Beantown Podcast - May52019_Quinn David Furness presents the Beantown Podcast (Top 10 Horses Names)

Episode Date: May 5, 2019

Quinn comes to you LIVE from Las Vegas and the tricky Pacific Time Zone to discuss suspicious baggage, getting sandwiched between Texas Todd and Elephant Seal Ernie at the James Taylor concert, kids i...n Las Vegas, and the Top 10 Horse Names for 2019 ft. Pentateuch #FriendsofthePodcast

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furnace and this is the bean town podcast for Cinco Demio Cinco to Drinco as a lot of people on Twitter are calling it Sunday, May 5th, 2019 first podcast and May what's going on? How are you? This is me and we are coming to you live from Las Vegas, Nevada in the alive from Las Vegas, Nevada. Now, in case anyone's curious, Nevada, yes, that is the correct pronunciation. I have heard and I didn't experience this myself because I didn't want to encounter the ribbing, but I heard that if you come here and you call it Nevada, they have a legal right to shoot you, at least within Clark County. It's kind of like if you go to Illinois and say Illinois's
Starting point is 00:00:50 or Oregon and say Oregon or any other number of states where you could potentially mispronounce their name. But yes, Las Vegas, Nevada means the Vegas, in Nevada, or in Spanish, excuse me, that means the Vegas in Nevada or in Spanish. Excuse me. That was embarrassing. And it's Cinco de Mayo. And we're going to be doing a little bit of synchro, synchro, synchro, synchronizing, Cinco de Mayo tribute a little later on in the podcast.
Starting point is 00:01:23 When we roll around to our ads here Gonna show off some of our globalism, but I should let you know that the bean town podcast is the people's podcast it is the Number one source of misinformation out there and the internet probably and you can always use Hashtag friends of the podcast when you are talking about bean town online with your friends, with your family, with your neighbors, with your club penguin mates, with your brothel, I don't know, wherever you find your sense of community, that's what I love about bean town because anyone is welcome. I don't care if you're tall, if you're short, if you're transgender, if you're transsexual, if you're a
Starting point is 00:02:12 new Georgina girl, if you're a mabling girl, it really doesn't matter even if you're a mabling guy. You can listen to the bean town podcast and you can enjoy it. Well, we have got a lot going on and before I jump into that, I should tell you that listener discretion is advised. When you're checking out the bean town podcast number one, we'll occasionally use some Las Vegas themed language. And I can tell you off the bat, just base off of some things that have happened to me in the past couple of days in terms of Quodable experiences there will be some aggressive language being used
Starting point is 00:02:52 So just be on the lookout for that number two this podcast is objectively terrible, but I got to tell you I'm pretty excited about what we've got going on today first thing to let you know is that I'm doing it about what we've got going on today. First thing to let you know is that I'm doing it for a second week on my work computer, meaning we're using Audacity, not GarageBand, meaning you won't be finding this episode on YouTube. I spent usually, even on Audacity, the audio is pretty clear.
Starting point is 00:03:21 I can get it set up quickly, no problems, do one or two tests and we're good to go today It was given me the business and I'm having a tough time telling if it's the Samsung Q2U. That's not set up correctly If it is something wrong with the playback I don't know. I'm having some issues First things that first thing that was happening was I would hate record, and then the instant I would start speaking to the mic, it would just be a straight static sound.
Starting point is 00:03:53 It wouldn't get any louder, it wouldn't get any softer to reflect what I was doing with my voice. I was the minute I would speak into it, just shh shh shh until I would stop the recording. We were finally able to put an end to that, clearly, hopefully, if you're listening to this right now, but then I was having a tough time differentiating
Starting point is 00:04:13 between just me speaking to the computer and speaking to the Samsung Q2U series. My copy of our desk has shown me that it's recognizing my Samsung Q2U, but on the playback, it hasn't always sounded like it's going. So that's interesting. Hey, just, I'm watching the T-Rain, I was seeing my hotel room, and you won't guess what
Starting point is 00:04:34 series of commercials they've been running since I've been getting, since I've gotten here. So on TBS, they've had the Star Wars marathon yesterday. And then apparently today as well cuz I woke up and Heartstrings back was on and it's still on there and Best pin there, but Advertisements, I've seen maybe three or four of them for tuned blast, right? You thought I was crazy No, tune blast is a global
Starting point is 00:05:00 Phenomenon and they have Ryan Reynolds doing He's in each one of those ads about so I've seen three different ones now he's sitting there and funny stuff's happening to him but he doesn't have a care in the world because he's got his tunes so for any of you who thought last week oh Quinn you're crazy no one plays this game are you kidding me Ryan Reynolds plays tune blast so take that to the bank. Okay so when we checked in on you last week we were in Chicago and there was a blizzard the day before last Saturday eight days going Chicago there's a
Starting point is 00:05:39 blizzard. Sunday was the start of work and honestly from Sunday until Friday it was a barn burner with working on the Monday we flew to St. Louis which is kind of absurd it's a four-hour drive by the time you do all the flights and stuff it's you're not saving any time so and when you're you're 6'1, 2'10, 2'15, it's just, frankly, it's not fun to find an airplane. I don't care if you get, I'll see, I don't care if you get, middle seat, it's just, you're not gonna have a good time and I didn't have a good time.
Starting point is 00:06:21 If I'm being TBH with you, totally bitching honest. But this was interesting and I've got that there's a lot coming on this podcast today. So apologies because we're probably going to run long. If you're curious, yes, we're getting to our top 10 horse names. That's at the very end. So you can skip to that if you don't want to hear some good travel stories and what I've been doing in Vegas. But Southwest Airlines, this isn't really a call out. It's just kind of curious. So our flight is scheduled for something like, I don't know, 12.50.
