Beantown Podcast - Happy Fourth of July (07/04/24 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: July 4, 2024

Quinn comes to you LIVE to discuss Sabrina Carpenter's lip syncing, beer-battered corn dogs, and Mrs. Kwan's confusing internet policy...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 the So So so so so Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furness. Welcome to my show. Quinn David Furness presents the Be my show. Quinn David Furness presents the Beantown podcast for the 4th of July is a Thursday, July 4th, 2024. What's happening? What's going on? How are you? My name is Quinn and this is my show. Quinn David Furness presents
Starting point is 00:02:20 the Beantown podcast. I am the host, the chief art director, the musician. Here's the thing about the Beantown podcast. It's like Letterman and Paul Schaeffer, but you get it all rolled into one. That Paul Schaeffer can't play the Washington post-march. That of course, the great John Philip Sousa, JP, as he's known in the musician circle. Oh man, what's happening? It's about 10 30 a.m. on the 4th of July. Cloudy, muggy, humid. Where do you think muggy comes from? It's like, uh, well where does humid come from either? I don't know. It's cloudy, I get it. It's a cloud, right? Muggy. It's not like there's a bunch of mugs outside.
Starting point is 00:03:10 Mugs, you got good for beer. I was at... I saw a mug this morning, a different kind, a root beer. I was at Red Eyes Cafe, Red Eyes Coffee. There's different names for it. It's a little coffee shop down here in North Center, close to Lincoln Square, owned by this Vietnamese couple. I don't know what their names are, but in my head it's just Mr. Mrs. Kwan, right? Anytime I'm in there, it's always Mrs. Kwan that serves me. I don't know what her actual name is, but I don't know. Maybe I can figure it out someday. It takes her like three minutes to make a latte, but that's okay because that's only 30 seconds behind the pros. And considering she's like in her seventies, this is Quan.
Starting point is 00:03:54 Not too bad. I told her happy 4th of July. I don't know if she celebrates 4th of July or Vietnamese Independence Day or I don't know, did Vietnam ever really get an Independence Day? It kind of seems like we lost the war. And so what's the opposite of an Independence Day? I don't know. Not American Liberation Day, that's for sure. Or maybe Shia, Shiite, good transition. Maybe Shiite practices Pakistani Liberation Day when we killed Bin Laden. Shout
Starting point is 00:04:27 out to our good friends in Pakistan. Hope you're celebrating over there. Fourth of July is already over. Or maybe you got like an hour left. I don't know. How many hours ahead is Pakistan? Tough to know. There are things we just can't know. There are mysteries of the universe. Hello Karachi. Hello Hyderderabad hello Calcutta hello Bombay Mumbai I guess is how we have to call it now well thanks for listening to my show and making us the 112th ranked comedy podcast in the great Islamic Republic of Pakistan but spotlight back to America baby but to finish that thought on red eyes cafe I've noticed this today this is my second or third time going in
Starting point is 00:05:05 there. Finished a run this morning. Walked in all sweaty. So as you're waiting for Mrs. Quan to, and this, that's not meant to be a racist thing, right? It's just what's her name in my head. I could say Vietnamese older lady owner and operator of Red Eyes Cafe, or I can just say Mrs. Quan. And we all know who we're talking about. It's a racial stereotype it's just that could be her name she could be Mrs. Brown she could be Mrs. America there she is Miss America I don't think I've ever actually heard that song I just know that little bite from it and I know that it's from the song but I don't actually know how the rest of the song goes it It's kind of like that espresso song by Sabrina Carpenter. Sabrina Carpenter's having her 15 minutes of fame right now.
Starting point is 00:05:51 She's dating that Barry Keegan guy. But the only part of that espresso song I know, and I think she, did she sing that on SNL? I don't remember. When I noticed within like 30 seconds that she was lip syncing on SNL, fair or unfair, I just kind of tuned out and lost a lot of respect for her.
Starting point is 00:06:07 So it's like, it's your one shot on SNL. How can you not go for it, right? And the dichotomy is so clear between her and, like, if Ariana Grande, I think Ariana Grande was on SNL this past season. And it's so clear that one of them is singing, and I'm not even a huge Ariana Grande stan, as they would say, Paki stan. I'm not a stan. I'm a stan for Paki stan, but not so much for Ariana Grande.
Starting point is 00:06:32 But, you know, one of them comes on, belts it out live, and you see her great vocals, and the other one is like lip syncing, and I'm not too impressed. It just sours, sours your impression. S-O-U-R-S. One of the only types of beers that's also a negative verb, I think if you did your research. I'm working late, cause I'm a singer. That's the only part I know, cause Rachel sings it all the time.
