Beantown Podcast - College & University Trivia Season four (12032021 Beantown)

Episode Date: December 3, 2021

Quinn comes to you LIVE to test your knowledge surrounding US College & University trivia! Think you know the Ivy league? What about Deep Springs College? Tune in to test your mettle!!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furnace. Welcome to my show, Quinn David Furnace presents the bean town podcast for Saturday, December 3rd, 2021. What's going on? We are coming to the end of the year here. My name is Quinn David Furnace. And this is my show. This is our fourth December in Beentown podcast history. Looks like we'll have, this will either be our fourth or our fifth to last episode. New Year's Eve is on a Friday this year. So it kind of just depends on when I'm in the mood. For that, we'll do our New Year's Eve or New Year's show in general and then the year four recap. That annual recap is usually the
Starting point is 00:00:46 first show of the calendar year and then week five kicks off or year five pardon kicks off immediately after that which is crazy hard to believe but thanks for being here we're only here because of your support and my stubbornness my name is Quinn. This is my show. I'm the creator director cinematographer audio engineer of this show Thank you for tuning in hello to my friends in Pakistan Karachi Kiberpass Hyderabad Induce Delta. How are you? What's happening? Listen to discretion is advised when you're listening to the show number one We'll occasion you some language number two this podcast is objectively
Starting point is 00:01:28 Terrible, but I think it's going to be fun today and there's a lot of things to get to and this is going to partially make up for last week which um we it was a very short kind of rushed up so definitely a filler episode and I apologize for that there's a lot to to just mention today and also Get to our main topic which is going to be a little fun in games a little trivia action And and we'll it's it's college and university education specific which I think will be fun So we are going to get to that in just a moment But a couple of things first and foremost We should have recorded it yesterday because it was 12.02221 and I know I'm always talking about palindromic materials on the show.
Starting point is 00:02:12 That was like the ultimate palindrome. I think I saw somewhere, it's not only was it a palindrome, but it's also a date you could read the same upside down as right side up. And I'm not just making that up, I think that's actually the case. If you wrote it out I don't have a pen and paper handy but if you wrote it out I think I think that's true. 1212022021 backwards is 1 to 022021 and then upside down that that's a little bit harder to visualize, but if you wrote it out, I think it's true So that was that was a very cool date and then tomorrow is a very cool date as well simply because it's the the big birthday for Hashtag brother the podcast jack furnace having a birthday tomorrow and Well, that means today is Michelle Bloch's birthday happy birthday
Starting point is 00:03:06 Happy birthday to everyone out there. I feel like the the smuckers segment on the today's show back in the the third Hour of the today's show with Kathy Lee and Hoder or whatever it was My happy brother happy brother happy birthday to everyone out there But in particular my brother brother, Jack, who's been on this show many, many times, probably right there along with, I mean, he's one of the greats. He's one of the bean town podcasts, legends of the game, if you will. I'm not going to go through every, every single name of people who've been on multiple times. But Jack is certainly one of those who is either at the top of the list or at the very least top two, top three in terms of appearances.
Starting point is 00:03:49 So thank you. See, all you do every time you come on this show, brother. I hope you are having a fun weekend. I didn't mention last week solely because I forgot the real house with Salt Lake City. So essentially where we're at, there was a new episode two Sundays ago. Latte, I did not talk about it because I forgot.
Starting point is 00:04:14 Last Sunday night, there was not a new episode and it actually worked out well because I was out to supper with other Hashtag brought, I keep wanting to say Hashtag something. Hashtag brother of the podcast Walter furnace we had some Indian a little curry action a little non there's a paladrome for you if you think there are podcasts in India specifically dedicated to paladroms because you figure non would be right at the top of their list but yeah it was it was good and we didn't miss any housewives,
Starting point is 00:04:46 but I didn't talk about the week before. And at this point, it's been, well actually Rachel and I didn't watch it live. We watched it maybe on, actually maybe like Thanksgiving day or the day after or something like that. So it hasn't actually been that long since I watched, but if I'm being completely honest with you,
Starting point is 00:05:03 don't really remember what's happened. Basically, people are really starting to ask questions to just give you the macro look at where we're at right now. People are really starting to ask questions about Mary Cosby and her church because clearly stuff isn't quite adding up there. Jen Shah, we got one little segment of her talking to her lawyer in his office and that's that was the first time we had seen Jen sort of live on tape not live, but on the show since she left to get arrested. And otherwise, you know, there's not a not a
Starting point is 00:05:40 ton happening. It's the ladies are at this huge Airbnb Airbnb in Veil, Colorado, doing a lot of chatting, a lot of discussing. They sort of broke up into two groups. One group went ice skating, sort of in like a touristy, more like walkable downtown area. And that was, I don't know, I think that was like definitely Lisa, Mary and Meredith, something like that. I don't know, I think that was like, definitely Lisa, Mary and Meredith, something like that. I don't remember. And then there was another group. I think it was Whitney Heather Jenny, maybe, that went dog sledding, which looked pretty
Starting point is 00:06:16 cool. I have never been dog sledding myself with my brothers and I have been to like a dog sled camp, basically. I don't know what else you would call it, where you walk around, you see all those sled dogs. They're doing the Snoopy things, and on top of their houses, that was in Alaska. That was really cool to see.