Starting point is 00:06:52 And you get to the airport and it says schedule time 12.50, new time 1 p.m. So it's delayed by 10 minutes, right? But Southwest isn't willing to call it delay. They're just saying, no, we just changed your flight time. But what's the difference between delaying a flight and just changing the start time? If you could just change the start time of your flight and avoid calling it a delay, then everyone would just do that.
Starting point is 00:07:24 So Southwest, I don't think you quite understand start time of your flight and avoid calling it to delay than everyone would just do that. So Southwest, I don't think you quite understand what delay means. If I tell you that I'm going to have a doctor's appointment at 130 and the doctor's not ready for me until 215, that doctor's going to say, we were running behind or we were delayed or we were late for your appointment, they're not gonna say no we just without consulting you we changed the start time so you gotta you gotta know how to use the term delay I think and you gotta own up to the consequences. I tell you what I'm watching Empire right now not the Jesse Sm you what, I'm watching Empire right now, not the Jesse
Starting point is 00:08:06 Smolett show. I'm watching Empire Strikes Back and oh man Luke versus Vader, Saber fight on Cloud City Luke just leaps out of the carbon freezing machine and oh this is the greatest lightsaber battle of all time. I don't care. I Don't care how cool the dancing choreography from Darth Maul was. I don't care how epic moose-to-far was battle of the heroes I don't even care about that throne room scene in Last Jedi, which we won't speak of throne room scene in last Jedi, which we won't speak of. Empire Strikes Back. Number five, the second stars, maybe they ever made the stakes are the highest they've ever been. Luke is fresh. He's young, he's got a lot of energy and Vader is getting really his first lightsaber test in I don't know some 35 years so actually way less than that it's like 25 but man this is good stuff they're getting to the they're getting
Starting point is 00:09:12 to the big scene I won't spoil it for those you haven't seen it but man you should check it out Empire is still easily the best Star Wars movie and it's not close. So after we hit up St. Louis, we drove to Memphis, which wasn't bad, I made that drive it's about four hours. And we do some work down there, I should mention I was traveling in a group, and not a group of co-workers, a group of other workers from other universities, but we're traveling together on the road.
Starting point is 00:09:42 And so we're going out. I always love this scene in Empire when Vader's hurling the stuff and with a force and Luke, they didn't do a fantastic job with the choreography there because Luke just is like swinging around aimlessly. And it's like, I know you don't have good control
Starting point is 00:10:00 of the force yet, but he's just swinging that stuff and stuff, standing in the back. So it doesn't really make sense to me. We're going out on Beale Street after and it's pretty quiet because it's a Tuesday night, I think, in Memphis. So there's not a ton happening on Beale Street, but the weather was nice and we were just walking around and not looking to really establish ourselves anywhere, just kind of walking down the
Starting point is 00:10:24 street, experiencing it. So there's this band playing outside. I don't know exactly what the name of the venue is. It's not a bar. It's just like an open area. Not even like drinks there. It's just open. And there's this band playing songs,
Starting point is 00:10:39 and they're all right, whatever. But we're sitting there watching. We can stay in there for like two or three minutes. And all of a sudden this this scrawny white guy who could have been any older than 20 25 is like pretty short. He's got like the long gene shorts on and just kind of like I don't mean to generalize, but looks looks kind of white trashy
Starting point is 00:11:01 He walk I couldn't hear the conversations he was having with them on the stage, but they let him take the mic. And so he wants to sing a little Elvis, because you know it's Memphis. And so they start playing Houndog. But this guy's vocal cover of Houndog. It's not like, oh my god, this is so bad. It was just so different. I had never heard anything like it so normally how dog is you're way nothing but a hound dog crown all time this guy and I'm gonna piss off my neighbors and I'll tell him but you Grown all the time. You lay! MAPAMATAMO. No. He was really getting his jowls into it. I don't know if this guy was on meth.
Starting point is 00:11:51 If he just had about eight to many PBRs, I'm not entirely certain, but it wasn't even that bad. It was just so different. And the screeching and the howling was hown dog ask. So if you ever have the chance to go back to Beel Street, and you hear,
Starting point is 00:12:14 about a boom, here really goes from high to low, very quickly there. But, wow, yeah, good on the band for giving him a shot, but it feels street is always entertaining. We woke up the next morning, we got some Gibson's donuts. They are famous on the podcast. You remember our episode from just about a year ago, Memphis on the banks of the Mississippi. We wrote about it a little bit in our bean town blog this past year. It's a good time to plug the blog. As a reminder, one of our big year two projects
Starting point is 00:12:48 was launching And with that, we launched the bean town blog. So all you beeners out there can go listen to it. I just, I know friends of the podcast was something we came up with last fall. And it's good and it's good for a hashtag. And you know, every other month or or so you'll see that hashtag thrown out there by you the fans but I kind of like calling the fans of the podcast of
Starting point is 00:13:12 Beeners. I think I could make some t-shirts or something. I'll keep you updated on that. Beeners. But got some Gibson's donuts, had a couple people I was traveling with who I'd never heard of Gibson's before. And I think we converted them. No Gibson's classic. I had a New Orleans donut for the first time and that's always curious to me, Luke. Right before Luke gets his hand chopped off,
Starting point is 00:13:41 in Cloud City, he totally nails Vader in the shoulder. And basically it seems like Vader's shoulder pads that he's wearing are completely lightsaber, deflective or something, but it doesn't really, that bit of it doesn't really make sense to me. If you go back, you watch the replay. It's literally three seconds before Luke gets his hand cut off. He nails Vader in the shoulder close to his neck.
