Beantown Podcast - Beantown Goes Mobile (04262020 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: April 26, 2020

Quinn comes to you LIVE from the STREETS of Chicago to give you the first ever Beantown-on-foot episode! Listen as Quinn gives a touching eulogy to his 13-year old iPod and discusses what this might m...ean for the future of mankind

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn DeVood furnace. Welcome to my show, Quinn DeVood furnace presents the bean Tom podcast for Sunday, April 26th, 2020. This is what quarantine part five six maybe see we had birthday podcasts and then like the 22nd, 29th, then maybe like the 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th. Quarantine edition part six. Using my math here to figure things out like an absolute champ. You might be noticing a couple of things right now. Number one, this is not the Samson Q2U series. This is the Sony 21804. That's the serial number. I don't know what series. We're doing something I've never done before. There are, you know, occasional episodes of the Bean Town
Starting point is 00:01:13 podcast. That guy is riding a bike with a dog on his shoulder. I've never seen that before. That's crazy. Like a small dog. Wow, perched upon a shoulder like a bird. It's just sitting on his hindquarters. On this guy's shoulder as he's riding a bike, like a parrot. Wow. We've occasionally taken bean town on the road and not recorded with a traditional setup. Not very frequently, certainly not lately.
Starting point is 00:01:47 I can recall one time, actually there, I think I did two episodes in the car. One I was driving from Indiana back to Chicago maybe. I was like a year and a half ago maybe and then once in the suburbs of Chicago I had some time to kill I recorded a podcast But I'm doing something I've never done before. I am recording a bean-town podcast installment on foot Which is very said you might be wondering, well Quinn how are you doing that? Well, it's that Sony Clear Chris body of quality just mentioned so about Three or four months ago, I purchased this handheld voice recorder with no real purpose in mind,
Starting point is 00:02:43 but I just figured, you know, hey, if I ever wanted to have the option, to have the flexibility to do something like this, then I would have the flexibility to do something like this, then I would have the flexibility to do something like this. And today is a nice day here in Chicago particularly compared to yesterday. I ran a half marathon yesterday and it was about 40 degrees in raining the whole time and it was not pleasant. I mean the thing with 40 degrees in Chicago or 40 degrees in general when you're running is that it's actually a solid temperature. It's pretty close to ideal running temperature once you get going. But when you add rain into that, it makes it really challenging. But the quickest side is that my iPod, just
Starting point is 00:03:29 like a third or fourth gen nano that I think I bought in, like, 07, has been a soldier for me. It has been serving me well for a long time, a couple of marathons. we've been through thick and thin together. I put it in a ziplock bag because I didn't want it to get wet because it was raining, right? I get too literally about half a mile left in the run. So I've already been going for about 100 minutes at this point and it dies from moisture. So it's currently at home in a bowl of rice, but I tell you what, I have pretty low. It's a dire prediction over here.
Starting point is 00:04:25 Diagnosis is not good. So I was proactive because I really don't like running. Without music, I'm just not used to it. I don't like listening to myself breathe in pant, pant, P-A-N-T, like a dog. Right, one of Trump's favorite sayings like a dog. He loves that. When did dogs get such a bad rap with Trump?
Starting point is 00:04:52 I know he doesn't have one. That should have been the first clue, I guess. So I bought an MP3 player off of Amazon. I was looking to buy an iPod, right? Brand loyalty. But man, you try to go buy an iPod from Apple. First of all, if you got to buy a touch, which I don't really want,
Starting point is 00:05:15 because it's just heavier and bigger and bulkier than what I want. Because I only use my iPod when I'm like moving. Either walking or running. Some always in motion. So on something that's light and something I'm not really going to notice. These touches are huge.
Starting point is 00:05:34 They're like iPhones. So I bought an MP3 player for like 30 bucks on Amazon. It actually arrived today. I haven't gotten a chance to play around with it yet. So no, I have not completely given up on the iPod. We're going to take it out a right slater today. Let's see if there's any hope. But assuming there's not, consider this my, my ulaji, my iPod is green, nano, pretty classic look in. It had a couple of games on there, solitaire maybe, I remember. How did the game is like a circle and the balls bouncing inside of the circle and you have to hit different segments to eliminate them.