Starting point is 00:06:33 But yeah, that's basically, there's some chatter about Jen, but everyone knows it's not good. I did watch, in case you're interested in the whole Jen-Shaw situation. Two things, one, I believe, for trial is set as of the other day for March 22nd, 2022, 032222, there's a fun name for you. And then the other thing, you might have seen it
Starting point is 00:07:00 if you've been on Hulu, but there is a new ABC News special documentary that is available on Hulu, but there is a new ABC News special documentary that is available on Hulu about the whole Gen-Shaw situation. So if you are just kind of curious about like what her scam was, what she's accused of, that sort of thing, it's a tight 45 or something like that minutes, and you should definitely watch it. If you have time, I watched it the other morning, actually,
Starting point is 00:07:26 as I was sort of warming up. So it's solid if you want to know what's going on without watching a season and a half of Real Housewives of Salt Lake City. I'm sipping on an extra strong cocktail here, very simple apple cider and bourbon. It's a nice December drink, when it's a little chilly outside, it's about 4.30 pm, I finished work for the day, which I'm very excited about.
Starting point is 00:07:55 The sun is more or less gone. I did go for a little walk on a break earlier today, get some fresh air, not too bad. Weather-wise here in Chicago, especially yesterday was fabulous. And the real shame is that this would have been a great week to be running quite a bit. But my back is in a strange shape. Basically, what happened was Friday, I went for a run,
Starting point is 00:08:22 I think, Thursday. I don't remember. I think it was Friday, I went for a run. I think Thursday. I don't remember. I think it was Friday, I went for a run, and I'm literally done with the run. I'm back at Rachel's family's house, and I'm literally just, this is really, embarrassing the right word, but just silly. I'm literally just like sitting down in the toilet
Starting point is 00:08:42 to go before I hop in the shower, and as you're in the process of bending your knees to sit down on the toilet, I hear in my back, lower back, lumbar, I don't know what the numbers are, but L4, L6, something like that. Just like a sharp shooting pain throughout. You know, the areas you would expect the things that are connected to your spine.
Starting point is 00:09:08 So there's like, oh, and you know, you're like, not sure how much can I move in the moment. And, you know, a lot of pain, but not like an overwhelming amount of pain. But it was just like, oh, that's sore, like that hurts. That was kind of strange. I don't know what, it wasn't sort of like impact or lifting anything. I don't really have an explanation for it.
Starting point is 00:09:29 But I was just like, okay, that kind of stinks. So the rest of the weekend it was just sore. And I had a little bit of limited mobility for sure. But otherwise, the biggest thing would be I'd wake up in the middle of the night and try to set up to go to the bathroom or something and that just hurt And and took a little bit of upper body Man-powered to get it done
Starting point is 00:09:52 But I was like okay, whatever like it was weird, but not gonna really dwell on it So Monday back in the office feeling fine go for a run the run goes well I feel completely healthy completely normal at that point and I am in the shower at the locker at work and literally get out of the shower to sit down on the bench to put my shoes on and same exact thing. And it's like, man, so I, you know, I don't know what it is, but again, just in pain, so doing some googling. And the best thing I can come up with is that it's a slip disk, a KK a herniated disk, a KK pinch nerve. That seems like a likely culprit.
Starting point is 00:10:31 I don't really have an explanation for like, what's going on with it? There was no, again, no dirty hairy, four sudden impact. Just kind of like, I don't know. So I haven't run since, just been trying to go for walks as much as possible We're gonna see how I feel tomorrow morning Because I would really like to run
Starting point is 00:10:52 You know tomorrow in the morning Just get some fresh air do something do something get moving a little bit get the heart rate up But I don't know I'm in a tough spot like you know running running But I don't know, I'm in a tough spot. Like, running, running typically doesn't lead to lower back issues. Running's definitely not gonna help lower back issues, but I don't know like, how long is it gonna last? I'm not in much pain right now, just some light soreness in the lower back. It's been stretching quite a bit.
Starting point is 00:11:22 Trying to maintain good posture and really trying not to sit as much as possible, although that's really tough, just the jobs that I perform. But I don't know. I'm not so much concerned with nagging, lingering lower back pain. I mean, I would love to not have that. But it's kind of whatever. I don't know what is the deal with the slipped disc? Is it going to like do the cracking thing again when I sit down at some point?
