Beantown Podcast - Foods That Didn't Exist (Friday the 13th - 10132023 Beantown)

Episode Date: October 13, 2023

Quinn comes to you LIVE for episode 299 to talk about various fruits and veggies that used to not exist. Did we forget your favorite new food? Email us at to let us hear it!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furnace. Welcome to my show Quinn David Furnace presents the bean Tom podcast for Friday the 13th Spook Dober. It doesn't get much spookier than a Friday the 13th in October, right? What if the only thing that could make it spooky would be if October or if a Halloween was on Friday the 13th in in October right now That would defy the laws of
Starting point is 00:00:38 Physics and Julian and Gregorian calendar and even the ones that the Mayans were using when they made that 2012 movie with John Qsac Is that right is that John Qsac 2012? That was one of those movies that got so much media hype And then it was just so bad John Qsac Chuvotelo, Edgiel Ford Woody Harrelson and man to Pete Danny Newtonany Glover. That's one of those films that man watched when I could get it at the library right after it came out, because I was really pumped.
Starting point is 00:01:19 But you know, you didn't see a lot of movies and theaters as a kid. You know, this 2012, I just had it., came out and like, but like 2008, probably something like that. So, I was going to 13. And it was just one of those movies where I, even when you're that young and you're impressionable and maybe you're, you don't really have a very refined film buff kind of pallet, you know, it's like, oh, this film kind of panel that you know it's like oh this film kind of sucks It's probably one of those things where he if it came out today and I
Starting point is 00:01:54 You know research it saw the trailer and stuff I could probably tell you before I saw like oh this is gonna suck but Yeah, teenage Teenage Quinn was awfully disappointed by The 2012 film my name iset Furnace and this is my show Quintet Furnace presents the Bean Tom Podcast for of course Friday the 13th. October year 6 of the Bean Tom Podcast 2023 what's going on how are you I'll start with a public apology here on the Bean Tom Podcast and then we'll get into our topic let Let's start with
Starting point is 00:02:25 trivia today. I think that'll be fun since we typically end with it and then we'll get into today's topic which is going to be all about sort of the marbles of mankind, not Captain America or Thor or Captain America or Natalie Portman is Captain America, but rather fruits and vegetables and things that we have in our day to day lives that, you know what? If you were hanging out with the Mayans back in the year, you know, whenever they projected that 2012
Starting point is 00:02:56 would be the last year, so probably like, I don't know, Mayans, what are you thinking? Like 10, 1080, something like that. They wouldn't have had these foods although a lot of a lot of my research on these fruits and vegetables that you know are sort of man-made or hybridized They tend to be born out of this fertile crescent there in Mexico between the of this fertile crescent there in Mexico between the the oxidantal and the orientals and the wahakas, I think the three O's,
Starting point is 00:03:29 the big three, that's what they call them down. In Mexico, wahaka, O-A-X-A-C-A, pretty badass word. Before I say anything else, listen to discretion's advised, or listen to the meantime podcast number one, we'll kiss you in some language language number to this podcast subjectively terrible Hello to our friends over in packy stand gosh probably very close right you think packy stand Middle East
Starting point is 00:03:53 They're probably engulfed in this whole Hamas Israel thing So got boy whether you're in hydra bad if you're a top you know K2 wherever you're at, you know probably Some serious stuff going on over there, you know despite you know rocket launches and just general suffering Thank you for for listening to this show and thank you for making us one of the 112th ranked The 112th ranked not one of just the 112th ranked comedy podcast in the Great Nation of Peggy Stan and for making us one of the top 500 ranked comedy podcast in the city of Chicago. So quick public apology.
