Beantown Podcast - Cheeseburger Soup and the Jason Kipnis Shoe Toss (10132019 Beantown)

Episode Date: October 13, 2019

Quinn comes to you LIVE to discuss visiting Cleveland, West Virginia, and Manhattan, while also touching upon a treadmill that sounds like a harmonica, Joker and El Camino, and the madness that is JFK... at 7am on a Sunday #FriendofthePodcast #Beantown #Quinn

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David furnace. Welcome to my show Quinn David furnace presents the bean Tom podcast for Sunday October 13th, 2019. What's going on? How are you? It's your classics Sunday the 13th We are back in Chicago We have not spent much time here lately been on the road, been traveling hardcore, and we got some good tales for you. I love a good tale. People talk about stories, myths, legends, but I love telling a tale. It kind of toes the line somewhere in the middle of the air.
Starting point is 00:00:41 And speaking of lines and tone the line that reminds me of childhood. One of my favorite memories growing up and it involves a dear friend of the podcast, Matthew Fiedler, and my co-host on the white noise podcast. So there's a Toto song called Hold the Line. Hold the Line. Love isn't always on time. Love isn't always on time. And I think I was probably, I don't know, 12, 13.
Starting point is 00:01:22 In that range and Matthew would have been, you know, year or two older than me. And I think I had mentioned the song to him at school one day and I don't. I think the way it happened was he wasn't aware of the song that I was referencing or he just didn't know the song. I'm not sure what it was. Anyways, I felt that it was important for him to experience what I had experienced with this total because, you know, this magic for everyone. So I remember going home and this was probably, we probably had high speed internet by this
Starting point is 00:02:04 point. This was post dial updates, but I sent him a YouTube video of the song, and it was one of those homemade videos, so it's not like the official Toto channel or anything. This would have been in the, you know, earlier stages of YouTube, so it wasn't as big of a thing for bands artists to have official pages. So a lot of the videos were just homemade. People had taken audio files and used a movie maker on their computers to add whatever. A lot of videos are lyric videos and those are still common on YouTube. This one was maybe had lyrics, I don't recall, and Matthew can chime in and clear up
Starting point is 00:02:50 in inconsistencies in the story if he wants to, because I tend to, I don't have a great memory, either long term or short term, short term, sound like Trump. You hear Trump at some of these rallies lately? What was the one in Minnesota? Okay, so he did that on like Thursday or Friday or something. I have to go back and watch the tape. I have a Twitter thread saved in my notes that just had like probably, I don't know, 45 minutes worth of the speech speech and I got to go back and watch it because I saw they were referencing it on
Starting point is 00:03:27 SNL he was doing some impression of like an FBI guy or something. It was really strange though I didn't really understand it so I I want to go back and watch the tape and try to See what was going on there because it's just really bizarre But I send Matthew, I email a link to him because in the old days before, you know, cell phones were a big thing. E-mailing was the easiest way to share links on the internet. And I remember just clicking on the, you know, video at the top, whatever, and then thinking anything of it, God the video at the top, whatever, and didn't think anything of it,
Starting point is 00:04:05 God being paste of the URL, sent it to him. That was that. Here's the fun part. Apparently, I think at that time, maybe that was before people had individual emails, and this was just like a family email. So, feedler at or something like that. It's not what it was, but it was close.
Starting point is 00:04:25 And I went to the whole family and I think I recall this is according to math, you know, I wasn't there, but my second hand knowledge of it is that the whole family watched this video of the total song, hold the line together, but the video, which I, again, I hadn't pre-screened, was, and okay, it wasn't porn, it wasn't anything like that, it was just romantic pictures. But this was a,
Starting point is 00:04:53 this was an earlier time, I think everyone was a little bit more conservative back then, younger, younger people in general. It was was just and then they got over blown a little bit and it's You know you look back at it now as adults and you'd think nothing of watching that video, but back then it was you know That was pretty racy up there in Sherland, Illinois. So that's you got to watch out Because I don't always pre-screen my total videos You gotta watch out. Cause I don't always pre-screen my total videos. So if you ever get a total YouTube link for me, it's not malware, but it might turn you on a little bit.
Starting point is 00:05:33 So just keep an eye out for that. I'm lying on my couch here, and we're gonna get to some of my travels in a second here. I promise, and I'll also say this tentatively is going to be a super long podcast. There are just a million different things that I want to hit on. In fact, let me give you the table of contents and I'll tell them to you in the order that I'm playing and talking to them because then you can just go through and you know kind of skip around, see what you like, see what you don't like because I bet you know already six minutes in. I'll try to be concise but I could see this podcast going long because it's had a heck of a week. Let's see. So table
Starting point is 00:06:10 contents here. So I started off in Ohio. We're going to be talking about Ohio a little bit mostly the Jason Kipness shoe toss which was interesting of doing a Cleveland video project. We're also going to sprinkle in a little bit of Apple at you there because I spent a couple hours in Parker'sburg, West Virginia, and had some cheeseburger soup. You're going to want to hear about that. We're going to talk about Manhattan where I was for the last 48 hours or so. That's just the traveling portion. Oh wait, no. Manhattan, we're also talking about the the gym at the Grand Hyatt because there was some funky stuff going on there and some fascinating
Starting point is 00:06:50 people. We're gonna give a quick Joker review I'm gonna pull up I wrote one that I published on Facebook got like two likes pretty much exploded so I'm gonna give you some quick hitting thoughts without spoiling it so maybe if you're on the fence you know you can listen to what I have to say. And if you take what I have to say seriously, then maybe it's helpful for you. We're going to rank the Great Lakes. You know, I spent some time in Cleveland. I was in Detroit two weeks ago.
Starting point is 00:07:19 Been all over. By the time this trial season is over, I I have been to every single Great Lakes state, except for Pennsylvania. I'm not hitting this. Oh, wait, no, I did. I was in Pennsylvania for a conference. So let's see here, quick side bar we got, and these are just states that border a Great Lake.
Starting point is 00:07:41 Like no one considers New York to be in the Great Lakes region, But we got New York, was just there. Pennsylvania was there about a month or two ago. You have Ohio was there this past weekend. Indiana was there the week before Michigan. I was there two weeks ago, Illinois, Avi, and you got Wisconsin in Minnesota. And I was in Wisconsin about a month ago and I will be in Minnesota this upcoming Saturday. So I'm hitting them all. I don't know how many states I'm hitting this travel season.
