Beantown Podcast - Beantown Thanksgiving 2021 (11282021 Beantown)

Episode Date: November 28, 2021

Quinn comes to you LIVE at the tail end of Thanksgiving weekend to say thanks and discuss the triumph of Boss Baby 2: Family Business, and the epic failure of Stillwater...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Fernos. Welcome and today I am thankful for you all the fans the friends whomever is tuning in where you are from Karachi Hyderabad Kiberpass it really doesn't matter, you know, I'm not picky. I'm just thankful that you're here. My name is Quinn David Furnace. And this is our show. I am the creator, the best boy, the key grip,
Starting point is 00:00:54 the gaffer, gaffer junior, all that stuff of this show, Quinn David Furnace presents the Bean Tom Podcast. It's Thanksgiving weekend. And actually at the tail end of Thanksgiving weekend doing something I don't do terribly often these days which is record on a Sunday It's Sunday afternoon about three 20 in the afternoon and You know oftentimes this time of year my Sundays. I'm either out doing stuff or catching some football games. And there's the podcast oftentimes will be recorded earlier in the weekend at some point. Today has just
Starting point is 00:01:32 been crazy. Got back from family, from the burbs only about half an hour ago or so. And you know, honestly, I like had to make a decision because we got the Vikings games starting in about five minutes here. And Brother of the podcast, Walter Fernis, actually likely going to be over here for a little bit to watch some of that. We're going to try to grab supper. Well, so I got to decide, okay, I kind of wanted to go for a run today because yesterday I didn't go. I was feeling really beat up. Got a lot of issues.
Starting point is 00:02:03 Back problem right now, the lingering knee, the planar fasciitis comes and goes. And just, you know, today like wanted to kind of get out and stretch my legs a little bit, that's not gonna happen. I just got out of the shower, closed the door on that one. I don't have any groceries for next week at all. So that's probably gonna have to be something
Starting point is 00:02:23 that happens after work tomorrow, but they don't have anything for work. Well, I'm at work tomorrow. So what I'm getting at is I kind of had to decide like I basically had to pick one or two things that I could still do today. And I essentially decided to get a shower because I was feeling real gross. I picked a bad orange line car to be on on our way back from the city
Starting point is 00:02:51 or excuse me from the burbs to the city. Just just one of those one of those train rides where there's just a whole lot of action going on and usually not the fun kind. And so I decided to, you know, a shower in, always good to feel clean. And I had to do the podcast, right? There was one thing that I absolutely had to do. And I knew that was gonna be a tough spot. Cause I didn't wanna record before I went to a family house,
Starting point is 00:03:20 a family's house for the weekend. Cause that was Wednesday night after work. And I was like, well, you're gonna have to fit that in by end of day Tuesday at some point. And I didn't want to record all of those there because in your just like randomly stepping aside for like half an hour and it's kind of not weird like they understand but it's just yeah I don't want to do that. But then I knew like coming back Sunday today it was gonna be a crunch. So, and doing my best, here's the moral of the story. Not every podcast episode that I bring to you
Starting point is 00:03:51 is a gold medal, okay? We haven't been invited to podcon, we haven't won all the awards yet, that sort of thing, but my pledge to you, being heads, beeners, friends of the podcast, is I'm always going to be here. I'm always gonna bring you a new episode. That is my pledge to you.
Starting point is 00:04:13 That is just how I plan on doing things. So thank you for sticking with us. All I really wanna say today, and it's gonna be a very short episode, much shorter than typical, I promise you that. All I really want to say is thank you for listening. And then I'm also going to do a rundown of two movies that we saw over the holidays, and not the holidays,
Starting point is 00:04:39 but the last couple of days. And those were first Stillwater, which was kind of a move. I think it's probably safe to call it a box office bomb. It was one of those movies that was supposed to be like a big one. It's heavily inspired or influenced by the Amanda Knox story. So basically you got it's Matt Damon, he plays this guy, you know middle-aged dad who divorced dad, just has one kid, he lives in Oklahoma, he's like an oil driller, and I kind of assumed the story would be a little bit more like front to end sort of thing, but you really pick it up, and if you don't know the premise, essentially, his daughter played just, and I don't say this lightly, but just terribly,
Starting point is 00:05:31 portrayed by Abigail Brezzlin. I mean, I have not kept up with Abigail Brezzlin's acting career, and I'll mention, listener discretion is advised, or listener listen to being time punk. It's number one, relocation use something, when we should remember two, we'll talk about
Starting point is 00:05:45 Abigail presence acting which is just you know not safe for kids You know, I know her ever I mean I feel like most people know Abigail Brezlin They might not be able to say a ton of movies. She's in but she you know child actor like people know her little miss sunshine My sister's keeper a couple other random ones, but I feel pretty confident in saying, most people haven't kept up with her. And boy, for good reason, because this acting job, I don't know if it was all her fault or if the writing played into it or the directing,
Starting point is 00:06:15 but it was really bad. Like usually you have an average movie, average acting, it's just kind of whatever, but it was interesting because I'm not a huge Matt Damon fan, but his acting was solid in this. You expect that out of Matt Damon, he's a professional, he's good at this stuff. But Abigail Brezzlin, I mean, it was just night and in day when they would have a scene together or multiple scenes together at which there are multiple, it was really bad, like shockingly terrible. So basically Abigail Brezzlin plays this former college student, she's like 23 now.
