Beantown Podcast - Minneapolis Beer Tour (09302022 Beantown)

Episode Date: October 1, 2022

Quinn comes to you LIVE from Minneapolis, Minnesota to tell you about all the beers he's trying, plus movie sequel trivia, and avoiding the tolls in order to BANKRUPT the State of Illinois. Checkmate ...bitch

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David furnace welcome to my show Quinn David furnace presents the bean town podcast for Friday September 30th, 2022. and we're coming to you live from Minneapolis, Minnesota, the Wheat City, as they call it here. We're coming to you live from downtown with a little Skull Vikings playing. What's going on? How are you? What's happening? My name is Quinn, and we are one of the top 500 podcasts
Starting point is 00:00:40 on the north side of the Chicago, Chicago, north side of Chicago. So, I'm my words here a couple beers in let's Let's get that right out there, but before I forget before we jump back into that. Thank you for intro music We are let's hear a discussion is advised when you listen to being time pockets someone will occasionally use some language number two This podcast is objectively terrible There we go Well Well we've had a couple of beers and we're having a good time. So I'm in my hotel room right now and we are drinking inbound peanut butter honey blonde and the artwork is a bee with glasses glasses and two teeth like Larry the cucumber says contains bees all in it in in on
Starting point is 00:01:28 oh this is interesting they're like logos says all in oh okay I was thinking it was all in one beer but that's not right it's all in on beer inbound Bruko one pint 16 fluid ounces inbound is in Minneapolis, 7-1 North 5th Street. Gosh, that's gotta be right around the corner from where I am right now. We're at Marquette and 7th here in downtown Minneapolis on assignment. Bean Town hits the road.
Starting point is 00:01:57 And then we got another beer in the fridge. I'm trying to remember which one that is. It's a different brewery, but it's in St. Pauli, I believe. I stopped by, here, I guess this will start the show off with this, a little gripe, if you will. I'm known for griping on the show. So yesterday, knowing, I got in Minneapolis, Winston, I had about 11 PM, I was a heck of a drive
Starting point is 00:02:21 from Champaign, Illinois, up to Minneapolis, up through Rockford. I in honor of Grammys salad, Grammiedade, for what I'm going to be seeing tomorrow, Hashtag Grandparents of the Podcast. I got off the tollway before they started charging me. I'm not given those eye dots at the idiots at the eye dot, the Illinois Department of Transportation. I'm not giving them my heart or my my checkles. So I get off at Harrison Road going east towards Sherry Valley as it kind of sheds the Harrison tag and turns into our US Highway 20 and I went north. Let's see man where did I go? I went north on Mill and turned right on Newberg. Went north on Shaw past the old Dixon homestead. I got to the corner of Shaw and East State Street,
Starting point is 00:03:15 AKU, this business 20. Only to find that that old like mini golf slash driving range, course completely grown over in weeds. It's abandoned to the fullest extent, which was a shame. I never got to play mini golf there, nor did I ever go to a driving range. I've never been to a driving range in my life to actually drive. I've been to grassy patches
Starting point is 00:03:44 to hit golf balls with with Passhae dad podcast Steve furnace before but never a proper driving range anyways that place whatever it was called completely abandoned grownover and weeds which was too bad to see It's just it's a tough location. I think I got the green space, but out there It's like the edge of Belvedere and Rockford. You're east of the old show, play 16, you're east of the inner state. Pretty much all the, you know, there's people who live out there,
Starting point is 00:04:09 but all the action is west of the inner state as you go in towards, you know, Perryville, Malford, whatever. I continue north in honor of the old drive from Cherry Valley to the indoor sports center, which is now known as Sports Center 2. Went over those cool hills where you feel like you're on a roller coaster, your stomach drops, that was pretty fun. And got up to the ISC, kept going north into farm country, basically said high to the old Randall homestead. And next thing you know, I'm in Batchesney Park, Rockton area, and I'm taking a left
Starting point is 00:04:48 and getting back on the interstate on Rockton Road. Boom, no tolls for me. So then you go all the way up, Madison, Jamesville, say hi to Paul Ryan, Wisconsin, Delos, think about all the times. They never got to go to Kalahari. I'm kidding, I'm not actually bitching about that, but Kalahari is the one that's right on the interstate.
