Beantown Podcast - Alabama Still Stinks in 2022 (01282022 Beantown)

Episode Date: January 28, 2022

Quinn comes to you LIVE 2 years after his last trip to Alabama to recount Housewives drama, southern stereotypes, and the intense racial divide tearing this country apart...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David furnace. Welcome to my show Quinn David furnace presents the bean Tom podcast for Friday January 28th 2022 what's going on? How are you? What's happening? My name is Quinn and this is my on how are you, what's happening? My name is Quinn and this is my show we are streaming live across all platforms, except for video this time. I didn't feel like being on camera today. And also, here's the thing, when I have to go on camera,
Starting point is 00:00:38 like if I'm streaming on YouTube and my apartment, if it's during the day and it's about 4.34.35 right now, which we've now reached the point where there's still no direct sunlight or anything, but it's still light out here in Chicago, which is great. The day's been getting longer for about a month. My point being, when I go on video, I have to close the blinds away. My apartment is set up so you can see my beautiful face. And honestly, it it's gonna be dark by the time I finish this show But I just didn't want to I didn't want to you know give up my last 20 minutes of sunlight here So I'm I'm soaking it all in my name is Quinn. I
Starting point is 00:01:18 Created this show for plus years ago. Thanks for tuning in hello to my friends in Karachi Hyderabad years ago thanks for tuning in hello to my friends in Karachi Hyderabad Kiber Pass. Good to see you what's happening. Yes we have snow here I suppose they probably have snow in the Kiber Pass as well but I can't imagine they get a lot in Karachi or the Indus Valley and I don't think the Indus freezes over to frequently anyways. What's happening it's Friday and you might be thinking to yourself if you're a loyal listener of this program Hey, what the heck are we listening to and I chose it specifically and actually Boy, it's it's getting crazy in that recording
Starting point is 00:01:55 I chose this specifically and I I played it quite literally It's about a form and piece I stopped recording quite literally, it's about a form and piece. I stopped recording, brought the laptop back to the couch away from the piano and started chatting with you over the recording. There's like two minutes in between. So this just happened. It's another job on piece.
Starting point is 00:02:15 It's called a breeze from Alabama, which I chose because even though I am not in Alabama any longer, I'm coming to you alive from Chicago. I was there from Monday until yesterday last night and I ever once in a while in the piano I like to test myself push my limits a little bit and try to keep my ears sharp. So this was a piece. This is a ragtime piece and anyone who knows me knows that I love ragtime but I really haven't played it much in the last. Basically honestly like with with COVID the last two years I really haven't played it much in the last, basically, honestly, with COVID the last two years,
Starting point is 00:02:47 I really haven't done a lot with it. Not a ton of ragtime. But I have this one in my back pocket in terms of knowing it. I've played it many times before. And so I was literally out for my walk, my afternoon walk earlier this afternoon, which is a good time to take an afternoon walk. And I'm at the McDonald's getting my medium hot coffee with two creams. They got it right this time. They didn't give me the large, which I appreciate. Coffee was a little bitter though. Something was a little off with it today. I don't know. Not their best effort, but that's okay.
Starting point is 00:03:21 And I thought, hey, you know what? we're talking about Alabama on the show today. Why don't we do a little, you know, the only Alabama theme music that I think is appropriate? Because I wouldn't really care to open the show with, I wish I wasn't Dixie who raw, who raw. And so I listened to it once, I got these, you know, fancy new work sponsored air pods. They're like knock off Apple Air pods, but they work-sponsored air pods, they're like knock-off Apple Airpods,
Starting point is 00:03:45 but they work fine so far. And so I gave it one listen while I was walking back from my coffee and I said to myself, you know what, let's do it live. If it goes terribly, then we can try it again, but you know, if you've heard kind of the background recording, playing right now, it's not perfect, but I'm
Starting point is 00:04:05 I'm so proud of myself to be able to just listen to it once and then rattle it off without, you know, any looking at any music or anything. And it's yeah, it's a piece that I've I have memorized in the past and played many times in the past, but it's been, you know, year plus since I've not only played it, but also listened to it and, you know know like a lot of musicians and pianists specifically your ear is your most important weapon. So that was a breeze from Alabama by Scott Chopin. I hope you enjoyed it and it wasn't it wasn't perfect but I did my best and that was more less live authentic organic music. What's going on? What's happening? Listen to a discretion is advised when you're tuning into the bean-tongued podcast number one, we'll occasionally use some language. Number two, this podcast is
Starting point is 00:04:48 objectively terrible. I'm excited to be coming to you live on a Friday. It's a normal weekend. I don't have to work. And I'm definitely looking forward to that. Just trying to rest a little bit. I tell you what, man, what we'll be talking about, travels on a decent chunk of the show today. And it was a good time. I always liked the opportunity to travel. I've been working in admissions for gosh, this is coming up on the end of my sixth year, my seventh year of professional admissions experience
