Beantown Podcast - Happy Leap Day 2024 (Beantown Podcast 02292024)

Episode Date: March 1, 2024

Quinn comes to you LIVE to thank all the Pledge Drive subscribers, discuss the greatest leaps in history, and pick a bone with a certain online geography game....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furness. That's me in the background. What's going on? What's happening? My name is Quinn and this is my show. Quinn David Furness presents BeanTown Podcast. Hit it, baby! Beentown podcast hit it baby. Hmm. Yeah. All right. That's not going to be the full-time intro music We're just taking a one-week break from the entertainer because guys Let's be real. This thing's an absolute banger Daddy Long Legs 2.0 blew up on SoundCloud like actually like 200 some streams Not as hot on YouTube, but you know, the algorithm, blacklisted that sort of stuff.
Starting point is 00:00:49 My name is Quinn and this is my program. Thank you to the great nation of Pakistan for making us the 112th ranked comedy podcast in the great state of Pakistan. Hello Karachi, hello Lahore, hello Hyderabad. Pakistan was the world-old clue of the day today. I guess if you're late getting around to playing it, this isn't going to come out until about 8pm central time on Thursday night here. Then that's a little bit of a spoiler.
Starting point is 00:01:19 I should put the spoiler tag in here, but I don't know if people still play World-O. You know, I got my birthday coming up here in two weeks. And I recall it would have been my birthday, 2022, I think I got, uh, I got to go to replay a, uh, like a arcade game bar. There's a, you know, it's a series on, it's a chain, but a bar in Lincoln Park. When I lived in Lincoln Park on Diversity for a year, Rachel took me to this bar and we played Wordle Live. It was the first and last time I ever played Wordle Live.
Starting point is 00:01:57 This was the heat of the Wordle craze. But it's an interesting thing. I don't know, you know, who out there is still keeping up with Whirtle every day. It was the hot thing for a while. And now, for me, my rotation and full disclosure, I like to play this one on the toilet, doing my daily constitutional.
Starting point is 00:02:20 I have a series of four games. I go Whirtle, where you guess the country based on the outline, and then the capital, and the flag, and all that fun stuff. Although I have a bone to pick with WorldL just quickly. They added more rounds to it. It used to just be named the country, then the capital, then the flag, then the population population and it was like those four things You know as quick it was easy
Starting point is 00:02:47 But now they've added in the middle somewhere like most common language is spoken and then there's something else the issue with it is The these some of these rounds use like a drag-and-drop feature And it's terribly difficult on your phone to actually drag and drop it. You know, you're like swiping and moving around with your fingers and it just doesn't work. So the way it's formatted right now, if you have the same bone to pick with World though as I do email, it's again, it's Let me know. You know, I get to the country outline, the capital, and then the flag, and then I don't get to name the, or guess the area, because the language thing
Starting point is 00:03:31 with the drag drop feature happens first, and I can't even get past it in my phone. It's so irritating to me. So I've just stopped playing after those first three rounds of it each day. World, though, if you're out there, here's my complaint. My other three in the routine are Whirtle in the New York Times mini crossword
Starting point is 00:03:50 and New York Times connection, which I've been having a tough time with lately on getting like the last two in connections. I can usually get the first two no problem, the last two have been a struggle, but today I aced it. So feeling good. A bunch of things, just administrative tasks to get to before we hop into the content of today's show, which there's a couple different things, but listener discretion is advised when
Starting point is 00:04:13 you're listening to the Bean Tom podcast number one will occasionally some language number two this podcast is objectively terrible. So that's that. Second thing, last Sunday, well before that, I'll let you know we're recording. This is Thursday night, leap day 229-24. Happy leap day to everyone who celebrates. Wanted to get this in. We will be doing some leaping related activities in a little bit here.
Starting point is 00:04:40 We got some greatest leaps in human history coming at you hot. But I did wanna, of course, mention last Sunday, just four days ago, excuse me, our big seventh annual Bean Town podcast, pleasure of Telethon fundraiser live on air Sunday afternoon. Thank you so much to everyone who called in. I would list the names, I don't wanna forget, I know most of my immediate family called in,
Starting point is 00:05:04 my in-laws called in of my immediate family called in my in-laws called in Dr. Mike called in I'm sure I'm forgetting someone so I apologize for that But thank you for not only calling about playing our games. That was the first year You know we've been doing this telethon for a long time now almost a decade And that was the first time where we've actually had like listener games and it wasn't just like awkward interviews, So I really liked that. We're gonna keep it going. Extra kudos to my dad, Steve,
Starting point is 00:05:30 who called in and played Unbreakable Sports Records. And I think if you're listening after the fact or watched it live, you might be like, oh, well, Steve was fed these answers because he just like, not only did he get them all right, but he just mowed it down. It wasn't like, oh, let me pontificate P-O-N-T-I-F-I-C-A-T-E for 30 seconds and go through some considerations.
Starting point is 00:05:55 He literally played the game and won the game as if he was reading off a script, which is absurd, because it was just a Google doc that I had created in my own account. It was never shared with anyone or anything like that. So everyone who called in and played games did very well. I know my brother Jack played the Josh Hutcherson game, but their wall was high points. My in-laws played the logic puzzle.
