Beantown Podcast - Memorial Day Vibe 2021 (05312021 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: May 31, 2021

Honestly this show is good if you are a little tipsy and just trying to vibe. Otherwise I apologize...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn, and Fern is welcome to my show. Quinn, and Fern is present the bean Tom podcast for Sunday March March. Yikes. cloned from the sacks these man. It's May 30th. It's Memorial Day weekend. 2021. My name is Quinn. This is my show. Thanks for tuning in. I was just at, in case you go to tell according to this rocky start. I was just at a bar before this. With a good friend of the show, Abby Witzack, Witzack, Witzack, not my sister Abigail, but a different Abigail. I don't think Abby's ever been on the show. It would be fun to get her on some time. She's very, very personable and cordial and would be great on live air. But we were talking about time and, you know, not to get too
Starting point is 00:01:08 Matthew McConaughey deep into it, but just like, wow, it's June on Tuesday. And this is just like second COVID summer, which now is quickly turning in, at least in here in Chicago. I don't speak for other places. Other places I'm sure I've would been like way ahead of the curve and other places are like way behind the curve Way behind the curve just feels like Second COVID summer this one feels at least here in Chicago feels very like normal natural, etc
Starting point is 00:01:45 I'll give you an example. I was um... Had an open afternoon, didn't have anything going on. Ended up at uh... Merkel's and Rigglyville, which was very untrace. Like in the heart of the... Rigglyville corridor, if you will. Between... a Rigglyville corridor if you will between
Starting point is 00:02:14 You know like Belmont and Irving Park on Clark Street or even Belmont in grace if you want to narrow it a little bit It's just like millions of bars going wherever you want like have a drink hang out whatever And so that's what I did This afternoon because Rachel is at a bridal or an engagement party. And so I was just like, you know what, open afternoon. I want to watch this ball game. And I decided, you know, I've been watching the Cubs games lately, because they've been performing very well, much to our collective surprises here in Regalville. And I decided, you know, it's a Sunday,
Starting point is 00:02:48 not only is it a Sunday, it's a holiday weekend. Like, let me get out, let me go out and do something. I haven't, I haven't physically sat, and this is, again, me talking to myself 12 hours ago. It's about 7, 6, 35 pm Sunday night. So we're in like getting into twilight time here, but still kind of vibing. I am recording this relatively intoxicated.
Starting point is 00:03:16 So I apologize in advance for any slurring of any kind. It's just kind of how I'm doing things, okay? Not only is it a Sunday and I've got my Sunday vibe going, but it's a holiday weekend. That being said, I'm very acutely aware, great two word phrase, acutely aware of my alcohol intake and just like not wanting to feel like crap tomorrow morning. And so I have switched to water and it may return to another drink at some point, you know, after this is over, which is, you know, it is what it is. But for now, I'm just like, there's no need to feel like crap. And I'll tell you, I mean, that's always a good standard to live by, but it's even more.
Starting point is 00:04:03 So for me, currently this weekend, and I'll tell you why in a to live by, but it's even more so for me currently this weekend, and I'll tell you why in a hot second here. But I ended up, I went to a bar, Merkel's, which is one of my go-to places in Wrigley. If you don't know, it's, I think it's, it's the right in the heart of it. It's not like it's off the beaten path or anything. It's between Newport and Anderson there in Clark.
Starting point is 00:04:23 So it's like boom, right there. But it's always just kind of like chill. I will say, you know, when I first showed up there at about one third of this afternoon, there was, it was me and one other party. And so it was very quiet. But by the time I finished up with my friend, Abby Witzack, there were at least, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:04:45 20 other people in there. So it started to pick up as you get later in the afternoon, which is a little surprising. Not surprising, maybe not the way we were, but just kind of like confounding, I guess, why it's so dead earlier in the afternoon because there's lots of other places that are doing very well.
Starting point is 00:05:04 So maybe it's because they don't advertise their food really. I don't know. They do have food. I've never eaten there. I don't think before. I think I've played trivia there. I was texting brother of the podcast Walter Fernis about this hour or two ago. I think we've played trivia there once before. Again, it's not trace. Merkel's in Reglavi. Or maybe I've, you know, I think Merkel's, it might not have been my brother, it might have been, I might have played with friend of the podgez Aaron Burns.
