Beantown Podcast - Marathon Points & IDK What Else (10/8/2023)

Episode Date: October 8, 2023

Sometimes you get to episode #299 and you just don't really know what to talk about despite having 20 hours in the car to make a gameplan. Hey, they're not all gonna be Grammy winners, right?...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn Davis furnace. Welcome to my show. Quinn Davis furnace presents the bean Tom podcast for Sunday, October 8th 2023 what's going on? What's happening? How are you? My name is Quinn David furnace and obviously we are doing things a little just kind of ad hoc Today here in the bean Tom podcast. I once went on a college tour Let me stop yelling here. I think you can hear mene pocket. I once went on a college tour. Let me stop yelling here. I think you can hear me just fine. I know, let's get this out of the way. I'm on my computer, my work computer.
Starting point is 00:00:31 I am at home. I have the Samsung and my regular recording laptop over there in the corner, but just kind of a time crunch today between marathon stuff, October, Fest and the Vikings game. Just wanting to get this in. So to be perfectly honest, I am just like not
Starting point is 00:00:48 doing just the full podcast set up today because I just frankly wasn't really in the mood to get all that stuff out and have sort of that perfection that the fans expect. So yes, I Quinn, David Furnace, amount here as the best boy, the producer and the line manager of today's show, Chief Katerer, to give you a substandard product. Only because I like to check in on you, but I gotta say as a yet older, the years really start to tick off the odometer. It can be tough, weak and weak out to give you a fresh new show that doesn't stop me though. This is our I think this is our 299th episode ever of
Starting point is 00:01:29 bean town podcast. We're up over 300 when you count our specials bean town unplugged. But I think our big 300 celebration is next week which should be a good time. But I got time crunch today and I was, I had a point that I wanted to raise that was going to lean into something great to really fill some time today. And I completely forgot what it was. Cause then I started to talk about how we weren't using, you know, the Samsung today, pretty disappointing overall, frankly, to just like have an idea in your head and then lose it, which has just been the theme of the week. I was driving, I think this was Wednesday. I was driving
Starting point is 00:02:11 from Madison to Chicago and had a great idea. It was a power ranking related bean-toned podcast. And I just, it just completely escaped my memory, but it wasn't one of those things where it's like, oh, it escapes your memory. And then it comes back and you're sort of like, okay, I remember this, I'll get back to it eventually. No, it just completely never came back to me. It just really pissed me off. I will let you know if you're in Paki stand, thank you for listening to our program.
Starting point is 00:02:49 Thank you for making us one of the 112th best ranked comedy podcasts in the great Islamic Republic of Paki stand. And then of course a good friend cuts by Q. When you need to fresh do something snappy or new call the experts at cuts by Q. And as always are good friends. Stamps and Q. Do you serious getting a little weak off here to prepare for the big 300 celebration.
Starting point is 00:03:12 Next week, I believe it is and if it's not next week and it's two weeks from now, it's going to be really embarrassing because I've like mentally locked in to, oh, next week is 300. So we'll see. And then of course, we're good friends at home pride organ when you need your home Inspector in central organ call the experts only to save certified someone you can trust that's my dad Steve my dad my dad Steve 541-410-0316 or go to home pride organ dot com home pride organ inspection perfection I will mention here, so we're just recording on our work laptop right into the built-in microphone. There's nothing flashy going on here.
Starting point is 00:03:56 It was one of those things I walked, so I was just at October Fest, the last October Fest of the year. I really think like, first full weekend of October, that's your last chance October fest, right? Because October fest is like, oh, you think of October fest, it'll be in October, but it's actually a September thing. It's kind of sneaky that way. But I find that they really start right after Labor Day and then they persist right through about now. I think if you go to like Munich, which we actually had lots of friends who went to Munich, it was like two weeks ago, it was peak October fest season. Excuse me.
