Beantown Podcast - NFL Playoff Cities Power Rankings (01092021 Beantown)

Episode Date: January 9, 2021

Quinn comes to you LIVE to kickoff Year Four off the Beantown Podcast with a power rankings of the 14 cities in the NFL playoffs. Where will heavyweights Cleveland, Nashville, and New Orleans fall? Li...sten to find out!!!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David furnace and this is my show Quinn David furnace presents the year for series premiere season premiere whatever of Quinn David furnace presents the bean town podcast whatever of Quinn Furnace presents the Bean Town podcast. What's going on? How are you? What's happening? Our fourth year, we are starting it right here, right now, and I'll tell you right here in the first 60 seconds what we're doing today. We have a very exciting US geography-based power rankings episode coming to you hot. We're gonna give it to you straight. We're gonna hear from our ad sponsors. We're gonna rant. We're gonna rave. You're gonna get uh great spellings. So we've got it all lined up for you to kick off year four of
Starting point is 00:01:11 Quinn David Furnace presents the bean town podcast. I got it. Tell you this is one of the better 500 podcasts on the north side of Chicago. We're coming to you live from Rogers Park and listener discretion is always advised when you check out any of our shows From season four or season three two or one. It doesn't matter whichever because number one will occasionally use some language. Number two, this podcast is objectively terrible. But hey, you can't go on for four years. You can't continue to get the fan support, the merch sales, the paid sponsorships. We got a new one today, like an actual one that we're gonna, you know, be talking about in a little bit here. And they've just been, they sent me a random check
Starting point is 00:01:50 two days ago, which I didn't know was coming. So we're just getting money out the ears. Big, big savings for you all the fans that I'm getting ready to pass onto you. I don't know if Rush Limbaugh is gonna ask me to jump in on that show after Rush Passes here, but I'm lined up and ready. Let's just put it that way I got.
Starting point is 00:02:12 Well, I don't, I was gonna say I have my loose papers scattered all over the place. I don't. I do have a printer because when I started working with this Chinese company, they sent me a printer, but they didn't send me a cord. And so I just have an unopened printer and it's shipping box. That's been in my bedroom for the past Seven months or so, but that's okay Maybe someday we'll get a cord
Starting point is 00:02:36 though this is the start of season four and We started this show three years ago almost to the day. And I did it out of spite. Some people were, I was floating the idea of a podcast around, and some of the haters were saying, you'll never do it. You'll never find love. You'll never get a 35 on your ACT, and you'll definitely never find love again.
Starting point is 00:03:13 And all that smack talk, and I said, you know what I'm going to do? I'm going to start a highly successful podcast out there at 817 St. Paul Street, Baltimore, Maryland. And we're going to be talking about Baltimore, Maryland in just a couple of moments here. When we get into our power rankings, I'll tell you right now, the topic of today's show, we are doing a little NFL crossover.
Starting point is 00:03:36 It's not a paid promotion. I, you know, free advertising, whatever. Sometimes you got to do it. But there are these NFL playoffs. First one's ever with 14 teams, nearly half the league made the playoffs. And what we're going to be doing is just straight up power ranking the 14 US cities that have teams that you know are being sent to the playoffs. There are no double dips that we have to worry about, no New York's, no new LA or no LAs or anything.
Starting point is 00:04:07 And I will say that I started recording this as about 3.30 in the afternoon on Saturday, January 9th. The conclusion of the first game, Buffalo and Indianapolis has just occurred. So already one of our cities is out, but we're not gonna let that, you know, dissuade us from including Indianapolis on our list.
Starting point is 00:04:29 I will say I'm very happy about that outcome. The bills are my team that I'm rooting for, and they look good. It was a barn burner today, but they look pretty good. Let's see, yeah, it's starting year four, and we're gonna jump right into it. 14 cities is a lot, right? Usually our power rankings are between like five and 10 items total, so this one is pretty
Starting point is 00:04:54 big. Let me just give you the list, the full list of cities that we're talking about for non-NFL fans. And we're going to go through the first half. We'll read our ads, and of course, we have a special surprise appearance. I don't have an official ad read for it. I'll just be ad-libbing much like the first three years of the show. But it is, there is a promo code if you're looking for this particular product where you can go to their website input My Instagram handle and get 25% off your first order. So we've got that
Starting point is 00:05:26 coming up. And then second half will do the last seven. It's the sort of thing right, 14 cities, right? I could talk to you for hours. I could talk your ears off. A lot of the cities on here are ones that we know very well on the show. Many of the places are places where we've recorded from in the past. In fact, I'll pull up the list. I'd say probably over half of the cities on this list. We've done. But before I do that, one brief thing I want to mention, of course,
Starting point is 00:05:57 it is our real housewives' assault lake city recap. We can't forget that, which I almost did. But I want to't forget that, which I almost did. But I I want to briefly confess that so so real housewives assault like city airs 9 p.m. central on Wednesday. And I think Wednesday was the day when shit hit the fan at the Capitol. I think that was Wednesday, right? And so frankly, I was just watching a lot of other things, news coverage, live stuff, whatever. And all of a sudden it was like 920. And I realized that I was completely missing Real House.
