Beantown Podcast - November BIG IDEAS (11192021 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: November 19, 2021

Quinn comes to you LIVE with a whole slew of new big ideas including unlimited paternity leave, the new 7 dwarfs, and a stinky new TV show idea!!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David furnace. Welcome to my show Quinn David furnace presents the bean town podcast for Friday November 19th 2021. What's going on? How are you? What's happening? My name is Quinn. This is my show. Thank you for tuning in to the bean town podcast I am your creator host, Best Boy, caterer, coffee brewer, all that stuff. I got my peanuts squad up mug going. If you are watching the live stream, oh this would be a good thumbnail. On YouTube, hello to YouTube. I don't do video streams a ton these days, just because to be honest, you know, I don't record in crazy places too often right now, it's pretty much right here on the couch.
Starting point is 00:00:53 And also we got this, you know, it's just the worst setup for the light because the light comes in directly behind me. And there's just nothing I can really do about that other than shut the blinds. But to be honest, I got about another hour of sunlight here. And then it's dark for the next, I don't know, 57 hours or something like that.
Starting point is 00:01:10 It's about 3.30 p.m. on a Friday, a little bit different today because I actually have to work beginning at 4.30 p.m. believe it or not, up until about 7.30 tonight. And then I'm off for about 12 hours and then back at it, actually in my office, tomorrow, most of the day. So it is a busy stretch. This week has been, I tell you what,
Starting point is 00:01:36 it honestly feels like it's been 10 days since the last weekend. That's how long this week has been. It's just every day it has just been like boom, boom, boom. Starting with Monday, long days, thankfully, I haven't really had to do too much in terms of working late. This week, except for today,
Starting point is 00:01:58 believe it or not, working late on a Friday, but yeah, the amount of meetings, I don't know, just kind of like a perfect storm of everyone realizing, I don't know, just kind of like a perfect storm of everyone realizing, I think that next week is a, for most people, a three day, two and a half day work week, but lots of people will take off Monday and Tuesday as well. So next week is kind of a wash than all of a sun year.
Starting point is 00:02:21 You're getting closer into December there towards the end of the year. Speaking of into December, a small gripe, and it doesn't really matter to me, but it's just kind of a bizarre thing. Here's the situation. So my primary company has a work vacation day policy where you get X amount of days per year. It's usually like 15-ish in that range. And you can carry over five from one year to the next. So you have to use all of your vacation except for five days, okay, which is whatever, like that's, I mean, totally fine with me,
Starting point is 00:02:57 because I've never, you know, not had enough vacation. And because I carry over five days each year, you know, if I wanted to one year working for this company, I could theoretically max out at whatever it is. It's like 20 days, it's actually a little bit more than that. I think it's like 22 or 23 days by using that five that I carry over every year.
Starting point is 00:03:18 Now, my plan is not to do that and just cash out the five whenever I eventually leave this job, whenever that would be. But the gripe that I'm raising, we got a message today. And it's good news, but it's not going to really affect me, but it's also just kind of like it would have been helpful for planning, is that we got a message saying, for this year and this year only, so literally, we got what 40 basically 40 days left in the year You can up your rollover from five days to 10 days instead
Starting point is 00:03:54 Which is good, right? So it's like if you didn't use vacation then you're not gonna lose it up to 10 days But it's like it's it's today's November 19th 10 days. But it's like, it's today's November 19th. And I mean, we have to schedule our vacation at, you know, at minimum, two weeks in advance, but, you know, it's more like commonplace to do it at least a month in advance. And so a month in advance for us is already Christmas week. And it's like, well, you know, this would have been great to know in like, well, started the year had been good. Anytime in like late summer into the fall would have been good. It's literally November 19th and they're saying like, oh, yeah, you don't have to use all
Starting point is 00:04:34 your vacation. Well, we've, it's, it's November 19th. So small, gripe, poor planning, it really doesn't affect me that much, but it's just kind of, you know, because it gets to that what happens is just the way our work schedules happen. And I think a lot of Americans face this, you get to the end of year and you have so much left and it's just like, I have to start taking random days where I don't have anything planned, which is not a bad thing. But it's just, it's a lot tougher and I think with COVID it was tougher