Starting point is 00:11:52 I've sat down, you know, hundreds of times between the last time it did it sort of flare up. And now, so I don't, you know, I don't know. That's the thing that is the worst part about it is like the pain is whatever, but I just don't want it to kind of reset and have it happen again. And I don't really know what needs to happen between now and whenever to prevent that from happening. So we'll see either I'll go for a jog tomorrow or or just a walk. I don't know. But it's tough to know because the jog or the running,
Starting point is 00:12:28 both times it's happened in the last week, it's happened after I've run when I've tried to sit down. So it's not like something that's flared up while I was on the run. I did anything that would lead to it. I would think, but I don't know. I'm not a, you know who we need, John Cryer, from two and a half men, you know, Kyra Practor, you know what, who we need John Cryer from two and a half men.
Starting point is 00:12:45 He, you know, Kyra Practor to the stars, he'd be great. Alan, is that his name in the show, I think. Yeah, we should bring up, John Cryer, you don't see too much of these days. He's probably like a Broadway guy, right? That just feels like it would be his vibe. So, Sippin' on my drink here. vibe. So sipping on my drink here. But I wanted to get to the point as I like to do and actually before we do that, we'll hear from our sponsors ever so quickly because they
Starting point is 00:13:17 kind of got shafted last week with a very short mention. So go through those and then we're going to get to the trivia. And I'll talk about it more as we get into it, but the reason we're doing that specifically today, not only do I love trivia and I love sharing, you know, what I find online with you all, but the reason it's happening on this episode is because I believe it's the first ever Jeopardy Professors tournament which starts on Monday, December 6th. I'm very excited for it. I think it's a primetime thing Or actually it might start on the seventh because it's getting bumped by American Idol or something like that I don't know. I have to go look at it
Starting point is 00:14:03 But I think it's a I think it's a, I think it's a nine day tournament, which jeopardy tournaments are usually 10 days. So I don't know if they're the final perhaps is just going to be a one day affair rather than a two. I always love the two day final. It just brings so much additional different strategy to that. Both days really of the final that you never get to see otherwise in jeopardy And I know with the pandemic. There hasn't really been a jeopardy tournament of any sort for a long time So I am very excited for that even if it is nine days versus ten I don't have all the details
Starting point is 00:14:39 But I know it starts next week at some point So that's why we're gonna be doing a little college in university trivia. And in my mind, when I first thought of the idea, oh, four hours ago, I was like, oh, maybe I'll write my own questions for trivia. And it's going to be kind of loosely organized. But I was thinking like, oh, maybe I'll do it like Jeopardy Style. I have six categories, five clues in each. I'll come up with them. And I think if I had more time, or if I wanted to record later in the weekend, I could pull that off. But I just decided, you know what,
Starting point is 00:15:11 I'll design a jeopardy game in some capacity for some scenario situation event at some point in the future. But it's not going to quite happen today to do the full thing. And I would like it to be more of a featured event, maybe a bean town unplugged episode rather than just, you know, oh, Quinn played trivia on this week's episode of the podcast, okay? And I don't want it to just get lost in the dustbin.
Starting point is 00:15:36 So we'll get to that. What's going to happen is I've got a couple of websites up here with some trivia. Some of them are old recycled jeopardy clues. Some of them are not, but we'll just list them out and we'll guess it together because they don't, I don't necessarily have the answers right in front of me. So we'll see how we do it together, okay? But first and foremost, I wanted to hear from our sponsors after I read this quick email. Okay. So, Home Pride Oregon, are you tired of selling your house for less than a quarter of what
Starting point is 00:16:16 it's worth? All because you can't find a reliable home inspector in time. Well, Oregon listener has got good news for you. Home Pride inspection services in Banda, Oregon is Oregon. Central Oregon's hottest new home inspection provider with inspection services, including things like heating and cooling roofing, roofing, not roof heating, roofing, plumbing, and so much more. Home Pride Organ is both contract to certify
Starting point is 00:16:37 and home inspection certified. Put that, you know, conjunction in all caps. So you know, to really hit it home If you're tired of big real estate's angle kind of sounds like the The looney tunes affect when you're like Their feet are winding up and it's like And then they take off
Starting point is 00:17:02 Okay, I'm not I'm not Fred Newman. So me Okay, if you're tired of big real estate, we already did that. On the home inspection market, you want a safe, certified home inspector. You can trust, call Steve, he's my dad. 541-030-16, tell him, the quintessent you're for a limited time,
Starting point is 00:17:16 only cyber Monday, a zero percent off deal, or visit Again, that's 541-030-16, or visit Again, it's 541-414-316 or visit HomePrideOrgan inspection perfection. I want to give a shout out to the Samson Q2U series. It's got crisp, clean, and clear audio quality that you can trust, whether you are doing a little Hanaka reading or perhaps something from the Torah,
Starting point is 00:17:43 menorah. When God speaks, he uses a Samson or whatever the Jewish people call God, not Allah, but Jehovah. I don't know. Who was who's this Jehovah guy? Okay, because he's got his own witnesses. I feel like God's got like 18 different names in the Old Testament alone that we're calling them. There's, uh, uh, God and, uh, Jehovah and Yahweh. What? Okay, I was gonna, I was gonna keep going and say, Allah, which I know is a, that's a, uh, Islamic thing. Uh, what's the deal with this Yahweh? Okay, like we're saying it in all these
Starting point is 00:18:30 New Age Christian, uh, Christ Tomlin and Life House songs not life house. There's another, it's like a like to go to like 21st century contemporary Christian songs. Is it Life, Life Hill Church or something like that? The Hill House, haunting of Hill House. But they're always talking about Yahweh. And I'm just like, who, who, who is Yahweh? Yahweh. I don't know. I could Google it, but we are on a tight ship here, paying by the minute. We'll come back to that. Bob and weave, we all know the hairstyle, we all love it.