Starting point is 00:06:50 She committed a crime while she was studying in France. I don't know if she was studying their full time or if there was a study abroad trip, whatever. But so now she's been in prison for five years, detained by, you know, basically in a French prison accused of not accused, but convicted of murder of a fellow student, basically, another female. So Matt Damon basically started the film.
Starting point is 00:07:17 He's traveling to France. And then for the rest of the film, and when I say the rest of the film, I mean the rest of the film, two and a half hours, brutally long. There's a lot of issues with this film. I'm not gonna go too far into it because I don't have a ton of time today. But it's, I mean, the things that were really off
Starting point is 00:07:34 with it super long. I mean, if you're gonna have a movie that's, I think it's 220 is what it comes in at. I mean, it's gotta be like, there's gotta be stuff in there that's gonna grip you. The pacing of this film was really, it's just surprisingly bad. You're always gonna be worried about pacing
Starting point is 00:07:51 if you have a movie that goes over two hours. Because your pacing's gotta be good or else it's not gonna be watchable. You would think they would get a rough cut on the table that people making this film would watch it and be like, ooh, you lost me here, you lost me there, all that stuff, because I was lost several times. And not in the way of like, I can't understand what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:08:14 Although subtitles would have been a smart choice because there's a lot of French accents throughout this movie, and that was tough. But basically, so she's been in prison five years. Matt Damon is in France now. He's going to visit her. He has presumably been visiting her. And the rest of the movie, I guess spoilers,
Starting point is 00:08:38 but basically what happens is Matt Damon's trying to solve the mystery because the case has been closed. So law enforcement and the courts they're not looking into it or investigating anymore. Essentially he like finds the guy who Abigail Brezlin says did it. It's almost like a direct ripoff of the Denis Vendor film prisoners with Hugh Jackman if you've ever seen that Terrence Howard Paul Deino where he kidnapped this guy, holds him in the basement. This is all in France mind you. And yada yada yada we learn and this was our suspicion while watching it
Starting point is 00:09:16 premise a little time that Abigail Brezlin while she didn't. So the person who's murdered was her roommate. Or maybe not. Yeah, her roommate who is also her lesbian lover and basically Abigail Brezlin didn't actually murder her but she paid this guy who was then captured in that Damien's basement to kill her. So basically he's able to get DNA Basically, he's able to get DNA from this guy. It's all very unethical. They reopen the case.
Starting point is 00:09:49 She gets sent home free. She goes back to Oklahoma, still water, hence the name of the film. And she gets a whole big parade and stuff. And it was really, I mean, that all, like they go back home and they have like one scene reflecting. It happens in like five minutes. It's a movie with awful pacing. They go back home and they have one scene reflecting. It happens in five minutes. For a movie with awful pacing,
Starting point is 00:10:08 that thing is super rushed how it ends. And they're just one final scene where they're sitting on the front porch and she clearly is a bad person and he's obviously having some sort of reflection. But you need to weigh more of that, okay? Because I, and there's so many things I could say about this, but basically at the end of the movie, it's like, well, what, what was the takeaway?
Starting point is 00:10:33 Like what was the point? Who was I supposed to be rooting for? And obviously that's, you know, partially a directorial choice is it's supposed to be kind of, you know, muddy, murky, whatever. And I get that, that's fine. But we just needed something more because it's just very like kind of, you know, muddy, murky, whatever. And I get that, that's fine. But we just needed something more, because it's just very like, I don't know, who, who I like, who I don't like.
Starting point is 00:10:53 It wasn't flushed out well. Just a very interesting concept that just two hours and 20 minutes later, you're just feeling like, what, what did we just do here? In case you're wondering, like, oh, how do they fill the two hours and 20 minutes? Well, it's not like taken or anything like that. There's not a lot of pulse pounding action.