Starting point is 00:08:15 I think it's around 20 or so. I have to do the math and see. But yeah, it's exciting. It's travel season. What else are we talking about the podcast today? So again, we're going to be debating very quickly, which Great Lake is best. And I tried to get a guest on for that.
Starting point is 00:08:34 We came up empty. Maybe we'll do a random phone call? I don't know. We'll see. That's risky, you know, because usually you can get somebody who plays along and they're fine. And you don't have to worry about signing a waiver or anything, but you know, it's a Sunday. I don't want to catch anybody off guard.
Starting point is 00:08:50 I don't want to catch any sore football fans like myself. Boy, the fantasy football just, man, I'm just getting the crap beat out of me. My team is doing great, but unfortunately, I'm playing against teams that are just having ridiculous games. So that's always fun. We're going to be talking about a little bit JFK experience, nothing that wild. In fact, I went to LaGuardia flying in and JFK flying out. We'll mention both of those. And then I'm gonna give a quick, not a review because I haven't really had any time to process it, but I did watch El Camino this morning actually, and I have just some quick hitting thoughts. So that's what we're gonna be talking about this podcast.
Starting point is 00:09:39 Yeah, it's a lot. This isn't your mom's 22-minute year one podcast anymore We we have a lot to get through here. So buckle up I one quick note before we jump in I'm looking at so I'm reclined on my couch my Craigslist free couch And I'm looking at a picture that I have framed that was given to me by my parents. It's me running my first ever marathon. And it's, there was a Chicago marathon, always good to start with a home game.
Starting point is 00:10:12 Big advantage. Also a nice course, nice easy, flat, get a lot of good crowd support, minus a couple of key areas. But today was a Chicago marathon I had. Not as many friends this year running it as I usually do. I think I only knew of like maybe three people in my friend group that we're running. One of my good friends who's an excellent runner and has run more marathons than just about anybody I know
Starting point is 00:10:44 was unable to run. She usually runs the Chicago one every year for charity, but who's an excellent runner and has run more marathon than just about anybody I know. I was unable to run. She usually runs the Chicago one every year for charity, but she was hurt this year, unfortunately, so she was unable to run. So without her, I was down. I didn't have very many people. I was unable to spend any time at the marathon because I left JFK at about, oh, the flight was supposed to leave at seven or so and it didn't leave till like 8, 15, 8, 30 I think. So by the time I got back to Chicago, even gaining the hour, I didn't land until 9 to 30
Starting point is 00:11:17 and by that time the marathon is half over. And the thing is like you're at all here. So I don't even know where I would have gone. I guess if I wanted to see the marathon, I would have just taken the blue line into the loop and then just walked around hung out at the finish line, but with my backpack and my travel bag, it was just not a good situation.
Starting point is 00:11:41 And I had a crazy amount of stuff to do today. I've been home for, what are we looking at, about six hours here so far. And I mean the last two hours I've been super lazy but right off the bat I did laundry. I got groceries, I meal prepped. I hung up my laundry, air drying baby. I, this took a long time. I gave myself a haircut. I hadn't had one in probably two months or so. It was good to get one shaved a lot all over the place.
Starting point is 00:12:14 Back of my neck, front of my neck, downtown, uptown, little pit-shaven clipping, nip, nip clipping. So yeah, I did, did a lot of stuff and then cleaned a little bit, although I really need to do more. Anyways, this week is very busy. I'm doing a focus group on politics, $200 on Wednesday night from 79 and I got to work Thursday night and I got a meal prep again tomorrow night and I'm trying to get this Cleveland video project done
Starting point is 00:12:53 which I'll tell you about in one second here because we're going to get there real quick. I should let you know that listener discretion is advised when you're checking out the bean-town podcast number one. We'll occasionally use some questionable language. Number two, the podcast is objectively terrible. Although I'm hoping I can make your day a little bit better with this week's installment of the bean-town podcast, because we're one of the better podcasts on the North Side of Chicago. And we don't take that for granted.
Starting point is 00:13:20 We don't take your support for granted either. As a reminder, you can always email us, you can tweet at us, beantowncast, again, that's beantownpodcast,, or beantowncastatbaanturncast, and you know how to spell that. Although it's not like the cast system in India,
Starting point is 00:13:42 because that's got an e at the enemy, because those damn breathsits are always adding ease to everything. All right, that doesn't even make sense. Cast, there's no room for E there. It doesn't make any sense. Damn, Englishman. Okay, so started off in Cleveland,
Starting point is 00:14:00 a drove from Chicago to Columbus on Monday morning, which was just kind of a pain in the butt, right? It's about six hours. You lose an hour, there was a bad traffic accident on I-70 in the East, just East Indianapolis, and then stop for lunch, for, you know, between lunch and I stop for gas, and then probably another one for coffee.
Starting point is 00:14:25 That's, you know, 45 minutes right there. So the whole deal was about close to eight hours on the clock. So, you know, if you start it and I start about 9.30, you know, you don't get there till 5.30 and you feel like, all right, time for my day to start, but that was your day. So that's always a little depressing. Workton, Columbus, and Dane, I'd never been to OSU before.
Starting point is 00:14:46 It's just huge. You know, big 10 campuses tend to be pretty big in general, just very spread out because they tend to be the only things happening in their towns. We talked about this earlier, not true for something like OSU or Minnesota, but for a lot of the big 10 schools, that's what's in the town, is the school, and not much else. OSU is not that way. Columbus is a big place. It's one of the largest cities in the country, almost a million people, almost a million people, but OSU is just giant. So many acres of land, everything spread way out,
Starting point is 00:15:29 so people are taking cars, they're busing, taking bikes, people can't walk around all that much because things are just super far away. Not a buck-eye fan myself, but it was good to get that experience across another big 10 campus off the list. I'm trying to think now, and I know we spent time talking about the big 10 last week or the week before, and I don't remember. So I'm not going to do a run down of everything, but I'm just trying to think of the campuses I haven't been to. Penn
Starting point is 00:16:00 State, I've never been up to State College College even though I lived out there for a while. I've never been to East Lansing, Michigan State. I've never been to Nebraska's campus. I've been through Lincoln before, but I've never been at Nebraska's campus. Otherwise, I think that's it. Rutgers, you know, yeah, Purdue, yeah. I'll keep thinking. I know you guys are just on the edge of your seats right now. I'll keep thinking.
