Beantown Podcast - Dial of Destiny Predictions & Fourth of July Trivia (06302023 Beantown)

Episode Date: June 30, 2023

Quinn comes to you LIVE hours before the world premiere of Indiana Jones V to talk predictions, Supreme Court rulings, and some Fourth of July trivia. RIP to 2023 pt I...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David furnace. Welcome to Quinn David furnace presents the bean town podcast for Friday, June 30th, 2023. What's going on? What's happening? How are you? My name is Quinn furnace. This is my program. Quinn DeVefernes presents the Bean Town Podcast. It is June 30th today is the high water mark of the The year if you will the the time away from The end of the year the beginning of the year Where as far away as we can get June 30th 2023 officially Halfway over in about seven hours years 5 p.m. On a Friday work is over. The air conditioning is on. First time this year, for me, I think Rachel turned it on once before, but it's weird in Chicago. We had the smoke this week.
Starting point is 00:00:53 We finally got the whole New York work, you know, Northeast, New England, a month ago now, right? And it finally the the brief BALTO 2 wins of change what a test You can believe it finally And so it was like you go about Tuesday was the worst day Wednesday was still rough But it's kind of cleared up now the The air quality is still in the low 100s.
Starting point is 00:01:25 It's just still definitely worse than it should be, but it's less noticeable now. I also, I would for runs Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and I'm not dead yet, nor have I had any ordal embolisms of any sort. I'm not encouraging it. I'm just saying there were a lot of people freaking out on Reddit and stuff being being like if you're not wearing
Starting point is 00:01:47 N95 mask here and a kill yourself And I'm out there running and there's got to be some sort of happy medium, right? I don't know Listener discretion is advised when you're listening to this program No one will occasionally use some language to this podcast is objectively terrible I also want to give a quick shout out to our friends in Packie Stan hello hydra bad hello kiber pass I also want to give a quick shout out to our friends in Pakistan. Hello Hydrobat, hello Kairabh, hello Karachi, you are listening from Thank You for Making us the 112th ranked comedy podcast in the great nation of Pakistan.
Starting point is 00:02:18 What are we drinking today? We got a Bells Oberon American Whitetail, a classic beer you all know it's the yellow can, the blue stripe, the sun, good stuff, and then a nice little glass of wild turkey whiskey. So we're just like George Surgut, one bourbon, one shot, one beer. My question about George Surgut's song, One bourbon, one shot, one beer. Is the shot of bourbon or is it a separate shot? So you got a glass of bourbon, either on, you know,
Starting point is 00:02:52 with a nice cube like I do, or just plain, whatever they call it, neat. You got a beer, obviously, which was almost certainly not a bell's Oberon. And then is the shot just the whiskey and you're just repeating it? Or is it something else? In which case, what would you be having a shot of?
Starting point is 00:03:12 I can't imagine if you're drinking bourbon from a glass, you also wanna have a shot of bourbon, that's kind of weird. But then what would you want? If you already have an beer, if you already have in the glass of whiskey or bourbon, yeah, glass of bourbon, like what, you wouldn't want a shot of absent or something, right?
Starting point is 00:03:33 Or tequila, I guess maybe tequila. I'm thinking like you definitely wouldn't want a shot of vodka. I don't think, doesn't really feel like it. It goes with the vibe. I don't really see George in his Delaware destroyers has taken a lot of vodka shots, but who knows, maybe that's what happened to his voice.
Starting point is 00:03:51 It has been a crazy couple of days between the smoke and then the Supreme Court just went beast mode for all the wrong reasons this week. And we got Fourth of July, which was gonna be weird for me specifically because it's a Tuesday this year so we're still supposed to work Monday, but then we didn't get, well, okay, good news and bad news, good news is we got Monday off.
Starting point is 00:04:16 The bad news is they didn't announce it till this week. Like it was just such a terrible planning and so we have a program and we canceled it but then we brought it back. It was just very, very frustrating. I'm happy I have the day off, but now we still have a program going. Am I obliged or compelled or am I being forced to work it?
Starting point is 00:04:39 No, but it's like other people are. So I don't really want to hang them out to dry. So it's virtual, which is good news. I don't have to go to an office or anything, but a weird kind of four day weekend, America's birthday, 4th of July, we're gonna have 4th of July trivia for you in a couple minutes here.
