Beantown Podcast - Birthday Podcast Year Six (03172023 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: March 17, 2023

Another trip around the sun......

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furnace. Welcome to my show Quinn David Furnace. I'm about 13 and a half percent Irish, I think. Maybe a little bit more than that. I don't know, I'm a real mutt. I kind of go with my Scandinavian identity as my number one, but it's Scandinavian, it's English, it's some Irish. My mom's mom was from the Czech Republic area. You know, many, many years ago, many, many generations ago.
Starting point is 00:00:50 So I'm kind of a little bit of everything here. Not a pure bread. One of those half-blood muggles from Harry Potter, number five, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. And what a picture it is. You got Robert Pattinson, you got that sweet ball that they go to. Actually, Goblet of Fire is not a fire.
Starting point is 00:01:09 It's number four. Before the Potter heads come at me, you all are probably too busy playing your Harry Potter open world game to actually listen to this show. Harry Potter four in the Goblet of Fire. Of course, the Goblet played great acclaimed by Robert Pattinson who would later go on to star. And such, that one, a 24 film, where he's in Boston.
Starting point is 00:01:52 Good time, is that what it's called? I love that film. If you don't know that film, and let me confirm this for you, I think it's called Good Time. It's an A24 production, I believe. And it's basically like Robert Pattinson's kind of like down on his luck. And the guy who plays his brother is a single guy directed like Uncut Gems, I think.
Starting point is 00:02:12 And he might have, yeah, they, the Safty brothers or whatever. Um, they directed this film as well. So if you know that sort of chaotic energy that Uncut Gems has, good time is like that, but only a couple years before But it's Robert Pattinson kind of plays the main character and he gets Basically just into more and more trouble as the film goes on and it's really a film that was like a lot of a 24 films a little bit under the radar, but just absolutely fantastic I just kind of stumbled upon it because I'm a big fan of the thriller
Starting point is 00:02:44 genre I just kind of stumbled upon it because I'm a big fan of the thriller genre Fans of the being time podcast know this is the time of year we watch the fugitive and I'll say this I didn't sit down at any point yet and do a full watch through but I did have it on For a hot second and we'll talk about same Patrick Stan Chicago in one one minute here That's when I had it on but But yeah, good time, Robert Pence, and really enjoyed it. You should definitely check it out if you would like. But of course, you know, Potterheads, Goblet of Fire, I don't really know how we got there. But oh, that I, well, no, I still don't know how I got there. Anyways, it's St. Patrick's Day, and this show is brought to you by our good friends at home pride organ when you need your home
Starting point is 00:03:25 Inspector in the central organ call the expert someone safe and certified who you can trust he goes by Steve You could call him a ranger or whity or The Norseman another film I never saw or you just call him Steve and if you really want to call him you can dial up 541-410-0316 or you can visit for you kind of Gen X's out there or Gen Z years more appropriately I guess. Go to for all your inspection needs HomePrideOrgan inspection perfection and also brought to you of course by our good friends at the Samson Q2U series for crisp clear audio quality that delivers all seven times around the city of Jericho, even with those French peas from
Starting point is 00:04:14 Veggie Tales dumping their purple slushies on you. When God speaks, He uses a Samson. And then of course, finally, our good friends at Cuts by Q, when you need to fresh do something snappy or new, just call the experts at cuts by Q. And I also want to mention two more things. One, this show is, how do, how does this go? This is our 268th episode or something like that. Oh, listener discretion is advised when you're listening to this program. Number one, we'll occasionally do something which I'm to this podcast subjectively terrible. But I'm going to do my best to make it a little bit better today, because we got St. Patrick's Day stuff. We got birthday stuff.
Starting point is 00:04:48 We got March madness. This is really from like a Quinn's identity perspective. I love celebrating St. Patrick's Day. I have a birthday every year and I'm a big, big March madness, Vann. So we got a lot of things just kind of culminating. We hit the Oscars last weekend, which I'm not going to really dive into, but of course, congratulations to everything everywhere all at once for just kicking butt, avatar, of course one, you know, probably like 10 or 12 awards.