Starting point is 00:16:36 I'm drinking some very sweet red wine and I wasn't really paying attention when I bought it at the grocery store this morning. It was cheap, you know how I operate. And it literally, I mean, if you, if you just, we were having breakfast Saturday morning, maybe some fruit and toast or something and you brought out a jug of grape juice, but it was actually this wine and you poured me a glass, I legit don't think I would think twice. Here, I'll take a sip, I legit don't think I would think twice. Here, I'll take a sip, I'll explore the flavor profiles with you. It really just tastes like grape juice.
Starting point is 00:17:17 That's like 0.1% alcohol. It's pretty weak. Weak sauce, you could have this at Communion, or your Sunday morning church. And, you know, you give it to your kids. Give it to your kids. You heard it here first. I had to drive from Dayton, which was an OK place.
Starting point is 00:17:41 I didn't really, it's kind of a cute little downtown area, otherwise, you know, on these trips, it's hard to actually get a feel for a place. It's also hard just in general to get a feel for a place if you're doing things by yourself. You can really get a better, I think, understanding of places when you have someone there who knows the city intimately. Like, if I just went to Chicago and I'd never
Starting point is 00:18:05 been to Chicago before, I would probably one feel really overall, but to just be like, I don't really get it. Why do people think it's amazing other than, you know, being by the lake. But, you know, so kind of the same thing with date, and although I'm not comparing date into Chicago, Wednesday I drove from Dayton to Parker's Burgwest, Virginia, which is a town of about 20, 30,000 people, maybe, on the Ohio River, so far west, western Virginia. And I had a lunch there. I didn't really know what I was doing when I got there. Just wanted to explore. I'd never been to that part of West Virginia before. I've been in Morgantown, I've been to Harpers Ferry, Eastern parts in the Appalachian Mountains,
Starting point is 00:19:01 like the actual mountains. But I've never been to Charleston, I've never been a parkish bird. So there wasn't much there. It's pretty much what you expect from, you know, an old industrial Ohio River, Aratown. But I went to a deli there and you won't believe what their soup of the day was. Cheeseburger soup. Oh, man, basically ground beef and like macaroni noodles, which you know, oftentimes you get like cheeseburger casserole or cheeseburger soup and they're always going for the macaroni noodles in there. I don't know at what point in dining history we as a society started to decide that if we were going to break down cheeseburgers into other types of food
Starting point is 00:19:47 We were going to convert the buns into macaroni noodles. I don't know when that happened how it happened or why it happened But they're both carbs, so I guess that's good enough and they're just you know the macaroni noodles are fun and usually only people under the age of 12 will order cheeseburger soup, but you know when it's the soup of the day you want to go in there and you want to eat what the locals eat. So it was and then it had some like taco shredded cheese. I love, I was very randomly I met this girl on an online dating app.
Starting point is 00:20:27 I do this on the road not looking to date, just like looking to. Usually it's just talking to people and all this never meet up with people, but I'm just interested in learning about their experience. And occasionally I meet up with somebody we get a drink. I make it very clear that I'm just here for work. And I usually just talk for like an hour or two and you make a new friend and you move on, do the next day.
Starting point is 00:20:49 But I was with one person in Bloomington and we were actually, she was grocery shopping. So I was just walking with her and we were talking. But she was buying some shredded cheese and you get some flavors that don't really seem like they're too real so there's taco flavor and there's quesadilla cheese which I don't know man and the only reason I bring it up is because she actually bought the quesadilla cheese and it's just like What kind of cheese is it actually? That's really what I wanted to know. I don't doubt that
Starting point is 00:21:26 it's good. I don't doubt that it's delicious. I actually went back to our apartment and we made KCDs and then talked for like another hour and then I went back to my hotel room and went to bed. It was good. KCD cheese, maybe it's nature's best kept secret. How did I get here? Oh, the cheeseburger soup, it was not good. The macaroni was just way too prominent. It was kind of the thickness of the soup was just off. It was a little bit too thin, a little runny. So it was pretty much just like chunks of ground beef and then a flavorless broth and then
Starting point is 00:22:06 the macaroni noodles which were a little undercooked and then just cheese on top. So it was just, you know, if it would have had a little bit more like wisely or if it had been seasoned smarter, I think we could have pulled it off. It needed something else like a some sort of edgy, and I don't, you know, it's cheeseburger casserole. I don't know what you do. Tomato chunks at least would have been good. You can't really do anything with greens and a cheeseburger soup, but I needed that.
Starting point is 00:22:39 But, you know, win and roll. So you go to West Virginia, you go to Parker's Burger, look out for the soup of the day. It just might be Cheeseburger soup. After that we drove up to Cleveland, oh My God, the worst city on earth. God for sake and part of the country. It's a long-standing running joke in the Furniture family that Cleveland is not our kind of place and
Starting point is 00:23:08 You know, I sometimes I will crap on it without really having a ton of first-hand knowledge Well now I've accumulated all the first-handology need I was there for about a little under 48 hours and I feel like I got a good grasp on what Cleveland has to offer and it's not that good. So Cleveland to me feels like a pretty typical Great Lakes town. Downtown is pretty well built out. It feels a little bit like Baltimore walking around in that you can kind of just go from a place that feels fine to a place where you're like, oh, how did I get here that I don't feel very safe like that very quickly in the blink of an eye.
Starting point is 00:23:55 Unlike Chicago where the neighborhoods are just huge and it takes you a long time to get anywhere. Very walkable downtown area. The first thing I noticed, so I got there and it was like 5 PM at night. I went and saw Joker, which I'll talk about in one second here, just because it was an opportunity to do it. I didn't know when I was gonna have another night where I was just like, yes, I have time.
Starting point is 00:24:18 I wanna do this. But I got out, like 915, the movie is on like the western edge of downtown. My hotel is on like the southeastern edge. So I got to walk through a lot of downtown to get back to my hotel. And there's just nothing. This is a Wednesday night. Nothing going on.
