Beantown Podcast - Elton John, War on Drugs, Super Bowl Picks (02112022 Beantown)

Episode Date: February 11, 2022

Quinn comes to you LIVE hot off two amazing concerts to recap, along with some Super Bowl picks and an early preview of the 5th Annual Pledge Drive Telethon Fundraiser...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, What's going on it's Quinn even furnace welcome to my show Quinn even furnace presents the bean town podcast for Friday, February 11th, 2022. What's going on? What's happening? How are you? My name is Quinn. I am the creator producer and host of this fine show. Hello to all my friends out there in Karachi and Pakistan. You guys are lucky. You're only what? I'm going to be playing the game. I'm going to be playing the game. I'm going to be playing the game.
Starting point is 00:00:48 I'm going to be playing the game. I'm going to be playing the game. I'm going to be playing the game. I'm going to be playing the game. I'm going to be playing the game. I'm going to be playing the game. I'm going to be playing the game. I'm going to be playing the game.
Starting point is 00:01:04 I'm going to be playing the game. I'm going to be playing the game. a Twitch stream of my good friends, you know them from the podcast they've been on once or twice before Ryan Austin English actually has been on many times for Oscars special but in Kristen English and then their sister Lauren as well but if you don't know they've started streaming on Twitch and in fact I urge you to go give them a follow you can do what I did and create a Twitch account just so that you can follow them they are reekent as in reek entertainment, REK, but then ENT, so re-kent. Like, re-kent, but re-kent. Definitely go give them a follow-up, but I was telling them earlier, I just said like finally this week admitted to myself that I really don't give an F about the Winter Olympics. You know, it's in China and it's not my favorite market. And it's 14 hours ahead, which is just brutal.
Starting point is 00:01:51 And I'm also just realizing, especially now that, you know, Sean White's done as of last night. And there's no NHL players in the hockey. And beyond that, I mean, there's a couple names that I just know like tangentially like Nathan Chen, Michaela Schiffrin, Lindsey Jacob Bellas. Who was that one? She's not in any more Lindsey Vaughn. Remember when she was like the hot thing and I don't think she ever actually won anything. It was kind
Starting point is 00:02:22 of strange but you know there's just like not any names that I really care about. And there are certain sports when they come if I was just like watching the casualty at a bar, like speed skating, for example, which actually happened last night, we were out to supper. And there were some speed skating on TV. I was, you know, casually watching it. But it's just like beyond that. I'm just like finally, I don't know, I felt this pressure as a human, a very small amount of pressure, but just like as someone who like sports
Starting point is 00:02:49 and who grew up, you know, family would always watch the Olympics and we would even like, tape them on VHS and stuff. You kind of feel to yourself like, I really like, this is a big deal. It only happens once every four years. Like I should care about this, but I'm realizing this year, like, I really don't,
Starting point is 00:03:03 like I don't care at all, and I don't really feel badly about it. So I think 2024, some Olympics, I always care more about, they'll be in Paris, which I think is six hours ahead. So I will be more invested in that, you know, a lot of it, you know, some of the like early events will start in the middle of the night, but by the time you get to midday, I'll be awake for that.
Starting point is 00:03:29 And then 2026, I actually just had to Google it, it is in Milan, so staying in Europe. And I think that's probably seven hours ahead, something like that. So again, it will be tough, but it is what it is. But my point being, I don't really care about the winter Olympics and I'm finally like allowing myself to feel that that's perfectly normal to not care even though I love sports and I love the concept of the Olympics. I just don't really care at all this year.
Starting point is 00:04:00 And also I feel like maybe it's better I should should go back and look, but I feel like NBC doesn't do a really good job. One, it just general coverage, but two, making the Olympics accessible on YouTube and stuff. I don't know, I would assume like peacock, they're pushing a bunch of stuff there, but I don't know, man. I think I have a peacock log in, but it's not, I don't pay for it, and I don't really care about it. And I've really been to peacock, really. So anyways, that's what's going on. You know, with Winter Olympics, I've seen all of 10 minutes of it so far, and we're what, a week, a week in. So it is what
Starting point is 00:04:40 it is. My name is Quinn, and listen to your discretion, his advice when you're listening to this show. Number one, we will occasionally use some language number two's podcast Objectively terrible, but I'm excited to bring you a kind of a nice tight maybe 30-ish minutes today snappy and zippy The plan is to Give a rundown of well There's kind of three things I want to hit on one is our pledge fundraiser. Two is some of the concerts I've been going to because since the last time you heard from me one week ago, I have, I have seen two of my favorite artists.