Starting point is 00:05:05 And it's the first thing you see when you get to the delusional, like that place looks amazing. Never went to Kalahari before. Boom, boom, boom, next thing, you know, I'm in the Twin Cities, eight and a half hours later. So got there Wednesday night and yesterday, which is Thursday, it is Friday, went to the tarjet there in downtown Minneapolis. It's just about a two
Starting point is 00:05:26 two-minute like four block walk from the hotel. And you know I was I was trying to assess my my drinking strategy because I'm here five nights Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, four, some recruitment events and a conference. And so I'm like you know what I'm I'm gonna just, let me, let me try some craft beers, some local stuff. Let me go find something I can pick out. So I'm like, where can I buy liquor and downtown Minneapolis? And I see Tarja as a brand new wine and spirits section
Starting point is 00:05:59 at this location, you know, where I'm from. And you go to Tarja, you buy beer, wine, spirits, whatever you want. It's easy. Even when we're in Honolulu, that's where we got our drinks and stuff from. First day we got there last month. And so I'm thinking, hey, Tarje, Target Headquartered here in Minnesota, I think. And you know, they're going to have everything you could ever want. I mean, this Target in downtown Minneapolis is probably going to be the greatest
Starting point is 00:06:24 target of all time So I go in there and there's literally a sign on the outside of the building the you know attached to it It says wine and spirit. So I'm thinking okay. Well, we got alcohol. We're in business. There's a two-story target So I get into the first floor. I'm thinking okay, where do I go here? It's pretty cavernous C-A-V-E-R-N-O-U-S and thinking grocery boom. There's a sign for that back corner We head over there. I'm walking up and down the aisles. I see the granola. I see the popdarts I see the canola oil and I see the frozen sections all sorts of whore-mel meats and spam and You know skull burgers and stuff.
Starting point is 00:07:06 No alcohol, something and this is a little strange. Maybe they put it up higher, maybe on the second floor so the, you know, the loons around here, the soccer team, the loons, maybe, you know, maybe they won't find it if they're just already drunken, bumming around. So I head up to the second floor I go through the bedding I go through the school supplies. I investigate into the you know the women's intimates frankly and Nothing up there either not behind, you know a pillow not behind a stapler Certainly not behind a corset
Starting point is 00:07:42 certainly not behind a corset, COR, SCT. And so I'm thinking, I've been bamboozled. And so I wasn't gonna waste my life in there. I'd already been there for approximately 15 minutes. And so I walked right back down the escalators and I moseyed my way out to a local liquor store down the street. That's right folks, by local when you can. And I know what you're thinking, well, targets,
Starting point is 00:08:04 had quoted in Minneapolis, how much more local can when you can and I know what you're thinking. Well, targets had quoted Minneapolis. How much more local can you get? And I decided to test that out. So I went to a local liquor store and I got my inbound beer. And that's the story. So it's two four packs of tall boys as we call them here in Chicago. 16 ounces, one pint. I don't know what a pint is.
Starting point is 00:08:23 I don't know. They just decide, hey, we're going to get to 16 ounces and let's call that one pint. I don't know what a pint is. I don't know. They just decide, hey, we're going to get to 16 ounces and let's call that a pint or was it something that came before ounces? You know what I love? We never just say ounces. We say fluid ounces just to confirm that we're drinking drinks. We're not eating chunks of ounces or something. Hmm. I can taste the real honey. So that's what we're sipping on, but I also want to give a shout out. My favorite podcast, because this is my first beer being in the hotel room here.
Starting point is 00:08:56 Although I had one of each last night, but since, basically for today, Friday is my first one here. But I took a little pilgrimage before this. So my favorite podcast other than the Bean Town podcast is the, excuse me, is the Score North Vikings podcast and there's actually two different ones, but they kind of all pop up on my YouTube, excuse me, my YouTube algorithm. So I basically think of them the same way because they're hosted by the same three people. So it's like, imagine if I had the-ton podcast and then I had another show called Quinn and I talked about the exact same things you would be like well It's really just like I
Starting point is 00:09:35 Recognize you can say that they're two different podcasts, but who really gives a shit like it's one podcast That's kind of how I feel about this in the best possible way my friends podcast. That's kind of how I feel about this in the best possible way. My friends who I as of three hours ago and following on Twitter because they tweeted at them they all liked my tweet, one of them replied, my friends Phil Mackie who's I think lives on the West Coast actually but he's a he hosts the Viking shows. Judd Zolgad who's a long long time Vikings guy, search, Tribune reporter in the past, that sort of thing. And then Declan Goff is probably a guy Maybe my age maybe a little bit younger who's an executive producer of their shows for score North is the show that they Are the channel the station rather?
