Beantown Podcast - Merry Christmas & RIP Facebook (12212023 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: December 22, 2023

Quinn comes to you LIVE with a long-overdue Facebook eulogy...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Oh, holy night, the stars are brightly shining. It is the night of our dear Saviour's birth. Anglade the world, insin' and error-pining, till he appeared, and the soul felt its worth. A thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices At ne'er the breaks. A new and glorious mourn. You're small, fall on your knees. Oh hear the angel voices, oh night, Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no before Christmas, December 21st, 2023,
Starting point is 00:02:07 second to last show of the year, what's going on, what's happening, how are you? My name is Quinn, and this is my show. I am the creator, I am the music engineer, producer, all that good stuff, key grip mixer. I'm reading a book that David Bern wrote right now. It's all about you know creating music and stuff. And I got down this whole rabbit hole of the first ever Edison phonograph from like the late 19th century or whatever. And it's still it's such a mind blowing thing how like music recording ever started in the first place. Just the idea of this wax cylinder basically that you can inscribe grooves onto and then it'll play back and base off of the grooves
Starting point is 00:02:58 that the needle reads, it will send electric signals back to this transformer essentially, like Optimus Prime, that can then like produce the sound bass off of the little rivets in this wax. It's just, it's absolutely nuts, man. How we ever, how Edison ever figured that out in the first place. But we're coming to you live on a Thursday night here. Our Christmas episode just got back from the brewery, a big guy all brewing, and had a couple of drinks there. I wrote, I prepared for this episode, I wrote some fantasy football stuff. I was doing a little bit of work not very much, but it's, you know, it's Christmas time. Thank you to that royalty-free piano accompaniment of Oholy Night on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:03:47 I wanna give a shout out to our friends across the globe, really, happy holidays, whether you're really into Christmas, which is coming up Hanukkah, which is past, or Kwanza, or I don't know, you know, do Muslims have, is there like a holiday season for Muslims? I mean, I know they've got plenty of holidays, but is there anything going on this time of year that I don't really know So if you are one of the multitudes of Pakistani listeners
Starting point is 00:04:15 Who have graciously graciously made us the 112th ranked Comedy podcast and the great nation of Pakistan. Thank you for tuning in. Go ahead whether you're Kair, Kiberpass, Hyderabad, Karachi, New Delhi, whatever. Email us, be on top of podcasts at and let us know what are sort of those Muslim high holidays this time of year. And what should we be giving shout outs to? List of discretion is advised when we're listening to the Bean Town Podcast.
Starting point is 00:04:45 Number one, we'll occasionally use some language number two, this podcast is objectively terrible. I also wanna mention speaking of Bean Town Podcast at, you can always remind her, and I encourage you to do this, go to, specifically this time of year, check out the blog. We just posted a new blog post earlier this week about a recent time when a Jaguar tried
Starting point is 00:05:08 to get into our apartment. So go ahead, check that out. You can subscribe there and that's going to allow you to basically just punch in your email address and you'll just get a quick little notification anytime there's a new bean town blog posted like this week. So if you haven't read that new blog post yet, go ahead and check it out. Not very holiday themed. So maybe wait until the 26. I don't know. Or you know, get it and before you start feeling too festive, go ahead and you know, just thread the needle a little bit if you will. We are drinking rebel Kentucky straight
Starting point is 00:05:39 bourbon whiskey. This is the cheap stuff. Not cheap in so much as it's like, oh God, this tastes so bad. You got to plug your nose and try to get it down. Just cheap in so much as it's like, oh god, this tastes so bad, you gotta plug your nose and try to get it down. Just cheap in terms of price, right? Cheap can refer to how something tastes, the quality of it, or it can just be how much you have forked over for it. This stuff I've had many times before,
Starting point is 00:05:59 it's certainly nothing special, it's nothing fancy about it. It's on the bottom shelf at jewel, but you know what, it is what it is. And sometimes you just need a little bit of whiskey. This stuff is especially good. This is like, this time of year is one of the only times of your idea, I really ramp up
Starting point is 00:06:13 before we hit dry January and 10 days here. But, depending on the type of beer, I will like take a little bit off the top, if you will. Couple of sips I was doing this yesterday. And then you replenish with a little bit of whiskey. And if you do it right, it doesn't ruin the flavor. It just kind of makes it a little bit stronger and then, you know, I've said you can taste it, but it's like not so bad that it's, you know, terrible.
