Beantown Podcast - My Ex Gets to Have Sex and Relationship Advice (10092020 Beantown)

Episode Date: October 9, 2020

Quinn comes to you LIVE to congratulate his college girlfriend on her first sexual intercourse...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn Davis furnace. Welcome to my show. Quinn Davis furnace presents the bean town podcast for Friday October 9th, 2020. What's going on? How are you? What's happening? My name is Quinn. This is my show Happy to be here streaming to you live via beantown networks beantown blog cuts by Q Twitter at beantowncast all that fun stuff live on the air a little special Friday treat Much like yesterday I went to 7-11 before I teach my class on Thursday nights and I was going to 7-11 and get some coffee because I can get coffee at 7-11 for like 85 cents or something ridiculous like that Granted not amazing coffee, but that's okay. I
Starting point is 00:01:05 don't really mind. But while I was, while I was in line, I noticed Seven Lemon has a fun new product. I'm holding it up to the the YouTube stream here. Chocolate snack pie, which I think was my nickname in college. It's a chocolate pie wrapped in lightly glazed flaky crust. Now if that's not just saturated fat synonymous, then I don't know what is. Saturated fat synonymous reminds me or makes me think of or sounds like saturated fats anonymous, which sounds like a support group that I should not only start but attend it weekly. The diet has, I don't want to say falling off because I'm still doing a good job,
Starting point is 00:01:52 but it's, you know, I'm not like doing the hardcore one meal a day. These days, some days I just have one meal a day, a lot of coffee. You should like Monday through Wednesday, but there's usually some dessert involved, chocolate, good stuff. Yesterday I was struggling, and so I went to the grocery store, and I got some yogurt and berries, and even a little bit of trail mix too. Although it was like, I don't know, what do you consider to be the primary components of trail mix? Because I reckon you got your nuts, your raisins, your M&Ms. What else goes into trail mix? I'm not sure. The one I bought at the grocery store just had those three
Starting point is 00:02:38 pieces. But I was doing, you know, doing some munching, love munching. I'm doing it on that, and I've got some more today that I'll have in a little bit here, but the reason I feel very badly about eating anything extra beyond my one meal per day this week in particular is because you might as well just put me down. I was running on Monday and I wouldn't even say I've been dealing with calf issues because I'm not. It's just been kind of slightly sore, but not even enough for me to, you know, it wasn't affecting my pace at all for the past week, week and a half or so. And then finally Monday, I get to the last half mile
Starting point is 00:03:26 of a 10K and take a step and it just falls apart. My soleus muscle, if you're coming to us on the live stream right down here on my left leg, it's a nice, nice white action for you on a Friday. Solyus muscle, I think just a minor strain. But yeah, I haven't, haven't been able to run the past four days now, which is a bummer, especially, you know,
Starting point is 00:03:56 normal routine, you got your commute, you're, you know, busy or all over the place, whatever. It's not that big of a deal if you don't get your workout in. But now, frankly, and I'm not even like a workout nut, but with work from home and quarantine and not that many fun things to do outside of the house, it's like, if I can't get my run in,
Starting point is 00:04:20 what am I even doing here? I don't even love the like at home workouts because it just feels like I'm just going from my couch to the yoga mat right behind me and it's frankly not that exciting. So I'm going for as many long walks as I can this week, but it's just it's not the same. You know, I'm at the end of Old Yeller, they take Yeller out back and I actually don't. I've never read it nor have I seen it, but I feel like I get the gist of it. What actually happens? Like what's the story in Old Yeller? What is Yeller doing before the
Starting point is 00:05:02 last five pages when they when they take him out back? And do they get a new Yehler? Is he young Yehler? I don't know. Someone should let us know. You can email us, Someone with an intimate knowledge of the story of old Yehler. Keep us posted on, you know, what happens. Everyone knows the last five minutes of old Yeller, but no one ever talks about the first two hours. TBD. But yeah, it's been tough to not be out there and running, and it's just the type of thing where just physically not able to put a ton of weight.