Starting point is 00:05:13 One is an Alzheimer and one is a newer thing for me, but I mean, I'm so thankful slash lucky that with all, you know, COVID and stuff, like, I've been able to see some artists at some fantastic venues at a reasonable price and had just a fantastic time, both nights, which is really awesome because this year so far has just been a challenge for me. There's been some personal stuff
Starting point is 00:05:37 with just like family that's been really hard. And then also just like, you know, you know how it is with like working a lot and working multiple jobs. And there are times when that's kind of just like whatever and you just kind of, you know, chill out and it's not bad. And then there are times where it really just kind of f2 up the behind if you know what I'm talking about. And this year so far, mostly just due to like covering for people on maternity leave, it's been that way. And I'm just, I can't, I was telling Rachel this yesterday, like February, there's only
Starting point is 00:06:13 17 days left. Now there's 16 days left. Like it's already, or yeah, 17 days left today, 18 days left as of yesterday. But you know, that's really exciting because I love getting into March. I like spring. I like when we You know can get into You know, the warmer weather the runs get less, you know The my you know, and this is just winter running, but you know, I'm really I was talking Rachel this last week I'm really or really week. Just very mentally burned out with running.
Starting point is 00:06:49 And I've been proud of myself. I've stayed healthy. This winter, I've stayed on my routine healthy, meaning I haven't pulled the calf or something so far, not gonna go out and went through Thursday and Saturdays. And yeah, my mileage is way down from You know my marathon days four months ago, but I think that's I don't feel bad about that
Starting point is 00:07:10 I'm still running about four miles a day Monday through Thursday and then Trying to try to get in anywhere from like a 10k to seven and a half miles on Saturdays Which you know doesn't it? It's not a long run, but that's still like over an hour of your time on a weekend, which is valuable. And, you know, I'm not, in the summers I wake up or I have woken up the last two summers at, you know, four or five in the morning to get my runs in, because you kind of have to, because it's warm. But in the winters, you don't. In winters, you have just, for me, at least fewer hours where you're awake, typically, you know, I'm, I'm probably waking up at seven or eight in the morning
Starting point is 00:07:47 on a Saturday going to sleep at 10 o'clock at night. So there's only 14, 15 hours in the day, something like that. So to spend all the time to get ready, go run, come back, shower, eat, all that stuff. That's a significant part of the day. My point is, I'm really proud myself that I've kept that going.
Starting point is 00:08:04 And winter running is challenging. You know, there's the obvious things like, oh, yeah, I got to watch out for ice. And like, there's more inclement conditions, like I ran in a blizzard a couple of times last week. And right now it's, it's gotten really wet and froze, froze over the last couple of nights. So there's a lot of ice patches kind of everywhere. I'm not just when you're running, but just walking in the sidewalks too. So there's that kind of like mental energy it takes. You can't really zone out. That's a, that's something that is big with winter running. You know, when you run in nice conditions, you just, you can just kind of like, maybe you turn out some music or something,
Starting point is 00:08:40 you know, you just kind of chill out and zone out. But last two weeks or so with all the snow and Chicago, like you can zone out, it's very much like a battle every time you go out. And then the other thing is it just takes a lot more time to prepare because you're putting on, you know, layers, you got a hat, you got a glove, uh, I've started wearing a knee brace. So, you know, there's just like the extra time that goes in there. So I cannot wait for it to dust to get like some days in the 40s or 50s, which is perfect running weather. You know, you can just wear like a short sleeve T's and shorts. And eventually once you get up into the 60s, 70s, you don't even need
Starting point is 00:09:18 the shirt. So yeah, it's only February 11th. I'm getting ahead of myself a little bit, but that's that's what I'm looking forward to. Speaking of looking forward to, here at the Beentom Podcast, it's our fifth annual Pledge Drive Telephone Fundraiser announcement. I have decided that that is going to be in two weeks. On Friday, February 25th,
Starting point is 00:09:40 so market calendars, I think we're shooting for five PM or so. In years past, I've tried to do that in like the middle of a Saturday in February. And I know that's a tough time. And I know Friday at 5 PM isn't necessarily any better. But my hope is like, hey, you finish work. Before you kind of hunker down for your Friday night
Starting point is 00:10:00 plans, whatever it is, like tune in quickly, give us a call. I have created the GoFundMe page. It's have to do the smaller details and then get it shared. But so I'll definitely be doing that this week. The goal is $200 or something like that, which covers our operating costs. But as we've done the last couple of years, I am donating 100% or I'm matching 100% of your donations to United Way of Chicago, which is really exciting.
