Beantown Podcast - Jack Links Betrayal + Happy Sweetums Day (10/18/2020 Beantown)

Episode Date: October 19, 2020

Quinn comes to you LIVE to discuss Sweetums Day 2020, movie reviews (worst movies ever), and an ultimate Jack Links betrayal. SAD!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on it's Quinn Davis furnace and this is my show Quinn Davis furnace presents the bean town podcast for Sunday October 18th spook tober 18th 2020 wow, we are What 13 days speaking of spooky numbers 13 days away from Halloween and it's going to be exciting. I should have taken my Halloween picture this weekend while I had the chance because I'm going to be traveling next weekend which we'll talk about in a while here on the show. And then when I come back, I get back on Halloween at like 7 p.m. from O'Hare and at that point it's Arganami dark. So at some point I need to go out, I found this perfect stump, stump, STUMP, a couple of blocks from me where I'm
Starting point is 00:01:01 gonna sit and make a fun face, I'm gonna be wearing my Halloween costume. So look out for that. We're gonna try to take it this week and then drop it on, you know, Halloween proper. But enough of that, my name is Quinn David Fernis, and this is my show. Thanks for tuning in. Thanks for listening.
Starting point is 00:01:21 Thanks to all the loyal Hashtag friends of the podcast and beanheads out there who have supported our show for a long time. Can you believe this? I know we mentioned this here and no one is that surprise or shocked anymore, but just consider the fact that we are what 10 weeks away from finishing year three of the Bean Tom podcast. That is crazy. Like significant part of my adult life. I've been doing this show for you all every weekend.
Starting point is 00:02:04 And you know what? I know some episodes are crap. But hopefully there are just enough good ones in there, here and there. I was just, if you guys could have seen this, there's no video stream today, but in the last 30 seconds, I managed to put on a zip up hooded sweater while still podcasting live. If that isn't skill, I don't know what is. But three years of the
Starting point is 00:02:35 Bintel podcast, super exciting. Getting ready to embark on year four, and I'm going to be honest with you. Real talk for just a second, and I promise we have a lot of different things to cover. I'm going to try to do it in a quick amount of time. We're going to try to make this a very efficient podcast. So if you're listening, not a lot of time to take a breath today. We're going to be boom, boom, boom, boom, going right through it, popping around to a lot of different things. But oh, shoot, what was I going to say?
Starting point is 00:03:02 Something about the fact that this is, you know, we're about to start year four of the podcast. Well, that's a bummer. Whew, I don't even remember what it was gonna be. You hate, you hate when that happens. I mentioned I was dipping up my hoodie jacket, I was really proud of that fact, but that's not what I wanted to say. Well, that's a bummer.
Starting point is 00:03:23 I will mention since I'm thinking of it, listener discretion is advised when you're listening to a beat on podcast. Number one, we'll occasionally use some language. Number two, podcasts is objectively terrible, but I think we've got some good episodes here and there. And actually, I think we're, you know, not that we're like completely booked or sat through the end of the year, but I got to tell you, and we're going to be talking about, you know, the road trip in a little bit here in Islam
Starting point is 00:03:46 and decided exactly how I want to do it, but consider, you know, next week, we'll probably drop a Friday show, and then after that, you know, we're going to have election special, I suppose. And we're going to have multiple episodes from the road trip that aren't going to be released during the road trip They'll be released after that you consider a Thanksgiving special and all of a sudden we're into December into the holidays
Starting point is 00:04:14 so the end of year three is coming up fast and To show everyone how much I appreciated you And to show everyone how much I appreciated you, not that this is like a gift or anything, but just in case you were getting tired of your Bintown podcast 2018 Fall Tour t-shirt, or your Bintown buttons, or your Reverend Father Quinn
Starting point is 00:04:39 or Dane Minister gift cards, not gift cards, business cards, I wish they were gift cards, 50% off all Eucharists from now until Passover. We have a merch drop, which we haven't had in a while. You probably saw, if we are connected on social media, I designed some really cool t-shirts. I actually like how they came out. I came out with an initial mock up. It was okay.
Starting point is 00:05:10 I decided if we're leaning into this whole 2020 experience as a theme of the t-shirt, then we really should try to take it in a political direction or political vibe with the design. And so we've done that. It says bean town podcast 2020. It's got kind of a political sign design going on with it, which I think you guys will like. So if you don't have the link, you can go to my Instagram. I'm at q.qnd, or you can find the post on Facebook, whatever you want to do, or just shoot me a message. If you're listening to your like, oh shoot, where is that link? Just message me.
