Beantown Podcast - 4th Annual Pledge Drive Telethon Fundraiser (02202021 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: February 20, 2021

Quinn comes to you LIVE with the 4th Annual Pledge Telethon Fundraiser to raise funds for COVID-19 relief here in Chicago. This episode has all sorts of hijinks including listener calls, blood pressur...e readings, and of course, the RHOSLC recap! Thanks everyone who has already donated -- Donor incentive prizes and raffles will be going out in a few weeks!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furnace and welcome to my show Quinn David Furnace presents the Bean Town podcast, fourth annual Pledge Drive, TeleThon fundraiser. Hey, oh, it is February 20th, 2021, a palindrome what's going on? How are you? We are coming to you live. The biggest telephone of the year makes Jerry Lewis quake in his coffin. My name is Quinn and we are very excited for the fourth year to be raising money for the operating costs of our show. And we've got exciting updates.
Starting point is 00:00:53 We are donating, matching all of our donations to charity this year, the Chicago COVID-19 Relief Fund in partnership with United Way. So that is really exciting. We've got all sorts of high jinx planned. We've got raffles. We have donor tiers. There's blood pressure readings. So really this show has got everything you could ever want and a pledge drive telephone fundraiser. But the most important things, the details before we really jump in here. A couple of housekeeping things. Number one, if you want to donate, there are a couple of ways you can do that. You can go to our GoFundMe page. You can find it on my recent Facebook post. You can just Google, be in town podcast, you know, go fund me for the annual fundraiser.
Starting point is 00:01:42 If you go to our YouTube stream, we are live. If you search for Quinn-David Fernandez YouTube, you can watch this live stream and it's in the comments or it's in the description there. So you can access it through there as well. You can also donate through Venmo. My name is Quinn-Fernandez. It's pretty simple.
Starting point is 00:02:02 No tricks, no treats. Well, hopefully treats But that's those are sort of the two ways you can donate if you donate through Venmo Let me know specifically in the description of the transaction that it is for the pledge drive Telephone fundraiser and we will get you going I already mentioned work coming to you live on YouTube. Hello YouTube It is good to see you. We are also coming to you live on Facebook. And I am just hoping that everything from a stream load,
Starting point is 00:02:32 an internet connectivity perspective holds on. My internet has been weak the last month or so. It's been rough. It's been very rough. So we are just kind of holding out hope that it's gonna stay around. And I'm not quite sure how long we're gonna be streaming for today, you know, in years past,
Starting point is 00:02:53 these telephones have been a varying lengths. We've had some shorter ones. Last year looked like it was gonna be kind of short. We were doing some fun stuff at the beginning, but we weren't really getting the call volume. And then all of a sudden, at the end, we got a ton of volume, so it ended up being like an hour and a half, something like that.
Starting point is 00:03:10 And I do see now YouTube says, your connection is unstable. Maybe it's coming back, maybe it's not. But those are the two ways you can watch, of course, this is also just a regular old podcast. This is what, like, 163, 164 for us. In the anthology, in the episode order, which is exciting. We've been doing this for a while. Of course, this is our fourth year. If you don't know, if you're new to the podcast, my name is Quinn David Furniss, and this is my show,
Starting point is 00:03:37 and we do a show every single week since the start of January 2018. We haven't missed an episode yet. Haven't done the guest host thing yet. That's coming. Okay, so if you're listening, if you're a loyal listener, you're on your 160 third or 164th, whatever it is, episode of the Bean Town podcast
Starting point is 00:03:56 and you're thinking, when are we finally gonna get a guest host up in here? That'll happen. I would say at some point in the next 20 years, it's just kind of, you know, you see it on the late night shows, it happens, you see it on Jeopardy now, Alex Trebek rest in peace. But that'll come, I promise. So if you keep waiting for someone else to host this show, it'll happen. And again, my name's Quinn. I'm the creator of this show. I came up with the concept and I'm the director.
Starting point is 00:04:26 I'm the producer. I'm the best boy. I got all the cameras running here. Hello Facebook, hello YouTube, hello GarageBand, not actually a camera. But yeah, it's super exciting and less than discretion is advised. When you're listening to the Bean Tom podcast,
Starting point is 00:04:40 I know this is a family friendly show. So we tried to use as little profanity as possible. Hello, Auntie Marge, thank you for watching live on Facebook. I appreciate it. Let's see if I can. Maybe I have the link to the GoFundMe that I can put it in the comments of the Facebook stream,
Starting point is 00:05:00 trying to do this all live. But I do want to mention that listener discretion is advised when you listen to the Bean Tom Podcast. But I do want to mention that listener discretion is advised. When you listen to the bean ton podcast, number one will occasionally use some language. Number two, this podcast is objectively terrible, although I'll tell you what, it's a fun day every year in February.
Starting point is 00:05:16 When we get to do this, it's a little chilly outside, a lot chilly outside. Hello, Dan, thank you for tuning in. But we've got the fire. We've got the heat in here. So whether you're freezing your buns off, maybe you're down in Texas, hope everyone is staying safe, or whether you're anywhere else in the country freezing your buns off, because I literally think it's very cold everywhere, except for like LA and Florida, perhaps. I don't know, I haven't checked out my weather maps recently,
Starting point is 00:05:46 but it is cold. It is very cold and a lot of places like Chicago are very much snowed in. We've got at least two feet of snow on the ground, it's nuts. So come on in, we're going to have some fun, we're going to have some high jinks in the next hour or so. And the most important thing, the reminder, you can call us live on air at 815 298 7200 and we will pick up the phone call, we'll put you on speaker, we have the phones standing by, check this out, if you're on the live stream, we've got the phones standing by, ready to operate. I'm doing it all over here. I'm a one-man show. You go, you watch the classic Jerry Lewis stuff.
Starting point is 00:06:28 You know, they've got people in the background taking those phone calls, you know, getting tips, all sorts of things, phone sex. You know, I don't want to know what happens back there. But here, it's all me. We're running cameras, we're running recording. We've got phone lines, we've got the actual phone lines. We're running donations. We've got There's a new tip. I don't know if that's cash or oh, no, that's just a Facebook stream tip. Don't have time for that
Starting point is 00:06:54 We also have a nice woodbridge $7 Pino, New York and if we're lucky we'll read the back of the wine bottle a little bit later That's always a fan favorite on the show. We've also got a live blood pressure reading coming up here. That's very exciting. We're going to hear from our sponsors. And again, yeah, calling anytime. I will field your call if you call and the phone lines are busy. Then keep calling.
Starting point is 00:07:22 It's probably going to be a problem, okay? So just keep calling. That's probably going to be a problem. So just keep trying. It's a toll-free number 8152987200. It's like American Idol call in, cast your vote, pledge your donations. And on that note, let me grab a drink of wine here. And then let's talk a little bit more about donations.
Starting point is 00:07:43 Why we do the pledge drive? Why we do the telephone that sort of thing. So we've been doing this show ever since 2018. We started it largely out of spite and we did our first ever pledge drive telephone fundraiser in February of that year. So we were only six or seven episodes in and you can actually, oh, we got a live call. Time out, we got a live call. Looks like it's Abby F from Bend, Oregon.
Starting point is 00:08:10 Let's get the phone lines ready. This is very exciting. OK, here we go. Time to execute. Welcome to the Bean Town podcast, Pledge Drive, Telephone, Fundraiser for Year 4. Hello, this is Quinn, your live on the air. Hey Quinn, sister.
Starting point is 00:08:29 Hi, sister, how's it going? Good, how are you? I'm doing well, we're just getting started over here. Thanks for calling. Yeah, the tour is good, Mom. Oh, absolutely not, it's never too early. Thanks again for your donation this morning. I really appreciate it. Yeah, absolutely not. It's never too early. Thanks again for your donation this morning. I really appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:08:46 Yeah, no problem. It's funny to have been watching the live right now. And it's still like I can hear like our phone call or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or phone or the phone or the phone or phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or phone or the phone or the phone or phone or the phone or the phone or the phone or phone How is the stream quality been so far? No, it's definitely mine. It's pretty rough, but we're doing our best over here. How are things in central Oregon today? Look in a little late for coffee. It's getting a little late for coffee. Well, I don't want to throw my coffee to go to waste. So I just filled my cup again. You make a French press, a pour over, a cold brew, what are we talking? French press.
