Beantown Podcast - Motherless Mother's Day Special (05092021 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: May 9, 2021

Quinn comes to you LIVE for one of the final times from Rogers Park to reminisce about all the joys of moving on a motherless Mothers' Day 2021...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn de Vifernis. Welcome to my show. Quinn de Vifernis presents the Bean Town podcast for Sunday, May 9, 2021. It's Mother's Day. What's happening? How are you? My name is Quinn and this is my show and if you are wondering where my mom, Dr. Jane Dennis and Fernis is, consider yourself bamboozled. I know I had hyped up a big Mother's Day special. And I got to tell you, for the first time since we reached out to have a sod, the Syrian guy on the show a couple weeks ago, we've been declined for an interview. Yeah. Dr. Jane, my mom decided she didn't want to come on the show today and we respect her decision. So I am flying solo this week. And yeah, what's happening?
Starting point is 00:01:11 It's Mother's Day. It is a, what looks like a beautiful day in Chicago. However, it is in the mid-tie forties and very cold. We're starting to get to that point. It's May 9th, where you're like, look, you know, we're starting to get to that point. It's May 9th where you're like, look, I know I know you know, on any given day, any given Sunday to be specific here in Chicago. You never know whether you're gonna get but you start creeping into mid-May here and it's kind of like still dealing with the mid-40 stuff is just not not that interesting to me, you know,
Starting point is 00:01:48 because here's the thing all I want to do it's a beautiful day it's my day off. All I want to do is go, you know, outside and just be outside, spend time outside and it'd be a perfect day to, you know, fill up a, fill up a canteen with maybe some wine or whiskey or something like that and go sit by the lake and people watch and, you know, just get some sun. But I gotta tell you when it's 45 degrees in windy, it's just not that pleasant. So, I don't know. I'll go out and stretch my legs in a little bit here. But you know, it's just like, why can't it be a little bit warmer out? That would be ideal. Well my name is Quinn and this is my show.
Starting point is 00:02:38 And we're coming to you live from Rogers Park, Chicago, what is either going to be the third to last or second to last show from this location. This apartment has been the hub for the last two years, worth of bean town podcasts. I got to tell you we got moving day two weeks from yesterday. It's in 13 days moving on the 22nd, moving down to Lincoln Park. Just when you thought I couldn't get any whiter, I said, take this. And I decided to move from a very racially diverse neighborhood to a very affluent white neighborhood.
Starting point is 00:03:23 So good thing I'm affluent and white. But yeah, I gotta tell ya, the last two years, or excuse me, the last two times of moving have both been long trips, done largely by myself. Moving is a very emotionally scarring or has been a very emotionally scarring or just very stressful and anxiety-producing experience for me the last couple of times. So my let's give a quick rundown of all my moves. Okay. In fact, we're just gonna call this the moves podcast. I'm gonna tell you right now,
Starting point is 00:04:07 I'm gonna keep it short because I really don't have that much. This was one of those weeks, and I know the joke is, well, you always say this, sometimes that's true, sometimes that's not. I feel like we've had some good material lately. Oh, and one thing, oh, let me finish my sentence, and then say the other thing, and then we'll get back into it. But one of those weeks where I just didn't really have anything,
Starting point is 00:04:26 I'm recording this Sunday afternoon, about four in the afternoon. And I just, you know, I'm kind of just like chilling, not really doing anything else, but also don't have that much to say, just kind of relaxing. So with that in mind, I'm going to keep this short, because there are a lot more mentally engaging and stimulating things you could be doing with your week whenever you're listening to this, but What was I gonna say that's always how it goes isn't it? It always happens that way that stinks Well, this is not what I was going to say, but I'll mention listen to discretion as advised when you're listening to being Tom podcast number one This is not what I was going to say, but I'll mention, listen to discretion as advised when you're listening
Starting point is 00:05:03 to the Bean Tom podcast number one. We'll occasionally use some language. Number two, this podcast is objectively terrible. And while we're at a happy Mother's Day to my mom, we got some brunch this morning. A quick plug for the Honey Bear Cafe up in Rogers Park. It's that Clark and Green Leaf. So, you know, just kind of up towards Howard there
Starting point is 00:05:29 towards Evanston. It's a spot I've heard about all the time because I'm in, you know, a couple of different Rogers Park community Facebook groups. And so people always talk about it. And Rogers Park is not known, at least, it's kind of East Rogers Park. I don't speak for Westridge or anything like that, but it's not really known for its brunchy spots and granted,
Starting point is 00:05:51 you know, when I think of brunch, I think of like Lakeview, Rigglyville, you know, Lincoln Park, all that fun stuff. You don't really think of Rogers Park, but still it's nice to have some nice spots. Still, it's nice to have some nice spots. Honey Bear is probably the gold standard for brunch spots in Rogers Park, from what I've experienced. This is our first time there. I've heard about it all the time. It's one of those situations where it's just far enough away.