Starting point is 00:05:14 So it was a big night for those two guys, Jonathan Kekwan, winning an Oscar, which is crazy, because he'd been retired from acting for like 20 years or whatever. So good on those guys. And I haven't seen either of those pictures, but I wanted to make a point to see them eventually. And then I also just want to say hello to our friends in Pakistan, Hyderabad, Karachi, Kabul, wherever you are calling from or wherever you're listening from.
Starting point is 00:05:42 Thank you so much for making us the 112th ranked comedy podcast in the nation of Packy Stan. So let's go back. We'll start right there. This episode is gonna be just kind of Not not necessarily all over the place, but just some things I have some notes in my phone But it's gonna be kind of one of those classic Quinn's weekly recap sort of episodes, if you will. And I know this is, it's a common thing to say here on the bean town podcast, but I am going to try to keep it shorter today for two reasons. One, just a little bit tired, work 12 hours, got home at like 9.45 pm last night. And this is a work day as well. So just kind of just don't have a ton of energy.
Starting point is 00:06:23 And I would really love to just like light down on the couch and watch college basketball. It brings me to part two, which is there's no good time. There is literally college basketball from 12, 15 p.m. central time until about 11 p.m. central time tonight. So there's no sort of, you know, mid afternoon break, where you can get in a show without missing anything. But I will say I have, we're recording this about four in the afternoon. There's two games that are going into the second half right now.
Starting point is 00:06:51 It's Creighton and NC State and then pit versus Iowa State. And they're both close, but they're both games they don't particularly care about that much. Um, and you know, the whole thing with like brackets is I would love to win my bracket challenge, but I enjoy, except for $15 into it, I enjoy seeing just crazy, crazy upsets. I obviously not so much to my, I don't want to see an upset for the team that I picked, which I'll reveal now live on air as the Texas Longhorns to in the national championship. But anything else, like we were watching Kenna saw state just bully Xavier for the majority of their games today
Starting point is 00:07:31 and Xavier came all the way back right at the end. They were down by like 15 or something in a second half and they came all the way back to win. So I guess God was on their side. Catholic Jesus was on their side. But I just like seeing close games, it looked if I was betting $100 on the spread or something, then I would be pissed off if something didn't go my way.
Starting point is 00:07:55 But I don't think I've ever won a bracket challenge. So it's really just to, you throw something out there. You hope for the best. I think it's really fun until your pick goes out. And's it's fun. I think it's it's really fun until your pick goes out. And then it's like still enjoyable, still something I'll watch. But I don't feel as crazed about it. So anyways, that's March madness. I'm in a fun first 75% or so of the opening round here. I won't go through all the games and stuff. Because by the time you listen to this episode, it'll probably be, you know, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:08:31 Next year's tournament or something for those of you who might be playing catch up. What if you are a full year behind? How weird would that be on the bean town podcast? And so you're listening to the March 16th, 2022 episode in Quinn's talking about his big 27th birthday, where we played word alive, which was a great time. Rachel found it for us, played it at a local, a local establishment. And we won some money, too. We won like 20 bucks, used it for our beverages, got a shitake, whatever they call it, Hibachi, I think, H-I-B-A-C-H-I dinner, and we went so early that we had the whole restaurant to ourselves, it was awesome.
Starting point is 00:09:15 So that's what we did last year. So if you are a full year behind, then apologies. You might want to play some catch up here. But St. Patrick's Day in Chicago, of course, last Saturday, it's the one day of the year where it's like the plan is to drink as early as possible. You don't, you know, and a lot of people do over, over consume.
Starting point is 00:09:38 I am not necessarily an advocate for that. But it's the one day of the year where it's like, oh, it's eight o'clock in the morning, better open a beer. I mean, there are other days throughout the year, where you'll drink in the morning, right? But it's not like, it's not like something that you got to do, right? It might just happen. You might just have brunch.
