Beantown Podcast - Bathroom Adventures (01202023 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: January 21, 2023

Quinn comes to you LIVE (not from the bathroom) to discuss some recent and some old bathroom adventures. Email us at!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furnace. Welcome to my show. We're coming to you live from the podcasting corner here on the north side of Chicago. It's become kind of my new spot, particularly on Friday afternoon. I guess it's evening now, it's 6 p.m. already, gosh. The day was weird. I got away from it. I was not doing much today
Starting point is 00:00:44 because I'm working tomorrow on Saturday, which is a bummer. So for me, it's kind of like, yeah, I'm taking care of things as they come in. They need to be taking care of, but beyond that, it's kind of like, you know what, I'm going to just kind of relax a little bit and not sh** I'm going that I have got to be, you know, downtown tomorrow by 7.45 in the morning and then all of a sudden it's like boom, go into the grocery store to pick up dinner going on, you know, doing a workout playing some tomb last
Starting point is 00:01:21 getting a 45, I already mentioned my workout going to the 7-11 and get Rachel and I some diet coax, an extra crisp diet coke today man it tastes good. And next thing, and it's time to podcast. So with that in my we're gonna be very efficient right to the point today. It's not gonna be a bloated episode. Because I wanna finish up and cook some supper. I'm pretty hungry. My lunch, my lunches this week were, and granted, there have been some, some significant snackage outside of this,
Starting point is 00:01:58 particularly yesterday, Rachel brought home a cookie from a local company here. I think it's a Chicago thing, I don't know, but it's called Sweet Man D.B.s. It was a gigantic cookie that I had. I had some sweets from the staff lounge in the office yesterday and you know, popped out. I even had my dunk in latte.
Starting point is 00:02:16 So yesterday was a fall off the wagon kind of day. So we're back on, but my lunch, lunch this week, I've been going on a nut craze. Call me the nut. back on, but my lunch, lunch this week, I've been going on a nut craze. Call me the nut. But a lot of, well, first it was cashews, and then I threw a three chocolate covered pretzels in there, and my little zip lock bag. And then all that with a banana.
Starting point is 00:02:36 And then this week, because of just the cashew shortage and just prices being out of control, I've switched over to trail mix, which so you got your raisins, your almonds, your cashews. I think that's pretty much it. This mix I had didn't have any M&Ms or anything half Reese's pieces, pieces, Pisces, Reese's, Reese's, Reese's, Pisces, the fish. That's me. That's my, that's my sign. Shout out to, she's actually, there's a, she's related to the show and that she's been on before.
Starting point is 00:03:27 One of my my access on our first date was at Seinfeld Trivia in Baltimore. You all recall how I was a big trivia head in my Baltimore days. And I still love trivia. I just don't play organized trivia too frequently. But you know, back then, young tall dark and handsome, I really 20, just had a lot more free time and lived at Baltimore where everything was close, you could walk places. Not so much the case in Chicago as much. But on our first date, it was just, I mean, that whole relationship was super weird. She brought her roommate who is great, very kind, nice person. But then I was getting grilled the whole
Starting point is 00:04:10 time about my, my horoscope signs. They were asking, what's your sign? I said, I don't know. So that's my birthday, March 16th, apparently, that's Pisces, Reese's Pisces. And then they're like, well, your Mercury's in retrograde, your Mars is rising, your Moon is a, you know, a Clipst by the Moon kind of thing. And, yeah, this whole book and everything, it wasn't even just like the phone app, it was a book. And I think we ended up doing pretty well in Seinfeld trivia, I don't really know,
Starting point is 00:04:42 but I definitely got scoped out. And of course, that relationship didn't last very long for a whole slew of reasons. But I hope they're both in a happy place now. One of them is a lawyer, one of them is a teacher. Anyways, that was crazy. But I want to get to what we're talking about today. I wanna mention that listener discretion is advised.
Starting point is 00:05:08 When you're listening to the Bean Tom podcast number one, we'll keep you some language. Number two, this podcast is objectively terrible and also hello and a saw a mic on to our friends in a packy stand, Kiber Pass, Hyderabad, Calcutta, Mumbai, wherever you're listening. Hello, thank you for making us the 112th ranked comedy podcast in the nation, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan or whatever it is. We've looked it up before and I
Starting point is 00:05:36 did not retain that information. That's something I think about frequently because I spend just a A ton of time on my phone or on my laptop on Wikipedia mostly But you know whatever informative site you want it to be just reading about things Geography related history related actors and actresses Television shows entertainment and general. Just, you know, I think a lot of people do this special in Wikipedia with all the hyperlinks kind of going down the rabbit hole. But man, I probably, especially if it's after like 10 pm at night, I'm probably retaining like 5% of the stuff I'm reading.