Starting point is 00:04:37 Last week I was advertising that this would be episode 300. It's actually $299. I don't know where my numbers were coming from. Last week, if you couldn't tell, it's been a couple of weeks here of, like, I'm not going to come out here and say, duds. Okay. I still show up. I still put in the work. Even on two weekends ago, I was sick and like down for the count, not feeling good at all. What not like a, oh, I got some sniffles, like sore throat, it could hurt the talk, but like, I'm getting blasted. And just, you know, if this were any other show
Starting point is 00:05:12 and the other host would say, guest host, you know, let's bring in, I don't know, Sean Hayes or a Megan Markle or something, you know, took kind of cover for the week, but not, nope, nope, nope, nope, not me. And then last week was just, it was such a time current, you know, it was dry, it got back from,
Starting point is 00:05:29 I was on the road all week, finally got back from Eastern time zones, with Jetlag, hello, at like, you know, 5 PM on Saturday and then it wasn't, you know, you're not gonna like sit around and set it and then by yourself into a podcast when you come home to a beautiful lover, like fiance of the podcast, Rachel Ramos.
Starting point is 00:05:47 And then Sunday was just like, I had packed Sunday with stuff to do because it was like my one day weekend, basically. And so you're doing marathon stuff, October fest, big Vikings game, is Taylor Swift gonna be there. You get all that stuff going on. So I had to kind of squeeze it
Starting point is 00:06:03 and we didn't even break out the Samsung Q2U series for it. I am proud to announce that Samsung is back in action for episode 299 here. All this is to say last week we were hyping up that this weekend could be our big 300 celebration, you know, well Gerard Butler would be there. Will literally anyone else that has to do with number 300 in any capacity be there. Maybe a 300 300 game winner in Major League Baseball. Greg Maddox speaking of episode 299, which is what today is. I once went to I was taken to thanks to father of the podcast Steve, also owner of Home Pride organ, owner, operator, you know, line cook, all that good stuff for, for Home Pride
Starting point is 00:06:54 organ, 5, 4, and 4, and 0, 0, 3, 1, 6, weird voice inflection there, started to go up in the middle of the phone number. He took my brothers and I to Miller Park one time for a Cubs brewers game and we saw Greg Maddox win his Maddox. You gotta put the emphasis on the, ah, right, M-A-D-D-U-X, user research, user experience. Greg Maddox won his 299th game, which I believe,
Starting point is 00:07:27 let's see if we can get the research on here. It's always the toughest part about research on the Bean Tom Podcast is that I'm using a handheld microphone and that means you're always typing with one hand, which is not the worst thing in the world, but it's like, I'm trying to keep a consistent flow narrative going here for the audience. Well, st,
Starting point is 00:07:49 wh-i-l-s-t, well st, also, you know, like researching this. This is a Harold Times, remember the Harold Times? That was a great boy. What a what a world. I remember the Harold Times, that was a great boy, what a world. Harold Times article from July 28, 2004, headline Maddox gets win number 299. Let's see. He beat the Milwaukee Brewer, 7-1 Tuesday night.
Starting point is 00:08:17 So presumably that would have been July 27, 2004. Sounds pretty hot, thankfully Miller Park is covered. Let's see, I'm trying to see if they If they mentioned you got the save because that's really what I was looking for here. Let's go Cubs We could look at the box score that would be pretty cool too Cubs vs. Burr's July 27th 2004 Let's check it out. All right. Here we go. I found the game. Okay Cubs 7 words one July 27th 2004 riveting stuff on this week's beat on podcast
Starting point is 00:08:52 Before we get into that box were let's present today's palindrome of the day which is Redder Not redditor not reddit not Not redditor, not reddit, not redder I hardly know, redder, R-E-D-D-E-R, as in this strawberry's gotten redder. Since the last time I warded my crops, or this tomatoes awfully redder, that second second sentence didn't really work.
Starting point is 00:09:20 But today we're going to be talking briefly about fruits and vegetables. We're going to be going through some things that maybe didn't exist, you know, five years ago, five thousand years ago, whatever it might be. So, and we're going to try to keep it serious in education. I'm not going to be like jumbo, cinnamon, toast crunch, pop tart, toaster chudal, jumbo poppers, right? That Kellogg just put together in their lab last week. I don't think that that product line actually exists, but it's an idea for all the folks out there in Battle Creek that are listening.
