Beantown Podcast - New England Road Trip Part Two (11082020 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: November 9, 2020

Quinn comes to you LIVE to discuss his new French Press partnership, the presidential election, and a lack of toilet paper in Connecticut (plus special bonus footage re: The Exam Room, Stephen King's new novel)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello and what is happening? My name is Quinn. David Fernison, this is my show, Quinn David Fernison presents The Bean Town Podcast coming to you alive from Rogers Park, Chicago. What's happening? How are you? What is going on? This is my show and thank you for listening and Tunie in. There's so much going on and we are going to just be hitting point after point after point here on the show. There is not going to be a lot of fat. There is not going to be a lot of fluff. I am not going to say extra phrases just to try to prove my point. I won't elongate my verbs. I won't discuss the beautiful foliage. None of that. Because we have a lot to get to on today's show. Of course, if you're tuning in,
Starting point is 00:01:10 you might be thinking, well, let's get right to the New England Road trip part two. And that is coming, I promise, in the second half of today's program. Michael is to make things fairly efficient, fairly quick here. And again, if you missed last week, you might want to go tune in to that episode to hear about the first day or two of our New England road trip because we're going to be picking it up in Connecticut today. today and again the plan was to record while I was out there and then just you know share those audio clips with you unfortunately we had some big time
Starting point is 00:01:54 recording issues and so I just took to kind of give you the highlights, give you the summary. So that's coming up in the second half of today's program and again, just like last week, I'm going to try to keep these pretty short and thologized, if you will. Obviously big news, the, the lot, I mean, literally from Tuesday morning until about, I mean, what we didn't get the news till, you know, yesterday, I'm recording this Sunday, November 8th at about 6 30 at night. Congratulations to President elect Joe Biden. He's going to be our 46th president of the United States. Pretty exciting first time an incumbent has lost since
Starting point is 00:02:57 oh boy, what like 1992? Is that sound right?, something I've never seen in my lifetime is an incumbent president losing the journal election. So there is history for you. The only reason I mentioned, I mean, I, you know, we could do a whole episode about this, but I won't, because honestly, you know, I mean, one, I don't really feel like it and there's lots of research I'd have to do
Starting point is 00:03:24 and hot takes and all that stuff. But honestly, the bigger thing for me at this stage is, and I was alluding to this, excuse me, from literally Tuesday, at least for me, and I think a lot of people, regardless of, party, felt this way. From Tuesday morning to yesterday morning, so a solid four straight days.
Starting point is 00:03:47 It was just watching, you know, whatever. I was bouncing back and forth between CNN, ABC News, NBC News, refreshing websites, endless scrolling on Twitter. Partially for, you know, hot takes, funny takes, but then also for, you know, news takes, funny takes, but then also for, you know, news, alerts, updates, etc. And it's like I worked, I guess, on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. And I think I did something else too. I don't really remember though, not much because it honestly, it felt like one long day, one giant election. I think the toughest thing was that maybe this isn't quite accurate,
Starting point is 00:04:33 maybe I'm misremembering, but it felt like from about Wednesday morning until Saturday morning, there weren't any like gigantic developments. I mean, obviously there was the big kind of Georgia and Pennsylvania tilt but in terms of like oh man big news or big like story alerts, I feel like there wasn't that much going on. So it kind of just felt like there was never like the big break until you know yesterday morning with the You know official projection etc. There there wasn't like ever a big huge shock or twist You know from late Tuesday night until Saturday morning So that was just a lot to feel like you were hanging on by a threat
Starting point is 00:05:19 Anyways, the only reason other than for I think you have to mention is, the first ever general election we've done as a podcast. The only thing I wanna mention is a call back to two weeks ago, we did our general election prediction spectacular. And if you haven't seen that, it's probably not worth it worth watching now, but we did do, you know, have a map and everything. It did a Zoom meeting, it's a YouTube video. You can watch it. It's pretty fun. Where I, you know, I picked every state and I think I
