Beantown Podcast - Beantown Podcast 300 Zack Snyder Interview (10212023 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: October 21, 2023

Quinn comes to you LIVE to interview critically acclaimed director and pick his brain on some of the top spots to hit on the Spartan Peninsula...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furnace. Welcome to my show, Quinn David Furnace presents the bean town podcast 300th episode spectacular. My name is Quinn and this is my program, Quinn David Furnace presents. The bean town podcast, as always, we are one of the top 500 ranked comedy podcasts here in the north side of Chicago. And of course, the 112th ranked comedy podcast in the Great Nation of Pakistan.
Starting point is 00:00:34 Hello, Hyderabad, hello, Hyber Pass, hello, Islamabad, Islamabad. Thank you for making us the 112th ranked comedy podcast and the great Islamic Republic of Pakistan. You can watch our live stream on YouTube if you are not already. We are streaming this one. We got the whole video component going. We have our bean town podcast live on air, beautiful blue neon sign. It's like Tokyo at night in here. Shout out to the rain moses for that great. I think it was a Christmas or a birthday gift many years back. Get to break it out for these these these video podcasts that we got going on here. It's a live show which means anything could happen. We're still
Starting point is 00:01:20 300 episodes in. We're still using a Samsung. We're still using my MacBook Pro that is getting close to year 11 now, which is scary and exciting. And I've been saying it for about 299 episodes that there's going to be upgraded technology. We're going to enhance it in some way. Or we don't even need to enhance, but just getting something a little bit more reliable, right? Not Samson, Samson's got the clean crisp audio quality, and I'm not really here to be Smurch, B-E-S-M-I-R-C-H. Apple or their fine line of MacBook Pro products either,
Starting point is 00:02:02 but it's just, you know, after almost 11 years of usage, things get a little bit tough. So I don't know, maybe maybe in this next block, 300, one to 400, the next year and a half of episodes, I guess it's basically two years, it's like, you know, 52 episodes a year, something like that. Maybe this will be the next two year block as we get into your seven of the Bean Town podcast that we actually do that. We're coming to you live from the north side of Chicago. Thank you to yours truly for that great intro music. The entertainer, we're going to be talking about 300 today, the great film because it's our 300th episode. So there's sort of that symbiosis there going on. We're going to be talking with director's ex-nighter,
Starting point is 00:02:52 which is very exciting a long time. Hashtag, beanhead, or hashtag friend of the podcast. We're going to get him on. Looking forward to having Gerald Butler come on in a little bit to talk about some of his upcoming projects and some past reflections on the movie 300 of course. We've got 300 trivia for you. We've got a palindrome of the day. We've got a full ad read. I even went so far as to pull up
Starting point is 00:03:20 the original Google Docs with the bean town ad reads on them. Of course, there's never been an actual Samson Q2U series. I've just been winging that the whole time. And it's very next to our old TV guide spot, which is not relevant anymore because there no longer a supporter of this, this fine program. And I don't support the TV guide, not just because they don't have cable, but because they shafted me Supposed to have a full years worth of TV guide episodes think these things to my spirit points Which are extremely valuable as we all know and they they gave up on me after like four So I think I finally toss those. I don't think those have I mean, it's been like four apartments since we started
Starting point is 00:04:04 I don't think those have, I mean, it's been like four apartments since we started Bean Tom Podcast. There was 817 St. Paul Street and then Rogers Park, part two, and then Lincoln Park, and then up here in Rigleyville, where we're coming to you live. Before I forget, listen to discretion as advised when you're listening to the Bean Tom Podcast, number one, we'll occasionally use some language. Number two, this podcast is objectively terrible, but I do thank you for tuning in. And thank you to all the super fans out there who have consumed all 300 episodes of the Bean Town Podcast.
Starting point is 00:04:32 That person probably doesn't exist because it surely isn't me. I probably listen to like one out of every three or four shows that I record these days. There's just so much better content out there. You know, it's kind of hard to make time for it. But we are, we are drinking today. These are my first sips of the day.
Starting point is 00:04:49 It's 2.15 p.m. on Saturday afternoon. This is like Halloween weekend, Halloween's in, no, I guess I was wrong. In my head, I'm like, oh, this is Halloween weekend. This is your last chance. No, it's actually next weekend. It's only the 21st of October. We still got 10 more actual days.
Starting point is 00:05:05 I just did an actual right before we started this. I did a software test, one of my side hustles, that was all about Halloween shopping. And the whole time, I actually, so when I first started doing the test, put a pin in this. We had to finish what we were drinking. We're drinking. What is this company? It's the cheap like whiskey that you get bourbon that you get from grocery stores, but it's not like so cheap that it's like disgusting like emin Williams. This is Luxro distillery. It's kind of got a nice bottle, it's a nice packaging. I did pick up. I've never had this before. Yesterday,
Starting point is 00:05:42 while Turkey 101 Rye, Rye Whiskey. Tough thing to say, Rye Whiskey. I almost never had this before. Yesterday, while Turkey 101 Rai, Rai Whiskey, tough thing to say, Rai Whiskey. I almost never have Rai. I don't know if they're bought it before. I've had it, but it's not a frequent thing for me. So I'm excited to probably won't get into that today. Don't want to go too crazy here. But so we got some whiskey going on.
Starting point is 00:06:02 And then if you're missing the video stream, I encourage you to check it out We have a surly before I die. Hashtag shows your cans. This is just quick preamble my favorite Podcast other than bean-town podcasts of course is purple daily which is hosted by some Minnesota sports media guys and they their Show slogan is just want the Vikings to went to Super Bowl before I die. So it was certainly brewing up there in Minneapolis. They came out with a new line of beers,
Starting point is 00:06:30 like a partnership with the boys at Purple Daily. And it's called Before I Die. It's a, this is not the original canvas. So this is the second batch, the second year of it. But I really like this one. And one of their, you know, one of the showways to get them to promote both Shirley who sponsors their show and then the show as well as show us your cans on X or Twitter. So you won't find before I dies at your local bennies by
Starting point is 00:06:59 any means, but I went up to Minneapolis just about a month ago, right, a couple weeks ago, and I was able to pick up a 12 pack. So that's good. It's a nice, zipper session beer. We've also got our bourbon going here, so it's going to be a good day. Let's hold off on the 300 talk. Bean Town 300 is what I've been like writing in my notes this whole time. Bean Town 300 could be like a NASCAR race, but not definitely not like
Starting point is 00:07:28 the top level race or the top level league. I don't even know what they call it now because a NASCAR, it's like when I was following it, you know, probably from about 2008 to 2012 was when I was like actually a NASCAR watch races, they'd be on Fox Because Jimmy Johnson was doing so well, and that was just like who I arbitrarily started to root for Because he seemed like the most normal kind of driver And of course he was doing really good. So it's a lot easier to watch a sport when you're team or your driver is really good But the top levels like the sprint cup series I think, and the second tier is the
Starting point is 00:08:08 Xfinity series. I have no idea if that's still a thing. I guess sprint is still a company, or what happened? Sprint got bought by T-Mobile, right? Which was weird to me when it happened like three years ago, whatever, because I always considered, based off of just my own little like world that I exist in. I always thought it was like Verizon was one in terms of like how many people actually use it. Again, it's all Arbiture. I have no idea. Verizon one, Sprint two, and then like T-Mobile AT&T were like tied for third. AT&T is still around, is US cellular. I guess I know maybe like one or two people
Starting point is 00:08:46 that have AT&T. I don't know if I know anyone or like no of anyone who has US cellular as their phone plan. I feel like that's gone overtaken by like the new, the startups, right? There's like boost mobile. That's the Ryan, Ryan Reynolds, Ryan Gosling, Ryan Reynolds, right. I get those two mixed up, which is silly. They're super different personalities, right? Ryan Reynolds is like a meme basically, Deadpool, it's in front of the camera a lot.