Starting point is 00:05:21 begins this summer, which is hard to believe. But I love the travel, I've always loved it. It definitely is less. I don't know what the right word for it is, but like less magical, I guess, now, not only, you know, having done it for six years, but also just when you've got, you know, like having Rachel at home and stuff. And, you know, I just like, you don't want to be away from home for as long. But this was my, I mean, this was my first four day trip. I think that I've taken with COVID. I mean, I was in Ohio back in like October or something. And I think that was like a Monday through or Sunday through Wednesday or
Starting point is 00:05:57 Monday through Wednesday, something like that or maybe Thursday. I don't remember, but this was this was up there for the long strip I've had. And we'll be chatting about that in a little bit because everyone on this program knows how much I like to talk about Alabama. I was, I mentioned this last weekend when I was recording, but there's a great bean town episode from two years ago. The last time I made this trip where I just absolutely railed on Bama. And I encourage you to go back and listen to at least that portion that portion, that rant. I love a good rant, and I hope you all do too. If you do let us know at Beentowncast, we are on Twitter, email us,
Starting point is 00:06:32 Again, that's Beentown Podcast at to let us know. Also, if you do, I was right before this, I was just kind of browsing the internet a little bit, and was on my YouTube channel because I know there's a ton of old videos on there that I forgot about. Not necessarily sitting down and watching every minute of every single one, but just kind of checking in. It's kind of fun. And so I hate, you know, two years ago, start of COVID. I had those fun workout tapes I did, some fun dance moves in the Old Router's Park apartment,
Starting point is 00:07:05 like one month into COVID, and one month into quarantine. And my point here being is like, that was a lot of fun, and I had fun, and I wouldn't want you to miss it. My YouTube channel is oftentimes aligned with the podcast. Like anytime we go live, our videos are on there, and occasionally we'll upload videos that didn't go live, but just record it anyways. But what I'm trying to get at is like definitely go subscribe to my YouTube channel. And if you want to get notifications, you can do that as well. But a great example is like I dropped a short. It was like
Starting point is 00:07:38 12 seconds on Wednesday, I think. I was walking the streets of Birmingham and inspiration struck. And that's about all I'll tell you, but like if you're not, you know, Facebook algorithm has completely blacked me out, right? We've known that for years. And I think it has for a lot of people too. Like, I was scrolling my Facebook feed this morning, and it's a combination of the algorithm being stupid and people just not being on Facebook very much. But there were posts of like, you know, happy babies or smiling kids where you see some, some people who post
Starting point is 00:08:08 stuff like that will, you know, it's like 88 likes, like it normally would be. And then you see, I saw other people who it was up there for like five hours and it got two likes. And it's like what, there's no explanation other than just, you know, black listing. But my point being like, I posted the video of, you know, this was a 12 second YouTube, whatever, I posted on Facebook. I don't think it got a single like. And this isn't like an ego thing. This is just like, I'm fairly confident. I know at least 20 people in my life who are still on Facebook who like stuff regularly who if they saw that would give it a like.
Starting point is 00:08:49 So this isn't a sob story anything. I'm just saying like I don't use Facebook a ton these days. I don't find myself just like casually visiting and browsing it as much as I certainly have in the past. And I guarantee that if I feel that way, other people are that way as well. So like, go to my YouTube channel, it's just Quinn David Furnace,
Starting point is 00:09:09 just search for Quinn Furnace, you'll find it. Give it a like, give it a subscribe. Anytime we get a new video, you can turn on notifications. I don't upload a ton, you know, but maybe like once or twice a month on average, and it's kind of fun. So, definitely check it out. That's our YouTube page. But we
Starting point is 00:09:26 got big news. And I'm going to be talking about Alabama in a little bit here. I made some notes. And I'm going to try to keep this podcast short-ish. I know last week was really short. But you know, I've got I've got some stuff to say today, but I'm going to try to be pretty efficient. Move through it quickly. We'll do some ad reads and all that stuff. But the biggest news, and there's other, don't let me forget that the, in fact, I'll just say this now before we jump into our big news. Don't let me forget. Next week will be our Winter Olympics preview.
Starting point is 00:09:57 Right. I think the Winter Olympics start. It's either February 3rd or 5th. 3rd is a Thursday. The fifth is a Saturday. So I could see it being either one of those two days they are live from Beijing. So again, another Olympics. And I know I've made the joke that China's hosting
Starting point is 00:10:14 three shared Olympics, because it was Korea, Japan, and then China, AKA China Junior, China's helper, and China, China. But all jokes aside, the thing that bums me out the most is like, we keep getting asked by these time zones, man. I mean, consistently like 12 to 13 hour difference or something like that. You know what's crazy?