Starting point is 00:14:10 And it just kind of sparks flying Vader reaches for it. Like it hurts, but there's no damage or anything. And Vader doesn't really seem phased because he moves into a big piece after this. So that was Memphis, Houndah Gibson's. We then went to Nashville. I'll try not to say anything about Nashville,
Starting point is 00:14:36 because I don't want to alienate my listener base. But I tell you what, man, it's just, it's too much. There, it's kind of like a precursor to what I'm going to say about Vegas, but there's just too many people and it's the traffic is really bad. Broadway is like fine, but it's kind of just a party all the time. And I, to me, person, this just way too much. We're at a bar, laid on Wednesday night, and there was this girl who was,
Starting point is 00:15:11 definitely had been over served. And it's interesting because in some bars and some environments, if you're really having a good time and you start getting up dancing on the bar, you're just kind of one of the one of the crowd at that point having a good time. This bar was not that scene, despite the live music and despite the drinks flowing. The squirrel gets up dancing on the bar and next thing you know three security guards are in there and it's a it's a showdown between the three security guards and her and the
Starting point is 00:15:47 claims that you know she's being molested and all that stuff and getting thrown out on the sidewalk and her dress is halfway overhead. You should have seen it. It was crazy. I should mention, I wasn't there. I actually just heard about it from my friends, but there's always a good story to be told in Nashville. BNA, BNA Airport Code for Nashville. Never had any trouble, never had any issues with
Starting point is 00:16:16 BNA, but boy, I tell you what, and this is just a little niblet here because there isn't even much to the story, but so we're sitting there probably about half an hour before our flight's generated board. I'm literally sitting in a group with me and my four co-worker or colleagues. And I'm on the end, but we all have our own seats with about usually, or I think I think there's one space, one seat in between each of us. So there's five of us four spaces in between. And I have my luggage like literally next to my seat and I get up and I'm going to go to the bathroom right before flight and starts and so I tell my co-workers hey I'm going to the bathroom just watch my stuff and they'll go yeah, whatever there weren't that many people around so go to the bathroom and Well, I'm well. I'm at the urinal. I hear on the the overhead If you're left your your luggage and gate C9 can you please come and pick it back up?
Starting point is 00:17:25 And I was just I wasn't really paying attention but I know it's like, oh that's my gate. I just left to go to the bathroom. It's kind of curious but I mean my stuff's with my friends whatever. I come back this whole going to the bathroom process takes about two to three minutes and I come back and I sit down and all my my colleagues are just laughing their asses off when I walk back. Apparently, when I got up and I went to the bathroom, someone else came over and I never got the description of who it was. If I assume it was an older lady, I'm not really sure though. Apparently, someone came over to them and was like, is this baggage yours? And my coworkers like, no, it's it's our friends, he's in the bathroom. And that's what they told
Starting point is 00:18:11 the person. And then apparently the person went to the desk and reported my luggage as suspicious. And it's like, what? That's not how this works That was man. I That was rough. I can't believe That doesn't even it wasn't even anything my colleagues did they just straight up told no What's our friend? He's in the bathroom and they still reported it as suspicious So I didn't have to do anything. You know, I just sit back down to my seat and 10 minutes later I'm boarding my flight. But man, help, I mean, come on, B&A. We're all in this together.
Starting point is 00:18:52 We're all white. And we're all right is maybe what I meant to say. But yeah, when you're in Nashville, you are all white. So eventually that goes off Nashville, Atlanta was fine. Didn't really have time to do anything too fun, but flight to Vegas Friday night was good. Had a window seat, watched milk on a plane. I never seen milk before Sean Penn, James Franco, Diego Luna plays a real nut job in that movie. I don't know if that man in real life was seeing how mental issues are, what?
Starting point is 00:19:33 But boy, that was crazy. And then of course, oh, Josh Brolin is Dan White and an unforgettable role. And talk about a guy that really went unhinged. Geez, local politics. Stuff is crazy. And then Victor Garber, of course, plays mayor, what's his name? Mascone, something like that.
Starting point is 00:19:54 Which I thought was a wine flavor until I watched a movie now, I think, hey, maybe it's the mayor of San Francisco. So we get to Vegas Friday night. I get in at like 10 p.m. I'm staying at the MGM grand here on the southern end of the strip right at Las Vegas Boulevard and Tropicana right kitty corner from the airport. This place is F and huge. You read about it on internet, and you see pictures and you say,
Starting point is 00:20:32 okay, it's a big complex. You can't comprehend it until you get there. You check in at the hotel lobby, which is an experience unto itself, but then just to get to your elevators, you have to walk through the casino. It's fascinating. It's not like your classic homewood suites where you check in and oh yeah, elevators are just down around the corner to the left. No, it's check in. Okay, to get to the elevators, let me pull out a map because you got to go through the casino, make
Starting point is 00:21:04 this turn. If you get turned around there, that's fine. Just circle back. Do this and this and this and this and this. And then if you're lucky, you'll find the elevators. Holy cow, that, I still, so this is my third day here now. I'm still kind of having, I don't want to say a tough time because you can find it eventually if you just keep walking but man Find the elevators at the MGM grant for those of you who are coming next week for Mother's Day You wouldn't believe how tough it is here to find stuff and then so You know everyone kind of knows lost Vegas, but I don't think anyone really knows it until you've experienced it.
