Beantown Podcast - MP3 Players Suck and Coldplay Power Rankings (07192020 Beantown)

Episode Date: July 19, 2020

Quinn comes to you LIVE to discuss his MP3 Player woes and also power rank all 8 Coldplay studio albums...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on it's Quinn David furnace welcome to my show Quinn David furnace presents the bean town podcast for Sunday July 19th woof 2020 July 19th man, we are 13 days less than two weeks away from August, which is just crazy. My name is Quinn. This is my show. Thanks for tuning in. I am the creator director and best boy of this show.
Starting point is 00:00:35 And man, August coming up soon here. I don't know man. This whole quarantine thing has been strange, you know, it's like Time seems like it's standing still at times and then at other points. It's like it's moving so fast It's wild. It's hard to kind of get a gauge on it But it's happening one way or another the fact that there's only four months in change left in this calendar year, well no, five months in change, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve. Still kind of strange, you know. But thanks for tuning in today. Decided to just do a YouTube stream rather than
Starting point is 00:01:19 going through recording with the camera and then trying to do the SD card transfer and uploading. Ever since we got our handy little external drive here, things have been better. I just plug in my SD card into this guy and then it plugs into my computer. The Mac can read it just fine, which is good. So that's, it's not an issue, it just takes a really long time which is why, you know, I really got to, based off of how lazy I am, I really got to work up the motivation to do it and get it going. And I said, I might try to do this week, but I figure this is a happy medium. I hope the audio is okay. That says the connection is unstable. Please wait while we try reconnecting. The good news is if you're watching on YouTube after the fact
Starting point is 00:02:12 it might cut in and out that's okay. But you know I'm we're broadcasting the video. There's nothing crazy fun that's gonna be happening on the video I promise you're you're looking at it right now. But as you'd expect we simultaneously got the audio going on GarageBand on my other computer. Work computer Mac, work computer Mac, and other work computer over there. I got three computers lined up here all open ready to go. I got this, welcome to 2020 Quinn, you know, I got my Macbook, which is recording the audio. I got my, DePaul, my DePaul laptop, which, great laptop, except extreme hardware issues. If you like jiggle it a little bit and move it, any sudden movements, it will just completely freeze up. You got to restart
Starting point is 00:03:05 it by manually holding down the power button, which is a lot of fun. Thankfully, I don't have to transport it too much during quarantine, but if I, if and when, and go back to traveling for work quite a bit, I'll have to get that checked out. I've had the issue before. It's just, it's a pain in the butt. And then I got my consulting laptop right over there, which is like a fine acer, a pretty cheap model. But it's, man, the speaker on that baby is just like the worst thing of all time.
Starting point is 00:03:41 And it's also, it's strange. It's not even like a low power speaker. It's like, it will just start, I don't know what the term is, not feedback, but just crackling, static key, if it gets above half a decibel. So that's pretty rough. But, speaking of rough technology,
Starting point is 00:04:00 I have had quarantine, has had lots and lots of positive benefits for my lifestyle. But one thing that it has really effed up, I should mention, listener discretion is advised and we're listening to the Bean Tom podcast. Number one, we'll occasionally use some foul language. Number two, the show is objectively terrible. The one thing that it has really crashed has been my music listening on the go. So a lot of people use their phones
Starting point is 00:04:29 like when you're running and stuff, a lot of people have air pods, whatever. I don't do that. I don't want to run with my phone because if I run into any trouble, I don't want it to get stolen or I don't want it to get damaged by sweat. I don't want to drop it, whatever.
Starting point is 00:04:44 I'm happy to just leave it in my apartment and I've been that way my whole life. I have never, don't think I've ever gone on a run with my phone ever. It's always been my iPod. Okay, so I had my trusty dusty, handy dandy, trusty iPod Nano, I think third or fourth gen that I bought when I was in middle school,
Starting point is 00:05:07 at a target in Rockford, after a piano lesson with Mary Jo Armstrong. And that baby had been with me through thick and thin. It lasted a couple of marathons. It had some hot tunes on it. We're talking, you know, Kelly Clarkson, arcade fire, old school Kanye, right, this thing had it all. Lot of cold play, a lot of deathcap for cutie.
Starting point is 00:05:36 And, you know, I'd been using that for a long time. Better life wasn't great, but I could still, you know, this thing was what, at least 11 or 12 years old at this point, and still get a solid five hours of battery life out of it, which doesn't sound like a lot, and it's not, but it was fine, you know, it did its job, and I just charged it twice a week. Easy enough. Well, early in quarantine, I think I talked about this on the podcast. It was either late March, early April, I think I talked about this on the podcast. It was either late March, early April.
Starting point is 00:06:07 I don't recall exactly where it fell. But I went on a run. It was like a half marathon or something. It was raining outside. I knew it was raining. So I put my iPod in a plastic bag, a zip lock. And go on the run, everything's going great. I get to the last mile.
Starting point is 00:06:24 Less than that, even. I'm like four blocks from home and it just stops. Completely cuts out. I was like, oh boy, something's going on here. Try the whole rice, all that stuff. In fact, I'm still like, I know it's dead now, but it's still sitting in a bowl of rice what, three and a half months later, in my kitchen, because I'm just not, you know, not ready to say goodbye yet.
Starting point is 00:06:50 Okay, so that's the iPod. So after, you know, 12 plus years of service, finally goes frustrating, especially since it wasn't like I was careless with it, went out for a run in the rain. Now when I go out and run in the rain, I never bring anything with me, just because I guess I was careless with it, went out for a run in the rain, now when I go out and run in the rain I never bring anything with me, just because I guess I've learned my lesson, but I put it in, you know, a ziplock back. Like, I felt like I did what I needed to do, so okay, whatever.