Starting point is 00:05:40 Or I can put weight, but I can't really push off the pavement doing a little arm motion like this I feel like Trump right now speaking with my hands But yeah, so I don't know. We might might try and go out for like a light jog tomorrow not even like you know my Saturday runs for the past Multiple months have been double-digit miles at a solid pace. Nothing like that. I'm thinking literally maybe like three miles at a very slow pace because I don't want to push off too much and make the injury worse, but it also just be really nice to get
Starting point is 00:06:19 out there. We'll see. You know, don't want to rush back. You don't want to make it worse, but also trying to protect my mental sanity, if you will. Anyways, in case you're wondering, going back five minutes, I did not purchase the chocolate snack pie from 7-11, you know, in this economy, everyone's tightening their belts. There was also a lemon snack pie. I'll tell you the flaky crust was very appealing, but maybe next time.
Starting point is 00:06:52 I don't go to that 7'11 very frequently. You might think differently. There's the one at Pratt and Glenwood there, basically under the train, two blocks south of Morse. My old apartment, when I was in grad school, before we started this show, I lived block and a half from there. Now it's more of a 10 minute, 12 minute walk.
Starting point is 00:07:13 But I don't go there very frequently because I don't usually, using my coffee runs in the mid afternoon, I go out to the Duncan at Clark and Granville. For my ice coffee, I get that for 224. Tax included. But I suppose as it gets colder weather here, although it's like 80 degrees outside right now.
Starting point is 00:07:37 I need to open some windows in here. Supposed as we get into the colder weather and I transition into more of a hot coffee phase for the next five to six months. We'll probably frequent the 7-11 more frequently if you will. Shout out to Jack Links, not officially sponsoring, but we got the cup here. And this is a reminder, PSA'd everyone to take your multivitamins. It's something I wasn't doing before quarantine, before work from home,
Starting point is 00:08:09 but literally like the week of first work from home, first week of quarantine, which was March 16th, my birthday. I went to Target, I don't remember remember what exactly I was getting in there, toilet paper I think. Remember back when toilet paper that was a thing, but I went to Target because they had some. And while I was there I popped into the vitamin aisle and I realized you know what, I should take a multi-vitamin every day, especially given the pandemic circumstances.
Starting point is 00:08:45 And I got to tell you, it's done wonders. Now I don't put this entirely on the multivitamin right here on our live feed, but I haven't gotten sick yet this year. And I usually get two to three colds per year. Now we're doing some serious knock on wood action that the tonsillitis doesn't pop up. We've had tonsillitis every year at the exact same time since we started this show. Maybe it's God's way of, you know, Talmita get canceled, but that happens literally days after Thanksgiving, both in 2018 and 2019, would really love to
Starting point is 00:09:27 avoid that because, and I guess this just speaks to how fortunate I've been from a health perspective in my life, but that's the worst pain I've I've ever felt. It's real bad. It is just anyone who's had tonsilitis before knows, because you have to swallow. You have to talk. Like, these are just things that you do as part of being a human being, and it sucks. So hoping the combination of the multivitamin and then the other thing that's big here is you know spending so Little time on public transportation. I think that's huge just you know relatively little time in
Starting point is 00:10:14 The proximity of other people especially indoors I know we were at an Apple orchard which I talked about last week and on the show We were there last week in Indiana and there that was just like, looked like one of those apocalyptic pandemic movies, The Crowds, indoor, as well as outdoor. That was probably my first time in a situation like that,
Starting point is 00:10:39 as far as I can remember. Very uncomfortable, not fun. Let me take my multivitamin here and we'll plow ahead. But yeah, I'm a big fan. It's just about getting anything to have it, getting anything to routine, put it on the coffee table, which is where I, you know, next to my great Craigslist couch here, where I spend, you know, 90% of my waking days. If I'm not sleeping or I'm not out for my run,
Starting point is 00:11:16 I will occasionally take my laptop to the kitchen table, but for the most part, we're right here. So just, you know, I have a next to my, we're right here. So just, you know, I have an ex-summit statue of Mother Mary here. We'll get Mary live on the air. Here she is. We've talked about this before. I got Mary sitting in a, Mary was sitting.