Starting point is 00:05:55 And if you are, we're not connected, and that's what we do, there's a really easy way to get in touch with me. You can email me. Again, that's beentom. Be yay, and hitting the podcast at yah again. That's bean Tom B a and he podcast at And we will get you set up the order form is going to be open for another five-ish days I think it closes next Friday night or this upcoming Friday night Friday the 23rd
Starting point is 00:06:18 So you still got some time t-shirts are 20 Oh, what do they they're either 21 $21 or $22, including shipping. So no, it's not like this is your, you know, Ron, John, Surf Shop, $5 T-shirt bucket, but you know, it's, here's the thing, I don't, I'm not making a profit off of these T-shirts. I am not selling them. I simply designed them.
Starting point is 00:06:42 I'm not taking any profits off of this. So save your donations for our fourth annual Pledge Drive fundraiser telephone coming up in February because that's gonna be exciting, a COVID telephone. As we get close to the one year anniversary of COVID, which is nuts started working from home on March 17th. So I guess we still got five months. But I want to give a couple shout outs
Starting point is 00:07:11 to some special parental figures. Three in particular, one was just because it's always good to give a shout out to your mom, Jane does for an instructor, Jay. Thanks for tuning in wherever you're listening from your walk or the car or the beauty salon or Lava lanes It doesn't really matter shout out to my mom that number one number two Shout out to a new listener, a hashtag new friend of
Starting point is 00:07:46 podcasts, Betty Raymos out in Burbank, Illinois. New fan, new listener, pharmacist to the stars. You're gonna want to go to the Walgreens, get your prescription refilled or filled. It doesn't matter to me, it's not my prescription. I can't ask because of HIPAA, HIPAA. Breaking out the big language here. Doctor time. Doctor J, my mom, soon to be Doctor Walt, oldest brother. He's been on the show a number of times.
Starting point is 00:08:29 You know, when I got my master's degree back in 20, a long time ago, I was worried, or I was not worried, I was really pumped because I was like one of the cool gang in the family that had a post-grad degree. And now it's like way behind, I'm about to be, one of the few, I'm about to, one of only three people in my media family without a terminal degree this time next year. Woof.
Starting point is 00:09:02 Anyways, shout out to Betty. I hope you're enjoying this family friendly program and I hope you had a great anniversary and I hope your sister had a lovely birthday. That's a lot of shout outs. Last shout out is due to listener engagement like Betty. Shout out to my dad, Steve F. Founder and owner, like Ray Crock, of Home Pride Oregon, inspection serves as a dear friend of the show. And let me tell you before I say anything further, we're going to be talking sponsorships in just a hot second or two here because there is news on multiple fronts actually. Nothing that's like actually exciting or happening, but just things that bear talking about.
Starting point is 00:09:50 Shout out to Steve. He texted me a couple days ago saying, we should do a hostess versus little Debbie podcast. And you know what? I think that is a wonderful idea. I think we're definitely going to need to do some taste tests. We're going to need to get the video stream going. And I was thinking, you know, I mentioned a couple of minutes ago here at the start of the show that we've got a lot of shows sort of lined up here just due to, you know, the road trip, holidays coming up and all that jazz. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:10:23 You know, I, so the thing is it's not gonna happen next week. Week after that selection special, we're probably gonna have another one to two episodes beyond that, maybe three of, you know, road trips stuff. So, you know, you figure things giving is coming up too. This could get pushed all the way to early December, at which point I might just you know maybe Steve would like to be on
Starting point is 00:10:50 Okay, dad if you're out there listening. Sorry, I keep calling you Steve dad if you're out there listening and if you want Maybe that was like a hidden signal Because everyone's saying you're not eating enough. So maybe this was a a hidden signal because everyone's saying you're not eating enough. So maybe this was unconscious, subconscious is the word I was looking for. Cry for help. Get some calories going. We'll do it together. When I fly out there for Christmas in two-ish months, we can get, oh boy, I mean, hostess makes the little cakes with the little whites we're on it, right? The chocolate, that's hostess, right?