Starting point is 00:09:39 Nice. That's what we had this morning, too. What kind of beans are you using? It's some kind of beans are you using? It's okay, it's all the same West of the Mississippi. Oh, creamy and caramel, that's pretty good. Yeah. Hey, I was telling Rachel this morning, I was saying I think that you and I need to start a new podcast segment called Q&A,
Starting point is 00:10:13 where you call into the show, and I ask you a lot of random questions. That's a great idea. Why is it not thought about that before? Okay, so maybe let's do a test run right here. Who was your favorite member of the Wig political party? Oh, that's okay. So for those of you listening to the show,
Starting point is 00:10:37 that's a little taste of potentially our new segment here, Q&A. If you don't get the pun, that's Quinn and Abby. And I think it's going to probably going to be our best segment ever since interview with the dog. That's good air. What are you doing this weekend? I'm going to clean up the room here and I work tonight so that's fun. Baby sitting? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:14 Okay. Hopefully those kids aren't too rambunctious. No, that's why I got the pumpkin. I don't have that plenty of energy to keep up. That's good. Okay. Yeah. Well, anything you want to, anything you want to plug while you're live on the air.
Starting point is 00:11:33 Oh, that's high praise. You're not doing anything else with it. Instead of the Starbucks coffee, you're going to pay for five days a week. But it's a bean cow. Amen. One Starbucks coffee is good for gonna pay for five days as we split it to the bean cow lunch box. Hey man, one Starbucks coffee is good for like a $25 donation these days, so yeah, that's a good idea. Why get Starbucks when you could get creamy caramel
Starting point is 00:11:55 local coffee from either Colorado or Oregon? I don't know, you know? Sure, I kinda see where it says, I'm afraid you should like the origin. Oh yeah, not everyone has fancy French presses like us Nice good stuff Coca-Cola with coffee Coca-Cola with coffee. Coca-Cola with coffee. Yeah, they have a Coca-Cola with coffee drink out now.
Starting point is 00:12:28 Oh, I think I saw that. How was it? Good, I have vanilla flavor. It's not bad. It's just a lot of flavors that one said a little confusing. Wait, so you had, it was a Coca-Cola coffee, but it was also vanilla flavored? Yeah. That's a lot of flavors going on Yeah, it's pretty good separating all the flavors. I don't know. It's not bad. I just I Wanted to drink it again to hear it out more on a scale of one two eighty two. How would you rank it?
Starting point is 00:13:02 82, how would you rank it? I'm saying 70. Okay, that's pretty good. That's like 90% or something. Yeah. All right, good stuff. Your question as well. We'll be listening. I'll be watching.
Starting point is 00:13:21 Thanks so much. Really appreciate it. And thank you for donating. Yeah, no problem. Have a good day and don't forget to play with people. All right. Thank you so much. Sis have a good one. Thank you. Bye. Bye. Well, that was very kind. Our first call of the year coming from Abby F in Bend, Oregon, and you heard it here first. We've got creamy caramel coffee from Portland and Coca-Cola coffee with vanilla. I don't really know. Is it coffee that also has Coca-Cola in it and vanilla flavor or is it Coca-Cola that's coffee flavored
Starting point is 00:13:59 with vanilla? I think I had seen something about that before. I'm not quite sure exactly what it was. We're going to get right back to what we were talking about right as sister call, but I do want to mention just a quick shout out from a text message that I really appreciate. This is from a Philly number and it says, I'm from Philly and I listen to the Bean Tom podcast. That is very high praise. Thank you so much, Philly.
Starting point is 00:14:20 I really appreciate it. Reminder, you can donate through the GoFundMe link. If you're having trouble finding it, shoot me a text message. But you can find it in the Facebook comment. It's in the description of the YouTube video. You can also go to, if you're having trouble finding the YouTube video, you can go to our website, It's that simple, folks.
Starting point is 00:14:41 And you will see right at the top of the homepage, there's a link to the YouTube channel where you can access the live video. So it's super easy to donate. You can always go right through Venmo. Again, it's Quindash Furnace. So let's go back to not to do too long of a history lesson here because that's not super exciting.
Starting point is 00:14:58 And I know you all want to hear the Real Housewives recap from this week. But let me get some wine here. Raspberry cap from this week. But let me get some wine here. So we, the original PledgeDrive telephone fundraiser, I think everyone kinda, we take for granted now how easy it is to listen to the Bean Town podcast
Starting point is 00:15:19 because you literally can pull up pretty much any podcasting app and and RSS feed feeds directly into it. So, you know, whether you're using your iPhone's podcast app, your Android's podcast app, whatever that is called, I don't know, I don't have an Android or Stitcher or if you're a Spotify person, it's there. Cast box, I stopped after like two episodes, so I'm not quite sure if you're gonna have anything else going on there.
Starting point is 00:15:48 But, you know, that's the reality now, in year four, that's how easy it is to listen to the Beentown podcast. But, back when we started, we were just a little small business startup. We were literally just recording on my max garage band three and a half years ago. My Mac was practically sparkling fresh. Not actually, but I like to think of it that way.
Starting point is 00:16:20 And we were just physically making videos, podcast videos using, podcast videos, using, you know, we will still do this occasionally, not as frequently in the last couple of years, but we would just do this still image, overlay the audio over it and upload that to YouTube. And of course, it's free to have a YouTube channel. If you're watching on YouTube, that's the OG,
Starting point is 00:16:41 thanks for tuning in. But we decided, you know, hey, if we were actually going to take off, if we were going to make it big as a podcast, we needed to get into those big players, those RSS feeds, the Apple podcast, the iTunes, the Spotify's of the world, et cetera. We were just mentioning. So the original Bean Town podcast,
Starting point is 00:17:02 Blood Drive, Tullthorn Fundraiser, it's first year back in 2018, was to raise money to purchase our first ever soundcloud subscription. So if you don't know anything about how this works, basically you need to have a hosting platform to get an RSS feed. And I didn't know anything about this
Starting point is 00:17:21 when I first started my podcast because this wasn't really a planned thing. It just sort of happened one day. But you have to have some sort of website that will allow you hosting. And there are some free options out there. And even SoundCloud, you can have a basic SoundCloud account for free. But as you'd expect there are limitations, you need to pay basically if you want to have increased library recording time or unlimited,
Starting point is 00:17:48 which is what we do now. And I figured, hey, if I'm gonna do this every week, I can't operate on a free plan, I'm gonna need to splurge for the unlimited plan. So that's what we do every year. And that's what we are raising money for in past years. So that was the first year we had to get it on the South Cloud. That was the big thing.
Starting point is 00:18:08 I think it's like one, 20 years, something like that. The second year of the Bean Tom podcast, we added the website. So in year two, that was our big thing. I know it doesn't get a ton of action, and I don't even update it as much as I should. But there is some fun stuff on there. If you've never been to
Starting point is 00:18:25 and you're a fan of the show, you can go spend five, 10 minutes there and I think have a fun time kind of seeing some new content. All of our podcasts are posted there weekly, the SoundCloud flows directly through the website. There's also, this was a big thing for a while and I don't do as much with it these days, but there's also the bean town blog, which I think, and I'm obviously
Starting point is 00:18:50 super biased, but I think there's some really good comedy hidden in there. And there hasn't been much, there haven't been many new blog posts recently, but there is still a ridiculous amount of content on the bean town blog. If you've never visited before, there is probably at least an hour of just solid reading you could do. I think it's pretty good. There's the Cuts by Q section. Anyone who listens to the show knows that Cuts by Q is our little boutique barbershop that we run.
Starting point is 00:19:19 You can get a sense of some of the past styles that I have created. If you want to your own, again, it's a $20 flat rate haircut for all, I was going to say patience. That's probably not the right term. For all hair cuties, if you want to be part of that. That's what we were raising money for in addition to SoundCloud. SoundCloud you pay for annually to get that unlimited subscription. And so now we added on the website in year two,
Starting point is 00:19:49 and that's not an annual cost as well. That's like $60 or something, all in all the operating costs, it's close to 200. It's like 190, something like that. Last year, we had an experiment. They say you always want to be growing, which is true, except for my gut, which grew the want to be growing, which is true, except for my gut, which grew the other way last year,
Starting point is 00:20:07 which was good. But last year, we tried, right before the pandemic, to add something new, which was called, well, I don't even know. I forget already, because I canceled my subscription. It's a cool idea. It's a cool idea. It's a cool concept. Basically, it's for podcasts.
Starting point is 00:20:28 It allows you to do little snippets of your show, like 60 seconds or less, overlay an image over them. And it's very like Instagram and Snapchat friendly. So if you don't want to listen to the entire show, which I get it, because some of these shows are an hour long, although I think it's quality context. It's only one per week, right? You can just click on that little snippet. So I would try to find funny parts of the show.