Starting point is 00:10:28 Our bean town gives back initiative. So, and that's, you know, this is a comedy show, and I like to laugh, and sometimes I say random shit, but that's something that I'm very proud of. We do that every year. I'll have donor tears again. The pledge drive telephone fundraiser is always a fun time for me. I every year without fail, we get a call from at least one person who I'm like, I had no idea that you even like knew my show existed. You know, oftentimes as a person
Starting point is 00:10:54 that I haven't talked to in a year, two years, three years sometimes. And it might even, it might be one of those people, like we've all got those friends who are like, still friends with on Facebook or Instagram or Snapchat. And they're still great people and you would consider them your friend in real life, but you just haven't seen them in person or interacted with them virtually for a long time.
Starting point is 00:11:16 And so, and this isn't a negative or anything, but you kind of just forget about them, right? They're not occupying your day-to-day mental head space. And so every year without fail, I get at least one of those people in my life who calls into the show, which is just so awesome, because you'll see the caller ID and you're like, oh my gosh, I can't believe that this person is supporting the show this year. So that's really exciting again, our costs are four two things. One is unlimited sound cloud hosting, which
Starting point is 00:11:47 is the only way we can do it so that this show stays free for you. There's no paper up so or anything like that and I get unlimited storage. And then And you'll be the first one to tell you, like, I don't use the website a ton. I'm putting turning out like two blog posts a year at this point, but it's still fun to have it there. And it's just cool to have a home for the show. So yeah, go ahead and check that out. And we'll have some more details this upcoming week.
Starting point is 00:12:14 I'll share our fundraising page on social media and stuff. But yeah, the fifth annual Five Timers Club, Bean Tom Podcast, Tele, telephone, fundraiser, spectacular is happening. We got the old phone ready to go and all that stuff. So phone lines will be open at about five p.m. Central on Friday, the 25th is what we're looking at. The reason I, so my weekends, and I'm not gonna get into the full itinerary
Starting point is 00:12:44 or schedule here, but my weekends are just like ridiculous right now. I got this weekend off, which I'm really looking forward to because I've worked the last two weekends, I think, or two out of the last three weekends, I think, rather. But this weekend, we're doing a chill. It's got some stuff to do tomorrow, but hopefully a little bit of a chill day and the Sunday Super Bowl Sunday. And the next week is our anniversary weekend, so we're gonna do stuff there.
