Beantown Podcast - Beantown's 100th Episode Tonsillitis Extravaganza! (12072019 Beantown)

Episode Date: December 8, 2019

Quinn comes to you LIVE from an iron lung to celebrate the show's 100th episode by telling the tale of his tonsil odyssey, including eating spicy foods with a 103 degree fever, puking at a train stop,... and falling in and out of consciousness

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinty with furnace. Welcome to my show Quinty with furnace presents the bean town podcast for Saturday December 7th 2019 what's going on? How are you? Take a quick sip here. That's that's really the type of show we're about to have Wow, it has been quite a ride over here. If you listen to us last week, you recall that, hang on, I'll be back in 30 seconds, I Okay, that wasn't scripted, I promise. Wow, what a ride it's been. If you listened to our show last week with Brother of the Podcast, Walter Furnace, thanks
Starting point is 00:01:21 again to Walt for coming on and playing Crippage with us. That was a lot of fun But you you knew that I was not feeling well. I came down with a sore throat on Let's see last Thursday was Thanksgiving on the evening of Thanksgiving came down with a sore throat and then Sort of basically Friday and Saturday they had a pretty bad cold, but nothing too out of the ordinary, you know, stuff I could handle. And then, kind of, Sunday, it started to clear up a little bit. And Monday, I felt pretty good.
Starting point is 00:02:01 I thought it was over it. I thought it was just a little itty bitty holiday cold, no big problem there. I wake up Tuesday morning and I have a super sore throat again. Day shift, we all over again. But this time I knew it was going to be trouble because my tonsil had started to get bigger. Now, if you were listening to our show back in 2018 around this time, you know that we had some serious tonsil issues literally a year ago to almost the exact day.
Starting point is 00:02:40 It was Thanksgiving 2018 when I was right in the middle of all these issues. Tuesday was pretty bad but I kind of toughed it out. I was not feeling amazing but you find enough. And then Wednesday rolls around and Wednesday is going to be a long day for me because I have a full day of work. And let me interrupt this story real quick to apologize for my voice. If I push it, I can speak in a more normal tone down here and speak like this for a bunch Because my tongue is really being interfered with my extremely enlarged console. So when I talk up here, it's, you might think, oh, Quenny's just he's vacant and a little bit just to know. I mean, this is the way I can talk
Starting point is 00:03:43 without causing me too much pain. I'll also say that I don't know how long I'm going to last on this podcast simply because I really haven't talked in excess length other than, you know, short one, two word phrases or sentences since probably Tuesday. So, and we're recording on Saturday night. So, it's been a hell of a past four or five days, and I'll take this pause in the action to mention that. Listening to discussion is advised when you're listening to the
Starting point is 00:04:24 Bean Tom podcast number one. We'll occasionally use some holiday language and number two like son of a nut cracker. That's one of a favorite ones. Um, you health and son of a bitch. That's a good, if you, if you want the full list of, um, what I mean when I say holiday language go watch The Glen Gary Glen Ross Christmas sketch on SNL, which is one of the funniest things I've ever seen and if you've never seen Glen Gary Glen Ross You have to watch it. It's got Kevin Spacey, Alec Baldwin, Ed Harris, Al Pacino, someone else and I'm forgetting I apologize.