Starting point is 00:11:32 Little Debbie's, you got Swiss cake rolls, zebra cakes, my personal favorite. You got those moon crunch ones, those things are sneaky good. You got a lot. We're gonna have to go back and see the full list of Lil Debbie's first hostess, but hey, pops. If you want to collab on that, coming on the video stream, I'd be down. Maybe we get mom to come on to, could be exciting.
Starting point is 00:11:57 Could be a Christmas special with lots of treats. You know, we get Santa leaves us little Debbie Swiss cake rolls in our stockings every year. And it was always kind of a thing where you like see how long you can go before eating them and now I don't even care. Like Chris is mourning, that's breakfast. I don't, I'm not even waiting for the cinnamon rolls to come out of the oven. Let's just dig in. And I got a toothbrush and carmex in there to clean up afterwards. So we're all good.
Starting point is 00:12:30 Thank you, Santa. And then the shout outs everyone who has already purchased the t-shirt I actually haven't looked at the order form. So I don't know, you know, how sales have been going. But again, I'm not profiting off of this. This is just a fun thing for you all to have out there. And again, you have until Friday to purchase it. I think it's $21, maybe $22. But it gets shipped right to you. So those should be, you know, coming in right around election day, which is super exciting.
Starting point is 00:13:02 Okay, those were all the shout outs I wanted to give. Let's see here. Wow, we got a lot going on here. Yesterday was a fun day that I didn't know existed until it was introduced to me this year. Happy sweetness, sweetdoms day. I haven't gotten clarification which one it is I think it's a Muslim holiday to my
Starting point is 00:13:31 girlfriend a total 10 out of 10 babe Rachel Raymos Had we had a great sweetoms day. She got me a fun snoopy card snoopy is my favorite In fact, we were looking at the Snoopy, what is it called, Camp Snoopy. It's a, like a part of this theme park, I think, called Michigan Adventure, Adventure Michigan, something like that. In Muskegon, we are going to have to go.
Starting point is 00:14:00 Now, I will say we were watching like the advertisement for Camp Snoopy or the trailer basically. And it looked like the advertisement for Camp Snoopier, the trailer basically, and it looked like a lot of kids around the rides, but I think if we like went up there and borrowed a kid, then it would be less of an issue, which is why I've been advocating for adopting Rachel's younger sister, but you know, it was family, it's all politics, it gets complicated. But we had a lovely sweet-hums day, brought some wine and flowers to Rachel. She brought me a card which was awesome. And we went to City Winery and had some wine along the river. Well I did not but Rachel did. I had some apple cider which was a delish and did some nice people watching and posted a
Starting point is 00:14:55 nice photo and you'll never believe it. We had talked about our you know Instagram comments and collaborations either last week's show or the week before. It might have just been last week. I think we recorded it on Friday last week so it's been like 10 days since the show, nine days. But the hits just keep coming because we got two more comments about collaborating from this post that I made yesterday
Starting point is 00:15:21 with my Bay on Sweetam's Day. Sweetam's Day Bay, that's what the caption should have been. But the first one was like, okay, it was another watch company. I guess I attract the watches. You can't even see either of my wrists in this picture I posted yesterday and I got watch companies
Starting point is 00:15:46 coming out in my ears trying to collab. I don't really know what that's about but I don't really you know ask questions. The second one actually wasn't too bad though. You know last week with the watch company they're like 50% off anything in our store, but that was like all they were offering. So this one is just like a clothing brand, which I can't really figure out what their deal is. But anyways, they shoot me a message. Oh, I have a psychic. I promise we're coming back. I'm just, this is literally happening live on the air. I promise we're coming back to the collaboration in 30 seconds. But I think on Friday, I had someone's new profile,
Starting point is 00:16:32 like where they have zero post and zero followers, and they're following 200 people. They start following me. It was a psychic. The handle on Instagram is psychic, 639. She messaged me just now. Hello, how you doing? Cause we're in the hood.
Starting point is 00:16:50 Can I offer you a reading? Let's go to this lady's profile. Healer, love unite, spell cast her, remove her cleansing, I succeed where others have failed. DM for your psychic reading. Wow. She looks like a Karen kind of, apologies to Karen's all over the place.