Starting point is 00:09:16 Ryan Gosling, I think, is known for being much more like reserved and not super, like, you know, talkable, talkative, that sort of thing. But apparently he did great as Ken and Barbie. But to finish our, our, because I know you were just hanging on the edge of your seat thinking when is he going to come back and finish this NASCAR thought.
Starting point is 00:09:41 Yeah, the bean town 300 would definitely be, you know, like a second tier race, because it's shorter too. And it would have to be, my phone is doing this thing. I've got my notes on my phone, and I really just need, this is something I should have fixed before we started.
Starting point is 00:09:58 I really just need my phone to like not auto lock right now, because it keeps disappearing, or going black and it's bugging me. Normally I'm a two minute guy. Here's our bean town podcast fan poll question of the week for our episode 300. Excuse me, what timer is your phone's auto lock set to? I think I was just looking at it. I never pay attention to it. It's just a set in for good it kind of thing right but I think they gave me
Starting point is 00:10:26 options Apple gave me options for one two three four five and then never and I turned it on to never now I have it plugged in so we're not gonna kill our battery life or anything like that but normally I'm a two-minute guy okay let us note to me one minute is like hey save in the planet, you know, like a hidden panateer, save the cheerleader, save the world. But two minutes is more the balance I need, but then I find when I get in front of the camera like this and I got a mic in front of me, two minutes goes by just like that.
Starting point is 00:10:56 Which is, it's funny, because for the listener as to suffer through this, it's probably the opposite. Two minutes of this show is like, oh God, when is it gonna end? But I think three is when I start to be worried about battery life. I don't know who intentionally wants like a five minute lock on their phone. I think two minutes, if you're going to be like regular, go for like two or three minutes. And if you really just need to like look at
Starting point is 00:11:19 your phone and not have to worry about it and you're not like moving it around, like I'm not right now, then just put it on the never. Who out there wants a one minute timer on their phone, a one minute lock, lock timer on their phone or five minute like who, who, it's crazy. But you don't have to be crazy to email us beantownpodcast at and that's beantown B-A-N-T-U-N-Podcast at Send a prayer out there to say in all fonds that we get through this show, two things, one, three things.
Starting point is 00:11:51 One, that our garage band keeps going the whole time. So when you do it in a live show and it cuts out, then it's like your YouTube feed was different than your podcast feed, which is not really a problem. It's just peeing in the ass because then you're like Solving that issue on the fly, well also having to entertain all zero of the people who are watching this YouTube stream. I'll come out and say it's Saturday afternoon on like a fall weekend at 2 p.m. It's probably just about the worst possible time to do a live stream and expect people to
Starting point is 00:12:23 To watch to call in. So we're not getting a lot of live listener engagement here, but that's okay, because it's still up to 300. Numbers two and three that, you know, cross-inner fingers are that we get our guests to come in here. Zack Snyder, of course, director of 300 in the Gerald Butler, who is kind of the big star, hasn't really done much. We're going to sort of talk about that with Gerald, I think he hasn't really done that much with his career
Starting point is 00:12:49 after 300. So we're just going to see his Broadway community theaters, what he has done. Let's get to today's Paladrum of the Day, because it is a fun one. I think you're going to enjoy this. Today's Paladrum of the Day doesn't have a sponsor, but if you're interested in sponsoring the show,
Starting point is 00:13:07 email us being Tom Pikes at And if you're watching on the YouTube comments, thanks for watching, let us know, hey, where are you calling from? Where are you watching from? And maybe if you have a little mini review, you wanna give a movie 300, we can share that with directors X Snyder
Starting point is 00:13:22 when he calls in, hopefully very soon. Today's Paladrum of the day, here we go. Was it a car or a cat I saw? And he can't actually include the question mark unless it was in Spanish. Spanish they sort of do the question, the upside. That's, you know, something that Spanish has totally got over English. They do the cool little question mark upside down at the beginning of a question that way, hey, you know, boom, this is a question. Sometimes, you know, be reading like the Scott Farrell audio book or the Scott Farrell biography or tales, tears, and triumph from the stage. And I don't know, it's a question until the very last word of the sentence.
Starting point is 00:14:00 And then that's, you know, my whole thing is thrown off because I take a lot of pride in the inflection of my voice, you know, going back to my quieter days and being able to raise my voice at the end of the question or, you know, lower my voice if I have a sore throat and I don't want to talk loudly, right? So, gosh, where, oh, that was our palindrum of the day, which I already moved off of on my phone notes. Let's read it one more time. Was it a car or a cat I saw?
Starting point is 00:14:29 I'll say this, I take a lot of pride in the integrity of the show and the accuracy. I was scrolling through Reader's Digest in the car about three hours ago coming up with today's palindrome of the day. And that was on there, and I did not vet it myself. I didn't sit there and count backwards. So, hopefully that is a Paladrum. But thank you for Paladrum of the Day. Speaking of counting backwards, this was, one of my like, everyone has some bad dreams, right? Everyone has some nightmares. I had a lot more as a kid. I don't have to be like, bad dreams nowadays. We got a YouTube comment watching from work who needs to stay
Starting point is 00:15:08 folks on Zack Snyder is the topic. 300 stars the bean town boy. Thank you Jacqueline for tuning in. It's nice to see you. Hope work is going well. One of my worst recurring, it's not a recurring dream in that it's like, oh, I show up in the same universe again. It's just like a topic. It's getting pulled over for a DUI. And the reason I thought of it was, I mentioned, you know, paladromes and counting backwards. One like, whatever the halfway point is between rational and irrational fear that I have is even if I get pulled over and I'm sober because I don't drink and drive, I don't drive, so it's pretty easy.