Starting point is 00:10:17 that they produce this show on And it's it's daily Vikings entertainment as they would say. And I just discovered it maybe a year ago because they do a Vikings vent line after every Vikings loss. Or when, they're on either way. And so when you're a Vikings fan, you deal with a lot of losses. And so there's a lot of airtime, a lot of opportunity to interact with those guys. I've emailed Phil before. He emailed me back. It's very kind. And now I tweeted at him today, I asked for recommendations because one of their main sponsor, rather their primary sponsor, I would say,
Starting point is 00:10:51 without seeing the financial books is surly brewing, which I was not personally aware of, and I'm not a beer master, but I wasn't personally aware of surly until I started following the show. And every week like this show They've got their ad reads from Surley and Livya weight loss centers and all the links at some town in Minnesota I don't know. There's a racetrack. They get an ad read from there's a fantasy sports thing they get an ad read from so kind of Inspirate well either inspirational for me to aspire to or a copycats Because we've been doing ad reads on the show for way
Starting point is 00:11:26 before that show was around. But that's another story. So I decide today, you know what, I'm gonna carve some time out of my conference schedule or here in Minneapolis for a conference with a bunch of pre-law advisors. So I said, you know what, I'm gonna get away from the session after session
Starting point is 00:11:43 and I'm not, look, I'm not a conference guy. And I'd like being there to maybe meet a couple of new people and just reconnect with some of my old pals and the world of law school admissions and pre-law advising. That's enjoyable for me, like those casual conversations. What I don't love, if I'm being completely honest with you, is just sitting there session after session. I think today literally there's a local college a lot that was hosting us and I think there were like six straight
Starting point is 00:12:14 sessions just back to back to back to back like there's lunch that breaks it up they do their little snack breaks but like I didn't drive all the way to Minneapolis to sit in a classroom for more or less like six to seven hours. And frankly, a lot of the stuff that gets discussed is just either like stuff that I, you know, could have figured out in 30 seconds for myself or stuff I disagree with. And so it's just kind of like there was one person present today I'm not gonna name any names, but they were making some just like Very dismissive concepts about very dismissive remarks about some things like 9-11 and gender identity and I try to remember what else but it was it was so very flippant if you will and I was just sitting there cringing the whole time. And I'm cringing, using the word cringing,
Starting point is 00:13:08 because it's become such a cringed kind of thing in our culture, but that's literally what I was doing. I was like, I wasn't opposed to the overall topic they were saying or the other panelists, but this one person was just like, and you get kind of the half of the audience is laughing, because they're not paying attention. They just think it's funny.
Starting point is 00:13:25 The other half is doing the nervous laughter. And then there's the third half that's me, which is like, why, why, why, it's a Friday, it's 11 a.m. Why do we need to slip in a, you know, a casual dismissal of 9-11 and like, students traumatic reactions to that world. Like, I don't know what we're trying to accomplish here. So let's just pump the brakes.
Starting point is 00:13:47 Point I'm trying to make, not a conference person. Although I've really, I've really, and I'm not, you guys know me, I am not an extrovert in any sense of the word. So I've been forcing myself to attend sessions here and there, go out. I mean, I literally went to a networking event last night as part of this, which is frankly something
Starting point is 00:14:11 that I pretty much never do. So I am proud of myself. However, I can only take so much if we're being real. And so today, I said, you know what? I've been hearing about these guys on my podcast for a long time, not my podcast, but my podcast. And so I'm like, we're going to Surley. So I go over to Surley, it's, if you don't know, it's just East of the U of M, UMTC. So on the East Bank there, it was, I had to choose, I ended up driving.
