Beantown Podcast - Man That Blows and Telethon Thank Yous (03042022 Beantown)

Episode Date: March 5, 2022

Quinn comes to you LIVE to thank the Pledge Drive donors, talk about the SHOCKING and EPIC Euphoria Season 2 Finale, and talk about some things that really blow. And maybe pirates....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Fertis. Welcome to my show, Quinn David Fertis presents the bean town podcast for Friday, March 4th, 2022. What's happening? How are you? My name is Quinn and this is my show. I'm the creator, the telephone answerer, the beads wearer of this fine program, and we are coming to you live on a Friday March 4th. The Oscars are in view. Those are, it's like the, I think it's three Sundays from this Sunday, so it's the 27th, or maybe they're the 20th, I don't even remember. The birthday podcast will be not next week but the week after, that's always in exciting time. And last week was our bean-tum podcast, Fifth Annual Pledge Shrugged, I have Teleton fundraiser, we're going to be doing some thank yous, we'll be doing a recap of that. So, lots happen in marches Always a fun month. Although I will say it's my partner Rachel's least favorite month
Starting point is 00:01:10 Despite the fact that it's her father's birthday. It's my birthday. It's St. Patrick's Day a day of giving and Merrimant I mean this March we had Ash Wednesday. That was just two days ago. What more could you ask for? I gotta tell you I was always weird for me in It's March, we had Ash Wednesday. That was just two days ago, what more could you ask for? I gotta tell you, it was always weird for me in college because I worked for University Ministry. And so, you know, we always had like an Ash Wednesday service that I would, you know, be part of putting on and stuff.
Starting point is 00:01:41 And it just naturally to kind of go with the flow. It always, you know, you get the ashes on Ash Wednesday, right? It's like your favorite embrace song. Oh, the ashes are ha ha me when the satellite God life goes on. It blew me away. Fant, British fans will, will know. But I would know, you know, the Ash, Ash Wednesday was never, or at least the, the, the, the practice of spreading ashes on your forehead and the shape of a cross was, it's not really a cross. It's more of like the, you know, Switzerland flag basically. It's more kind of equal lateral.
Starting point is 00:02:27 If you're looking at it from any angle, but that was never a thing for me growing up. And so when I got to college, it was just kind of strange. Cause like this, you know, this tradition wasn't something I associated with Protestantism. And I don't, you know, I'm not your religious expert, age seven minor in religious studies. I still don't, you know, understand the full background or anything like that. I guess with some proper planning and foresight, we could have gotten, you know, a professor of religious studies
Starting point is 00:02:54 from Yale Divinity School on the show today, but it's getting kind of late there. It's 5.30 p.m. here, central time. I just finished work 10, 15 minutes ago, it's why I'm now coming to you live. Long day started before 9 and finished after 5 on a Friday, no less. But so I always feel weird, you know, you get the ashes because you're just trying to
Starting point is 00:03:14 like fit in, blend in, not make a scene. The same way how I was at a Catholic mass last week and got, you know, communion, which I think is, I think is illegal. I think the Catholics out there are going to come hunt me down now, because I don't think you're allowed to do that. But I was like, hey, you know, this, you know, this bread looks mighty tasty. There was no wine, although the priest totally was drinking
Starting point is 00:03:36 something, not in a negative way or anything, but like he got, he got some sips. I don't know if it was holy water or barefoot or what do you got to have, but it wasn't for the masses, which was kind of disappointing. But yeah, so you get your ashes and you just be like walking around all day.
Starting point is 00:03:56 And you know, my instinct would be to like, hey, you know, let me wash these things off because I don't wanna look like a, you know, Jesus freak out in the street, handing tickets out for God. There's a little Elton John quote for you on the stream today. But then you're like, well, if I wash them off and then my pastor sees me later in the day, walking around the student center, the stew, as we call it back in the day, then it's kind of like awkward. So I always just walked around until the end of the day. I'd be like working my other jobs and at the desk,
Starting point is 00:04:30 looking all ashy. But it is what it is. I do what I do for my love of the Lord. And more importantly, I do what I do for my paycheck, $10 an hour, baby. My name is Quinn and this is my show and I wanna let you know the listener's discretion is advised when you're listening to the Bean Tom podcast number one
Starting point is 00:04:50 we'll occasionally use some language number two. This podcast is objectively terrible. We got a whole smorgasbord of things we're getting into today, although I think I'm gonna move around between and amongst them and be twist them fairly quickly. One last week was super long. It was the pleasure of telephoned fundraiser, which will definitely be talking about a hot second here.