Starting point is 00:10:36 I just had a random thought in the Atlanta airport the other day, I was like, how many time zones does Russia cover? Here's a, okay, our daily trivia question. So make your guess at home if you need to pause the recording, go for it. I was thinking like, okay, it's big. It's a lot bigger, wider than the US.
Starting point is 00:10:56 So I was thinking like, okay, maybe it's like, maybe, or the continental US at least. I was thinking like, okay, maybe like, double, but I also know the US likes to have lots of things for itself, so it seems to be one of those situations where the US could like get by with three time zones, but we wanted four just for fun. So that maybe think like, okay, it might be double the US,
Starting point is 00:11:17 but maybe a little bit less. So I was like maybe seven, maybe eight time zones. 11 time zones in Russia, that's crazy. That means you got St. Petersburg and Vlad of a stock almost half a day in one country apart from each other. That's wild. Chattka Peninsula. Good stuff, man. K-A-M-C-H-A-T-K-A Peninsula. I can't do the Cyrillic spelling for you because I don't know the Cyrillic alphabet. Acrylic, Cyrillic, magnificent,
Starting point is 00:11:50 magnifique, that's French. We're getting all sorts of cultural on the on the bean-tum pockets today. What I'm trying to get at is the Winter Olympics start next week sometime and we'll do a little preview. You know, I when we did summer 2020 Tokyo, which was actually 2021, just six months or whatever, we did a two week preview and I know there are lots
Starting point is 00:12:15 of one-till-impic sports, including ones that I never even think about, like Nordic combined. That was a jeopardy answer, maybe two weeks ago and when it happened, I was like, gosh, I don't have a single clue with that is And I'm kind of a sports nut if you will so I don't know Well, I'm gonna take a look at the list of sports if we do one show one preview. It'll be it'll be a long one If we break it into two it's more manageable more bite size, but I'll take a look all it's you know
Starting point is 00:12:42 But that will be coming up next week. We'll be doing our Winter Olympics preview. The last time the Winter Olympics happened would have been 2018, which was what year year one of the show is that right? 18, 19, 2021, 20, 22. This is year five. So yeah, the last time they would have been happening like a month into the start of this show. And I remember distinctly, I was working at Johns Hopkins at the time on Baltimore. This was what, like nine months after I started working there. And their philosophy very much for new people is like, don't give you shit to do.
Starting point is 00:13:20 Which at the time I was fine with. And still like, hey, whatever you're paying me but I just recall like spending hours at my desk Playing this online curling game like a flash game, but you're you know you're playing against someone else's multiplayer online and That it was like the only it was like a two-week period where I was just playing like every day for at least an hour or two. And I'd never played online curling before and I certainly haven't played it after. I've done many curling in real life up on the rooftop of the Lincoln Park Athletic Club. And I kicked ass. I played with a date there once and I dominated. So I'm one in no lifetime. And I don't think I was very good on the computer, but you know, it's like legit curling
Starting point is 00:14:06 So it takes like 45 minutes for an actual game because curling curling is kind of It's kind of long for what it is, you know, just kind of going back and forth that sort of thing It's not a super. It's not like bowling where it kind of moves. It's takes a long time anyways We'll definitely get to that preview that'll be fun be fun, but let's get to our big news here because it is big as far as bean town goes. So as you may or may not have heard, depending on how big of a housewife head you are, Jenny, Jenny win from Real Housewives of Salt Lake City
Starting point is 00:14:42 has been fired. Big news, shocking revelations, there has been a lot happening in Real House. It's a Salt Lake City. Not only in the show that is being, you know, episodes being released from the season two, and we've got maybe like three or four episodes left in the season, but also in like real time, real life. I mean, Jen Shaw claimed on Instagram this past week that she has been fired from the show, but it was just like a passing comment.