Starting point is 00:05:06 Believe it or not to just like take random days off for your own well-being mental health all that stuff Because there's just so much to do and I I speak for a lot of people I think Certainly people I work with when I say like yeah, even when we take days off. It's like You're still getting stuff done, you're still answering emails. It's just, I don't know, it's just sort of the nature of like working in higher education, I think, is just there's always, at least in a staff role. Maybe not so much as a faculty member, I'm not sure, but, you know, as a staff member in an office like admissions,
Starting point is 00:05:43 where there's just always something going on, right? It's never done, especially when you have rolling admissions. You're literally never done until orientation, which you also plan. So it's just like boom, boom, boom, always going. But that's not what I wanted to talk about today. I will mention that this podcast, listener discretion is advised when you're listening
Starting point is 00:06:01 to the Bean Tom podcast. Number one, we'll occasionally use some language. Number two, this podcast is objectively terrible, although I think today is going to be good because we've got some big ideas going on. I got three ideas I want to run by you. These are things that I just sort of thought of in my sleep. And I want to share them with you because I think they're going to be pretty fun. Let me go ahead and share this stream on Facebook. So we get anyone in here who would like to come listen
Starting point is 00:06:35 as we get into our big ideas. And I want to go at the start here and thank our sponsors, Home Pride Oregon, when you need a how, how, it's like a whoever that is, Lou Dobbs on Fox News, wow, when you need a home inspected in Central Oregon, you gotta trust the experts, specifically my dad, Steve, column at 541-410-0316, or visit home pride organ calm
Starting point is 00:07:07 mention Special discount code Quinn for 0% off your first inspection tell him quince and shea when you need Your home inspected call the experts call home pride organ Our good friends the Samson Q2U series. We got the new one going again this week. It's soft more outing. Second time's the charm. When God speaks, he uses a Samson. And finally, our good friends cuts by Q. When you need to fresh do something snappy
Starting point is 00:07:36 and new called the experts at Cuts by Q. I got out of the shower at the gym yesterday. And the way my hair had sort of naturally come to rest was very Alec Baldwin-ish-esque. And I haven't been able to recreate. I don't know if I want to. I'm in that weird in between phase with my hair where it's like, I still think it looks good, like I think it looks fine. But as it starts to get a little bit longer, and I sort of do the, you know, push to the side, sort of thing on top, which is longer than the sides and back.
Starting point is 00:08:06 But it reaches a point where it just becomes like, I don't know, like too big on top of my head if that makes sense. And I want to be able to like slick it back. But I don't like to use any sort of product or gel of any kind in my hair or hair spray really unless absolutely necessary. And so it's not quite long enough to where I can just like
Starting point is 00:08:26 push it all the way back and have it stay naturally. Right now it's still so short that if I just push it all the way back, it does, it's not like it goes back and just either like spikes up or comes back into its natural position. Rachel likes to say, I look like Jimmy Neutron, which I don't know, was that ever like a show or was it just a movie? I, we got the movie from like the family video one time I think when I was a kid
Starting point is 00:08:49 But I don't really know too much about Jimmy Neutron I know he has a friend Carl Because there's like a YouTube video of Carl singing a weezer song say it ain't so And I think there's another friend his name is like Vince or Lance or something like that And that's all I really know about Jimmy Neutron. I think Jimmy Neutron was originally Was it a movie that they then spun into a television show? I don't know But I'll get a sip of my coffee here from one of my favorite coffee mugs
Starting point is 00:09:20 Squad up peanuts gang. I love this thing squad up, peanut skein, I love this thing. That's some solid coffee. Okay, so very quickly before we get into our big ideas, and this episode's not gonna be terribly long because we're gonna touch it on real housewives. Mention my three big ideas I have, see if you all have any big ideas in the chat, and then I'm gonna take off from there, because I actually gotta go back to work.
Starting point is 00:09:49 So, real housewives, you'll remember two weeks ago, we had the big Mary lunch in the Italian streetwear thing where she asked what need to dress like a hooker, really bizarre. And then at the very end, we get to the Gen-Shaw arrest, okay. So this week is basically the eight hours from the time she leaves the beauty laser lab, whatever it's called, parking lot, the eight hours that follow that. So we don't see any of Gen-Shaw in this episode, okay. she's completely off camera the whole time. Basically what happens is we spend a lot of time watching the like footage inside of this, I don't even van, I guess you would call it, it's like a limo van sort of thing.
