Beantown Podcast - Home for the Holidays ft. Ryan & Kristen (12142019 Beantown)

Episode Date: December 15, 2019

Quinn comes to you LIVE from Madison, WI with special guests Ryan Austin English and Kristen Austin English to discuss Tim Allen, Tim Allen TV shows, and Jonathan Taylor Thomas holiday movies...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to the Bean Town podcast. Christmas special number one. This is Quinty with Furnace. This is my show. We're coming to you live from the what do we call you guys? The two gentlemen of Verona. Is that kind of your celebrity couple name? I think that could be good. That could be. Yeah. My name is Quinty with Furnace and I'm joined by legally I'm not allowed to call on this, but Ryan Austin English, what's going on? Dude, it's going, it's going. Nice, and Kristen Austin English, how's it going?
Starting point is 00:00:35 I'm doing great, thanks, appreciate it. They did the thing where you get married and you take each other's last name, so that's why it's Austin. Yeah, we have our middle names together, you know. Yes, yeah. Really? We got, we're featuring some dogs as well. Just picture Slinky from Toy Story,
Starting point is 00:00:52 and you pretty much got it. Dogs, penne for your thoughts. That probably sounds horrible on my feet. Tasty. It's like when I tried to do the 50 shades of gray audio book, or you stir macaroni and cheese with your girlfriend. You guys look like you're crammed in there like a can of sardines. We didn't get the 10 foot extension on these microphone cords.
Starting point is 00:01:22 It's too bad. I should mention first and foremost that listening to discretion is advised when you're listening to the Bean Town podcast. Number one, we'll occasionally use some macaroni and cheese like language. Number two, this podcast is objectively terrible. Episode 101, which is a great place to jump in because 101 Dalmatians, everyone's favorite dog movie, Ryan and Kristen,
Starting point is 00:01:46 you a bigger fan of 101 Dalmatians or 102 Dalmatians. Actually, I kind of have a thought on this, which is really interesting, is that everyone just kind of gave up, well not gave up, they just forgot about the live action remake of 101 Dalmatians, the with Glenn close Hugh Lowry and Hugh Lowry isn't Jeff Daniels in it Jeff Daniels is in it. Is there a 102? Animated no 102 was the live action sequel to
Starting point is 00:02:23 So so they did a live action sequel Yeah synopsis yeah the puppy that is born to I don't know some Dalmatians is born. Yes to Edna Is born without spots. Oh, it's embarrassing right? Which I thought Correct me if I'm wrong aren't a lot of them born without spots. Ooh, it's embarrassing. Right. Would you I thought, correct me if I'm wrong, aren't a lot of them born without spots?
Starting point is 00:02:48 I mean, shouldn't they know this by having 101 Dalmatians? But like, they're shaming this poor, 102nd Dalmatian for not having spots? And then throughout the movie, it's like an outcast and then throughout the movie, it like goes on, you know, some normal puppy adventure across London or wherever they are and then
Starting point is 00:03:06 It's spot and you know what it's not just Hugh Lowry. It's a Ron From Ron from Harry Potter his dad isn't it Oh my god You're an Howard. Yes Ron Howard. Yes Exactly. Oh man. I will need to unearth that has didn't Disney ever done a live action sequel to one of their animated films outside of that one? Well, there is a do you know? No, I don't know. Ron doesn't quite understand the concept. You're missing. There's 101 with Glenn Close. Mm-hmm. Yeah. There's a right. You heard him saying though 101 Dalmatians. Yeah. Right, you heard him saying, though, 101 Dalmatians.
Starting point is 00:03:45 Yeah. So the live action of that. And then they also made a sequel, which is a live action 102 Dalmatians. They made two of those movies. There's two live action movies with Hugh Lowry and the Dalmatians. Oh my gosh. Retaining that. It makes me uncomfortable that you keep calling him Hugh Lowry, though.
Starting point is 00:04:01 It's just, it's Laurie. Oh. Hugh Lowry, like he's related to Kyrie or something. No, Lowry, like the barbecue sauce, you know, like Lowry's finest hot sauce or whatever, right? Stakes of chaff. Oi, I'm a doctor, you know, you're thinking of Dr. House. My doctor house, yeah, I've never seen that show of you.
Starting point is 00:04:23 Yeah, Olivia Wilde, oh, Olivia Wild Yeah, Olivia Wilde. Oh Olivia Wilde and Olivia Wilde has huntie dins in it. Hunting dins is funny, right? Is that a good joke? Yeah. This is off to such a great start. Hey, this is our best episode in months. Last week, if you didn't catch us, was a very depressing episode we talked about, or Tonselite is. And my voice sounded like I could have been in the Vienna Boys' choir or something. I can't even imitate it. It was sounding pretty high and raspy.
Starting point is 00:04:55 I should have tried to do some like, Alannis Morins set covers because I think it would have been good. Yeah, but it just dogs. Did you get your tonsils taken out? No, that's, that's kind of the nuclear option, you know, because you got to go under the knife and then you're out for one or two weeks and we'd have to have a guest host and it's just, you know, I, I, I had too many complications that it would be worried about.
Starting point is 00:05:22 So, yeah, you missed a week. Have you missed a week on the podcast? Nope, we never missed a week. We've been going strong for 101, 102 weeks plus seven specials. So yeah, which I'm glad you mentioned the specials because we've got mom goes to prison. That's coming out in a couple weeks. It sounds like a Tyler Perry movie or something. No, he does.
Starting point is 00:05:49 Mom Goes To Prison. Yeah, my mom Jane spent a day in the penitentiary a couple of months ago and we're doing a live interview kind of like Art Kelly style to hear her side of the story. So I'm basically Gail King. Probably Eco-terrorism, right then Eco-terrorism, right? Eco-terrorism, exactly. She introduced Asian carp into the Deschutes River in Oregon.
Starting point is 00:06:12 And then we've got, I don't know if you guys have heard about this, but I have a former acquaintance named Scott Farrell, who was really involved in the Rockford opera scene. And he's kind of a character and Kind of a strange guy, but he wrote a memoir about 500 pages long and Matt Feeler and I bought each other copies for Christmas and so we're gonna be doing an audio book of that Which sounds like it's gonna take a long time. It's like how how many pages it's like 500 pages Oh, yeah, you're in for it man. It's a whole day's where the work. Yeah, it's gonna take a long time. It's like how many pages is it? It's like 500 pages. So, yeah, you're in for it, man. It's a whole day's worth of work.
Starting point is 00:06:48 Yeah, at least. It's the special that nobody asks for, but it's gonna be exciting. So, are your specials, are they more akin to the Star Wars Christmas special or the Office Christmas special? What do you think? More of a Star Wars Christmas special guy myself, which I've never actually sat down and watched the entirety of it just I think you have a wife and she has like oh yeah, he's got some kids and stuff. Yeah, that's cool I like when Carrie Fisher starts singing that's good rest in peace Yeah, and then you get the boba fett sketch as well or he's riding like that pink dinosaur
Starting point is 00:07:22 That's pretty cool. No, that's pretty on par with Star Wars. That's pretty legit. Yeah, they should make a sequel to that. Maybe we live action that sequel. Star Wars Hanukkah special. Oh, I know. We need the, you know, it's always nice to have something for the Jews, right?
