Beantown Podcast - New England Road Trip Part Three (11152020 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: November 16, 2020

Quinn comes to you LIVE to recap the series premiere of Desperate Housewives of Salt Lake City, check in on Tonsillitis Watch 2020, and recap part three of the New England Road Trip (Lake Placid, Mont...real Radio, hiking Camel's Hump, and New Hampshire hate crimes)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn and this is my show, Quinn David Furnace presents a Dean town podcast for Sunday November 15th. Wow. November 15th, 2020. what's going on? How are you? And what is happening? My name's Quinn and this is my show. And this is episode 149, I believe. Plus what like eight bean town on Pluk Special, something along those lines. Of our show, that we started all the way back
Starting point is 00:00:42 in January of 2018 from A.Sum St. Paul Street. We're coming to you live up here in Rogers Park and I am thrilled that you are joining us today for a couple of different things. Primarily, probably the reason you're all here, it's part three of our New England road trip. We are looking forward to telling you more about that. We're gonna be picking it up from Utica and probably going through around New Hampshire-ish. And next week will be our last installment, part four, the final chapter.
Starting point is 00:01:27 And I was, you know, I was thinking, hey, maybe, you know, what, you know, how these big budget franchises make all their money, they split that final movie into two parts. You've seen it played out over and over again, Hunger Games, Twilight, other franchises. So I thought, hey, maybe we spread out part four into two different sections, but we're not gonna do that
Starting point is 00:01:57 because we have our Thanksgiving special, believe it or not, coming up in two weeks here. And there have been rumblings and grumblings of doing it live from the remorse Thanksgiving. We'll see, I'm not making any promises. Sometimes not to say there are often empty promises made but sometimes you get hyped up and then as the
Starting point is 00:02:25 date gets closer you realize it's not going to happen. So I don't want to create any false expectations, but thank you for the tunes there, tune master Quinn. That was recorded about a year ago, probably, when we decided we wanted intro music for the first time. And every once in a while, I think, in fact, I was just sitting at the piano seconds before starting to record. I was thinking maybe we'll play live intro music today but I got lazy and sometimes it's just a hassle to bring the MacBook over to the piano bench and it's also just, you know, I'm very aware of the lack of a good recording setup.
Starting point is 00:03:08 The biggest problem is I don't have a mic stand of any sort, so there isn't a great way for me to physically record the piano audio with the Samsung Q2U series. We're still figuring it out. I mean, I could buy a mic stand and solve all the problems, but I just have not gotten around to it. So we're going to be checking in from part three of the road trip. There's a lot to get to this part, I think, is going to be very exciting. In fact,
Starting point is 00:03:36 I was looking back through my notes before I started today, and I even had to add in some, some extra things that I had forgotten about. So, again, we've been trying to keep these, these road trip installment episodes short-ish just to be efficient and all that. We'll see. I know two weeks ago, part one was, was quick. Last week was a little bit longer because we had some
Starting point is 00:04:00 other things to discuss as well. And this week we have some other things to discuss as well. So this week we have some other things to discuss as well. So that part three of the New England road trip is coming up in the second half of today's program. I have been cutting those ad reads short, although we are going, I didn't write anything because I just now remembered it, but we have a little collab sponsorship partnership
Starting point is 00:04:23 that I need to mention again, probably mentioned it last week. Excuse me, a lot of belches here, all of a sudden. Four minutes into the program doesn't make much sense. Whatevs. I think I, you know, Cafe Dushat-O, talked about it last week, but we will mention it again, because I'm in the running for some serious prizes here. But so got that to look forward to and then we have two things in the first half that we need to check in on. And before we do that, I will mention that listener discretion is advised when you're tuning into the bean-tongued podcast number one.
Starting point is 00:05:00 We'll occasionally use some language, although it's, I think, as far as these things go, not too bad. And then number two, this podcast is objectively terrible. Although you tell me, we've been on the air for 12, 24, 34 and a half months now, still going strong, 34, I think 34 and a half months, still going strong, 34, I think, 34 and a half months, still going strong. And still, you know, we are far from the peak, the mountain top, if you will, of our listenership here, streaming live on bean time networks. But, you know, it is what it is. And I do believe, I legitimately believe that someday we will be back to our glory days,
Starting point is 00:05:53 the great heights that we achieved back in the summer of 2019. We had a couple episodes that were over a thousand downloads, which was awesome. Listener engagement was great. You know, every year we say, you know, well, here's something we're different we're going to try to shake things up. And I do have some ideas for year four, 2021. There's nothing to extreme about it. But, you know, a couple of things in the hopper. And you know me, you know you're gonna get when you listen to being Tom podcast, so no, I'm still the same old Quinn. My hair might change quite often, and my weight might fluctuate significantly,
Starting point is 00:06:39 but I think from a listener experience, you're going to be getting pretty much the same thing. We just might be covering some different topics. So we'll be covering all that and more as we get into December in the holiday season and into January, where we will commence year four. I want to give a quick shout out before anything else. I just thought of this, a quick shout out to friend of the podcast. In fact, I believe I'll have to go back and check their records. I believe he was a featured guest on our most
Starting point is 00:07:14 downloaded ever episode of the Bean Town podcast. Something like 14 or 1500 plays. John Paul Pindowski, who I don't get to see as often as I wish I did, because he has moved out to the Burbs, Arlington Heights to be specific. And John Paul came over for supper. Last Monday, feels like a long time ago, six days ago, we were recording Sunday at about 7 pm central here. It's been dark for about 10 hours already. John Paul came over on Monday night
Starting point is 00:07:48 and I made us jambalaya and got a role from Devon Market, bakery. Maybe the single greatest part about where I live up here in South Eastern Rogers Park is immediate access to the Devon market. And no, we don't have an official sponsorship or collaboration. And I didn't even really get into or discover the bakery section until, like, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:08:22 maybe, like, May of this year. It was a situation where I, you know, last, when I, I mean, I've lived here for a year and a half now. And the first couple of months of lived here I was traveling a lot and then got into the winter and just never really thought about it. I was still, you know, making way too many duncan runs to eat my carbs from there, which is a mistake.