Starting point is 00:06:20 I'm trying to remember. I apologize. I'm sure I'm forgetting someone who played other games, and I apologize for missing that We'll get we'll get to the donors in a second here But man Steve showed up if you're curious says that Steve 5 4 1 4 0 3 1 6 or home pride Oregon Edge email calm is a good email showed up and just Pissed excellence all over that pleasure of telethon
Starting point is 00:06:44 pissed excellence all over that pleasure of Telethon, but midway through. So special kudos to Steve because he literally approached those questions as if it was just another day at the office for him. And that was awfully impressive, to be honest. I did want to, you know, we're gonna update our website in a second here with all of our, I mentioned that we were gonna have our, you know,
Starting point is 00:07:03 our wall of champions. And so I want to going to have our, you know, our wall of champions. And so I want to make sure that we recognize them in writing, in stone on our bean town So look out for that today. You technically, it's more of like a one day kind of event that I promote leading up to it now, the Pledge Drive Telephone Fundraiser. But in past, in Beantown seasons of your Y-O-R-E, we've always just said, hey, February is Pledge Drive month. Now, I'm not coming out here 28 days, 29 days,
Starting point is 00:07:37 in this instance, being like, please give me money, please support local arts and charity. Of course, we match every donation one-to-one to charity. I'll be doing that in March at some point, and I'll let you know how it goes. But February 29 today is technically the last day of Pledge Drive Month, even though it's not really recognized that way anymore.
Starting point is 00:07:57 Like, I don't think anyone's waiting until 11.59 PM to get in on Pledge Drive Month right now. So we've got about four hours, five hours left here in the month of February in Pledge Drive Month. So with that being said, let's just thank everyone who donated to the show. We've got, I'm just going down the list of names given on our GoFundMe page.
Starting point is 00:08:15 We have Anna Ogunike. We have Jose Ramos. We have Abigail Furness. We have David Salli Furness. We have Anonymous. We have Scott Furness. We have Jane Dennison Furness. We have Molly Tomorello.
Starting point is 00:08:24 We have Walter Furness. Betty Ramos Denison Furness. We have Molly Tomorello. We have Walter Furness. Betty Ramos. Matthew Feather and Kathy Comparada. Thank you so much to all of you for donating. As a reminder, if you hit that $26 and above threshold, you are eligible for our Topaz Elite Club, which comes with this year's first time ever, a Bean Tom podcast,
Starting point is 00:08:43 limited edition collector's item tote bag. Here's the thing, and we kind of got to this a little bit on the telephone. I'm going to move off this soon enough. But people were asking, oh, well, let's see the tote bag live on air. Like, let's see where we're getting. I didn't test it out myself with a prototype to see just how well it was going to work. So, hey, if you're listening out there and you've received your tote bag whenever
Starting point is 00:09:06 you listen to this program or if you haven't, just hold tight. But I promise you, in contrast, if you will, to last year when we completely just messed up the stickers, not messed up makes it sound like there was an issue. Like I totally blew it the every year or every time in order this year has come in donation has come in I turn right around I go to our vendor I say boom here's a bean town podcast tote bag for this person you know pony up the you know seventy four dollars or whatever
Starting point is 00:09:38 it is per bag I rounded up slightly but you get the picture. So let us know, tweet at us, at Beantowncast. When you get your Beantown podcast tote bag, let us know, let's see the pictures. You can also email us, Beantownpodcast, at Slightly scary and embarrassing to say, but I have no idea the level of quality we're receiving here. But you know what? I think it's going to be good.
Starting point is 00:10:06 So that's closing the book. If you're curious, so closing the book on the Telethon, Pleasure Drive Month, all that stuff, it was a really fun show. I guess two more thoughts. One, apologies for YouTube. If you're coming back later and you want to watch the video stream, not only
Starting point is 00:10:24 is it cut into three parts on YouTube because and I blame my Wi-Fi more than I blame YouTube, but it's it was just Really frustrating all around I also noticed I didn't you know I haven't listened back to the whole whole show and I'm sure I never will But you know who has two and a half hours in their day But if you go to the last clip on YouTube it doesn't even run through the end it just it just ends and that wasn't something I was aware of because when I was doing the telethon live YouTube never said that it stopped broadcasting stopped recording stopped streaming it was just showing up as normal and I remember hitting end as you
Starting point is 00:11:01 know after I played if you watch YouTube you didn't get to see me do my bang and rendition of Foonichi Lee, Foonichi La on the keyboard and using the organ tone, which is a damn shame. So if you want to listen to that, it's audio only, SoundCloud, Spotify, Apple Podcast, wherever you listen to your Beantown podcast, thank you for listening, giving us five star rating. Appreciate it. But yeah, it just ended. So that was number one. That's a bone to pick. You know bean town podcast. Thank you for listening giving us five star rating appreciate it But yeah, it just ended so that was number one. That's a bone to pick I don't have it's not like oh next year we're gonna do this differently I thought I felt totally bamboozled usually it was or coming into the the the pledge drive it was like Garage band you guys, you know laptop you're 11
Starting point is 00:11:42 You're gonna hold out hold out for me And I developed a strategy to make that work pretty well and I think the audio stream went very well. And then YouTube just turns around and I got my back turned working on my Mac. GarageBand YouTube just saying, FU, give me the finger. Just really, just total piss poor.
Starting point is 00:12:00 A total piss poor effort. It's a soccer term we used to use in high school, piss poor effort. I's a soccer term we used to use in high school, piss poor effort. I was a recipient of that many times. No, I was a high effort. I was a high effort player. I ran, worked hard. Just zero like technical abilities, but you know, they didn't stop me from playing good defense. So I think in the grand scheme of Northern Illinois 1A soccer, I was a perfectly competent defensive player. You know what? And I can hang my head on that because it's not like soccer was just like a, this went
Starting point is 00:12:36 for most of the sports I played, it was just like a hobby. You know, wasn't something where I was like, oh, I'm playing all throughout the year, I'm getting coaching or getting tips is literally like show up to practice, do what the coach says, run hard, work hard, put in your best effort. It's a school with like 250 high schoolers across the entire school. Maybe a little bit more than that, like 300. You know, a coach who's just fine, but not amazing. Shout out to Kevin Obey.