Starting point is 00:09:59 Don't ask me to repeat the name, because I don't know really what I said, something about jumbo poppers. I don't know really what I said something about jumbo poppers I don't know but redder fruits and vegetables that are red cherries tomatoes strawberries raspberries raspberries I think could really be two words to really put the emphasis on that pee no one really says the pee when they say raspberry it's always just like raspberry, right? I feel bad for that P's getting left out. This box score, okay, this,
Starting point is 00:10:32 at the time the Cubs were 54 and 46, 2004. I don't believe they did anything, right? 2003 they went to the NLCS, lost to the Marlins, one of the most famous baseball series of all time. And then I don't think they were actually back in the playoffs again until 0708, which they got swept both years by the Dodgers and the Diamondbacks who happened to face each other in this week's, or in this week's, well, kind of this year's NLDS and the Diamondbacks swept the Dodgers.
Starting point is 00:11:06 One of the greatest, like, where everyone knows it was like a big upset and stuff, but that's pretty shocking. The Dodgers just cruised, like, total cruise control to the NL West title this year. They got Mookie Betts, they got Freddie Freeman, like, legit two out of the probably five best players in baseball. And they just, it's not even like, oh, you know, game five, like, it was an epic, you know, Diamondbacks squeaked out like they didn't win a game against what like a 85 win Diamondbacks team or whatever it was who just barely nudge out the cubs. So weird stuff. Didn't watch any of those games because they all take place at like 2 a.m. Central time
Starting point is 00:11:47 after I've gone to sleep. Okay, so winning pitcher, Greg Maddox losing pitcher, Brewers legend Ben Sheetz, who managed to go seven innings, seven hits four run runs, not a bad start by any means, pretty just average. Cubs hitters lead off Todd Walker. I have his jersey, number seven Todd Walker. It was two
Starting point is 00:12:06 for four with an RBI and a home run. I think, you know, it's interesting. I recall and I never made the connection and it's not a 100% guarantee that this was this, but I recall going to a game one time with my brothers and my dad and having to go to the bathroom. I don't think it was just me, I think like we all went to the bathroom. And I remember like hearing over the speakers, the radio, or the TV or something that like Todd Walker had hit a home run, our second basement. I don't, it's one of those like weird just extremely insignificant memories in your mind where it's like, oh yeah, that happened, I recall that. And I never put two and two together. I mean, it's not like I went to a million baseball games as a kid, but
Starting point is 00:12:52 it probably went to like, I don't know, seven or eight, something like that growing up, majorly games between Riggly and Miller Park, and then I guess the Metroid on one time. Todd Walker at the home run. He was pinch hit for or just replaced on defense looks like later in the game. A great name, hard to fit onto the back of a jersey. Mark Grudzialonic, and if there was ever a better time, or let's just say this, there has never been a better time for the Bean Tom podcast to focus on spelling. This can be our first trivia question of the week. It's not our official one. And it's actually like,
Starting point is 00:13:33 it's not one of those like trick names where there's like a Q and a J thrown in somewhere. It's just Mark Gredzionic. So here's how you actually spell Mark Gredzionic. It's actually like exactly what it sounds like. Mark M-A-R-K. Gredzionic, GRUDZIE LAN-E-K, which is, gosh, don't have my glasses and this font is extremely small on my laptop here. GRU-DZ, IEL-A and EK, 12 letters. Definitely not the longest last name in MLB history, but it's up there. All right, batting second, we had World RRNLCS hero, and by hero, I mean whatever the opposite of a hero is, Alex Eskanzhalas
Starting point is 00:14:24 Hero and by hero, I mean whatever the opposite of a hero is Alex S. Gonzalez Over through with two strike outside tracks batting third Sammy Sosa two for four with a homer batting cleanup Moises, Alu one for three with a run scored Fifth Derek Lee so he directly played for the Marlins in 2003 when they won the World Series and then he signed with the Cubs after that and became one of our greatest players of all time. Betting sixth a guy who I think got traded to the Cubs in the 2003 season from Pittsburgh around Miss Ramirez.
Starting point is 00:14:57 Seventh classic example of a Cubs player that just like got all the hype and just never put it all together. Cory Patterson. Number eight and catching Paul Bacco. Paul Bacco. Later was pinched it for by Michael Barrett who ended up being a great offensive catcher for the Cubs and he's remembered now in history for his fight with Alex. Sorry, AJ Pierzenski and then Greg Maddox back in the good old days when pictures used to hit Greg Maddox betting ninth. Yes, Greg Maddox with a hit one for two.
