Beantown Podcast - Cancun Recap & Art of Livin' (04282023 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: April 28, 2023

Upselling exclusive pools and restaurants the system income tax you gotta just let it all go, and for only $397, Matthew McConaughey and Tim Robbins will help you do that...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furnace. Welcome to my show. Quinn David Furnace presents the bean town podcast for finally Friday, April 28, 2023, the final Friday of April, which I know it's such a cliche to be like, oh my God, it's X month already, the year is moving by fast. And I, you know, in some ways, I don't necessarily feel that. It should kind of go winters. You're eager to get out of them.
Starting point is 00:00:33 But another part of me is, you know, it's already May, we're, you know, almost halfway through the year, almost halfway through bean town year six, which is wild. Thank you all for joining me and thank you for welcoming back state side. My name is Quinn David Furnison. This is my show. We are one of the top
Starting point is 00:00:51 500 podcasts on the north side of Chicago. And we are the 112th ranked comedy podcast in the great state nation state Islamic Republic, if you will, of Pakistan, which if you haven't played World O' yet today, I won't or World O' I won't spoil it for you, but the nation today in World O' was Pakistan. And the reason I semi-spoil that for you is I went to WorldO'.com this morning, kind of a tough word to say, W-O-R-L-L-E. I went to WorldO'.com this morning and it's just going to play like I normally do. And the way if you don't play world, I'm going to see how many times I can say it in one episode.
Starting point is 00:01:33 Essentially, first, you guess the country based off the outline or the shape of the country. And then second is you guess the capital, third is you guess the flag, fourth is you guess the population and fifth and finally is the currency. So it's very sequential right, you can't guess the currency of an unknown country before you actually guess what the country is. Today I log in and go to and I'm already on like step three or four and it's like hey what's the population of Pakistan or whatever and it's like well I guess I'll you know I guess will not guess the country today, which let's be real. It's not one of those borderline countries where I wouldn't have been
Starting point is 00:02:10 able to just know it right off the bat. Pakistan is pretty distinctive, if you will, shape wise, but just kind of pissed me off. In the ways, listener discretion is advised when you're listening to this show, number one, we'll occasionally send language number two. This podcast is objectively terrible. And yes, I mentioned we are back state side here. We went to Cancun, Mexico from last Thursday, so eight days ago until we got back Tuesday. Afternoon went to a resort. We were total pool bombs, beach bombs. That sort of thing. This was my first time in
Starting point is 00:02:50 Mexico. So cross that country, I feel like I think that brings me, excuse me, if you're not counting airports, excuse me, that brings me to like USA, Canada, Mexico, Dominican Republic, and then Canada, Mexico, Dominican Republic, and then Verwanda, and depending on what story you hear who you ask, Democratic Republic of the Congo. Essentially, we hiked up a border volcano in the, whatever they're called, the Verrunga Mountains or something like that. And the story is, we, a couple of us walked with an armed guard, my brother and I, around the side of the volcano to a certain point. And at a certain point, you know, it's a circle, right? So half of the circle is Rwanda, half of the circle is Democratic Republic of the Congo. I think based off of what I know about this
Starting point is 00:03:41 circle that I did not technically get all the way into DRC but I figured hey I walked through that kind of weird. It's kind of a weird like not really a marsh or a bog because it wasn't very moisturist but just some weird ass plants. Walked around pretty much all the way to the halfway point with an armed guard finding my footing and all that stuff. So I'm counting that as a FU to Coney. I made it, Coney 2012, already 11 years old. So those are the countries I've been to. I mentioned no airports because I've been
Starting point is 00:04:14 in the Brussels airport before, but I wouldn't consider myself a Belgian expert. This was the second all-inclusive resort experience I've been to the first being Dominican Republic, which is infamous for its end with the food poisoning and the traveling back and all that stuff. And that's part of that trip really kind of overshadows the rest of it.
Starting point is 00:04:37 Everything else up until that point, I thought was pretty good. The buffet food wasn't amazing there, but the rest of it was good. Like the drinks were nice. It was very relaxing. It was adults good. You know, the buffet food wasn't amazing there, but the rest of it was good. Like the drinks were nice. It was very relaxing. It was adults only. And overall, up into the last 12 hours of the trip or so, I had a very nice time.
