Beantown Podcast - Big Ideas Double Talk Edition (07112024 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: July 11, 2024

Quinn comes to you LIVE with some brand new big ideas featuring a deep dive into British synth bands, tasty cuts of meat, and much much more...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furness. Welcome to my show. Quinn David Furness presents the Bean Town podcast for Thursday, 7-11, 2024 Slurpee Day. Holla, what's happening? What's going on? How are you? I am not hopped up on slurp.
Starting point is 00:00:27 What do you call what goes into a slurpee? Is a slurpee what is inside of the cup? Is a slurpee the whole thing? Does it have to be both things together? The liquid and the cup for it to be and the straw For that matter for it to be a slurpee or is it slurp goes into the slurpee He slurpee to me implies the existence of there being a slurp and there's some sort of action taken that adds a double e to it, right I Don't really have a good comparison What about like in? Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom you got the thugs
Starting point is 00:01:08 But they're the thuggies, right? What's the difference between a thug and a thuggy more cultish? I don't know. I did not get my 7-eleven Slurpee I think I did that once in college 7-eleven in Southport and Fullerton Hey, I'll be honest if there was a a 7-Eleven on my walk home between the train station and my apartment, I probably would have done it, right? And I was working downtown today next to a number of 7-Elevens. There's like 78,000 in the Chicago loop.
Starting point is 00:01:39 And all day long I'm seeing these little, largely teeny boppers. I swear, I left the office an hour ago and there was a swarm. I saw, actually I saw multiple swarms today, but this particular swarm had to have at least, I think, honestly 20 to 25 young people between the ages of 12 and 16, and I guess I get it, right? Like, school's schools out for summer and so you just kind of go downtown right these kids probably live in I don't know I city slickers I suppose if they're all the way out on that part of the loop it's probably the city and not the suburbs but I don't know did not get
Starting point is 00:02:23 a slurpee what are the flavors I think I saw an advertisement that there's a new Mountain Dew flavor probably something with you know energy in it stevia whatever they put in Red Bull to make it good I'm not sure but my name is Quinn David Furness and this is my show I am the creator the host the chief music director of this program, Quinn David Furness Presents Bean Town Podcast. We're going to be doing a Big Ideas podcast today with a little bit of a twist or a theme, if you will. We try to do a Big Ideas podcast once a year, at least,
Starting point is 00:02:58 sometimes twice a year. It's never really planned. It's just kind of inspiration strikes. If you're new to this show, our Big Ideas podcast, it can be anything. It can be business ideas. It can be products. It can be solving societal ills.
Starting point is 00:03:16 There's no limit to the ideas that we can have here on the show today. So we're going to get to that in a second here. We're going to do this week on the campaign trail. We're going gonna get to that in a second here. We're gonna do this week on the campaign trail. We're gonna end with trivia, all that good stuff. I'll mention I'm drinking a something a little bit different. My first drink in a week, and there's a reason why, drinking a little Jack and Coke, but no Jack and the Coke is diet. And a hint of vanilla I sprinkled in there. This is Trader Joe's brand
Starting point is 00:03:46 whiskey and diet Coke with a little bit of vanilla. The reason it's my first cocktail or drink of any kind in seven days is because it feels like life has just passed me by since the last time we recorded on the 4th of July a week ago. Last Friday, hanging out poolside. Shout out to future assistant law, Mandy. Hanging out of the pool, popping some pita chips, some hummus, some red peppers, bell peppers. I don't even remember exactly what we were eating, but like very fresh grapes, you know.
Starting point is 00:04:22 Drinking a couple summer shandies, nothing not carried away, nothing wild. And pretty sure it was, it had to have been the peppers maybe, I don't know, but big bad food poisoning. Pretty, you know, in hindsight, pretty classic textbook case wake up, I don't know, Saturday, Friday night, Saturday morning at about, it was about 2 a.m. One of those things where you wake up and I don't know, Friday night, Saturday morning at about, it was about 2 AM. It's
Starting point is 00:04:47 one of those things where you wake up and you're like, I'm not feeling great. I definitely got to go to the bathroom. It's a little bit strange. And then you go to the bathroom. And I guess we'll mention listener discretion is advised when you're listening to this program. Number one, location and language. Number two, podcast is objectively terrible. Number three, we're about to do a, what I would consider to be a very straightforward description of the events of the food poisoning. Nothing offensive unless you maybe ate in the last two hours.
