Beantown Podcast - Harrison Ford Power Rankings (03132025 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: March 12, 2025

Quinn comes to you LIVE to power rank his favorite Indiana Jones films, plus crap on the Bears and urge people to RSVP to the wedding...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn Davis Furness. Welcome to my show. Quinn Davis Furness presents the Bean Town podcast for Thursday, March 13th, 2025. What's happening? What's going on? How are you? My name is Quinn and this is my show. Quinn Davis Furness presents the Bean Town podcast for the last time in my 20s I know you were got excited there for a second. He said oh last time we can finally Get off this hellscape of a podcast ride, but no you're stuck with me Throughout the 30s the 40s the 50s All the good stuff. We're not not going anywhere I'm not leaving my name
Starting point is 00:00:46 is Quinn this is my program I am the creator the host and the chief birthday boy and pie day connoisseur pie day is tomorrow 3.14 of this show Quinn David Thurman this presents the bean Tom podcast of course listener discretion as always is advised when you're listening to my program. Number one will occasionally use some language. Number two, this podcast is objectively terrible. And of course, hello to our good friends in Pakistan
Starting point is 00:01:16 where it is already Pi Day. I don't know, what are they? Karachi, six hours ahead? More than that probably. Cause London is like six hours ahead, I think. So probably more like, I don't know nine or ten Karachi Hyderabad Khyberpass wherever you are listening from thank you for making us the 112 ranked comedy podcast in the Islamic Republic of
Starting point is 00:01:37 Pakistan That's that me and maple are sitting here on the couch. It's about 6.30 p.m. Thursday. Mom's at the bar watching the Fighting Illini take on the Iowa Hawkeyes. Great. One of the better school teams based on a MASH character. And I can't even take that joke any further because I don't know any other MASH characters. You got Hawkeye and you got What's one of the blonde ladies? She's like baby doll or something like that. I don't know. What do you think, Maple? You've never seen M.A.S.H., have you?
Starting point is 00:02:19 Right? That's the M.A.S.H. song, Maple. Looking at me like I'm crazy. Right? That's the mash song maple looking at me like I'm crazy mobile army medical army Sterilized Helipad that's what mash stands for a lot of people don't realize that But no, it's birthday weekend. It's exciting. We are sitting here on the couch Watching DePaul verse Creighton That's right. My Blue Demons won a game
Starting point is 00:02:46 in the Big East Tournament yesterday, awfully exciting. They knocked off the Georgetown Hoyas. In fact, DePaul was 3-0 against Georgetown in the season, they swept them, which is like even good teams, that's hard to do. So hats off, we're playing the Creighton Blue Jays right now. And it is in the first half. I'm watching my buddy, my coworker, Chris Holtman, do an interview right now.
Starting point is 00:03:12 We got the TV on mute, so I'm gonna have to read lips. He's saying, you know, we're playing good defense. We're getting back. Now he's scratching his nostril. You know, we're playing tough. Now we just gotta stay locked down, get out in transition. And hello, Quinn, and hello, Maple. We're playing tough and now we just got to stay locked down get out in transition and Hello Quinn and hello maple and good luck on the podcast and congratulations on you know third being 30 dirty and flirty and
Starting point is 00:03:36 Now Pam Oliver stepping in she's saying you know what? What what words of wisdom do you have is he going to your decade for the 30s for Quinn and he's saying you know Just play hard and keep bringing me those great assistant coaches and Creative managers, that's who I hired most recently last time I chatted with coach Chris hired I'm a creative manager, so there you go. You're welcome coach, and you're looking good. You're looking good Still early it's the first half the poll is up 22 to 11 on the Blue Jays. Battle of the Blue here. Omaha is one of those places, you know how there are like sneaky trendy cities in the US where everyone's like, oh man, this place is actually awesome. Like a lot of people don't know about it, like how great this city actually is, but it's really cool.