Starting point is 00:04:53 The, this experience here in Mexico, and this is not where we're going to be talking about the whole time, but this experience here, and we do a Mexican trivia, animexian palinger right after this. This time was very different. So to just contrast it against that, and if you want to read, I'm being serious,
Starting point is 00:05:11 if you want to read my full review, because I'm not just going to sit here for half an hour on a Friday, early evening, and give you a full review as my podcast, I already spent like 20 minutes writing my TripAdvisor review. So being heads out there, here's your call to action this week. If you want, go to search for grand oasis cancun. That's grand oasis cancun. And it'll be, if you just sort by
Starting point is 00:05:39 most recent, it'll either be, you know, the first hit or, you know, you might have to scroll one or two. I'm not sure. But I give a very detailed response of all the things that I liked and more so the things I didn't like. To really contrast it against my first all inclusive resort experience in Punta Kanna, the Simon Kankun. I guess the first most notable thing was Punta Kanna, and this was totally our choice, but Punta Kana was adults only.
Starting point is 00:06:06 This place was basically the exact opposite of that. You remember that show Kid Nation on CBS? It aired for one season. It was, gosh, it must, Kid Nation must have been, I'm going to just throw it out there, maybe like 2007, 2008, something like that. In fact, I'm so confident in my guessing abilities that I'm gonna guess, or we're gonna look it up to see exactly when it did air.
Starting point is 00:06:34 September 19th, 2007, oh man, the king has arrived, the king of guessing weird CBS reality TV shows. Essentially, the premise is like there's 50 kids in this California ranch, and they are, according to the show unsupervised, and supposed to run their own civilization. Now, there is a million flaws in that premise, which they're kind of half to be.
Starting point is 00:07:02 I mean, you have, when I say Kid Nation, we're talking like everyone is, I don't think they had anyone older than maybe like 14 or 15 on there. This is essentially what our resort was like, not to say that there are a bunch of unsupervised kids, but just a million children who are doing a lot of cannonballs, a lot of dunking,
Starting point is 00:07:22 to lots of floaties, probably some code browns that were swept under the rug, or more, I guess, accurately swept into the filter. Definitely a lot of code yellows, like just, I don't even want to really think about that. But so a lot of kids, so it's just kind of very loud and boisterous. The reviews we had read had labeled this place at Spring Break Parties or at which I don't doubt that it is
Starting point is 00:07:44 during more Spring Break times, like mid-March to mid-April. But this was the exact opposite of a party resort. So there's a million little kids. But then the other thing too is, I'm curious how this place kind of has the reputation as being the party resort because in terms of one of the things you get
Starting point is 00:08:04 when you book an all inclusive, or when you go to one one of those places is there's a lot of entertainment built in. And you know live music shows, you know, all sorts of experiences. We didn't really experience that. I mean, there were a couple things like shows, if you will. We saw like a fire dancers kind of thing in the lobby of the hotel. The first night we were there, we saw just a really unfortunately god awful cabaret that was not a cabaret was basically karaoke with a really bad dinner, essentially a dinner show with really bad food and worse entertainment or second night. It was labeled, their build is being very like exclusive, right? So, that was rough. And then, you know, we got live music from a solid band or last night there, but then other
Starting point is 00:08:53 times, they'd be like, oh, there's going to be live music here, according to, you know, the screens around the resort or the app or whatever it is. And we'd go and there wouldn't be music. We never went into, there's two clubs, if you will, there's Kiyote Loco, meaning the crazy Kiyote and then Kinky Night Club. We never went into Kiyote Loco because it either looked like it was, and I guess this is just how night clubs work, right?