Starting point is 00:08:42 And then in 2020, started losing a ton of weight, so from January through May at least, I was very hardcore with my diet, and I wasn't really doing anything. I wasn't having very much in the way of carbohydrates. But then a light came on inside of my head, and I said, I have this Devon Market Baked Goods section, all homemade, great stuff for low, low prices.
Starting point is 00:09:12 You gotta take advantage of it. I think one of these days, I've actually had this idea. I don't know if December will get around to it, or if it will be a big special in January to kick off year four, but I have this dream, which doesn't need to be a dream because it's very attainable. I have this idea of doing a Devon market bakery, not necessarily a taste test,
Starting point is 00:09:38 we're not really testing anything, just to run through all the hits, because I mean, there are so many goodies in there, and there are so many goodies in there and there are so many goodies I haven't even tried yet. So there's just a lot to run through. I think we'll get, you know, you can get the video feed setup. That will be fun. There was an idea from Hashek Dad of the podcast, Steve Fernos.
Starting point is 00:09:59 I think we mentioned this on air, but it's been like a month, at least, since I mentioned that he had this idea of a, I don't know if exactly what his vision is, but like a hostess or little Debbie talking too fast here, taste test. And I think that could be our Christmas special. Maybe we'll get the whole fam on the live stream. I think that could be very exciting. Let us know what you think about these ideas. There's always something new,
Starting point is 00:10:27 cooking here, streaming live on bean town networks. You can email us, what's the email? I got like eight burners. So the one that I'm officially here to push is bean town podcast at yah again, that's Bean Town and B-E-A and Hing Podcasts. Anyways, so that wasn't even the first thing I wanted to mention and I didn't even finish my thought.
Starting point is 00:10:58 John Paul came over for supper on Monday and we had Jambalaya and split a roll because these things are gigantic and we caught up. And I learned that John Paul plays Game Pigeon, which is clutch because I'm always looking for new friends and new challenges in Game Pigeon. So we played through quite a bit, almost a full catalog. Even paintball, believe it or not, this past week, I think I lost some three turns,
Starting point is 00:11:28 which is statistically, someone's gonna have to do the odds on that. What are the odds of losing in three turns in a luck-based game with three options per turn? Is that one third times one third times one third? Is, can we get someone here to confirm or adjust the statistics on that? One third times one third would be one ninth,
Starting point is 00:11:57 times one third would be one 27th. So what is that like a three, three and a half percent chance, something like that? I took statistics when I was, what, 17? The summer after I turned 17, I took statistics from Rock Valley College and my professor was an adjunct as a lot of community college professors are.
Starting point is 00:12:20 She was Russian and I, I mean, she couldn't have been older than like 25. I wouldn't have been surprised. I don't really know anything about her. I don't remember her name, anything like that. I suppose I could, I don't know if I have a copy of my rock valley college transcript anywhere. I could probably find her name if I really dug. I don't care though. Because though, because she had, she was Russian and had a very thick Russian accent. And was the type of situation, and I think I had a lot of teachers like this, and I think a lot of people have a lot of teachers like this, where I am confident that she knew her stuff and was great. But just wasn't, didn't really have the teaching experience to guide, you know,
Starting point is 00:13:07 20 high school and, you know, 18, 19 year olds on two days and third days at 7.30 a.m. or whenever I took that class. And so I ended up pretty much just teaching statistics to myself. And I was going to say I got a B. I don't think I did though, I think I got an A. I think the only class I got a B in in college, which was a B plus was Gen Kim. Anyways, it doesn't matter. I don't know how we got here.
Starting point is 00:13:41 Oh, the statistics of losing paintball. Anyways, yeah, I don't like paintball, I don't wanna play paintball, but we did, because I don't say no. That's the thing. Okay, last thing before I jump into the two things I wanted to talk about here, just in the first half of the program.
Starting point is 00:13:57 Yeah, we are not making it under 30 minutes sitting. I am so sorry. I don't say no to any game pigeon challenges. And if you're out there listening, you know who you are. So I would like it in return if when I challenge you in game pigeon, and I'm not gonna call anyone out by name because if you're listening and all of a sudden you feel the heat and you start to get sweaty and you think, boy, I should
Starting point is 00:14:29 have treated Quinn better than you know who you are, whom you are. You know whom you are. I'm not just talking basketball. I'm there are word games that people won't play against me Half of my immediate family more than half won't play basketball against me You know, it's just it's just rude Hmm just rude. It is November, changing topics here because this is a Sunday,
Starting point is 00:15:12 it's a calm, peaceful, relaxing day, certainly not outside. Gust up to like 35 miles per hour in Chicago. It's ridiculous. But it is November, which means it is officially tonsillitis watch. It's gonna say tonsill watch, but who wants to watch tonsils? Tonsillitis watch here in Chicago, and fans, friends,
Starting point is 00:15:39 and followers of the show, know that we have contracted tonsillitis at the end of November the last two years straight, and we are really hoping to not get it this time around. Knock on wood. Three times for the third week of tonsillitis watch. I haven't gotten sick yet this year, knock on wood. And we are still healthy. We had a full week of health. There's still five hours left in the week.
Starting point is 00:16:15 You know, I had a three day weekend this weekend, but because I took Friday off and had nothing to do, and I was still just like on the couch in front of my work computer, dicking around, playing tomblast, not doing anything, which is basically a normal Friday for me when I am working, because Fridays are generally pretty slow.
Starting point is 00:16:39 I mean, I was thinking about this. I was in the shower hour or two ago and thinking like, this was a three-day weekend. I completely forgot about this, I was in the shower, hour or two or going thing, and like this was a three day weekend, I completely forgot about that. But honestly, I think it's gonna kind of be that way the rest of the year. I mean, I work five days this next week, and then I don't work another Friday in 2020.
Starting point is 00:16:59 Week after that is Thanksgiving, and then December 4th, Hashtag Brother of the Podcast, Jack for Ernest 28th birthday, I'm taking off just cause. No, it's not, cause I'm planning a surprise trip to the Big Apple, not in this economy.