Starting point is 00:09:59 Um, so we did, uh, we did that, you know, is I love my thing. That's ain't Patrick's Day is I wake up I had a reasonable time like 7 a.m. Or something like that and then I will go I will go for a nice run get to get some sweat in and Then you come back and you can have a shower beer and we did that and so cooked up some eggs some drinking some shower beers drinking some some scotch whiskey, and you turn on the fugitive. And well first I had the fugitive soundtrack going well I had a live stream of the Chicago
Starting point is 00:10:33 River dying, which is just the most shickigle thing I can think of. And then when the, you know, the stream ends, stuff you just cut right to the fugitive, I like to jump right in to kind of two thirds of the way through the film where he visits the guy. He's narrowing down the suspects and he visits the guy in the Cook County jail. And it turns out to not to be the wrong one armed man. And the guy is like, well, you got me all the way over here. We might as well talk about something in Harrison Ford's sorry, pal, another time or something like that. And then Tommy Lee Jones is right on his tail. They're going down the stairs, opposite ends of the building, and he escapes across the plaza,
Starting point is 00:11:14 passed the Picasso, and into the St. Patrick's Day parade. So I turn on that scene, because then it kind of moves seamlessly into the final act, if you will, and the Hilton Chicago, there and the West part of the loop, I think, is where that hotel is located. I'm not sure along the river, maybe, have to go back and check the filming locations on that. But you're doing that, you're drinking, you got your workout in already, and then it was very proud myself.
Starting point is 00:11:42 It was a very, I would say mature St. Patrick's Day. That's not sad and to get toasted. I did, but it wasn't. I didn't try to. It was weird. I kind of laid a good base in the morning and then went to Kelly's, a classic DePaul bar that we go to every year and then ended up with Rachel and her co-workers for a
Starting point is 00:12:01 little bit and drank a little bit. I mean, I had like two beers at Kelly's and then I think like two things of Tequila with Rachel and that's all I had after my sort of morning base, if you will, and ended up just getting really toasted. So it worked out. We got Shamrock shakes and McFlurry's and stuff and it was no hangover. That's the thing. Came home with smart chug to the water. Mmm. And yeah, it was a great, great St. Patrick's Day. Nothing to complain about. And that's the thing to it. It's like, it's just, it's fun to drink a lot in the moment, but you got to come home. You got to chug,
Starting point is 00:12:38 you got to chug that H2O because you don't want to spend your whole Sunday just down for the count. Not that I'm necessarily doing anything. We're still just watching a bunch of TV and stuff, but it's a good time. So we talked about St. Patrick's Day a little bit. I want to briefly mention our palindrome of the day. So last week on palindrome of the Day, we had no lemon, no melon. And this week on Paladrum of the Day,
Starting point is 00:13:08 it's going to be another phrase. I'm trying to start off strong for you guys, because it's going to end up being a lot of words probably eventually, but we're trying to get into the more eloquent elaborate ones, if you will. So today, our Paladrome of the day is don't nod, D-O-N-T-N-O-D don't nod. So it's one of those things where it's like you blink twice if you're in a hostage situation, you could also say just don't
Starting point is 00:13:39 nod and then you got to make sure that you try not to nod. So there you go, there's our palindrome of the day, another successful high energy segment here on the Bean Town podcast. I wanted to mention as we're sort of going through the week here that I went to the dentist on Monday morning, so yeah, we're really getting into the comedy bits here. But I just had one thought. So, you know, I'm back on my sort of dental cleaning
Starting point is 00:14:06 twice a year, that's what insurance covers routine and that's good. And I got a lot of praise for my molars this time around, M-O-L-A-R, which I was very proud of. The one thought that went through my head though is, and this was stressed to me as a kid, and I guess it makes sense, but I'm gonna complain about it,
Starting point is 00:14:25 irregardless. You know, it's always like, oh, we're going to the dentist today. So you better do a mega brush, you better do a mega floss. Right, so the dentist doesn't give you crap, which sounds good in theory, but then I'm sitting there at the dentist office, they get their 20 minutes early because I'm already downtown for work,
Starting point is 00:14:43 thinking I'd get in early and of course, they don't see me for 10, 15 minutes after the appointment time. You know how these big dental people are, always making you wait. But I'm thinking to myself, you know what, I'm paying, I'll be it through my insurance,
Starting point is 00:15:00 but I pay dental insurance every paycheck. I'm paying these guys to give me a deep cleaning, to get the plaque scraper going and do the flossing and the fluoride treatments and the scrupular stuff and they're putting crowns on their doing root canals. They're doing, I mentioned fluoride, they're doing tongue scraping, they're doing some sort of brand new wisdom teeth extraction that you don't even feel. So they're doing all this stuff at your appointment. I'm giving you all this money to do this through my insurance fence, Blue Cross Blue Shield. Why do I need to spend all this time in the morning making sure I get my flossing perfectly and I get into every nook and cranny if I'm just going to show up there in 20 minutes and you're going to do it again.