Starting point is 00:07:38 Amen. I always get in shund in our society. Yeah, Jesus never wanted us to shund the Jews. He was a Jew. I mean, not practicing, but he was born that way. I was like, Lady Gaga. I always felt like the Jews should take better advantage of the fact that they took down Christ the King as the greatest political assassination in the history of man, and you never see
Starting point is 00:08:00 them gloating about it. You think? You think they'd take pride in that? You know what I'm saying? You remember that guy who shot JFK? He was gloating about it. You think? You think they just seems like a big win for those guys. You think they'd take pride in that, you know what I'm saying? Like, remember that guy who shot JFK? He was real all about that. And then they just like, yeah, you know, on a Tuesday, we were just like, that guy needs to go on the cross.
Starting point is 00:08:13 And they just put them up there. It's pretty crazy. Yeah, it was a Friday though. Apparently your religious history is misguided, my friend. Was it on a Friday? I mean, good Friday. Was it? Hey man, Jesus was born on December 25th
Starting point is 00:08:28 and he went up on a cross on a Friday. The Bible isn't too good with days. I mean like in the beginning God created, you know, the heavens and the earth and then he let there be light and then four days or two days later, he made the stars and that's quite confusing. Took him two days just to made the stars. And that's quite confusing. Took him two days just to make the stars.
Starting point is 00:08:47 Yeah, pretty lazy. So at the beginning, shouldn't that be Sunday? Because it's not the first day of the week, but it's the right calendar. No, see, in the Jewish calendar, Sunday is the first day of the week. But in the Christian calendar, Monday is the first day of the week,
Starting point is 00:09:02 because Sunday is when Jesus rested. So, yeah, I think that's how it goes. I just can't wait till we can say happy Sunday again. We can't say that anymore. I can't say happy Sunday. We were watching a really interesting ad before we turned on some video. Just randomly came up. I had never seen it before Ryan. You want to tell us a little bit about it. So basically it wasn't like turning point USA, but it was Prager, Prager U. And it's funded by that guy.
Starting point is 00:09:29 I think it seems like David Prager. Scott Prager. Did you wish guy? Yeah, I sound like that. And he basically was saying how the liberal agenda is to remove Christmas from the ethos of American holidays, not just remove it from our speech, but remove it from the actual day and turn it into,
Starting point is 00:09:55 you're not going to have an office Christmas party. You're going to have an office holiday party. And he made lots of bodacious claims, like one of them was absolutely insane. What did he say? He said something like, I don't know, there's monkey, are you on the podcast now? Do you just have you have the rope on the podcast? No, I don't and I totally blank, because I had it there for a second. What are you saying?
Starting point is 00:10:27 But he said something's like absolutely insane. Monkeys reactions is how we should all feel about the do nothing. Dems trying to take away Christmas. That's what it is. Oh, he said, he said, they're not going to be secular. The government is secular. He also said that before too long, yeah, Christmas isn't going to be a federal holiday. Yeah, I know it seems I know difficult to pull off. I know. Yeah. Do you think? Should I make this joke? Go for it.
Starting point is 00:10:56 Do you think he... Do you think as a Jew? Do you think he'd just be upset that he's not gonna get extra paid on? Oh no We don't endorse any ethnic or cultural Slurs here on the podcast You think Prager you has license to sue me after that joke. Do you think do you think that punchline's gonna really go in the weeds? I don't know if they're really up to speed on their low-budget podcast Yeah, I'll let you know
Starting point is 00:11:26 if we get a letter on the mail. Season to 6. Yeah. They would probably send it to A1 7 St. Paul Street, which is where I used to live. So checkmate. Oh, nice. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:36 My mail's not getting forwarded from there anymore. So I miss when the bean town podcast was the bean down podcast and it was in bean town. You know, it was fun to have home-filled advantage. You know, we've been playing road games for six months here, which is kind of tricky. But Monkey, you have any thoughts on that? Very vocal today.
Starting point is 00:12:01 It's excited to be on live air for the first time. Although she's been on the car ride kind of as podcast before, which brings us to our next segment. When can we expect some new content putting you right on the spot? Hopefully soon. I mean, not soon is in like soon, actually soon. I mean, I wanted to happen, but it's just coming out of hiatus is something that we've wanted to do for
Starting point is 00:12:25 been talking about as we moved here. Yeah, right? Yeah. I mean I feel like you'll probably have a makeup video come out before we actually come out with any like whoo okay what can we expect Kristen like how to make yourself look like avatar for Christmas or what's you know wouldn't that be wouldn't that be cool uh I have also no ideas I feel like the Reconert payments probably closer to making a comeback then Although I find it really sad once I found out how many podcasts you've done consistently and then looking back at our car ride
Starting point is 00:12:57 Convoses up. It's a quantity over quality situation over quality situation. It's a very sad second to you. Hopefully the hiatus will end eventually. We got to get the sweet, sweet YouTube monetization where we're getting paid like 30 cents of video. That'll really help offset our insane budgets for our filming and stuff. That'll be... Bison New Treat treats for dogs.
Starting point is 00:13:26 Yes, for dogs. And I mean, they're basically half cats as well. So yeah. Well, this is part one of our Christmas special. I have part two for you next weekend, live from the West Coast, featuring the furnace family. It should be hot. But the kind of overarching theme of today's episode,
Starting point is 00:13:47 which has nothing to do with anything, I just like saying it is home for the holidays. We thought before maybe hose for the holidays, but we couldn't get any more bitches on just this dog. So you were mentioning a Jonathan Taylor Tom as Christmas movie that I had never seen before. And since five, six of our listener base is my immediate family, there's a chance
Starting point is 00:14:09 that they haven't seen it either. So tell us a little bit more about this fun movie and give us your 30 second popcorn review. What's it called? It's Tim Allen and it, et cetera. It's called, I'll be home for Christmas and it stars Jonathan Taylor Thomas and Jessica Biel, no Tim Allen, we, you know, Rest in Peace ever since the do nothing lives, canceled his show on Fox.
Starting point is 00:14:43 But it's back now, right? Because ABC picked him up. Oh, yeah, something like that. Yeah. Rest in peace on that network, though. Basically, it's just a movie about how during Christmas time Jonathan Taylor Thomas' character wants to fuck Jessica Beale, and he'll cross the entire United States to do it. And it's honestly one of the most heartwarming, you know, movies ever. I mean, what did you, what you watched for the first time? What did you, I did.
Starting point is 00:15:13 I found it to be just the very stereotypical what I expected 90s like again, adventure with, you know, a loved childhood star. again, adventure with, you know, a loved childhood star. I know. I was surprised at how many references to nowadays terms there were, as far as when she had mentioned how offended she was about something that that douche guy who drives across the country, what's his name? Oh, his name's like.