Starting point is 00:05:35 Because I think Merkel's is the place pre-pandemic and they still might do it, you know, nowadays. I'm not sure though, one of the best deals, and maybe I'm, maybe I'm naive here, but one of the best deals I've ever seen in Regalitville, you pop in there on a Friday night, Friday or Saturday, but I'm pretty sure it's a Friday. And you pay 20 bucks up front from 69 PM.
Starting point is 00:06:01 So make sure you're getting there right at 6 PM. You pay $20, hand them a clean crisp Andrew Jackson and You get unlimited. I think it's unlimited rail drinks It was either rail drinks or GNT's it didn't matter because I was drinking GNT's But basically like all I'm saying here, and this is a little like Trashy, but basically you show up and you sit there for three hours and you just get blasted for three hours.
Starting point is 00:06:34 And the way I feel about that, and I did this a couple of years ago, I haven't done that lately, but the way I feel about that is like, look, you can get absolutely trashed by yourself at home on a Friday or Saturday night for less than $20. A little bit less than $20, okay?
Starting point is 00:06:58 And it's fine. It is what it is you have fun. But if you want, if you're committed to that whole like bar scene, the bar vibe, and you're like, I'm going to do this, and I want the loud pulse pounding music. And the full-fledged service that you get at a quality establishment like Merkel's, $20 plus tax and tip which granted in Chicago's hefty but $20 like for three hours right it's not
Starting point is 00:07:32 just like we used to have these things at Route 66 in college which is also in that you know similar areas Route 66 is Clark and basically a Clark and Edison, just south of there. I don't really remember what would happen, but basically I would have multiple friends in music school, undergrad. I don't know what the drawing was or what the competition, the lottery, whatever it was.
Starting point is 00:08:02 They would win like one hour long or maybe two hour long. It's been literally, I don't know, eight years of the spun and I'll recall, seven, seven, eight years, whatever. They would win like hour or two hour long blocks at Route 66 where you get, you can invite like 20 of your closest friends. It was really strange. We would get invited and you have unlimited rail drinks
Starting point is 00:08:32 for whatever it was, one hour, two hours. I don't know at this point. I recall going there and the drinks would be significantly weak, which I understand. If I was running a business, I throw no shade, no excuse me, no shade at these guys. Because I would do the exact same thing if I was a bar owner.
Starting point is 00:09:01 I gotta tell you, I don't know, maybe if you tune your podcast app, wherever you're listening, stitch your sound cloud. YouTube, it's one's problem, and I can end up on YouTube because it's a total filler episode, which I apologize for, whatever. It's my Memorial Day weekend. You might have heard some babies crying in the background.
Starting point is 00:09:26 I'm currently streaming from our new home here. Right on the border. I read on the edge of Glory. Yeah, I'm on the yeah Jive Glovery and I'm hanging on a moment with you. It was watching if you're thinking like, wow, Quinn is really toasted. I'm pretty toasted, but I'm also just kind of vibing.
Starting point is 00:09:54 Just having fun. The reason I mentioned that smash hit by a lady Gaga is that I was in bed last night. Gaga is that I was in bed last night and Rachel was watching the Friends reunion on HBO Max and they brought up Lady Gaga. Apparently there's some famous song slash scene of Lisa about a smelly cat. And so Lisa Kudro was singing this song with her acoustic guitar, which tangent to ball tangents. I restrung my guitar literally like Monday or Tuesday or maybe Wednesday. I think it was Wednesday of this past week and I was excited because even though I've had the piano for over a year now, I haven't gotten to use my guitar
Starting point is 00:10:52 that much in part of the recent, because I've had a broken string. And so I restrung it and after I finished playing it, for the first time after restringing it, not while I was playing it, after I finished playing it, the top, or the high E broke. I literally finished playing, I was playing some Elton John, I set it down, back in its space in my bedroom, which is not fully unpacked yet,
Starting point is 00:11:17 but I set it down, and I came back in to go to the closet an hour later, toppy String is broke. So I guess it just broke on its own, like casually, while it wasn't in the room. A little spooky. But what I was gonna say before that was Lisa Kudra was playing her acoustic guitar, and she's saying some kind of song about a
Starting point is 00:11:39 stinky smelling cat. And they brought out Lady Gaga, Stephanie Papadopoulos or whatever her name is. And they sang together and then they brought out a gospel choir. It was a lot. The friends of you reunion was on, I assume Hrio Max was like the premier channel, slash medium that debuted on. Although I don't actually know.