Starting point is 00:15:54 So the real question is, can I get bold enough? Can I get confident enough in the future to where I show up next time to my biannual cleaning with just, you know, laughing taffy in one cheek. And you know how when you bite into a, like an Oreo or any sandwich cookie, you really get the remnants just hanging out in the kind of basements of your molars, if you will. You know, I'll do some of that action.
Starting point is 00:16:24 I'll floss, but I'll just leave the floss in there in between my front two teeth. And oh, this would be a real humdinger, because I got a cement, whatever it's called, the wire that's cemented into my teeth on the back of my bottom four teeth. We do an intricate kind of, I'm thinking like cats cradle, you know, that thing,
Starting point is 00:16:45 the string and your fingers and you do all sorts of cool moves. We do that sort of thing with the wire there. And leave it as a nice present for Brandon, my dental hygienist, who's a nice guy. He's also one of those guys where, and he's not that bad, like it's not the stereotype, but he will have conversations with you here and there and it's really tough when you got six fingers in your mouth basically to respond with anything other than uh-uh, right? You kind of go in, went into my stitch voice there. So it's, you know, there's nothing you can really say, right, other than uh-huh or uh-uh and trust that, you know, they're going to keep asking you yes or no questions like 20 questions dental office edition. They ask you something like,
Starting point is 00:17:33 how's your flossing? He actually did. He asked me so how is flossing going and I truthfully that I mean, I was truthful about and I said, you know, I could be better, but I'm improving. But then, you all don't wanna, you don't need to hear me completely recreate my dentist appointment on Monday, but how are you supposed to say that when you got, you know, I'm like, bye, I got a drink first, but I can't even say that either,
Starting point is 00:17:56 because there's too many consonants for my little tongue to be able to maneuver. So that was the dentist office, but I'm just thinking maybe if we all got together collectively as a group, the bean heads across America, which could be our next big charity event. Excuse me, put a pin in that where you don't, you know, you don't, I mean, this would be like, you know, same thing, same thing for colonoscopies, right? What if I just loaded up on some bison burgers and I'm gonna you know, I know you guys got a job to do down there, but
Starting point is 00:18:34 I'm paying you big bucks to take care of this okay, and I'm not doing that colaguard crap Pun intended. I'm going and getting the real deal so pun intended, I'm going and getting the real deal. So, you know, I don't mind the whole, you know, collogards like this is going to be non-invasive. I don't really mind if I go to the, the, the, the but doctor, the obstetrician there, you know, because it's like, I haven't been touched there in years. Symbol insert, but I'm, that's kidding. I'm kidding. I got my lovely GF, Rachel,
Starting point is 00:19:12 the love of my life. I'll give a quick shout out to you. She did a really good job on her cooking games this morning on her phone from what I saw. So congratulations, Rachel. I think she's about to unlock a new level, but I'm not sure. It's hard to keep track She's completed a lot of levels so far. Okay, so that was the dentist office On on this past Tuesday, and it was you know, just just a great time always you know always memorable and We'll see them again in the six months I guess. So that was the dentist office. So plowing ahead here. We had Tuesday, we had Wednesday, and then Thursday, the big birthday.