Starting point is 00:09:18 It either looked like it was completely dead and there's nothing happening in there. Or it was just like so loud that you can't hear a single thing. And neither of those is really that interesting to me. And then there's the kinky bar, which, or kinky nightclub, which we never quite found. This place was huge. So just kind of, you know, entertainment-wise, not great. The food was really rough. I mean, you know, you go to these resorts, there's, you know, always buff to these resorts. There's you know always buffets You can fall back on and there were some things at the buffets like the omelets in the morning fantastic
Starting point is 00:09:51 Made from scratch all that stuff you you know, of course say what you wanted it the Crapes at night for dessert at one of the buffets really really well done But a lot of the other stuff in between was just hit or miss. But you know, the bigger thing is they have a couple of these restaurants that, you know, they really play up. It's like, oh, you got to get reservations. And you do. I mean, you got to, you got to be on top of that stuff. So we did. We were, you know, we wanted to experience it. I mentioned the cabaret already. It was really rough. The second thing we did was a steakhouse. I've never really seen steak like that. It was at least 50% fat. I got a New York strip steak. It was very gray. Not, you know, ordered medium and it was like well, well,
Starting point is 00:10:36 well done. And so that was just not a great experience, the steakhouse. And then the last kind of specialty thing we did was an Italian restaurant. And I'll say this, I had, I ordered lasagna. It was clear that it was frozen and just stuck in a microwave or something like that. But it was one of those things where like, sometimes you get some of those freezer meals
Starting point is 00:11:01 from the grocery store and you know it's not very healthy for you and you know you're not getting a five star meal but it still kind of slaps. That's kind of how I felt about my lasagna. It was pretty good. Rachel on the other hand ordered some sort of, I don't know if it was a spaghetti dish or a linguine but it wasn't red sauce. I think it was pesto or something but it was just it was lifeless cold. Just not fun to look at. Basically the white socks this year, but um, so yeah, those were some big misses. And then the last thing I'll say,
Starting point is 00:11:35 and this is my biggest beef with this place, it's an all-inclusive. Basically you get there, and if you have the all-inclusive, that kind of gets you in on the ground floor of what's going on there in terms of access to restaurants and access to nice kind of pool spaces and beach spaces. If you want to access any of that stuff, more of the apparently more premium, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:12:00 restaurants or any of the nicer kind of cabanas or beds on the beach and of cabanas or you know, beds on the beach and you think that you got to pay and you got to pay a solid amount. They tried to charge. So we ended up splurging for it one day. We paid $38 US. Um, basically to have full access to essentially what is the space between the main pool and the beach.
Starting point is 00:12:23 There are some really nice, just like semi-private pools and chairs and spaces. Things that were like 10% utilized by people there. So they have all this really nice stuff. And you couldn't use it unless you paid a lot of money. I think they wanted like 50 or 60 bucks and we only paid them 38. Rachel took care of it. I'm not exactly sure what this situation was. But you know this main pool with all these kids is just extremely overcrowded over a book to all that stuff. Then you have all these nice spaces that no one outside of a select few people are paying for us included,
Starting point is 00:13:03 but just for one day. And so the whole time you're there, if you didn't pay for that, you're just like looking at all these beautiful spaces, pools and beds and umbrellas and all that stuff that are not being used by anyone. So that's just kind of frustrating. But, you know, same kind of deal. There's a million restaurants. I would say more restaurants and bars than not, you had to pay more to get into. So basically what we had access to was like 30 to 35% of the resort, which is just frustrating,
Starting point is 00:13:33 right? Because you go online, you book, it's an all-inclusive, right? Anyone here listening, thank you for listening, who has ever booked an all-inclusive before. You know that it's, book and all inclusive because you want Everything there included food drink all that stuff I won't get into the drinks too much, but suffices say you would need like five Tiki lasotas to equal one regular Tiki lasota and that's just frustrating because you're getting so much ice That's questionable the source of it is questionable and then just a lot of volume.