Starting point is 00:13:10 I just called you fine, but not amazing. I did my best, you know what? And swimming was kind of the same way. Obviously, I have more of a swimming, family swimming background, but like you're swimming like two, three months out of the year. It takes you half the season just to get in shape.
Starting point is 00:13:25 I don't have regrets about that. Like I wouldn't have changed anything that I did, but just being an exceptional high school athlete is tough, man. And then baseball, man, that's my big regret. Fucking up my shoulders, my big regret. Would I have done anything differently? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:13:43 It's tough to know what to do to not mess up your shoulder. But I think baseball is one of those sports where with the instincts I had, I don't mean to tube my own horn too much, but I think I have really good had and still have really good baseball instincts, which I get to utilize a little bit now when we play our Wreckley kickball games, which I really enjoy kind of being part of the just casual fun, but it's fun kind of coaching teams or coaching players up
Starting point is 00:14:15 and saying, watch out for this. Keep an eye on that. That's just something I enjoy. I think I legitimately could have gone to a D3 school and walked on a baseball team if I was able to throw. And it's something I enjoyed. I love baseball. I have no idea how we even got here.
Starting point is 00:14:33 We're talking about soccer, good effort. But the last thing I wanted to do, we got to close the book on this pledge drive, where I wanted this to be a zippy episode. And it's totally not right now. $422 raised. Might be a new record. I have to go back and check. But regardless of record or not, it's totally not right now. $422 raised might be a new record. I have to go back and check.
Starting point is 00:14:46 But regardless of record or not, it's a ton of money. What we're doing, what you helped me do is, number one, you help me cover the cost of the show, which is our website hosting for Beantown Podcasts and its subsidiaries, Beantown Podcasts slash blog. There's always some good stuff over there. Check it out. And then our SoundCloud hosting,
Starting point is 00:15:07 you can't just randomly post your podcast into the universe and everyone can listen to that costs money. So that's SoundCloud, we've been with them for a long time now. But then what we're gonna turn around and do is take every dollar, $422 that you donated to this show, and we're to turn that around as we do every year to the United Way of Metro Chicago.
Starting point is 00:15:28 So am I the one getting the tax break based off of that? Yes, I am. But I take the standard deduction anyways every year, so I don't think I actually benefit from that. I don't know how this stuff works. We've got to wait for Matthew Fiedler to get on here with his tax expertise next month. But thank you all for donating.
Starting point is 00:15:46 The United Way I know of Metro Chicago is going to be very appreciative. They are every year. They always send me a nice thank you note handwritten in the mail. So although, hey, if you live where I live, we don't get mail. It's been three weeks, no mail. Just I had a Valentine's Day from my grandparents returned.
Starting point is 00:16:07 I ordered a debit card from my bank because I haven't had one for years and I was like, might as well get it if I can have it returned. I had a $25 Visa gift card from some research study and I didn't know what to do with it. So I was like, let me just, because the way you want to do it with a purchase that's as close to $25 without going over, because you can't really split it. So I was like, okay, let's find something on eBay that's interesting. I found it at a poll over. I was like, oh, this is kind of nice.
Starting point is 00:16:37 I could wear this to work. It would look great. I don't have much to pull branded gear outside of two hoodies, which I wouldn't wear to work. So I was like, oh, we'll buy this on eBay. Looks kind of nice. Use my gift card. No cost to me. USPS.
Starting point is 00:16:52 Not delivered. So just maybe don't send us anything in the mail. But we're moving. It's not the only reason, but it's playing a factor. In fact, so you got this new, you know, we rent from this property management company, big time players, not too concerned about the little guys like me.
Starting point is 00:17:13 But there's a new person at the company who took over property management for our space, unit, complex, whatever. And he actually, he emailed me yesterday. And when we put in our notice that we weren't renewing, he was like, please give me a call. And I was like, okay, whatever. This guy seemed, he seemed nice enough, but man, he just wanted to know so much. We were on the phone for like 10 minutes, which is a long time when it was, he was just asking
Starting point is 00:17:40 me like, oh, why are you not renewing? And I was like, you guys keep jacking the prices. This place is not worth this much. yada, yada, yada. But I mentioned the mail thing. And it's like, oh, we got that fixed today. And I was like, well, I emailed your people two weeks ago. And they said they got that fixed. So just kind of a bummer when you're missing out on like handwritten notes.
Starting point is 00:17:59 And Rachel didn't get a handwritten note either. And that's just like the worst feeling in the world. Like, oh, yeah, We'll never get this. This was something that someone put in time and Love and energy into creating for us and we'll never you know at least currently never get it which sucks Plus a debit card floating out there in the wind. I don't love that That doesn't make me feel good and then you have something I bought online clothing spent 24 bucks on it Not my own money, but still and we'll never get it. So yeah, we're moving may be on the lookout for that
Starting point is 00:18:32 This will be the bean town podcasts. Oh God one two three four this will be the bean town podcast fifth home. We had our original Founding location. I don't know if they ever put up the plaque out there at 817 St. Paul Street Baltimore apartment 306 I think something like that and then of course bounced around and Rogers Park Lincoln Park Lakeview and then who knows where to next in that I'm it we're in that hell hole right now that you go through every year every other year we were like checking every single website I mean literally off the top of my head let's let's see you're checking like every day reaching out some people get back to you most don't, Trulia, Domu, Craigslist, Redfin,, Hotpads, and then I even have
Starting point is 00:19:32 this Realtor who like created this private list for me on something called ZenList. So I don't know man. It's such a, we're in good shape, right? May 1st, Lease. It's not even March 1st yet for another four hours here, but just, I hate it. It's like, at the start of this process, it's exciting. Looking for a new apartment, it's exciting, because there's like, the whole world is your oyster. But then you just get beat down by... Reach out, no one response.