Starting point is 00:19:56 Yesterday I turned 28 big ones, and for the second time in my life, I worked at 12 hour De to Paul University's shift. It happened to me once in college, where my birthday was like the Monday or Tuesday of, it's always finals week, as it is still for the students to this day. And I worked at 12-hour desk shift,
Starting point is 00:20:18 which was a triple shift, because a regular shift was four hours. Yesterday was just a regular eight-hour workday, and then another four hours for an event. But yeah, and then I mean 12 and a half, I was downtown at work till till nine, but hey, there was Cabernet, Solving Young, C-A-B-E-R-N-E-T space, S-A-U-V-I-G-N-O-N on the house. And I was slamming those puppies so much so that your lips were purple by the time you left. And then of course it's like, you know,
Starting point is 00:20:51 like no one's, no one's going there myself included and getting hammered and stuff. Although we did have one student show up who was I think definitely under the influence. But you don't, you know, you wanna have a good time because it's like 8.45 a night, you've been working for 12 hours, but then you're like,
Starting point is 00:21:07 getting ready to leave in a student grabs you and they want to have a conversation and then you're like trying to hold it together basically. Which I did with great uplum because I'm a professional. It's not my first time drinking wine on the job, am I right guys? But the birthday was good overall, it was very chill. I even had birthday cake, right? We had a staff celebration thing on Wednesday the day before and there was like a gigantic
Starting point is 00:21:34 sheet cake. One of those ones where you go all out, it's got like the carnations in the corners that are like 2000 calories worth of frosting each. So you just snuck up to the staff lounge midday, right? Before my run, you know, it's a classic pre-run food. A lot of people will do things like nuts or raisins or some people even drink a can of Coca-Cola or a coffee. I like to have a big slice, especially if I can get the corner of sheet cake. It's nice and heavy right in your stomach. But had one of those, it was, you know, I was telling people after it's, I'm sitting there
Starting point is 00:22:13 in the staff lounge by myself up on the 7th floor eating my slice of birthday cake. And I think it's one of those things where it's like a sad image if you were just like an outside observer looking in like, oh, Queen, he's all alone, it's on his birthday, like eating cake by himself. But for me, it was kind of just like a chance to be just have quiet for a hot second. And, you know, not being in front of a screen, and just kind of sit there and reflect and think about all the things I learned this past year and, you know about all the things I learned this past year and you know all the memories I made. It was a great year. It was. We went to, uh, I don't know, we went somewhere.
Starting point is 00:22:55 I had a great vacation. Oh, we went to Hawaii. That was awesome. I hit 50 states as a 27 year old. And, uh, yeah. My knees went to hell, but otherwise it was a great year. So that was my birthday, and we know oftentimes we'll do a live show on my birthday, but unfortunately, when you got to leave the house at 7.30, 7.45 in the morning, and you don't walk back until 9.39.45. There's just not as much time to do a live show. But I want to say thank you to being head nation, everyone who did reach out and wish me a happy birthday. I appreciate it. And here's to a great year, 28. I guess this, I'm 28. So it's my 29th year. That's how
Starting point is 00:23:44 it goes. It's always tricky, big calendars are always trying to trick you with that stuff. Anyways, it was a good birthday and we're looking ahead to the next one, for sure, it's gonna be lit. So again, we got March Madness going on here and that's gonna actually actually bring me to this week's bean town trivia question of the week, which as we will oftentimes do on this show,
Starting point is 00:24:14 it's not just your kind of one standard question, it's going to be a multi-parter and it's going to be March Man is related. I think you're going to enjoy it. And so let me pull up my notes here, make sure we're not missing anything. And I'm going to be a man, my word, this is going to be, oh, before we, we're going to end with trivia, just two quick things. One, still no progress on shipping out stickers or mailing them out, but I'm confident it's going to happen this year. So write that down. And then, but we did make progress as a whole, as a show.
Starting point is 00:24:45 Our money, our $280, your $280 was donated to the United Way of Metro Chicago on Wednesday, I believe it was. So we hope that they will make good use of it. I left them in the notes saying that this was from the bean heads. So thank you again. That's a wrap. That's officially a wrap.