Starting point is 00:15:29 So suck on that. Cubs are relief pictures. Guys, I don't know. Two of them first, Jay Leicester and then K. Marker. And then the whole reason I looked this up, yes, Kyle Farons worth with the save one aiming pitched one strike out Three up three down what a night if you're curious over on the brewer's side white sucks fans will recall their lead off hit or Scott put sednic Any baseball fan now will know their second guy because he's their manager Craig council
Starting point is 00:16:01 three G off Jenkins G E O F F four Craig Council. Three G. Off Jenkins, G-E-O-F-F-F-4 must be Russell Branion. I don't remember much about that guy other than his name. Fifth, and I'm I'm I'm impressing myself here because they just give you the first first letter of their first name and then their full last name. So I'm getting all these first names right. Fifth, Lyle Overbay, and now six B Clark, and then seven B Hall, I don't know who those were. Their catcher was C. Moller. Was that like a chat or something like that?
Starting point is 00:16:33 They also had, what was his name? Damien Miller, who then played for the Cubs for a hot second, I think. Chad Moller, is that what I said? I'd be very proud of myself, but that's what I said. So there you go proud of myself if that's what I said. So there you go. There was a box score.
Starting point is 00:16:47 This is the 299th Bean Tom Podcast episode. That was a 299th Greg Maddox win. Today's Bean Tom Podcast trivia question of the week. If you think you got a good guess, you can always email us. Bean Tom Podcast at Again, that's Bean Tom. Be, A, N, T, Again, that's Beantown, BEANTUN and You can also go to to see all of our latest blog posts, cuts by
Starting point is 00:17:12 QPage. If you were trying to get in on that class section lawsuit, you can go there, send in some financial info, FERPA stuff, socials, routing numbers, that sort of thing. And get in on the action before it's too late. And right to the show, go to the contact us tab, we get, it's tough on this show, we get thousands of thousands and thousands of messages. Everyone kind of wants a piece of the bean tonne podcast.
Starting point is 00:17:41 So, trying to, trying to way through that stuff is, is, is difficult, but I do it for the beanheads. Hashtag Friends of the podcast. If anyone out there is still using X, you can use Hashtag Friends of the podcast, and I will definitely see it because obviously I will see all of those. There is a bean- town podcast Twitter page. It's not one of those things that's like completely left to the dustbin of history. It's posted, I have posted from it this year. Certainly not for about two months at least, if not more than that. So it's not, it's not terrible yet, right? But with, with Twitter going the way it's going, AKX. And I guess now that I think about it, there is a bean-town podcast Facebook page as well.
Starting point is 00:18:31 But this whole idea of just like having a separate dedicated social accounts plural or just account in general for like your side project has always been, I guess when I made my stuff, it was partially to like, try to have dedicated socials, but also partially without like doing anything about this to like make fun or point fun at other shows,
Starting point is 00:18:59 where it's like their host has like a million followers, not that I do obviously, but then they have like their side show and it's like, no one like a million followers, not that I do obviously, but then they have like their side show and it's like, no one actually wants to listen to your podcast and there's like 200 followers. I think that's kind of what I was getting at when I created those.
Starting point is 00:19:14 Just on Facebook and Twitter. But then you kind of commit yourself and it's like, well, then I should actually like post stuff from there and it's just an extra chore. I don't even advertise being on podcasts on my socials hardly ever, like once a month maybe. And it's been a while even then. So yeah, it's just, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:19:35 social media is in a strange place right now. I think that it's more like me and where I'm at in my life than just like the general public. But I mean, Facebook, this is not new anyone, obviously, but like Facebook pretty much just, just like not completely dead, it's useful for certain things, but outside of those certain things, not useful at all.
Starting point is 00:19:57 Twitter slash X, don't even need to get into that conversation, like completely being just driven to the ground, no more disinformation stuff, misinformation stuff, just a crap shoot. And then you have things like Instagram and Snapchat, which are very popular, but they serve very different purposes, right?