Starting point is 00:20:05 Or you reach out, this place doesn't actually have in-unit laundry. Or you reach out and they say, oh, no, lease is incorrect. Or what Rachel and I did Tuesday night, we went to see this place on Lincoln Square that we both liked. And we saw it and it was like, oh, this is an option, but it's still so early. And it wasn't our dream. If it was our dream, we would have said, yes, let's sign.
Starting point is 00:20:31 But we're like, it wasn't our dream, so let's put a pin in it for a second, at least, buy us a couple of days. And literally on the train ride home, get a text from the landlord being like, oh, someone else signed. Literally 20 minutes less than that, 15 minutes after we left the property And it's just that kind of event where it's like you take the time of your day
Starting point is 00:20:51 We had to rush out of work to get there The train was super delayed You know, it's like an extra two Hours or so out of your day on a weekday to go see this thing that led to nothing and hours or so out of your day on a weekday to go see this thing that led to nothing. It's not like I'm not looking for something. It's not like, oh, I'm so beat down from that that I don't know how I'll move on. But just tough takes time. Time out of your busy schedules.
Starting point is 00:21:18 So feeling a lot of like the weight of that this week, unfortunately. It's just kind of stressful. Because it's like the most basic human thing. You know, what am I going to eat? Where am I going to live? How are my stocks doing? Did anyone upload a Pokemon video that I could watch in the last 24 hours? These are the four basic human needs.
Starting point is 00:21:42 And this is one of them. We have to move on here. This is absurd. I'm not, I was going to say I'm not a big rambler. I am a big rambler, not a Loyola Chicago rambler, but a Beantown podcast rambler. But this has reached new, new highs that we have rarely yet explored. Usually more than I'm drunk. I'm not I'm literally a third of the way through a temperance beer company escapist American ale IPA 6.7% local brewery up in Evanston. I think is where temperance is I've been there two or three times good spot, but got in on sale at jewel
Starting point is 00:22:20 Two weeks ago some two or three weeks ago Maybe so slow slowly slowly sirly companies, slowly working my way through those. We got to get to what, I wrote a show, it was in my phone and we're 24 minutes in, 23 minutes in and we're actually going to get to it, I promise. So here we go. Before anything else, I want to give a quick shout out to Well our Sponsors our brands here But another shout out that I wanted to mention that has nothing to do with the show and just something I've been listening to that's been stuck in my head recently, but of course our good friends
Starting point is 00:22:53 We've already mentioned it, but Steve furnace at home pride Oregon Call 541 403 16 skies if you're in central Oregon the housing prices are nuts Don't get me started on rent here in Chicago, but housing prices, Pacific Northwest, the hot area, home inspections are not something you can just sweep under the rug. If you sweep something under the rug on a home inspection, you know who's gonna find it, Steve, because he looks through all those nooks,
Starting point is 00:23:21 all the crannies, all the crawl spaces, don't get him started on attics. I remember when my dad would go in the attic in our home in Cherry Valley growing up. And I was always so mesmerized by it because it was in our garage and I was afraid of ladders and more or less still am to this day. And so I think the furthest I ever got up into the attic
Starting point is 00:23:42 was like peeking my head up above and it was such a fascinating thing. Like, how big was it? How far back did it go? To this day, I have no idea. Was it a whole other magical world up there? Or was it pretty small? No clue.
Starting point is 00:23:55 You know who has a clue though? Because he's not afraid of ladders. Steve, go to Home Pride Oregon at, send him an email, let him know. Quinn sent you Home Pride Oregon. Inspection perfection. email dot com send him an email let him know what quince sent you home pride Oregon inspection perfection and of course our good friends Samson Samson Q2U series I know I may have ruffled a couple feathers with the potential introduction of a new Bob Barker style microphone we're not using
Starting point is 00:24:19 that today that's for Rachel when she's able to co-host she said a company event right now having a great time so she's able to co-host. She's at a company event right now, having a great time, so she's not here. But Inside Sources have told me that good potential, that she'll become a permanent co-host of this show very soon. I'm sure she would love to always be on my recording schedule and have to commit to one show a week until we're both dead. So looking forward to having my love of my life Rachel on the show Homepart or off yeah, gosh Samson God speaks and run Rachel speaks they use the Samson
Starting point is 00:24:55 Does that mean Rachel and God are the same thing? No, but she's a she's a goddess. She's stunning. She's beautiful and We're getting married in a year. So it's pretty cool and then of course our good friends at cuts by Q when you need to fresh do something snappy or new guys that can be snappy or new or both so if you want to do the whole like Hun culture HON from hairspray Baltimore. Good morning Baltimore Don't actually know how that song goes never seen hairspray familiar with it. I love the Zac Efron remake with your Volta you can't stop the beat
Starting point is 00:25:35 But it's also cool because hun culture I got to be part of part of it such a loose word But you know, it's all centered around Hamden Baltimore, which is like half a mile west of where I worked. And Hopkins in Baltimore, and I spent a decent amount of time in the avenue, they call it. I think 30, I'm going to offend some Baltimoreans. No one listens to this show in Baltimore, though. 36th Street, something like that in Baltimore. Great Greek diner.
Starting point is 00:26:03 Oh man, let's look this up. Hamden Baltimore. While we're looking that up as a reminder, when you need it for, I should do something snappy or new called the experts at cuts by Q. I really just want to confirm there's a great ice cream place, the Charmery that's still there. 36th Street. Okay, I'm doing well so far. And then my question is, is the Greek place still here? Not the Greek diner from the Wire Season Two, but I believe Suvlaki, was that, what is this called, Suvlaki Greek cuisine?