Starting point is 00:06:37 So I'm a big fan of that. I was doing it yesterday. Dude, I was, I finished my run, had my trail mix, working from home this week. And then I was like, you know what, I haven't done any while, I played a little bit of GTA V. I know they got the trailer out there for GTA VI is coming out in the new year.
Starting point is 00:06:57 But I was like, you know what, I'm down to turn on some flame bullets and super swim speed and run speed and invincibility and stuff and just wreak havoc. So did that, had a couple beers, a new Belgium Christmas sale, and what else did I have? Oh, modest imperial IPA, which is already like 9%, you had a little bit of whiskey on top, oh boy, over the edge. But you know what, just I turn on some paramour, I'm gunning down citizens on the beach, I'm drinking a festive beer with some whiskey on top of it.
Starting point is 00:07:34 That's what the holidays are all about. We're doing our uLIGI long overdue in memorium segment here for the social media platform Facebook. Nothing says Merry Christmas like a little bit of Facebook talk. I'll say this. So before we get into that, let me just set the scene very briefly. This is something that I could have done like over a year ago. It's not like, oh, yeah, just recently Facebook started becoming irrelevant. Like this
Starting point is 00:08:04 thing has been off the grid for me at least. And most people I know for a while, it's not like, oh, it finally came to it. This came to a head this week. We had to do a eulogy for it. I just like haven't gone around to it. And I didn't really have much else. We've talked Christmas the last couple episodes
Starting point is 00:08:22 and I was like, you know what? Today is actually going to be the eulogy. Now this isn't a turning point where it's like, now I will never visit Facebook again after this. I still kind of bop in and out, that sort of thing, but I think what's going to happen essentially is like, I have, you know, on my phone, you know, you have a bunch of different apps. I don't actually have the Facebook app I've always just used the use the far but made like a bookmark on my phone and then it just looks like the Facebook app But it's just the web version But you know base have it would say like 75% of the time that I am on my phone
Starting point is 00:09:00 And I just want to access the web browser because the Facebook icon is just right there in the middle of my phone. What I do, and this sounds really stupid, but it's just kind of a natural habit that's formed over time, is I physically click on the Facebook icon so it opens up, but before it even loads, I'm like, there's nothing on here for me. So I just click into the URL to go wherever I want to go, you know, Twitter or X whatever Reddit, Yes, me, and whatever I'm trying to do. And I think what today needs to mark the turning point as is I need to officially just like replace the Facebook icon on my iPhone's homepage with either something else or just get rid of it. But I'm
Starting point is 00:09:37 nervous because if you just get rid of it, it changes the whole synergy of the rest of your iPhone, right? I'm one of those people who is like, my fingers, my eyes are very much trained in condition. Just know exactly where like each one of my apps is, at least the ones that I use frequently. And so if I like removed it, just right smack dab in the middle of my phone right now, I think that would, that could be risky. Could throw off the whole fung shway.
Starting point is 00:10:02 I have no idea, I don't think I've ever seen that written out before. I'm gonna guess before I type, F have no idea, I don't think I've ever seen that written out before. I'm gonna guess before I type F-U-NG space, see, shweys. Like, what is that? It's Japanese, but I have no idea. It's not like SCHWA, right? That would be like German fung shwey. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:10:19 How do you get the shweys on it Japanese? I've never seen that before. I just got to guess. FUNG space S E I, I don't know, that would be like fun, fun, say, but let's see here. We're learning stuff. Fun. I was close. Kind of, I was like 50% of the way there. Feng Shui, F-E-N-G, such like Feng Shui, Feng Shui is what it looks like. F-E-N-G, space, S-H-U-I. So it looks like Feng Shui, but it's actually Feng Shui. So it is what it is.