Starting point is 00:20:53 I can't remember what that thing was called. I don't know, but we are raising money for a subscription to that one as well. It kind of fell off with it. This past year was tough with COVID, even though I was home so much, which gave me more time to record. I also found myself being way less inspired, way less creative because anyone who's listened to the show for the last three plus years knows that we get a lot of our content
Starting point is 00:21:18 from trips, from traveling. I travel a lot for work. I take a lot of personal trips. And that leads to a lot of, you know, being town on the road, being town on assignments, as well as just, you know, stories, high jinks, all sorts of things to bring back to Rodgers Park where we record. So it's been tough without that. And I just didn't have the inspiration for those short little clips this past year. So we're not doing that. So if you're wondering, okay, it's year four now.
Starting point is 00:21:44 We've made it to the present day, thanks to the history of lesson professor Q, 2021. What are we raising money for this year? What is kind of the new thing? What's the gimmick, if you will? Well, we've cut down our costs first and foremost, that's the most important thing to understand. And I know we raised like $400 last year,
Starting point is 00:22:03 which is really exciting. Blue our goal out of the water. We're scaling things back a little bit this year because I know times are tough, obviously understatement of the year. COVID is challenging. Oh, we got it, we got a call. We got it, we got a call.
Starting point is 00:22:17 This setup is tough from a tech perspective. Here we go. Looks like it's Jane F. Dr. Jane from Bend Oregon. Here we go, looks like it's Jane F. Dr. Jane from Bend, Oregon. Here we go. Welcome to the Bean Town Podcast, fourth annual Pledge Drive Telephone fundraiser. This is Quinn and you're live on the air.
Starting point is 00:22:38 Hi, Quinn, it's your mom. Oh, it's Dr. Jane, everyone. How are you doing, mom? I'm Jane Well, how are you? I'm doing great. Thanks, everyone. How are you doing, mom? I'm doing well. How are you? I'm doing great. Thanks for calling. How is everything going? I'm pretty good. It's a nice, sunny day and central organ. Very windy. We've lost quite a bit of our snow, but I'm happy because there's no more ice or very little ice. That'll be good for all your sprints that you do outside. Yes, it's good because I can't walk because of my recent concussion.
Starting point is 00:23:09 No walking, there's ice. I'm happy because I can walk, so that's wonderful. Have you ever thought of donating your brain to science for CTE research? Oh, definitely, definitely. When this body is done with it, yes. A viewer. And in another 50 50 years that's coming in hot. Yeah, I just want to comment on the mustache. I don't know what to say about it. It makes you look much older. Well I'm getting my my my real ID driver's license on Monday morning so I need to I need
Starting point is 00:23:43 to look fresh. The real ID. Yeah they said in Monday morning. So I need to look fresh. So real ID. Yeah, they said in another 10 years that'll come to Oregon. So I'm pretty excited about that. Yeah, I've been reading lots of horror stories about the DMV nearest me, which is not near me at all. But I'm hopeful that I don't get frostbite or anything.
Starting point is 00:24:03 So I'm going out there at 6 6 a.m. on Monday. Still that cold and Illinois, huh? Well, we got a heat wave coming in Monday. It's going to hit the 30s, but since I'm going so early in the morning, I don't think it's going to quite be warm yet. OK, now I heard from your older brother, Walt, that it's in the 50s in Austin, Texas today, which is exciting.
Starting point is 00:24:25 Springtime. Yeah, no kidding. Boll me. Yeah, that would be nice. We're E-A-L-M-Y. Boll me. That's good spelling. It is good spelling. Okay, well, I'm calling into, I don't know, a pledge, a big $45.73. That's a big donation, that's very generous. You're welcome, you know, you don't need
Starting point is 00:24:50 a vacuum for cold relief, really, really poking you out of the edge. And that was all the change I could find in the sofa underneath the car seats. Wow, that's a lot of change. Yeah, that's like Obama level change. That's right. Can I get a poster with you in that Obama era, you know, with the red, white, and blue
Starting point is 00:25:12 kind of Andy Warhol ask that would be cool. Yeah, I bet that wouldn't be too hard to find online. I'll go to work on that. Probably not. Okay, how are things going this morning? Oh, they're going real well. We're about 25 minutes into the fundraiser. When we've had a call, we had a text from an anonymous listener in Philadelphia.
Starting point is 00:25:31 And we're just starting on the wine. We've got the blood pressure reading coming up. And then we've got to do, we've got to recap real housewives. And then all sorts of, there's going to be a raffle for a a laugh factory ticket so there's all sorts of stuff going on today. Damn that is really busy that's jam packed. Well I I want to keep the listeners entertained. Yeah no kidding wow that's that's really something I saw you I'm watching you on YouTube I thought you just take a poll from a bottle. What are we drinking this morning? Well, it's yeah, it's it's like 5 p.m. In Chicago. We got lion or no we got the wood bridge by
Starting point is 00:26:14 Robert Mondavi and It was like $7. There's a hint of cocoa and Yeah, I don't know it's it was the cheapest thing I could find Wow You really went in I'm here to have a good time Yeah, did you hear about this new this new cocoa cola coffee with vanilla that sister is drinking? Know what's that I don't know she just told me about it live on air about 10 minutes ago, and I'd never heard of it before.
Starting point is 00:26:47 OK. I was wondering if you and the listeners might be interested in me reading one page from Alex to Alex biography, the answer is reflection of my life. Well, if you got it handy, I think we could do that. OK. All right. Well, this is random. Well, let's got it handy, I think we could do that. Okay. All right. Well, this is random. Well, you know, let's make it really interesting.
Starting point is 00:27:08 Quinn, let's let you choose the page. And the page is, let's see here, it goes up through 286. So why don't you randomly choose a page? We'll make it really interesting and I'll read that page to your listeners. I'm thinking 188 because that's my high score and fantasy football. Oh, that's my high score and fantasy football No pictures on that page and it is from the chapter entitled improvisation and preparation
Starting point is 00:27:39 Nice all right here. We go Alex Trebex autobiography the answer is reflections of my life honoring honoring the great outstripec, of course. At 9 a.m., I go into a production meeting with our writers and producers, and together we review all the games to make sure that a subject or clue in one game isn't too similar to a subject or clue in another game. The games are selected randomly, as are the contestants who play in any given game, which protects us from any concern that it might appear we're favoring one contestant over another. When I'm first reviewing the clues, I'll circle any that I think need to be discussed with the group. So we're getting it behind the scenes. Look here at what he does. Or did sometimes I'll also suggest success changing the wording of a clue if I feel like it can be improved. We may make a last minute change based on something that's just happened in current events,
Starting point is 00:28:23 which might make a clue out of date or inappropriate. I always keep a dictionary handy and if I can't find what I'm looking for in the dictionary, I'll turn to our crack team of researchers. I've often said that even if I retire from hosting the show, I would love to keep coming in on tape days just to participate in these morning meetings. Lots of talk, lots of jokes. After the production meeting, I go to makeup and put on my suit. We do three shows with one audience, then we take a lunch break and take the last two shows with a different audience. Even during shows, I'm continuing to make notes
Starting point is 00:28:53 on the clue sheets, crossing off clues, as I read them to ensure that I don't read any clues that have already been played. For this, I use a Creole, a crayon, because it's the writing implement that makes the least amount of noise and won't be picked up by my microphone. We finished taping around five in the evening. It's basically an 11 hour day.
Starting point is 00:29:10 Yes, Jeopardy is a game, but to all of us who work on the show, it is a job when we take seriously and see. Wow, that was very nice. I thought you'd enjoy that. Thank you for sharing that. It's a burger, it's a pizza, it's only one page. I still haven't seen roots yet. Oh, gosh, yeah. Well, you can have nothing to say about that. That's embarrassing.
Starting point is 00:29:36 That's embarrassing. Well, I wish you all the best today. I just saw your little Fisher Price phone. Come on, that's pretty fancy. Yeah, I got a lot to manage here, but just trying to keep it consistent. Okay, well, I wish you all the best, and I will get that then move out to you. All right, thanks, Ma, I appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:29:55 All right, good luck, take care, I love you. Love you too, bye-bye. Wow, a live on-air reading of Alex Trebek's autobiography. Definitely some copyright issues there, but that's okay. Don't tell the FCC. We got away with all sorts of parent-trapped soundtrack songs last week, so I think we're in the clear. We did get a text from a sister as we were reading from the book there that Robert Mondavi
Starting point is 00:30:27 wine and I promise once I get a little bit deeper into this wine bottle and my inhibition is slightly lower. We will read the back of the wine bottle. I know that is a fan favorite activity or at least a host favorite. So thank you sister for letting us know. Olive Garden, it's a wonderful family restaurant. And I went to Olive Garden. I mean, this was before we started my show.
Starting point is 00:30:50 I mean, I started the show in 2018. So I was 22 when we started. On my 21st birthday, I think we've told this story before. I'll just give the quick rundown. I probably just had a lot of like fast food repression from growing up without a lot of that stuff. And so I decided I want to go to a whole bunch of places that I never been before restaurants. And all of Garden I had been to before. Those are nightcap. But we started off with Stans Donuts. I'd never been to Stans Donuts before.