Starting point is 00:06:32 It was a Salt Lake City. So I didn't watch last week and I missed the first third of this episode. So I am using it in online recap to just tell you what happened before I get up. It sounds like the episode starts or up to speed excuse me sounds like the episode starts Brooks is roasting Meredith for needing to go to therapy, which is just like I Brooks is supposed to be pretty woke And he's not like 14. He's like 21 colors drop out. So Try to be a little bit better Brooks At the Shaw Shell a which is where kind of the action starts for this week.
Starting point is 00:07:09 Jen is apparently, she's, she's, she read somewhere that in order to improve her relationship with her husband, coach Shaw, defensive backs coach at, at University of Utah. She needs to show more love. So she decides to book like this top golf kind of place, bar, restaurant, and then driving range and invite all of her besties, except, bump, bump, bump, for Mary Cosby who is not invited.
Starting point is 00:07:37 And I gotta tell ya, Mary Cosby has been on average like 30 seconds of screen time. The last three or four episodes. I mean, I just don't think they have anything to do with her anymore. So Mary is just like completely, you know, I haven't seen Mary interact with any of the other housewives and so long. And we cut to her house and of course her cousin is her housekeeper and she's like telling her how to clean the carpets. Anyways, I think Mary just like when she's not preaching, she just sits at home all day
Starting point is 00:08:10 and orders people around. I don't really understand it. Whatever. We learn a little bit more about Mary Cosby. Apparently there's this whole empire. They have five homes, Mary and Robert Sr. One in Salt Lake City, Las Vegas, New York City, Orlando and Carmel, Indiana, of course, I went to a wedding there this summer, which is how we ended up finding out about pop as many donuts.
Starting point is 00:08:33 And let's see, what else? So we go to, oh, it's Valentine's Day at Heather. So, you know, this is like almost a year ago already. And we meet her ex-husband for the first time, I believe, on the show. His name is Billy, and we get a little bit of insight into their marriage, which was an arranged marriage and their background.
Starting point is 00:08:53 Billy is like super goody-to-shoes, Mormon boy. Apparently they saw a scary movie in theaters. There were some sexually explicit content. Billy stormed out, Meredith stayed behind, and Billy didn't like that. So he withheld sex from her. Oh boy. And eventually they got a divorce.
Starting point is 00:09:11 And let's see, da da da da da da. Whitney goes to Mary's, I think. And they're just kind of chatting because they're kind of friends. And Whitney, Mary's like really sad that she's not getting invited to things and she doesn't have screen time. And Whitney's like hmm maybe
Starting point is 00:09:28 I don't remember exactly how it all how it all goes out anyways. Whitney ends up thinking that Some people like Meredith and Lisa are afraid of Gen. Shaw and so she leaves Mary's and then that's pretty much where I came in here. I came in, I started watching Well Whitney was at Mary's house, and I didn't really know what was going on. Anyways, so the big set piece of this episode is Coach Shaw's birthday party. And so, Gen-Cha is, I was going to say she's driving Coach Shaw to the birthday party, but she's not.
Starting point is 00:10:00 He's still the one driving. But she's like, we're going to go to Popeyes and Coach Shaw is really excited because I've heard Popeyes check and sandwich super good. Never had it. I've been to Popeyes once, I think. And then they drive past the Popeyes and cochiles, like what's going on? Clearly, he knows exactly what's going on. But he's doing his best to fake it for his lovely wife. And then boom, we show to the party or there's one thing with Lisa before she takes her, it's just kind of like filler. She takes her kids to the aquarium and Lisa is of course all business all the time and just kind of seems like not
Starting point is 00:10:37 a terrible mom, but it's just like is she your boss or your mom kind of the same thing. Anyways, so now we have the hip hop golf party and everyone is moving and grooving. It's a big surprise. Coach Xiaowoxin, everyone's there, except for Mary Cosby and there's some like former, NFL players, whatever, it's kind of a fun time. There is a lot of bumping and grinding.
Starting point is 00:11:00 So if you've seen the show in the past, Whitney is really into pole dancing and she is just drinking a lot and doing a lot of pole dancing and there's one funny part where it just pans over. She is just like twerking her buns off and then it flips over to Justin her husband and he is just golfing by drinking going on and Whitney, but at the encouragement of her friend, I think her name is Sarah. She's been on the show before. I don't really know anything about her. She was like, oh, well, we need to talk to Jen Shaw about people are afraid of her,
Starting point is 00:11:37 et cetera. And you know, when is a good time to bring this up? Oh, maybe when coach Shaw is around, she seems to be more calm, more normal, whatever, which is like logical thinking, but don't do it at his birthday party. And apparently Rachel pointed this out to me yesterday. Apparently this serenity was at the storm of the Capitol. So I don't know if Bravo hopefully will cancel her in the future. Anyways, then it gets really painful.