Starting point is 00:21:48 But a place like the MGM Grand Hotel and Casino, it's not just a hotel and casino, there's a pool complex. And I say complex and that there's like five pools. There's a food court. There are probably a grand total of like 50 or 60 restaurants and like 40 of them outside of the food court. There's golf. There's a gym I assume, although I haven't found it yet. And then there is this whole, they call it the district where it's just shops.
Starting point is 00:22:23 It's like a mall. all inside of this one resort And Vegas is crazy There I'm sure there are tons there's there are other clubs there are other lounges There's the bread-guarrett comedy club here Which I was thinking about going to check out but two things I two not going to. One, Brad Garrett is not actually there. He's not here until next week too. The tickets are like 60 bucks. For a comedian who's good, but not like,
Starting point is 00:22:53 I don't wanna pay 60 bucks for it. There are, there's Jabba Walkies, who I've heard I'm supposed to know. I don't really know what they are. It kind of seems, I don't think they're like a Band per se they kind of seem like a blue man group thing very vagacy But there's another like arena here, so This is all just the one
Starting point is 00:23:20 Resort all or not even resort a hotel in casino. So it's a, man. You hear about Vegas and then you actually get there and it's I was actually I was at I had dinner last night after show which I'll talk about a second here, but talking to the bartender and I I picked a bar I'm so I stress that that was personally like dead because I was I just I wanted to just like, watch some hockey highlights and not talk to too many people when I'm talking to the guy at the, I'm talking to the bartender. And, you know, I'm here by myself for work like I'm having a fun time, but he had us, because it was like 10, 30 and 8 at that point, he was like, so you got any big plans for the net. I was like, man, I already had my full day, like I'm going back to bed.
Starting point is 00:24:03 Um, you know, I was like, yeah like I'm going back to bed. You know, I was like, yeah, I'm here for work, somebody myself and you know, it's a fun experience, but it's a lot to take in by yourself. And he's like, yeah, definitely takes a certain type of person to experience, or to have a good time and vagus by yourself. And he was like, and I am not that person. I was like, hey, preaching to the choir bud, same here.
Starting point is 00:24:24 So I'm happy to have some of my fun, but I'm not here to gamble, I haven't gambled anything and I'm just kinda here to relax. And I don't have to work till Tuesday, which is nice. I think I've got two more open days here in Vegas, but yesterday was my day that was like built out with stuff. Today is just like hanging out by the pool, maybe catch the Cubs game on National TV because that 4 p.m. West Coast time, Pacific Coast time,
Starting point is 00:25:00 kills me because I feel like by the time you know eight or nine o'clock it's everyone else in the world is asleep and you're just kind of hanging out Having a good time, which is fine, but there's just you know, it's just like What am I supposed to do here and then you wake up at seven in the morning and it feels like all your friends have already had half their days so far so Yeah, I know it's it seems kind of silly to complain about time zones, but I'm really not a fan of the West Coast time zone, and I don't think I would enjoy it here. So, and we're getting there. I promise I'm looking at my list of things to talk about,
Starting point is 00:25:43 and we're getting there. Last night, had a great opportunity. So James Taylor, the legendary guitarist and singer has been in residency at Cesar's Palace Colosseum for a little while now. And I think he's there for a little bit more. But I had a chance to go see him. When I was looking at concerts, such people, things to see in Vegas for this weekend,
Starting point is 00:26:11 there were a couple different options, but James Taylor was by far like not only the person I really wanted to see more than anybody else, but to like the most cost effective option. I think I paid like 40, 45 bucks for this ticket. So going to see just palace auto tour or Colosseum also a little tricky to find if you don't really know where you're going because like MGM granted is just a f and labyrinth in there. But get in there, consider the 730, get to my seat about 7 and this was rough. So I'm sitting in the second to last row in the entire Coliseum. So you're pretty high up there. The views are fine, but you know, it's a little far away. I get to my seat, oh boy, on my left, we'll call him Texas Todd, and on my right, we'll call him Elephant Seal Ernie. Oh my God, two of the biggest people I have ever seen in my life.
Starting point is 00:27:29 And I'm not just talking big like wide. These guys were both well over six feet tall and both had to be brushing on 350, 400. And it's not an exaggeration. Holy cow. And I'm, I always feel like a big guy when I'm sitting in tight-crem spaces. But when you're surrounded by Texas Todd and Elephant Seal Ernie, oh Lord, I felt like I was on the spirit flight from hell for about two hours as I watched James Taylor, which was a shame because the concert was fantastic. I'm talking, I'm sitting there mining my own business before just trying to survive and thinking to myself, how the hell am I going to survive the next two to an hour's sitting like this. Our shoulders hunched, crunched in, elbow was digging into my belly here. My hands looking like I'm about to go down a
Starting point is 00:28:39 water slide, crossed over my chest. Knees basically touching because they had to be because the left knee of elephant, elephant seal earning and the right knee of Texas Todd were just, oh my God, they, hmm, I am giving, it's giving me nightmares, just just thinking about it So I'm sitting there minding my own business Texas Todd is actually a nice guy He's from Texas if you couldn't tell strikes up a conversation and we're talking about work talking about oh He had this phone app called shazam where if you don't you know, they're playing music over the the PA before the Constructors are snow opening or anything like that. But, yeah, he didn't know what a song was. And he pulled out his app and apparently it was ELO or something.