Starting point is 00:31:21 And then we drove out and across the street, literally from each other, there is a white castle and a little caesars. And so we went and we rocked those. Super fun. That's the only time I've ever been to white castle. I've had little caesars maybe two or three times since then. If you never had white castle, it's not worth it. It's not like, it's just, it's real bad. it. It's not like, it's just, well, it's real bad. The little scissors, I think, for what you pay for, you know, if you can still get a $5 hot and ready, I think that's worth it. I know, you know, I don't know if you can get that in Chicago these days, but for $5 for, you know, a standard, like, medium pizza, and it's not great, great great great pizza. It's pretty pretty average pizza
Starting point is 00:32:06 but at $5 like it blows if you ever had the 7-11 frozen pizza and I made this mistake too many times in college just being poor my sophomore year of college I lived a block half a block away from a 7-11 and so that was a frequent like Sunday choice. When you just wanted to pay like $4 for your entire Sunday meal, you'd go to 7-11, get a pizza, eat it while watching, you know, an NFL game, like 2 PM, and that's all you would eat that day. So for $4, you can't complain.
Starting point is 00:32:40 And my rant back then was like 270, something like that. But oh boy, where was I going? Oh, then we went to Olive Garden We finished it off. That was the only alcohol I drank on my 21st birthday where the wine samples And I think we literally they probably hated us. We rolled in there like 9 p.m I think we just got appetizers and And and free wine samples so Maybe some dessert maybe free. I don't remember. Anyways, going back, the last thing I was gonna say, and it's actually very important all the way back
Starting point is 00:33:13 to the history of the Pledge Drive, we're now here in year four, so we've cut down on our costs, and Dr. J actually mentioned this as she was calling in, Thank you for making this point. Our sort of, it's not a gimmick, but our sort of thing this year, if you will, is that all of the donations to the podcast,
Starting point is 00:33:34 dollar for dollar, and let's sort of, let's log into the GoFundMe page, see how we're doing here. Now with mom's $45.73 donation, Thank you very much. That's extremely generous. We are now up to $193, which is super exciting. Very good to see. All of that money, and this is just from a couple donors so far, is being matched. One-to-one dollar for dollar. So if you're curious, like, is being matched one to one dollar for dollar. So if you're curious like, yeah, I'm not pocketing any any money off of this. We're not really raising money at this point. We're just donating money to charity, which is perfectly okay, because I'm fortunate enough to be in a position to be able
Starting point is 00:34:16 to do that. We're donating it to, and I mentioned this at the top of the show, the Chicago COVID-19 Relief Fund in partnership with United Way. And that's that I try to do that, you know, with when like birthday comes around, Christmas comes around, Father's Day potentially, don't think I have any kids, but you never know what's gonna happen.
Starting point is 00:34:35 Arbor Day, I try to, I say, you know, I don't want gifts, and I'm not trying to be like this, you know, righteous, salvation thing. I just physically don't want people like, stressing out about like, oh, what do I get Quinn for his birthday? Like that's coming up or Christmas is coming up. Like, I'm doing great.
Starting point is 00:34:50 I'm very fortunate. Like, so let's put it, because there are a lot of people, friends included who are just work just as hard as I do. Host just as many podcasts as I do, have just as many, you know, boutique barbershops as I do, which is like half of one in case you're curious. And they haven't been lucky. They haven't been as fortunate.
Starting point is 00:35:12 And they put in just as much time and effort. So let's put it towards that fun. Let's help out the people that really need it. So that's what we're doing this year on the podcast. So we will cut that big fat check, if you will. And that'll be fun. Let's get into some of the standard podcasting stuff here. Coming up on the show, we did this last year,
Starting point is 00:35:38 and it was such a hit that we're gonna try to do it again. We're gonna take our blood pressure live on the air. I have no idea what it was last year. I'd have to go back and watch the feed. But I mean, I'm down probably 50 pounds since we last took it live on air last year. I think the YouTube stream just cut out. I apologize, hopefully it's coming back soon.
Starting point is 00:36:09 We're gonna take the blood pressure. We'll see how it goes. But first, real housewives of Salt Lake City. We'll make this quick because it's not super exciting. But just to give everyone a recap of what happened on real house as a Salt Lake City this last week, it was a penultimate episode. So the show ended two weeks ago and now there's a three part housewives tell all sort of thing. You know, if you watch the bachelor franchise, you understand how this works. They bring everyone back together in the same room. They sit in socially-distance chairs,
Starting point is 00:36:40 Andy Cohen hosts it, they gab. Anyway, so last week was the first of the three-parter. I'm pretty sure they just filmed it all together. And I just added it into three parts. So this past week was, I'm trying to think of what happened, because I didn't read any recaps or anything going into this, which maybe was a bad idea now that I had half a glass of wine. But basically, we learned, let me just try to hit the highlights here,
Starting point is 00:37:04 rather than just trying to recap the whole thing. We learned, we talked about Mary Cosby a little bit and we asked if she was attracted to her husband and the answer was very meh. We asked, is there like, are they physical with each other? The answer was not in the past couple of years. They don't sleep in the same bed. They don't share a room. So it kind of sounds like Mary Cosby is just kind of like hanging out doing her own thing. As a reminder, she is Mary to her step grandfather. We also learned that when her grandma died, everything we'd been told up to this point was that the grandmother's, you know, Mary had
Starting point is 00:37:46 to marry her step-grandfather when her grandmother died per, you know, legality or request or whatever. We learned that there was nothing in the will actually that required Mary to marry her step-grand, when her grandmother passed. So that was kind of an interesting detail. We learned that Mary Cosby's attracted to white boys, or at least lighter-skinned men, which is super, I don't really have anything else to say about it. But I just feel like if you're,
Starting point is 00:38:19 if you're Mary Cosby's husband, I forget what his name is, you gotta just be watching this and like, getting raked over the coals here. That's pretty much what happened with Mary. There was some more, they revisited the whole Mary versus Jen, like you smell like hospital thing. As a reminder, like Jen had been on the operating table
Starting point is 00:38:40 getting her sweat glands taken out of her armpits or something. And Mary came to visit and Jen was like, you smell like hospital. I don't like the smell of hospitals. I don't know. Whatever. This is from like episode two. Who still stuck on that? Not me. Then we learned this isn't this isn't really drama. It was just like subtly dropped and never you know talked about, but it's just fascinating to me into Rachel. We mentioned this on the top of pretty much every real house was recap here that Whitney and Heather are cousins, right? Common knowledge, everyone knows that at this point.
Starting point is 00:39:14 We learned on this show that they didn't know they were cousins until long after they were friends with each other, which, and it was just like, they just mentioned that, never discussed, like, keep going. So there must be a lot of like, remarrying or deaths in the family or something that causes this to be muddled because like, I can't imagine, like, not knowing who my cousins are, but, you know, if it's like a step cousin,
Starting point is 00:39:42 that sort of thing, like, that's more understandable. So I get that. Then the kind of climax of the show was, Lisa, because Lisa and Meredith pretty much this whole recap so far have just kind of been chilling, just like not much to talk about, but all of a sudden, I don't even remember, so it wasn't paying attention and close enough,
Starting point is 00:40:02 but Lisa, I think, was just like desperate for attention. And she starts just getting into it with Whitney and Heather. And I swear this whole episode, Meredith maybe said half of a word. Something like that. She's just literally sitting there with her boobs out and just like nothing the whole time. She just Rachel said, Nothing the whole time. She just, Rachel said, text me, she's like, Meredith is a robot, and that's absolutely true. That's absolutely the case. So Lisa just starts yelling, whatever. She's like, it's a viral clip at this point.
Starting point is 00:40:35 You can go see it. It's like, Heather Whitney, tornado danger, or something like that. I don't remember, but people have been like splicing her into local weather forecast and stuff. It's pretty comical. Anyways, this part of the three-parter part two ends with Lisa storming off stage, going back to the stage to find her husband, John, who's totally whipped and crying.
Starting point is 00:41:00 It's just like not Lisa, so pretty sure that she's just like throwing a tantrum to get airtime, whatever. Not that interesting, this, you figure, hey, if they're gonna edit this. Welcome back, if you're just listening to the audio, you're not joining us live. We lost our garage band feed. I don't know, cause we're live on YouTube and Facebook.
Starting point is 00:41:27 I'm not gonna come back and listen to and try to figure out where we got cut off. But basically, we're just finishing up the Real Households recap. And yeah, it is just very like, didn't feel real drama, that sort of thing. So let's get some wine. And then I think it's time to take the blood pressure.