Starting point is 00:20:16 Then a Facebook or an X or Twitter. And they always have, they weren't meant to be competitors to that, I mean, they competed against certain aspects. I mean, Facebook photos used to be the place to be. But there's other aspects that are just like, there doesn't seem to be a good alternative now. Reddit is fine, but Reddit is all about like anonymity, right? So, deep rabbit hole here that I'm going to walk myself back out of. But, today's Bean Tom Podcast trivia question is of course brought to you by our friends
Starting point is 00:20:54 at HomePod organ, which we already mentioned. When you need your home inspection in Central Oregon, go with the expert, someone who's safe, certified, doubly insured, someone that you can trust that Steve at 541-410-0316. Heating cooling plumbing and much much much more do not buy a house in the central organ area without first consulting an expert. Go to for I let's just go out on a limb. I don't know if this is true, but probably like a free phone call consultation. Try to keep it to like 30 seconds, okay, but you know, he's not going to bill you. Also our good friends at the Samson Q2U series guy that I will deserve to week off last
Starting point is 00:21:37 week for no reason in particular other than just pure laziness. And sometimes you just need those days, right? It's a very, it's not like, it's not pouring here in Chicago, it's just kind of been drizzling a little bit off and on and just completely gray overcast guys. No, no semblance, SCMB, L-A-N, CE of sun, whatsoever.
Starting point is 00:22:10 I think, what do you think?lance of Sun S01 that SON that could be a great you know worship band in the vein of Chris Tomlin or Hillsong United which I thought was a major lexacher team up until a couple years ago. A semblance of sun. You know, they could, they're ethos. Every good Christian band needs a good ethos. E-T-H-O-S could be like, there's so much bad in the world, right? There's so much darkness. But everywhere I look, I see a semblance of sun. And then they sing, you know, some killer song with chords one, four, and five, and maybe a minor two.
Starting point is 00:22:52 It's your feeling edgy based off of second Corinthians 317. Who wants to take a guess at what second Corinthians 317 says? And could we make a kick-ass Christian song about it? Here we go. Second Corinthians 317. Oh, this is, okay, let's get the NIV, the NIV, go in the new international version. Yeah, this is gonna, this is,
Starting point is 00:23:20 this is giving me a lot to work with here. Second Corinthians 317. Now the Lord is a spirit and where the spirit with here. Second Corinthians 3, 17. Now the Lord is a spirit and where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. Okay, so I was making fun of it before I actually write it just based off of the length. That's like every vanilla-ass,
Starting point is 00:23:37 Christian, not gospel, Christian worship song, there is, right? Especially if you wanna throw in the whole like MAGA, Republican, if you're on the right side, you're on God side or whatever the opposite. If you're on God side, you're on the right side. Here it is again. Now the Lord is the Spirit and where the Spirit people who want to, you know, give your tax money to, you know, homeless and immigrants and migrants and blacks and Jews and stuff like, dude, no, be free. I want to take this opportunity here so you really win out on a limb there.
Starting point is 00:24:20 To say the bean-tum pie guest is not endorse that perspective or those use it all and this is meant to be a let's make fun of far right wing Evangelical Christian worship songs and their lyrics, okay do not splice that audio and Send it to my employer, please. Okay, I need health insurance. Also a paycheck.
Starting point is 00:24:50 And then finally, our good friends at Cuts by Q. When you need to first do some, we snap your new call the X-words at Cuts by Q. I did a little back trim, I did a little neck beard stuff, brought down the beard a little bit, and I used some of my nice beard. What would we call it? Sort of like a Marmalade of sorts, M-A-R-M-A-L-A-D-E. Excuse me, it kind of comes in a little
Starting point is 00:25:14 like canus ardeens. It's from somewhere in Oregon. I don't know, I got it from my mom. So thanks, excuse me, thanks for sending that over. I don't get to it too much, but it's nice after a little shave. If you're curious what we're drinking here, this is rogue dead guy Ipa, IPA. Dead guy IPA weaves citra and mosaic hops into a subtle molt body to create a bold complex IPA worthy of the dead. I feel like that scene and return to the king where they go find all those dead guys. I picked up this is this could be dangerous but I picked up a 12 pack of surleys before I die which the mission of that is you know Vikings got to win one super wall before we all collectively die
Starting point is 00:26:03 and then also not rogue. And then also, not rogue, Fulton Brewing Imperial IPA also up there in the North Loop Minneapolis. So I got those two 12 packs sitting in the kitchen, unopened. I brought them back from Minnesota. And that's dangerous. I mean, the before I die is like 4.5%, like session beer, you know, you can pound some of those while you're watching the Vikings get embarrassed by the bears on Sunday.
