Beantown Podcast - March: A Tradition Like No Other (03112022 Beantown)

Episode Date: March 11, 2022

MLM schemes / Birthdays / March Madness / The Fugitive. March is full of rich tradition and I don't know why Rachel hates it so much. anyways, enjoy!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furnace. Welcome to my show Quinn David Furnace presents the bean town podcast for Friday, March 11th, 2022. What's going on? How are you? What's happening? My name is Quinn and this is my show. We are coming to you live on a very cold Friday afternoon, holy moly here in the Chicago land area. It's just, it's crazy. I mean, here's a thing with, you know, Chicago and spring. I mean, we know about, you know, false springs and that sort of thing. And, you know, you get warm days, you get not to warm days and it snow's in April. And yada, yada, yada, all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:00:53 But here's the thing about today. And I did my little afternoon, jaunt, J-E-U-N-T, if you will, um, from like two to three. It's like a two and a half mile walk. Today is just, it's not just like, oh yeah, it's not that warm out today. It's like 25 degrees, and I'm not kidding, the wind speed outside is about 18 to 19 miles per hour.
Starting point is 00:01:19 Just gusts getting blasted in the face. In fact, I was walking, I had just turned the corner. I do a little, let's see, counterclockwise loop basically from my house, down over to like, Sheffield, and then down to Fullerton, and then over to Clark and back up, et cetera. And the second I turned from Fullertonananda Clark to go back north to head home. Not only did I get blasted in the face with Augusta win, but there was some sort of mysterious ashy substance coming from the Italian restaurant there. I don't recall what it's what the name of that place is. It's huge. It's got like a big deck and everything.
Starting point is 00:02:02 what the name of that place is, it's huge, it's got like a big deck and everything. But I don't even know what that was. What it looked like, it like got in my mouth and stuff and all over my coat, I think it was like ash or ashes. Where's it coming from? Who's having a bonfire at Clark and Fullerton, okay? Raise your hand. So it's just, it's so unpleasant.
Starting point is 00:02:24 And we had a beautiful 60 degree day last Saturday and granted this whole week has been cold and it's gonna get nicer at some point next week. But, you know, there's a big difference between like, oh, it's, you know, it's like 40 or high 30s and yeah, it's not that nice of a day and 20 degrees with 20 mile power winds. I mean, that's just like Damn, this is not what March should be about. I'll also mention that listener discretion is advised when you're listening to
Starting point is 00:02:54 Listening to the bean town podcast number one will catch you swear as I just did Although here's the thing damn for me is one of those like Fringe swear words where it's less of like, oh, you're cussing and more of, damn, there's a significant time in a place, time in place for an interjection such as damn. You know, for me, and maybe it's just because I'm so numb to it, but I use, when I think of damn,
Starting point is 00:03:22 I think of the same way as like nuts or rats or yikes, like damn, like I would willingly freely say damn around the office, for example, like in as an appropriate response or interjection when the time calls for it and not think twice about it, not be like, oh gosh, I swore, I'm sorry. Like it's just, it's just kind of say it. So that's number one. Number two, his podcast is objectively terrible.
Starting point is 00:03:51 So yeah, it's kind of spring, not actually, but maybe, uh, and with all, you know, with spring comes so many exciting things. We got my birthday coming up here in five days. We've got the March men is Bracket Reveal tomorrow or a Sunday. That's the thing. I was kind of caught in a weird position with the timing of this episode
Starting point is 00:04:12 because I love to have a birthday podcast. I love to have a March Manus podcast. The Oscars are coming up here and I think three weekends or maybe, I think it's actually just in two Sundays actually. So there's just like, you know, there's a lot happening. So I had to decide what today like, did I want this to be a birthday show, did I want this to be, you know, a March madness show, but the thing was like, this is my time that I've got set
Starting point is 00:04:42 aside to record the show. since I started working from home on Fridays the late afternoon early evening Fridays been just a great, great time slot. Because tomorrow is St. Patrick's Day in Chicago, which is just like a huge thing, lot of drinking, a lot of day drinking, river dying, parades, all the bars are just packed to the gills. It's going to be cold as balls tomorrow, which I think is going to slightly dampen or damper the just the rich tradition of the day. But, you know, that's happening. So there's no way I'm going to be able to record tomorrow because I, you know, I'm not I'm not 19 anymore. I'm not a college kid, but like I still I wanted to I want to drink a lot and just that I was telling my co-workers last night We were at an event the goal is to like
Starting point is 00:05:28 Drink a lot and be done by like three or four in the afternoon so that you can still like just ride it out You know eat eat something crappy for supper, you know pizza or whatever crappy for you not crappy tasting and then like By the time you wake up on Sunday morning, you're not really hungover. You're just kind of, you get to have a pleasant Sunday, which is what I want to do. This Sunday, you know, watch some college basketball, hang out, relax.