Starting point is 00:26:36 There it is, closes soon, 9 p.m., it's open, okay. Good stuff, I had Suvlaki on my birthday once. What have been either my 20, when did I live in Baltimore? My 23rd and my 24th birthday. And mother of the show, Jane Ferness, called me on my way back to work. Good place. One of those things where you spend $12, $15,
Starting point is 00:27:04 and you're just completely overstuffed. Food memories of Baltimore. We should get a friend of the show on from Baltimore. I'm thinking like Megan Lundgren. I had a different last name now. She's married, but it doesn't live in Baltimore now. But I would love to do a Baltimore look back. It's been, gosh, almost five years since I left,
Starting point is 00:27:23 which in a way, that feels like my Baltimore era feels like a completely different lifetime, but then also saying five years out loud feels really long, even though obviously it isn't in the grand scheme of things, but I do think about Baltimore from time to time, not in like a, oh man, I'd love to go back type of way, but just in terms of kind of the local establishments that I'd like to give my business to, and you kind of think about
Starting point is 00:27:50 you know how they're doing in this day and age. Lots of things have changed since I left, so hoping that they're all doing well. Off the top I had a quick list of shoutouts, quick list of shout outs. Mothers Federal Hill, where I play trivia every week. The spot in Mount Vernon was just like the lowest quality food possible for the lowest price. You can get so much for so cheap. Sometimes you just need that in your life, right? Never on Sunday, not open on Sundays,
Starting point is 00:28:23 that they might be now, I don't know. It's Chick-fil-A kind of like that no it was actually just like a diner type carryout place but you can get like a really big pizza I do know the Mount Vernon pizzeria clothes that's where I got pizza my first night there I slept on the carpet because of all my moving issues I got a pizza from out Vernon, pizzeria for like eight bucks and it was pretty bad but it was food. Charmed, which is a breakfast spot that opened up like halfway through my time there. Women owned these two sisters who were super sweet. I still follow them on Instagram and Facebook, they're awesome. There's a sport. There was a Terps sports bar, I think is closed now. It wasn't Terps, it was something like that.
Starting point is 00:29:11 Right by Micah in the train station there. This is terrible for someone who's never been to Baltimore, and it's like I'm speaking a different language. But then just two more things, I think, up in Charles Village, where campus is located, the Indian place. I don't know what it's called, but the Indian place, it does the lunch buffet. You go in there, you're starved from container for $10.
Starting point is 00:29:32 Pile it as high as you can, carry it back to your office. Buffet, you just load that baby up, $10. And then Suvlaki, Greek cuisine. And then bonus, another Greek thing up in Taos and the Taos and Diner. Dude, I tell you what, back in the day, I used to drive up to Pennsylvania or in the middle of a work day for recruitment,
Starting point is 00:29:53 get a car, stop at the Taos and Diner. They're a lunch special. I swear, it must have been like $7 or $8. It doesn't matter because I'm not paying for it. It's on the company. But this thing gives you, I don't even know if I can remember, a cup of soup with saltines and then a full platter that had french fries, like a heaping
Starting point is 00:30:21 portion, H-E-A-P-I-N-G heaping. And then a full Greek salad, which man, I love a Greek salad, cucumbersucumbers, onions, feta cheese, olives. I haven't had dinner yet, it's 7.35. We gotta wrap this show. I haven't even talked about what I wanted to talk about. This is terrible. And a full Euro, a fully loaded lamb Euro. Like way too big to pick up for like eight bucks. It was absolutely absurd.
Starting point is 00:30:41 And not like bad quality either. Like, give you some hardburn, yes, but you know, taste bad, way too oily, greasy, no, definitely not. Towson diner, I think most of those places are still open. It's always been kind of back in my mind that I want to go back to Baltimore specifically to take Rachel. Just to kind of frequent or hit some of my, you know, it was a complicated situation living out there for me mentally. A lot of things I didn't like, but also like,
Starting point is 00:31:17 two years as a young adult, not having any sort of community built in when I already got there, you just go out and you make it work I wasn't someone who just like lived in my little shitty studio apartment for two years and never left like dude I was out. I was seeing stuff Seeing way too much stuff especially down on the block Baltimore Street with the strip clubs. You saw a lot of stuff but all the way from
Starting point is 00:31:46 Fort McHenry up to Towson in the subway and just, I want to go back. It's not like a top priority for me or anything, but it's been five years since I left almost. And I don't miss it per se, but I think about it from time to time. So I have no idea how we got there. Just that we've had some. Most of our episodes on the Bean Town Podcasts are rambletastic, but this is new link. So we're gonna, I've got my phone in front of me,
Starting point is 00:32:20 we're jumping right into it, and we're gonna just get into what we wanted to talk about today. So of course as always and I haven't if you're curious I haven't forgotten about Palindrome of the Day like Baltimore I think about it from time to time I expect it to make some return appearances at some point similarly right on cue our great segment. I would like for that to come back in some capacity. But hey guys, this is a one man show. I'm doing the best I can here.
Starting point is 00:32:52 So we're gonna finish with Trivia as we typically do. A lot of Trivia last week, so you'll excuse me if we just have one question this week. This week on the campaign trail, I didn't write out my thoughts much. This week on the campaign trail I didn't write out my thoughts much. I basically just put one word nouns separated by semicolons and the rest was on me to kind of fill in the blanks which is terrible because I beat this dead horse at gazillion times times and it's only February 29th but the most boring campaign season of my lifetime. You hope it's just like this is a one-off dud and not like oh this is the
Starting point is 00:33:35 norm now because and I was just going back and watching some old like RNC debates not RNC but just Republican, and like Vic Berger edits and stuff. And Democrats too, and the name Lincoln Chaffee kept coming up, but just those are just comedy gold and also just entertainment gold and also just kind of intellectually interesting. And this year we're just getting robbed of all of that stuff. I'm so upset about it. Anyways, this week on the campaign trail was the Michigan primaries. Guess who won? Trump and Biden.
