Beantown Podcast - Happy New Year 2022 (1/1/2022 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: January 2, 2022

Quinn comes to you LIVE from Burbank, IL to revive his award-winning interview segment Interview with a Dog, call the Bulls buzzer-beating victory, and officially launch Dry January 2022. Happy New!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Fernos. Welcome to my show. Quinn David Fernos presents the bean town podcast for Saturday, January 1st, 2022. That's a, oh, man, that's a hard one to say. These years are just getting worse all the time. 2022, that's like 17 syllables or something.
Starting point is 00:00:21 I, you're going to spend half your life just trying to say the year. I think we need some hip new abbreviations. That's the education that I bring to you. My name is Quinn David Fernis. And this is my show. We are one of the top 500 podcasts in the greater Chicago and area. And I am very pleased to be coming to you in the new year. Our last kind of canonical word. I'm going to be a little bit more honest. I'm going to be a little bit more honest.
Starting point is 00:00:41 I'm going to be a little bit more honest. I'm going to be a little bit more honest. I'm going our last kind of canonical was the word I was going to use. It's not really what I'm going for episode of year four. What I'm trying to say is this is sort of our last episode of year four. And the next week is the other last episode of year four. It'll be our year four recap. Was recap episodes have always been a fun thing for me to do going back to the very start of the show.
Starting point is 00:01:13 And then the week after that, which will be, gosh, it's already the third weekend of January, but it will be sometime around the 14th, the 15th MLK Day weekend. That will kick off year five. It's always a little weird, you know, because we, and I mention this every time, this time of year comes around, you know,
Starting point is 00:01:35 when we started, it was about two weekends into January, if you will, back in 2018. And so it's just just it's not completely, you know, monogamous with the calendar year, but it's close. I do the best I can. So that's what's coming up our next three episodes here. A couple of things right off the bat number one you'll notice my video or my audio quality is a little bit lower. I am recording from Rachel's family's house. Another, you know, check it off. Another cool place I've done podcasts. I should have been keeping a list, you know, all these years of all the places I've podcasted. Burbank, Illinois, that's a new one. I'm not a podcasted. Burbank, Illinois, that's a new one.
Starting point is 00:02:24 Obviously, I've done it all over Illinois. New York, Pittsburgh, Sioux Falls, Louisville, Lexington, Minneapolis, Virginia. I was listening to our, yeah, every once in a while, I'll pop into an episode from years past
Starting point is 00:02:43 and this morning for just five minutes or so I listened in on my episode that I did in a similar situation at the end of season one right before the recap. I actually podcasted live outside on a hike in West Virginia by a stream. I recall it being cold but not uncomfortably cold. And it was an outdoor episode and I actually recall that I was recording and then I stumbled upon or I was stumbled upon by a family of hikers or walkers and actually I'd to pause and then go back in because they didn't want to be on the episode. But I don't remember where I was getting out with this. But oh yeah, all the play said podcasted. Here's the thing. And this is just me being lazy. I've actually
Starting point is 00:03:35 got a Samsung Q2U series up stairs in my bag. But I just decided like, you know what? I felt that, you know, the audio quality being a little bit lower things having a little bit different feel or just more kind of representative of what this week has been like. I've been arrived here. So eight days now. Tomorrow will be the final day and then well, I suppose, in to Monday morning, going to the office for the first time and basically two weeks. But yeah, you know, the audio quality is a little bit lower for sure, but I think you can still hear me. I think it works okay. And I just wanted to show you as a reflection of my week, which has just been different, right? I've been dog sitting. We got Bailey here, the co-pilot. Bailey, I don't know if you want to see any words. Just sort of a grown and I roll and I don't even think we picked up any of that.
Starting point is 00:04:46 But hey, if we get lucky, we'll get into a barking fit at some point. Coming up on the show because that's been consistent all week. It's tough. You never know quite what you want. Sometimes it's like I want to go outside, but I'm pretty good at being proactive with letting the dog outside. And so today's been pretty bad in particular, and I don't quite understand it
Starting point is 00:05:10 because we got a snowstorm outside. So, you know, Bailey only wants to go outside when she absolutely has to, which I understand. So I let her out and then, you know, 45 minutes later, I'm just sitting on the couch. My name is my own business, watching the Rose Bowl, Ohio State versus Utah.