Starting point is 00:10:38 And I think it's four ladies, I'm gonna have to count of them going from Park City, Utah to Vale, Colorado. So, I think it's four women, but let's count. Definitely on this car ride, it's like a seven hour car ride or something like that, it's really long. You have Whitney, Heather, their cousins, Lisa and Jenny, because Gen Chas arrested Meredith went beforehand and Mary Cosby just kind of does her own thing, although she is going on this trip.
Starting point is 00:11:12 So basically, and people have been saying, like Andy Cohen been saying, like, oh, this is a top five episode of all time. I don't, I don't know, I thought the episode beforehand was great because you get the bill up to the rest and you get Mary's crazy party where it literally was crazy. This episode was still good, but honestly, it's a lot of just like the four ladies riding in the car and just a whole lot of conjecture.
Starting point is 00:11:36 Jenny is saying some controversial stuff just because she's trying to get more air time. Lisa was literally on the phone with six different lawyers. She definitely seems a little sus. Whitney is like explaining in very clear detail what has happened. So I don't know if she's just like very knowledgeable about this stuff. She's got her own sort of like I don't exactly understand her business. It's some MLM something. So it is it's certainly sketchy. I don't know if what she does is illegal in any way. I mean, I would it know. I don't think it is. I think it's just like a little a little weird and then Heather is like,
Starting point is 00:12:14 oh my gosh, I saw this on Ozark and then she starts talking and explaining a lot of laundering money, which is pretty entertaining. Heather is like definitely I think Heather is probably the most like She's pretty entertaining. Heather is definitely, I think Heather is probably the most normal of the housewives, which is you look at her and she's got a ridiculous amount of work done and it's easy to cast the spursions and be like, oh my gosh, she's a little weird. But divorce mom, single mom, raising three girls, owns know, beauty business with a store, you know, a storefront sort of thing. And like, she's just very real, which I appreciate. She's not always the, you know, it's a housewives, stupid reality show thing. She's not always the most entertaining, but she's definitely the most real,
Starting point is 00:12:57 which I appreciate about, appreciate that about her. So, fun upstairs neighbors banging going on not as in the sexual way, literally pounding of some kind. So that's fun. So Meredith had gotten to the house early and she literally and pretty sure she like takes his anaxe and hops in the bathtub. I think she's in there for like three hours. I'm not kidding. I don't know how they kept the water warm. Eventually Mary shows up. She had gotten a private jet or something and by the way Mary like Definitely taking advantage of her congregation members. You see how much money she has like church Perition or not parishioners, but like people who run churches by definition aren't supposed to be like ultra wealthy
Starting point is 00:13:44 But here we are. So hopefully Mary is the next one to go down. I don't know. But Mary shows up. She like is wandering around this house, which is huge. It's like, you know, seven bedrooms or something. And finally, she, um, she has the most awkward conversation where she's like standing in, it's like a horror movie almost. It's like standing in the doorway, talking to Meredith, well Meredith has like submerged in bubbles,
Starting point is 00:14:09 clearly like walked out on something. And apparently Mary was the one who broke the news to Meredith. I don't know whether that's true or not, but it's just all very like bizarre. And then the other lady show up, so there's six of them at the house, everyone except for Gen Shaw. And that's pretty much what the episode was. There was a lot more to it, honestly, because this week has been so long, I've forgotten most of the finer details of the episode. But definitely
Starting point is 00:14:41 good. And this is just like, you know, this chain of events is certainly worth watching. If you haven't been already, there's a new, they've announced a documentary, a Hulu documentary, that is going to come out about the Gen Chaw situation, and I'm sure will not paint her in any sort of positive light. And it'll be similar if you watched, I think it's called the Hustler in the Housewife, was about the Tom Gerardi and Erica Gerardi Situation from real housewives of Beverly Hills. I assume this is gonna be a very similar thing Except as far as I know it's pretty much Gen Shaw in her assistant Stu Chains who is like flipping on Gen today as we speak I as far as I'm aware coach Shaw