Starting point is 00:04:20 And to me that category is like Pittsburgh gets a lot of that love Let's see like San Antonio is Oftentimes under the radar. I feel like Tampa is a great under-the-radar city that that that a lot of people like But I don't know if I can say the same thing about Omaha That's not even me shitting on Omaha I just and you never hear anything about it it's on the Missouri River that's right Missouri not Missouri misery that's being a Creighton Blue Jays fan tell you what it's on the
Starting point is 00:04:57 border of Iowa and Nebraska on the Nebraska side obviously but what what what what happens in Omaha? That's gotta come from what, the Sioux or the Sauk or the Blackfeet? I don't know. I'm not caught up on my Native American tribes. That's for sure. But Omaha, what do we think it means?
Starting point is 00:05:19 Let's go to the Google and let's figure out what Omaha means. While we're doing that, I'll let you know. I'm drinking a Trader Joe's black cherry vanilla sparkling water limited flavor Limited time only and I can confirm that they are all out at my Trader Joe's So I'm sipping and savoring the last couple Cans that I got here probably the first birthday podcast we've ever done outside of 2020, which was season three, where I wasn't polishing off a bottle of wine.
Starting point is 00:05:52 That's usually something I like to do on my birthday shows, is sit down with a nice red Merlot, a cab, even a Chianti, C-H-I-N-T-I, I think is how you spell it. I don't really know anything about key on t other than that's what Hannibal Lecter excuse me has with his fava beans and human heart or whatever he eats but no we're we're staying strong had a had a couple bevs last weekend I guess we've already recorded since then. So nothing since. And I did, I did go up to Spiteful Brewing, one of my favorite breweries here in Chicago on
Starting point is 00:06:34 the north side up at Bowmanville, good friend of mine. He hasn't been on the show yet, but someday Calvin Fredrickson works up at Spiteful and has for a long time. And they, you know, these, we could go on a little rant about this if we wanted to, but in terms of birthday freebies, now I'm not someone who wants to, you know, bite the hand that feeds you. Any sort of discount of any kind is great, but the birthday freebies, like Dunkin',
Starting point is 00:07:02 you don't get anything free anymore. It's just triple points. It's like, okay, that kind of sucks. Starbucks, you don't get anything free anymore. It's just triple points. It's like, okay, that kind of sucks. Starbucks, you can get a free drink, but only if you're a member of the app and if you've purchased a drink within 30 days. And I can become a member of the app 30 days before my birthday.
Starting point is 00:07:17 I don't mind that. But the whole like, oh, you gotta buy a drink just to get a drink. You know, I'm not into the whole BOGO thing You got to be bozo to be in for the BOGO. Oh Nice steal by DePaul go finish it off, baby nice 28 to 11 it's a good good first half. You know this is this is the DePaul dream we got We got Creighton call a timeout here
Starting point is 00:07:44 We got we've returned zero minutes from last year new coach so everyone decommitted thank God because our team sucked and It's all transfers and That's just the era of the NIL here And like our three best players are all injured and out So we're basically just running up and down the court with backup scrubs. Essentially what we've been doing for the last decade as a university, but this time we actually have a coach who's a professional who knows what he's doing. Sorry, Tony Stubblefield and Dave Laetow and Oliver Purnell and Dave Laetow again.
Starting point is 00:08:20 That's right. If you don't know your DePaul Blue Demons basketball history, we had a coach, Dave Letao, L-E-I-T-A-O, who was like very average to sub average at best. And then we fired him, and then a couple years later, we hired him again, and he was even worse the second time. And it's really kind of Trumpian, right? Like it's even way worse the second time hard to believe we have our our lovely former athletic director Jean Lenti Ponce said or a thing for that that was such a big thing what was that was it was like 2020 2021 something like that when fire JLP was a all the rage the hashtag on Twitter we
Starting point is 00:09:01 even put together money to take out a billboard on the Kennedy to say fire JLP we had an ad in the Chicago Sun-Times and it it finally worked I don't know if if we actually had anything to do with it but you know we're on the radio and everything there's a lot of public noise and pressure and it felt good whoo just tried to do an alup and it hit the backboard. That's the DePaul basketball I know and love. But yeah, it's the last podcast of the 20s here. Birthday is on Sunday proper, which is exciting.
