Beantown Podcast - Opening Day 2023 (03312023 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: March 31, 2023

Quinn comes to you LIVE hot on the heels of Opening Day to survey some of the best new ballpark foods while also quizzing the listeners on their baseball/president trivia....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David furnace. Welcome is my show couldn't even first present gas we are coming to you live from the north side of Chicago where we are one of the top 500 podcasts in the metro area and we are on tornado here I got a good view I'm like Jimmy Stewart and rear window over here crazy temperature swings it was winter yesterday and right now it's about 62 degrees outside I'm like Jimmy Stewart and we're a window over here. Crazy temperature swings. It was winter yesterday and right now it's about 62 degrees outside, very muggy, very windy. And the funnel clouds are looming. So we're going to be, we might have to hunker down and bunker down at any point on this
Starting point is 00:01:00 library quarter year. So you're just going to have to bear for a couple of years or days or at least. My name is the creator and the showrunner for this fine program. We are the 112th ranked comedy program or podcast I guess. More of an experience than just a podcast audio visual Smell of vision all that good stuff. Hello to our friends in Karachi Hyderabad Hyderabad Hyderabad New Delhi, Hilkata wherever you're listening from. Thank you for making us the 112th ranked
Starting point is 00:01:40 program Comedy program just for laughs in the great nation of Packy stand. Yeah, opening day here I regularly feel was yesterday. Big Cubs victory, Ford is zero over the visiting brewers. I guess they had too much too much Miller High Life before getting started yesterday. Craig Council couldn't rally the troops. And some interesting, I'll share, I'll pass along with Hall of Fame broadcaster Pat Hughes, pass along yesterday. I was listening into the game.
Starting point is 00:02:13 Well, first I was watching in a little bit, and then I went from my run, and now that I have these fancy new AirPods from Rachel, I found this app that lets me listen to 670, the score live on my runs. And so I was running down Lake Shore Drive yesterday along the side of it. Listening to my game, of course, if you follow the games, you know, the Cup scored off four of their runs and the bottom of the third on a couple singles. And that was all the score in the entire game. Anyways, as they continue to score, because they were playing small ball, there were errors,
Starting point is 00:02:44 there were walks, there were singles. When they finally got to their fourth run, I did my little Kirk Gibson, kind of, you know, I don't know what this motion is, but kind of arm pole basically, as he's rounding the bases after the pinch hit home run in the World Series for the Dodgers. That's what I was doing,
Starting point is 00:03:00 because it was just felt so good for baseball to be back. Not only for baseball to be back, but you're beating up on your, your one of your rivals here, the brewers. And it was just it was an exciting day, even though it was winter weather. But the trivia that Pat Hughes passed along, I thought was interesting this well, there's a couple of things, not not necessarily trivia, but just interesting facts. This apparently was the only the fourth time the Cubs and Brewers had played on opening day
Starting point is 00:03:30 before. I know the Brewers have only been around since what like the 60s or something, but still, probably 60, 60-ish years, let's say that these two franchises have both been around, it's kind of surprising to me that it's only the fourth time that they played on opening day. And then some other, you know, Pat reminded me of the first time they played on opening day, or maybe it was the first time I remember, but it was 15 years ago, on opening day,
Starting point is 00:03:56 a game I remember very well. I think I was watching it in my basement on WGN or something. I guess I would have been 13, which is like prime Quinn Cubs fandom. And it was a zero to zero game at Riggly going into the top of the ninth. And the brewers played it three runs only for the bottom of the ninth to come around. Eric Gagne, G-A-G-N-E, hardcore fans, Dodgers and brewers fans and any fan of great relief pitching in general. Well remember that Eric Gagne came on for the save and gave up a three run homer to
Starting point is 00:04:33 Cubs legend on his first ever major league baseball game, Coscay Fuku Dome. What I think he wore 11 is that right. I can't something like that. Coast Gale nailed launched one onto Sheffield, in right field, to tie the game. Only to be one up to the top of the 10th by, and this was kind of Pat's trivia question. He said, you know, this brewer hit a pinch hit double to put the brewers ahead by one,
Starting point is 00:05:03 and they would end up to go on and win the game Which you know so not a cup of victory or anything on opening day, but the trivia question was This you know the brewer who hit that game winning double was in uniform yesterday for the brewers Which I could kind of pick up on what he was getting that based off of his phrasing right away And I knew the answer, but I did take a color man Ron Ron Cumer, about 15, 20 seconds to really think of it. Of course, it can't be a current player. It's very rare these days to have MLB players who have 15-year careers.
