Beantown Podcast - New Year's Resolutions 2020 (01122020 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: January 13, 2020

Quinn comes to you LIVE from frozen Chicago to discuss his new year's resolutions for 2020, including what's the deal with Omega-3 fats, what's the deal with the East Africa Restaurant on Clark St, an...d why people need so many pillows. Along the way, Quinn talks about dry january, 1080p resolution, and introduces the show's new intro and outro music 'The Entertainer' by Scott Joplin performed by Quinn David Furness 'Tishomingo Blues' by Spencer Williams performed by Quinn David Furness

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quincy with Furnace. Welcome to my show Quincy with Furnace Presents, the Bean Tum podcast for Sunday, January 12, 2020. What's happening? How are you? Little bit of intro music there. Hey, Scott Joplin.
Starting point is 00:00:22 Public domain. It's been over 100 years. This is fresh. I'm playing my own intro music. I'm like Joe Scarborough on MSNBC's The Morning Joe with Joe Scarborough and Minka Kelley, or whatever her name is. Wow, that's a wild show. I tell you what.
Starting point is 00:00:41 All right, what's happening today? What a day. It's been yesterday. Big snowstorm in Chicago. Say what a day it's been then proceeds to talk about yesterday. Classic. Yeah it was interesting because the whole time I didn't think that it was ever going to get cold enough for it to really stick around but low and behold we were all bamboo zled about mid-afternoon or so it really started sticking and I went to brunch in the morning with some friends who at least one of them was going to be
Starting point is 00:01:18 joining me on my dry January journey which we're gonna be talking about a little bit here. I'm not afraid to call people out, Matt McIntyre, really blown it with dry January, sitting there having brunch and my, my peeps are down in mimosas and in bloody marries and I'm sitting there with my water and granted or granted is not what I wanted to say, but my perspective here is not that I felt pressured or upset that I couldn't drink. I was upset that my peeps weren't,
Starting point is 00:01:53 my phone was just freaking out there. Gave me like 10 notifications in a row. Upset with my peeps that they weren't holding strong, you know? But dry January is going well. Yeah, we'll talk about it in a little bit. There's some disappointment there. Not in myself, but in others. Let's see what's happening today.
Starting point is 00:02:14 It's Sunday, full slate, and a thought playoffs, but I won't walk you through all that. You can check the scores, check the highlights, and a tough day yesterday for the bikes, but hey, they got the playoff victory in there. So, yeah, let's see. Big win for Wichita there, double overtime thriller in Connecticut, knocking off the Huskies.
Starting point is 00:02:38 Who I just learned yesterday at brunch that the Huskies are going back to the Big East, leaving the American at the end of this year. Apparently was big news this summer that I just glossed over, I don't know. Thanks to myself for providing us with that lovely intro music, I got to tell you, it was kind of a technology nightmare. It's only in real time, three minutes, excuse me, three minutes into this podcast,
Starting point is 00:03:06 it probably took me about 15 to 20 minutes to try to figure out how to lay the track over. It was something that I had gotten really good at when we did our year one recap, which I put together over a year ago at this point already. But it's been like a year since I really did significant garage band editing. And so it just a lot of the stuff I was doing wasn't coming intuitively. Mixing different tracks, trying to get different volumes
Starting point is 00:03:33 right, fade-ins, fade-outs, that sort of thing. And we haven't even gone to the end yet when there's going to be another song, a different song. If you didn't know that opening music is our new theme song. It's not exactly a deep cut, but it's the entertainer by Scott Joplin, and that's just kind of who I am, you know. It has now entered the public domain, which is really exciting. I played it, I performed it on my parents piano out there in Bend, Oregon, So thank you, Steven Jane, for providing that. And we're excited to be able to bring that to you every week. One thing that you're not getting from listening to this podcast right now is the visual, which I promised you for the new year.
Starting point is 00:04:19 And in fact, new year promises when we're talking about New Year's resolutions on today's episode of The Bean Town Podcast. I got a lot written down on my phone that I've been thinking about, and we're going to be sharing those with you. But speaking of calling people out, let's call out another Matt. Hey, Matt Fiedler, agree, we agreed to, talked on the phone with Matt Feedler, right around Christmas, and in principle, bought the camera from him that he was selling me. And nothing yet, crickets over your tumbleweed.
Starting point is 00:04:54 I check the mail every day, hoping for a nice little brown package for yours truly, and nothing. So, I know a lot of the fans were clamoring. They were saying, hey, we're really looking forward to the video. It's going to be exciting to get that going for year three of the podcast. Well, you can send your angry letters to rock to Illinois. That's that's where they can go. One thing that I was just thinking about while I was in kind of Garage Band Hell for 15 minutes trying to launch this specific episode of the music was player pairing the video and the
Starting point is 00:05:35 music with the extra audio editing. Man, I don't even know how that's going to work. That sounds like a headache. It's got to be simpler once I do it. I think if I do it one or two times, I'll figure out a good way to do it. But don't be surprised if even though we're adding some audio-visual tech to the podcast,
Starting point is 00:05:56 the podcast still finds a way to be just absolutely awful. I was having a drink with a friend last night from grad school, who I hadn't seen in probably two and a half years I reckon. And it was great to catch up. And she was asking me how the podcast is going. And I broke down a little bit, not crying or anything, but just like, it's just being my head on the bar.
Starting point is 00:06:21 It's like, it's awful. We're 110 episodes and specials in. Oh no, yes. What do you talk about the podcast and I was like, I don't know, I'm still trying to figure it out. It was rough. It was an emotional time. I don't know if it's coming through on the podcast audio very well, but I'm sick again, which is just seems ridiculous. I had a cold, a nasty cold back in September when I was in Milwaukee, and then I had one in right after Thanksgiving, which led to my tonsillitis, which you all know about. So this is cold number three since the middle of September, we're really rocking it.