Starting point is 00:05:54 Did pretty well. The only thing I messed up was I had Georgia for Trump and I had North Carolina for Biden Otherwise, and I know we have like like I don't wait, has Pennsylvania officially been called, has, you know, Nevada been officially called, I don't know. It doesn't really matter to me at this point, but those are the only two things I messed up as far as I can remember. I went back in and do like a thorough check, but I took a brief glance at it yesterday, just out of curiosity. So that was pretty good. You know, oftentimes when you do our Oscars special with rhinos and ligand,
Starting point is 00:06:30 I'll get like 13 right and miss, you know, nine or something, or if I'm lucky, and consider that to be a good week or a good year. So I'll say just missing two states out of 50, not bad. The one thing I was curious about, because you don't hear anything about it, I don't think it's a thing, but how come in the primaries, you have like what was in American Samoa voting because that's what Bloomberg won but they don't get votes in the general election. Maybe that should change. I don't know. That could be wild. It would make things more entertaining. Hey, I would stay up till 4am to see those Samoa and results come in. The
Starting point is 00:07:22 rock would get like 10 votes. Okay, we are in November, which means we are officially on Tonslightist Watch, part two, and latest readings all clear. That is me knocking on WoodWOD. I think about this here and there, and I try to not dwell on it for more than literally five seconds because I know I'm going to curse or jinx myself eventually. I have not gotten sick yet in 2020, which is just like amazing because you know, even you get a little cold and it's one of those things where
Starting point is 00:08:05 when you don't have a cold, you're like, I am Superman and then when you do have a cold, you feel like I will never not have a cold in my life ever again. And I haven't had that and I am man, more than just about anything in my life, really, really hoping that I do not get tonsilitis for the third straight year in November because it's just really miserable, awful. No one has a good time, I'm not Quinn. You remember, I mean, you can go back. I probably won't because I don't like reliving the memory, but you can probably go back and listen to,
Starting point is 00:08:52 you know, whatever it is. It's like the first, maybe, maybe the first episode of December 2019. And my voice is not right. It was very sad to listen to and even more sad to record. But you know what? The good news for you, the fans and the followers, and we've got other good news in just one second here, is that I never quit. I do not have an off button here at the Bean Tom podcast. I have rewind, fast forward, stop, plain record, but I do not have an off button, okay, at least according to garage band. My point being, even if we do get tonsilitis, knock on wood that we don't, you are not going to get rid of me that easily. And it's time, I mean, we got to start planning for our holiday special,
Starting point is 00:09:42 and then next thing you know it, it's February, which is Pledge Drive Month. I mean, we've got stuff coming up here. Can you believe it's our going to be our fourth year here at the Bean Tom Podcast? That's a long time. That's like a long time. Killing it with words today. One other thing I wanna mention,
Starting point is 00:10:03 I'm killing it with words today. One other thing I want to mention, and then as promised, we are cutting out the fat. We will do our, you know, our brief ad reads. We're not doing full ad reads during this road trip because I'm trying to keep things streamlined, fast and efficient for you, you know, to make your lives easier. If you were on social media in the last 30 minutes, it's been since I posted it about 6 p.m. central time on Sunday here, November 8th, and I'll mention just because I forgot
Starting point is 00:10:44 to earlier that listener discretion is advised when you're tuning into the B&Town podcast number one will occasionally use some language number two. Podcasts is objectively terrible and getting taken over by corporate America man. The only thing is I'm not you know for all these ad reads, still not reaping in the rewards. Although there is potential rewards for both you, the listener, and me, the podcast host here with this little bit of news. I think I mentioned this last week or the week before, we had a French press company reach out to us, slid into my DMs hot and smooth. And saying, hey, let's collab. It was like sweet.
Starting point is 00:11:27 I'm down. Basically what happens is they sent me a free French press that arrived yesterday the day before. And this morning Rachel and I got to try it out. It was tasty. It was smooth. It was delicious. The company is cafe, do, chateau.