Starting point is 00:19:10 I had a great Uncle Bob. Great Uncle Robert, what a guy. But how many Chicago-based independent barbers can actually give it to you the way you deserve? I always thought my great Uncle Bob could do like a killer Santa Claus impression, which is timely, seeing as the month is December. Enter, enter cuts by Q. It's like NR Sandman, but different. Cuts by Q has been independently owned and operated since 1995, and is probably
Starting point is 00:19:37 one of the better barber shop operations, serving Chicago, Cook County, Northless, Indiana. I don't forget those guys. And the greater Chicago land area. From Beehives to Bangs, Fowl Hawks, to Flat Top, sand everything in between. Cut cuts by Q at Ya- uh, no, uh, 815-298-7200, or you can email Again, that's cut! It's cute, easy. Buy Q at Alright, I got a little song for you and go as a little something like this. Oh, and you need a fresh do, something snappier new, call the experts at cuts by Q.
Starting point is 00:20:16 Cuts by Q. Okay, welcome to the second half of today's program. I want to thank you for joining us. Thank you for supporting this show. And we are going to jump into a little college and university themed trivia. Once I get a sip of my beverage here because that singing really took it out of me. Okay, so let's jump in here.
Starting point is 00:20:52 Boy, I swear today, I don't know why, and I'm not that bothered by it, because like, whatever, but this whole week has been very light on emails for me, it hasn't been too bad. And I honestly think like the last two hours, I've gotten like 20 work emails in just a variety of fashions and formats.
Starting point is 00:21:18 And it's just like, why? I don't understand. Why did everyone save a million emails when I really haven't been doing much this week for Friday at 4.30 p.m. It doesn't make much sense to me. Okay, but I promise I'm off the email for the next 15 minutes as we wrap up today's show and get to some of the great questions. So we're going to play a little trivia here. Going to get a sip of my beverage.
Starting point is 00:21:50 OK, so let's start with the top category. This was from 2015. I don't really know what the theme is, but let's just say it's colleges and universities. OK, so we'll do a section of five here here and I think we'll do well on this one. First question, this university in New York City that was founded as King's College in 1754 uses a crown as its logo. And you know what, I'm gonna, so we can get to a lot of questions here. I'm gonna move pretty quickly between question to answer or clue to answer if you will in Jeopardy style.
Starting point is 00:22:32 So if you're like, oh, I want more time to think about this or discuss this, then by all means, pause this recording. But I'll tell you the answer. It's an homage to the birthday boy tomorrow. Jack Fernis, a law graduate of Columbia University, formerly known as King's College. Okay, next one. Oh, we should all get this one. Evan Stin, resident Rebecca Hogue was the first female student to enroll at this Illinois University. And you don't need to be a furnace, snow the answer to that one. It is Northwestern University. These
Starting point is 00:23:10 clues are from 2015. So we won't see any questions about what was the name of that? Guess remember that news story from like September, it wasn't a college, it was actually a high school school but the high school football team that lost by like 80 points and then turns out they didn't actually exist that was great I think was somewhere in Ohio. Next this Houston school that offers unconventional wisdom features three owls on its shield. So basically you need to know who's a who's a school from Houston that should narrow things way down for you That is Owls associated with it and that would be rice University rice a school
Starting point is 00:23:54 out of you know pretty much all the like top tier academic institutions in the US rights has to be one that I just Or one of the ones that I just know next to nothing about. Which is fair, because I don't care to spend any time in or thinking about Houston, Texas. Okay, next, sure and twas, a French religious group led by father Edward Soren
Starting point is 00:24:20 that founded this school in 1842. So you know what it has to have something to do with French and religion. That should give it away for you. It is Notre Dame. Okay, last one in the category here, then we'll switch over to a different site. We'll come back to this one. Oh, you should know this one. Bishop Holland McTier, a cousin of the founder's wife, chose the site in Nashville for the campus of this private university. Now if the name doesn't mean anything to you, that's okay because it doesn't for me either,
Starting point is 00:24:54 but basically you're asking you about private schools, nationally known private schools in Nashville, you really got two to choose from. In my mind, one would be Belmont University, which is not correct the correct answer here Probably more well known would be Vanderbilt a Big family name Vanderbilt University Okay, let's How'd you do zero out of five three out of five five out of five. Let us know, email us, beantompodcast,, and it's beantompodcast at Let us know your score when all is set and done.