Starting point is 00:05:58 Just have a nice time, watch the selection show Sunday night. So that's the plan. That's the goal. When I was a college student, I would, and I mean, I only had three years of being a college student. And I don't think I wasn't drinking the first one, the second one, I was working like all day. I don't remember exactly how it went out,
Starting point is 00:06:18 but this definitely happened once or twice in my life where you like go hard in the morning, you sleep in the afternoon, you come back out in the morning, you sleep in the afternoon, you come back out in the evening and continue to party. Not only can I like not do that anymore, physically, I have no interest in it. Like all I want to do is have a good time and drink, you know, for like four or five hours in the middle of the day, which I don't think is unreasonable, and not terribly different from what I might do
Starting point is 00:06:45 on a normal Saturday anyways, except the thing with St. Patrick's Day is it's just like, there are a lot fewer rules and regulations and limits. You just kinda like do what you want, then you hope you see as many friends as possible, and you just kinda go with a flow. So that's what I'm hoping to accomplish tomorrow. It's a time of traditions.
Starting point is 00:07:09 Really when you're thinking about it, I mean, St. Patrick's Day obviously and you know, March Madness is great, but for me personally, I mean, I got my birthday coming up here and I also wanted to give a special shout out to Rachel's father, Jose, happy birthday to Jose, 49 ever looked so good on you, who he had his birthday this past week. But other traditions, and I was just thinking about
Starting point is 00:07:33 this because I stopped into a McDonald's at the tail end of my Friday walk, which is something that I like to do to get a little coffee, especially on a date like today, that's just very cold. It's a nice little warm thing to kickstart your system a little bit. And then I also, because we're not really having dinner tonight, we're going to see the Batman.
Starting point is 00:07:54 So our plan is to just like drink and have a lot of popcorn and sneak some candy in and stuff, because the Batman is three hours long. And we're watching it at 6.30pm in a theater. We haven't been to the theaters since we saw it both fast back when it came out which must have been like November or December or something. November probably. And we were gonna go see Spider-Man at some point but then COVID got bad. And so we didn't see that in theaters. So we haven't been to the theaters in
Starting point is 00:08:23 probably five-ish months, something like that. So I'm personally looking forward to it. It's been a long time. But what I was gonna say is, I got a six-piece chicken nuggets from McDonald's, which is just like, when you get the good, when they're done well, the chicken nuggets and McDonald's is just clutch,
Starting point is 00:08:42 because it's not gonna blow you away. It's not life altering, but it's just like, it's a very familiar thing. It's a lot in nostalgia. I didn't even get any dipping sauces, which I know is gonna cause a controversy on Twitter at being towncast at White Buns with a Z. But I was just like,
Starting point is 00:09:02 hey, let me, I just need a little something. So I came home, I felt very wholesome. I had my nuggets, my small coffee with two creams and a banana. And that's kind of lunch slash dinner today. So that's the plan, going to see the Batman. But the reason I mentioned McDonald's was because I saw an ad while I was in there. I used to might expect it's March at McDonald's for a Shamrock Shake. And my tradition that I've been doing for probably the last three or four years, I don't know, maybe more,
Starting point is 00:09:37 is to get one Shamrock Shake a year. It's not necessarily tied to my birthday. In fact, it's not tied to my birthday at all. They just coincide at the same time of year. But I was like, oh, today might be a good idea. And then I remember that it's like 20 degrees outside. And just the act of carrying a Shamrock Shake home with my hands from McDonald's, a five minute walk, was enough to say no thanks, maybe later.
Starting point is 00:10:03 So I guess we're going to maybe target next weekend potentially. We got the Shamrock shuffle on Sunday. So maybe it'd be fun to like get one after or even the Friday, you know, when I if assuming I do my walk again, if it's a nice day on Friday, let's pull up the phone app. Let's see what let's see what we're looking at for the forecast next weekend. see what we're looking at for the forecast next weekend. I'll happily tell my Shamrock Shuffle Wolves story I've tried twice, been unsuccessful both times to run it. Let's see next Friday, raining 45, Saturday, 46, Sunday, 52.