Starting point is 00:15:23 Who's Gen's husband who's also the defensive backs coach at the University of Utah, has not had any legal issues of any kind at all. I don't think he's really involved, which is good for him, because he seems like a pretty like stand-up, dude. So. OK, I wanted to get to the point of today's episode, which is big ideas. Every once in a while in this show, we have a big ideas show. You never really know when it's going to pop up. There isn't necessarily a rhyme or reason. And I got to tell you, the maintenance guy who does our units,
Starting point is 00:16:06 keeps walking by in the window behind me and keeps looking in like he wants to be on the show and I gotta tell you what, there's just no room right now for two of us. And so if you're not watching the livestream, I have closed my blinds. And now you can see my beautiful face even better. It's just a shame though, because now it's about 3.45
Starting point is 00:16:28 in the afternoon. And I know that those blinds have closed, and I'm done with natural light for. Certainly the rest of the day, tomorrow, I'm literally in not my office, but working downtown from about 730 until 2 30ish so really looking forward fingers crossed to that one or so hour of natural light I'll get tomorrow that's gonna be great but okay so we got big ideas I've put
Starting point is 00:17:01 them on my phone so I wouldn't forget these are mostly things that I thought of waking up in the middle then I had to write them down. Okay, this first one is something I'm really proud of and I'm this is like a Nathan for you level concept I think. Unlimited paternity leave. Yes, you heard me right. For all the guys out there, I have found a way for you to crack the code, break the system, all those other adjectives you want to think about unlimited or not adjectives phrases of some sort similes Anomatopias Here's how it works. It's very really very straightforward
Starting point is 00:17:57 You're a guy. Maybe you get two three weeks of paternity leave whatever it is. Okay. Here's what you do two, three weeks of paternity leave, whatever it is. Okay. Here's what you do. This isn't going to, this isn't going to be a good idea if you are in a committed monogamous relationship. So for all of those people out there, just be entertained by this. But for, for you, for you guys fresh out at college who are really playing the field, here's, here's what you do. You impregnate, impregnate a different woman, this is silly. On a two or
Starting point is 00:18:32 three week schedule. So, you know, we're talking about, you know, 26, 20, 20 to 26 or so ladies throughout the year. And you're going to have to be hopping around. Okay, I apologize for this, but it's how it has to be. Okay, you wanna see how the sausage gets made. I'm telling you. So then, presumably nine months after you start your sort of cycle, you will become a new dad every two to three weeks, thus allowing you to take continuous paternity leave for each one of your newborn children.
Starting point is 00:19:13 And there's no, you know, you can, you can do this as long as you want, but theoretically there's no end. That's the beauty of being a male. You just keep firing them down the hole. And it never stops. You will never work another day in your life. you just keep firing them down the hole and it never stops. You will never work another day in your life. Now, I know what you're saying. Quinn won't companies in their paternity
Starting point is 00:19:31 or family leave policy have some sort of, you know, rules saying you can only take one per year or so much in such and so period of time. You know what, that might be the case. And here's what you do if it happens. Let's say you're an investment broker with JP Morgan Chase. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:19:54 Charles Schwab, Vanguard, T-Rope Price, doesn't matter. Okay. You take it to the streets, old school style. You go to all the papers all the presses all the podcast I will gladly do this for you and you say whoa JP Morgan Chase hates children Charles Schwab despises infants
Starting point is 00:20:22 fidelity is and you see how long it takes until those big corporations crumble. You go on the tonight show, you do Carson daily, you can do the Binton podcast, you might even consider that Pat McAfee show that Aaron Rogers was on a couple weeks ago. You go everywhere you need to go. You spread the word that Bank of America is actively killing newborn children at a higher rate than the spirit of who is that? We talk about this every year on Passover, the ghost of Ebenezer, Scrooge, or something,
Starting point is 00:21:08 if you didn't have Lamb's blood on the trust mount or whatever it's called of your door, then he's gonna come in there and he's gonna kill your children. Okay? It, not, hey, this isn't my idea, that's literally Genesis. And also, what were on the topic of Genesis? Cause I can really get going here or Exodus excuse me I was reading Exodus the other day. This was actually a couple weeks ago and I posted this on Facebook