Starting point is 00:07:15 So, I decide, you know, I'd like a new iPod, obviously, but the only ones that Apple still makes are iPod touches. And the cheapest you can get is like 200 something. I was like, I don't even want an iPod touch. I only want something for music. And it's going to be bulky and heavy. Don't want it. Don't want it.
Starting point is 00:07:39 And I don't need to spend that much money for just trying to listen to some music. So I go on Amazon, and I'm reading reviews of MP3 players, right, I haven't bought an MP3 player since I was literally like 11 years old, probably maybe even younger than that. And so I find one that seems solid, decent reviews, whatever, it's got an FM radio,
Starting point is 00:07:59 which I'm very excited about. So I purchase it, and I start using that for my runs and I walks and it's got an arm band and I've never used an arm band before for running. So it's a new experience for me, but we figured out we make it work and it's working pretty well.
Starting point is 00:08:16 Up until about last week. And occasionally this thing had been kind of glitchy. It would be like moody Where it would just turn off And sometimes turn back on sometimes I'd have to charge it for it to turn back on even if I knew it was good on battery life The weird thing about this iPod though or this mp3 player though was that it like new What it was doing it would always turn off what it was doing. It would always turn off after a song finish. It was never in the middle of the song that it would just like cut out and die. It was always, no, we'll play some songs for you and maybe after one of these songs,
Starting point is 00:08:54 we're just going to turn off. It wasn't very, you know, wasn't a very frequent occurrence, but it would happen here and there. So I figured it was kind of glitchy, but it's doing its job just fine. Whatever, it works. Last week, it finally died in the middle of one of my runs. I was listening to Coldplay, which we're going to talk about in a second here. I'm going to give you a quick, a brief power ranking of Coldplay Studio albums. We got such positive feedback with our American Girl Dolls show that I decided I didn't want to do a full show, you know, sit here for an hour talking about Coldplay albums because not everybody listens to Coldplay. But I'll give you a brief run through of my, they have eight studio albums now from least favorite to favorite. I'll share with you my thoughts. But as I listen to Coldplay, this was on Monday, maybe. I don't remember. And it just dies after a song again, not
Starting point is 00:09:52 in the middle of a song, just after a song. So it knows what it's doing. Like, and it's always, always that way. I don't understand why, whatever. So I figure out it's just giving me two to again, whatever. So I go home, I plug it in, and we're getting no response. And even worse is my Mac is not recognizing it. I'm like, okay, this is real bad. So at this point, it's just a brick. And so I decided I plug it into my work computer number one. And it gives the ding to indicate that something got plugged in.
Starting point is 00:10:33 But it's constantly given the ding in, ding out, to indicate that if you were plugging it and unplugging it on plugging it, whatever. And trying to, I have it right here. unplugging it, whatever. And trying to, I have it right here. So I can't get anything out of it. Trying everything I know, holding it on the power button, it's clearly, you know, fully charged. And this is literally it right here. Nothing. No response. Just totally bricked after what Three months maybe two and a half
Starting point is 00:11:10 Like well that that was a you know waste of whatever 40 bucks or something Like well, okay, so Back to the drawing board so unlike whatever this was Monday, maybe I go to Amazon and We're just gonna pick out a new a new MP3 player This is like turning into the spinal tap drummer situation and So I'm reading reviews. I'm like well this time. I was you know, because I was I you know, I read some reviews when I was picking out this first one.
Starting point is 00:11:48 And, but, you know, I didn't, I wouldn't consider what I did to be hardcore research, okay? So I decided this time I'm gonna, gonna read everything I can. We're gonna get third party reviews, independent reviews, whatever, before I buy anything, because it's just like, okay, no more funny business. Let's just get, I don't think I'm asking for too much here. I don't want any bells or whistles.
Starting point is 00:12:14 I don't even need to have the FM radio. It's cool. Like I like listening NPR sometimes, or just like listening to the radio in general, I think is underrated. But I don't, I don't needrated. But I don't need anything fancy. I don't need all the storage space in the world. Literally like eight gigs I'm satisfied with that. I don't need, you know, to be able to play my favorite videos or
Starting point is 00:12:39 slideshows or, you know, foot massaging. I already have a foot bath for that, which I'm gonna break out later. Like literally just give me something that plays music. That has a shuffle functionality, turns on and off. I can adjust the volume. That's all I'm asking for, like literally.
Starting point is 00:13:03 volume, that's all I'm asking for, like literally. Because I'd like to listen to music when I'm running. Sumi. So I finally find one. Soaker, S-O-U-L-C-K-E-R is the brand name. And I should mention, so first I had an iPod, which is Apple, 12 plus years of service, top recommendation. Then this other brick that died after 2.5 months or whatever, and is outside just barely conveniently outside of the return window, is Akamate, aka M-A-T-A, M-A-T-E, A-K-A-M-A-T. So, order the solker.