Starting point is 00:05:28 Speaking of real house, it's a Salt Lake City coach, Shari Shaw, is the defense of Bax coach at the University of Utah. And they gave up 48 points today, absolutely shellacked. Well, they only lost by three, but you know, you give up 48 points, and that's a good job in security. But yeah, she just starts barking at the top of the the stairs and it's like, hey, I don't know if you know, that was a great touchdown from Marvin Harris and
Starting point is 00:05:53 Junior or you know, you want some more supper because I already gave it to you once, maybe you want it twice, do you need to go outside? Well, I just let you outside, what's the deal. So, you know, that can be, that can be tricky sometimes, but we've also had, had some claws, claws in the face at 3.30, 4.30, you know, any time of the morning, really, any inordinate, I-N-O-R-D-I-N-ADI and ATE time of the morning we've had it. Not every night, it's been a little hit or miss. Thankfully, I mean, that's better than every night, but basically what happens is you'll just be sleeping in bed. She's on the futon next to you. She's got her own private futon. It's a very nice life. And, you know, basically you just, you're half awake, you're just readjusting,
Starting point is 00:06:49 maybe flip in sides or something, or shuffling your feet. And she takes that as a sign of like, it's go time, but I don't even really know what she wants to do in the all of a sudden that you look over and it's just, right up on the bed, claws first, paws first. And it's just, whoop, right up on the bed, clause first, pause first. And it's given me some flashbacks to my,
Starting point is 00:07:09 I recall my, my 22nd birthday when I was in graduate school. I was cat sitting for a friend. Actually, you know, I was living up in Rogers Park at the time, but that friend at the time, who since moved to South Carolina and has now moved back to Chicago, they, she lived in an apartment that was pretty close to my current apartment where I'm not at currently. So I don't know if you're keeping track of all this, but the point of that story being she had a cat that I was cat sitting for, she's out of town somewhere spring break trip or something and happened to fall over my birthday.
Starting point is 00:07:48 But that cat would just go crazy at crazy times of night three or four in the morning. First, you know, she's just walking around the entire apartment, she'll knock and stuff over doing whatever she wants to do. And then she jumps on the bed and starts clawing your face. And that's when I'm really like, hey, what's, you know, what's the deal? Like, you're a cat. You don't go outside. You have food and water.
Starting point is 00:08:15 Like, I don't know what you need. And so eventually one time in Bailey, if you're a baby, I say, if she is listening, she's right here. She's listening. You're lucky. I said if she is listening she's right here she's listening you're lucky I haven't locked you in the closet like I locked the sprinkles or Chester Rutherford behaves whatever the name of the cat was in the closet I had to do that at least once because otherwise it's like coming for my face it's like a horror movie I don't know what else you're supposed to do um so yeah, Bailey, just you got that.
Starting point is 00:08:46 That's, you know, that's what's on the menu if we try that stunt again tonight. So try me, see what happens. Listen to discretion is advised when you're listening to being Tom podcast. Number one, we'll occasionally do some language on two podcasts is objectively terrible. And although I think today it's going to be pretty short and sweet. There isn't even a bean-town podcast or not a bean-town podcast, a real housewives of Salt Lake City recap because there wasn't an episode, you know, last Sunday night. And that's, there is an episode tomorrow night, Sunday, January 2nd. At the same time as the Minnesota Vikings play the Green of the Packers in prime time and I granted I don't expect, you know,
Starting point is 00:09:35 the Vikings to do anything with their backup Porter back there. But it's still kind of like, hey, I would like to, you know, I would love to see that. But also, it's the same time as picking up a family from the airport, arriving from the Bahamas. So it's like, now we got three things at once. I'm going to have to try to find a radio broadcast of the Vikings backers and a radio broadcast of real houses. That's all I could say. I don't know if they make that sort of thing,
Starting point is 00:09:59 but if not, maybe I could, hey, I mean, if we can broadcast sports, why can't we get broadcasters for television shows? You figure, hey, sports are entertainment. And commentators, radio people, they're just, you know, sharing what's going on in the action. Maybe I should, I really should have saved this from my next big ideas podcast because I actually have another idea lined up for that. Maybe you should have radio broadcast commentators for popular television shows.
Starting point is 00:10:33 I'm thinking the Seinfeld finale or the sopranos, you could be like, hey, now, you know, don't stop believing in playing and oh the daughter meadow. She's showing up to supper and oh she's, uh, she now she's entering the restaurant. Okay, Tony's, uh, he's looking a little nervous and uh, oh, journey's playing again and Edie Falco's looking you know solid as always and oh oh fade to black. I don't know if I sold you right there but I believe I did. Wouldn't you want to listen to that? I just gave you the whole last ten minutes of the sopranos and a succinct fashion. of the sopranos in a succinct fashion. We could even ask, you know, that, that, you know, the housewives, they may be were jerseys, number jerseys to make the calling of the show easier. Jen Shaw could be six, six, six. I don't know. It's just an idea. And I'm a man who's full of ideas. I want to give a shout out to our sponsors
Starting point is 00:11:49 Here in year four of the bean town podcast our good friends are not doing full ad reads I don't have them in front of me right now, but our good friends Home pride Oregon if you need your home expected and central Oregon call my dad If you need your home expected and central organ call my dad, aka Steve, 541-40316, and he will take care of you. Also the Samsung Q2U series getting a well-deserved week off this week, but you know that we're going to need the Samsung for our year for recap, which will be next weekend. And then of course, a good friend's cuts by Q.