Starting point is 00:11:42 And the way this works is now that I have my French press, you all can get your French press too. You can use the code at or not at just q.queenD. That's q period, queenD and you can get 20% off your French press. You're going to want to go to cafe Du slash discount slash q.qindy or you can go to slash product slash French press. Or I don't know if you literally just Google cafedueshetto, you will probably get there.
Starting point is 00:12:16 Use discount code q.qindy when you check out for 20% off and here is something that's very exciting. The most valuable influencer, I'm not making this up, the most valuable influencer at the end of the month of November will earn $500. And you know, because this is my promise to you that when it comes to savings and money and cash here in the B-top podcast, I am constantly passing
Starting point is 00:12:44 the savings on to you, the listener. Again, it's Cafe Do Chateau. You're going to want to check them out. It had a nice Instagram post. We did it on Facebook. I'm going to do Twitter, Tanniter tomorrow, all that fun stuff. All right, got that out of the way. I will say thank you to our sponsors,
Starting point is 00:13:07 Beyond Cafe Du Chatel. Thank you to Home Pride, Oregon, for safe certified home inspector that you can trust you're gonna wanna call Steve. You can visit their website at 541-414-0316. And they are Central Oregon's hottest new home inspection provider. So there's good stuff there.
Starting point is 00:13:26 You can also check out the great products that Samsung has to offer. Samsung S8M. Samsung S8M S8M S8M S8M S8M S8M S8M S8M S8M S8M S8M S8M S8M S8M S8M S8M S8M S8M S8M S8M S8M S8M S8M S8M S8M S8M S8M S8M S8M S8M S8M S8M S8M S8M S8M S8M S8M S8M S8M I'm using them for three years. And it's crisp, clear audio quality. If you like what you hear, you could have your own podcast that has 148 episodes or whichever number this is. When God speaks, he uses a Samson. And then our friends at CUTs by Q. I gave myself a nice cut by Q.
Starting point is 00:14:03 Ooh, last play in the Cowboys game and complete. Steelers still undefeated. Wow, they almost lost to the, what, I mean, literally what the, I mean, is it the fourth string quarterback for the Cowboys? They went through Prescott, Dalton. They had that kid on Sunday night last week, DeJullio or something.
Starting point is 00:14:21 And this is someone different. Gilbert, Justin Gilbert, is that right? I don't know. I don't know the man. Cuts by Q and gave myself a nice cut by Q lot. Cut, is it cut or is it cuts? Is there a singular of cuts? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:14:39 We're getting metaphorical, metaphysical. Let's get metaphysical, physical. Here on the Bean Tom podcast, Cuts by Q did a nice little conditioning just before this in the shower, and I feel lush and alive. So that's Cuts by Q, and we are at 15 minutes, which means
Starting point is 00:15:00 we are going to return to New England to pick up where we left off with the fall 2020 road trip. Lights, camera, Connecticut. So we pick up and I had just mentioned on last week's episode, the last thing we said was that we got some apple cider adonets, which were tasty, but just slightly kind of like, when I think of an apple cider adonet, I think little and chunky, just like me. These are a little bit more a larger diameter, if you will, radius.
Starting point is 00:15:41 Sir, conference was like two feet, almost. It was like the exact antithesis, A and T, I, T H, E S, I S. I don't know why you got so excited when I said that. I just don't usually use such big vocabulary here on the bean-tum podcast. Speaking of big, these donuts were huge. And just a little like crumbly, I don't know, it was good. It was just tough in the car, you know? I feel bad for whichever dollar car rental employee
Starting point is 00:16:19 had to vacuum out the car mats at Logan after I still didn't figure out who General Logan was. Somebody find me somebody to love somebody somebody find me. Anyways because there was a lot of eating in that car in that Ford no Chevy Malibu. I have never been to Malibu, California, and I do not plan on it. So those donuts were good. We take them back, or not really back, so much as to the place where I was staying. So a little bit of context, my whole week on the road trip,
Starting point is 00:17:04 I was trying to do this entire vacation as cheaply as possible because with the exception of the fact that I'm not camping out under the stars, right? I just want every night to have a bed to lie down in, a roof, heat, preferably, and running water, toilet, shower, toilet paper, which, as we will soon find out, is sometimes too much to ask for. For shadowing, for sure. So I was, you know, I was booking these super cheap places and not even like, you know, you might think of Airbnb,
Starting point is 00:17:45 you think like, okay, get cute little like one bedroom house or one bedroom apartment or something like that. Now we're taking it a step below that. I'm literally renting out for the most part, one night rooms from people's houses. And the actual setups, you know, had a variety of looks. Some of them were like legit. Wow, I'm staying with the family.