Starting point is 00:41:44 I think that's gonna be fun. We'll take a little pulse. February 20th. I was thinking of singing a song, but I don't have any suggestions or don't have any ideas. If anyone has any song ideas, suggestions or don't have any ideas. If anyone has any song ideas, let us know. Okay? Oh, I am sending up the blood pressure monitor here because I have to plug it in and stuff. I forgot to mention one other important aspect that we're bringing back, that we have this year, with the donor pledge drive telephone. We have donor tiers, which is, we've experimented in the past, we've had a lot, we've had a few, I think we kept it simple this year, let's see if I have it in front of me. Is it in the description somewhere? Oh, yeah, we can hit view.
Starting point is 00:42:43 Basically we've got three donor tiers going on here. We've got a $10 friend of the podcast. So if you donate $10, that gets you a shout out live on our next show. We've got our $20 gold level member autographed picture of Quinn Davis-Fernes-Mail to your doorstep. I will message you, I will get your address, that sort of thing.
Starting point is 00:43:04 If you're wondering what picture it is, we do our, our, the, the, the, the show's image each year. So the first year it was me there with or standing there with my guitar in a cowboy hat, which I almost wore today, but then I found this little number. I'm wearing my green and white Quinn David for instance, the Bean Tom podcast hat with Bean Tom button on it. Last year was our little Caesar's on top of a garbage can
Starting point is 00:43:40 picture, shirtless, that was pretty fun, fan favorite. In this year, it is me in the bathtub. You can get all sudsy with Quinn. That's a $20 gold level member. I'd spit all the way onto my work laptop. That's great. Then we also have the $35 for bringing it back this year, $35 Topaz Elite member. That gets you a live interview on the podcast to discuss a topic of your
Starting point is 00:44:06 Choosing in the future. So for those of you who have hit that 35 dollar mark Be on the lookout for that Because that's coming up This is this is where I really need a bean Tom podcast assistant because I'm trying to do a lot And we still got live air going. You know, we still got fans and at any point, someone could call. So let's get our blood pressure monitor plugged in here.
Starting point is 00:44:35 And then we wanna make sure we get it set up right because if I do it incorrectly, if I set it up incorrectly and their readings are inaccurate, then I'm gonna freak out and get a appointment with my obstetrician. Okay, we've got the power. I've got the power. Bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump.
Starting point is 00:45:03 If you're curious what's coming up on the Bean Tump podcast, fourth annual pledge I tell you on fundraiser, where you're going to hear from our ad sponsors who live, ad read on the air. And then we might get into reading the back of this wine bottle, which is always super exciting. I cannot get this thing to stay. Quinn's getting frustrated.
Starting point is 00:45:22 And then we got a little, the world famous Lafactory ticket, a comedy club, we're gonna raffle that off to the fans and anyone who's listening, so that's super exciting. And as a reminder, if you're just joining us on the live stream, call in anytime, 8152987200. And we will get you live on the air. Okay, I'm doing the blood pressure monitor right now.
Starting point is 00:45:49 Roll up the sleeve. Make sure the thing lines up right. Where is it supposed to be? Little confused here. Okay, there it is, align with artery. Okay, time to turn this sucker on. We need to relax the arm, don't cross the legs. Dr. Jane taught me that, and let's hit start.
Starting point is 00:46:18 Here we go. This is happening folks, live on the air, blood pressure reading, oh boy, my heart is racing. This is super exciting. I hope I'm doing this right. I hope it's lined up right. I haven't done it in a while. And normally, if I'm not entertaining the masses
Starting point is 00:46:35 or I'm holding a microphone in one hand, it's a lot easier to get it set up correctly. Oh boy, we're almost done here. Super exciting. What's gonna happen? There's nothing online about podcasting and taking your blood pressure at the same time. I don't know, does that help?
Starting point is 00:46:52 Does that hurt? Oh, I think that's high. 138 over 86. That's super high, right? You're supposed to be closer to 120 systolic. If I have a heart attack live on the air, someone's gonna have to come and clean me up. Okay, let's give it a second and try it again.
Starting point is 00:47:09 I don't know, what influences, let's get into some med talk here. We should have gotten a guest, a medical expert to come on the show. I'm thinking of Dr. Oz or Dr. anyone else sort of thing, to talk about what can affect your blood pressure readings? How does hosting a live telephone traditionally historically affect the blood pressure reading? Something to think about someone can go do the research go back into past years and see
Starting point is 00:47:41 What it was last year. I don't know does drinking alcohol raise it? I would last year. I don't know. Does drinking alcohol raise it? I would think so. I don't know. TBD. Okay, let's get this, let's make sure we got this lined up perfectly. It's admittedly very hard to do when I'm holding a microphone.
Starting point is 00:48:08 And let's try this one more time. Okay, we are relaxed, very zen mode, just having a peaceful conversation with the fans, the friends, and the followers. Excuse me, belched live on air. Always a favorite. You can really feel it course and through your veins. No matter what this number is, or this is gonna be the end of it, because I need to get back to two hands. 137 or over 85, So that's pretty consistent. Let's see how long before I die,
Starting point is 00:48:53 is basically what we're checking. I know that's the higher, that's higher than I want it to be. But it could be, I mean, I just worked out right before this. I don't know, I'm making excuses for myself. I don't know. So that falls into the pre-range, I think, which is about usually where I'm hanging. Oh no, it's hyper-tension stage one. So that's exciting. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:22 I don't know. Yeah. I don't know. Maybe it's time to go on the all veggie diet at TBD. I just lost not to keep making excuses. I bet it just has to do with drinking and being live and anxiety that sort of thing. But I did just lose 75 pounds last year. Frankly, if that's not working, not sure what else to try. Okay. Thank you for those who were really excited about our live blood pressure reading. That was super exciting for all of you. I'm sure.
Starting point is 00:50:09 Okay, let's get this packed up here. I probably don't need to do this live, but I'm kind of a... Kind of have some not OCD, but I like things to be neat and tidy, except for my bathroom. That is the Wild West. I'll tell you what, man. Oh, we should put the cords away first. This is live air.
Starting point is 00:50:33 If you're just joining us, you miss the blood pressure reading, but it was pretty exciting to get live. Didn't get the numbers we wanted. I was really hoping for like a 92 or something. Okay now we just got to get this zipped up. Okay let's go over to the phone lines here and pull up our ad reads and we will hear from our loyal sponsors. All right, what do we have? Oh, we're gonna get started with a fan favorite all the way from the Pacific Northwest. You know them. You probably have been inspected by him in the past. You know, um, you probably have been inspected by him in the past. It's Home Pride organ. Are you tired of
Starting point is 00:51:29 selling your house for less than a quarter of what it's worth all because you couldn't find a reliable home inspector in time? Well, organ listeners, they got good news for you. Home Pride inspection services in Bend, Oregon, it's Central organ's hottest new home inspector provider. With inspection services, including things like heating and cooling, roofing, plumbing and so much more. Home-Pride Oregon is both contractor certified and home inspection certified so you know you're getting the good stuff. If you're tired of big real estate, angle hold on the home inspection market and you want a safe certified
Starting point is 00:52:00 home inspector that you can trust you got to call Steve at 541-410-0316 or you can visit Again, that's 541-410-0316 or you can visit Homepiredorgan instruction. Perfection. I want to give a shout out to the Samson Q2U series. Fans of the show will know about two weeks ago, three shows ago, I don't remember. One of our Samson's died. It happened. Although TBD, because they haven't actually retested it. So I don't know if it was just having a bad day if it's officially gone, what the issue is. But we need to order a new one. That was something that we had go in last year. We had the two mics to make setup, made the pledge drive a lot easier because when someone would call, I could just set the phone down next to that second mic. Pick up the phone, have a conversation, hands free. So this year's
Starting point is 00:53:01 a little bit more challenging because I haven't been proactive with that. But when God speaks, whether it's in Genesis Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers 2, Dr. Jeremy Joshua, Judges Ruth, first and second Sam, and first second Kings, first second Chronicles, Ezra and Yamaya, Job, and then all those New Testament ones. He uses a Samson. So thank you to the Samson Q2U series for being here for the fourth annual Bloodstrived Telephone fundraiser and Rest in Peace of that second one. Last one here,
Starting point is 00:53:32 I still have it here on the YouTube stream you can see it's written there, TV Guide Story. Here it is on Facebook, TV Guide Story. I have never deleted that because I still have hopes that I'm going to get my new, my next TV guide copy. This is going way back just for a second. This is like bean town historical archives. This was year one, I think, of the show or maybe year two. I don't remember. Basically what happened, and we haven't talked about this in a long time, I had like some spirit, member, spirit airlines, like member miles
Starting point is 00:54:14 that were set to expire. And because I don't ever fly spirit hardly ever, I didn't have enough to actually like cash in a flight, which should tell you, based on the cost of spirit flights, just how little, how few points I had. But it was like, okay, so, so, so, Q baby, you can't use your points for flights, but you can get a cool magazine subscription. So they send you the list and they say, okay, you can get a year long subscription of any of these.