Starting point is 00:12:02 So Whitney is just totally trashed. And usually Whitney, I would say, you know, Heather's probably the most level-headed one, but Whitney, her cousin is like right behind her. Meredith is pretty good as well. But Whitney is just like, they're with Heather and she pulls Jen Shaw aside and she's trying to tell her like, people are afraid of you,
Starting point is 00:12:23 but Whitney cannot even complete a full sentence. They literally spend a solid minute just watching Whitney like trying to get out a full sentence. And Gencha, of course, beep, beep, alarm start going crazy because she's getting all of a sudden feeling attacked, even though it's not by Whitney, Whitney's just like the messenger. Boom. Shit hits the fan. Then Meredith and Lisa come over
Starting point is 00:12:48 and they're like, we're not afraid of you. And it's so it's like, they're kind of feeling confrontational and Gen-Shaw is really hating Whitney right now. And everyone kind of hates everyone except for, like, Lisa and Meredith don't hate each other and Whitney and Meredith don't hate each other. Whitney and Meredith don't hate each other. And Gen-Shaw just goes absolutely bonkers. Like starts throwing shit, breaking glass, like the classic stereotypical real housewives
Starting point is 00:13:14 stuff, like all the throwing wine is gone. It is just insane. Eventually, Sharif is able to corral Gen-Shaw, get her her in the car who's also obviously super drunk. She goes home with one of her sons the best part in my opinion the whole episode is that coach Stays behind with his other son says his birthday and he keeps partying while Gencha goes home and a drunken mess So that's basically the episode in the teaser For next week is crazy. They go to the Shaw Shalei. It's like Whitney's there, and I think Meredith is there as well. Or Heather, I don't remember. And Gen-Shot is like throwing and splashing water at people, at the producers, at the camera.
Starting point is 00:13:56 She is just like, wow. I hate her so much. We need to use the 25th Amendment on her anyways. That's what happened in the real housewives. It started off kind of mellow. I don't think I missed too much. And then I jump in and all of a sudden just boom. It goes nuts.
Starting point is 00:14:14 So I want to mention that I am drinking. What I am currently drinking is a kind of a fun holiday mashup, like they used to do in Glee. So I'm drinking from this cool pint glass that my sister got me. It's like Chicago Marathon stenciled or engraved or something onto the cup. So that's pretty neat. And then inside the contents, it's just, it's not too exciting. It's carbonated water and lemon juice and an ice cube, but it's carbonated water from my soda stream that Rachel got for me for Christmas.
Starting point is 00:14:48 So a super fun mashup. Yes, I'm back to drinking. And occasionally the future, we'll get some podcasts where Quinn has had a few before he starts recording. But it's like Saturday at 3.30 pm. And for me, it's like, I'm just at home. There are sometimes when it's nice just hanging out, you know, on a weekend where it's like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:15:11 let me have a drink or two to like get that buzz going. But then I'm also like, well, I'm just gonna get really sleepy. We got dinner reservations today, we got a date night going on. So it's like, you know what, let's just play it cool. I tease this long enough.
Starting point is 00:15:27 Let's get into our power rankings here. So as a reminder, if you forgot when we mentioned it 10 minutes ago, excuse me, we are power ranking the 14 NFL Playoff cities. And the rankings themselves have nothing to do with their NFL teams. It's solely on the cities and sort of my, my either assumptions, preconceived notions or my actual experiences there. I did not, I did not do the math on this before I got here. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:15:58 So there's 14 cities. I'm counting how many I've, I've, I have not visited. One, two. Okay. Two of the 14. I'm counting how many I've I've I have not visited one Two okay two of the 14 I've not been to and I don't have anything I have some pretty harsh thoughts about one of them I have nothing bad or really good to say about the other one So that's here's the 14 cities in no particular order. In
Starting point is 00:16:25 fact, the order I'm giving you is literally just the order of the games that are happening today. There are this week and there's six games, 12 teams, and then I also, there's two teams with a buy, and I just threw them in at the end. So we'll, here's the list of 14, then we'll start at the bottom with number 14. In no particular order, we have Buffalo, New York, Indianapolis, Seattle, LA, Washington, D.C., Tampa, Baltimore, Nashville, Chicago, New Orleans, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Green Bay, and Kansas City. So there's your 14.
Starting point is 00:16:58 One more time, Buffalo, Indianapolis, Seattle, LA, Washington, D.C., Tampa, Baltimore, Tampa Baltimore Nashville Chicago New Orleans Cleveland Pittsburgh Green Bay and Kansas City. If you want to take your bets now on who's going to be number one who's going to be 14 anyone who knows me I think not even well but has like ever had a conversation with me before probably knows what one in 14 already are. There are no surprises. Close friends or family members, if you're listening to this, you can probably, you should know what number one is.
Starting point is 00:17:32 It's not not hard and you probably know what 14 is already because it is just, it's a running joke and it also sucks. But we're going to go through the bottom seven from worst to not as bad and then we'll take our break to read our ads and then we'll finish up with our top seven. So if that sounds good and if you want, you can email your predictions to beantownpodcast again this beantown, be in podcast at yah In its fourth year, still in active email address. It's largely spam, occasionally I'll use it to sign up for free things online.
