Beantown Podcast - Carbo Loading Meals for the Whole Family (01152021 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: January 15, 2021

Quinn comes to you LIVE on a special Friday edition of the Beantown Podcast to cover Elton John, promote the Everlasting Comfort Bath Pillow, and share some super healthy carb-heavy recipes he made week

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Skyline Pigeon, Elton John, cover, take one. and from your hands, let me fly to distant lands and overgreen fields and trees and mountains flowers and forest fountains Home along the lanes of the skyway And for this dark and lonely room Only room projects a shade, all casting gloom. And my eyes are mirrors, and to the world outside,
Starting point is 00:01:18 thinking of the waves that the wind can turn the tide, and the shadows turn from purple and to gray. For just the skyline pigeon dreaming of the open waiting for the day, When he could spread his wings, fly away again Fly away, skyline pigeon fly To hold the dreams you left, swall very far behind Fly away, skyline pigeon fly To hold the dreams you left so very far behind Just let me wake up in the morning To the spell of new moon, hey, to laugh and cry, to live and die in the brightness of my day. I want to hear the disenbells of disencharges seen.
Starting point is 00:02:38 But most of all, please, frame me from this aching metal ring And open up the cage towards the sun For just the skyline pigeon dreaming of They open waiting for the day When he could spread his wings and fly away again Fly away, skyline pigeon fly To hold the dreams he left so very far behind Fly away, skyline pigeon fly
Starting point is 00:03:27 To hold the dreams you left, so they're free So they're free, far behind behind. Hey guys, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furnace. Welcome to my show. Quinn David Furnace presents the Beentown Podcast for Friday. Oh boy, it's a special Friday edition, January 15th, 2021, fully in scanced, enveloped, and absorbed into INTO year four of the Being Town podcast. That was a cover of an Elton John, two and Elton John is a favorite of mine and of the show. The song is called Skyline Pigeon.
Starting point is 00:04:38 I believe it's from his album Empty Sky, which is maybe from like 1970 or something. It's one of his more just kind of simple old school kind of just out in the piano. Kind of like your song is similar to that song, which your song became his first kind of big hit. But I really liked that one and it's so cool. I was just thinking about this
Starting point is 00:05:00 before I started recording that it's, that song is over 50 years old at this point. 50 years, it's like 51, he probably wrote it in the late 60s or something like that. So we're coming up on like 55 years old or something. That's just crazy, that's like a piece of music that's that old, but it still sounds so good. And I'm not gonna get on my high horse about
Starting point is 00:05:24 Megan, the stallion, who have just been learning about lately, who seems to be like the new Cardi B Nicki Minaj. Like, I feel like Lizzo, like every year there's a new installment of one of those. Not saying like black female singers, but just like the hot commodity that year. So I feel like this right now it's making the stallion and last year was Lizzo before that. It was Cardi B, Nicki Minaj, whatever. Big booty shaken.
Starting point is 00:05:53 And I apologize, this was obvious. I'm still trying to work on levels, balance that sort of thing. It would be a lot easier if I just had like an official setup. But the Mike stand was a step in the right direction. So thanks to Walton Kelly for my Christmas gift I you know, we're just it's a you know, you're balancing trying to get the volume of the piano right and holding the mic Close enough to your mouth, but far enough away That was okay. I think we'll go back and listen to it. I think it could have been a lot worse. And vocals wise, like, hey, yeah, it's not pretty,
Starting point is 00:06:29 but that's about as good as you're gonna get for me. So thanks for tuning in to that. I just kind of woke up this morning and it was stuck in my head, so I went for it. Listen to discretion is advised when you're listening to the Bean Tom podcast. Number one, we'll occasionally use some language. Number two, this podcast is objectively terrible,
Starting point is 00:06:44 though hopefully enjoyed the tune. We haven't done any live music on the podcast in it feels like a very long time. I know I went through my I won't call it a guitar phase, but I was playing a lot of guitar probably about this time last year. I actually I just straight up like, well, I'm thinking about I need to go online and order some new strings. I have to restring my guitar. One, the strings that I have are just the ones that came with it, which are already low
Starting point is 00:07:10 quality, and I've had the guitar for years now. Two, I physically broke the high E about three or four months ago, and so I haven't, I have not touched my guitar in a very long time. You have not heard me play, you have not seen me play it on social media or anything like that. It's still there in the corner. But honestly ever since I bought this piano and like, what, may something like that, I mean, that's just my go-to. And we'll be talking about pianos and pianists and a little bit here on the episode. Not a ton to cover, to touch on. No pun intended, not a ton to cover, we already did that. It's kind of a, you're kind of standard filler episode.