Starting point is 00:05:12 Two, nothing that I'm going to be sharing is terribly pressing, but, you know, just a little check in here. And then three, I've also been talking a lot today. There's been a death in the family of Memorial for that today, which was very emotional. So there's just like, we're gonna keep it low key. I'm keeping my blood pressure low. I got a drink here.
Starting point is 00:05:37 And here, I guess, to start off the show with this as a general PSA, do not drink the Bud Light Seltzer as a general PSA, do not drink the Bud Light Seltzer Eggnog flavor. You heard me right, it was a Christmas, Mark, big saving Mark Down special at the target. Thankfully, it got the variety pack, and so there were only, there were 12 Seltzers in there for like seven bucks, the holiday pack. And I went for the egg
Starting point is 00:06:05 nog first because I just had to try it. And that, well, we're one down, two to go. But what I want to do now is an audio rea- this is this is cutting edge technology never never before heard nor seen, but mostly heard cutting edge, you know, unlike anything, the world has ever witnessed before. If you thought a quiet place was cool with the sound, wait till you hear this new segment we have here on the Bean Tom podcast, our audio reenactment.
Starting point is 00:06:38 Okay, so for today's audio reenactment, this is going to be me reenacting when I 30 minutes ago while I may or may not have been on a work call, sipping a a Bud Light Seltzer and to clarify for the record I was not on a work call. So here it would never before heard footage is Quinn Fert Quinn Fertis slipping Bud Light Seltzer. So the eggnog flavor specifically, because I've had a Bud Light Seltzer before, it's fine. And I'm having a second one right now, but it's not eggnog flavor, which cranberry. Okay, here's the audio reenactment. Wow, that sure smells bad, but let me take a sip anyways. I added that part in for effect,
Starting point is 00:07:25 because it's hard to, uh, uh, come play, display, dispel, smell over the, uh,
Starting point is 00:07:33 over the airwaves. Ah! Grats! So for the first time ever, probably in your life, you've heard an audio reenactment. We've seen you know you can watch drunk history of the show and they do a whole you know narration and they get actors to report trade and all that sort of thing but you
Starting point is 00:08:00 wins the last time you got an audio reenactment. So there you go, being on podcasts, bringing to you cutting edge technology. Before we get into the pledge, I've telephoned Fundraiser here and doing some thank yous and talking about those certificates of ownership. Some of you have received this past couple of days. I wanted to touch in on two TV related things very quickly, two and a half actually. Number one, the euphoria season two finale was last Sunday night, and I know
Starting point is 00:08:31 that's not really a thing on this show, but I did write a cool bean-town blog post about it. You're gonna want to go slash blog and and check it out, read our recap. You don't need to have seen any of the rest of the show or even this episode to find the warmth, the joy and the humor in it. Again, it's slash blog. It's our euphoria.
Starting point is 00:08:57 Shocking, epic conclusion, finale recap of season two. So you're going to want to go read that. The other two television things are related to Salt Lake City. So the half was that Stuart Smith, aka Stu Chains, Gen Chas first assistant, was apparently supposed to be sentenced yesterday, but I haven't seen you any news, so I don't know what's happening with that. Jen Shah's trial was moved back to July. You'll recall it was supposed to be in like two or three weeks here.
Starting point is 00:09:30 It has been moved back to July, which I know is a big disappointment for us being heads or assault assault, assault licks out there. So the other thing is that we never did a real housewives of Salt Lake City season two finale recap on this show Even though we tried to do it a daily or excuse me a weekly weekly recap Basically didn't miss much is the last time you're ever gonna see Jenny on an episode is last time You're ever gonna see Mary Cosby on an episode I don't even really remember what happened. They're doing the reunions now. Part one was last week, part two is this week, and I think there's a part three.
Starting point is 00:10:07 I actually haven't seen part one of the reunion yet, because we were watching Euphoria last Sunday night, and so that one out due to popular vote, unpopular vote. And so I haven't actually seen it yet. So I'm going to circle back, maybe I'll just wait for all three to come out and then watch them back to back to back.
Starting point is 00:10:28 That could be a good idea of what's on those commercials. But basically the finale, there's always a big party in a finale. And so this was a, Alisa Barlow was doing a, you know, Avita Tequila sort of thing. And so everyone was there and I don't know. Meredith was as Xanaxed out as usual.