Starting point is 00:24:38 There are plenty of bars and restaurants. And they're all just either completely closed at like 915 or there, you know, there's nobody in there. And you can't really see a bartender, you're not sure if it's on, but the TVs are on, or you're not sure if it's open. But that was literally like, I'm not exaggerating when I say 9 out of 10 places. I walk past and downtown Cleveland. I know it's a Wednesday night and I know it's 915. It's not you know 530 after work, but still it's just like wow, that's really strange to experience. It's definitely a ghost town. Thursday night, so I had to work Thursday. Thursday night was a little bit better, but I think we went to like the one place downtown
Starting point is 00:25:25 outside of the casino where people actually go to as a Mexican restaurant. I went with a friend who lives in New York City. We had some margaritas, which was a good time, and that place had a decent amount of people in it. But even walking there for my hotel, and again, I had to go pretty much to the downtown to get to this place, because It was close to the movie theater. Like for example, a walk pass a Buffalo Wild Wings and this is a Thursday night. So there's a football game on Patriots and Giants. There was also, I think that was the night,
Starting point is 00:25:56 the raise and the Astros were playing game five. Correct me if I'm wrong though. But I walk past beat-ups at like 6, 15, 6, 30. I think there were four people in there in this huge place. There are four people just hanging out. It's like, man, it just seems off. The city's done some things to try to, you know, boost itself a little bit and it has some interesting architecture,
Starting point is 00:26:25 but it's such a strange, just dark, depressing place. They got the Browns, which they're crap. Rockin' Roll Museum, or Rockin' Roll Hall of Fame, is interesting, but it's pretty just kind of flashy on the water. It's there by itself. Well, it's next to the football stadium. They kind of have a complex goal in there. But I stayed right next to progressive fields where the Indians play.
Starting point is 00:26:57 And interestingly enough, so Thursday, I don't have to work till I think, I don't know, it's like two or three in the afternoon. So I spend the morning walking around, I go out to Lake Erie and coming up here, we're going to read some ads and then we're going to debate which great lake is best, all that after we touch on the rest of Cleveland and the Joker. But I'm walking past for SFUELD going north towards the lake in the morning at like I don't know 9am or something, it was going to go get some breakfast. And there are like five or six people in like the chairs, like the chairs that fold, not folding chairs, but the chairs
Starting point is 00:27:38 that you would take to like a lawn event to sit there. What are they called? Pagnic chairs? No. Lawn chairs? I think that's close. Lawn chairs are still not exactly what I'm getting at, but they're like the foldable collapsible ones that you can insert into a bag. There were about five or six people just sit in there,
Starting point is 00:28:02 right outside of the gate, in like right center fields, progressive stadium, progressive field, where I was walking past and just looked at and was like, that's weird. Like it's the off season. What's the deal? Anyways, so I go, you know, I dottle, a little bit, dottled DAWDLE, I think. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:28:24 And I'm walking back to my hotel. It's like 1-130 something like that. So I take the exact same route back. And I get to progress the fuel. Now there's a hoard of people. They're probably where about 100, 200 people lined up outside of the gate. Lots of little kids. I don't know. I didn't think about this when it happened. They weren't in school, which didn't make sense. Because when I say little know, I didn't think about this when it happened. They weren't in school, which didn't make sense. Because when I say little kids, I'm not talking about like two year olds, I'm talking like a lot of kids aged probably five to 12. And I didn't even, I haven't even thought about this until now.
Starting point is 00:28:59 Why weren't they in school? I don't know. So I'm just, you know, I didn't, I still had a little bit of time. So I was just like, okay, this is weird. Like, is there some sort of ticket line up? Is like, what's the event? So I do some googling real quick. Jason Kipness, who's played for the Indians for the last probably five years or so. And I think is done with them because they didn't pick up his contract offer or his extra year. So he's going to be a free agent. He does a shoot toss in the off season every year where he like gives away his shoes, signs autographs. It's just his thing. I've never heard of such a thing, but it's interesting. It's neat.
Starting point is 00:29:42 but it's interesting, it's neat. And so I look at, you know, I'm reading the article and I'm like, Jason Kipness will do his annual shoot toss at I think it was 1 PM. And I looked at my watch and it's like 12.55 and I'm like, oh, hey, you know, I don't really know anything about Jason Kipness. I mean, he played against the Cubs in the World Series
Starting point is 00:29:58 in 2016, but otherwise, I don't know anything about him. So I'm just like, yeah, I got a little bit of time, so I hang out and low and behold that 1 p.m. Jason Kipness rolls out on a golf cart with some, you know, this team people, some media people. And he's, you know, got all these big bags of equipment and shoes and stuff. And he just starts chucking shoes
Starting point is 00:30:21 over the gates into the crowd. Like you're at a wedding and you're flinging the bouquet. And shoes are raining from the sky. And they're going to little kids and stuff. And you get the one like 40-year-old overweight white guy, which is me in five years, who jumps up and knocks down a little kid for the shoe and people are saying, I'll give it to the kid and he like gives them the finger only you know, a Cleveland style classic and walks out. So I stuck around and watched her for about 10-15 minutes.
Starting point is 00:30:56 It's pretty entertaining. But pretty, well there's a lot going on. You know those Clevelanders, apparently they can't afford their own shoes. So they gotta get Jason Kippness's size like 13 ones. That was interesting though. I'd never been to a shoe toss, much less a Jason Kippness shoe toss. So hey, if you're ever in Cleveland in the off season,
Starting point is 00:31:19 just look out for shoes raining from the sky. You know, most people crap on Cleveland for the river being on fire, but you gotta watch out for shoes raining from the sky, you know most people Crap on Cleveland for the river being on fire, but you got to watch out for shoes raining from the sky as well because that will get you I mentioned I saw Joker I I did That's correct. It was excellent. Let me pull up my notes here I'll just give you some quick hitting thoughts. I'm not going to read you my entire review. You can find that on Facebook or you can just email me or text me or call me whatever and I'll tell
Starting point is 00:31:54 you my full thoughts. So you've heard this already but Joaquin Phoenix was really good. One of his best or forms is it's with, you know, her and walk the line and you were never really here the master. Do people consider his performance in Gladiars to be good? I think it's just like whatever. I don't think it was a bad performance. I don't think it was anything interesting though. He's really good. It's his own take on the character. They add a lot of interesting, like lore and backstory and the mental health of the character is really fascinating. It's a great nature-verse nurture type of debates and Joaquin Phoenix is really good job of sort of oscillating between those two oscillating OS C I L L
Starting point is 00:32:52 ATING he was he was really good you never or at least I didn't sit there and I was like oh this is good, but you know It's still Heath Leders thing They're just they're two separate performances. They're two very they try to accomplish very different things and they do Accomplish very different things Heath Leders jokers very much in the moment, you know that movie takes place over the course of what like a week They try to accomplish very different things and they do accomplish very different things. Heath Leders' Joker is very much in the moment. You know, that movie takes place over the course of what, like, a week or something. And you just boom, you're inserted right into everything that's going on. Whereas this is much more like you get to see the development of this character over months and months and months.