Starting point is 00:07:51 Last week we had our fun power rankings of NFL Playoff cities and congratulations to all the teams that moved on. And I think that was a fun episode to kick off year four and get us back into power rankings, which we're gonna try to do a lot of this year. But today, you know, and honestly, I woke up and I was like, man, I've got a very light work day. I'm gonna record today. So I don't have to worry about it this weekend.
Starting point is 00:08:19 But I was just like, man, what do I talk about? What do I do? I don't know. Spent a decent amount of time thinking about it, trying to come up with something. I wasn't, didn't have any like power man, what do I talk about? What do I do? I don't know. Spent a decent amount of time thinking about it, trying to come up with something. I wasn't, didn't have any like power rankings, inspirations. I don't have any interviews lined up or anything like that. And really nothing, I don't know. I'm trying to think like, what did I do this past week? Nothing that interesting, except that Chicago Bears game on Sunday, which was just an
Starting point is 00:08:43 atrocity to watch, but if anyone caught it You probably heard about this it was it was kind of the big new story last Sunday Time out was all the like capital instruction stuff just this week And or am I going crazy? Was that a week and a half ago? That was a week and a half ago, right? That wasn't just this week, right? I'm not going insane am I? a week and a half ago. That was a week and a half ago, right? That wasn't just this week, right? I'm not going insane. Maybe I am. I don't know. Days are tough. Maybe it'll be better starting next Thursday, Wednesday, whenever inauguration is. But that Nickelodeon broadcast, if you didn't catch it, I mean, let me try to just think about some of the, I mean, it was very strange. But I guess it was everything I expected in more.
Starting point is 00:09:26 There was a lot of fake slime, so every time someone scored a touch down, their graphics department would go to work, and they'd fill the end zone with fake slime. The first down line was not yellow, it was like orange and green, of course, Nickelodeon colors. There wasn't any real slime dumping, which was very disappointing. So it's like, that's the one thing you're expecting. Nate Burleson was in the broadcast booth with Eagle. No, Eagle is that iron eagle's son. I don't even know. I meant to look it up, but I didn't.
Starting point is 00:09:59 And then this, she must be like a Nickelodeon star or actress or something. And you're asking the wrong person because I never had cable. But I think she was actually like a 15 year old black teenager. And she was fine with a microphone, but frankly, didn't really know anything about football. So I guess it was kind of like cool to have her there. But I feel like they maybe would have been able to secure another Nickelodeon person who actually knew a little bit about football.
Starting point is 00:10:31 I don't know. So in that sense, it wasn't a super footbally broadcast. They did try to keep it educational and informal every once in a while when they'd call it penalty flag. Frick and young Sheldon would pop up in the bottom right and explore it and explain it, and he'd have some snide quip. I've never seen young sheldon.
Starting point is 00:10:51 I thought it was on CBS, not Nickelodeon, but maybe it got moved to Nickelodeon or something. I don't know. I am the type of person who I've seen multiple episodes of the Big Bang Theory, and I can't imagine ever wanting to have more of that, but apparently people out there in the US do. And then they had a sideline reporter
Starting point is 00:11:12 who was also looked like he was maybe like 17 or 18, a black teenage male, and he was doing the sideline reports. Oh, really weird part. There was at one point where he did an Obama impression and it wasn't like relevant to anything that was going on. It was just like, so let's go down to Curtis down in the field. Hey Curtis, I hear you have a good Obama impression and it wasn't particularly good. I kind of like this one. And then the girl did a Cardi B impression, the girl up in the broadcast booth, the, oh, whatever that is. Oh, God, it was just very bizarre.