Starting point is 00:14:06 And so it was just, you know, it was one of those things to put a bow on this where it was really nice. Well, let me flip this around. Had a lot of issues, a lot of things that didn't go our way, a lot of things that weren't what we pictured or imagined. But we still had the great chance to unplug and I did some serious unplugging. I didn't play tune blast all the time I was there. Just on the flight two in there or two in back. You
Starting point is 00:14:35 know, just unplug and get some sun and do some people watching. Alright, that's always a good thing. And we did some, we met some some some interesting people. This girls group who met each other while they were there, probably all like late 40s, early 50s. They were just wild, especially their ringleader, who I think was from Jersey or something like that. She was, it was basically the real housewives of New Jersey, like, Seagraids spin off that they tried to launch on E or something like that. That's essentially who these ladies were. They were nice, but just that one in particular, she was wild. Hopefully she never finds the show. I don't know. I don't remember what we told her or not. And she certainly doesn't remember. She was
Starting point is 00:15:16 extremely toasted. So that was Cancun. That was our trip to Mexico my first time, but it's good to be back. It's good to be able to just, you know, pull that faucet wide open and take a chug. I want to give a quick shout out to our sponsors and then we're going to do Paladromes trivia and then we're going to, we're going to extremely shift gears here into a new direction. Base off of something that happened this past week. And also I'll mention the NFL draft round one was last night, round two starts in about half an hour at the time of this recording. My picks were way off.
Starting point is 00:15:50 Let's just put it that way. But who's going to predict, you know, the Texans drafted two and then traded back to get number three? That was crazy. Other weird things that happened, like the Bears and Eagle swapping picks and the Bears missing on a Jalen Carter Obviously the craziest thing in the night will levis not getting drafted at all He just kept falling and falling and then you finally get to the Vikings and you're like wow the Vikings are actually gonna
Starting point is 00:16:18 Take will levis and then they kept passing or they passed on him By the way in case you're not Really a hardcore NFL fan, but you do support the show and support the Minnesota Vikings, perhaps. We selected Jordan Addison, wide receiver from originally PIT, and then transferred to USC.
Starting point is 00:16:35 So wide receiver, two-season is here, baby, someone to pay with Justin Jefferson. But if you're curious, hey, how to, Quinn, how did your PICS fare from last week's show to the actual result? And it was very poor. We'll just leave it at that. I want to give a shout out to our sponsors, Home Pride Oregon, when you need your home inspecting and essential organ, you got to call someone who's saved, certified, someone who you can trust. Call the experts at Home Pride Oregon, Steve, 541, 410, 031, 6,
Starting point is 00:17:01 or visit home pride organ dot com. Again, that's 541, 410, 031, 616 or visit home pride organ dot com again that's 514-0316 or visit home pride organ dot com home pride organ inspection perfection also our friends at the Samson Q2U series we are still using our second gen not our third gen Samson here but it's holding it out pretty well crisp clear audio quality genesis access to this Leviticus numbers deuteronomy penitook and the New Testament and all those minor and major prophets in between. When God speaks, He uses Samson. And finally, of course, they're good friends.
Starting point is 00:17:31 Cuts by Q, just sitting in a nice little neck shave. You know, that's something you can get. We'll give you the hot towel treatment. I got like, I have at least like four or five towels I could use. I'll stick them in the oven in a, you know, in like a pot of water or something. That's, you know, that's luxury service. And I'll only, I won't even, we'll keep that in our $20 flat rate. I'll just maybe be racist and get kind of pissed off at you if you don't tip, though. Can Coon style, okay? Even though even if you already tipped at the start, okay? So,
Starting point is 00:18:04 when you need a fresh do something snappier new called the experts at Cuts by Q. Obviously none of that was based off of recent personal experience. By the way, we're working on a big gulp diet coke over here. Not drinking right now, unfortunately have a work call at 730, which is just I got squeezed into a tough spot where the availability for this student I'm working with was like 7 p.m. to
Starting point is 00:18:37 7 p.m. Friday to like 10 a.m. Saturday and I was just like There's not a good option, right? 10 a.m. Saturday and I was just like, there's not a good option, right? And either cuts into your Friday night and you can't really do anything, can't go out or anything on a Friday or you kind of got to wake up and not run until after that on a Saturday morning. For me, I just, I guess I value the run a little bit more, getting it out of the way in the morning, coming home and relaxing.
Starting point is 00:19:03 Today's paladrum of the day and trivia question that are both Mexico-related. Today's paladrum of the day as you might have guessed is in Espanol. Apparently this is a song, I don't know what it means because I don't know what this verb is, but here is your paladrum of the day, it's a phrase. Anita, lava, latina.