Starting point is 00:13:52 It's like 35 bucks, maybe 40. Whatever, reasonable. I just wanted to play music, OK? So I buy it. It gets here on like Thursday maybe, and I didn't even put any music on it yet. Knowing I was gonna use it for my run on Thursday, and then my long run yesterday ran a half marathon,
Starting point is 00:14:24 and I was, you know, putting music on it, it's not a super laborious process, laborious LAB. And we're going to do the British spelling. Oh, you are. I-O-U-S. A lot of vowels for one word. I figure, you know what, I got the F from radio. I don't have a ton of time, you know, currently, this is back on Thursday to sit down and load
Starting point is 00:14:49 music onto it. It was working a lot this week. So I just say, let's just, let's sit in the radio. It's going to be fine. So Thursday happens. No problems. Work great. So Thursday happens No problems work great made in voyage beautiful Take it on my long walk by the lake on Friday Get some iced coffee whatever summer Fridays
Starting point is 00:15:22 Having fun great no problems. Then take it on the longer and yesterday morning, listen to FM radio at 5 a.m., it's a very exciting experience. No problems, works great. Got a whole bunch of oldies, great rock songs. I heard a Stevie Ray Vaughan song I never heard before awesome great experience run was awful really humid outside I
Starting point is 00:15:55 was hoping that going out at you know 5 a.m. I would I would you know beat it a little bit I did that I did the same thing last week and felt great. It's like I was on a skateboard the whole time. Yesterday, I felt like I was running with like half a long or something. It was brutal. So, everything's good until last night. Oh boy, here we go.
Starting point is 00:16:29 The moment this entire story has been culminating up towards. I'll leave the house, I'm going down to Lakeview, go into Rachel's, turn on the MP3 player, stick in my headphones. And the player, the device turns on. So I'm looking at the player, the device, turns on. So I'm looking at the menu, the home page on the device, some walking on the street. None of the buttons work. They don't do anything. Press OK, nothing. Up, down, left, right, nothing.
Starting point is 00:17:02 The side buttons to change the volume into lock and or turn it off work just fine. But they're like touch screen ones, no response. I'm like, well, this is strange. So, I'm like, okay, not ideal because it's been like two days. But, let's try to be optimistic here. Let's not give up hope or anything yet.
Starting point is 00:17:31 So this morning, I hop on the bus, go from Rachel's back up to Mekasa, where we're coming to you live from right now, 143 in the afternoon. And I can turn it on in this time most of the buttons work Except for the like back button, which is the only way to like Go back a step to navigate out which makes sense But I can like turn on the radio and I'm listening to the radio. It's fine Like okay, this is, like if we could get the MP3 player to operate this way full time,
Starting point is 00:18:12 it would be not ideal, but manageable. Because the way you can do it is just turn it on fine what you want. If you want to change something, you just got to turn it off and start from scratch. And if you ever make a mistake or like you accidentally click into the settings, then you got to turn it off and to get back to the homepage. I can manage with this. So I figure, hey, when I get home, this is like
Starting point is 00:18:40 an hour and a half ago. I ought to plug this in, not that it needs a charge, but just maybe we'll get a little, you know, shock to the system to reset it a little bit. And there's also, there's a, you know, a little hole in the bottom of the MP3 player where you can stick a pin in and reset it. I figured, you know, this is probably just a good idea.
Starting point is 00:19:01 Let's just go for the, you know, the reset. Big mistake, after I stick the pin up there to reset it, nothing like resetting-ish happens. Except now the player is doing all sorts of weird screen glitches with like a lock screen popping up. And then anytime I try to press a button the screen just says is locked and eventually it just completely glitches out and is no longer responsive and I cannot turn it off. It doesn't matter if it's plugged in, doesn't mean nothing. So, that brings us up to the present day.
Starting point is 00:19:51 I was on the chat support with Amazon, 45 minutes ago before we started this stream. Told them I'm gonna return it. They're doing some strange thing I've never done before, where you like put it back in the box, leave it outside your door, and they come scoop it up Works fine with me. I'll get my refund great, but frankly at this point the money is whatever. I don't really care I
Starting point is 00:20:15 Do care, but not that much. It's like 40 bucks, right? I Made 200 bucks from software testing this week like 40 bucks. Yeah, I'd prefer to have a back grade, but that's not the point. Now, after all this, now gone through three different MP3 players in the last three and a half months here, and we are back to square one right now.
Starting point is 00:20:45 Don't have any, anything that plays music. You might be wondering, well, Quinn, can't you just run with your phone for the time being? I don't have any music on my phone. I don't want to put music on my phone. Phone doesn't have a ton of storage space. And more importantly, I don't wanna run with my phone, especially right now, it's so hot outside, so sweaty. I use my phone so much, I'm not risking it
Starting point is 00:21:14 getting sweaty and gross. Like, not an option. So, the final part of the saga here, saga SAGA, is that, you know, I just, again, just want something that plays music. Give it to me simple. But I don't want to F&P whatever 200 plus for an iPod touch off Apple's website. And I don't even like Apple, but you can't deny the fact that my iPod Nano
Starting point is 00:21:49 was rocking it for 12 plus years. And the only reason it died is because somehow even inside a ziplock bag, they're happy to be moisture. If I didn't take it out on that run, we'd still be killing it. And I'd be 75 bucks richer right now. And I would have extra rice,
Starting point is 00:22:11 because right now I got like two cups sitting in a bowl in the kitchen that's been there since late March. The rice is probably what I most shook up about. So I go to a refurbishing website. And again, I bet it heavily, right? To make sure it's what I want. And I buy, I just ordered this an hour ago. It's like 70 bucks or something.
Starting point is 00:22:39 An iPod Nano 4th Gen, which I think is what I have in the bowl of rice right now. I say, you know what, we need to get back to my roots. So obviously the refurbished aspect of it is not ideal, but we're just going for it, you know. My phone is refurbished, it's been working great for, I actually have no idea how long I've had it for. Two years maybe? I can't recall
Starting point is 00:23:07 It's hard to remember I don't keep track of like when I get new phones I've only had two smartphones in my life. I still have the other one I was actually I was just digging through my drawer looking for a sharpie excited right on the return box for this Sulker S-O-U-L C-K-EKER MP3 player. Piece of garbage. And I found my old phone. A five, I, I phone five C, my first ever smartphone, it was green.