Starting point is 00:10:51 Seth, her husband was wearing it. It was an 80s theme. So Seth, her husband was wearing a Reagan Bush 84 shirt. Maryam Cosby and what's his face? The defense coach Shaw actually had like a three-second kind of like normal touching conversation. It was one of the most bizarre things I've ever seen and Dewey was there, the guy who wants a sister wife and Jenny through a glass at Mary and Jenny's super aggressive and racist
Starting point is 00:11:24 and now she's been fired from the show. And that was basically season two. It was pretty crazy because Gencha getting arrested and then kind of being in that state for the second half of the season was like the sea plot behind Meredith's dad dying and Maryam Cosby leading a church cult. It was kind of a weird season. All in all, we didn't really get much from Whitney or Heather this season. The cousins, they were just kind of there. Jenny, they tried to shoehorn the sister-wife thing, but she's terrible. She's super racist. Jen Shah got arrested, that was good stuff. And then there was just this whole thing with like Meredith and Lisa basically misunderstanding
Starting point is 00:12:14 what Meredith said and it turned into this, they didn't try it, they turned it into this whole plot spanning episode upon episode. And it was painful. So overall I loved it. It was a great season looking forward to season three. So those were the TV things I wanted to check in on. Let's go to our Bean Tom podcast, Plugstrived Telephone fundraiser and then maybe we'll read some ads and then the second half of today's show. We're going to feature a new segment called Man That Blows and a read a fan mail that I received. They don't get a lot of fan mail these days.
Starting point is 00:12:52 Probably because of firewalls and Russia and the system and stuff. So I'm excited to read that one live on Air. It's from an anonymous. They went by a screen name of some kind, Arctic. What was it? Arctic Fox 77. Yeah. That's going to be, it's kind of sexy.
Starting point is 00:13:11 I skimmed it. I'm excited to read it live on the air. Okay. So last week, last Friday, literally, exactly a week ago right now now was our fifth annual Beentom Podcast Telephone Pledge Drive fundraiser. I wanna thank everyone five times over for year five, who called into the show, who donated to the show. We're gonna be closing that fundraiser up,
Starting point is 00:13:39 probably at some point this next week, although I've heard that there's at least one or two more donations coming in from some other people, if that's some other stuff going on right now. So currently we've raised $260 as a reminder, I match every donation dollar for dollar to a local charity this year at the United Way of Metro Chicago. So while you all are covering the operating costs of this show, namely unlimited sound cloud hosting, WordPress, things, unlimited soundcloud hosting,
Starting point is 00:14:05 WordPress, things like the bean-town blog, funding that. I am paying it forward, Haley Jolosman style, to local charities, dollar for dollar, which is really exciting. So thanks everyone for donating. If you did donate, as promised, you should have this week received from bean-town podcast at
Starting point is 00:14:24 again, this bean town, I mean podcast at If you didn't receive an email from us, I think it was yesterday, the day before, check your spam folder, you know, contact your internet service provider, see if there's any way to get it back. Just try. But you would have, you should have received your official bean town podcast year five certificate of ownership,
Starting point is 00:14:50 which is very exciting. We mentioned that this is a community program, and this is funded and run and put on by you, all the bean heads out there, hashtag friends of the podcast, like a Quaker School or something. And so this year I really wanted to kick it up a notch. And if you donated to the show, you received a Bean Tom podcast certificate of ownership
Starting point is 00:15:15 signed by yours truly. It's got our logo on it. It's got, you know, fun fonts. It's got everything you could want from a certificate. So let me, yeah, in case you're wanting the recording cut out so two hours later I'm back. Now it was like four seconds, but I was going to say that I'm going to it was I said like I spelled something and I'm going to spell it again and try to do an audio reenactment for you, but it was a hard word to spell which made me think of wordle which I'll
Starting point is 00:15:42 mention in one second. I'm going to read through the list of names. Thank everyone. It's going to be for anonymity purposes. That's what I spelled. First name is only anonymity, ANOMYMITY just blazed through it the second time. First time it took me like 45 seconds to spell. But two wise and one word reminded me of Wordal today. If you haven't done it, I won't spoil it for you.
Starting point is 00:16:03 It does not have two wise in it, but it does have a double letter and it was brutal. Rachel being the wortl queen. She has got in on three. Meanwhile, Alms for the poor over here, getting in on six. It was one of those where like, oftentimes when they do wortl, it's my one focus and I'm laser focused and it's, you know, like the morning and I'm working on my coffee and it's just like, that's what's happening in my life at that moment. Today and this is all on me, but today was one of those days, it's kind of the same way when I watch Jeopardy, sometimes I'm laser focused and not to say I do a good job, but it's just like, I can comprehend every clue that's coming in as it's coming in.