Starting point is 00:06:21 I will say I spent a long amount of time maybe two or three nights ago from a Reddit thread reading up on the nation of Na'uru and a URU which don't let me forget, excuse me, in fact we'll do this live on the year. I always play because I work from home on Fridays is why it hasn't happened yet. But I typically play my three phone games, word related games, wordle centric games, wordle and it's two spin-offs. When I'm on the train in the morning, that's when I do my three, which are worldle,
Starting point is 00:06:56 worldle and cordle. And I haven't done it today because I work from home, and so I didn't have that routine. We're gonna play those live on air in a second. So if you end up listening to this hours after it comes out before we move to Saturday's games and you haven't played yet, there will be a whole slew of spoilers for those three games. But I wanted to, to say that I spent like 20 minutes reading about an hour a row and it's a country that I'm aware of and I know that it's been you know super small, very, very few people and it's been stripped mine, but I really
Starting point is 00:07:30 did some digging in and read more about like the history. There was a civil war back in the I think the 17th, 18th, 19th century, something like that, I gave myself a wide birth so I wouldn't be wrong. And it killed like a third of their population in the last 10 years, which is crazy. How can you have a civil war amongst 2,000 people that last 10 years? It's the island is so small, you think that would be one of those things like the Falkland war that's done in like three days, you know, because it's like, well, who else are we going to shoot? Where else are we going to go? This now, Ruh, now, Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-Ruh-R last like 10 years, which is crazy before the Germans came in. Of all people, how the heck did the Germans get
Starting point is 00:08:28 all the way down there in the South Pacific? They came in and took care of business and kind of had their way with those now ruins. So you know what would be cool? And they probably have some of these because of all the strip mining. The ruins of Nooroo. That's like a 30 rock rural juror kind of thing.
Starting point is 00:08:49 I think I could make a kick ass Windows XP era video game. I'm thinking like, remember that game riddle of the Sphinx, which was like an adventure puzzle solving kind of first person POV game for PC. And apparently there is a sequel, which I never played, but we had the original. I don't think anyone, any of my brothers or I ever beat that game.
Starting point is 00:09:15 In fact, I'm fairly confident no one did. Um, but so I'm thinking that style complete with all the frustrating puzzles and click on this and nothing happens, kind of gameplay, but it'd be called the Roons of Navu. Are you, I-N-S, are you listening? It's me, Margaret. Space, O-F, space, N-A-U-R-U. Roons of Navu, okay, let's move on here.
Starting point is 00:09:42 It's a good idea. We're gonna have more ideas later on the podcast. We're to have a trivia question related to what we're talking about today, which is the bathroom. It's actually, it's kind of a half and half. More like a third and third, because we've already spent 10 minutes on who knows what rooms of Navuuru. We're going to be talking, Quinn's bathroom adventures in a second here. Some recent, some old, and then Quinn's bathroom adventures in a second here. Some recent, some old, and then it just sounds fun when you say it, bathroom adventures. And then we're gonna wrap it up with a new idea
Starting point is 00:10:12 I came up with. That's a beauty of this podcast. We can have nothing to say until about two hours before showtime and all of a sudden I've got a solid 10 minutes. And so it's gonna be new innovative ideas, which we do our big ideas podcast like once a year kind of ad hoc.
Starting point is 00:10:32 It's never super like it's not like, oh, that happens every May. It just kind of happens. But this is kind of a miniature version of that. So first, let's play World-O. So it's tough when you're doing audio. So I try to be as descriptive as I can. Now I'll say this, it's an Eastern European country, a southeastern European country that has a very distinct shape. It has a long coastline,
Starting point is 00:10:59 along the Mediterranean Sea and more specifically I guess that's the, that's the Aegean C. I sometimes, I don't want to say sometimes, no, not the Aegean C, must be the Adriatic C. I get my metatranian C C's, like an email, mixed up every once in a while. Yes, it's the Adriatic C. The Adriatic is, I just got to remember, because when I hear a gene, I instantly think Greek islands, which is the case. A gene is like Greece and Turkey. Adriatic is the one between Italy and Croatia and some of those other loser countries.
Starting point is 00:11:35 No, I don't mean any offense to those guys. So it's a very distinct shape. Looks like someone's more specifically Bosnia and Herzgavina is taking a bite out of it. It is, of course, our good friends, the Croats. Croatia. And if you know what Croatia looks like just by picturing in your mind, you know that you'd be able to get that real quick, too.
Starting point is 00:11:55 Okay, now we got to guess the neighbors of Croatia and they gave you the images, but they're sometimes hard to see. So we know that one of the neighbors is Slovenia, right? Because Slovenia is the one that's kind of in between Italy and Croatia. Yes, Slovenia is one of them. I already said Bosnia is taking a bite out of Croatia, so that's another one. Other than that in Croatia, as we go down,
Starting point is 00:12:22 maybe Albania is kind of between those guys. Nope, it's not. It's always a always tough. Maybe Kosovo is in there. My South Eastern, no, Kosovo is not. Okay, we got to get serious here. My Kosovo geography is not, I'm not particularly, or my South Eastern Europe geography is not something I'm particularly proud of. It's just, I know the general happenings, but I don't know all the specifics. You can show me a map, you can ask me, which country is this, which country is that? I can tell it to you, but just trying to picture this
Starting point is 00:12:58 in my head for memory. It's a little bit tricky. So while I was bitching, I guess Serbia, and that was right. So let's just guess Montenegro too, you might as well throw it in there. Montenegro is also right. So there's one left. Could it be North Macedonia, perhaps? Perhaps.