Starting point is 00:14:43 It would be like an hour, 10 minute walk from my hotel. I was just like, I don't really mind going there to do that because it's like you walk, you burn your calories, you get there, you have a drink, you feel great. Then you got to walk back three and a half miles. And I was just like, yeah, we're not going to do that. So the other thing I'll say here halfway through my story, I've got the Samsung Q2U Series microphone linked up here. I have no idea if it's on, if it's being recognized. I didn't mention this, you could probably figure this out, especially if the audio quality is really bad,
Starting point is 00:15:18 like it was in Hawaii, I apologize for that. So if we're doing another one of those with bad audio quality, I really do apologize. I didn't do any tests or anything beforehand because I'm just Trying to do this and then go find some supper, but Yeah, I do I'm doing the best I can. I mean it got my Samsung plugged in here I just have no idea if my my dowels picking up. I'm not on my home set up I don't have my my MacBook my garage band We and we're not gonna ever
Starting point is 00:15:45 outroom music or anything. So we're just playing it by ear except I don't have any like feedback in my headphones or anything. So who knows if this is being recorded. If it's not, that's gonna be heartbreaking because I am putting my heart and soul into this. So we go to Surley and I guess apologies for the bad audio quality because I'm guessing it's gonna be bad, but I don't really know Hoping for the best expecting the worst so I go to Surley as I'm walking in I tweet out to the three hosts of the podcast. I'm like, hey, what should I get? First time at Surley. Love the show yada yada yada and right away
Starting point is 00:16:18 Declan shout out to Declan Goff. Well, we'll give him a hashtag friend of the podcast I love to get Declan on it. You can talk about producing a podcast. I mean, that's something we have in common. Lush blonde hair. That's two things. A love of Minnesota sports, three things. Although not all Minnesota sports, because I don't really give two crafts about the timber wolves.
Starting point is 00:16:40 That's just heartbreak, you know. Ween Depp. Setting yourself up for a failure. So he responds right away, it's not like, what beer should I try first? He responds right away, he's like, get the warp zone, it's tap room exclusive. And so by the time I read it, I had already sat down and ordered my first beer, which is the before I die beer, which is a shout out to the Vikings podcast because their mantra is that we just, and I agree with this, we just want to see the Vikings win a Super Bowl before we die.
Starting point is 00:17:09 So the beer is called before I die. I had to get that first. It's a pretty standard logger, crisp, delicious. Then I got Declan's suggestion, which was warp zone, a similar kind of beer, and it's been so long now. It's been like two hours since I had it, so I don't actually really remember the difference between the two and then they have their experimental beers and there are two of those I got the Buffalo Skull which is kind of like a dark porter I think or dark ale of some kind that was pretty tasty pretty delicious so I got that and the cool thing about surlebi and the bros they are is if you try their experimental beer
Starting point is 00:17:46 You scan the QR code you fill out a quick survey about what you like what you didn't like And then you get a free beer at your next visit all this is to say that hey next time Cuz I don't anticipate being back in Minneapolis for a while frankly Hopefully you know in a year or two, but it's been three years since the last time I was here. If you would like a free beer, no strings attached, like ash and couture and Natalie Portman, I had to look this up the other day because there was a reference to no strings attached on Twitter, and I had to remember because there were two movies, it was ridiculous, they came out at the exact same time with the exact same plot.
Starting point is 00:18:25 And I looked it up like a week ago, and now I can't even remember, I'm trying to remember who are the main couples. I'm fairly certain that no strings attached, and it's confusing because it's the Ashen Cootron meal acunis who are married, but it's not, they're not one couple, they are in different movies.
Starting point is 00:18:45 The Ashen Coochery Natalie Portman is no strings attached. I'm like 80% sure of that. And then there's Friends with Benefits, which is Milacunus and Justin Timberlake, I think. Okay? I'm pretty sure that's how it goes. And apologies if that's more misinformation. We've kind of steered away from being the number one
Starting point is 00:19:05 show misinformation here, because people just started to get frustrated. And as much as I love frustrating people, it doesn't quite to my amount of needing to be loved and praised. So we've kind of had to switch gears a little bit here. But the point I was trying to make is if anyone goes to Surley and they want a free beer
Starting point is 00:19:27 with no strings attached, whether you know Ashton Kutcher or Natalie Portman or not, doesn't matter to me, let me know, I'll email it to you. I don't think there's an expiration date, so maybe I should just be hogging this for myself, I don't know. But I'm a very giving person, this is a very giving show, we're always giving back to our communities. And I'd love to give you a free, surely beer. Okay, so that's what I did,
Starting point is 00:19:56 and now I'm working on my in my inbound, and tomorrow we've got a small conferencing in the morning, and then we're gonna zip down to about 90 minutes out there here to visit with the grandparents of the podcast who have both been on the show before, Grandma Sell, who was on and year one, I think of the show to talk about her stamping habits. STAMP, I-N-G, yes, it's what it sounds like.