Starting point is 00:04:26 And then here in Chicago, last year I went to three different ones. I went to Lincoln Square, which is a big one. And then I went to Elkore Village with a friend of the show, John Paul Pindowski. And then I went to Dovetail in Begyle. This year I did not go to Elkore Village, but I did go to Lincoln Square by myself. And then in the flush Sean Paul Pindowski showed up today and we went to dovetail together. Super chill though. I think you know this year compared to last year
Starting point is 00:04:56 very cold. And it's not even like freezing outside. It's just it's not like just casually let me put on a sweater and shorts and like stand outside and feel good like you need a little extra layer And then some beer to really feel comfy today because the sun's not really giving you anything But you know who wasn't complaining about that we're on just today's Chicago marathon Shout out to friend of the show Abby witz at who We are going to get on eventually here before too long because we've been saying this for like a year at this point. Abby is a big proponent of the chain restaurant subway, which in my opinion is like the hottest
Starting point is 00:05:38 of hot takes. And I look, I'm not crazy. I'm not like, oh, subway gross. Never had that before. I used to have subway all the time, especially in high school, but even into college, like subway was just like a normal thing to get. And over the years, subway just became like not good at all. Smaller portion sizes, more expensive. fine is they get it, but at a certain point you got to have some respect for yourself. That's not to disintegrate anything that Abby has done, but that's just sort of where I land personally.
Starting point is 00:06:13 I can't tell you last time I had Subway. I would have it once like every other month when I was in Baltimore. There was actually a Subway, I'm on a block away from me in the basement of a residential building. And so it was like, you know, just like a regular three flat or three story like residential house in Baltimore and around the corner of it, there was like a sign for subway and it pointed to the bottom or down to these stairs. And you had to like walk down to the basement, which frankly, the subway on campus at Hopkins
Starting point is 00:06:45 was the same way too, is like in the basement, very like dark and claustrophobic, not particularly exciting. So I guess there's just something in the air in those Baltimore subways, but really the point we were trying to make here was that if you want to like subway, if that works for you, if you feel good about the taste and the value,
Starting point is 00:07:11 then you're in good hands, okay? So I want to get friend of the show Abbie on here very soon. Emily, we've been saying this for a year at this point, but she ran a Chicago marathon today, she's run multiple marathons in her past. Now, I think she finished it like a four 11 something like that. Let's pull it up Let's see exactly how how abshuh
Starting point is 00:07:34 With a dollar sign. It's kind of like Kesha, but cooler abshuh. Let's see. Let's see how she did today I saw Abby at my own nine And she was in good spirits, you know, she was doing well I saw Abby at my own nine. And she was in good spirits, you know, she was doing well. And then, it looks like her final time is a 426, okay. So that's like, and our other friend Nina, Shadow to Nina, she finished as well on a 551. So, hey, here's the thing, when you're talking like races, and you're talking a 5k or something,
Starting point is 00:08:12 it's like, okay, yeah, what time did you finish? And even if it's whatever time, it's like, I'm not going to judge you, but it's just kind of interesting the time. You know, just like trying to get a sense of like where you're at. With the marathon, I don't, I've stopped doing any sort of judgmental, anything on like times, you know, it's like if you finished 26.2 plus all this stuff before and all this stuff after you are a total certified and I'll before I say this Listen discretion is advisement listening to meantime podcasts number one Occasionally we'll use some language of to this podcast subjectively terrible. You're a certified bad ass. Like I don't care if it took you, I don't know what the time would be where I'd be like,
Starting point is 00:08:49 I don't care if it took you this much, like 10 hours. If you're doing it under that, which you can't, like they'll cut you off at like six. But if you're making it that far, I've got some extreme movement. It's not just like physically, oh, if I put in the time, if I put in the effort, if I
Starting point is 00:09:06 am like trained my body, then that's good. That's great. The mental toll that it is though, I'm sorry, there's a lot of people who are naturally gifted with their body and maybe they're eating right, they're not drinking much if any at all. That's great. They're waking up at 4 a.m. on Saturdays for long runs. I've lived that life. It's great. You have to be disciplined. It's awesome. But there is like a much larger sect of people who are just trying to be normal people
Starting point is 00:09:34 but also accomplish great things. And these people are out here and they're finishing marathons. They're running four tens, which is what my first marathon was and then my last two have been slower because I've had health issues during them. They're finishing in six hours. You're finishing, you went 26.2 miles. Well, the rest of us are sitting here on the sidewalk, clapping and drinking cappuccinos, aka me this morning, and now a drinking
Starting point is 00:10:00 dead guy IPAs from rogue brewing, like getting ready for a football game. Even me while you're out here running 26.2. So it's like hats off to the marathon runners. This is nothing new on this show. I mean, we've run a marathon since we started doing this show two before we started recording, but six years ago. But I don't know man hats off
Starting point is 00:10:28 just total total bad asses nothing but respect for marathon runners even the ones all the way the back who are just they look like they're having the worst time of their lives get got to give it up for these guys I don't recall if I said this already, but this is going to be an ultra short bean-tom podcast. We're preparing for 300, so I don't want to use up any of our material that we definitely came into this show prepared with that I'm just saving for later. Obviously, if I have a golden ticket idea,