Starting point is 00:07:12 And this one I'm almost, almost over. It developed late on Tuesday while I was hosting some friends actually for a chilly night. And pretty bad sore throat. On Wednesday Wednesday and then the congestion came Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Still got plenty of congestion today. I was walking out by the lake getting my Sunday walk in. It's not, has nothing to do with Christopher walking. It has nothing to do with Chinese restaurants.
Starting point is 00:07:40 My Sunday walk in separate words. So I actually, my friend too, I had gotten a drink with last night, was telling me about how crazy the lake front is up in the Rogers Park beaches. So I just had to go check it out for myself. And lo and behold, she was right, wow. For any Chicago listeners up there, it is absolutely nuts. You go up to Loyola Beach, out by the pier. It's, you know, you can tell the water levels are really high. It's kind of, kind of catches you off guard, but that wasn't the craziest thing.
Starting point is 00:08:12 You go all the way up close to, like, Lee on Beach Park. It, where, you know, where, like, the baseball field is on the north edge of the Loyola Field House, You know where like the baseball field is on the north edge of the Loyola Field House That whole path that runs between Like the tree line there and the basketball court and the lake is just completely buried In fact, you can check out my Instagram story for the next while until like 4 p.m. On Monday night the 13th you'll see it on there Just the benches are like completely buried. There's an extra like I don't know 4 p.m. on Monday night, the 13th, you'll see it on there.
Starting point is 00:08:45 Just the benches are completely buried. There's an extra, I don't know, meter, it feels like of sand and soil and just ground that exists there. And the path is just completely buried by the level of the ground level, the sand is just completely different. I had never seen anything like it. I don't know if that, it feels like Chicago has been around long enough to where that has
Starting point is 00:09:18 to have happened before. And I'm curious when spring comes, what they'll sort of choose to do about it, if they're gonna try to excavate it or what the plan is, but it was just, I had never seen something just buried like that before, and it wasn't just underwater. It'd be one thing if it was just covered in ice and underwater, because you see that all the time, that's normal, and that's what a lot of the park
Starting point is 00:09:42 was like up there, but this was just, the ground is just high. And you can barely see the tops of the benches. Very strange walking on that is like, where did all this stuff come from? But yeah, if you get the chance to walk out there and see it, it's unbelievable. A listener discussion is advised when you're listening to the Bington podcasts as we kick off your three here. Number one, we'll occasionally use some controversial language.
Starting point is 00:10:10 And number two, this podcast is objectively terrible. And it's third year still killing it, still awful, still haven't landed that big guest star yet. You know, I don't know, I would love to get like a Matthew Perry type or something. I think he'd be fun to have on the show. Just bring them on. We can just gab for like half an hour.
Starting point is 00:10:32 I think that could be good for business. Or maybe, I don't know, who else could we get? Like a Jake Gyllenhaal type or a Toby McGuire. I think it would be really good for the show. I'm willing to take this podcast in number directions. If we wanna be like a Sunday morning political show and we can get Steve Bannon to come on or John Bolton, I'm thinking like official statements,
Starting point is 00:11:02 White House testimony, stuff you can use in Congress. I'm ready to be sub-pened. Just, my body is open and willing. Anything to sort of get in front of the cameras, C-SPAN in particular, that would be a huge get for the podcast. So if anybody has any connections, like if anybody knows either like Mike Pence or a cabinet member or something, I went to college with Mike Pence's daughter, but I don't have her number, unfortunately. Yeah, that's a bummer.
Starting point is 00:11:34 That's a true fact, by the way. If you think I'm bullshitting you, look up what's her name? Sophie Pence, something like that. Lauren Pence. Jocelyn Pence, Penny Pence. You know what I was thinking about earlier was the female name, and I didn't look this up, the female name Peggy.
Starting point is 00:11:55 Do we think Peggy, that's gotta be short for something, right? And all the old timers listen in, probably are shouting at their screens or whatever they're listening. Peggy often curtailed, derived from Maggie. Margaret. Peggy comes from Margaret. Wow. I never would have guessed it.
Starting point is 00:12:15 It's like when I found out Betsy came from Elizabeth and I was just like, are you kidding me? Peggy, this is a coordinate Wikipedia. Peggy is a female first name often curtailed to Peg. Derived from Meggy, a diminutive version of the name Margaret. It is occasionally also a male nickname. And this is just all the famous people with the name Peggy. Wow. I never, I never knew that. That's wild. Wow, I never, I never knew that. That's wild. What about pippy, pippy long stocking? I don't know why I was thinking about the, the, the name Peggy so much, but you know what? You learn something new. Peggy from Margaret. Man, you could have, you could have given me at least 10 to 20 name choices if not more or guesses to think about where that
Starting point is 00:13:07 comes from man. Peggy and Margaret. What other nicknames have been hidden from me that I don't know about? Let's see. What are what other wild ones are there? Okay so we got Peggy from Margaret. We got Betsy from Elizabeth. Buster is from Byron, right? Is that correct? Is it Byron? Is that what it is? Byron, Buster, Byron.
Starting point is 00:13:35 I think that's right. How does that one work? Where do you get that from? Buster, Byron? What happens if we, you know what? Well, I'm doing this googling if you want to I Talk like I can I can type something and talk say something different Simultaneously, that's impossible for me So let me just say this then all type will get back to the riveting action that is Quinn Googles random things on a Sunday night
Starting point is 00:14:03 If you have fun things like that, more that you know about that we haven't gotten to yet in the podcast, go ahead and email us, again, that's beantown, B-E-A-N-T-U-D-N podcast, at, you can tweet at us where at white buns or beantowncast, either one will get there,
Starting point is 00:14:21 tweet at us, slide in our DMs, whatever you wanna do. Okay, Buster, let me just confirm this one, so I'm not a dummy. Buster is short for what name? Richly nickname. Okay, that's not what I wanted. Buster, why is this so difficult? Why Peggy was boom right there.