Starting point is 00:33:22 So, Joaquin Phoenix, really good. The film was also really ambitious, which is something I don't think a ton of people are talking about. They kind of take it for granted. But you look at a film like Suicide Squad, which was up until this movie, the most recent iteration of Joker with Jared Leto.
Starting point is 00:33:39 And I feel it was just awful. They tried to be unique. And I guess in that sense, they were, but the movie itself is just just a mess. The acting wasn't very good. The writing was all over the place. It's tough when you're going to introduce like six or seven new characters and you want them all to be main characters. But there are ways to approach it better than what they tried in two sides. And Jared Leto's Joker was just, it's not his fault. Jared Leto's
Starting point is 00:34:12 a great actor. He's an Oscar winner for God's sake, but it just, it was bad. I really hated the the spin they took on it. This, this, this film was very ambitious, but it pulled it off. There are a lot of things that they could have done wrong. When I was watching the movie, I was kind of anticipating some issues that they might run into. And for the most part, they avoided traps. The descent into madness for the Joker character for Joaquin Phoenix was also really well done is very believable. That's really tough to do especially in a movie that's not you know three hours long. It's only two hours. My comparison for this is always revenge of the Sith and I think they just didn't that was the worst part of the prequels for me. I think they
Starting point is 00:35:04 didn't do a good job of Going from Anakin Skywalker to Darth Vader in a convincing fashion And I don't think it would have been that hard to do they just They didn't do a good job. I don't know if it was the writing or Heading Christians in or just the whole big picture. I tend to think it was all of that stuff, but it was bad. And they had three movies to do it. Joker was able to do in two hours with ease. A couple of minor criticisms here.
Starting point is 00:35:36 The editing was weird in a couple of places. There's like some music and stuff that just make any sense. They had some trouble with tone within micro scenes or not micro scenes, but within scenes. So from my micro film perspective, there's a choice they take with the actual story, with the actual screenplay and the third act that he didn't like.
Starting point is 00:36:02 And then how they chose to end the film, and again, I'm not gonna spoil anything, but I also, it felt, I don't know if lazy is the word I wanna use, but it was just like a very epic movie, and the ending I don't feel like. If it felt like the ending, the movie for the most part was like an acting masterclass for Joaquin Phoenix, but the ending didn't really satisfy that and said the ending went for like the blockbuster feel,
Starting point is 00:36:30 which I don't know, just didn't seem to be true to the rest of the movie for me. Overall really good, it's a thriller, drama, it's not a comic book hero movie, it's not even really an action movie, it's pretty light on the action sequences. It basically, at the end of the day, if you like Taxi Driver, if you like Camacomedy, this is a really good film for you. And if you like Walking Phoenix. So I really like Joker. I'm glad I saw it in theaters.
Starting point is 00:36:59 I'm just glad I saw it in general, because it's what everyone's talking about. Let's read some ads here. And there we're going to talk in the second half about a couple different things. We're going to talk about which great lake is best. We are going to talk about Manhattan and my experience there in the Grand Hyatt and Jim. We're going to talk about JFK LaGuardia just a little bit, just a couple pieces there, and then finish up with El Camino just again. A couple, my brief thoughts, brief reactions.
Starting point is 00:37:31 Lots of movies today, but that's okay, because they're both really good ones. So let's read the ads here, and I'll continue to, you know what I meant to say this earlier. With the wine, I'm drinking reminds me of, you know that I, what I meant to say this earlier, what the wine I'm drinking reminds me of. You know that mold wine or they call it like blue wine or something that you can get at crystal markets and crystal markets. That's basically what this tastes like, except it's not, you know, I don't have it heated up.
Starting point is 00:38:00 So it's just room temperature, which is fine. But you guys see the score of this Falcon's Carnels game? Geez, the Falcons are just like, boy, they are up there with like the dolphins for being the worst team in football and I don't know how that happened. They weren't, it wasn't supposed to be like this. The NSC South was supposed to be a very winable division considering the four quarterbacks right now are Kyle Allen, Teddy Bridgewater, James Winston and Matt Ryan and guess which team only has one win? Matt Ryan, that doesn't really make any sense. My fantasy players are really crap in the bed.
Starting point is 00:38:46 My tight end is one catch for negative three yards and the third quarter. That's what you want to see out of your tight end. Yeah. Oh, and my defense. So I'm playing the Cowboys defense against the Jets because the Jets just what it's really have like 11 sacks for something last week and I think two touchdowns?
Starting point is 00:39:06 Well, the Cowboys defense is losing 6 to 21 at halftime, which is just... It doesn't really make much sense if you ask me, I don't... How can you be giving up 21 points to the Jets? They hadn't scored 21 points all season. of 21 points to the jets. They hadn't scored 21 points all season. Frustrating. Quinn's, Quinn's, get upset. Matt Ryan's 13 of 15. Nearly as two incompletions and they are losing by 17 points. Some things in life just don't make sense. I tell you what. Okay, I'm actually going to read the ads here. If I can pull them up.
Starting point is 00:39:47 You know, my door, like buzzer, scares the crap out of me because it's just so loud. No matter what happens, it like wakes me up or just jolts me awake and that just happened. I don't know if you'll be able to hear it on the recording, but it was real rough. Just about peed my pants for a brief moment. Okay, we're actually doing this now.
