Beantown Podcast - Beantown Podcast 2020 Election Special

Episode Date: October 23, 2020

Quinn comes to you LIVE for the most presidential prediction show ever put on air! Who will win the White House? Quinn breaks down the race with humor, anecdotes, and a brief aside to discuss Scott Fa...rrell's Just For Fans. It all comes down to this!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furnace. Welcome to my show. Quinn David Furnace presents the bean town podcast. Friday, October 23rd, Election Day is 11 days away. And that means we are going to be doing our huge, means we are going to be doing our huge, tremendous, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big,
Starting point is 00:00:32 big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, just use. My name is Quinn and this is my show. Thank you for listening. It's going to be our last purely live show I would think for a while because we have got some content that we are going to be recording in the next eight days on our road trip in New England. We're going to be in six different states, not a different episode for each one of those states, but you know We're going to have some episodes To to to put out there in the next couple of weeks, so I'm excited I was I didn't decide to do our election special until About an hour ago TVH I say TVH should save more time to be honest.
Starting point is 00:01:25 I've also said Tbh to be perfectly honest, although I've found that the shortening of Tbh to be perfectly honest is not as doesn't roll off the tongue as well, and I do like saying to be perfectly honest. Speaking of shortening, what is shortening? You know, I haven't ever bought shortening in my life. It's like, if you put mayonnaise in the freezer for like 30 minutes, is it just like a different type of animal fat or something, does shortening come from a specific part of the animal meat, maybe the buttocks region,
Starting point is 00:02:10 buttocks, buttocks, buttocks. Buttocks. I think buttocks is its own separate genre on TikTok. I think every TikTok dance is a buttock to a certain extent. See a lot of twerking on TikTok. I think every TikTok dance is a butt talk to a certain extent. See a lot of twerking on there. Working and twerking. Well, this is my show and we are very excited because this is the first time the Bean Tom podcast has ever existed in an election year. Last or at least a presidential election year, last time 2016 was still about a year in change before we launched this show.
Starting point is 00:02:50 I was, where was I in 2016? I was in grad school. And Cubshead just won the World Series. And we went to a bar in Evanston. There were like five of us to watch the results come in. And it was a gloomy night. It was grim. People were feeling glum.
Starting point is 00:03:12 Glum is that a word? GLUM. Gloom. That's a Pokemon. The second or the first evolution of Oddish, second one is Vial Plume. You know, I've never had that Pokemon in my life. I don't have a lot of experience with grass Pokemon in general.
Starting point is 00:03:29 But anyways, yeah, it was a rough night. So we're hoping this time's gonna be a little bit better. I think I'll just be at home. But that's still 11 days away, but there's so much happening for me in the next week that I wanted to get this episode in and I didn't want to have to come back from my trip, which I get back Saturday night, Halloween. And then, yeah, sure, it's still all day Sunday to record, but I'm just going to kind of
Starting point is 00:03:56 take it easy. If you are listening to the stream right now, just note, it took me four minutes to mention this. We have a live video. Well, it was live when I recorded. It's not as live now. But we're recording, actually, I'm doing something, something different, somebody I've never done before. This is episode one, 40-ish, 146, something like that.
Starting point is 00:04:19 It's being Tom Podcasts, and I've never done this, but I think it's a good idea. I am recording on Zoom using my own personal meeting room. And the reason I wanted to do that is because I'm gonna do some screen sharing because the whole point of our election special today is to share with you my interactive map. I'm gonna show you my predictions for every individual state
Starting point is 00:04:44 and we're gonna see what the numbers add up to. It's going to be exciting. And we're going to have little tidbits and anecdotes along the way. I think it's going to be very exciting, very fun. So that's what we're doing. So if you are just listening to this and you want to see, obviously I'm going to be talking you through it
Starting point is 00:05:01 as we go through our map here. But if you want to see the results in real time Or if you you know it's election night and you're looking for some guidance some preview some predictions go to the YouTube page Just search my name on YouTube Quinn David furnace. You'll find my channel go ahead and subscribe smash that like button and smash that subscribe button and Yeah, you can watch me do our map. We're going to start that screen sharing, just a hot second here.