Starting point is 00:05:15 But hey, we all know what happens in food poisoning, right? So if you want to skip ahead, 30 seconds, 60 seconds, 60 minutes. Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick minutes that's my 60 60 minutes impression go ahead but then I won't you know we're not gonna do a play-by-play breakdown but we'll do some plays yeah you go go sit on the toilet at 2 p.m. or 2 p.m. 2 a.m. it's like okay it's coming out it's not very solid this isn't great and you know when it's kind of explosive right it's like okay that's that's a bummer and then shits you know
Starting point is 00:05:50 shits about to get real after you shit when you're sitting there and you're like okay I still don't feel great you know usually if something like that happens out the the bottom half you get a little bit of relief, reprieve, reprisal. Well, there was going to be some reprisal of the downtown push down, if you know what I mean. I think four in total. But sitting on the toilet and, you know, other end gets busy. Let's just put it that way. To yada, yada, yada the whole thing. I think it came out both sides, both ends, I think four times each, something like that. And I was pretty proud of myself. I managed to barf in three different receptacles Saturday morning, which is pretty cool. The garbage can, the cleaning bucket, and the toilet. So good stuff.
Starting point is 00:06:48 the cleaning bucket and the toilet. So good stuff. Had what could be, potentially I'd have to go back and look at the tape the last 30 years, but potentially the most boring day of my life, Saturday. And the reason for that was, you know, I woke up at 2 a.m. and I never fell asleep after that. I think there was, you know, hallucinogenical driftings, if you will. But yeah, I never really fully fell asleep. And so you're just kind of lying there wondering, you know, what's gonna happen next? When is it gonna be over? That sort of thing. You're in a lot of pain. My throat, you know, after after it exited out the top half for the fourth time, it just things start to get a little bit sore, right? So you're just lying there. You're too weak to basically
Starting point is 00:07:36 do anything. I couldn't even turn on the TV. I was like, I can't reach that far. The remote's on the windowsill. A full two feet from me. That's too far, too far. Two feet too far. The hardest thing I had to do all day, after I was done, you know, puking and other ending and stuff, walking literally three eighths of a mile, three blocks, down to Walgreens and then back, especially coming back carrying the two Gatorades in my hand.
Starting point is 00:08:09 And you know, at that point, it's it wasn't a terribly hot day, but it's probably mid 80s, sunny. And you've got about half a fluid ounce in you, not just any ounce, but a fluid ounce. Because, you know, they say, oh, you know, oh, you're dehydrated. It's like you should drink some water to rehydrate. It's like, yeah, I would if if it did anything except come right out But I don't know I think I eventually watched TV I'm trying to remember Oh and then the fever fever was I want to say the worst part because when it's coming up both ends And you're sitting on the toilet like that's pretty GD miserable Right, but there's something very irritating about a 102 fever.
Starting point is 00:08:47 When you're just lying in bed, you know you got it. Your heart's going crazy. You can't drink really water in just very small sips to get it down. So you're just kind of at the mercy of the fans and whatever happens. And yeah, fever finally broke overnight. My last either end excursion, expulsion if you will, was about 6 30 a.m. so it was really like a
Starting point is 00:09:17 four and a half hour joyride there and the rest of it was just lying there, dehydrated. By I would say noon Sunday I felt completely normal again, so happy endings. Yeah, that was the first two days of the holiday weekend were awesome. Thursday, Friday and then Saturday Sunday was gigantic, as Trump would say, a big fat waste, which is a bummer. Trying to remember, not that it's that interesting, what I watched while lying in bed. It took me a while. I didn't turn anything on until like 1 p.m., 2 p.m., but I was, yeah, I was, to summarize, it was most boring day. I was awake from about 2 a.m. to probably, I don't know, 10 p.m., 10 30 p.m. is when I finally fell asleep.