Starting point is 00:05:10 It's a great movie and I think a lot of people haven't seen it so go check it out. It's amazing. Number two is podcast is just subjectively terrible. Don't worry about the music, it's royalty-free, so if you occasionally get it in the background, just soak it up, because it's some real nice angelic Christmas-themed music. Here's a quick little taste. I don't know if Yezu Joy of Man's desire, if that's what it's called, is really a Christmas
Starting point is 00:05:52 song, but this happened to pop up on the royalty-free Christmas playlist that I have selected for tonight's episode. I feel a little bit like an NPR show right now. But let's let's jump back into the story here. So Wednesday is going to be a long day for me, right? I have a full work day. And then I am doing a supposed to have a Christmas party from five to seven through work. And then I have a focus group downtown on snacks from 8 to 10. So essentially I'm looking at being downtown excuse me for about 8 45 in the morning until 10 pm at night
Starting point is 00:06:38 It takes me around an hour to get downtown and then an hour to get home at night So all in all we're looking at looking at 16 hours of being away, which is pretty significant. Anyways, so I get to work in the morning and my throat is pretty sore. And you can see my tonsil has gotten bigger. And I'm somewhat concerned at this point, but I'm not really sure what to do other than to just go forth
Starting point is 00:07:06 with my day, because I had stuff that I was responsible for at work, including an all-staff meeting, which was just, you know, one of those meetings where you look at your watch and it's been an hour and 15 minutes and you're just wondering what are we doing here? Why was I here? Regardless, I won't say anything more about that because I don't want to lose my job. So I'm sitting there in the meeting with trends from three to five and the holiday party is scheduled to begin at five and go until seven at this fancy rooftop bar restaurant, something like that, in Chicago, close by downtown. And so my plan was to go to that and have many, many drinks, and then go to my focus group bus, and I was excited to do that, because then they were done
Starting point is 00:07:57 that before, and I thought it would be an interesting experience. But as I'm sitting there in the meeting, I'm just starting to think to myself, man, I really not feeling it. I'm starting to get very tired. My muscles are aching a little bit, and boy, are my ears red because I think someone turned up the heat in here. It feels a little warm. So by the time we get to five o'clock, I'm so tired. I feel just absolutely exhausted that all of a sudden, I'm like, you know what,
Starting point is 00:08:36 there's no way I can go to this christen's party, drink, and make it through this focus group, and get home when I have to work the next morning. Like, it's just not, the energy is not going to be there for me. So, I go back to my office and kind of plot out my next move because now all of a sudden, I have from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. with nothing to do. And really, I don't have that muchm. to 8 p.m. with nothing to do. And really, I don't have that much work to do this week. And I had just spent a full work day in my office,
Starting point is 00:09:12 and I'm pretty good at budgeting out, you know, things to do based off when I know I'm gonna be in the office. So I didn't have anything left to do that day. And I didn't really do want to just sit in my office and you know screw around on line and stuff. Especially in someone's going to have to give us some tips. And if you have any tips, you can email us Again, this bean town PA and TN podcast at because now that flash is not being supported by web browsers
Starting point is 00:09:47 I you know you can't go to like and con or mini clip or dicting games or Conquer get or armor games or Nitro maybe I have to check back on back in on that or home star runner to just play games and on that. More home star runner to just play games. You physically can't do that anymore, which is a damn shame. AK, besides Sportcule and Reddit, I need some better time-wasting sites. Maybe I will check in. There's got to be some good Reddit posts on that. But, so I decided, in here's the dilemma I was facing. All I wanted to do was lie down and not just like, rastry lax, but like physically lie my head down
Starting point is 00:10:36 because, and it's hard to describe this sensation unless you're feeling it, but I was feeling like, oh my God, if I don't physically go prostrate and lie my head down, I think I'm going to just die, which is extreme, but it was about to get a lot worse. So I go up to, there's a student lounge on the floor above my office, and I know there aren't any couches, but they do have big comfy arm chairs that have nice, nicely sized ottomans.
Starting point is 00:11:13 So I said, you know what, that's probably the closest thing I can get, because I'm not aware of where there is a couch. And there has to be multiple, multiple couches in the law school. He just wasn't feeling up to hunting around looking for one. So I go up there and I lie down and all of a sudden I'm starting to get mega chills in my arms, which is kind of strange. So I put on my coat and I throw my hood on looking pretty fly, you know,
Starting point is 00:11:49 because I'm just going to try to take a nap so you can't shut the lights off in a big large student lounge where there are lots of students. I don't even think I know how. So I'm just lying now in this armchair, trying to get comfortable, which is really difficult. And my head is starting to feel so warm, mainly my ears and my cheeks. And I kept putting the back of my palm to my forehead because you know, thinking, no, if I have a fever,
Starting point is 00:12:23 I'll probably notice it by that test. It didn't really feel like I had a fever and so I was thinking no I I don't really know what's going on but my upper body for the most part is getting make a chills and my head is just on fire so I'm not really sure to make of this so I tried to sleep a little bit. It was one of those situations where all of a sudden you kind of jolted yourself up and you're not sure if you actually slept or what the deal was, how close you came if you didn't. But that happened for about two hours before I finally just said enough of this and my head was so hot that I was just like, you know what, I got to go outside and just walk around until my focus group starts.