Starting point is 00:17:17 December 11th, I'm off. And December 18th is already part of my Christmas vacation, which does include, you know, five vacation days that I'm taking. But if anyone has any ideas for fun things you can do by yourself on a Friday with the day off when it is cold and miserable outside, just LMK, you know, LMK, or a K-K-M KMP, keep me posted. I never used that one before. So that's, that's the first day I want to talk about. Tonsley, I just watched. Number two before we get into a brief ad break here and then gear up for part three of the New England road trip. Wednesday night was it? Wednesday? Thursday, I think Wednesday. Was the series premiere, season premiere? I don't really know how this is labeled. Is it all one show in each season is a different cast or are they separately distinct, unique entities. I don't know. It doesn't really matter. Real housewives of Salt Lake City
Starting point is 00:18:32 debuted premiered, however you want to call it. And obviously that's a big deal because we are now going to be spending just a few brief moments every week here in the Binton podcast until I forget about it, giving you the, that was a tough one. The weekly rundown of real housewives or desperate housewives of Salt Lake City. So let's jump in here. We had our season premiere Wednesday night, Salt Lake City, a whole new scene, you know, usually it's somewhere hot, sexy and warm, like Orange County, Atlanta, other places.
Starting point is 00:19:15 But this time we're going into the mountains, high elevation, low salt flats, and a lot of Botox. So let's run through the ladies and we're not gonna do a whole episode recap. At least not for this one because we got a lot of ladies to get through. So there are six desperate housewives here.
Starting point is 00:19:39 Terry Hatcher not available for this season. So let's start with Lisa Barlow. And just so you know, there's like two brunettes, two blondes, and two, they're not both black. One is black, one just kind of looks black, because she's like Tongan and Vietnamese or something and has had a lot of work done. It's just, it's tough to differentiate.
Starting point is 00:20:03 Lisa Barlow Has her own like like four different tequila brands or something and she's on the show introducing yourself and is like you have probably heard of my tequila brands and she was running through all of them and I was like No, I haven't her husband is John and I think he's the most intriguing part of this relationship not because We know anything about him, but because we know a little something about him He in the first episode takes off for Chicago because he says he has a big deal to land And I am very confident like 93% that's an A,
Starting point is 00:20:45 A minus to pin in your grading system that he has a secret family. So rest in peace, Alisa. Then you have Meredith Marx. Imagine if Bruce Jenner was a female, this is what Meredith Marx would look like. Apparently she's a jewelry designer, although I don't really remember anything about her jewelry.
Starting point is 00:21:09 The best part about Meredith is her son who dropped out of college just to be on the show Brooks. He's 21 and extremely flamboyant, but he's got personality. He was made for this type of show, and I don't really know anything else about Meredith except she is really scary to look at. So usually when she's on the screen, I just kind of do something else until it's someone else's turn. That's Emeritus. Next, Meet Heather. She's like if busy Phillips aged 50 years then had a
Starting point is 00:21:50 an inordinate amount of medical procedures to try to reverse the 50-year aging process. That's Heather and Inatchelle. On the show she's blonde, I don't know if she's really blonde, it's tough to know. I don't really know a lot about Heather because I don't remember. She's just kind of there. Now, next meet Whitney Rose, which I think that's a porn star name. I would say I'm gonna do research, but this is a wholesome show, and we don't do that sort of thing.
Starting point is 00:22:29 Whitney is apparently descendant of some big, important Mormon person who is maybe allegedly the bodyguard for Brigham Young and or Joseph Smith. I don't know. I don't remember exactly what they said. This was already like four days ago. Whitney in the episode is getting ready for a big marriage, but there's a shocking reveal that's not shocking because anyone who's ever seen Real Housewives before
Starting point is 00:22:59 knows that they love to do this. She's revealing or renewing, excuse me, her wedding vows to her husband, now husband Justin, not her original husband. Her husband Justin who's like 20 years older than her, I think he was her boss and then they had some sort of sultry, sexy affair and she left the church, left her husband and now they're married and renewing their like 10 year anniversary, renewing their wedding vow, something like that. So this guy Justin is like 85, and her dad Whitney Rose, the porn star's dad,
Starting point is 00:23:37 is like if Keith Urban had a bad hair day, which should tell you all you need to know, but he's got like this weird black hair that doesn't make any sense. I just want him to not be on the screen anymore because he is almost as scary to look at as that other blonde lady. I was her name Heather. I don't know that was so long ago that we talked about her. I will say Whitney Rose is probably like the most normal looking one Not that she's necessarily the most normal one although I think she is she's she's kind of normal But anyways
Starting point is 00:24:14 Yeah, I think she's like Probably my favorite only because she's not an awful person next meet Jen Shah And this is the one I was talking about who, like, isn't black, but if you just took a look at her and someone told you she's black, you'd be like, yeah, she's black. Anyways, kind of a Felicia Allen, Ayers Rashad, what's her name from the Cosby Show? She's married to that Vikings running back.
Starting point is 00:24:42 She, okay, it says she's Tongan and Hawaiian. Okay, but she wears so much stuff and it's had so much work done. It's hard to know. She has some sort of like, shellae is what they call it, which I think is just what they call houses out in Utah. Regardless though, she hosts a lot of parties
Starting point is 00:25:04 and I think there's this big party at the end is someone's birthday party. Maybe Meredith? I don't know, I get these two or is Lisa's party? I don't know. But there's a lot to keep track of here. Jen Shaw is fine. I don't really know. Then Meet Mary Cosby, who is not Felicia Allen Ayers Rashad, Alan Ahmad from the Cosby show. Another Cosby. This is Mary Cosby, and we don't meet her until there's like only 20 minutes left in the episode, but turns out Mary Cosby in order and we didn't really get an explanation on why it had to be this way. It just is so I'm asking all the beanheads out there to accept it. And if you're ready for the shocking twist, here we go. In order to be in charge
Starting point is 00:26:01 of the pentacostle church in town or something like that, she had to marry her grandpa. I'm not kidding. She's married to her grandfather. So if she had a kid, then that kid would be not only her daughter, but also her stepmom. Did I do that right? I mean just shocking. So if she has a kid, in that, let's just for argument say it doesn't matter, it's a daughter.