Starting point is 00:10:55 I don't feel that bad messing up the fong that you versus the E. That doesn't make me feel that bad. The Shui is just like, I don't even know where to start. There weren't like consonants and vowels that me feel that bad. The shway is just like, I don't even know where to start. There weren't like consonants and vowels that could make that work. But maybe that's what I'll be doing with Facebook. It's still, and look, we're gonna get into this
Starting point is 00:11:16 into second. I do have a paladron of the day. I've got a little bit of trivia, bonus trivia. And, oh, I wanna check in on the race like Cronotype police log. So we'll jump into that in a second here, but I will just say this to kind of wet our whistles with Facebook. Oh, also as it has up, this is not going to be a super long episode because I'm like crazy
Starting point is 00:11:33 hungry. It's about 6.45 a night. We got a football game coming on soon here. So I know I always say that, but now I actually like have something happening in like 30 minutes that I want to do. So, hey, it's where it's just going to get through it. And then that'll be your Christmas episode. But, you know, Facebook was, this is not even what I wanted to say. I lost my train of thought. Oh, no, what I wanted to say is like there are still some use. Like if
Starting point is 00:11:58 there's a business like a bar or a restaurant that doesn't have their own website and you're like, you want to check hours or you just want to see like what this place actually looks like or like are they active? Are they posting or any special events or anything? Like you can go to their Facebook page which is free to maintain I think versus like paying for a website and you can like check those things out. So that's good and it's nice for like the three relatives I have who use it and like post stuff there because otherwise I'm not like calling or texting them and you know
Starting point is 00:12:30 frankly they're not on Instagram they're not on Twitter you know it's just like you don't have that social connection otherwise and I think I use I use Facebook Messenger for one group chat right now it's a my fantasy football college league. That's how we still communicate with each other. It's just the Facebook group chat. So we've been doing it for like eight years at this point. When we started, that was like a very common way
Starting point is 00:12:54 of communicating. Other than that, dude, I thought my phone was broken for a long time, not my phone, my Facebook, because up until very recently, I would go to Facebook on my phone, you start scrolling down the newsfeed and it's literally like 80% of the posts were just sponsored content It wasn't like oh, I followed this person or I'm part of this group which I think it's a it's a balance between two things one The people that I follow the people I'm friends with the groups on part of pages. I follow whatever
Starting point is 00:13:22 They just aren't active on Facebook and that like much like how I'm not active on Facebook. And so there's just not anything to see if you're just like only wanting to see content you're connected to. So that's like 25% of it. The other 75% of it though, I think Facebook is just like terrible in that they're like, yeah, we're just gonna show you it.
Starting point is 00:13:42 We said, listen to your discretion already, right? Shit ton of yeah, we're just going to show you it. We said, listen to discretion already, right? Shit ton of ads. And we're just going to push stuff that we know you like. Like for me, it was like half of my timeline or feed, whatever you call it, these days was just like random sports stories that some, some of them were like, well, that did some of them weren't. But the worst part about it is like, you would see these. And it would be, you know, I'd be scrolling through, let's just say this past weekend and it would be showing you like a reaction, some sort of reaction
Starting point is 00:14:09 story and football from the weekend before. A story that would have been published like five days before and they're now just showing it to me as sponsored content. It's like why, if you're gonna go through the hassle and the effort of like showing me shitty sponsored content that I don't want to see that someone else paid to get in front of my eyes, don't show me somebody that's like five, six days old, especially if it's like online shopping or something, it's just like a product that is there and will continue to be there fine.
Starting point is 00:14:34 But if it's an ESPN article or bleach reporter, some company I don't care about, I don't follow it, it's like Brock Purdy threw for three touchdowns against this team and it's six days ago. And it's like, I don't like what are we doing here? Why are we showing this to me? So for all these reasons and much more, that's my grape with Facebook.
Starting point is 00:14:55 Today's, we'll get into the top 10 kind of my most nostalgic things that I'll miss the most about, excuse me, like the heyday of Facebook. We're not talking about, excuse me, like the heyday of Facebook. We're not talking like, excuse me, big belts. We're not talking like last year. We're digging into the way back machine. I mean, Facebook was founded in like 2004, something like that and it really kind of became
Starting point is 00:15:19 a prominent thing like two or three years later. But we're gonna be going through 10 items that I'm definitely gonna miss and it's associated with like your teenage years and stuff for me even like slightly before that. I think I got a Facebook when I was like I don't know probably like 12 something like that was probably like 2007 maybe even like 2006 something like that hard to remember, but it was a big deal maybe even like 2006, something like that, hard to remember, but it was a big deal. That's the thing about it. It was like Facebook was the platforms.
Starting point is 00:15:48 Like all my friends were on it. It was just like that's where the stuff was happening, especially as a home-school kid, it wasn't like showing up to school every day. It was like you're talking to people on there, you're seeing what they're posting, you're seeing like the photos that they uploaded from this past weekend. They were having a great time,
Starting point is 00:16:06 of course you didn't get invited. It was just like, that was the place to be, and it's just very much not the place to be anymore. So it is what it is. Today's paladrum of the day, three days from now is December 24th, and you know that is Christmas Eve. So very simply put, today's paladrum of the day is Christmas Eve. Let's check in on, I've been wanting to do this for a while
Starting point is 00:16:31 and it's kind of hard to find sometimes. It's like sometimes it feels current and updated, sometimes it's not. So I was able to find something in here that was current and updated. But before we jump into that, this week's, let's call out a small town checking of the week, new segment here in the Bean Town let's call out a small town checking of the week new segment here in the Being Town podcast. This week's small town checking of the week is brought to you by our friends at Home Pride organ.