Starting point is 00:07:03 And I don't know any other parts of the song and Then I know hot to go but that's not Sabrina carpenter. She's got that other one, please, please, please It's like a Casey Musgraves knockoff. I don't know. This is this is all we've gathered thus far on Sabrina carpenter She's not one of the carpenters either not she wasn't in that band. She's kind of a newer artist She's not one of the carpenters either. She wasn't in that band. She's kind of a newer artist. Interesting. Kind of a fun tidbit that us musicians can sort of pull back the curtain you can get
Starting point is 00:07:31 a sense of. To finish the Red Eyes, because we've got to get into it here, seven and a half minutes in, just a fun dichotomy of signs I noticed this morning. On one side of the door it says free wireless and then on the other side it says wireless internet only for paying customers. So it's free after you pay a nominal fee. It's not fee free, it's free after a fee. But yes, I splurged, I treated myself to a vanilla iced latte from Red Eyes Cafe or coffee. It says Red Eyes Cafe on the outside and on the inside it says Red Eyes Coffee.
Starting point is 00:08:16 So I suppose in Espanol they're the same word, so who knows? Would you ever in a Spanish speaking country? Would you ever, in a Spanish-speaking country, would you ever see the terminology coffee used? Because cafe is the word for coffee. Do they have a separate word for cafe? Duolingo has not taught me this yet. What if the word for cafe was coffee? That would be particularly confusing.
Starting point is 00:08:41 Or it could be like avocado, right? It's one word in Guatemala or something. And it's another one in Brazil. That's not Spanish speaking, Argentina. And then another one in Spain, right? There's just so many of these variations in our ever changing global society. It's hard to keep up. Listeners, question is advised when we're listening to Quinn David for instance presents the bean town podcast number one will occasionally some patriotic language Eagles stripes birds Liberty freedom Liberty Liberty Liberty Liberty And number two this podcast is objectively terrible. We're really
Starting point is 00:09:21 We're really doing the hard work on the holidays this year We just did a Juneteenth episode two weeks ago on a kayak or canoe. And now we're doing a Fourth of July episode. What's next? Flag Day? I think I just missed it. I think Flag Day was in June and I don't think I did a podcast there. So don't hold me to that.
Starting point is 00:09:42 This week on the campaign trail. Wow. Well the fallout continues from last Thursday the 27th of June the presidential debate between Sleepy Joe and crooked Don Nostra dumbass is one of Kimmel's names for him and that's one of my favorites Nostra dumbass And so I think it was yesterday yesterday Wednesday there was a big hush hush meeting that the media was all over with It's no sort of dumbass. And so I think it was yesterday, yesterday, Wednesday,
Starting point is 00:10:05 there was a big hush-hush meeting that the media was all over with maybe all of them, I don't know, the Democratic governors across the United States descended upon the White House to meet with Sleepy Joe. And it's the same, you know, again, I'm already bored of this whole news revolution, if you will, cycle. So it was the same thing before and after the election. It's just been exacerbated. There's a good word. E-X-A-C-E-R-B-A-T-E-D, something like that,
Starting point is 00:10:41 exacerbated. I always thought that word was a little bit too close to masturbated for me to feel comfortable saying it. Where it's like, is Joe, can he make it a second term? Is he sharp? Is he good to go? And of course, everyone leading up to the debate is like, oh, yeah, we've never seen him like this before. Behind closed doors, it's insane.
Starting point is 00:11:00 And then the debate happens, and it's like, oh, that kind of sucked. But then he has a rally the next day Wherever he was and he was fiery and then now they have this hush hush closed doors meeting with all the Democratic governors Of which all attempt to name as many as I can yesterday and now they're all coming out in the media saying oh Yeah, you should have seen Joe. He was he was was spot on. He was crazy. He was lit. There's Tim Waltz, Kristoff's brother from Minnesota. There's Gretchen Wiener, whatever her name is,
Starting point is 00:11:35 from Michigan. Gavin Newsome from California. JB Pritzker from Illinois. Isn't that, I don't know, there is one state I came across the other day when I was researching something else that had a Democratic governor that I couldn't believe. And now I can't remember what it is, which is a damn shame. Oh, there's the Kate Ulrich, something like that, whatever her name is from New York.