Starting point is 00:26:48 That girl, her dad is also her great grandfather, her mom is also her stepdaughter. And this is like, we use to know the Crenicuses, K-R-I-N-I-C-K-A-S growing up and there was something weird like that with like a double marriage or a triple marriage, which I know is more common in Utah but not in Rockford, Illinois, where there was like someone's someone's sister was like 40 years older than them. I don't know. I don't have the math on this. Nor do I have a diagram. But it's just really strange. And I'm reading this, I don't even remember this, apparently Mary Cosby, who's I think is my least favorite, she's awful. She has a teenage son with her grandfather. So this is true. I mean, they didn't dig into the logistics of this on the show, but But that means her teenage son is her daughter, her son, and also her stepfather. I think, is that how that stuff works? Just strange.
Starting point is 00:28:14 Anyways, Mary's a terrible person because apparently she got really upset at, ooh, Jen Shaw, I don't remember, because at some time in the past, Jen Shaw walked into the room and Mary Cosby was upset because she smelled like the hospital when Gen shot had just come because her aunt was getting a double Amputation and Mary Cosby now has this beef with Gen shot because Gen shot Came from the hospital and didn't shower before they met for, you know, drinks or whatever
Starting point is 00:28:46 it is, I don't know. We didn't get the full story. Anyways, basically there isn't a plot to the pilot episode. It's just, there's this party and they all get kind of dressed up and nothing really happens. And that's it. So there you have episode one of Real Housewives of Salt Lake City. I hope you enjoyed my recap. And I think most of that was accurate, but we'd have to go back and watch.
Starting point is 00:29:14 I wanna give a shout out to our sponsors, Home Pride Oregon. They will inspect your house and they are going to catch all of the stuff that you don't want the bank to catch. Or else it's going to be big, big charges against you. Your credit score will probably dip below 200. And I could see God smiting you.
Starting point is 00:29:43 And you're not investing in the local economy So for all these reasons and more get your home inspector with home pride organ go to home pride Wording organ comm and get in touch with Steve because he will hook you up I also want to give a shout out to the Samson Q2U series They have been with us since the beginning folks that is 149 episodes and counting. And hopefully, many, many more to come. I also want to give a shout out to cuts by Q.
Starting point is 00:30:14 I got to tell you, I am loving this current look that Q gave me. That's me, by the way. If you want to get in touch with them, you can email Again, that's cuts, QT by Q at They even have a fun and catchy jingle that they will sing for you if you ask nicely enough. And then finally a reminder, friends, in the month of November, you can head to and use code q.coindee at checkout for 20% off your order. It's a French press, it's delicious.
Starting point is 00:30:46 We had it again this weekend yesterday morning and it's tasty, it's scrumptious, it's delicious. You add some fun, fall festive coffee creamer to that stuff. I'm talking the stuff that dad buys in the month of November and December. It's going to be tasty, it's going to be delicious, you're going to want it. Go to, Tom Quincencia for 20% off your first order and you can have a fun French press like me. Okay, so those are the ads I wanted to get through, and we are going to go plowing straight ahead here in to part three of the New England road trip. I apologize. I know that I wanted this episode to be shorter, and we did well the first time, not as well last time, and this time is just
Starting point is 00:31:41 awful. But I think we can still do this around 45 minutes or so. So without further ado, we're picking up where we left off last week in Udica, New York, which I didn't really know anything about, and I'm going to be honest, the only reason I decided to stay there was because it was geographically convenient, and because it's a town that I had heard of. So I think we left off last time. I had arrived in my Airbnb in Udica. And it's like this old house converted into a hostel. I did not have the right code.
Starting point is 00:32:18 I was given the wrong code to get into this place, which was just frustrating after a long day of driving and hiking. So wait around for a while and finally get the code and we are in. This place was very shining-esque. We're talking the whole deal, Totentons playing in the background, not actually, but in my head it was. The wallpaper, just the red everything, a gigantic explosion, a red wallpaper, and interesting, like, decor and objects around this place. It was a three stories high, and for the most part, I was the only one there. Someone came in eventually later on in the night. I never saw that person. But it was just... I mean it ended up, the room was nice. It was a large spacious room and bathroom is right across
Starting point is 00:33:19 the hall. That all worked out okay. But, this place was just in terms of like, actually, actual creepiness. I mean, the pediatricians room was a lot to handle. But for the most part, it wasn't like creeped out with that place. It was just like, wow, there's so much going on here. The man and the trailer in the back, the fact that my room has a sink,
Starting point is 00:33:43 the just insane level of marijuana smell, the lacotolate paper, like it wasn't necessarily creeped out, it was just like, wow, there's a lot going on here. This place outside of my room, which locked, thankfully, was legitimately scary. So I wake up the next morning early. This is Tuesday now. Let's see, is that right? Yeah, Tuesday morning, I decide, I'm not gonna do any wild hiking today. So I decided to go for a run in Utica,
Starting point is 00:34:17 and there's not much to run around. It's a fairly small kind of run down old school blue collar town back when railroads were a thing. So I go I run out by the zoo kind of a brisk morning kind of some elevation gain. I actually you know you wouldn't expect this on a Tuesday morning but I accidentally just trying to get from you know this place out to know, the kind of the zoo out where I was gonna run in the edge of town, I ran through some corners, like the wire style, and didn't have any issues,
Starting point is 00:34:57 but just like the amount of just out in the air, out in the open dealing. That was going on. It was just not something that I'm accustomed to seeing. I mean, that's just like a privilege, I guess, thing to say. You know, living on the far north side of the city, I don't really experience that here in Chicago. And I suppose I could if I lived in a different neighborhood
Starting point is 00:35:20 on the other side of the city, but I was just shocked at, you15 a.m. in the morning with the sun starting to rise because this was pre-daily saving. How much just like blatant dealing was going on? It just, I guess, is there no like cop presence in Utica or do the cops in the corners have an agreement, like hamster damn style, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:35:48 But it was just not something I expected to see in Utica out of all places. You think of upstate New York, you got finger lakes, kind of Trump country, but very beautiful. You don't expect to see just a lot of wheeling and dealing on the corners, but that's what I experienced in Utica. Anyways, I get back, I finish up my run
Starting point is 00:36:10 and I'm ready to hit the road. So long driving day on Tuesday, first stop, three hours away, just taking the back roads, it was quite a drive to get there. Kind of remind me of Alaska, where you just got like this one main road and you go through all these tiny little establishments.