Starting point is 00:15:13 There's no like news story or anything. So no one knows what's going on with that. And she is on trial in the middle of March. Mary Cosby allegedly quit. She didn't show up to the reunion. No one really knows what that means. And now this past week, for whatever reason, they didn't surface when they were doing their research
Starting point is 00:15:33 on Jenny or maybe they did in just didn't care, Bravo, being to them. Excuse me, some really crazy, right wing, I'm really crazy right wing violence, encouraging Trump supporter type posts. And here's the thing, I think you can be a hardcore Republican and be a Trump supporter and not be like, you know, you can like be a fan but not be like flagrant about it or like I can't think of the words I'm trying to
Starting point is 00:16:06 say but um, inflammatory is what I'm looking for. Like I think you can, I think those two things can coexist. But Jenny and these Facebook posts which there are many like leaned all the way into them. Very inflammatory, extremely hurtful to various ethnic groups, primarily African Americans. And then casually, so on the actual show season two, which was filmed many months ago, mentions towards the start of this episode that she once, or used to, maybe still does, unclear, have significant anger issues so bad that one time she broke her husband's ribs In some sort of physical altercation and by the way her husband do we cleanse be a doctor? He's just a chiropractor. So he's not a doctor. He's like
Starting point is 00:16:59 What's his name John cryer from 2 and a half men, okay, so cool it dude. So they're all terrible Her husband is one of one of the sister wife maybe She broke her husband's ribs in a some sort of domestic incident and as a huge Trump supporter So she was released by Bravo and the crazy thing is they had started season three filming So she's gonna be in the first X number of episodes and then that's obviously going to be a major plot point because she's just going to be cut off which is going to be very entertaining to watch. And they're filming right now in Gen Chow's going to trial in a month
Starting point is 00:17:38 and a half. I assume they'll still be filming during that. So like this is wild stuff man, you can't make this up. So Jenny did this really cringey, and I haven't sat down and like watched all of it, but I've been reading a lot of the recaps and Reddit posts and all that stuff. She did this really awful Instagram live on maybe Wednesday or Thursday. No, yesterday was Thursday. Somebody like Tuesday or Wednesday where she sat down, had this like token black guy who she made very clear, she wasn't paying him to be there. And it's like an interview format kind of, but they're just like sitting right next to each other, like
Starting point is 00:18:16 both looking at the camera. And she just says all the wrong things basically, very out of touch. So yeah, she's officially gone. So to summarize, we got Jen Shah likely going to prison, Mary Cosby, quit, Jenny, win, fired. So how Salt Lake City is in a little bit of turmoil. We got Heather and Whitney, the cousins are in good shape, although Whitney is definitely doing some sort of multi-level marketing scheme. And then you got Lisa Barlow, who was kind of a villain in season one, and now is like, I think most people's favorite.
Starting point is 00:18:54 And then you got Meredith Marks, who is just like, Zann acts out the whole time. So it's pretty crazy stuff, man. I can't even really recap everything that happened this past week's episode, because I watched it five days ago when it aired. Basically, they're still down and Zion, they're on their trip. There's a big argument over dinner, and then Lisa apparently went to Meredith's pissed off pissed off and I, I'm not gonna get into all the different inter-workings of these relationships and stuff, but all you need to know is Meredith is pissed off. And Lisa apparently went into her room at 3.15 a.m. while the cameras were off to like
Starting point is 00:19:39 comfort her, console her, but said something that Meredith took offense to as it pertained to other ladies. And so the big moment from this episode is literally, it's like eight o'clock in the morning. Everyone's super hungover. And Meredith is just like rampaging through the house, through the kitchen, yelling for people to come out and face her. She's got a, it's like Frank Costanza at Festivist.
Starting point is 00:20:04 She's got a lot of problems with you people and now you're going to hear about them. And in someone's bedroom, it's like Heather Whitney and Jen Shaw who are like, all buddies now, like under the covers hiding together and I've feeling like they probably hooked up. Anyways, there's a lot going on. We were promised a big shocking reveal in this episode. I don't think we're gonna get it, but we're gonna get it this weekend when the next episode airs because they show the teaser behind closed doors. Lisa is saying some crazy things about Meredith and some potentially slutty behavior. So that's gonna be exciting. The rumor on the street is that,
Starting point is 00:20:42 and this has not been verified, but the rumor on the street is that, and this is not been verified, but the rumor on the street is that, well, Meredith and her husband, Seth, were separated, which was a lot of season one. Meredith was dating someone, and Jen Shaw slept with that man while he was dating Meredith. And they definitely know about it. We haven't been told anything about it.
Starting point is 00:21:04 So that's kind of the T. And I think we're gonna learn a little bit more this weekend. Anyways, that's real hostage assault like city. Let's hear from our ads, Oh, and Reston piece to Jenny Wen, who was always just kind of like, you know, I never hated her, but she just kind of was like boring.
Starting point is 00:21:24 And then the sister wife thing felt very manufactured and you kind of felt sorry for her, but it was kind of like whatever we don't really care. And her kids were precocious and entertaining, but her husband comes across as a pretty normal regular guy. But then the whole sister wife thing and it's like, are you serious? It just feels very strange.
Starting point is 00:21:46 And now she's gone. And apparently, super racist and a big Trump supporter. Which you can be a Trump supporter, but it's, you know, being racist is a little tough too. So, yeah. Okay, let's hear from our sponsors here. And boy, sometimes when I open up my Google Docs, it goes to a different Google account,
Starting point is 00:22:09 and it's just, these are not the bean town ads. This is Eric's application to Penn essay. Okay, here we go. Oh, you guys are gonna love this, because you've only heard it 3,000 times. Are you tired of selling your house for less than a quarter of what it's worth, all because you couldn't find a reliable home inspector in time? Well, Oregon listeners, you got good news for you.