Starting point is 00:16:52 When you need your home inspector in Central organ, you're gonna have to call someone who's safe, certified, someone who's ready, you know, get the roof ready for Santa Claus is gonna be landing. Hey, he's got a sack full of toys for approximately, I don't know, three billion kids around the world. So it's gonna be heavy. Plus those reindeer, there's what eight of them plus Rudolph. Okay, take your best guess. This isn't our trivia question of the day, but this is an interesting one. This is relevant. The question is very simply, you know, get as close as you can I don't care if you go over. It's not I'm not Bob Barker Rest in peace. How many pounds or if you're in Pakistan how many kilograms does the average adult male reindeer way? And I'm gonna guess to you before I Google search. So you know a reindeer is like like a white tail deer
Starting point is 00:17:43 But just thicker. It's like an elk basically, a caribou, reindeer and caribou are the same thing. Now, with that in my, it's not terribly helpful because I don't actually know how much, but I'm guessing if you like, hunted a buck, like a white tail buck or something and lifted that thing, I assume it would be like, I don't know, tough to say,
Starting point is 00:18:01 their legs are very just like bony. I don't know, probably what, like 200 pounds, maybe a little bit less than that. I don't know, tough to say. Their legs are very just like bony. I don't know, probably what, like 200 pounds, maybe a little bit less than that? I don't know. So before I Google search, a care boost bigger than that, I'm gonna guess average reindeer would be like, I'll say like 322 pounds is my guess.
Starting point is 00:18:20 How much does a reindeer way. All right, get your guesses in. I feel pretty good about this. Okay, this is not super helpful. PBS gives the biggest range of all time and that seems like they're not the only ones. So the first thing I saw was a Google search that just headed on top like Google presented it
Starting point is 00:18:44 says 350 to 400 pounds, which is why when I felt pretty good. And then PBS was like, males can weigh anywhere from 140 to 550 pounds, depending on the time of year. Is that what it's saying here? Yeah, depending on the time of year. 140 to, dude, I thought when I went from like 230 down to like 160 whatever I got down to, I thought that was a big variation. Imagine going from whatever I just said 550 down to 140. That's like that's insane. So there you go. I guess 322. I think I was pretty close. Okay, I feel pretty comfortable with that guess. So there you go. But Home Pride Oregon, look if you're in
Starting point is 00:19:25 of all that stuff on your roof, maybe messing with the plumbing, Santa's gonna make a pit stop. Whatever it is, call the experts, 541-410-0316-Tumquinsentia, or go to or email Home Pride Oregon, inspection, perfection, this holiday season. Of course our friends of the Samson Q2U series delivering
Starting point is 00:19:47 us crisp clear audio quality was able to kind of pick up the beautiful piano accompaniment as well as my rich baritone voice to start the show and you're only going to get that from a Samson Q2U series. Especially if your songs are particularly pious, I had a little bit in nostalgia this afternoon I finished my run I was in the shower and it reminded me especially this time of year It's like you know reminding me of being the swimmer in high school swim season. This is like peak swim season Where you know your practice times get messed up. It's like all the sudden you're practicing like 10 in the morning versus after school But you take a little bit of extra time this shower,
Starting point is 00:20:26 you're pushing yourself to this peak training season, but you're also not trying to have a terrible time. And we would always, you know, stand in the shower at Rockford College afterwards, sing some songs. There were two big ones we sang. One was, I love you Lord, and I lift my voice to worship you,
Starting point is 00:20:44 oh my, soul my soul rejoice. And then the other one was doxology, which is, Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise him, all creatures, here be low. Praise him above ye have any host, praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen. And we would really get some rich harmonies going. Even though none of us were particularly strong singers,
Starting point is 00:21:32 I think we had like most of us who's saying at basic understandings of like harmony, which was kind of funny. And you get that echo going in the Raphord College shower, the Seaver Physical Education Center. So good stuff there, S&Ps, Rufford College pool, gone, but never forgotten. All this is to say, when God speaks or when the Rufford Christian men's boys swimming team sings, they use the Samson. I wish we had Samson in there to pick up those acoustics.
Starting point is 00:22:02 Could have done a whole Christmas album. And of course, our good friends at CutsbyQ did a nice little back of the neck shave, a little front to the neck shave. I accidentally took a very small chunk out of the beard on my left side and I was like, do I want to go kamikaze? You just get rid of the whole beard. I just want to have like a cool bear spot, like a Christmas tree. And I was like, it's festive.