Starting point is 00:05:29 Just a couple of housekeeping things, unrelated to the election. I mentioned we talked about this last week. And people watching the live stream see me drinking from my Jack Links cup here. My hair's doing a little something funky. What is going on wrong side? I talked about Peter K. of Bachelor at Fame and how he has a paid partnership with Jack Links,
Starting point is 00:05:58 which just floored me last week's episode. In fact, I think was titled Jack Links Be Trail, which is apropos, if you will. I messaged Peter K on Instagram, slid into those DMs a couple of days ago, and have yet to hear anything back, which is not a great sign. But we'll keep fighting that good fight. And then speaking of Instagram, we were talking about potential sponsorships and partnerships. There is this one brand, Vinciar Wears. Who like I could legit get something going.
Starting point is 00:06:37 Here's what it is. They're offering me 60% off anything in store. And then they're saying, after I make my first purchase, I get a brand ambassador code that I use to distribute to you all bean heads out there for the show. You know, it's something like use code QD to get 20% off your first order or something like that. And I get some commission off of people who use my ambassador code. There's a lot of numbers going around. Don't get bogged down by the numbers.
Starting point is 00:07:07 I actually had a dream last night where I did a show where I dealt with differential equations on the show, which would be very loud neighbors outside. Yeah, because I don't know if the stream picked that up. That's Richard. He loves upstairs. We'll do a separate show on Richard at some point. Because he's got two dogs and he doesn't own a leash,
Starting point is 00:07:29 which is fun. What was I saying? Oh, but so I go to the store because I'm like, you know, like, yeah, I mean, this seems like a pretty good deal for me, regardless of, I'm not trying to make any money off of this. I don't care. I'm just doing this for the show so that I can physically run an ad for Ben Sear
Starting point is 00:07:47 Wayers and be legit and be like, use Code Quinn for 25% off. Because that's just, we're just trying to legitimize the podcasts here. I know it's taken like 150 episodes, but we're getting there every episode, small progress. But I go to their store and it's just like a very average fashion site. They've got their angles like the cool graphic T. So it's like Melania's, I don't care to you, Jack.
Starting point is 00:08:13 Like that sort of thing. And everything on their website, here's how you know it's, listener discretion is advised. You're just saying being to a podcast. Number one, location is some layer number two is just typically terrible. You know it's bullshit when you see like every single item on their online store is $99.
Starting point is 00:08:30 It doesn't matter if it's like the shirts, the jackets, the booty shorts, the tongue rings, it doesn't matter. Like everything is $99 flat. And you just, I'm not paying $99 for a t-shirt or a toad ring. It's just not my not my style. So even with this 60% off, you know, these things would be like 35 bucks, whatever. But I just I don't know. I'll take one more look at it. but I don't not feeling great about it. And the biggest thing is, as much as it would be like a cool fun joke to be able to do an ad read where I'm like use code vincere wares, etc.
Starting point is 00:09:14 I'm not going to send you all to this store where things are $99 just to get 20% off or whatever it is, because that's just silly. So that's kind of my thought process there. But we are taking baby steps. We're getting closer to legitimizing. In fact, I had someone else reach out to me and Instagram about two days ago asking about partnerships and I messaged them back, I haven't heard anything.
Starting point is 00:09:36 So we will keep you posted. But nine and a half minutes, 10 minutes in here, let's go ahead and jump in to what you all came here for. So thank you for tuning in. As a reminder, if you do listen to this Ix, one last thing before we get to our election map here and I start sharing my screen, I did extend the deadline for short orders until tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:09:59 So you have all day today, which is Friday, October 23rd and all day tomorrow, which is Saturday, October 24th. and all day tomorrow, which is Saturday, October 24th. Get your shirt orders and then they'll ship. Hopefully, they'll be here by election day. $22, they ship right to your door. There are hains, they're cotton, and they're beautiful.
Starting point is 00:10:16 I designed them. They're tremendous. No one has done more for being town me. Okay. That's a fact. So what we're going to do now is I'm going to share my screen. I feel so fancy using the zoom here. Okay, so if you're watching this zoom recording, you should now be able to see my screen. It's an ABC News interactive election map for those who are just listening to the live stream. Basically, I've just got a blank US map here and on each state, it has it's more or less as post-locota abbreviation and the amount of delegates that are part or each state gets, I guess. Which is the whole delegates thing
Starting point is 00:11:05 where you just are electing delegates and then they choose you to vote for, that whole thing is silly. It seems like it's right for complications. But let's go ahead and jump in here. So we're gonna get started with the easy ones for Joe. Okay, let me try to figure out how this works.