Starting point is 00:04:54 This is gonna be a pretty condensed, pretty short show. I've got some notes here, and I want to make sure I get through all of them. But, you know, we're going to see Indiana Jones in about two hours here. Indiana Jones 5, the Dial of Destiny. And so we're going to be talking some Dial of Destiny predictions. In fact, we might as well jump into it right there. So we've already done some of our housekeeping things.
Starting point is 00:05:21 I'm also the writer, producer, the composer of this fine program. I did not compose the intro or the outro music, but I did perform it. So, there's something for him. Mainly, I would say I'm going tonight for John Williams. Like, there's nothing in the movie that's going to make me be like, oh my god, like, I am so glad I saw this one in theaters. I'd be just as happy to watch a film like this in a franchise like this at home without paying through the nose for tickets. It will be fun to see a Harrison, yeah, but you kinda know what you're gonna get for him, right?
Starting point is 00:05:56 It's still fun to watch him, but you felt like he was kind of robotic skeleton-esque 15 years ago in King of the Crystal Skull and now he's in his 80s still going, which is cool. Good for him, I mean, I'm not Reagan on it, but John Williams is what 91 now, 92, something like that. And the thing with Johnny, as he's outright said, you know, either this is my last one or I might have one more in me depending on what Spielberg is planning. But it's like, he, he, at a certain point, you gotta be done, right?
Starting point is 00:06:32 He's done with Star Wars now. He hasn't done any of the new projects that they've done. And this is obviously it for this iteration of Indiana Jones. So I'm going for, for John Me, there's a very realistic chance that this is either his last score or he might have like one more in him. I mean, the guy is literally in his 90s. The most legendary film composer of all time. The little John Williams
Starting point is 00:07:01 Oscar did bit for all the film buffs out there. John Williams has the record or, well, he's second behind Walt Disney for most Oscar nominations ever. I think Williams is up to like 51. He got nominated this last time around for whatever it was, whatever that the Spielberg movie was that came out most recently. I don't even remember what it was. I definitely didn't see it. Oh, it was the Fable Men's.
Starting point is 00:07:26 That was that was John Williams, which I wanted to see this not a movie where it's like, oh I didn't want to see that. It's never got around to it. I know my brother did, but I'm even a big Paul Dano fan. One of these days, I just kind of feel like it's one of those movies that's great. And I do like Spielberg, but it's kind of like,
Starting point is 00:07:42 I feel like, and this is just my biased opinion, I feel like I know what it is before I've watched it. It's not a good reason and not watch something, but it just means that I guess I'm less eager to be like, oh my gosh, I gotta see this. Whereas Mission Impossible is on the opposite end of that spectrum, do I have a general skeleton idea of what's gonna happen in Mission Impossible?
Starting point is 00:08:03 Yes, but it's so like, you never seen it before the stunts and stuff. They're so new. They're so real that you really want to see them as soon as you get the chance to. Which by the way mission impossible, what are we up to? Seven now? Dead reckoning I think is like maybe not next weekend, but the weekend after. So some quick I didn't plan any of these but some quick dial of destiny predictions. I guess thinking back to Crystal Skull if you'll recall Shyla Buff played Indiana Jones son Mutt in that one son of Indiana Jones and Marion Ravenswood Karen Allen who's on Whitway Weight On Tell Me last weekend. I think they're
Starting point is 00:08:46 going to address the mutt situation, but I think they're going to either kill them off or say he like just went down a bad path or something. Obviously, shy is not in the movie. Maybe we'll see like a picture or something, but I think they might even have killed them off during like World War II or something, or Korea or Vietnam or something. This one is said in 69, so it could be, or I think it's 69, something like that. So it could be Korea, it could be Vietnam, we'll see. What else is gonna happen?
Starting point is 00:09:16 Well, I know Karen Allen is in it. I think she's gonna have a very small role, however. I don't think she does a ton of acting these days. Oh, I think a flea bag. Her character is the female lead in this movie. I think she's going to come off at the start as being like very superficial and you're not quite sure even though you know she's going to end up being a good guy. You're not sure at the beginning because she might have ulterior motives or basically like to some extent a copy of the blonde in last crusade,
Starting point is 00:09:49 who was like very much in with the Nazis and was like kind of a bad guy, kind of not. I don't think Flea Bag is what's your name? Phoebe, Phoebe, Bridger, Jones, something like that. I don't think she's gonna be like a bad guy or anything like that, but I think she's gonna, you can't really trust her, you know, just like me around cheese. Oh geez. You give me a bag of that shredded cheese Half of it's gone before you know it
Starting point is 00:10:14 Other predictions. Oh, Mads, Mikkelson that guy's totally gonna die. It's gonna be something cool Like it's gonna get his face melted off or something. There's gonna trust me, there's gonna be a lot of callbacks to previous films in terms of maybe action sequences. There's gonna be some sort of action sequence that is a sort of a tip of the cap to the mind shaft sequence from Temple of Doom because I feel like the franchise has kind of written off Temple of Doom and a lot of fans have, but there's also a faction of people who
Starting point is 00:10:51 have a lot of like, you know, 1984 affinity for Temple of Doom and are kind of sick of basically the people like, shitting on it, I guess, for lack of a better word. And so I think that there could be a callback, which speaking of kind of callbacks, I think something additionally they're gonna do, Temple of Doom is of course known for like being spooky, being scary, a lot of bugs. I think we're gonna see some bugs in this film. Oh, we'll make this my last prediction here.