Starting point is 00:11:56 They then at the end, there was, they had their MVP, the Nickelodeon valuable player, Trophy, which is like a football, kind of looks like a Lombardi trophy, like a football with slime running down it with the stand. And the craziest thing, I don't understand this, I never actually read much about this side and I haven't really thought about it like why this was a thing. But all of the like leading vote getters they kept showing the leading vote getters for the award. So it was real-time fan voting. It was all bear's players, which if you watch to the game or if you didn't watch the game,
Starting point is 00:12:34 you know the bears lost, they ended up losing 20 into nine, but they scored a touchdown six points on the very last play. So they in essence lost 20 into three. So I don't know was that like just bears fans watching the So they in essence lost 21 to 3. So I don't know. Was that like just Bears fans watching the Nickly Lodian broadcast and feeling like what we got nothing else going for us? So let's vote for our own players. Or was it the Saints fans trolling the Bears players?
Starting point is 00:13:02 I actually literally have no idea. It's got to be one of those two, I think. Or maybe it was bear's fans trolling their own players. Anyways, the quarterback, Trubisky won, and I was hoping that they'd get to do a post-game interview, which would be fricking hilarious to interview the quarterback of the team that just got absolutely embarrassed in the playoffs, and Dumpham was slime. That would have been Television gold unfortunately they did not interview him which was just a big disappointment, but
Starting point is 00:13:37 That was the Nickelodeon broadcast. It was bizarre and I Mean if it gets brings in a young younger audience introduces the game, the whole new generation of fans, sure, cool, awesome. But I don't know, like, I don't really sure how to feel about it. Anyways, hopefully they'll do it again next year, because I would, I mean, I'd probably be upset if that was the only channel that was showing it. Thankfully, it wasn't that way this year. There's a CBS alternate broadcast with, you know,
Starting point is 00:14:04 Nance and Roma, I think, which ended I'm not seeing any of, which is too bad because they're my favorite broadcast booth. But it happened, maybe it'll happen again next year. Yeah, I mean, Nate Burleson's a trooper for sticking out, sticking in with that. But that was wild. That was really crazy.
Starting point is 00:14:23 And that's, in case you're wondering, that's the most exciting thing that happened to me this week. Until last night, and we'll talk about that in a second. I got to catch up with a good friend and friend of the podcast. And we, I don't really have anything to say about it, just mentioning it. But before we do that, we ought to get into our Real Housewives of Salt Lake City recap new episode this past Wednesday night. So let's go ahead and jump into that. So you'll remember last week, the big set piece was Coach Shaw's surprise birthday party at the top golf place. And the whole thing was Whitney went to Gen Shaw and was like, hey, people have been talking behind your back. Yadda Yad yeah, it's not actually that important.
Starting point is 00:15:06 What the content was, and Gencha just blows up. She's wearing like this one piece leotard thing with her buns hanging out, and she's throwing and smashing glass and coach shot is just like, what is with this woman? And he sends her home and he stays to continue partying. So that's like the big cliffhanger for this week. So we open up this week and of course you got Whitney
Starting point is 00:15:35 and Heather, their cousins, and Whitney was like, talking to Heather's is like, I just like, whoa, that was crazy. You're still on my side, right? We need to deal with this. That was crazy. Gen Chaz got a problem. So they're kind of like, they're seeing eye to eye on this.