Starting point is 00:15:43 My car and he's like hot stuff. It seems like Ralph or something. Yeah, when Ralph comes to pick her up and she makes some comment about, we're not homophobic or racist. Oh, yeah. They were talking about technology taking over and how we need to be more mindful of that. And I was like, what year was this actually made?
Starting point is 00:15:59 But I think it came out in 92, did we say? 96, something like that. It was pretty early. 92 would be pretty early. Yeah, I think it was out in 92, did we say? 96, something like that. It was pretty early. 92 would be pretty early for those guys. Yeah, I think it was more closer to 96 because it was interesting that was before the year 2000. And I think it just had like this, like it has some really cutting edge,
Starting point is 00:16:14 like observations about like, you know, don't be mean to gay people and technology is going to invade all of our privacy. And I'm like, huh, that's a fascinating take, especially, you know, before everybody decided to wake up going to invade all of our privacy and I'm like, huh, that's a fascinating take, especially before everybody decided to wake up after that fateful day years later. Did Justin Timberlake make any appearances to rescue Jessica Beale from Jonathan Taylor Thomas?
Starting point is 00:16:36 No, I wish. A huge JT fan. He was busy crying, or somewhere else. That's true. No, he was's in sink days. So he had those frosted curly tips, right? Yeah. Have you seen the home improvement episode where Jonathan Taylor Thomas has the cancer scare?
Starting point is 00:16:55 It's like super serious. I'm so surprised. Because he was my favorite of the boys. That was terrifying for me too. Did you have something up with his kidney tour? Was that the same thing? I'm not sure. I haven't seen it in a long time. I figured if they were going to kill anyone, it would be Brad.
Starting point is 00:17:11 Yeah, Brad's annoying. Or Mark at least. No, Mark probably should have. Really? Well, they gave him all those issues with being gawd and then. Yeah, it took a weird turn. Yeah, he did take a while. He had that whole Halloween special, where it was basically just Mark going around threatening to kill people in his family. And I don't know why
Starting point is 00:17:28 but I I think wasn't the series finale the series finale is a whole didn't it just come like they moved to Columbine and Mark went to school there and he just he just couldn't handle it anymore. I've been called that. Yeah. The series. It didn't something happened to their mom Wasn't she in the hospital having surgery? I had like a accident or something. I think she died. No, the end of it doesn't I think she's Patricia Richardson. Wow. Yeah, spoiler alerts. Yeah, doesn't she? Uh fact checker. I don't know here Let's see. Let's see what happens like something like does weird happened Do I have like yeah? Let's see my phone. I'm pretty confident in all actuality
Starting point is 00:18:07 at the InnoHole improvement. Jill chooses to pursue her career and they move to Ohio or something. And the last wedding happens to be Richard Karn's marriage with Tracy in their neighborhood Wilson, Wilson Jr's backyard. And Tim is struggling with giving up tool time. But in the end, in classic husband fashion, he gives into his wife's hopes and dreams.
Starting point is 00:18:30 And Jonathan Taylor-Thomas moves to Costa Rica, so. If anyone was actually curious what the home of food is, finale is. We can have the fact checkers check it, but I'm so sure that's accurate. That's not too accurate to not be real. I haven't seen it in like two days, so I'm kind of rusty. Two days! I actually just finished on a loop.
Starting point is 00:18:50 Yeah. What do we do? I would like to watch all that over again though. That was a treasure. I really loved that. Yeah, the only annoying is it's got that really annoying boomer humor where it's just like, you know, wife is annoying and stupid. Yeah, it's predictable., and it's just predictable.
Starting point is 00:19:05 Yeah. Well, and the idiot husband is somehow still right even though he's an idiot. You know, I'm saying it's like, yeah, that's not, it's like that min white writing women shit, you know. Yeah. It's really damn good. Big Lions fans. Oh, yeah, the other weird thing is like, yeah, because they were like Michigan or something because you know Michigan has you know Produced television shows. Oh, maybe they're you know tool time. Maybe that's the you think maybe that is kind of like a Spin on like this old house. Maybe or something. You know, maybe that's what it's all part of that like world because they'll have
Starting point is 00:19:43 Bob Vila come on. She's on tool time a couple times. So it's an interesting blend between like fiction and reality. Yeah, there's like a rivalry between Tim Allen and Bob Vila in the show, which I always loved as a kid. I don't really know why,
Starting point is 00:20:01 because I didn't really know who Bob Vila was. No, Bob Vila is awesome. I'm sure it was on the weekends of KVS or something. Okay, I don't really know why I said I know who Bob Vila was awesome. Yeah, I I remember being a millennial and just be like well, I'll never be able to afford a house Let alone, you know refurbish one Ain't that the truth then you got antics road show on PBS. Yeah, it's a classic show You know, he got you over 40. They know they know antics road show. Yeah, you know, anybody over 40, they know. They know Antique's Roadshow.
Starting point is 00:20:27 They're really big. What do they call them? Antiqueers? Brody's? Brody's. Brody's. Is that the same thing? I like that.
Starting point is 00:20:37 Well, we're at the 20-minute mark here, so I'm going to hear from our sponsors. You guys need any refreshments or anything. It would be a great time to do this before we get really hard core in the second half. Let's see, Home Pride Oregon. Are you tired of selling your house for less than a quarter of what it's worth? All because you can't find a reliable home inspector in time. While organ listeners, there's good news.
Starting point is 00:21:00 Home Pride, inspection services in Ben, Oregon, essential organs, hottest new home inspection provider. With services including things like heating, cooling, roofing, plumbing, and so much more. If you're tired of big real estate strumble or angle hold on the home inspection market and you want a safe, certified home inspector that you can trust, call Steve at 541-236-0316. I don't think that's the right number,
Starting point is 00:21:26 but you're probably not calling him anyways. I'm not reading off an ad copy if you're curious. Or email homepriedorgan at Again, that's 541-231-something-0316. Just try all the numbers until you get it. Or email home pride organ. Something, something, something. I don't think you're getting that sponsorship money, but you get that.
Starting point is 00:21:50 The home pride organ inspection. Perfection. It's like the Sherry's berries. Sherry's berries. Sherry's berries. Sherry's berries. Sherry's berries. That was the first time I ever tried to do the whole thing
Starting point is 00:22:01 without the ad read. And I think I got everything except for the phone number was just a Degenerative too off, but I know it ends in 0316 because that's my birthday, so it's easy to remember. But let's see shout out to the Samson Q2U series. How's it treating you over there, Ryan? I like it. It's heavy duty. Hmm. I feel like you're getting to work out speaking into that thing. Yeah, I just feel like I've kind of gained muscle mass while on this podcast, which is nice.
Starting point is 00:22:28 Yeah, you're really bulking up Kristen, you were at the gym earlier today. You were getting you were getting big Yeah, take take us through a you know, you're probably one of those Instagram girls who sets up the phone and Recording everything you do. So and then I just take those ass pictures afterwards Oh, yeah, part of the workout is five minutes of basic cardio that I don't care what I'm doing on the treadmill. Yes, oh my God.