Starting point is 00:10:09 So a long day of just lying there, challenging to get up. So I watched The Three Amigos. I had forgotten kind of the setup to that film not the kind of second or third acts but beginning I had forgotten That was the film I watched Probably watched The Office and I remember just a lot of a lot of crazy things right and a lot of I Mentioned it wasn't sleeping. I don't characterize it as sleeping when you were like drifting in and out of consciousness and having terrible...
Starting point is 00:10:47 I don't even know what to call this. Hallucinations isn't what I would call it. Here's what happens in my mind when I have food poisoning, really severe fever. I get certain parts of certain songs stuck in my head and it's almost like medieval torture. They just play on a loop over and over and over and over again. We're talking like five, three to five second sound bites of songs that I've just myself been listening to over the past weeks. Whatever is kind of in the back recesses of my brain,
Starting point is 00:11:15 and it just plays over and over and over again in my mind. It's one of the most infuriating things. I'm trying to remember. There was a killer song from Battleborn, which is a shame, because I love Battleborn, I love the killers, but I think it was uh I'm not even going to go into it just can't remember. Not good. Not good at all. Uh this week speaking of not good at all, this week on the campaign trail uh Joe Biden, eee woof. So not much news as far as I could tell between last week on the 4th of July when we were talking about post-debate fallout and this week it seems like there's been more people
Starting point is 00:11:53 on the left coming out to say you gotta resign. I think we're up to like 12 House Democrats. I guess the big news, George Clooney, not resign, not rerun. George Clooney coming out because he'd been a big Biden guy and he was even at a fundraiser or something and Clooney saying, hey when Clooney's saying you got to resign. This is when stuff gets serious, okay? All these other you know lifelong politicians blah blah blah but Clooney, that means business. Haven't seen much from the Trump train lately. I thought his sentencing was supposed to be like now. Now obviously when they announced the date I assumed it would get pushed back and presumably
Starting point is 00:12:36 that's what's happened. But I mean what's going on with that right? Let's Google it Trump sentencing news. OK, here we go. This is exactly USA Today. You know exactly what I'm looking for. And my gut was right. I was like, oh, 7-Eleven.
Starting point is 00:12:55 That sounds like, you know, I was thinking, back when they had the trial, I'm thinking, OK, I get a slurpee, watch some sentencing. It's going to be a big day. A big day. So what happened? What happened with the Trump sentencing? So per USA Today, let's see.
Starting point is 00:13:15 Remember when Jen Shaw's sentencing debacle happened? You probably don't, because we haven't talked real housewives of Salt Lake on this show in a while. But Rachel and I actually got to be part of the original sentencing experience because it was live broadcasted on Zoom. And then there were so many people on it that it crashed the call. And they had to reschedule it.
Starting point is 00:13:40 OK, so in the wake of the Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity saying Trump can do whatever he wants or official acts, the judge delayed the former president's sentencing after he hears arguments from both Trump's legal team and the prosecuting attorneys. The judge is expected to make a ruling about whether the conviction can stand in light of the Supreme Court's decision. The new sentencing date is currently set for September 18th. What a letdown. Not only is it getting pushed back, but now the judge has to decide, do we even keep this conviction?
Starting point is 00:14:14 What a disappointing outcome. We know it's not disappointing our Our good friends at Home Pride Oregon. When you need your home inspected in Central Oregon, call the expert, someone safe, certified, someone you can trust. Someone like my dad Steve, trusty Steve, you could call him. That was his name in another life. 541-410-0316 or visit Again, that's 541-410-0316 or well, might not be good, but email,
Starting point is 00:14:48 That'll never let you down. Homebrightorgan inspection perfection. Of course, our good friends at the Samson Q2U series, we were talking, we had a staff breakfast this morning, South Loop, and we were talking about Seventh Heaven and Harlots, H-A-R-L-O-T-S, I assume, I don't know, but I was like, that's got to be a good Old Testament word, right? Harlots. You know who was around back in those days? The Samson Q2U series.
