Beantown Podcast - Hawaii Podcast (08262022)

Episode Date: August 26, 2022

Quinn comes to you LIVE from his 50th and final state to give a quick summary of his Oahu vacation...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Fern you live from the Aloha State, state number 50 to final frontier? It's Quinn David Fernos presents the Buntam podcast live from Oahu, Hawaii. You can't say Hawaii, you gotta say Hawaii. You gotta really accentuate the apostrophe there. APOS T-O-D-L-S-T-R-O-P- TRO PHE I think. It's hot. It's about 7 a.m. in the morning. I'm out Waikiki Beach and came back and just doing some packing up here.
Starting point is 00:01:11 Shacking out in the hotel in T-minus 4 hours and you know, just hanging out. This is not the entertainer. This is not our normal theme music if you will. This is the pineapple ready, which is appropriate for this trip because we have had a lot of pineapple. We went to the dole pineapple plantation. The line for the pineapple expressed the little two mile 15 minute train was about an hour long so we bypassed that, we went on the we did the dough garden tour, total rip off, you know there are a lot of things on this trip you know
Starting point is 00:02:01 why it's very expensive everything is monetized, so we paid for a lot of things on this trip, you know, Hawaii is very expensive, everything is monetized. And so we paid for a lot of things on this trip, but there weren't many things that were where I finished it and I was like, oh god, this was a total ripoff. But the doll, the doll garden tour was one, because it's so small, I thought it was going to be a lot bigger. It takes you at 10 minutes to see the whole thing. And the audio tour, which you got to download the app for Rachel is not a fan of I wasn't really listening okay never been a big-bop dole fan but his pineapples are marvelous but then we got we got some pineapple soft sir and that was pretty tasty except that felt chipped because right before we had done,
Starting point is 00:02:46 right before we got the ice cream, we had seen a pineapple slicing cutting demonstration and they were showing how you, if you do a certain thing to the pineapple, then it removes the acidity that burns your lips and stuff. But then we get the ice cream and these had not been deacidized at all because corners of my lips were just
Starting point is 00:03:08 Braw by the time I finished that ice cream. Anyways, it was delicious. I Apologized for the audio quality here. I did not Shocker to some I did not bring my 2012 MacBook Pro with me all the way halfway across the Pacific Ocean. So we're recording this straight from my work laptop and the internal microphone which I did bring with me. No Samsung today, you know, just wanted to have
Starting point is 00:03:40 hit save room in the backpack in the suitcase for souvenirs, which I bought zero, because I'm not a physical good person. I'm not kidding you when I'm saying my balcony faces south and east, and it is just absolutely, no, north and east, wait, south, south and east. And it is just absolutely hot, hot hot hot here right now. We've had a lot of the mornings here have been cloud covered which is great because we we tried to start our hikes in here between 6 a.m. and 7 30 or so but boy this
Starting point is 00:04:22 morning is not one of them. there are clouds over there but the sun is coming in directly right now I don't know how long you can be able to go with you today probably not long because there's a million other things that I can do here in my last day in Hawaii. Instead of my balcony and talk at a Dell computer for half an hour. Sippin' on my coffee. It's been a good trip. I'll just give you the quick rundown because honestly if I save everything until next time, I'm just gonna forget all of it.
Starting point is 00:04:59 So I'm just gonna give you the, if I can remember every single day by day kind of thing. Now, that shouldn't be for a go any further. Two things. One listener discretion is advised. One listener is to be top podcast. Two is podcast objectively terrible. That was the first thing. It was part, it was 1a and 1b.
Starting point is 00:05:20 The second thing, not doing any, I still frills, no ad reads. Just going to talk for a little bit. Hope that the recording software works because I've never used this before. And then I'm just going to shut up and go to the pool while we still have it. It's also, you know, fifth floor balcony over a very busy road. So you're going to get all sorts of ambient noise here I know the audio quality is not great. This is what you're getting You're lucky I fly halfway around the world and
Starting point is 00:05:53 Beentown never stops. Okay, that's what we're all about on the show, but it is a quick note. It is my 50th and final state I have now been to every one of the 50 states in the union. And I was thinking about it, you know, as I was going through it, I was thinking like, it was just going to change my rankings at all. My US state power rankings and all. And I think the answer is no. There's a lot of things to love about Hawaii.
Starting point is 00:06:23 Obviously, I mean, the food's amazing. You never run out of views. You can go to a beach. You're never further away from like 45 minutes from a beach in Hawaii, which is cool. And there's also a lot of things that are just like things I wouldn't love. It is really hot and it's pretty much this way all year. Super muggy. The right word we're staying is not like downtown Waikiki, but it's pretty close and there's just a lot of people,
Starting point is 00:06:50 a lot of traffic. But I wouldn't mind living like in a little bit more remote area outside of Honolulu. Super expensive, that's the one thing. I don't think I would ever make enough to like live here full time. Which is an interesting thing, I don't think I would ever make enough to like live here full-time. Which is an interesting thing, you know, people who I'd be curious, you know, the people who actually live like in Hawaii, everything is so expensive, including housing. It's crazy expensive.