Starting point is 00:22:51 There needs to be a video or something of what's in chapter because that was perfection. Glutes, all glutes. Yeah. And then I spend 40 minutes taking selfies. So that's my workout. That's good. It's a real hardcore.
Starting point is 00:23:03 What are some of the best exercises to keep that holiday pie off? Or keep that holiday pie on it. That's what you're looking for. Am I right guys and girls? Right? I'm one of those not really professional at this. I kind of make it up as I go and I don't know the names of any of the workouts that I do. So, uh, uh, As Blasters. I should just make a movie. Gut Blasters. High Blasters. I feel like just a- No, pie blasters actually have sex toy. That's not a workout.
Starting point is 00:23:31 Ooh. That sounds maybe not like in the same category as what we're talking about. There's a good, uh, Led Zeppelin song off of, I think, houses of the holy or physical graffiti called Custard Pie and it's got a lot of good sexual references. Oh my God. It's got a great guitar part though. If you don't know the song you gotta go check it out. We'll play it after. Brian's actually bringing his band out and we're gonna do a cover which will be good. They would love. Yeah man. You're singing your song earlier at breakfast. That would be so that would be it. I, if it wasn't for the fact that like, let's see, one, two, three out of the other five band members have totally disowned me.
Starting point is 00:24:11 I would totally do that. But, you know, excommunication is pretty hard, you know. You just have to install the great bands. And popes. Yep. Yep. That's the same way they got the Beatles to break up. Yoko Ono came in there and this time it was our Lord and Xavier Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:24:33 The perfect holiday message. Merry Christmas, everyone. Merry Christmas, Jesus, I hate you. Let's see, what else? TV Guide really dropped the ball. I got four free TV guides that came this past spring, and then the last one I got was when Game of Thrones was starting, and they stopped.
Starting point is 00:24:55 I was supposed to have a 12-month subscription, and I haven't known what's on TV for about eight months now. What's that price run these days? What's a TV guide price run? Well, I don't know, but I got these for free. I had like some airline miles that didn't qualify for an actual flights, but they qualified for magazine subscriptions. I think the requirement was like, you end to be over the age of 75.
Starting point is 00:25:17 No. Young people like TV too, Chris. And geez, you age as bastard. Yeah. Don't you watch Resolient Isles? No. You should have heard before we went live, though. Kristen was throwing around some gay slurs, which was.
Starting point is 00:25:35 Oh my god. Yeah, real big crime in here. Yeah. I'm pretty sure like 30 seconds into this, you said something horribly offensive. What about Jews? Yeah. I remember that.
Starting point is 00:25:47 I don't know. I was in for the record. Are we really going to sit here and defend Jews? I mean, they did kill Christ. I don't know. It's true. We used to have a joke that was inspired out of you guys don't know what bathroom reader is, do you?
Starting point is 00:26:04 I mean, is that same as readers digesters? No it's different but they just collect a bunch of funny things and one of them was like a newspaper clipping and it is time out like the local Christian high school basketball team and how they killed Christ the king over the weekend because I was the name of the school they were playing. And so my brothers and I would always joke because they really sounded like suddenly Doug Anderson would say, like during the half, like the announcements at Chapel, at Temple Baptist. So we get up there with a participation trophy and say we killed Christ the king over the weekend and I can't do a
Starting point is 00:26:41 Doug Anderson impression, but not that anyone listening knows who that is, but yeah, and Rock for Fire would always get either the like heart and hustle award or something cool like that for good attitude until Arnie Walker would get thrown out of the Rock Church jazz. That's true, that guy was a real hot head. Yeah, trophy stop coming at that point. Yeah, no, I know. He took everything from us. Yeah. Yeah. Finally, we got cuts by Q.
Starting point is 00:27:12 Not going to read the whole ad, but Chris, I know you do a lot of makeup tutorials. Have you ever gotten into the barber game? I think, thinking back years ago, I feel like. So back in the day when Ryan's mom used to cut his hair, I feel like there was a time that I tried to, oh, it was shortly after we got married, wasn't it? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, I'm pretty sure I cut his hair a couple times.
Starting point is 00:27:37 Did it turn out debatable? But it happened. And I just used one of those basic razor tremors that have the measuring thingy on it gauges. Gages, that's what they're called. Yeah, I don't know. Yeah, you know what I'm saying. And it happened.
Starting point is 00:27:56 It wasn't the best, it wasn't the worst, but it was like, it was the thing. Not the thing at it. What singer would you compare your current hairstyle to if you had to compare it to somebody? Well, I just got a shower, so it probably looks either wet or oily, just because it's like ambit-oh, fluffy. Fluffy. I was going to say the guy, the lead singer, Brett Michaels, just because it looks like I didn't
Starting point is 00:28:21 eat or something. Yeah, Brett Michaels is known for his short, dark brown hair and having all of my ice creamies. Yeah, well, that's accurate. Are you wearing a Detroit Tigers t-shirt right now? Yeah, I got it from Goodwill in like 2014 in a North Alabama Goodwill. Okay. Why?
Starting point is 00:28:45 I have no, I have absolutely no idea. I really don't, it's under armor. I don't even know if under armor is still a thing anymore, but. Oh, it's a big thing. It's a Baltimore company. Is it a Baltimore company? Yeah, baby.
Starting point is 00:28:59 Well, yeah, I got it and it's just like a really nice material and I just kind of wear it. And also, if anybody who knows me knows that I have a Pittsburgh pirates flat bill hat a Houston Astros flat bill hat And I used to have a Toronto blue jays Flat bill hat and all of that because I just am not for a particular fan of baseball. I just like The pictures on the hands.
Starting point is 00:29:26 Yeah. You should get some metal cleats that you can wear to work as well. Wear them around the supply line. It could be fun. I love cleats. I love cleats. I'm a fan of cleats. I have a pair of soccer cleats still. Maybe not. Maybe I threw those away. Those were under armor as well. I'm telling you, you got to get the company softball team up and running this spring. I think you could back clean up. I like catch your mind, I like. Okay, catchers can hit for power, you know? It'd be like Mike Piazza or any number of other catchers.
Starting point is 00:29:57 Yeah, it could be fun. Well, we're back. We got dogs going outside. Our home for the holidays special part one featuring Ryan Austin English and Kristen Austin English What would you guys celebrity couple name be? Yeah, it's probably better than Ristin or rice and Crying is a arosmith song that Ryan and his band are going to cover after we're
Starting point is 00:30:27 done doing this, which is exciting. So, um, boy, the holiday season, anybody having a really good Christmas or Hanukkah, Kwanzaa anecdotes, they want to share on the podcast, anything outrageous, maybe scandalous involving some Jews perhaps. Um, hmm. just maybe scandalous involving some Jews perhaps. We'd be like, fresh out of those. Yeah. Did you happen to, speaking of Christmas, did you happen to notice our very cute needle point
Starting point is 00:30:54 ornament that we have on our tree that says Krampus is coming with a very scary, yeah. Did you make this? Aaron made it actually. My sister, she cross stitched all three of us me, Ryan, and my other sister, Lauren, these little things. And that was Ryan's gift. Wow, this is pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:31:16 I know the intricate work in it is pretty great. So it's proudly displayed on our tree now. You got a little hot dog over here. We do. It's pretty neat. Mm-hmm. Normally even more dog, but the stick fell off. Yes.