Starting point is 00:20:19 It's not, you're not making great juice on the floor, but rather you are making cards and stuff out of cool stamps. And then Grandpa Dave, who was famously, infamously really on our show for the roast of Quinn David furnace, which I believe was year Was that year one of the show gosh, that's hard to believe 2018 was year one, 18 19, 21, 2, so on year five 18 was when we went to Alaska, yeah, and two, so on year five, 18 was when we went to Alaska. Yeah. And the roast was in Washington, Bainbridge Island, is that right? Something like that. Maybe not Bainbridge Island, something
Starting point is 00:20:53 close to there. Regardless, Tumolo Island, something like that, Tamali Island, one of those remote islands. But we had a hot tub. That's really what I remember. I don't remember much from that second half of the vacation. We did Alaska and I remember everything we did there, but then we went to Vancouver, Washington. Yes, we spent one day in Vancouver, one day in North Cascades National Park. The rest of the time I was just like drinking in the hot tub.
Starting point is 00:21:21 It's pretty much what I remember. Be in 23, man. So whole different time. OK, so that's what's going on here. But yeah, it's been a good time in Minneapolis. We're about halfway through our stay here. We'll be here Saturday. Sunday morning is a double header, it's a double header really and
Starting point is 00:21:45 unfortunately they're happening within half an hour of each other because it's like they're the only two things that I'm trying to do on Sunday and they not only are so close to each other but they start so really in the morning it's kind of brutal but I'm gonna be a champ I'm gonna make it work anyway is at 8 a.m. this is started the Twin Cities marathon. No I am not running it. However I will happily cheer folks on. And two is the Minnesota Vikings vs. New Orleans Saints, Ann Lundin. Starting at 8.30 a.m. Central time you won't want to miss it. You'll need NFL Network to watch it so you better stream it, pirate your stream, or go to a Minneapolis bar and find me.
Starting point is 00:22:26 I don't know what my plans are yet, but I'm hoping to just kind of wake up early, see the start of the marathon, and then literally just like walk into a bar five minutes later. I've been furiously researching, certainly furious, it's the name of like their flagship beer, like trip, like Ship beer. Furiously researching like, hey, what are the best bars and downtown Minneapolis to watch a Vikings game X? I don't want to drive anywhere,
Starting point is 00:22:53 because I'm planning to drink, and if they win, I'm gonna drink a lot, if they lose, I'm gonna drink even more. So, I don't want to drink, and I don't know, I think there's something about downtown Minneapolis. It's like, in a lot of big cities, downtowns are this way, but it's very much just like a nine to five business financial kind of thing.
Starting point is 00:23:11 But I just thought there would be more kind of outposts where it's like, oh yeah, this is a good place to go for like late night eats or drinks or stuff or events. And I haven't really found much in the way of like, oh yeah, we're hosting a Viking Saints watch party Like you would think being five blocks from US Bank Stadium There would be all sorts of those sorts of types of things in Minneapolis haven't found it yet We'll keep keep looking But I you know there's someone's gonna be open if it was noon It would I wouldn't even think twice about it like we'll be there. We'll have fun Sunday
Starting point is 00:23:44 But it's 8.30. So I'm thinking like, you know, our, you know, our bar is going to be open. Do they actually have they actually thought about this? So that's really the plan there. It should be a good time and then working here on Monday as well, and then driving to see friends of the podcast Ryan Ligan our old movie expert Ryan Ligan and Kristen Austin Kristen Austin English Ryan
Starting point is 00:24:11 Austin Ligan we let's just throw all their names in a hat see what comes out so we have Ryan Kristen and Austin Ligan English I'm staying with him on Monday night and they have a new pup and stuff so should be good and then working in Madison on Tuesday and finally concluding the road trip driving back home. Tuesday evening but man we went we left Tuesday morning I think my alarm went off at like four drove it on the Bloomington Indiana it's a four and a half hour trip plus you lose an hour and then hung out with our old fantasy football contributor Hunter Bowlin had a great time meals met his child and
Starting point is 00:24:50 then Tuesday morning drove to champagne and then I've already told you the rest of the story So that's what we that's what's going on in this eight-day stretch But some good beer love Minneapolis great weather it perfect fall weather man. It's like 50 overnight and then it'll be like high 50s, little 60s during the day, you wear a light jacket, I brought my purple and my Vikings hat just so I could represent appropriately. This was a shame the twins really sucked it up the last