Starting point is 00:14:46 It wasn't challenging. I thought Buster was short for Byron, but maybe not. Originally nickname, who broke things, Bust is Bust's own name and I was just making this up. making this up. Surely there has to be some source material, although, although, until yesterday, I thought Butler was a Catholic school, and apparently it's just like a private Christian school. Buster Brown. And learnings. Wow. Well, what if I Google Byron Nickname? Byron Nickname.
Starting point is 00:15:41 Byron Leftwich Nickname. Huh. This is a fascinating podcast. Names with Quinn. I guess Buster is not sure for Byron. What about Buster Bluth from a RESTCID development? Is that his official name or does he have something else? Buster Bluth played by Tony Hale. Byron,
Starting point is 00:16:07 Buster, Bluth, maybe that's where I thought it was from. I don't know if Byron is officially a nickname for that or if that just comes from this particular show. You know what we're going to do? We're going to get our research team on it and maybe we'll come back to you next week and inevitably we'll forget and that's okay. We're talking about New Year's resolutions today. I get a sip from my Jack links, feed your wild side, jack links dot com travel mug courtesy of Uncle Andy. Yeah, we're doing New Year's resolutions. And I thought I would share some of mine with you. So to start, we had a lot of a lot of these resolutions have actually already been alluded to in the first 17 minutes of the podcast. So if you thought the show was going to get a lot more riveting, oh, just do wait because it's not. Okay, first thing,
Starting point is 00:17:02 Oh, just do wait because it's not. Okay, first thing, a lot of these resolutions are not like eat more vegetables or call your grandma or fewer racial slurs. They're gonna be things like, I gotta figure this out, I gotta figure that out. It's first thing, I gotta figure out, and this is a new year's resolution, it's all in my head here.
Starting point is 00:17:24 4K vs 1080p resolution. Okay, seems simple enough. So 1080p was the you know the gold standard for a lot of us. So you go on YouTube, you can you know change the video quality you got like what like 360 42720 9 over pi or something and then 1080 is like HD crystal clear. The stuff you really want. Now the new thing is 4K, which presumably stands for 4000. My question, how did, you know, we spend so much time going from 360 to 480p to 720p to whatever the other one I said to 1080p. And all of a sudden we go from 1080p to 4,000.
Starting point is 00:18:12 That's like, what were we doing with all these little jumps going from 360 to 720 all of a sudden we're going from 1080p to all I'm saying is what happened to 2K or at least like whatever 1080p times 2 is like 2160p, right? That's a fun thing to say. You would have thought at some point in the last year or so 2160 would have been like a cool new phrase that would have caught on. Now we're on 4K. So I don't really understand how we made that like quantum leap. There's a little Scott Bacchula reference. And then my other question is 5G because I thought like that was going to be the big thing in 2019 and you see the TV commercials talking about 5G and 4K and I don't know where we're getting to these smaller numbers it seems but
Starting point is 00:19:01 more bandwidth apparently. But I feel like you, what do you have to have one of these iPhone like 13s to get 5G in your network or something? I don't know. It doesn't really make a whole lot of sense to me. I think I have 4G, although mine says LTE on the phone when I'm not on Wi-Fi. It's 4G, the same thing as LTETE and what on earth does LTE stand for? so
Starting point is 00:19:27 These are a lot of how my new years resolutions work is me just thinking I need to find stuff out in a very intellectual very curious person What on earth is LTE stand for long-term evolution? That's so boring, you know, I thought it was gonna be a cool like lipofedering technological Enhancement or something which sounds like some kind of lap band surgery you could get what okay new Resolution a new new year's resolution. What's the lap band? You know you don't always expect to have your pituitary glands and other smart parts of your brain stimulated.
Starting point is 00:20:16 So intensely, when you listen to the bean-tongued podcast, I know a lot of you come here just looking for cheap laughs, but I'll tell you what, a new New Year's resolution in 2020 is bean town is getting intellectual. We're gonna have experts on. We're gonna get scientific. We're probably gonna have Cornell West on for a big time Friday night Smackdown debate
Starting point is 00:20:38 on religious studies. It's gonna be epic. Going back to the lap band here, the adjustable gastric band. But who is adjusting it? And how is it adjusted? Okay. A lapro-scopic adjustable gastric band, commonly called a lap band A band or L-A-G-B, is an inflatable.
Starting point is 00:21:02 Whoa. What? What? An inflatable, whoa, what? An inflatable silicone device placed around the top portion of the stomach to treat obesity. Okay, so you don't have a lap band just hanging out in your body. It's something that you gotta buy from the dollar store
Starting point is 00:21:18 and put in yourself. To treat obesity intended to decrease food consumption. Oh, I'm looking at the picture. Wow, this is crazy. It's like they put your stomach in a vice. Oh, that is some wild shit, man. Oh, man. Patients with a body mass index BMI, 40 or greater.
Starting point is 00:21:40 Okay, 40 or greater. So let's do my BMI and this is gonna be bad. Because my BMI is high, man. Okay, so what did we say? 40 stupid website. I can't zoom in. Everything is super small. Like me, penis.
Starting point is 00:22:01 Okay, six feet one inches, your weight. No, no, no, no. You can figure it out if you inches, your weight. You can figure it out if you do, you know, y equals mx plus b, you fill in the exponents, or the, what are they called? X and y, it's not a cold-play song, it's, they're not called exponents, what are they called? I know what an exponent is, not a dummy.