Starting point is 00:54:42 And I still, I was in like the B tier of magazines and I still I wasn't like the B tier of magazines. I couldn't even access like the golf or the readers digest or you know play girl any of those that I might have wanted. So I was like okay let me get one of these B tiers and get the TV guide and the joke of the time and it's still kind of relevant less relevant though. The joke of the time is that I didn't own a TV. Now I do own a TV, but I don't pay for cable. Rendering a TV guide still moot. But what happened, and you know, friends of the show know this, I got I think four, three or four TV guides. This was back when when Game of Thrones was going through its final season, because one of the one of
Starting point is 00:55:23 the copies I'd Peter Dinklage on the cover, they sent me like three or four and then it just stopped. So I was advertised a year, I got a month, and the funny thing was there was no, there wasn't even like an email that I could contact. It was just, it was over, that was it. So I had those for a while, I think I have now tossed them out,
Starting point is 00:55:51 but I used to, I mean, I got those at my, the OG Bean Tom Podcast Homestead, 817 Paul Street, Baltimore, Maryland, 21202. Apartment 306. I think that's the only, no, that's not true. I mean, I'm not going to sit here and announce all my former addresses live on the year. I was going to say, I think that's the only former address like complete address, apartment number included that I remember, but I don't think that's the case.
Starting point is 00:56:16 I think I remember most of my, it's the apartment numbers that trip me up, right? I can think of like the street numbers. I think that's the only, I think that's the case. I think I remember most of my, it's the apartment numbers that trip me up, right? I can think of like the street numbers for every place I've lived, but let's see apartment numbers. I don't always remember. Oh, there's one other thing I was gonna say
Starting point is 00:56:39 about living in Baltimore. I don't know. Rachel and I are watching the wire right now and we're still in season one, but I'm reliving all my favorite spots. And basically any time something bad happens, I say that's ball more baby. Drop the mic. Let's finish up our ad reads here. I know there was something else I want to say. I do apologize for forgetting it. Oh, it's our good friends, Cuts by Q. Look at this, look at this, these flowing locks. You're not gonna get this from sports clips
Starting point is 00:57:11 or from the fancy boutiques or the big guys. You know, this is local handcrafted small business. If you're not watching this live on the video stream, you're missing out. Although I will say you can go access this, if you're just, you know, you're listening kind of in a week later, you can go to my YouTube channel, Quintet with Furnace, and this will be posted there, I assume. So you can go check that out.
Starting point is 00:57:38 But these flowing locks, only one man could pull that off, and that's our good friend cutts by Q. Bob and weave, we all know the hairstyle and we all love it. But how many Chicago-based independent barbers can actually give it to you the way you deserve? Enter Cutts by Q, it's like enter salmon, but different. Cutts by Q has been independently owned and operated since 1995 and is probably one of the
Starting point is 00:58:00 better barbershop operations serving Chicago, Cook County, Northwest Indiana, where I was just a mere a couple of days ago, and it was the greatest Chicago land area. From beehives to banks, full hocks to the laptops, and everything in between, you have to call Cuts by Q8152987200 or,
Starting point is 00:58:16 you can email Cuts by again, that's CUT! QTZ by Q. Hey Okay, this is very exciting. Everyone on the stream, I think there's like one and a half people watching live come together now, sing it with us. Oh, and you need a fresh do something snappy and new. It's called the experts at cuts. Bye, Q.
Starting point is 00:58:48 I tell you what folks, I am watching the garage band stream is in the right word, because that's not broadcasting live, but I'm watching it, you know, stroll across the screen there, low little ticker, and it's rough, it is, it is very choppy. So hopefully the audio there, a little thicker, and it's rough. It is very choppy. So hopefully the audio quality on that is fine, because it's probably the most important thing.
Starting point is 00:59:13 It already crapped out once, streamed during our real house as recap. I don't think we lost that much footage, which is good. Thank you to our ad sponsors, as always, sticking with us. Oh, we got another donation. Thank you so much. $20. That's that's that's gold tier level. That's very generous. We are now over thank you anti-march for that generous donation. I really appreciate it. We are now over $200, which is, that was our goal. So, I mean, this is what we need ever, a big countdown clock to celebrate. We have hit our goal of $200, but we're not done. You know, I went back and forth like,
Starting point is 01:00:01 do I cap the, you know, the one-to-one donation match to the COVID-19 relief fund here in Chicago? do I cap the, you know, the one-to-one donation match to the COVID-19 relief fund here in Chicago? And I decided like, you know, let's just, let's just go for it. It's not like I'm losing money off of this. So the more you donate, excuse me, the more it's donated to charity
Starting point is 01:00:18 for people who really need help here in Chicago due to COVID-19. So keep those donations coming. The great news is that, and we haven't talked about this much, because I kind of condensed it this year a little bit to just try to make things more efficient. But February, the entire month, it's pledged drive month. And I know we didn't launch the GoFundMe up until a couple
Starting point is 01:00:37 of days ago. But February still has another, what, nine days in it? Eight days, February 28th. Next, Sunday is the last day of February, it's a nice clean break, okay? So you all have it, I'm not gonna stop advertising. So if you're sick of seeing me on social media, you better whip out your block button
Starting point is 01:00:53 because I'm gonna keep coming at ya in the next eight days. We are gonna continue to raise that money because there's nothing to lose, right? We are, everything we raise is being matched exactly. So if you're having trouble doing the math at home, basically what that means is that when you donate, I take your money and I deposit into my bank account and I turn around the same day and I go to Chicago COVID-19 relief fund in partnership with the United Way and I donate the exact dollar amount that was deposit in my bank account. Okay, so literally yours
Starting point is 01:01:35 truly, Quinn David Fernandez, the host of the most is just a a a a middleman, but I'm the worst middleman of all time because I'm not even taking any off the top. Okay, so I'm not gaining anything from this. I'm doing this. In fact, I'm losing because when it comes time to the donor tier prizes, especially the photos that I ship out, stamps, prints, envelopes, right? I'm losing money off of this. Not complaining, just telling it to you straight up. But that's that's what we're doing this for. Okay folks let's get another drink of wine here. As a reminder that one went down the wrong pipe. Woo! Mama, as a reminder, if you're just joining us now on the live stream, call us 8152987200 to be live on the show, we would love to have you.
Starting point is 01:02:35 I know this happened last year, where we had a whole bunch of phone calls right at the end like, as we were getting ready to end the streams. So, will that happen again this year? I have no idea. I'm doing a live Instagram post update, which for anyone who knows me is really challenging because I am really struggling with talking, saying one thing, and typing, and doing something else.
Starting point is 01:03:14 That's something I actually have to do for work when I do information sessions on Zoom. Because I'll be typing out my email and copying and pasting random links and stuff, but I also have to like keep the attendees entertained. So I wish I was better at that, but I am able to do this. But again, you can call us 815-298-7200 and be featured live on the show. We've already had a couple callers, we had a text come in from Philly. So if you want to be part of the action, you absolutely can do that. Let's focus a little bit more on this world-famous laugh factory ticket.
Starting point is 01:03:58 You can see it, I've got it in my hands showing the YouTube stream right now, Facebook I'm coming at you, hot. What is this? Ace Ventura, is that the Facebook stream right now Facebook. I'm coming at you hot What is this a sman chura is that the Facebook season right now is that the the poster where he's got like this is what it looks like Hmm, he's holding it up. Is that what a sman chura's poster looks like? Can we can can someone Google it? a sman chura pet detective I have never seen it a sman chura to Ace Ventura pet detective. I have never seen it. Ace Ventura two, when nature calls.
Starting point is 01:04:29 Is that what it's called? I don't know, I've never seen either of them. Yeah, that's it. Look, here I'll pull it up. YouTube, there you go. Boom, Facebook, boom. I'm telling you, if you're listening just to this on, you're you know, you're podcasting app after the fact,
Starting point is 01:04:44 you know, it's next week, whatever, February 25th, whatever date is, come back, join us on this YouTube stream because I think it's been pretty good doing my best gym carry. And I think the audio quality, actually, that's something I thought of. When people call, I have no idea, is my phone audio being picked up through like the YouTube and the Facebook streams? Because I know the quality is admittedly a little bit lower because my Samson's hooked up to my garage band, which goes to the audio feed. It's not hooked up to YouTube. It's not hooked up to Facebook. But I know you can hear me, because I talk very loud. I don't know if you can hear the speaker phone. So I apologize for that.