Starting point is 00:16:44 And then the other day is where I'm just like, it's on in the background, which is kind of pointless with jeopardy, although it's a comforting thing for me. So with Wordal today, I was, I don't really recall what else I was doing, but I was just like, not laser-focused. And so you're still trying to guess, but in your mind, it's just like the gears, the wheels aren't really turning. And that was today on Wordl. So you can always see me on this bean-tongued podcast. Yahoo! It's coming in this bean-tongued podcast.
Starting point is 00:17:10 Yahoo!com, I guess. And let us know, you know. Hey, Wordl today was tough. Or, hey, Quinn, I got it on first guess. You stink, you know, whatever you want to write. You know, it's fine. So let's go ahead and think these donors. And again, if you donated, you should
Starting point is 00:17:27 have received a certificate of ownership. If you have not donated yet, donated yet, there's still time. I typically close it out at the end of February. But there's really no reason not to keep it going for at least another week or so. And see if we can get, you know, raise any more money for charity here. OK, so down the line from oldest to newest, not by age in terms of when you donated.
Starting point is 00:17:50 Excuse me. Steve, guys, definitely don't know who that is. Rachel, there is no chance. This is the most anonymous thing I've ever done. Kathy, I bet most people actually don't know who that is. Jack, Abigail, those are stumpers, a double stumper. Joaquin, definitely we've never talked with or about Joaquin on this show before. That one's out of the left field.
Starting point is 00:18:18 Aaron, oh wait, I skipped someone. Walton Kelly, gosh, who could that be? I'll even give you the last initial or the the initial of the last name just for a little clue. It's an F. Miss DeF. Aaron definitely has has has not been on the show before. Margaret aka Marge.
Starting point is 00:18:40 Okay, there's a little clue for you. Nick name and Sally. who also may or may not have been on the show before. If you donated, you absolutely should have a certificate of ownership in your spam folder, your trash folder, your, you know, likely malware folder, whatever it is, check it, just click on it, I promise it's gonna be okay. I did receive some malware today in the form of a Facebook message from someone who's actually related to one of the people who donated today. So that's as far as I'm gonna go because I don't want to, I don't, I recognize the immense
Starting point is 00:19:22 power and responsibility that this platform has bestowed upon me. And I'm not here to cancel people, I'm not here to crush dreams, to cause people to lose business. This is a love affair. Guys, it's a love affair with Quinn and with an
Starting point is 00:19:51 Audio orgasmic experience and that's what you get from being Tom podcast. Let's pull up our ad reads here It's a Friday. It's let's you know guys. Let's just let's take a pause. Let's let our hair down We're gonna come back to hair in one second here. They're good friends cuts by Q. But let's just grab your Bud Light eggnog, Bud Light Seltzer eggnog, let your hair down, girl put your records on, and let's just enjoy the ads. Home Pride organ, are you tired? God knows we're tired of selling your house for less than a quarter of what it's worth all because you couldn't find a reliable home inspector in time. Well organ listeners, listen up.
Starting point is 00:20:25 Cause they got good news for you and provides home pride inspection services in Bend, Oregon, is central organs, new home inspection provider with inspection services, including things like heating and cooling, roofing, plumbing, and so much more. Home pride Oregon is both contractors certified and home inspection certified. So you know, you're getting the good stuff. If you're tired of big real stays, we're angle contractor certified and home inspection certified so you know you're getting the good stuff If you're tired of big real estate Little little little rainbow hold on the home inspection market and you want a safe Certified home inspector that you can trust you have to call Steve at 541
Starting point is 00:20:54 410-0316 or you can visit home pride organ dot com again That's 541-410-0316 or you can visit Homeprydorgon inspection, perfection. You know, thinking of ads today, thought me of thought me. That's not a phrase. Reminded me. There is always something there to remind me. Bap, bap, bap, bap.
Starting point is 00:21:24 Who sings that song? Always, someone, something naked eyes. That's one of those classic 80s hits where I'm just like, it's one of the most recognizable songs for me personally. It's written in the 60s. Deanne Warwick recorded originally 1963, first charted for Lou Johnson in 1964, Naked Eyes that's got to be the one right, 1983.