Starting point is 00:31:30 It was in here in the move. And you got some sort of stegosaurus action going on over here. There's actually quite a few dinosaurs on the tree. Okay. Okay. That was one of those that I went to an ornament exchange and nobody liked the dinosaurs. Oh. and they had all these cutesy adult ones And I decided to go with the dinosaur selection. Yeah, who wouldn't love a dinosaur?
Starting point is 00:31:52 I mean right and this is a horsey Pokemon number 51. That's a great reference You'll get bubble and then you might learn bubble beam. You could teach it surf eventually. Chris, I know you're big on Pokemon. So Ryan, you were actually talking about Pokemon Go, playing that at work and how you got some good Pokemon. What do you've been throwing your balls at this holiday season? Recently, I threw my balls at like, well, right now at Pokemon Go, where I like a strange impasse with me and Pokemon Go.
Starting point is 00:32:27 And it's at an impasse because I don't know any of the actual Pokemon that are any more. After generation two, I just don't know. I'm like, that's a monkey. And that's some, yeah, I have no idea. So I was throwing my balls at some little fire monkey thing last night and Skymore. You know what's more of a Skymore or a Skimory? I bet if I saw a picture, I would know.
Starting point is 00:32:54 He's like a steel flying type from Gen 2. Okay. Like the crystal silver gold era. Yeah, I don't know that. Yeah. I caught one of those yesterday. I hadn't seen one of those. Those are fairly rare. Not like a legend. It's not like Zapdos, but it's you know that. Yeah. I caught one of those yesterday. I hadn't seen one of those. Those are fairly rare.
Starting point is 00:33:05 I'm not like a legend. It's not like Zapdos, but it's, you know, Zapdos. Yeah, yeah. It's pretty. I'm actually, I'm having a fun time. I really like playing it at work, you know. Work sucks outside of Pokemon Go. So I just, it's what I do.
Starting point is 00:33:19 It's my thing. So I've never really understood and Pokemon Go has been around for what, three or four years at this point, maybe even longer. I've never really understood, and Pokemon Go has been around for what, three or four years at this point, maybe even longer. I've never really understood the point of it beyond, so you just collect Pokemon and that's it. So right now they have the features up, but initially that's all it was. It's pretty.
Starting point is 00:33:38 Well I think you could always be a gym master too. Sure. Oh yeah, okay, okay. Sure, sure. It could be the top dude and then you'd battle who are trying to like, but now, but now they've made it more intricate where you can trade with friends,
Starting point is 00:33:53 you can battle with friends, and then sometimes with the polka stops that you will spend and get like, lures and like, polka balls and stuff. Sometimes team rocket will take over that and you gotta fight them. Yeah. You know, they're real rascals, those team rock. Jesse and James. in like Pokeballs and stuff sometimes team rocket I'll take over that you know fight them and yeah, you know They're real rascals those team rock Jesse and James. Yeah, Jesse James and their
Starting point is 00:34:11 Me out. Yeah, Jesse was always I had a big crush on Jesse growing up because you get the bear midriff. Oh, yeah It's her and Jasmine from Aladdin man. Yeah, I remember you know that subreddit rule 34 I don't know that one Well, basically the synopsis of it on reddit is that anything that exists there can be a porn about it Oh sure. Yeah, I am we're seeing a Jesse and James anime porn But they turned James into a girl and it was lesbian porn. No, I was kind of interesting that would I really turn my childhood upside down Interesting I don't know. I don't think they are, but I'd never really watch the TV show too much. I remember
Starting point is 00:34:53 one time I was at my grandparents' house in Minnesota and we were going to something like the pool or something, but Pokemon was going to be on the afternoon, so we asked Grandpa Dave to tape it. And I don't remember if it ever actually happened, but I don't know why it was such a big deal. Maybe it was like the Pokemon movie was playing on TV or something. But it could be. Yeah, we were not allowed to watch it because it promoted the idea of evolution. Oh, sure. Yeah, we were allowed to like play it in all its stuff, but we could never say the e-word.
Starting point is 00:35:22 So you just have to like look away and let it happen. Yeah. It's kind of like having sex. Yeah. That's kind of like friends growing up that they could watch Godzilla movies, but they couldn't say Godzilla. They had to just say Zilla. That yeah, that makes it all better. That absolves Godzilla of his sins easily easily. Did you play? Did you play either of you guys play Pokemon growing up? Oh, yeah, the game boy game. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:44 Yeah. Oh, yeah, you played Pokemon Snap. We had it here for instance. No, but I had the blue Pokemon game. And then I also had the, I want to say, it was the gold one. Yeah. And I had, I collected the cards, but I was more into collecting them than actually playing the card game per se.
Starting point is 00:36:07 And then yeah, Pokemon Snap was my jam for a long time. So I'm less familiar with Pokemon Snap and 64, what's that? Yes, so the whole point basically, is to get the Pokemon to do cute or creative things. And then the better the picture, Professor Oak rates your pictures. And it has to be centered appropriately and in focus and that type of thing.
Starting point is 00:36:28 And yeah, it unlocks levels depending on how well you do. Wow, it's like the original Instagram. Oh, yeah, it was. Twice, ahead of its time. Yeah, Pokemon Snap. It's an interesting game, I don't mind it. I was impressed, I was impressed. Yeah I loved it. Yeah, what would you say some of the most photogenic Pokemon?
Starting point is 00:36:48 Pikachu. Pikachu. Okay. You get two of those little bitches in the same photo You get extra points and then if he's doing something with his electricity at the same time. Mm-hmm Professor Oak it's just crazy He gets wild. Yeah, he just really creams his pants on those ones. Mm-hmm All about it. Family friendly. Yeah, is just really creams his pants on those ones. Mmm. All about it. Family friendly. Yeah. Is it, is that kind of, yeah, he goes,
Starting point is 00:37:09 ow. Yeah. Yeah. Is that kind of weird that Ash just kind of left his mom behind with Professor Oak? And he just probably just do it through the entire time. They are having a good time, you know? I know.
Starting point is 00:37:20 They're like, hey, see you later, nine-year-old. So for one of those jinx in the mix? Oh, man. Did you know, did you know it's about jinx? How eventually they had to change her complexion in the Japanese cartoon? I have been going through it. Because the Japanese finally figured out blackface. And they were like, you know what?