Starting point is 00:12:07 I don't even think that's that's right, but it's something along those lines. Well, now I want to look it up. There was a state that had that was like a super red state that had a Democratic governor. That was hard to believe. So let's go to Wikipedia. Let's check it out. Let's learn something today. Also let you know we got a, it's 4th of July, so we have four 4th of July trivia questions for you at the end of today's show and we're also in a second here going to power rank from 10 to 1 the top 10 foods to grill. And if you have suggestions, comments, or qualms you can always get in
Starting point is 00:12:45 touch with the show. I'll also do a quick little plug. I don't plug it that often, but a quick little plug for the Beantown blog. Kind of comes and goes in terms of how much I write, but we've been on a hot streak this summer. I think I've had three blog posts in the last month alone. Beantown podcast slash blog, if you enter your details there or yeah, I think it's on that page you enter your email address you can get notified anytime we have a brand new Bean Town blog post it's lifestyle it's family it's politics it's TV and movie reviews and occasionally it hasn't happened yet but probably in the near future when we get
Starting point is 00:13:21 some more listener submissions kind of of like, you know, sex and relationships, I think we'll probably delve into. Okay, here's the list. I'm not gonna read the full list of state governors. I just wanna find that one and see if there are any other democratic governors that I really should have gotten. Mike Dunleavy is not democratic. He's a Republican.
Starting point is 00:13:42 He's the governor of Alaska, but that's crazy because Mike Dunleavy is also Right. Am I going crazy? He was also a basketball player, but it's not that Mike Dunleavy Wasn't there a Mike Dunleavy senior and junior Mike Dunleavy? NBA let's see these are the tangents that keep you guys coming back for more Mike Dunleavy, Jr. Spouse Sarah Dunleavy. He's 43 years old. Yeah, he played for the Bulls, right? He, oh, he's the, he's the general manager of the Golden State Warriors. Wow, that's like a significant role. This isn't some nobody. So who's Mike Dunleavy Sr.? Did he, did he play basketball? His father is Mike Dunleavy, senior former Los Angeles Clippers
Starting point is 00:14:26 and Portland Trailblazers coach, retired NBA player, the former head coach at Tulane. I think I knew that, but I just couldn't find it. OK, back to the list. We're looking for Democratic senators that it's embarrassing I didn't get. Nothing so far. We're into the G's. We're into the G's. We're into the governor of Hawaii, Josh Green, is a super white guy. Just feels wrong, doesn't it? Okay. Kansas governor, I think that might have been what it is. Her name is Laura Kelly and she's a Democrat. That one was surprising to me. The governor of Kentucky, Andy Beshear, is Democrat.
Starting point is 00:15:07 Also surprising to me. Wes Moore, I should have got that, because that was also on the article I was reading about this morning with their behind closed door meeting. He took over for Larry Hogan. Gretchen Whitmer, I definitely didn't get her name right, but that's the governor of Michigan.
Starting point is 00:15:25 The governor of Mississippi is Republican, his name is Tate Reeves. What a name Tate Reeves that's the name of the kid from Yellowstone. Tate Tater. Kathy Hokel. I think I pretty much got that New York. The North Carolina governor is Roy Cooper different than Ray Cooper Elton John's percussionist. So common source of confusion, I'm sure, for him. Anyone else cool? Any other surprises? There's Christy Noam.
Starting point is 00:15:54 She's nuts. And I think that's pretty much it. Oh, Tony Evers, I should have got that right. So I felt pretty good, pretty confident. If you're curious, if you're trying to remember one on Earth, what were we talking about? That was Quinn tries to recall all the Democratic governors that he can name off the top of his head. So just thrilling, thrilling air time here
Starting point is 00:16:15 at the Beantown Networks. It's 4th of July. It's a holiday. Give me a break. It's hot. It's humid. I'm confused. Thank you to our sponsors, Home Pride Oregon.
Starting point is 00:16:23 When you need your home inspected, inspected, it's like an inspection with a spanking. Sounds pretty sexy. In Central Oregon, call the expert, someone who's certified, saved, double internace insured. If you mess up your home inspection, they'll buy your home for free. I don't really know what that means, buy it for free,
Starting point is 00:16:40 pay you the value of the home, I'm not sure. That's the double internace guarantee that you get when you go with Steve five four one four no three one six or visit home pride organ comm again that's five four one four no three one six or email home pride organ at so website is not not the domain has been not renewed good good wordplay they're Not renewed. It's got expired. Expired is what some circles would call it. Of course our good friends, the Samson Q2U series. Crisp clear audio quality. Picks up the piano, picks up the high notes, the low notes, the piccolo parts, the tuba parts. A lot of good tuba action.
Starting point is 00:17:23 John Philip Sousa, probably because his name rhymes with tuba, basically. When God speaks, he uses a Samson. What kind of songs, you know, John Philip Sousa marches are from like the late 1800s, early 1900s. When those guys, when those Israelites are walking around Jericho seven times and they're playing their trumpets, what do you think they're playing? A little Dizzy Gillespie? Hmm. A little Someday My Prince Will Come? Maybe Espresso by Sabrina Carpenter? We were talking about that earlier.