Starting point is 00:21:57 This song has a rich history. But I was doing a software test, job number three. And I, for privacy purposes, I'm not, you know, I liberty to give too many details. But essentially, here's a warning shot for you folks because there is a major social media platform out there that you know and love. And they are considering introducing promoted ads
Starting point is 00:22:32 They are considering introducing promoted ads in what is basically, you know, like a comments or a replies type of section, just like not like, oh, someone's overwrote this, but literally just like, okay, there is one, you know, someone wrote this and then the next thing down is just an ad for this and then the next thing down is someone wrote this and the next thing down is an ad for that and it's just like, what? Get out of here. I, you know, they're probably gonna give me a bad rating or something because I was like, this isn't cool.
Starting point is 00:22:59 I don't like this idea, it stinks, it's terrible. Smells, smells bad, it's terrible. Smells smells bad. Smells real bad. Worse than my breath after, I don't know, a lot of things. Morning coffee afternoon coffee. Morning, cappuccino. That was today. My signature large cappuccino and ASEA who was swarming from Cafe Dico, not an official sponsor of this program, but I would love it if they would. Oh, speaking of sponsorships, and we're going to come back and finish our ad reads here. This was a long time ago that it originally happened, but I think Walt and I talked about it last week live on
Starting point is 00:23:45 air, I don't recall. You know Governor Rod Bogevich, close friend of the show. He has a podcast, or he had a podcast. So his most recent episode came out on like September of 2021. So Lightning Rod with Governor Rod Bogevich is what it's called. We had, I had reached out to the show when it was originally announced, being like, hey, yo, Quinn-Ave Furnace here, come to you live, and no response. And I figured, hey, maybe, maybe Rod ran out of funding, maybe he's just depressed.
Starting point is 00:24:19 I haven't seen him or heard from him in a long time. And I reached back out to the show to see if they want to come on. So no response yet. I have a feeling that the email or message or whatever I reached out to is not being actively checked, if you will. I'm like me if I played hockey. I would be getting actively checked right and left, boarded like a middle school kid from Beijing trying to go to college in the US or one of those abandoned houses from the wire season three boarded up.
Starting point is 00:25:01 All right. Let's hear from our good good friends. Yeah, we'll try to get Governor Rod on as soon as possible to put this show Lightning Rod, which apparently unlike some programs your familiar with doesn't put out an episode every week. Hmm, shout out to the Samsung Q2U series. Oh man, it's a whole double duty last week, first time in a long time. And you know that it gets you crisp, clean, and clear audio quality from point A to point B. Whatever that means, you know, XYZ,
Starting point is 00:25:32 it handled the karaoke to start the show last week with great aplomb, I think is an appropriate use of that word. I don't know. I don't even know how to spell it. APL OMB, It's not a word. It's a silly word if it is a word. Okay, wordle, if you're listening, don't get any ideas.
Starting point is 00:25:53 APL OMB, it's six letters, we're safe. Save that for extreme wordle. It's a great idea. Last week on the Bean Town podcast, that'd be a hell of a word. That would be tough, because I think a loft of a word. That would be tough because in this, I think a loft was a word or a word like two weeks ago in Rachel at the end was like, yeah, I didn't really know that was a word. Not to disparage her in any way because it's not an often used word. And I knew it was a word because it's like, okay, I've heard that before, but I don't think I've ever
Starting point is 00:26:22 typed a loft in an email certainly not a student That's more that's when I'm typing to my students. It's more like hey yo, wazap QDF here You catch you four last night vibes right girl chill XO XO XO QDF in the his house. Send. So, when God speaks, he uses the Samson. Our good friends, cuts by Q. Bob and we all know the hair style
Starting point is 00:26:59 and we all love it. But how many Chicago based independent barwares can actually give it to you the way you deserve? Enter cuts by Q. It's a little like under Sandman, but a little different. Cuts by Q has been independently owned and operated since 1995. And it's probably one of the better barbershop operations serving Chicago, Cook County, Northwest Indiana, and the greater Chicago land area. From beehives to banks, foe hucks flat top sand, everything in between you have to call cuts by Q8152987Q100 or just email cutsbyq at Again, that's cuts.
Starting point is 00:27:31 Q, excuse me. Q, you, T, Z, yeah, by Q, right? At Okay, here we go. Stay with us to finish the ad reads here. We're bringing us home.