Starting point is 00:15:50 I don't have to worry really about the drink part. Is like if the cop asks me and shout out to her boys and blue, full support here from the Bean Town podcast, but also full support for, you know, Black Lives Matter and really, you really, I'm playing both sides, so they always come out on top, which is a great killer song from their debut album Hot Fuzz 2004 on top. If they're asking me to say the alphabet backwards, I'm concerned. Okay, hey, I've had two S Sips, a little sip of whiskey here. I'll even add, we'll raise the stakes here. Whiskey and a little bit of surly before I die,
Starting point is 00:16:31 which is very sipable. It's crisp, it's clear. Kind of like the drink, if Samsung was a drink, really. So for the first time ever on the Bean Tom podcast, Quinn Dave Furns is gonna try to talk through his fears. So for the first time ever on the Bean Tom podcast, Quinn, David Ferns is gonna try to talk through his fears, is it's probably like once every three to four weeks or something like that, I have a dream where I get pulled over,
Starting point is 00:16:57 and the dream is not that I'm like super drunk and I'm driving, it's just that I'm like driving a pulled over, and I'm aware that I had something to drink, and I have the nerves are like, can I fool the cop? Can I fool the police officer? And then it always, the dream always ends. It's not a long dream. It always ends before, before I have to like engage with the the officer. But here for the first time ever, 300 episodes in, we've been doing this show almost six full years now. Quinn David Ferns is going to attempt to say the alphabet backwards. In my question is, in real life, as a DUI test, does the officer give you a time limit
Starting point is 00:17:35 where it's like you can't break down and analyze every single letter you're about to say, that's my question. If you give me that time, drunk or otherwise, I can do it. But I'm not drunk and my concern is, can we still actually do it? So here we go. There's 26 letters. Let's see how it goes.
Starting point is 00:17:58 Z, Y, X. That's about as far as uncomfortably confidently go before I got a run through it from the start W V U T S R
Starting point is 00:18:22 Q P O N M Q, P, O, N, M, L, K, J, I, H, G, F, E, D,C-B-A. Now, I'm pretty sure that was right, but someone's gonna have to review the tape on that. Maybe you could just play the B&T on podcast backwards. Maybe that's a way we could make this more fresh, more entertaining. And I think I'd be pretty good, you know, within the time limits. I don't think those two bad.
Starting point is 00:19:05 I feel like I can go like section by section. I mean, that probably took me what like 40 seconds, 45 seconds to do the whole thing. Not so bad, frankly. I feel pretty good about that. My final parting thought on this before, hopefully we get a call from, you know, Zack Snyder, Gerald Butler, not sure. The worst thing would be, what if they both call it the same time? That would be tough, because I don't really know if they get along.
Starting point is 00:19:28 I just didn't, you know, do any research on sort of those interpersonal relationships from the set. That could be, that could be stormy. But my question is, is it like, you know, I go to grad school, they're like, you gotta get an A, I don't go, I went to grad school. You gotta get an A or a B to pass the course, so it's like the C's not an option. With the backwards alphabet test, do you need 100% passing grade, or if you mix up your
Starting point is 00:19:57 Q and your R or something like that, is it okay? Maybe we'll do a, excuse me, maybe for episode 400 in two years, we'll do an interview with a police officer. I don't think we've ever had a law enforcement official in LEO on the show. Could be very interesting. Let's keep going here though. Got some other things that I wanted to cover today. Oh,
Starting point is 00:20:29 still dealing with this. Big problem that a lot of Americans face and frankly, probably a lot of our international listeners face as well. Send them in in the eye, okay? Let's talk about it. I'm sitting there yesterday. It's my Friday work from home. I'm taking it easy, you know, putting the feed up metaphorically and You know doing some emails with the left hand, you know doing some online gaming with the right hand and Rachel when she was sick was was brought some
Starting point is 00:21:01 Cinnamon toast crunch the jumbo party size box, okay, which I don't know how much a jumbo party size cinnamon toast crunch cost now in this economy, the way the US dollars tanking, probably upwards of 11 or $12, I never buy cereal though, but we have it here. Rachel's been extremely like vigilant and diligent
Starting point is 00:21:23 in all those good words lately with like her diet. Regiment lately, she's hardly drinking at all. I'm really proud of her. It's very, very tough because I've done those sorts of things and I'm not doing it right now. I'm sitting here on my butt drinking a session, pale ale and whiskey and probably gonna have culverts tonight for supper.
Starting point is 00:21:42 Okay. So Rachel is my hero right now. So she's not been in bi-bing, I-M-B-I-B-I-N-G. That's kind of a fun word to spell. I-M-B-I-B-I-N-G. How many other words are there that have the double, the B-I, the B-I, the bi-by? Bi-bi-bi-bi-bi.
Starting point is 00:21:59 Was it, is that right? In sync, did like a mini, did they release new music? They've made some sort of comeback. You know, I feel like if I watch the today show more, I'd be very plugged into these types of things or live with Ryan and Kelly or Regis and Kelly or Regis and Kathy Lee or Ryan and Kathy Lee or Michael and Kathy Lee or Michael and Kelly
Starting point is 00:22:20 or whoever it is, whomever it is now. Probably, it's probably like live with Hoda and Anne Curry's nepot baby or something, right? That's probably who's hosting that show. That's, it's basically like the today's show has like five minutes of actual news, breaking 7 a.m., you know, Matt Lauer, Katie Kourik, Annei over at the desk. And Elle Roker celebrating some schmuckers, 100th birthday party. And they had about two hours and 55 minutes of Rachel Ray's going to come on, show us some fun things you can do with a pumpkin this year. And then you get the fourth hour of the today's show, which I've never actually watched
Starting point is 00:23:02 in earnest in terms of sitting down and watching a whole episode. I obviously have seen it on the television before. Well it's occurring as a kid, not nonetheless like 15 years, but there's the fourth hour of the today show, which is much covered, much maligned, that sort of thing. It's basically like the today show on crack. But then there's also live with Regis and Kelly, which I obviously it's not Regis and Kelly anymore rip. But what did they cover? And then there's the Kelly Clarkson show, which I've never fully understood. I guess she's pretty popular now. Is she still on the voice? Don't know. Is that kid from one direction still on the voice?
Starting point is 00:23:47 Don't know. American idols, on apparently, we're just now we're just listing all the TV shows I've heard of. But then there's this whole fiasco with the kid from ET. What was her name? Barry, Barry, Barrymore. Drew Barrymore, right? John Boyd's kid. There was the whole Fiasco there where she came back during the writer's strike and it was like a, it's like not, can't do that, not cool. Didn't follow any of that. It's kind of tough to follow
Starting point is 00:24:20 this stuff when you don't have cable or even like an antenna. We don't get any channels on our TV. Probably could if I put in the effort to figure that out, but I don't care that much. I can pirate whatever I want. Sail the high seas. But I feel very detached from that reality, which is fine. That's not something that I look back upon, somberly, S-O-M-B-E-R-L-Y.