Starting point is 00:07:17 And the wages are not, you know, consistent with that. So my question is like, do people who live here just kind of like never retire and they just kind of like work and then die or leave the island or what, you know, what is the, what is a common man do here in Hawaii? Because it just feels like it would be impossible to ever save any money. No, I don't know. Just some, just some quintauts.
Starting point is 00:07:50 I had a couple big ideas before I give you the rundown of our trip that I wanted to share before I forgot. One we were on a hike and there was some moss. It made me think I should do a Photoshop poster of the boss baby and call it the moss baby. I would put that little like chia pet kind of growing plant stuff on top of out baldens head. And then this was just it fell into my lap. It was too good. Moss baby too, family genus species. Instead of family business. I love it. You know, I've got kind of a biology nerd Kingdom
Starting point is 00:08:29 phylum class order genus or family genus species Just you know, I got an a in college biology kind of a nut with that stuff So that was big idea number one. They got to have Big idea number two was maybe a little bit more impactful. Blind people, okay. Let's talk about them. They have a tough time driving. Why? They can't see. But they find out ways to do other things like read books. How do they do that? Braille. So my idea sharks. Braille rumble streams. You know, the biggest concern is not so much, you know
Starting point is 00:09:08 How do I get from point A to point B? It's the street signs, you know construction Toe zone which we'll talk about in a second here No parking Monday through Friday 7 a.m. To 10 a.m. Blind people can't they can't read that stuff. Introducing Braille Rumble strips. We design roads that are driveable by anyone, but specifically beneficial to the blind. And they go over it and the way it rumbles, they get different messages? Maybe two loud rumbles and one low rumble is no right turn on red. Maybe five loud rumbles is construction area, decrease speed. There's a
Starting point is 00:09:58 lot you can do with that. I need to work on getting the utility patent first. And I think the construction costs and permits would be perhaps oppressive. But it's an idea. So stick that in the big ideas folder. We haven't done a big idea's podcast in a while. That would be good for the future. I think next week we probably have to do our fantasy football preview. Next week is going to be a weird going to be in Wisconsin for probably have to be our fantasy football preview. Next week's going to be a weird going to be in Wisconsin for a stake cousin of the podcast Hunter Denison's wedding. So I'm going to have to sort that out. But we got we got to Hawaii everything was on time with our flights. It was a what like eight and a half hour flight or something one of my longest flights and it went well. I watched a lot of
Starting point is 00:10:45 shops and beat Bobby Flay and three episodes of Kirby Enthusiasm. I also watched the eyes of Tammy Faye, the Jessica Chastain film. It was good. I didn't think it didn't do anything that was like crazy out of left field. It was pretty formulaic. But Jessica's Chastain was great. didn't do anything that was like crazy out of left field. It was pretty formulaic, but Jessica's chest stain was great. I even liked Andrew Garfield as Jim Baker. I thought he had the voice down. It was solid. But we got to Oahu pretty easily, and we took an Uber and shout out to our car rental guy.
Starting point is 00:11:30 Cory, I think his name is Johnny. Johnny, for letting us pick up the car a little bit early. Got to our hotel. We're staying in, so it's an Airbnb, but it's some retail or real estate management company just owns one of the hotel rooms. So it's basically just like staying in a hotel. And the parking garage is crazy. It's the narrowest, narrowest parking garage I've ever had to drive through. Pretty scary. I definitely feel like after six days I've gotten the hang of it. But it's still like in that I know what to expect, but it's still kind of like sometimes
Starting point is 00:12:04 you take a turn a little bit too wide and you gotta back that baby up, beep, beep, beep. Anyways, we got to our Airbnb, checked in, had some dinner, had some drinks. And every day's kind of been, for the most part, pretty similar in terms of what we've done. The game plan, we both been waking up around, you know,
Starting point is 00:12:23 it's kind of a little bit later throughout the week, but start of the week I was closer to about four now and more like five five fifteen. The wake up super early, get going, have some breakfast, have some coffee, check email, go out on a hike. So the hikes we've done have been the Lanakai in the Lanakai, all of these are my poor Hawaiian pronunciations. The Lanakai Po boxes, which was just like a mile up and a mile back, but there's two Po boxes overlooking. Lanakai, which is kind of like Norjist Awahu.