Starting point is 00:22:24 The equations, the integers, I don't know. Okay, as we said, 40 or higher, I'm sitting at 30. Okay, we're still good. How much would I have to wait to qualify for lap answer, because I'm thinking maybe like, Obamacare might cover this for me. We're just plugging in numbers now. Okay, that was too high. I can't get all the way up to 350 pounds. I almost put in 3000, you like. It looks like I need to hit about 305 pounds to qualify for lap band surgery. New year's resolution. Maybe. I guess consult with your physician first. Maybe long term plan. Hear me out. I gain a whole lot of weight.
Starting point is 00:23:08 Go on biggest loser with Alison Janney. Bob. Bob. My Bob. What's his name? Bob Hope. Bob Barker. Bob.
Starting point is 00:23:20 Uh, Bob Ross. What's that? You guys, the trainer, the gay trainer, but wasn't there an episode where he proposed to Jillian Michaels and it was like this whole big thing. Man, 2000, 2005 to 2010 television man, that stuff was rock solid. You got the office, you got 30 rock,
Starting point is 00:23:43 you got biggest loser, deal or no deal Loser, Deal, or No Deal. You know, a lot of people right now just know how he met in Del from like America's got talent and stuff. But you remember in Deal or No Deal how good he was and then at the very end, you know, I need to say, you know, we'll see you next time you do that sweet like sign off, move with his hand. Oh man, that was hot. How he was hot.
Starting point is 00:24:07 I'm recreating the hand motion. If we had video, you all could see it. And I'd be making millions. New New Year's resolution, play more online dealer and Odeo. What I like about the online dealer and Odeo, you can play a game in like five minutes because you can just say no deal all the way through
Starting point is 00:24:27 and you just get whatever's in your case. And after you do that about two times, it's really not as exciting. What would be fun, and I'm never done this, but what would be really interesting and a really actually kind of fascinating like experiment in chance and probability when you're playing where there's nothing inherently at stake is if you like
Starting point is 00:24:54 gambled and played against other people so you get the highest score or at least like I wonder if I like sat down with friends or siblings and they're three or four of us, and we all got one chance, and you had to get the highest dollar amount possible. That would be really fascinating. I'm sure there's a crazy amount of math you can do to figure out, and there's never a best move.
Starting point is 00:25:19 If you're going first and you don't know the score to beat, it just comes down to your risk tolerance. That's actually really fascinating. It's the same concept as the single player game when there's real money at stake, but it's a way to spice things up when there isn't real money at stake. Bet you didn't think we were going to start off year three by talking about online dealer and Odiel for a minute, but we did it.
Starting point is 00:25:46 New New Year's resolution, more dealer and Odiel. All right, let's get to another one here and then we'll read some ads. Oh, this has been brought up recently on the podcast, but I'm really passionate about it. Okay, you go to like the 60, but I'm really passionate about it. Okay, you go to like the 60, 263, 300 block, a North Clark street,
Starting point is 00:26:09 just five minute walk from where I live right now. There's a place, okay, there are a lot of places, but, belching here, on the west side of the street, you got a marathon gas and then directly south of there, slash partially attached perhaps, I don't recall, to like the main building part of the gas station where you can go into pay or you know buy Jack links or a 12 pack or whatever um it there are two
Starting point is 00:26:51 seemingly two separate establishments that share the same building one looks like fine legit whatever I don't know it's one of those like get money quick places money lending loan sharks I don't know. I've never been into one of those places I assume what happens when you go in is you just like giving your Address in your social security card or something and then you get alone and you pay back interest Whatever I don't know.
Starting point is 00:27:26 I've never been in one of those places. I hope they'll never have to go. Seems like if you're in there, it's never a good thing. So that's like, okay, fine, whatever. But you can't really see anything in there. It's covered in neon signs. Next to it is a place that 100% of the time and like 99% of the windows covered in blinds You can't see a thing in there. There's a sign out Front like a tall sign not like attached to the building. It's a standalone thing like you might see on the side of the highway That's I think it says east Africa restaurant open 24 hours, but the sign is like completely fallen apart and it just looks really shoddy But there's always a sign not like a neon sign, but a still an electric lit up sign in The window of this so-called East Africa restaurant that says open and
Starting point is 00:28:27 the window of this so-called East Africa restaurant that says open and then it's the science like red open, but directly below it has like all the hours if you know what that sign looks like. So that's sort of the stage I've set here. When I moved here this summer, the parking lot was a giant like pit. I don't know what the big construction was, why it needed to happen, but you couldn't access either building seemingly, but both signs still set open the whole time, which is why I'm skeptical. And then part two, now it's back to a normal parking lot, although it's pretty limited parking right in front there. You only ever see cabs sitting there.
Starting point is 00:29:15 And then part three, I've never seen anybody go inside or outside of the restaurant. And so I'm like, then you can't really, in fact, let's just pull it up on Google Maps right now. Let's see if we can get any information. I'm pretty sure you can't really see much. So you got, there's a shell. Ava's African hair breeding.
Starting point is 00:29:42 There's a marathon. Oh, that's next to the marathon. There's a mall financial Okay, that's the money transfer place is open till nine. Yep, that's it. So that place looks legit enough But what about this rep at east african restaurant? La moushquila restaurant is that it? 6258 North car closes 1 a.m Open 24 hours my butt is this it It looks legit. I don't know why I've never even looked at this before. Yeah, there it is I'm looking at the street view and there are all the cabs parked out front so did the
Starting point is 00:30:17 Who why is it looks so not inviting in there? Why do they have all the shades drawn? There it is East Africa Restaurant opened 24 hours. Why would it be open 24 hours? Who sits there and how do they afford rent? I've never seen anyone go in there. My New Year's resolution was to figure out what the deal is with these places. How did they even stay in business?
Starting point is 00:30:45 That parking lot was a pit for like two months. We're gonna need to get a business expert on here to figure out, you know, how does a place stay in business? You know, are they like compensated for that? I don't, I just don't understand. Oh, the Packers are already scored a touchdown. Oh, that's nice. All right, we already read some ads here.