Starting point is 00:25:04 On the Bean Tom Podcast, your six pledge drive. So thank you so much to those who did donate. If you missed it, if you haven't listened in a couple of weeks, we did Limericks. We did listener Limericks five two shows ago and then another five last show. So you should definitely go listen to those. I also, and I almost forgot about this, I self-published them on You can go to slash blog, and you can read those lemurks if you want to see them in the flesh. So those are live. Thank you all for donating, and we'll get those stickers out shortly here. Okay, we're going to wrap things up here with our
Starting point is 00:25:46 Bean Tom Podcast trivia question of the week and it's maybe it's low hanging fruit, but I think we'll all learn something about our world and our states and our higher education institutions. So this week I have hand selected one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight different schools that are playing in the Division one top seed, March, Man is 68 teams, whatever, March, Man is tournament, okay? And all you have to do is tell me what state
Starting point is 00:26:16 that school is from and you'll get a bonus point, okay? If you can name the city as well, but that's not an expectation. So we're gonna go, there's no particular order here. I think these are all, it's hard to say how difficult or easy this is, but I've picked, you know, there weren't any like mid ones and see the like, oh gosh, that's kind of tough
Starting point is 00:26:37 or it's like this is Missouri, right? So, I mean, we could definitely do it where it's like, okay, it's the Missouri Tigers, but what city do they represent? In which case it would be Columbia. And that will be probably easy for some difficult for others, but that's not the goal of today's game. So there's gonna be eight colleges.
Starting point is 00:26:55 I'm gonna give you, they're all playing in March, madness. Some of them are still around. Some of them have been eliminated. But we're gonna start off. And I guess we'll just, I guess we'll do all eight. Okay, and then we'll circle back and give the answers. Okay, so again, one point and email is beantown podcast,, you know, this beantown meeting podcast at
Starting point is 00:27:18 if you want me to keep track of sort of your, your score. And we'll see who wins, who loses that sort of thing. Okay, number one, and this is probably the easier one out of the eight. There's another one that I think is relatively easy, but again, I don't want to cast any aspersions on you. Also, number one is Gonzaga University. At Catholic school, they are by no means strangers to the March Men's Tournament. They've been in the championship game at least once in recent memory, I think.
Starting point is 00:27:51 So, Gonzaga University, I want to know the state, and if you want to get specific, with this one, I think you probably could tell me the city as well. Next up is Kent State University, not Catholic, it is a public school. And I'm just going to ask you where is Kent State University located representing Mac, the Mid-American Conference where NIU is from. All right, so that's number two. Number three is Oral Roberts, the Golden Eagles, Men's Basketball. They've been in the tournament a couple of times recently.
Starting point is 00:28:26 Oral Roberts named after a televangelist, like most great colleges and universities here. This one is probably tough if you're not plugged into the conservative Christian community, because I feel like a lot of people probably haven't even heard of Oral Roberts, but they are, they lost. They got smacked around by Duke yesterday, but I'm going to ask you where oral Roberts University is located. And if you can give me the city, that's great too.
Starting point is 00:28:59 Next up number four, we have Ferman University who made some big headlines yesterday when they knocked out Virginia, who apparently can only either get knocked out in around a 64 or in a national championship. There's no in between for the Cavaliers. So where is Ferman University? This one is, I guess the Google says it's in a certain county, but it's actually, I think it's in a city, but they're the same name, so not too worried about that. So where is Ferman?
Starting point is 00:29:28 Number five, we have Colgate, which I think is one of those like liberal arts schools that we've all heard of, and we know it's somewhere in the Northeast, but it's like where exactly is it? Is it one of those upstate New York schools, one of those Western Massachusetts schools? Is it like Hudson River Valley?
Starting point is 00:29:44 Is it, you know, sneakily in like Southern New Hampshire. So where is, or could it be in Rhode Island, right? So where is Colgate University? Next up, they just played today. They had them on their ropes, but they couldn't pull it out their first ever trip to the dance. Kenasaw State, the owls. This was, I think the only team in the tournament this year
Starting point is 00:30:05 that had never been before. So where is Kenasa State from? There is no state named Kenasa, which you're probably wondering. They are in a state that you've heard of though, okay? So that's number six, Kenasa State. Number seven, this is the other one I thought might be kind of easy.