Starting point is 00:13:10 Because I feel like I'm going mentally insane. It's so hot in here. So it's about 730. I go walk around outside for a while and then eventually get to my focus group at about 745. The minute I get back in the door, I'm like, oh my gosh, it is very, very hot in here. And I think I'm about to die. And my tonsil has gotten the size of Neptune. This is a problem. And all honesty, the smart move at that point would have certainly been to just go home. But here's the thing, and this wasn't a super propitious focus group by focus group standards, but it was $125 to talk about snacks for two hours. And I was just like, you know what? I already stuck around downtown for 12 hours.
Starting point is 00:14:02 And I know I feel like absolute garbage garbage but I'm not going to leave $125 on the table just because I can't tough it out. That's not the coin way. I'm so like the dumbass I am. I start this focus group. They lead us into the series. There's only four of us which I was that was the first thing I noticed that I was really just discouraged by. Oftentimes when you do these focus groups, there are seven, eight people, conference room, table, setup. This, there are just four of us.
Starting point is 00:14:36 And the reason that's bad is because it means you're going to talk more. And I was already not trying to talk, trying not to talk as, trying to talk as little as possible. Let's just put it that way. And so I knew, you know, we'll get two hours only for us. How that's going to be a lot of speaking time. But it's normally, I don't care. I think these things are interesting. But considering considering how bad my throat hurt and how just like I was starting to think like it might be time to go to hadn't stopped, and I was worried that I wasn't drinking enough. Oh, and the other thing, I had worked out during my lunch break per usual, but when I got back to my office,
Starting point is 00:15:38 I tried to eat my lunch, and I could only have like three or four bites before I was just, I just looked down at my lunch, and I was like, I don't want this so all I'd had to eat that day was an apple and then three or four bites of a salad so not a lot of fuel to go off of so we start the focus group it's on snacks and here's a kicker and it's not the ultimate kicker because that's coming at the end of the focus group. The room itself was crazy hot.
Starting point is 00:16:09 Immediately everyone else is like, man, it feels really hot in here. The person leading the focus group is like, yeah, it's crazy hot in here. We'll see if we can get someone to work on that, spoiler alert, no one, and I will never work on it. That room must have been at least
Starting point is 00:16:25 80, 4, 85 degrees. And I, you know, I had taken off all I could, but I'm still wearing my, my, you know, putting down shirts and, you know, dress pants, socks, dress shoes, belt, all that stuff, because I had been at work that day. When really it would have felt great to be an oethbeater in running shorts, but oh well. So I'm just sitting there sweating my balls off, going through water like crazy. Having to get up every literally five minutes on average. The people in there must have thought I was nuts, but my head was so red, I looked like I was trying to squeeze one out for two straight hours on the toilet. I can imagine, I don't typically look at my face while I'm pooping, but I imagine that's what I
Starting point is 00:17:17 looked like. I just got this weird thing where someone's trying to call me. Let's check it out. Let's see what's going on. And let's call. Who is that? There's something weird going on. What on earth is happening? Something my phone is malfunctioning. What's happening?