Starting point is 00:15:16 Oh yes, they were from Genesis to Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers to Deuteronomy, maybe the Seventh Heaven podcast. We get Stephen Collins on there, maybe some of his children that he, not his children, but the children that he's, you know, experimented on to say it in a very creepy, aggressive way. Stephen Collins, look it up, baby. When God speaks, he uses the Samson. And of course, bull hives, bowl hunks. I'm having a stroke. Bowl cuts, bobs, weaves, beehives, bangs, all that good stuff. The things that the hairspray, the musical, what they got there. All that good stuff. Cuts by Q and more. Flat $20 rate. We'll even do a hot stone massage on your toes. Don't really have stones, but I got some artificial ice cubes.
Starting point is 00:16:07 They're not actually ice, they're like stones, and they're in the freezer right now, but I could pop them in the oven. Put them in between your toes, it'll be really nice. Extra $5, and I'll give them a little rub too. Dollar per minute for the rub. You decide how long you want to go. That's what you get at Cuts by Q. When you need a fresh stew
Starting point is 00:16:29 or a toe rub or a hot stone, well, cold stone, that becomes a hot stone. Cold stone, there's a quality establishment, right? Cold stone creamery. Rachel sent a Minions birthday cake from Cold Stone. Well, Despicable Me, four featuring the Minions birthday cake. There's been one Minions, four Despicable Me's, five Shreks now, about four currently, but a fifth one
Starting point is 00:16:50 scheduled in case you missed the big news. Shrek 5 coming out in like two or three years here. Where were we? Gosh. Cold Stone. Oh, delicious ice cream. I don't know the last time I had Cold Stone. I don't think there are any in Chicago, but maybe there aren't. I'm completely
Starting point is 00:17:10 wrong. I have no idea. When you need a fresh do, something snappier, new. Just call the experts at cuts. Bye Q. Okay, we're moments away from getting into our big ideas. I think we've got six or seven total for you here. But before we do that, I want to introduce a new segment that's going to be with the show through the rest of basically until the holiday season, right? We're going to have a five month runway here. It's the Mufasa countdown. Okay, Mufasa the Lion King coming out December 20th, 2024. We are, we should have an actual day counter. That would be good. How many days away? How many days away is December 20th.
Starting point is 00:18:05 I'm hoping that there's a good, or maybe we could just do a Christmas countdown and then subtract five days. 162 days, that's one baseball game in the season per day, 162 baseball games. Mufasa the Lion King coming to theaters near you in case you haven't seen it yet because we're just introducing this for the first time. Go check out the trailer. We are big Mufasa heads over here at the Beantown Podcast. Lions, tigers, bears, oh my.
Starting point is 00:18:33 This film has got five stars waiting to happen. James Earl Jones comes back as Mufasa, the Lion King. Sort of a prequel to Lion King 1, Lion King 2, Lion King 1 and a half Timon and Pumbaa. If you are a Serengeti freak like I am, you will not be able to sleep in anticipation of Mufasa the Lion King only in theaters December 20th 2024. Okay it's our Big Ideas podcast. Well, I got a big idea for you. Mufasa, The Lion King, only in theaters December 20th, 2024. Release the lion inside of you. Find your pride, okay? We're going to have a lot of good tag lines coming up for this film. This show has not been sponsored by Bob Iger in
Starting point is 00:19:26 you know anyway but I think he's gonna want to promote it promote my show promoting his show sort of a cross-contamination thing there once he finds out how big of a Mufasa freak I am okay I've salivating at the thought of the returning to the Serengeti. They call it pride rock. Sounds like something your teenage kid would experiment with at a Chapel Rowan concert. Pride rock. Okay, it's our big ideas podcast.
Starting point is 00:19:56 I don't want to put it, you know, season seven big ideas because I don't want to be limited. Maybe it's turned maybe maybe we do a spin-off podcast, just our Big Ideas podcast. You bring a new Big Idea to the table every week. It's like Shark Tank, but not as good. Maybe we could get Damon. I feel like he's never busy. So I mentioned there would be a specific twist or theme.