Starting point is 00:13:13 So the next two weekends are actually kind of nice, but then I work the weekend after that, and then you get into March, and then it's no longer February, which is plus drive month. So yeah, I decided to do on a Friday and not, you know, my weekends are precious valuable time as they are for everyone, but especially
Starting point is 00:13:32 going back to the outside of the show, working so much, that's tough. So yeah, we got that Plush Drive fundraiser coming up, excited for that. The next thing I wanted to mention and I'll use this opportunity to just give a quick shout out to our friends of the show Home Pride Oregon when you need your home inspected and central Oregon call Steve at 541-410-0316. He'll get you taken care of. Free quotes, I think I don't know,
Starting point is 00:13:57 but he didn't authorize me to say that. So if it turns out that's not true, you know, don't say anything. Just email us, be in Tompah Kess,, just to let us know, because I just kind of threw that out there without any authorization. Also our good friends, the Sam's CanQ2U series, Samson, S-A-M-S-O-N, when God speaks. Whether it's the gospel, we've said this before,
Starting point is 00:14:24 did we really need four gospel books to tell a story? That just seems kind of lame. When God speaks, He uses a Samson. And oh, our good friend's cuts by Q. I got to tell you, I feel like I moved through the awkward phase of my hair pretty quickly. And for me, that's when it gets like so big and long to where like you just kind of you've been moving it off to the side which is the Quinn Quinn look but then at a certain point you got to commit to the slick back. And I say slick I don't use any products or anything am I here I just in moving it up and back and then typically like wearing a hat when I get out of the shower, which helps it dry and stay in place there. But really, it just takes like a week or two of,
Starting point is 00:15:08 just kind of like permanently changing the flow of your hair, if you will. I don't know how many people who are out there listening can like identify with this, because I don't know that many people that kind of go from short hair to longer hair consistently like me, because I kind of got it on rotation at this point. to go from short hair to longer hair consistently like me,
Starting point is 00:15:28 because I kind of got it on rotation at this point, but it's a process. And for a while, when you're trying to move it from the side to going straight back, it just can kind of get like all over the place and stuff, but I think we've moved through that awkward period in the last like three weeks here, pretty pretty, pretty deftly the FTLY. If you will, so I'm pretty proud of that. And I like the way my hair is looking right now.
Starting point is 00:15:52 I kind of got like a bend gibber thing going on with the beanie, the hair coming out the back, a little bit of five o'clock shadow going on. So yeah, I'm liking the look. You're gonna like the way you look. I guarantee it. And I don't need to remember how we got there. But I have had done some fun things. You know, that lately, the last, you know, weeks since the last recorded, which I'm happy to share about, because that's the toughest thing, you know, doing this podcast the last two years, almost. We
Starting point is 00:16:22 are almost exactly two years since the first shutdown here in Chicago at least like I just we haven't had as many opportunities to be like oh I did this fun thing or that happened last weekend it's been a lot more just like Quinn's thoughts honestly and that's not you know the show was always kind of that way but it was a lot more like oh I'm in Harrisburg Pennsylvania or I mean Lexington Kentucky, and here's what I did here. Here's the bourbon I tried and all, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, haven't really been able to do that much in the last two years. So I'm excited that since the last time we talked, I've been to some really cool concerts
Starting point is 00:16:58 and I also wanted to mention, because I was going to mention it to this two friend of the podcast, John Paul Pandowsky last night, as a recommendation, I was, to mention it to this two Friend of the podcast John Paul Pandowsky last night as a recommendation. I was we saw him before and after the concert But Rachel found us a great spot here in Chicago district brew yards. It's out at like Chicago in Ashland It's it's a really cool place one of those places where you get like the power card You like trade your credit card for their card when you go in and then you pour the beer yourself, they got four different stations each station is a different brewery. And I don't know if those were all like mini like sub breweries as part of district Breards or if they're like their own independent thing and this is just like a tap room for them, I haven't looked into it. Beer, officiionados and Chicago land would definitely know. I just don't, but
Starting point is 00:17:45 it was really cool because you can try all these different beers. You can also order barbecue there. The prices weren't anything crazy, so it was really fun because we just went on Sunday afternoon and kind of late in the day and had plenty of space, it's a nice indoor space. We played some categories. We got to try all sorts of different beer. Had some chicken tenders. It was just like a nice like Sunday afternoon sort of thing where it's not your traditional like, okay, let's find a restaurant to sit down and eat dinner at.
Starting point is 00:18:17 But yeah, it was a good time. So district Brewery Arts, definitely check it out next time you get the chance in Chicago. And then I also mentioned at the outset that I've got to go to some concerts lately. And really, I could probably count on one hand, all the concerts I've been to in the last two years.