Starting point is 00:17:41 Someone, a friend is hang on. We're going to put you on pause. And we're back. So the girl I'm currently seeing her phone kind of took a hit yesterday. Not literally nothing happened physically to cause anything but it's now having some issues She was shown it to be last night. They will do some really funky things Where it just starts opening apps on its own. It's become sentient. It's crazy And it'll move through things super fast so I have
Starting point is 00:18:24 Six missed calls from her in the last like 30 seconds. That's how fast this thing moves. I don't know if she's just got a busted phone or if she somehow broke the space-time continuum, but she should get that to the Nobel Prize offices because she might have discovered something really cool. Getting back to the story here, I'm trying to think where were we. Well, I was at the focus group going through water like crazy. Yeah, I felt real bad. So we were discussing snacks. That's the specific as I can get. I can't share with you the company who was sponsoring the focus group because of an NDA that I signed, but I
Starting point is 00:19:12 Can I will share with you that we did some taste tests, which was exciting on Paper because I've actually so I've been doing focus groups for a long time. I did it when I was in college and grad school. Not when I was in Baltimore because I couldn't get to any of the sites where they would hold them. But I've already since I moved back to Chicago in the last six months and it's been six months and about three days since I moved back, which is exciting. I've probably done five or six already, which is great. A lot of extra money. This is the first time in my life that I've ever done a focus group that involves taste
Starting point is 00:19:55 testing. So we tried a couple different products that this company was either rolling out or considering rolling out, I don't know which. And normally this, again, this would be great because I'm always down for, you know, snack foods and eating a bunch and you could see the rest of the people around me were just going crazy with these things. But me not feeling very confident in my stomach and also not having had an appetite at all that day. It was just not as jazz. So I felt like Gordon Ramsay, you know, just take I had, you know, one bite and that was it. That's all I could really handle where normally I'd be scarfing it down. But here is the kicker to end all kickers. So I'm already
Starting point is 00:20:44 really hot, clearly have a fever going the room is crazy hot and this last snack that they bring out is extra hot Was it's flavor So you know I had the smallest amount possible without them noticing that I wasn't really tasting it because this I just had a small piece and I felt I already felt like I was going to die so I don't really know what level is beyond that. But it was just it took it up to an 11. I was about ready at that point with five minutes left in the focus group to just get out of there and say no I don't need my money
Starting point is 00:21:34 and call an ambulance. I'm wearing Uber at the very least to take me to the emergency room because I was just like oh my god. This is not going to end well well I don't know what's going to happen I didn't at that point I didn't really feel like I was going to vomit or have diarrhea I just and I can't I don't even know how to describe it I just felt like it was all going to end that's how like it was all going to end. That's how like, accidentally dreadful it was. So, I put on a happy face, like the Joker, and after the focus group wraps up
Starting point is 00:22:19 at 10 p.m. I go to the bathroom, I have to pee because of all the water I'd been drinking. I also just completely dunk my head in the sink. The guys when I got out must have thought I was a raving lunatic with my hair all wet, but I did what I had to do. I get out, I get my $125 and I get down the elevator and that's the end of the focus of story, right? Well, there's still one last piece, right? Because now I'm sitting there at Clark and Monroe at 10, 15 PM on Wednesday night and I live
Starting point is 00:22:57 up in Rodgers Park. So you think, well, Quinn, you still got to get home, you'd be right. And we're going to get to that half of the story and what happened after I got home, because clearly I did eventually get home, keyword eventually. We're going to read the ads real quick. And then I promise we're going to jump right back into the story. Home pride organ, are you tired of selling your house for less than a quarter of what is worth, all because you couldn't find a reliable home inspector in time. Well, Oregon listeners, there's good news. Home Pride inspection services in Bandoorgan
Starting point is 00:23:35 is central organs, hottest new home inspection provider, with inspection services including things like heating and cooling, roofing, plumbing and so much more. Home-Prior Organ is both contractor certified and home-inspection certified, so you know you're getting the good stuff. If you're tired of big real estate, struggle to hang cold. On the home-inspection market, I knew you wanted a safe certified home-ins specter you can trust call Steve at 541-410-0316 or visit Again, it's 541-410-0316 or you can visit Home Pride Organ and subaction. Perfection.
Starting point is 00:24:27 All right. I want to give a shout out to the Samson Q2U series. It's got crisp, clean audio quality that you can trust. From Romans to Galatians to Colossians to Ephesians, Old Testament, New Testament Christian in Orgy, we don't discriminate remember when God speaks and uses a Samson. I also want to give a holiday shout out to Jack links beef jerky. It's tasty, it's delicious, it fills you up, it's a great source of protein, it's a little expensive, but we can work on that.