Starting point is 00:18:15 I will say this, last thing I promised before we jump in in number 14, I got a piece of mail. It was from some sort of like tax firm or business or something, a local place. And it wasn't addressed to me. It wasn't addressed to anyone. Just where like the postage stamp normally would be, there's some sort of prepaid option with USPS where you can send it to literally every address. I don't know how that works. I never heard of something like that before, but I think we should do it with our father, Quinn, or Dane minister business cards. Maybe a business card and a button, okay? That's how you spread the word. Number 14, on our list,
Starting point is 00:18:58 I don't remember if we actually recorded here or not, or I don't think we did. But this city is just the armpit of God's green earth, Cleveland, Ohio. It is a, and I know there's like a running joke, and in general, Cleveland gets a lot of hate. And I'll be honest, up until the point, I physically went to Cleveland for the first time, which was in like, I don't know, September or October of 2019. I mean, I had been kind of around it before
Starting point is 00:19:30 but I never like spent time in the city. I, you know, I just had all the assumptions, pre-created notions, whatever. So I went, I spent a couple of days there. And it's just, it's crap, man. There's public transportation, it's larger, it's buses and stuff. And I'm not gonna put that on Cleveland.
Starting point is 00:19:50 That's American public transportation in general. But then you just have a downtown that is like, looks like it was a big thing 50 years ago, and now it kind of feels like a ghost town. The dining there in my experience, not good. And then you, it's right, the Midwest city, great lake city. So you're on beautiful lake eerie.
Starting point is 00:20:12 And you come to Chicago, it's like, yeah, you have your beaches, you have your lakefront path, you go up to Cleveland. Nope, it's just like industrial lakefront. There is no like industrial lakefront. There is no like nice beach space. It's just, it's depressing, it's cold. Everything about it is just, who would ever want to go to Cleveland? If there are any listeners out here who have a redeeming quality, they'd like me to share
Starting point is 00:20:44 on the air. I would happily do so because I'm not even kidding you. I'm trying to think like is there anything about Cleveland where I'm like oh but this is kind of nice. Coss of living is probably low. I don't know. There are economy runs on the Bronze James. He hasn't even played played for them It's just the Indians just traded away Francisco Lendor and Carlos Carasco They have the longest world series drought of any team so Cleveland you suck that was number 14 number 13
Starting point is 00:21:21 I've never been and I almost went in June for work, and I'm glad I didn't, because going to this place between the months of March and November sounds like hell, or any time of the year. New Orleans, Louisiana. Louisiana, I haven't gotten around to my ultimate top 50 states power rankings yet. We're going to do that when we go to Hawaii, because that's my last state to visit. But Louisiana is in my bottom five. And New Orleans just really takes the cake. You have this city that is like below sea level,
Starting point is 00:21:55 but it's also like next to the sea. You can be below sea level if you're like in the brass garter something where there's not sea around you. But when you're next to the sea, why would you go below sea level? The coffins are above ground. If that's not spooky then I don't know what is. People are just very drunk in downtown all the time, and there's you either are dealing with hurricaneic activity or flooding. And I mean, who really likes swamps?
Starting point is 00:22:42 Okay, I mean, it's just like, there's nothing good about a swamp and that whole place is a swamp. And then it's not like you have cool, fun beaches down there because it's just swamps and marshes, even though you're like on the ocean more or less, it's just like gross. The one redeeming thing that New Orleans has is kind of like the cool Cajun culture, Cajun style. James Carville, I think that freaked me out as a kid. So you got some great cooking, right? Who doesn't love some good old New Orleans jambalaya?
Starting point is 00:23:19 But the real kicker here that takes the cake, and I said I wasn't going to be raking it by their sports teams but you can't separate New Orleans from its football team. The goddamn Saints cheating sons of bitches. I will never in my life. There will never be a team playing against the Saints where I'd be like, oh well normally I'd root against the Saints but in this instance it doesn't matter. It is a zero tolerance policy Even once Peyton leaves even once Drew breeze leaves. I tell you what man There were a couple times this year where Fox put Jonathan Vilma as the color guy On Vikings broadcast and that is just like on Vikings broadcasts and that is just like,
Starting point is 00:24:07 that is a kick in the nuts. You're gonna take a guy who was found guilty of trying to injure other players 10 years ago and now call the games for that team. Ooh, just let's move on, okay? So we had Cleveland 14, New Orleans 13. This one's gonna be an unpopular. In fact, the next two are gonna be unpopular opinions because I view them as like the same cities
Starting point is 00:24:32 but just on opposite sides of the Mississippi. So let's just do them together. 12 and 11 are Nashville and LA respectively. Starting with Nashville. It was probably really cool 50 years ago when it was like Johnny Cash old school country music. Now Nashville is so overcrowded, overpopulated. There's not really any public transportation to speak of, Predators fans, super annoying, and it has just become so gilded, glitzy, glamorous,
Starting point is 00:25:12 just like basically Las Vegas or Hollywood, but in the east now, it's the Batcharet Party capital of the world. People just go dance on the bar tops. It is super expensive. Traffic is so bad. And it's just like who would want who would want that? Okay. I bet living in the suburbs of Nashville would be kind of nice. But why would you want that when you have Memphis three hours to the west, Gibson's Donuts, Mississippi River, way better than the Comberland, and Blues is way better than, you know,
Starting point is 00:25:51 sexy 21st century, Blaine Country. What's that guy's name from American Idol? Scottie McCreary. Sing it for me, I can't even go that low. So that's Nashville and it's little partner in crime on the West Coast Los Angeles. Los Angeles is like if an eating disorder was the second largest city in a country.