Starting point is 00:11:27 We gotta move on. But obviously there's gonna be something with snakes. That's just Indiana Jones 101. But I think there's gonna be some, write this down. There's gonna be some King Kong-esque sequence. I'm thinking like bats or millipedes, centipedes, desipedes centipedes desipedes those are those are the spooky ones because you expect them to have a hundred or a thousand likes and they only have ten and
Starting point is 00:11:53 It's kind of spooky. It's like a spider plus two which sounds kind of spooky to me I don't know so those are my predictions for dial a destiny Which we're gonna go seeing about two hours here destiny, which we're going to go seeing about two hours here. Other things that have been going on, well I mentioned it's been crazy, but the Supreme Court, of course, last couple days has just gone nuts. It's like the end of their term, if you will. And of course, affirmative action, to a certain extent, get struck down, but even saying that is a huge over-generalization. If you read the brief or a nice summary of the brief, you'll see
Starting point is 00:12:28 there's a beautiful paragraph at the end that says basically not making the whole thing at all, but they're the whole decision at all, but just confusing it to no end, basically saying you can't use race as like a primary thing for admitting students. However, students can absolutely talk about race and ethnicity and how it's affected their lives. And they can talk about that in their college applications. And you can ask about it, like, diversity statements that schools as students are not going away. So at the end of the day, it's like, what was this all for?
Starting point is 00:13:03 So I don't know that, but it's just that they did, they blocked student loans today or they student loan forgiveness, which blessed to not have that impact me one way or another, but it impacts a lot of people. And it was yesterday they ruled in favor of the business who didn't want to serve a LGBTQA community member. So that's gonna be a lot of fun moving forward. Basically, they were able to make it through Moshe, July or June rather, with their pride intact, if you will, and then their last last day, their term, they've really brought the hammer down.
Starting point is 00:13:41 So that was very nice, that was very fun. So Supreme Court's been on a, on a bender lately. A quick shout out here. I promised you a shorter episode. I'm gonna hold you to that. We're gonna go this kind of just rapid fire style here. We got a couple other things that are very like random, not connected, but hopefully fun, including our trivia question and the results from our being town poll question of the week. But first, I want to give a quick shout out to our friends at Home Pride Oregon when you need your home
Starting point is 00:14:06 respected and central organ, Carl Sone, who's safe, certified, someone who you can trust. That safe, certified person could be my dad, Steve at 541-410-0316, or go to or email Again,, when you need a fresh do, when you need to fresh do when you need a fresh home inspection double-in-shurred call the experts at Home Pride Oregon. Also our friends
Starting point is 00:14:30 the Samson Q2U series delivering us crisp clear audio quality sounds good whether you are doing a little Quran action or of course the Pentate Hook of just an ancient favorite at this point. Maybe you're doing a Scott Ferrell audio book, which I've continued to hear in there in the last couple of weeks listen to on my runs. Of course, we recorded it. I'm now halfway through, I'm on to part three, which is exciting because we get up to like 2012,
Starting point is 00:14:59 or we're in 2012 now, and that's my year. That's when I really start to shine, like October, 2012, so I got that to look forward to. But it sounds good no matter what. He did the the Samsung did the audio book and it is just beautiful quality. It captured all the voices, the spirit, the emotion, the highs, the lows. Samsung Q2U series. Got speaks. He uses a Samsung. And of course, finally, a Cuts by Q did a nice little shave by Q today. It was nice, close.