Starting point is 01:05:30 I apologize when Dr. J was reading the Alex Trebek excerpt. If you couldn't hear that on the stream, I apologize for that. But if you're following along at home, go to page 188, check it out. If you're curious, I mentioned this, page 188, I picked that very randomly. And that's not like a lucky number for me. I just thought of it.
Starting point is 01:05:54 That is for all of you great white North fans on Clan, if you're listening, pay attention, Hunter, Kyle, Steve J, Walt Jack, Abby Jake, dad. Did I miss anyone? If I did, I apologize. It was not intentional. I am half a bottle of wine deep here and an hour and six minutes into a flood drive telephone fundraiser raising money for charity.
Starting point is 01:06:18 It's kind of important. 188, that is the high score, the all-time high score of the Great White North. We've been through 15 seasons. Yours truly is a two-time winner. In fact, twice in the last three years, in the high score, high single game score for one team came from my squad, NUP2SLO, which is a whole other story from Baller Dash. Fun game. That was, I think, 188 is it, right? I apologize to anyone in the archives if I have mistaken
Starting point is 01:06:57 that score. I'm pretty sure that's what the number is. If you're curious, 188, that might not sound like a lot. We do. It's standard scoring, no PPR, and there's no flex. Cubies do get six for passing touchdown. So that kind of negates probably the PPR aspect. But it's just, Cubies get six. Maybe a slightly more generous defensive scoring system, although it's become more punitive in the last three or four years, I think.
Starting point is 01:07:27 Well, we got QB2RBs, 2WD receivers, tight end kicker, and defense. 188 is the high score. The best part about it, to me, was that if I had started Mitch Trubisky over Russell Wilson, I can't believe I remember this. I would have hit 200 exactly. He had 12 extra points. That was what I left on my bench. Wild stuff, man.
Starting point is 01:07:47 It beat out the previous high score, which is an Amish speedcats record of 169, which was maybe like 2000. Well, I'm going to butcher this year. I don't know, like 2010, something like that was the year the speedcat. Anyways, so it's a long, not a long standing record. It beat out a fairly long standing record,
Starting point is 01:08:12 which is exciting. Let's get to this laugh factory ticket. So I won this along with my brother Jack. I don't know if Jack's tuning in or not. But I won this laugh factory Jack's, if Jack's tuning in or not. But I wanted this last fact you would take with my brother Jack at Link's Tap Room, which is a now defunct bar in Wicker Park in the summer of 2019.
Starting point is 01:08:34 So coming up on two years ago, that was a fun, that was a fun summer. I had just moved back to Chicago. Oh, we gotta call, oh, speak of the devil. I'm not even joking. There he is. All right, let's get our phone set up. It's Brother of the Podcast, Jack Fernos.
Starting point is 01:08:50 Here we go. Welcome to Quinn David Fernos presents the Bean Tom Podcast, fourth annual Bloodstrived Telephone Special. I'm having trouble putting you on speaker phone. There we go. This is Quinn. How's it going? Thank Quinn. How's it going?
Starting point is 01:09:05 Hey, Q. How's it going? We were just talking about you on the live stream. I know I was watching. Wow. We're about to raffle off our last-factor ticket and I would give it to you, but I think you already have one. Yeah, I do somewhere. I don't know where it is though. What's going on? Not much. Just taking a break from doing some reading. Oh, I appreciate
Starting point is 01:09:32 that. That's very generous. What are you reading about? Oh, Fed courts, just disability and standing and all that good stuff. Yeah, we know about all that. You don't have to explain it. That's good. Yeah, I couldn't if I tried. How, what's happening in the big apple? Not too much. We got a bunch of snow yesterday. It's snowed all day.
Starting point is 01:09:57 It's clear today and a bit warmer right around freezing. So I think we're supposed to get some more snow tomorrow. So not as bad as it's been where you are, but pretty wintery. Yeah, I think we got one more snow storm coming tomorrow, but then we're going to go above freezing tomorrow for the first time and at least three or four weeks. So I think we're looking forward to that for sure. Nice. All right. How's the telephone going? It's going well, but in full disclosure, I really have to pee. So I'm not quite sure how much longer
Starting point is 01:10:30 I'm going to be able to last. Yeah, that'll get you on minute number 70. But it's going well. We've reached our donation goal. And of course, everything is going straight to charity this year, which is very exciting. So it's been a successful year. All right.
Starting point is 01:10:47 Well, happy to have been a part of it. Keep on doing what you're doing. Yeah, thank you so much. And I need I saved. I know you sent some really good ideas for the show a couple months back. I wrote those down. I've been working on my, uh, my Bobby Flay impression, but it's not quite ready yet. Rachel and I have been watching a lot of beat Bobby Flay, and every time we think Bobby's gonna win,
Starting point is 01:11:11 he loses and vice versa, so we're really bad at picking. But just in the past two days, I've really started working on my impression and Rachel really hates it, so I think that means it's good. Well, I'm glad to hear it. I tell you what, trying to predict outcomes on food-based reality TV shows is a special set of skills. And it's one that comes only with a lot of practice. So keep up the work. I'm sure you'll get there in no time. Thanks. Thanks.
Starting point is 01:11:38 I appreciate it. Any big plans coming up? Nope. not really. Nice. All right, sounds good. Yeah, sorry, I couldn't give you more. That's okay, it's just nice to hear your voice. Well, likewise, glad you're hanging in there.
Starting point is 01:12:04 Mm-hmm, absolutely. Memorial day is only three months away, Well, likewise, Cleger hanging in there. Absolutely. Memorial day is only three months away, so we got that to look forward to. Big three day weekend. That's right, it'll be good. Hey, when are you done with classes? It's like second week in April, I think. Whoa, that's really early. Yeah, maybe a week later they're just messing with the schedule originally.
Starting point is 01:12:27 They had a really compressed semester. Now I think they're trying to give us another week or something. So I don't really know. I think I'm about halfway through the semester. Do you get a spring break? I do. It's not next week, but the week after. So the very first week of March. Oh, that's coming up quick.
Starting point is 01:12:46 It is coming up quick, and it's still going to be frigid everywhere from here down to the Carolina, so we can't really escape it. But that will do our best. Yeah, that's kind of how we felt we went away to Michigan last weekend for Valentine's Day Slash. Yeah, we weren't, you know, not that we were anticipating getting away from it, but we
Starting point is 01:13:11 left in the snow just came down heavier and heavier. So getting back was a real adventure, but yeah. No apple fritters. We didn't eat as poorly as we could have, but no, we were going to go to a donut's place on one of the days, but it was closed. So we ended up getting some breakfast sandwiches, which were good. But yeah, it was a fun trip. We went to a distillery and had some tastings. I was close to about that.
Starting point is 01:13:49 Yeah, it was really strong. Oh yeah, they had all sorts of stuff. I think we definitely had whiskey, bourbon, scotch, gin, vodka, I think, and one rum. So they really kind of, they tried to have it all but Yeah, it was it was good stuff. It was it was fun. So yeah, it was a nice nice little getaway Yeah, yeah, well it sounds like you're cooking something over there Yep, it's my mid afternoon ramen's between my lunch ramen and my dinner ramen.
Starting point is 01:14:26 Are you still rocking like the Maruchin 69th Center or are you upgraded? Leveled up. I live across the street from an H-Mart now. So I've got a notes folder on my phone with all the different ramen I'm trying. This one's corn flavored. It really smells like corn.
Starting point is 01:14:44 I don't know if I'm gonna like it May I want to call Tim buthor and get some tasting tips Yeah, I not not to not to throw shade or anything, but he messaged me at about 3 a.m. Two nights ago with wrestling videos on YouTube Oh man, I thought you're gonna say you's gonna ask you to to crew the to Calm crew for one last big job. No, I I messaged him back and said something like I don't even remember it was just very bizarre and I watched one of the videos and it was just a wrestling match so I don't really know what to make of it but it is what it is. Maybe there was some special maneuver or something you wanted you to see.
Starting point is 01:15:29 I did do a boxing class on YouTube a couple of days ago because I got a bad hamstringer right now I can't run. But I got some good moves for the next time we spar. All right, well good to hear. I know nothing, so you'll probably kick my butt. I could probably just sit on you too. Not anymore, I used to be able to do that. Now, if I keep packing on these Devon Market bakery rolls. Well, I appreciate you calling and thanks for your donation
Starting point is 01:16:04 and I hope the ramen is tasty. Thanks, I hope so too, fingers crossed and good luck with the rest of your teleton. Alright, thanks so much, I appreciate it. Alright, take care. Bye-bye. Well, that was very fun. I hope all of our streams are still going and that SoundCloud was able to catch that.