Starting point is 00:18:02 Rachel's here now. What do you think the Israelites played when they were marching around and they had their trumpets? They could have played anything. Some old Jewish spirituals. Yeah, Jewish spirituals. I don't really know what that is. I can't really... Yeah, I don't want to sing something. I already almost got canceled when talking about the Vietnamese cafe this morning. Tough. Tough to be a white male out here, but it's freedom week. So get a couple free passes Tough
Starting point is 00:18:34 tough tough tough And of course our good friends at cuts by Q when you need a fresh do something snappy or do maybe something patriotic What are the most patriotic hairstyles? Definitely a mullet or some red and blue stripes shaved into the side of your head. We can do that at Cuts by Q. I just got to go pick up some food dye. I don't know, can you use food dye on hair? Unclear, not sure. We'll check it out. It's my responsibility as a barbershop boutique owner to know these things, so I'll do the research. I'll get back to you. Cuts by Q, when you need to fresh do something snappy or new, call the experts at Cuts by Q. Okay we're talking this week top 10 foods to put on the grill. Power ranking it. This is Quinn's list, Quinn's
Starting point is 00:19:20 edition. And so here we go. Starting off with number 10. This number 10 is the only kind of wonky one here. Everything else is actually serious. And I didn't even, just like last week, I wrote them down, but I didn't actually put them 10 through 1, so I just have a loose arrangement of items here. And they're not currently ranked. Which is, I guess we're just going to have to do this on the fly we'll do it live but number 10 is not just one it's multiple it's the experimental category and so these are things that maybe you
Starting point is 00:19:53 could throw on the grill today if you're looking to think outside of the box and try something new try something different and this will be our listener engagement portion of this show if you got ideas for your own experimental things maybe things you've already grilled in the past, or maybe things you want to try in the future, email us. Bean Town Podcast at again. This is bean town podcast at And let us know. So what I wrote down already, artichoke, right? I feel like artichoke is and underrated food, but usually you get it in the oil What if you just get a what if you marinate some artichokes you slice them up real thin so they get crispy You throw them on there. That sounds delicious on top of like a hamburger or even I
Starting point is 00:20:38 Don't know you could braise them in butter braise and grill It's like a Brazilian grill featuring raisins raisin artichokes uh caesar salad it's the caesar salad's birthday today very exciting rachel's a big fan of grilled caesar salad i think it's a little bit out there but i think if you do it well it can be interesting there's a famous clip of uh gordon a Kitchen Nightmares episode where he goes to a restaurant and they have a grilled Caesar salad and unfortunately it's just the entire thing it's not like chopped up or something it's just like the whole head of lettuce basically with the butt still on it meaning you can't get it
Starting point is 00:21:19 clean and it's just got char marks and that is less appealing to me because then you just get like the outside. What I would like is a chopped Caesar salad with a wide variety of consistencies. Maybe you get some serious burnt crisp right on the top for a little crunch. Maybe you get something that's just been lightly roasted on the grill. Maybe you have something in between, you know, your medium well lettuce. You could grill the anchovies in the Caesar salad and chop them up real fine, right? There's a lot of different things you can do, but Caesar salad,
Starting point is 00:21:50 happy birthday apparently. And it's another one of our experimental items. And then the last thing I had on my list, you know, we talk about hot dogs a lot and we'll talk about them in a second, but what about corn dogs, right? But not your traditional? Okay? I know what makes a corn dog is like the cornmeal batter right, but what I'm thinking Envision this in your head. This sounds absolutely delicious to me. I don't know about you You guys know the like batter consistency of good fish and chips, which real light and flaky Melts in your mouth. What if you did that kind of batter with a corn dog, you grilled it up, so it's just flaking everywhere. It's delicious, it's golden, it's crispy.
Starting point is 00:22:31 You get the perfect grill on that dog. You could grill the hot dog and then dunk it in the batter and then grill the batter. Twice grilled corn dog. Now extra flaky. I'm getting my mouth is watering just thinking about it. It sounds absolutely delicious. If I had more time, energy, talent, access to a grill, a bigger kitchen, passion and desire, I'd be all over that. So let us know what your thoughts are on these three items and anything else you've grilled in the past that might be a little bit off the beaten path that you really like. Okay
Starting point is 00:23:09 experimental category that was number 10. I gotta label these as we're going. Number nine, I put this in there because I wanted the diversity. If I'm being honest with you this is almost never my choice unless I'm just on a real health kick which is like two days out of the year. Salmon. So I wanted to do a fish. I'm not a seafood kind of guy, so if I thought if I'm gonna grill a fish, we could, you know, we could go a couple different ways. We could go striped bass, which is the official state fish of South Carolina. A lot of people don't know that. And Maryland. And probably Rhode Island, too. You could go a red snapper, you could go rainbow trout,
Starting point is 00:23:47 copperhead, steelhead, I think copperhead is a snake. Not sure how that, put that in the experimental category. You could go to the sea, you can do tuna, you can do mackerel, you can do whatever, clownfish, nemo. Right, you could grill Nemo. But I thought let's just go basic. Let's go up to, you know, fresh caught. I'm thinking like Columbia River, Yukon River, Mackenzie River.