Starting point is 00:40:14 Home Pride Organ, are you tired of selling your house for less than a quarter of what it's worth all because you couldn't find a reliable home inspector in time? Well, all organ listeners, they got good news for you. Home Pride Organ is inspection, services and bend, organ got good news for you. Home Pride Oregon inspection services in Bend, Oregon is central Oregon's hottest new home inspection provider with inspection services including things like heating,
Starting point is 00:40:32 cooling, roofing, plumbing, and so much more. Home Pride Oregon is both contract or certified and home inspection certified. So you know you're getting the good stuff. If you're tired of big grill, say, a little wranglehold on the home inspection market, and you want a safe certified home inspector that you can trust, you gotta call Steve at
Starting point is 00:40:51 541-410-0316, or you could just visit Again, it's 541-410-0316, or just visit Homebrightorgan, and, Shen, perfection. Shout it to the Samson Q2U series. Chris Pclean audio quality day and night 24 7 365 days a
Starting point is 00:41:15 year. Remember when God speaks, he uses a Samson. The Conners is back apparently. We've talked about that. nights, ABC 8, 7, Central. Although I only knew that because I got lucky. I saw a commercial on it for TV. I wouldn't know because I stopped getting TV guides. That's the worst thing about those things too. Maybe I could dig in my email and try and see if there's some sort of confirmation
Starting point is 00:41:44 of the subscription or something. But I think it came to the mail The original offer. I don't I don't know. I have to Look that up right now. I'll try to do something that I'm typically incapable of doing that is Searching or typing on my phone while talking through something else. Let's see if I just type in sub script. It's a funny word. So, description when you break it down. Subcription. It's going to take a long time. Turns out that's a common word in my email inbox. Let's jump to our last long time. Turns out that's a common word in my email inbox. Let's jump to our last ad here and actually appropriate
Starting point is 00:42:28 for today because you know what I did when I got home from New York this morning. I cut my hair. And that was courtesy of Cuts by Q, which is your one and only barber shop operation on the north side. So let's see what we have to say today. Bob and we, we all know the hairstyle, we all love it, but how many Chicago based independent barbers can actually give it to you the way you deserve. Enter cuts by Q. It's like aner-san man just slightly different. Cuts by Q has been independently owned and operated since 1995
Starting point is 00:43:09 and is probably one of the better barber shop operations serving Chicago, Cook County and the greater Chicago land area. For B-House to Bangs, full hawks to flat tops and everything in between, just call cuts by Q at 815298 7200 again, that's cut! Q you TZ by Q at Yahoo dot com. Oh, and you need a fresh do something snappy and new just call the experts at cuts by Q. And I'm still looking.
Starting point is 00:43:46 I'm in the right time of year for when I would have gotten the original TV guy subscription, which I think presumably would have been sometime in April. But we're striking out. What was I gonna talk about? Oh, which Great lake is best. You know what we'll do? We'll just open this up to the listener base,
Starting point is 00:44:09 and maybe we'll talk about it next week. I already know how I'm leaning, but I would love to get the input of you guys. So again, just shoot us a text or tweet at us, bean-towncast, or I'm personally at White Buns, or you can, of course, send us an email at bean-townpod where I'm personally at white buns or you can of course send us an email at and I looked, I didn't find anything for subscription. I'll do a deeper dive later, maybe on my computer. Sometimes my phone withholds emails from me
Starting point is 00:44:39 that I can find on my computer which is just like don't do that, you know? I need those emails. I need them speaking every venture of the Sith. Okay, yeah, we'll talk about Great Lakes next week, cause that I flew from Cleveland to Manhattan. That'll actually be appropriate next week because we'll be recording from oh, I don't know Minnesota maybe or Tallahassee something like that one of those great lakes regions I Fluidamann hatched in from Cleveland Friday morning my flight was at 6 a.m You're probably wondering Quinn. You're a knucklehead. Why would you fly at 6 a.m? I'll tell you real quick one I had an Why would you fly at 6 a.m.?
Starting point is 00:45:25 I'll tell you real quick. One, I had an event in Cleveland until about 6 p.m. the night before. Zero flights from Cleveland to New York after like, excuse me, five or 6 p.m. on a weekday, which to me seems silly, but that's the way it is. Da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da So I couldn't fly out that night. We'll chendered up working out okay cause I got to hang out with a friend
Starting point is 00:46:08 at previously mentioned Mexican restaurant. But then you're wondering, well, Quinn, why did you fly so early in the morning? Right, I was at my alarm right off at 315. Thankfully, I was staying downtown Cleveland, which is only about 20 minute drive from the airport with no traffic, which they're tens to not be at 3.15 a.m. on a Thursday.
Starting point is 00:46:30 But the issue was I had a work event that I ended up not being at at the time and going to tell you, but that's only because I only found out that I was splitting it with a coworker at a later time after I had made travel arrangements and stuff. Anyways, so the work event started like 11 or something and it was either fly out of Cleveland at the one I bought, which was 6am, or it was a flight that was going to get me into, you know, Queens at probably, I'm trying to think, if you start 11, I probably would have gotten me at like 9 or 9 or 30 or something. And I was just like, man, I don't want to, one, you know, cutting it close is, and potentially missing something because the flight gets delayed.
Starting point is 00:47:19 That's one thing, but two, just, you know, for everything's on time, I'm going gonna get there and just have to start working right away and that's just not what I wanted to do. So I got into LaGuardia at about 7.30 a.m. It was my first time I were at LaGuardia. I didn't, you know, linger or loiter or anything in that realm. So I didn't really experience all the stereotypical laGuardia things that people liked to make fun of it for, had no issues, got into Manhattan, had a lot of time to kill. So I went and visited my brother's girlfriend, Nicole. I don't think has ever made an appearance on the podcast. Maybe one of these days, though, hashtake friend of the podcast. We'd love to have you on Nicole. Come on anytime, call in.
Starting point is 00:48:09 It'd be great to bring you on. A fellow education person. Oops, I spilled some of my wine. It's embarrassing. Well, it's all over the place. Wow, in class, more full than I thought. So then, you know, she goes to work, and I didn't actually have anything to do until I could have checked in my hotel about four, and I'm down in the financial district at 11
Starting point is 00:48:39 a.m. So I'm like, well, I guess we'll start walking, which if Christopher, you had a all-time Hollywood, like Fantasy Football League, you might say that. I guess I'll start Christopher walking, except I just said I guess I'll start walking. What do you think he'd be your quarterback probably? He seems like a quarterback type
Starting point is 00:49:06 So I just I walked ended up going down a battery park Because they never been there and then I walked all the way up to Central Park Which took about The whole thing a little over two hours you can do it faster, but one, I was making some pit stops. Two, I was carrying my backpack and my travel bank, right? I was carrying everything, which all in all was probably an extra, you know, I don't know, 40, 50 pounds, something like that. So I was, I was sweaty. It was a nice day in New York, but it was, you know, one of those days that's nice enough to wear, when you're wearing, you know, long sleeves and carrying a lot, you're gonna get sweaty pretty quick, like which I did. I went to Battery Park, walked past the
Starting point is 00:49:55 Supreme Court of New York. I went to Washington Square Park, and I went to 30 Rock Rockefeller Center. No one was skating on the ice unfortunately but I got a good pick and St. Patrick's Cross Street beautiful architecture empire state building. I took a this is maybe a little NSFW but I pooped in the basement of the empire state building. You can get down there and they got some good bathrooms. You just gotta know where to go. Thankfully, I got those Manhattan insider tips and tricks just from having been there three times in my life. So I sort of know my way around New York's private bathrooms
Starting point is 00:50:41 and I did in fact take a poop in the basement of the Empire State Building and it was great. I had a good time. Good bathroom quality. It was great. Went up to, oh I stopped in Grand Central Terminal. Also beautiful place, great architecture, took some good picks and then got up to Central Park turned around and a
Starting point is 00:51:07 St. Arthur Grand Hyatt which is next door and slightly above Grand Central Terminal. Nice hotel, standard amenities, they do however have a gym on their top floor which is the 33rd maybe 32 32nd floor, or something like that. So I didn't do any additional work out on Friday besides my whatever I did, you know, six mile walk, carrying a lot. I thought that was enough for me because then I had to work a little bit and then I went up to meet with Hashtag brother of the podcast Jack Fernis and we had a drink for a little bit I think what did we do on Friday? Oh we had some dinner that was nice.