Starting point is 00:25:09 Jack links if you're out there, we would love a corporate sponsorship and I know you would love us. So think about it. I've been watching a lot of better call Saul in every time they, you know, there's a lot of cartel action going on, So someone says, think about it. That really means do it or else I'm going to kill your family. That's not what I mean, Jack links because frankly, it seems like a lot of work. But you think about it, I guess is what I'm saying. Shout out to Halls, a new friend of the podcast because this
Starting point is 00:25:49 golf trap I've been working on is really saving my butt when I started the show I could barely get it going and this is helping me out immensely. Let's see, we want to say one more thing, we're going to cut by Q and then I have a special announcement, something that just popped up. And then we are going to get back to the story. Cut by Q. Bob and weave. We all know the hairstyle. Cuts by Q. Bob and weave. We all know the hairstyle. We all love it. But how many Chicago-based independent barbers can actually give it to you the way you
Starting point is 00:26:33 deserve? Enter Cuts by Q. It's like Enter Sandman just a little different. Cuts by Q has been independently owned and operated since 1995. It's probably one of the better barber shop operations serving Chicago, Cook County and Chicago Land Area. From B-Hive to Bangs, Full Hawks to Flat Tops and everything in between call cuts by Q at 815298-7200 or email cuts by Again, that's cuts! Qat easy by Qat again that's cuts.
Starting point is 00:27:10 QE TZ by q at this is going to be rough. Oh, any need of fresh do something snappy and new to call the experts cuts by Q. All right, I mentioned we have an announcement something that came up. So I've been kind of alluding to this on podcasts in the past, but you may or may not realize that right now, and I didn't realize this until five minutes ago, you're currently listening to the 100th weekly installment of Clean David Fies presents the Beentown podcast. That's pretty cool, isn't it? That's pretty awesome. 100 episodes plus we're at about seven Beentown Unplugged Specials.
Starting point is 00:27:57 Countless guests, countless repeat guests. Colossed states, I've never gone in and totaled the current number of states that we've podcasted from, but I would give it a rough estimate of somewhere in the 15 to 20 range. And man, it's been fun. I feel like I've done a lot of sick podcasts. This one last week. Our bean town concert series with Matthew Feeler, I would sick as a dog and a nasty cold for that one. We've had a lot of friends and family come on the podcast. We've had college roommates on the podcast. We've had brothers, we've had sisters, we've had parents,
Starting point is 00:28:46 we've had grandparents. We've had an interview with my grandma, Sal. We've had, oh man, what if we've had great dating stories? We've talked about the parking girl. We even have an entire bean town podcast episode that has never been released. The hardcore fans know about this. It comes from a Memorial Day weekend of 2018, so that was when the podcast was only about
Starting point is 00:29:19 four or five months old. There's a podcast we did with an X and it didn't turn out well and then it ended up leading to us breaking up. And that episode never made it onto live air. It still is on my computer. I've never listened to it before. I will one of these days I promise. And we'll kind of go from there. I have a couple other projects in the workshop now, so it's not really high priority. But, you know, we look back on 100 episodes.
Starting point is 00:29:54 It's been a great, fun ride. Thanks everyone who's supported. You know, year two has been a lot more challenging for me than year one was. And look for, you know, some change ups, some change of pace options for year three. It won't be exactly the same as what we've done in the past, but I think it's best for the show and we'll announce those as the time comes. as the time comes. But yeah, it's exciting. 100 episodes.