Starting point is 00:34:11 It was also CPAC, which is a great time for the craziest, looniest Trump and Trump-adjacent people. Trump gave a long and meandering speech. I'm trying to see if there's anything else. Oh, he mentioned one, one quote he, uh, or something he floated out there that I loved. Joe Biden gangs. I just love the idea of there being not just Joe Biden's gang, Joe Biden gang. This is like the Van Buren boys and Seinfeld or the Latino Kings. Joe Biden gangs fast track to hell.
Starting point is 00:34:48 Context is basically like if you reelect, these losers are going to be on the Joe Biden gangs fast track to hell. It kind of reminds me of Little Rascals. Our gang, is that kind of the terminology for it? Excuse me, Little rascals you got to alfalfa You got the little black boy and what's the name character's name? It's like it's like PD or something like that What a great What a great program the little rascals there are so many
Starting point is 00:35:23 Older things that were old, even when I was a kid in the 90s and early 2000s, that you watch on VHS, you get to the library, and when you watch it, you know they're old, but it's like, this is, you know, you don't have cable, you live an extremely modest life in your little home in Cherry Valley, not little, but you know what I mean. My curiosity is like when I have kids, are we going to be like, it's going to be different. You go to the library, I don't imagine you can just like check out little rascals on VHS to get all these collections you'll watch or like, you know, the old comedy films you'd watch, it's a mad man, mad man world. Even something like Weird Al's UHF is what, like 1989. So 35 years
Starting point is 00:36:09 old at this point. When I have kids, can we go there and like see these old things? Are they just going to be seeing bluey and neopets and Charlie XCX, right? Is there gonna be any sort of sense of older culture, even like a 19 or like a 2000 debate between George W. Bush and Al Gore? Can my kids sit in front of the television for two hours and watch that?
Starting point is 00:36:37 Or is it just gonna be Olivia Rodrigo? Or Imagine Dragons or is it just gonna be You know What did Kanye what did yay? He's not Kanye West anymore. He's yeah What did yay tweet about today? They don't call it tweets anymore. My kid will never know Twitter There's just no X in fact in the year 20, every social media platform will just be a letter. Instagram will be I. Facebook will be F. Twitter will still be X. But it'll just be porn, actually.
Starting point is 00:37:14 It'll just be XXX. You ever wonder how porn became XXX? Me too, but don't really have time on this show to look through it. Other just things from this week in the campaign trail, Trump sneakers of course, I think is actually over a week old at this point, but we had the blood drive to get to. And then Trump's back to hugging flags, not hug, I was going to say not hugging a different word, but I don't want to get canceled. I don't mean it in the sense of a derogatory homosexual term. I meant it in the sense of like Trump would use this term kind of thing, but I'm not even gonna say it so that I can't get canceled by the aggregators.
Starting point is 00:37:55 But it's a word like flags. And I don't it's not it's never a word that I've personally used. But I would be surprised if Trump hadn't used it. But he's hugging flags again. There's flags with an L. I know it's tough to see. It's kind of a skinny letter. It's one of the skinnier, more narrow letters we have, along with I. Probably the odds on favorites for skinniest letters.
Starting point is 00:38:23 Not going to be skinny after finishing this IPA, I guarantee you that. Dude, almost St. Patrick's Day, two weeks away. My level of just perkiness is up, even though I'm bogged down by my job and the apartment search and planning for a wedding, which are, you know, things that are exciting at the same time. But though you, I was literally for a hot second on my, my work team's chat today, we were talking about the fugitive and how I watch it every year. It's the sense of hope and optimism every mid-March when the day like savings time happens, you get better temperatures in theory, not every year, but just watching the fugitive, dude, my whole life changes. That movie is just breathtaking to me.
Starting point is 00:39:14 So that's this week on the campaign trail. OK, our penultimate thing, our actual, what we're going to put on the title of this episode, is this is what we talked about. And then it was actually only five minutes at the end, which tends to happen on this show. Love it or leave it guys, that's what I say. It is leap day 2024, 229, 24. Happy leap day to all those who celebrate.
Starting point is 00:39:37 I think 30 Rock is kind of like the media or cultural king of that because they do a Leap Day episode and the whole kind of subplot, not a subplot really, but just like a separate thing is a film within the show starring Jim Carrey as Leap Dave William. And I think it's Andy McDowell doing kind of a Groundhog Day-esque thing. but the two of them, you know, they show like different clips throughout the movie and whatever. So this is a Beantown podcast, 2024 Leap Day. So our second, second Leap Day we've come across as a show, because I started early in second week of January, in 2018.
Starting point is 00:40:22 So we had 2020 Leap Day, which would have been gosh, literal, like a week before the pandemic struck big time. COVID was around at that point the last day of February in 2020, but not it wasn't like, Oh yeah, we're all going to shut down. It was like, Oh, this weird thing's happening in China. I should go back after we finish recording here and check out what we were talking about. It wasn't a leap day recording, I don't think four days ago, or four years ago rather, but I can go look at it. But here's what I wanted to mention here. This is the biggest leaps in history and the intention of this entire episode was to have this be the meat and potatoes, if you will, of the show, and for me to dive into thrilling and invigorating comedic commentary
Starting point is 00:41:14 on each one of these points. And we'll see how much time we have. We're at 38% on the MacBook here. The number one biggest leaps in history, printing press, 1440. I think it was Gutenberg, who also did some Bible stuff. Basically, the printing press invitation is what I was going to say. It sounds like a swim meter or a track meter. No, it's an invention, rather, like JS Bach might write a series of inventions. If you've never listened to Bach inventions, you will instantly feel more educated and classy if you do.