Starting point is 00:09:37 We got St. Patrick's Day here in Chicago on Saturday. St. Patrick's Day itself is Monday, but the big celebrations always the Saturday before with the river dying and the parades and all that fun stuff. If you were curious and then we're gonna get into our subject matter here, keep it relatively brief today. I will say I think my voice is holding steady right now. I am getting absolutely assaulted by seasonal allergies this week. So we had
Starting point is 00:10:02 we've had some warmer days been kind of up and down, tomorrow's gonna be warm. And it's basically just like the same thing as a head cold. Even have a headache, but yeah, just the amount of post-nasal drip, Gen Z, if you're really cool, I say you got a lot of drip. Well, I got a lot of post-nasal drip and lettuce and no cap and all that stuff. But I'm fighting through it trying to stay strong
Starting point is 00:10:26 But I am the walking version of the before Actor in the Clareton commercials where it's all foggy that is me I Should take some Benadryl Tonight or something we'll see we'll see what happens. I took some Nyquil last night knocked me out which was clutch But yeah staying strong, but it's it's just really not enjoyable frankly to talk for 30 plus minutes when you got a sore throat and itchy eyes and all that stuff itchy eyes was the B side to holla notes private eyes itchy eyes the scratch in you right maple mm-hmm yes um I've been on my this is just the routine now I've been going out on my midday walks to
Starting point is 00:11:14 take maple we go pretty much the same route every day we go a mile and during that 15 to 20 minute period I've been listening, re-listening, I think this is my third time through, to the Scott Farrell autobiography, Or Tales, Triumphs, and Tears from the Stage audiobook recorded by yours truly back in 2020. It was one of my pandemic projects and it took forever because it's legitimately like 20 hours of recording. It's a big project. But I've been listening back to it. I'm about
Starting point is 00:11:48 three quarters of the way through the book. I've already gotten past my part. If you don't know, Scott, if you're new to the show, Scott Farrell was a someone I knew very briefly in high school. He was from my hometown and ran a light opera company. And it's just an all around terrible person. And he was kind enough to write an entire book about his life about a decade ago and include me in it and you know had to had to buy it had to do the audio book all that fun stuff if you're curious it's on YouTube it's unlisted because Scott is I was gonna say Scott is litigious and he is but he's also broke as fuck so he would never actually have like funds to come at you, but
Starting point is 00:12:29 It is what it is if you want to listen to it Let me know I'll send you the link email us bean town podcast at against being known podcast the reason I mentioned that Is because about halfway through that audiobook recording I decided it was just so terrible So boring that I had to start giving people voices you know for dialogue and I wasn't consistent with any of the voices except for Scott I give him the sling blade voice Billy Bob Thornton yes sir yes sir French fries potatoes and it's it's a lot funnier if you know Scott because Scott talks in a very peculiar manner,
Starting point is 00:13:07 basically a British accent. It doesn't make any sense. He's from Rockford, Rust Belt, dying city. And he also had a bunch of, when I went to his house the one time to audition, he had a bunch of cat memes and picture frames. Most people have like family photos or something. He had cat memes. One said, I can't has cheeseburger and Scott loves word noms. But that's the
Starting point is 00:13:30 reason I mentioned it. Uh, cause I think I said, or yes, um, and I gave Scott the sling blade voice, even though that's not at all what he talks like in real life. It was just, it was a fun, creative Liberty that I took per per Google AI the word Omaha comes from the Omaha language word. So Omaha is its own tribe Oman Han which means upstream or against the current The Omaha tribe was named for their migration upriver to the Nebraska territory So they they were trying to get as far away from Missouri as possible is what it sounds like our Maples minute this week is
Starting point is 00:14:12 For anyone listening who was invited to my wedding, please don't forget to RSVP. The deadline is in two days March 15th and You kind of get into an interesting Quandary QA and dar why? And you kind of get into an interesting quandary, Q-A-N-D-A-R-Y, when people have an RSVP to your wedding and you've already sent them a nudge saying, you know, hey, we'd love to have you one way or another. Can you RSVP yes or no by this date? You know, I sent those out last weekend, giving them a whole week to think it over to mull it over.