Starting point is 00:22:26 We gotta go for the Christmas tree look. So we got a bear spot. It's not so bad. It'll, you know, like two days from now, no one will even notice. But that's all thanks to our friends at Cuts by Q. And you need to first do something snap your new call the experts at Cuts by Q.
Starting point is 00:22:42 Okay, let's check in our small town, checking of the week. This is from the December 20th yesterday, Rice Lake Chronotype Police Log. And as a reminder, the police dispatch center receives several hundred calls weekly. The small sampling below shows their diversity. Okay, this was actually from Monday, December 11th, 8.50 AM.
Starting point is 00:23:01 Town patrol man advised of a littering complaint. Someone dumped a bunch of trash including a banker seat Be belonging to a male subject Patrol man will hold on to the receipt 11.20 a.m. 2 and a half hours later on route to male subjects residents 11.27 a.m Nobody will come to the door 20th street and 23rd Ave rice, Wisconsin. If you're curious, I just looked it up. That's about, I don't know, a block. They don't use blocks in northern Wisconsin.
Starting point is 00:23:31 A calf a mile from my grandfather's house. So, resting, well, that doesn't live there anymore. It's no longer my grandparents' house, but grandfather's house when I was growing up. So, watch out. Don't litter. Moral of the story here from the chronotype, don't litter. Especially if you're going to litter, don't be like, you're so stupid if you litter and
Starting point is 00:23:50 you throw out a binkery seed in there. Like, if you're going to litter, like, go to quick trip, get one of those styrofoam cups, it's terrible for the environment, throw that out or like a pizza box or something, but putting your name on your litter is just, it's just stupid. Let's do our top 10, I'm not going to waver on these too much. Let's get through them pretty quickly here, but our top 10 Facebook features that I will miss the most. The majority of these are, oh, maybe not the majority.
Starting point is 00:24:18 A lot of these are long gone already. It's not like today's the final day, or I'm not doing this anymore. It's just like, they were things a long time ago, though, and they were fun. So coming in at number 10, then we'll close out with our trivia, the like button. And that's going to come back around for our trivia question in a second here.
Starting point is 00:24:35 But the like button, it was revolutionary. You can say, you can give people instant approval or you can ignore them. And it has been interesting. I would say over the last, probably at this point, like six, seven, eight years just to see how like a combination of people using Facebook glass, Facebook chains are algorithm a ton like seven years ago and it blacklisted a lot of people, a lot of content.
Starting point is 00:24:58 It was very, you could see very clearly like the decline just in my own posting is I was still posting regularly on Facebook in all sorts of things. You know, at one point you might get like 30 likes and then you post the same type of thing a week later and then be like 25 and then next thing, you know, a year later you're getting like seven likes on stuff. Even, you know, you can use the show as a barometer. I mean, this is our sixth year, we're about to start year seven and two weeks here.
Starting point is 00:25:22 And you know, we used to post, I don't think it's solely because our content sucks so much, has declined so much in the last six years. I think it's largely gotten better, but it used to be like, hey, 10 likes, Bington podcast post, 15 now it's like, oh, I got up to three, that was a win. Again, I think it's a lot of just like,
Starting point is 00:25:42 people aren't using it anymore, which I get. I'm not liking stuff on Facebook anymore, but I think it's a lot of just like, people aren't using it anymore, which I get. I'm not liking stuff on Facebook anymore, but I think it's also just like, Facebook stopped showing my stuff to other people because your feed is 80% sponsored content. So, the like button revolutionary, now we got these reactions and stuff. I love doing like a, like a wow reaction on stuff
Starting point is 00:26:02 because it's kind of, you don't really know exactly what I'm trying to say with it, which is great because I usually don't either. Number nine, birthdays. This is still something Facebook is great for, even though a lot of people don't have their birthdays on their Facebook profile, I like it because it's a good reminder if you like come across someone who you want
Starting point is 00:26:19 to be friends with, you want to like stay in touch with them, but you just haven't made an effort. It's nice to be able to see, oh, hey, this person, it's their birthday. Let me send them a quick text. Sometimes it's over Facebook, but usually it's just a quick text and wish them a happy birthday. You might not hear back from them. You might spark up a conversation, whatever it might be, somewhere in between.