Starting point is 00:24:54 Sounds like an adjective. Is it? Not sure. Doesn't really matter. Because that's what I love about words, right? I can say a word and you kind of know what it means, even if it's not actually a word. So who cares if it's, who cares if Noah Webster says,
Starting point is 00:25:14 hey, it's not a word, bro? Oh, this is a treat. I don't know if this is Zach or Gerald. Here we go. Let's check it out. All right, looks like this is either Gerald Butler is X-Nighter that didn't show up on Color ID live on the Bean Tom podcast 300th episode Who who who do I got here?
Starting point is 00:25:37 Quinn, this is Zach Zach Snyder very good. Thank you for calling and how are you doing today, Mr. Snyder? Quinn, how are we doing today, Mr. Snyder? How are we doing, baby? Doing well, you prefer Zach or Mr. Snyder? How should I call you? Mr. Zack, if you could. Mr. Zack, okay, it's a mouthful. How's your day going? Where are you calling from?
Starting point is 00:25:57 I'm calling from the beautiful town of Honolulu, Hawaii. And like you keep beach right now now having a great time watching 300 of course. I watch all my movies every other week. You got some sort of like set up on the beach. What you got one of those portable DVD players. What are we working with here? I've got myself. I've got myself portable. I've got myself a portable game cube and it's got on it attached a little screen where I can watch my movies But I want to switch between that and quote them on call CM. I'm at the ready
Starting point is 00:26:32 But I always carry GameCube this version of my own movies at all times Now you ever worry about you know, you're on the beach. It sounds lovely I would be worried about sand You know getting in the cracks, the crevices, the nooks, the crannies, what have you. Is that really a concern or are you running kind of a tight ship or how's that for you? That's a really good point to make, but I've considered the sand
Starting point is 00:26:58 to be potentially fully and form my own technological devices. It runs through, kind of picks up a lot of dust, maybe smooths out some of the circuitry and systems. I found that it makes it work even better. I feel like you should give it a shot. You don't seem convinced. Well, I've been to Honolulu in the last, I guess, over a year now, but the sand in the podcast
Starting point is 00:27:24 didn't really seem like they'd go well together. But I'm going to go to Puerto Rico in about three weeks here, so maybe I'll try it out again. I'll take your word for it. Oh, yes. Where to Rico? The rich door, right? Is that what Puerto means? No, I think it's rice port, because Puerto would be... Right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, rice port because porto would be would be port so yeah so rice port. Yeah, I mean maybe you've got to use some of that rice and you're all trying to rice buddy. Well yeah if yeah if it falls in the beach and in the water maybe watch
Starting point is 00:27:55 out for sharks that's what you do right you put it in rice. Here you're probably someone who's had to do this in the past. Does it matter? Let's say okay I throw my iPhone in the bathtub. It's not waterproof, whatever. I let it soak in there for a little bit. You're gonna throw it in your rice overnight, but does it matter the type of rice you throw it in? And if you should be cooked uncooked rice,
Starting point is 00:28:20 like what are we talking about? Long grain, Minnesota wild rice, what's your opinion on that? So I've been a big fan of jasmine rice myself for that sort of thing it always comes it always tends to be a little bit softer I've always figured that the jasmine rice or I think jasmine rice tends to come out softer and so it's gonna take up more of that moisture more of that the problem areas you know especially if you soak it for about how long are you soaking it for And so it's going to take up more of that moisture, more of that problem areas, especially if you soak it for about how long are you soaking it for a clean 30 minutes an hour or are
Starting point is 00:28:50 we looking at it? Yeah, it could be overnight. Yeah, it's for best results you want to do overnight. That's what I've always been told. I appreciate that. I'll heed that next time I accidentally take my iPhone with me into the bathtub. That's solid advice. We're talking the movie 300, one of the things you're best known for, one of your earliest
Starting point is 00:29:12 films, and I wanted to kind of relive the scenes, the production, the battles, all that fun stuff. So I'm curious, I guess thinking about where you're calling from I now was was Honolulu Waikiki Beach was that sort of like an inspiration you know set wise for for Sparta or you know how did you sort of draw on that when you were when you were creating the film yeah so you know I'm a big fan of these beach areas where to recall the right the rice port Waikiki Beach'm a big fan of these beach areas, Puerto Rico, the rice port, Waikiki beach, and I'm a big fan of multiple types of sand.
Starting point is 00:29:51 And so that you can imagine that when I was building the scenery for this, and imagining, you know, the vast deserts of Middle East and that area, surrounding the Mediterranean, that I was inspired by my sand. I'm a really big fan of sand. And I think that I was most inspired by the beaches on the north side of the small island of Molokai. I don't know if you've ever been there. It's a little bit off the beaten path. You need to take a ferry or you can swim it but
Starting point is 00:30:19 the sands there, believe it or not, are much different. And when I was trying, when I was thinking about 300 and just the raw power and the conflict, I was thinking about Molokai, the conflict that I went through to get there, and the conflict that the Hawaiian people felt when the white man came into their islands. That's tough, and you're white, right? Most definitely.
Starting point is 00:30:45 Okay, I love that. You know, thinking about the, you know, we're actually, so we're going to, a little bit later, be joined by Gerald Butler from the movie 300. And I'm wondering if you could talk through like your process working with Gerald, what was he like on set, what was he like, you know, offset, where the abs reel, like anything you could, you know, share with where the abs real, like anything you could, you know, share with us, especially as we get ready to chat with them in a couple minutes, you're like, what was it like between you and Gerald? Oh, the abs were dead. Most definitely real,
Starting point is 00:31:14 and there were, I mean, we actually had to hide some of them. There were so many abs that we had to edit some of that out and post. The guy is shredded a this. And I will say he's just a conventional professional. He came in, he was doing push-ups, onset, offset. Whenever I'd talk to him, he'd always either get in between certain push-ups he'd go over the ground and come up. I'd say something, go down the back up, we've rinsed and repeat.
Starting point is 00:31:42 Wow. That's good insight right there about Gerald Butler. And speaking of 300, well known for the cast, the great characters, talked to me about the God King, Zerxes I. What was he like? Could you understand the far sea? Was there a culture difference, but, you know, what was your experience like working with?