Starting point is 00:25:33 So far I'm five of five. Okay, this website is less just like, here's some questions and more of like an actual quiz. Looks like there's 10 questions on this list. Let's go down the list here and take this together. Okay, here we go. It's well known that Harvard is the oldest university in the United States, but the second oldest university can boast of having the oldest building of any campus in the country. Where is it? Your four choices are William and Mary, Princeton, Yale, or Virginia. This is a good question. I'm pretty confident that it's either William and Mary
Starting point is 00:26:12 or Virginia. When I think of Virginia, I think of Thomas Jefferson, and so I think I would want to go back further than that. So I'm going to guess the College of William and Mary and oh man, it's gonna make me do all 10 at a time Before we go back and find the answers actually I can scroll down. I think there's an answer key here I'll just look at it one at a time Number one is William and Mary. Okay. Yes, we got that correct number two I am I am looking seeing these questions for the first time live on air. I did that intentionally. Some cities and towns have more than one highly regarded college or university,
Starting point is 00:26:51 but one particular city has a consortium of seven whose campuses all join one another. Where would you find them? Okay, the answer choices are Ithaca, New York, Boston, Massachusetts, Austin, Texas, or Claremont, California. This one is a little bit more kind of like insider knowledge of academia, unless you are from this area specifically. So Ithaca, the only college I really know about is Cornell. Boston is a big college town, but there's also Cambridge and also the universities in Boston are not
Starting point is 00:27:25 really connected. Austin, Texas, I'm sure, excuse me, as multiple colleges, but the main one is the flagship of UT, which leaves Claremont, California. So if you're curious, some of the schools would be like Claremont, McKenna, Harvey, Mudd, and I actually haven't even looked at the answer. I'm just assuming this is right. Is Pepper Dean there? Pepper Dean might be there. Pepper Dean might be somewhere else. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:27:52 But yes, the answer to number two is, oh, and we got explanation here. Here we go, okay. Answer Claremont McKenna. The seven schools include Pomona. I knew that, scripts. I forgot about scripts, Claremont Mechana Harvey Mudd and Pitzer College, and then there are two graduate schools, Claremont
Starting point is 00:28:10 Graduate and Keck Graduate. It's 35 miles east of LA, so still in the metro area. So yeah, I wasn't as familiar with those graduate schools, but I was familiar with all of those undergraduate schools, although I know less about Pitzer. Okay, let's go to question number three here. with all of those undergraduate schools, although I know less about Pitzer. Okay, let's go to question number three here. Keep track of your score. At the invitation of a major corporation,
Starting point is 00:28:32 which felt that it's home sitting needed a prominent university, this school packed up in 1956 and moved 120 miles to the west, relocating to a new campus funded by the corporation's foundations. The school is still named for the town that was its original location. Okay, so your answer choices are Boston College, the University of Chicago, Wake Forest University, or Auburn University. So just judging, just going by the
Starting point is 00:29:01 question, I had no idea, but looking at these answered choices, I am pretty sure I know. Boston College is definitely in Boston. University of Chicago is definitely in Chicago. Auburn University, I have been to once and I feel very confident that it is in Auburn. The one school on this list, I know not much about. It's in North Carolina, I believe. It is Wake Forest University that's where Tim Duncan
Starting point is 00:29:29 and V.A. Hall of Famer played basketball. So I'm going to guess Wake Forest, although I have never heard of the city of Wake Forest, I am going to guess Wake Forest. And I say that because if you say that too faster on these parts, people think you say Lake Forest, which has a Lake Forest College. So this is the first one out of all these
Starting point is 00:29:49 that I'm not really sure about, but I think by process of elimination, right? Number three, it is Wake Forest University. All right, still perfect. Let's go to number four, the smallest college in the United States, a two year school located on an isolated Western cattle ranch, sees two-thirds of its alumni earned graduate degrees and over half of its
Starting point is 00:30:11 graduates earned doctorates. There is no charge for tuition, room, or board. What is this incredible unique college? And I'm going to tell you right now I have absolutely no idea. So let's jump into these answers here. Western Texas College, Sierra Nevada College, Deep Springs College, or Casper College. Casper College must be in Wyoming.
Starting point is 00:30:35 Western Texas, it would be in Wyoming. Okay, so the clue says, an isolated Western cattle ranch. I don't know enough about Texas to say for sure when we're another, but I don't imagine enough about Texas to say for sure when we're another, but I don't imagine anything, even in Western Texas, would be categorized as a Western cattle ranch.
Starting point is 00:30:54 The other ones, Sierra Nevada College, that's got either being Nevada or California, Deep Springs makes me think of California. Casper College has to be in Wyoming. And I haven't heard of any of these schools, which makes it incredibly difficult to narrow anything down, see if there's a poser in here. So who offers this?