Starting point is 00:31:08 I just got a Shermer to take over. His Broncos offense, a coordinator. He got to be kidding me. What kind of Vikings is bringing him back? Man, my Texans, my Texans. The Texans were up by a lot, 24 to zero, and they then proceeded to be outscored 51 to 7. Ain't that nice. If I could find, I thought I had, there it is, Google Docs installed on my phone. We're getting really high tech here in
Starting point is 00:31:38 year three of the podcast. I'm reading the ads from my phone. How do you like that? Let's see, Home Pride organ. Are you tired of selling your house for less than a quarter of what it's worth all because you can't find a reliable home inspector in time? Well, organ listeners, I got good news for you. Home Pride inspection services in Ben Dorgon is central organ's hottest new home inspection provider with inspection services, including things like heating and cooling, roofing, plumbing, and so much more. Home pride organ is both contractor certified and home inspection certified,
Starting point is 00:32:12 so you know you're getting the good stuff. If you're tired of big real estate, a little bit of a wrangle hold on the home inspection market and you wanna save certified home inspector that you can trust, you gotta call Steve at 541-410-0316. Or visit That's 541-410-0316. Or visit
Starting point is 00:32:36 Home pride organ inspection perfection. I felt like I started to get a little bit of Jeff Joniac there and that's a first down bears. That wasn't that good. I got to practice that. That's kind of a niche. I'm a bigger fan of niche impressions than your standard run of the mill, big national
Starting point is 00:32:56 kind of people. You know, anyone can do Obama except me. I just tried to do it on the fly. Yeah, but I know, if I could do Chicago people a bit better. I'm thinking Dicca and Jeff Joniac would be good. Lovey Smith would be tough without blackface. I said I'm gonna use fewer racial slurs. I meant it.
Starting point is 00:33:25 And I don't know, Vince Vaughn, I guess. That would be good. Jim Cornelicin, you have to work on my singing voice. I got options. I got things in the hopper. I love a good hopper, man. Okay, shout out to the Samson Q2U series with us in year three. It goes that damn sink again. Shout out to the Samson Q2U series with us in year three.
Starting point is 00:33:47 It goes that damn sink again. We were, oh man. I don't think you can pick up any of this. I swear, it like startles you. Sometimes I hear it from a bedroom in the middle of the night, like through multiple walls. Yeah, man, that's crazy. Man, it's loud. Yeah, the frickin' sink, it's like Harry Potter.
Starting point is 00:34:17 So I've done my research and it's just like the tenant before me must have been pretty awful with putting food down there. So there's just a lot of, you know, air pockets and stuff that bubble up. I get it. What is fascinating to me is, for instance, right, or it's not doing right now, but, but 30 seconds ago, and the sink was gurgling a lot crazy. I haven't run the kitchen sink faucet since, well since it's been about, I don't know, three hours or something at least. And it's just right now just hanging out,
Starting point is 00:34:52 just gurgling. It's just gurgling, man. Why does it do that? Like multiple hours later, not 30 minutes, not 30 seconds, hours upon hours. Just don't mind us, we're just gurgling over here. Just gurgling. G-U-R-G-L-I-N apostrophe.
Starting point is 00:35:16 Wow. TV Guide, man, really dropped the ball. Man, think of how many cool TV guide covers I could have had. I got four, I was promised 52, 52 copies of TV guide. I got four. And it wasn't even, you know, they stopped long before I moved. I had nothing to do with an address change. Really disappointing.
Starting point is 00:35:49 I think my, my spirit miles really dropped the ball in that one. I should have gotten the men's health or whatever, whatever the option was. Ah, disappointing. Cuts by Q and I'll mention that despite the fresh blanket of snow on the ground here in the Chicago land area, I went outside on my back porch which was had a solid five or six inches on it in my slippers this afternoon at half time of the Wichita game and gave myself a fresh cut by Q. I'm very proud of it. It looks nice. Pretty sharp, pretty clean. If you want to hear more about some of the options that we offer you at Cuts by Q, just listen to this ad. All right, let's do it. Bob and weave. We all know the hairstyle, we all love it. It's perfect for basketball season. But how many
Starting point is 00:36:39 Chicago-based independent barbers can actually give it to you the way you deserve? Enter Cuts by Q. It's like's like enter salmon just a little different. Cuts by Q has been independently owned. What word was that? I've been independently owned and operated since 1995, 25 years ago, baby, and it's probably one of the better barber shop operations serving Chicago, Cook County, and the greater Chicago land area. And B Hives to Bangs, Faux Hawks to flat tops and everything in between just called cuts by Q at 815 298 7200 or you can email cuts by Q at Yahoo dot com again, that is cut.
Starting point is 00:37:20 S Q T Z by Q at Yahoo dot com. All right, if you're at home, go ahead tssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss Big shout out to all the family the last month or so that's been on the podcast one But then also some of the ads they've been reading that's been exciting We had mom sing the song I Don't know other people came on and did stuff. I don't really remember but Yeah, thanks thanks to for that guys All right second half of the podcast is going to be a lot shorter because I want to eat supper.
Starting point is 00:38:09 Pretty, pretty, pretty hungry here. I was having, I mentioned Tonsolitis earlier in the show. I have a friend from college who just had her Tonsolitis past week and I was talking to her on Twitter back and forth a little bit through direct message. Just about what the process was like for her. Because it's something I've considered with all the tonsil problems I've had the last couple of years of my life.
Starting point is 00:38:35 And she said it actually hasn't been that bad, the recovery. But the biggest thing for me is, you know, what would happen to the podcast for two weeks? We'd have to get a guest host or two. I don't know. I don't know if I can risk putting the podcast in jeopardy for my own personal health. These are big sort of life decisions that you have to weigh that you have to consider. So, no, no, no. It's not gonna happen anytime soon, because apparently I only get tonsilitis once a year and it's after or during Thanksgiving.