Starting point is 00:18:36 The last thing I did before COVID was like late January, 2020, I went and saw Ben Gibberd at Tallyah Hall, a solo acoustic set, which was just like my dream So that was really fun and then With COVID didn't really see very many people at all. I don't remember if I saw I'm sure I saw one or two artists last Last summer like we went inside Fleetwood Mac cover band in, for example, and there's
Starting point is 00:19:05 probably one or two other concerts I'm forgetting about. But then, really, my first time back in a regular concert environment was when I went and saw bleachers with my college roommate Sam here in Chicago. So that was really cool. And then, excuse me, the last six days, I've gotten to see two amazing acts. So, there's a little bit of backstory to this, but I'll just tell you straight up,
Starting point is 00:19:34 in case you don't know, Saturday night, United Center, I saw Elton John, which was amazing. I've ended up finding tickets that weren't egregious, and by that, I mean, like all taxes and fees and all the ticket master shit included was like 90 bucks, which I'm not going to sit here and say, like, oh, yeah, I was a cheap ticket, but like, it's Elton John, okay? And he's on his good farewell tour, good bye, Oliver.
Starting point is 00:19:58 So the backstory behind that is that this tour started in 2018, okay, which is a long time ago for a tour. And I was living in Baltimore at the time and I bought a ticket for Philly, Wells Fargo Arena because I lived in Baltimore and was spending most of the time working in Philadelphia. So I bought a ticket for Fall of 2018 and then I ended up having my working territory reassigned
Starting point is 00:20:24 from Pennsylvania out to Illinois, which was great for a whole bunch of reasons, but it also meant that I had to sell my Alton John ticket. And, you know, I didn't get to see Alton. So fast forward, what, three and a half years later, COVID happens to her pauses. And Alton's back. He actually played the United Center on the Friday night also, but I got to see him on Saturday night. It was amazing, great set. Yeah, there's really not much else to say like he had the OGs with him. He had David Johnston, he had Nigel Olsen, Ray Cooper, obviously, DeMurray passed away many, many years ago. So he's, you know, rest in peace. But other than that, like, it was there.
Starting point is 00:21:06 He played all the hits. He even played a couple of deep tracks. If you're curious, he played, have Mercy on the criminal from Don't Shoot Me on Only the Piano Player. And he played another really deep cut. Let me try to look it up right now. That I really liked. Alton John Settlers.
Starting point is 00:21:25 The thing with those is like, there are the songs that are great, but he plays them every single concert. So I wouldn't say that they're phoned in, but they're just very tight, right? There's not a lot of like, there's not always the most like passion or energy in them. Songs like Benny and the Jets, or I guess that's why they call it the Blues, or like Crocodile Rock.
Starting point is 00:21:48 Those are great songs, but he plays them every single time. So what I love about these deep cuts is that you don't hear them very frequently, and so he really gets to unload into them. So I mentioned him, Mercy and the Criminal, he also play Take Me To The Pilot, which is an old Elton John song,
Starting point is 00:22:04 with like a great rock song. He played border song pretty early on, which is from his second album, I think. That's a hell of a song, it's a cover. I don't remember who wrote it originally, but that's a really good one. And then, oh, a burn down the mission, which I just, I couldn't believe that he would choose to play that song live from Tumbleweed Connection. Great song. And then the last thing I'll say, not my favorite, the funniest
Starting point is 00:22:29 part of this concert to me was he comes back out for his encore. And the first song you play is Cold Heart, which if you don't know is like a remix with Duolipa. And it's like a number one song, et cetera. And so you kind of have to play it at the concerts, right? But it's just like, it's just like a song that is basically him and a drumbeat, like him singing, but not even most of it.
Starting point is 00:23:06 He only sings like here and there. The rest of it is like, do Alipa. And so the band wasn't out for it. So he honestly, like they just start playing the track and he's just like sitting at the piano, like clapping, trying to get the crowd into it. Cause this is literally like a number one hit from the last year. If you don't know Cold Heart essentially combines
Starting point is 00:23:25 four Elton John songs, Rocket Man, sacrifice I think. Where's the Shurra, which is a very deep cut from Blue Moves, perhaps, and another song that I'm forgetting right now, but it's just like a mix, like a mashup, like a glee mashup, a mix, a remix of those.
Starting point is 00:23:50 But it's mostly just like, Synth and a drum beat. So he's just kind of sitting there clapping, singing every once in a while. That was an interesting part of the concert, but I guess you have to play it, I don't know. So that was Elton John, got to see him at the United Center.