Starting point is 00:18:05 They just have an extra bedroom. Some of them were designed to be a, basically, a hostel. And then other times, like a new Hampshire, which we might get to tonight, probably not until next time, were more actual like lodges or hotels, if you will. You've ever view lodge, a little sneak peak. So I booked this whatever normal looking room in what was presumably someone's house in Waterbury, Connecticut.
Starting point is 00:18:41 We had fun with that pronunciation last week and I still don't know how to say it. But in the morning, I get to New York, which we talked about last time. I was in Manhattan visiting with the brother of the podcast, Jack Fernis and Nicole. And I noticed that I get an alert and email whatever from Airbnb saying we have or a message from the host. And it's basically saying that we had a cancellation or something, I don't know, we can upgrade you to a nicer room for no additional costs. I'm like, okay, well, if the host thinks it's a nicer room, then sure, I'll do it. I'm like, okay, well if the whole thing sits in nicer room then sure I'll do it
Starting point is 00:19:25 I didn't even think twice about it Didn't really pay attention to picks or anything because I'm like whatever. It's a nicer room. I don't care And honestly anything I would have seen probably when I would change my mind well What I didn't realize was that I would be staying for the first night ever maybe the last, in an actual refurbished former pediatricians examination room, one of their examinations. So I pull up to this place in Connecticut, it's like 6 p.m. And my first, first weird thing I noticed was that you pull in, this house is like,
Starting point is 00:20:09 the address is, you know, one, two, three Main Street. It actually was Main Street. That wasn't the number, though. And the house isn't actually on Main Street. It's on like, someone else's driveway or road. So it's a little tricky to find. It's a community college, basically, the campus. But the community college is just like one big building. So there's this other house. And I finally,
Starting point is 00:20:33 I actually missed it the first time I circled back because there aren't very many places to go. It's a dead end. And I see a sign and it's like one, two, three main street and one, four, seven main street and doctor's office on the sign with the arrows pointing towards the houses. There were two houses and no sign of a doctor's office. I'm like, okay, well, whatever. This is the right address. I finally get up close enough to the house as it's starting to get dark to see, okay,
Starting point is 00:20:58 yes, this is where I'm supposed to be. And at this point, I really had to urinate, which was a common theme of this trip. And I think it's just something that happens a lot when you drive a lot, and you drink a lot of coffee, and you're trying to be efficient, and not make many stops, but also just be like, I can just pee when I get there. Well, that works great until the host gives you the wrong lock box key. And so there I am, I was like on top of this situation. I wasn't even like, you know, with my,
Starting point is 00:21:38 with my bags and everything. I literally, I'd left my bags in the car with the intention of getting the key to my room, urinating to relieve myself, and then come back out, get my bag, get settled, and whatever. I get up to the door, and you know, there are times when it's like, I have to pee. This is not good. I'm starting to feel it. And then there are times where it's like, the ball on New Year's Eve, Times Square is dropping. Once this baby hits zero, my urethra, whatever it's called, yurtur, uvula, it's not going to cut it. Okay, my little muscles are toast. And that's that second situation, second scenario
Starting point is 00:22:28 that I just described to you is exactly how I was feeling. And I have this moment where I am shaking the he-box, crying out emotionally, silently. For this to work, it was not working. So at, you know, about five seconds, 10 seconds into the shaking, I realize, I'm not getting inside this house, and I need to urinate somewhere.