Starting point is 00:15:28 We even do hot towel service for no extra fee. I will, you know, I'll scrounge up Scounge SCR O-U-N-G-E. Scrawling up a towel, I'll throw it in the oven for like five minutes at, I don't know, 425. I could broil it. When you need to fresh do some of the snapper you're new, call the experts at CUTs by Q. You can also get in touch with the show
Starting point is 00:15:51 by emailing us, and this for your feedback, your praise, your lavish gifts, even if you wanted to do that. Or your super likes. And hey, here's a, we don hey, we never do stuff like this, but if you are new to the show you're listening, I'd really appreciate if you go to your podcast app,
Starting point is 00:16:13 you give it a like, a follow, give us a quick review, five stars, if you think you're having fun, if you like trivia, if you like knowing more about dialed Destiny predictions, leave us five stars. Of course, not if you're on Stitcher, because Stitcher announced they're shutting down in a couple months, so.
Starting point is 00:16:29 Rip to Stitcher. That was one of the not OG ones that I was like big on, but just I would talk about it. I never really did anything with it, but my show was feed fed through there. So this last Wednesday did something kind of neat, never done anything quite like this before. I went to a Chicago Blackhawks draft party.
Starting point is 00:16:50 So anyone who follows the NHL knows that the Blackhawks won the draft lottery, meaning they had the rights of the first overall pick. And big generational talent this year, counter-bidard, he's only 17 out of like Alberta or something. So my friend Tom excuse me, got us some tickets to the draft party at the Salt Shed and we went, it had a great time, you got to see the pick, there was a you know bands performing, it was a beautiful night, even though the smoke was smoking. There was even this cool little game where you had to shoot the hockey puck into the hole and we won and we got free bucket hats and stuff. So just a great, great night.
Starting point is 00:17:29 I just wanted to say those types of things are fun and something I did that was kind of unique this week. All right. I have three more notes that I bring down here when I got to go to Instagram to get. This one just popped up this morning when I was working and all I wrote down when I was half awake was people with only a follow Function if you will rather than like a like a I Guess what I'm getting at is LinkedIn so people with only a follow function on social media got to get over themselves
Starting point is 00:17:59 So I'm LinkedIn you can like connect with someone and then they'll connect back with you or just like accept your connection like avatar with someone and then they'll connect back with you or just like accept your connection like avatar with your hair. But then there's some people who are just like you have to follow me in order in order for this to be cool and they're not following you back or anything. It's just like they're such a cool person that you got to follow on LinkedIn. person that you got to follow on LinkedIn. And I just think you got to get over it, you know, like you're not that important that someone has to follow you. So just I almost never used LinkedIn. I don't think we've ever posted on LinkedIn. I don't know. Is anyone else like, and I'm not like, oh, I hate LinkedIn, like whatever it is, what it what it is It I see its purpose anytime I go to LinkedIn. It's like you have 14 notifications And it's always like this person
Starting point is 00:18:52 Who you don't follow but you might be interested in following posted about this job that's in like Taxales or something that has absolutely nothing to do with college admissions And you're just like I don't know why we were getting notifications about this seems kind of that has absolutely nothing to do with college admissions. And you're just like, I don't know why we were getting notifications about this seems kind of silly. Yeah, Facebook is kind of similar. My Facebook has really died down, which is totally fine. But I've found that a lot of Facebook specific notifications,
Starting point is 00:19:22 like they're really just grasping at straws to try to get your attention. So we did a, one, a couple of the things here we did, a bean town poll question of the week here. We do that sometimes on my Instagram. If you're curious, you can follow us. There is no show specific Instagram. I am at q.queen d, q period, queen d on Instagram. So we do bean town podcast poll questions from time to time
Starting point is 00:19:48 Live stream occasionally here or there so this morning I was having a cup of coffee and it dawned upon me I've had my mr. coffee Whatever it is mr. Cafe something like that mr. coffee coffee maker since I was in grad school I think is when I bought it or maybe no, I think it was my last year of college. So 2016, 2015. So we're running at eight years now, approximately seven, eight years, something like that. And so I thought, let's pull the fans, or the friends of the show, see where you're at.
Starting point is 00:20:17 So the question was very simply put, how old is your coffee maker? We had four options, zero to one years, one to three years, three to five years, and five plus years. And it's still going. We've had 85 views on it so far, and some solid engagement, better than nothing. But these will not be the final results,
Starting point is 00:20:38 because it's still only about eight hours old at this point. So if you're curious, the standings right now, it's dead heat. It's 29% to zero to one years, 14% to one to three years, and then 29% each to three to five and five plus. So if you haven't voted yet on our poll question, I have not voted, but I guess if I voted, that would tip the scales for five plus years, which tells you something about these $25 coffee machines.