Starting point is 00:24:04 It was a total b-otch getting there and getting back, honestly trying to get out there in the weekends. It's so like, there's no real director out to take, right? You got to take two buses or a bus in a train, or in my case going down there at bus and walking, coming back, a bus to a bus, and then walking another half mile, it was just like, that is not my favorite thing to do. But it made it, and I'm so glad I went, because it's all in John, right?
Starting point is 00:24:35 And then last night, Rachel and I, after work, got some drinks and some supper, and then we got to go see the war on drugs. At the Chicago Theater, they have two shows at the of the Chicago theater last night tonight, both sold out. And they were spectacular. They play for a solid two hours. They're obviously very musically talented, but they just love to jam and great show, great energy. We had box seats, which was really cool.
Starting point is 00:25:03 And the most impressive part about this whole concert is that their bass player, Dave, who's been with the band since they started, he was sick, which is unfortunate. So they had a substitute bass player, and I knew it when they started playing, because the substitute bass player didn't look anything like their regular bass player.
Starting point is 00:25:22 And then he talked, Adam, the lead singer, talked about it a little bit, kind of in between songs. But I was actually talking to Rachel about it on our walk home. I was like, so I wonder what happens. When someone from the band, someone integral, the bass player goes out and can't play.
Starting point is 00:25:38 What do they do? Where do they pull that person from? Do they have understudies? Like they would in a theater production that like travel with the band? How does that work? And so I spent some more time researching it this morning and you get this. Their tour manager knows how to play the bass
Starting point is 00:25:56 isn't a professional musician. He's a professional tour manager. And subbed in for their entire two hours set. And you may or may not be very familiar with War on Drugs songs, but they are not like a four time signature, one four five base progression type of band. It like, he killed it.
Starting point is 00:26:17 He was amazing. And obviously he knows all the songs, but I would have a hard time believing that he's like spent any significant time playing with the band outside of probably like a rehearsal that day. So it's just like, I mean, that blew me away. I can't believe he did that. I'm sure they tailored and adjusted the set list to a certain degree to be able to do that
Starting point is 00:26:42 successfully. But that was just so cool that they brought in a backup bass player who's their tour manager and he played their entire set. So that was really cool. My hat's off to those guys. If you don't know the War on Drugs, they're a, excuse me, like an Indy Rock band from Philly formed all the way back in like mid 2000s. If you know the artist Kurt Vile, he was one of the founding members and he left the band
Starting point is 00:27:08 pretty shortly after they got going. But they had kind of, they had their debut album and then their second album, they started to get some traction and then their third album, which is from like 2000, man, I don't like 15 maybe, made it pretty big and then their fourth album, which is from 2017, won the Grammy for Brock album of the year, which is awfully impressive. And then their most recent album, they dropped last year, which I really like. Definitely go give it a listen, it's called, I don't live here anymore. Really powerful lyrics. Unfortunately, Adam, the band sort of, Adam is the guy, basically.
Starting point is 00:27:48 The singer and really does lead guitar. He had a lot of depression back in like the late 2000s, early 2010s. And I'm hoping he's doing a lot better these days, but that led to some really powerful song rating. And he's got to be one of the better guitarists that I've ever seen play in my life. He's one of those people whoists that I've ever seen play in my life. He's one of those people who can do whatever he wants on the guitar and it just flows naturally. And that's really cool to see. As you can imagine at a two hour set, you get some really cool stuff. Great light show, great production, band was very much in sync and all that stuff,
Starting point is 00:28:22 which is very impressive considering the bass player was out. So yeah, definitely go check them out. If you get the chance to see them at a concert, even if you don't know their stuff super well, I would highly encourage it because they're just a very talented group. But if you're just looking to listen to some of their stuff, go check out under the pressure, which is probably my favorite songway. Then change was off there. Most recent album I really like that one.