Starting point is 00:24:15 They got to have good salmon in the Mackenzie. How could you not? It's undisturbed wilderness. A good salmon grilled, get some lemon on there, some butter, maybe a hibiscus leaf, for not leaves, just leaf, one leaf. Just for a little texture, more so for looks. You could crunch it too. I don't know, is hibiscus poisonous?
Starting point is 00:24:37 Is it one of those sneaky poisonous foods? Like my parents told me growing up, little Debbie, sneakily poisonous. I wondered how their sales were so good, but alas. So Sam, that's number nine for me. I have a hot take for number eight, and this could anger some people, but it's just, I'm going to go with it. I'm putting steak at number eight. Here are my thoughts on steak. Number one, if you give me a beautifully marinated grilled steak on the grill, it's gonna be absolutely delicious.
Starting point is 00:25:07 No complaints, no notes, fantastic. The reason it's only at number eight for me and not much higher, because I think most people's list would be top three, top four, is just that wasn't something I really ever had growing up because of the expense of it. And now in this day and age, when I go out to a restaurant, I almost never have a steak either because I'm just not that
Starting point is 00:25:29 Rich for lack of a better word steak is usually relatively expensive and I'm almost never if I'm going to the grocery store and I can like buy a pack of hot dogs for five bucks or whatever or I can get like one really cool steak for like 10 bucks and, you know, feed a village like Hillary Clinton or just feed myself. I'm not going for it. And the steak is such a high stakes thing too, pun intended, right? You want to get it just right. You got to get the flavors just right.
Starting point is 00:25:58 The cooking time is important. Whereas like a hot dog or a burger, it's just like slap it on there. You're good to go. So there's a lot more technicality involved, a lot more price involved. And it's just, you know what, I didn't grow up on it. I definitely had friends in college who were very well off who were like, oh yeah, Fourth of July grill. I'm like, let's get some steaks, let's go crazy.
Starting point is 00:26:21 And dad was paying their rent and I'm glad they got to enjoy their steaks. It just hasn't left that impression upon me. So hot take alert, but steaks for me are number eight. Number seven, a little bit plain, but if you if you marinate it well, you cook it well, it's reliable, and it's delicious as long as you don't overdo it and get it way too dry. A nice little chicken breast. It's not as sexy as a steak. It's not as flashy, but it's reliable. It's easy to cook.
Starting point is 00:26:53 If you do it just right, you get the juices flowing out of there. Just an old fashioned chicken breast, kind of like the Fourth of July. It's been around. It's reliable. You know what you're getting. You're hanging out with friends. You're getting fireworks. Someone's fingers are getting blown off. That's reliable. You know what you're getting. You're hanging out with friends. You're getting fireworks Someone's fingers are getting blown off. That's the chicken breast, right? It's delicious now if done poorly it can be rough, but
Starting point is 00:27:15 And you give me a nice little chicken breast you slap it on a hoagie Some nice crisp lettuce grilled or ungrilled And some mayonnaise. Ooh, it's basically like a McChicken but homemade Absolutely delicious man. I love a well, a perfectly cooked chicken breast. To me, I'll take that over a perfectly cooked steak, which I think is a big hot take and I understand it. I recognize them in the minority. Just like my kids when they'll be a quarter Puerto Rican. Quinn Jr is going to Harvard, baby. Quinn Jr. is going to Harvard, baby. Lock that in. The pressure is palpable. Grilled chicken breast is number seven for me. Number six, old-fashioned, very liable, tough to mess up. Corn on the cob is number six. I went through
Starting point is 00:28:03 that dark phase that a lot of people go through when you have braces and you can eat corn on the cob and that really scarred me but it's been uh what are we at when did I get my braces off after sophomore year of college right after I turned 20 so it's been almost 10 years since the braces have come off permanent retainer still going strong but uh yeah we're back I I don't know if when the last time I ever bought corn on the cob and made it for myself is, but it's affordable. You lather it up in butter, kind of a recurring theme out of all these foods.