Starting point is 00:11:40 I wasn't. Mary was sitting in a wheelchair. The corner of the Preston and Charles, something like that in Baltimore. Along with our Zootopia Blu-ray copy, which I have over there. I thought about the Zootopia copy because I was walking down the street yesterday there's like a used book store at like Clark and Rosemont basically. And they had a bin of videos for sale outside VHS, not even DVD VHS. And I think they were 50 cents each, something like that. And they had a
Starting point is 00:12:19 copy of Shrek 2. And for a quick moment, I thought to myself, I ought to buy this, this, you know, video copy of Shrek 2, just to a quick moment, I thought to myself, I ought to buy this video copy of Shrek 2 just to have on the shelf. But then I was like, well, maybe there's someone out there who actually has a VHS player that would actually like to use it. Shrek 2, great film. But that's what's going on here. The big news last week, stop the presses, a couple of things we're going to get to, and then I'll read some ads here, and then we have a relationship question, which is very exciting, because we don't have a lot of interactions with Bean Tom Podcast, or Bean Tom Podcast, but when they do come in, it's like a big star-studded event.
Starting point is 00:13:08 Congratulations. It's my freshman year college girlfriend, Katie Sybold. On getting married this past Saturday, I was not invited. past Saturday, I was not invited. Didn't even get a plus one. Katie was an interesting character. From Grafton, Wisconsin, French hornest, very conservative, mausletop to Katie, we dated for what, nine months, I think, something like that, for the majority of my freshman year of college in the summer after. I don't even really remember how we broke up.
Starting point is 00:13:58 It just kind of happened. It was strange. I think it happened over like a Skype call or something. But I'm really happy for Katie. And I'll mention friends of the podcast probably know what I'm about to say based off of the fact that she's very conservative. I'm just got married last weekend. Listen to discretion is advised and you're listening to the bean town podcast. Number one, occasionally you use the language or bring up some adult topics, which were about to a number two. This podcast is objectively terrible. Happy for Katie.
Starting point is 00:14:32 She finally gets to have sexual intercourse last Saturday night, presumably. Now, full disclaimer, I didn't text her at 11.30pm and ask. I felt that that might be two, fourth coming of me. I waited till the morning after. No, I'm kidding, I didn't. But congratulations to Katie. I don't like to talk about my exes or past relationships, much on this show one.
Starting point is 00:15:03 I don't think there's too much to tell, but two, if you could see the babe, I'm dating right now, Rachel Ray-Mose, what total babe alert, just look at this. If you're on the live stream, we're holding it up, and are you kidding me? That's just silly. What, 10 out of 10, I mean, I think I even said this when we were still
Starting point is 00:15:32 like talking on the dating app we met on. I felt like it was a setup. Like, one of those things where you have the super hot girl and she's actually already dating someone and she and her boyfriend are just doing this sadistic thing where she matches with a guy, gets him to come over and then the boyfriend's hiding in the closet and he beats the guy up,
Starting point is 00:15:59 in which case I'm the guy getting beat up. I, that ran through my head a number of times. And I got to say, after our first date, which was in late February, before COVID shut everything down, I was after the first date, I was like, yeah, there's no way this is going anywhere. The reason being, not because I didn't think we had a good time or not because I'm not confident in myself. But I was like, I'm like right here on the looks scale, granted I was, you know, 60 pounds heavier, but still, and then you got, you know,
Starting point is 00:16:40 off the charts, off the YouTube feed here, Rachel Raymos. So shout out to the stone cold stunner herself. I think she was bummed too that she didn't get an invite to the wedding last weekend, but it's okay because we had poppas, cheese curds instead, which is, do you think poppas, cheese curds instead, which is, do you think poppas caters weddings? There is something we haven't even considered. I have to reach out to poppas.