Starting point is 00:19:26 And that's la, space, tina. So like the tina, not latina. Anita, lava, la, tina. Sound like one of those older people on Wheel of Fortune making sure that they get things very exact. We were watching an episode. I don't know if it was Wednesday or Thursday. I guess it was Wednesday. I missed Wheel's very exact. We were watching an episode, I don't know if it was Wednesday or Thursday. I guess it was Wednesday.
Starting point is 00:19:45 And I missed Wheel of Fortune yesterday, where when I'm all for slowing it down as you solve and makes you get it right, you don't wanna rush through obviously and effort up, like I'm all for that. But this lady who was solving really took it to extremes, it was literally Anita, lava, lava, Tina.
Starting point is 00:20:06 And I think the biggest thing was the puzzle was one of the biggest puzzles I've ever seen. They had to bring in a second board just to fit all the letters. And so Pat made a comment. It was like, that was the longest saw we've ever had. And I, you know, I've said, no one's keeping track of that stuff.
Starting point is 00:20:19 But it had to have been a solid, I would guess about 10 seconds from start to finish, which is, feels like a long time in a 22-minute show. Our trivia question of the day, we're going to put, let's, we never do this, but let's pre-requit this with a difficulty level. Let's go one to 10. I'm going to give this like a three. Okay, but here we go.
Starting point is 00:20:48 So we were just in Mexico, we were just in the Yucatan Peninsula. That's my and country baby. So here we go. It's just going to be filling the blank. I'm just reading it right here from the Wikipedia page. I didn't doll this up in any way.
Starting point is 00:21:02 The first contact between the Mayan Empire and European explorers came in 1502 during the fourth voyage of blank, this person essentially, when his brother Bartholomew encountered a Mayan canoe. Several Spanish expeditions followed in 1517 and 1519 making landfall in various parts of the Yucatan coast.
Starting point is 00:21:25 So again, I'm looking for the person, the explorer whose fourth voyage was the first recorded European contact with the Mayan Empire. One more time, the first contact between the Mayan Empire and the European explorers came in in 1502 during the fourth voyage of this explorer when his brother Bartholomew encountered a canoe. Yada, yada, yada. So I'm asking whose fourth voyage encounter the Mayans? We're gonna reveal the answer now.
Starting point is 00:21:56 It was Christopher Columbus. And the reason I gave that a three on the difficulty scale is just because we all know Christopher Columbus first hit America 1492. It's a classic rhyme. So I just gave you a year or 10 years later, fourth voyage. To me, it's like, who else are you going to guess, right? There's no one else that early. Cortez is the next big one that comes, but he's like 15, 15-ish, like it's either 15-12 or 15-17 exactly, but I think, so it's like you gotta go before that.
Starting point is 00:22:30 And of course Cortez is the Aztec, not the Mayans. So, I feel like if you have a basic grasp on the age or exploration, then that one, hopefully wasn't too hard. So there you go, Christopher Columbus, a classic polarizing figure in many cultures. I guess he's probably not very polarizing in like, or wasn't very polarizing for the Mayans, right? He probably brought like syphilis and stole their maze ma i z e. So he's probably less polarizing
Starting point is 00:23:06 and more just universally heated. But I don't know every year every year without fail Columbus Day rolls around. Of course now it's it's dual Columbus Day and Indigenous People's Day, which is fantastic. But there's always going to be some group, whether it's the Italians or the mega Republicans who are like, oh, you can't take away Columbus Day and it's like, who cares? I just want the day off. And I don't think I don't think I've ever had the day off Columbus Day before. I don't remember in high school. Like, did we get Columbus Day off? I don't think so. But I can't really remember. Anyways, shifting gears for the last couple minutes here. I'm not going to spend a lot of time on this
Starting point is 00:23:46 but it might plant the seeds for a crazy theme episode in the future. In case you missed it and I certainly did. A couple days ago, I think this was like Tuesday of this week, maybe. Oscar-winning actor Matthew McConaughey Oscar-winning actor, Matthew McConaughey, excuse me, came out with a six and a half hour live stream titled The Art of Living, not Living Living, L-I-V-I-N apostrophe.