Starting point is 00:20:19 This edition of our Big Ideas podcast, the twist is double talk. Okay, so I've never really inhibited myself this way before. But I was on a run on Tuesday, and I came up with like, just suddenly popped into my head, I was like, oh, that's pretty funny. It was because of an ad for a podcast as I was listening to it. I was like, oh, that's, that's good. I should do that. And then a second double talk popped into my head. I was like, oh, we got a podcast episode here. That's how these babies are born. So here's big idea number one. Again, these can be products, visions, dreams, hopes, product lines, braziers, anything. Weight watchers, watchers, okay. So the whole thing again, that's weight watchers, watchers, the whole thing with weight watchers, anything. Weight watchers, watchers. So the whole thing, again, that's weight watchers,
Starting point is 00:21:07 watchers, the whole thing with weight watchers is to count your points, to hold yourself accountable. But everyone knows that it's 9 PM, you're out of points, or you're at negative two points for the day, and you got a whole big gallon tub of chocolate chip, or chunky monkey, or rocky road, your pick of alliterative ice cream flavors sitting in your big walk-in freezer that we all have, right? The bear, Carmine gets a... Carmine, is that his name? I don't know. Carmen? Car-me?
Starting point is 00:21:42 Gets trapped in the walk-in freezer and he yells at Claire Bear. We're three episodes into the bear season four here. Is this season four? Season three. Season three, I think. And no sign of Claire Bear, who's, she's a fan favorite. We all know that it can be tough, right? So here's what you do. You hire one of our Weight Watchers Watchers. That's the name of the company and also the employee. Weight Watcher Watcher, this person is going to watch you and silently, and also you can choose. You can get a silent, the silent judgmental type,
Starting point is 00:22:14 or you can get the yell at you. We could get like Rosie O'Donnell's voice. Imagine Rosie O'Donnell judging you, verbally harassing you as you reach for the Chunky Monkey. It would be awesome if I could do a Rosie O'Donnell impression because I think that'd be pretty funny. Not only for this specific moment, but just on the show, broadly speaking. But I can't, unfortunately. I'm not a lesbian from Brooklyn. Rosie O'Donnell standing there in the corner of your kitchen, you flip the light switch on.
Starting point is 00:22:43 She's just just their arms crossed She's one of our weight watcher watchers And you reach for the chunky monkey and we'll right back to me wanting to do the impression again damn these restrictive talents of mine Anyways wait wait watchers watchers now you get watched as you Go way over your points for the day 7-eleEleven Slurpee Day, you're thinking, oh, that's gotta be a zero pointer, wrong, eight points. Weight Watchers Watchers, they even own 7-Elevens.
Starting point is 00:23:13 They're franchise owners, franchisees, right? Thuggies, franchisees, chimpanzees, a lot of double E's out there. I don't remember how we got on the double E topic at the beginning in the first place, but we did, somehow we find our way. I don't remember how we got on the double e topic at the beginning in the first place, but we did. Somehow we find our way.
Starting point is 00:23:27 Life finds a way on the Beantown podcast. Weight Watchers Watchers, if all you need to hold yourself accountable is a little bit extra judgment. Again, you can do the silent type, but I think that, you know, if we could get Rosie O'Donnell in on this would be really nice. Wait watchers, watchers. Next up. This one, you gotta, we're going south of the border a little bit because I'm on my Duolingo streak. I'm at like day 190, whatever day of the, you know, however many days into the
Starting point is 00:23:59 year we are because that was my New Year's resolution. January 1st, said I'm going to download Duolingo, learn a little Espanol and do it every day and I am on a hot streak. This is week 27 of the year I believe or kicking ass. This one is Silla Sillas. Again that's Silla Sillas. And these are so you know how dunk tanks have the chairs, a Silla, is chair in Spanish, hopefully, I think. These dunk tanks kind of just drop, right? The chair just kind of disappears and you just fall in. Well, what if you have a dunk tank,
Starting point is 00:24:36 now from brand new company, brand new manufacturer of all things fun, the Sillas. Good, especially for quinceañeras, I feel like. What if you have, you got the SA, so it's like a dunk tank, people think it's a dunk tank, they don't know it's a CSEA yet. Instead of falling down when the buzzer gets pressed or the target or whatever, you get launched into the air. And here's the thing with the CSEA is you got to sign a waiver because you don't know where you're going to go. You can go straight up and down into the water. You could go off to the side. You could just, you know, if it's sort of a low
Starting point is 00:25:10 gravity environment, you might just go up, up, and away. Speaking of up, up, and away, big fun blasting off. Now, get your CSCS today. Call 815-298-7200 for a prototype. It'll probably be like a stop motion claimation animation visualization. But the CSC is for the makers of Weight Watchers Watchers. Next up, we're coming back to the English language across the border the other way now, and this is just something that's very relaxing.