Starting point is 00:10:39 So not particularly warm weather, but it beats 20 degrees in a hurricane. So the Shamrock shake is another tradition. I'll have to do it at some point. There's another tradition that I want to talk about in a second here but first I will tell you about the Shamrock shuffle and then also don't let me forget the real housewives of Salt Lake City news. So, and this is it's a rumor. I haven't confirmed it. I just like very briefly saw it on Reddit before I went to a meeting and now I'm recording for you all. So I really haven't had time to, you know,
Starting point is 00:11:19 research more into it and speaking of like news and research, there's been so much, I mean, we could do a whole episode on what's happened in sports. The last, since we last recorded, to just give you a brief rundown, I don't know how many of our listeners care too much about it, but they're, you know, like big sports things, not like little sports things. And for all my Pakistani listeners, hello to Hyderabad, Islamabad, Kyberpass, they won't be cricket-related things, so I apologize for that. But basically, in the last week, we've seen Aaron Rogers, who is probably the best quarterback alive right now.
Starting point is 00:11:57 I mean, yeah, my home's is good. Josh Allen's good, but like, I, yeah, okay, let's say my home's better than Rogers, whatever, but like Rogers been doing it for a long time. And he's a total ass, let's say my home is better than Rogers, whatever, but like Rogers has been doing it for a long time and he's a total ass, but it is what it is. He signed a four year, 200 million contract with the Packers, which is the largest contract in NFL history. So I would say that's big news.
Starting point is 00:12:19 Russell Wilson, who a lot of people know, because he's been in multiple super bowls and he's married to a famous person, Sierra Sierra, although I don't know why she's famous or anything like that. I just know that she is famous. He got traded from the Seattle Seahawks, which is a team he's played for for his whole career the last what 10, 11 years, to the Denver Broncos from multiple first-round picks. The Chicago Bears, a more local story traded, their best defensive player, Colliel Mack, who they acquired from the Raiders four years ago
Starting point is 00:12:53 in exchange for multiple first-round picks to the Los Angeles Chargers for, I believe, a third and a sixth-round pick or something like that. So that was big news. And then there's been other football things as well, but the MLB lockout ended if you didn't know. And they're apparently still trying to do, like spring training is starting in like a week.
Starting point is 00:13:16 Opening day I think is delayed slightly, but they're still doing 162 games via double headers, which is gonna be nuts, because if you already call it during COVID, MLB double headers were which is going to be nuts, because if you'll recall during COVID, MLB double headers were seven innings a game, whereas a normal game is nine innings. And in extra innings, just generally in any game, it would be a runner at second base
Starting point is 00:13:36 to start with zero outs. The goal of that meaning more runs will be scored, the games will end quicker, that sort of thing. But now there's no more runner on second base and extra innings and all double headers will have nine innings per game instead of seven, which is an extra four innings per double header minimum. And there's going to be a lot of double headers because I think they are, I think opening day is delayed by two weeks. So that's a full seven-ish like six days,
Starting point is 00:14:07 basically worth of double headers, extra going into the schedule now if I'm doing my math correctly. So there are other things that have been happening in the sports world, basketball conference tournaments are happening. All of my teams are out of their conference tournaments and for the most part in really embarrassing fashion, including the DePaul Blue Demons who came in as underdogs against St. John's on Wednesday, but were a very hot team and they came out and just got their asses destroyed,
Starting point is 00:14:35 which was great and we won't be going to the postseason. The not really my team, but it's a local team and it's Rachel's team, the Illinois Fighting Align Eye and the team of my sister-in-law. They got embarrassed in their first game of the Big Ten tournament just this morning against the Indiana Hoosiers, which to state lost the game to the Tulsa Golden Hurricanes, is that what they're called? In a game they were heavily favored in yesterday. That was the first game of their tournament. So if you're keeping score at home,
Starting point is 00:15:08 the all of my teams lost in their first game. They didn't even win a game in their tournaments, which is just rough. And then the one team that's like also my team, but you know, zero expectations for Northwestern Wildcats is actually the team that won a game beating the Nebraska Corn Hot Scores and then they got dismantled by Iowa yesterday. So it's just a man. The good news is we're still going to get to watch, you know, Illinois and Loyola in March, Manus. But like, it's just kinda,
Starting point is 00:15:48 I was hoping for like some, you know, to have some rooting interests this weekend, turn on a game, go to a bar, that sort of thing, but that's not gonna happen. So we're just gonna kinda play it by year. I'm not quite sure like who I'm really pulling for right now. Um, but I don't know. Illinois would be great to see Loyola is interesting because it's like
Starting point is 00:16:13 Quinn, you should root for Loyola. They're local. You live down the street from it. Like and I get that. But they're so, especially their fans, very irritating. And they think they're just the hottest shit and It's just like I know they got humbled a little bit last year But it wasn't until after they already beat Illinois. I mean they got their asses kicked in the sweet 16
Starting point is 00:16:35 But I would love it if if Loyola had to play like Kentucky or something in the first round and they just got trampled I guess that that's me revealing like my true thoughts and feelings now. I don't have any attachment to loyal other than geographic proximity. And frankly like when I went to the DePaul Loyola game when Rachel and I went back in December whenever that was, it wasn't like a you know you weren't heckled or anything. It was like it was at DePaul, but just standing in line like beer line two dollar beers like loyal people is talking shit And it's like this isn't a rivalry like different conferences
Starting point is 00:17:13 Different talent pools like It's just like what are we doing here? So loyal just kind of pissed me off because I don't think and maybe I'm living in my little DePaul bubble here, but I don't really think that, and we certainly don't on Twitter, we don't, DePaul, like, doesn't talk shit, even when we win it's, and, you know, we're kind of feeling good about ourselves. It's not like, oh man, you suck, it's like, wow,
Starting point is 00:17:37 we had a great performance. That was awesome. Loyola was just like, not that way. So, I don't know what to tell ya. That was more on sports than I wanted to say. Okay, let me talk about my Shamrock Shuffle woes and then we'll touch on Real Housewives and then we'll touch on the other tradition I wanted to mention.