Starting point is 00:39:16 So we got another solid 10 months to go before we got to worry about that stuff. So, what's that? 10 months, it's another 45 episodes or so. We're good. We're good people, OK? OK. Back to New Year's resolutions. I have a lot here.
Starting point is 00:39:31 I'm going to go through the rest of them pretty quickly. But there's some, I'm still a lot of it is stuff that I could Google search. But I kind of like to just talk about it anyways. What I'm really doing is giving you a mental, whether you want it or not. I'm giving you an inside look into sort of, the things I think about when I'm on my commute to work
Starting point is 00:39:52 or when I'm at work, or when I'm trying to fall asleep, whatever. This is where my mind is at. So to recap, we've already talked about four Cavars 1080p resolution, and where 5G fits into that. I think we kind of crossed this off the list for you, or what the heck is going on at the East Africa
Starting point is 00:40:08 restaurant up on Clark Street, 6200 block. I think that's largely been solved. I'm not satisfied by the answer. Basically, what I'm getting at is I think there's some sort of like illegal activity, money laundering, perhaps. I just don't understand how I've never seen anyone in this restaurant in this open 24 hours
Starting point is 00:40:28 and it's still there. How do you pay the bills? How do you have fresh food? Like, the business model doesn't make sense to me, but we're getting back to what we were 15 minutes ago. And I'm gonna plow ahead here. Okay, New Year's resolution. Figure out the difference between trans and saturated fats.
Starting point is 00:40:50 And what is, okay, so let's pause right there because I got another one that's gonna kind of blow your mind on top of it. Okay, so we got trans and we got saturated fats. It's not an LGBTQ thing, it's trans fats from the Latin root for across, like transportation or trans continental or trans Siberian orchestra, and it's saturated fat.
Starting point is 00:41:13 So saturated probably has something to do with, you know, if you have, I mean, just I told you we were going to get a little bit more intellectual on the podcast this year, and we have been so far today. So when you got an atom, and it has, it's entire electron kind of shell with eight electrons filled out. I think that's oxygen. So I don't know, because everything's made of carbon, right? Organic compounds, that's what organic chemistry is all about.
Starting point is 00:41:42 And presumably fats are made of carbon. So I think carbon is 6, right? So when there are 6 electrons, see, I'm putting this chemistry class that took it communicologist good use. So saturated fats are probably, you have a carbon atom, a fat atom of carbon, a carbon atom of fat that is, got his electrons shell completely filled out with 6 electrons, then it's probably,
Starting point is 00:42:07 I reckon they mean saturated. So that's saturated fast. Well, what are trans fats? Why do they mean across? Maybe they're just longer when you look at them in a microscope. Okay, but here's the bombshell. Omega three fats. It sounds like a, like a space shuttle.
Starting point is 00:42:26 You got the challenger. You got the Lunar Eagle Module. Module. That's a tough, if someone asks you a module, M-O-D-U-L-E, someone asks you to define a module. What would you even say? Because you got the lunar eagle module that landed on the moon, I think. But she also got a module in classes like a unit of some kind.
Starting point is 00:42:56 It's also one of those words that's just fun to say. Because you get to do that cool, like, turn of the lips thing with your mouth, module, not your lips, I guess, your teeth, module, module. It's like, like ma and then the jewel, which is like the smoking thing. Jewel is that also a like unit of energy or satin Newton Newton Jewel what what Try January's going great. I'm just getting a little crazy. Okay, new New Year's resolution Posted about this on Facebook. This was our teaser for this episode get a new thing that people know me for
Starting point is 00:43:42 I'm narrowed it down to three and I'm not you in joking. I mean, we've had like five people vote, but it's completely split two votes per person between these three. I'm thinking either clove cigarettes, which I had to Google because I didn't really understand what they were. Interesting stuff. Can't buy them in the US. Crazy.
Starting point is 00:44:01 Drinking, but you can have a friend who lives in Indonesia can ship them to you legally. This is okay, I'm not, I'm not bullshitting you. Read the Wikipedia article on Closed cigarettes as I did on the toilet this morning. You can, you can't buy them legally in the United States, but someone can just ship them to you. Ship them to you. It seems like it doesn't make sense. You know what was really funny? Apparently, like 10 years ago or something in the US, or more than that, like 15, 20 years ago
Starting point is 00:44:35 in the US ban closed cigarettes. Indonesia filed some sort of complaint, like international lawsuit type of thing, basically saying like the US was screwing them out of millions of dollars of sales, which is probably true, and that that's like the fact that they'll sell, the US will allow like mental cigarettes, but not close cigarettes was, there's a word I'm looking for, they can't think of it, but unfair basically, but you know, it's like Who has the power to like do anything that's some sort of like international court?
Starting point is 00:45:14 It was just really fascinating, you know countries like suing other countries basically It was really cool to read about if If you want a good five minute read, go read the Wikipedia article in Close Sigrets. The three things I'm trying to choose from Close Sigrets, which I guess I have to get them shipped from Indonesia, drinking diet root beer kind of seems like a cool niche thing. Like one who drinks root beer, who half of one who drinks diet root beer, like crazy.
Starting point is 00:45:44 I guess you just say one who drinks this to yada yada yada I decided to go the other way from one to one and one half like when the line you remember a line king one what was it line king one half or line king one and a half I think it's like a tamon and pumba thing I don't know or wearing a top. Now early returns are pretty split between these three things. But I will say the top hat has something going in its favor. I don't have a top hat specifically, but I bought this cool purple hat. And I think it can kind of like be a pimper or something.