Starting point is 00:22:30 Home-Bright inspection services in Bend, Oregon, is central organs, it's new home inspector provider. With inspection services, including things like heating and cooling, roofing, plumbing, and so much more. Home-Bright Oregon is both contractor, certified, and home inspection certified, so you know you're getting the good stuff. If you're tired of big real estate little wranglehold on the home inspection market and you want a safe certified home inspector you can trust you have to call Steve at 541-410-0316 or visit Again that's 541-410-0316 or you can visit
Starting point is 00:23:01 Home Pride Oregon inspection perfection. I want to give a shout out to the Samson Q2U series. It's got crisp, clean, and clear audio quality that you can trust that God had three in one Jerusalem Bethlehem, Nazareth, Dead Sea Scrolls, whatever you're reading. When God speaks, he uses a Samson. And finally, your good friends. Cut SpyQ. I'm about to do a big shave by Q. whatever you're reading, when God speaks, he uses a Samson. And finally, our good friends cut SpyQ. I'm about to do a big shave by Q. I got a trim the neck beard every three or four days
Starting point is 00:23:35 just because I hate it. But I've had a regular beard for, I don't know, maybe a month and a half or something like that. And I just decided, it's going to be a little bit of a bummer, especially for runs, because in the cold, the beard is nice, but I'm just feeling like a little, it's because I ate pretty poorly this weekend, because I was traveling the whole week. So I was feeling a little like slavently, if that's a word, Slovenian, S-L-O-V-E-N-I-A-N. Yeah, just trying to like clean it up a little bit.
Starting point is 00:24:16 So I'm gonna be doing that in just a hot second when we finish up here jumping into the shower. But our good friends cuts by Q. Bob and we, we all know the hairstyle, we all love it. But how how many Chicago based independent barbers can actually give it to you the way you deserve enter cuts by Q It's like enter salmon only different God's by Q has been independently owned and operated since 1995 and is probably one of the better barbershop operations serving Chicago Cook County, Northwood, Indiana and the greater Chicago land area From P. Hives to Banks, Fahoxs to Flat Top's Hand, everything in between.
Starting point is 00:24:47 You have to call Cuts by Q8152987200 or you can email Cuts by We got this. Cuts! Excuse me. QTZ by Q. I got some bubbly water. Dry January, we got three days left. And I feel like this weekend I'm going to kind of miss a little bit, so not really doing anything and I was walking outside in the snow Earlier and I was thinking like man this weekend would be a fun weekend to do like Some like bourbon tasting, you know at home or at a place or something or like you know try some fun beer or something and I just feel like You know I got three more days to go. I'm not gonna stop now, but kind of a bummer.
Starting point is 00:25:27 Anyways, again, that's cuts, QTZBiQ at Oh, when you need a fresh do something snappy and new, it's called the Experts at Cuts by Q. Goods by Q. So, so in the last couple of minutes here, we're gonna throw it back to a kind of classic bean town where we would travel a lot. And even do shows from the road,
Starting point is 00:25:56 that used to just be a big part of what we did. And COVID kind of changed things up at the start of year three. And we had to adjust on the fly. But I was fortunate enough to go down to the great state of Alabama. BAMMA, baby, this last week. And this isn't going to kind of be out of order because I'm just thinking about things that come up. But man, I was recruiting at Auburn University.
Starting point is 00:26:24 Go to tax. about things that they come up with, man, I was recruiting at Auburn University. He got taxed. And yesterday, and I talked to some of the most stereotypical, deep South kids. I mean, there was this one student who was probably like 20 and he carried himself and dressed like he was 45. You know, he's got, he was a bigger guy and he's got pants hiked pretty far up. Actually, no, they were the, it was kind of the style where he's got like the khakis and they've got so big that it's like rolling over
Starting point is 00:27:01 and you gotta kind of keep hiking the belt up to like keep those babies going He's got the camouflage Baseball cap with the sunglasses flipped up on top and I just love the I just love the dichotomy of like a tucked in button down shirt khaki pants in a camouflage hat That's just like that's that's church going people right there. And he called me boy, like boy, oh, no, okay. I'm now remembering this full conversation.
Starting point is 00:27:33 He literally comes up to me and he's like, boy, how you doing? And I was like, good, how are you? And he's like, so, how did he phrase this? I can't even remember. It was just, it really took me a back. He was like, so why did people say all those things about Chicago? And I was just like, what do you mean? Like, help me out, be a little bit more specific.