Starting point is 00:17:56 We'll just make this the tradition show and it's not really a birthday podcast. I don't know if we'll try to do a special or anything. I got a busy day on Wednesday. I have a full day of work. We're going to a word-alive end after that and then supper after that. So I don't think I'll be recording or anything. I definitely won't be having one of my favorite, Sarah Lee, or is it no, it's Peppridge Farm, Frozen Cakes, from the Frozen Isle and a bottle of wine. I mean, that's, I still love that. And I want to do that at some point just for kicks.
Starting point is 00:18:27 But that's more of like a pre-COVID, pre-Rachael kind of just like thing. And I still love it. Who doesn't love cake and wine? But it's just, it doesn't really fit into the schedule this year. I'm sure it'll be back at some point in the future. So I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:18:44 Next week we'll probably, you some point in the future. So I'm not sure. Next week we'll probably, you know, maybe try to record like before the tournament games start and we'll, you know, like Thursday or something and make it our March madness, slash birthday special. I don't really know. I'm gonna have to plan it out. We'll see.
Starting point is 00:19:00 But this is just an episode about traditions. And March is probably my favorite month. Because it's so much fun. You have a birthday. I love March madness. It's getting a daily savings time. Is this weekend? So we're about to get some real long days.
Starting point is 00:19:16 The weather is sometimes cooperative. And you know, it's just like, I love those things. It's the Rachel's least favorite month, which I don't personally have an explanation for, but oh well. Okay, so the Shamrock Shuffle is a race in Chicago the weekend after the official St. Patrick's Day March 17th. In years past it's been on a Saturday, which is important to what I'm about to tell you. Now it's on a Sunday. So I wasn't a runner in college. It wasn't part of my identity. I didn't have friends who were runners
Starting point is 00:19:50 or even friends who really worked out much. So the Shamrock Shuffle just wasn't a thing. Fast forward to grad school. I had a friend who's still a dear friend, who I went to graduate school with, who is a runner. And she was like, hey, you should, you know, this is our second quarter of grad school. It's like going into the third quarter. It's like, you should definitely sign up for the Shamrock shuffle.
Starting point is 00:20:16 I'm like, cool. Yeah, let's do it. So it was on a Saturday at that point. And turns out we had to take a class, a leadership class that met mostly virtually, but the first class of the year or of the quarter and the last class of the quarter went from like, I don't know, like nine to four on a Saturday up in Evanston, which is just ugly. It's brutal. And it was not helped by the fact that we just in the program,
Starting point is 00:20:51 generally, we're not a fan of this professor. He was an adjunct. I don't even know what his full time gig is, but just a very my way or the highway arrogant kind of person, very smug. And there's a teaching assistant, and I might be ruffling some feathers. the way or the highway arrogant kind of person, very smug. And there's a teaching assistant, and I might be ruffling some feathers,
Starting point is 00:21:10 maybe he even listens to this show, who had graduated in the program right before we started the program. It's kind of like a year by year cohort on average. And so we had signed up for the Shamrock Sh shuffle, my friend and I, and we're like, yeah, this is going to be great. Get to run a race together. We've still never run a race together, which is shocking. We were supposed to run the Marine Corps marathon together, but then she got hurt, and I ran it and got, you know, heat stroke. It was awesome. But the first, goddamn Saturday leadership class, the first one of the quarter ended up getting scheduled for the Shamrock shuffle Saturday, which is just brutal, man.
Starting point is 00:21:55 It's like you want to have your weekend, you want to go, you know, partake in a fun Chicago tradition, do something with friends, like all that great stuff. So couldn't do it. What you're saying is, okay, well, that stinks, but like, whatever. But here's the kicker. Remember the TA that I mentioned, who was doing this also like ad junk to Lee. I don't know what he does full time.