Starting point is 00:12:07 Friends is one of those shows I've never seen a full episode and I really refuse to take any SHIT about it because it's one thing to have the like, excellent writing but but still handicap slightly by the live studio audience, laugh track sort of thing that you get from a sign felt. It's another thing to have it just like rely on these six actors who it's like, I get it, okay, I'm not gonna spend this show raging on friends. I understand the appeal, okay? Let's be very clear about one thing.
Starting point is 00:12:54 This is not for me. Right, the only people on that show who I really like, honestly, you wanna get real for a second, the only people on that show who I like really think are, I don't want to use the word legit because that makes me sound very uptight. But I feel like David Schwimmer, I get his vibe, I get his like comic act.
Starting point is 00:13:17 It feels very similar to Michael Richards to me. Everyone else, I'm just kind of like, in Lisa Kudrow, like I get it. Okay, I think she kind of like, and Lisa Kudrow, like I get it, okay? I think she's very self-aware. But like the whole Jennifer Aniston thing, I just, it doesn't make sense to me. Courtney Cox, I feel very similar. Matthew Perry, I think is just so like, not stuck up, but just a little like full of himself.
Starting point is 00:13:42 And what's his name? Joey, Matt LaBlanc. I think he's self-aware too, but I just don't really like vibe with this whole character. So I'm not here to offend any friends fans. If that's your thing, I get it, okay? Enjoy your show. I hope you enjoy the reunion. It's not my thing though, like I don't understand it. I've been meaning to say this for literally the past 14 minutes. Listen to your discretion as advised when you're listening to the bean-tongued podcast. Number one, I'm occasionally some language number two. This podcast is objectively terrible.
Starting point is 00:14:22 It's more more daily weekend folks. And I got it tell you, I had been, I had known for a week or two that I was going to be flying relatively solo today, knowing that Rachel had a, you know, bridal shower, bachelor, bachelor party, her engaged at party, whatever it was, going on today in the Burbs, BORBS Burbs. So I was like, you know what, I'm gonna have an open day and what one thing I haven't done in a long time,
Starting point is 00:15:01 like close to two years, slightly under, but more or less two years, I have not been to a ball game, which is a lot for me because I like baseball. And I really like hanging out in the ballpark. And I'm not like the go to the concession stand every half ending type of person. I just like vibe it like. Excuse me. I'm just going to get my seat. I'm going to soak a little bit of sun.
Starting point is 00:15:33 I'm going to just like be part of the crowd cheer when we're cheering boo when we're booing. Sulk. When we're sulking, and I just haven't like, I haven't done that in a long time. I mean, you know, probably like July or August of, you know, 2019. So we're getting close to yours here, okay? And I had been watching the tickets for today at Rigley Field, just one ticket all week long. And that's where I first noticed
Starting point is 00:16:19 the really bummer part of COVID, because Rigley's up to 60% capacity now, which is 20 to 23,000 seats, something like that. So a lot of tickets available. But it's still as someone who loves, I was going to say prefers, I won't say that, because I've never been to a baseball game with my girlfriend Rachel, but I would love to go with I've never been to a baseball game with my, um, my girlfriend
Starting point is 00:16:46 Rachel, but I would love to go with her. It'd be a great time. So I was going to say, as someone who prefers, I'll change that to has, as someone who loves going or doesn't mind going to baseball games by myself, because it's just kind of a relaxing thing. Like, I am a student of the game. kind of a relaxing thing like I am a student of the game. Slash I just know baseball like I was raised on it. It's just my thing like there are a couple different things in life right that you're kind of raised on and it's almost like a second language for you. It's just you know it like the back of your hand, it just is your language. Baseball is one of those things for me, okay? So I love going to ball games, it's just like existing and being there.
Starting point is 00:17:32 And I haven't been. So I was like, okay, you know what, I got a day off to myself. Like most of my friends this weekend were out hiking or doing something, you know, it's more more everyday, right? I don't blame them, slush I envy them, like to, to have family close by to be able to like go out and do something and just like chill, relax, like I don't have that. So I'm jealous a little bit.