Starting point is 00:41:48 I love the Bach B-flat major invention in particular. Go listen to that later. I got to write this stuff down. Bach, there was another thing I mentioned before to listen to, or not listen to, was just like two seconds ago. I said To check this out and I completely dropped the ball so Nothing in my notes to indicate Just Trump and CPAC the printing press is basically like we can take a book and we can replicate it
Starting point is 00:42:19 I don't know how the technology works It has to do with molds right? know how the technology works. It has to do with molds, right? M-O-L-D-E-S, not Eric molds, M-O-U-L-D-S. Eric molds, who wants to guess? Beantel podcast,, email us, career yardage and also career touchdowns for Eric moldsolds who if you are not familiar was a wide receiver in the NFL for Let's see per Wikipedia 12 seasons Draughted by the bills affectionately called E money He played for the bills and Then bills are 10 years and then one season with the Texans one season with the Titans if you're curious if you want more time
Starting point is 00:43:04 This is not our official trivia question of the week, but Eric Mold's career receiving yardage, 9,995 across 12 seasons and touchdowns 49. One of those very solid, it's pretty hard to be in the NFL for 12 years, to to be honest wide receiver or otherwise So good for Eric Molds. I don't know There's nothing on his Wikipedia page after 2007 That always makes me sad like whether or not he could be the most successful Person in the world and I would have no idea if his Wikipedia page didn't indicate it But I'm always like oh god his Wikipedia page stopped 17 years ago. But I'm always like, oh, God, his Wikipedia page
Starting point is 00:43:45 stopped 17 years ago. What do you think Eric Moulds is doing? Maybe he moved to Guam and he lives in a little wood shack. And he gets all the games on cable. And he just reads books all day and writes a column. I always wanted to write a column, And I don't know. He's got the body of Lance Redick, rest in peace. And he's, he was with his wife and they have a seal for a pet. Not the singer, but the actual animal. And it's Guam so they're just
Starting point is 00:44:25 off in their own little universe. Good for you Eric. I'm proud of you. That's a printing press. Paper Money. Another big leap in human history of the late 18th century. Here is my comment on Paper Money. The whole concept of the money started was like, I have this penny it's worth this much in copper or I have this nickel It's worth this much in nickel or I have this quarter. It's worth this much in quarter Which I think is a mistranslation from courts We played baseball with this Lutheran family the courts courts court's court C's K or TZ ES Andrew and Michael maybe I don't know.
Starting point is 00:45:10 Mount Olive Lutheran Church, shout out. I don't think what I just mentioned is accurate about the, you know, nickel to nickel quarter to courts. What did I even say about the penny? Penny to pennies, copper to copper, I don't know. But how did we go from like, here's how, how does money work, essentially is what I'm asking. How did banks decide, I'm gonna print out this amount of paper, gonna slap a 20 on it, and it will be worth 20, like how did, I should be way more high for this.
Starting point is 00:45:44 I'm not high at all So I should be any level of high to be discussing this But it doesn't really matter because a big leap in human history in the late 18th century was paper money pretty cool Steel in the 1850s. We're not talking Ricky Henderson. We're talking actual steel. What the heck is steel steel is not an element steel is What do you think? copper iron
Starting point is 00:46:15 It's just like refined iron, right? aluminum magnesium Xenon does xenon come into play at all and steel Steel basically reinvented the way we construct our buildings and our battleships and the Lusitanias and Those cool ships that could float down the Mississippi River and Civil War Pretty cool with a little turrets pretty cool with a little turrets out the top. Pretty neat stuff. What the hell is steel? I googled steel and it came up Steelers and there's a bunch of Kenny Pigot crap I don't care about. Steel is an alloy of iron and carbon. I think that was pretty cool. I said iron. I also said
Starting point is 00:46:59 xenon which is basically carbon which is a couple different letters moved around. An alloy, alloy is something you learn in chemistry when you're 16 years old and you never remember. An alloy is a mixture of chemical elements of which at least one is a metal. That's simple enough. I'll remember that maybe. Steel is an alloy of iron and carbon with improved strength and fracture resistance. God, I needed that for my shoulder. High school baseball would have been different. Compared to other forms of iron. So yeah, it's stainless steel.
Starting point is 00:47:32 That's pretty cool. Oh, it's got chromium, 11% chromium. I should be putting that into my apartment filter search. I say I need 11% chromium in your kitchens. Can you deliver? And these landlords will text me back and say what the frick are you talking about? So steel pretty big invention, pretty neat. Congratulations to Andrew Carnegie. Next up, domestication. You all knew this one was coming. Domestication of the horse. You're're curious that was about 5,500 years ago
Starting point is 00:48:08 So basically humans could only go so far on foot is their little feet would take them and especially if you get a blister on your pinky Dole you got you got problems? What do you think the furthest? Here's a question for you. This is like an ultramarathon thing. Excuse me. We'll Google this too. Furthest, a human being has gone in 24 hours. Before I actually see the answer, I'm going to look away and I'm going to guess because this is like a running thing right people run for 24 hours and if
Starting point is 00:48:49 you are running I don't know it's presumably faster than 10 minutes a mile I don't know but 10 minutes per mile would get you six miles an hour Times 24 would be 48 excuse you times three which is 90 96 48 times two is 90 This is a rough 96 plus another 48 is the 144 so 144 miles So here that's the over under if I did my math correctly. And who knows if I did.