Starting point is 00:11:14 It's basically like, he starts hanging out with this French lady and her daughter who is very cute, precocious, whatever, she was great. But that, I don't know. It was rough. Okay, not my favorite. So that was still water.
Starting point is 00:11:32 And then last night, we've been talking about this for a long time. We watched the Boss Baby 2 Family Business, Rachel and I, we haven't seen the original, but when we saw Boss Baby 2 family business came out on Hulu We said we have to see this one so we did it's got the voices of Alex Baldwin from the original Toby McGuire was in the original but he was replaced by James Marston this time and Amy said Daris plays sort of the new female boss baby.
Starting point is 00:12:06 Jeff Goldblum is in there. Jamie Kimmel, Lisa Kudrow, so a whole cast. And I am not facetious at all when I say this, I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was solid writing. I thought the animation and sort of the effects were spectacular. Like it was amazing
Starting point is 00:12:25 I thoroughly enjoyed that and I'm not a huge animated film type person. I thought that was that was that was great Really good dialogue like very fast reminds me of watching 30 rock and not just because it's Alec Baldwin and James Marston who are also in 30 rock but You know just very much like a million jokes a minute, which I really enjoyed about it. You know, it's still a kids movie, it's G, so there wasn't anything wild going on there, but I haven't watched a kid's G movie in a long time. I thought it was really fun.
Starting point is 00:13:01 I had a great time. That was Boss Baby II family business. Hey, if you're looking for just like a goofy family movie to watch at some point and I can't vouch for the original, but Boss Baby 2. I mean, that was really fun. I liked it. So that's you know, that's what that's what we were doing watching a couple movies over the Thanksgiving break and doing, watching a couple of movies over the Thanksgiving break and tried to go bowling but had a really long wait and never ended up making it, which is a shame because I was feeling a hot, at least 85 coming on and I'm certain that would have, you know, crowned
Starting point is 00:13:37 beat champion of the family. Definitely not. I wasn't serious, I wasn't joking about the 85 though, that's kind of my sweet spot. No, I can usually hit 100. I can usually get there. And otherwise, just a lot of, it's been cold here,
Starting point is 00:13:57 taking the dog for a walk, going for some runs, but again, feeling pretty beat up. So, I mean, I'm kind of teetering on that edge where I'm eating a lot of good food and drinking a lot of wine, but also, I'm beat up. So I mean that I'm kind of teetering on that edge where I'm eating a lot of good food and drinking a lot of wine, but also like, you know, I'm still getting out there and exercising, but it's getting a little bit tougher to you because it's cold and because my body is just not
Starting point is 00:14:17 fully holding up here. So doing my best to stretch and yeah, just keeping an eye on it. Okay. So I apologize because this wasn't any sort of wild, fantastic episode, I really hadn't had the opportunity to think about it that much or what I wanted to say, but I did want to just check in with everyone to see how you're doing, what was happening, what was new,
Starting point is 00:14:40 and I appreciate everyone listening. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, you can always email us, again, that's beantown, You can also tweet at us, I am at White Buns with a Z. I had a tweet about a DePaul game yesterday, the day before, I'm up to like 25 likes.
Starting point is 00:15:02 I mean, I know that sounds silly, but like for me, and I only follow, slash and followed by like 200 people on Twitter. Hey, that's huge. That's a killer ratio for me, so I'm really proud of that. And the show is at Bean Town Cast. That's pretty much what I got for you. I want to just give a quick thank you shout out to our sponsors
Starting point is 00:15:25 Home Pride Oregon, the Samson Q2U series and our good friends cuts by Q. The Rainbow's Dog, Bailey, looking a little shaggy might need a haircut over Christmas. We'll see if I bring the Shears sheep style could be fun. Something to look out for in the future. We're going to have a whole month of holiday shows coming up here. The next what, four episodes will all be in December. Maybe five if we're feeling lucky. So that should be a good time. And yeah, I got this Vikings game on.
Starting point is 00:15:57 The Packers game is on too, so we're gonna turn these on. And I'm gonna enjoy the rest of my Sunday. Try to relax a little bit. So, I'm not gonna waste your time anymore. This is probably gonna come in under 20 minutes, a rarity here at the Bean Town podcast, but that's what I got for you. Thanks for listening to our movie reviews.
Starting point is 00:16:15 I hope you're doing well. I hope you had a great weekend. Have some more turkey, get stuffed, all that. Jazz, thanks for listening. Let's queue up the music. My name is Quinn I'm just going to sit here. ndご視聴ありがとうございました

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