Starting point is 00:23:40 And the only reason, I mean, that one was, it was rough by the time I gave up on it. But the only reason I had to give up on it was the charging port was just like completely shot. You had to do the thing where you like, hold your phone and then grab the cable and it's like, just the right angle. Sometimes it charges, sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes you wake up for work at 7 a.m.
Starting point is 00:24:03 and your phone was in charging overnight and it's at 15%. After one too many of those days, I went for my, I think this is a seven? I don't know. Again, all sorts of consulting notifications this morning. They don't have much of a concept of the weekend. The other thing I love, I'll hold this up to the screen,
Starting point is 00:24:28 see if I can see if we can get it. But, get lots and lots of group chats, consulting stuff. But what I love, you can see it on the YouTube stream. For those of you just listening to the audio, it's all in Mandarin. These are like students, I mean, the way we do our consulting is,
Starting point is 00:24:55 it's all like group thing. It's not like one person has one kid, another person has one kid, we're all working on all the cases. But it's not like I'm the only American consultant. It's a small-ish company. There's 10, 12 of us total. But there is another two or three Americans in this,
Starting point is 00:25:18 90% of the group chat for each person and just in general, all in Mandarin. So I feel kind of left out, but at the same time, I try to use that to just feel like, it's not a big deal if I don't feel super connected or plugged in or in the know, because they're kind of keeping me out of it, which is fine. Because then I only have to do what I'm, you know,
Starting point is 00:25:49 ask to do, and I really have to know everything else going on. So, the long and short of it is that we're going back to an iPod. I would love to have a new one, right? If they still made new iPod nanos, I would be all over that. But they don't anymore, they've discontinued it. Apparently, people just love to run with their phones. I don't know, my phone is heavy, it's big, it's extremely valuable. Not only in terms of the fact that it's like a phone,
Starting point is 00:26:28 but just the amount that I use it for not only my personal life, but for work. Can't fuck this up, like the phone's gotta be, okay, the phone is protected at all costs. So no, I don't want to run with it. And I know I'm in the, not in the, I'm in the minority there, opposite of majority. But I just like, I don't know, I don't want to take that out with me. So we're going back to Nipod. I am hopeful. And I'm not, I keep my expectations low, okay? But what I'm not expecting is to get 12 plus years out of it, like I did my previous iPod, okay?
Starting point is 00:27:20 I don't need that. But what I would really love, what could be nice. This is just, you know, consider my Christmas wish, my Christmas wish, okay. Coming early this year. I hope that's okay. Santa. Just get me something, doesn't have to last 12 years, but give me something that lasts longer than 2.5 months and or two days, okay? Because right now we're trending in the wrong direction with our listening devices we've gone 12 years down to 2.5 months, down to two days. So I figure, you know, the next thing is two hours. But even if it was two hour battery life, but it lasted for a long time, I would settle for that. It just means you got to charge it every day. Just be like having a second phone You remember when you used to have non smartphones and they lasted for like four days On battery charge that was like the norm
Starting point is 00:28:36 Now phones just like always being plugged in Granted they do a lot more But I do wonder like if smartphone battery life in the future will ever improve. Because it feels like that's one thing that, you know, there's not a lot of priority given to it, which I understand. But, you know, you just wonder like if it's in the realm of possibilities.
Starting point is 00:29:06 Because smartphones have made crazy advancements in the last 10, 15 years. But it doesn't feel like, and maybe it's just because I'm rocking the 7, whatever. Which is an older model, but not an old model, right? What are they up to? 10, 11, something like that? It's not that old. It's not like you have an iPhone 3 or something, but the battery life's still not great.
Starting point is 00:29:33 Not a huge concern in mind, but just say curiosity. Exploring the wonders of the universe. So in the second half of our program today, I'm going to briefly power-rank the eight Coldplay Studio albums. But I didn't want to make that the sole focus of today's show. Just in case, you know, they're those of you out there who don't like Coldplay. So we'll probably do lots more power-ranking in the future. We already had our American Girl Doll one, you know, So we'll probably do lots more power ranks in the future.
Starting point is 00:30:06 We already had our American Girl Doll one, you know, about a month ago. But we'll see what else we do. If you have any suggestions for what we should power rink, moving forward here, email us and get us beantownBEA and And we would love to do it live on air, okay? I am down for listener engagement. Let's pull up our ad reads here. And then we'll read some ads, generate some income for the show, and then we will start off on our second half.
Starting point is 00:30:49 Okay. Here we go. Home Pride Organ, I actually haven't pulled it up yet. Just now navigating, I was looking at a Snapchat. Okay, oops, that's the wrong Google Doc. This was my presentation that I gave to China on Friday morning for consulting. College application suggestions for test optional colleges. We can read that later off air. Home Pride Organ, are you tired of selling your house for less than a quarter of what it's worth
Starting point is 00:31:16 all because you can find a reliable home inspector in time? Well, Oregon listeners, there's good news. Home Pride Inspection Services is BEND or in, bend Oregon is central Oregon's hottest new home inspection provider. With inspection services, including things like heating and cooling, roofing, plumbing, and so much more. Home Pride Oregon is both contractor certified and home inspection certified,
Starting point is 00:31:38 so you know you're getting the good stuff. If you're tired of big real estate, with a wrangle hold on the home inspection market and you want a safe certified home inspector that you can trust you have to call Steve at 541-410-0316 or you can visit again, 541-410-0316 or just visit Homeprideorgan inspection perfection.