Starting point is 00:14:44 I love mulling. u l l i n g. But if you've sent the one reminder, and then the deadline hits, I mean at at some point, you're going to have to send the second reminder. And then you're kind of being bitchy, but Bitchy yes, they're watching you but You got to do what you got to do right and then at some point I Mean I've got people I've reminded who haven't even texted me back without naming names you know from five days ago, and it's like at what point do I just got to call it and say no and to call it and say no and easy to say but harder to actually commit to like at what point do you do that I don't want to start calling people I'm gonna have
Starting point is 00:15:31 to find them on blue sky or Twitter or find their discords and really blow that channel up so that's Maples minute for this week she wants to remind you to RSVP and our hot take of the week NFL free agency hit this week like a ton of bricks. Holy cow This Monday was when the legal tampering period it began so you can start negotiating contracts You just can't sign them until Wednesday and the Vikings came out hot, but so did the Chicago Bears they traded for So did the Chicago Bears. They traded for multiple starting offensive linemen, one from the Chiefs, Joe Tooney, and one from the Rams, Jonah Jackson.
Starting point is 00:16:10 My hot take of the week, and they have a new coach, Ben Johnson, who is the golden boy of Detroit, their offensive coordinator. My hot take of the week is that the Bears are still gonna suck. And it's not, I'm not even, I am being a homer, Yes. I'm a big Vikings fan if you're new to the program But there's some franchises in the NFL that are just incompetent and it's it's a toxic culture all the way from ownership
Starting point is 00:16:38 They got bad facilities. They don't do great on the player, you know ratings They've got a GM who's in over his head And they got a coach who's about to find out what it's like when you don't have You know Just the greatest offensive line in history and a super accurate quarterback now. You're going to a cobbled together offensive line You're going from David Montgomery and Jameer Gibbs to Deandre Swift and Roshan Johnson. Have fun with that. And you're going from Jared Goff, an excellent pocket passer, very accurate and you know, very on time to a guy
Starting point is 00:17:22 Caleb Williams who couldn't stay on time to catch his life. You give him a bus schedule at the exact times, he's gonna miss it. You can start incorporating that hip slang phrase if you want. He's gonna miss the bus. And frankly, a defense that is just okay. So, that's my hot take of the week bears are gonna suck
Starting point is 00:17:47 Vikings are gonna be awesome. I think Lions are gonna Lions are gonna come down a little bit too here You know, they got they got pieces moving on they're getting salary capped out. I Don't know could be could be the Vikings Super Bowl year. That's what I'm thinking. That's my hot take of the week before we get to our tribute to Harrison Ford here and a Harrison Ford related trivia question, I of course wanna give a nice shout out to our sponsors over at Home Pride Oregon. Guys, when you need your home inspected in central Oregon,
Starting point is 00:18:20 go with an expert, someone safe, certified, someone you can trust. Good chance that it's my dad, Steve, five four one four one zero three one six or email home pride, Oregon at heating, cooling HVAC plumbing. He'll do it all. Home pride, Oregon inspection, perfection. Of course, our good friends at cuts by Q as well. It just did a nice little shave by Q going into the shower there
Starting point is 00:18:48 You don't want to look fresh if I'm gonna be 30 I want to at least look 23 or 24 and so that's why we keep a clean shaven face For all the birthdays and memorable moments in your life Go to cuts by Q when you need a fresh do some and snap your new call the experts at cuts by Q. And of course the Samson Q2U series Samson, you know, it's got a USB port in it or a plug in it. It goes anywhere today. We're on the backup computer cause we got the primary one stream in the DePaul game and you know, Samson, you give it a laptop, you give it a tablet a smartphone plug it into maple what do you think maple you on any comments nope just a
Starting point is 00:19:35 gentle a gentle sniff you know Samson will work anywhere so Samson Q2U series when God speaks he uses a Samson one final shout. So Samson Q2U series, when God speaks, he uses a Samson. One final shout out and thank you to everyone who supported us during the eighth annual telephone pledge drive fundraiser two weeks ago. That was a lot of fun. If you donated to the show publicly, your name is listed on our wall of champions on bean town You can go check that out.