Starting point is 00:17:14 And what happened to poppas' wife? What happened to mama? Do you think it was a divorce? Do you think it was a death? I feel bad for poppas either way. Running the family business is, you know family business is a lot of responsibility. I will say though, there are three generations of Papa's, typically running the stand, which is useful.
Starting point is 00:17:38 The stand, hell of a novel by Stephen King. I actually ordered Salem's Lot used book for my trip to New England, which brings me to my next topic. Lasting here before we read some ads, and then second half, we're going to answer a relationship question. You might have seen me post on social media, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, primarily, maybe Twitter, I don't recall. I've been teasing some merch, or teasing the concept of merch for our Fall 2020 road trip, taking the show on the road for the, literally like the first time since, like basically this year. I mean, I've taken this year,
Starting point is 00:18:26 I've gone to in terms of like legit trips. I mean, I went to Wisconsin twice, gone to Indiana for a wedding, but I went back in January, I went to Alabama, I think it was January. There's actually really good. If you're just, you know, a new hashtag friend of the podcast, if you're just catching up,
Starting point is 00:18:48 I think one of our best episodes this year happened really early. It was our Alabama rant. I would encourage you to go listen to that. And then we, I went to Texas, went to Austin for like 24 hours, literally 24 hours. It was maybe like 30 or something like that, but it included two nights of sleep.
Starting point is 00:19:06 And then I went to Minneapolis once in late February, since then, nothing. So I'm really excited to get out to New England and I think we're gonna do merch. So we have shirts. Let me see if I have the picture on my phone right here. I'll hold it up to the YouTube stream ever so briefly. So if you're watching us live on the video, you can see what they look like.
Starting point is 00:19:32 Shoot me a message if you're interested so far. We've got about 10, 11, maybe even 12 people who have said that they're interested. So I think we can do it. It would probably be about like $15 for T-shirt. Here's what they look like. It says, Bean Tom Podcast 2020. If you're listening to the audio feed of this, they are sky blue shirts with red font popcorn kernel.
Starting point is 00:20:02 Stuck in my, well, I got it out, so it's not stuck. But moving ahead here, Bean Tom Pock has 2020 and Red font, kind of funky font, like a disco blade runner sort of thing, spread right across the middle. Let us know if you're interested. We're going to try to get that done. I think I want to do it. I think there's enough people who would like them. It're gonna try to get that done. I think I wanna do it. I think there's enough people who would like them. It'd be fun to have a little new merch.
Starting point is 00:20:29 We haven't done any. Anything much like that for a while. We have our Beantown Buttons, which are about a year, year and a half old, and then we have our ordained minister business cards. I think I have like 400 of those over on the coffee table behind me, or the desk behind me. So we've got a lot of those to hand out,
Starting point is 00:20:49 but we haven't done anything fun this year, and I think that would be, it would be cool to be able to do that. So let me know if you're interested. You can text me 815-298-7200. You can email me,, you can tweet at me, at Beentomcast.
Starting point is 00:21:03 One other thing that just popped in my head, I wasn't playing and talk about, but you come watch and listen to this show for all the fun little idiosyncrasies, right? Well, I got a DM. First I get a comment on my most recent Instagram photo. Was it? Yeah. I think so. Let me look. Yep. Okay. Here's a photo. It's me and Rachel at the Pumpkin Patch. Last weekend, if you're looking, if you're watching our live YouTube stream, super cute. Mostly her. But I get a
Starting point is 00:21:38 comment from the Instagram handle Pierre Arden team Luca. It says nice pick Quinn. And it's interesting. I actually, I didn't even think about this. Oh yeah, okay, my name is in my description. Okay, I was gonna say, how do they actually know my name? Because my handle just says q.quindy.