Starting point is 00:32:04 I want to give a shout out to the Samsung Q2U series. I hope the audio is coming through okay Hope by the Oregon inspection perfection. I wanna give a shout out to the Samsung Q2U series. I hope the audio was coming through okay on the YouTube feed. I didn't check it or anything. The Samsung Q2U is not connected to the YouTube feed. It's connected to my Mac because your figure is a lot more people listening
Starting point is 00:32:21 to audio only than our video. And that's okay. But, regardless of where it's plugged in, Samson gets the job done from first kings to second kings, first chronicles, the second chronicles. I don't remember which book of the Bible Samson is in. I think it's second kings, but someone can check us, someone can check us on that. From Genesis to Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy,
Starting point is 00:32:49 the whole planet took and all the other good stuff. I've never read Leviticus. You think there's anything good in there? I don't know, this is a question I have. We could do a whole show on this, but we won't. Let's ask a question I have about the Old Testament in general. I feel like it's not that exciting, right? You go to the New Testament.
Starting point is 00:33:14 You have the Gospels. There's a lot of good stuff in there, miracles, healing lepers, fishes and loaves, right? Betrayal, kissing in the garden, rising from the dead, Lazarus, Mary Magdalene, what a babe, right? There's a lot of good action. And then, you know, it's a lot of cool letters and stuff.
Starting point is 00:33:39 Then revelation, right? The Bible really goes out with a bang, but that's all new testament. Old Testament is like, Genesis got some good stuff, although it's pretty thick and an Exodus, you know, hell of a story. But then other than like, you know, some cool things that pop up here and they're like Esther or who is it? Zachariah who can't speak until his daughter or his wife gives birth and what it she was like 90 years old and they said,
Starting point is 00:34:07 hey, you're not gonna have kids anymore or you can't have kids and then boom. Her ovaries reverse course and she's pumping one out. Right, there's the occasional cool story in the Old Testament but there's so much going on that's like, what are we doing here? I mean, Psalms is kind of different. Song of Solomon is pretty hot and heavy, but for most of it, it's like
Starting point is 00:34:37 nothing cool happening. But my point is when God speaks to you, he uses a Samson. I still have written on my Google Docs here. You can't see it this far away. The TV Guide story. You won't believe what I just did this morning. I threw out my TV guides. The hardcore fans will moan and grow and be sad.
Starting point is 00:34:59 But you know what? It's one of those things where it's been sitting on my desk for literally my last copy came in about a year and four months ago, year three months ago. And it's just like, it's cool, right? It's like a thing for the show, but they're just sitting there. Like, it was time for them to go. If you don't, if you're a new fan of the the Bean Tom podcast, if you don't remember, basically I had some like spirit airlines points, but they weren't enough to translate into anything good. Like in terms of flights, and they were going to expire. So spirit emails mean it
Starting point is 00:35:38 was like, you can't use it for anything actually cool, but here's some magazine subscriptions you can have. And one of the options was a year's worth of TV guide subscription, so I said sure I'll do it. And they sent me four. And that was it. So those have officially been moved to the trash, rest in peace, to the TV guide. And I should probably delete that from my Android here, which is sad.
Starting point is 00:36:10 Oh well. Last one here, cuts by Q. Bob, and we, if we all know the hairstyle, we all love it. But how many Chicago-based independent barbers can actually give it to you the way you deserve? Enter cuts by Q. It's like Enter Sam Man, but different. Cuts by Q has been independently owned and operated since 1995 and is probably one of the better barbershop operations in Surrey Chicago, Cook County, Northwest Indiana, and the
Starting point is 00:36:31 greater Chicago land area. From B. Hives to Banks, Fowl Hocks to Flat Top, saying everything in between you have to call Cuts by Q815, 298, 7200, or, can you mail Cuts by Q8 Again, that's CUT! QUT cuts by Q in box every week on the show. I haven't checked. I haven't logged in like since easily before quarantine. Someone could have messaged us, someone could have emailed the Cuts by Q inbox months ago, requesting a new cut. And I would have no idea. So we are currently right now, and I'm not expecting anything.
Starting point is 00:37:39 Cuts by Q. Oh, I spelled my own email address wrong. That's embarrassing. We're logging into our Yahoo mailbox to see what sort of hijinks and spam emails have come through there. No, I don't want to recover a number. Let's see. It's Yahoo, and it's podcasting spam. And it's, oh, a note from Quinn Davis Furnace presents
Starting point is 00:38:13 The Bean Tom Podcast, Updates to the Disney terms of use. Chili's, our birthday gift to you is ready. Oh, I missed that. Shoot. Let's see what it was. What are they offering? A special gift for your special day. Davis, interesting.
Starting point is 00:38:33 Must have put that in some point. Don't forget to claim your sweet birthday gift and enjoy your free dessert before 3, 23, 2020. Oh man, I missed it. Damn. That's all right. I don't know where the closest chillies to me is Warren 2020. Where's that throwback?
Starting point is 00:38:53 A lot of Elizabeth Warren emails. Boy, she liked to spam you multiple per day. Mercy. It's all, it's all Elizabeth Warren. I swear, just walls of Elizabeth Warren here. Everything. This is crazy. It's either from Elizabeth Warren, team Warren, Elizabeth Warren dot com, Warren 2020, Warren for president, Warren HQ, I'm not joking. Warren for president shop. These are all'm not joking. Warren for president, shop. These are all different emails
Starting point is 00:39:27 and they're all blasting you at the same time. That's crazy. There's one from Julian Castro. I'm proud to endorse Elizabeth Warren for president of the United States. Wow, this is a real time capsule here. Life was really different in January, huh? Anyways, okay.