Starting point is 00:28:35 And I don't know, you could do it husk on, husk off, either way it's gonna be fun. If you do the husk on, you kind of get the pressure cooker inside of the husk going or husk off you get that cool, you know char Charro, what do we know about charro? Okay, let's sidetrack corn on the cob. That was number six, right? I Mean, what more do you want to say about corn on the cob? It's delicious It's healthy. It's good for you charro Spanish actress. Spooky looking, basically like a real housewife in terms of the amount of work that's gone into this lady. Maria
Starting point is 00:29:11 Rosario Pilar Martinez Molina Baeza, known professionally by her stage name Charo, is a Spanish born actress, singer, comedian, and flamenco guitarist. Oh, good for her. Who rose to international prominence in the 1960s on American television as well starring in several films And of course to celebrate the 4th of July here the region of Spain she's from his murk murk I thought it was okay. Not as good as I wanted. I thought it was Murica It's Murcia, but you know my eyes it could be Murica M. You are CIA CIA She is a frequent guest on laughing fantasy-In, Fantasy Island, The Love Boat,
Starting point is 00:29:48 Johnny Carson Tonight Show. She's known for her uninhibited and exuberant manner, high energy levels, Vag Age. I love that. I've never seen that phrase before. Vag Age. She's got a whole section in her Wikipedia article about her Vag Age. She's got a whole section in her Wikipedia article about her vag age. Let's jump down to that in a second. Heavy Spanish accent and catchphrase coochie coochie. She frequently pokes fun at herself. She's, she's, let's see, 73 is that right? Still going strong. You don't see too much from Charro these days. Well we don't know what age she is because she has a vague age. There's a horse name for you, Vagage. Charo's year of birth is a subject of dispute. Her Spanish birth certificate and passport as well as her American naturalization papers give her birthdate as March 13th, 1941. She later claims she was born in 1947, then
Starting point is 00:30:41 changed it to 1949. In 1977 she asserted in a court hearing that her passport was incorrect and her birthday was January 15th 1951. We got a 10-year age gap here that is a vague age. Alright anything else? There's a there's a many more paragraphs on this. Wow. Charo, what a lady. Didn't expect Fourth of July podcast to get us to charo, but here we are. Number five, when this is constructed well, cooked well, you get a lot of variety, a lot of diversity here. The kebab. So my ideal kebab is gonna have little bites of steak or lamb, lamb kebab, very delicious, very tender. A little bit of chicken.
Starting point is 00:31:31 Ideally red pepper, red onion. And then I would love like a diced zucchini would be good. Or, I mean, you could do potato here. We're gonna talk potato in a second. Usually you don't, but maybe one of those, like a half of like one of those mini golden potatoes you can buy in the yellow bag at Trader Joe's bag. That would be good.
Starting point is 00:31:56 You get about three of each of those going. You get a nice wooden steak. That way you have your kebab, you kill a vampire later. And there's garlic too. It's tough to put a whole thing of garlic on the kebab, but maybe if you roll all of those in garlic salt first or garlic powder, it could be good. Is there any difference between garlic salt and garlic powder? How do they actually get the garlic to be in a salt form? There, you know, you can't go into a mine and, you know, hammer with
Starting point is 00:32:25 a pickaxe and come out with some, you know, garlic, right? How do we get here? How do we get here? How do we get out? Daisy Jones. Better look at us now. Number four, potatoes and foil. This is an homage and this isn't his invention, but my dad Steve, little Stevie. Oh little Stevie, you got so much love. Little Stevie, and you turn away the ring. Give me all a man should be. And I want you to be my inspector. I want you to be my inspector I want you to be my lover. Oh And I know quite a few Oh
Starting point is 00:33:16 Steve Okay, I got a little bit weird not it's more of a love song than a father-son relationship kind of song little genie by Okay, it got a little bit weird. It's not, it's more of a love song than a father-son relationship kind of song. Little Genie by Elton John. I was watching a good Stevie Ray Vaughan clip on Letterman yesterday. We sang Stevie Ray Vaughan a couple weeks ago, so we're gonna cut it with the music here. But my dad would always do, and probably still does, he's alive. Potatoes in the foil. So you slice them up real thin, almost scalloped or au gratin, A-U, gold, G-R-A-T-I-N.