Starting point is 00:23:01 So there was a bush right next to the front door and I in broad daylight you just kind of wiggled my way between the bush and the door and let loose. And I don't know if I was spotted, I don't know if anyone heard me. There were other people in the house for sure, or in this hostel, this former doctor's office, which we're getting to, but I hear a native. Anyways, that happened. It was not the first emergency bathroom run I had to make on this trip.
Starting point is 00:23:41 I then go back to the car to get this lock box, drop box, key box situation sorted out. Eventually we get it. I open up the door, got my bags, and boom, I am hit with a large hit of pot smoke, which I mean, I don't like this smell. I mean, and I don't think there are that many people I know unless you're like a hardcore stoner who's like, oh yeah, pot smoke, great, give me a candle with it. No, it's just not fun.
Starting point is 00:24:15 Anyways, I'm like, this is a rough start, but at least I have a regular bathroom now with toilet paper right? No. I go upstairs, my room is upstairs. I open it up and we will circle back to the toilet paper in a second because I open up my bedroom and it is legitimately a doctor's examination room that is now repurposed as a bedroom. You open it up and it's kind of like one of those rooms, so the roof is, you're on the
Starting point is 00:25:01 top floor of the house or the second to top floor. I don't know. The roof is slanting so like Half of your room is gone basically because there's a slanted roof. So I got a bed in there and To the right is Imagine every doctor's office you've been in or at least every pediatricians office you've been and you have the classic sink the cabinets The cupboards all that stuff And I'm like well at least I have a sink the cabinets, the cupboards, all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:25:30 And I'm like, well, at least I have a sink in my bedroom. I've never slept in a room with a sink before, I don't think. Unless I was like passed out and someone's kitchen floor at some point, which I don't recall, but I suppose that's the, if there was ever gonna be a situation where I was passed out and someone's kitchen floor, it probably wouldn't recall it, based off of circumstances.
Starting point is 00:25:49 So this is kind of creepy, and there is even like a little nook space. Basically next to my bed, there's like a door that's maybe yay high, and if you're not watching the livestream because we don't have one, I'm we're talking like I don't know maybe two to three feet tall and about that wide and you open it up and it's the same dimensions all the way back for maybe like five feet, six feet. So I suppose I could literally like slip myself in there, like one of those Japanese hotels, discount motels
Starting point is 00:26:33 for businessmen where they just slid you into the wall. So this was all just a little like crazy, but at least there's a bathroom, right? Wasn't enough to pee in the bush anymore. So eventually it's time to go back to the bathroom, or at least, you know, check it out, see what's going on. I go to the bathroom, and it's a large bathroom with a kind of a cool space-age shower, probably like the coolest shower that I encountered on this trip. This is a
Starting point is 00:27:05 large bathroom with a lot of doors and closets and I don't know if it was ever used for something else while it was the pediatrician's office. But I should mention I eventually put two and two together. I realized there is a sign outside that says doctor's office and then my room was literally an examination room. So eventually I googled this address says doctor's office and then my room was literally an examination room. So eventually I googled this address, doctor's office, I find out that it used to be a pediatrician's office and the, you know, the guy I'm renting from his first name matched the first name of the doctor. Michael, I think, doctor, Michael, something. So this
Starting point is 00:27:40 used to be his office and I guess he's retired now and just rents out his rooms as Airbnb's. I don't know. Anyways, there is no toilet paper in the bathroom. So I message Dr. Mike because we're kind of on a first-name basis at this point. And I am like, yo, thanks for getting me the Dropbox, the Keybox code, it is nice to be let in here. But then I am like, well, there's no toilet paper, Dr. Mike.
Starting point is 00:28:21 And he's like, oh, well, just go to the downstairs bathroom. There should be toilet paper there., just go to the downstairs bathroom. There should be toilet paper there. So I go to the downstairs bathroom. There is one role that has like half of it left. And that's it in there. And there are rooms downstairs too. I don't know how many rooms were in this place. Probably like, it's five or six at least.
Starting point is 00:28:41 There was another one upstairs next to mine and I never saw the people, but I certainly heard them. So I'm like, well, I don't, if there are people staying down here, I'm not gonna take their only roll of toilet paper. So I just grab a big wad. No, I am not likely to need much. I'm literally there for less than 12 hours.