Starting point is 00:22:17 But we're in this leadership class, 9 a.m. on a Saturday morning. You don't want to be there. You're half awake, you're chugging the coffee. It's the first class of the quarter. So you're like learning the syllabi, but also it's eight hours. So you got to focus up halfway through the class, like 12 o'clock, one o'clock, something like that.
Starting point is 00:22:38 Here comes this TA, who's this, I also kind of, in addition to Professor also kind of this smug guy, who I don't personally know very well. I don't want to, you know, assassinate his character or anything. I don't think I've ever talked him in my life. Well, I have, but like three or four times. He comes in with his shamrock shuffle sway, his metal, you know, still nursing his Michael Obaltra from the free beer ticket.
Starting point is 00:23:04 He had run, he was our TA for the class, and he had run the Shamak shuffle and been approved to come in late halfway through class because he was running the Shamak shuffle. Well, we all, the students had to cancel our registrations. And so when you're sitting there, three hours into class already ready for it to be over because we were not a fan of the class nor the professor. And just seeing this, this TA, who's, you know, like 26 years old, mind you, waltz in with
Starting point is 00:23:35 his swag and his running gear and his metal. And it was just like, God, damn it, that hurts. The second time, my second attempt at running, it was less painful. It was 2020, and it just got canceled. As most things did in March of 2020, I still have my running gator, which is the elastic thing that you, the cloth that you wear over your face,
Starting point is 00:24:02 when it's cold, it works great, I love that. And last year it just didn't, it just didn't happen. It wasn't a thing. I did get the shirt from last year, or maybe not. I don't remember, maybe it was from two years ago. But this year, knock on wood, okay folks? This year it's happening, full steam ahead nine days away. And I'm excited too, because I have never run an organized race
Starting point is 00:24:28 with a friend, someone else, someone I know. The closest I've ever come is I ran the Soldier Field 10-Miler in May of 2017, five years ago. And I still ran that race by myself, but like, I had some friends who also participated in it. In fact, my friend who I love to story off with, the Chermark Shuffle, she ran that as well with her partner. And I don't, we did not run it together, but we met up afterwards, there's a picture and stuff I got to save on my phone, all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:25:03 She's great. I think that was like from in terms of like racing of which I've not done much that was like peak Quinn maybe 10 miles is my sweet spot I think I ran it it was a 10-mileer I think I did in 117. So that's like 645 mile, basically. Is that right? 67 minutes? No, 77 minutes. It was like a 7, I was going to say, 645. That can't be right.
Starting point is 00:25:35 A 745 mile, which is something I'm very proud of, because that's pretty quick for a big guy. Like I'm not your tiny little super, you know, small, thin, running specimen. I'm more like a linebacker, okay? So I was really proud of that. But to finish the thought on the Shamrock Shuffle, I'm running it. Rachel's doing it. Rachel's sister Amanda's doing it. There's a chance that special guest appearance will be made by Bailey, who's been featured on the show once or twice in our revered segment interview with a dog, and I think some of Rachel's friends are doing it as well. So
Starting point is 00:26:16 I think it'll be a good time. We're looking forward to it. It's an 8k, which if you don't know is about 5 miles exactly. It's just a nice Sunday stroll. It looks like perfect running weather, high 40s, like it should be good. So we're not going to get canceled this year. We're doing it. We're doing it live. OK, Housewives news. We're getting closer to the NTR I promise, because there wasn't a ton I wanted to talk about today. I was kind of caught in between.
Starting point is 00:26:37 Do I want to commit to a full birthday episode or do something March Man is related, but it was too early for that. And I wasn't in like a birthday mood yet. Plus I've talked a lot today. I just had more meetings on a Friday than I would like to admit. And so I'm kind of just like hanging out at this point. I think we're going to go for another five or 10 minutes, say hello to our sponsors and we're going to wrap it up there. The rumor on the street, and this was literally just a reddit post, not even like a news article just a post, was that Rose, John, is that his name?