Starting point is 00:28:46 Red eyes is one that a lot of people know. So yeah, see if you can find a live version of under the pressure of under the pressure because it won't quite give you the full picture of what it was like last night. A man, that was like a spiritual experience. It's over 10 minutes long, you know, and they play it live like 12 or 13 minutes. It starts to a tiny little, turns into like the biggest,
Starting point is 00:29:09 roaring lion comes all the way back to the, the tiniest little, you know, nothing. By the end, he's on his knees, physically changing the pedals with his hands and strumming with the other hand. And it's just like a wave of sound. It's amazing. So that was the Warren Drugs. I'm so happy that we got to see them last night. So yeah, I've seen Elton John and the Warren Drugs in the last six days. Two of my absolute favorites.
Starting point is 00:29:37 Yeah, I mean, Elton John is one of the greatest of all times, obviously, but then you've got the Warren Drugs who have won a Grammy. So like these are pretty big names. And doing, getting you to the United Center and Chicago Theater, that was awesome. My last thing here today, and we'll wrap it up pretty soon here,
Starting point is 00:29:57 send going back to work. I'm on my lunch break right now, but the Super Bowl is tomorrow, the end of the NFL season. It feels like it's been feels like football has been over. I'm not saying there hasn't been Super Bowl hype or talk, because there definitely has, but I don't know. It's kind of interesting. I think just the team's being lower profile this year.
Starting point is 00:30:20 And also the fact that this is the first year in a long time in my, just from my personal feelings about it, that there hasn't been like a clear team to root against in the Super Bowl. In fact, I'll pull up past Super Bowl's Super Bowl results. But you know, I feel like pretty much in the last 20 years when we're talking Super Bowls, you've either had like the Patriots to root against. If okay, I got the list here.
Starting point is 00:30:50 So just going back like last year is Tampa Bay vs Kansas City. That was a game where I wanted them both to lose, right? Brady jumps ship to a new team, goes to the Super Bowl as a wild card, or the chiefs are back in it again. And it's like, F that like the year before you had Kansas City or San Francisco, that was kind of similar to this year, because, you know, those were two teams that hadn't been in a while, in it in a while, particularly Kansas City,
Starting point is 00:31:15 but I'm not a huge Patrick Mahomes fan, so I was rooting against them. Year before you had the Patriots in there, year before you had the Patriots in there, year before you had the Patriots in there, year before you had the Patriots in there, year before you had the Patriots in there. Then before that was probably another one kind of like this year where it was Peyton Manning versus Cam Newton, and that one I would have been fine with either, but then before that you had New England,
Starting point is 00:31:36 before that you had Seattle. So what I'm getting at is like, this is very much a matchup Rams first Bengals where it's like, I'm gonna be perfectly happy with either team winning. For the Rams, it's like you got kind of an older team, but they made the big move with Stafford. They brought in a ton of free agents this year, Von Miller, OBJ. There's a, Jaylin Ramsey, I guess an Aaron Donald had been there for a while, but you know, they've just like put all their chips in the middle of the table
Starting point is 00:32:06 They're back in the Super Bowl after a couple of years the last time they were there, which was what four or five years ago They lost to the Patriots 13 to three was like the worst Super Bowl of all time and The thing with the the this Rams is like they got some shit talkers like Aaron Donald and Jalen Ramsey Aaron Donald especially guy especially he's got an attitude problem, but it's not so much like out there in the public, out there in the public eye, it's mostly just like on the field. So I really don't have too many issues with that. So it's like the Rams win, cool, like good for them.
Starting point is 00:32:40 They went for it and it worked. If the bangles win, it would just be like, I don't know what the F is going on. I don't know what it means. They are not that good. And yeah, I'm saying that as they just, you know, won three straight games in the AC playoffs and, you know, you beat the best to be the best. They get it, but like, they're basically just squeaking by and I'm not taking anything away from them. I'm just saying like there's a reason they weren't as good as the chiefs and the bills and the Titans and even like the Patriots throughout the regular season. So the fact that they got here to the Super Bowl, not taking anything away from them,
Starting point is 00:33:22 but it's just like it kind of inspires hope for above average teams everywhere. Like if the Bengals can win a Super Bowl with a terrible offense align, a very average defense, a good quarterback, but Burrow is still learning, he's still young, he's still growing, he's not Superman. Obviously, they have good wide receivers for sure and mix in a solid, but like, hey, the Bengals can win a Super Bowl. There's no reason that the Minnesota Vikings can't win a Super Bowl. There's no reason that the Bills can't win.