Starting point is 00:36:31 And occasionally, you get to a town that actually has more than like 200 people. And you got a Duncan and a gas station, and that's about it. But a drive through a bunch of these little towns on my way to Lake Placid, where the Olympics have been Twice two weren't to Olympics 32 and 80
Starting point is 00:36:51 That sound right. I'm just Going off memory here. I'm definitely 80 because that's a miracle on ice and I think 32 is the other year But I you know I Lake Placid is such an interesting place because this is tiny little town. I don't even know how you describe it. Resort town? Not really. It's just kind of like a quaint little up in the the foothills mountains kind of place. So the fact that it's host to the Olympics twice, I would love like a history on this. How does this happen? How do they identify this as a place out of all places where they're going to host, you know, the international Olympic games. It's kind of interesting. But I go to Lake Placid. I park the car kind of on Main Street there and I have some time. Don't really have an agenda. So I walked around a little bit with COVID and everything, I didn't want to go inside of any of the centers,
Starting point is 00:37:52 the rank or the Olympic training center, anything like that. So I just kind of walk around the outside and take some pictures and stuff. And then it's like, as you'd expect from a very small town, I mean, I don't know Lake Placid's population, but it's like, like 10,000 people, something like that. It's very small. I decide I'm gonna walk around the lake,
Starting point is 00:38:16 not Lake Placid itself, because the town of Lake Placid is actually south of Lake Placid proper, which is a little bit bigger, and it's not like they're not walking paths around and or anything. So there's another town right kind of in the middle of another lake kind of in the middle of town. I don't recall its name, Mirror Lake.
Starting point is 00:38:35 I don't think that's what it was. It's something else. You know, it's like three miles around, so I do that. Just kind of a nice brisk morning, stretching out my legs after, you know, you go run run in the morning and then you do a three hour drive. You're gonna be a little stiff a little type so I do that and Gonna try to get some you know some lunch or some coffee or something, but a lot of the places even on the main strip were closed up shop that's something you know's something, a lot of what I experienced driving,
Starting point is 00:39:07 this whole trip, but certainly in upstate New York as I was driving around. With the combination of the fact that a lot of these places are like summer resort-ish towns, when it's nice enough weather to actually have like outdoor swimming and stuff. when it's nice enough weather to actually have like outdoor swimming and stuff. You know, I'm kind of in the in-between of the summer resort experience time and the like ski chalet time because there's you know high up in the mountains which we'll talk about in a
Starting point is 00:39:40 second here. There's snow but certainly not on your average run of the mill. Ski place. So, you know, kind of in between those two things. So you don't see a lot of people, most businesses are close. So it wasn't always a lot of action to take part in, but I leave Lake Placid and still have some time, because I got the whole day dedicated just to get to Burlington, Vermont. And so I ended up doing a little hike.
Starting point is 00:40:12 I was originally thinking of trying to get up the big, big mountain that kind of overlooks Lake Placid where they did the skiing at the Olympics. You can actually drive up. I missed the season for that though. You can't... It's going to be like a six hour hike and I did not have the daylight for that. So I go to a smaller hike called Kabul Lookout, C-O-B-B-L-E, which I'd have to go back and look. I don't really recall this hike at all because I did one like every day.
Starting point is 00:40:50 But I think this was two miles out, something like that, maybe even less than that. Not nothing strenuous. Just kind of a nice overlook and you got to see a nice view of the Adderondacks as I was, you know, just just going up and had a nice, you know, look out. The weather was nice. It was kind of a gray day, but not cold, not super cold, you know, probably like 45. And not terribly windy. So it was a nice hike. I think I saw like two other people on the trail. You know, this is a Tuesday afternoon. So I had it all to myself and no phone service. So just kind of peaceful, calm, relaxing.
Starting point is 00:41:31 I come back down, actually past there were a number of these places. You kind of have to drive out into the middle of nowhere to get to the trail head for Kabul. Look out. But you passed Santa's workshop. Oh man, if you if you you Google Santa's workshop cat skills or Santa's workshop like plastic, you'll probably find it. Another place that was you know completely closed. But looked like is it Santa's workshop or the North Pole or both? I don't remember exactly what the business was called, but looked like a hoot, a real hoot and a holler. I'm gonna have to take the kids back there someday because it looked like
Starting point is 00:42:08 there were a lot of fun wintery things going on that we could part possibly participate in. I'm thinking like reindeer hunting and a Christmas cookie bake off contest and potentially pin the tail and Mrs. and a Christmas cookie bake-off contest, and potentially pin the tail on Mrs. Claus. I don't know. I don't know all what games were there because I could only see it as I was driving past from the road.
Starting point is 00:42:36 But I decided to work my way up to the Canadian border. And this was fun. I get up close. So essentially you can either go on the under kind of like champagne, like champagne, not necessarily under it, but there's a main bridge. I don't know the name of the town that kind of cuts through the middle of it, or you can go all the way to the top to the border and there's another crossing up there. So I decided, you know, I got time. let's go all the way to the top.
Starting point is 00:43:05 If I could, if I could freely go into Canada, then I probably would have incorporated a Montreal night or day into this trip because I've only heard good things about Montreal. And so close, you get to the border, you're like, what, like less than an hour from Montreal, you're right there. And so I would have left to do that. the border, you're like what, like less than an hour from Montreal, you're right there.