Starting point is 00:29:03 And I take it up. Anyways, I'm in my room, just kind of fiddling around doing stuff, watching football, resting, catching up. Eventually, other people come in, they check in, they're in the room, next to mine upstairs. And next time I have to go to the bathroom, there is, once again, no toilet paper. This was a common recurring thread in Connecticut.
Starting point is 00:29:31 The good news about this Airbnb, and it was not the only one, there are a lot of recurring things on this trip. There was a vending machine down on the, I guess, where, like, reception would be if you're picturing this doctor's office on the ground floor. There is a vending machine and kind of a creepy room with, like, recliners and a pool table, which maybe was, like, a waiting room? I don't really know. I haven't quite mapped out the whole thing in my head just yet.
Starting point is 00:30:07 There, when I, my next night, I was in Utica, and I suppose we should try to get there. So this doesn't become like a six-part series. That was more or less, oh, I forgot one thing. Perhaps the creepiest part about Connecticut, and that's saying something, considering the lack of toilet paper, staying in an examination room, which is right out of a Stephen King novel, the nook, the neighbor stealing your toilet paper, fun stuff. There, and I can't, I don't, this is the one thing about Connecticut, or at least this place in Connecticut,
Starting point is 00:30:40 Waterbury, that they don't have a beat on, like I don't quite understand what or why or how of the situation. There is a camper out back with the door open and the lights on and music coming from it and definitely cigarette smoke coming from it. This is like behind the house. I noticed it as I was walking in the first time and then again, as I was coming back with supper. There's someone living in the camper out behind the house, which is like whatever, okay. But it's like, well, it probably wouldn't be the doctor,
Starting point is 00:31:19 right? This guy is a retired doctor, who now is making income off real estate or travel lodging. Like, so who is the man in the trailer? Okay, and that's the one thing I never got answers to. I mean, I didn't get answers really to anything and I never got toilet paper.
Starting point is 00:31:43 Good thing I was showering after I did my morning number two yikes. But I wake up the next day nice and early and I am kind of all over the place. This is Monday now. I drive from Waterbury to Cooperstown, or the national baseball hall of fame is. It's a pretty quiet sleepy town with just like a main street district, but it's pretty, it's in the Catskills Mountains. And I did not go inside, it's like 35 bucks or something. And I mean, I love baseball.
Starting point is 00:32:27 And if I was with someone else who was really into baseball, I would probably do it. But just to be there by myself. And I'm not a museum's person, which is just something I know about myself. I mean, I love. OK, we are back. I apologize. We missed about four hours of footage with that cut out. No, I'm kidding. It was like five seconds. But Garage Man just started to get real
Starting point is 00:32:55 so low. But we are almost finished up here. I promise. So I did not go inside the baseball hall of fame, but I walked around the outside and walked around Cooper's town a little bit, although there's not too much to walk down other than Main Street. And then I continued my drive over to, let's see where did we go next. Went to Lake Ka-yuga, Ka-yuga Lake. C-A-Y-U-G-A-K-U-G. Ka-yuga. Old-timey car horn, Mr. Ka-yuga reference from Seinfeld. Rest in peace, Daniel Van, or whatever his name is.
Starting point is 00:33:39 Baron Strum, something like that. So I wanted to say I've been to the finger lakes. I just barely kissed them. Nice and pretty beautiful fall colors. I didn't realize it'd be able to like, I mean, their finger lakes, right? So inherently they are narrow, but you could see just clear across them, no problem.