Starting point is 00:37:39 We got, that's some horrible news because we have a certain Pokemon that is quite literally the definition of blackface. Yeah. She's a total babe. Yeah. Nothing turns you on more than getting frozen
Starting point is 00:37:52 by one of Loralized Jinks'es. Yeah. Isn't there a move called like Sleep Kiss or something like that? It's a pretty erotic. Yeah. Yeah, those big ass lips, man. Yeah, and those boobies. Yeah
Starting point is 00:38:07 And an ice type for some random reason nothing about her screams ice type at all Yeah, but she's she's hot. She's sexy. She's like an ice princess. Yeah, yeah, I guess like frozen to Did you see frozen to I haven't seen frozen one and I'm not gonna see frozen to I haven't seen Frozen 2. Did you see Frozen 2? I haven't seen Frozen 1 and I'm not going to see Frozen 2. I haven't seen Frozen 1 either. You saw it and you said it sucked. I didn't like it. I don't understand the hype and I think the hype annoyed me more and more. And then obviously the songs, I just was mutilated to death, my brain, hearing them over and over and over again.
Starting point is 00:38:42 There was no redemptive qualities about the music. I feel like the music had to be good. Because I heard this one, the music is good. It wasn't bad, but it was murdered. Like, it was just too much. Like, it was because of the hype that was wrapped around it. I don't want to see the second one. I didn't like the first one.
Starting point is 00:38:55 I don't mean either. Yeah, I've heard the second one is just kind of pointless, money grab, et cetera. It's a lot of what Disney is doing these days. Thought they're remakes and stuff. Oh yeah. Yeah, what are some, so the lady and the tramp one ended up being like so not that big of a deal.
Starting point is 00:39:14 Like I thought it was gonna be, they just released it on Disney Plus. If you have Disney Plus, I thought that was gonna be like just another, it's like George Clooney does the voice and then, it's already like, it's released. Yeah, it's just on there It's never heard anything about it. No one no one cares, right? So yeah, are they even gonna do any more live action remakes?
Starting point is 00:39:34 Because I mean they've kind of got to the end. Oh, Mulan. I saw the Mulan Try to never mind. I have mistaken. I am mistaken You think they'd have to do some of the polka hana said at some point? No, because that story would be super sad in real life if they talked about what it at was. So John Smith comes he takes the he takes Pocahontas who is the prince, not I don't know how things are said princess or whatever the daughter of the Tribesman tribes leader of whatever and she's actually in history. She's like 12 or 14 years old or something. And basically, the rest of it is just him getting her to accept Christianity the entire time and her conform to European society.
Starting point is 00:40:19 And it's just depressing as hell. It's horrible. Maybe Pat Robertson will really try to push it. I was actually trying to get Pat Robertson's book from the library the other day, but they wouldn't let me request it, which was a bummer. But he's got some, you know, a lot of it is inspired by the book of Revelation, and there's a lot of fire and brimstone.
Starting point is 00:40:39 How's he not dead yet? He's been the same age for the last 50 years. It's like him and Bob Barker. Are they on the same drugs? I don't understand. Yeah. So, instead I'm reading a book by Donald Trump. Oh, it's like that.
Starting point is 00:40:55 I think it's called, like, how to get rich and fuck bitches or something like that. Oh, you know what? If Donald Trump knows two things, I don't think he does do things. I don't think he's one and a half per hour. Yeah, I don't know. Yeah, it should be pretty good. I can't wait to, because I'm reading it ironically,
Starting point is 00:41:13 but when I actually go pick it up from the library, it might be a little uncomfortable. So, I'm hoping they get it though, because I've been reading a lot of like, political satire books like Al Franken and stuff. So I'm hoping it'll make the connection. Like hopefully I get the same girl who's been checking me out, not in that way, but in the book way. And hopefully she'll understand it, because otherwise I'm going to feel pretty sleazy picking up the Donald
Starting point is 00:41:37 Trump book. Oh yeah. Yeah, that's got to be, I wish Donald Trump would just write the books himself, because you know, he obviously pays people to do that, but his books would be much more entertaining if it was there about a lot of those ellipses and like really just really bizarre spellings of words that you just have never seen before in your entire life. Yeah, like, I like and Trump's tweets when he miss spells words that are like really hard to misspell because of auto correct. Yes.
Starting point is 00:42:08 And it's sometimes I wonder if he's like, if there are some things he's just trolling you on. Because some things like, I think in one tweet a couple of months ago, he misspelled Republicans or something. And it's like, how is that even? I would have, you'd have to go back and correct yourself like twice to do it. Like they ought to look at them. Yeah, to do it like they ought to Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I mean, I don't know there's a lot of things that is just like He definitely is on that like next level troll where it's like He's doing something that day that's like super stupid. He could get backlash for so like he's like
Starting point is 00:42:39 I'm gonna just do a typo tweet and people talk about that. I mean, he's really got a solid deal. I mean, you know, you should just publish a book of his tweets. Like, when Kim Kardashian did that of all of her selfies, yeah, yeah, it's selfish. You could call it. Oh, yeah, he would really orange or something. I'm sure it's coming orange. I like it.
Starting point is 00:42:59 Yeah. That would be hilarious. That would be so funny. Yeah, you think maybe he'd change those red hats to worn hats, you know? Yeah, I don't know. Red is a, you know, color of dominance to male sexuality.
Starting point is 00:43:14 So it's really a Donald Trump. Red's kids shit out of me, so I don't know. That's, it means it's working because you're a, you're a lip-tard. It's a lip-tard, yeah. Do nothing dims. We're getting near the end of part one of our holiday special, but I've got one last little segment here.
Starting point is 00:43:30 Holiday gifts are always a hot topic around this time of year. So I'm going to give you a purely hypothetical example and you tell me what kind of gift you get. So you got a younger brother type, and he recently got married to a not so nice person, a little uptight, think kind of Angela Kinsey from the office type. And you got to get this a fun present for the holidays. And you got to make sure you say Merry Christmas and not happy holidays or else you'll get crucified like Christ. What kind of gift are you thinking of for this completely hypothetical person? We'll call her Gabby. Okay, Gabby. Let's see. I'd have to say sex
Starting point is 00:44:14 swing, mandingo, 13 inch dildo replica, color black and the purpose driven life. The chicken noodle soup for the soul. The Christian soul. For the Christian soul. Yeah. Purpose driven life. Maybe just the book of Leviticus if they just sell that. I don't know if you can buy that by itself. You know.
Starting point is 00:44:42 Maybe I just discovered the billion dollar idea, you know, say you're a Jewish male. And you're like, I don't want to buy the whole Bible. That seems like a lot. I can either rent a hotel room and take the, what is it? The Samsonite Bible out of the drawer, or I can just purchase the books individually. He's like, I want Leviticus and Genesis and just for spank material. Ooh, that's a pretty hot book.
Starting point is 00:45:16 Yeah, that book, we never got to read that one at church. Yeah, we always skipped it. Yeah, unfortunately. It's like the 50 shades of the Bible. Like one guy just got real raunchy one time and the, you know, the Holy Spirit filled him in a very different way. Filled his holes. Yeah. And he was just like, you know what? It's time to make some songs about Solomon. Touching Doe, baby. Yeah. We should do some slow jams with Salmon.
Starting point is 00:45:46 We should. This first is from Salmon. It's a jazz music in the background. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. It's a good sketch idea. That would be great. Oh, and then like get Joel's team to do that.