Starting point is 00:43:31 And so I would have loved to do that. Unfortunately, due to circumstances, we physically cannot enter. I would not be allowed to enter Canada. So I go up to the border, I take a little look at the border crossing. And yeah, it seems like it's pretty well protected. So I decided not today, I will hopefully have another chance in my life to go up to Montreal, but as I'm driving up there, you're kind of in the sticks. So your radio station options are pretty much rush limbaugh and another Jesus channel. I know they're separate. There's your Jesus channel and your rush limbaugh channel. And then occasionally you get like a good, you know, rock and roll
Starting point is 00:44:08 throwback channel. But for most part, you very limited options. Until I get up closer to Montreal and oh man, did I stumble upon a gold mine? French radio, which was, it's kind of a mix of classic talk radio and classic just like playing music radio because even on a, you know, even on a Tuesday afternoon at like 4 p.m. you know, this wasn't like a morning show, you know, a lot of radio stations have your morning shows and you have one or two hosts. But this was like a morning show in the afternoon with very limited music and a lot of talking. And I think five hosts, I had a hard time telling, but they were very loud, vocal, and laughed a lot. This French radio, and I, you know,
Starting point is 00:45:05 I don't really know any French. And, you know, my cognates, is that the word, COG-N-A-T-E-S, where you have words that will sound similar to each other in different languages? If so, I'm giving myself bonus points because I am not a linguist by any means. But I couldn't pick up on any cognates if that's right. If it's wrong, I apologize, because I just invented a new phrase or word.
Starting point is 00:45:33 But I had no idea what they were saying, but they were very happy people. I don't know if there was something in their French Canadian breakfast that morning that made them that way, or if they just had an extra, extra dosage of maple syrup, but it was fascinating to listen to. So I, you know, I got some good Montreal radio exposure, and then, yeah, I worked my way back down to Burlington, home of Bernie Sanders.
Starting point is 00:46:08 And I saw, I forgot, I didn't even make note of this. I just remember that this was like the one thing I saw in Burlington. Because I got there after it was dark and it was raining. And it was just like, I'm not actually, I had wanted to spend a little bit of time walking around downtown because it looks really beautiful. It's on Lake Champlain.
Starting point is 00:46:25 And you got the University of Vermont right there. I decided not to, of the aforementioned Iki weather. But I saw the world's tallest filing cabinet, which is just a large, just single high. There's no bass or anything, just starts at one goes up and it was maybe, I don't know, like 30 feet high, something like that, 40, 45, maybe in the 40s, just single high filing cabinet stacked on top of one another, kind of like a totem pole. But that was, I was gonna say that was fun. That was cool to see.
Starting point is 00:47:09 I mean, you drive past it. There's not even like a plaque or anything. And it's not like in this dedicated space or park section. It's just in this like warehouse area and there's just kind of an empty lot. And I wasn't sure when I first drove past it, if that was it, because it's just there and there's just kind of an empty lot and I wasn't sure when I first drove past it if that was it because it's just there and there's nothing else. But low and behold, what a great phrase, low and behold. There it was. So I saw
Starting point is 00:47:37 that checked into my room in Burlington and I woke up very early the next day and this is one where I wish I had more time to to take you through the entire experience, but because of time constrictions and I do want to get through to New Hampshire here Wake up so it's Wednesday now. And I'm in the green mountains, well, I'm on the edge of the green mountains
Starting point is 00:48:07 here in Burlington. And I want to go for a big hike. I wanted this to be a big hike day because I've never been to the green mountains before. So I am researching my options, while I'm in my Airbnb in Burlington, I'm like, what can I do? What's feasible here?
Starting point is 00:48:26 You also have to keep in mind, it's late October, so it's getting pretty cold and could be snowy icy conditions on any hardcore mountains. But I'm like, I want to challenge. I don't have any equipment. I have some stretchy gloves and my running shoes. That's about it. But I find this cool looking hike. That's just perfect for me.
Starting point is 00:48:56 It's like three, three, three, four miles one way. Big elevation gain, which I don't mind because I got thighs like an ox. It's called camel's hump, and it is about 45 minutes from Burlington. It's the third tallest mountain in Vermont. I don't know exactly how tall it is, like 5,000 feet, something like that, but it's like a 2600 elevation gain over what, like three and a half miles. So which is, that's pretty serious. And there were definitely times on this hike
Starting point is 00:49:29 where I was going straight up. But I wake up early in the morning, and immediately there's an issue, because I like to not to get too descriptive here on the meantime podcast, but I like to go number one, and I like to go number two when I wake up. That's when I do it.
Starting point is 00:49:46 One a day, you know, I put me in the dalkal ax commercials because I am regular and consistent. I did not have to go. So I'm like, well, maybe this will just be an off day, taking the day off, letting the boys rest, whatever. But I wake up very early, maybe, I don't know how early it was, maybe like 536, something like that. And I get my dunk in, obviously, in Burlington. I drive out, and this trailhead for camel's hump is like way back. Like you get off the interstate to a lesser road and from that lesser road you get on to
Starting point is 00:50:29 someone's driveway and then from someone's driveway you get on to some sort of gravel loose assembly of gravel. And from there you take that back like three miles. So cell service is gone which this didn't become a big issue. But after I finished, I got turned around, you know, because they don't have a map and know like actual physical maps. So I'm literally just like driving until I can figure out, like until I can either figure out a way back to civilization or I just randomly pick up a phone signal.