Starting point is 00:30:26 And here's to 100 more. I think we can do it. So don't expect it a year to four-hour special like we did for a year one. Man, that was a lot of work. And that was also, well, no was post Mac surgery. My Mac is really slow guys. Even right now it's struggling to make it a four-hour eye movie. I just it's not gonna make it. But we've got lots of exciting things
Starting point is 00:31:03 coming up right we're gonna have have some family on the podcast. We're actually going to have friends of the podcast on next week. I anticipate Ryan and Chris and English will be on, which we're really excited about. They haven't been on in way too long. It's been far too long for those guys. So hopefully we'll get him back on the show. We've got two unplugged
Starting point is 00:31:25 specials coming up. We've got our interview with mom talking about her time in prison, which I think is going to be emotional, but I think really good for some healing. And then we also have our audio book of Scott Farrell's autobiography. So a year is wrapping up, but there's so much to look forward to and don't even forget once February hits we get into our Pledge driver third annual pledge drive. Can you believe it third annual? That's so cool guys are doing it Okay, but we should get back to the story because there's still so much to tell So to catch you up on
Starting point is 00:32:05 where we were, I had just gone out of the focus group, just finished trying the extra hot snacks. And I was just like, I knew at this point I had to get home. I had actually, and I'm not this type of person, because I'll never pay for an Uber all the way from downtown to my house It's just absurd, but I actually pull it the app Just to check out the price just to price it and I can't really tell you You know what? The price would have had to have been how low it would have had to been for me to consider it But whatever I saw wasn't low enough. So I said, okay, I'm going to do this. So I walked
Starting point is 00:32:49 to the train. Of course, it feels good to get outside because it's so cold outside and that feels amazing on my head. So I get down to the red line. I don't have to wait too long. It's like six or seven minutes for a train, which is not bad for that time of night. And I get on, get a seat, no problem, and I'm thinking, okay, now I just got it, everything's got a whole stella, got some music playing quietly in my ears. I feel really awful, but I think I can do this, I think that I can get home on this train. It's going to be about 35 minutes on the train. I can do it. So we're riding through the subway and I'm just thinking, we get to stop after stop and
Starting point is 00:33:36 I'm just like, I don't think, I don't think I can do it. And again, it wasn't necessarily the nausea or like I have to shit my pants. There was just like this overwhelming sense of, damn, is this how it ends for me, sitting on a red line train going north towards Howard. Well, the train emerges out of the subway as we get to Fullerton and all the sudden my mouth is starting to salivate ever so slightly, which for a lot of people might mean there are cinnamon rolls on the way. For me it means, oh crap, Quinn's gonna spew before too long. So we get to Belmont and I'm thinking, well maybe, because it hasn't really intensified at all
Starting point is 00:34:34 and I still don't really feel nauseous. So I'm thinking, well, maybe I can, maybe I can, you know, it's only gonna be another 12, 13, 14 minutes, Maybe I can do this. The train pulls out a Belmont and all of a sudden, the first wave of nausea hits and I can sense it right away. And my mouth starts to salve a big time and I'm like, nope, not going to make it. And we wrote about this in a bean-toned blog post today.
Starting point is 00:35:06 And we wrote about this in a bean-toned blog post today. But I mentioned in the article that my body does a really good job of informing me when I'm about to vomit. This was not an exception to that rule. So as we're pulling into Addison, I'm just hating myself because I'm like, all I need to do is get home. I can sleep, I can rest, whatever, and get into my bed. I actually already emailed my office saying there was no chance in hell.
Starting point is 00:35:40 I was going to be able to come in the following day, which was fine. I wasn't missing too much. So I was like, I just got to be able to come in the following day, which was fine. I wasn't missing too much. So I was like, I just got to get to my bed, then I can rest for as long as I want. Instead, I'm about to hop off onto the Addison platform where there's going to be other people. And I'm going to puke so I better find a trash can. So I grabbed my stuff, walk off onto the Addison platform. There's a trash can not too far. Thankfully,
Starting point is 00:36:10 didn't have a cover on it or else I was just going to rip the cover off. And just like clockwork, like everyone was on this exact same page, I walk over and just boom, right into the trash can I walk over and just boom right into the trash can. It was actually very graceful as far as vomit's go. A couple of heaves and we were good. Wait my mouth, my coat sleeve, and I sit down and the next train is, you know, another 10 minutes away. And so I wait for that.