Starting point is 00:26:42 The birthday's feature is nice. I've had it on before. I've had it on before. I've had it off before I have no idea what I currently have it at. But birthdays coming in number nine. Number eight, this used to be all the rage ran profile pictures. And there it looked, there are still profile pictures. But when I say all the rage,
Starting point is 00:26:59 at least for me and my circle that I was part of growing up, when you changed your Facebook profile picture, it was like this is, this is an event. You know, nowadays people have Lakers, Games, and you know, GTA 6 is coming out and Christmas Eve services, but back in the day, we had changing our Facebook profile picture. That was a huge deal.
Starting point is 00:27:20 And within that, there used to be cool things like, December, at least among my circle of 15 year old friends, December was Pokemon profile pic December. So you change your Facebook profile picture for just a month to your favorite Pokemon. I think my favorite one I ever used was Peacazard. It's like a tool online where you can like breed two Pokemon together and show a very pixelated image of what those two Pokemon combined would look like and so I chose Peekas Art. Good stuff, man.
Starting point is 00:27:52 High quality entertainment. But yeah, you change your profile picture. I know I was always on the high end of like frequency in terms of doing that, but it wasn't like I was the only one changing my profile picture. Everyone was changing at some point. It was a big deal. It's like, what do you choose? What does your picture say about you?
Starting point is 00:28:09 I just think that's not super common on any social media platform anymore. I think I've changed my Instagram profile picture once since I've had Instagram for like six, seven years now. Twitter, I think I've probably changed once. Reddit, you don't even have pictures. But Facebook, back in the day, it was like, you change your profile picture. This is big news.
Starting point is 00:28:31 Number seven, something that it exists in a certain capacity, but at least for me, it exists differently than how it used to. Groups. I used to be part of like, these really stupid, purely, it was just like for friends to be groups. I used to be part of these really stupid purely, it was just like for friends, social groups, and it was just like a mini Facebook where they had their own wall, you could post stuff on there,
Starting point is 00:28:53 but it was just existing within that group for those people to see a secret clubhouse almost. Now groups are more like running clubs or girls who stroll or whatever I might be or like Lakeview news, you know, which I'm part of Rogers Park News. More kind of large-scale community things. And I'm sure or I imagine the like smaller-scale social things still exists and maybe it's just like because I'm not 14 anymore and I don't have those types of like friendships. But dude, that was a big thing back in the day.
Starting point is 00:29:26 It was like, you're in this group, it's like, oh, do this person post? Like, there's a huge comment thread going on in here. It's like, secret for us, only we can see it. All sorts of those, like, this is this kind of expands outside of groups. But those things where, I don't know how to describe them, they would have some stupid title.
Starting point is 00:29:42 It'd be like a long post with like 20 questions, and you just have to like answer your own questions, and then like take three friends, and they answer their own things to chain mail basically. But that was a big deal on Facebook. I didn't give it its own separate category here because I just thought of it. But those still show up on like my Facebook memories every once in a while. Which by the way, let's give that an honorable mention here before we get to number six. Facebook memories, and actually we'll combine it with number six, which is the wall, one of like the OG Facebook types of things.
Starting point is 00:30:14 Facebook memories, you know, still is probably one of the only other things that use Facebook for you, like log in, you can see posts from 5, 10 as much as for me like 15 years ago. And yeah, they're super cringe and not terribly entertaining, but just kind of interesting, I guess, the best way to write it. But that's all comes from the wall. It's just the whole Facebook experience before. Facebook, I guess originally is like a feed of some sort,
Starting point is 00:30:41 but then it became the wall where it's like, you see all the things people are posting their statuses. Statices on Facebook used to be a huge thing. Now you use statuses on Facebook to just like post a link or a photo or something, but back in the day, status. It was just like, they would like start typing it for you, so you'd be like, Quinn Furnace is feeling dot, dot, dot.
Starting point is 00:31:04 And then your status would just be like finishing the sentence. Quinn furnace is feeling dot, dot, dot. Thinking about my own Facebook memories, like sad, yes, go to piano practice, or like happy that church got canceled, or whatever it might be. That's what your status used to be. That's what your wall used to be,
Starting point is 00:31:20 but it used to just be like a collection of those statuses and then pictures and images and stuff and oh, so it so changed their profile picture got to like it, got to, got to pump up those likes. So the wall Facebook memories coming in number six, resting piece. Number five, we were crowdsourcing this whole operation this morning. And we got a number multiple people writing this in. Farmville. And of course, Farmville is the most famous Facebook game of all time. So I just looped in and other games. Sounded this to Rachel, another game that I played was this geography game. I think they told you the name of a city or something, I remember
Starting point is 00:32:01 what it was, but you just have a world map. And you have to click somewhere in the map to try to be as close as possible And the closer you got to more points you got there many rounds that sort of thing You had to like reach a threshold of points to advance to the next round So it was like can you get to level 14 or whatever pretty fun There was the jetman game where it's like you hold down your mouse and your guy goes up you release it He comes down you have to avoid obstacles. That was, you know, it's like a horizontal scroller. That was a lot of fun, so you can like choose different characters to play as.