Starting point is 00:32:07 Because a lot of, you know, you get Scorsese in here, you get Inari Tu in here, and, you know, they've worked with some great actors, but not necessarily God kings. And I'm curious, you know, how does sort of the theological element come into play for Xerxes, and, you know, what was he like to work with for you? It's a great question there's a lot of
Starting point is 00:32:28 there's a lot of theological sort of a respect that has to be given when working with someone like that you know you don't just advise someone like Zerksy's India or India or set and say hey do this thing you know there has to be sacrifices made both physically and and figuratively and there's a lot of like you know, there has to be sacrifices made both physically and figuratively. And there's a lot of like, you know, tenants that we had to pay before every day, you know, we would get up. And we would say a quick prayer. I don't know if I, you know, maybe this is, maybe this is the senses, but I really didn't understand the farcey prayer that was set, but I sure felt it and it was great. Now, so Xerxes was like from Persia, which is one of the Iran and they are known for the Sunni Islam rather than the shit Islam, I think is how it's pronounced with a...
Starting point is 00:33:22 It's a kind of apostrophe which is like Hawaii, which is kind of cool sort of you know building connections there Can you think I thought of Hawaii? Yeah, yeah, what's the difference between those two sex SECTS of Islam for people who might not really know great clarification I would say the first big one First week one has to be the types of rights they use. And that really came into play when I was thinking about whether or not
Starting point is 00:33:50 we should really dig into the SUNY or, or how do you say it, Shite? Shite, Shite, she, it, there's some apostrophes, it's kind of, it's not easy. Okay. Yep, should talk, should talk. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:34:03 Oh, shit, yeah, that's where the mushroom comes from. Right. Um, and so I was I had to think about the types of grains. That's one of the big ones. Another one is the types of headdress that you might see and namely the colors. The colors really, you know, they make a big difference. You don't want to be wearing the wrong colors. We're talking to a SUNony versus the Shataki. Yep. That's great stuff. I really, this insight is, it's groundbreaking, you know, to kind of get inside the mind of a, you know, a genius director is amazing. And I'm not even going to, you know, pick your brain on, you know, Justice League or Batman Superman, all that stuff, because it's great stuff, but we just, I wanna be respectful of your time. I got a couple more quick questions for you.
Starting point is 00:34:49 You spent a lot of time filming 300, probably between both Hawaii as well as the Greece, not the film Greece though, but like the actual country. Do you have any recommendations, any tips, bars, clubs to hit on the the Peloponnesian peninsula for anyone who might be going relatively soon? So if you're just visiting some of the U.S., I can definitely say you got to visit Syracuse, that's its own place, really great spot, great espresso martini, I know it's sweeping the nations. but great, the spread of martini, I know it's the sweep in the nations.
Starting point is 00:35:26 You know, I'm also a big fan of local chilies. You know, when you really need to splice a home, I hit the local chilies. They do a little bit of a pelvic and Asian twist on the case of Diaz there. Such an excellent stuff. You know, a contract, a contact to local tour guides. I mean, they know a lot of things about that. I, you know, is, you know, contract, a contact to local tour guides. I mean, they know a lot of things about that.
Starting point is 00:35:46 I, you know, as, you know, I can't, I can't go out here on the limb and say that I do everything myself and do a lot of research. And I rely on the expertise of plenty of other locals to get me through, to get me through that experience, as well as my other experiences with the league, with Batman, be Superman, you know, with other leagues, with, league, with Batman, be Superman, you know, with other leagues, with
Starting point is 00:36:08 yeah, totally. And you know that, I'm glad you mentioned that Chili's down there in Sparta because for only like the way the, the way that Greek dollar is, or the Euro is these days, it's like 65 cents, you can get a Greek KCD and it's entirely fetishies and and it's gonna blow your mind and it's all for less than a dollar So that's a pretty good Sounds delicious. I might actually try that later But Zach I got I got one more question for you for you since you're kind enough to come on our show. I always like to give people the chance
Starting point is 00:36:48 to plug what they're working on, maybe a little teaser. What's sort of next down the pike for you? Is it, you know, like, 301? Are you going to try to do another director's cut of Justice League? Maybe a rom-com? What's coming up for you? I've got a big one for you coming up.
Starting point is 00:37:04 I've got a mystery. I've got a mystery in the war combined with 300. We're going to call it 301 Dalmatians. And it's going to include Spartan Dalmatians. And it's going to include a little bit of a mystery twist to it. It's going to have that sort of dark and eerie feel to it. Kind of give you a piece of the night of a, you know,
Starting point is 00:37:32 Greece and Sparta, but in the 1920s. Not going to be sure if that's historically accurate, but you know when has that ever stopped me? And other big thing I've got, you know, people love versus people love the superhero versus we're going to come at you with a new one, we're going to come at you with Batman versus the Joker. I think it's pretty innovative. I don't think anyone's really done anything like that. But just a straight head to head, American classic style. And both films are gonna be shot
Starting point is 00:37:57 on the beach at the Dalmatian coast, which works very well. So that's a more sample way to do this. Not to be that way, you know? And, you know, if we have to cut costs, there's plenty of other local domestic beaches, you know, happy to revisit my time in Waikiki and Molo Kaeyi and other places that have, you know, fine, fine sands. Sounds pretty nice. Well, Zach, you know, is so kind of you to spare 15 minutes for
Starting point is 00:38:23 me on our 300th podcast episode, any, any know, it was so kind of you to spare 15 minutes for me on our 300th podcast episode, any, any parting thoughts from you? Clean your man. Here's to 300 more. And then another 300 after that. And I'm sure by that time, I'll be making movies about you, bud. A biopic. I would love that.
Starting point is 00:38:40 Zach Snyder, everyone, thanks so much for calling it into the show. I hope that you have a great rest of your Saturday from Waikiki, okay? Anytime, man, if you want to watch all my movies with me and Hawaii, just bring me up. Available now on 2B, I think is what I heard. 2B Fubo, you got it. Alright, Zach, thanks again. Have a good one. Take care, buddy. Alright, bye.
Starting point is 00:39:02 Wow, what a treat. Zack Snyder, ladies and gentlemen live from Y Kiki, Hawaii. And it's a great opportunity for us to think some other people who have supported our show Starting with home pride organ and once I get my phone plugged back in here We'll get right to it Thanks again to Zach, man. He's talking about down to earth guys, they always say never meet your heroes. And I think they say that
Starting point is 00:39:31 because it's like, what if that person's a total dick? Excuse me, that was a hell of a burp. Not the case with Zach. Zach is just consummate professional, really appreciate what he's doing. And again, in case it was, It's a real announcement professional. Really appreciate what he's doing. And again, in case it was, you know, it can be hard to hear sometimes with our just,
Starting point is 00:39:52 just totally like, 1960s era recording technology. Literally holding the phone into the microphone to get stuff on both YouTube. YouTube is probably tough to hear. I think we do it okay on GarageBand. We gotta hurry this up though. My laptop's down to 40%. Thanks again to Zach, really appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:40:15 And Gerald, phone lines are free now. I don't think I saw Gerald try to call in, but we're still waiting for Gerald. So we'll see. Homebite organ, are you tired of selling your house for less than a quarter of what it's worth? All because you can find a reliable home inspector in time, well-organ listeners, I got good news for you.