Starting point is 00:51:53 One, two and I, Rich pub or Yerish and then so I go up to the gym Saturday morning. It was pretty busy which I I expected, because I was there for a conference, there were lots of people there, or there for an event, it wasn't a conference, it was there for an event. But I came across two very interesting people at the gym here, and I'll just straight up Talatia, because I, getting a little sleepy here. I woke up at, oh I don't know. My alarm went off at 4 this morning, which is 4 Eastern, which is 3 Central, so I'm on
Starting point is 00:52:36 our 15, I'm on our 15 of the day. Feeling pretty good still, but a little sleepy, the wine's not helping there. So this one girl This Asian girl looks like she's anywhere from 20 to mid 20s. I don't know She's Walks to the treadmill Hopps on but does this thing worth you standing on the her feet her legs are spread so her her feet aren't actually on the belt her legs are spread, so her feet aren't actually on the belt. She's just like, you know, I think you guys know what I'm
Starting point is 00:53:09 the position I'm describing. And her arms, she's resting on the the side bars, the handles, whatever you want to call them. So she turns up the treadmill real fast, up to, you know, where it's probably somewhere between like a six and seven minute mile, which is pretty quick for anyone, but particularly for a skinny young Asian girl who doesn't look like she's built like a runner. So it was just one of those things that's odd to see.
Starting point is 00:53:44 She's also wearing like a rain jacket. And so I'm on the treadmill myself rehabbing this groin injury. And I'm just kind of side-eying her as this is unfolding and just like, okay, this is odd. But I'm just expecting her to like, maybe walk or do a slight jog or something. I didn't expect her to turn the treadmill up this high.
Starting point is 00:54:07 So then, okay, so she, her legs are still spread apart. She's not actually on this belt that's now moving very quickly. And she does this thing where she lifts herself up with her arms. So she presses down her hands on the, you know, the side bars, the side railings. So now she's like hovering over this very rapidly moving belt. Her feet, you know, so you lift your knees a little bit so your feet aren't on the belt. And then she would do this thing where she would like her, so she never took her arms off the sides and she would just like slowly lift herself down onto the belt. And again, it's going crazy fast and she would just
Starting point is 00:54:52 do like, pit her pattern with her feet for about three to four seconds at a time. Like, and then re-re-levitate herself and move her feet back onto the sides of the treadmill away from the belt. And she did that for about 10 minutes. She would do the quick little, tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw-tw seconds. So I don't know. I've thought about this for about two days, that are about a day and a half now. I'm trying to understand the science behind it. We need one of those sports science shows to like break down what she was doing and what she wasn't doing, but it made no sense. It's one thing if you're going for like the HIT workout, high intensity interval training,
Starting point is 00:55:53 and you're like actually sprinting, but she was never sprinting. She was just holding herself up with her arms, and the belt was basically moving her feet for her. Yeah, it was strange. So she leaves about five minutes later, this middle aged white lady comes in, perfectly fine, whatever, hops on a treadmill that I hadn't seen anyone be on before. The belt starts moving, and she's just doing like a warm up walk which transitioned eventually into a slow jog. The belt sounds like like Robert
Starting point is 00:56:33 Plant. I'm thinking like Led Zeppelin for something playing the harmonica. I'm not even gonna try to do like an impression because I don't really know how you do a harmonica. And I can't do it the way I want. You got to think it's not like Craig Ferguson playing a harmonica. We're talking like Southern Rock with the whatever effect it's called, that Jimmy Page and Robert Plant would use unlike when the levy breaks or something that's what it sounds like if you go listen to when the levy breaks which is one of my favorite Led Zeppelin songs it pretty underplayed Zeppelin song it's from Led Zeppelin 4
Starting point is 00:57:18 that's what the harmonica sounded like it was was so strange. And it was from the belt moving and someone being on it. But it wasn't a consistent pitch. The pitch was changing. It was going up and down. So I was very perplexed by it because I was trying to figure out, okay, what is she doing with her feet or any other part of her body to adjust the pitch of this sound being emitted from the treadmill that if I had smoked a bowler to before I served my workout I would have said wow Zeppelin's back together and Robert Plant has never sounded better but indeed it was just the treadmill so I was only up at the gym for about 40 minutes, but I had some memorable experiences, and I'm glad I got to share them on this week's podcast. I mentioned
Starting point is 00:58:14 came back this morning, flew into the LaGuardia with a flew out of JFK, a big, hecidic Jew population on the flight today. And no, I'm not about to say anything against his city Jews or anything controversial, but they're so big families. You know, we're talking mom, dad, and I would say the average was three kids. I saw a couple with four though. But their people were just like, the board,
Starting point is 00:58:46 so the boarding process was happening. And, there was just, it was, mayhem. Families were not together. Some people were over in different parts of the terminal, getting water, going to the bathroom, or buying something, I don't know what. But what it meant was there'd be like one family member from each family standing in line and then these families would come running back from all different directions.
Starting point is 00:59:13 Just no, you know, no need to be going that fast. It's not like you're flying standby or something and you're trying to be first in line. Everyone has a seat, but they would, you know, and there's a lot like, outbuying and just things were getting tense, which is just a lot to try to handle at JFK at, you know, 7 a.m. in the morning when I'm just like half awake and trying to get to Chicago, get home. But yeah, there was just a lot of line-cutting. Not I'm not a fan of line cutting, and then it got worse because all these families had strollers. I swear, I'm not making this up.