Starting point is 00:26:26 But those Imperial IPAs, I think you're like 7% or something, you gotta be careful with those. I don't think I've ever, oh, that's not sure. I was gonna say I don't think I've ever had one, but it did go up to Fulton once, two years ago. No, it was just last year, I guess. And I'm sure I had the Imperial IPA. We've teased it long enough.
Starting point is 00:26:44 I said we were gonna start with this. This is the biggest lie ever told. This week's bean-tom pod guest trivia question of the week. Here it is. Email is bean-tom pod gas at if you think you know the answer. This vegetable deemed to be the oldest vegetable in the world. So I'm looking for a type of vegetable not like who has the squash that's the oldest squash in the world like no like what type of Vegetables the oldest vegetable we know so again this vegetable deemed the oldest vegetable in the world per WTF Funfacts dot com so you know it's legit also appears in the title of a tale by Hans Christian Anderson So there you go. I'm not just asking you to take a wild guess It's like what the
Starting point is 00:27:25 oldest vegetable in the world is that we know. But I give you a clue if any of you are caught up in your your Danish stories. So one more time, this vegetable deemed to be the oldest vegetable in the world. They found it in the Middle East in like 7,000 BC or something. It was probably Sumerian. it in the Middle East and like 7,000 BC or something. It was probably Sumerian. It's a good biblical term to use. It was deemed the oldest vegetable in the world per Not just WTF facts, but fun facts. So it's good for kids. Also appears in the title of a tale by Hans Christian Anderson. If you need more time time go ahead and pause because we've already gone half an hour into this program without actually talking about today's topic which is just very much like me. 299 episodes in nothing else has changed
Starting point is 00:28:17 or nothing has changed. If you want to know more about this you can go to WTF Fun Fact, singular, not facts plural. I don't want you to get it thrown off. It could be a whole different site and it could be bad, maybe porno stuff. I don't want to direct you there. slash WTF-FunDash or hyphen fun hyphen fact hyphen 12816 hyphen P's hyphen R hyphen the hyphen oldest hyphen fact hyphen 12816 hyphen peas hyphen R hyphen the hyphen oldest hyphen cultivated hyphen vegetable forward slash. So the answer is peas.
Starting point is 00:28:55 No matter how you feel about peas on your plate, it's hard to deny that they're one of the most important vegetables in mankind's history. If we want to make the case that civilization starts when humans settle down to become farmers rather than hunter-gatherers, then peas are a major part of that story. Peas are the oldest vegetables or one of the oldest. Well, oh, I didn't read this. What is WTF Fun Fact saying? Peas are the oldest vegetable or one of the oldest. Okay, which is you got to, bro, if you're going to make an article on this is what I learned from writing on Bington If you're going to make a blog post about this stuff, you got to, bro, if you're going to make an article on this is what I learned from writing on Bean Tom If you're going to make a blog post about this stuff, you got to stick to your guns.
Starting point is 00:29:29 Don't tell me, oh, they might be one of the oldest. Tell me they are the oldest, or if they're not the oldest, then go find the oldest. Genetic analysis indicates that kale, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts were all cultivated from the same plant between 8,000 and 10,000 years ago. How could they do Brussels sprouts if they weren't even in Belgium? That's crazy. I'm not sure about this little as a source. I just want to caution the listening public.