Starting point is 00:13:16 No, it's not. That's further down my grease. So we got one guest left. And I want to make sure I get to go to the next round. So before I Google it, I'm not basically what I'm going to do is I'm going to Google to make sure I get it right. But before I do the Google search, I'll take a guess to see if that was right without actually entering the guess.
Starting point is 00:13:36 Let's see, maybe there's... So I'm trying to think how it goes. Slovakia is way up there. And then it goes hungry and then Chetia maybe, but I don't know if they actually border each other. Let's take a look at it. I think it's, no, it's Chetia.
Starting point is 00:13:59 I got myself way mixed up. It goes, I always get these three mixed up as you kind of, just these three countries, Chechi is Slovakian, Hungary, I get those orders mixed up. It's kind of like central Eastern Europe. So for the record, Chechi is highest up. I should remember that, cause Prague's on the Danube,
Starting point is 00:14:21 although I guess Budapest probably is too. This is not interesting. But for the record it goes Chetia, then Slovakia, Slovakia, then Hungary. So it's gotta be Hungary at the bottom. I always get confused and think Hungary is further north, but it's not. Okay, so Slovakia is in the middle of then Hungary.
Starting point is 00:14:39 So the borders again were, that was not my finest effort getting the borders of Croatia. So Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzgivina, Serbia, Montenegro and Hungary. Okay, let's move on. Guess the capital of Croatia, which I know it starts with the Zee Zagreb. And finally, oh no, there's the flag. The flag of Croatia.
Starting point is 00:15:03 I think it's the like red, white, and blue one with the shield. Let's click on that. Yes, it is. So it's red on top, white in the middle, blue on the bottom with kind of this checkerboard looking red shield with some other fun things on top of it. And let's play the final round. I feel like I just know that because I've seen Croatia in the world cup a lot the last two Events because they've made it so far the finals and then the semi finals, which is pretty impressive The estimated population of Croatia we have one to three million three to six six to ten or ten to twenty I'm gonna guess six to ten for Croatia. No, it was three to six. Let's get the The exact number here. It says, not my best world though, but I'm hanging in there. You know, I'm not giving up. It's
Starting point is 00:15:50 3.899 million, so it wasn't particularly close. And then finally, the currency used, whenever I don't know, I guess, the euro, that's not the case here, because it's not one of the choices given. We have the Kuna, the Dinar, the Kwanzaa, or the peso. Peso is not right. Kwanzaa is a black and recently invented African-American holiday. The denar does not sound Croatian. So let's guess the Kunaa. That is what it is. Ramzaa tuna. Okay. Wordal time. You don't need to see a picture of the country to know what's going on here. So again, major spoilers if you haven't played yet today, Friday, January 20th. I'm going to start with trade, T-R-A-D-E. I have yellows on everything except for the D, which is black. So I have four of the five letters, correct? All right. All righty, So let's go to rates that is letter all the letters in a new place and R&A still oh
Starting point is 00:16:49 This should be easy R&A. They're still yellow, but T&E are right and we got S is blacked out So let's start with the a let's go after and Bingo Bay. Oh no, I hate I hate when you get right down to it and you're like, I'm gonna, I'm gonna win this time. And it's just, you have to make a gut call, like after when it could be alter a LTR. That is what it is. Not alter like, you're going to Catholic church, but alter is, and I'm altering the deal, pray, don't alter it further. And then finally here, I don't even know,
Starting point is 00:17:31 there's no good way to like explain cordal as we're playing it because it's just so dang. There's a lot going on here all at once. So let me just say that I'm already on my fourth guess. I just got my first full word and now we're going to get our second full word on guess five and now we're going to... Oh, I guess moxie and that wasn't right. I was, I got cute. Let's just put it that way. I got movie on guess six.
Starting point is 00:18:08 And now I've got, I guess that was seven. I got four, five, six was moxie, seven was movie. So I got two guesses to get this last word. We got one green so far. It's an N, but we also know that there is an E and an X, which you don't see often. It's gotta be an X. Like I'm annexing now a room, said the Germans.
Starting point is 00:18:29 So there we go, I got Quirtle and Eight, which is about is, I mean, seven or eight is good for me. And nine is like, okay, I just survived because the way I play Quirtle is, just, I just wanna get it, okay? I don't really care how many guesses. I just like the satisfaction of getting it. So the way I do it is no matter what I guess three words, through starter words, being being bonned, one, two, three, and I don't I won't tell you what they are. So I want you to steal my secrets. But then I go from there. but then I go from there. So if it's one of those three words magically, then I would have one or two or potentially three,
Starting point is 00:19:08 that would be the day when we actually get down to it. But typically the guessing, like filling in words and stuff starts on guess four. So that gives you what, five guess six guesses. Yeah, six guesses to get four words right. So there is not, you know, it's not a huge margin for error. It's just that's how I like to approach it so that I instantly after three guesses there are only 11 uncovered letters.