Starting point is 00:17:08 I'm pretty sure the picture she's using is like someone kind of famous. I'm trying to think who it is. It's not what she is claimed to be. Okay, I only mentioned that because it was happening live on the air. I apologize for that, but okay, so this other company called VinCirWares, first they message me and say, we'd be happy to offer you 50% off everything
Starting point is 00:17:32 in store and free shipping worldwide so you can try our trending new fashion, become an official ambassador. You will earn 30% commission for every purchase using your ambassador code. You know what, I was kind of just laughing this off earlier, but to keep in line with like the stereotypical podcast stuff that we often parody here on the show, I think it might be worth it to start, see, I might engage with them, message them back and see if, you know, we get a podcast ad read going because maybe like I could make a dollar in episode something like that. Because I do, it says you will earn 30% commission
Starting point is 00:18:09 for every purchase using your ambassador code. Actually not bad. In addition to that, you will also have a chance to win a $20.4 Mustang. So I didn't say anything. And half an hour later, they message back, without me having responded, hi, just checking if you're still interested just to clarify with your investor program, okay, yada yada yada some of our investors are in
Starting point is 00:18:31 one hundred to two hundred dollars per week and then they negotiate and get themselves which is like the critical mistake in negotiating. We'd love to give you 60% off. This is quite high for our business, the idea of the idea anyways, and then they advertise the Ford Mustang again. But I might pick them up on that offer. I might go check out their store. If they have some things that are like,
Starting point is 00:18:57 look like things I would wear in our read-somely price, I'm getting 60% off and I could get a code that I can share with you all, use code, Quinn, that checkout, maybe, that would be awesome. I'm really becoming a legendary podcaster here. My, you know, when I'm old and gray, my Wikipedia page, which is going to be three sentences, it's not going to be, my show isn't going to be famous for its quality or for its number of lessons.
Starting point is 00:19:28 It's going to be famous for its longevity. People are going to say, this podcast kind of sucks what's all the fuss about and they need to realize, wow, this thing has been going on for 50 years. That's nuts without missing a week. Now I'm not predicting the future, and I actually, but I'm glad that I said that because I remembered what I was going to say way back in like minute two of the podcast when I got upset for forgetting. What I was going to say was that there were times early on this year, even before COVID hit, like back in February or on the Pledge of Life fundraiser, where I was just like feeling kind of over the bean-tum podcast, not because of any one thing specifically, but I was just like, feeling like I'd said everything I needed to say
Starting point is 00:20:28 after, you know, 100 plus episodes, and I think this is right now. This is like 146 or something like that. But you know what, being fun, until I... At least get rid of all these buttons. I think we need to keep making new shows. Because if there's one thing that Hashtag friend of the podcast, Betty Ramos, taught us this week, it's that it's never too late to teach an old podcast new tricks.
Starting point is 00:20:58 Because we are getting new followers all the time on this show, okay? And you can take that to the bank. All right, we have a couple other things to touch on in the second half, including one more sponsorship story that's not about me, but in a way it is. And then we're gonna touch on a couple movie reviews. We have not talked about movies in a long time on the Bean Tom podcast. We have a couple of movie reviews to just briefly jump in. I didn't actually write anything.
Starting point is 00:21:36 It's just off the top of my head. But then we're gonna do a quick road trip preview. And then we're gonna end it. I mentioned we would try to do a quick road trip preview and then we're going to end it. I mentioned we would try to keep this short-ish. It's still going to be kind of long, but I think it's efficient. So let me pull up my ad read here. I'm not even on the right. Apologies to everyone.
Starting point is 00:22:02 I was looking at the Packers game. Boy They got their ass stopped didn't they it's 38 to 10 right now whoof First lots of the season so how many undefeated teams are left there's the Titans and The Steelers right that's it No one in the NFC is undefeated oh the Seahawks are undefeated. I think right Titan Steelers, right? That's it. No one in the NFC is under feet. Oh, the Seahawks are under feet, I think, right? Titan Steelers Seahawks. So that's on right. I clicked on the wrong Google Doc. We're really struggling over here. All those promises of quickness and efficiency are just going right out the window. All right, I found him.
Starting point is 00:22:45 I found him, repeat, I found him. I'm kind of, boy, my fantasy football team really sucked today. My tie-down got zero catches. Hughes-ray number five. Wow. That's gross. One touchdown all day. Wow, that's not going to get it done.
Starting point is 00:23:11 Okay, let's hear from our sponsors here. And then I've got a bone to pick with one of our other non-sponsors of which there are many. Home Pride organ. Here's a pleasant ad read with a pleasant sponsor and maybe we'll get dad to come on our video live stream for hostess first little Debbie taste test. We'll see.