Starting point is 00:25:47 Maybe you have an anger issue. Maybe it's anxiety. Or maybe you're just a total Agua-phile like I am. Again, that's Agua-phile, A-G-U-A-P-H-I-L-E. This is a stream stream. So you know how everyone's pirating these days. Oh, I got to, you know, too many people are watching Netflix, I gotta log in so I can watch You or House of Cards or Glow or your
Starting point is 00:26:17 mom set your HBO Max to kids only or your Cinemax, it's kids only, which is not child porn, right? I'm not okay. Let's move past it. A stream stream, okay? There's something so elegant and refined about just turning on a stream, slightly pirated, and it's just a nice stream. Now, I want to be very clear. This stream, and it's free, by the way, could include a number of waterways, streams, brook,
Starting point is 00:26:52 creek, river, waterfall. I think, you know, that's kind of pushing the boundaries, but that's the thing with this show, that's the thing with me, that's the thing with the stream stream, it pushes boundaries. Seaways, it pushes boundaries. Seaways, right? St. Lawrence Seaway. Canals. I would watch a canal. Now it's not as fast moving, you're not going to get grand white rapids, right? You're not going to see any salmon leaping out of the stream and a grizzly bear runs up and catches it in its mouth, right? You're not going to get that from the canal. But you might from a stream.
Starting point is 00:27:26 So guys, forget the Super Bowl. Forget the second presidential debate. Forget real households, this whole XCity season five. Go check out Streamstream now at slash Bean Town podcast. Next up in our big ideas where this is our halfway market, we do have seven total. This is one that I should have done more research on before I put it on my list because I actually have no idea what I'm about to talk about. A little pun for you there. Next up, it's Talk Talk Talk.
Starting point is 00:27:59 This isn't, no, I didn't say tick tock. I said Talk Talk Talk. This is a weekly podcast where we dive into the makings behind the great English band Talk Talk. So it's a podcast, or it could be AM radio, I don't know. This is Talk Talk Talk. Talk Talk, in case you don't know, formed in 1981, led by Mark Hollis, Lee Harris, and Paul Webb. Initially a synth pop group. Talk Talk's first two albums, The Party's Over and It's My Life, reached top 40 in the UK and you probably know the song It's My Life. I think covered by No Doubt, is that right?
Starting point is 00:28:43 Don't you forget? Yeah, it's my life. Yes. Probably the only thing we're going to do on the show, I promise. But talk about an influential band. Talk talk talk about an influential band. So that's Talk Talk. If you're curious, Talk Talk Talk is a podcast about the 1981 band Talk Talk. So there you go.
Starting point is 00:29:03 Talk Talk Talk. Next up, we're heading into La Cocina. That's kitchen in Espanol. This is Shankar, Shanks R Us. So this is the first one where we kind of have to, you gotta add a little bit to the Talk Talk to have some fun with it. But again, that's Shankar, Shanks R Us. We all know legendary sitar player,
Starting point is 00:29:24 that's not the guitar, that's the sitar player Ravi Shankar, father of Nora Jones, grandson of William Henry Harrison. And we all know lamb shanks, beef shanks, pigeon shanks, shanks in prison. But this isn't the prison type of shank, unless they served a lamb shank in prison. I don't know. I feel like you get a wide variety. If you get one of those white glove FBI prisons, you might get lamb shank. But this is Shank our Shanks are Us.