Starting point is 00:17:55 So I have to do something by myself, which it is what it is. Like this is what happens. This is what I have access to. So I'm going to do it. Um, but I have access to so I'm gonna do it But I've been man. I've been like literally more so today and yesterday versus you know really part of the week, but like refreshing like I was trying to see if I got my eBay sale for take us to today and trying to just like Honestly, not sure what I was looking for, right?
Starting point is 00:18:28 Like what's the dollar amount for a ticket where I was like, you know what, I'm gonna do this. And the toughest thing, and I was gonna say it was about three minutes ago, and I got distracted or sidetracked. When you go to like, cubs., for example, the buy tickets, right? We're always talking about like resale, stop-hub, tick-pig, vivid seeds, ticket master, whatever. Okay, right.
Starting point is 00:18:52 Like, that's a lot of people's go-to. Sometimes you just go to because you realize how many tickets they have to sell. The problem is, and here's where, oh, I said, I mentioned this a couple of minutes ago, talking about COVID, the big bummer with COVID, you can't buy a single ticket to a baseball game on This is not an option. In fact, it is an option, but when you selected, they say, this section only allows you to buy two or more tickets,
Starting point is 00:19:24 or four or more tickets, and there are no sections where it's just like you want one ticket great do it which to me as a frequent attender of solo baseball games and just like what? So is that okay whatever? So you go to stop up and I'll tell you folks and I don't have an answer I don't know what the dollar amount was where it would have been like You know what I'm gonna do this Because here's here's the only story I'll say about it or tell about it I was grocery shopping this morning between Rachel's apartment and my apartment coming back home and
Starting point is 00:19:59 I Saw a ticket pop up a single game ticket where you are able to buy single game tickets on stuff up for one ticket 65 bucks. Taxes and fees. Yada yada yada it comes out to 82 which is egregious but it is what it is. And I was I literally had gone through the effort of entering my credit card info, expiration date, CVV, whatever that means. And I was just, I would one click, one click away from dropping 82 to get access to the interior of Riggly for today's game. And I was just like, you know what? I would love to do it because it was a beautiful day and here in Chicago.
Starting point is 00:20:48 We had 65 degrees, sunny, breeze not too bad, which for late May early June might sound like, I mean, that's okay, but I gotta tell you, that a couple days before this, it was mid-40s and raining, okay? So coming out of that, we were like, OMG, yes, please. a couple days before this, it was mid-40s and raining, okay? So coming out of that, we were like, OMG, yes please. And I was close to doing it, but then I was like, you know what?
Starting point is 00:21:13 That's just my entrance fee. If I want to get vibe in here, drink wise, you add another 10, 20, 30 to that amount. And I was just like, in that, I'm only going to have a good time if they're winning or it's close. Like, if it's not close, I'm just going to be like, what, what, why did I decide to do this? Okay. And yada yada yada, skip to the end of the story. I did not do it. Coming full circle. I ended up watching the first seven innings or so six or seven innings at a bar in Reglivel, partially with my friend Abby, and they were getting smoked and they
Starting point is 00:21:58 ended up losing five to one. It was their first one, one run lost this calendar month. I know I just kind of said that, but ruminate, if you will, on that for a moment. The Cubs, and they have another game tomorrow, so we can't officially declare it, but the Cubs, through May 30th, this was their first, they lost five to one, this is any reds, this was their first one run loss of May. And sorry, no, I just said that, that's not right at all. This was their first non- loss of one run of May, okay. Basically here's what I'm saying. They have gone like 18 and eight in May or something like that.