Starting point is 00:26:15 It is just, yeah, I know there's a lot going on there, tons and tons of opportunity, but it's just like this desert wasteland where it never rains and Everyone is like their Instagram version of themself and it's all about influencers and sexy beach picks and You know is Malibu by Los Angeles. I don't know there a whole bunch of Southern California city names newport Beach Long Beach are these places that are by
Starting point is 00:26:55 Los Angeles, I don't know I actually don't think Long Beach is but I don't remember Santa Monica Pier It is fun to play Grand Theft Auto 5 and just absolutely wreck shit because that's what I wanted to do in real life But yeah Nashville and Los Angeles five and just absolutely ruck shit because that's what I want to do in real life. But yeah, Nashville and Los Angeles, plenty of redeeming things about them, unlike Cleveland. But they're coming in at 12 and 11 on our list. Okay, we got three more to go before a break. Now we're starting to get into Mercury waters and I'll say these next three cities are not cities that I hate
Starting point is 00:27:25 by any means. And there are a lot of things about all three of them that I really like. But we're now just starting to get into like, okay, now we're getting to cities that I actually like. So number 10, the OG near and dear to the history of this show, Baltimore, Maryland. I was thinking about the wire a lot on my run this morning, ran a half marathon, and how I definitely want to rewatch it again. It's going to happen sometimes. It's my favorite tool of all time I've only ever seen it once, but I want to get Rachel to watch it with
Starting point is 00:27:57 me because I think she would really like it. But it's a sort of thing where it's such a long big investment, where I want to wait until I have to remove in with each other so that we can watch with more efficiency. Because if we try to do it right now, we'd get like one episode, two episodes in a week. And the wire is what, ten episodes per season. So you got like 50 total and they're full, they're full hour, they're action packed. So that's just it would take a really long time. We want to do or I want us to do the wire and breaking bad because she hasn't seen that one either. She started it but didn't finish it. Anyways, back to Baltimore.
Starting point is 00:28:36 It is underrated. Most people just No Baltimore for the stereotypes and all of those exists. They're all true. There are some good things about it. There's some really cool culture, really cool history. Definitely some, some solid food, some beer, all that fun stuff.
Starting point is 00:28:58 But man, the whole city is just kind of like, I don't really know how to describe this. Depressed, I guess. I don't wanna say depressing, but it was just like, there wasn't a lot of like, positive, high energy when you're in the city, and then when you go outside of the city, Baltimore County or Montgomery County, wherever you would go, or whatever, Ellicott City, whatever county that is,
Starting point is 00:29:26 I think that's Montgomery County. It's all of a sudden you go from like depressed, hardcore urban inner city lifestyle out to like super bougie rich white, like the amount of gentrification that exists between the city and the county, surrounding counties. I don't know if there's another city like that in the country. Detroit probably is like that, but I don't know enough about Detroit suburbs,
Starting point is 00:29:54 but just insane. So, I've spent a ton of time in this show talking about Baltimore. We could do a whole month-long series just on it. So I'm not going to. My feelings have been, I think, made pretty clear in Baltimore in the past. Number nine, just down the about way, Washington, D.C., which could be controversial for some people, here's my very quick hot take on D.C.
Starting point is 00:30:21 It's got all the history, the culture, the cool government stuff, the tourist attractions, the walkability of it, solid subway system, great food. It's got all those things going for it. Here are the big knocks against, say, in my opinion. It is expensive as hell. That's not even an opinion. That's just true.
Starting point is 00:30:45 It is so densely packed, the city itself, and the surrounding counties are too. So a traffic, I said that very strangely, traffic is absurd. In fact, the whole I-95 corridor, I don't wish to ever live on again in my life. It just takes forever to get anywhere. And then Washington DC is just like low key casually a swamp as well.
Starting point is 00:31:11 You don't get the actual like, you're not going to walk around Washington DC and be like, oh, this is a swamp. There's an alligator like New Orleans or something, but it's just the heat and humidity. Those summers, my God, unbearable. I don't think a lot of people who have spent time out there understand it. Same with Baltimore. Those summers, God awful. The wind disappears.
Starting point is 00:31:35 I swear from about June to September. You are just left sweating all the time. I mean, yeah, it gets hot in the Midwest, definitely. But especially here in Chicago, you got like Michigan, like just cool off a little bit out there, hot and smelly and sticky. Wolf. DC, I love spending a day there. I would never want to live there. Last one before our break here. Number eight is one where I've been but I feel like I never really been. I want to go and have somebody who knows the city well take me around and it's a shame because it's a city that you know super close to three hour, three and a half and a four hour drive from here. And it's a big city there's a lot going on,
Starting point is 00:32:24 a lot that it's got going for it, but I don't know it as well as I should. And so I kind of had to put it in the middle here. Indianapolis, the, besides poppers, probably the saving grace of the state of Indiana, people I know who, you know, live there or spend time there, really like it. I think there's a lot of good stuff going for it. I think it's extremely white. So it's kind of got that knock against it, not that whiteness is bad, but just a little lacking in diversity. But I think there's really good food there. You have easy access to poppas, just pop up a I-65 there. Grab it. It's a 90 minute drive. Less if there's no traffic. Because people will fly down I-65. But yeah, Indianapolis, I wish I could say more about it.
