, from the time I'm recording this to when the family chat starts. So I got to get my buns in gear. I just had a major freak out
Starting point is 00:13:03 because I'm looking at my computer's clock doesn't automatically change. I have to adjust it if I want. So it's telling me that it's 10 a.m. right now, which is East Coast time, of course, in Chicago. So it's only 9 a.m. And I'm thinking to myself, well, family chat, it starts at 7.30 in the West Coast. So if it's 10 o'clock central time right now
Starting point is 00:13:25 I done messed up and I missed it but I'm actually in good shape. I am where I thought it was time wise so let's get some ads here and then I'm going to talk about something that's near and dear to my heart and then we're gonna well it'll be live when you listen to it. Are you tired of selling your house for less than a quarter of what it's worth all because you can't find a reliable home inspector in time? Well Oregon listeners, there's good news. Home Pride inspection services in Bend, Oregon is central Oregon's hottest new home inspector and provider. With inspection services including things like heating and cooling, roofing, plumbing,
Starting point is 00:14:04 and so much more. Home pride organ is both contractor certified and home inspection certified, so you know you're getting the good stuff. If you're tired of big real estate stranglehold on the home inspection market, and you want a safe certified home inspector that you can trust, call Steve at 541-207-1101 or visit That's 541-207-1101 or visit Home Pride Oregon. It's Paction Perfection. I want to give a shout out to the Samson Q2U series. Oftentimes when we're traveling on the road for work travel, we don't bring our Mac with us. And so we don't have Garage Man software.
Starting point is 00:14:52 And we use this cheap kind of ripped-off copy of Audacity that I managed to get through my computers, my work computer's firewall. And if you're ever curious, if there's a week when I don't have a YouTube upload, And it's to get through my computers, my work computers firewall. And if you're ever curious, if there's a week when I don't have a YouTube upload, it's because it was an audacity file. And I don't have a great way on a work computer to get that into an MP4 that I can upload to YouTube.
Starting point is 00:15:22 So, it's going to make the year two special pitch to make, but through thick and thin, whether we're using GarageBand Audacity, whether on a Windows or Mac, you know what the content is in the Bean Town podcast? It's the Samson Q2U series at crisp clean audio quality, it makes you think, wow, when God speaks, He uses a Samson.
Starting point is 00:15:42 I really got going there at the end, I was really accelerating. The other shout out is to the TV guide and I don't know. It's been a little irregular because I feel like a month ago at this point we got our TV guide with Peter Dinklage on it. Tahitpub the Game of Thrones last season, the final season premiere. And I checked my mail yesterday Friday or after I got home from work. So after the mail had come, no new TV guide and it feels like about a month because we had that new TV guide on Brother Walt was on Twitter, cover letter for the basketball job.
Starting point is 00:16:25 And that was at this point, three episodes ago. So no new TV guide. I'm really just waiting for the day when the Conner's Returns to ABC, no without Rose and Bar. So instead of Rose and it's the Conner's John Goodman taken over the lead role and he's there on the front cover and he's kind of sitting there bending down elbows on his knees given the camera that signature John Goodman smile and the headline just says he's back Conner's returns this Tuesday 8, 7th, Central, ABC. I think it could be nice and And just you wait, it's gonna happen one of these days,
Starting point is 00:17:06 and I'm not gonna get paid for it at all, and there's gonna be lawsuits, and it's basically gonna be like the social network. So, if you're wondering, wow, nothing exciting has happened on the Bean Tom Podcast since last week. Just wait. Because it could get explosive. Last ad here, cuts by Cue. Bob and weave, we all know the hairstyle, we all love it. Because it could get explosive. Last ad here, cuts by Q. Bob and weave. We all know the hairstyle. We all love it. But how many midtown, Baltimore-based independent
Starting point is 00:17:32 barbers can actually give it to you the way that you deserve? Enter cuts by Q. It's like enter Sandman, but different. Cuts by Q has been independently owned and operated since 1995. It is probably one of the better barbershop operations serving Baltimore City, Baltimore County, and Cook County, Illinois From Be Hives to Bangs, Faux Hawks to Flat Top and everything in between call Cuts by Q at 815-298-7200 email Cuts by Q at That's Cuts! Q-U-T-Z by Q at Yahoo dot com. That's cuts Q T Z by Q at Yahoo dot com. Oh, when you need
Starting point is 00:18:09 a fresh do something snappy and new, just call the experts cuts by Q. Thank you to all of our lovely sponsors reminder that you can always find new fresh episodes of the Bean Town Podcast. Live weekly at There you can find podcasts, you can find fun pictures of me, you can also find the Bean Town blog where we just uploaded a new blog about three days ago for the first time in a couple weeks. So go check that out and you can always email us with any comments, concerns, grievances, or questions at That's beantown, BEA and Tune in podcast at
Starting point is 00:18:58 So if you're just joining us, it would be a weird time to jump in 19 minutes into a podcast. But if you're thinking, let me just turn it on for like a minute so that it gives Quinn the play, but I don't actually have to sit through this agonizing misery. And you happen to click on minute 19, you're in luck because there's not much left. But I do want to mention a game that has been near and dear to my heart for, oh man, the better half, it probably seven or eight months at this point, but it's tune blast.