Starting point is 00:05:36 I mean, there's only put pool holes retired last year. He was around for probably close to 20. Yeah, I mean, just about 20 probably. Other than that, I mean, I can't even think of anyone who's been around for, you know, 15 years at this point. I guess, I think Yadier Malena retired last year too. Other than that, it's really, I can't even think of guys who have been around that long. The answer was Craig Council, who has been the brewed manager for probably about 10 years at this
Starting point is 00:06:05 point, maybe not quite that long, probably like eight or nine years, though. So Craig Council, also famous for scoring the winning run, I believe, the walkoff winning run for this team in game seven. This is not going to be our official trivia question, I promise. But Craig Council, well, if you're a fan of baseball or a fan of trivia or better yet both, you're going to love this show. It's all about opening day today. Craig Council, and this is just off the top of my head, scored the winning run on a
Starting point is 00:06:37 single, on a bloop single by Luis Gonzales for this team. It was their first and only up to this point, World Series appearance slash victory. It was off Mariana Rivera on the bottom of the ninth. And the team was managed by Bob Brenley, who would then go on to be a color commentator for the Cubs for a hot second with Chip Carey. And then he's now a color guy for the giants I think but
Starting point is 00:07:06 he's kind of a nut job. He says some really not PC things. So the answer in case you haven't figured it out yet was the Arizona diamond backs. Kind of like the Miami Marlins they just started off right away and casually won a world series. The Marlins finally broke that crazy streak they had where up until a couple years ago They had only been to the playoffs twice in their franchise history 97 in 2003 and both times they had won the world series And they're only ever playoff appearances not world series appearances playoff appearances That finally got snapped it was like 2018 or something. When MLBs first kind of started experimenting with the, or maybe it was even like 2020, MLBs
Starting point is 00:07:53 started experimenting with the like three game playoff series that they do now. And I don't remember all the like things they did with COVID and whatnot. But the Cubs played the Marlins. The Cubs, it was just ridiculous saying the Cubs still had their core together. They were a much better team and they just got swept by the Marlins who were like this random ass wild card team, but the Marlins did not advance any further. That reminds me, we should let you know that listener discretion is advised when you're listening to the Bean Tom podcast number one,
Starting point is 00:08:23 we'll occasionally use some language. Number two, this podcast is objectively terrible. So what we're going to be doing today is a little bit of a, we've got a palindrome of the day and then we've got some opening day trivia for you and then we're going to be doing a quick rundown to let you know for all the, the ball heads out there who are interested in visiting some stadiums to what catch some games this summer, but you also want to try out some new foods, right? So we're going to be giving you a rundown of some of the new foods in baseball this year at their stadiums.
Starting point is 00:08:56 We're going to a game at Riggly on Sunday. So there is no game today. There was opening day was yesterday, Thursday, and then Saturday, Sunday, so they got the day off. But we're going to be going Sunday to rigly, and then I haven't bought tickets yet, but I'm actually going to be in San Diego, the weekend after Memorial Day for a conference. And it's like Wednesday to Saturday, kind of thing. And the Cubs are in town Friday, Saturday, Sunday. So I'm think I'm gonna go Friday night to Petco Park because I'm just staying about five, seven minute walk from there. It should work out perfectly. We'll see how ticket prices are. The Padres are expected to be very
Starting point is 00:09:36 very good this year. We'll see. They went all in if you will in the off season. So we'll see what happens with that. Let's go ahead and get us started with our Palendrome of the Day. And I figured we're going to be talking ballpark foods. Let's do another food palendrome. So last week was evil olive. We're going to keep up that food theme today.