Starting point is 00:30:22 Where is Howard University, okay. Where is Howard University? Okay. Where is Howard University? And HBCU located, they lost a Kansas last night. I have been to Howard actually to work, to recruit before. It's like many HBCU's kind of a older, just not super, not,
Starting point is 00:30:43 I wouldn't go so far as to call it dilapidated, but just, you know, there's not a ton of funds, to be honest. So, Howard University number seven, the number eight, what I named my family's bracket pool after this year. Fairly Dickinson. Where is Fairly Dickinson? Excuse me, located. I'll be honest, this is a school at college that I know next to nothing about. It's a private school, and it looks like there are multiple campuses, so let's just go for the primary campus here and you can give me
Starting point is 00:31:17 shit later if you want. So where's fairly Dickinson located? So those were our eight, so again, to wrap up, Gonzaga Kent State, Oral Roberts, Ferman Colgate, Kenasaw State Howard, and Fairly Dickinson again. There's more or less 16 points at play here, one to get the state, one to get the city as a bonus.
Starting point is 00:31:33 So let's start off where we began. Gonzaga University is in the state of Washington. And specifically, you might be thinking, oh yeah, Gonzaga Seattle, no, it's on the other side. It's in Spokane, SPOK,-O-K-A-N-E, Spokane, Washington. So there's two points available there. This one was probably the most low-hanging fruit because part of the answer was in the answer.
Starting point is 00:32:00 Kent State University is in, actually, there's another one like this too. Kent State University is in Ohio, there's another one like this too. Kent State University is in Ohio and it is in the city of Kent, which I think is near Toledo-ish. North East Ohio, I believe, Kent, Ohio, is where Kent State is. Number three, the televangelist special oral Roberts,
Starting point is 00:32:20 who is named after the televangelist oral Roberts, who lived to the right age of 91, passing away 14 years ago. But if you didn't know, Oral Roberts is in Oklahoma. It's not in O.K.C. it is actually in Tulsa, Oklahoma. So there's Oral Roberts. Number four, making the headlines yesterday, this one's tough, I think.
Starting point is 00:32:38 Ferman University, they hadn't been to the tournament in 40 some years. Ferman is located in South Carolina, and it is not located in Ferman, South Carolina. It is located in Greenville, South Carolina, which is a pretty popular city, I think. But Ferman, Greenville, South Carolina, next up, we have Colgate. And this is one that I was pretty sure, like before the tournament started, I knew where it was, and I was right, but I didn't know the city and it's not a city I know.
Starting point is 00:33:08 Colgate is in New York state and it is in the city of Hamilton, New York, which I'm not gonna look up exactly where it is, but you can do that on your own time. So that's Colgate. Here's the other one like Kent State that was kind of low hanging fruit. Kenasa State is in Georgia,
Starting point is 00:33:25 and it is in the town of Kenasa, which I had to look up. I thought it was more like central Georgia, but it's actually north of Atlanta, closer to Chattanooga. So Kenasa State is located in Kenasa, Georgia. All right, we got two left here. This is the one I thought might be the easiest out of all of them, although Gonzaga's been around for a while. Howard University, very old HBCU.
Starting point is 00:33:49 It is kind of a trick question because it is located in Washington, DC. So if you get it, just give yourself two points, right? Because I already told you there's 16 points in play, not 15. So finally, the Knights of Fairly Dickinson, which I think might be the toughest one here, Fairly Dickinson is located in New Jersey and they play in Hackensack, New Jersey. So that's Fairly Dickinson. So there's your bean town podcast trivia question of the week. Hopefully that was fun. I know I had fun. Anytime I can combine sports and geography and you know,
Starting point is 00:34:24 learn something, right? know learn something right probably learn something from that most you knew where Howard University was but how many of you knew that Kennesaw State was a public school in Georgia some of you maybe not all of you that's the beauty of Beentown we're always learning and with that in mind that's what I had for you guys happy birthday to me happy St. Patrick's State everyone out there hope you have fun, if you're celebrating today, stay safe, have some green beer, do what you got to do, watch some more March madness, which I'm going to do right after we wrap up here.
Starting point is 00:34:54 But that's our show for you today. We'll be back next week. Don't know what we're going to be talking about, but we got birthday parties, shamrock, shuffle. We got a whole bunch of more fun stuff coming up for you you So that's happening next week on the Bean Tom podcast. Hope you all have a great day and joy a weekend Stay safe, stay sane and I'll check in on you next time. Bye I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just nd nd Thank you.

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