Starting point is 00:11:26 How do I know if I click if it's gonna be blue or red? I don't know, we'll find out. Okay, so let's go west to East here and say picks. Okay, Washington State, all the way up in the northwest corner there of the contiguous. Yes, I know that word contiguous C-O-N-T-I-G-U-O-U-S. I love the U-O-U Sort of trifecta of vowels a vowel if you will so we got washing Tintin State
Starting point is 00:11:59 Home of Scott Farrell who has lived there for about a month now Amateur porn starts to the fan is just for fans. Very cheap this month, very cheap every month. And he will, I'm obviously never been on his just for fans, nor will I ever pay for it because I'm not really a gay porn type of person per se. But the crazy thing about Scott Ferrell's Just For Fans, which is like only fans but different somehow, I don't know. So he posts like the snippet preview videos on Twitter and some of them are just like straight up, you know, masturbation or sex, whatever.
Starting point is 00:12:45 But then other ones, he'll, he'll do like cooking. I think there's one one out there that I saw on Twitter once where he's making bacon rap dates. That's on his just for fans. My all time favorite, which he just read, you know, post, post the, these same, you know, collection videos over and over again. But this one is where, when he's still worked for the church in Cherry Valley, I'm not, I'm not kidding. He, I promise we're not doing this for every state
Starting point is 00:13:16 because we'll be here forever. He dresses up in like his leather fetish gear and he's got like a purple mohawk and he goes to his church where he's the only one there and he cordial self-playing the piano and like not great piano below average and he's not a he's not a pianist not trained or anything you know he's he's 40 years old so he's been at it for a while so he has I'd say the average level piano skills But he posts this on his gesture fans.
Starting point is 00:13:45 Like, are there gay porn consumers out there who are like, oh yeah, let me get a five minute piano resettle here. I don't know, Scott. Maybe it's not my place. But Scott Ferrell is a dear friend of the podcast, not because he's ever heard of it, but because I am the friend of the podcast, not because he's ever heard of it, but because I am the owner of the, or the creator, if you will,
Starting point is 00:14:09 of the only known audio copy, audio book copy of Scott Farrell's biography or triumphed tears and tales of the stage. And if you didn't get the chance to listen to it, we dropped them, it was like early quarantine, April-ish, maybe into May. It was a big project and I completed it and I haven't really thought about it, so I completed it.
Starting point is 00:14:32 But one of these days I'll go back and listen to it. You can't just stumble across it online. If you want to listen to it, shoot us an email, again, this beantown,, we did that for intellectual property reasons. Okay, outers for DJT here. Oregon, which is an interesting one because when I think of Oregon, I think of like not Redneck is a derogatory term, but I basically think of Redneck's
Starting point is 00:14:55 and I think of the D.J. and the D.J. and the D.J. and the D.J. and the D.J. and the D.J. and the D.J. and the D.J. and the D.J. Which is an interesting one because when I think of Oregon, I think of like Not redneck is a Derogatory term, but I basically think of rednecks But there's enough people in you know Portland and the college sounds Eugene and Corbalas to where they are
Starting point is 00:15:19 Making Oregon blue. I would I wonder when the last time organ was was red maybe like I Don't know bush or something. I have no idea. I don't know the history of it organ is seven Again, we're going west east here. I guess we should start with Hawaii who I get for that's Biden I never been to Hawaii only one of these states I haven't been to and I'm still salty about that California. That's a big one, 55 delegates. California also an interesting state. I don't know what the like breakdown of in California in terms of popular vote.
Starting point is 00:15:57 Someone could look that up. But we've got California for Joe, okay. Other Democratic strongholds here in New Mexico. Not a place I've spent more than 24 hours in my life. Seems pretty safe to be blue. Colorado. That's where all the cool Democrats go. All the Silicon Valley guys go there after they retire. That's going blue. Other lockdown blue states as we go west east here Illinois, Chicago we've got 3 million
Starting point is 00:16:30 people the rest of the state or Chicago land has what? 7 million people the rest of the state has I don't know how many people. Let's look it up. But I am a proud Illinoisian and I submitted my vote for Joe Biden. So I am helping the cost. Illinois is $12.67 million. So like what is that? Basically 75% of Illinois population in Chicago and which makes sense. And certainly not every single one of those people
Starting point is 00:17:05 are blue. There's a lot of rich white Republicans and poor white Republicans that I know of, lots from my hometown. But there's just, there's too many, too diverse, Illinois's blue. Okay, what else do we have here that is for sure, blue for a Joe?