Starting point is 00:11:02 I'm not going to use it on this random podcast when I could save it for our 300 episodes special. You know, so definitely I have lots of good ideas in the chamber that I'm just not going to use. I will mention no palindrome of the day today. And I will also mention you can get in contact with the show Bean Town podcast at again is bean town, be a and T wrote in the podcast at One other piece of business because I do love my trivia and I do want to make sure you walk away from the show feeling satisfied. Excuse me and fully, you know, succinct,
Starting point is 00:11:43 SUCCINCT. INCT sounds like a standard test you have to take to get into solicitor's school or something like that. I was listening to Weight Weight Don't Tell Me yesterday. I was driving, oh, fans of the show will appreciate this. I was driving down country roads in Indiana because Google Maps said that's better than 65 to 94. And almost went right past Papa's mini donuts and cheese curds. I was literally like on a country road
Starting point is 00:12:15 that was parallel to the one they live on in Lowell. And the only reason I didn't stop all two reasons. One, I just was like tired as hell and it's needed to get home and like off the street and like Just sit on the couch and eat dinner and see my lover Rachel Ramos Doing some some wedding planning lately seeing some venues Talking about stuff engagement photos like good stuff going on
Starting point is 00:12:43 The other thing was like I didn't know so pop is especially on the weekends, you know, it's like they could be in their home base or they could be at some festival in Michigan, right? And so you kind of have to check Facebook that we can do that right now to just like see as pop is at home, are they on the road? And frankly when I was driving driving I was just kind of like not really sure if I wanted to like dig through all of this stuff. I will also say pop is used to like be all over my algorithm and then they just disappeared at one point. Okay so from five hours ago today this is Sunday so I was driving through yesterday but pop's posted on Facebook and it pisses me off so much that I don't get there like they don't
Starting point is 00:13:30 show up on my news feed. It's like I don't use Facebook for anything anymore. All I ever wanted was for just Papa's content. Today earlier today about 10 a.m. Sunday, they said today will be open at a home location on more street and low, which is where I would have driven past. Yesterday, they would have been open at their home location. Oh, man, what a, what a just God damn missed opportunity. But what pisses me off more than anything else, I will also say like to speak to this point that I was making about me not being sure
Starting point is 00:14:04 where they're going to be located, because they go to festivals and stuff. They were posting this weekend Friday, Saturday, and today about where they're located, which was home base. But their previous Facebook posts before that were August 7th. So it's sort of like, yeah, I assume they were open at their home base You know before Today the last two months, but there were no there was no social media about it So don't actually know but the moral of the story here is yes They were open yesterday home base more sroad and low all not far from Chicago to be honest is like you can get there and less than in our Traffic's normal
Starting point is 00:14:43 to be honest is like you can get there and lessen in our if traffic is normal. Although apparently yesterday I was driving on 94 coming back into the city of the Bishop Ford outbound, they had, I saw it. I mean they completely shut down the highway. People had to get off. It wasn't like one lane at a time or something. I was just like no everyone's off. There wasn't anything in the news about it when I drove past because I think it had just recently happened, but apparently someone got shot on the Bishop Ford just like casually driving in the interstate you get whacked. Not a fun way to spend your Saturday afternoon, but the traffic coming out was just egregious as you can understand if you shut down the main free artery to get out of the city unless you're taking the skyway. Who can afford those,
Starting point is 00:15:27 what is it like $74 tolls and now? Can't do it. This week I was all over the big time I was at the University of Minnesota University with Wisconsin. My, our office went to the University of Illinois and then I was at back in action on Friday University of Indiana. And so I just wanted to very quickly do a trivia question and that's going to be it for today because I really don't have, I don't feel like funny or creative or have anything in the back of my head. So this is literally just like, I don't want to call this completion grade, but I really just did want to like check in with fans, you know, and I do this and then I've got, I just want to rest. It's been such a long week and I'm coming off of being sick. So like brutal. I took the fact that tomorrow the Monday and
Starting point is 00:16:17 like you've got to go to the office and like, dude, Monday things is so scary right now. Like, I don't get the Sunday scary the way most people do. I'm not like sitting there in my couch being anxious. I get anxious sometimes when I pull up my calendar, I'm like, ooh, I gotta do this, gotta do that. But it's not to the extent of the Sunday scary where I'm like, totally just incapacitated by the future. I'm much more like, hey, I gotta do this guy do that,
Starting point is 00:16:45 but this other things coming up and, you know, that'll be nice to do and like, whatever. But I'm feeling very Sunday-scaryish right now, not because of things that have to happen tomorrow, although there are things, speaking of which I haven't even looked at my calendar for tomorrow until right now. Columbus Day tomorrow,
Starting point is 00:17:04 as a whole other show we could have done. Indigenous people's day. We're looking at things we actually have to do. It's not terrible. It could be worse for tomorrow. It's really not so bad. But before we wrap up the show here, I do just want to let you know about our trivia question for today. And I was on campus of Indiana University. And so I thought maybe there's some good Indiana University trivia we could give you. And I came across this one. It was number 13 on the list of fun trivia facts about IU.