Starting point is 00:29:57 So if you ever wanted to explore, and it's not just a play on the words, these are actually housed in old Gonna get through this without laughing And then write this down old toys are us buildings I know a great one in Cherry Valley, Illinois where we could put Shankar Shankar us and Here's the kicker, you know because it's into the toys are us buildings. You're not only getting beautiful sitar music from Ravi himself and you're getting beef shanks and lamb shanks and maybe like a like fish sticks for the kids just to you know keep them satisfied it's Toys R Us right so you're also getting Jeffrey's famous giraffe
Starting point is 00:30:40 shanks that's right we're going back to the Serengeti. No lion shanks, okay? We're a big fan of Mufasa the Lion King on this show, but giraffe shanks, there's no notable giraffes in the Lion King. So head down to Shankar, Shankar Us, now at an old Toys R Us near you for a shank of epic proportions. and listen to the nice sitar music as well. We got two left here. I think the best are behind us. These are just two other ones that I wanted to throw out here. And they're both sports themed. So here we go. Next up, this is a like imagine like your church has a softball team. It's kind of what we're going with here. U-Lines, O-Lines, O-Lined.
Starting point is 00:31:30 Three-parter. U-Line, which is like a distribution, like cardboard box company, I think. I only really know about them because there's a U-Line stage at Summerfest. It's like U-Line, Granger, Bud Light, American Family Insurance, the heavy hitters up there in Milwaukee. It says ULINE, ULINES, apostrophe S, O-LINES, short for offensive lines, apostrophe S, aligned, one word, A-L-I-G-N-E-D. The thought process here, number one, it's fun to say ULINES, O-LINEI-G-N-E-D. The thought process here, number one, it's fun to say, U lines O line to line.
Starting point is 00:32:07 Two, I'm thinking like, what if all these big, you know, cardboard box companies or shipping logistics, Granger, that's the only other logistics company I know, Syntax? Is that, am I thinking of that right? They do like cleaning of rugs, I think. So probably not the same ballpark. Some of these corporate conglomerations, what if they all had a summer, a fall flake football league? And I'm imagining a documentary inspired
Starting point is 00:32:38 by the new receiver series on Netflix featuring Justin Jefferson. What if they got a bad mid-season injury to their right tackle, the blind side, if you're a left-handed quarterback, and they got to work their way back together as a team? They sign Dave from Human Resources to play right tackle. He played a little D3, a little Juco.
Starting point is 00:33:02 He's not confident in himself. He's not sure if the knees gonna hold up, right? But they come together they band together as a team as an offensive line and now you got the hit new docu-series You lines old lines aligned Streaming now on HBO Max and Cinemax kids out of all places finally bridging together the NBA and Led Zeppelin, one of the biggest, if not the biggest, story of the NBA draft
Starting point is 00:33:32 a couple of weeks ago was LeBron James' son getting drafted in the second round by the Lakers, which is hilarious, because poor old little LeBron has had one of the worst college careers of all time. I think he played one year of college ball at USC. He averaged like five minutes a game and was just not good at all. And so it's just, there's never been anything like it. I've never seen nepotism of that proportion.
Starting point is 00:34:01 If you're the Lakers, they literally sacrifice getting what could be an impact player for someone who is just Not good at all just to say that LeBron can play with his son. So Lakers I hope you guys are happy but my last big idea on this show Bronies Bronni are And that's Bronnie's Bronni are So Bronnie Bronnie James, that's his name andony R, I'm doing my best to say it, is Gaelic or Welsh or something like that, foreign, Vietnamese, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:34:31 Brony R is the name of a cottage in the United Kingdom, in Great Britain, where Led Zeppelin recorded a number of songs, maybe multiple albums, I don't know. But they have two songs. There's Brony R, which is an instrumental, and there's Brony R Stomp, which has vocals from Robert Plant. So the idea behind Brony's Brony R is that Brony starts a new YouTube channel called
Starting point is 00:34:55 Brony's Brony R. And he has to play through Brony R, which is an instrumental, on a variety of different instruments, right? And it's made extra difficult because it's like guitar, probably just guitar and drums. So maybe he just does the guitar part on a sitar, a piano, a recorder, an ocarina. And he just does like all these symphonic orchestral instruments, plus ocarina and sitar and I don't know
Starting point is 00:35:31 Talking drums that's a thing right Steel drums like under the sea So that's Brian because he's probably gonna be the NBA for like two weeks with his or until Lebron retires So brawny if you're out there listening to this, likely you aren't, but maybe crazier things have happened like us being the 112 ranked comedy podcast in the great nation of Pakistan. Hello, Hyderabad. Hello, Karachi.