Starting point is 00:33:12 I really need to spend a little bit more time there with someone who knows the city well enough to be able to take me around. But yeah, that's Indianapolis. So that's the first seven out of 14. Again, in order from worst to not as bad, we went Cleveland, New Orleans, Nashville, Los Angeles, Baltimore, Washington, D.C., then Indianapolis. So we've got our top seven coming up after the ad read here.
Starting point is 00:33:39 Let me sip a little bit of my lemon water. Starting to go a little horse. Let me sip a little bit of my lemon water. Starting to go a little horse. Not aided by the fact that I've got the winter perma-chap going right now. Never fun. Let's get started with our old friends out there in the Pacific Northwest.
Starting point is 00:34:01 And thanks again to my dad, Steve Ferness, who are coming on our show two weeks ago for our Christmas special and doing our snack cake taste test. That was a really fun episode. What I appreciated most about it was that, we got to a YouTube stream going and we had, we had grandparents commenting, we had,
Starting point is 00:34:20 my dad literally dads, college friends commenting, it was just a fun time, fun little you know holiday activity something We could do so yeah, it was a good time and thanks to dad for coming on and here's his company Home Pride organ are you tired of selling your house for less than a quarter of what it's worth all because you cannot find a reliable Home Inspector in time well organ listeners They got good news for you home home pride inspection services in Bend, Oregon, essential organs Hattest new home inspection provider with inspection services including things like heating and cooling, roofing, plumbing and so much more Home pride Oregon is both contractors certified and home inspection certified so you know you're getting the good stuff
Starting point is 00:34:59 If you're tired of big real estate If you're tired of big realises, lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalal Hope, right, Oregon inspection, perfection. I wanna give a shout out to the Samson Q2U series, and here's why this is the start of our fourth year of the Bean Town podcast. And oftentimes we, I'll mention how I've never missed a week on this show, and that's true. This is whatever the math comes out to our 150, 960th something consecutive week of recording a show.
Starting point is 00:35:49 But what oftentimes goes under or overlooked, if you will, is that the Samson Q2U series has been the one holding down the whole time. It has been with us from beginning to the end, there's only been, you know, one or two episodes I think ever where we didn't use the Samsung Q2U series and that was, you know, trying out some different stuff. But, yeah, Samsung, I know you haven't responded to my emails yet, would love to get an official partnership going. Much like what I have with this fine product I'm going to talk about in just one second here after the cuts by Q ad read here.
Starting point is 00:36:34 Let me pull that up and then we will jump into that. Okay. I'm trying to, I apologize for less 30 seconds. I'm trying to send a text message and do the podcast at the same time, which for some people I'm sure is easiest. Say something and type something different simultaneously. But for me, it is tricky. Okay, text has been sent just finalizing dinner plans.
Starting point is 00:37:03 Bob and weave, we all know the hairstyle and we all love it, but how many Chicago-based independent barbers can actually give it to you the way you deserve. Enter cuts by Q. It's like Anderson and only different. Cuts by Q has been independently owned and operated since 1995 and it's probably one of the better barbershop operations serving Chicago, Cook County, Chicago land area and Northwiss, Indiana. From beehives, banks, fohocks, the flat tops, and everything in between, you got to call cuts by Q815, 298, 7200, if the line is busy, keep trying.
Starting point is 00:37:36 Again, that's 298, 815, 298, 7200, or you can email cutsbyq., again, that's cuts, Q-U-T-Z, by Q. A again, that's cuts Q, U, T, Z, by Q at Okay, sing it with us right out loud here. Oh, and you need a fresh do something snappy and new. Just call the experts at cuts by Q, cuts by Q. That was kind of out of tune. We should get auto tune for the cuts by Q jingle. I think that could be fun.
Starting point is 00:38:18 Maybe we could do like the free credit commercial jingle, where we have like a band contest. I knew we went to school with a family whose oldest son was in one of the bands that was in the, like final four bands before they chose a band that did all those commercials and stuff.
Starting point is 00:38:46 Crazy stuff. That's pretty much my claim to fame at this stage in my life, 25 years in. So write that down. Friends of the show, I want to mention, and if you're friends with me on Facebook or Instagram, at q.coendy you probably already saw this. We are for the month of January. We are in a paid partnership with a fun new brand ever lasting comfort.
Starting point is 00:39:13 And they make bath pillows that are to die for. If you don't know what I'm talking about, you put it sort of at the back of the bath so that you can lie down, rest and relax your head great for sipping wine, reading a book, listen to that 50 shades of great audio book, whatever you want to do, it's going to be great comfort. Everlasting comfort, the bath tub, bath pillow, you can now go to the website and use discount code q.quindy for 20% off your first order. You're going to want that bath pillow. It's I tried it out myself. I don't really have room in my tub for baths, but I sort of tried it out myself. And it's very comfortable. I might take it on planes. I might take it
Starting point is 00:40:02 to the opera. Basically, I'm never going to be uncomfortable again. Thank you, Everlasting Comfort. And I remember you can use my discount code Q.Q&D 20% off your first order. All right, a little bit more sip here and then we are going to chug ahead. I think the top seven, or the back half of this group, the more sort of the better cities, if you will, I think we'll be able to move through them a little bit quicker. And here's why. I like to rant and I like to rave.