Starting point is 00:22:49 And all of their losses until today, okay? Have been by one run. Lots of them in extra earnings, okay? Now you understand what I'm trying to say. Hopefully. If you're still not getting it, just email us, beantown podcast, you actually come again, spenton, bee in
Starting point is 00:23:17 I want to tell you, I'm going to keep this pretty brief. We're in our 24th minute here here and there's two reasons for that. Number one, I'm tired. Just tired. I walked a lot today, which I don't normally do on Sundays, but I tell you what, I woke up, walked to get iced coffee and come back, walked down to my place, to get ice coffee and come back, walk down to my place, which if you're curious, my new place is about half a mile from Rachel's. I moved about three and a half miles south of my old place. And so I'm now very in a white neighborhood. I've been here in Lincoln Park, neighborhood. I've been here in Lincoln Park. Very close to East Lakeview, literally the border. But I walked down here after breakfast. I walked up to the bar in Rigliville, which is more or less Addison, pretty much all the way up
Starting point is 00:24:15 there. I walked back home after, you know, not the game wasn't over yet, but we were getting shalack. So I walked back here and you know went to the bathroom, filled up my water bottle with some wine. Then I walked all the way out. I went up back up to Belmont in the lake, walked up there and came back down the lake a little bit, just to sip my wine and people watch a little bit. One of the best things about living down here, you just go out to the lake, you grab some wine, you make sure you're comfy, clothes and temperature-wise, and you just like post up at the lake and people watch. And I personally like, that's awesome, like,
Starting point is 00:25:06 because we're in a city of 2.5 million people, a lot of them are coming out to the lake to just like hang out, swim, chill, their dogs, whatever. So I'm just like, let's just hang out. Let's see what's going on. And then I walked back here. So I mean, that's
Starting point is 00:25:25 where it's a solid like five or six miles of just walking, which I don't normally do on my recovery days. And I ran a half marathon yesterday, speaking of which, oh man, my half marathon yesterday. And maybe, maybe if you're listening out there in your runner, you're like, oh, yeah, I've dealt with this before. This was a new one for me. A bloody nose on a run. I typically don't deal with bloody noses unless I am either the dry or the excuse me,
Starting point is 00:26:01 the air is extremely dry and it's not currently in Chicago, it's made very humid lately. Although it's, you know, last couple of days has come kind of down to earth, but, you know, early on this past week, like 70% 80% whatever, or if I met elevation,
Starting point is 00:26:17 which obviously I'm not in Chicago, we're like, I don't know what Chicago is, like 80 feet above sea level, something like that. Okay, that's where I am. I haven't gone anywhere higher than that since six months, approximately, okay, five months. I was running out towards the lake from my apartment, my new place, which I moved into, BT Dubs, okay. Last Saturday, eight days from today already, hard to believe I've been in here that long,
Starting point is 00:26:55 I moved to my new place from Rogers Park. The move itself was great. The name of my movers were or was flash movers and they even use the actual Marvel logo, which is definitely not legal, but they're just kind of operating under the law. So no complaints for me. They got, they literally showed it to my place an hour early and texted me, we were like, we are an hour early. Can we start moving? And I was like, yeah, whatever. I wasn't quite ready.
Starting point is 00:27:32 I was still finishing on my breakfast. I had run a half marathon that morning too. And it was just like getting settled in. I just started to play some tune blast. It was trying to soak up the last of that Wi-Fi. But when all was said and done, the whole thing took about three hours, which was not bad because traffic was pretty rough here in the city last Saturday. So if anyone is looking to move in Chicago, I literally moved one bed to one bed, and the first half of it included stairs, second half to knots, first half did.
Starting point is 00:28:06 The whole thing, I get real with you. You know what, a little PSA, not PSA, but just like a Quinn thought. The whole, the entire concept, not entire concept, but partially, the concept of being like weirded out by money or just like, ooh, dollar amounts. Ooh, that's strange.
Starting point is 00:28:29 Just like, you know what? Just take a chill pill. Like, why can't we talk money, okay? I'm talking salaries, I'm talking payments, yada yada yada. I paid $3.25 and I tipped each guy a 20. I think there was some weird change left over or something, so I ended up tipping each guy 25 or something. Whole thing costs me about $400, more or less.
Starting point is 00:28:54 Okay? For a clean, simple, efficient to move on a excuse me a Saturday $400 and cash like boom Get it pick it up done. I didn't lift the you know a finger They showed up on time early in fact. They took care of it. They did it. It was over $400 all things considered compared to some of of the quotes I was getting, man, I'll take that. Like, could I have gone through the extremely painful process
Starting point is 00:29:33 of renting a U-Haul, which typically isn't too bad, but then like being texting my friends and be like, hey, so, like no, F that, like, let's just do it, okay? I did it anyways. I don't remember and I apologize Because I was in the middle of something when I went off on that 90 second tangent about my moving But I did move and it worked out well it worked out okay Boy I Could go back and listen to the tape,
Starting point is 00:30:10 but I'm not gonna do that. I will say one thing about this new place, significant cigarette smoke smell from the previous tenants, and I knew it okay I don't want to hear your told you so's holier than that was whatever okay here's what happened I came in I viewed the place by myself the rental property guy said you know what big smoke spell, we'll make sure his words, not mine. We'll make sure we do what we need to do.