Starting point is 00:30:02 If you're listening from Pakistan, it's probably blocked. Let's just, you know, take this opportunity to talk about some other foods here that are not naturally occurring or they weren't. It's not like you just woke up in ancient Samaria one day and you could find these things like corn. I was doing research on corn and I'm someone who's well versed in corn and sweet corn and field corn and hybridization and there's all sorts of interesting patterns when you're trying to create you know hybrid sweet corn. It tastes extra good where you do basically you need some of the, you need the plants to
Starting point is 00:30:45 be pollinated, but you can't have too much pollination going on. So you'll do like one plant, one row of plants where you're going to release the pollen from those, those tassels and then like four rows that you won't. This is all good stuff. I learned under the tutelage T-U-T-E-L-A-G-E of... Hughes, Don Hughes, and Hughes Hybrids and Woodstock, Illinois. Speaking of Woodstock, ultra quick aside. Flash Beagle. I think it's a name of an actual Charlie Brown. There's some Charlie Brown telephone special. It's like a musical...
Starting point is 00:31:27 It's basically musical vignettes. And Flash Beagle I think is the opening song. Go listen to it, it's gonna change your life. Okay, I've listened to Flash Beagle for the first time like a week ago. And since then it's probably, I've probably listened to it 15 times in five days. I'm not kidding. It's that much of a banger.
Starting point is 00:31:44 It's one of those songs where it's like from a cartoon, it's like this should not be that good, and then it is like Larry Boy theme. I listen to that once every other week, because it's such a banger, like legit a great song, good mixing, talent, excellent. But, but Korn used to be this one inch maze, MA, IZE, not a maze, like you see on the back here,
Starting point is 00:32:09 serial box of cinnamon toast crunch, jumbo toaster strudel puffers, to tie this all back to the start of the show. But maze, the OG corn, MA, IZE, and where else, but in Mexico. So it used to be like this one inch, I saw a picture that basically showed like the OG corn, M-A-I-Z-E, and where else, but in Mexico. So it used to be like this one inch. I saw a picture that basically showed like the Oji corn or Oji maze versus like what we think of as an ear corn today.
Starting point is 00:32:32 And this thing is like one inch. It was green. It's like this tiny little finger almost. And it looked, it was built up of kernels, right? So it looks like the thing from Fantastic Four. But there were like four of them, right? Because this thing is only an inch long. It's not like you have these tiny little kernels.
Starting point is 00:32:52 They're the kernels with the same size. They're like four of them. So somehow over time, the Mayans and the Aztecs figured out hey, we can grow this puppy from one inch, or whoever came over and took care of it. I don't know. figured out hey we can we can grow this puppy from one inch or you know whoever came over and took care of it I don't know from one inch up to you know whatever a nice ear corn is now which is probably what closer to like about a foot like if you got a nice ear corn it's about a foot long so there you go corn relatively
Starting point is 00:33:22 new this is a classic one but the orange is a combination, it's a hybrid crossbreeding project between a pamello and a mandarin. So I think we know what like a mandarin orange is, right? Like we call those little tiny oranges mandarin's all the time. A pamello is one of those fruits that like, got outshown big time by the orange.
Starting point is 00:33:47 Orange even got its own color, which is pretty cool. Was was was the cult did the color orange exist in nature before they created the orange? Let's this is a side track off of Pamela, but this is actually interesting stuff, which came first orange. I'm not even gonna type anything else, just orange. They'll know what it is. The fruit came first. The English word orange has made quite a journey to get here. The fruit originally came from China. The German word and the Dutch both mean Chinese apple.