Starting point is 00:39:50 You go to one event and they absolutely smacking in the face with propaganda. Okay, welcome to our second half, which will admittedly be relatively short because I wanna get this uploaded and then watch some racing down in Texas. And I'm gonna take, I only put on a shirt because I was going live on YouTube, right? It's so sticky.
Starting point is 00:40:27 It's not that hot, thankfully. The rain really helped that out. But it's so sticky, like there's no point in wearing a shirt. So no, I would not normally be wearing this zip up jacket. But I did it for you all the fans, OK? If this was yesterday, if we were doing this yesterday, there would be no clothes. It was so hot.
Starting point is 00:40:50 It was pretty miserable. Okay, we're talking cold play albums here. I was having a conversation with Hashtag friend of the Pat Cast, Pat Cast, Matt Feeder, who actually called and left the voicemail right before I started shooting this. Give him a call back later today. Matt, if you're watching this live, I don't know, we've got a couple of people watching live.
Starting point is 00:41:14 Apologies, especially if you're driving and ain't catch your phone call. Say, hey, when I'm driving and I just want someone to talk to and they don't pick up, but, you know, I'll catch you later. Got some things in the hopper right now. But we were talking about Coldplay albums. I think I initiated the conversation. I mentioned that I was listening to Coldplay's A Head Full of Dreams, which is their second-most recent
Starting point is 00:41:37 studio album. I listened to it through fully for the first time ever, like, two weeks ago. You know, I knew most of the songs from the album, I knew, you know, all the singles, et cetera, but I'd never sat down and just intentionally listened to it. And I'm the type of person who likes to do that. I do without that with albums all the time.
Starting point is 00:42:00 And this was the only cold play I've never done that for. So, I did it and boy was I underwhelmed. I kind of knew I didn't like it without even listening to it, for the last four and a half years, it's been out. And then when I finally did actually make myself listen to it, all my biases were confirmed. So we're talking, we're just doing a quick power ranking here. I'm not going to do an in-depth analysis of each one,
Starting point is 00:42:27 because that's unnecessary. But just so you know where I stand on these, I'm gonna give you my quick power ranking of all eight Coldplay Studio albums. We're not including B-sides, EPs, live albums, whatever. I will mention if you're not, if you never intentionally gone to listen to co-play B-sides,
Starting point is 00:42:50 they got some really good ones, like really solid entries. Okay, but you already know what my least favorite album is. Coming in number eight is a head full of dreams from 2015. It's just so boring. And there are some songs on there that are solid. But for the most part, it is just like the total epitome of this, you know, the new Cold
Starting point is 00:43:12 Play, like the stadium anthem rock, like, just feels like they're, like they feel like total sellouts. And I don't know if that's a fair criticism of them because they're artists. They're very like good artists, they're smart, they're intelligent guys, like they know what they're doing. But boy, it's just like that direction was so blah. They took all the things. Basically, they, I'm not going to dig into my interpretation of the Coldplay timeline,
Starting point is 00:43:44 but they put out Viva La Vita after X and Y, which is like X and Y was a distinct departure, and then Viva La Vita was also a distinct departure, but in a different direction from X and Y. And it starts to get into like the, you know, they kind of feel like a sell out of that point. Their music, I think in Viva La Vitaita was a lot still good music, but a lot less interesting. And then Milo's Isle it all comes out and they they pushed that one step further and then it was like, oh, I don't not, I do not like the direction that they've decided to take this. And then Ghost Stories comes out and you're like, whoa, old co-plays kind of back. It's not old co-play. It's still a new new territory for them, but it was really nice. I like ghost stories.
Starting point is 00:44:30 And then head full of dreams comes out and it's like this is just ridiculous at this point. And then everyday life comes out and it's like ghost stories part two, completely different, but similar in that they like backed off this like stupid anthem rock trend that they are going for. So Head Full of Dreams is my least favorite. Based off of that timeline, you already know what my second least favorite is coming at number seven, Milo Zalado, which to be fair, I think has some really good songs on it. Like I'm looking at it right now. The first, you know, couple songs, Hertz Lake Heaven Solid, it's a good, good opener, I like it. Kind of feels old co-play-esque, a little bit more pop.
Starting point is 00:45:26 It's okay. Paradise, kind of a catchy song, but also, you know, kind of embodies the whole like, sell-out anthem rock feeling. Charlie Brown, good song. The one thing I will say, every tear drop is a waterfall, is a total like sell out move for them, but that song is still catchy as hell.
Starting point is 00:45:47 I like it. The whole adventure of a lifetime, is that on Myelazar or is that just with, I had fully dreams. I think it's had full of dreams. I wanted to make a note of that song, because that's one that I go back and forth on, that sometimes I like, and then other times I just don't get it all. Adventure of the lifetime is a head full of dreams.
Starting point is 00:46:11 The music video for that, I don't know. Like, it's like Andy Circus on drugs or something. Okay, so Malo's out, I was number seven for me. I will say those are probably the two albums that I just like straight up don't really like that much. Has they have the occasional song that works for me? But beyond that, I just don't like them that much. Number six for me, Viva La Vida.
Starting point is 00:46:39 Gonna be controversial, I know a lot of people like Viva. I'm including kind of the whole like Prospects March EP just in that since they were all kind of together. And it's got some good stuff on it, right? Viva was such like a global hit and I don't think the song itself is that great, but it's catchy. And it's got plenty of other stuff you know it's not like I kind of mentioned this in the same vein as like stadium
Starting point is 00:47:10 anthemrock sell out it's not the the album itself isn't really like that to to the full extent right most of the songs aren't that way but it just started to kind of get that hint of like, we made this album just so we could go on tour. And it was like, hmm. And the more I listened to Viva Lovita or the more I just analyzed it, the kind of more shallow it feels. Like, it's fine, but it's not actually that like deep or interesting. I don't know. Something about Viva is just like there's some nostalgia in it for me, but I don't know. It's just kind of okay.
