Beantown Podcast - I am Falling apart (05202023 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: May 20, 2023

i just remembered i have had that adam lambert song 'what do you want from me' song stuck in my head all day and i haven't told anyone...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furnace. Welcome to my show, Quinn David Furnace presents the bean town podcast for Saturday, May 20th, 2023. What's going on? How are you? What's happening? It's been a while. It's been 10 days since our last show came out. I remember last time we, when I recorded it was Wednesday and I said, you know, we'll release this on Friday or something. By the time I actually got around to SoundCloud, I totally forgot to delay the release. So it just came out on Wednesday. So it's been a hot second since we joined you. We're coming to you live on a beautiful Saturday afternoon, 59 degrees and sunny here on the north side of Chicago, where we are one of the top 500 podcasts in this region and this city block. Hello to all of our friends in Pakistan. Thank you for being here. See 112th ranked comedy podcast in the Islamic Republic
Starting point is 00:01:07 of Pakistan. I wanna mention here before I forget that listening discretion is advised when you're listening to the bean-town podcast. Some board will occasionally use some language number two this podcast is objectively terrible. And if you couldn't tell already, things are a little rough over here.
Starting point is 00:01:24 I don't know if we're dealing with just bad allergies, your common cold, COVID, hypoglycemia, not sure what the issue is, but ever since probably Tuesday or Wednesday. Post nasal drip. And so a sort, pretty bad bad sore throat last day or two. One of those things we know it's like as you get going, you know, I say it as much. If you eat, you drink, you know, it's okay. Which is great news because this is a show that's all about. which is great news because this is a show that's all about or when I wake up in the morning last couple days it is just like shards of glass
Starting point is 00:02:11 so taking it one day at a time here trying to take things slow it's kind of a bummer it's a beautiful day outside I did go for a run just kind of a short little jog this morning but you know I wish I could spend a little bit more time outside But I'm just you know if it's allergies and I want to exacerbate that there's a good word for you and Just I didn't know kind of tired was out way later than I usually am. I'm not usually very late on a Friday night I ended up going and hanging out with some friends You know, we weren't doing anything crazy, but I probably didn't get back till one o'clock or so.
Starting point is 00:02:49 Yesterday was just one of those super long days where you start working at 7 a.m. basically running event. I'm used to being home on Fridays and I was downtown all day running an event. So just a busy day and kind of tough to do that when you're feeling under the weather. So we're going to keep this one relatively brief, which I know is kind of the oldest trick in the bean town playbook, but I got to tell you here, I'm just, I'm not feeling particularly inspired today. I am, I'm a man, I tell you what, falling apart.
Starting point is 00:03:22 And it all started four weeks ago, I think it was four weeks ago. Yeah, in the Grand Oasis, Kankoon Beach Club, my spirits were so high, it was so optimistic. There's our first full day there, getting some sun. We're in the beach clubs, the Rachel's in kind of this shallow pool. I had gone out to get us some cool beves. I'm walking back, and she's on the other side of this kind of shallow pool
Starting point is 00:03:49 from where you enter the stairs. And so I'm walking to her, you know, all excited, full of life. And she tried to warn me, but it was too late because I was just trucking T-R-U-C-K-I-N. was just trucking TRUCKIN. And I was just trucking, and there's this bar that you could like sit on, not like a metal bar, but like a raised kind of platform, if you will, right in the middle of the pool. And there was no marking, no warning or anything. So I just go right into it, I slam my left shin right into it.
Starting point is 00:04:25 And yeah, it's been pretty gnarly. I think we're we're now down to maybe about just less than an inch of actual wound. It was a lot bigger than that to start. So it's slowly healing one day at a time. The other day I banged my other shin, actually kind of like my upper leg off to the side of it by the knee on our coffee table Which is slightly more forgiving than the old wood I key when I have this one's metal But still I caught it in a bad spot. So that's hurting You know a cut a kind of a minor cut probably an inch long nothing too wild but kind of painful and then I got this whole sickness stuff going on which is kind of a bummer. What else I was running this morning and this happened this has happened to me a couple of times
Starting point is 00:05:17 I've had kind of this cold this out, whatever it is. So you're constantly sniffling a little bit. There's always some stuff you can spit out or blow out your nose, whatever you need to do. And so I did that. Thankfully right at the end of my run, well, I'd been doing it all, you know, the whole run four or five miles or whatever it was. And then I was, it was just kind of barely paying attention
Starting point is 00:05:45 all of a sudden as I'm doing my, whatever they call it, the Bohemian blow or something. That sounds like a sex act. I noticed that the color of what's coming out of my nostril is not that nice clear action you're looking for but a nice dark burgundy, if you will, crimson. It made sense. I had just seen a cardinal on the street just moments before.