Starting point is 00:21:33 No one no one even gave it a sad reaction so I don't know if you know the the corrupt Mark Zuckerberg in his meta corporation Continue to block me out or what it was. But there's, I was reading about the story of the golden calf, right? Moses goes up to the top of the Mount Sinai, he receives the tablets from God. I don't know where God got the building materials
Starting point is 00:21:58 to make tablets, but that's neither here nor there. He comes back down, Moses, not God, mind you. And Aaron is totally sleeping with Moses's sister, whatever her name was Delilah or something. They're definitely getting in on, no question there. But everyone else is worshiping this golden cap. And so Moses literally brings in like his own tribe, his own kind of cronies, you know,
Starting point is 00:22:21 and like the mobster movies they got, like they're group of guys, there's like five of them, the enforcers. Most of this essentially has those, the Levites, I think. And they just come in and completely murder everyone. I think the translation I was reading, 3000 Israelites, chop their head off,
Starting point is 00:22:41 stab their gonads, I don't know, you know, how they did it back then, but We never talk about that and I'm pretty sure in the Charlton Heston you will bring her 10 commandments film They stopped the film before we really get to that that we need a sequel. Okay. I here's the thing We could do a 10 Commandments sequel 2021 we should we're someone to remind me're going to do this for Passover next year, where we, we, we cast the, the, the modern day 2022 sequel to the 10 Commandments. This time, it'll be like the 10 Commandments, colon, the 11th Commandment or something like that. Okay, so here's, here's who we have to cast. And I apologize for getting slightly off topic, but this is a great topic.
Starting point is 00:23:27 And we're gonna come back to our two other big ideas, I promise. One of them which is movie centric. So who are we gonna cast? Well Moses is only gonna be in there for a little bit, because well a long time actually, 40 years, but in the span of what we're trying to cover, I'm trying to go all the way to,
Starting point is 00:23:44 I don't know, at least Jericho, Ninevah is not off the table and maybe Constantinople, although it was called Byzantium back then. So we got a lot to figure out. Here's the thing, maybe, what was the capital of Persia? They could put it in there to Babylon. I don't know if that's right or not. Darius, Xerxes, Nebuchadnezzar, etc.
Starting point is 00:24:10 Okay, so you need to cast Formozis. I'm thinking like a Dwayne, the rock, Johnson type. You need Aaron, so that's what, like his half-brother, something like that. Aaron could be like, I don't know. I'm thinking Ken Jong and then you would need the sister Miriam I think is her name, that would be a good like Julianne Moore I think and then you're going to need a Joshua. He's got to kind of be that young scrapy up in comma who takes over the tribe after Moses dies. Who could be a great Joshua?
Starting point is 00:24:47 You know, a lot of times in modern movies, they flip the gender roles or you could just have like the opposite gender portraying this. But this could be like a nice Mulan thing where like it's the young village girl pretending to be a male so she can be a soldier. There could be this big reveal at the end where she's like, I'm not Joshua, I'm Joe Cena or something like that. And I'm thinking a great role for this would be, oh, I don't know, probably that girl from the ring, okay? And not, I'm not talking about Naomi Watts.
Starting point is 00:25:21 So we're gonna come back to this, okay? Someone would remind me in five months whenever Easter is. but that's, uh, boy, how did we get here? What were we talking about? I don't even know what my big idea was. Oh, yes, unlimited paternity leave. Okay, so that's how you get unlimited paternity leave. Big idea number one, big idea number two. Let me get my coffee here. Okay, so you all know Disney's doing all their Disney, you know, re-Disneyfication films. We just talked about Mulan, but they've done. They did Aladdin, right?
Starting point is 00:25:57 I haven't seen any of these, so it's hard to remember. They did a Cinderella with, I call her Camilla Habanero. I think her name is Camilla Camilla Cabello. Camilla Cabello Cabello. I think she's dating someone named who's really famous apparently Sean Mendez and they have a song. It's like I like it when you call me say here. I heard it once on the radio. But back to my point here, Lion King, OK, they're making a lot of calling them live action films.