Starting point is 00:06:18 It's about 20 minute walk to where it's not, it just doesn't feel convenient to go and especially with COVID, you know, like going to get, I don't carry out or like get take out brunch or breakfast food. I just just like, I feel like it's just easy for me to make a cup of coffee, some eggs, pancakes, whatever I want to make at home, right?
Starting point is 00:06:43 I feel like when you carry out breakfast food, it's still good, but breakfast food is really nice when it's just fresh. It's hot. I'm a big fan of the breakfast joint or the diner atmosphere that experience. They got the people coming around with the pasta coffee topping you off and you know, it's great food for very you know Pretty much cheap price as far as food prices go when you're eating at a restaurant And so I just for all those reasons I had never been to the Honey Bear Cafe yet, but it is a great spot
Starting point is 00:07:20 They were packed today as you might imagine Mother's Day brunch, but thankfully yours truly made a phone reservation last week. And so, yeah, we had our coffee and my mom had some crepes with blueberries. And I had a little skillet that was just basically the same thing I get when I go to Alexander's, which is at Clark and Granville. That's my go-to breakfast spot. That's like an ultimate diner experience family-owned. And I don't get there as much or haven't gotten there as much. I think I've only gone once or twice since COVID. But that's a great spot
Starting point is 00:08:00 too. I pretty much get the same thing every time. If it's available when I go to brunch, it's a skillet, basically a Mexican style skillet. You got your potatoes, your chorizo, your peppers, tomatoes, jalapeno, sometimes you get some mushy's in there, topped with some scrambled eggs, some wheat toast, and a cup of Java. Okay, that's kind of my MO. We had that and got a nice
Starting point is 00:08:27 flower, a Mother's Day flower, and yeah, it was a very nice Mother's Day brunch. I thought. And unfortunately, mom is not here to defend herself on the podcast. So that's just gonna have to be the final word until we get a letter to the editor, again, it's But I wanted to talk about, and we're just gonna,
Starting point is 00:08:59 we're not gonna have a front half and a back half today. We're just gonna kinda say what we wanna say. Say what you going to kind of say what we want to say. Say what you need to say. Say what you need to say. Say what you need to say. Say what you need to say. Say what you need to say. Then mention our dedicated sponsors. While I'm thinking of it, I don't want to forget. I was excited potentially to, you know potentially to do a podcast with Mom today because we got in the mail a second, a brand new Samsung Q2U microphone, and we're gonna test it out.
Starting point is 00:09:34 And the audio quality of the show was gonna go through the roof. We were probably gonna be top 10 on Apple podcasts. You know, probably a trip to the White House, probably get a constellation named after me, be next in line for, you know, when they discover one of those new elements, you know, because those things are usually given to podcasts hosts, but unfortunately we couldn't make it happen. But yeah, we'll thank our sponsors
Starting point is 00:10:07 and then we'll kind of leave it at that, you know? But what I was gonna mention is just a quick rundown of my moves in my life. I didn't move until I was 18. I lived in the same house, same 18, first 18 years of my life, which is not, you know, most people don't have that experience. So there's really not much to tell up to that point, although when I was about 12 or 13, I did move from an upstairs bedroom, shared with my brother to a downstairs
Starting point is 00:10:42 bedroom, recently vacated by a different brother. you know good room super cold and a lot of bugs but you know it's nice to have your own room even at a computer in there basically we got a new computer at some point you know when I was 10 or 11 something like that and so we moved the old computer which still worked just you know, when I was 10 or 11, something like that. And so we moved the old computer which still worked, just, you know, slow. I think that the old computer's running Windows XP, the new one, because we're pretty fancy, was Windows Vista. And I think my parents still have that computer and I assume it still runs Vista. I don't know. We could get father of the podcast Steve Fernes on here. He could tell us. I don't know if it's been upgraded to Windows 7 or 10. Was there a Windows between 7 and 10 or did they just go from 7 to 10? I don't know. We should get Bill Gates on here