Starting point is 00:20:02 If you ordered, if you were part of the topaz elite club There should be a coaster coming your way soon now. We mentioned this last week. They came from Turkey and So understandably it could take a second for those to come in. I don't know with the tariffs and You know ups what the situation is gonna look like but yeah, you got your topaz elite coasters Unfortunately, they are not made out of topaz But we did what we could we wanted it to be an affordable gift if you're curious at halftime It's the Paul 36 Creighton 21. So good start good start a Win today for the blue demons. They're playing in the Big East
Starting point is 00:20:46 Tournament semi-finals tomorrow, which would be awfully exciting. So we'll see we'll see you got to keep your fingers crossed Alright so the fugitive is a movie that I watch once a year every year without fail I have not done it yet this year. It's gonna happen the next couple days. It's just a great Chicago movie it's got an iconic st. Patrick's Day parade scene. It's you know, Harrison Ford. It's it's a perfect thriller Tommy Lee Jones is unforgettable. What more could you want? and so I figured Part of my burping is the bubbles from the black cherry vanilla. I figured we would do a little Harrison Ford
Starting point is 00:21:29 top 10 movie ranking, my favorite. Not necessarily his best performances. And we're also, I'm just gonna, you know, you could just do, oh, Indiana Jones, collectively is one. I'm gonna, I think that's probably the right way to do it I'm gonna go against the grain because if you did it that way then you you start to get into a couple Harrison Ford movies I haven't seen and I'm trying to avoid that as much as possible because I want to relate to the list Understandably, I will say I didn't get all the way there. There's number 10
Starting point is 00:22:02 Here's one. I actually haven't seen but it is what it is, it's okay. But let's do this. This is the top 10 Harrison Ford, my favorite Harrison Ford films, and you can let us know what I missed or maybe how I messed up the list or what your opinion is. Honorable mention for Platoon, or not Platoon,
Starting point is 00:22:24 Apocalypse Now now the other one Harrison Ford is in about the first 30 seconds of it and then that's it. He's just like at their you know military camp or base That what's his name? Estevez starts out at Not Estevez, but the same thing you know what what I mean, Sheen, Martin Sheen. Sheen and Estevez, it's all the same. You got Emilio, you got Charlie Sheen, you got Martin Sheen, you got Joe Estevez.
Starting point is 00:22:54 I think they all just needed to commit to one last name, because it's awfully confusing, but that's neither here nor there. Coming in at number 10, a movie I don't know, know but definitely know by name but I've never actually seen American graffiti so the first George Lucas film my understanding is it's little vignettes it's like a coming-of-age thing but I've never actually seen it email us or tweet at us or blue sky at us bean town podcast to let us know what your thoughts are on American graffiti I've never actually seen it but I wanted to include in here because I think it's Harrison Ford's kind of his big break, you know To set him up for Star Wars coming in at number nine
Starting point is 00:23:35 I actually haven't seen these either I thought I had and then I was like looking through the Wikipedia recaps and I realized I haven't actually seen these This is the only time I'm gonna to do this I'm combining two into one. It's the two Harrison Ford Jack Ryan films. So classic Tom Clancy novels turned into the silver screen Patriot games and clear and present danger are the two Harrison Ford Jack Ryan films. Now there's other Jack Ryan movies The more recent TV show with John Krasinski, Ben Affleck was Jack Ryan for a second. This is not Jack Reacher, this is Jack Ryan. And then there's one other Jack Ryan film with someone completely different too because I think Harrison Ford had two, Affleck had
Starting point is 00:24:21 one maybe, but I thought there was someone before Oh, it was it was Connery looks like Let's let's go to the Wikipedia and sort this out. Maybe it was Alec Baldwin Connery was bond Here are the films the hunt. Oh, oh obviously a hunt for red October. That's That's Alec Baldwin, isn't it? Yeah Alec Baldwin Opposite Sean Connery. And then Patriot Games and Clear and Present Danger. That was Harrison Ford, which is why we're talking about it.