Starting point is 00:17:27 Looks like we're going northeast now. So we have Virginia Again, you think of Virginia and when I think of Virginia, I think of like South-ish But there are just so many people in the DMV on the the Virginia side of DC that it's just It's going blue that it's just, it's going blue and it's not a question. DC gets three delegates, that's three more for Joe. That's like the bluest voting section there is, I think. Someone might check my math on it. Maryland, Maryland in other state like Virginia,
Starting point is 00:18:04 where I used to live for two years, has a lot of backcountry red folks, but there are just so many people in the DC suburbs. And then Baltimore, where like, Baltimore proper is essentially 600,000 votes for the Democrat. That's just the way it is. So you got Baltimore, New Jersey or Delaware. Delaware is, Delaware, I don't know, is it a swing state? I don't know, but Joe's got it locked down,
Starting point is 00:18:36 considering he's from there. Jersey, super blue, just how it's going to be. New York, Super blue again. I'm sure there are some people in Upstate New York that go red, but even among Upstate New York, those people seem a little bit more chill than the backcountry people in Illinois who seem to be almost all red.
Starting point is 00:19:00 You had Upstate New York, it's a little bit more mixed. That being said, I'm gonna be in Utica on Monday night and I'll keep you posted. I'll let you know. The rest of New England here, or not the rest, all of New England here is red or excuse me, is blue. And I know New Hampshire is like semi in play, but it's going blue.
Starting point is 00:19:21 It's been blue, it will be blue. Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island. Then you got Maine, which is like this weird little guy, which someone might have to explain to me, I don't really understand why. So Maine has four delegates, but it's broken down into two, one and one.
Starting point is 00:19:39 So we need some sort of election expert. Because I know there's someone like Maine's second congressional district. I don't know why that stuff is separate. Because I know there's someone like Maine's second congressional district. I don't know why that stuff is separate. And I know Maine's second congressional district is like a toss up. But honestly, we're given it all of Maine to Joe. I think he's got the Northeast lockdown.
Starting point is 00:19:57 Okay, so scanning our map here, that's 217 lockdown delegates for Joe Biden. And if you're watching the live stream, I hope you are enjoying it so far. What we're gonna do is do our lock down states for Trump. Then we're gonna take a quick ad read break and then we'll come back to discuss swing state. Yeah, look at that new England blue. That's where I'm going.
Starting point is 00:20:24 I fly to Boston in 23 hours here, 22 and a half. I'll check in for my flight. First flight since the first weekend of February, when I went to Austin, Texas. We'll see how it goes. I haven't been to over here in a long time. I used to be at over here like every week and I have not been there since February.
Starting point is 00:20:46 So, should be exciting. Okay, let's do the same thing. West to East states that are slam dunks for Trump. Starting with Alaska, beautiful state. Unfortunately, there's only like 17 people there and they're all Republicans. Okay, Alaska, oops, so we have to what? Okay, if you click it twice, then it goes red.
Starting point is 00:21:06 So that's what we're gonna do. Idaho, same thing as Alaska. There's like 20 voters there. They all vote for Trump. Montana, super red, Wyoming, super red, all those channy holdovers. I think as grandkids make up 15% of the voting population. Utah, I, in my mind, slash in my heart, I try to have higher hopes or standards for Utah
Starting point is 00:21:36 because it's just a really pretty state. And I think they could have a lot going for them, but it's super red. Those Mormons are very white and basically one party voters and that's abortion. So it is what it is. Let's see, what else here is lockdown red? Lots. The Dakotas, North and South, super red, Nebraska, also has like a breakdown of red and blue. And I've seen like, it's gonna be tricky for it to go completely red, but I think it's gonna go completely red.
Starting point is 00:22:21 And maybe I shouldn't call it an knockdown, slam dunk if you will, but I think it is gonna be that way. Kansas, red. Oklahoma, red, definitely. We got this whole big belt here, Missouri, red, anyone who has seen Ozark knows that. Arkansas, red, Louisiana, red, Mississippi, red, Alabama,
Starting point is 00:22:48 red, Tennessee, red, Mississippi, red, Alabama, red, Tennessee, red, Tennessee is another state like Utah where I want to have higher hopes. But the thing with Tennessee is you got Memphis, which is somewhat blue and then outside of that, even in Nashville, where usually you go to these big urban centers, you have these big urban centers in red states that are blue like Austin, Texas, to a certain extent, or what else is a good example of this? Columbus, Ohio I think is pretty blue. Indianapolis is purpleish, Detroit. I guess Michigan isn't a knockdown red state. Atlanta for sure. Anyways, but Nashville is not one of those
Starting point is 00:23:34 cities. Nashville is very red. It is one of my least favorite cities in America. Anyways, moving on here, the slam dunk Trump states. Kentucky, super red. Louisville, I don't know the politics of Louisville super well. So I can't even comment, but there is a fairly significant proportionate African-American population in Louisville, but not enough. Indiana, Trump country, also pop as many donuts, and I gotta tell ya, I don't,
Starting point is 00:24:09 I never asked about pop as politics, which I think if pop ever wants to have his own podcast segment here, pop as politics and cheese curds, go for it. We'll invite you on any time. But pop, just by looking at him, pretty sure he's voting for Trump. West Virginia, beautiful state.