Starting point is 00:19:43 11 letters that haven't been touched, you know, typically your V's, your X's, your Z's, I won't give away all of them or also be able to know my words. Okay, let's get to what we actually want to talk about here to bathroom adventures. And this was just spawned a couple days ago, I told Rachel, before she went to the gym and I started recording,
Starting point is 00:20:06 what I was gonna be talking about, and she looked a little concerned and said, is this in our bathroom, and I said, no, don't worry. Because typically there are, you know, adventures are fun often, but if it's a bathroom adventure, it's probably best suited to not take place inside your own home.
Starting point is 00:20:25 And that's the case with with these bathroom adventures. I'm going to be sharing with you. There's just basically there were a couple things that happened to me. Just this past week in a bathroom that made me think, you know what? I've got some tails to tell. I want the world to know about these two, and then I actually came up with another three recently, the last day or so, that I just thought were, you know, part of my life that were worth sharing.
Starting point is 00:20:55 So, three of them are very recent, two of them are older. There's not really a, it's not, they're not thematic other than they've all happened to me in a bathroom, not my own. So, let's just go from, from most recent to oldest, and what really spurred me to say, we got to share this on the podcast. So, I'm to give you a little bit of just to set the scene in my daily life without going into any unnecessary details, my typical habit when I'm in the office, which is traditionally Monday through Thursday, 830 to 430 is to do my morning constitutional around mid-morning.
Starting point is 00:21:39 After I've had my coffee, that's just, I'm a once a day kind of guy, 24 hour cycle, That's just I'm a once a day kind of guy 24 hour cycle, you know like CNN and Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo. Did he get fired from CNN? I can't remember whatever happened with all of that I don't know not important so typically what I'll do To be so I work in a you know what 16 17 story building a college but there's no bathroom on the first floor which is where my office is so anytime you want to go number one number two or you know just to slick your hair back you got to go up at least to the
Starting point is 00:22:18 second floor which is what I'll do when I have to you know P right because it's the fastest thing typically take the stairs or I Typically take the stairs, or am I taking the elevator upstairs down? If there's no one else using the elevators, but when I got to do my morning constitutional, I typically go to three. And the reason for that is two is a big hub for students, whereas
Starting point is 00:22:39 three is mostly just staff offices. And you don't see a ton of students just floating around. There are some, but not as many. So I'm a big fan of just, you know, we got this, you know, 17 story building. Let's spread out as much as possible. And you know, two is going to have action. So I go to three for my traditionally, you'll see in one or two adventures down coming
Starting point is 00:23:02 up here that that's not always the case, which was a grave error on my part. Anyways, grave is too strong a word. So I'm in three the other day. I go in the first stall, because it's just like, you know, some people like to go all the way in the back to the handicap stall. No, I'm just, I'm a straight shooter.
Starting point is 00:23:20 Let me just go right here. That gives me plenty of space. I'm not taking up the middle one, which is awkward if someone else comes in. So just go right here. That gives me plenty of space. I'm not taking up the middle one, which is awkward if someone else comes in So I just go in the first one. I'm just doing my normal business here, you know Do it Scroll scroll scroll scroll a little bit put the phone away and then you know take care of stuff and go back to work
Starting point is 00:23:39 I'm literally sitting there. I hear the door open Which is like okay, whatever. Usually when that happens, if someone's peeing, just wait them out. If someone goes into a stall, then I'm like, okay, I feel for you, let me take care of my stuff. I get out of here ASAP and I'll leave. I am not joking.
Starting point is 00:23:59 When I say I was scared, I shitless, but there wasn't anything left. So you can't really be that. I start hearing some very heavy breathing. And you can, you know, it's a small space. You can hear everything that's going on in terms of footsteps and breathing and someone sets, you know, their backpack down or whatever, like,
Starting point is 00:24:21 you can just hear all that stuff, okay? And there's probably five stalls in this bathroom. So it's not a small bathroom, but it's a confined space. So I just, you know, instantly, I'm like, not here in footsteps. I'm just here in heavy breathing. I'm thinking like a wildebeest would be a good apt comparison, although I'm not familiar with wildebeest personally, but I imagine. comparison, although I'm not familiar with Will the Beast personally, but I imagine. And then you hear just one or two slow footsteps. And the breathing is louder. And I'll say this, I don't know if this was good or bad, you know, it's the stalls where
Starting point is 00:24:55 you can like see through the crack. And usually I can see through the crack, but I had my cardigan hanging up, which was covering the crack, which is probably a good thing. I probably didn't want to see what was outside or be seen by what was outside. And I, now that I think of it, I don't recall seeing the feet, which is weird. I don't know if this was a ghost or what, but that heavy breathing must have been directly outside of my stall for what felt like an attorney. Realistically, I think it was at least 15 seconds, which is a long time when you're sitting there
Starting point is 00:25:36 like checking behind your shoulder for the emergency bots in which I don't recall if they have in the third floor stalls or not. But man, it was just like, you got to let me poop in peace. And then the footsteps go down the hall. So towards more of the stalls away from the entrance or exit. And I'm thinking like, okay, they're going to, they're going to pee or they're going to take their constitutional, you know, what I do is going to be informed by what
Starting point is 00:26:03 their plan is. Never interest all. Don't think there's any urination. They slowly lumber back out and leave. And I'm just sitting there thinking like, I just, you know, it's 10, 30 in the morning on a Wednesday or whatever it was. I'm just trying to poop in peace, okay? I'm sorry. If this is your normal stall, your normal pooping time, all I can say is I'm usually up here around then and this is my stall and this is what I do. So I don't know, but I was freaky, man. I was spooked.