Starting point is 00:06:29 I don't even know what that's called. But then I have that game where it's like a wood table and there's a marble and you have to tilt it to change the levelness of the table to get the marble into the hole. That one was always a pain in the ass on my iPod because it's in that very good technology. So you tilt it one way or go the other way. You try to tilt it, you want to do anything. That one just never worked very well. Yeah, I think I bought it when I was like, well, either 12 or 13 after a piano lesson. With Mary Jo Armstrong, who also lives in Chicago Illinois now,
Starting point is 00:07:14 it's the place to be. But my mom took me after a piano lesson to the local target, target in Rockford, Illinois, and we purchased I purchased, there's no we, I purchased the I bought. I think it was 150 bucks, which is a lot of money when you're like 12 or 13. At the time, definitely my largest purchase to date, and even now 150 bucks is not something I throw around too casually. So if this is indeed the end my friend Godspeed, rest in, and you're a very good friend. This is my show. Well, the finished, the actual story, what I was going to say, it's a nice day now in Chicago, right? 55 degrees, still windy. It's always a little windy, but suns out, guns out, and I'm going for my walk.
Starting point is 00:08:27 But I think the biggest reason I'm doing the podcast this way today is because I didn't have any music to listen to, right? Because the iPods did, so, it's like, can you imagine going out for a, you know, our 90 minute walk, nothing to listen to? So it's not my normal thing. So I figured, what the hey, let's do a podcast.
Starting point is 00:08:52 So that gets me to what I'm doing right now. And this is my show, listen to the discussion as advised when you're listening to the Bean Sound Podcast number one. We'll occasionally use some language number two. Podcasts objectively terrible, although I hope you will appreciate kind of a change in fuel
Starting point is 00:09:10 today You know quarantine. It's tough on everyone. I figured what better way To create an engaging and an interesting podcast then by flipping the entire quarantine concept on its head and doing my podcast from the great outdoors, it's my Scottish accent that did not translate at all. Trying to be a UN Brenner from Train Spotting.
Starting point is 00:09:45 One of my favorite scenes when they decide to go to the mountain, it's really cool. If you've never been on it, first of all, if you've never seen or read Train Spotting, I would encourage you to do it. But too, it's a famous scene where they go to this mountain in Scotland and it's actually really interesting like the reality of this place. It's way out in the sticks. There's nothing else there. I mean, we're not even talking like, oh, it's a town in the middle of nowhere. No, there is no town, it's just a mountain. There's a train that goes across Scotland, starting in the east and Glasgow and Edinburgh and it goes west through the Highlands.
Starting point is 00:10:35 So this place is in the Highlands. And there's one train stop and there's like an inn that has I think like two or three bedrooms that you can stay at you know if you book far enough in advance it's a relatively popular tourist place simply because of its being featured in train spotting the film but there's only I think there's like two trains that run through there each day and so if you don't catch the train, you're just there.
Starting point is 00:11:07 And there's just like one building. It's like the end and you know, I assume they have some food there. But it's just, I don't know. It's kind of cool. But they go there and train spotting when they're trying to get clean. And it's pretty funny. I would like to go there when I visit Scotland, but we'll see, right, because it's like a whole, that's a big commitment for something so
Starting point is 00:11:32 like simple. So TBD, we'll see what I don't want to do on today's episode is spend too much time saying much of anything. And the reason for that is this, the Scott Farrell audiobook from of the entire book, an audio recording of the epilogue by your truly Quinn David furnace, and the critical review from a sheer content creation perspective that's all done. It is finished. Now the last major obstacle and it is proving to be somewhat significant is physically getting it onto the internet although I think we made a breakthrough. So you know essentially what I have to do is take a garage band file, export it to an MP3.
Starting point is 00:12:47 There's a lot of noise out here on Clark Street. Take it, export it to an MP3, take that into iMovie, overlay, you know, an image, which I'm just using the cover of the Scott Farrell biography or trying for tiers and tails on the stage. Then take that file, export that to an MP4 which, you know, I just know working on part one which is five hours or so, you know, it's about About 30% of the entire project in part one Fail then my first attempt to get it uploaded to YouTube the upload just straight-of-failed after hours So on try number two, physically exporting it from iMovie to an MP4,
Starting point is 00:13:49 which I didn't anticipate being a difficult step, or something that would take very long. That took multiple hours today, but it was done successfully, and I confirmed that because I was able to open it up with quick time, and I started listening because I was able to open it up with quick time and I started listening in the first couple of minutes of it so it's all good. When I left and I'm recording this at about 3 p.m. on Sunday, when I left I had successfully initiated an upload of the MP4 to YouTube.