Starting point is 00:27:13 Justin, Justin Rose, Whitney's husband. Okay, you'll remember Whitney is cousins with Heather. This past season, all she really did was just like be super drunk all the time and stir the pot. It's kind of her thing. She was definitely my favorite in season one. She's just kind of like a trope now. She's not that entertaining to watch. Like, I don't know. I don't think she's not my favorite anymore, but I also don't hate her as much as a lot of people do. I'm kind of just like. I also don't hate her as much as a lot of people do. I'm kind of just like, if you on her. Apparently, so there is a scene, I believe in the finale where the penultimate episode of Real Housewives
Starting point is 00:27:53 of Salt Lake City season two, where their Whitney and Justin are like, trying to get their sex lives back together, or back on track. And they just showed way too much in the episode. All sorts of like, you know, body paint and booty smacking and, you know, lingerie and shirtless and just like, I don't really know why, you know,
Starting point is 00:28:17 we wanted to see that and the reaction was very negative on Twitter and Reddit, like, it's burned into my brain. Why did we need to see that? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. The Reddit rumor that I read two hours ago is that Justin Rose was consequently fired from his job, which is some sort of direct sales multi-level marketing scam.
Starting point is 00:28:41 That's another reason why, as I've learned more about like his profession and Whitney's business, which is all MLM stuff. I'm just like not as into it. I mean, there aren't, there really aren't any like true heroes of Salt Lake City. I think Heather is probably the closest thing to like a legit person, but there aren't any like true good guys. There's definitely some villains. But apparently the word is that he got fired after
Starting point is 00:29:11 they aired that because you know, image is everything in sales and like, you know, you got to connect with people and it was a big turnoff to the company that employs him. So I'm gonna research it more after this, try to get some more verification, but I kind of feel bad. I don't know. Like it's kind of a complicated situation. But yeah, that's hopefully they're okay. And it is a little bit of a scare
Starting point is 00:29:40 because I was reading about how much do households make and it's not as much as you might think towards the beginning, I think they're making, it's not a number that would shock you one way or another, but I don't think it's more than a right around 100K in a season, for example, which is basically a year for being a housewife. And you might say, well, that's a lot of money.
Starting point is 00:30:05 And yeah, it absolutely is. But the thing is, like, they've got kids. They live an affluent lifestyle. This housewives always do. And the big kicker with Whitney specifically is they sunk a shit ton of money into her doing a rebrand. So she owns like a beauty line, basically. And she had it one, I think it was called
Starting point is 00:30:30 like Iris and Bo. I don't know the back story, I don't know what it means. But one of the plot points from the season was that she was rebranding it to Wild Rose Beauty, I think. And just the numbers that it costs to do all the rebranding, they went into it on the show, it was just mind blowing. And it's hard to know what exactly to believe, but Whitney said on the show that they blew
Starting point is 00:30:51 through all their savings. So that's the minor worry, is like they blew through all their savings. I'm sure she makes some money off of this beauty line, but it can't be like, I don't think it's a shocking amount. And now they're down to that income, income, excuse me, and the bravo income, which I don't even think it was 100k. I think it was less than that. So you just, you just hope that everyone's doing okay. Yeah, we'll see if more details come out.
Starting point is 00:31:27 I wanted to give a shout out to our sponsors, not doing a full ad read today, that got some good press lately, and, well, they're, frankly, they're not paying me. So our good friends at Home Pride Oregon, which is definitely, hey, if you haven't, if you haven't been a part of the Home Pride, we're going to experience that you are going to want to get in on the ground floor of this ride before it takes off. This is basically insider trading, but I have inside information that this business is about to start booming and get very busy. So if you are in central Oregon or other parts of the country or Canada, and maybe not
Starting point is 00:32:04 Canada, I don't think the insurance goes across international borders. So scratch that or pack you stand sorry you can skip ahead. But you're going to want to get your home inspected. You're going to want to save time and money. You want it to be somebody trust that's my dad Steve. Call him up 541-410-0316. Yes I memorized the phone number. You're welcome, pop, or you can go to Also our good friends, the Samsung Q2U series that got crisp, clear audio quality.
Starting point is 00:32:35 It sounds good. No matter where you at, no matter where you at, no matter where you are at. And yeah, I was trying to think if there is anything in my life of biblical relevance that happened recently and the answer is pretty much no. Although I will say I was having trouble sleeping the other night and this is kind of related to the Bible. Our homeschool group growing up would meet at a church on Tuesdays for classes and
Starting point is 00:33:08 you know singing songs and praises and Hosanna and the highest and my method for falling back asleep I Think this was just last night and I didn't finish it which is is how you know it works, is going through every single room in that church, which is a big ass church, and remembering the deep finer details of every room, every door, who taught in that room, who sat in that place in the fellowship hall, and you know, that sort of thing, it worked like a charm. I literally, I'm thinking back to the last thing I remember. I think I recall getting like 10% of the way through the church where I fell asleep. So if you're ever, for those, for those of you with ties to a Hallstrom home school workshops, think back to Temple Baptist Church next time you're trying to fall asleep and go through every room, the family names, the Papa John's orders, the fridge, all that stuff, because it worked for me.