Starting point is 00:28:00 And he's just like, man, down here around these parts, you talked to anyone over the age of 50,'s just like, man, down here around these parts, you talked to anyone over the age of 50, they'll say, oh, boy, Chicago, those folks. And I'm just like, I don't, you know, like the weather, you know, knowing he's probably like talking about crime. And wanting to jump into like a 10 hour segregation sort of talk with him. It was just kind of playing coy, C-O-I. And he just kept not being specific. I don't know if it was like he didn't want to say something racially insensitive or if he just didn't know what he was actually asking,
Starting point is 00:28:46 probably both at the same time. But so like that was a great example. A lot of, a lot of young ladies with just the bleached, the most bleached, just blonde hair. You could imagine and just some, you know, just some very high heels and some very short skirts. And it's just like, you know, I don't know what the Kappa gamma delta, you know, semi-formal is like this year, but you might have got your dates mixed up. So man, that was, and it was, it was much more that way, I don't know what stereotypes you have in your head, but I would have thought you might get some of that. If you're going to get that at Auburn, you might as well get that in Tuscaloosa too, but
Starting point is 00:29:34 Tuscaloosa, like two years ago, the students were great. I didn't really see the stereotype, the negative stereotypes, at least that I I or others might have on display at Tuscaloosa. So hats off to you, but I went down there Monday morning, the thing with that trip, it's a swing. So there's usually it's like, Emory, Bama, Tuskegee, Auburn, I think today actually there was something in West Florida down in the Panhandle didn't go to that because I think it's literally like the University of West Florida or something.
Starting point is 00:30:14 It's not as cool I'm familiar with. And we don't get too many apps from the Panhandle. Regardless, this trip is always, excuse me, kind of nice in January because it's belching a lot. January in Chicago is not a deal. So any chance you get to get away is great. Now, the weather down there wasn't spectacular. It was around 40 the whole time, warmer in the sun. But not like, oh man, just bring your shorts and like walk around type of weather.
Starting point is 00:30:46 It was not amazing, but the thing is like, after you've been in Chicago winter for months plus, 40 and in the sun feels like this is amazing. It's basically like what spring is like in Chicago, like late March, early April, that sort of thing. So it's nice to do that. The one thing about this trip though, like some other trips, it's a swing.
Starting point is 00:31:12 And so there's really no way to do it other than renting a car. And you kind of have to strategically plan your locations. Like, when am I gonna make this drive, when am I gonna do this, like how far is it from this hotel? Where do I want to stay? That sort of thing. It's not my first rodeo.
Starting point is 00:31:29 I've been through all this before, but I tried to do it as efficiently as I could and as easy on myself as possible. But it's still tough. Basically, what you got to do, fly down to Atlanta. My flight was delayed about an hour and a half, two hours. We had a snowstorm Monday in Chicago, another one right now. It's snowing a lot right now. And I had buffer time before I had a virtual fare Monday night. And so I get down to Atlanta finally, navigating the Atlanta airport is easy, but it's huge.
Starting point is 00:32:02 So you got to take the train, get off the main turn to terminal, take the sky train to the rental car place, stay in a long line there, yada, yada, yada, yada. And then it's like, so stay in Birmingham, because I had two virtual events, two in-person events, in-person being in Tuscaloosa, which is an hour southwest of Birmingham, an Auburn, which is about two hours south east
Starting point is 00:32:25 slash southwest of Atlanta. So I was like, okay, it's kind of central. Let's do it this way because I like I you know three nights. I kind of like not having to pack up ship every day and drive that's that's exhausting that's tough. So I'm bust in my ass because I got a virtual event and I'm losing an hour going from the airport to Birmingham. It's about 2.5 hours. Plus I lose an hour or no, I gain an hour. I gain an hour, but I'm losing the hour because it's in the Eastern time zone.
Starting point is 00:33:03 Yada, yada, yada. Doesn't really matter. I rushed and rushed and rushed. I literally get to the because it's in the Eastern time zone. Yada, yada, yada, doesn't really matter. I rushed and rushed and rushed. I literally get to the hotel, check in, get up to my room with like three minutes of spare before I got this student signed up for a time slot. And this is like 6.30 at night. And I had started my trials at about 7.30 a.m. that day.
Starting point is 00:33:21 So this is just a planes trains and automobiles-ish situation. And the student, Shaqille, from Emory University, doesn't show, which was real kick in the nuts. Anyways, next day's Tuesday going on to Tuscaloosa. They gave me a cool gift bag. I got like a stuffed elephant, which was pretty cool. Yeah, so that was fun. They gave me a, you know what was interesting? I was standing next to the Missouri rep in Tusk, Luce, and he got there before I was, or before I got there, I get to the table.
Starting point is 00:33:57 He's like unpacking the gift bag, whatever. And he was telling me all the stuff that's in there because my bag was at the table, but I hadn't looked into it. And he was showing me, I don't remember exactly everything he showed me, but he showed me one thing was like one of those little like pop sockets or something you put in the back of your phone
Starting point is 00:34:13 and I was like, okay, that's kind of cool. I'm not gonna use it whatever I don't care, but okay, that's cool, Dean. My buddy, Dean, he works at Mizzou. And I just put my bag in my backpack and I was just looked through it that night when I get back to the hotel. No pop socket, nothing cool like that. Just a stuffed elephant, a bottle of water, and a Hershey's bar.