Starting point is 00:09:55 Our Palendrome of the Day, a nut for a jar of tuna. A nut for a jar of tuna. Doesn't really make sense. doesn't really mean anything, but it's a paladrome, and that's all it takes on today's, or on my show, when David Fernis presents the Bean Tom podcast. So there you go, there's your paladrome of the day, we're still eventually one of these days,
Starting point is 00:10:18 maybe in like year 50 or something, when we were advanced enough for their technology, you can have a paladrome of the day, jingle, and drops and sound effects and all that great stuff. So look, you have that to look forward to on the next couple of years. In the next couple of years, if you will,
Starting point is 00:10:34 speaking of next couple of years, I still have our bean-town podcast stickers. I think I'll be able to distribute them to a lot of family and stuff when we see them. For a brother of the podcast, Walter Fernandez's PhD, I don't know if it's a graduation or a crowning or a ceremony or what you would call it, but we're gonna be getting together for that.
Starting point is 00:10:54 So, yeah, that's look forward to also just yesterday. I bought Flight's 2Bin Town, if you can believe it, a very quick, let's call it like a 30 hour trip or so. A very expensive 30 hour trip, $250, $2 of the cheap flights now to bean town for a cousin of the weddings. Wedding ceremonies already, he's been married for like a year, but now they're doing like the gathering of life celebration, if you will. So that's gonna be a whole lot of fun. Okay, let's get into some of our foods here. We'll start off with the American League.
Starting point is 00:11:31 And then we'll say thank you to our sponsors. We'll go to the National League. We'll finish up with some trivia that I think the baseball heads will like, but I think the president heads are gonna like this as well. So we're just going down the list. This is an article from Good Morning America. I had to decide as I was preparing extensively for today's episode. If I wanted
Starting point is 00:11:49 to just pick out a couple or if we just wanted to kind of go down the line and I decided we're just going to go down the line. We don't have to ruminate extensively on something if it's not that exciting. So here we are starting off with Yankee Stadium, the 99 burger and I, you know, if you're looking at the image here, you could follow along. If you go So here we are starting off with Yankee Stadium, the 99 Burger. If you're looking at the image here, you could follow along. If you go to Good Morning America, you want to from March 30th. There's a new article titled, New Food and Drinks Hitting Ballpark Menus on MLB Stadiums on Opening Day.
Starting point is 00:12:17 So first up is the 99 Burger. It's inspired, of course, by Aaron Judge, who won ALMVP Lester. He set the American League record for most home runs in a season, which is pretty wild. So it looks, it's a burger. It's got maybe two patties, some bacon, some cheese on top, and then some pickles on the bottom I'm at a pretty standard-looking bun. It's got a flag that says 99 on it coming out the top. And yeah, caramelized onions, American-cheat, onions American cheat new school American cheese okay none of that classic crap secret sauce a brioche bun and dill pickles let us into me to upon request they'll sell a maximum of 99 of these burgers per game so get to the park early to try a taste that's one of those things where I'm all about gimmicks and having fun but what I don't
Starting point is 00:13:02 understand is you got a pretty basic burger like this. There's nothing too crazy about it. It's not like you It's not like there's a bar of gold inside or something and you're setting a cap on yourself saying we're only gonna sell 99 of these What about that poor kid who gets to the ballpark? You know half an hour late because his subway was delayed He loves all the way up on, you know, 247th Street near Yonkers. He's got to try to catch a subway down to the Bronx. And he's the 100th customer. So shame on you Yankee Stadium. I, you know, it's silly
Starting point is 00:13:39 but I would actually be pissed off if I like, you know, Yankee Stadium's an expensive experience just getting inside. I would be bummed out if I was not able to get my 99 burger. And there's also, you know, they got this cool promotional image here. There's no word or mention of whether or not they all come with a cool flag coming out the top. So that's a, that seems like, you know, scam marketing if that's not true. I'll swear there's two other things the Yankee Stadium has. I guess they needed a big revamp. This one's called the Chopped Cheese. The stadium is also serving up this New York classic on a sesame hero with shredded iceberg tomato, pink sauce, chopped ground beef, and American cheese. So it's, it's a hero bond to like a, you know, like you're buying a sandwich
Starting point is 00:14:23 at subway or something. And it's got sesame seeds on it Which is kind of interesting? I don't know if I've ever seen bread like that before It's basically like a fully cheese steak, but it's got some you know tomatoes on it and instead of You know shredded steak or how it not shredded, but however you want to label that steak of some kind It's it's chop a chopped ground beef. So I it not shredded, but however you want to label that steak of some kind, it's chop, a chop ground beef. So I guess pretty similar, but it looks fine. It looks like one of those things
Starting point is 00:14:52 where it could be really hit or miss. Like if you get a fresh batch, it would be really good, but if not, it could be rough. The last thing in American or Yankee Stadium is the Bronx Burrito. They got an image of it kind of slice in half, one half stack on top of the others, you can see inside.