Starting point is 00:11:35 and we should do a special Bill Gates joins Tinder. And that would be extra useful for me not because I'm looking for anything on Tinder but because I've been, you know, banned many years ago. And so I just like to check out the interface. Not check out, you know, local singles in my area. Not interested. I'm in a happy committed relationship. But for Bill, you know, we'll kind of see what's out there. But yeah, having the computer in the room. I had NBA live 06 I think that's an EA sports game everyone talks about 2K now did EA stop making NBA games
Starting point is 00:12:17 Or because I had NBA live 06 With Duane Wade DWY and E Dwayne I actually when I go to, you know, the suburbs Rachel's parents house, I run by Duane Wade's high school every time I go for a run. Nice place. But then when I, you know, the next basketball game I got was like 2008, so, you know, version two years later,
Starting point is 00:12:43 and that was NBA 2K, which is, you know, kind of everyone, you know version two years later and that was NBA 2k Which is you know kind of everyone you know when you talk about like Computer games or just video games. I guess is the better way to call them, you know football you have madden Bassball now it's you just call it 2k soccer. You call it FIFA, which is an EA sports thing I think, but 2K is different. 2K is not EA sports. So I'm curious, does EA sports still make basketball games or have they completely seeded? Right? Good word. 2K, which is, is that the name of the brand? I don't know. The name of the company, or is there a different company behind the 2K games. This would be a good investigation. And I don't think I really ever played anything else on that computer. Pretty much just played my NBA live oh six. I think that was the year
Starting point is 00:13:37 I don't know. I don't know if that was like DeRon Williams rookie year or something. I'll play with him all the time. Then once I got 2K, I think it was 2008 going, it was, I think, Russell Westbrook's rookie year, and I would love to just hone in as a point guard, and maybe this says something about my giving personality, but I would love to like rack up as many assists as possible. You know, a lot of people, they play the games, they can, you know, you control your character and it's like, let's see how many points we can score.
Starting point is 00:14:14 I was all about just seeing how many assists I could get. I would have a lot of 2020 games, 20 points, 20 assists. If I could reach that threshold, I was at hell of a game. And then there was also, I created the Cherry Valley Super Team. It was my brother Walt, right? Or no, Walt, was he in there?
Starting point is 00:14:40 This is embarrassing. I feel bad if he wasn't, because I want to include everyone. I'm trying to remember who all was on there. Let's just say he was a little scrappy South Paw playing point guard. And then we had a made this this cool cat this black guy LeBron lightning. He was straight. Oh, I'm watching the Cubs game and ball just got hammered. Oh, it didn't go out. The wind has been blowing in balls all day. And it up just being a double. Cubs are getting shlacked today, by the way. LeBron lightning was about six six 105 pounds. Sky basically was the male version of my sister, but he was black. He had corn rows and all sorts of like, I don't know who a good NBA comp is, but all sorts of like, you know, had the headband and elbow bands and wrist bands and all sorts of bands of varying colors. He's just a very colorful individual. There's one guy in my head that I'm thinking of,
Starting point is 00:15:48 and his name is, like, I can see him. Imagine, like, Germain O'Neill, but decked out even more. Kind of like Germain O'Neill, Alan Iverin, St. Alan Iverin, that sort of thing. You don't see that as much in the NBA these days. That was much more like a mid to late 2000s kind of thing to just get decked out in gear. I played a small forward, which I think is a good position
Starting point is 00:16:14 for me, because I'm kind of a little guy. My brother Jack, I put at power forward, although I think we were the same height. I think I made my brother Walt his real height because it works as a point guard and then my brother Jack and I were like, actually I think I made my brother Jack taller than me. Even though we're the same height because he's skinnier and lankier, he feels taller. So I think I was like six, seven, something like that.
Starting point is 00:16:40 And then my brother Jack started like six, nine. And then the unstoppable man in the middle from Mercer Dunker Jones Dunker Jones was 40 years old. That's as old as you can make him he had great hair a full beard He was seven six about three twenty That man was unstoppable. I'm telling you, he made Yao Ming look like an ant
Starting point is 00:17:11 when they would square off against each other. Dunker Jones, I don't know if three seconds was turned off or what, but that guy would just camp. And he didn't even score that much because, you know, I just said there were so many other scoring options on the team. He'd get, you know, the occasional put bad dunk, and that's her thing.