Starting point is 00:29:31 I don't know. But so we're talking about that. He was a nice guy, but not a ton of space. He was nothing size wise compared to elephants. He'll earn. He was nothing size wise compared to elephant seal Ernie this man was Holy I can't even begin to describe to you how much this guy was I wasn't talking to him He was talking to his wife, but he was very chatty He liked to be on his phone, asked at Elephant's Hill Ernie during the concert. They
Starting point is 00:30:07 liked to pull out their phone, just do some emails, send some text messages. But what I love about these guys, and I should mention, they were both probably around 50, so they're not gears, but they're not young men anymore. They really liked their phone brightness. Like, if you're gonna pull out a phone at a concert or a movie theater or any of that stuff where your phone's gonna be distracting to other people, you can, I mean, okay, whatever, sometimes you gotta do stuff, but at least have your phone brightness all the way down,
Starting point is 00:30:36 right, because the lights are all the way off. These guys, both, they're phone brightness, not only like at a normal level. It's like it imagine you were out in the direct sunlight and you were doing your best to see your phone screen that's where their brightness level was at for these two gentlemen elephant sealer Ernie so James Taylor throughout the concert you know in between songs will introduce members of the band. And he's playing with an all-star band, guys from all different music, worlds, different
Starting point is 00:31:10 bands, themselves, really good stuff. But every single time, and I mean pretty much every single time, James Taylor would introduce one of the band members. Apparently, Elephant's Seal of Ernie didn't know who was in the band beforehand, but he had his suspicions. And here, here comes some language, because I'm gonna quote, but every time James Taylor would be like, and here's so and so on the drums, elephant seal Ernie, and a very loud tone of voice,
Starting point is 00:31:40 while people are just like calmly clapping, applauding the introduction you say I Fuckin knew it. I fucking knew fucking a yes. Yes. Yes. Yes fucking a Yes, I knew it and he did that for I think every single band member except for one He's say oh my god. It was him. I knew it fucking a fucking a He said, oh my god, it was him. I knew it. Fuckin' A, fuckin' A. It got tired quick and it was, and this is all the while being scrunched in the smallest amount of personal space I think I've ever experienced.
Starting point is 00:32:21 You know those hotels in Tokyo, you can rent, where they just kinda like rent, sleep at, where they just kinda like slide you into the pod? That makes the space I had last night look like Paris Hilton's orange county mansion because I can't even begin to describe to you. It didn't matter how crunched my shoulders were. It didn't matter what I was doing with my knees
Starting point is 00:32:49 because the knees of Elephant Seal Ernie and Texas, what do we call them, Texas Todd, they pushed my knees together pretty quickly. So it was a lot, I'm getting worked up here and I had some water. But boy, James Taylor puts on a great show. It's a little bit tougher to enjoy sandwich in between Texas Todd and Elton Seal Ernie.
Starting point is 00:33:21 So the two of you will go down and infamy. I hope you guys have a fun time in Vegas, Texas Todd. I hope you and your wife have a safe trip back to Texas and then Alfonsoeal Ernie, I don't even know what your deal is, or where you're from. Oh, they're starting the Phantom Menace now. This is interesting because yesterday,
Starting point is 00:33:44 they went on Star Wars, they went 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and Rogue One, 8 movies, 3 hour times off for each I assume. Today when I woke up at about 8.30, they were doing Empire Stri strikes back. So I'm trying to think how what did they start with and I was saying they played four at some point before five but there had to have been another movie that they played so I'm not exactly sure what they did. I will say that I fell asleep right when Rogue or I got home right when Rogue One was ending at midnight, the end of Star Wars marathon.
Starting point is 00:34:26 I didn't think TBS was going to play anything today, but they didn't show Star Wars at the stroke of midnight, right? Rogue One ended and they went to other programming. So I just assumed, okay, that's the end of the Star Wars marathon. Well, I wake up again today and they're doing it again. So maybe they just started a new hope at, I don't know, five or six or something. And but I'm not sure what movies they're cutting out. We'll worry about that later.
Starting point is 00:34:53 But that was James Taylor Vegas. Still going on. What's the deal though with the kids in Vegas? Man, there are so many families here and they're just like walking around, having a good time, strollers, but when you're a family in Vegas, like what do you even do?
Starting point is 00:35:22 I mean, I feel like Vegas is built around drinking, gambling, and some prostitution on the side, some light prostitution. So like, outside of going to a show and granted only about 25% of the shows here are family oriented, outside of going to 25% of the shows, what do you do as a family? Now, this is ironic for me to say because about 16 or 17 years ago my family went to Vegas just for a night as part of a stopover trip to the Grand Canyon and I think we just like walked down the strip for like two hours or something. Maybe that's what all these families are doing. But if I was a parent I would be so bummed out to be like, yeah, let's take the family to
Starting point is 00:36:11 Vegas so we can walk down the strip for two hours and then like eat dinner and go to bed. I don't know. It just seems like such an expensive place to do that. Um, the a lot of kids in Vegas. I like when you're just like, um, walking around the casino downstairs or like at Cedar Palace and they're just like a kid running around. There's like no parents in sight. I assume I'm a dad or just like gambling or something, but they're just, yeah, just running around like, dude, cigarettes, liquor. This is a good place to be a kid Maybe kids grow up faster in Nevada. I don't know we should we should ask some people about that, but
Starting point is 00:36:55 You guys remember that those cigarettes Or anything sick-free and Roy the Tiger guys Do they both live? Because I think sink-free got nailed by one of those tigers and they had to shoot it or something. But I don't really remember. What do you think those guys are doing these days? If that's your career, your whole thing is this huge
Starting point is 00:37:17 Vegas show. I'm sure they made a lot of money, but like, I mean, they haven't been out there for 10, 15 years. What do you do now? Are they as you keep her? Maybe Roy is a best-selling author, writing about his experience getting mold by a tiger? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:37:36 We should reach out to Sigfried and Roy and see if we can get them on the podcast. Always advocating for landing bigger names on the podcast, always advocating for landing bigger names on the podcast. So, let's get to the ads here. And then we're going to, what the actual purpose of this podcast was to read our top 10 horse names for 2019. We did that last year, had a lot of fun.