Starting point is 00:24:53 Then the Some of All Fears, that's Affleck. And then in 2014, there was one called Jack Ryan's Shadow Recruit, directed by Kenneth Branagh. And this was starring Chris Pine. Boy, that flew under the radar. So there you go, you've had all these different Jack Ryans and now you've got John Krasinski going too. He's Jack Ryan, not Jack Reacher, right?
Starting point is 00:25:16 Because they made two Jack Reacher movies with Tom Cruise and now there's a TV show. And they made a TV show with Jack Ryan and now I think they're making a John Krasinski-Jack Ryan movie. It's all Terribly perplexing Number eight a classic I haven't seen this one in a long time, but it's you know Air Force one Gary Oldman playing a hijacker
Starting point is 00:25:38 Harrison Ford is the president Easily the best Harrison Ford president movie way better than Captain America 4 or whatever returns into the hulk for president movie way better than Captain America 4 or whatever returns into the Hulk Air Force one and there's more I could say about that but I'm gonna save it for a trivia game actually number seven witness the only if my memory serves me correctly the only Academy Award nomination for Harrison Ford in history is witness it's him in it's like Kirsty Alley or something. I can't remember but it's got to be like late 80s early 90s and yeah, he like I Don't even I watched it when I was young probably like 12 13 years old this kid at the bus stop Witnesses a murder and then like Harrison Ford takes him under protection
Starting point is 00:26:24 They go become Amish on a farm and then the bad guys come looking for him I think it's Danny Glover is one of the two bad guys. They're trying to take out this kid and Harrison Ford protects him but he's Amish and it's cool and everything's by candlelight. So that's witness. That's that's Quinn's That's the Bean Town podcast recap of witness from watching it like 18 years ago My parents must have thought I was very strange kid getting Witness from the library when I was like 12 years old, but I what can I say? I'm cultured I was preparing for the show Number five, you know what? I'm making an executive last second decision to switch five and four in fact
Starting point is 00:27:07 This is kind of blasphemous Regardless, but we're just gonna do it number five. I'm going Blade Runner So Blade Runner is also a movie. I've only ever actually seen once I did see I did see the sequel that Denevil noof did with Gosling and Harrison Ford, and I thought that was pretty solid You know won a bunch of Academy Awards for visuals and effects and stuff like that But original og Blade Runner based off the Phil K. Dick short story do androids dream of electric sheep classic very
Starting point is 00:27:41 You know futuristic neo and kind of sad at parts as well when a particular androids or humans Die don't quite make it All I remember clearly about Blade Runner is it's just very it's always dark and wet Okay, that's what I remember about Blade Runner. I don't really know why it's called Blade Runner He's running on the nice blade You could topple over at any second. I don't know Rick Deckard. That's his name
Starting point is 00:28:13 Now here was the the kind of blasphemous thing. I originally had fugitive at five, but I'm gonna put it down at oh I completely wait. I messed I messed something up guys. I Messed something up with the list. Okay. What did we have American Graffiti Jack Ryan Air Force One witness? Blade Runner was six So let's put let's put this here. Okay, we're back on track. Let's put original Star Wars number five Hot solo introduced in this the most icily cantina. He's
Starting point is 00:28:49 talking with Chewie and Alec Guinness and Mark Hamill and all that stuff. And then he's got the whole grito scene. He definitely shot first, did Han Solo. But It's iconic. It's a great redemption. They finally get to Yavin 4 and he's like, I did my job. I'm getting paid. I'm getting laid. I'm getting out of here. He had Chewie take off and then boom right at the end trench run. Spoiler alert. Luke is in big trouble. Darth Vader's got him in his sights literally. And Harrison Ford comes out of nowhere. Great scene. He like comes
Starting point is 00:29:23 in from space out of the sun. It's's awesome he knocks Harrison or Darth Vader James Earl Jones like what and he goes spinning all throughout the universe who knows how long he was spinning for it's tough to say and great shot kid that was one in a million that's not during that scene right That's when they're fighting off the TIE fighters, but still good nonetheless. Now let's blow this thing and go home something like that. I don't know. I'm putting New Hope Original Star Wars at number five. Number four here. Let's do it. The Fugitive. I think outside of the iconic franchises, the two in particular, Star Wars and Indiana Jones, I think the fugitive to me is the best display