Starting point is 00:34:36 So, I'm realizing just now that I totally snuck that Hershey's bar through TSA. Although I don't know. I don't have a firm grasp on the TSA rules with food, what you can and can't bring. Because I used to think like, oh no food, whatever, that's easy. But lately I've been reading online, like, you can bring like a turduck in through TSA practically. So, I have to go back and look at the rules. I don't ever test it, except for this time
Starting point is 00:35:06 I did unintentionally. I'm literally just now realizing I brought a candy bar through TSA, which obviously was fine. I didn't get flagged or anything. So that was Tuesday and Tuscaloosa Wednesday. It was actually a totally virtual day. I was working from home out of my hotel room, went to the Publix, P-U-B-L-I-X, got to power rate in a salad, living like a badass, and had to work a long day that day.
Starting point is 00:35:38 So it was a regular nine to five with the folks up in Chicago, and then I recruited till seven PM virtually. And the only people who showed up were colleagues at other law schools. No one came to talk to me so that was kind of sad. I thought maybe Shaqil would make a surprise return. Like the Jedi and Star Wars Episode 6, but not to be. I don't think we'll be seeing an app from Shaqil. And then yesterday, long day, man. But I saw some interesting things. Yesterday, so yesterday, wake up.
Starting point is 00:36:11 And the other thing, I just insert this in here, briefly, self-plug. Proud of myself, I worked out every day I was down there. Okay, that doesn't always happen. It's tough living the hotel life. You're eating kind of poorly. Just not moving as much, so you're driving everywhere, but I got to work out in every day.
Starting point is 00:36:28 I ran like 13 miles across the four days, which is not a ton, obviously, but like, man, I don't love running on treadmills. So it was something. Yesterday, I was driving and I saw a really interesting thing. I passed a Jeep on a, like a a rural highway and I didn't see it until I got up close but on the back the letter or the words rural male carrier not like a male sex trafficking thing like M-A-I-L and you know you pass past the
Starting point is 00:36:59 driver and you see they got the steering wheel on the right hand side. So the USPS apparently, this got me thinking the USPS is apparently subcontracting some of their male carrying efforts and that got me thinking, hey, I mean, lights and weekends, sign me up. I'll deliver some mail for you. So I don't know who I need to contact postmaster general, whatever it is, but Hit me up. So I created Auburn yesterday already talked about that a little bit It's like a two and a half hour drive from Birmingham to Auburn and then like a 90 to two hour 90 minutes to two hour drive back to Atlanta After that drop the car off, get on the flight, whatever. Everything was gonna be peaches and cream. Georgia reference, peaches.
Starting point is 00:37:53 I don't know if Georgia's really known for their cream. Oh, one thing I forgot. Thursday morning, yesterday morning, the continental breakfast, a mind and mind business, heaven and my waffle and yogurt. And I had noticed the night before, when I got back from picking up supper, morning, the continental breakfast and minding my own business, having my waffle and yogurt. And I had noticed the night before when I got back from picking up supper, there was an
Starting point is 00:38:09 RV park in the hotel parking lot. So, okay, whatever. The next morning, I got to witness the Jefferson Family Caravan, what better name for Alabama, the Jefferson's. And they were basically like duck dynasty. There were a lot of them there were in camouflage. And I don't know if there are some sort of local celebrities or they were doing a pilgrimage of sorts,
Starting point is 00:38:36 but everyone in this hotel seemed to know them. And apparently it was their last day or they were just there for one night and they were getting ready to pack up, ship, and leave. But tell you what, breakfast was like a retirement party. There were hugs, tears, hotel staff, all over them. And they sang a song. It was crazy. It was just wild.
Starting point is 00:38:59 There had to be at least eight or nine Jefferson's of all ages and sizes. I don't know what the deal was, but yeah, then they they left kind of as I was leaving, they said Jefferson's out and they all packed, they picked up all their luggage and stuff and they walked out to their RV and I drove off before they did. And if anyone has any details on the Jefferson family caravan 2022 big road trip, let us know because I am intrigued. So my last thing here is I was checking in for my flight, Wednesday night, Thursday morning, whatever, and I have the option to change seats. And there weren't a lot of picks out there, but this was the type of plane to give you context into the size where you got one side is just two seats, the other side is three seats. So when I flew down
Starting point is 00:39:49 to Atlanta on Monday, I had a middle seat, and I don't care, like whatever, it's literally a two hour flight. And coming back, I was assigned a middle seat too, so I checked in on the app, and you can change your seat to something that's available. And they're one of them, one of the exit rows had a seat available. So it wasn't the side that had the smaller side with the two seats. It was the other side with the three seats except because it's an exit row, there wasn't a window seat. So excuse me, the seat I picked that was available was the aisle seat in that row
Starting point is 00:40:26 that should have had three seats, but instead only had two. So it's my seat, then a middle seat, then no window seat. What I'm getting at is there's a heck of a lot of space to the right of the middle seat. In fact, we both should have space, ideally. So I get there, sit down, boarding the flight, whatever, all is good. Then I see Big Daddy, Maurice Bruce Justin, I don't
Starting point is 00:40:54 know what his name was. A large black man, you know, had to be at least six, three, six, four, a little bit taller than me, not, you know, like fat or anything, but just like stocky, built, whatever. Since down in the middle of sea, it's like, okay, whatever. First move he makes, this always pisses me off. We gotta, okay, we gotta, people wonder why this country is so divided, and it's not just a race thing, it's politics, it's religion, it's pineapple on pizza, but that's neither here nor there.