Starting point is 00:17:33 But his stat line was mostly like six points, 22 rebounds, and about 10 blocks. And he was just, it was always kind of funny, because it was a combination of graphics, being, at the time, they felt good. You know, looking back, they're not great. But the graphics were a little wonky, and then just the mechanics, the game is not designed
Starting point is 00:18:01 to just like work fluidly with characters or players who are 7-6 even though you can make them that tall. That's the max It's just you know, so some things would get weird in real life. You got a guy with 7-6 you just stand and Grab a rebound and you don't because you can reach the basket without jumping It didn't quite work that way in the game and grab a rebound and you dunk, because you can reach the basket without jumping. It didn't quite work that way in the game.
Starting point is 00:18:27 It was just a little weird that way, but still a lot of fun. Dunker was always there, securing those boards, 40 years old, winter, mercer. And you might say, well, what is that, why mercer? Random college in Georgia, I don't know. I think I was just looking for a good place for him
Starting point is 00:18:49 to come out of. And I didn't know anything about Mercer. And I still don't really know. All I know is it's in Georgia. But, yeah, those Dunker Jones. That guy was a brick house, every sense of the word. I just, the gray beard was the best part of it for me. I bet if, you know, we still have the copy, it's a CD or maybe a DVD.
Starting point is 00:19:17 I don't remember when they switched, you know, they started instead of, you know, screwing up our computer games, we're all CDs CDs and then a certain point kind of around the late 2000s. They switched Them to start producing them on DVDs much more storage space than a CD So but I bet if we still had a working Computer you could probably boot that up NBA 2K 8 On a PC and I'm sure that that you still have the team in there. That'd be fun. It's somewhere in my parents' house.
Starting point is 00:19:51 But yada yada yada, I digress. I hope you had fun learning about my awesome create, you know, five characters team, undefeated, never lost. My moves have gone progressively, well, progressively worse for the most part. My most recent one was not as bad as the previous one, but they were still kind of rough. My first time I moved was very vanilla, right? Moving from my parents house to my freshman year residence hall, I pretty much had like two bins and then just like a couple bags of stuff. You know, because you get to your res hall, you're splitting a room with another person, a room that's basically slightly larger than the current size of my bedroom, except you have beds on either side.
Starting point is 00:20:49 So there's not a lot of space. In that room, I pretty much just had, it comes furnished with a room, the desk, a chair, and a wardrobe, which is like, you can hang a couple of clothes up, and then there's like two drawers underneath. That's what it came with. So in that room, when I moved, you pretty much just bringing like bedding and shoes and clothes and your backpack and, you know,
Starting point is 00:21:20 any school related stuff, laptop, whatever that comes in there. And there really wasn't space for anything else, right? That's pretty much what I had. And then things didn't really get much better. When I moved, it's actually there was kind of an in-betweener, because I worked on campus the summer between my first and second year of college, and so I had to move into a different residence hall. And I think I pretty much just had like a friend, a friend had a van, a friend's dad had a van, and I just loaded my stuff, same amount of stuff, like a bin and a couple bags into
Starting point is 00:21:59 the van, drove it across campus, lived there, which is the kind of the same size room, same size setup. And then I don't really remember moving from that residence hall to my place in Uptown. I don't know how it happened. I don't know who I did it with. That was the one time, and I'll give a quick eulogy, slash, oh, to the flower chair. If you know the flower chair, you know it.
Starting point is 00:22:27 It's an arm chair that has really bad lumbar support. It was my main chair, the entirety of my time living in Baltimore. I didn't have a couch, so I lived in a studio. So I sat on the thing the whole time, and in retrospect, very easy to see why I suffered from so many back problems when I lived in Baltimore, the chair made an Odyssey from Lincoln Park to Uptown on the red line, pretty epic. I don't think I have the like, balls is maybe too strong of a word, but just like the guts
Starting point is 00:23:02 to triceme like that again. And it's not because I'm too anxious, I just don't want to deal with that crap. Speaking of moving uptown, they just showed up a wide shot over a regular fuel that I was looking at, the building that we're just talking about that I moved to. But I moved to uptown, oh, in the flower chair,
Starting point is 00:23:19 the reason there's a eulogy, I sold it this week. On Wednesday night, I sold it for the listing price was 20 bucks. I they gave me 30 because the lady picked it up was just like, oh, this is such a nice chair. I'm going to give you a lecture. I was like, all right, whatever. But I sold my desk, which was my God sending grad school, because I used it all the time, living in Rogers Park. And then I didn't use it much in Baltimore, and I don't think I've used it once. I've lived here for two years in Chicago. It's literally just up until I sold it on Wednesday.