Starting point is 00:12:58 And then after we finished that one, it was the worst. You know, you're always on TripAdvisor checking out, okay, what's this trail like? What's the parking situation? What do I need to know? Regulation, city things. And so that everything on TripAdvisor, which is like park in the neighborhood, park by the other cars, follow the signs, it'll be good. We did exactly that. Follow the signs, found a spot, someone had had just left like this is perfect. We come back from our pillbox hike everything is great. We had parked it in a way that we could go up to the pillboxes, come back down, change into our swim stuff, go out to the beach, hang out at the beach. We did that and everything was great. Come
Starting point is 00:13:39 back from the beach at, I don't know, 11.30 a.m. or something in the morning. And we had it ticket. They had placed no tow zone signs around the cars while they were parked there and then given the cars tickets for parking in no tow zones. These are, you know, like sandwich board signs that they just like pull off a truck, plop down and then kept moving. And I'm upset about it for all the, you know, the reasons I just mentioned or the situation
Starting point is 00:14:14 I just mentioned, I feel slightly less upset because literally we drove around that town afterwards, just exploring little bit and getting ready to leave and every single car had a ticket Which is just like how do you because obviously It's not their first rodeo so they wait for cars to park Then they bring out their no-toes on signs They pop them down and then they write tickets to all the cars $50 a pop so
Starting point is 00:14:44 When I get home I have to write a letter to contest it and submit it to the judge or remember mail it back to a lot, move from Chicago. That's the plan. They are not gonna get that $50 out of me that easily, but what a, what a just a slimy strategy. That's just like, you could literally like walk to any parking space anywhere in the world if you wanted and put down a no parking tozone sign and then write someone a ticket and
Starting point is 00:15:14 make $50 or however much you want to charge. So I spent some time researching online after being like, oh, is there some sort of city ordinance or something I missed and the only thing that they list on the government website is that you can't park in the neighborhood on three day holiday weekends, which is not the case. And that was it. So that was a big bummer. But you know what it is, what it is. The next day, let's see, we hiked something called the IEA Leap Trail which is kind of cool
Starting point is 00:15:47 it overlooks the freeway that goes into the mountains through the tunnel. That was a nice nice hike it wasn't much in decline or deep fine it was just kind of a nice walk in the forest with some good views. Some crazy birds at the start, a lot of crazy birds on the strip. And then Tuesday, we did a morning cruise out to a place in the ocean called Turtle Canyon as snorkeling. And boy did I get sick. I was perfectly fine on the boat, hop off the boat, you're in your snorkel gear, flippers, masks, snorkel, and there, so we were on one boat, there must have been at least five or six other boats just kind of circling
Starting point is 00:16:31 this one small area. And there had to have been at least, I don't know, 150 people in the water, and it was exactly like creamer at the end of the sign fall up, so trying to swim the east river, just getting kicked. I can't tell you how many times I got kicked in the face. I hit my knee on a boat anchor. That was fun. My knee's banged up and then I got really nauseous and I threw up in the ocean. So that was great. And then I felt like absolute shit the rest of the boat ride. then we went to why kiki beach after and So I dog surfing competition, which was pretty cool. So pros and cons Excuse me the next day we
Starting point is 00:17:18 Was our big butt kicker hike which we didn't we didn't want it to be just end up being it the cool you rich trail It's crazy. It was crazy. It was like pretty much straight up the whole time. Some big stairs at the end, great view, but boy, my thighs are still sore from that one. And tough, one of those where it's like, you go up in your super sweaty, you feel really accomplished getting to the top,
Starting point is 00:17:42 and then it's just miserable coming down. Slippery, big stairs, not good if you're afraid of heights you're on a ridge so that was a tough one that was a tough one and then yesterday our last hike we did a smaller one the Haulua Leap Trail mostly forested mostly shaded which is good because it's a hot day and It was a nice one too. We were up near Leigh Be Mormon town, which is where I was gonna stay two years ago when I came when I was scheduled to come and Drove around there saw BYU Hawaii
Starting point is 00:18:20 Wasn't a lot to see there Jim referred that was not there. And then you know every day that was pretty much what we did during the day and then at night it was like pre-game in the hotel room. We had some bottles of wine, we had some surges. Got to have your surges. We still one left. We had some high noons, we had some low-habier or Maui Maui brewing company I think it was and then we would just go find a happy hour and drink a lot more shout out to LavaTube for 4.95 My Ties shout out to our Nolts for $10 My Ties and we even had a
Starting point is 00:19:00 drink in a peanut colada syrup in a real pineapple at a tiki bar that very explicitly stated multiple times on their website, on signs inside the restaurant, all that stuff, there's no dancing allowed. If you dance, they'll call the cops. And they're very litigious. But the drinks were great, You just couldn't dance. Saw some live music, saw some food dancers, had some great food, a lot of truffle fries.
Starting point is 00:19:33 We went to a shrimp shack yesterday on the road. I had a hot dog, it was great. With Chicago style without the, you know, pickle and sport peppers and mustard and celery and whatever else they put on a Chicago style hot dog. And yeah, it's been a good time. We've explored all over the silent. We pretty much spend every part. We're going to Pearl Harbor this afternoon before our flight. this afternoon before our flight and never went to the I-Hop that's in the basement or in the the ground floor of our hotel but maybe we'll see. Yeah that's that's what's been going on that's what we've been doing and I just wanted to check in on you I told the Rachel I wouldn't go half an hour and
Starting point is 00:20:21 we're already at 21 minutes so we're gonna wrap it up. It's gonna be a lot more time to digest, to discuss, to divulge all of the DIs. But thanks for tuning in while you're able to. We'll be back with maybe some fantasy football talk next week on our show because the NFL season is less than two weeks away. Get your mock drafts in and wish us luck on our red eye flight back home. My name is Quinn David Furnace. Thank you all for listening. Aloha and goodbye.

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