Starting point is 00:41:27 The first thing this guy does, we got a shared armrest between us. He's got one by himself to his right. I've got one by myself to my left, although that's that really only counts as like three quarters or one because if you really explore the space on that armrest, you put your elbow on it normally,
Starting point is 00:41:45 do it every time a flight attendant comes down or the beverage cart comes through, like you're getting smashed. Your elbow is gonna be black and blue by the time you finish that flight. So it's like, I can't even fully explore the space on my left side, but this guy just goes all in on our shared arm rest. And I'm just like,
Starting point is 00:42:08 man, when you're in that situation, no one, no one gets to fully take advantage of it. You can kind of be on the edge with your arm and it still functions great, but you can't go all in because then I'm just like, I'm getting squeezed on my right side. It's the large man he's taken on my arm rest and I really don't have any room to operate on my right side. It's the large man he's taken all my armrests. And I really don't have any room to operate on my left side because people constantly coming down the aisle and you just get bumped every time in the shoulder if you like give an inch out there. So here's the problem.
Starting point is 00:42:40 The armrest is like, okay, that's kind of shitty, whatever. But this guy has got his left foot right on the edge of where it can be, which is fine. It's his space to utilize. But what pisses me off is he's got half an acre out to his right between his seat and the edge of the plane, the window. There's no seat. No one's got, you know, the guy sitting behind us who's in the window seat,
Starting point is 00:43:07 it's like he's taken up all that space with his legs or something. There's so much room. And this guy to my right is just in the middle seat, but not really the middle seat is just sitting there like he's getting asked blasted from the right. He's hugging, he's hugging me practically. And it's just like, dude, you have so much space to your right. He's hugging me practically. And it's just like, dude, you have so much space to your right. Like, if I was in your position, my knees would be like 45 degrees off to the right, like chilling, you know, stretching it out, you know, you don't need
Starting point is 00:43:39 the armrest for your left arm because you can kind of lean off to your right. So you got all that room over there. I mean, you could, you could plant, you know, a couple, a couple bushels of, uh, uh, a thousand bushels of corn in there. If you had some soil, you know, there's so much space like that movie gravity with Sandra Bollock. And I just, I don't get it. Like, why do, why were you so confined to this this middle space? It didn't look comfortable for you and I it sure as hell wasn't comfy for me This is why America is going down the tubes So I get home my last parting thought for you all
Starting point is 00:44:19 To just show you my Vincentian character the I N C EE-N-T-I-A-N. Literally get to Midway, walking out, checking the Uber prices. It's 11 PM at night. I get to put it on my work card. Okay, it's a work trip. Uber prices from Midway, $74.
Starting point is 00:44:42 And I'm like, yo, this is's a lot and the weather was kind of bad, but like Really just light snow flurry. It's nothing crazy roads were fine Like why the heck on a Thursday night at 11 p.m. I guess all the college students are doing Thursday Thursday. I don't know what it was, but like egregious 74 bucks from midway to Lincoln Park. It's a 20 minute drive, 25 minute drive at that time of night. It's not hard. 55 Lakeshore Drive, boom, you're done.
Starting point is 00:45:15 So me being the pro gamer that I am, I walked out to the Kiss and Fly, which I'm very familiar with because when I go to Rachel's Parent Sal, since where I get picked up 30 bucks. So I call it my new Uber driver, Buddy Jesse, on the Uber app, and get picked up for $30. Again, this is all in the work card.
Starting point is 00:45:37 It's not like I did this because it was going to put me out on the street. Like, I am saving this company so much money. Okay. out on the street like I am saving this company so much money okay I even gave them $10 yesterday for the blue demon challenge giving day in which we raised over $6 million you know what the university is saying hey we raised $6 million and that's true and that's great you know what you really raised yesterday $6 million and $44 more dollars, okay? Folks, that's what I got for you. This ended up going a really long time.
Starting point is 00:46:09 I'm happening in the shower. I'm going for a shave. That's what I got for you. I hope everyone is well. Stay safe. Stay sane and stay warm. I'll check in on you next time. Bye.
Starting point is 00:47:27 and I'll see you next time. Bye! I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, I'm not a man, nd you

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