Starting point is 00:48:01 Anyways, I know it's controversial, but we're getting down to the point where you got to start making some calls like that. Okay, so number eight, head flow dreams, number seven, Milo's Alou, number six, Viva Lovita from 2008. Now here's where things get tough, because now we have a distinct, like, A or time gap in the catalog. We're now down to the final three albums, and then their most recent album,
Starting point is 00:48:28 and their third most recent album, right? So we're talking 2019 and 2014 versus 2002 and 2005, right? Big gap here. So this is where things get tricky. I think, and I'm kind of like not upset at myself, but just like biting my tongue, trying about to say this, because this is an album that a lot of people hate, and I am always finding myself sticking up for it.
Starting point is 00:48:58 But I think it's time in the ranking here in the countdown to put it on here. So at number five, an album I really like, Go Stories. Coming in 2014, how do I off the heels of Chris Barnes break up with Gwyneth Paltrow, who's crazy? This is a great album. I think it's probably Coldplay's tightest album from start to finish in terms of going after one concept, which to be fair, that's not what Coldplay usually tries to do. So it's not like they had tried and failed before. It's just they did a good job with this one.
Starting point is 00:49:43 I'll say, and people know this, people recognize this. The lead single from this album was Midnight, which is a good song, but I don't like still to this day. It's been out for what, six years at this point. I still have no clue why Midnight is the lead single from that album. Like, it does a, it's, as a song, lyrically, I think it embodies and represents the album well. But it's not like a, the song isn't a single. Like, it's just not.
Starting point is 00:50:17 They co-play as a lot of other songs that kind of feel like this, and they're buried deep cuts. So, I don't, I don't really know. But overall, really solid album and what I have to say is the best song from this album. I think it's not even close. And easily one of my top 10 favorite co-play songs
Starting point is 00:50:39 is Ghost Story, which isn't on the studio album release, only in the Target deluxe edition. I've heard theories as to why it's not in the album. It just doesn't fit in. Some people were saying they were afraid that, or they thought Chris Martins was afraid that people would recognize it as the best song they'd expect him him to play it live, which may or may not be the case, I don't know. The reason he might not want to play it live is because it's pretty raw.
Starting point is 00:51:13 But Ghost Story, if you are a casual play fan and you've never heard that song, Ghost Story, off the album Ghost Stories. God listen to it. Feels like old school, old school, Coldplay, it's fantastic. Okay, so we're putting Ghost Stories at number five here. So we're down to our last four albums. We are down to the first three parachutes, Russia Blood and X and Y, and then our most recent album, Everyday Life.
Starting point is 00:51:46 Where I'm going next, probably gonna be a controversial move, but I'm going for it anyways. Number four, we're going with the debut album, we're going with pair of shoots from 2000. It's a good album. It still embodies very much like what I feel cold play is and I know they've changed they've evolved so much in the last 20 years. They are nothing like parachutes cold play anymore but in my heart I still feel like parachutes
Starting point is 00:52:14 cold play is the real cold play. You know it's coming off you know all their 90s influences, Oasis, other bands, whatever. And it's got some of the timeless co-play songs in it. Yellow is their first ever big hit. It's a good song. Shivers, great. And even a song like Don't Panic, which I think is the lead single, not the lead single, the opening track to their opening album, made famous by the, you know, Indie's
Starting point is 00:52:52 Act Braff movie, Jersey State. But you look at Parachutes' great album. It doesn't quite reach like the all-time heights. So for the first, you know, years of Coldplay's existence for a great album. Now seeing like what they are capable of extending themselves towards and what they're actually able to do. You realize, you know, it's still kind of contained.
Starting point is 00:53:22 Still in the shell a little bit. And I think that the flip side to that comes on their next album and R Usher Blood to the head where they like, feels like parachutes, but they just took everything up another level, which is why it's so good. But we're getting ahead of ourselves there. So our number four cold play albums, parachutes. Now things get tough. We're down to R Usher Blood, X and Y, and everyday life.
Starting point is 00:53:47 And it's not an easy decision to make, because I absolutely love all three of these albums. But I'm going to go ahead and not... I'm not going to do anything too crazy, I promise. I'm going to do what probably... A lot of people expected I would have done a couple slots ago. We're going everyday life with number three. Their most recent album came out late last year. It is a great album and it's completely different than anything they've
Starting point is 00:54:17 done before. And they've done, they've been all over the map with their discography. But everyday life was just so refreshing because it's completely against like all the Anthem Rock. They've been slowly building towards even with ghost stories thrown in. It's so diverse brings in so many different styles. I think it's such a maturely written album The songs are also Different yet they find ways to weave together pretty seamlessly
Starting point is 00:55:04 And they're just there aren't I think the biggest thing for me with everyday life, and I'm looking at the tracks right now, there aren't any songs that I am legitimately like, skip that song every time, can't stand it. No, these are all really solidly written, mixed, super well, so much diversity, right? There's something for everyone on this album. Songs like Trouble in Town, it feels very like X and Y in terms of its big build towards the end, but then you have AeroBask, which is like a world music,
Starting point is 00:55:40 multicultural kind of production, which is awesome and nothing Coldplay hasn't done anything like that before. You got, you know, Daddy, which is just Chris Martin, hanging out of the piano, singing a great song. Even Orphans, which I think is a lead single from this one, and I didn't love it at first because it just reminded me of, you know, like the Anthem Rock that they'd been going for. But even then, I think it's more interesting than some of
Starting point is 00:56:07 their other over-the-top saturated Anthem Rock singles, like Paradise, Looking at You, or Adventure of a Lifetime. It's a little bit more interesting, musically. And then the one that's been stuck in my head lately, Cry, Cry, Cry, such like a simple song but something that co-play like hasn't really tried before, at least not since like their very early days. Long story short, everyday life, fantastic album, it's their newest release, came out last year,
Starting point is 00:56:42 almost a year old at this point. But it's great. And the YouTube performance they did in Jordan on the rooftop, so cool. I love it behind the scenes of that. Anyways, if you don't know everyday life, go check it out. It's newest. The newest Coldplay, it doesn't sound, doesn't feel like new cold play though. It feels like a beautiful blend of everything they've done.