Starting point is 00:45:54 Oh, yeah. I was also thinking of maybe reading a book by Joel Osteen, but I think it would just be too much for me to handle. So I'm going to start with Trump and we'll go from there. That's a good starting spot. Joel Osteen is a real character. Where's his main church? Is it Houston?
Starting point is 00:46:14 Houston, that's right. That's everything I think of when I think of Houston is like mega churches, sprawl. It's hot. Yoming. Yoming. Yoming. Yoming. The only player in NBA history to go to the All-Star game every year of his career. Is that true? 100% true. Because I think you'll play for eight years. Yeah. Yeah. Rest in peace. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The weird thing about churches and mega churches that I've noticed is like, isn't that like a great place to launder money?
Starting point is 00:46:47 I feel like it's a short exam. That's gonna be a great way to launder money, right? I mean, I'm just freaking that up. I would imagine. Yeah, I mean, there's no better way. I mean, that's probably that and like fine art, you know. Well, hey, when we get some money to launder, we know where we're going with it. Oh yeah, oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:08 We got to. We got to. Those penny stocks ever mature. You know, one day, one year, one decade. They might. One decade. They may. When they do, I mean, if they go up one extra penny,
Starting point is 00:47:21 I mean, when you own 100,000 of those, that's a lot of pennies. You know, if you ever seen pennies from heaven, the Christopher Walken movie, isn't it the one where the kid gets? Oh, no, that's like pay it forward. Never mind. For the for the one person out there listening to podcasts who've seen both pay it forward and pennies from heaven, let's gotta be pretty funny. What has been he's from heaven about what's like? It's from like the 70s. I've never seen it, but there's a very famous tap dancing scene with Christopher Wacken where he strips and it's we can we got you to up right here.
Starting point is 00:47:56 We'll watch it. Yeah, but he's a really good dancer. Oh really? Yeah, he's got a cool hat and stuff. Now that is hot. Yeah. If it was everyone to see hot, Christopher Wacken naked. I mean, that's got a cool hat and stuff. Now that is hot. If he was everyone to see. Hot. Christopher Walken naked. I mean, that's great.
Starting point is 00:48:08 Yep, doesn't quite get all the way there, but you can use your imagination for this. That's good. It's kind of like that. What's, it's not a job rule. Who's the guy the other day? Jason Derulo, Instagram picture that got taken down the other day.
Starting point is 00:48:21 I don't follow Jason Derulo. Well, he got a picture taken down because he was doing an ad for some underwear and it just looked like he just, he forgot a beer can was in his pants. Ooh, that's a violation. It's too hot right there. Yeah. Speaking of which, you going to go see Katz this holiday season? Definitely.
Starting point is 00:48:40 That's a family movie. The trailer hooked to me. Yeah. Yeah. I want to get some pussy this holiday season. Does it weird you out that James Corning just looks like Humpty Dumpty? The whole thing weirds me out, man. It's not one specific person. No.
Starting point is 00:48:57 I bet you, I can't tell if the furries are like really excited or they're like just totally appalled by the idea of this cat's movie. Yeah, I'm not really plugged into Furries culture or Broadway culture. Yeah, I don't feel as informed on the topic. Who seems to have Broadway plays? I've I'm cultured. Sure. Yeah. Not cats though. I've not seen it either. What is even the, because it's one Tony's, I mean it's like an award-winning play, like
Starting point is 00:49:30 what is the deal with people dressing up like fricking weirdos? I don't understand it. It's the story of cats and they're, I don't even really know how to describe it. I think there was like the original cast was a big deal. And then I think it was one of the only ones that's ever actually been filmed, where you can purchase it, because I think that's not a thing either.
Starting point is 00:49:55 Because then I think that's part of the... Is it just rent with cat suits where they all die from feline aids at some point or like? How does that I'm sure that's how it goes you think so see I'm not even I'm so uncold I don't even know if that's how rent goes. I just assume that's the way it goes. Oh no Cats and dogs You guys ever seen cats and dogs through revenge of kitty galore. I don't remember It's a sequel to cats and dogs
Starting point is 00:50:24 Me neither yeah, I never saw the dogs are flying. Yeah, just like real spies only furrier. Wow He's in the original Yeah, yeah, you're in the original I ever seen cats and dogs and they put like the beat like a beagle was like the number one Was the number one guy. Oh, yeah, there you go That is yeah, who you root for wow definitely the dogs. Yeah, definitely the fireworks begin July 4th What a tagline starting Jeff Goldblum was with Perkins and Alexander Pollock wow wow They don't even let Alexander Pollock in movies anymore
Starting point is 00:51:04 Where when 2001 Wow, wow, they don't even let Alexander Paulic in movies anymore. Where are we in 2001? There's a scene towards the end when like the cats capture the family because they send a note saying they're going to the, here it is. Here's the line. Mr. Tinkels travels to a Christmas tree, flocking plant, whatever that means, and sends the employees home and lures the broodies with faux tickets to an ex exhibition game between Uruguay and Chad capturing the family. That's a soccer match of the century
Starting point is 00:51:33 Wow, lures the family with tickets to Uruguay versus Chad. That's got to be some really strange like Deep-cut FIFA joke or something like I don I don't understand where that makes sense at all. I think they got higher or something. Yeah, apparently. From as a Mr. Tinkles is like owner is on life support. And I don't know. Do you remember that? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:56 And he just takes over and runs the. Did you know that Toby McGuire is the voice of the big old? Good Lord. Alec Baldwin is but Sean Hayes is Mr. Tinkles Susan Sarandon Wow this was an all-star cast Charlton Heston John Love is Michael Clark Duncan Charlton Heston was alive back then John Michael he gets to damn
Starting point is 00:52:18 I think Charlton is alive now I think though he definitely is not he's not he died in 2008 Oh so he's just just alive enough to be in Boeing for Columbine and then that's all. That's his last feature. Wow. That's a that's a hell of a cast actually. Yeah. They really cashed in for some money after 2001. That was a good year for Toby. Yeah. Fascinating. Yeah. We need to bring Toby McGuire back. I feel like he's been a bit maligned as of late. How so? Just people making fun of his Spider-Man movies
Starting point is 00:52:53 and just being like, the new ones are better. The new ones aren't that much better. Well, that's just people, young Marvel kids who don't understand Sam Remy. Yeah, Zoomers. They just don't get it. Apparently, and we've talked about this before in our Oscar special,
Starting point is 00:53:07 to tell you remember, why it was the voice cast in the Boss Baby, which I never saw. So. That is correct. Yeah, that is correct. I was telling Chris, and we're gonna wrap up soon here, I was telling Chris, and that we have to plan for our Oscar special earlier this year, because it's happening, it's like February 9th, 13th or something like that it's a full month early. Wow. So we're
Starting point is 00:53:28 gonna have to you know we're less than two months away. Do you have any predictions? No, I haven't. We haven't even thought about it yet. I don't know. Yeah I have a couple but I like like I said like a lot of the early stuff is kind of fizzling out of popularity. Yeah. Like, therefore, a while I was kind of thinking that Al Pacino best supporting actor and then Jennifer J.Lo for best actress with the surprise. But now I'm don't even think she's gonna get nominated.