Starting point is 00:49:27 Uh, do you, do we think a human being has gone further on foot than 144 miles in 24 hours? And here's your answer. The world record for the event on all surfaces set by miho Nakata. Oh, here's why I was off because it was so recent. Japan in 2023, I'm getting confl... Oh, for women. Okay, here we go. 167.99, 198.59 miles and 24 hours, 198. That's okay, 198 miles divided by 24. This person is doing eight and a quarter miles per hour. That's that's insane. All this is to say the domestic, that
Starting point is 00:50:37 domestication of the horse, 5500 years ago, man, she could go way further. So pretty neat stuff there. We've got a couple technical ones here. The transistor in 1947. I don't know what the heck a transistor is. It's probably something I, probably one of those things in AP physics with, God love them, Keith Jeske, a Bible man who was also asked to teach physics, was supposed to teach us at the end of AP physics before the AP test and we never got to. I just want to say I'm not like a We've already talked about high school a little bit with soccer and swimming and stuff. I'm not a jaded person in particular, but it and I was not a physics expert nor did I put in a ton of time or energy or work or anything like that.
Starting point is 00:51:26 But I personally feel slightly jaded by the fact that no matter how good or bad I was at physics, just as a core concept, I took AP Physics. The culmination of any AP class is the AP test. And we spent nine months, whatever it was, going through material, and it came to the AP test. And there were concepts and larger topics covered on this AP test, which is standardized nationally across the US, that we never reached in our class, just because we ran out of time. Now, am I sitting here saying, oh, I was such an expert. I wish my teacher Keith Jeske would have given us more to do and I would have
Starting point is 00:52:13 excelled. Nope. I probably would have just sucked at it because I sucked at the rest of physics and that's fine. But I do feel like I never got a fair shot. It got, a good what is The Mets manager Terry Frank Kona was that him or is that someone else? No, not not no It's Buck show Walter right? No, it's a Terry Terry Collins there's so there's too many managers Terry Collins. That's who it was right Terry Collins for the Mets
Starting point is 00:52:41 He got to give us a shot. His whole voices breaking. Terry Francona was the Red Sox and the Indians manager. Terry or Francona was the Red Sox and Indians manager. Terry. I don't remember the other person who said Terry Collins. So the Buck Schoelalter is currently the Orioles manager, right? And he was back in Seinfeld days. He was the Yankees manager. This is Terry Collins, who's long retired. He got to give us a shot, just kidding. That's how I felt about that.
Starting point is 00:53:14 And then the telegraph, 19th century, pretty cool. I love, because I've always been curious, how do phones work? Basically, the telegraph back in the day, it was just like, we're going to send certain electric signals and then not send take pause at other times in a short rapid succession and whatever that pattern is that tells you letters and numbers and that sort of thing and that's how the telegraph work which one of very few things in physics I
Starting point is 00:53:41 actually understand so there you go. A couple honorable mentions. I won't I won't belabor the point in any of these. Antibiotics, electric light, flight, the Tom Cruise ankle-breaking ankle-breaking, ankle-breaking jump and mission impossible six full fallout. That's a big leap. Michael Jordan at the end of space jam and didn't look this up, but whoever has the world record for high jump and or long jump, these are all the greatest leaps in human history. So congratulations to these folks.
Starting point is 00:54:21 There was actually believed or not. Wonder their thing. I wanted to talk about it in the show today Trivia and I'm not gonna get there. We're gonna pencil it in for next week if I remember. Everyone's talking about Dune 2 right now. So I have never read Dune, I've never seen Dune, never seen any of the films, never seen the first film that Villeneuve made. So my goal was to sit here in front of you and predict the plots of Dune 1 and 2. We're gonna get to that next week, hopefully. And then next week after that is St.
Starting point is 00:54:51 Patrick's Day, Fugitive, all that fun stuff. But it wouldn't be a Beantown podcast episode without finishing up with our trivia question of the week. It has nothing to do with anything else we've talked about. It is a special day in history, leap day, so it is a day in history type question. I'll give it to you straight up. You can guess. We'll wrap it up on that. Here is the trivia question. On February 29th, 1940, Hattie McDaniel becomes the first black person to win an Oscar for this film if you're curious she won for Best Supporting Actress. So again, 1940, 84 years ago Hattie McDaniel becomes the first black person to win an Oscar
Starting point is 00:55:39 she won it for this film as best supporting actress. And there you go. If you're curious, of course you're curious what's the answer. It is Gone With The Wind. Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn. To be in full transparency with you, I have never seen Gone With The Wind. I have never read it. Someday I will want to watch it.
Starting point is 00:56:03 And I don't even really know the plot. I know it's set in the Civil War. It's in the south But beyond that there's got to be so much more that happens right so many more important things I have no idea. I've never personally seen gone with the wind Email is being tub podcast at with a plot summary because I'm not capable of looking it up myself That's what I have for you guys apology. They didn't get to everything dune 1 and 2 previews slash predictions slash just no idea what they're about coming to you next week.
Starting point is 00:56:34 Thank you again to everyone who supported the show last week and our Pleasure I've Telled On Fundraiser. I really appreciate it. That's what I got for you. Laptop is dying. Quinn is hungry. It's 8 o'clock. I've got to eat my you. Laptop is dying. Quinn is hungry. It's eight o'clock. I gotta eat my dinner. Happy leap day to everyone and hope you stay safe. Hope you stay sane. My name is Quinn
Starting point is 00:56:54 David Furnace. This is my show. I will check in on you next week. Bye everyone. Take care. වවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවවව� ʻɪʰɪʰɪʰ

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