Starting point is 00:26:41 I feel like I was in a horror film for a second. The second bathroom adventure that happened to me is really less of an adventure, more just kind of a whimsical moment in time. A whimsical is probably not the right word though. So I'm going second floor, going at the urinals, which are at the end of the stall. So you gotta walk past all the stalls
Starting point is 00:27:00 to get to the urinals. And there's someone in the last stall. So I'm basically standing next to them. They of course have the door closed and I'm urinating in the urinal. And just the one thing that you don't wanna hear when you're doing that, well, I didn't even think of this bathroom adventure,
Starting point is 00:27:23 but we'll get to that in a second. So one of the things, it's a, it's a bonus bathroom adventure for you all listening. One of the things you don't want to hear is what I heard, which is a shutter sound, like the camera shutter sound on your phone, as someone's in the stall. And you just got to ask yourself, or, you know, there's, there's no way this ends well. It's either like a bathroom selfie, a dick pick, it could be a crap chat, a shit pick. I guess the only potential saving grace is like a screenshot, but even then,
Starting point is 00:27:58 it's like, are you getting Instagram or Snapchat thirst traps and you're Pleasuring yourself in the bathroom when you take a screenshot to save for later When you go up to the third floor maybe do you do it in every floor? I don't want to know anyways that happened to me this week as well So those are the two things that really got me thinking I got a share some bathroom adventures And the other, the bonus one, there's two shower-related ones that are less involved, I guess, less about peeing and pooping and more, just about things that happen in the shower. But one bonus one I wanted to mention,
Starting point is 00:28:46 a shout out to Mr. Doll, D-A-H-L. In fact, I don't even, David, I think was his first name, David Doll, that sounds right. A homeschool dad of two daughters, I don't really know how to describe David Doll, kind of a weirdo like tall, older, you know, he's probably like white, you know, mid to late 50s. Um, glad, you know, just kind of like an outgoing guy, but very quirky and, you know, obviously like a very like white conservative Christian kind of guy.
Starting point is 00:29:21 But one time there, there's this bathroom of the old temple of Baptist church, which is where our school was run out of. And it was just a bathroom that just said one urinal and two stalls, I think. And I remember being in there one time peeing. And in the stall, I think, and David walks in. He always had a, maybe not always, but this time he had a Bluetooth, which was a relatively new technology at that point. He's talking on the phone and talking on the phone as he's urinating, all I could hear from outside again, and can't see him inside this stall with the door closed is, you know, hang on a second, and then he lets out a big, rips a big fart and goes back to talking, zips
Starting point is 00:30:08 up and doesn't wash his hands and leaves. And you know, I don't really have any like deeper further reflections on that. It just sort of happened and I just, you know, little, I was probably like 13 year old Quinn and it's just like, all right, well, that happened. I knew it was David Dolls from his voice. And I got a just a full frontal view of that, an audio view of that, if you will. So two other bathroom adventures here before we say things to our sponsors and get to our last point of the day here. Two shower things that I thought of recently
Starting point is 00:30:45 as I was taking the shower after my workout, just about an hour ago. The more recent one is just kind of, just one of those embarrassing things. So to set this scene very ever so briefly, excuse me, Diet Coke is coming back up. Speaking of the Diet Coke, there's actually something else not related to bathrooms or the second thing I wanted to talk about today that I just had to mention. So don't let me forget, I've got my phones. I came prepared
Starting point is 00:31:18 today, a lot of notes in my phone, I'm proud of myself. But I was, around the time I was wrapping up my time living in Baltimore, yeah, in New Mexico, I was involved. It's not a relationship. Let's just say I was involved with this woman who was maybe like two or three years older than me. I don't know, who had been in my master's program right before I was in it. And I don't recall how we ever got connected or got to know each other. And I certainly don't have any recollection of how we went from just never even knowing each other really in real life to like, I guess we went on a couple like recruitment,
Starting point is 00:32:00 like dual recruitment trips together, not full trips, but like we did an event together in Louisville, Kentucky one time right by Churchill Downs. Anyways, ended up like getting involved. And one of the time we went to a wedding together in Chicago, this must have been like late winter early spring of 2019. So I guess one year into the bean town podcast. I was staying at her house, which she lived with her dad, the divorced dad who lived in like a very rich, affluent white, northern suburb, you know,
Starting point is 00:32:38 think like Highland Park area, something like that. And I was taking a shower in the morning and in the shower, so again, in this house, it's like me, this woman, and her dad, who I don't know at all. And I don't remember if she was gone or what? Maybe she was there, I really can't recall. But as I'm taking the shower,
Starting point is 00:33:03 I'm like trying to turn it off and the handle just swivels. A full 360 moves all the way around, doesn't change the water coming out, the temperature at all. So I had managed to turn the shower on somehow, but I couldn't turn it off, so you just got running water. Of course, it's draining and everything, so everything's okay, it's just racking up your water bill.