Starting point is 01:16:28 And let's see another donation from Jack F in New York City. Thank you so much, Jack F. I really appreciate it. That's my brother in case you're curious. It has been a family affair thus far. We got live WhatsApp family chat happening as we're streaming the telephone live on the air, which I appreciate. And as I mentioned in that phone call,
Starting point is 01:16:56 I have to pee so bad, but I'm not gonna stop, okay? Cause once we stop, once we step away, all momentum is lost. But I will say this, we're on minute 78 of the fourth annual Pudge Out of Taliban fundraiser, which has been ultra successful. And I know Unidaduway is really going to appreciate
Starting point is 01:17:20 all of our donations, which is great. Here's what we're going to do. This is kind of our last big thing, the raffle. I saved it till the end. And maybe we'll read the back of the wine bottle quickly. I didn't really plan this, which I think you could just that's sort of the tagline of the show, the last 164 episodes. I didn't really plan this. I need to make some t-shirts with that. Maybe this summer, maybe some sexy swimwear,
Starting point is 01:17:51 the bean town product line, the bean town swimsuit product line. I'm thinking we could get some of those real housewives with the, you know, 36 double G fake mamas to enhance the product, if you will. Just an idea. And we could do fun short, Euro style trunks for the men. I tell you what, I, this past summer, back when Rachel and I had only been dating for four or five months, whatever. But before I really knew her family super well, I said, hey, because they have a pool. I'm like, I'm going to come over to your parents house and wear my speedo and she was not happy. It didn't happen. Okay, babe, it's okay.
Starting point is 01:18:40 She will get flustered when I talk about it. A short musical, Dr. J is commenting live. Please add a short musical interlude in P. You'll damage your bladder. I think we'll be okay. We're like T minus 10 minutes here. I don't want it to get stale. I don't want it to get sweaty. I don't want to waste your time.
Starting point is 01:18:59 Right, it's the weekend. Right, we're gonna wrap this up soon. I'm gonna freshen up a little bit and get my steps in, because I'm at like 17 so far today. But going back to this raffle, what we were gonna do is do some sort of like be caller number 74 or something, might not make it that long, okay?
Starting point is 01:19:18 I have to pee. I was hoping we might get some like robo calls, because I've been getting a lot of spam calls lately. A lot of 815s, 214s, another 815, another 214. I have one number saved in my phone as potential spam, not just spam but potential spam. And I never pick that one up. I don't, maybe because they keep calling from that one number, maybe it's not spam, maybe it's like an auto enterprise survey or something, we'll pick you up. But okay, here's what we're going to do with this ticket. We are going to throw anyone who donates.
Starting point is 01:19:56 Okay, so we're not doing this, this isn't going to be a live synchronous event. Anyone who donates, and there's been maybe six or seven people, seven or eight or something like that so far and we reached our goal again Which is super exciting right that's it you know Regardless of anything else maybe we had fewer colors this year fewer donors Maybe it wasn't you know as hyped this year whatever that doesn't matter what happened we hit our goal money's going to charity That's a success end of story
Starting point is 01:20:22 What we're gonna do is when pledgeledge Drive Month ends in eight days here, we will raffle off this Lafactor ticket. I haven't sworn yet on this show, so let's not do it. I'm not BS-ing anyone. I will throw this into, I think, pretty much everyone who's donated has hit our goal tier level. So if you've got a photo, assigned photo coming, we will throw it in there as well. That's what we'll do. But this is to the Lafactory in Chicago.
Starting point is 01:20:56 The world famous Lafactory admin one, please see reverse side for restrictions. It is 3175 North Broadway Street in Chicago. That is in the Lake View neighborhood. Here's the phone number 777-327-3175. Here's the reverse side complimentary admission. It is a $20 ticket not for resale. You must be 18 and older. They don't they use say 18 or older, 18 and older is what this ticket says. To use this ticket to drink minimum per person. That's the thing you got to know about these comedy clubs they'll get you. Although I did go multiple times, not multiple times, maybe once or twice last year, I guess twice as multiple times. And I had like, I had because I was
Starting point is 01:21:42 sober or I didn't drink last year, I had the Lafactory T, which is pretty rough. I think it's Earl Gray. It was pretty low quality. Anyway, so go get a glass of wine, okay? Have, tell them, tell them, Quince and she'll put it on my tab. If they say we don't know what you're talking about, not my problem.
Starting point is 01:22:01 The world famous Lafactory Open Stories 1979, Richard Prior, was the first comedian to serenade the Lafactory stage and a whole lot of other stuff. Ronnie Dangerfield, Dave Chappelle, Dane Cook, performed for seven hours and 11 minutes. That's the experience you could get with this ticket. If you're wondering am I wearing pants on the live stream, yes, these are running shorts. And yes, my legs are very white.
Starting point is 01:22:28 Okay, I live in the Midwest, and I'm Norwegian, English, and a little bit of Irish, a little bit of Bohemian. So, sue me, okay. But the very final thing here, and we, if you're wondering, Quinn, did you drink this entire bottle of wine you some pretty loopy? No, I drink like half.
Starting point is 01:22:52 There's it on the live stream, not bad actually. And I would be chugging this right now because it's Saturday and I don't usually do that, but I have to pee so bad. But it's Woodbridge by Robert Mondove, a favorite at the Algarden. And we have our birthday podcast coming up here. My birthday is in what, four weeks?
Starting point is 01:23:12 Whoa, that's happening fast. My birthday is March 16th, one, two, three, three and a half weeks. And it's only, dude, St. Patrick's Day celebrations in Chicago, which is a whole different animal. Last year, it was like two days before they closed everything. So shit was crazy. There I swore I apologize.
Starting point is 01:23:35 That's how everyone got COVID in Chicago from St. Patrick's Day celebrations. Potentially yours included. I have to work the next two Saturdays, but then the next Saturday after that is St. Patrick's Day. I don't know what it's going to be like, because bars have limited capacity now in Chicago. They have reopened. So the question is, presumably you're going to have a lot of bars that just say F, the
Starting point is 01:24:04 restrictions, and we're gonna make as much money as we can. Oh, my Facebook feed is lost, there, it's coming back. But then you're gonna have ones that try to enforce it, long lines, I don't know, it's gonna be interesting to see how it works. Anyways, my birthday podcast is usually pretty fun. I usually get a frozen sheet cake.
Starting point is 01:24:29 I don't remember the brand, it's not serally, it's something else. I don't, I don't remember my cake brands. Peptbridge Farm, I think, maybe. And I drink a bottle of wine, I read the back of the wine label. We'll save it for that, okay, it's gonna be fun. That's what I wanted to say, okay, we're almost 90 minutes in. What we're gonna do is keep those donations coming in for another eight days, but this is the end of the official telephone, and I've been fidgeting a lot on the live stream for
Starting point is 01:25:03 the last 15 minutes, because the urge is real. So I'm gonna take that as a sign, and I've been fidgeting a lot on the live stream for the last 15 minutes, because the urge is real. So I'm gonna take that as a sign and I appreciate everyone who's been here, especially if you've been here since the beginning. I really appreciate it. Thank you to the friends, the family, the fans, the Philly textures, all that stuff. You can still call in, you can still pledge,
Starting point is 01:25:21 you won't be featured live on the air, but I'll still gladly have a conversation with you, because it's Saturday, we're hanging out, we're having some wine, we're chilling. But friends, that's a wrap on the fourth annual bean town podcast, Pledge Shred, telephone fundraiser. Hopefully it's not gotten too stale for you. I know, you know, week after week, Quinn, you're going to run on a content.
Starting point is 01:25:44 That might be true, but I try to keep it fresh, I know, you know, week after week, when you're gonna run on a content, that might be true. But I try to keep it fresh, I try to keep it fun. This is just a little something we do. It's a little kind of art project for me. Just week after week, and I take pride in being able to do it every week for you, no matter the conditions, no matter the circumstances, no matter the pandemic. We lost YouTube for a second, I apologize.
Starting point is 01:26:07 But to all, thanks so much for your donations. I really appreciate it. You can keep those coming until next Sunday, as someone will close it probably next Monday in nine days. YouTube has come back. It looks like, basically we're just wrapping up here. That's what I got to say. So thanks everyone. I really appreciate it. Stay stay stay stay sane, get your
Starting point is 01:26:31 blood pressure checked, and thanks again for all your support, all your donations. This is one of my favorite days of the year. I really appreciate it. So I'll talk to everyone soon. The phone lines will remain open. The donation lines are still open for another nine days. Thanks again everyone for everyone who helped me put this on. Really appreciate it. And that's a wrap. So we are going to end Facebook and live video. Yes. We are going to end YouTube by YouTube. And we are going to end the audio stream. So let's get some Tishamingo Blues going and everyone thanks for your support. Have a great weekend. Peace! I'm just going to sit here. ndご視聴ありがとうございました
Starting point is 01:28:36 you

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