Starting point is 00:33:59 Like it wasn't even very far, which I didn't realize. Anyways, then I drove down to Ithaca. I'd never been to Cornell. I kind of, this was not a goal of the trip, but I ended up seeing, I think there were what, three. Ivy League campuses I'd never been to, and I ended up going to all of them. In fact, more than that, I was at like six
Starting point is 00:34:22 Ivy League school campuses on this road trip. Just some of them were forced, that I was at like six Ivy League school campuses on this road trip just some I mean some of them were forced like going to Ithacon Cornell I didn't need to go there. Some of them just kind of happened like Harvard, Columbia, I just kind of like ran around Brown in Providence. Sorry I had a popcorn kernel on my tongue. But I saw all Ivy League campuses on this trip except for Penn and Princeton, which I've seen. I was surprised at how spread out
Starting point is 00:34:58 and kind of big and new Cornell was. It did not feel like the other seven Ivy League campuses at all. It felt like a state public big research flagship school. Which Cornell, is it a land grant? I don't know, our education history, our education historians are going to have to chime in on this one because I don't remember the exact how it works with Cornell. It's kind of a unique situation. But draw around there a little bit and then I did one small hike around Labrador Mountain. There's a lake that has like a cool
Starting point is 00:35:42 like boardwalk this very short. It's less than a mile all the way around But it's sort of a nature thing. I did that didn't see any nature But I had my Duncan and then there are these cool waterfalls tinker falls which are just like half a mile quarter three quarters of a mile off the road But I kind of did it was very slippery because they've been raining all day because it rained every day And I hiked up into the back of the waterfall and took a fun slowmo video from behind the falls, which was pretty neat.
Starting point is 00:36:12 And that was just a little bit of cat skills action. And then I finished up and drove to Utica. Utica Chainsdoor Massacre from the office. Utica, Utica, where Karen, Phillipelli is the regional manager, played by the irreplaceable Rashida Jones. And you know how in Waterbury, I got the wrong Dropbox key. I keep saying Dropbox. That's like a website.
Starting point is 00:36:44 Lockbox key, I keep saying Dropbox. That's like a website, lock box key. Well, it happened again in Utica. And that's where we are going to pick it up. I was thinking of maybe trying to do one more day here on this episode, but I think Utica is an okay place to stop because we had kind of a scary room in Utica for different reasons. It was not a pediatrician's office And this bathroom had toilet paper, but there were other things going on spirit schools
Starting point is 00:37:13 You're gonna have to tune in next week the Binton podcast to find out So next time we're gonna be talking about Utica, New York, and we will get into a new Hampshire and maybe even kiss, or I got it backwards, Vermont, and then maybe even kiss to a Hampshire. We will maybe try to get to the Riverview Lodge, where if you want a little preview of what's coming up next, just a Google Riverview Lodge hate crime, I'm gonna do that right now. See what it says. Google Riverview Lodge Hate Crime.
Starting point is 00:37:46 I'm gonna do that right now. See what it says. And you will know just what is in store for you on next week's installment of the Bean Tom Podcast. Riverview Lodge Hate Crime. If you Google it, you are going to see exactly what I want you to see. It should be fun.
Starting point is 00:38:06 That's going to be next week on Quinn David Furrier presents The Bean Tom Podcast. Thank you for tuning in. Thank you for following along with my road trip. This was part two and we're going to have part three for you next time. Probably two more parts to come here and lots more fun, laughter laughter and antics coming your way. So for all of us here streaming live bean town networks from Rogers Park Chicago don't forget to go to Cafe Ducet To and use discount code q.qnd for 20% off your order. I made French press or my lovely bow rich made French press this morning and I just kind of watched.
Starting point is 00:38:52 And it was tasty. It was delicious. Maybe it's her magic touch, maybe it's the discount code, who knows. But you're going to want to go check it out. And then again, if you buy, maybe I get $500 and then I pass the savings on to you and it's not a pyramid scheme So that's what I have for you. I went a little bit longer than I wanted to but there are some some stories to tell Moral of the story if you go to Connecticut bring your own toilet paper So thanks for tuning in and we are going to queue up our Outchro music and I'm gonna play some tune blasts here on a Sunday night back to work tomorrow. Congratulations to Biden on becoming President Elect. That's
Starting point is 00:39:33 what we got. Stay safe, stay sane and you know I'm gonna check in on you next time. Bye. I'm just going to sit here. nd nd Thank you.

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