Starting point is 00:33:24 It's so I did do like a non-sexual walk of shame. And I don't recall if this was to her or her dad. It was certainly awkward either way, but I had to be like, hey, I promise I'm not a weirdo home demolition, Thai pennington type, but the shower is not going to turn off. And I don't have any tools or anything. I don't know. Like, we probably just need
Starting point is 00:33:50 to take the handle off. Maybe a part is loose. It's not gripping the gear or whatever. But I don't, obviously, I got fixed. Or maybe, you know, four years later, the water is still running to this day. I don't know. Who's to say? But that was just kind of, I felt it's one of those weird things where it's like, you know, or like if you're at someone's house and, you know, you pee and the toilet won't flush
Starting point is 00:34:15 and it's like, this is embarrassing to a certain degree. I'm not like crazy self-conscious about it, but embarrassing to a certain degree to have to like tell someone about it. But it's like, I promise I didn't do anything weird like this was a ticking time bomb the last one here Involves good friend of the show Matt Fieler. I spent a lot of time at the Fieler's house sleepovers Spend a lot of time there on Sundays my senior of high school for Because I worked up there, but one time time this was a kind of an iconic story in their household I think grown up,
Starting point is 00:34:48 or at least it was for Matt. Went down into their basement, which was mostly finished, I guess like partially finished is how you would characterize that type of basement. And a very, very newly, I don't know if it was just straight up created or remodeled bathroom. It was a house they had built. Tom Fiedler with his blood sweat and tears. And the bathroom was like brand new, something like that. So go down and take a shower in
Starting point is 00:35:18 the morning. And I don't math, Matthew would know the exact what happened because he's got a better memory of the sort of stuff that I clearly do. I don't recall if there just wasn't any hot water or if the you know the the hot and the cold was mixed up which from what I recall that's what it was but then it makes me sound like a dumbass because it's like, well, why wouldn't you just try the other way? But it took a super cold shower in the Feedler's basement. And that's just another bathroom adventure I thought I'd share with you because there's nothing about the individual story that is so crazy 15 years later, whatever, but it was a fun story amongst the group for a long time as we grew up. So, anyways, I wanted to cap off our bathroom adventures before I share with you my co-related
Starting point is 00:36:18 story here from our sponsors and finish up with our semi-big ideas thing with a trivia question. And I thought I was thinking, you know, I love trivia. We've already talked about trivia today in the show. I'm hoping this year to be better about giving you a solid final jeopardy kind of ask, but with my own twing on it. I don't think twings are really a word, T-W-I-N-G. Don't use that on your next word, they probably won't accept it.
Starting point is 00:36:44 Twine, maybe, or twigs, but twing could be tough. I want to give you like a good solid trivia question each week. And you can respond. You can you can tweet at us guys at beantowncast or I'm at white buns with a Z. If you go do follow, if you do go follow me on Twitter, it's almost all sports related stuff. And shout out to the Paul Men's basketball. Taking down number eight in the nation, Xavier on whenever that was Tuesday night, Wednesday night, just a kick-ass performance. I mean they took the lead with like three or four minutes left in the first half and they never relinquished it. They didn't have to do crazy circus shots. Xavier missed a lot of shots they probably could have made,
Starting point is 00:37:29 but they'd apologize hung in there. Clearly, Xavier clearly the more talented team, but we just never gave up. And what you love to see about your team, you get down to, there's two minutes left, you're going back and forth, they go up by, so we did give up the lead, because they would have a one point lead at times. But they'll go up by one, we go up by one,
Starting point is 00:37:54 but you never, you don't panic. You just keep playing solid defense, and that's the best you can do, and that's what we did, it was awesome. But the trivia question, okay, I'm gonna try to give you one every week and you can tweet at us, which is how we got off on that tangent.
Starting point is 00:38:12 You can email us, And it's beantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeantombeant and tell me, a15298,7200. Here's your trivia question. Although the first patent, and it's related to what we've just been talking about, although the first patent for one would not appear until 1775, the first ever flush toilet was originally conceptualized in the 16th century by the God's son of this monarch. So once more, it's a little bit wordy, but I'm'm really what the nugget we're digging for is at the end.