Starting point is 00:26:33 Although calling the Lion King remake live action was just complete and utter bullshit, because it's still animated, just a different type of animation. There's nothing live action about that. Okay, I'm not gonna apologize for that. Here is a thing, there's a classic out there, Disney Walt Disney's first ever full feature-length film,
Starting point is 00:26:54 I believe, I think Steamboat Welley was like a YouTube short or something. So I think Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, is, you know, it's about time, okay? And this would be a great opportunity because all those dwarves were like super white. This would be a good opportunity to get some new names in here. So this is big idea number two. It's got seven little ideas as part of this one big idea. So we're not talking about casting or anything just who are the seven, the new seven dwarves,
Starting point is 00:27:22 new dwarves on the block, you know okay, so number one is gonna be tricky. And this is, you know, if you've ever seen Gremlins or Gremlins two family business, excuse me, you know, that's Boss Baby, two family business. Now on Hulu, I'm going to watch it. I haven't seen the original Boss Baby. I am sad that Marston replaced McGuire,
Starting point is 00:27:40 but I'll still watch it. It tricky is gonna be like one of those Gremlins that just gets in there and goes nuts. Okay? I think that's going to be really good. I think the kids are going to like it. It reminds me, and this was spinning in the very back and I couldn't remember exactly what it was, but I just remembered which I'm really happy about. There is what arguably my favorite key in peel sketch is the pitch meeting for Gremlins 2. And Key and Peel have a lot of fantastic sketches. This one is so
Starting point is 00:28:18 damn good. Oh my gosh. Gremlins 2 brainstorm. The best thing is all these characters, they're coming up with these crazy characters and it's within the context of the sketch, like, oh, this is silly, like, this is wild. It's all the actual Gremlins, okay? It's great. That's gonna be tricky. He's just, you know, he's very sneaky.
Starting point is 00:28:37 Nothing sexual, but just very sneaky. Number two is gonna be Dixie. I figure, you know, we're very, seem to be very concerned in this country about like, you know, white hate. Whether you agree with it or not, there's clearly a feeling of like, oh my gosh, I should be ashamed of my privilege
Starting point is 00:28:57 or like being white, all that stuff. Like whether you think it's bullshit or not, that sentiment exists for much of the country. And so I think having some representation would be good. And we're going to talk about representation in two or three more dwarfs here, but this one is going to be Dixie, okay? This whole southern draw, I'm thinking like a Christian Chenoweth type of vibe. If you want to go so far and really, you know, spark some debate and make it, you know,
Starting point is 00:29:26 a Confederate flag, a Sluschapps, like, hey, I, I'd not producing the film. I know that would get some really good Buzzfeed clicks, though. And in this business, it's all about the clicks. Okay, number three, this one is, I mean, yeah, the trick he's gonna be good for comedic relief, but we're taking it one step further with the potty humor. This one's gassy. And they're just, they're gassy.
Starting point is 00:29:52 Okay, a lot of stomach discomfort. They're always, you know, they got the bottle of thums. They're always just like shaking a whole big hand full into their mouths. But then you turn around, you pan back on the camera. Next thing, you know, they, know they they're spoonful deep and bushes Boston baked beans, okay? That's gassy. They're just they just can't help themselves. We could have Boston baked beans, Pinto beans, chili beans, garbanzo beans, the list is endless, okay? Or you know it ends once you hit most of the beans
Starting point is 00:30:27 that exist, but it could be really good. Okay, so that's gassy. Next up, I mentioned we were going to, you know, mix things up a little bit here. Diversity, okay? Very fun, you know, all you really need is for them to end in why. And so that's why I chose diversity
Starting point is 00:30:47 I'm thinking we could like cram all the non white Races and ethnicities into one character and I don't really know what it's gonna look like or what type of accent They're gonna have or something like that, but I think it would be pretty fun, okay? So that's gonna be diversity. Number five, we got three more here. Hangry.
Starting point is 00:31:14 Oh boy, that is gonna be trouble. I think hangry and gassy could probably collaborate. Maybe hangry's like, you know, always trying to get some of Gassi's beans. The two of these could be two peas in a pot. You know, they're always always going with each other. Angry throughout the whole movie. They start out just a little hungry and they just want some of those beans but they can't get them for whatever reason.