Starting point is 00:14:27 And it was at like 3% when I left after about 15 minutes. So the hope is that that's actually going to go through. Let me tell you how it's actually going to work. We're doing it unlisted on YouTube. What that means is you can't just find it on YouTube by searching it. You have to have the link. We're doing this for copyright purposes. But I will distribute the link with anyone who wants to, you know, access it. We're happy to do that. And, um, because it's a big project, I'm gonna listen to it. It's gonna take me
Starting point is 00:15:10 whatever 18 hours to do, but it's there. So, but this, right, this is just part one. Right, I think there's four parts and an epilogue. So, part one is the longest, but two and three are also like, in fact, two, three and four might also all be around like four hours as well. The whole thing I actually did not total the time. I could easily, which never got around to it. I think it's somewhere around 17 hours. And then an up-o-log, which is about five minutes. And my critical review, which I will link the critical review
Starting point is 00:15:56 to a Google Doc that I will impose the link to in the YouTube video. It's all very cryptic. Lots and lots of twists and turns to try to protect it. From copyright infringement. So that's what's going on there, but it's all done, which is exciting and kind of sobering at the same time. It was fun, somewhat fun of a project to work on,
Starting point is 00:16:26 especially under quarantine, but that's completely finished now. So, there's your update on that. Let's give a quick thank you to the sponsors, and I don't have my ad reads in front of me, so I apologize to Home Pride Organ and Cutspec Q. Someone was grumpy. But let's just see how it goes. Home Pride Organ, are you tired of selling your house for less than a quarter of what it's worth all because you can't find a reliable home inspector in time. Well, Oregon listeners, there's good news for you. Home pride and inspection services. The central Oregon's hottest new home
Starting point is 00:17:09 inspector provider with home inspection services including things like heating and cooling, roofing, plumbing and so much more. If you're tired of big real estate, the wrinkle hold on the home inspection market. And you want a safe, certified home inspector that you can trust. You know who it is. Wow. That was really loud. You got to call Steve at 541-410-0316
Starting point is 00:17:40 or you can head to Again, that's 541. It's a rival biker gang passing through. It reminds me of the bus fight, you gotta tell you about. Again, it's 541-030-036 or head to HomePrideOrgan inspection. Perfection. Shout out to the Samson Q2U series, but in particular today we're going to shout out to our Sony handheld recorder.
Starting point is 00:18:08 And I wish I could remember what the device number was. I don't, but that's okay. Because, you know, it's got to live my life. It feels like that could be like a powering Kelly Clarkson song or something Bon Jovi it's my life Let's see if we can do the cuts by Q Adred here again None of this is in front of me. I'm just walking Holding my hand recorder Happy looking like a dummy. That's okay Are you tired? Let's see. No, that's home part of Bob and we there it is we all know I had to burp We all know the hairstyle, we all of it. But how many Chicago-based
Starting point is 00:18:49 independent barbers can actually give it to you the way you deserve? Enter cuts by Q. It's like Inter Sandman, just a little bit different. Cuts by Q has been independently owned and operated since 1995. And it's probably one of the better barbershop operations serving Chicago, Cook County, and the greater Chicago land area, including Northwest Indiana. From Beehives to Bang, Sphohox, the flat tops, and everything in between you got to call cuts by Q at 815298 7200 or you can email cuts by Q at Again, that is cuts. Q, you teasy. Buy Q at Oh, when you need a fresh do something snappy and new, skull the experts, that cuts by Q.
Starting point is 00:19:49 All right, I think that went pretty well. Did I miss anything? I don't think so. I think we killed it. Welcome to the second half of today's program. My name is Quinn David Furnace and I thank you for tuning in to you today's outdoor walking on the street entry of Quinn de Vifernis presents the Beach Top Podcast. Against my better judgment, I'm now going to attempt to do a Christopher walk in impression. We're going to want to take... no, dammit, I can't do it. Take the recorder. No, it's not there.
Starting point is 00:20:32 It's not there. It seems like it should be somewhat straightforward to try to do. But you know what, for those of you listening at home, go ahead and hit that pause button. See how your Christopher Walken impression is. If you got to go to one of the slow email us, let's see, be in town podcast, the, again that's Be in town. Be in Tudon podcast at We accept MP3 files, MP4 files, JPEGs, GIFs, GIFs, GIFs presents, and audiobooks. So whatever floats your boat. The other thing I said, we're taking it to the streets like Michael McDonald back in the 70s. Wow, what a guy. What a man. What a guy. What a man. I don't worry, I'll be loved too. Right? Just like that.