Starting point is 00:35:57 Hello, Bronnie R. Maybe this could be your new lease on life, if you will. So there you have it. These were seven big ideas today. Weight watchers, watchers, see ya, see ya, stream, stream, talk, talk, talk, Shankar, Shankar us. Bronies, Bronier, I went out of order there. And then you lines, all lines aligned. Let us know, Bean Town Podcast at
Starting point is 00:36:21 You have any good double talk, big ideas. Don't just send us the double talk itself, but explain what it is. That's the fun, right? It's fun to come up with something silly that works, but then it's even more fun to imagine what could this actually be. Me imagining the Cinemax Kids docu-series about U-lines,
Starting point is 00:36:39 fall flight football league. Not only was it improvised right now, but it was a lot of fun. So there you have it. We're going to finish with trivia here with the whole joey chestnut news and, of course, being banned from Nathan's. And then he ate the 200 Buffalo Wild Wings wings to extend their all you can eat offer. And then the whole thing with Thousand sisters and of course biggest losers probably still
Starting point is 00:37:08 like the number one show in America been a lot of talk oh and the reason I actually came up with this trivia question today was because I was curious how much weight did I lose in 24 hours this past weekend I think realistically obviously I have no idea if I had to guess for myself, I would guess like seven, eight pounds. I mean, that seems reasonable, right? To like puke and poop all that stuff out and then not drink more than a couple of fluid ounces, not just ounces, but fluid ounces of water or Gatorade for an extended period of time and sweat it all out. That seems reasonable-ish, right?
Starting point is 00:37:47 If you're a medical doctor or a licensed clinical social worker, email us. Let us know. Or tweet at us at BeanTownCast. Can't forget the Twitter, the X. So my question is I was, this didn't develop while I was in the thick of it But probably later on but what is the world record for the most weight lost in a 24-hour period? So obviously this is something that's very calculated something that's been you know
Starting point is 00:38:22 Prepared very much Here's the question British athlete Ross Edgeley holds the world record for the most weight lost in a 24 hour period. How many pounds did he lose? And of course I had to do the conversions from stones and kilograms to pounds. There's a great article on it from, which must be either Australia or something about the element gold. If you want a little bit more time, this guy was 28 when he did it. He's an athlete.
Starting point is 00:38:57 Email us. Pause now for more time to guess if you'd like. But per this article, at least, there wasn't a ton of like, it wasn't like there were a million sites out there verifying this, but this was the article. This is what Ross said he did. The world record for most weight lost in 24 hours from Ross Edgeley is 25 pounds. And don't ask me how many that is in stones and kilograms because I got no idea. Again, in 25 hours, Ross Edgley, 24 hours, Ross Edgley lost 25 pounds. So there you have it, a nice, tidy 40 minutes for you here
Starting point is 00:39:36 today in the Beantown podcast. I got a shower. We got a big 9.50 PM kickball game tonight, which not great. Last week of the regular season, we got playoffs next week if we win that game. We got the finals after that, which we unfortunately missed. We're gonna be in Jamaica in two weeks, folks.
Starting point is 00:39:55 We're taking the Beantown podcast across the pond and down to Montego Bay, baby. Actually, I don't think it's Montego Bay, but the whole island takes like 30 minutes to drive around. So it can't be that far, right? Jamaica-mon, Beantown podcast, south of the border. We'll see you there in two weeks, but we'll still have another regular show
Starting point is 00:40:17 before we get there. But that's what I have for you, everyone. Hope you're enjoying your nice little summer. This is thick of summer here and enjoying bean town before we really start to mention the Minnesota Vikings and fantasy football every other week once we get into another month and change here because that's just what occupies a lot of my headspace okay that's what I got for you let's cue up our outro music everyone stay safe, stay sane, and I'll check in on you next week. Bye! so so
Starting point is 00:41:36 so so so Thank you.

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