Starting point is 00:34:11 And that's something related to the Bible. So I guess what I'm trying to say is when God speaks, He uses the Samson. I want to remind everyone that you can always email this show. We are bean-town podcasts at Again, it's bean- Podcasts at Again, this Bean Town Podcasts at You can also check out Bean Town, especially the Bean Town blog. We just updated it about two weeks ago. We had our euphoria season two blog post recap, and I got to tell you it was a lot of fun. I had a great time writing it, and I don't get to blog a ton of these days.
Starting point is 00:34:47 And one of the reasons that like that blog post you go back and we did that, took me about an hour to write. There's just like, it's just a lot of work. And one full hour dedicated to just like a silly blog post is a lot more for me now than it was three or four years ago. So I would encourage you if you haven't ever experienced a bean-town blog or, some of the other things we got going on there,
Starting point is 00:35:12 I would definitely encourage you to take a couple of minutes, check it out. We got all sorts of blog posts, so you definitely should go read that. Finally, our good friends, cuts by Q. My hair is getting longer. It's getting closer to not not quite like the longest it's ever been, but it's you know we're starting to get into that ballpark and yeah it's it's got some nice curls in the back especially when I wear my hat out of the shower, you know, it gets nice and curly in the back.
Starting point is 00:35:48 So that's what our good friends, cuts by cue can offer you, can provide you. It's a great place to get a haircut. If you are in the northern Illinois area, we're talking 815 people, or the greater Chicago and area in northwest Indiana, the suburbs, Chicago proper, call us up. When you need to fresh do something that's snappy and you call the experts, it cuts by Q. Okay the last
Starting point is 00:36:18 thing I wanted to plug from a traditions perspective. It's my favorite annual tradition I am less of a cinephile These days than I was maybe three or four years ago. In fact, I was telling someone at work last night like Well, first we were talking about movie pass and just the glory that was movie pass and then we were also discussing how like You know, I personally I'm not really into the Oscars anymore. I'll still watch if I think of it Sunday night when it is in two weeks. But I used to do, and I originally, full disclosure, started doing this to try to get with a girl and it didn't work at all.
Starting point is 00:36:57 Like, I think we went on half of a date one time at Chicago Bagel Authority. That's a story for another time. But she told me on that half date, oh yeah, I do this, so I was like, oh, I'm gonna do that too. And that's watching all the best picture nominations. And for many years, I did that. That would have been 2016 when I started doing that.
Starting point is 00:37:20 So I think for at least four or five years, that was the thing I did and I loved it. But nowadays, movies just being very expensive and you know, it's just like oftentimes two to two and a half hours to sit through or three hours if you're seeing the Batman tonight. That's just a lot of time. And my I just don't I just don't have as much time these days. That's just the way it is because I work a lot.
Starting point is 00:37:43 So I just haven't kept up with that and I certainly haven't kept up with it this year. I think I've seen two of the best picture nominations, although I'd have to look at them because it might just be one. I've seen the power of the dog because that's what people think are gonna win. I don't know if I've seen anything else. Oh well. Where was I? Oh, movies. So, but there is one movie that I will watch every year without fail and I will love every goddamn second of it. The fugitive. Okay. It's the same Patrick Stay movie. It's a Chicago movie. I watch it every year, right around this time of year. I have not done it yet this year. I will absolutely plan to do it, you know,
Starting point is 00:38:29 maybe this weekend, but definitely a week night, this upcoming week. It's got everything. I mean, how can you go wrong with Harrison Ford and Tommy Lee Jones, with special guest appearances from Julianne Moore, Jane Lynch, the guy from Joe Pan, no, not Joe, that's not Joe Pan, is it? I don't know, but some of those, some of those like supporting FBI characters are great, including the one who looks like my friend Steven Boy.
Starting point is 00:39:06 And I'm sure there's other people in the cast. Oh, you got, I mean, you got, he got the doctors. I don't want to spoil it for anyone who has ever seen it, but you got the one armed man. You got Dr. Nichols. You've got, oh, Neil Flynn playing a transit cop, right? It's just, and then, so that's, you know, okay, so you got that, just classic acting. Fantastic music, very 80s, just, you know, the kind of low piano,
Starting point is 00:39:40 great chase music, it's beautiful. piano, da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da 20 times at this point. So I fully understand all the twists and turns. But if you're not paying attention, once they really start to dive more into the mystery aspect of the movie and the second act, and you're trying to just like keep up with like, wait, who's that guy? Or wait, what does that mean? Or why is he here? It's a really good mystery.