Starting point is 00:27:44 Oh, when you need a fresh do something snappy and nude. Call the experts at cuts by Q. Nice. Good singing everyone. I'm proud of you. Week in, week out, golden pipes. You got the moves. Okay, let's go ahead and get into
Starting point is 00:28:08 half two, the second half, as they might call it, in a sporting event of the Bean Tom Podcast, and like most second half's here, it'll be a little bit shorter. Already, I'm getting close to 90 seconds from the 30 minute mark, that's a comfortable spot for me. That's about where I wanted to be a little bit longer than that. We're cruising at altitude As I get another sip here. This is cranberry flavor, but but light seltzer
Starting point is 00:28:38 This one is perfectly inoffensive like if you gave me a white claw of any variety which I feel like is kind of the gold standard of celtars and that's what I tasted I would just be like okay yeah whatever. But the egg nog, the worst thing with the egg nog, the flavor was just kind of like the most vanilla actually actually like vanilla kind of flavor of all time, but the smell, if you ever have like the cheap, like marshmallow vodka or any sort of like
Starting point is 00:29:13 sugar free vodka or something, there's some sort of like artificial synthetic vanilla smell that they've been able to cultivate and some of those Russian labs over there. And that's what it smells like. It's real bad. Like I think I would like that smell if I was three years old and addicted to sugar. And otherwise it's just pretty rancid. So this is a new segment here in the Bean Tom podcast
Starting point is 00:29:39 called Man That Blows. And I know what you're thinking. Hey, is he saying like, boy, that really stinks? Or is it is man that blows some sort of like pirate or naval terminology we don't know about? Like man that blows, like there she blows. And the answer is it was intended to be like a boy that stinks kind of thing, but pirates are pretty cool too.
Starting point is 00:30:04 So I'm really accepting either one. If you want to join the conversation, you can tweet the show at Beentowncast. I'm personally at White Buns with a Z. Email us beentownpodcast. The website is My Instagram is at q.qnd.
Starting point is 00:30:22 There's a lot of different ways to get in touch with us. I've got like 17 fake email addresses too for free trials. And that one time when I was in high school, true story, the win Papa John's, did their coin flip super bowl promotion? The whole thing was literally just enter your email, choose whether you think the opening coin toss is going to be Hezer Tails, and if
Starting point is 00:30:54 you're right, you get a free coupon for a free large two-topping pizza. It was that straightforward, that was it. One per person, but here's the thing they don't know That savvy folks like myself we just keep pumping out emails. I literally made you Know I don't know if I made 10 emails if I made eight and used two ones that I had already whatever I entered 10 times with 10 different emails and I I entered 10 times with 10 different emails. And I, at, between the time of entry and the time of all the pizzas being gone, I, I had five pizzas. I think I've got like two or three of them.
Starting point is 00:31:36 I brought them to swim practice one time. If you're ever wondering what you should not eat immediately, be forced swimming 5,000 yards. It's half a large pepperoni and sausage pizza with the boys, but that didn't stop me because they did it anyways. I wish they'd bring that back. Also, when I was like a freshman in high school, there was some sort of golden Oreo promotion. I think when they first introduced golden Oreos and it was literally like putting your email address
Starting point is 00:32:03 and will mail you a pass. Ship you literally, I think, I don't remember. I think they physically shipped it to our mailbox. It wasn't even like a coupon. I was like, no, we're gonna send you some Oreos in the mail. I did that three times. I remember showing up to school,
Starting point is 00:32:20 opening up my backpack with a sleeve of golden Oreos. I was a king for that short 30-second window. But this segment is called Man That Blows. And we workshoped a couple different titles, primarily things that involve swear words, but I figured, hey, this is a family friendly show. So you can join the conversation with, you know, anything you want to add to this, I'm going to certainly be sharing some things and I hope you will too. So first off, man,
Starting point is 00:32:53 that blows to just get kind of the more straightforward ones out of the way cancer. Russia vacuum cleaners that don't do a good job of vacuuming. That could also fall under a man that sucks segment or a man that doesn't suck segment. My college girlfriend aforementioned vacuum cleaners. Whoa, that's too much. The keen listeners will have picked up on the joke. For those who want a more straightforward explanation, my college girlfriend could also be on our segment. Man, that dry humps. Other things that blow. Man, that blows. Same
Starting point is 00:33:43 Patrick's Day, the crowds trying to get around. That's next Saturday in Chicago. And I'm trying to, like, you know, gonna try to like meet up with friends, but then also my coworker, who's new to Chicago, is actually coming into the office on Saturday to give a tour, which is a damn shame. But I told her like, hey, let's, you know,
Starting point is 00:34:04 you've never done St. Patrick's Day in Chicago before, like, let's meet up after, let's hang out. But I'm already dreading, like, trying to go from my apartment to my office on St. Patrick's Day. You have to, like, go through all the crowds and stuff. So I think, I still want to do it. I love St. Patty's Day.