Starting point is 00:30:48 I'm paraphrasing here. In order to get this smoke spell out of here before you sign. I was like, OK, great. A lot of things I didn't like about the place. A lot of things I liked. I ended up signing. This is where I live now. This is where I'm recording from.
Starting point is 00:31:03 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Technically, quick tangent. Technically, my old lease still runs through tomorrow at noon, which is another 10 hours. If anyone is in the Chicago and area and they want to come to 1506 West Arthur Avenue apartment to and get lit, and maybe invite Richard and his dogs, may he torch, get over here.
Starting point is 00:31:27 Just hit me up. He said, we'll get the rental guy, whose name is Aristotle, by the way. Aristotle Vargo, really chill like Barb, Barb, Barb, Barb, Marley, recipes barb from Shanger Things, forgotten hero. Cool kind of guy. Showed me in this place, he's like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:31:51 we'll get the smoke out of here. I said, great, cool, I'll do it. If you get the smoke out of here. I move in here last week, the smoke smell is not gone. So folks, here's what I did. I don't want to be one of those weird conspiracy guys, but I purchased an ozone infuser. It was labeled as an air purifier or something,
Starting point is 00:32:19 but I was reading online about how to effectively get cigarette smoke out of an apartment. And I was looking through the different check boxes and going check, check, check. A lot of it is repainting, which my apartment actually was repainted, which is great. I appreciate them for giving an effort, right? I'm not ungrateful. I appreciate that they tried. But a lot of it is, you know, wiping, scrubbing, not wiping, scrubbing down, cupboards, blinds,
Starting point is 00:33:01 floors, et cetera. Check, check, check, done all that when I moved in. And we're still at kind of a standstill where it's like, the smell is still here, ear regardless. And so my next attempt, well, not even next attempt, we've got special spraying here from the internet. I think it's from Cambodia or something or come that come Chakka peninsula peninsula Peninsula perhaps we also have a funcaway Not a sponsor of the show, but could be be a good pond sponsorship my girlfriend Rachel handles the funcaway account
Starting point is 00:33:44 at her agency and so we have now a spray and a little tub of balls. Like a party at Elton's house. I kind of misspoke there. I was going to say Elons but I kind of added it in the house so it kind of sounded like outens and either one of those works. Because I can make jokes and just vibe. So now we are, now we're down to the ozone. Literally, what happens, it burns like an ozone plate. You can, if you've never heard of it and I hadn't until five days ago, it's an ozone diffuser, I guess, is with me the best term for it, I don't know. But basically,
Starting point is 00:34:34 it's just the goal is to like, release ozone into the air. I'm not, I'm not fucking with you. You burn this plate, which is replaceable if you want. All the burns for a while. It releases ozone into the air. And it's supposed to, I read about all the chemistry. I got a B plus in college chemistry. So I kind of know what I'm doing here, OK? Step back.
Starting point is 00:35:02 It releases ozone into the air. And it's supposed to bond with your harmful chemicals, if you will, and eliminate them. Okay. Eliminate them, just like me playing dodgeball on the rock church gym in six grade Okay, no man left behind
Starting point is 00:35:31 No man left in general Folks here's here's the thing I'm going to leave you here I'm gonna give a shout out to our sponsors home pride organ If you need a home inspector in Central Oregon, if you actually like need one, call my dad, Steve Furnace. And uh, oh boy, what's the number? I don't have an infront of me, I apologize. It ends in 0316, so you could just start to try combinations from there. 541401316, honestly, not sure.
Starting point is 00:36:10 It's not in front of me. That's a guess. Or here's maybe a less risky option. Go to You got all the information you need right there. Again, that's today. Cuts by Q. I got to tell you, it was actually thinking of doing a Cuts by Q on yours truly this weekend. I haven't cut my hair. At least not the sides and backs or the top and back, excuse me, since August. And what Tuesday is June? We're 10 months out since that.