Starting point is 00:12:21 which will be next weekend. And then of course, a good friend's cuts by Q. Here is, it is officially entered into that in-between stage where it's like, I got it cut back in whatever that was August, I suppose. So we're like five months in and it's not, you know, you would never characterize it as long, but it's kind of, for me, I get into that phase where before I can like, wear it up and back,
Starting point is 00:12:46 it's just kind of like, mushed, M-E-U-S-H-E-D, it's German, look it up over to the side, and it just kind of like sits on top of my head, not terribly different from a raw blagoi of it special, if you will. And it's not my favorite, I don't know, but I don't really know what to do with it. Cause like I could kinda like put it up and back. It is long enough for that, but it's not long enough to stay. And I'm not someone who wears products
Starting point is 00:13:20 or gels or sprays of any kind in my hair. When it does get long enough to where I can do that, I will use just a dash of hair spray occasionally if it's necessary, and if there's like a piece or something that's sticking out, but otherwise I try to avoid it. So yeah, that's me. I got a little bit, you know, oftentimes when I'm broadcasting to you live on bean
Starting point is 00:13:46 town networks, which reminds me, I should mention, get it's or you can email the show, get it's, get it's The show's Twitter is at beantowncast, my personal Twitter is at white buns with a Z. So follow us, like us, subscribe to us, and mash that like button, if you will. Where is I going with this? Oh, I'm drinking, I'm drinking, I don't even remember how it was related, but I'm drinking Aegnog, right now, actually a kind of a three to two mixture for all you chemists out there a little fancy of Agnog and 1% milk
Starting point is 00:14:31 Gotta get my calories in for the day. It's very important Ooh, I'm watching the distracted we are under a minute to go in the bulls game and they are to go in the bulls game and they are down by one point. And it's crazy because they played yesterday versus the Indiana Pacers and they were down by one point and their best player hit a buzzer beat or three pointer off one foot as time expired to beat Indiana. Now they're in a shockingly similar situation. Here's my broadcasting career. Deroson spins, puts it up, it gets the foul. And it doesn't go. Okay, so it wasn't, yeah, it was Deroson.
Starting point is 00:15:15 Okay. Yeah, they're playing Washington, the wizards, and to finish, Deroson's gonna shoot two free throws. Okay, for those of you listening at home who really, you know, you're tuning in on Wednesday And to finish, DeRos is going to shoot two free throws. Okay. For those of you listening at home who really, you know, you're tuning in on Wednesday or something, you really wanted the final play by play of that bull's game from Saturday. Three games ago or whatever. I'm drinking eggnog and the reason I mentioned that is because oftentimes on this show,
Starting point is 00:15:41 oh, we got a timeout in the game. Okay, we're going to commercial. Oftentimes on this show, I like to drink a cool bath, while we're broadcasting, oftentimes some whiskey, occasionally a beer, glass of wine, sometimes yada yada yada. Today I'm rocking the egg nog and the reason behind that is because we have egg nog that we got to drink up because it's gonna go bad. But also it's dry January and I haven't been able to say that for two years. So it's not an
Starting point is 00:16:15 extensive history and I don't recall exactly the first year I did it but I know I did it both years I lived in Baltimore and I moved to Baltimore and I was 22 and so the January I was 21 would have been my senior year of college and I definitely didn't. Well, I can't say definitely. I don't think I did it just because I felt like I drank a lot that year. Wait, I was 20 January when I was 21 would have been grad school. So I actually might have taken it off. I don't know. I know this is not interesting. I just haven't thought about it much. Yeah, when I was 21 and it was January, I was in grad school, actually. So I don't, it was either that year or the year after.
Starting point is 00:17:05 But the big thing is I didn't do it this past January of 2021 because I had just finished my 12 month no drink streak. Fans of the show will recall the year 2020 was the year I lost all that weight. Wow, it's crazy to say that we're moving into two years ago now that that happened and that I didn't drink and didn't have pizza till August. In some ways, it feels like a lifetime ago and other ways it feels like it was just yesterday, but 12 months, heavy lapsed since then.