Starting point is 00:24:16 I don't really know how to describe it, and I've jumped around in the six and a half hour live stream and seen some of it. It's essentially a self-help seminar, if you will. And let me just try to replicate it. And what I am toying the idea with, what I am toying with the idea of is doing my own bean town podcast,
Starting point is 00:24:41 self-help seminar now. I'm not gonna do 6 and a half hours. In Matthew McConaughey didn't do that by himself. He had guests and pauses and bathroom breaks and all that stuff. But let me just give you a little taste. And if you wanna go watch it for yourself or part of it, literally just YouTube, Matthew McConaughey Art of Living,
Starting point is 00:24:59 the big problem with this is that at the end, it turns into a sales pitch. Basically, you got to spend $397 to get more art of living. And it wasn't, it just wasn't advertised that way. So people got really pissed off. Understandably, why is Matthew McConaughey charging $397? My favorite part of this is that there it is. There's multiple times throughout this live stream where to paint the scene essentially,
Starting point is 00:25:32 to paint the picture, to set the scene, Matthew McConney is sitting down with a bongo in between his legs. He's reading live stream comments. The idea essentially, people are sharing in the stream comments things that are weighing them down, right, or like keeping them back from living their best life, living, not living.
Starting point is 00:25:53 So, some of the ones I just saw, we just, Rachel and I just looked at this like an hour ago. Some of them were, you know, common like the system, the man, money problems. Another, there's this one in math. So Matthew McConney is just sitting there playing his bongo. He's just reading these. And they're kind of rhythmic, like some of them are kind of not. But then one person was just like my daughter. He's just reading all this live on air.
Starting point is 00:26:23 And this whole thing is just very bizarre. It's almost like it felt like Scientological almost, which I don't know if anyone has ever used that full word before. But basically he's got like the bongo music going and it's kind of hoki. It's kind of weird. It's like he's just you got it. You you gotta let go for yourself. You have to learn to be selfish. He had a cross over the bridge of troubles and join the other side of you.
Starting point is 00:26:57 You have to believe in yourself. He had a go do that next thing for you. He got to let all these troubles just melt away. So put in the live stream comments. What's bugging you? What's bothering you? The system. Working.
Starting point is 00:27:22 Your aunt. Bad weather. The Z key on your keyboard keeps coming unstuck. He got an old MacBook from 2013. It don't run so good no more. He go to a bad cabaret in Mexico and they serve you sparkling grape juice and say that there's alcohol in it But we don't think there is and then it's not really cabaret It's basically just karaoke and they bring you some sort of weird beef dish because it's kind of a dinner show
Starting point is 00:27:58 And there's no menu and you just get served whatever you get served in it basically looks kind of like dog food But you're you're so hungry. You're basically looks kind of like dog food, but You're you're so hungry. You're just gonna kind of eat it no matter what you gotta let that go folks I Don't know other stuff like that. Well keep this as if I didn't mention this before In case you're wondering you want to go listen to this for yourself, this is on YouTube, this great music. I just found it before we started recording. It's called Bongo Madness, Royalty Free Music, Instrumental, Creative Commons Music. 21 likes? Well, 22 now. Bongo Madness, check it out. not I'm not kidding. We'll let the music play out there. It's got a minute left
Starting point is 00:28:47 That's essentially what we're working with so I guess if we want to get creative here on the bean town podcast we can You you want to be able to parody it without just copying it. That's the ultimate You know tightrope to walk But we look we all know Matthew McConaughey's a little strange little weird kind of like Woody Harrelson It's if you ever watched a true detective season one you kind of get that sense that they're both little kind of nutty But in real life they're nutty too But I always I always help Matthew McConney in like a pretty high esteem like you know, he's kind of a stoner but He seems like a really genuinely good guy and I still think he
Starting point is 00:29:25 might be but then he comes out and does something just bad shit crazy like this and you're just kind of like what on earth if it was here's it I guess here's my thing with me I think we're gone he thank you bongo man is here's my thing with art of living if If it was just the 6.5 hour live stream and he was just like, he was just trying to be like, empowering and all that fun stuff, then I'm like, okay, you know, that's weird but great. But the whole like pay $397 to do more of this, like almost like MLM, skimish kind of thing. Just feels so weird.