Starting point is 00:36:46 I'm kind of at a crossroads. There are aspects of the long hair I really like and I feel like I can work it pretty well. And then there are parts of just like the day-to-day maintenance where I'm just like, I don't want this. So it's a big TBD. I gotta tell you, it's 7 pm now, 7pm on a Sunday holiday weekend, tomorrow is tomorrow, I'm not gonna cut it today. Tomorrow, only if I wake up feeling inspired. So we'll
Starting point is 00:37:14 see TBD. And a shout out to the Samson Q2U series, Samson, God speaks, he uses a Samson. But for those who are following the long termterm timeline of the show, we are successfully moved in to Lincoln Park here. The Rogers Park apartment, while I'm still leasing it for another nine hours, is 10 hours, is technically, keys have been turned over, I don't have access, so there will be no ragers tonight. And it is what it is. And that's a closed book on that, baby. That was a good apartment.
Starting point is 00:37:55 We talked about it a little bit last week, and like, Richard, and painting the ass dogs, whatever, yada, yada, yada. All in all, great apartment. Kind of a situation where it's like, you don't know what you got till it's gone, which I won't try to preempt or upend in any way. Like, yeah, mod of really good aspects. But we are here and now this new place smells like ozone
Starting point is 00:38:23 and then gotta get some fans. I didn't know ozone had a smell because when you get the ozone infuser or whatever they bought online, it's like, eliminate smell. We use a natural smell, whatever, yada, yada, yada. I'm smelling ozone, I tell you what, we'll see how we can get rid of that.
Starting point is 00:38:43 Anyways, folks, I am gonna have some dinner. I am going to have some water and I'm going to casually relax on my couch here. Thanks for listening. Thanks for following us with our move. We got some exciting stuff coming up. Next, I mean, multiple Sundays are not just like chill days. We got stuff happening like next Sunday, White socks game. Sunday after that, I'm in Wisconsin at a lake house. Sunday after that, I mean, physically, out of the country, to make and republic.
Starting point is 00:39:15 We have never taken the bean town podcast out of the country before. I'm not confident that we're actually going to do a podcast from out of the country because I don't really want to bring like tech stuff because this just seems like, I don't want to do a podcast from out of the country because I don't really want to bring tech stuff because this just seems like, I don't want to do that. But TBD, okay, we got a couple more weeks to figure it out.
Starting point is 00:39:32 Anyways, lots coming up here in the Bean Tom podcast. Everyone, thanks for tuning in. Thanks for supporting our sponsors and thanks for being a fan of this show. If you like it, like us and subscribe, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Twitch, fan of this show. If you like it, like us and subscribe YouTube Facebook Twitter Twitch. We're not on Twitch, okay, but it's fun to say anyways. Spotify Apple Podcast, wherever you get your podcasts, cast box, I have to manually upload
Starting point is 00:40:00 those and I got through about two out of 180 and haven't gotten any work further yet. So we're a big TBD on those. Thanks for listening. Again email us bean time podcast. Yeah, who that coming in? Spent on being my Husks. Yeah, who that come. Thanks for listening. We will get our outro music going on. I hope everyone is a happy and safe and fun memorial weekend. Grill some dogs, call your parents, tell them you'll love them. Have a great weekend. My name is Quinn. This is my show, and I'm going to check in on you next time.
Starting point is 00:40:36 Bye, everyone. I'm just gonna stand there. I'm just gonna stand there. I'm just gonna stand there. I'm just gonna stand there. I'm just gonna stand there. I'm just gonna stand there. I'm just gonna stand there. I'm just gonna stand there. I'm just gonna stand there. I'm just gonna stand there.
Starting point is 00:41:00 I'm just gonna stand there. I'm just gonna stand there. I'm just gonna stand there. I'm just going to be a good man. I'm not going to be a good man. I'm not going to be a good man. I'm not going to be a good man. I'm not going to be a good man. I'm not going to be a good man. I'm not going to be a good man. I'm not going to be a good man.
Starting point is 00:41:16 I'm not going to be a good man. I'm not going to be a good man. I'm not going to be a good man. I'm not going to be a good man. I'm not going to be a good man. I'm not going to be a good man. nd nd nd nd nd nd
Starting point is 00:41:52 nd nd nd nd nd nd Thank you.

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