Starting point is 00:15:54 I think Heather's a little bit more like, yo, that wasn't like your best moment. And I don't think Whitney really realizes that yet. But anyways, they're just like, okay, we need to talk to Jen, we need to make a plan. And that's what's gonna happen at the end of the episode. So basically what's happening now in real housewives were nine or 10 episodes in, you have like factions forming where you have like Whitney and Jen
Starting point is 00:16:22 or Whitney and Heather, which makes sense, because they're cousins. But then you have like Meredith and Lisa, all the and Heather, which makes sense because they're cousins. But then you have like Meredith and Lisa all the center, kind of like often their own, like higher echelon of society type stuff, like fashion shows and not throwing your, and smashing your glass at your friends birthday parties. And then Jen shot is kind of a wild card. And then you have Mary Mary Cosby who I've said this for like five episodes in a row now
Starting point is 00:16:49 I don't really have anything to say because she makes an appearance for about two minutes She's at her house by yourself. She interacts with her cousins slash Made and it's just like nothing's really going on with Mary Cosby made and it's just like nothing's really going on with Mary Cosby. Anyway, so you have Meredith and Lisa, they're on like a double date, date with their husband, Seth and John, respectively. And they're just kind of like having dinner and nothing too interesting is going on.
Starting point is 00:17:17 The whole time, literally the whole episode, Mary is just like trying on clothes at her house. And I really wish I had something else to say about Mary Cosby, but she's just like there. She basically pops in once an episode with a phone call to say some shit that's gonna stir the pot with Jen eventually, he says, she says, they said, that's basically what she does every episode now.
Starting point is 00:17:44 And so now, let's see, what else is going on? Oh, we learned that Meredith is like, oh, I have big news for her double date with Lisa. And you're like, oh my gosh, what's the news gonna be? Something big, right? Like Brooks is going back to college. No, she just like, I'm back together with Seth. So that was like a three episode arc.
Starting point is 00:18:05 That was probably like a day in real time or something. So they're back together with Seth. So that was like a three episode arc. That was probably like a day in real time or something, so they're back together. Okay, so now to the really interesting part of the episode. So Jen gets taken, that's a rough way to start it. Meredith and Whitney, not Meredith, Whitney and Heather, the two cousins, the two blondes are like, okay, we need to talk to Jen. So they go like four hours away,
Starting point is 00:18:29 which four hours in any direction from Salt Lake City is the middle of nowhere. They're going to like this hot springs. There are these bath tubs, like up on a mountain side that are like built into the mountain side. And they're kind of like, it's not like glamorous. It's not like what you would think of when you think of like a real housewife show.
Starting point is 00:18:46 So it's kind of an interesting like change of scenery. And so Whitney and Heather get Jen to go up there. She's like walking up there with, I don't think it was high heels. I think it was just slippers, but it would be more fun to imagine high heels. And so they finally get her in the tub. And there's just like Whitney tries to brace the situation, come back to you know what happened at Coach Shuzberthay party and Jen is just immediately walls up, super defensive, not happy. She starts splashing water, she splashes water at the cameraman,
Starting point is 00:19:17 the producers, she's like Whitney I'm going to drown you, which I think is that's like a felony or something and she storms off the set, we cut to commercial break, which I think is that's like a felony or something. And she storms off the set. We cut to commercial break. We come back and they finally get Jen to get back in the tub. And it's just Heather is like the only one keeping this whole thing together. So finally, they get her back in the tub. And then the last thing, I mean, I guess there was some resolution from that conversation,
Starting point is 00:19:47 but it doesn't really feel like it. And the last thing is coach Shaw, who doesn't make a lot of appearances on the show, but this is his second episode in a row. We cut to him and Jen, they're at the Shaw, Shale, and they're having a super emotional argument. And Gen-Shaw is just like such a victim in all of this, always victim blaming whatever. And Co-Chaw is using his like super sexy talk you down kind of voice, saying exactly what she needs to hear. That's not a bad reflection on Co-Chaw. It's just like what he has to do or else she'll blow up.
Starting point is 00:20:27 And I don't know how Gen Shaw and coach Shaw are still married because they just seem like polar opposites. I was talking to Rachel about this. It's like I don't understand how it works. Is either like he's crazy or she is a completely different person off camera. I don't really know what it is.
Starting point is 00:20:50 Anyways, so next week, the big teaser, there's a girls trip to Las Vegas. I think all six of them are going, maybe not Mary Cosby, I don't know. That would be on brand to kind of leave her out. Oh, there was also like this other random ass dinner with like at this mountain resort with it wasn't very interesting. It was Lisa and Meredith. Again, they're like off doing their own thing. We didn't get any Brooks or like Lisa's kids at all.