Starting point is 00:21:08 They can still move baby. So good stuff there. Again, if you wanna participate in our Bean Tompuckus, poll question of the week. You can always do that on Instagram when applicable at q.queen d on Instagram. Okay, we have the last thing here, it is July 4th weekend.
Starting point is 00:21:30 Oftentimes we'll make a bigger deal out of that on the Beentom podcast. I even thought about maybe playing some Sousa for you on the piano today. I always got Washington Post and Stars and Stripes under my fingers ready to go, but I decided, you know what, let's just keep it simple. We've played it in the past, and surely, you know,
Starting point is 00:21:45 assuming the show's got another at least 75 years, I would say, that's another 75 plus opportunities to play those tunes for you. So it's okay to take time off this week, but you can always go listen to daddy long legs, of course, taking the world by storm. It's got everything that Olivia Rodriguez new song Vampire doesn't.
Starting point is 00:22:04 She thought it'd be cool to write a spooky song So she's chose vampires. I said well, that's kind of been done before a little song called Twilight So daddy long lays you don't hear a lot of songs about spiders So here we go our last thing and then we will wrap it up like 25 minute mark Which hopefully is nice and refreshing to hear less of me and not feel compelled to have to listen. Here we go. Fourth of July, trivia. And I learned this today. I thought this was a very interesting fact because I never would have guessed it. So here we go. Very simple question
Starting point is 00:22:34 that is like not filled with clues, but I have clues that I will give you that will progressively give it away. But here we go. The question is very simple. The Fourth of July was made a national holiday in the midst of this war. So that's the questions very straightforward. The Fourth of July was made a national holiday in the midst of this war. So to part first you got to figure out what year and then if you're you probably could figure out from there what the war was most people could probably figure it out, but I don't want to assume anything So there you go. There's the question if you don't want any hints and you just want to figure it out Give this a pause right now, but here's our first hint six Americans died on US soil in this war and
Starting point is 00:23:21 The US was 18th in countries and total deaths across all countries of the world. I wrote all involved countries. I don't know of every single country that had a death was involved per se. But if you just go to the Wikipedia article for this war and look at all the country, the deaths by country, that's what I'm looking at. So again, six deaths on US soil in this war. That's a great story too, which we'll finish up, come back to it. Next hint, the US was not an active member of this war when July 4th occurred on the year
Starting point is 00:24:00 that it became a national holiday. So there's an interesting one for a US was not an active member of this war when, till I fourth happened that year. Next up, the vice president during this year was Henry A. Wallace. Henry A. Wallace. Last two clues here now, it's time to give it away.
Starting point is 00:24:18 There are 48 states in the union when this war occurred and then last one is the year 1941. So of course the answer to this week's Beentom Pikes Trivia question, the 4th of July was made a national holiday in the midst of this war. It was World War II. And yeah, the six Americans died in US soil when a Japanese, I didn't look this up, but I'm familiar, a Japanese weather balloon or like spy balloon explored, exploded. explored explode it was an organ and Blue up and kill six people so there you go. There's your bean-tongued podcast poll question of the week So there you go everyone. I hope you have a great fourth of July weekend and
Starting point is 00:25:01 I don't know do some do some grilling You could, I'll speak in a grilling. I had that, remember, 30 Rocks, Seinfeld Vision, where Jerry's on the law and order SVU episode, and whatever the lady's name is, she's asking him. She's like, if you knew where she was, and why did you kill her? And Seinfeld's like, quit grilling me. And that's how I felt when my mom texted me this week asking me for the Birthdays of my future in-laws house like man, I I think I got this but all of a sudden you know you get sweaty
Starting point is 00:25:35 Your collars getting a little damp like man. I can't mess this one up And that's all I could think of Seinfeld and 30 rocks saying quit grilling me So on that note, that's what I got for you. Everyone, I hope you have a safe, happy, fourthed July weekend every year. Some numb nut blows their fingers off. John Pierp, Jason Pierpall, John Pierpall, John Paul Pandowski. Definitely not. Jason Pierpall NFL Pro Bowl defensive end.
Starting point is 00:26:03 Blue is fingers off one year. And he's at three fingers ever since. So don't be like Jason, and instead, you know, be smart with your fireworks, whatever you decide to do. That's what I got for you guys. We can queue up our outro music here everyone. I hope that you stay safe, stay sane. Happy Fourth of July weekend. Happy July July I'll
Starting point is 00:26:25 check in on you next time bye I'm just going to sit here. I'm just going to sit here. nd ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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