Starting point is 00:23:38 Are you tired of selling your house for less than a quarter of what it's worth all because you could not find a reliable home inspector in time? And organ listeners, I gotta tell you, we have all been there. And this economy know us. I got a good news for you though. Home Pride Inspection Services in Bend, Oregon is Central Oregon's hottest new home inspection provider with inspection services, including things like heating and cooling, roofing, plumbing
Starting point is 00:24:00 and so much more. Home Pride, Oregon is both contractor certified and home inspection certified so you know that you're getting the good stuff. If you are tired and we are all, not just certified, safe, certified, home inspector that you can trust, you have to call Steve and this is very important, you're gonna wanna write this down. At 541-410-0316, again, that's 541-410-0316,
Starting point is 00:24:36 or you can visit, one more time, 541-410-0316, or visit Homepidorgin in, So 0316 or visit Hope by the ordinance. Baction. Perfection. I hope it did not trouble the neighbors. I wanna give a shout out to the Samson Q2U series and here's something real exciting.
Starting point is 00:25:00 Samson is getting ready to hit the road with us for the first time in a long time. We have not done a podcast, not from Rogers Park, Chicago, since February, January, maybe, maybe January. We did our Alabama. I don't even know if we did a podcast in Alabama. We had a rant on Alabama. Have we done a podcast from outside of this little apartment this year? That's crazy talk. I feel like we must have at some point,
Starting point is 00:25:39 but honestly, we've been quarantined, worked from home for the past seven months. And that's been a lot of crap. That's like 30 straight shows of just no good travel stories, no fun, you know, people watching at O'Hare, no breakfast sandwiches from Great American Bagelery, whatever it's called. Terminal two, my spot, or that terminal three. I think it's terminal three.
Starting point is 00:26:12 American Airlines, I haven't been there so long. That's how bad it is. I digress. I saw a random flyer on a street lamp. I remember the guy's name, guys name, but he was advertising haircuts like one carlose cuts or something and I took that personally. I need for an exponsor here.
Starting point is 00:26:36 We need to get some paper ads outstacked. If nothing else, maybe a CTA sponsorship. I want to be on the side of a pace bus. We'll get our marketing team on that. Cuts by Q, Bob and weave. We all know the hairstyle and we all love it. But how many Chicago-based independent barbers can actually give it to you the way that you deserve?
Starting point is 00:27:01 Enter Cuts by Q. It's like NRSAM Sam and but slightly different. Cuts by Q has been independently owned and operated since 1995 and is probably one of the better barbershop operations serving Chicago, Cook County and Northwest Indiana and greater Chicago land area. I messed it up because I haven't, you know, I've been saying that new ad read for like a year at this point, but I haven't actually changed the text of the ad. So that's my be considering this is my personal company. This is basically Monday laundering, audio laundering. From beehives, to bangs, fohots, to flat tops,
Starting point is 00:27:41 and everything in between, you have to call cuts by Q815, 298, 7200, or you can email Yes, it's a real email address. Yes, it's mostly spam. That's cuts QTZ by Oh, we got a little song here and I think you're going to like it. A diddy even. Mimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimim Welcome to the second half of today's program. We have three things to touch on here.
Starting point is 00:28:28 I'm gonna move through them pretty quickly. Number one, so there's been a lot going on regarding sponsorships today. Whoa, okay, I almost broke my couch. That would be bad. My Craigslist couch. There's a great Coney and clip where Andy Richter breaks the couch. It's a classic. I gotta watch that. Hang on.
Starting point is 00:28:55 Allow me five seconds to YouTube search that so that I can watch this after. Andy breaks up with Jessica. I don't know what that's from. so that I can watch this after. Andy breaks up with Jessica. I don't know what that's from. Andy breaks the couch. I can watch this after we finish recording. That's a great clip. If you haven't seen it, go check it out.