Starting point is 00:36:43 I should also mention I couldn't really check my phone or anything at this point because even just like Looking at a screen and having things moving was just Absolutely brutal. I had a pretty bad headache by this point And I couldn't read that was making me really nauseous So I'm just sitting there at You know 1045 at night just staring off into the darkness. At the Addison Redline stop, having just vomited, there really wasn't much in my stomach. It was mostly water and then some apples and some salad.
Starting point is 00:37:22 Eventually the train comes back. I hop back on. It feels like it takes, so I live half a mile from the train stop. It feels like it takes me 20 minutes to walk that half mile. And I think that's exaggerated, but I think it might have been 14 or 15 minutes. And my normal walk is about eight minutes. Man, it was just every step felt like
Starting point is 00:37:47 it was like I was on mile 22 of a marathon or something or it's just like, oh my God, just one foot in front of the other. And I'd been sitting on my butt all day. I finally get into bed. I finally get into my apartment, throw everything down, strip off, close on the floor, and just
Starting point is 00:38:07 get right into bed. I should mention that the night before, Tuesday night into Wednesday morning, I had, it was strange. I had trouble sleeping, but not really in a negative way. I just kept waking up, but I would go back to bed and kind of have that peaceful feeling that comes from emerging into a sudden, or unconsciousness, but then I kept waking up.
Starting point is 00:38:41 But I was like, oh, it's gonna be 6.45 now, time to wake up, but it would be like four o'clock, then 4.15 and 4.30. And I really didn't mind it because I kept getting to go back to sleep. It was, I don't know, it was kind of a strange thing. Anyway, it's the same experience was true. The following night, except this time I had about 103 degree fever. I, after about an hour, I realized as I kind of switched positions in bed, it was about midnight at this point, maybe 1 a.m.
Starting point is 00:39:14 that I was just completely lying in a puddle sweat. Like my bed sheets were soaked through all the way down to the floor. And my bed is about a foot off the floor, so that's pretty impressive. So I get up, I go in the bathroom and grab a towel, and as I'm grabbing the towel, I feel the nausea come back over me. And at this point, I'm just thinking like,
Starting point is 00:39:40 you got, what kind of cruel joke is this? I mean, I don't even have anything left to vomit out. So I grabbed the bucket from the pantry and hop back in bed, put a towel under me and I can't even close my eyes before I have to sit back up and vomit again. That was fun. before I have to sit back up and vomit again.
Starting point is 00:40:04 That was fun. And eventually, after a lot of tossing and turning, I was able to do some sleeping here and there. And I mean, we're pretty much getting towards the end of the story here. But bear in mind, that was just me waking up Thursday. Bear in mind, that was just me waking up Thursday. And it's now Saturday night and the fee. Basically what's happened in the last 48 to 72 hours.
Starting point is 00:40:38 I saw a doctor Thursday, midday, took some tests, everything came back negative. Doc just said, let me get some water here. Doc just said that all I can really do is just rest unless I want to go to a specialist and get some crazy tests done. But that's the type of thing where I'm probably after weight many, many days to get in. So I haven't made that call yet, which is, I probably should have just called them right away. And if I needed to cancel the appointment, I could have,
Starting point is 00:41:19 they probably would have been early this upcoming week. Oh well, it hasn't happened. So I went home and, um, you this upcoming week, oh well, it hasn't happened. So I went home and, you know, no significant progress or anything, just a, you know, $80 doctor's bill. So really the last two and a half days, I've just been taking Just two and a half days I've just been taking ibuprofen and Tylenol every four hours alternating between those two. Sleeping a ton, watching a lot of TV and the fever I'm happy to say probably by yesterday and midday pretty much broke for good. And um, oh, one thing I didn't mention in the body aches, I never felt body aches like that before I was walking around on, on Thursday to the doctor and back as well a little over a mile away.
Starting point is 00:42:27 Almost impossible to walk. My hips were so sore that I was just like, how is this possible? What did I do to deserve this? Really rough. The chills are now gone. I haven't felt the chills deserve this. Really rough. The chills are now gone. I haven't felt the chills in about a day, which is good. I did finally eat something, and that's one other thing I had mentioned, so I didn't eat anything after Wednesday at midday.