Starting point is 00:51:05 Going there is not a problem because your phone kind of like stores your desired location and it will take you there even after you lose your cell signal because it's kind of got like the route saved or something like that. But coming back was an issue. I didn't drive around for super long but maybe an extra like 10 or 15 minutes longer than what was necessary until I found a FedEx truck, actually, very cast-away-esque, and just followed that until I was able
Starting point is 00:51:33 to get cell service back. Then I figured out where I needed to go. But this hike, camels up on the first one there, and I get out and already it's like, well, there is no way in H.E. double hockey sticks that I'm going to Go very far at all without needing to relieve myself
Starting point is 00:51:55 So I you know, I know it's gonna happen. It's like so how can we make the best of this? well with a couple of Dunkin' Donuts, napkins, and just a free, wheeling easy attitude, went number two in the woods. And I felt great after it, and I got lucky, because it was a pretty, pretty efficient BM, if you will. But I get started on my hike, and it's one of those where it's kind of a little bit not long but a jaunt through the woods, fairly level, some elevation but nothing crazy and then eventually you kind of start your climb. And you're kind of walking up on like a you're not on a stream but you're next to a river
Starting point is 00:52:41 and because it's a very steep elevation gain and you're on this fairly heavily traffic trail, a stream kind of develops on this trail. So it's kind of slippery because I don't have, you know, my shoes aren't awful. It's not like I'm hiking in converse or something, but I'm hiking my fairly old, worn out running shoes. And so, but it's still okay. It's okay, this is hard, but it's hard because it's good exercise, et cetera. Eventually you reach a point where the watery,
Starting point is 00:53:19 brook or stream and the slippery rocks, it turns into ice and snow. At which point I'm like, I'm gonna do this. I'm gonna go up, I'm gonna come down, but it's not necessarily going to be as fun anymore. And it's gonna go from a cool thing that I can say. I did this hike to like, okay, this is legitimately not scary. Like, no, it's not at that level and you're still in the woods.
Starting point is 00:53:48 So it's not like you're on some sort of sheer cliff or something. It's just you realize at some point, unless I am extraordinarily cautious with every step going up and coming down, I'm probably going to end up on my butt at certain points. And coming down, I did, I, you know, you had to go off the path sometimes. This is, you know, occasionally you, you just have like these not vertical, but near vertical, you know, a couple of feet drops where it's like, if it was not, I see, it could probably pull it off, but with the ice, there's just like, I'm, I'm going to be there's just like I'm gonna be down
Starting point is 00:54:26 Just trying to go down this on the path. So you have to get created with like graph is grabbing on grasping onto trees and branches and stuff And it get got a little hairy. I don't think on that hike in Vermont that I ever fully ended up on my butt Although there were lots of times where I was felt like was on dancing with the stars, with the amount of foot shuffling I had to do to stay upright. But eventually you get to, you know, like point three miles before the summit, you get to a big clearing, which is very notable, because it's the first clearing you have. At that point, you reach the Alpine Zone. And so from there up, it is just rock, basically. And again, if you're doing this in the middle of June,
Starting point is 00:55:11 it would probably be a fairly, while still physically challenging, a fairly pleasant hike minus the wind. But at the end of October, and I can't imagine what it's like in January or something like that, but just the exposure, you're basically following this very thin, steep trail up, very icy slippery rocks and the only plants around you are like moss and kind of like weeds hanging out,
Starting point is 00:55:41 growing out the side of these rocks. But I'm like, I am, you're literally like a quarter of a mile away, although the distance or the elevation gain is still severe at that point. I'm like, I am going to the top. I didn't poop in the woods and almost slip on my ass a million times to say, oh, well, I got close. Like, I'm going to the top. So I make my final ascent to the summit,
Starting point is 00:56:08 and you get to the top and it's called camel's hump. It's just a big slab of rock with like some ferns and mosses coming out the top of it. But I, man, was it windy up there? Holy cow, probably the wind, the windiest wind I've ever experienced. And I don't, I'm not a, I don't have a great internal barometer. I have a solid internal clock and metronome, but not a great internal internal. It's not even barometer. Barometer is air pressure, right? We want, we want wind speed. So whatever the barometer of wind speeds is, I don't have a greater
Starting point is 00:56:46 internal one of those. But boy, was it gusty and you're up there, excuse me, fully exposed and it's just a complete whiteout. Like I don't know what the view would be like on a clear day. I could probably Google image it, but you couldn't see anything. It was just, boom, in your face, snow blasting, not fun. One of those things where, you know, sometimes when it's your high up and you're like, you made it at the top, it's like, oh, wow, this is kind of scary,
Starting point is 00:57:20 but at least I'm having a good time. I made it at the top and I was scared shitless. I was not having a good time. I made it to the top and I was scared shitless. I was not having a good time. So I just needed to take a picture, take a quick video, and then get my butt off the top of that mountain because at least when you're back in the woods, you're not exposed to the wind and the snow like I was. Which was very scary.
Starting point is 00:57:45 You're standing on top of this giant rock covered in ice, and there's wind just blasting. And it's not like you're at risk of falling off any sort of edge. This hike wasn't really like that for the most part. The trail was usually very like, there weren't a lot of slippery slopes to deal with. But I was very ready To get off that mountain. So I did that and made it back down
Starting point is 00:58:12 Tough on the knees for sure as you would expect, but no real scares You know saw a lot of other people coming up as I was coming down because by the time I was coming down It was it was only like nine thirty ten o'clock something like that down because by the time I was coming down it was it was only like nine thirty ten o'clock something like that But but came back down ended up running into this very nice guy kind of had like a Bradley Whitford look going on very thick New England accent and we ended up talking for like I mean it felt like a long time. So it was probably like 10 minutes Close close to the trailhead and he gave me some tips for some hikes that I ended up not being able to to do. But we'll talk about that in in our final installment part four next time. But get back to the car and aforementioned took me a little while
Starting point is 00:58:59 to get back to civilization figure things out. But I do that. And then I make the drive, ended up taking a little bit of a detour to hit our last Ivy League campus. The last one I had never been to is Dartmouth, which is in Hanover, New Hampshire. So I actually ran a couple errands. I got stamps, and I got postcards, and ended up mailing those out to close family members.