Starting point is 00:31:38 I don't know. We'll figure it out. By the end of the movie, hangry is significantly hangry. Okay. It's fun. Character growth, it's fun character growth. It's it's in the name It's easy. Okay, second to last one. We've got portly. Okay, so some of those some of those dwarves were We're already pretty portly in the original in the original telling of the film But I think portly would be good. One is just a fun word. You don't hear very often.
Starting point is 00:32:05 Portley, P-O-R-T-L-Y. But also, we could do the whole like 80 Bryant old Navy, like being overweight is cool, sort of theme. I don't know, maybe we could have like cane sugar and saturated fats be a you know promotional sponsor for this show. I'll leave it up to the marketing experts on that one but I think Portley is going to be good for the whatever the opposite of fat shaming is fat glorification and I certainly am not I'm not promoting fat
Starting point is 00:32:44 shaming nor do I think it's bad or wrong to be overweight. But we definitely are reaching an interesting point in corporate advertising and marketing where you see it a lot with, there's a Bud Light commercial out there right now, you see it a lot with grub hub. Companies are really towing this line between like, you know, it's totally a good thing to show characters of all or actors, people, whatever of all different sizes and join your products.
Starting point is 00:33:17 But one could argue that some companies are taking it a little bit too far and actually promoting this. I'm not making a case one where another, it depends on the specific example, but you can't argue that it's not a question, a conversation, okay? So we'll tap into that, okay? This movie's gonna be woke.
Starting point is 00:33:37 We've got diversity and we've got portly, okay? So that's pretty good. Last but not least, spike. Okay, so our seven dwarves we have tricky, Dixie, Gassy, diversity, hangry, poorly and spike. I think it's gonna be good. That's a winner right there. That we could have Camille have an arrow placed in a white,
Starting point is 00:33:59 you know, we could have evil, evil stepmother could be, whoo, evil, you know, the queen. She, you know, she's gonna have to look into the mirror. So I'll probably a Willem Defoe. We could do a callback to the original Spider-Man, Spider-Man very much in the news. No way home trailer came out this week. Willem Defoe, known for his mirror scenes
Starting point is 00:34:22 in Sam Raimi's Spider-Man, we could do a little callback to that. I think it'd be good. So we got Willem DeFoe, we got Camille Habanero, and you gotta have some sexy prints, probably, probably either the third manning or the third Hemsworth brother. Is there a third Hemsworth brother?
Starting point is 00:34:42 I don't know. We'll figure it out. Okay, my last big idea and then I'm going to be done, I promise, because I got to get ready for work. It's some sort of, I don't know if this would be like a good, you know, primetime game show. This could be something either like Steve Harvey-Hose or Alan, excuse me, or maybe like Chris Katan. Or it could be more of like a web series type of thing. You could get that Scott Rogowski, the Johns Hopkins grad, the former host of trivia HQ, is that what it's called, trivia crack, something like that.
Starting point is 00:35:19 Just one of those people who's real irritating, who, you know, for whatever reason, there's a segment of white people that love him and everyone else hates him. It was one of those types of internet personalities who would be good. You can't have someone like, a Sean Evans who's actually like a bowl and talented.
Starting point is 00:35:36 You gotta get someone from the lower rungs, okay? But here's the pitch. It's this is the title of the program. Will it flush? At pond second thought, you'd wanna get someone with the first name Will. Okay, so who are our options here? Well, the famous ones are Will Theroll,
Starting point is 00:36:01 Will Arnett. Will Polter is British, is an actor that could be good. I don't know if he's, he kind of strikes you as we're like a Henry the fifth on the main player stage like the theater kind of guy and not so much as like the crazy like Leslie Jones hosts this on ABC at 98 Central type of guy. But I'm just thinking of Will, so. Will Forte, I respect too much, not throwing him into this conversation. Other wills, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:36:34 If you think of any wills, email us,, again, the We could have a will turner, Orlando Bloom reprises character from Pirates of the Caribbean. He can host it as a pirate, Katy Perry occasionally come on, then Kier Knightley is there, Elizabeth Swan, some sort of love triangle. That would be pretty sexy.