Starting point is 00:19:31 If you have an iPhone or an iPad, you might be familiar with tune blast. If you know how candy crush works, you sort of get how tune blast works. It's similar, but instead of candy, they have tunes. And if you're thinking that still doesn't make any sense, that's probably fair. But I just want to give you to sort of memorialize tune blast as we're getting to the end of both the podcasts, not for like life-wise, but just for this week's episode, but also So when you when you get to the upper levels on tune blast and right now I think I'm on like 1985 or something And there I've seen a couple YouTube clips that like hit 2500, but I mean to get up this high is like Back, you know when I'm you know you're in the 600 level range
Starting point is 00:20:24 You're ripping off like 10 levels in one sitting and you're just like, this is fine, this is cake work, or clockwork, excuse me. I always wanted to go to a cake walk. You always hear about cake walks, and I've actually, is it like a racist thing now to to have cake walk music? I don't know. All these PC piano majors could tell you.
Starting point is 00:20:50 But it was always a cake walk to burn through levels really quickly. And now that you're in the 1980s, if you can sit down and like beat a level, it's like, oh, hell yeah. Like, look who's coming to dinner. It's Quinn. So I just want to play the Toonblast theme song. I don't think there are any copyright issues. If Toonblast wants to come at me, maybe we can work out a sponsorship deal. I don't know,
Starting point is 00:21:17 but every time you open the game, here's what you hear. And it's good stuff. And then it repeats over and over again. But for the record I'm on level 1981. And if you're curious when you start a new level, this is the music that starts to play. And there's a little bit more, but you sort of get the gist. So the way toon blast operates is it's divided into sections of 50. And each 50 has a new theme. Right now my theme is looks like something to do with the beach. You love the beach. And there are three toons. So the actual beach. And there are three tunes.
Starting point is 00:23:06 So the actual tunes, there are three animals. One is a bear. He's kind of the main guy. He's kind of your guide through this walk of life. And then there's also, let's see, how many other tunes are there? I had to exit out of the level because I started. There's a bear. There's what appears to be a wolf.
Starting point is 00:23:27 And then something else that also kind of looks like a wolf, but it might be intended to be a cat of some kind, maybe a coyote. I don't know. I am currently on the level, or the, it's episode 47 and it's titled belly flop. And it's for levels 1951 through 2000. Usually for like the first 40 episodes or something which again is a collection of like 50
Starting point is 00:23:53 some levels, there's like a new twist thrown into the game but I'm so high that they ran out of twists to throw into the game. The last one are washing machines and you hit them five times and then they blow up and they're bubbles that you have to pop in. It's a lot going on but it is a turn or a sequence based game so no time involved but it's a good time. I've been close a couple times, we're getting really frustrated to shellin out you know 100 bucks to get some coins, but 1981 level 1981 has been all organic growth so far. Haven't spent any money and I figure if I made it this far, if I can get to level 1981 on tune blast without any money, I can do anything in life really without money. That's a good
Starting point is 00:24:42 thing because I work in education. And, and I have a degree in music. So really, that's the one to punch, and I'm trying my hand at comedy. I have a joke in a bit about that. I don't remember exactly how I've written it out, but it's basically went to school for music, decided I wanted some more money. So I spent $50,000 to get a graduate degree in education. And now
Starting point is 00:25:06 I'm thinking, man, this has been good so far, but I'm really looking for a big paycheck. So let me try amateur stand-up and podcast humor. So, yeah, raking in the big books here might get a PhD in archaeology or something, just to really bring it home, get that paycheck going. Meanwhile, there are 19 year olds interns at Stanford who are making $200,000 over the summer. All right, enough of my bitching and moaning. It is time to go, so I can go downstairs and get some coffee, I can freshen up for the family chat and then actually have to work today.
Starting point is 00:25:47 I have to give a presentation on the north side of the Chicago land area and about three hours, three and a half hours and then have a little break in the afternoon and then go into the far south side to give another presentation at 7 pm. So if anyone's hanging out and you're a Morgan Park Academy at 7pm tonight you know where Quinn will be. If you want to hear about the lovely inner workings of my job. So that's about all we got for you on the Bean Tom podcast for April 28th. Last podcast episode of April 2019 we'll be back next week in a similar setup But just in Las Vegas from the MGM grand
Starting point is 00:26:30 talking Kentucky Derby and I don't know. Maybe we'll talk some NHL or NBA playoffs. Those will be Well, they've been in full swing for like two weeks here But they'll continue to be in full swing because those playoff four rounds. Take a long time to get through. So that's all we got. I'm going to go get some coffee. Thanks for tuning in.
Starting point is 00:26:55 I hope everyone has a great week. Have fun. Be nice to each other. And yeah, keep in touch. We'll talk to you soon. This has been Quinn David Ferdinand. This is my show, The Bean Town Podcast. And we'll check in touch. We'll talk to you soon. This has been Quinn David Ferdinand. This is my show, The Beentown Podcast. And we'll check in on you.
Starting point is 00:27:08 I always find a way. And some people probably think it's intentional and you get to the end to mess up a little bit. I don't do it on purpose. I have a tough time saying in rapid succession, check in on you. There's a lot of like bowel, quick movements in your mouth and your
Starting point is 00:27:25 tongues all over the place like the after party at Portia's house. That's all we got for you. I'll come to you live next week from Vegas where who knows maybe by the pool. I don't know if the MGM grant allows podcasting by the pool, but I think it could be nice. So yeah, check us out on a Twitter bean town cast where we post like once a month or so just to let you know we're breathing. So that's all I got for you for the last time. This is Quinn Davis for Anast, thanks for tuning in. We'll check in on you.
Starting point is 00:27:55 There we go, Nila at that time. Next time.

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