Starting point is 00:06:11 I thought, oh, that's cool. It's a beautiful shade of red. You don't really get to see that very often. Even though the cardinal is a state bird of Illinois, I feel like you don't see that many of them in Chicago, just casually on the street. It's mostly just kind of regular birds and then geese, duck, seagulls, that sort of thing. And next thing, you know, I got blood
Starting point is 00:06:31 pouring out of my nose. So that was, that was fun. There was one time when I lived on diversity where I ran a half marathon. It was a super windy day. One of those kind of spring days where it's super sunny, but also super windy and you can't tell if you're gonna be too hot too cold. Anyway, I did a quick nose blow, like half a mile into my run and I saw blood come out. And it was one of those things where if you hold your head just right, then you can like, it's not gonna come pouring out of your nose or anything. Not to belabor the point, but I basically ran the entire half marathon where I was like holding it and I wasn't confident that it was fixed basically. We're going to resolve itself.
Starting point is 00:07:15 And it turns out my instincts were correct because when I got back to the apartment and I was like, okay, it's kind of that first blow in a while, you're not sure how things are gonna go and yeah, it just kept coming. So I was holding it for like two hours basically, probably a little bit less than that. But so that happened this morning.
Starting point is 00:07:38 Me and just generally, we have a relatively small office, five of us. One of my coworkers got fired like two, three weeks ago now and that was just out of left field and that means a lot of just kind of extra work for everyone, extra stress for everyone. And so that was just like kind of shocking. I don't think I've ever, in my professional career,
Starting point is 00:08:02 like just had someone I work with very closely be canned before, that's very common, obviously, in a lot of other fields and industries. People do it that all the time, but in higher ed, that's not usually a normal thing. You usually got to really screw something up or do something really awful to get fired. And I don't have any details, nor would I share them.
Starting point is 00:08:22 But that happened, and then last last week when my other not in my Department specifically, but when my other cork has gotten murdered which is just absolutely awful Obviously, and so condolences and thoughts with their family, so it's just been It's been kind of rough man if I'm being completely with you, trying to take things one day at a time. But May has been, May has been a bad month for being, for being straight forward. I guess, you know, one saving grace today. Happy graduation to DePaul Law Class of 2023. This was the first class that I had a hand in
Starting point is 00:09:09 was the class of that graduated last year in 2022. So this is the second one that I've had a hand in recruiting and shaping and that sort of thing. So it's crazy now. The first ever students I recruited, I've been lawyers for over a year now. And we're just I think about it's like two weeks from today, basically, more or less, give or take, I think it's like June six or something
Starting point is 00:09:35 is my work, anniversary, four years coming up here at the College of Law, which is pretty exciting. So got some good stuff coming up for you. I haven't really thought of how we're going to navigate that with the show, but in two weeks here, so the weekend after Memorial Day, wow, next weekend's Memorial Day, weekend already, that's nuts. Three a weekend, I haven't even thought about that,
Starting point is 00:10:01 but that's exciting. I will be in San Diego from Wednesday afternoon to Saturday night for a work conference. I've not been in San Diego for quite some time. I gotta go look at those Padres tickets. The Friday night cubs are in town, so it should be good. The weekend after that we have a wedding celebration for C for cousin of the podcast, Deji Ogunike. They've been buried for a while, but they're just now getting around to sort of
Starting point is 00:10:31 planning an actual get together. So that should be pretty exciting. Let's get to our palindrome of the day here. As a reminder, last week was pop, because we did our pop culture run down last week, more on that in one second here today There's no real theme. It's rotator R-O-T-A-T-O-R
Starting point is 00:10:53 If you know anyone who's torn their rotator cuff email us Bington podcast at again, it's Bington podcast at for a new in depth doc you podcast series. We're doing on the dark underbellied dark underbelly of America's rotator cuff surgery industry. Okay. Gonna we're gonna we're gonna use summer 2023 as a big expose a opportunity. We're going to use summer 2023 as a big expose opportunity. We're going to get into the grime and the filth and the underground tunnels and all that stuff. And we're going to heads are probably going to roll. It would kind of be like the French Revolution,
Starting point is 00:11:41 you know, with just a lot of the kind of big wigs, the political big wigs, the medical big wigs, the, you know, Dr. Charles Nichols of the world, they're going to be going down. So be on the lookout for that. I had one of those things where you wake up in the middle of the night, the other night. That's a good time to wait. If you're going to wake up in the middle of the night, try to do it in the middle of the night, historically. And I don't, this is not developed yet, and there's a 98% chance that it never will become developed, but it's kind of related to paladron of the day.