Starting point is 00:59:50 I never been on a flight with so many strollers. I swear half of the people who were on the flight were part of some big family. There was a big acidic jupopulation, there was a big East Asian population, and tons, tons of families, so many strollers. There was a big acidic juice population. There was a big East Asian population in tons tons of families so many strollers and I had never seen this before America so I'm flying American and they were like hard core with the bag
Starting point is 01:00:18 Like dimension restrictions, which is not something I Had any issues with because I fly pretty light But they had you know usually like at the start of the TSA line is where they have the fit your suitcase into this, if it fits it flies, if not, you gotta check it, whatever. But they had one of those right where you would start to walk onto the jet bridge, and they're making anybody who was anywhere close, try it. And I saw people squeezing them in
Starting point is 01:00:45 and something that I've done before where you squeeze it, and it's a little tough at first but you get it in, but they were forcing those people to check their bags, which just seems silly because we had a lot of extra space in the overheads. But they just, the process took forever, and the final irony of this whole situation was they had four people working the gate, which I don't think I've ever seen before.
Starting point is 01:01:14 It's, you know, two is your standard, but it was such a shit show. Boy, it was backed up quite a bit. And the irony in this situation was I was in Cleveland exactly 48 hours before flying out on Friday morning to Manhattan. There was one lady who was like, looked like she kind of been a day over 25, handling all of it. And we had the smoothest boarding process I've ever had, Friday in Cleveland, and today and JFK was just like, wow, reminding me that that Taylor Swift song you need to calm down becauseK was just like, wow. Reminding me of that Taylor Swift song you need to calm down because everyone was just going nuts
Starting point is 01:01:49 at 7 7 30 AM on a Sunday. Yeah, it was just like, can we all just collectively as a group decide to relax and then the kids on the flight find for the first hour but the second hour second 90 minutes boy they got restless and it got a little noisy and I will I will leave it at that. Quinn's looking forward to a nap later. I did my final point here and then we're gonna wrap it up because it is a long podcast and I apologize for that. I watched El Camino on the flight. I'd been trying to watch it. It
Starting point is 01:02:32 came out Thursday night, slash Friday morning and midnight. I think, yeah, that sounds right. So I've been trying to watch it. I was going to watch it on my flight from Cleveland, got shamed with some experienced download policy that I was going to watch it on my flight from Cleveland, got shamed with some extraneous download policy that I was going to watch it Friday night, my hotel in New York, too many people using the account at one time. Oh damn. So I finally was able to download it onto my tablet, watch it on the flight this morning. If anyone doesn't know, it's is a movie sort of continuation of Breaking Bad, which in turn currently has better called Saul as like the TV series prequel airing right now. It's still going
Starting point is 01:03:15 So this is a follows Jesse Pinkman after the events of Breaking Bad When I didn't realize is this film, I'm trying to, again, I haven't written a review or anything and I'm trying to act to spoil anything. But it happens right after Breaking Bad Ends and it doesn't take you very far in the future. It happens in a day, two days, and then that's the movie, which I wasn't really ready for. What it meant was it felt much less like a movie and much more just like a two-part episode of Breaking Bad or something, which is good. I appreciate that they sort of stayed true to that. It was good. It's a thriller, thoroughly enjoyable.
Starting point is 01:04:01 Aaron Paul is excellent. It was strange some of the actors they have in there and I won't say who because it would, you know, it might, it doesn't spoil things really, but it's just, you know, I want you, if you're going to watch this, I want you to go and fresh. Some of the actors, you know, this is six years after breaking about and did. So, you know, ten plus years after it actually began. You know, people look different. They grow, they age, they get fatter, they get skinnier, and there was a lot of that going on in this movie, even though it takes place, you know, hours after breaking bad, the show actually ends. So, that was interesting to note. I don't mind it. I don't think it detracted
Starting point is 01:04:47 from the film in any way, but it was curious. Overall, solid. If you like Breaking Bad, it's great. If you don't, if you haven't seen Breaking Bad, I wouldn't recommend watching El Camino. It's still an enjoyable movie on its own. So I guess maybe I'm saying you're fine watching it, but it's just there's going to be so much that you're just like, what? Like, who's that? That doesn't make any sense. Because there's a lot of flashbacks going on. So the movie feels like a very cathartic experience and a great way to wrap things up for Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul fans. But if you don't have those pieces, it's just kind of a thriller, but it loses a lot
Starting point is 01:05:34 of the emotional piece. And when you take that out, it's still a fine thriller, but it's not anything that's going to win any awards or anything for any reason. So, solid film, I liked it. Yeah, it wasn't anything that blew my socks off, but it was enjoyable and fitting into one of the great characters in TV show history. So, watch El Camino. It's on Netflix. When you get the chance, if you watch Breaking Bad, I'll say this, if you watched Breaking Bad and you enjoyed it,
Starting point is 01:06:12 definitely watch El Camino, because it just feels like another two episodes. Just imagine that the last season of Breaking Bad, season five has another two episodes after the finale, and those would be the episodes and that's it. If you think of it that way that's the best way I can really describe it. But it pays a lot of homage to the original show, especially the finale. There are a couple things that Jesse does that come exactly mirror what Walt did.
Starting point is 01:06:42 And it's excellent. So go check it out. That's all Camino. I enjoyed it. OK, so that's what we wanted to talk about on today's podcast. Where are we at? 66 minutes. Route 66. That's a lot.
Starting point is 01:06:59 A lot of minutes. But let's see. Yeah, I covered everything I want to cover, except for our great lakes talk, which we will get into next week. There's just too much. Maybe it'll give us some time to bring on a guest as well. That could be fun.
Starting point is 01:07:15 I know I would have fun with it. If you made it this far, thank you so much for your dedication. Really appreciate your support. That's what I had for you guys. So I hope everyone has a good weekend. That's what I had for you guys. So Hope everyone has a good weekend. Halloween's coming up. Maybe we'll do something for the podcast I won't even be home for Halloween. I'll be on the road working
Starting point is 01:07:34 So no big party plans for me and I haven't gotten any you know Facebook Invitation to anything so I don't think I'm really missing out Or maybe I just don't get invited to place anymore. That's probably it. Okay, for all of us here at Beentown Podcast, remember you can get weekly episodes there every week. You can also listen to them wherever you find your podcast places like Stitcher, Player FM, YouTube here and there, SoundCloud, Player FM, I think I already said, not Castbox, Spotify, Apple podcasts, iTunes, Google Play, wherever you're podcasting, unless they are not where you're looking for them. And then, in which case, just look somewhere else and you'll get there eventually. Hey, go listen to, hold a line by T Toto and maybe you see if you can find that
Starting point is 01:08:25 sensual slide show that I once sent the feelers, oh, about 10, 15 years ago. Hack of a song, you're going to love it. Okay, that's what we got for you. Have a good week and I'll check in on you next week. you

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