Starting point is 00:40:38 And you can do a whole lot more ranting and raving about Cleveland than you can about Chicago, if you will. So let's dig in. Let's see. We had Cleveland New Orleans in order. Cleveland, New Orleans, Nashville, LA, Baltimore, DC, and Indianapolis. So we've got our top seven here. Six of the seven are cities that I have been to.
Starting point is 00:41:01 And I'd say all of these, all of the ones that I've been to, except for maybe one of them, I feel like I know pretty well. So number seven, this was a tough one, just in general, to sort of know how to rank because I like the city. I don't think I love it. There's nothing about it that I hate. There's nothing about it that I think is fantastic. It's got got plenty of pros plenty of cons Seattle Washington Siouxx fans are pretty annoying annoying, but beyond that Seattle a lot of good stuff going right great coffee Starbucks out there Unlimited deathcap for cutie. In fact, you could just literally see Ben Gibber running around the neighborhoods Which would be pretty cool to be able to see
Starting point is 00:41:48 You have instant access to a ton of great nature great hiking Mount Rainier Mount St. Helens Mount Mount Adams and then you a West Olympic National Park never been myself., but it looks really cool. And then Vancouver, Great Poutine, just right up the way there. It's on the ocean, this is some good boating stuff, so it's got plenty of good stuff going for it. But because it's on the ocean, it's also kind of fishy, you ever go down to Pike Place? Not my kind of smell, Tim.
Starting point is 00:42:27 And then I know the stereotypes that range all the time and it kind of a stereotype but kind of true as well. It's just a little gloomy people are very chill. People are very laid back, which I appreciate because that's my vibe. But I also really like my son. Like today, it was sunny in Chicago, and even though it was 25 degrees out, like, hell yeah, that son was awesome. And you know, just kind of feeling that radiance, you don't, you don't get that as much out of Seattle. So it's a fine city, and I could see myself
Starting point is 00:43:02 living there one day. I don't like intentionally want to, but if the position opens up, like I wouldn't be opposed to it. So that's how I feel about Seattle. Number six is a city that I've only been to once and it was a very long time ago. And I don't know it's super well, but it is in a state where literally everything else is crap. So I think this really lifts up its own rankings. Tampa, Florida, home, a Tom Brady in the books. Tampa, I went once, and it has been anthologized in Beentown, lore, in our year one Father's Day song when we wrote about
Starting point is 00:43:44 lore in our year one Father's Day song when we wrote about Pops and food poisoning from Bob Evans down there in Tampa. We went to a race game, Tropicana, the dome. Here's the thing about Tampa. The rest of Florida, no matter where you go, Panhandle speaks for itself. Jacksonville, large suburban sprawl humidity. Miami is like LA kind of, but other side of the country. And then Orlando, I mean, the tourist trap that is Orlando, don't get me started.
Starting point is 00:44:22 So you got Tampa, it's just kind of like chilling, hanging out, not really doing anything. It's like if you, it's like the oldest, like Meredith and Seth on Real Houses of Salt Lake, they have three kids. There's Brooks who we talk about plenty, then there's another daughter who is on like one or two episodes, and then there's a third son
Starting point is 00:44:41 who has never made an appearance as far as I know. That's kind of what Tampa is like. Not necessarily anything about it that's overwhelmingly fantastic, but just kind of hanging out, staying back, not doing anything wrong. Great weather. It's not quite as swampy. You got the fun beaches, but you got the much less pretentious Caribbean side versus the Atlantic side. You don't quite have like the white trash of the Panhandle or Daytona Beach. It's just kind of like it just kind of like avoids
Starting point is 00:45:13 making a big mistake if you will. And that's Tampa, Florida. Don't go to the Bob Evans, please. That was number six. Number five, this was probably the toughest one for me to rank. So it's one of the two cities I've never been to. And I don't know a lot about it. I have spent some time in upstate New York. So Buffalo, New York is number five. And Buffalo is interesting, because it's kind of like a Midwestern city.
Starting point is 00:45:39 I mean, it's on the great Lakes area. Sure, it's in New York, but it's the way other end of the state. It's kind of got that Midwestern weather, tons and tons of snow, almost feels, you know, Buffalo feels like it could be like where Duluth is or something, right? Other end of the Great Lakes. So that's why I'm kind of, you know, giving in an extra couple bumps because along with our next city, it's just kind of, it's one of the smaller cities on our list here and one of the smaller cities with the NNFL team in general.