Starting point is 00:38:55 Although the first patent for one would not appear until 1775, so the first patent for a flush toilet. The first ever flush toilet was conceptualized C-O-N-C-E-P-T-U-A-L-I-Z-E-D in the 16th century, and I'll tell you it's the late 16th century. By the godsson of this monarch, so any knowledge you have of toilets and indoor plumbing is probably not going to help you, you probably just need to be able to go. I think who would be a monarch, presumably in the Western world, European, in the late 16th century. So if you are still thinking you're deliberating and you want to pause, go for it, but I'm going to go and reveal the answer. That would be no one other than the Godson of Queen Elizabeth, the first. Yes, in England there, her Godson,
Starting point is 00:39:50 it's not her grandson, her Godson had this cool drawing. I saw it online. It was awesome of the first ever flush toilet, but it took a long time, according to for it to actually come to fruition, which is crazy that someone would have an idea like that. And then it would be literally like 200 years later, between 1596 and 1775, for it actually to happen. Anyways, there you go. There's a trivia question for you. One other thing is my Coke is dwindling here, my diet Coke I wanted to mention,
Starting point is 00:40:23 I'm riding. It's just weird. I'm just going to say it and keep moving. And then I got some feedback on this actually, because I sent a snapchat. So I'm riding up the escalator yesterday morning, out of the Jackson Red Line to the street. And I'm behind a girl who has a backpack and on either side, you know, you got the sort of pockets for,
Starting point is 00:40:46 you know, your travel mugs or whatever. So in one pocket, she has her, her, a half gallon of half and half, not the tiny little guy like a tall boy, okay. The other one, she's got a can of diet coke and I sent a Snapchat and I was just like, I don't actually even remember what I said. But I got feedback and I did some Googling on this
Starting point is 00:41:09 when I got to my office, like a creamy, creamy coke. Actually, what I saw was a creamy Pepsi. So it wasn't a creamy diet coke. But, and I got, I heard back from one or two people who said, yeah, I've done that before. And I was just, I wouldn't say Florida because the more I thought about it, I was like that before. And I was just, I wouldn't say floored
Starting point is 00:41:25 because the more I thought about it, I was like, okay, if I poured some half and half into like a vanilla Coke or something like that, just a splash, but I could see that being almost like a, you know, similar style of like a root beer float, for example. But in my mind, I'm just thinking like equal parts, which sounds just obviously, I don't think people would do that
Starting point is 00:41:47 But that was what I you know, it's it's 815 in the morning and you see the coke in the half and half and you're just sinking Wow, that is that's wild man I wanted to say thank you to our sponsors Home prior to working when you need your home inspector in central organ You got to call the experts someone safe sir invites when you can trust call Steve at 541-00316 or go to home prior to working dot com again That's 541-00316 or go to home prior to working dot com Is hope I don't we're an inspection perfection? I just thought of something also wanted to mention two things actually Also, our good friends the Samson Q2U series when you need
Starting point is 00:42:29 Voice of an angel of a god really a golden god call Samson I don't have a number because they're like a shell company or something I don't really understand how it works anyways. You can email us cutspeak you at Yahoo dot com We're not even talking about cuts by Q. We're combining the adreads people. This is how you maximize efficiency in the 21st century workforce. Call 815-287-200-AS for Q, or you can go to,
Starting point is 00:42:58 slash cutstash-buy-Q, or you can Google the Samsung Q2U series, because when God speaks, He uses the Samsung, and when God gets a haircut, he goes to cuts by a cube. There you go. We just successfully merged inadvertently or two ad reads here. We throw a home pirate organ in there. We got a Minajah Tua baby. Okay, two things I wanted to mention here before we get to our final point. And I apologize. We could probably stretch this out into a second episode, but we're not going to because we got our Alabama episode next week. I am traveling leaving Monday,
Starting point is 00:43:30 morning, flying to Atlanta, working in Atlanta, Monday, but then driving to Tuscaloosa, actually Birmingham, probably working in Tuscaloosa Tuesday, then I'm staying in Montgomery, which I've never been to, working at Auburn and working at Tuske Tuesday, and I'm staying in Montgomery, which I've never been to, working at Auburn and working at Tuskegee, and I've flying back home Friday morning. So, a lot of Alabama time, but I'm excited. I'm staying two nights in Montgomery, and I've never been there. Not that I'm planning to have much free time to do so in the right-srelated things, but it is what it is. That will just leave Huntsville as the last kind of major metro in Alabama. I've never really experienced. But I've heard Huntsville is like the cool one to go at, especially if you're into space, NASA rockets. I wanted to say rip
Starting point is 00:44:18 rest in peace to Al... Stupid garage band getting at me right in the middle of my Al Brown tribute portrait Frank Sabatka introduced in season two I believe of the wire. One of he comes into big conflict which kind of spurs everything going on. He's really the plot of season two of the wire does not happen without Stan Belchick. And I just said that he played Frank Sabatka. That's completely wrong. He says Frank Sabatka a lot. Chris Bowers character, but he's portrayed by Stanveltzek.