Starting point is 00:30:05 Like, and then he, oh, I forgot to mention this, he brings out Tony Robbins at the end to do some more self-help, self-empowerment. I, you know, if it was, here's, here's my thing. If that was Tim Robbins, then you got my $397, but I'm not as big on Tony. I go more for the Oscar winner. So he had, yeah, Matthew McConney, if he had another Oscar winner, Tim Robbins, then that would have, I would have paid the $3.97 for that.
Starting point is 00:30:33 So last thing here is we wrap up here because I'm feeling good to go. This is a nice tight 30 plus. On the topic of Tim Robbins, I mentioned Oscar winner, but I like to just float, float that term out there, that label out there to anyone who's ever been in a movie sometimes, just to hype them up. But I'm pretty sure Tim Robbins actually is an Oscar winner. So here's our unplanned second bean town podcast trivia question of the week, and you can
Starting point is 00:31:02 always email us after the fact. Let us know how you scored today. And you can give yourself, have a bonus point. If you already knew Christopher Columbus had a brother named Bartholomew who discovered a Mayan canoe. So however you want to keep track, go for it. It's like, wait, wait, don't tell me the points don't really matter. But our trivia question, and I'm not going to phrase this elegantly.
Starting point is 00:31:24 Okay, here we go. And this is what I thought it was, so I'm proud of myself for knowing. Tim Robbins is an Oscar winner. He won the Best Supporting Actor Academy Award and Golden Globe for his role in this 2003 film. So his biggest film that people probably know is Shawshank Shank Redemption 1994.
Starting point is 00:31:47 I don't know if he was Oscar nominated for that. He also has an Academy Award nomination for Best Director for Deadman Walking, which I've never actually seen before. Let's scroll down here to the awards section. See if there are any other Oscar gnomes we got to know about. Nope, so it's just that he wasn't nominated for, he was not nominated for Shawshank Redemption, which I don't know if that was controversial at the time,
Starting point is 00:32:17 but he was nominated for Best Director for Deadman Walking, which is 1995, never seen it, Susan Sarandon, Sean Penn. So your clue is related to that. So we're asking which movie did he win best supporting actor for? It was directed by Sean Penn. I've seen it once. I liked it. Other members of this cast, so it was directed by Sean Penn,
Starting point is 00:32:38 I believe. Let's confirm that. Oh, just gave you a bad clue. Not directed by Sean Penn, but starring Sean Penn, directed by Clint Eastwood. Okay, so 2003 film, directed by Clint Eastwood, starring Sean Penn, of course, Tim Robbins, and then Kevin Bacon. Those are kind of the big three in this movie, but it also has Lawrence Fishbur and Marsha Gay Heart and Ann Lora Linney. So just a crazy good cast. also has Lawrence Fishbur and Marsha Gay Heart and Ann Laura Linney. So just a crazy good cast.
Starting point is 00:33:05 It's a good movie set in Boston kind of unsettling at times. It has to do with rape and power and just all those kind of fun things. So of course, if you don't know, here comes the answer that is Mystic River, which is basically what I, when I was younger in fantasy football and things really weren't going my way. I would change team names to try to give the team a boost. And I think I had Philip Rivers as my quarterback. So for a hot second, like a couple weeks,
Starting point is 00:33:37 my fantasy football team name, this was probably back in like 2010, was Mystic Rivers. And at the time I had never seen Mystic River, but I have since. And it's a solid, solid movie. If you're looking, if you're just looking for like a really, you know, holds up well, excellent cast, you know, it's going to be two hours of your time. But you, you want to just like see a legit good movie that you haven't seen before. Mr. Griver, good pick, another good option, training day with Denzel and what's his name? Ethan Hawk, handsome Hawk. Those are my popcorn picks for this week. New segment on the Bean Tompah kiss. Guys, that's what I had for you today. I am going to wrap up here so that I can
Starting point is 00:34:23 go watch a little bit of that second round of the NFL draft, which the Minnesota Vikings do not have a pick. But we'll see how it plays out. My name is Quinn David Fernos. Thank you so much for tuning in to my show. I hope everyone is staying safe. I hope you're staying sane. I will come check in on you next week.
Starting point is 00:34:40 Bye. next week. Bye! ndご視聴ありがとうございました Thank you.

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