Starting point is 00:46:10 So I guess I'll say right now that Green Bay Wisconsin's coming in at number four. Now the cities are different. Green Bay is tiny, it's just crazy how small Green Bay is and it's not just small in population that city itself feels very small and like sleepy Midwestern community too. But you know, they just got like wholesome,
Starting point is 00:46:31 real down-earth people. You get, you know, brutal winters but really nice, great lake summers as well. Buffalo, you got that easy access to Toronto. You wanna go up there anytime you want. Check out Niagara Falls. It's all right there for you Green Bay is Tough to love tough for me to put in number four, right because Packers cheese has whatever
Starting point is 00:46:54 But they're not bad people. They're just not Vikings fans, right? So Buffalo at number five green Bay at number four never been a Buffalo have been a green Bay That's where the the dairy lab is the spooky dairy lab. I think we talked about that when we went to door county this past summer But they're in number five and number four respectively, which brings us to our final three and we are staying in the Midwest for all three of them And you probably already know what number one is. Number three is maybe a surprise in terms of how high I ranked it. Number three is Kansas City. I didn't know much about Kansas City before I went a little less than two years ago. And I actually, I accepted the current job I have right now while I was in Kansas City. Good old man, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:47:41 What I found about Kansas City was that it's like your classic blue collar, old school, kind of industrial town, but much like what number two on our list is going to be super good job of revitalization on the Missouri River, beautiful, nice paths and stuff, nice riverfront, a lot of great culture downtown, and then the food really is boosting Kansas City quite a bit.
Starting point is 00:48:07 Kansas City barbecue, delicious, a little, you know, not, I think not as quite as good as like Memphis, but you know, still very good. And it's just not really a pretentious city, and you go outside of it, you know, east to Missouri, west of Kansas, you know, East to Missouri, West to Kansas, you know, you're going to be cornfields, Trump supporters, all that fun stuff. But Kansas City itself just kind of relaxed. Good beer, good people. Great city.
Starting point is 00:48:38 I don't have anything negative to say about Kansas City. And it's kind of similarly, and honestly, the only reason I'm putting number two above number three is just because number two is a little bit better, like nature access. Pittsburgh PA, extremely underrated city, and I'll be honest, I find the majority of their sports teams and sports fans to be irritating, right? Pirates, I don't really care about, but the Steelers, Penguins, and I don't know a ton about Pittsburgh Panthers or their fans, but beautiful, beautiful nature. Nestled, Western edge of the Alleghenies, a lot of good colors, all four seasons,
Starting point is 00:49:20 hardworking people, like Kansas City, kind of a reinvented, rejuvenated, you know, 20th century blue collar town. A lot of good stuff going for it. Downtown reminds me a lot of like my hometown, growing up downtown Rockford. You got the three rivers, beautiful sports stadiums. Just like a, again, not pretentious, which is something I really appreciate,
Starting point is 00:49:47 the exact opposite of LA Nashville and the Orleans, et cetera. Orleans isn't as pretentious, Nashville and LA for sure. It's just kind of chilling there, and I love it. You wanna go up to Punxitani, goblers knob for the festivities in a couple weeks here, boom, you can do it. You want to go up to Punxitani, Gobler's Nob, for the festivities in a couple weeks here. Boom, you can do it. Close to Cleveland, million times better, Pittsburgh PA, which brings us to our very last city. It should be no surprise, and I don't really need to I think elaborate too much on it. Chicago, Illinois, out of these 14 cities. It is just the perfect it gets in the US.
Starting point is 00:50:47 All things considered, I mean, all the fun things to do, not only downtown, but all over the city and then the lakefront access, the great running pass, like the people are kind, great city, great, great city. So there you had it. So there you had it. Or there you have it. That was our power rankings of the 14 NFL playoffs teams, playoff teams. From worse to first, we had Cleveland,
Starting point is 00:51:16 the New Orleans, the Nashville, Los Angeles, Baltimore, Washington, D.C., Indianapolis, Seattle, Tampa, Buffalo, Green Bay, Kansas City, Pittsburgh, and Chicago. If you were surprised or want to disagree with any of those rankings, shoot us an email, bean-town podcast, yahu-duetcom, and it's bean-town, be a new podcast, yahu-duetcom, or tweet at us. The show's Twitter is bean
Starting point is 00:51:45 town cast. My Twitter is at white buns and unlike Trump, I've not yet been banned from Twitter, fingers crossed. Yeah, those are the easiest ways of getting contact with us. I thought it would be nice to start off the year with a fun little power rankings episode. Those are typically some of the more popular ones. And I think moving forward, we'll get some trivia going. We'll get some guest interviews going. We got a lot of good stuff lined up for Year 4 of the podcast. I'll say this, if you came in and you were thinking,
Starting point is 00:52:19 New Year, New Me, Year 4, like looking for a 180 on the format from Beentown. I don't think so. You know, my show is not perfect, but it's me. Okay, and that's what's most important. I'm going to stick to my guns. So thanks everyone for listening as we get into year four. It's never too early to start thinking about pledgeledge Drive Month, which is coming up in just what, three weeks here, three plus weeks. It starts. And that's exciting. We got some fun new donor tiers incentives.
Starting point is 00:52:54 We got some great charity matching, you know, bonuses and stuff that we're going to be rolling out. So we got a lot of fun stuff coming up year four here at the start of year four. So don't let me take any more of your time, I've already been 54 minutes. Thanks everyone for listening, thanks for sticking with us and welcome to year four of Quinn David Ferns,
Starting point is 00:53:18 who presents the Bean Tom podcast. I hope everyone is having a safe, happy, and healthy start to your 2021 year. Only one more week and a half to 45 is officially out. And that's what I got for you. So let's get the music lined up. Everyone, stay safe, stay sane, go bills, and I'll check in on you next time. Peace. bye.
Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm just going to sit down. nd 오늘도!

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