Starting point is 00:21:20 This episode, it's just like this high society fine dining party and they're talking about like fashion and jewelry. I don't know. It's really frankly not particularly interesting. So anyways, so that's what happened on Real Housewives. It was a solid episode. The hot tub stuff was pretty wild. Tough to follow up Coach Shaws party, but yeah, we'll see what happens in Vegas this next week. So, that is what is going on there. Let's hear from our sponsors and then just check in. I paused this right before I started the Real Housewives recap to actually, I noticed the light was recap to actually I noticed the light was my windows and my living room faced south so we get a lot of sunlight in the winter because the sun is very low in the sky off to the south and it shines right into my living room from about 11 a.m.
Starting point is 00:22:16 to it'll be out of here in about 15 minutes it's 2 p.m. on a Friday afternoon right now but it was catching my TV stand, which is not actually a TV stand. It's like homemade shelving unit But that's the dust on that thing. I was like, oh man, we got to take care of this And then I felt like the Brian Cranston Malcolm the middle where he starts doing one thing and leads to another thing I ended up after all of that my laundry is now in the basement Being washed so that's that's what happened I ended up after all of that, my laundry is now in the basement being washed. So that's what happened.
Starting point is 00:22:47 We paused for like 20 minutes to take care of that stuff. But anyways, we'll read our advertisements here and then I'll mention a couple of things including what I've been cooking this week because it wasn't my normal like big batch Monday. Now I was doing a couple of different things and maybe if you're looking for like a fun little cook at home treat yourself kind of meal, because I literally did that like three times this week, maybe you'll find inspiration from today's podcast episode, but I won't keep you very long.
Starting point is 00:23:17 Once we get through these ads, I just got a couple of things to mention, and then we'll let you go. Oh, I am on my wrong Google Docs here. I was about to read you Lucie's essay to get into Northwestern, which is not the same thing as being town ads. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 00:23:35 Home pride organ, oh, here we go. Family owned business, you gotta love these guys. Are you tired of selling your house for less than a quarter of what it's worth all because you can't find a allow a home inspector in time. While Oregon listeners, I have good news for you. Home Pride inspection services in Bend, Oregon is Central, Oregon's hottest new home inspection provider.
Starting point is 00:23:53 With inspection services including things like heating and cooling, roofing, plumbing and so much more, home Pride Oregon is both contractors certified and home inspection certified so you know you're getting the good stuff. If you're tired of big real estate, rangle hold on the home inspection certified, so you know you're getting the good stuff. If you're tired of big real estate, a wrangle hold on the home inspection market and you want a safe certified home inspector that you can trust you gotta call Steve, write this down, 541-410-031-6,
Starting point is 00:24:14 or you can visit Again, that's 541-410-031-6, or you can visit Homeprideorgan inspection, perfection. Speaking of emails, we got an email this morning To Beentom Podcast at First one of the year, very exciting And it was spam
Starting point is 00:24:36 And nothing quite as interesting or Or lucrative, potentially lucrative As a Mr. Rock, Chris If you don't know this story, it was back in year two, I think we were still in Baltimore when this happened, of the podcast. We got an email from an African business leader, Mr. Rock Chris, who wanted to go in on some sort of diamond mine or something in West Africa. And I was like, yeah, obviously let's do that. But I kind of did a little goose for the gander action. I flipped the tables on him.
Starting point is 00:25:10 And I tried to get him to go in with me on a, I think like a coal mine in Western Pennsylvania. Anyways, contract talks fell out. My point here is, even though we got a spam email, to be on podcast, yeah, and good speedtab beginning, it's still nice. Okay, nice to hear from your fans. I'm counting that as a, I'm putting that in our, in our listener total, okay, which I don't know, I have to go, go to our soundcloud statistics, see how many we have.