Starting point is 00:31:15 I am going, there's something about Casper College that just like sounds right, but I also don't think of Casper College as like a educated or is Wyoming as like a super educated place which maybe founded, maybe not. I don't know. I'm going to guess deep springs and let's scroll down. Let's see if we got that right. This is my first one where I have really no idea. I could only get rid of one in my head, although it could still be that by process of elimination.
Starting point is 00:31:48 Although what did it say? Western Texas, there was a Texas Western in history, which is now the University of Texas, Al Paso. Texas Western has won a Division I National Championship in men's basketball. If you've ever seen the film Glory Road, it's based off of that. The first fully full five black starting lineup to win a championship game defeating, I believe, in the semifinals, the final four Adolf Rupp from Kentucky legendary coach. Okay, let's find out the actual answer. I think I'm going to be wrong here because I couldn't narrow it down. the actual answer. I think I'm going to be wrong here because I couldn't narrow it down. No, it's right. Deep Springs College. Okay, if you're like me and you don't know anything about Deep Springs College, go ahead and Google it alongside me after this is over. I'm
Starting point is 00:32:38 going to type it in right now so I don't forget. Deep Springs College. Yeah, never never heard of it in my life. I don't even I it's in deep springs, California, never heard of the place. It's a very generic California sounding name. Okay, it is uh, where is this? It's northwest of death Valley. So death value where we were a couple months back is huge. I think it's the third largest national park in the country, but the valley itself is gigantic. Basically, it's right along the Nevada, California border. You go northwest up towards really nothing if I'm being honest, but basically halfway between Sacramento and Las Vegas as you're following that diagonal Nevada California border right on the California side along a highway not terribly far from okay so that's big pine not lone pine. So probably about two hours north of Mount Whitney, where I was back in August, you have Deep Springs College.
Starting point is 00:33:48 It is just man, off by itself. I mean, where do you even live when you go here? OK, I am now not just encouraging you, but really strongly encouraging you to Google Map deep swings college, turn on the whatever it is, not the regular map, but the sort of geological like Google Earth basically. Take a look at this place, completely surrounded by desert, then you just have like 10 plots of green land. I don't even see buildings at this place.
Starting point is 00:34:24 There's one small section. I am, I can't wait. We're going to move this trivial along here promise, but I cannot wait to go to the Wikipedia page for this place and just read about it because that is fascinating to me, okay? You should come back to that. I encourage you to do that because it's wild stuff. Okay, that was question four and I promised you we would get through 10 here. Okay, so let me get a sip here because it's been doing a lot of talking. Okay, next up, still perfect. The college which became in 1835, the first in America, I think I know this one, before I see the choices, to admit African Americans became
Starting point is 00:35:12 the first to emit women two years later, considered one of the top liberal arts colleges in the US. It includes a world-class music conservatory. Okay, well, that one gives it away for me, and likely for others as well. Which school is it? Grinnell College, which I believe is in Iowa. Amherst College, which is properly in Massachusetts.
Starting point is 00:35:32 Oberlin College, which is, you know, high-o, I think, and Hunter College, which I actually don't know anything about. This one is a slapdown for me. I am, I'm pretty sure I knew it from the African-American one. And then I knew it from the African American one. And then I think I knew the women one too. And then the music conservatories at Dead Giveaway, that's got to be Oberlin College in Ohio.
Starting point is 00:35:52 Yep, 35 miles west of Cleveland. Yuck. Okay. We are halfway home. Still perfect. Two major state universities argue among themselves as to which one is the oldest public university in America. One was chartered first, the other opened its doors first, which are these two? Okay, you're each choice, I'm gonna have two schools here.
Starting point is 00:36:16 UVA and College of William and Mary, UVA being Virginia. University of Georgia and University of North Carolina, University of Pennsylvania and Penn State University, or University of Maryland and Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey. Okay, so let's look at these here. So again, number one, UVA William Mary, two Georgia North Carolina UNC, three, you Penn and Penn State and four Maryland and Rutgers. Okay, so William and Mary's private, like I'm 99% certain, so it can't be a public.
Starting point is 00:36:58 George and Carol, North Carolina are both public, so there's an option. Pen is private, I'm pretty sure you pen is private and pen state. And then Maryland and Rutgers. Something about this is screaming Rutgers to me. And I don't know as much about University of Maryland, although I lived there for a number of years. I'm not sure on this one. I am going to guess option four, University of Maryland and Rutgers. Okay, so we scroll down, see if this is right. No, I'm wrong. Okay, Quinn is wrong for the first time ever. The answer is the only other one that made logical sense,
Starting point is 00:37:35 University of Georgia and UNC. I did not know that. I have made my first incorrect response today. But let's move on here. It was a hell of a run. The athletic teams of Yale University, Washburn University of Topeka, and Williams College in Massachusetts have something in common,
Starting point is 00:37:55 despite the dissimilarities of their athletic programs. What is it? Okay, so our three schools, we're looking for one thing in common. Yale, Washburn, and Williams. Each team wears blue and white. They're tied for the longest football winning streak in history. They were the first three schools in the country to create basketball teams or their nickname after their school's founder. Really good question. I don't know this one. So I don't think it's the football question.