Starting point is 00:38:01 And we're gonna do it again, this year. We'll talk briefly about the Kentucky day. We don't have too many thoughts. I know yesterday was a big day and a lot of stuff happened, but I don't actually have that many reflections. I'm not that well informed. So let's read some ads here. Let me get some water first.
Starting point is 00:38:20 I drink in water this morning. You guys are should be proud of me because yesterday, this time I was already at the pool drinking Yeah, rum and coke. And that's gonna be me in about half an hour here. Gonna get to the pool a little bit later. Hopefully it's still not too overly crowded. Hopefully there's a place to lie out.
Starting point is 00:38:41 So let's get some water here. Got a little sunburn yesterday, not too bad. I was like over protective with the sunscreen. Still managed to get a little bit of burn going. So at least now I know where my missed spots are. But Home Pride Organ, are you tired of selling your house for less than a quarter of what it's worth all because you couldn't find a reliable home inspector in time? Well Oregon listeners, there's good news.
Starting point is 00:39:17 Home Pride inspection services in Ben, Oregon is central, Oregon's hottest new home inspection provider with inspection services including things like heating and cooling, roofing, plumbing and so much more. Home Pride Oregon is both contractor certified and home inspection certified so you know you're getting the good stuff. If you're tired of a big real estate angle hold on the home inspection market and you want a safe certified inspector you can trust, call Steve at 541-207-1101 or visit That's 541-207-1101 or visit Homepried-organ inspection perfection.
Starting point is 00:39:56 You ain't nothing better, how dark. That's not what it was, but you guys go back 20, 25 minutes in the recording. You can hear me do it because it hurt my voice. Shout out to the Samson Q2U series. I don't know if this audio is coming through Samson or if it's coming through my computer, but either way you can hear it. When you get to the Samson Q2U series, you're getting that Chris Clean Audio quality that your body deserves.
Starting point is 00:40:20 That's not what I'm watching. I'm watching Phantom Menace and they're in the scene early in the movie where they got Palpatine on the projector there, the holograph, and it's this chest like he's the image is not clear. So they like the different way it was like make his body look crazy. There's really good prequel meme. It they like the different way it was like make his body look crazy. There's a really good prequel meme. It's like the picture of that caught at the perfect framing just as thick. But Samson Q2U series, man, when God's PC uses a Samson TV guide, haven't had a new one since that Game of Thrones one that we referenced. We talked about it a little bit when Walt was on the podcast,
Starting point is 00:41:05 almost a month ago now. We're pretty much a month ago, so I don't really have any new updates for you. Still waiting for that John Goodman one though. I mentioned we're going to have a little shout out to Cinco de Mayo and you guys know my hair cutting business cuts by Q. Got some good press recently when I gave myself a haircut. And it turned out pretty good. I'm looking at myself in a mirror right now. Not too shabby, dude. Dude, you look good. But let's read a little cuts by Q and Espanol. So I took, let's see what, one year of Spanish in college and I think you guys are going to be impressed.
Starting point is 00:41:51 That's bycue. Bob e El Tejiro, we all know El Penado, we all love him. But, But how many barbers independent with CETA NL Central Day Baltimore can really take care of the way they are doing it. In Greece, cuts for Q. As combo enters Sandman,
Starting point is 00:42:18 but different cuts be Q. Oh, the first time it says cuts for Q. now it says cuts by Q. I don't know what one is going with. Cuts by Q, as the propiate ad, the operation independent day, there's the 1995, I don't know what the numbers in Spanish are, it didn't translate. And as probably Probably one of the best operations of the Babaria, that served in the city of Baltimore, the condado of Baltimore and the condado of Cook, Illinois. There's the Kalmenes explosion, forehawks, superfaces planas, and all of them. Yame cuts, now it saysas and all of them are
Starting point is 00:43:05 they call cut now it says cut all so if I had cut poor q cuts buy q and cuts all q 815 wait no I can do this Ocho Uno
Starting point is 00:43:18 Cinco Dos Nuebe Ocho Siete Dos Zero Zero O 9 be 8, 7, 2, 0, 0, O, R, C, R, L, Tronico, cut by Q,, SOS, cuts Q, Rapido in Nuevo, Yama los expertos a cuts by Q. And then the song it returned back to cuts by Q. So thank you to all the sponsors for supporting our podcast.
Starting point is 00:43:58 Okay, the final stretch here, the top 10 horse names of 2019, the eagerly anticipated top 10 horse names from 2019. I listened to the top 10 horse names from 2018 on the plane ride from Atlanta out here. They were fun. I liked the names, some of the ones that come to mind remember, Episcopalian is still my overall top portion name of all time, but we also had good ones like Stanford Raffles, who is the founder of modern Singapore. We had Taikanderoga and a whole slew of other fun names.