Starting point is 00:34:22 I haven't had a proper celebration in a couple of years, but Rachel will be out of town. So looking, I'm looking to party, kind of a party animal, a fiend, F-I-E-N-D, other things that blow. Me to my candle last night, as I was going to bed. It's a little bit more wholesome. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:34:49 What else blows, guys? What's really been shimmying your chaps lately? I will, I'll say my pants ripped. I don't know when they ripped, but I noticed the ripped Thursday, yesterday. It was, it was one of those, it was, so it wasn't a rip where it's like down your butt crack. That's like a classic.
Starting point is 00:35:13 Oh my gosh, my pants ripped kind of thing. It was, but it was in the butt area. It was like right next to it. Here's the foresight. Here, we could put this in a segment called man, that's foresight. I had ordered the exact same pair of pants from TJ Maxx Oh, we could go because it's my favorite pair of pants and it arrived it arrived arrived It arrived on like Tuesday and I noticed the ripping my pants on Thursday
Starting point is 00:35:39 So you know what I did. I got home last night. I threw away the pants and Open up the new pants, put them in the closet, like no one even noticed. And that's the circle of life. These pants are the greatest single all time. They pass off as khakis, their elastic waist, don't worry about gaining 30 pounds or losing 30 pounds. No belts, I hate belts.
Starting point is 00:36:04 Okay, let's put that in the category. A man that blows belts to finish the thing on the pants though, my favorite pants. Back to belts. Here's the thing with belts. I think I'm wearing, I'm doing something wrong. All right, I've been doing something wrong for the past 20, almost 27 years. Because with my belt, whole situation, it's either, it's from one extreme to the other. I either wear a belt that is loose enough to the point where it's either not holding in my pants or it's just kind of like, you know, it can like start to move around your waist a little bit, not a lot, but just like a little bit as you're walking throughout the day.
Starting point is 00:36:43 And it's not really like serving a purpose other than looking, appearance is basically or the flip side. You were about that is like tight enough, not like tight, but tight enough to serve its purpose that it's like staying in place, slush holding your pants in place. Those anything in that realm for me makes me so tight. Not necessarily sore, it's not like, oh my gosh, my hips are, or my waist are out, where the belt is, that's so sore, like that's a more alarming problem.
Starting point is 00:37:15 My legs just get so tight when I wear a belt. Like I was working last Saturday from like, I was wearing the belt from 7, 15 in the morning until, I don't know, from 715 in the morning until I don't know 2 30 in the afternoon. So that's what seven hours. And just by the time that was done like my calves were so constricted. And I look this isn't a this isn't a I'm not you know first day on the job like I'm wearing belts for a long time and been been aware of this. So I the stretching, I stretch like hell, all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:37:46 It's just my least favorite experience. I think I need to start investing in pants that, well, the majority of my pants that are wear, I don't need a belt, but it's just like they've got loops, so it kind of looks weird if you don't wear a belt. But I think it's going to be more bold in the future and just say, belts, man, that blows. Forget them. Slash, look for more beltless, loopless pants, which I'm fairly certain brother of the podcast, Jack Fernis, does a little bit of that. So looking into that in the future, but just belts in general like man, that blows. It's not my thing.
Starting point is 00:38:27 There's nothing I hate worse than tight legs. There's like 46 things I hate worse, but top 46, that's pretty good. Man, that blow is moving. Getting ready to move here in under three months now. And I'm at the just like scorched earth, mental portion of moving. This place is not in my kind of place. And on top of that, there's a lot of stuff that I, well, maybe not a lot of stuff, but I did a lot of downsizing when I moved last year because my apartment for the, you know,
Starting point is 00:39:16 previous two years was a place where there was so much space that you could just have a lot of stuff. I didn't necessarily use it all the time, but I just had stuff. And so I dumped a lot of that when I moved to which was good. But now even we're taking, I think we're going to take it a step further. I mean, I'm just looking around the living room right now. And a perfect example of this, there's been a big box in my bedroom, people who sleep
Starting point is 00:39:40 over frequently. We'll know this. And there's like stuff in there that just, that's where I put the box when at the day I moved in and it's still there. So I don't know how much of that stuff I need. Although I will say this, like I think there's a pie pan in there. Maybe I want to make a pie next year sometime. I think the biggest thing for me, and it's not even a huge thing, so I don't know the ton of them,
Starting point is 00:40:07 but I think I'm finally ready to let go of a lot of books. When I was reading Harry Potter, I was on the road physically, so it wasn't like you can go to the library or get the form of the library, I was literally like buying them online and ordering them to my hotel room. But I think I'm ready to like donate those.