Starting point is 00:40:20 It's a great thriller that goes without saying, and that kind of brings me to my final point. This set pieces are so iconic, memorable. I mean, I'm just thinking about it like, I mean, you've got the opening sequence, which is fantastic. I'm not going to spoil anything for anyone in case you haven't seen it. But the, you know, the break in and the surgery, that sort of thing. And then you've got the prison break essentially. You've got, I mean, my, probably my favorite is the damn scene,
Starting point is 00:40:53 just that 30-second interaction between Tommy Lee Jones and Harrison Ford. You've got, you know, going down the river. You've got, let's see, you've got the iconic St. Patrick's Day scene, obviously. I love when they raid the house and you're like, wait, because it cuts to it very abruptly and you're like, wait, who is this, what's going on, what does this mean for the story? Great thrilling moment.
Starting point is 00:41:22 You've got when they raid the apartment, you've got them trying to track down the phone lines, like, oh, who has an L? I recognize that boy's that sort of thing. And then of course, you've just, I mean, it doesn't get any better than the finale on the rooftop. Basically, it's, I try to remember which, is it the Palmer House?
Starting point is 00:41:43 I think it's the Palmer House. I think it was called something different back then, but it's the Palmer House on the rooftop and the grand ballroom. And for someone like me who did model UN conferences in there and like, we'll have a drink in the lobby occasionally, just like to see my favorite movie,
Starting point is 00:41:57 be shot in that same space, it's just like, that's so cool. And it's so thrilling, it's mysterious, it's very funny at times. Timely Jones won the Oscar for it. It's just, it's a perfect movie. I don't know how anyone could ever watch that movie and be like, eh, no, that's not for me. It's got everything. So I watch it every year and that's something I've been doing for a long time.
Starting point is 00:42:25 And it's I don't see any end in sight in terms of my my passion, my love for it. It's just the greatest thing of all time. So that's a fugitive I cannot wait to watch it. I do it once a year, no more, no less. It's going to be good. That's what I wanted to share with you all. I thank you for bearing with me. We didn't have any like big news or big announcements or power rankings. Although I was looking back over some old shows and I'm excited to get into some power rankings.
Starting point is 00:42:56 In the near future here, we got to get through some like birthday, March, Manus, Oscar stuff soon, but, you know, Kentucky Derby's not too far away. Our tax special, that's going to only be in a couple of weeks here. I got to get in touch with Matthew Feather, friend of the show. I want to give a huge thank you to everyone who donated. I think I'm going to call it there. I have not thought about the pledge I fund raised from last week. I was told that there might be something else coming in, TBD on that. But I think we're going to cut the check this week to the United Way of Chicago
Starting point is 00:43:25 we raised well over $200 so thank you to everyone again who supported that. You can still donate, I'm not gonna close it right this second, it probably like Monday or something. So, if you still want that certificate of ownership for Year 5 of the Bean Town Podcast, you can absolutely get it. Still time to donate, go find me, it's on my Facebook probably on my Instagram. So go check it out and Thanks everyone who's you know always listen to and support of the show. We got it's an exciting time a year The days are getting longer daylight savings time start Saturday nights at your clocks ahead one hour here's a thing
Starting point is 00:43:59 I think I have to throw out my My last thought I promise I have an alarm clock. And ever since I moved for some reason, oh, I was sleeping on the couch for some reason. And I brought the alarm clock out here, which I don't use. I just use my phone's alarm. But my alarm clock has been a head one hour because it was that way, and the day
Starting point is 00:44:20 like same time ended in November, I didn't reset it. So now it's good to go. In two days, we'll be back. But the reason I didn't reset it. So now it's good to go in two days. We'll be back. But the reason I think I have to get rid of it, and it's very old, is because not only is the clock an hour ahead, it's also an hour and five minutes ahead. It's 458 right now in the clock says 603.
Starting point is 00:44:40 So it's kind of doing its own thing, time wise, which I have a lot of respect for. That's what I would like to do, but unfortunately we work in this capitalistic CAPITAL-ISTIC overworked burnt out culture. Okay, so I can't fight the power every day, right? Sometimes even Superman or the Batman, which I'm going to see in an hour and a half has to hang up his cape.
Starting point is 00:45:09 And that's kind of what I just had to do. I don't really remember how that related to the alarm clock, but that's OK. Going to see the Batman tonight, I will have a first look scoop for you next week. Everyone, hope you're having a good time. Hope you're enjoying some warmer weather. Hopefully, fingers crossed. Shamrock Shuffle next weekend, Shamrock Shakes,
Starting point is 00:45:29 the fugitive, my birthdays on Wednesday. It's all coming up shortly here in the Bean Town Podcast. Thank you for listening. Thank you for supporting. Let's turn on some outro music. Everyone, one last piece of advice for you. Stay safe, stay sane. I'll check in on you next time bye and I'm just going to go. nd you

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