Starting point is 00:17:36 But I think the fans of the show will appreciate this. So this is going to be filling the blank. And the answer to this question is going to be a specific sport So if that just clarifies like what I'm looking for in this film the blank So here's the film the blank the Indiana University men's blank team So this could be any sport including like golf bowling volleyball sport, including golf, bowling, volleyball, racquetball, swimming, football, soccer, hockey, you know, any of these sports. Like that's what we're looking for. So to reiterate, the
Starting point is 00:18:13 Indian University men's blank team, 120 consecutive Big Ten championships starting in 1961, so from 1961 to 1980 presumably. And in that span, they won six national titles in a row from 1968 to 1973. So which Indiana men's sports team, Coligit, just absolutely was infallible. 20 straight years. I mean, look, I know that the 60s and 70s were a different time, but 20 straight years of dominance is insane. That's like UCLA level type stuff. And then, I mean, the big 10 stuff is, is nice as an all right, I mean, it's a big, big champion, sorry, a big conference.
Starting point is 00:19:09 But when six straight national titles, that's almost impossible. So again, we'll reiterate the question one more time then, will you will, excuse me, reveal the answer. The Indian University men's Blank Team, 120 consecutive Big Ten Championships, starting in 1961, and six national titles in a row from 1968 to 1973. If you need any more time to figure this one out
Starting point is 00:19:39 or taking your guesses, go ahead and pause our show right now because we're gonna reveal it. The answer was the men's swim and dive team. So if you were a swimmer back in the 60s or 70s and you wanted to be relevant and legit, you better have hoped that you swim for the Indiana University who, who's yours? Huzures. Huzure daddy. That's a pie company up in Evanston. Because she's 20 consecutive big 10 titles and then 6 straight nanny, nanny titles.
Starting point is 00:20:13 I like calling them nanny titles. That's awfully impressive. So good for those guys. Pretty clutch. I've been very unplugged from the NFL in the new and window so far, which is probably healthy for my own good, but excuse me, man, there's been some serious,
Starting point is 00:20:35 weird stuff going on. Anthony Richardson is my quarterback in fantasy. He's been knocked out. I just dropped the Saints defense playing the Patriots, because they was on the road and didn't look good. Noralins is winning 34 to 0. They're the Patriots. They've gone from like, oh we're not sure if they're good or bad to like the Patriots absolutely suck. Look what happened there.
Starting point is 00:20:59 I'm looking at this box score. This is shocking and appalling. The Ravens are losing 14 to 10 to the Steelers. I mean, Steelers have just been just dog crap. So the Ravens only put up 10 points. A lot of weird stuff. I guess the ones that like fit the bill are Miami and Detroit are blowing out their respective teens, the giants and Panthers. So not no games that seem are like terribly consequential,
Starting point is 00:21:28 but just some weird stuff going on. But with that in mind, we are past where I wanted to go. And I'm gonna try that rally and maybe go out and watch a Vikings game. So, guys, that's what we got for you. I wholeheartedly apologize. This was not a particularly focused bean-tongued podcast. This was like Quinn's doing his normal day and what if we recorded that for
Starting point is 00:21:53 20 minutes and saw what happened, which is probably not particularly entertaining. It's one word to you. So, but I'm not going to dig myself any deeper a hole. I'm going to stop it there. Thanks so much for listening to my show, No Intro or Outro Music Day. This is old school stuff and be on the lookout for episode 300 likely next week, although we have to confirm with our sources.
Starting point is 00:22:20 Apologies again, that's all I got for you. Take the week off, I guess. My name is Quinty Furnace. Stay safe, stay safe, stay safe, and I'll check in on you next time. Bye.

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