Starting point is 00:33:53 And the Bills, I think everyone would agree, are a better team. Unfortunately, they didn't get to play the Bengals in the playoffs. But it's just like, I don't know. I don't have any explanation for it. They are just like, I don't know, I don't have any explanation for it. They are just like hanging around and I think the biggest thing with the Bengals is that it's getting overlooked is that they're very disciplined. They're not drawing many penalties which makes such a difference. They're just like, their coach and this is coming from someone who's watching my exhibit the last couple of years years isn't stupid like knows how to manage
Starting point is 00:34:26 the clock and I know it's a lot easier to manage the clock when you're sitting on the couch watching a national television broadcast and we're on the sidelines but like hey there's only 32 coaches out there in the world so you really should know how to manage the clock. So yeah I, Zach Taylor does a good job of that. As the Sean McVeigh for the most part. So, yeah, I'm looking forward to it. I'm thinking the Rams, but I would not be surprised at all if the Bangles won,
Starting point is 00:34:58 because I have more or less picked against the Bangles every game up to now. Yeah, it's just kind of weird. I was talking to my brother the other week about this. It's just strange. Like, there's no Rogers, there's no Brady, there's no Mahomes. It's just like, I don't really know how to feel. I mean, I'm happy in one sense because of that, but it's also like, I don't know. Sometimes it's a lot more entertaining and engaging when you have a team you're actively rooting against.
Starting point is 00:35:21 So this one is just kind of like, I hope it's good game. I'm not going to be a bad player. I'm not going to be a bad player. because of that, but it's also like, I don't know, sometimes it's a lot more entertaining and engaging when you have a team are actively rooting against. So this one is just kind of like, I hope it's good game. I get Super Bowl squares. It's seven for LA and zero for the Bengals. I'm really happy with that actually, because I'm feeling like a seven to zero or a 17 to 10 or 27 to 20 is very possible in this game. So fingers crossed, knock on wood, all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:35:49 But yeah, we'll see what happens. My final pick, I will take the Rams. I'll take the Rams. I can't decide. Everyone's thinking it's going to be a shootout. And I get that. But I could also just see the two teams being pretty like conservative
Starting point is 00:36:08 in terms of their approach. And what I'm getting at is like, I don't think either defense is going to let the other team really take the top off. So I could see it being very just like the clock is always moving and the game ends up moving pretty quickly. So I'm gonna actually take a little bit lower score than others might be thinking. I don't think there's gonna be a lot of field goal action in this game. I'm gonna say that the Rams win. I'll take the Rams 24 over the Bengals 20.
Starting point is 00:36:41 Well, let's say 20. Maybe one field goal for the Rams two for the Bengals. Bengals got that rookie kicker, McPherson, who's pretty good. So yeah, I could see him knocking in a couple of field goals. But 24, 20 Rams, my final pick, I think the Bengals get off to load with a lead. The Rams come all the way back and the Bengals just can't,
Starting point is 00:37:01 can't get it going to bring it back. So that's what I think is going to happen, but we'll see. It should be fun. And I don't even know who I'm rooting for, honestly. I mean, we already talked about all that stuff quite a bit. But like, if the bangles win, I don't know how I'll feel, because they'll just be like dumbfounded.
Starting point is 00:37:20 If the rams win, it'll just kind of be like, I'm glad Stafford got one. So, but also Los Angeles people are very irritating to me I don't know we'll see that's what I got for everyone Thanks for tuning in on this nice Friday. There's a little bit of sun out the worst thing about today is I have Multiple afternoon meetings on a Friday, which should be a federal crime, but Biden is yet to return my calls. Thanks everyone for listening. That's what I got. So yeah, take it easy. Stay warm.
Starting point is 00:37:48 Let's get some outro music queued up. Thanks for listening to my show. Most importantly, more details coming up on the Pledge Drive fundraiser telephone. In two weeks, thanks again. Stay safe, stay sane, and I will check in on you next time. Bye. you next time bye ndご視聴ありがとうございました you

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