Starting point is 00:24:05 It just been sitting in the corner with a lot of stuff on it. I never sat there. Just, you know, you thought, oh, couldn't even work you from home for, you know, 14 months, whatever. No, I just got my spot on the couch. It's just where I like to be. So I sold that and I sold my microwave, which I bought, you know, probably for 50 bucks or something, sold it for $16. It did a lot of, a lot of bartering to get to 16. So yeah, I don't have a microwave until I move in two weeks. So far, it hasn't been an issue. We're mainly just going to avoid microwavable foods. But yeah, the flower chair is gone, which is, you know, family antique.
Starting point is 00:24:51 There's this great pick. I got to make sure I have it sold, saved in my phone, but it's a great family picture of my dad sitting in the flower chair with the four kids kind of huddled around slash on the lap. And you know what, between that and the picture of me sitting on the flower chair with the four kids kind of huddled around slash on the lap. And you know what? Between that and the picture of me sitting on the flower chair on the red line, like that's all I need to feel like emotionally balanced or satisfied about it. I don't need to physically have it in the apartment to be like, oh, the flower chair, I'm never getting any of this. Like, no, I wasn't gonna use it, or I wasn't using it.
Starting point is 00:25:27 It was really bad for my back. Like, I have some pictures, that's great. It'll always be a great memory. It doesn't need to be handed down to anyone else. Sold, not handed down. Someone else's problem, I'm not having 30 bucks richer, so I'm pretty rich. But, moved to Uptown, I don't really remember it.
Starting point is 00:25:46 My move, I moved from Uptown back to Lincoln Park. And when I lived in Uptown, I was also sharing a bedroom. I didn't even have like a dresser or anything at this point. I literally, my clothes, I didn't also don't remember really having anything in the closet. We had a very small closet. I had milk crates that I'd stolen from like the back of a CVS or something and my clothes were in those.
Starting point is 00:26:12 Then I moved back to Lincoln Park. It was an R.A., more or less on campus. I don't recall that move, but I think it was pretty painless. I don't remember moving out of there at all. I bet someone out there is listening to this and like, you son of a bitch, I helped move you. I apologize, I forget. Then I moved from Lincoln Park,
Starting point is 00:26:37 up to Rogers Park for the first time, living in Rogers Park. And that was my dear friend Sean Young, who I lived with for a year. He helped me, I think I in a Rogers Park. And that was my dear friend, Sean Young, who I lived with for a year. He helped me, I think I had a, I think I had a U-Haul. Yeah, I must have accumulated more stuff to require a U-Haul.
Starting point is 00:26:57 I had the dresser at that point, which I still have, great dresser, just heavy as balls. Sean Young helped me move up to Rogers Park, and then now we're getting close to present day. Four years ago, I moved from Rogers Park to Baltimore. Front half was great because, again, Sean helped me load the truck. It was like a Wednesday afternoon or something.
Starting point is 00:27:24 Midday, loaded it, real easy, took like an hour, and then I drove to Indianapolis, slept there, and then woke up the next stage, drove from Indianapolis to Baltimore, which is like 10 hours, something like that. And that is where the move went from like, you know, little Quinn doing big things, but still exciting to like, shit know, little Quinn doing big things, but still exciting to like hitting the fan. I think I've told the, I'm sure I've told the story many times on the show. My movers didn't come.
Starting point is 00:27:54 It was really just, you know, stressed out, freaked out, like way too stressed out. Yada, yada, yada, yada. It was a bad time. Not a very, it was a very frustrating stressful experience. Then my last one, moving from Baltimore back to Chicago, not awful. Honestly, all things considered could have been worse. But there were some pain points like I pretty much except for one or two pieces loaded, the truck myself in Baltimore. Shout
Starting point is 00:28:28 out to former coworker, don't keep in touch, hope he's doing well, Ryan Carroll, help me load a couple heavy pieces like my dresser. And then you know, it drove, that was probably the worst part about the drive or about this last move because I drove straight through, more or less. I stopped while I worked, I worked a full day, got home, got the truck, loaded it. I've told the story before two years ago. And then basically got to Toledo and was just gassed. You know, it's 3 a.m. I mean, driving in the dark for a while. Try to sleep in the truck, couldn't sleep.