Starting point is 00:22:03 But they say nice pick Quinn. Let's collab. DM our main account at peer are done and let them know we sent you. So I go look at what is peer are done. It's classic yet modern time pieces. AK watches. I don't know why they couldn't have just said that. So I DM them, I'm like, what's going on? What's new? And it's, let me just read you the conversation. Excuse me, let me just read you the conversation. I say, team Luca sent me, you want a collab?
Starting point is 00:22:37 They say, hey, we've been reaching out to a few people who fit our style for a potential collaboration. We don't usually do this maybe, but we want to offer you 50% off everything in our store so that you can wear the latest timepieces. All we ask is that you tag us in a picture of you wearing it and we may feature you on our page. Just like how I got featured on Venmo's Instagram, I'm getting kind of famous here guys. Would this interest you? I respond, that doesn't sound like a collab. I've been hoodwinked. They respond back. Also, we will offer you a personal code for 25% off our entire store. I feel like I'm doing Adrys here and I hate it. This is for your followers and we will give
Starting point is 00:23:22 you a 30% commission straight to your PayPal account for any purchase using that unique code Holy pyramid scheme Batman. Also, this means you're not only gaining friends and followers, but you're also gaining income I say what a let down Pierre Arden says take a quick look around and then message me to let me know which items you would like and we'll send you through a unique 50% off, off and all caps, like you're buying bug spray or something. Code, check out our site here
Starting point is 00:23:50 and then they have the URL. Then I say, feels like you're not listening and they left me unseen. So, TBD, I also, Brian McCouga, Brian with a Y. This is turning into a great episode. Brian McCouga, who is this old Chicago Polish looking guy with 137 posts, 438 followers, and 2700 following.
Starting point is 00:24:21 Always a great ratio. His account is private, but his handle is get your blue badge with Brian and his description is 100% legit with full refund, full, F is capitalized. That's important. Guaranteed if you're not satisfied. So Brian McCougill, I don't know how he found me, whatever. DMs me, slides into my DMs Monday night.
Starting point is 00:24:46 He says, hello, it seems your public figure. Would you be interested in getting your Instagram verified to get more publicity? I say, seems risky. He says, bear with me here. I've verified over 42 accounts. I love them to say over 42 accounts. I get it if you're a big Jackie Robinson fan, but you can't say over and then have a very specific number. That doesn't make any sense. Come on, Brian. I can't share. I can't, this is legit. I promise.
Starting point is 00:25:19 I can't share the user names as my clients don't like this. Here's a step-by-step process of how it works according to one source who has sold verification and corroborated by two other sources who have brought it. Bought it, excuse me. So he's giving me the step-by-step process not according to him, according to others, which just, again, Brian, you gotta work
Starting point is 00:25:38 on your marketing strategy here. Says there's one, there's usually an employee at Facebook or Instagram who's willing to take a bribe or just be a friend No joke a middleman will be the seller to the middleman receives cash Which may or may not be split with the Facebook Instagram employee three the friend at Facebook or Instagram submits a verification request and crosses their fingers it gets approved Brian's talent Brian speaking straight up, he's not even like,
Starting point is 00:26:08 you do this, you'll get approved. He's like, maybe they'll take a bribe, maybe it will get approved. And if your account is verified, you get paid for every Instagram TV you posted. I gotta say this is very reminiscent, friends of the podcast will remember years back to when Mr. Rock Chris, not Chris Rock, although we never learned one way or another, if they
Starting point is 00:26:32 were the same, Mr. Rock Chris emailed me and wanted me to send him money. We got into this whole big spat about opening a coal mine in Western Pennsylvania. It was an ordeal, multi-episode thing that we talked about. Anyways, Brian McCouga, M-A-C-U-G-A, is the new rock chris. I say Brian, you seem like a pretty smart guy, and I actually appreciate how straightforward you are with the shadiness and uncertainty of all this.