Starting point is 00:46:17 So check, you know, if you see a cool dude walking down a Clark Street past the East Africa restaurant and he looks perplexed at what is going on inside the East Africa restaurant and is wearing a cool purple hat. Say hi, because it might be quite a bit furnace. Host of the Bington podcast. Okay. Oh, this is something that Larry David brought up on. It's a very interesting topic of conversation on the today show a
Starting point is 00:46:46 couple days ago when he's doing like a crazy media blitz right now he's literally been on like every goddamn show. Stick to the minimal pillow philosophy this is some of that Larry brought up I'm a big fan. If you're a multiple like five to ten pillow person on the couch or the bed, like I don't dislike you. It's just I don't get it. Especially the beds that have, you know, pillows upon pillows upon pillows just for decoration. Pillows should be there for sleeping. If they're there for decoration, you got to throw them off the bed every time you climb in and then you wake up and the morning is like, oh, I guess I ought to make my bed and throw these pillows back on the bed. In what other
Starting point is 00:47:40 aspect of society are we okay with just saying, you know, twice a day I'm going to throw it on and throw it off and throw it back on. Like, this is Asinai. It's unacceptable and I won't stand for it. Pillows are for comfort and when you have that many pillows, frankly, we've gotten too comfortable as a society and you want to know something? That's why China is kicking our asses. We've gotten too comfortable as a society. I say, as I'm lying on my crickets as couch,
Starting point is 00:48:12 but, but, you'll be pleased to know I'm resting my head against the armrest, which is frankly very uncomfortable when the pillow is at the other end of the couch next to my feet. But for this portion of the podcast, I have intentionally avoided using my pillow to feel uncomfortable. So I'm standing in solidarity with my own words, which is pretty impressive when you consider standing in solidarity with yourself. So yeah, just cut it with the pillow crap. Two pillows on a queen bed. If you're riding a twin or something, one pillow,
Starting point is 00:48:54 there's no room for two unless you're sharing the bed with someone, which boy, I tell you what, I'm sure we've all been there. Classic college thing to do, two people on one twin bed. That's tough I hope you're really like that person Oh, man Just having some like not nostalgia about memories of times. I've shared a twin bed with someone else boy
Starting point is 00:49:20 Some good memories some just awful memories to Look look for that in the behind the scenes show, which by the way, okay, and I know IT's this a lot. I haven't found the right time to, I know one day that I'm going, if you made it this far in the podcast, you're a hardcore listener, thank you. One of these days I'm going to release
Starting point is 00:49:44 the Memorial Day 2017 episode. The only episode ever, the Bean Tom Podcast has been completely lost. We recorded a full episode, me and my, at the time, girlfriend, and it never saw the light of day. I listened to about 30 seconds of it last week, and I was astonished actually because in my head what I had thought was a really like painful thing that never should have seen the late day was actually an amazing episode and just a lot of laughter. So that will that will service. That's my guarantee to you. I got gotta figure out when I'm gonna do it, not because it's not ready, but just because I want it to be heard
Starting point is 00:50:30 by as many people as possible, and I don't have the time and resources right now to create a media campaign for that. So, quick sidebar. Back to the New Year's resolutions, we got two more here. One, I wanna do more charity work. So I did, I worked with the charity,
Starting point is 00:50:50 a nonprofit this past summer, gave piano lessons at a church to students and then accompanied them on their kind of end of the program, recitals, that was awesome. Looking forward to the future, I think it could do some work as an unregistered nurse. It could be nice, cause you know, so you, if you go to the future, I think it could do some work as an unregistered nurse. It could be nice because you know, so you if you go to the hospital and you want to be a nurse you got to be a registered nurse and RN right it's a classic title But I think being an unregistered nurse
Starting point is 00:51:16 You know you avoid all the red tape you don't have to you know work at a specific hospital You just kind of go around giving like procedures and treatments to people. I got tracheotomy. You ever seen those, man? First, learn about those and like some survival book that we had growing up. That was pretty cool. You like stick a pen and someone's throat and like breathe for them.
Starting point is 00:51:38 It sounds pretty badass. So I might try something like that, unregistered nurse. I think something where I could teach kids to skate would be pretty cool. I guess I wrote that down. I didn't really decide if it was skate boarding or ice skating or roller skating. Regardless of the kind of skate I personally, I can't skate, but I would like to teach other people to skate. And I think, you know, in, but I would like to teach other people to skate, and I think, you know, in a way they would teach me. So that's something I could do.
Starting point is 00:52:11 Let's see. What else is under charity work? This one just says cheerleader car wash. All right. Well, I guess I didn't fully develop that idea. Some of you know, you keep your phone next to you when you're sleeping and you wake up, you're right down, some crazy stuff sometimes.
Starting point is 00:52:30 Moving ahead here, last New Year's resolution. And, man, this feels like the centerpiece of the podcast, which is hilarious, because we're getting to it in minute 53 here. If you stuck around this long, thank you so much. Dry January is something that we're participating in for at least our third or fourth year. Here's the thing about the Bean Tom Podcast.
Starting point is 00:52:53 A lot of you have come to expect you to tune in every week. You see what crazy high jinks is quintin' up to. Some sort of booze filled sex romp up here on the north side of Chicago. Well, here's what I can tell you. You can go back to any January episode ever of the Bean Tom Podcast that you want, special or weekly installment.
Starting point is 00:53:14 You're never gonna find a buzzed or drunk or anything quinn. Completely clean, never had a drop, never worried about it. Head friends say, oh, you know, they're having a drink and I see it on Instagram or something, and I call them out like the Gestapo and I'm like, hey, what are you doing? And they're like, hey, it's my cheat day for a giant January. If this isn't like your 10 month atkins diet, this is 31 days, you just drink your asses off over holiday break. I don't know, I don't need a cheat day. It's just a whisker over four weeks.