Starting point is 00:44:38 But here, let's jump right into it. Let's not waste any more time so that we can get this episode uploaded for you, the fans, and so I can go drink some rum and coke by the pool and read my book and try to not get burnt again. And hopefully find a spot because I've heard after 11 or so, it's impossible to find a spot. It's 1002 right now. And it takes that's the other thing with and I'm not joking from my hotel room door to the pool complex about Oh, I don't know 15 16 minutes on foot. It's that long. It's not it's not even like You always say it'll be about 15 minutes. No, it's I start walking now. It's 15 minutes until I get to the pool
Starting point is 00:45:24 That's how far away it is So number one we revealed it already, but it's pen to took P-E-N-T-A-T-E-U-C-H It's another biblical term although Episcopalian is not a biblical term. It's a religious term, I believe, but Pench took is very much, well, also, I don't know if Pentateuch appears as a word in the Bible, but Pentateuch, if any, you don't know in the Hebrew Bible, refers to the first five books. Also, it knows the Old Testament, so Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. So that's our overall top number one horse name for the year.
Starting point is 00:46:08 Well, that's not a surprise to the four of you who listen every week. Number two, two, four, T. I like this because it goes a couple of different ways. So two for T, classic jazz song, also two, four, T, like the song, also 240, like the number 240, and then also it's spelled TOO space F-O-U-R space T-E-E. So it's a different, it's different than if you had two for T, T-W-O-F-O-R-T-E-A, this is two like the out of group two, four like the number four,
Starting point is 00:46:43 and T like a golf tee. So there's some plan words there. It takes a little bit of a higher perception level, a higher IQ I guess to understand. And number three, I've trained a Brooklyn. I like this because it's an actual train, but also in the office, there's a Christmas party episode or BJ Novak
Starting point is 00:47:04 is like who's making drinks around here? And I think Oscar is like, all right, I'll make your drink. And BJ Irine is like, I'll take an F-trained Brooklyn extra bitters. And it's always been a funny name to me. I look at, oh, this is not a real drink. There is no F-trained abrooklin as far as I can tell. But now in 20 years, you're watching the Derby,
Starting point is 00:47:28 and you see F-trained abrooklin pull up in first place, who came up with that idea. Number four, it's nothing flashy, but in another way, it's very flashy. It's chandelier. This is kind of one of those things you don't think, you don't hear it right away and you don't say, oh my God, that's a great horse thing,
Starting point is 00:47:49 but then you start thinking about it. It's simple, it's one word, but it's got three syllables chandelier. And you're just thinking like, wow, it's classy, it's elegant. If I lost to a horse named chandelier, I wouldn't be bummed even because well, you're going up against a great horse like Shandileer and you're just thinking it's French, so it's elegant, elegant, but it's kind of got that wild side to it. And I think that's what you're getting with the horse named Shandilear. So that's number four. Number five, Gennelal Historical with you. But I like it. It honors our country and honors America. And the number five horse name for 2019 is Crossing the Delaware.
Starting point is 00:48:37 Iconic, George Washington, picture, iconic scene, leaving Valley Forge or going to Valley Forge, I don't know which one, but crossing the Delaware, probably the most patriotic course you'll ever find. I'm thinking maybe it's like color scheme could be a little red, white, and blue action. And maybe the number could be 13 for 13 colonies. And also 13, because it's going to be bad luck when you lose to crossing the Delaware. Number six, a little literary reference going here. Ricky Tiki Taffy. So you might be familiar with Ricky Tiki Tavi, who is a Mongoose, maybe a Weasel. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:49:34 And it's a red-deered kippling, I believe, novel or short story about whatever it is, a Weasel or a Mongoose or a mink or something like that that protects its family from a cobra. Wow, look out. Cobra's are crazy in colonial India. I believe India or Pakistan something like that. But this is a little spin on it. It's ricky ticky taffy like Laffy taaffy. Is Taffy actually a thing or is it, is there a Taffy and a Taffy? If so, what's Taffy? I don't know. Brian's with Taffy, Taffy Duck.
Starting point is 00:50:16 But number six for us this year is Ricky Tiki Taffy. Number seven, kind of going back to this chandelier type of way of thinking. it's, but it's not just one word includes the definite article, the alchemist, the alchemist or the alchemist. So not only, you're not only losing to a horse with just a cool one word name like alchemist, you're losing to like the boss, right? You like the doctor, like the professor is here.
Starting point is 00:50:46 Classes in session, the alchemist just turned this whole Churchill down slop into his own private playing field for turning slop into gold. The alchemist is going to be one of those horse that likes the slop. Okay, he turns that slop into gold and he's going for gold in the 2037 Kentucky Derby. Only 18 years away, I'll be 42, which is Jackie's number.
Starting point is 00:51:13 I better start saving up some more money. Number eight, a tribute to where we came from most, a lot of us in the Furnai family, everyone, literally everyone, except for my oldest brother Walt has worked at a came art at some point in time. And it is blue light special. So there aren't very many came arts left in the world. And a lot of people these days don't even know
Starting point is 00:51:43 what a blue light special is. But it's also the number eight horse name for 2019 is blue light special. So go ask your mom, go ask your dad what a blue light special was. And they'll probably first tell you, oh well, I listen to being on podcast, it's Quinn's number eight horse name for this year. But then they might also tell you,
Starting point is 00:52:03 oh, it came already, it was this thing where they announced it in the store and go find the bullet, all that stuff. So ask your, ask your elderly officials what the bullet special was. Number nine, we've got two left here. They're both good. One is gonna involve us getting some rights from Ronald Dolby. Number nine is two minutes for roughing.