Starting point is 00:12:21 But I just had this idea popped through my head. And it's just two words. Homophone madness. H-O-M-O-P-H-O-N-E space madness, M-A-D-N-E-S-S. Excuse me. And so I googled homophone madness. No, I just googled homophones. What happens if we googled homophone madness? I think it's born out of that. When we were
Starting point is 00:12:47 talking about Matthew McConaughey a couple weeks ago and the background music I found was called Bongo Madness I think. I love just throwing madness after any sort of word. It really adds to the you know, bean town madness that could be, you know, a crazy new fundraiser that we do, or, you know, lake madness. That's when, that's probably could be a title for the short story. The dream I had, like a couple of months ago
Starting point is 00:13:19 where there was this orca that lived in Lake Michigan and he was a total terror. He would take out those Wendella architecture, tour boats, speaking of boats. Shout out to my lovely, hot, and kind and caring GF, Rachel Raymos, who's more or less on a boat right now for a friend's birthday party. Pretty exciting. A pedal boat. So if you don't, if you don't pedal, you get thrown
Starting point is 00:13:50 overboard, which is pretty, you know, it's about time we raise the stakes. Speaking of stakes, the 148th, if you're curious, homophone madness is the name of a quiz on sparkle. So I'm going to save that for later. The 148th Precness Stakes are today, and let's use this as a trivia. Let's because I actually didn't prepare, and let's just make this our bean town podcast trivia question of the day. We'll get to it right here. We're going to be wrapping up rather shortly, actually. This is more of a check-in in a full episode.
Starting point is 00:14:29 But it's really kind of three parts, but if you can't get one already, then I don't really know how to help you. So I'm asking for basically this trivia question, the triple crown of horse racing. I'll tell you the races, they're the Kentucky Derby, the pre-Knowstakes and the Belmont Stakes. And I want to know which state's not steak, but which state each one is located in. In the case of the Kentucky Derby, you have to tell me the city, okay?
Starting point is 00:15:06 So again, we have the triple crown. We had the Kentucky Derby what three weeks ago, two weeks ago, Praetnist steaks today at Pemlico Race Cours and the Belmont steaks in what I think it's in three weeks here, which are at, what's the name of the race course? Okay, well, there's your question for you. So, as we're looking up Belmont steaks, I can't believe I forgot
Starting point is 00:15:35 this. The, I thought it had a different name than Belmont Park, but anyways. So, Kentucky Derby, of course, is located in Kentucky and it's in the city of Louisville, kind of southwest of downtown there. It's a beautiful, beautiful area. Got Starbucks outside of there one time, had a great time. So today, pre-knes is at Pimlico Race Course, and we've certainly, surely we've talked about it on the show a couple times before in the past because it's Pymlicals located in Baltimore. I feel like that's one of those where no one really,
Starting point is 00:16:15 no one who's not plugged into horse racing. They hear pre-knes, they think horse racing. You don't really associate Baltimore with that. And I'll say that tracks because when I lived in Baltimore and I think we talked about this before, preekness was like not a big thing. I always thought when I lived there that it would just be like this huge
Starting point is 00:16:38 when that weekend rolls around like, oh God, everyone I know is going there. Like it's gonna be a great time. I definitely wanted it to go. I had two chances to go when I lived there, but none of my friends even ever knew it was going on. None of the people I sort of ran with, if you will. So just kind of crazy.