Starting point is 00:29:12 When a little bit further, got sleepy again, pulled off again, slept a little bit for like two hours, then kept driving. Got almost all the way to Chicago, then got pulled over by some cops who saw me head banging to Bohemian Rhapsody and they're like, we noticed your head was bobbing. You must be falling in sleep. I was like, no, just rocking. I didn't actually say that. But then they're like, oh, where are you going? I was like, well, coming from bean town, moving, and
Starting point is 00:29:38 then they talked to me about the wire for about two minutes on the side of the interstate. And then I went along my way and then my friend Steven Boy helped me unload and That was that and those have been my moves and now in two weeks moving again and I have Movers paying for movers never done that before
Starting point is 00:30:03 Movers paying for movers never done that before Got to start packing but selling stuff on Craigslist. I don't think I have anything more to sell I need to realist the recliner. I got a recliner from for free from literally like two blocks down I had one person email me about it on Craigslist. I Responded twice and they haven't responded back If all this fails probably just take it down to the curb or to the alley. It's a solid recliner. I mean, it's old, it's worn. It's still comfy to sit on. My mom took a nap on it yesterday.
Starting point is 00:30:37 I just don't really think I, you know, I actually, I'm gonna get into the apartment, you know, I'm actually getting the keys on Tuesday, I think. And my lease is weird. It starts the 15th, which is six days from now. I can get in, be in there anytime I want. It's my apartment starting in the 15th. And so I might go in there and just like,
Starting point is 00:30:59 because I've been in there once, but you know, it's so fast, you're with a broker, you know, it all just kind of happens and then you're like out and you just have the memories. So I want to get in there, you know, probably next weekend, at some point, because I anticipate having a free weekend, and just kind of mentally assess it, you know, picture everything in my head what I have now, where it's gonna fit, because I am moving into a smaller space. This apartment that I have right now in our just part
Starting point is 00:31:31 is large for one person. I'm in a very large living room that has filled up a little bit more with the couch, the flower chair, rest in peace with the recliner. But for the most part, it's not jam-packed. Next door, not really, just in an adjoining space is my dining room, which is more or less another living room.
Starting point is 00:31:57 It's like the exact same size. And all I've had in there is the desk, which is gone now. My dinner table, which doesn't take up very much space. And then, you know, for the second half of living here, I've had the piano, which doesn't take up a ton of space either. And then I have a, you know, a pantry, a walk-in pantry. I bed room's big, closet's big. So moving into a smaller space, which I'm not jazzed about, but it's okay.
Starting point is 00:32:28 It is what it is. So those have been my moves. Say a little prayer for us, for me, moving, really wanted to just be like, you know, because I'm paying. So what if we could just have it be like, not stressful and easy? That would be revolutionary, okay? I don't know if it's possible to have a not stressful
Starting point is 00:32:55 moving experience. It's already been stressful in ways, searching for apartments, signing a lease, getting rid of stuff, Craigslist, all that stuff, getting rid of stuff, you know, Craigslist, all that stuff, trashing some stuff, don't need stuff like, and now we're into boxes phase, where I pulled up a bunch of my boxes from the basement, need to build them, got my tape.
Starting point is 00:33:18 It's just time consuming, you know, want to pack everything right, you're not breaking anything. What if we could do all that and it's gonna be all that, but then to have the actual moving day itself be just like, you know what? I'm gonna coordinate with these movers, they're gonna get in here, they're gonna do their stuff. I'm not gonna have strained muscles.
Starting point is 00:33:38 That's the other thing. Last couple of moves, because I've done a lot of heavy lifting by myself. You finish both times and my muscles have just especially my arms and my back fucked for days. And I would let, what if we could just not do that? That would be cool. And it's a Saturday afternoon, you know, moving, you know, there's unpacking, packing, all that stuff. But what if we could just like do it unpacking, packing, all that stuff. But what if we could just do it in three hours
Starting point is 00:34:05 and not drive a truck overnight, halfway across the United States? These are the things I'm looking for in my next move. So knock on wood fingers crossed for us. I want to give a shout out to our sponsors, the SAMHSA and Q2U series of which we are back to two, assuming this new one works well, Tingers crossed. It's got crisp, clear audio quality, it's a sound you like and a sound you can trust.