Starting point is 00:40:32 Home Pride Inspection Services in Ben Organ is central organist, new home inspection provider, with inspection services, including things like heating and cooling, roofing, plumbing, and so much more. Home Pride Organ is both contractor certified and home inspection certified, so you know you're getting the good stuff.
Starting point is 00:40:49 If you're tired of big real estate, the little wrangle hold on home inspection market and you wanna save certified home inspector that you can trust, lost my place. Oh, here we go, of course. Call Steve at 541-410-0316 or visit Again, that's 541-410-0316 or visit
Starting point is 00:41:05 Again, that's 541-410-0316 or go to a home pride organ inspection perfection. Of course, a good friend to Samson Q2U series. Guys, it is 300 episodes and nearly every single one of them has featured our beautiful, lovely, clear, crisp audio friends at the Samsung Q2U Series line. When God speaks or God King like Xerxes, look, I don't know what he was hooked up with on the set, great audio quality though.
Starting point is 00:41:38 Probably 300, probably one, both of the Oscars for sound, right? They used to have two. They were sound mixing and sound editing. And when a friend of the show Ryan Austin English would come on our program for an Oscar special, which by the way, I just saw Ryan a month ago. I had some of these surleys with me. We got to get Ryan back on the show dude.
Starting point is 00:42:01 He's a creative visionary, not as creative as Zach maybe, but he's got his band's say it with love, he's got side projects, he's got a discord. We're going to get Ryan back on the show and it doesn't have to be Oscar because this show was like year one, year two, a lot of movies because when I live in Baltimore, I watch a lot of movies, but Ryan's got so many other projects and interests and things that he is very smart about. So we'll get Ryan on shortly. Because he's a great friend of the show who it's been a damn shame how long it's been
Starting point is 00:42:35 since I invited him to be on our program. Which is all on me. All this is to say, when God speaks, he uses the Samsung. And of course, Bob and Weave, we all know the hairstyle, we all love it, but how many Chicago-based independent barbers can actually give it to you the way you deserve? Enter, cut, spy, cue. It's a little like enter Sandman, just slightly different. Cuts by cue has been independently owned and operated. Since 1995, the year gets further and further away every episode, woof. And it's probably one of the better barbershop operations
Starting point is 00:43:07 serving Chicago, Cook County, and the Greater Chicago and area and Northwest Indiana. Don't forget poppas. Many cheese curds, not many cheese curds. Cheese curds and many donuts. You don't want your cheese curds to be many donuts. I can tolerate. From beehives to banks, fohots to flat tops and everything in between I almost went to poppas. Two three weeks ago, I was driving through North Wisconsin, Indiana. But I didn't know if they were actually at their home location and I didn't I didn't want to be like checking their Facebook page while
Starting point is 00:43:35 I was driving. Seems a little dangerous. And then someone's gonna pull me over and ask me to reset the alphabet backwards. For beehives to banks, fohocks, the flat tops and everything in between called cuts by Q8152987200 or email Again, that's cuts, QUTZ by Oh, and you need a fresh do some snappier new, just call the experts at cuts. Bye, Q.
Starting point is 00:44:05 All right, thank you to our great sponsors. We've been with us through 300 episodes again. If you are not watching the YouTube stream live, you can go back, you can watch it. I'll be straight with you. You're not missing anything. There are no great visual effects. But I'll do a Pat Hughes, and I'll
Starting point is 00:44:20 describe to you what I'm wearing. Today, Quinn David Furnace is wearing a backwards baseball cap courtesy of Dayshoots Brewing, Dayshoots Brewery, which everyone it is from Banda Oregon. It's a gray cap with a black brim and a black kind of back plastic piece, whatever the name for that is. He's wearing a white, very plain white t-shirt, plain white t-s from Chicago. Hey there Delilah, what's it like in New York City? I'll be there in the minute and you'll leave without a jiffy as you'll do. Times Square can't shine as bright as you, my word is true. Oh, it's what you do to me.
Starting point is 00:45:04 Oh, it's what you do to me. Oh, it's what you do to me, bean town. Oh, it's what you do to me. Oh, it's what you do to me. What you do to me. You know, people say Plain White Teas is a one-hit wonder, and that's true. But I will say that their song, Rhythm of Love, which was like their second album, probably made two albums, it's a good song too.
Starting point is 00:45:30 Do do do, not going to sing again. plain white t-shirt and then a nice kind of quarter zip, jack links under armor, where's my jack links patch, there it is jack links under armor, where's my Jack links patch? There it is. Jack links under armor. What would you call this? Like a pullover basically. It's a very thin fabric. It's good for a daily today where it's like when the sun is out and it's middle of the day, it's not, it's just like light comfortable. And then when the sun goes down and gets a little bit colder, it's not going to protect you that much, but it's not so cold that you need the extra protection. protect you that much, but it's not so cold that you need the extra protection. So that's, you know, it's black with some white accents, like a white zipper and some white stripes along the arms.
Starting point is 00:46:11 And then are just some very basic gray gym shorts. They're gray all around. They have pockets, they're comfy, gray underwear, boxer briefs. I don't know if Pat Hughes really talks about the underwear that much. And then our golden black Adidas indoor house sandals, which I picked up as part of one of my side hustles once. It was like, I don't remember if that was like a software test that I had to do or a focus group, I can't recall, but it involved actually like purchasing an item
Starting point is 00:46:42 from the Adidas, no, it was Foot Locker. It wasn't the Adidas store. It was Foot Locker in Wicker Park. I had to go there after work. This was like 2019 probably. And I think I got paid like a hundred bucks or something. So you had to, you had to front the costs of the item yourself. So I was like, what's literally the cheapest thing I can get at Foot Locker? That's actually how I approached it. And they were like $15, $20, something like that. And they've been my house sandals ever since. I finally broke them in. I remember I used to keep these at Rachel's apartment
Starting point is 00:47:15 when we did not live together. And so when I would go over there, so I had something to walk around in, house sandals, especially in the summer. And man, when I first got these things, they, it took me a long time to like, actually be able to wear these because the fricking, there are these types of sandals, if you're not watching
Starting point is 00:47:32 the stream, that have like the little beads on the bottom. It's not just like a flat sandal. It's like, you know, beads basically. Little like bumps, essentially. And those things hurt so bad. like the first 10, 20 times I wore these sandals, I could wear them for like five, 10 minutes and then I would be in so much pain, I'd actually have to like step out of them and give my feet a break. That never happens anymore because I'm like completely used to them. My feet have also
Starting point is 00:48:01 probably like hardened up. I don't know if that's really a thing that the bottom of your feet do. But that uniform check-in was brought to you by Cuts by Q. We're still waiting on Gerald here, waiting for Gerald. That could be like a new play. Screenplay, an actual play, a one-man show. I always wanted to produce a one-man show. Maybe we'll throw a script together on slash plays. Waiting for Gerald.