Starting point is 00:25:42 Bean Town, we're, I wouldn't say we're making like a comeback, but for a while there things were looking pretty bleak, and we've kind of rated the ship, if you will. Shout out to the Samsung Q2U series, Samsung has got crisp, clean, and clear audio, and yeah, we're in year four of the Being Town podcast and still going strong. From Genesis, Texas, Ludvidicus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Joseph Ruth, first and second Samuel
Starting point is 00:26:10 and all the old's other ones, mainly the pentatook. When God speaks, He uses a Samson. I want to briefly remind listeners that in the month of January we have a special bean-tongued podcast promotion with the Everlasting Bath Pillow. It is a paid promotion, a paid sponsorship that I'm doing with these guys. You can use code checkout for 20% off your first bath pillow order. Just Google search Everlasting Comfort Bath Pill pillow, take that first hit, use my code and Talon Quinsencia. And it's going to change your baths forever. Revolutionize the
Starting point is 00:26:55 personal cleaning experience you're never going to want to take a shower again. This is what comforts all about. Okay, I can add my money now. Cuts by Q. Bob and weave, we all know the hairstyle and we all love it. But how many Chicago-based independent barbers can actually give it to you the way you deserve? Enter Cuts by Q. It's like enter Sandman only different. Cuts by Q has been independently owned and operated since 1995
Starting point is 00:27:19 and is probably one of the better barbershop operations serving Chicago, Cook County, and the greater Chicago land area. From beehives to banks, fo-hocs, to flat tops, and everything in between, you have to call cuts by Q815-298-7200 or you can email again, that's, hup! It's QTZ by Q., okay, sing it with us.
Starting point is 00:27:43 Oh, and you need a fresh do something snappy and new. Just call the experts at cuts by Q cuts by Q. All right, I wanted to I teased this earlier. I just wanted to mention last night, good friend of the podcast, been on at least two or three times, I think. Including, I think, I'll just go back and check the metrics on this. I think he was the guest on our most downloaded ever episode of the Bean Tum podcast,
Starting point is 00:28:20 which I believe is our NBA draft 2019 preview, oddly enough. In three plus years of doing this, 160 sum episodes, that's the one that you guys like the most. It's like 2000 hits or something. I don't know. I can't explain it. John Paul Pandowski, fellow podcast host, John Paul Pandowski. He is the co-host of the actually nothing podcast, which you can listen to anywhere podcasts are
Starting point is 00:28:52 sold or downloaded. He came over last night after work and we shared some whiskey. He brought me what's it called? Jay Henry. I was going to say, oh, Henry, but that's a candy bar, I think. Jay Henry whiskey from Dane, Wisconsin is very delicious. We had it with some nice ice cubes. On the rocks, I think is what fancy people call it. And I made us supper, as I usually do when he comes over. Sometimes it's a nice to have a home cooked meal. Last night was really simple, not as exciting as what I made the the first couple nights of the week, but I made just a spaghetti with meat sauce, some ground beef. We had a vegetable medley of red peppers, mushrooms, and zucchini. We had some bolillos, the greatest bolillos of all time from Devon Market, also known
Starting point is 00:29:46 as Rolls the Size of Your Head, and we had that with our whiskey and some sparkling water from Hashtag Girlfriend of the Podcast, Rachel Ramos. Thank you so much for the soda stream for Christmas. I fucking love that thing. Apologies for language. It's just how I had to express myself. Because it's just how I had to express myself. Because it's awesome. I just do a little bit of, I fizz up that water and I pour it over an ice cube and stir
Starting point is 00:30:11 in some lemon juice. That's as good to me as any beverage I could ever want. Okay? And if I ever want to alcoholize it, AL, C, O, H, O, L, Al-Kahal, I, I, Z, E, Al-Kahalai is it. He's pouring some vodka or gin or something. I bet it would be delicious. So that's what we had last night. And it was just nice, you know, to have John Paul over.
Starting point is 00:30:41 And he whipped out some of his piano skills because John Paul has a master's in Music in piano performance from the DePaul University School music and he is a certified badass this guy I'm tall. I tell you what he's like. Yeah, I haven't I haven't like actually played the piano really in You know two years or whatever and then I'm just like oh, yeah that the piano really in, you know, two years or whatever. And then I'm just like, oh yeah, that, we're talking about Beethoven Sonata's and he just starts whipping off all these different ones for memory.