Starting point is 00:38:23 I don't know this one. So I don't think it's the football question. Although Ivy League football, I think that's I don't know if that's D1 I don't know Blue and white was the first thing that stood out to me because Yale is it definitely got that going on But I don't know anything about Washburner Williams First schools to create basketball teams. I don't think so because Washburn is out in Kansas, I would think of that as a northeastern thing. Their nickname after their school's founder, Williams, Washburn, and Yale. That certainly could be a thing. I'm going to guess blue and white,
Starting point is 00:39:04 but not confident in this one. Let's scroll down and see how it is. No! Named after their school's founder. So I'm on a cold streak here. So Yale is Ellis Yale, Washburn is Ikebod Washburn and Williams is Ephraim Williams. That was, I mean, both the colors one and the names one
Starting point is 00:39:24 were pretty like, yeah, that makes sense to me. So I just had to guess kind of like the previous one. Two answers that made sense, had to guess between two and both times have been wrong. Okay, three left here, then we'll swing back around with one one round from the other questions and that'll be it for us. I'll find a good section for you. Okay, three to go in this one. There's a college in New York, which charges no tuition
Starting point is 00:39:52 and whose students all earn the same degree, which one is it? I do not know this. Okay, so we have the New School, Web Institute, Cooper Union, or Juilliard. Okay, so my Jack's partner works at the new school. I don't think that's correct. I think I would have heard of that.
Starting point is 00:40:14 I think of the new school as being a very expensive place to go to school, but that might not be the case. That's just my understanding or my impression. I don't know much about the web institute. I've never heard of Cooper Union and Juilliard. I don't think would be no tuition. So I'm gonna just have the guests, one of the ones I don't know.
Starting point is 00:40:36 I will guess the web institute, and I have no clue on this one. It's rolling down, and the correct answer is web. Okay, well, we got one back there on this one. I'm scrolling down. And the correct answer is web. OK, well, we got one back there, I guess. Each graduate of web receives a BS degree in Naval architecture and marine engineering. Wow, schools on Long Island. Cooper Union was tuition-free until 2014,
Starting point is 00:40:58 but offers degrees in multiple fields. Off the look up where Cooper Union is, never heard of it. OK, we got two left here. One of the Ivy League schools was originally established as a school to train Native Americans as Christian missionaries, which one, I mean, I feel like this could be anything. So the four choices they give you
Starting point is 00:41:16 are brown, Cornell, Dartmouth, and Yale. I don't think it's gonna be Cornell, just just something about Cornell's history that makes me think no. I don't, Yale is, I feel like Yale I would have heard of that. There's a Yale Theological Seminary, I think, which is very well known. I don't think that's it. So I'm between Brown, which is in Providence. Rhode Island was founded by Roger Williams, right? Fling, religious persecution. So there is a religious angle there,
Starting point is 00:41:52 but I don't know if he would want to train Native Americans. Dartmouth is in, I've walked it before. It's in Hanover, New Hampshire. I don't know much about Dartmouth. I'm going to guess Dartmouth. I don't know much about Dartmouth. I'm gonna guess Dartmouth. I don't know. It could be any of these to be perfectly honest. Just going off of some gut feelings.
Starting point is 00:42:13 The answer is Dartmouth. Okay, wow. Dartmouth continues to sponsor Native American Program, Native American Studies Department and its admissions office actually seeks to recruit native students. That was lucky.
Starting point is 00:42:25 Cause in my mind, I had narrowed it down to Dartmouth and Brown, but that was very much still. It's like, I could have been Yale and I just had never heard that before. Okay, our last one in this set, and then we'll finish up with a couple other ones. The smallest school to ever appear in the Rose Bowl. How the University of California to a scoreless tie. Oh, this is a great clue, and I have no idea. Which college held Cal to a scoreless tie in the Rose Bowl? Either Bowden, La Thayette College. Oh, I don't know how to say this in I apologize.
Starting point is 00:42:58 Suwani, SEWA, and E.E. It's a common word in the South, but I don't know it. Or Washington and Jefferson. Okay. Bowding doesn't really strike me as a team that would have a football program, but then again, this was obviously a long time ago. And, you know, back in the 20s, schools like Chicago
Starting point is 00:43:21 and Fordham were the best in the country. So, for all, I know Bowdoin could have a program or may have had a program back then. It still might have a program. I don't know. I don't know anything about La Thea College. I assume it's in Louisiana. So Wani, I don't even know where that is.
Starting point is 00:43:36 I'll assume Georgia, Washington and Jefferson. There's also Washington and Lee, right? I did a job interview once with Washington and Lee. I don't know where Washington and Jefferson is. Money, big money would be on it being in Virginia somewhere. I have no idea. Out of all of these, this one might be the most like, just got nothing.