Starting point is 00:34:27 Okay, I don't have time to get into all this, but basically yes, the fruit, that's pretty cool. If you would ask me like which came first in nature, I don't know what I would have told you before I looked that up, but the fact that the fruit came first and then it got its own color. It makes you think like, have we explored all of the colors out there in nature that exist? Or could we do more crossbreeding and come up with cool new colors? I suppose at this point with, you know, Crayola's stranglehold on all of this stuff, they got every color in the book now. It's like, they're probably
Starting point is 00:35:05 aren't any colors on the spectrum left that we haven't envisioned, but who knows? You know, colors are those wild things, and this would be way better if I was like really high to talk about this, or if you're really high to listen to it. But imagine there's just like this wild other color, like this shade, however you want to describe it. That's like you've never seen before, but it actually exists, wouldn't that be cool? I mean, you see like videos every once in a while
Starting point is 00:35:34 on a Twitter or Reddit of like the colorblind person who gets the special glasses for the first time and they get to see like, oh, this is crazy. Like what colors is this red? Like wow, I always thought that this was blue or something like that. But for those of us who have typically or been able to see all the colors,
Starting point is 00:35:52 or at least the colors we think exist up to now, if you could come out with this cool other color that was maybe a mix of purple and yellow, that would be kind of cool. Or if there was this mystery third party color that wasn't even like a combination of two other ones, it was just like, where does this fall in the spectrum? I never knew that this type of image or shade could exist. We're getting into it now. But oranges, not natural.
Starting point is 00:36:25 We had to create them. A couple other ones here, watermelons. They used to be yellow and bitter. The whole like, oh, there's like this nice red thing in there that we can bite into and go nuts. Not natural. And if you didn't, if you know, we never created watermelons, you'd never be able to have the guys
Starting point is 00:36:47 selling watermelons in their cards and the alley's here in Chicago and little Hubert Hancock. I don't think his name is actually Hubert, right? That doesn't really make any sense. You wouldn't call someone Herbie if their name was Hubert. What do you think Herbie's actual first name is? Herbert, that makes a lot more sense. That was a pretty stupid. Herbert Hancock, Hubert H. Humphrey. Herbie Hancock wrote Watermelon Man when he was living on South Side of Chicago in a height park, I think. water melon carts drive down the dirt alleys and the guys selling watermelons would would sing out a little tune in their wheels would make a certain kind of
Starting point is 00:37:32 rhythmic sound and that's what Herbie used to write the bass more or less for water melon man. It's one of the greatest jazz tunes of all time. Finally, pumpkins. Apparently, they used to be like a Mexican baseball. And they were, according to my notes, they were, they were, inedible, W-E, posh, R-E, inedible. But that doesn't make any sense. They were inedible.
Starting point is 00:38:01 And that was from, that was not from I don't even remember where we got that from, but pumpkins, I bought a pumpkin this week at Trader Joe's to be festive. Last year around this time I painted a pumpkin. It was a Viking scene pumpkin. It said, school on one side, SKOL, and then had a football on the other side
Starting point is 00:38:21 and it brought us a really good luck. You know the crazy thing is, last thing I'm going to say that we're wrapping this up, Vikings are one in four now through five games, like ultra-disappointing season. They lost four games all of last year in the regular season. 18, 18 weeks. They lost four games. Vikings five weeks this year, lost four games.
Starting point is 00:38:45 So it's pretty terrifying how fast this stuff can change. If you have any foods, fruits, vegetables, jello shots, whatever it might be that you don't think was around originally in the fertile crescent or the Canadian shield, which is not a show starring Michael Chicklis's daughter, but rather sort of a geographic formation. Go ahead and email us, Binton Pagas, Adya Huida coming to this bean town, BEA Antenim Pagas, Adya Thank you for accepting my apology and even if you didn't
Starting point is 00:39:21 thank you for hearing it. I can assure you, next week will be episode number 300 on the bean-town podcast. Could be Gerard Butler. Could be those other guys from Troy, Brad Pitt, Orlando Bloom, Katie Perry, half-time number. None of this is confirmed. It's probably less than 0.001% likely but when it comes to the beat down podcast and stars aligning you never really know what's gonna happen Got some serious golden retrievers coming back from a walk going into the apartment across from us No dogs allowed in our units, but don't tell that to these guys because They're just being dogs and they're walking to their
Starting point is 00:40:06 building. So I don't know what to make of that man. It's all just smoking mirrors this policy, I guess, is what it is. My name is Quinn Davis-Fernos. Thank you for listening to my show. We'll check in on you next week. Enjoy those spooky celebrations. Happy Friday the 13th. Let's queue up some outro music. I will talk to you later. Bye guys. I'm just going to sit there. ndご視聴ありがとうございました

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