Starting point is 00:48:35 So that's, you know, waiting for, waiting for Gado, I don't spill my surly before I die. Waiting for Gado is Samuel Bucket, who is like Charlie bucket, I guess, but Samuel buckets are real guy and Charlie buckets. Is it Charlie bucket or buckets? I think it's Charlie bucket. Samuel bucket. Of course, Willie Wonka or Charlie the chocolate factory
Starting point is 00:49:02 written by Roldall. That's how you say his name, Roll doll. R-O-A-L-D space D-A-H-L Roll. Really rolls off the tongue for you there. And that could be a one act play where it's like, I'm the main star, but my name would, I love, I love like those older British things, where it's just like, it's the last person's name is what you use. Like my name could be like, buttersworth.
Starting point is 00:49:33 My first name is some, some cool name like, um, Allison, but you only ever, you don't find, you have to read the appendix to know that. So all you know me is my is buttersworth. And the whole play is me waiting at a bus stop for my friend Gerald, who could be played by Gerald Butler, except he's actually not really a character in the play because he never shows up. Maybe you just hear him off screen or in a phone call.
Starting point is 00:49:59 I don't know if that's still a one person play or not, one man play, but he's like a bus driver, okay? And I'm waiting at the bus stop. I'm waiting for Gerald. And that's the play. Curtains, you know, applause, bows. I don't know if that's, you know, Tony's early more musical than plays.
Starting point is 00:50:17 So maybe I could have like a song in there. Oh, Gerald, where have you gone, John? And then I could just do the thing from David Bowie's fame where I go. Fame, fame, fame, fame, fame, fame, fame, fame, fame. Fame, Gerald's Game, Stephen King, right? Bruce Greenwood guys Hey, if you if you've watched or read Gerald's game before go ahead and emails bean Tom podcast Yahoo dot com You could just send an email that says dear Quinn. I watched Gerald's game or I read it best being head and
Starting point is 00:50:59 That would be that would make my day Gerald's game that's Bruce Greenwood It's got, I think the dog from 7th Heaven Happy plays like the like the wolf that shows up at the end and he's about to start eating the lady's leg. Who's the actress? The whole movie is just like the actress lying in bed handcuffed to the bed post. That's why Rachel and I do not do anything crazy like that in the bedroom. Okay, no handcuffs. That's what I told her on our first date. No handcuffs. It's going to make me think about getting pulled over with a DUI and have to reset the alphabet backwards.
Starting point is 00:51:42 Who is Tony Colette? No, that's not Tony Colette. She's too high profile for that kind of role. Carla Gugino, Gugino. Mom from Spikeids, right? That's who's in Gerald's game. I think she was the mom in Spikeids. The dad was Antonio Bandele. Bandele is as an art on an L.
Starting point is 00:52:06 I just kind of leaned into it. It just sort of happened. And apparently the like daughter from spike it is like an only fans model. And the son is dating Taylor Swift maybe. I don't remember, I have to go back and look that up. Tony Collette is a great example. We're going to do our trivia in a second here.
Starting point is 00:52:24 We're running out of time actually. Our laptop is done at 25%. Tony Colette is a great example of, this will be our next segment today. Actors are in actresses. You didn't know we're not American. Double negative there. So like Tony Colette is Australian.
Starting point is 00:52:41 So other people, Gerald Butler, hopefully calling very soon, and Hashtag waiting for Gerald. Guys, excuse me, Tegas in a tweet or an X, I guess they call them now. I'm at bean town cast on X. Tegas in a tweet use Hashtag waiting for Gerald, okay. Gerald Butler, a lot of people think is American.
Starting point is 00:53:03 I think he's Greek, I assume, because of obviously the 300. Other actors, you always thought were American, but they weren't. Michael Cain, who's just announced, Sir Michael Cain just recently announced that he's retiring from acting. You know him from Batman Begins, the dark night,
Starting point is 00:53:26 the dark night rises, Cider House rules. Inception. Is Michael Cain an Inception? Yeah, he plays, he plays Leo's dad, he's in like two scenes. A scene at the beginning and then his dream basically of taking his daughters to his dad at the end, which is not real. I'll say this, for all of Christopher Nolan, I used to be a big Christopher Nolan guy around dark night, dark night rises, inception, that era, and preceding that prestige. I even saw his early, early stuff. Like I saw, I got from the library once when I was a kid, probably like a teenager I saw in Somnia, which is a remake of a Swedish film, but it's Robin Williams, Hillary Swank,
Starting point is 00:54:20 and there's a third actor who's very famous. Let's find out who it is. Insomnia, film. I don't wanna spoil it. Oh, it's Pacino. Yeah, I was gonna say, I don't wanna spoil like anything about it. It's a great film.
Starting point is 00:54:37 It's a remake. But if you've never seen the Insomnia, the Christopher Nolan version, I think it's his second movie. Great film, go check it out. That was right before the guy Pierce came out, whatever that one was called, the one that's like backwards. But yeah, I was a big Christopher Nolan guy, but boy, I'll say this in not, okay, so quick aside, haven't seen Openheimer. I never got in on the Barbie Openheimer thing this summer.
Starting point is 00:55:02 It just didn't make time to do it. And I just like, it just never happened. So I'm going to do it eventually. But Tenet Man just did not enjoy. I'll just say it straight up. It wasn't like, oh, just the audio problems. I just like didn't have fun watching this movie. John David Washington, there's something about him, not like personally, but just from an acting perspective.
Starting point is 00:55:24 I don't, I just like, doesn't fully connect for me personally. I know he's in that big movie called The Creator, I think is what it is coming up, which feels very much like tenet again. So maybe that's all he's doing now. I don't know. We saw two years ago, whenever it came on a Netflix, the John David Washington and Zendaya film,
Starting point is 00:55:45 whatever that was called, it was one of those Oscar bait films that the critics didn't actually like very much, which is always funny to me when it happens, because I enjoy being like devil's advocate. What was that? It was like their two first names. That's all it was called, Malcolm and Marie. It was a play I think that they turned into a film.