Starting point is 00:24:30 There's 24 people there and they all love Trump. Although I feel like Trump hasn't really done anything for West Virginia. Maybe that's not the case, but it feels like he doesn't really care. South Carolina is going Trump big Lindsey Graham fans down there, and I think that does it for like, I think everything else we have here are swing states. What we still have, if you're not watching our map, if you're just listening to the stream here, we've got
Starting point is 00:25:02 for swing states, Nevada, Arizona, Texas, uh, for swing states, Nevada, Arizona, Texas, Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, PA, North Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, everything else has been divvied up. And right now we're sitting at 217, 217 delegates for Joe Biden, 126 for Trump. So Trump's got some work to do. Now granted some of these, quote, swing states that are on here are, you know, like probably gonna probably gonna go for Trump. But he's got he's got a little bit of an uphill climb here. So let's go ahead and read some ads here quickly. And then we'll come back. We're, we're trimming the fat from this being town podcast 2020 election special. And we're just telling you the facts straight up, like a Paula Abdul hit. Okay.
Starting point is 00:25:57 Home Pride Organ. Are you tired of selling your house for less than a quarter of what it's worth all because you cannot find a reliable home inspector in time? Well, Oregon listeners, they got good news for you. Home pride inspection services in Bend, Oregon, is central organs, hottest new home inspector and provider with home inspection services, including things like heating and cooling, roofing, plumbing, and so much more. Home pride, Oregon is both contractors certified and home inspection certified. So you know that you're getting the good stuff every time all the time. If you're tired of big real estate, Rulululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululul for one of O316 or you can visit
Starting point is 00:26:45 homeprydorgan inspection perfection. I want to give a shout out to the Samsung Q2U series. They've got crisp, clean and clear audio quality. You're gonna wanna use it on the road. You're gonna wanna use it at home. You're gonna wanna use it when you're talking to your grandparents, when you're telling them all the conspiracy theories that they shared on Facebook are not
Starting point is 00:27:14 accurate. Boy, Facebook is just really a, I know this isn't a hot take, this isn't new, but I don't know. Maybe I just been on it too much last two weeks, but it has been, even when you're scrolling, I don't see anything from friends. It's literally, and I, maybe this is my own fault, I only see like memes in news articles.
Starting point is 00:27:38 And I know my friends don't post a ton, but there's stuff out there that I'm not seeing. And it's like, I don't care about your shitty memes. I guess I just need to like, I should just unfollow all these things on Facebook, like all these pages that I don't care about, or these organizations, because I've just, you know what I want? I want the political arguments. That's really the only reason I come at Facebook.
Starting point is 00:28:10 And I got it, I'm not into one. I just commented on one late last night or early this morning. I think it was. Anyways, I'll have to log into Facebook after this. See if anything juicy has transpired. But when God speaks, he uses a Samson and so does Quinn. So I don't really know, you know, what that says about me, but you can make up your own mind. Cuts by Q, here we go.
Starting point is 00:28:36 Last one, Bob and weave. We all know the hairstyle and we all love it. But how many Chicago based independent barbers can actually give it to you the way that you deserve? Enter cuts by Q. It's like NR Sandman, but different cuts by Q has been independently owned and operated since 1995 and it's probably one of the better barbershop operations serving Chicago, Cook County, Northwood, Indiana, and the greater Chicago land area. That was smooth. From beehives to bangs, fohots to flat tops and everything in between, you gotta call cuts by Q8152987200 or you can email cuts
Starting point is 00:29:09 by Again, that's cut! QTZ by We're gonna change up the tune, same lyrics, but change up the tune just for the election special. Oh, when you need a fresh do something. Snap be a new, call the experts out, cuts by Q. Oh, when you need a fresh do something, snap be a new, call the experts out, cuts by Q.