Starting point is 00:32:29 I think you could be like Kirby, which was kind of neat. But yeah, far and build the OG. I played it back in the day. My brother Jack and I both spent a lot of time on it. We like played it simultaneously. Back then, level 70 was as high as you can go. And I think they changed that obviously at some point. But level 70 was the OG max. Like you could beat the game by getting to level 70. And for anyone who's too young to remember farmville, you literally just like
Starting point is 00:32:57 buy land and buy crops, plant them. That's all clicking. Just clicking, that's it. And you just click the harvest. And I don't even remember I'll look up a YouTube video of Farmville and like try to get a sense of what exactly went into that game after this. But if you don't know, go ahead and YouTube Farmville and see exactly what it looked like. I mean, it was just one of those things that's pretty stupid, but pretty addicting. I remember my brother, Jack and I were always going up against our pastor Dave in turn not like head to head but just like trying to see who's going to get to level 71. And I think he did. Pastor Dave was like the first person I was ever aware of who hit level 70.
Starting point is 00:33:37 And then we would also play with my long, long, long, lost relative Peter Edgar Furness who's since passed away. He was a paraplegic living in New Zealand, and he played a lot of farm built-in. So good stuff, rest in peace, Peter Edgar. Number four, oh, I put this in twice, that's stupid. I messed something up. So let's just say that I missed something,
Starting point is 00:33:59 because I put profile pictures, number four, but it was also number eight, that's embarrassing. I don't know how that happened. Let's just say that Facebook memories was a separate thing, and so FarmVo was four. Number three, we already talked about for a second year, but Facebook Messenger, again, I still use it for one group chat, but here's where it was a big deal.
Starting point is 00:34:19 When I was a kid, I didn't have aim, and I think Facebook Messenger was like the heir apparent to aim, I didn't have my space, and I certainly didn't have a phone, not Facebook Messenger was like the heir apparent to aim. I didn't have my space and I certainly didn't have a phone, not until I was a junior in high school. So Facebook Messenger was like the way to communicate with friends. I don't know if there was ever, I don't know how long it took for like group messages to become a thing in Facebook Messenger. But for a while it was just like one-on-one chats. You would see, you know, who was online? You log into Facebook, you would have a little pop-up
Starting point is 00:34:48 on your bottom right hand corner to see who was online, who wasn't, and then you could like start a chat with someone, and it would like pull up from the bottom. I guess it still kind of does that. On Facebook right now, I just pulled up Rachel, and I could send her a message if I wanted to. So, but it was all the rage, man, especially like, go who's online, who's not, that was a big deal.
Starting point is 00:35:07 So, Facebook Messenger, Rest in Peace. And even, I use that all the way into college. I had like a bunch of different group messages going with friends and they would all be like slightly different iterations. So, one would have these four people, the other would have like three of those four people. Another one would have five people
Starting point is 00:35:23 and it was just like hard to keep track of, but it used to be a lot. So I'm resting in peace. I pretty much, I don't remember the last time I liked legit. I think I sent birthday wishes out on Facebook Messenger a couple of times, and there's one group chat I'm in. Otherwise, Facebook Messenger,
Starting point is 00:35:41 don't really use it. So, yeah, there's not a lot in there. Like his song, it's more than I would have guessed originally. A lot of people who have just like connected to on Facebook and I'm friends with, but not friends where I like see them every day or every month or whatever. And so I don't know their phone numbers. That's kind of Facebook messenger.