Starting point is 00:25:19 couple weeks of the year, but so did the white socks and then you got the cups who won seven games in a row so they're hot. They're unstoppable. Unfortunately also eliminated from the playoffs or from playoff contention I should say. And guys that's pretty much what I got for you. I want to of course give a shout out to our sponsors. Our good friends home pride Oregon when you need your home inspector in central Oregon, you need the expert. So call someone, save certified and most importantly, someone you can trust. Call Steve, he's my dad, 541-410-0316 or visit Again, that's 541-410-0316 or visit Guys, if you love the show, if you hate the show, if
Starting point is 00:26:03 you just wanted to say, I've never listened to your show before, and I don't plan to start now email us, be in town podcast at Again, this is be in podcast at You can also tweet at the show where you're at be in town cast. I am personally at white buns with a Z. And then of course, our good friends is Samson Q2U series, whether you're picking up the audio quality mini-applicer You just plugged in and it doesn't mean anything when God speaks he uses a Samson and of course finally our good friends the cuts by Q
Starting point is 00:26:34 I always start with the cuts by Q and then it's like where do I go from there because this really just cuts by Q When you need to fresh do something snappy and new call the experts at cuts by Q cuts by Q. When you need a fresh do something snappy and new call the experts at cuts by Q Chicago land north shore north was Indiana Southwestern Michigan. No one ever talks about Southwestern Michigan but really we should include that too. Of course cuts by Q. B. Heist bangs Fox the flat tops everything in between call the exports 8152987200 or email cuts by Q at Yahoo dot com. that's cut. It's QTZ. Bye Q at All right, guys, we're at 28 minutes here, 27 minutes,
Starting point is 00:27:13 and it's been a fun show talking you through my journey. I've got some other things coming up soon here. We're not gonna dig into them on this show, but I had some thoughts emerge in my head, rather as I was driving, because there wasn't that much else to do for 8 and 1,500 hours after work on Tuesday. So we're going to get into some things I noticed on my drive that I really love.
Starting point is 00:27:35 And I don't know. If I can think of something off the top of my head in a very efficient, snappy manner, trivial-wise, I will leave you with a bean-town trivia question of the week. Let me see what I can think of here. I've had things, I've had things pop up in my head over the last couple days, but I'm struggling to recall at this point. We just did interstate, so I don't want to do anything interstacial, INTR, STATL. All right, here's one. Here's one for you.
Starting point is 00:28:07 So Avatar is being re-released in theaters. In fact, it's probably already happened. In advance of Avatar 2 coming out in December, or whatever, that is Avatar Way of the Water. Way of the Water. Way of the Water way of the water that's a classic homeschool swing dancing song whether you're in the jimmit mound out above the storefront at Cherry Valley or
Starting point is 00:28:37 the basement of the scene ads way in the water always therefore here's my bean town trivia question of the week email us your submission the winner gets Loving affection and a shout out live on the air. What more could you want in life? I want you to name Adjusted I'm putting a lot of Conditions on this because I'm gonna have to look it up and figure it out myself. I want you to name the highest grossing film sequel of all time in terms of US dollars
Starting point is 00:29:08 adjusted for inflation okay so you're probably sitting out there thinking oh we could never be you know gone with the win too even more gone with the win but hey with just it for inflation you never know what's gonna happen so I have a couple ideas in my head and I this was just one that I just thought of and I don't know the answer I'm gonna look it up after I have two in my head where I'm immediately like I think it's gonna be one of those two you know I don't care if it was critically panned or You know whatever I just care how much money didn't make, adjusted for inflation in 2022,
Starting point is 00:29:46 September 30th, 2022, US dollars. So I'm gonna Google it as we finish the show here. Get those answers in before next week, and we'll be coming to you live for our Chicago Marathon coverage. It's gonna be exciting, looking forward to being home. Most importantly, thank you all for listening. There will not be any outro music this week.
Starting point is 00:30:05 We're gonna do a hard stop between 30 and 31 minutes. That's what I got for you. Great to be back on the road. Good to come to you live from Minneapolis. First, ever being town podcast from Minneapolis, Minnesota. I hope everyone is doing well. I'm gonna tell you this, stay safe. Stay sane.
Starting point is 00:30:24 Get those trivia answers in. And I will check in on you next time. Bye. doing well. I'm going to tell you this. Stay safe. Stay sane. Get those trivia answers in and I will check in on you next time. Bye!

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