Starting point is 00:30:08 of his actual acting abilities. I mean, you can argue with me, Blade Runner's great, Witness, he got his Oscar nomination, all that stuff, but the fugitive, I know I'm very biased, but it is just, that movie slaps, it doesn't rest. It's just amazing start to finish and a great story to like The cops are hunting you down the FBI's hunting you down. You're hunting the bad guys down. You got to evade
Starting point is 00:30:34 So good tintulating Tittle aiding scintillating that's put together tint alating All right number three. We already mentioned Sean Connery. It's the last crusade from I think 1989 Indiana Jones 3 as you might know it. It's just it's the most fun by far out of all five Indiana Jones films Harrison Ford and Sean Connery won one off each other were just Brilliant excellent casting choice by Spielberg You know you get back to the Nazis, Temple of Doom's a fun watch as well, it didn't
Starting point is 00:31:09 make this list, but you kind of get back to the bread and butter. They write off into the sunset, the Holy Grail, he's so close to achieving everlasting life, and he just, he would have died if Sean Connery hadn't saved him. No ticket when he punches the guy out of the window with a blimp. It kind of breeze past that, but that guy probably died, I think. But it's just a lot of fun. You get to see Hitler. What more could you want?
Starting point is 00:31:38 Number two, Empire strikes back, I think, out of all the Star Wars films that Harrison's in, all four or five of them, whatever it is. Empire is his best, you know, his showcase. Yeah, obviously, you know, you start off on Hoth, he goes out, he rescues Luke, good stuff there. And then he navigates through the the asteroid field. Iconic. He's got the great kind of rat-a-tat-tat back and forth with Carrie Fisher at the start on Hoth. There's a lot of sexual tension there. He watches brother and sister smooch.
Starting point is 00:32:15 It's hilarious. And then, yeah, Cloud City. I mean, that's just peak Han Solo is Cloud City everything. He shoots Vader. It's awesome and then spoiler alert carbonite so Yeah, Empire Strikes Back is definitely by far the best Han Solo movie hands down. It's not even close
Starting point is 00:32:36 and that leaves Number one it had to be number one Raiders of the Lost Ark It's just a perfect. We were talking about this the other day on the show just like perfect films Raiders of the Lost Ark is a perfect film the cold open is iconic with a stone and the what's his name Dr. Octopus whatever that guy's name is Alfred Molina and then And you get not Kate Winslet What's her name Karen Allen? She's great. I love that Nazi bad guy with the little round glasses He Chases down a tank on a horse. You don't really know what the plan is, but it's cool nonetheless and
Starting point is 00:33:22 then Just kind of Doesn't get his face melted. Oh And then he shoots the guy with the whip too. That's pretty cool Or he shoots the guy with the sword and he shoots him with a pistol. That's pretty badass cuz he had diarrhea Raiders iconic everything start to finish just mmm Excellent. So there you go. There's my list. This is my top 10 favorite Harrison Ford films And yes, I would have loved to include like Temple and Return of the Jedi But you know you got to do what you got to do number 10 American Graffiti number 9 Patriot Games slash clear and present danger
Starting point is 00:33:58 number 8 Air Force 1 7 witness 6 Blade Runner 5 a new hope Star Wars for the fugitive Seven Witness, Six Blade Runner, Five A New Hope, Star Wars, Four The Fugitive, Three Indiana Jones The Last Crusade, Two Star Wars Empire Strikes Back, and Number One Raiders of the Lost Ark. And this is I think a pretty well known fact, but again if you are out of the loop on this, a reminder that Raiders of the Lost Ark is not called Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark, it's literally just Raiders of the Lost Ark and every other Subsequent film in the franchise is Indiana Jones and dot dot dot but original number one