Starting point is 00:44:53 Great Polish cop. That was embarrassing for me. I mean, I said he is one of my favorite characters, and then I said his name, and that wasn't even right. So, wrestling piece, Al Brown, love your character. He plays Prisballouski's father in law and then just wanted to to Say hope everyone had a good MLK day this past Monday. I was able to go to the bird sanctuary and
Starting point is 00:45:17 Pure and beach mantra's beach and pick up trash. I ran out there, had a full or had a completely brand new trash bag filled it up to the brim. Let's see, what did I pick up? There was a lot of Madella, I guess, the drink of choice out there. And then a lot of like, heinekins and then just a ton of cigarette butts. A lot of just loose paper, plastic bags, like cardboard, not cardboard, but like paper box, carry out boxes, I guess. And then a woman's thong, that was a good one. Unfortunately, with the bird sanctuary, it is known as a gay hookup spot. So a lot of condoms, a lot of like lube bottles, wrappers, whatever. But it was, you know, I was out there for like two hours. I was raining, it was windy. It was tough, but I
Starting point is 00:46:17 did it. And I just wanted to say, I hope that you were able to do carve out some time, either on MLK day or whenever you get the chance, I would encourage you in the next month to carve out an hour or two of your day. Find a way to give back to your community. It can be picking up trash, which I just did out of default because it was something I can do anytime, anywhere. But I know there was, there was like an organized soup kitchen thing down on the south side. I really wanted to go to because they're actually building the soup kitchen and then hand you
Starting point is 00:46:47 up meals, but it was like an hour or 15 on public transportation. And I was just like, I just do not want to spend 2 and a half hours out of my day off, just getting to where I'm trying to go. So you go do whatever you want to do. You can clean up a river. You can build a soup kitchen, you can read the kids. I taught some kids at a local church and panel lessons a couple of summers ago, so there's a lot of great ways to give back to your community.
Starting point is 00:47:14 It can be organized, it can be unorganized, it can be whatever. But I would encourage you to do that when you get the chance. And I encourage you to carve out time for it too, don't just wait around and say, yeah, someday when I have more time, like make it happen. The last thing I wanted to mention here, and I think, let's just, you know what I'm going to do, we're going to leave this as a teaser or cliffhanger. It's not really that way. It's more of a call to action.
Starting point is 00:47:43 But I'm going to save my ideas for the next show because frankly, we're down to 30%. We're at 48, 49 minutes. And if I actually, did this the right way, it would, we would completely run out of time. So, here's what I wanted to say, I was at a jewel osco just about two hours ago and I am checking out and as you check out you go past and a lot of grocery stores have this, some different machines. There's a place that will count your coins, this place where you can get your propane tanks, place to get your key replicated, all sorts of, you know, you fill up your water jug, whatever. So that got me thinking, what are some other kind of small business innovation ideas? We could put near the checkouts at these grocery stores
Starting point is 00:48:41 or these 7-Elevens or these Walgreens, CVS, right aids, wall drugs, whatever. That could bring in the dollars for the bean town pockets. They can be bean town branded. So I've got a couple ideas and I was going to share those with you and then maybe improv up a couple more. But let's just end there and let's say, if you got some ideas because I have I have let's see one two three Four written down so far, but I'm gonna give myself a full week to think of some more and this will be On top of our Alabama show next week This will be what we talk about so there's your call to action. Let us know. What's your idea? It could be anything
Starting point is 00:49:22 But as a reminder, we're talking about those machines, just generic generally, like where you got to count your coins, or you need your key to be remade or copied is the word I'm looking for. So send us your ideas. Beantone podcast at Again, let's be telling podcasts at and let us know what you're thinking. We would love to hear from you. I'm going to be sharing some ideas on next week's show. That's what I have for you. I mentioned it was going to be sleek, fast, efficient, just like me, and we went 50 plus minutes, but I think there's a lot of meat on that episode,
Starting point is 00:49:58 so I'm pretty proud of it. As a reminder, we got our pledge drive telephone fundraiser coming in about a month here. I got to start planning that maybe on the flight. I got to look into those stickers, which I mentioned we were going to do. The good news is the stickers, if they come to fruition, F-R-U-I-T-I-O-N
Starting point is 00:50:19 would go out with the thank you. So we wouldn't need them live on air. So I bought myself a little bit of time. But yeah, we'll plan that out. it's always a great late February episode. I'll just have to avoid our anniversary which is February 22nd I think we're going away that we can before that. Maybe Galina. I've got Airbnb's top Galina places to stay in vacation as a tab open on my computer right now. We got to look at that later That's what I have for you everyone. Thank you so much for listening. We'll come back with you next week with some of our ideas to put in those stores and
Starting point is 00:50:53 our Alabama round three. I Hope that you are having a good time. Enjoy these warmer days in January, which is crazy and Spring will be here before you know it guys stay safe stay sane and I'll check in on you next time bye I'm just going to sit there. ndご視聴ありがとうございました

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