Starting point is 00:27:07 As you can probably assume, this doesn't seem like a risk worth taking. Brian McCougas says, it has 100% success rate cause, COS, cosine, cause, your profile is well, okay? No punctuation in any of this, which is helpful. All I need is your username to submit, then you get verified within 24 hours, and if it doesn't, verify full refund is guaranteed.
Starting point is 00:27:31 If you think I'm joking, here's the messages, you're seeing it on the live stream. I say, what if I get verified first, then pay you, Brian, that's a win-win. Brian says, I explain the process to you, I have to pay the middleman, which Brian is the middleman, so it's like the Jimmy sign fell that, so the most I could do
Starting point is 00:27:52 is take half payment first. I say, I'll take $10. I'm gonna apologize, I'm just trying to fill out something online here. Brian says, no $10 is unacceptable. I would only be down for 50. I say no deal how we, not without references. Brian Mukuga then says,
Starting point is 00:28:18 all my customers won't be comfortable with me telling people about how they got verified. I say, well, it doesn't make much sense that I just hand out $50 to a random stranger. Does it? Brian comes back, the negotiator says, okay, do you have cash after sending $10? I would talk with the middleman. I say, just doesn't seem worth it too risky. Brian says, what $10 with like eight exclamation points. And then one other message, basically basically where he says, I'm not here to joke around or play games. Wow, Brian McCouga is just what a guy, you know?
Starting point is 00:28:58 Just quite a character. Sorry, we couldn't make it work. Sorry, Brian. Okay, let's read some of our ads here and then we will move ahead here. Let me pull these up. Usually they pre-populate when I start to type in Google Docs. They're not doing that today. But we're going to start with Home Pride Oregon, which is a close personal and family friend of this show. I'll start reading it before we even get the ad read up here. Are you tired of selling your house for less than a quarter of what it's worth all because you can find a reliable home inspector in time? Well, Oregon listeners, I got good news
Starting point is 00:29:43 for you. Home Pride Oregon is both, let's see, note, home pride Oregon and home pride inspection services in Bend, Oregon is central organs, hottest new home inspection provider with inspection services, including things like heating and cooling, roofing, plumbing and so much more. Home pride Oregon is both contractor certified and home inspection certified. So you know you're getting the good stuff.
Starting point is 00:30:02 If you're tired of big real estate, hold on the home inspection market and you want a safe certified home inspector that you can trust You have to call Steve at 541-410-0316 or you can visit home pride Oregon dot com again 541-410-0316 or you can visit home pride Oregon dot com home pride Oregon inspection Perfection I want to give a shout out to the Samson Q2U series Home Pride Organ inspection, perfection. I wanna give a shout out to the Samson Q2U series. Sure, it looks nice after all these years. One of these days, we're gonna have to sing still the one by Orleans and dedicate it to the Samson Q2U series.
Starting point is 00:30:39 I think that would be a touching tribute, don't you? It's got high quality, sound quality, from Genesis to Exodus, and my co-teacher in class last night made a reference to the book of Ecclesiastes. We'll throw that in there too, when God speaks. He uses the Samson. Ecclesiastes, that's a fun one, very fun one to say.
Starting point is 00:31:02 Last but not least, your cuts by Q. And I did a little cuts by Q yesterday. I had to trim the ears and trim the back. I think Sunish will trim down the sides and the back just to avoid the Luke Skywalker helmet hair look. We don't have to go all the way down, try to look like a cool faded cut, frat bro. But just a little bit, a little trim
Starting point is 00:31:26 would be nice, and I think I'm going to let the beard go a little bit here. I've been last like three or four months. I've kept the beard pretty conservative, and in fact have done like clean, closed shave multiple times, but you know, things are getting a little bit colder out. You're going to want that extra layer of protection. Bob and weave, we all know the hairstyle, we all love it, but how many Chicago-based independent barbers can actually give it to you the way you deserve. Enter, cut, spike, you. It's like an or stand man, only different. Cut spike huesment independently owned and operated since 1995 and is probably one of the better barbershop operations here in Chicago, Cook County, North-Oss, Yana, in the greater Chicago land area.