Starting point is 00:15:07 Looks like we got some rice in here. Oh, it just looks like a pretty basic burrito. It's just beef, rice, beans, cheddar, salsa, and jappoli mayo. And they're served with Melinda's hot sauce. I don't know Melinda. I don't know if she's a Bronx classic or what. But she's got her own hot sauce. By the way, we're sipping on our Duncan iced coffee. Rachel
Starting point is 00:15:34 downloaded the Duncan app for the first time this week. And she wanted to take advantage of her march offers before they expire at the end of today one of them is Free cold brew with any Purchase when you order ahead and those cold brews that dunk in our pretty good So I got a little medium-ice coffee myself and Rachel had her medium cold brew all right back to Back to business here Houston Astros mint made park no one likes the Astros There's not even an image here So this is all it says and I don't know how to pronounce this Pupusa. I think I've heard of that before, but I don't really know anything about it. P-U-P-U-S-A. That's that's what we're dealing with here. Pupusa
Starting point is 00:16:22 a pupusa hot dog. A jalapeno and cheddar sausage is blanket inside of a cheesy griddles cornmeal cake. So it's basically a sausage inside of cornmeal. So I don't know is that like the same thing as is that like a corn dog? I'm not exactly sure what we're looking at here. Unfortunately, we don't even have an image to be able to explain it very clearly.
Starting point is 00:16:54 So that's kind of a bummer. But that's the pupusa hot dog. And that can be found at Mintmade Park. Blowing ahead here, we go to the Pacific Northwest, staying in the AOS, we go to the team-oable park, used to be safe co where the Mariners play. Mariners going to the playoffs. Last year for the first time since what, 2000, when they broke the A.L. record for most wins in a season, was that Ichiro's rookie MVP campaign, which is just insane.
Starting point is 00:17:26 So this looks, I'm not going to lie, this looks like the best thing I've seen by far, so far. It's called the chick chick boom. It's basically, imagine just the whitest hamburger bun you can imagine with a lot of butter seared on the, the flat top. And it's got a nice chicken kind of patty, some lettuce, tomato, and it's just overflowing with this kind of Chipotle mayo. So it's the all right over the right fuel location is the first all emoji menu where fans can grab some chicken, tenders, waffle fries, with bottled water or garlic waffle fries.
Starting point is 00:18:07 They had the emojis and they have the text, which is helpful, because I wasn't quite sure what I was looking at, an emoji wise. It's from the Culinary Institute of America alum, chef, executive chef, Javier Rosa. Javier Rosa created a new brand of mind blown sauce. That's what the sauce is.
Starting point is 00:18:27 Looks pretty good. Those waffle fries got some like a sprig of mint on top of it. Looks pretty good. There's this other one here called the Cal zone, two words Cal and zone. So this is from renowned Seattle chef Ethan Stoll. It's basically pizza. Well, no, it's a
Starting point is 00:18:46 calzone, but it looks got those nice like crispy air bubbles on the outside. Looks pretty, pretty dang good. All right, we go down to Texas, global life field in Arlington where the Rangers play. And let's see, oh, we got this gigantic thing here. It's called the boomstick burger, but it's like a hogey sandwich-looking thing. It doesn't look like a round burger. It's got onion rings on top. It's a... Oh, okay, here we go. This brand-new take on the stadium's iconic two-foot-long hot dog features a two-foot Nolan Ryan beef patty topped with Texas chili, company chili, Rico's nacho cheese,
Starting point is 00:19:22 and jalapenos, and crisp onion rings, served on a fresh baked brioche bun, designed to feed up to four people. The massive meal goes for 34.99 in section 132, which sounds crazy until you realize, and I maybe we'll get to this. I haven't read this whole article yet. But there's the big new thing I wriggle this year is the commemorative beer bat. It's a 20, 26 ounce or and apparently it's $38. But I think it's just made out of plastic. It's not like glass or anything obviously. So you're getting 26 ounces of beer. Old style mind you, not like a 12% day shoots a bis or something. That would be crazy.