Starting point is 00:33:50 You could do golden, maybe that's how they got it. Au gratin, A-U, gold, they're golden potatoes. Now the table of elements comes into clearer focus. I need a beer, coffee's almost gone. But, well I don't know if I'm gonna be operating any heavy machinery later, so I need to check in. But you slice up the onions or the potatoes, you throw in some onions there, and you just crisp them real up. I'll say this, when done what I'm used to, the onions don't get quite as crispy in the foil as the potatoes do. The onions are just kind of there on the side. I love a crisp onion. I'm thinking like basically
Starting point is 00:34:30 an onion ring. Maybe you just buy a frozen, bypass the fresh onion, get a frozen bag of onion rings, toss them in there. No one's going to know the difference except for the extra crisp. That's really what you want. Extra crisp. So potatoes and foil number four, which brings us to our top three. There are not going to be many surprises here other than I guess, you know, steak being left out. But for me, these are my top three. I'm going to, this is going to be, oof, this is tough. I got, I got three here.
Starting point is 00:35:00 And you know what, rather than dig into the semantics of, oh, this one's my favorite, this one's my least favorite, this one's pretty good, these are just three. One, two, three, they're all equal to me, you can't go wrong. There will presumably never be a time in my life where you offer me one of these on a bun with all the fixings and I'd be like, you know what, not really in the mood right now. So my big three that I can't even separate any further than just saying there my big three hot dog bratwurst hamburger I was about to put hamburger at number three
Starting point is 00:35:34 but then I was like dude if you if you do a hot hamburger just right on the grill I'm thinking a thinner patty throw throw a lettuce, tomato, mustard, a little bit of ketchup if you want, a little bit of mayo if you want, and a nice big bun. You get a perfect bite of pickle on top, all that stuff. Fresh from the grill? Dude, you can't beat that. But then you might be able to because you got good hot dog, you got good bratwurst. There's something extra special about a hot dog right off the grill too, right?
Starting point is 00:36:06 You could do a Blagojevich dog with ketchup, you could do Chicago style with a big sport pepper. And again, you get the perfect bite with the right bun with some sesame seeds on top or poppy seeds rather. Delicious. But then coming out of left field. Don't forget the bratwurst. I think less of a, you know, like overall fan favorite than traditional hot dog or hamburger, but I love bratwurst. Shout out to McDonald's in like the year 1999, 2000. They did a partnership with Johnsonville Brats and they were John. This sounds crazy in hindsight, 25 years ago, but it's true. It happened. Johnsonville brats at McDonald's. I remember the commercials for it. I always wanted to
Starting point is 00:36:50 try it just because I was weird and that sounded just, I love brats, right? So McDonald's has brats now. Well, not in the last 25 years, but back then they did. A good brat, you could do regular brat, you could do cheddar worst, but when I make brats at home I like to cook them up in a can of old style or like a Miller Highlife and I know that that it sounds like a joke I'm not actually you get like a crack open a PBR or an old style whatever I have on hand and I don't really grill too much but you could saute them I don't know how you'd integrate the PBR or the old style into the grilling experience.
Starting point is 00:37:29 Maybe if you set a can on like the back part of the grill and let the steam evaporate, I don't know, right into the bratwurst, it could be delicious. Thing with brats, you don't need to do too much extra, a little bit of ketchup, a little bit of mustard, you get so much flavor from the sausage. If you want it to be a cheddarwurst, that's OK. But it's just tough to beat.
Starting point is 00:37:47 So all three of those, I can't separate them. But you can email us, let us know what your favorites are. What did I miss from the list? What was too high? What was too low? Bean Town podcast at Again, this is bean town podcast at Number 10 was our experimental category.
Starting point is 00:38:03 Some artichoke, Caesar salad, happy birthday, and a corn dog but with fish and chips batter. Number nine salmon, number eight steak, number seven chicken breast, number six corn on the cob, number five kebab. We got a cob and a kebab, that's fun. Number four potatoes and foil and then one, two, three all even hot dog hamburger and bratwurst. All right, it is the 4th of July, and we are wrapping things up here
Starting point is 00:38:28 because I got stuff to do, people to see, potentially having machinery to operate, not sure. Probably a combine would be what I would operate. We're going out to the suburbs later. And there's a greater chance of there being a combine or a tractor of some sort out there than there are in this dense urban environment in which I currently live and reside.
Starting point is 00:38:53 So I'm not saying it's likely to happen, but it's more likely to happen. Here are four Fourth of July related trivia questions for you all. And you can email us, let us know what your scores were and then also let me remember go open my Google Drive here I'm not gonna play us out we're just gonna do our normal song but thank you to me for so elegantly playing John Philip Seuss's JP Seuss's Washington Post March to open the show here is question number one. What year was the 4th of July declared a national holiday?