Starting point is 00:53:50 That's nothing. I also don't feel, I don't know, I don't feel like, oh, I really need a drink right now. When I need a drink, I like, go to bed, or watch a funny video, or I record an hour long podcast for the fans. So yeah, I got friends that I was doing away with their man. They're dropping like flies. It's like the hunger games out here.
Starting point is 00:54:14 It's only January 12th today, right? Yeah, the 12th man. Oops, I just closed my New Year's resolution notes. There it came back. Yeah, January 12th. Now I will say this. I was about to go on a long tangent when I was writing this down this morning about how I'm a rock.
Starting point is 00:54:36 I'm in Ireland, the lone wolf, the last man standing like I was going to say Alton John. It's not Alton John. It's Liam Neeson in the gray, although I oftentimes, you know, you'll mix up Liam Nees say, Alton John, it's not Alton John, it's Liam Neeson in the gray, although oftentimes, you know, you'll mix up Liam Neeson and Alton John. Well, I was pleasantly reminded on Family Chat this morning by my mom,
Starting point is 00:54:56 Jane Denison's, Jane Jenison furnace, Jane Denison furnace, podcasting legend, who is now out of prison. Thank you to all who have sent the kind notes that, excuse me, it was a fake belt and then a real belt, that she is also doing dry January, which she had told me about when I was out there visiting with her, and she is still killing it.
Starting point is 00:55:17 So props to you, Ma, you're killing it. By the time you listen into this, January is probably at least halfway over and You know, it's another two weeks. We got this. We got other stuff to do I think of the cool hot and hip beach bads that we're gonna have spring break 2020 I'm thinking we go to like Cabo and we become Instagram famous and Just you know take a lot of booty picks okay. John David booty picks USC quarterback third string for the Vikings for a hot second okay okay those were some of our New Year's resolutions what are your New Year's your what I
Starting point is 00:55:59 can't talk what are your New Year's resolutions if you want to share you can tweet at us bean town cast or at white to share, you can tweet at us, bean-towncast, or at whiteabuns. You can always email us too, Again, that's bean-town, B-E-A-N-T, and Don't forget, new episodes of the bean-town podcast
Starting point is 00:56:19 are posted, who weekly, on SoundCloud, where else? Oftentimes, YouTube, and YouTube is going to become bigger for us pretty soon here once we get the video going matte. Not afraid to call them out. Let's see. Play RFM, I haven't listed these in such a long time. SoundCloud, Play RFM, CastBox, not yet.
Starting point is 00:56:42 We're still working on it. Spotify, iTunes, Apple Store, Google Play, wherever you listen to your podcast unless we're not there, then just try somewhere else. Coming up on the Beentown podcast, let's see. Next week is MLK Day. I don't know, maybe we could get a diversity expert or something on.
Starting point is 00:57:03 Oscar nominations, I believe are announced in like 12 hours here, which is exciting. It means that it's coming up on time for Ryan Austin English, our dear friend of the podcast, and our Oscars expert to come on the show. And we'll do our Oscars special. Let's see. Looks like that's going to be in maybe three weeks here. We'll have our Oscars special. Let's see, looks like that's going to be in maybe three weeks here.
Starting point is 00:57:27 We'll have our Oscars show. That's very exciting. And yeah, otherwise, we got the Pledge Drive fundraiser coming up. The video is going to be big for that. For the first time ever, we're going to have an actual phone that you can call in on because it's going to be a live stream. You can watch the show, you can call in on because it's gonna be a live stream. You can watch the show, you can call in, you'll be live on air.
Starting point is 00:57:49 It's really exciting. We'll put you on a speaker phone. If you want, only if you want, no one's gonna ambush you, Michael Moore style. And last year, yeah, we raised something like $300. We're looking for a big PledgeGive fundraising month this year as well. And that starts in only, let's see, 20 days.
Starting point is 00:58:07 20 days away from the start of our third annual Pledge Drive fundraiser, which is really exciting. We'll have the donor tiers. We'll have all that stuff ready to go. And this is interesting because, well, Oscars are February 9th. So maybe OK, here's how it's gonna go. Our special will be in four weeks, I believe,
Starting point is 00:58:27 with Ryan Austin English, we'll plan on that. We'll have our Pledge Dive Fundaries are potentially be in three weeks, I think, is what we're looking at. I don't know, we'll have to do the math. It's tough because the Oscars are early this year, but also Super Bowl Sun News right there, and I'm gonna be in Austin, Texas that weekend, for a Bill Murray party of all things. That's a whole other story. And we don't have
Starting point is 00:58:50 time for it. Get to it on the next show. So we got some planning to do. We'll figure it out. But low or rest easy. We will have the the donor tears again like last year. They might be a little bit different. They might be a little bit crazy But you know we're gonna have fun with it. So that's what I had in store for you I'm gonna keep this under 60 seconds, although with my new exit music. It's gonna go over an hour. So You thought you were done with my music. No, Quinn is playing another song Introduce now as our Exit Music. You might recognize it if you're a fan of the long running, formerly long running show,
Starting point is 00:59:31 a Perry Home Companding. This is a Tishamengo Blues performed by yours truly on the piano, also public domain music. So if you're looking to sue me, good luck. Performed by myself, again, natural concert pianist, and yeah let's hope fingers crossed the audio mixing goes well if you're listening to this on your phone or your desktop or wherever it means it worked, but thanks everyone for listening and with that we're hitting 60 minutes right now. I'm going to play a little bit more. I'm going to play a little bit more. I'm going to play a little bit more. I'm going to play a little bit more. I'm going to play a little bit more.
Starting point is 01:00:10 I'm going to play a little bit more. I'm going to play a little bit more. I'm going to play a little bit more. I'm going to play a little bit more. I'm going to play a little bit more. I'm going to play a little bit more. I'm going to play a little bit more. I'm going to play a little bit more. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:00:26 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:00:42 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. nd 오늘도 시청해주셔서 감사합니다

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