Starting point is 00:34:34 When God speaks, He uses a Samsung. I want to give a shout out to Home Pride Oregon, Central Oregon's hottest new home inspection provider, with services, including things like heating and cooling, roofing, plumbing, and so much more. If you need a safe certified home inspector in Central Oregon that you can trust, call Steve, he's my dad, 541-410-0316. Our go to his beautifully designed website, And cuts by Q of which I should probably, I need to, you know, I haven't touched
Starting point is 00:35:13 the top of my hair since August. And it's long, I'm okay with where it is for right now, but I try to trim down the sides in the back. Every two months or so,'s we're right at that time Haven't trimmed that in a while. So need to take care of that. That is one thing I'm gonna miss of which I think there'll be there'll be many things that I miss about this apartment size is one I also have the back space you know a very small deck area Just kind of on the way down from the stairs which I I don't mind, because I don't hang out there. But it's really nice you can go out there, you can trim your toenails, you can cut your hair, and it just kind of blows away. It's good stuff.
Starting point is 00:35:57 This new place, there's no back, it's you have your front door, and that's the only entrance and exit. So there's still kind of like, the front door is not like right out on the street, actually the way the apartment is, it's behind another building, that's the front of the street, so I'm actually like, you can't see my front door from the street. And there's kind of just like a concrete slab where the four entrances are.
Starting point is 00:36:23 So I think I'll probably just like get a chair and just have it be permanently out there. I don't know, again, got to assess the space. Going down there on Tuesday to pick up keys and we'll have a better understanding of this sort of thing. That will be one thing I miss. But I'm trading it for in-unilandry, which was my number one thing, getting a new apartment, because I mean, I could do a whole podcast on this, but
Starting point is 00:36:56 I just want to feel cleaner, okay, like an addict. Getting off the juice, speaking of juice, oh, this is what I wanted to say, 30 minutes ago at the start of the show and it's the last time I'm going to say. Last week, last Sunday, a week from yesterday, was the Kentucky Derby. And you might have been surprised when you tuned in last week that we're doing our NFL draft special and not our top 10 horses name special. You might be thinking, wow, NFL draft special and not our top 10 horses name special you might be thinking wow See not doing it this year. I'll tell you what happened one completely No clue that the Kentucky Derby was the day it was until like it happened. I
Starting point is 00:37:37 Did get to see alive. It was a great race The reason I mentioned the Kentucky Derby juicing etc. The horse failed his drug test I'm not. And Bob Baffer legendary like if you don't know anything about horse racing, you'll still you'll look at Bob Baffer and be like, oh that's Bob Baffer. He trains the horses. He's got the silver hair, the sunglasses wearing the suit. Like you just all he's the only thing I know about horse racing. He's been banned from Churchill Downs. Wow, big news. How did I get to juice? Oh, so I completely forgot. Here's the good news.
Starting point is 00:38:12 We got pre-kneus, pre-kneus next week or the week after, I don't remember. And then two or three weeks from that, you got the Belmont steaks. Pre-kneus is in Baltimore actually. We're gonna do our horse name special coming up soon here. I don't have the exact date. I haven't figured it out
Starting point is 00:38:28 But that'll that'll be coming right? It's not like we're just not doing it this year We've had three years 30 horse names and this will be the fourth year of the fourth entry Names 31 through 40 this year, okay, so it'll be fun. It'll be exciting. It'll be flashy Cups are brought to lose, they're down to their last out, and that means it's time for me to wrap things up. I want to thank everyone for tuning in. I hope everyone is having a great Mother's Day or wherever you are at. Thanks for listening, thanks for supporting the show. We're going to come to you live next week. That's all I got for you today.
Starting point is 00:39:05 So thanks for checking in, and I'm going to turn on some music, and I will check in on you next time. Bye, everyone. I kept it under 40 minutes of me talking. You're welcome. Bye. I'm going to do a little bit of the same. I'm going to do a little bit of the same. I'm going to do a little bit of the same. I'm going to do a little bit of the same.
Starting point is 00:39:28 I'm going to do a little bit of the same. I'm going to do a little bit of the same. I'm going to do a little bit of the same. I'm going to do a little bit of the same. I'm going to do a little bit of the same. I'm going to do a little bit of the same. I'm going to do a little bit of the same. I'm going to do a little bit of the same.
Starting point is 00:39:44 I'm going to do a little bit of the same. I'm going to do a little bit of the same. nd nd nd nd ndご視聴ありがとうございました you

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