Starting point is 00:29:16 It's vintage Conan from like five years ago. Okay, so as you know, and we don't talk about this too much these days, but hashtag nemesis of the podcast, Jacqueline's Beef Jerky. I got a bone to pick with you guys, and it's not for the normal reason, which is I'm over here on the live stream, you know, holding up my, whatever it is, Galen and Jacklings travel mug to leaders, something like that. And then today, I'm drinking from my Jacklings feature wild side sask watch cup,
Starting point is 00:29:58 which I will say in all seriousness, the amount of freaking Zoom meetings I do with people from all across the world Not even just the US but China Literally where I'm drinking out of my jack links cup and is being featured prominently and Literally other than one episode two years ago with Uncle Andy where he promised once I hit one billion downloads per episode that Jack links would go into a sponsorship with me. Jack link says never like I've never actually interacted with them because they never responded my messages my tweets my customer service complaints, they just stonewall the f out of me. And you know
Starting point is 00:30:49 what, I'm kind of over it. Until recently, Bachelorette fans will be very excited about whom I'm about to mention. Peter Kraus, also known as Peter K, who was on, I don't know her name, season, this was like four years ago, Tanya or Tamika or Rihanna or something like that. Peter K, from Madison, Wisconsin, he's like a fitness instructor. And he was the guy who basically said that he didn't know if she picked him, if he was going to be ready to propose because it's a bachelorette and they make you do it in like two weeks, which is just silly. And Peter K is a very smart guy, even though he's kind of dumb enough to go on the show in the first place, he is aware
Starting point is 00:31:47 that like all of these made for TV relationships don't last and Pupeter who's kind of older like late 30s, mid to late 30s, so not old, but like older for the show like Claire Crawley Don't get me started was smart enough to know that he wanted something real get me started was smart enough to know that he wanted something real. Anyways, that catches you up on who Peter K is because I know about 90% of our core listeners have no clue. But why are you bringing up Peter K on your wholesome family show, Quinn? Well I was perusing, perusing P-E-R-U-I-S. No, I was not paying attention.
Starting point is 00:32:26 I was thinking about the fact that Zachary Ty Bryan got arrested for assaulting his girlfriend yesterday. E-I-X looked that one up. Perusing P-E-R-U-S-I-N-G. I was not kidding about Zachary Ty Bryan, by the way. E-I-X. Perusing Peter K's Insta and notice that he has an official partnership collab with Jack Links Beef jerky. And I gotta say that hit me hard because not only
Starting point is 00:33:00 is Jack Links one of my favorites, but Peter K is my favorite bachelor at contestant of all time. And so to see the two of them just off having fun was very reminiscent of the Squidward meme where he's looking out his window. Well, SpongeBob and Patrick are running around having fun. And I'm just, I feel, I'm gonna use I feel language right now. Imagine I'm speaking to Lorraine Baracko. Season one of the sopranos. Hotty alert. I feel
Starting point is 00:33:33 betrayed. I feel saddened. I feel a little bit hungry. I mean we had pancakes and bacon around 11, 11, 30 potato pancakes, which were delicious. Shout out to Hashtag. She could be crowned Miss Sweetums 2020, I think, Rachel Raymos. Again, some sort of Muslim holiday I'm not familiar with, but we celebrated nonetheless. There was a scientific in Mariana, which I think is very culturally becoming of them, frankly, frankly, F-R-A-N-K-L-Y. Those are the words I wanted to use to describe how I currently feel.
Starting point is 00:34:24 It's just gonna make me hungrier. Not the pancakes, the Scene Peter K's collab with Jack Links. Because now I know I'm getting my own collab offers. We got watch companies lining up. Excuse me, belts down the air. And now we've got this Vince, Vince here, wears or whatever, 60% off and the potential for coupon codes.
Starting point is 00:34:53 They could be a new ad read. Vince here wears, use coupon code Quinn for 30% off or something. I don't know what it is. I get 30% of commission. I don't know what the discount would be. Anyways, so I'm trying to take a positive outlook on this as I drink from my Jacqueline cup.
Starting point is 00:35:15 But I would say betrayal is the strongest way I'm feeling right now. Okay, two quick hitting movie reviews. We're not going in depth, I didn't write anything. Quick hitting movie reviews. We're not going in depth. I didn't write anything But I just wanted to let you know that I watch to these and you can decide for yourself what What you want to do if you want to watch them yourselves. So Let's see I was gonna say Saturday night, which is what it was last night.
Starting point is 00:36:00 For Sweetam's Day, we were in a mood and looking to watch a little fun romantic show, not show, movie. So we searched that for Nicholas Sparks on whatever Hulu Netflix, one of those two, Prime maybe I don't recall honestly. And we found the one that neither one of us had seen on Brodanti Shores, that what is called, I don't even know. I had not heard of it. Richard Geer, Diane Lane, James Franco, that other guy who you would definitely know if you saw him, he played, he had a guest spot as the pediatrician in scrubs. play the guest spot as the pediatrician in scrubs. And the kid with a little cute kid, very cramber versus cramber-esque was the guy Charlie, Charlie Tahan, is that his name? The actor who plays Wyatt Langmore in Ozark, cute littleato with an awful haircut, and Mae Whitman, who arrests the development fans will know as her.