Starting point is 00:42:56 I did not eat the rest. Oh, I also didn't eat any dinner on Tuesday night, because I really just wasn't having an appetite. So from Tuesday night, I had a little bit on, you know, an apple and three bites of salad on Wednesday, but I ended up puking that all up later that day. Thursday, I did not eat anything. And Friday, I didn't eat anything until very late. My lady, like the champ in making that she is, brought us over some soup, and I had that at about 7pm,
Starting point is 00:43:33 which was very kind, very generous of her. But it had been a while. I finally ate like a normal person today. I went to my normal diner and had my normal breakfast order, which was really, I was really happy about that. And then I had some rotisserie chicken for dinner, which was good. Nice to get some protein back in me first time since,
Starting point is 00:43:57 like, Tuesday at lunch, that I'd had any significant protein. Otherwise, the big issue is my tonsil is still large and in charge. It's pretty easy to see back in there and get your iPhone flashlight going. Hot combination of white pus and red swollenness. It's gotta be a good band name in there somewhere. You don't really know what to do about it. We did a call to action for the fans. Maybe
Starting point is 00:44:34 swap some bleach on there. It could be fun. We'll see. It's worth a shot I think. But I'll keep you updated on that. Anyways, and that brings us up to the present Saturday night. Here I am. So I still have some nasal congestion, believe it or not. This is like the 10 of that. It's just ridiculous. Otherwise, the big problem is my tonsil. It still hurts pretty bad to swallow.
Starting point is 00:45:08 My voice is not back to normal. My energy level is definitely picked up a little bit today. But I really haven't done anything since Tuesday night. It's the last time I really did went out and did anything. So we're holding down the fort up here, two weekends in a row, lions sick as a dog in the couch, just a heck of a start to the holiday season. So we're doing our best. But that's the story of Quinn's Tonsillitis, second year in a row.
Starting point is 00:45:43 And thanks for listening because I'm glad I could make my Odyssey or Odyssey This is our hundredth episode and that's exciting So if you're listening if you're around the fire with family Or if you're at your office on a Monday morning thinking, wow, does it ever get better? I don't know the answer to that, but what I can tell you is, hey, when I started this podcast, I never thought we'd get to 100 episodes
Starting point is 00:46:14 plus seven specials, but here we are. So, raise your glass, get some champagne, some brandy, some lort, whatever your drink of choice is, and have one on us. I would drink with you, but there's no way some brandy, some allure, whatever your drink of choice is. And have one on us, I would drink with you, but there's no way it's good for my tonsils. I had a couple of blue moons on Tuesday night, and have not had anything since then,
Starting point is 00:46:35 which is probably good preparation because dry January starts in three and a half weeks for me. So that's an annual tradition we do. We do not drink during the month of January. So that's about all I got for you. Thanks everyone for listening. I'm gonna get my voice arrest because this has been somewhat of a Herculine feet
Starting point is 00:47:00 for me and yeah, I hope everyone is well well I hope everyone is whether you got finals if you're in college or or if you're in fantasy football playoffs if you're into that sort of thing or if you're a big I don't know premier league fan and things are heating up there I I don't know. Do they play in the winter? Doesn't get cold in England? How does that work? We'll get a soccer expert on to help us answer those questions. Tune in next week.
Starting point is 00:47:33 We'll come in, be coming to you live from behind the Cheddar curtain near Madison, Wisconsin. First time we've ever podcasted from there. That should be exciting. So look for some fun stuff and some Tom Foolery all at the same time. Okay, that's what we got for you. Thanks to our music once again. There's a great Jane Lynch Christmas album. She covers this song along with Kate Flandery from the office. You're gonna want to listen to it
Starting point is 00:48:05 I know I'm gonna go listen to it Mary Christmas. Oh, we still got a couple more episodes. We'll get there God, it's on like a smoker. All right Damn, we'll talk to you later

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