Starting point is 00:40:29 Or just a bunch of like novels or nonfiction stuff that I read. And it feels weird to throw away, because who's gonna throw away a book? But it's also like, I know myself. I'm almost 27. I've been kind of know, kind of living this lifestyle for years now. I'm not going to open up this book one day and be like,
Starting point is 00:40:50 oh, yeah, I think I'll read this again. It's just not who that's not what I do. Now, I will say I'm going to hold on to the majority of my music books slash scores. Because every once in a while I do like to just you know page through them do some site reading. But yeah there's definitely some things in here that don't need to make the trip and that's totally fine. Some old shoes that I probably have worn once or or nuts since I got here like those can go. I'm a pretty simple shoe guy you give me good pair of sandals good pair of running shoes a good pair of walk-ins slash everyday shoes and then black and brown dress shoes that's what five pairs that's
Starting point is 00:41:38 pretty much what I need and I've got like 12 right now boots I guess I used my boots twice I think this past winter. And I looking at them right now I have a pair of hiking shoes that I bought for my trip to Hawaii because they're going to climb this volcano and RIP. I want to finish up today's show with a love letter. A fan mail I, is more appropriate that I received at Bean Tom Podcast at Just this past week, I think in celebration of the annual telephone pledge drive fundraiser. And thank you, we always accept fan mail.
Starting point is 00:42:17 It's a, yeah, it's a nice thing to see every once in a while. Haven't heard from Mr. Rock, Kristen a while, fans of the show will recognize the reference. So let's see here. The email subject line really one of those catches your attention right off the bat. It says, be my back rubbing partner, Quinn Furnace, please. Dear Quinn Furnace, I am your number one fan. That's high praise.
Starting point is 00:42:49 The first time I saw you, I felt intoxicated. I could not believe a podcast could be so commanding and breathtaking. I like this already. Your role in the fifth annual Pleasure I've Telephone was sexy and simply charming. I've created a collection of old vinyls, three old vinyls. I don't have a record player, so don't send them to me.
Starting point is 00:43:10 To remind me of you, my bedroom dresser is your shrine. Line with trophies, what? My bedroom dresser is your shrine. This gotta be it. I'll take this opportunity to appropriately say hello to my friends in Pakistan, Neha, et cetera. Kiber pass, Islamabad, Hyderabad, strong bad. Because I'm guessing this came from Pakistan.
Starting point is 00:43:39 Because the English is getting wonky here. Again, my bedroom dresser is your shrine lined with trophies. I don't think that doesn't really make much sense to me. My ambition is to go to historic bean town together by a, geez, I got a plane ticket first and engage in some serious back rubbing. Okay, that's gotta be a euphemism. That was in the subject line. I'd make you Crembroulai, okay, they don't have Crembroulai in
Starting point is 00:44:06 Pakistan. So I'm getting all sorts of mixed signals now. I don't think Rachel wrote this. This isn't her style. Then we'd watch the world burn until the sunset. Watch the world burn until the sunset. I don't. This is like the ending of a row one.. Um, I'd love it if you could reply to me. Tomorrow would be best. I haven't done that yet. And this was more than one day ago. Oh, say you'll be, oh, say, what is this? The national anthem.
Starting point is 00:44:35 Oh, say you'll be my back rubbing partner, Gwynn Ferness, please. We already covered that. With your reply, please enclose some more old vinyls for my ever-growing collection. I don't have any vinyls from my ever-growing collection. I don't have any vinyls. Please, please reply Arctic Fox 77. I don't know what the F that was. I mean, hey, it's better than the marketing
Starting point is 00:44:59 emails that I get to the bean town inbox where they're like, did you know your SEO sucks? You could grow your listener engagement tenfold. And I'm just like unsubscribe. But that's something else. That's new. If that was Rock Chris, April Fool's Day, you're still four weeks early. Looking forward to that plutonium mine and the hills of
Starting point is 00:45:26 Pennsylvania We're gonna open that's what I got for you guys. Thanks for listening when a little longer than I wanted, but this was kind of a disjointed but chill experience Here in year five a Quinnive furnace presents the bean Tom podcast. I hope you're having a good Friday I hope the weather is nice where you are. Find your beach. Avoid, don't do the Bud Light Ignog Seltor, even if it's on sale. It's bad. It's not worth it. And that's about I got. All I got. Let's get some outroom music going. Folks, you know I'll be here next week to check in on you. So stay safe. Stay sane. I'll talk to you next time. Bye everyone. Peace. I'm just going to sit down. nd ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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