Starting point is 00:31:10 That guy, certified, genius, I tell you what. And I won't publicly share this because I wasn't giving permission to, although it's super good news. He's got some very exciting educational prospects down the line coming up for him, which I'm super excited about because he's been working his tail off.
Starting point is 00:31:34 So it was really good to see John Paul. Earlier this week, I decided what happened was I did not go grocery shopping this past weekend because on Sunday I was hanging out with Rachel the whole time and I was not at my apartment. But let's see, hang on one second here. Give me a sec, technical difficulties. We're back.
Starting point is 00:31:59 I decided that I wasn't going to do a big batch meal on Mondays, which has been my M.O. like forever, at least ever since I started losing weight this year last year. So I was like, let's, you know what, I've been running a lot. I still run, you know, 35 to 40 miles a week. I'm like one meal a day for the most part, weekends not as much, but weekdays for sure. I was like, you know what, I am going to treat myself and I'm gonna have some, I'm gonna do some fun, experimental cooking, I've got two different,
Starting point is 00:32:35 just fun little things that I'll share with you, they were super easy to make and also kind of fun and tasted delicious, okay? So Monday, actually two nights, Monday and Tuesday, that's how bad it was. I made poutine, which I had made once before, but I decided to get fun and flirty with it. So my base was half, crinkle-cut fries,
Starting point is 00:33:00 half tater tots, because sometimes you go, I mean, classic poutine is just regular french fries, but then sometimes you go places like tater-top poutine, but you never get the best of both worlds, okay? So that's what we did there. And then, so we made just, this was not as exciting and very high in sodium, but that's okay, just gravy from like a McCormick packet.
Starting point is 00:33:22 Just brown gravy, although you could get really, you know, funky with that. And then you're gonna wanna make bacon on the stovetop. I try to use turkey bacon. I actually couldn't find any this week, so we did like legit hard-court pork bacon. And then I decided, you know, I wanna health-alize it. So, and these things, I was afraid that they were just gonna like not work at all, but they ended up working.
Starting point is 00:33:45 I cut up some mushrooms and some yellow bell pepper, and you want to saute them a little bit, but you want to leave them slightly underdone, because by the time you get everything going on that giant heap of a plate, you know, the steam, it's gonna cook through some stuff. And you don't, if you go too much, it'll just be soggy and it won't make sense. But it adds kind of a nice crunch to go with a bacon, having that crunch
Starting point is 00:34:10 along with those crispy fries, and then your gravy, which kind of soaks everything through softens it up a little bit. And then of course, you have to have your, I use fresh mozzarella, I just pull it apart. I was a little, I wasn't quite sure how it was gonna work out. I'll say this, like you layer it,
Starting point is 00:34:30 so you know, you'll do some fries, then some cheese, some gravy, some bacon, some of the veggies, et cetera. The cheese underneath kind of all the layers, that worked really well, because it was warmed up. The cheese on top never really melted or like blended in with the rest of the dish. So if I was on chop, that would have been chopped
Starting point is 00:34:50 after that round for sure. But so delicious, because everybody you're getting like French fries, gravy, bacon, mushrooms, pepper, mozzarella cheese, man, it's just, and you make this giant ass heaping plate for yourself, absolutely delicious. And then Wednesday, I needed something else, and I knew I wanted to make some of those one night only,
Starting point is 00:35:19 because I needed to cook fresh for John Paul last night. So I was like, you know what? And I actually, I didn't even think of this until I was at the grocery store. I did the carnal sin of just like wandering aimlessly until an idea strikes me while I was at the store, but I noticed in the dairy aisle that there were some very good sales going on.
Starting point is 00:35:41 Bagels, 99 cents. Cheese, 199, like cheese slices. I already had eggs at home and I was like, you know what? Let me grab some turkey sausage. Baby, we got some breakfast sandwiches going. Man, those were good. And so I get some corn too, because corn is like when you want to have veggies, but you're not actually trying to be healthy. And so I made corn on the stovetop, which I just do a bag of frozen corn and butter, and then salt and pepper to season. It's delicious.