Starting point is 00:29:51 Not bad, considering that was completely on the fly. I'm kind of proud of myself. Not too proud of myself, but just slightly. Okay, welcome to the second half of the Beentom Podcast 2020 election special. If you're just joining us, that's weird. But you missed 30 minutes of great political commentary 2020 election special. If you're just joining us, that's weird. But you missed 30 minutes of great political commentary content. You know, step aside Rick Santorum because I should really be on CNN with, you know, Cuomo
Starting point is 00:30:18 and Lemon and Blitzer Wolf, Johns Hopkins graduate. Graduate, graduate. Quinn, that should be the next one. Cause I've got hot takes, like West Virginia is going red this year. They really need to, they need to send me on assignment. Cause I know how to talk to these people. Okay, let's, we're gonna just,
Starting point is 00:30:43 I'm just gonna pick in two states from here and out. But let's let's try to hit some of these close to locks at this point. And I realize with this first item about to bring up like I guess this one is still in play. Trump's done some campaigning there, but I don't think it's actually in play for this election. And that is Minnesota. One of my favorite states, Minnesota. If you don't know the Weird Allie Incabit song, biggest ball of 20 Minnesota, you gotta go listen to it. It's a great folk ballad. And also, I mean, you listen to this song again. I'll try to remember after this Portugal, the man had been really quiet for a long time like two years
Starting point is 00:31:25 They really hadn't done anything They released a song What two weeks ago something like that? That's pretty catchy and features weird alien cubic so go check it out I don't remember what it's called, but if you just you know YouTube or Google Portugal demand weird alien cubic You'll find it and it's pretty catchy Okay, so Minnesota is going blue, blue for Biden. Let's find one that's going red.
Starting point is 00:31:50 That's going to be Texas. Texas, as the population becomes more and more diverse, I am a firm believer that Texas is slowly slipping. And you see it in the polls. I mean, this year, the fact that it's close to a toss up right now indicates this, the fact that Beto almost be Ted Cruz indicates this. But I really think right now that Republicans
Starting point is 00:32:20 from what I've seen, at least macro on a macro level, that macro national level, Republicans aren't doing enough to account for the diversifying of the United States population, which has been happening for a while and will continue to happen, it's just how these things work. Anti-homogenization, 18 syllable word. And I think at some point, I don't think it's gonna happen this election as you can see from my prediction here,
Starting point is 00:32:54 but at some point they're gonna lose Texas and they're gonna be absolutely screwed because they just can't. You can't do that. Because they're never gonna come back in Win California. They're not gonna win Illinois. They're not gonna win New York. So you have to have Texas,
Starting point is 00:33:11 and by extension, you almost have to have Florida, which I don't, I don't know. I assume Florida is not diversifying as fast as Texas, but that's gonna happen too. And Republicans need to find a new strategy. diversifying as fast as Texas, but that's gonna happen too. And Republicans need to find a new strategy sooner than I think what they're planning for.
Starting point is 00:33:31 So there's some hot take for you. Okay, let's see what else here we have. These two out west, this is the last couple west of the Mississippi states we have here, seem pretty blue. Arizona, which I think Trump won in 2020, Arizona seems like it's going blue. I don't know enough about Arizona politics. I haven't been to Arizona in a while, but I think the fact that Phoenix is growing so fast
Starting point is 00:34:03 with people from all across the country coming to live there I Think that is Leading to Arizona and also Arizona is kind of like a neutral state lot of immigrants So as it was ripe to switch from red to blue in 2020. I think you're gonna see that Similarly in Nevada. I think you're gonna see that. Similarly, Nevada, I think is going blue. I don't really have anything to say about it. I don't know Nevada outside of Vegas,
Starting point is 00:34:33 and I don't even know Vegas that well. I know they like the killers, and I know they like Josh Jacobs. We'll see if they like Biden too, but I'm predicting Nevada goes blue. Doing a little bit of rhyming here in the Bean-Dum podcast. Okay, let's head back east. Our last state, west of the Mississippi is Iowa. And this one is close.
Starting point is 00:34:54 This one is very close. Of course, Biden got trounced in Iowa in the Democratic primary. And I think that's a little clue into what's gonna happen here. Poles are very close right now. Budeshez won Iowa or like he tied Sanders, I think is how that went. But I think you're gonna see Iowa go red. They're just not the brightest people, okay?