Starting point is 00:36:59 But will it flush? Okay, the title is pretty self-explanatory. I think this would be a hell of a show. You got a contestant in item, and the whole question is, is this going to flush? Is this going to go down? If the toilet floods, you lose all your money. If it flushes, you win big, we could, you know, promotional products could be like,
Starting point is 00:37:22 you know, we could do a cross promotion with the, the, the dwarf gassy from the new Snow White and the seven dwarfs film. You could have preparation age for sure. I know Charmin would be very interested in this project. So, will it flush? And you got it, you know, you, you, people chant like I'm wheel. Uh, for Chen, here are the stars of America's game. Will
Starting point is 00:37:45 polter and Katie Perry. I would watch that show. Okay. Carson daily, if he'll rename himself to Will, maybe his middle name is will will figure it out. I think it's a great idea. Will it flush bus driver move that bus, right? Same energy. It's a real shame tie pennington doesn't have the first name will because that is like DUI tie pennington, that's exact energy I'm going for. Or like a Charlie Sheen. Boy, it's a it's a real bummer that I can't think of a will who's really just off his meds unhinged right now because it's that's really the the the vibe I'm looking for. Okay, so those are my big ideas. We had something about Moses executing his friends,
Starting point is 00:38:30 oh, the unlimited paternity leave, okay? And the subsequent media hullabaloo that you could, you know, the circus, if you will, that you could cause if you didn't get what you wanted. Easy way to collect a paycheck without working for the rest of your life. Then we had our new 7 Dwarfs from an upcoming hopefully an upcoming Snow White in the 7 Dwarfs project.
Starting point is 00:38:55 And then our new game show or web series will it flush. OK, what are your big ideas? Let us know, tweet at us. I am at White Buns with the Z our show is at Beentowncast. You can follow us and message us on Facebook. You can email us Finally, I want to say hello to my friends out in Pakistan, Hyderabad, Islamabad, Persia, and the Kiber pass, wherever you are listening from, thank you for making us almost a top 100 comedy podcast in your beautiful country.
Starting point is 00:39:31 That's what I got for everyone. Thanksgiving is next week. Wow. I don't have, I haven't thought that far ahead yet. I have not figured out the plan for when we're recording, what it's going to be like, if we get a live turkey on air, this is all very TBD. But I promise you a shorter episode and I don't have anything else that I gotta get to.
Starting point is 00:39:51 So for this show, rather, because I'm about to go back to work. So thank you all, go check out that Keon Peele Gremlins 2 sketch. If you have an or if you have watched it, I encourage you to watch it again, because I really think it's one of the funniest things I've ever seen in my life. And I don't throw that around willy nilly.
Starting point is 00:40:08 So everyone, thank you for listening. Oh, get that mug at Spencer Gifts. Thank you for that comment. No, this was actually, I don't know where it was from. This was a birthday present. I a birthday or, yeah, I think a birthday present, either from from Rachel or her family. I'm trying to remember off the time I had who it was, but it's a killer mug. In case you're not watching live stream, you should do that because, well, you didn't really miss that much, but it says squad and it's got, let's see, we got Sally Brown. Is that her name?
Starting point is 00:40:41 Yeah, Sally, right? Charlie Brown and Sally, right? Yeah, line is fan belt Charlie Brown Lucy Van Pelt and Snoopy and two Woodstocks barely Woodstock cloned himself like Dolly the sheep Cloning that's a whole other topic for another you know another big ideas Kind of concept, but that's what I got for you, everyone. Thank you for tuning in. Happy Friday. I hope you enjoy your weekend. I hope you don't have to work like myself,
Starting point is 00:41:10 but I'm going to call it there. And I think I got everything. Sponsors, Pakistan, big ideas. So thanks for tuning in. Thank you for supporting our show. Our 200 and second show of Palin Drone. We love Palin Drums on this show. And we love you all the fans.
Starting point is 00:41:29 Okay, that's what I got for ya. Take care, stay safe, stay sane, and I'm gonna check in on you next time. First we will end this YouTube stream by YouTube. Take it easy, and now I will check in on you next time. Bye. we'll check in on you next time. Bye! nd nd you

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