Starting point is 00:36:13 It's like, it's unbeatable. And then my breakfast sandwich just have your bagel. You can do any flavor you want. I ended up doing, it's not like a legit flavor, but French toast flavor of bagels, which is just like regular bagels, but kind of a little bit of sweetness going on. But you could probably do this if you want to go more
Starting point is 00:36:35 savory like in everything bagel or an onion bagel. I kind of like the sweetness that counteracts kind of like the savory of the sausage and the eggs and the cheese. Anyways, really basic pop that baby in the toaster. And then once it gets out lay it flat on either side. One slice of cheese on each. So I used a goota just because it was fun.
Starting point is 00:36:59 And then on one or, or no, what you do is you take the one that has, they both have cheese on it, but just take one of the halves, lay down a little bit of scrambled eggs, and then I take my little sausage links, I cut two and a half, so I can have four halves, I lay those down, you take the other bun, the other half the bagel with the other slice of cheese,
Starting point is 00:37:22 and you smash it down on there. Holy mama, you could probably, I didn't do any like sauce or anything, you could probably do some sort of like tasty scrumptious sauce of some kind. That was just overkill for me, but man, those breakfast sandwiches with the corn, which breakfast sandwiches and corn, no, they don't go together, but it's like still super good get that with a little fizzy water mmm played some trivia on Wednesday night got my ass kicked it was awesome so hey you know what if you're tired if you're feeling like you are in a cooking rut maybe try some poutine maybe try some breakfast sandwiches. Tonight we're making, it's titled Easy Goulash Recipe. And it's going to be good.
Starting point is 00:38:13 It's just like, basically what I made last night, just like beef, red sauce, the pasta, is albomecaroni, get some cheese going on top, diced tomatoes, onion, et cetera. I think we'll make that with some kind of veggie on the side. I don't know, TBD and then some rolls. Maybe we'll see what the bakery has and some wine and maybe some cheesecake or something for dessert.
Starting point is 00:38:41 TBD, we'll see. But hey, if you have any fun, cool recipe ideas that you've tried recently that you would really like to share, email us. Bean Town Podcasts, again, that's Bean Town, B-E-A-N-T and And I'm not even not joking. Like, yeah, send them my way, because I'm always
Starting point is 00:38:57 looking for fun new recipes. And oftentimes, I just do the big batch on Monday. But like Friday nights, I usually cook for the two of us here at the APT. And I'm always looking for something fun and new to try. So I promise I wouldn't keep you that long, and I'm going to uphold my promise. What I'm actually going to do, and I'll try to keep recording as this goes.
Starting point is 00:39:18 Hopefully it doesn't crash. I figure, you know what? We almost never get to do live music here in the Bean Tum podcast. So since we have the setup, since I already have the mic stand there, maybe we can just play our outro music live on the air. And I have not played this song, The Tishmingo Blues in months. So it could go horribly, just from memory.
Starting point is 00:39:47 We'll see how it goes. That's what I wanted to share with you, everyone, though. Thanks for listening. Thanks for tuning in. I really appreciate it. This is Year 4 of Quindade Furnace Presents of Bintown Podcast. And you can find me on Twitter.
Starting point is 00:40:02 My personal handle is at White buns with a Z and the shows is bean town cast. You can like us on Facebook, subscribe on YouTube if you're not. If you're listening to the show right now and you are not subscribed on whatever you're listening through Apple Podcasts, iTunes, Stitcher, whatever, SoundCloud. Go ahead and hit subscribe. That'll support the show. And we've got our Plug Drive fundraiser coming up
Starting point is 00:40:29 in a couple of weeks here, which I'm looking forward to. Otherwise, that's what I got for you. So I'm going to play us out. I'll crank that piano way up. Hopefully you can hear it pretty good. And that's what I got. So everyone, take care. Stay safe.
Starting point is 00:40:41 Stay sane. Tell someone you love them. And not your ex, but anyone else, and we'll check in on you next time. 2.0% I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃə Peace, yo. Peace, yo.

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