Starting point is 00:21:32 So, part two of today's program, in case you're wondering, has no central theme or purpose because, because, very important point here you are truly forgot to plan for this podcast I was so busy so focused laser focused on the NFL draft and the Scott Farrell audiobook and feeling sorry for myself that I just straight up ran out of time. What I will encourage you to do is because it's going to be a shorter installment of the Bean Tom podcast, don't feel obliged to listen much longer, right? I'm really
Starting point is 00:22:19 selling today's show. This is you go to the dictionary and you look up the entry for filler episode. It's not Dr. Phil McGraw. It's Quinn David Furnace. This show in particular, this episode in particular, but truthfully the whole um the whole kind of show in general, you know, we're at about 120 episodes, plus like eight specials. Could all be considered filler to a certain extent, I suppose. But let me tell you this, last thing here, and then I'm done, and we're going to keep it very short, because you can go listen to the scoffer audio book. That's brand new exciting content. I bought a piano, a Yamaha. It arrived. I also bought a stand, a sustain pedal, and some headphones, Sony headphones and Piano arrived yesterday
Starting point is 00:23:28 Grabbed it on my way back or getting in from my run So it's been fun to tool around a little bit and I can promise you That we're gonna have a whole bunch of Piano- rific tunes Come in your way on future installments of the bean-town podcast. I think we'll just have a you know a new segment early on in the podcast dedicated solely to music maybe hymns get back to some of our religious roots We haven't talked about the Bible in a couple weeks on the show
Starting point is 00:24:05 to the disappointment of many. Although I was talking with my lady this morning about, you know, you said, you know, you still have friends. I have friends, you know, high school stuff being surrounded by a very strong Christian community who are really into the whole like read the Bible in a year thing and it's all very carefully and meticulously planned out. You read X, Y and Z chapters of Genesis on day one, you get to Exodus on day three or whatever. You know, you get to Exodus on day three or whatever, you know. But I'm just saying about that, you know how boring that's got to be because, you know, you go read a gospel, Matthew, Mark, Luther, John. Those are page turns.
Starting point is 00:24:54 You know, you got a clear protagonist, Jesus. You got excitement, you got miracles, walking on water, multiplying fish. I mean, what's this guy gonna do next? Must watch television like Michael Jordan. But man, you dig into the Old Testament. You can't tell me that, Nehum, Obadaya, Joel,
Starting point is 00:25:22 Second Chronicles. I mean, those are not page-turners. Okay, so the whole like, read the Bible in one year, like, I feel like they're much more efficient ways to utilize your time to enhance your spiritual connection with God. That being said, I don't think I've ever set down an opened up lamentations or Jeremiah or Ezekiel, so I don't want to assume too much, but I don't know man, I mean some of those minor profits just seems rough. Doesn't really seem like I'd rather sit down and read the Scot Farrell biography if we're being frank.
Starting point is 00:26:16 But How did I even get here? I don't know. We'll have some music. We'll have some hymns coming up here starting next week, hopefully. But I don't know. We'll have some music, we'll have some hims coming up here starting next week hopefully. But thanks everyone for tuning in. If you are interested in the Scott Farrell autobiography audiobook, shoot me an email, shoot me a text, Instagram DM me at q.coineet, or tweet at us at us at bean town cast or my personal Twitter which is at white buns with a z and I'll hook you up and you'll have some good listening for that. Alright that's going to do it for us on today's show. Thanks everyone for listening. Thanks for our sponsors.
Starting point is 00:27:08 And you know what? Everyone, go get some fresh air if you can. Take a walk, social distance, yourself, all that fun stuff. And that's all I got for you. So for all of us here at the Benton Podcast, this has been Quindy with Ferns presents the Benton Podcast walking edition. Kind of like the Car ride combos podcast, rest in peace. I tell you what man, the fact that we haven't gotten a Car ride COVID podcast yet just seems unfair. Why can't we get a Car ride COVID podcast yet just seems unfair. Why can't we get a
Starting point is 00:27:47 Carried COVID podcast? Ryan and Christian if you're listening you gotta make another one. If that's an outcome pull off another what up with that live from quarantine? You guys can do a Carried COVID podcast. You don't even need to be in the car. I don't care. We just want to see your beautiful faces. Okay, that's actually all I got. So we're gonna end it there. Hope everyone's staying safe, staying sane.
Starting point is 00:28:18 And hope this audio turned out okay. I have no idea, I've never used this handholder recorder before. It's an adventure for all of us That's the beauty of the bean town podcast. Thanks for tuning in It's gonna be May next week and I Hit my 50 pounds law school, which is exciting and keep that going. I'll check in on you later. Have a good one have a fun day and
Starting point is 00:28:45 Peace out homes. Bye. I'm just a woman, I'm just a woman nd ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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