Starting point is 00:56:11 But the whole movie is just black and white and it's like a two hour movie that takes place over two hours. It's not, I don't think it's a one shot movie, but it's kind of a one shot movie or it's just like one scene that kind of moves throughout the house. That's a whole film.
Starting point is 00:56:24 It was very big, it was hyped up, and it wasn't that good, frankly. But Christopher Nolan has kind of lost me a little bit. I don't know how we got on to Christopher Nolan. Oh, people you thought were American, but they aren't. Christopher Nolan, British, Michael Cain British. A lot of people think he was faking the Cockney accent. Hugh Jackman is Australian, believe it or not, he's not American. Logan head, Zack Snyder, you know, Justice League fans will be surprised to learn that
Starting point is 00:56:54 Hugh Jackman is actually Australian. And then, finally, Ronald Reagan. A lot of people know him as a president of the United States who is also an actor. Turns out he's Irish. So shouldn't even been able to become president. We're still waiting for Gerald's years. We're running out of time. Let's do our trivia question of the week here. It's actually like, it's like very straightforward. So it's nothing. I was digging for some good 300 trivia. When I came across that reader's digest article about Palendroms, so I just had to,
Starting point is 00:57:32 had a default to my original trivia question. Here we go. The film 300 is a fictionalized retelling of this battle, which happened shortly after the naval, the sea, not like belly buttons or oranges. The Battle of Salamis. So this was interesting. I found that one of the reasons I chose it in my research here, again, the name of the battle that's in 300, not the Battle of Salamis.
Starting point is 00:57:56 Before we get into this tangent, I guess, which will have to be one of our final tangents of today's program. The answer is the Battle of Thermopoly, which isn't that the name of what's her name, Shakespeare's wife and half-way, Princess Diaries II, and Princess Diaries I, Julianne Drews, that other guy, Chris Pine, right? that, that other guy, Chris Pine, right? T-H-E-R-M-O-P-Y-L-A-E, I think that actually might be right.
Starting point is 00:58:32 I'm pretty proud of myself if it is. Isn't that like her last name, Mia Thermopolis? Or Thermopolis, something like that? Apparently it's Genovia, which is like Switzerland, but she's Greek. It doesn't really make sense to me. It's not all Greek to me. Let's just put it that way. But the Battle of Salamis, I thought, was interesting. So it's like a naval war.
Starting point is 00:58:56 If you're going to battle over meat, first I would fight for Jack Links, okay? Sponsor of the show, maybe, Jack Links gets a maritime here. But other meets, I would probably fight for, probably not Salami, but maybe, like what's the difference between a summer sausage and a Salami, I guess they're kind of the same. Pretty tasty, I'll give it that, like it's good. But maybe like a really nice black forest ham,
Starting point is 00:59:23 which is Genovia, I guess, is kind of in the black forest To kind of bring things full circle here are whiskies about to run out. That's a shame It's just ice cube now Other meats pepper and seignee Let's definitely meet I would fight for Venison as long as it's not I have a bad relationship with Vennison because when I was a kid the Vennison we ate would sit in the freezer for two to three years and then
Starting point is 00:59:55 Cook it up and it's like This is this is not the cook's fault. Okay. This is not a a Mother of the podcast shaming thread. It's just the meat you're given to work with. Boy, the venison we had grown up, I'm all for like providing for yourself and not spending extra money, totally get it, I'm on board with that.
Starting point is 01:00:19 But boy, when you're chewing and chewing and you look at your stopwatch and it's been three and a half to four minutes of chewing and you're still chewing one bite and it's kind of like we got to make a decision here. Do we just take a big gulp of water and like try to get this into the system or do we just as I would more often than I like to admit frequently do just kind of you know wrap it up in the napkin. frequently do just kind of, you know, wrap it up in the napkin. Those were, that was our bean-town pike as segment actors in Actors, you didn't know
Starting point is 01:00:51 were not American. Finally here, I just wanna mention, oh, a Facebook settlement got some sort of like Facebook or facial recognition kind of thing. 20, what was it? $7, 20 cents that I made this past week. So rolling in it, I told Rachel, our potential kid, potential is not the word I'm looking for.
Starting point is 01:01:15 There's a hypothetical kid. They're going to the Ivy League now, because we can afford it. And obviously, they'll get in academically with our brains. Last thing here, it wouldn't be a bean-town podcast without us slamming a nation or an ethnic group, which we're not gonna do. I'm just gonna say this, it was the Chinese moon festival
Starting point is 01:01:37 about a month ago, and oftentimes I'll be giving gifts, just kind of being on the street, just being a podcast, what was that sort of thing? So I received, as I have in the past, some moon cakes for for this year's moon cake festival or a moon festival, whatever you want to call it. My question here, this is not specific to this is not, it is specific. It's not meant to however, or moving my auto lock from five minutes back to two minutes as we wrap up today's show. This is not meant to be like,
Starting point is 01:02:12 oh you guys stink. My it's just a question of China. Okay, I'm speaking to the entire country now, but specifically Mao Zedong. You use the lotus bean or lotus flower paste to make the moon cakes. And I'm just thinking about my own upbringing and like long johns and Boston cream. My question is, do they have any sort of like even like a glazed old fashioned donut that they could have used for inspiration for these moon cakes because the white load is paste is just, it's weird man. I don't sit there eating a moon cake.
Starting point is 01:02:52 I finished, so I finished all six of my moon cakes. It's not, I'm not sitting there being like, oh, this stinks. I wouldn't eat them if I felt that way. It's like, it's completely like fine. I wouldn't eat them if I felt that way. It's like, it's completely fine. But it's not really like sweet. The texture is just different than what I'm used to. So my question for China was like, did you guys ever send an ambassador to bean town to get a Boston cream donut?
Starting point is 01:03:16 And then bring that back to the Mooncake Festival and be like, what have we been doing here? We could have been having this when it said we've been having bean paste. So just a final parting thought. I don't think we get a lot of listeners from the China region frequently, and we definitely won't after this. But I still ate all the mooncakes.
Starting point is 01:03:38 I don't hate them. I'm just wondering if there is it too late for us to improve these. It's my question here. And that's my final thought for you. Everyone on YouTube, thank you for watching our show. Thank you for supporting our 300th bean town podcasts. I really appreciate it. We got to get this laptop plugged in here. We're at 10% and this thing could go
Starting point is 01:04:01 but it inflames at any point. Guys, let's get our outro music going here. Here's to the next 300. We'll close out YouTube, buy YouTube. I will see you later. And for our audio, our hardcore audio fans, thank you so much for listening. My name is Quinn David Furnace.
Starting point is 01:04:19 This is my show 300 episodes down, 300 plus to go. I'll check in on you next time for our Halloween spooktacular. Bye! I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. ndご視聴ありがとうございました

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