Starting point is 00:37:09 Based off of Nicholas Sparks movie, here's what happens. Diane Lane is like running this B&B in this rickety old house, right on the beach. It's built on stilts. There's nothing else around it. It's just this one house. In North Carolina, kind of Cape Fieresque and Richard Geer is this doctor with this strange son, James Franco, who lives in Ecuador. And Richard Geer accidentally killed one of his patients. And so he goes to North Carolina to where the family is, because they're suing him,
Starting point is 00:37:47 and he's going to try to make it right against the advice of his lawyers. People are never listening to lawyers. And so he's staying at Diane Lane's BNB, oh, and also the old Davis is kind of in it. And Diane Lane's husband, they're like kind of divorced, not really though. He has the kids for the weekend, for some reason. And then Richard Geer is super weird. Like, I don't quite understand what they're going for as character. Like standoffish, but heartory late too. I don't know. And so they're together for like 48 hours. They fall in love for which is silly because it's like 48 hours. Then there's a hurricane and that's all I'm gonna say.
Starting point is 00:38:38 I'm not even gonna be like, okay, spoilers coming next for what happens. You just have to watch it. All I'm gonna say is this movie made no sense. There was never any tension between the two interests, two love interests. So watching their relationship was not compelling. It was not realistic, it was not believable. And the ending is just what the hell that I just watch. Like more than interstellar. is just what the hell did I just watch? Like more than interstellar,
Starting point is 00:39:12 more than two thousand one of space Odyssey. Put on Rodanthi Shores or whatever it's called up there with the most WTF endings you've ever seen. Okay, literally the first 90 minutes of this film should have taken half an hour and the last five minutes of this film should have taken an hour. Is all I can really say without spoiling it. Time listed it, I think as one of the top 10 worst romantic flicks of all time. It was rough, man. like I kept waiting for it to improve and just
Starting point is 00:39:52 and some really bad like Onset weather stuff too when they did the hurricane just the graphics it looked very like I guess the movie kind of is, but it was very like hallmark-esque. Like they made this movie on a, you know, $50,000 budget.
Starting point is 00:40:13 It was not great. And then this afternoon, this is raining all day here in Chicago. We watch another movie called On Pregnant, which is based on a novel that I'm not familiar with, is on HBO Max. And it was starting two young female leads, neither of whom I'm familiar with. But basically, there's this girl in high school.
Starting point is 00:40:38 All she looks like she's about 25, but this is girl in high school and she gets knocked up because her boyfriend uses a broken condom on purpose which might be like a crime. I don't know. There was a lot of light crime in this movie that it just gets glossed over including stealing multiple cars selling stolen property assault. I don't think any of my listeners are gonna listen to this, so I'm just gonna go ahead and say this. They're just spoiler coming up. It's not even a spoiler, though, because it literally doesn't matter at all. They're like, friend of the main character who's her road trip buddy, this whole movie, because they're driving from Missouri to New Mexico to New York,
Starting point is 00:41:18 to an abortion. By the way, if any of my, like, far-foughts are going to be a little bit more of a problem, they're going to be a little Mexico to New York and abortion. By the way, if any of my like far right conservative people are listening to this, this is like, if you're trying to figure out what could be classified as liberal propaganda, go watch this film because it, I don't want to say it glorifies abortion, but it does just about everything up to that point,
Starting point is 00:41:47 including a lot of other things, and makes fun of pro-life people. So not taking a stand on one or another, anyways. There is a scene at the end where the friend goes up to a estranged father who is not a great person, but just like doesn't do anything wrong. And she tases him because she's upset. They haven't seen each other in years.
Starting point is 00:42:15 And he lives in New Mexico. She goes up expecting a big, sappy reunion, whatever. And he's just kind of like not sure how he feels about it. And that makes her upset. And so she tases him and they leave. Like, when it happened, and this is with 10 minutes go in the movie, when it happened, I was just like, I mean, is that supposed to be funny? Like, he's not this evil, dastardly villain character who's out to get them. He's just working in his flower shop. And he's not super nice, but he's not doing anything wrong.