Starting point is 00:57:09 It's got stuff for fans of old school, it's got stuff for fans of new school. Okay, we're down to our last two here. X and Y and Russia blooded the head. Most people know what I'm going to do already. But it's not like I view number one as amazing and number two is not as amazing. They're both really good. I just have to pick one for one and one for two. We're putting X and Y at two and we're putting Russia blood to number one.
Starting point is 00:57:37 We'll just talk about them together here. X and Y people didn't love when it came out and the band didn't love when it came out. But I don't think it's not just like, oh, you've seen what they've done since then and that makes X and Y look better. I just think it's a really solid album. It does have some moments that feel like a little tired out, a little derivative.
Starting point is 00:58:01 I'm looking at you, speed of sound. It was just just clocks. Okay. They just wrote clocks again and they just put new lyrics on it. And then they even, you know, they have other songs like, you know, a message and swallowing the sea, which are like very much like an X and Y kind of style. And I like the songs, but they're not, you you know amazing songs. They're just fine But then they've got other songs that are like off of X and Y that I think are just Fantastic just really good alt rock songs. I'm talking twisted logic talking low
Starting point is 00:58:42 Talking white shadows like those are really good rock songs. So overall it's just a really like listenable album. If you don't know any B-sides off of it, you got to check out how you see the world, how you see the world number two, world turned upside down. I think gravity, they threw on to the B sides here, which is a song that Chris Martin wrote from Brace, but his version of it is way better. Oh, and it's got to fix you, right? And enough said, X and Y great album. I'm surprised, I didn't, you know, I wasn't plugged in enough when it actually came out to know exactly, you know, what the huge criticism of it was and why the band hated it. I see some weaknesses in it, but it's
Starting point is 00:59:36 really strong across the board. And the number one, Russia blood. It's 2002, it's our sophomore album. The album art is so good. The album itself starts off with politic. I didn't use to love this song, now I can't get enough of it, it's so good. In my place, I actually don't love as much as a lot of other people do, but I get it so good.
Starting point is 01:00:07 God put a smile upon your face, the drums in that with a guitar. Amazing. Scientists, clocks, speaks for themselves. Then even you get into the second half of the album here, Daylight, Green Eyes, Warning Sign, Whisper. That block of four right there underrated songs, really good. And then it finishes with Russia Blood to the Head and Amsterdam. Like, you can't get better than that, especially Amsterdam. Like, that is just, man, that song is good, hot damn. This album is just perfect. There are no bad songs, no weaknesses,
Starting point is 01:00:48 just spectacular. Okay, so that's how I feel. To recap, number eight, we have a head full of dreams. Number seven, Milo's Alito, number six, Viva La Vida, number five, ghost stories, number four, parachutes, three everyday life, two X and Y, number one, rush of blood to the head. That's how I feel.
Starting point is 01:01:10 If you are shocked by any of our rankings or you wanna share your own email, us being taught on podcast,, again, it's bean town, B-E-A-N-T-U-DN podcast, a, I'd love to hear your thoughts. Otherwise, that's what I got for you. A long episode, I apologize for that, but I needed some therapy with the MP3 player situation because it's been rough.
Starting point is 01:01:36 I even felt like I rushed through the cold-play rankings. We could have done a whole hour on that, but I didn't. So if you watch our YouTube stream, thanks for checking us out. We'll try to do this more consistently, get the visuals going. But if you're just listening, thanks for doing that too. If you're on YouTube, go ahead and hit subscribe.
Starting point is 01:01:59 I do lots. There's lots more on our YouTube page than just being Tom Podcast streams. I released a death cab cover the other day, which was just kind of me plan around. It's nothing special, but it's there. And some other videos from time to time. So go ahead and hit subscribe.
Starting point is 01:02:19 And if you're listening, and you like to spend time on YouTube, go ahead and throw us a subscribe there as well. Quinn David Furnace, pretty easy to find. Otherwise that's what I got for you. Thanks everyone for tuning in. I'm going to turn on that Nescar race. I'm going to take my shirt off because it's starting to get sticky in here. And yeah, that's what I got.
Starting point is 01:02:37 So everyone, hope your quarantine's going well. Stay cool. It's getting pretty hot around the country. So do your best. And boy, these nails are dirty. I'm going to go get my foot bath going, get some Epsom salts in there, and sounds very tasty. So for all of us streaming here live on Beentown Networks,
Starting point is 01:03:01 thank you for checking out our show. We are hot in the middle of year three of the Beentown podcast and happy to be doing this every week for you. Never miss a week and I don't plan to. So thanks everyone for listening. That's what we got for you. Take care and I will talk to everyone next week. All right, see ya.
Starting point is 01:04:46 Alright, see ya. ndご視聴ありがとうございました you

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