Starting point is 00:16:55 It's only I'm looking at the map right now. It's about a mile to two miles northwest of my office. The big issue is no good public transportation that went there. So like everything in Baltimore, you have to have a car to get there. But yeah, it's just this, this, the second jewel of the three headed triple crown at Pemlico in Northwest Baltimore, never got the chance to go and never even saw it, which is a shame. And then of course, you have the Belmont stakes This one I feel like might be just as hard as Pemlaco if you're not really plugged in like I am sort of a horse expert
Starting point is 00:17:32 It is on Long Island actually. It's Belmont Park on Long Island. Just outside of like Queens, I think So or maybe it's in Queens. I don't even know I think so or maybe it's in Queens. I don't even know But there you go. There's your your bean-tongued podcast trivia question of the week email us bean-tongued podcast at And let's bean-tongued being podcast at Let us know how you did If you're curious the Cornyn per CBS sports dot com see 140th running the pre-knist stakes Pimlico race course in Baltimore
Starting point is 00:18:08 There are seven three-year-old horses running the purse the grand prize 1.65 million It is one and three sixteenth miles and here are the seven horses That's I mean, I think I think got Kentucky this year was like 18 or 19, so it's a very small field. Number one, national treasure at 4 to 1 odds, two, chase the chaos at 58 odds. Number three, Kentucky Derby winner, mage at 8 to 5 odds. So that's the best odds here. Those are crazy good odds. Wow. Four coffee with Chris, all one word, 20 to 1, five, red route,
Starting point is 00:18:47 one, 10 to 1 odds, six per form, one of the lame name, 15 to 1 that horse got no shot. You can't win a horse race if you have a stupid name. And seven blazing sevens, well that's appropriate at six to 1 odds. So there you go. I'll go on the record here to make my pick. I'm going to take, give me national treasure at four to one odds, second best odds in the preakeness stakes today. All right, so there you go. It's a very informed opinion. Obviously. The only thing I wanted to mention here is, man, I was playing a, I'm playing a little bit more PlayStation lately courtesy of Jose Ramos,
Starting point is 00:19:34 father of beautiful lover, Raychi Ramos. And I pretty much just bounced back and forth between NHL 11 and Grantha Thoddell 5. But I'm playing a lot of NHL recently. I had a really humiliating loss the other night to the capitals at home. As the Black Ox was like five was zero. And ever since then I said I got to be more disciplined, I got to be smarter.
Starting point is 00:20:02 I got to be more patient. And so last night I was I played one game before I went out with some friends in the desert play the coyotes. I guess back then they were the the Phoenix coyotes. Now they're known as the Arizona coyotes soon. They'll be known as that we don't play in Arizona coyotes. But I played last night. It was a heck of a game, ended up being tied four to four at the end of the regulation period. I did go into the shootout in I-1, which I'm very proud myself for because shootouts are not my forte. The crazy thing about this
Starting point is 00:20:40 game is I scored two goals on one shorthanded stint, but it wasn't your grandma's shorthanded stint. It was a three on five, and I just had two breakaways, one with Duncan Keith, one with Brent Seabrook, because they were playing way too aggressive. Their defenders were playing way too high and made them pay. It's the beauty of playing the black hocks. You get these defenders Keith and Seabruck were just absurdly good. And then I played again. I played two matches this morning and I really took it up. My defense really clamped down. I played on the road against someone. Oh, the conucks and I won two to zero. I think eliminated them to like six or seven shots total.