Starting point is 00:42:58 And she tases him. And they leave. I just, I don't't I don't understand like what part of that I'm supposed to relate to or find humorous or anything else. On pregnant one and a half stars and onward, and he shores one star. Cause at least on Pregnant had Giancarlo Esposito. He plays a limo driver.
Starting point is 00:43:36 Breaking bad and do the right thing, fans will know him. My last thing here and then we are all done is just a little sneak peak preview of where we are going on the road. We've got all our places finalized. So Saturday morning already only almost five days away which is exciting. We are flying to Beentown, the motherland, the holy grail practically, and having dinner with Hess take front of the podcast, Olimbock and the old Obynake. And then for the next seven days, we are hitting up Providence, Rhode Island, Manhattan, New York, to see friend of the podcast, Brother of the Podcast, Jack Ference,
Starting point is 00:44:30 Waterberry Connecticut, Udica, New York, Udica, Chainstorm Massacre, great office trivia name. If I didn't already have Satyquay Steel, that would be next. Burlington Vermont, I'm gonna try to see Bernie Sanders. Although I don't know if he's in Washington or if he's out campaigning, he's probably not in Burlington, but maybe. Jack's new Hampshire, which is at the base
Starting point is 00:45:01 of Mount Washington, which I would love to climb. I don't think it's gonna happen only because This late in the season. It's probably already very icy and snowy up there Mount Washington home of the fastest ever recorded Land wind speed outside of like a hurricane or a typhoon, 234 miles per hour, which is hard to even like, I mean, you would need to be like up against an immovable object to withstand that, I think. 234 miles per hour, that's nuts. Anyways, that's where I'm trying to go. And then Bangor main, two blocks from the Stephen King house, and I just when I walked in, 10 minutes
Starting point is 00:45:55 before I started recording this show from the grocery store, I got my copy of Sales Lot, which I'm bringing on the road with me, and I will take a fun picture with it in front of the Stephen King House. Then Portland, Maine, and then back to Beentown to fly home on Halloween, what is sure to be a spooky flight, and that's a little preview where we're going. We're going to try to record as much as possible at least two or three times I would hope because I really don't have that much else going on. You know, I'm gonna we're gonna see my brother. I'm gonna see Jack and do a little bit of mountain climbing in the white mountains presidential range but otherwise, you know, it's like I'm just gonna hang out
Starting point is 00:46:46 keys to the car, and get some probably discount grocery, apple cider donuts, and maybe a two liter of something, and he just like high school again, donuts and soda for breakfast, not kidding. And it's just going to be fun. I'm going to see some nice fall colors. We're going to drive the caca, I don't know to say it, apologies to my new England friends,
Starting point is 00:47:14 I'm butchering this caca, Mingus highway in New Hampshire. And it's just going to be a good time. So I'm pumped. Next time you hear from me, we'll probably be on Friday. I think we're gonna try to get an episode in before hitting the road so we can just take care of it, if you will, but then we're gonna have lots of content,
Starting point is 00:47:36 Instagram, Twitter, all that stuff. I'm gonna, you know, try to tow that line between like unplugging, but also sharing some fun moments. And it's just gonna be a man through the open road and his grocery store donuts. And probably a lot of dunkin', I'm like the merit dunkin', man. Anyways, that's what I got. Thanks everyone who lasted this whole time, 48 minutes plus.
Starting point is 00:48:04 Pretty fun, I think we had a good show, lots Someone who lasted this whole time, 48 minutes plus, pretty fun. I think we had a good show, lots of twists, turns, emotional journeys, and Peter K. So we checked out all the boxes. I'm going to go shower and eat some supper. Probably fall asleep on the couch at about 8.30 pm. So for all of us here streaming live from beantown networks, thanks to all for listening.
Starting point is 00:48:31 Thank you for supporting our podcast. Exciting things coming up with our fall road trip. And remember, if you have not already by a beantown podcast 2020 t-shirt, merch drop, first one in a long time, you can find it on my Instagram, my public profile,, it's in the URL, it's in the description on my profile, or you can find it on Facebook, or you can just message me, and you'll find it there as well. And I might, if it's easily convenient, I'll try to throw it in the description of this show as well.
Starting point is 00:49:11 So that's what we got going on for a year. Let's queue up some outro music and get this baby on the airways. Stay safe. Stay sane. And you know what? I'm gonna check in go to the next room. nd nd

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