Starting point is 00:35:18 Iowa, we're calling it for Trump. Moving up north of the border behind the Cheddar Curtain with Skansen which famously went for Trump in 2020 or in 2016 excuse me because Hillary didn't even go there. Wisconsin is coming back. Scott Walker gone Tony Evers Evers in Paul Ryan gone teaching at Notre Dame now big big Amy Coney Barrett fan
Starting point is 00:35:41 I'm not sure if she got no dirt day now. Big, big Amy Coney Barrett fan. They still got Ron Johnson, who's a real pain in the ass. But basically, Wisconsin voted for Trump in 2016. And since then, it has been all downhill for the Republicans in Wisconsin. Making a little bit of a comeback, still good cheese. I'm calling Wisconsin for Joe Biden Okay, let's go to the southeast here. We've got Georgia
Starting point is 00:36:11 going red I would love to see Georgia Flip and turn blue, but I think you're gonna have it what like what happened in 2018 where Stacey Abrams just Just nearly lost. I think you're gonna have that with Georgia. I think it's gonna be close, but I think the Republican stronghold down there is very strong. We go to Florida,
Starting point is 00:36:37 a famously or infamously close state, if you will, 2000. And this is a tough one. I think Trump's got Florida. I think he probably did just enough at his debate performance last night to pick up some of the old timers who haven't already voted in our voting on Election Day. But that one is probably the first one we've had up to this point so far where I'm like
Starting point is 00:37:07 I have no idea what's actually going to happen here. I'm calling Florida for Trump. So we've got four states left. Let's actually do one more where I feel pretty confident. Ohio pains me to say it, but they've really lost their way. Ohio is going red for Donald Trump. So we've got three states left here. I blame Cleveland.
Starting point is 00:37:29 We got Biden at 254, Trump at 233, and we got three states. We got North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Michigan. Woof, okay, we are getting down into the nitty gritty here. If I pick any of these states, actually, let's do this. Let's bring it down to the wire as much as we can. Actually, at this point, let's see, 233, if we give North Carolina to Joe Biden, which doesn't necessarily seem intuitive, but it just seems like he's doing well there. We've got Biden at 269, one delegate away from winning,
Starting point is 00:38:11 and Trump at 233. At this point, there is no clear winner, which I don't know what happens if neither can or reaches 270, is that the house decides something like that, which would mean at this point, Biden's one. I assume if that's how that works Because even if Trump were to win Michigan and Pennsylvania that would give him another 36 Oh, wait, that would put him over that would put Trump at 272. Okay, so we are gonna have a winner here So
Starting point is 00:38:44 Knock on wood because I would really love to not repeat 2016. But man, all signs are pointing towards Biden taking Michigan and Pennsylvania, we're making both of those blue. Michigan Detroit and its suburbs are coming out strong for Biden. The Obama administration bailed out the audio auto industry and they have not forgotten. The kidnapping plotting in Whitmer indirectly bad for Trump or maybe directly bad. People are not happy about that. Biden is winning Michigan. And then Pennsylvania, huge toss up, huge battlegrounds state, very much East versus West. You know, to Philly, like Detroit, like Baltimore,
Starting point is 00:39:47 pretty much everyone there is going for Biden. Plus, he's got kind of home court advantage there in Eastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey country, upstate New York. A little bit more backwards in your traditional blue state, but still, that's Biden country. You go to Western PA, it's more Ohio, West Virginia, Pittsburgh,
Starting point is 00:40:06 steel country, manufacturing. Here's the problem though. Biden Is good with those people. Knows how to talk to people whereas Hillary had no idea what she was doing and didn't make an effort to know what she was doing. Way too elitist. Biden is not. He's from Scranton slash, basically Wilmington. Those are his people. That's where he grew up with. You still have lots of pro-Trumpers in Western PA and Central PA to a certain extent because that's basically Western Maryland and West Virginia. But it's just, there's just, it's like a home game for Biden in Pennsylvania,
Starting point is 00:40:47 and I don't think he's going to get upset at home. So there you have it. We have our map all selected here, and I should take a screenshot. I'm actually gonna do that. So I can compare this in 11 days to what actually happens, although I'm sure there will be some states where things are not called on November 3rd.
Starting point is 00:41:18 That being said, I'm going to save this, save as I'm going to save this, save as E Lection Predict Shun I am not good at talking and typing at the same time. I wish I was, but I'm not. Lection prediction, okay, consider it saved. Like a close out of this. That would be helpful. Oh,
Starting point is 00:41:47 Snipping tool is not responding. That's helpful. Okay, we're back. So there you have, we got Joe Biden at 305 predict delegates, Projected delegates, DJ T at 233. I didn't take any big risks here. I pretty much followed what the polling is saying. I would say, I played it, and this is even, I feel like I played this safe for Trump. If you're looking at the map here, because we gave Trump, Texas, Florida, Arkansas, Ohio.