Starting point is 00:21:28 And then I hosted the Islanders from Long Island. I won 4-0 I think it. Very patient, stayed in my zone, not stayed in my zone, but sort of everyone had a role. I mean, they fulfilled it well. So I was really proud of them. So who knows, maybe we'll fire up another game after this year, setting myself up for another five to zero smattering by the capitals or something. Maybe I'll go play the penguins. They're always so good. Last thing here, I was, as I was playing hockey, I think that's why I mentioned it. I had mentioned this to my family members a couple days ago, but I had done it. All right, I talked for like 30 seconds about Andy Gibb before I realized that my garage man cut out. I did the deep dive into the life and music of Andy Gibb, youngest of the four Gibb brothers who died tragically
Starting point is 00:22:27 when he was like 30 in the late 80s, I think. And now two of his brothers, Maurice and Robin, I've also passed away. So Barry, the oldest one is the only one left. But I just turned on the shadow dancing, I think it's called his kind of biggest song But that playlist on YouTube well is playing hockey to really get me kind of you know, sewn in and just Some of these some of these songs. Excuse me that YouTube was giving me on this playlist
Starting point is 00:22:57 We're just total bangers. I got shadow dancing got jive talking about the bg's I want Billy Joel just the way you are live total rosanna live modern love by Bowie Bee Gees night fever prints. I want to be your lover rubber band man Bee Gees more than a woman new kid in town by the Eagles Harry Styles covers Peter Gabriel sledgehammer Carefree highway by Gordon Lightfoot rest in peace James Taylor Mexico live Bee Gees you should be dancing. Elton John, someone saved my life tonight.
Starting point is 00:23:28 Cool, and they gain, get down on it. Win and roam the promise. Pulling dynamite fans will know that one. Bee Gees, staying alive. Some Eagles hits, some more Bee Gees. The one I paused on before we started recording today. Steve Winwood Valerie. If you don't know the music video for Valerie, it is everything you could ever want to
Starting point is 00:23:51 Steve Winwood music video from the 80s. It's just like him by himself in front of blackness basically, and there's a fan going so his hair is real big. He's periodically at the keyboard, playing, where I have it paused right now in YouTube. It's like there's some waves in the background that are sort of being mixed in, image wise. So it's kind of like half piano, half waves.
Starting point is 00:24:17 It's just, and he looks glorious. His hair is huge, it's bouncy. It looks great. Can't fault the man for looking great. So on that note, let's briefly say thank you to our sponsors. Thank you to Home Pride Oregon. When you need your home expected and essential Oregon, you need someone safe, certified someone you can trust.
Starting point is 00:24:40 So call the experts at Home Pride Oregon Steve, 541-41010-0316, or go to Home Pride Home Pride Organ, it's a perfection, perfection, long time supporter of this program. That is not official, but it's kinda nice. Also our good friends over at Samson. They've got this crisp, clear audio quality. It comes only from the Samson Q2U series and other lines of products at Samson. From Genesis to Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, the entire Pentateuch, and beyond.
Starting point is 00:25:17 When God speaks, He uses Samson. And of course, our good friends, it cuts by Q. When you need a fresh juice on the snappier and you call the experts at cuts by Q. Thank you for bearing with us. I know that was a 10 day long awaited anticipation. You probably got to it and you're like, we waited 10 days for a new episode for this. And I'm here to tell you that. That's what I got. Just, you know, kind of beat up physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, sexually. Let's just leave it at that. No, I am not beat up sexually.
Starting point is 00:25:51 It's just been a tough run, you know. So with that, on that note, my name is Quinn DeVifernas. Thank you all for listening to my show. Thank you for supporting my show. Hope everyone has a great week, three-day weekend next week and baby. Let's get some whatever you're drinking. Apex Predator, Surley, my friend, on prompted Tom, bought a 12-pack combo value diversity pack of diversity pack of day shoots beer and I told them all about the shoots brewing in Bandoorigan. Good stuff. So whatever your libation is
Starting point is 00:26:35 hope you're getting some good weather and that's all I got for you. I got to go finish my lemon water here. My name is Quinn DeVrofernis. Again our pick for the Prickness stakes, I can't even remember. National treasure, I think, is what I said. Nick Cage, baby. Let's get that outro music going. I got nothing else for ya.
Starting point is 00:26:54 Everyone stay safe, stay sane. I'll check in on you next time. Bye. I'm just going to sit here. nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd
Starting point is 00:28:16 nd nd nd Thank you.

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