Starting point is 00:34:31 It's just Raiders of the Lost Ark, which I always thought was a cool little Cool little factoid so to finish up here with our trivia questions. We're not done with Harrison Ford yet. These are five Harrison Ford yet these are five Harrison Ford quotes so you tell me I tell you the quote you tell me the movie number one and I'm not gonna go easy on you okay you got to think about this one I need a specific answer number one it never tell me the odds what film is that from never Never Tell Me the Odds. It's probably this character's most famous line. And the question is probably which one do I choose? I believe this happens on the ice planet Hoth. I would have to go back and double check that. But I believe I believe never tell him the odds is on Hoth and it is Empire
Starting point is 00:35:26 Strikes back or it might be It's either because C3PO gives odds twice in that movie I think once on Hoth when they're talking about Luke's survival chances and the other time when they're going through the asteroid field I Don't remember maybe he says it twice. I'm not sure but excuse me Empire Strikes Back is never telling the odds Number two we already mentioned Who he says this to the actress the quote is it's not the years. It's the mileage and it's in a dialogue with Mary and Ravenswood
Starting point is 00:36:01 Which narrows it down to three out of the five? Indiana Jones films Actually, that's not true four out of five. The only one she's not in is temple because it's a prequel She's like back to being wait. She's not in okay Strike all this it's three out of five. She's in Raiders Prominently, she's not in temple. She's not in The Last Crusade. She is prominently in Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, and she's in Dial of Destiny for all of two seconds at the end.
Starting point is 00:36:34 Sorry, that was a lot of whiplash back and forth. But it's not the years, it's the mileage comes from Raiders of the Lost Ark. Number three, iconic, you switch the samples. And if you can do the good finger pointing too, that's an extra bonus point. You switch the samples. He says this right here in Chicago, at the Hilton, it is the fugitive
Starting point is 00:37:01 going into the final scene with Dr. Nichols. What a great character. What a little slimeball. Number four, we mentioned we would come back to this one earlier, Get Off My Plane. If you need more time to think about that one, I don't know what to tell you. It's not No Ticket. That would be Last Crusade.
Starting point is 00:37:22 This is Get Off My Plane plane it it is Air Force one And then number five I'm gonna get tricky with you Because it's not technically a Harrison Ford quote. It is this belongs in a museum You got to come up with You get a bonus point if you get the actor who actually said it regular point for the film It is a Harrison Ford film The actor who actually said it, regular point for the film, it is a Harrison Ford film, but the person, the actor who says it is not technically Harrison Ford. It's technically a younger version of Harrison Ford.
Starting point is 00:37:53 And rest in peace because Harrison Ford has outlived this actor by about, what, 30 some years now. That was spoken by young Indiana Jones, River Phoenix in the opening 10 minute sequence of The Last Crusade where they come across Coronado's cross and steal it from those guys and the great train scene and all that good stuff. So that is a little bit of a trick question. It's not Harrison Ford, but it is Indiana Jones, spoken by River Phoenix. So there you go, let us know how you did.
Starting point is 00:38:26 Email us, That's what I have for you guys. It's my birthday on Sunday, I'm gonna celebrate. Next time you hear from us, I'll be in my 30s. And I'm recording a little bit early this week. I'm gonna try to record early next week too, so that we can do a little March Madness fun. I think, depending on how the teams shake out,
Starting point is 00:38:44 it's fun to do like a, oh, guess where this school is located, you know, it'll be like Upper Johnson University, some for-profit school, and you gotta guess if it's in Oklahoma City or Saskatchewan, who knows? But we'll try to get something in next week before March Madness officially kicks off. That's what I have for you guys today
Starting point is 00:39:06 Let's go ahead and cue up our outro music from all of us here at bean town network me and maple Signing off. My name is Quinn David furnace. This is my show Quinn David first presents the bean town podcast I hope you stay safe. Stay sane. Have a good st. Patrick's Day I'll check in on you guys next time. Bye. I'm going to be a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a
Starting point is 00:40:14 little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a I'm going to go to bed.

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