Starting point is 00:59:24 And then walked around Dartmouth just briefly, like a 20-minute jog around Dartmouth, just to see what it was like, kind of the more traditional look of an Ivy League campus, or at least my expectation of an Ivy League campus, unlike Cornell, which we talked about in the last episode. And then I was ready to, well first I stopped. This is just a very brief thing, but they have grocery stores
Starting point is 00:59:53 in New Hampshire called Price Chopper, which I think is just a hoot. I don't know how extensive their brand or their network is, but I just like the name Price Chopper. I don't know how extensive their brand or their network is, but I just like the name Price Chopper. Reminds me, and I promise I'm almost done here as we hit the hour mark. Long time dedicated fans of the show,
Starting point is 01:00:16 we'll remember this grocery store in Virginia that we talked about all the way back when I lived in Beantown, where you go, and then way back when I lived in bean town where you go and then they add I think 10% to the final price Is your your total bill which I've never I still never figured that one out and I've read about these types of places and they they only exist in very small pockets of the East Coast So it's legit like it's a real thing, but I don't like, I've never heard of that anywhere else. Anyways, I make the drive out to Sting near Jackson, New Hampshire, kind of near Wildcat ski area. And on the drive there, I did not take the, oh man, how do they
Starting point is 01:01:00 pronounce it? The Kanga Mangus K-A-N-C-A-M-A-N-G-U-S. Highway, which is like a really beautiful scenic drive. Although I did drive partially on it the next morning, which is where we will pick up next time. But it took a nice, beautiful drive, kind of through the heart of New Hampshire, and you go kind of underneath or not underneath, but just below, if you're on the map, just below Mount Washington, which is the highest mountain in the Northeast.
Starting point is 01:01:27 And there's this beautiful, I don't know if it's called the Mount Washington hotel or what it's called, but kind of on the western slope of it. You can see it, it's really beautiful. I tried to get a picture out of my car, it did not do it justice. But if you go, if you,
Starting point is 01:01:43 Google, I'm doing it right now with you. Mount Washington Hotel, it is absolutely gorgeous. And very shining us. Mount Washington Resort, I think is what it's called, Hotel Resort. I think Resort is the official name. Take a little, take a little view of that is beautiful. And you can kind of just see it off in the distance from the road as you're driving through.
Starting point is 01:02:10 So I get to my place. And it is something that I did not realize before I booked it on Airbnb, right? You don't expect a book, lodges, or hotels. You expect it to be people's places. And it was not labeled as such, but this was the River View Lodge, which in the days leading up to this particular stay, which is Wednesday night,
Starting point is 01:02:40 I was researching it and realized it was a lodge, and then I dug deeper. Holy cow, the reviews on this place, I was this close, now it's non-refundable, and I was this close to changing my booking to something else, booking something new, which would tell you just how scared I was of this place because I am very frugal with my money. I ended up not doing it and I said let's take a risk, let's take a chance. My biggest fear was the check-in process
Starting point is 01:03:11 because I had been reading about this lady and let me just pull up This is a new Hampshire newspaper. From July 27th, 2019, in Keeper accused of assaulting couple find $10,000. A Jackson in Keeper, who has been charged under the New Hampshire Civil Rights Act, is being fined 10 grand for an incident involving a couple she thought to be Muslim. Attorney McDonald, etc. announced on Friday that an agreement had been reached with Priscilla Prada Shivishki, who is charged in 2018 and I met Priscilla and she was
Starting point is 01:03:50 kind of off. In 2018, filing to the New Hampshire Silla Rights Act stemming from an incident at the Covered Bridge River View Lodge, where I stayed. On April 20, 2018, Jackson Police alleged Prada Shivishki assaulted Mohammed, Glami, and Shahad-Razad Munaji, believing they were Muslims from the Middle East. Because Pachrasevsky was accused of being racially motivated in her actions, the simple assault charge carried an enhanced penalty that could have sent her to state prison for two to five years, but that won't happen.
Starting point is 01:04:22 Instead, Proto-Sashki has been permanently enjoined from having further contact with the two victims and their families and from engaging in or threatening physical force or violence, damaged a property or trust best on property against any person motivated by race, color, religion, etc. So she's fine, 10,000, yeah, yeah Yada, so she didn't do any jail time, says Przyszewski not only made physical contact with them, but also made remarks, including that as Muslims, you're not supposed to be here. She also told Ghalami and Munajee that Muslims
Starting point is 01:04:57 kill children, I hate when that happens. Anyways, you can read this for yourself. It says the in is to be auctioned. However, in my experience, this presciela lady was still who checked me in. I maybe will pick it up right here next time, but she was a little off. And this place, I will say this. I was scared to death that it was going to be just an absolute nightmare like hotel hell level nightmare when I was reading the reviews of these places and all the problems from the cockroaches and the bed bugs to the unknown stains. And yada, yada, yada.
Starting point is 01:05:48 I got lucky, which is probably because I'm white, but I got lucky. It worked out, okay. Anyways, we're gonna pick it up from there next time. I went so far over, I apologize, but I had a lot to cover here today. The remainder of the trip was spent largely in Maine and we're going to be talking about that on part four, the finale of the New England 2020 road trip. So thanks
Starting point is 01:06:14 for listening to that, thanks for putting up with our desperate housewives of Salt Lake City recap. And you know, I need to refill on my water because I started off with only half a glass, which is a mistake. And now I'm in that mode where I really have to pee and I'm also really thirsty, but I don't have to poop in the woods, which is good because there are no woods immediately by me and I have indoor plumbing,
Starting point is 01:06:38 which is just a game changer. So thanks for tuning in. Again, we're gonna finish this up next week and we'll be back with another recap of the new Housewives episode and all that fun stuff as we get towards Thanksgiving here. So if you like to hit your herd, let us know in the comments. You can connect with us on Twitter, we are at BeentownCast.
Starting point is 01:07:03 You can also email us, again, it's BeentownB and it's in and we love the listener engagement. Thanks everyone who has stuck with us next week will be episode 150, which is very exciting for us here on the Beentown podcast. Otherwise, that's all we got for you. We are going to queue up some pre-recorded outro music and I am going to get some dinner going here. It's almost 8 o'clock already. Wow. Thanks for tuning in. Everyone, stay safe, stay sane, and I'm going to check in on you next week. All right. Peace and love. Bye, everyone. nd nd
Starting point is 01:09:00 Thank you.

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