Starting point is 00:32:06 From beehives to bangs, foehawks to flat tops, and everything in between, you have to call cuts by Q at 8152987200, or you can email cutsbyq at Again, that's cuts. Q-U-T-Z by Qat Okay, sing it with us loud and clear. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, cool if it was. Okay, let me adjust one thing on my phone here. And then we're going to dull out some relationship advice for the ladies and the males in honor of the
Starting point is 00:32:53 Bilber hosting Saturday Night Live tomorrow. And since the musical guest broke COVID protocol, they're not allowing him on. I don't know who it was. Some country guy I've never heard of Morgan Hard girl or something They are aware of this learn Michaels is aware of this because in one of Bilber's promos He asked if he could be the musical guest I legit hope they let him do something because he's a really good drummer Or they just let him do a stand-up like I will be I hope they they just let him do a stand up. I hope they utilize this talents fully because Bill Ber is one of the funniest men alive
Starting point is 00:33:29 and multi-talented, and it would be a shame if they didn't increase his screen time. So we will see. Let me get something going here and then we'll get started with our relationship question. Okay, so thank you for listening up to this point. We got one more thing here on the show, and then we will continue on with my Friday. Actually, I'm doing this midday. It's about noon right now. I actually have some afternoon meetings,
Starting point is 00:34:00 which is just who's putting Friday afternoon meetings on, like, you know, that you got the Kamala face and you got the Amelia Clark Game of Thrones face. That's what I'm question up here. Okay, here we go. Nope, I lost it again. Boy, just killing it here. We need to get this back up. Okay, here we go. How to deal with the infamous line of eye need time? Okay, so dear Quinn, I am 31 years old, and I live with my boyfriend, who's 29. We have been together for some time, about a year and a half right now, which I would consider to be some time,
Starting point is 00:35:16 especially I feel like the pandemic, lengthens everything out. Like I've been dating my girlfriend for eight months, feels a lot longer than that in a good way. Everything was going great until suddenly it wasn't. Oh boy, here we go. We went on a holiday. It must be British to spend with his brothers who I haven't met.
Starting point is 00:35:36 Wow, that's kind of interesting. Long time to date without having met. And he became a completely different guy. One night he came back. he came to my house, not a great speaker. In the middle of the night, super toasted and said, he's not worth anything that I'm better off without him and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:35:56 He says he loves me and when we're together, he does great. Then, he goes the whole day we don't live together and again, starts to be a distant person. He's super depressed since the pandemic started. He lost his job and stuff like that and money has been an issue. I've been helping him a little since I have a steady job and make good earnings. What a good girlfriend might do, presumably. I feel bad.
Starting point is 00:36:22 I didn't want it to end, but I also feel like insisting on him is worst. Interesting choice of words. I don't know. I really thought we had a good thing going and now I can't concentrate or anything. He told me he wants to be alone, that he loves me, but it's what he wants right now. It can go two ways. That he cools off and comes back or not coming back at all and it's terrifying. Is there something I should do? All right, great question. Thank you for submitting that and I got to tell you that's a tough one. So you got this guy, you love him, you love each other, you've been supporting him and it seems to me like the stress of not having a job, money being tight, maybe feeling emasculated,
Starting point is 00:37:09 by the fact that he's being supported, by his girlfriend is making him feel isolated. Now I will say you mentioned, went on the holiday with the brothers, that changed everything, I don't really understand how the brothers, you know, come into play here, but maybe you got to get them involved. Big fan of getting the brothers involved. So here's what I would
Starting point is 00:37:39 suggest. Talk to the brothers. See if they have any advice, see if there's something you can do, and then I don't know, couples counseling could be fun. See if your man wants to go to that. I've never been to it counseling, but it seems like it could be fun. Not necessarily fun, but worth it. And then I guess the way I feel about this is you got to decide
Starting point is 00:38:09 how hard you want to fight for it. Okay, ladies, I hope you're out there listening. You got to decide how important this is for you. It sounds to me like it's pretty important for you. And I think love is worth fighting for especially in these wild isolated pandemic times. It doesn't sound to me like it's going to be super healthy for him to be alone. I think you got it it's important to respect boundaries and respect his wishes but sometimes when it comes to love,
Starting point is 00:38:45 and for someone who's been dating, for a couple who's been dating for over a year, you gotta grab life by the lips and just yank. Okay, Al yankovic taught me that. So yeah, you gotta, I mean, I think, sounds to me like it's something worth fighting for. Like that Green Day song, 21 guns. Do you know what's worth fighting for?