Starting point is 00:44:00 No clues, no instincts other than I don't think Bowden has a school. Lafayette's from the South, South, oftentimes more associated with football today, but not necessarily 100 years ago. I'm going to guess Washington and Jefferson. I don't know, just something about it. Screams like old school, Fordham, you know, Lombardi kind of football to me. Let's see. Did I say Washington and Jefferson? Because that's correct.
Starting point is 00:44:30 The 1921, literally 100 years ago, okay, I said that earlier and it's actually right. The 1920, this is all very, very fortunate guessing on my part. The 1921 Washington and Jefferson presidents, what a great team name, finished their football season 10 and 0 and were invited to pass a gene It would take on the golden bears and then 1922 rose bowl at the time each entering Each entering class at Washington and Jefferson contain under 400 men. That's damn impressive
Starting point is 00:44:58 Okay, so I believe I I was five of five on the first section, eight out of 10 on the previous one if you're keeping score at home. Let's just round up with some fun ones. And I'll just jump around here. I'll read you a couple clues that I think are fun. Let's see here. I want something that's got a bite to it, you know, not this basic one. Like it has the largest enrollment of any university in Utah, which is a good question
Starting point is 00:45:29 by the way, and something I know off the top of my head, because it's actually the largest private school in the country. But I want something a little bit more edgier than that, you know, it is BYU in case you're curious. Okay, let's see here. I want to at least one or two good ones to really, you know, give us a jumping off point here or a closing up shop point. Okay. Talk about dead air. I don't know. Founded in 1836 by the Methodist Church, this Atlanta University is located along the Clifton corridor. And if you want an extra clue, it's a school that has two campuses. One in Atlanta and one in Oxford, I believe, Georgia. That would be Emory University.
Starting point is 00:46:25 Okay, let's find at least one more really good one to bring us home. Let's see. Give me a good one. These are all way too basic. That top category was good. Oh, here's a good one. This is relevant to actually a conversation I was having with a coworker. And this was, I learned something. So I'll share this clue with you all. An old, open bucket, O-A-K-E-N,
Starting point is 00:46:57 O-K-N goes to the winner of an annual football game between these two cross state rivals. That's not quite what the clue was, but I made it a little bit tougher because the original clue had one of the two schools in it and that would give it away, I think. They are major power five schools, meaning they belong to either the PACC, 12, the big 12, SEC, the big 10 or the ACC. The answer, the Okan bucket goes goes to the winner of Indiana vs Perdue.
Starting point is 00:47:29 And I knew that they had a rivalry, I didn't know it was for an Okan Bucket, which is what I learned earlier this week. Okay, let's find one more good one to really bring us home. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da Bum bum bum. Okay, this this wasn't quite like the the amazing final jeopardy type category that I was Clue that I was going for but I'll just give it to you anyways give you a little bit of time to Swish it around in your mouth and see what comes out I'll just give it to you straight up more kind of fact than Fun question or anything. Give me the two
Starting point is 00:48:25 US colleges that are still you know colleges still still running That were founded in the 17th century Okay, so I'm look there's it's pretty straight up pretty simple. I just want you to tell me the two US colleges that were founded in the 17th century, the 1600s. So you know they've got to be on the East Coast in some capacity, 13 colonies. One of them we have definitely mentioned already on today's program.
Starting point is 00:49:07 I think it was the answer to one of our clues already. So there's a clue in and of itself for you. The other one is extremely famous, but I don't think we've mentioned it. So what's it gonna be? What's your answer? Okay, clock's ticking. I'm gonna read it now. So pause if you're not ready yet. The two colleges that are still going today that were founded in the US in the 17th century are
Starting point is 00:49:32 Harvard and William and Mary which we had definitely already mentioned earlier on on the show. Okay, so that was what I wanted to share with you all. I hope you had fun. I had fun and I learned something new. That's the most important thing. You tune into bean town to learn something new.
Starting point is 00:49:55 Okay, what's better than that? Being educational, your kids can listen to this one. I don't think I swore once. So this is a fun one to share with the entire family. Yes, it was long, but it was action packed. Other than that one section where I read an email with like 10 seconds of debt air, this show had everything. But that's what I got for you.
Starting point is 00:50:17 And I'm not going to dilly dally anymore. I want to thank everyone for listening. I hope you have a great weekend. I hope you are getting in the Christmas spirit. And, you know, doing some decorating, some dancing, some Christmas caroling, some baking, whatever it might be, to help you get in the mood.
Starting point is 00:50:36 I want you to go for it. Most importantly, thank you for supporting this show. Happy birthday to my brother, Jack. Thanks everyone for tuning in. That's what I got for you. All right, hope everyone has a great time. Going to the DePaul Loyola basketball game tomorrow, go Blue Demons, $2 beer day.
Starting point is 00:50:55 It's gonna be lit. If you don't hear from me tomorrow, that's where I'm gonna be. That's what I got for you. All right, everyone, hope you take it easy. Let's get our outro music going. Stay safe. Stay singing. Catch housewives on Sunday night and I'll talk to sit there and sit there. ndご視聴ありがとうございました

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