Starting point is 00:35:59 So I still use it and we'll continue to use it. Number two photos, like Facebook was like the OG, I know Instagram and Facebook are synonymous now because they're both owned by Meta, but like long before Instagram was a thing, photos on Facebook was like the social place to have photos, to share photos, to tell people what's going on,
Starting point is 00:36:20 beyond just changing your profile picture, literally like albums of photos. And I still have a ton on my Facebook account that you could like go back way in time and see those photos. I know my brother Walt has always done a good job or did a good job until we stopped using Facebook years ago. But of just like having tons and tons of photo collections. And I still, from time to time, will find myself going to his account and just like looking through old photos just for shits and tons of photo collections. And I still, from time to time, we'll find myself going to his account and just like looking
Starting point is 00:36:46 through old photos just for shits and giggles really. So I will miss the Facebook photos. Obviously it's been replaced long, long, long, go by Instagram, but still fun, still cool to think about. And number one on our list, the poke. It's stupid. But is it as stupid as Farmville? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:37:07 That's not for me to decide. But the poke was legendary, poke wars. What did the poke even mean? It was like kind of flirtatious, but I never used it that way, because I would play with like a home school mom and a friend from school, I think. So that's not how I used it, but I'm guessing that there were people who used it that way. But like, what is the poke? It's just like It's the lowest at lowest effort way of communicating with someone
Starting point is 00:37:31 It's like telling them that you're here and that you thought about them But you you couldn't actually take the time to put it into words and that's how stupid the poke was and I think it's completely dead I don't think that's like a function on Facebook anymore, but do the poke with legendary. So let's just change things around here. The order is not going to be completely, excuse me, accurate, because we messed something up here. But basically from 10 to one, the like button, nine birthdays, eight profile pictures, seven groups,
Starting point is 00:38:00 six, the wall, five memories, four farm, villain, other games, three Facebook message, or four farmville and other games, three Facebook message or two photos and number one, poke. You can email us, be in, let me know what I missed that you would also have shared on this list other Facebook things that, you know, I was trying to do as much research as I can because things like a poke, things like farmville, garage band cutout right there. What I was gonna say is like I was trying to do research as much as I could to come up with things, but Surely there are features that you know, maybe they didn't last for a long or whatever it might be that were phased out
Starting point is 00:38:33 So email us being Tom podcast at and let us know what I might have missed there Okay, let's finish up our Christmas special here with a trivia question. Here we go. Facebook themed. Before Zuckerberg and his cronies settled on the like button, Facebook engineers strongly pushed for this word in place of like. So it's the same functionality, same type of button, but it's set of like. The button said this. And I will tell you that it's similar to like, but it's more like, but it's more of like a it's it's not a verb actually It's an adjective so it's not like follow or something like that or or poke or like it's actually an adjective
Starting point is 00:39:15 I don't have many more clues to give you because I don't really know how to describe this word So take a take a second to guess if you would like, but if you want more time go ahead and pause now The answer instead of the like button originally Facebook engineers were in favor of the awesome button. So, everything is awesome. Isn't that from the Lego movie? Maybe that's where they got that. I never saw the Lego movie.
Starting point is 00:39:35 I don't know. And I actually have a, it's Christmas, right? Christmas bonuses, Christmas gifts. I have a bonus trivia question for you. I mentioned Festivuses question for you. I mentioned Festivus in two days. So here you go. Before the aluminum pole debuted in Seinfeld, what was the original sort of primary object celebrated by the O'Keefe family? The, you know, Dan O'Keefe was the author who came up with Festivus and his son Daniel was, was a writer on Seinfeld, and that's where they got
Starting point is 00:40:08 Festivus from, because it was like an actually a real tradition in this family. So from the 1960s, they didn't have an aluminum pole. That was a Seinfeld thing. What was the actual original sort of main centerpiece of the Festivus tradition? If you don't know it, you're never going to it in a million years because it's not even one thing. It's multiple things combined, so it's gonna be tough to get. But maybe you know Seinfeld, maybe you know the history of Festivist, so maybe you know this one.
Starting point is 00:40:36 If you need more time, go ahead and pause now, but here we go, the answer, and I learned this today. Can't believe it, it is what it is. A clock in a bag nailed to a wall. I don't even, there's no explanation. I'm just looking at like my mantle right now, or a Christmas tree. And I imagine instead of the Christmas tree, what if I got like a, I don't know, not a grandfather clock, but like a decently sized clock. I pulled out like a hefty trash bag and my nail and a hammer and I just nailed it.
Starting point is 00:41:05 Was the bag see-through? Like, what was the point of putting the clock in the bag? These are the mysteries that make Festivus so magical. So there you go. Thank you all for listening. I hope everyone, whether you're Hanukkah, Kwanza, Christmas, or whatever the Muslim ones I forgot about were. Thank you for tuning into our show. Merry Christmas to everyone. I hope that you're having a great holiday season.
Starting point is 00:41:28 10 more days until dry January start. So drink up, top off your beers with some whiskey, do what you gotta do. My name is Quinn David Furnace. This is my show, Quinn David Furnace presents the Bean Tum podcast. Merry Christmas and happy holidays to everyone. Let's get some ultra music to play us out.
Starting point is 00:41:42 No more singing, I promise. I will check in on you next time. Bye. Stay safe, stay safe. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. nd nd

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