Starting point is 00:39:15 My Billy Joe Armstrong impression was never spectacular, but it has really fallen off. I don't know if it was just lack of practice or what it was, but in high school it was like, oh, it's pretty good actually. Now it's just like spooky scary, just in time for spooky season, S-Z-N. You know, I think I could market spooky seasoning
Starting point is 00:39:38 to sell maybe getting McCormick to sell spooky seasoning. Would you wanna buy that? I don't know what it would taste like. I am envisioning it would be kind of like sprinkles. I think you'd have to be fun. I don't think you'd want your spooky seasoning to be like, cumin or something, or paprika. You know, although I guess what would be super spooky
Starting point is 00:40:02 would be if you expected it to be like a fun sugary something and then all of a sudden it's like cayenne. Big brainstorming ideas over here. Okay, spooky seasoning, put a pin in that. Could be fun. Could be the next big holiday treat. But thanks for writing in. I hope my advice was semi-useful for you. Matt Feeler says, what's love got to do with it?
Starting point is 00:40:31 Classic, classic tune. Guys, I'm not going to lie to you. I got to go back to work. Emails are coming in. Meetings are coming up. This is the risk you run when you decide to livestream in the middle of a work day. But I've got to go answer some emails here. It's beautiful weather in the Midwest today.
Starting point is 00:40:51 Hope you all get the chance to get out and enjoy it. Upwards of 80 degrees. I got to open a window here because things are getting toasty fast. That's what I got for ya. What are we at? 41 minutes. Pretty good. Pretty, you know, right, right in the sweet spot, not too long, not too short. Yeah, we've got, I haven't
Starting point is 00:41:13 officially announced or decided how we want to do our episodes in terms of our New England road trip. I think I'm just going to try to record as much as possible and then probably release some episodes. I might do a live check-in at the start of each one and then release the file. I haven't decided how I wanna do it yet, but that's gonna be coming up in another two weeks here. We'll get started with that. We've got some states where we've never broadcasted
Starting point is 00:41:45 from before, we've never done an episode from Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Maine, or Vermont, so we've got some exciting new ones to cover, but that's what I got for you. So everyone, I hope you have a great, fun, safe, spooky weekend, only a couple more before Halloween. And don't forget to vote. Don't forget to register to vote.
Starting point is 00:42:09 I mean, if you're not voting at this point, like it's just you're being a dummy. Just do it. OK? Like Nike says. And I do really appreciate all the organizations. like I said, the NFL has a commercial with Pete Carroll and Kittle Russell Wilson, Todd Gurley, like a vote campaign, like that's awesome. 100 years too late, but better late than never. Okay, I'm happy that I'm going to give you a call
Starting point is 00:42:42 this weekend. Thanks for tuning in. I'm going back to work everyone On the audio stream gonna get some Tishmingo blues cute up here YouTube. We're gonna end it right here but stay safe Stay sane and thanks for listening to our live stream really appreciate it and I'll check in on you next time by YouTube by audio stream it never ends when I wanted to end. Okay, there we go. Peace, love, and understanding. Bye all. I'm just going to sit here. I'm just going to sit here. nd 오늘도!

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