Starting point is 00:52:29 It's a little bit longer, but I like it because it's another, it references another sport name. So two minutes for roughing, a classic hockey penalty. Usually they, they dull those out after a fight and they're oftentimes offsetting penalties, but two minutes for rough then this is going to be your horse that gets in there rough, tumbling, type of horse, and he's taking names. He probably likes the slop too. Number 10, everlasting gobsstopper,
Starting point is 00:53:05 which also sounds like a sex toy you can buy in Las Vegas. But everlasting gobsstopper from Raw Dolls, timeless children's novel, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Again, probably gonna need to acquire some rights, but I think the Raw Doll Doll Estate would be very generous. I'll offer I'll offer to pay them a thousand dollars for the rights to use Everlasting Gobstopper and they can give it to charity or something Overall thoughts on the Kentucky Derby. I got to watch it yesterday
Starting point is 00:53:43 It's weird on the West Coast because post time is about 3.45, which is just crazy early for a derby. But the race itself, I thought, was very boring T.B.H. Who was the, what was the name of the horse that Mickey Mantle or something that basically led the whole way was the favorite and then got de-cued. Man, what was that horse's name? So the one that won was Country House.
Starting point is 00:54:20 To a keyboard and a called Country Comfort, because that's an Alton Johnson. When I was maximum security was the favorite what five to two odds and then led every like the whole race wasn't that exciting. Got a little close heading into the home stretch but thin he pulled away. So the race itself not I literally the race ends. I watch it for like two or three minutes. They're interviewing the Jackie. Try to interview the horse, but didn't have much to say. I turned back to the Cubs game because there's Cubs cards.
Starting point is 00:54:54 It's a really close game. Cubs won by one run, but I turned back on a commercial just to like, actually because the Blue Jackets, Bourdain's game was starting after that. And that and I was like oh let me watch this hockey game well they still had it on the Derby and I realized they're in replay but the whole time I'm just thinking to myself this is such like an old institution if they've never changed it like this this is all just for the spectacle they're not actually gonna change it and then they did maximum security, de-cute, you've got to feel for that horse.
Starting point is 00:55:29 Is that the horse's fall or is that the jockey's fault? I don't really know. It's kind of embarrassing either way. First time a horse has ever been de-cute at the Kentucky Derby, or at least the winning horse has ever been de-cute. So that was crazy. For what it's worth, I had a free $10 from an online website, sign up whatever, to bet. And I wanted a value pick. So I picked
Starting point is 00:55:53 win-win-win. And I don't think they mentioned win-win-win more than once in the actual race. Was way behind early. And then his whole thing was was he supposed to be a really good closer. As the other way thing was he's supposed to be really good in the slops. I'm like, oh, this could work out. His value is 15 to 1. Nothing. Started behind, fell behind, stayed behind, never made a move really of any kind. Although no horse has really made a huge move. They were saying
Starting point is 00:56:26 that maybe one or two of the horses that kind of got effed over by the, what they ended up de-curing maximum security for, were potentially about ready to make a move when things were tightening up going to the home stretch, but nobody from like third or fourth back really did anything so I still never had a mint tulip on what is even in a mint tulip is it bourbon I assume I don't know people out there listening the two of you who like know how to make drinks are probably laughing at me right now I don't know what's in a mint tulipup. I've been to Louisville multiple times in my life. I've even seen Churchill Downs and never like been to Churchill Downs. But Kentucky Derby and other one in the books. This is 145. We'll see if we're pre-knist in two
Starting point is 00:57:18 weeks, which is funny because pre-knist is in Baltimore where I live at Pimlico, but tickets are pretty expensive. And it's kind of like Las Vegas where it's like, a fun thing to do, I'm sure, when you have a group of friends that are excited about it, but when it's just you, it's just kind of like, eh? I don't really know what I'm supposed to be doing here. So, I will not go to Pimlico for this year's race in two weeks.
Starting point is 00:57:50 I'm sure it's a good time, but it's just not. I don't know, not something I want to do by myself. So that's what's going on. That's about all I got for you. We are going to keep it under the hour mark. We're going to make 5810 right now, so I got about a minute of vamping left. But if anyone has any comments, concerns, questions, grievances, complaints, you can always email us
Starting point is 00:58:18 That's beantown, BEAN and podcastat. Yeah, I want to thank everyone for listening our first ever episode from the state of Nevada and Las Vegas, Nevada. I'm going to upload this so you can enjoy your Sunday listening to it. As I know, that's how you all like to spend your Sunday afternoons. And I'm going to go sit by the pool. So pray for my skin, right?
Starting point is 00:58:44 I got SPF 50, which that stuff's working overtime. I'll tell you that much. And I don't know, gotta eat something at some point. I haven't eaten anything yet, but that's what we prepared for you as we hit minute number 60 here. So thanks everyone for tuning in. Don't forget to head to for all of our newest episodes as well as a Beentown blog. You can also find the Beentown podcast in places like SoundCloud, Spotify, Stitcher, iTunes, Apple Music, Google Play,
Starting point is 00:59:19 not CastBox yet because I haven't made the time to actually upload it and I probably won't. But check out this Star Wars marathon while it's still on. few of the chance. Liam Neeson has never looked better. Phantom Menace, 20 years old this year. I believe that 20 years. So for all of us here at Bean Town Podcast, we'll come to you live next week for a Mother's Day special from Bean Town USA. But that's what we got for you. And everyone be nice to each other. And watch out for Texas Todd and elephant sealer.
Starting point is 00:59:52 All right, we'll see you later. Have a good one.

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