Starting point is 00:54:05 Willem DeFoe for best actor, depending on how they cast. They might be supporting. They might be supporting Willem DeFoe for best supporting actor. Best supporting No Rancidson for best actor. Which makes sense if you see in the movie. It's very clear. Oh, that makes the supporting one a little bit more. So it'll come down to Pacino or DeFoe.
Starting point is 00:54:23 And Jailo for that. Best actor. I guess it could be Pattinson, but I mean, I haven't seen the movie, so I can't really make any judgment call. I've been hearing that Adam Driver might have a chance from this one. Marriage? Yeah. That's just what I've been hearing. Yeah. I've also heard Dinerro's name floated out. I'm a bad judge on De Niro. I'm not a huge fan of De Niro to be honest. People like De Niro. And I'm like De Niro plays the same person in every movie from bad grandpa all the way to the Irish.
Starting point is 00:54:53 Yeah, that's fair. He's earned it. And the best picture wise, that's tough. I can't even make a comment on that one. Well, things like 1917 that hasn't come out yet. Yeah. Cats, people have said maybe I'm not even joking. No, the crazy thing about cats is that it's directed by the guy who did, oh shoot, he's
Starting point is 00:55:16 done two movies. Oh, isn't it? He has two best picture-winning things under his belt. Oh really? Yeah, let's see, hold on, this guy, I wanna say he did, what's the one with the guy with the stutter? He's like British. The King's Speech.
Starting point is 00:55:33 The King's Speech, I wanna say. And then, no, no, it's not just, I don't know, not Cars Director, that's a completely different one. Ooh, Cars. Yeah, Director, let's see cats director Tom Hooper Tom Hooper did He's from the UK. Oh boy. That's that's pretty crazy He did
Starting point is 00:55:58 I'm just gonna pick out the ones that I know. Yeah, that's good John Adams the seven part HBO series Which is actually really good if you were seeing it. Then he did another movie that no one cares about. And then he did the King's Beach, Les Mizz, the Danish girl. He did the first episode of his Dark Materials on HBO, which I have not seen because I would never disrespect our Lord Jesus Christ and then cats. So I mean, like he's got three movies that were nominated for best picture and one of them won best picture.
Starting point is 00:56:35 So kind of a good pedigree. So it's like, did this guy get it completely wrong? Is it the special effects department that's ruined this movie? I have no idea. I don't know. I'm not even signing? I have no idea. I don't know. I'm not going to sign up. You think Sonic will just show up in this movie?
Starting point is 00:56:53 That would be really funny. He just looks so odd. He's got teeth and does. He just looks so odd. Like he's got teeth and crap. Like I just, it's so strange. Like someone really, really took some liberties that are just wrong. The only thing that I, the only thing I would say that people really freaked out about is he was wearing Nike's, like red Nike's I wanna say and they're like, oh it's so stupid.
Starting point is 00:57:20 He wears different red shoes and it's like, no, like red Nike's is fine. Like that's,'s okay like that's the most passable part about the character design It's the teeth in the weird pubie hair and it's just strange. Yeah, gotta get that product placement money somehow That's true. I agree. I agree get yours get yours. It's how movies are made these days well any last Thoughts holiday or otherwise from Ryan and Chris soon before we bid you a do at 58 minutes here. Thanks for letting us be your holiday special part one. Oh, of course. Yeah. Guys are. You guys are bean town legends. Yeah, bean town legends. Thanks for having us on
Starting point is 00:58:03 the 100 first podcast. And congratulations on the 100 first spot. Yeah. Thank you. legends. Yeah, we've been telling legends. Thanks for having us on the 100 first podcast. Of course. And congratulations on the 100 first podcast. Yeah. Thank you. Yeah. Yeah. It's solid. I mean, I've been a listener since Grandma Sell.
Starting point is 00:58:14 Maybe even before that. Yup. That's classic. A good episode. Yeah. Didn't you have Sandra Leon, too, was that a thing? Definitely. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:22 And she's not just a bread. Julia Child. And Julia Child. And we're trying to get Martha Stewart So yeah, yeah could be fun. Okay, Martha's low key hot though Shoot yeah, well, I think like 20 years ago. I probably would have been like Now I'm you know less into the 70 year olds, but yeah, yeah, it's a little bit hard with the 70 year old Yeah, sure for sure Yeah, yeah, yeah, his anything is his hill live forever because his skin is just embalmed and It's a little bit hard with the 70 year old. He snoops into it though. Oh, for sure. For sure.
Starting point is 00:58:45 Yeah. Yeah, and the thing is, is he'll live forever, because his skin is just embalmed and made me want to. Black don't crack. There's no way. Yeah, it really is. It's like Epsom salt and, you know, whatever other things are preservatives.
Starting point is 00:58:59 Around the hide. Oh, that's the word I was looking for. Something big that I don't understand. Yeah. Yeah. Like the economy. Yeah. Yeah. Like the economy. Oh, yeah. Like the economy.
Starting point is 00:59:08 Or Snorlax. Or Snorlax. National brands. Yeah, that's good too. I have no idea. Yeah, that's fine. Well, we're going to go to Henry Yulezou for some holiday lights. And it should be a good time.
Starting point is 00:59:22 We'll bundle up and listen to maybe some weasier Christmas could be good first We're gonna watch the scene from pennies from heaven though. Oh, yeah, Christopher walk in dancing We will come to you live next week from the West Coast with a for nice six. It's like the Jackson five but wider and It should be a lot of fun We're gonna have Ryan back on the podcast seeing a little under two months for Oscars special. His third time on that specific program, which will be exciting. I think you consistently kick my ass in the predictions. So, I feel people tend to do way worse than what we think. I think you're usually a little bit better than me, though, which is pretty really not
Starting point is 01:00:03 saying anything. This year I should put this year, I'll bring out the sports book this year. Okay. And I'll do some active betting dollar here. Okay. See what I see. What I actually, that'd be a good way. I'll just do that.
Starting point is 01:00:15 I'll put like a dollar on different categories and however many dollars because you know how we have a hard time counting up. It's a really hard time. You know, the only problem is they don't do bets on all of them.'s the only thing is like you know, they don't care about best supporting directors assistant You know, it's my favorite category. I know it is one of the powerhouse categories But they're not gonna they don't care about that so yeah, yeah So maybe I'll do that and I can keep track of how many at least wins I had in this particular category So that'll be neat very good. Oh Ryan and Chris said. Thank you so much for coming on Thanks for having us. Thanks for having us. Yeah, Merry Christmas., so that'll be neat. Very good. Ryan and Chris said thank you so much for coming on.
Starting point is 01:00:45 Thanks for having us. Thanks for having us. Yeah, Merry Christmas, we can say that again. Thanks to what was Prague, you, what is it? Prague are you. Prague are you. Prague are you. It's like Prague, but Jewish.
Starting point is 01:00:56 All right, thanks for tuning in. We'll come to you live next week. Have a good one. next week. Have a good one.

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