Starting point is 00:42:19 And I felt like the only thing that was maybe a little aggressive for Biden was giving him North Carolina. Even if we switch North Carolina to red, we still got Biden at 290, Trump at 248. And if we switch, I don't know, Arizona to red, we still got Biden at 279 Trump at 259. So even if Biden can't pull off Arizona and North Carolina, heck, even if we give Nevada to Trump, if Biden pulls off, literally,
Starting point is 00:42:58 he has to win three states at this point, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. And if he wins those, it's over. There's, there's nothing else here. There's nothing else right now on my map that is blue. That's like outside of those three states. It's like, oh, maybe it could switch. I don't think Minnesota's in play. And I don't see anything else here. I mean, I've heard rumbling is about New Hampshire. I don't think it's gonna happen. But I'll let you know, because I'm gonna be there on Thursday. So that's what we had. That's our election special.
Starting point is 00:43:34 Take one good luck look. Mm, that was tough. One good last look at the map here. This what again, this wasn't my final map what you're seeing on the screen here. This was kind of giving Trump some two states, North Carolina, or three states, North Carolina Arizona and Nevada, which I consider to be pretty much all set for Biden, with the exception of North Carolina.
Starting point is 00:43:57 I think Biden is going to win those states. So let me turn them back blue. And there you go. That was our final prediction. 305 to 233. We'll see how it goes. And I took my screenshot and I'll put my name on it. And I will share it on election day. We'll see how it holds up. I'm going to stop the share now. So again, if you were just listening to the audio stream and you want a visual look at what we're doing, you can go check it out. It should be on YouTube at
Starting point is 00:44:27 some point, Friday afternoon. Otherwise, you know what? It's the middle of a workday. And I have some work to do before my vacation starts. This is my first Time off, taken more than one day of 2020, which is exciting. I still have between now and the end of the year, what, 14 days of vacation that I'm taking, a week, this next week, a week, full week before Christmas vacation starts, and then one Friday, November, two in December, and I have another day that I have to use. I don't know when I'm going to do it. And even those Fridays, maybe one of them in December, I like to go get an Airbnb or something, the other two currently, just hanging out, nothing to do. Probably just do what I normally do, except watch more TV, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:45:29 But that's what I have for ya. 45 minutes, that's a solid one. Election Special 2020, our first ever bean town election, especially. We don't talk a lot of politics on this show. And even today, I don't think anything I said was like controversial. But hey, you know what?
Starting point is 00:45:44 Post some more Facebook stuff, because I'll jump in on that. I'll play both sides of the aisle. I can do Facebook arguments perhaps better than anyone else ever in the history of man, except for maybe Abraham Lincoln. So that's what I had for you. Thanks for watching this video. If you did so again, I'm wearing my Bean Town podcast Fall 2018 tour shirt.
Starting point is 00:46:08 And it's not too late for you to purchase your Bean Town election special 2020 shirts as we near the end of the year three of the Bean Town podcast. So I'm going back to work. Thanks everyone for tuning in. And you know what, stay safe, stay sane. You're going to be hearing from me all this next week on the road in New England. And we won't we won't have any live podcasts come out as far as I'm anticipating while we are out there.
Starting point is 00:46:38 But the next couple episodes, I would anticipate you're going to be hearing like live introductions for me and then we will cut to content That's the plan, but you can also, you know, follow me on on social media my Twitter at Whitebun's Instagram is where you're gonna see a lot of great content stories and posts I'm at That's cute period queen D And all that stuff so thanks for for tuning in, thanks for supporting, remember buy your t-shirts. Link is on Instagram, it's on Facebook, you can email me whatever it's out there
Starting point is 00:47:12 as easy to find my Instagram as public. That's what I've got for you. So we're gonna queue up some music. I'm gonna end this Zoom recording. Thank you to Zoom. This was fun to be able to do this. And you know what? Make your own election map. See how it goes. How do your results compare to mine?
Starting point is 00:47:28 Email us beantone podcast against beantone B and in podcast a And we'll see how they turn on. Knock on wood. Biden's got this one. That's what I've got. So thanks for listening. Hope everyone enjoys their weekend. And I will check in on you very soon. Peace and love y'all. Bye. Yeah, I want to end the meeting for all. Obviously. Okay, stupid zoom I'm just going to sit here. nd nd nd nd
Starting point is 00:48:39 nd nd nd Thank you.

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