Starting point is 00:39:32 So name the year. And whoever gets closest gets a virtual high five. Trying to think of a clue I could give you that would help this out. This is not a year that is particularly standing out in my mind. First clue I'll say is it's probably later in history than you thought. And the president at the time, I have no idea, but it was probably Ulysses S. Grant or Andrew Johnson. I'm almost certain it was one of those two.
Starting point is 00:40:06 If you want more time, go ahead. But the year, go ahead and pause. But the year the 4th of July was declared a national holiday in the U.S. was 1870. 1870. Good zip code. Next up, so I'll tell you this first part and then the trip. Well, we'll just make it a two-parter. I wasn't anticipating asking this first part, but I just know this fact. So 4th of July presidential deaths and birth. There's been three deaths on the 4th of July by presidents and one birth. So give me all four of them.
Starting point is 00:40:39 I think a lot of people know two presidents who died on the 4th of July, because they died on the same one. But then there's a third one that a lot of people know two presidents who died on the 4th of July because they died on the same one. But then there's a third one that a lot of people don't know about, I think, or I didn't really know about until I was researching this. And then one president has been born on the 4th of July. There's a big gap between the deaths and the birth. So the deaths are John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, they died on the same day, and then James Monroe, Jimmy. We had a lot of Jimmy presidents. We've had Carter, Monroe, Madison, Fenimore Cooper, and then the one birth. This was back, here's your clue, the year is 1872. I'll give you a beat or two to do some mental math to try to figure out which president would have been born on July 4th, 1872.
Starting point is 00:41:32 And his nickname was not Jimmy, it was Silent Cal. I wish I had a nickname like Silent Quinn. I wish I was even quieter than I am right now. I could do a whole podcast where I just mumble silent Calvin Coolidge Was born July 4th 1872 your third question Born on the 4th of July is Oliver Stone's second film in his Vietnam War film trilogy Name at the first and the third films in the trilogy. So Oliver Stone, known for this Vietnam War film trilogy, and Born on the Fourth of July about Ron, what's his name?
Starting point is 00:42:11 Kozak, something like that, Kovic. Tom Cruise plays him in the film, and there's a great reference to Born on the Fourth of July in the office because they're the like office the owner their property manager is Billy Billy Merchant and he's in a wheelchair and Steve Carell's character is like getting bumped out by this character because he's he's not playing along with his jokes he's like I thought this guy would be more fun like the guy from Born on the Fourth of July. The first film is is probably the the most famous of all three
Starting point is 00:42:46 in this trilogy. You've probably seen it, you probably know it, it's Platoon. And then the third film I've never actually seen, but it is Heaven and Earth. So the trilogy Oliver Stone, it goes Platoon, Born on Fourth of July, and Heaven and Earth. And then finally, our final, the fourth question
Starting point is 00:43:04 for Fourth of July trivia. This podcast host once wanted a quiet Fourth of July at home in his uptown apartment back in 2015, but his roommates had subleased their rooms to a drug dealer and a fraternity brother. So the night went off the rails and this podcast host puked on the floor, slept on the floor and then had to work a double shift on campus the next day. Name this podcaster. So you might want a couple extra beats to take a guess on this one.
Starting point is 00:43:37 Who's it gonna be? Who are kind of sort of the pantheon of podcasters out there, Joe Rogan, Bill Burr, I don't know, probably Giselle Bryant and the other lady. What's uh, Rachel, who are the Potomac podcast hosts? Giselle and Kathy Robin Robin Dixon And the fourth one probably yours truly is the answer Quinn David furnace once had a rough fourth of July nine years back Went to Montrose Beach watch the fireworks Had a little drinky drinky illegally I might add came back home was ready to go to sleep and there was a rager happening in my apartment and it was
Starting point is 00:44:23 like a 400 square foot apartment, so you couldn't really get away and stuff got out of hand. And you might be wondering, well what do you mean stuff got out of hand? Exactly what happened? And I'll tell you I have no idea because blacked out. So there you go, that is our four questions for 4th of July trivia. I want to thank everyone for tuning in supporting this program. Quinn David Furness presents the Bean Town Podcast. Happy Fourth of July to all of you out there. Stay safe.
Starting point is 00:44:54 Well, that's how we end the show, but be safe. Don't pull a Jason Pierre Paul. If you don't know that, look that up. Don't pull a, put it in reverse, Terry Terry right. Don't mix your your wheelchair and your fireworks traditionally speaking. That's all I have for you. Let's cue up our outro music here. We'll be back next week with more fun hijinks trivia campaign disinformation and all that other fun stuff. My name is Quinn David Furness. This is my show Quinn David Furness. This is my show. Coin David Furness presents the Bean Tom podcast. Stay safe, stay sane, and I'll check in on you next time. Bye. so so so So Thank you.

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