Starting point is 00:17:42 But yeah, so I didn't do dry January last year, because it was like well, I just went 12 months. I'm not, you know, the 13 is very unlucky. Like we're not risking that. D'Rosein's shooting his first free throw and it's swoosh. Okay, we got a tie game, 116, 116, 49.2 on the clock, one shot for DeMart de Rosen. But yeah, I definitely, I definitely am doing dry January this year and it's tough because the second one goes in So bulls are up by one in bound to Bradley Beale He's got the signature large white Headband he drives into the right corner Still got his dribble going back up to the key
Starting point is 00:18:23 picks up his dribble. No, he's still dribbling any drives and he dishes it back out, kisspert over to Kuzma. Up in front of the ring, rebounded by Levine. 30 seconds to go as Levine takes it up the court. I am surprised, I am surprised as you are how many Washington Wizards players I know, unbelievably. Okay, Levine's dribbling
Starting point is 00:18:45 tend to go on the shot clock. They're gonna try to double team him. He dishes it out to the European guy. No good author for another in rebounded by Kuzma. It was the big guy. Nikola Vucicic. I just couldn't think of his name. There's 10.6 left to go. Washington has called a timeout. They have possession. Okay, wow. Well, we'll see if they go for the last shot or what they want to do here, but we're going to find out soon enough here. Yeah, dry January, you know, it's interesting, you know, today actually might be one of the tougher days, and the reason for that is, you know, the entire month because it's the first day.
Starting point is 00:19:25 I've been drinking a solid amount this week, like every day, you know, having a couple drinks for the most part, which is, I've seen a lot more than, you know, than average or normal, but it's just kind of like, I'm on vacation, I'm not really working much at all. They're, and the biggest thing for me is, like, there's not that much, excuse me, else going on is pretty much just like here watching the dog And so today was actually kind of tough because I got to the you know woke up lazy morning plates and tomblasts ran About five miles watch Some of the Wichita games some of the DePaul game. They both got slammed
Starting point is 00:20:02 Just a lot of sports, but I'm like hey hey, I'm, you know, I'm not really doing anything like there's a ton of alcohol over here, like let's have it, let's have some cool beps because that's basically what I've done all week, but it's January 1st. And I am very stringent with my with my jai January rules. So yeah, I mean we'll do tomorrow tomorrow will be fine. Just watch them football. You know, I just just keep keep drinking but just drink water and stuff. And then you know, we'll see how the rest of the month goes. I'm not too worried. I've never I've never like broken dry January. Okay, we got the inbound to Bradley Beale. Nine to go. it up to the top of the keys, driving in, back out to Koosma for three. It's good. Oh no. Bratz, there's 3.3 left on the
Starting point is 00:20:54 clock. The Wizards are up by two. Same thing as Derozen yesterday, the Wizard, the team being down by one and going for a deep three, rather than, you rather than you only need any bucket to go ahead. He was kind of open but the shot was contested and he shot it from at least two feet behind the line. So the balls have called the timeout. Again. There's 3.3 remaining on the clock and Yeah, that was deep. I mean if you're gonna make that shot you're gonna make that shot and that's her all there is to it But yeah dry January and these are my last thoughts. I promise we're gonna wrap things up here, but Yeah, I think it'll be okay. There are five weekends in January, which is this brutal. That's that's a tenth of the year right there that you're not drinking, but it's okay. There aren't any like big events other than MLK Day, which I, you know,
Starting point is 00:21:55 historically if it wasn't in January, you know, I would get wasted for civil rights, but regardless, it's gonna, it's gonna go well. I don't have any trips or anything. I'm still, I'm kind of waiting this week in particular to see what's gonna happen. I potentially have a trip to the deep south at the end of January that last full week. There's like three or four events scattered across Atlanta, Alabama, Mississippi, maybe Panhandle, I'm not sure. One of them has been moved virtually. Okay, we got the in-bounds to, uh, to Derozen in the corner for the win. Oh, he got it.
Starting point is 00:22:41 The second night in a row. That's unbelievable. It was totally like double teamed in the corner, just chucked it up and yeah, it's good. That's crazy. That's straight up crazy. Wow. You got to go watch it on Twitter or YouTube or whatever. Two nights in a row, just a just a ridiculous like crazy contested not a good shot just goes in. That's just Mara de Rosen. That's why he's probably gonna win MVP. Okay, well that's what I got for you. We're gonna check in on you next time with the year four recap. We'll check in on the housewives. We'll check in on some more de Mara de Rosen's sick
Starting point is 00:23:20 three-point wins and we'll check in on dry January. Yeah, it was, that was amazing. That was awesome. Cold-blooded baby, just like me in middle school, Brock for Fire represent. Thanks to Bailey for coming on the show today, interview with a dog, our special segment, she's out like a light. And that's what I got for you.
Starting point is 00:23:39 No intro music, no outro music. I'm not even on my, I'm not on my Mac, I'm not on my work, I'm not on my work computer, I'm on my other work computer. So we're third stringers today, much like the Vikings offense tomorrow. That's what I got for you. Happy new year, save you, you know, a couple minutes without the intro and outro music. Yeah, 24 minutes, not bad. Everyone, stay safe, stay safe, happy new year. I'll check in on you next time as we wrap up year four here. Get ready for year five.
Starting point is 00:24:09 Have a good one.

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