Starting point is 00:20:05 Imagine drinking one of those on a hot day in the bleachers and direct sunlight. Oh man, you would just be. You'd be done by the fourth inning. So this boomstick burger, yeah, it's two feet long. It's not a hot dog. It's a beef patty. That's just crazy. That's a, they say designed to feed up to four people, but I could, I could go for it myself.
Starting point is 00:20:24 This other one looks like something you might find in the Duncan Donuts breakfast menu. It's a brisket croissant There's not really much more to say about that. It's a It's a brisket croissant Top with sweet baby raised donut style glaze for 999. There you go. Are we go out to Oakland? Which apparently still has a baseball team? I read somewhere that they're payroll this year is the same as it was There you go. Are we going to Oakland, which apparently still has a baseball team? I read somewhere that they're payrolled this year as the same as it was like 25, 30 years ago when they led the league in payroll, considering the way the sport has gone, considering inflation
Starting point is 00:20:58 that's absolutely wild. It's like 20 million, something like that, 40 million maybe. Okay, so we have no pictures here for Oakland It just says the Coliseum has a few new offerings for fans like Bert ends brisk Bert ends Bert Reynolds Bert ends brisket sandwich Oak town barbecue sliders a strawberry churro shortcake parfait and It don't only beverages like the new swinging a slushy margarita named in honor of the team I got to tell you I'm not a fan of the whole like alcohol a slushy thing
Starting point is 00:21:31 It just tends to be so sweet You don't even really taste any alcohol Which sometimes you you wanted alcohol beverage. It isn't super alcoholy, but it's just kind of like I don't know They're usually super expensive. We were at we were brunch, actually, with Betty and Jose on Sunday after the Chermock shuffle, which went very well, thanks for asking. And we were at this kind of fancier upscale restaurant that had a weekend brunch. And if you ordered brunch or whatever, it came with one boozy breakfast cocktail, if you will.
Starting point is 00:22:06 And they didn't have, they had Sangria, they didn't have any sort of mimosa, they had a bloody Mary. But one of the other ones was just like a breakfast slushy or just a regular slushy, I don't really know, but it's like, who's ordering, and this was specifically the brunch cocktails. It's like, who's ordering a slushy at brunch?
Starting point is 00:22:24 I don't know, It's like I feel like it have to be a kid to do that, but again, I wouldn't be 21. So I don't know. Let's go north through the border here to the Rogers Center. I took some pictures outside of the Rogers Center back in September last time I was in Toronto. This looks good. It doesn't look like anything that innovative to be honest, but it's the Poutine Hot Dog. The stadium has a new Hot Dog headquarters called the Schneider's Porch and one new item available throughout the park on these hash brown potato cheese curds and gravy smothered
Starting point is 00:22:56 hot dogs. So they have an image from Twitter. It looks like a very basic hot dog with gravy potatoes and cheese on top. I gotta tell you, maybe it's just not, excuse me, that appetizing in general, but it doesn't look like anything that special. And I'll say this, I'm a huge poutine fan, but I don't know if I would wanna throw it on a hot dog.
Starting point is 00:23:16 It just kinda seems like between the potatoes and the cheese, or potatoes, and like the gravy and then the white the you know white bun. It's just a lot of like starch, I guess. That might be kind of tough for me to guzzle down. All right, that's it for the American League apparently. Let's say thank you to our sponsors before we go national and you are opening to a trivia to round things out today. Let's say hello to our friends at a whole Oregon. We need to do our home inspected in Central Oregon. You're going to want to call someone who's safe, certified, so when that you can trust, you're going to want to call my dad Steve. He's doubly insured. If he messes up, they'll buy your home for free, essentially. And so when you
Starting point is 00:24:00 need someone who's reliable, someone who will call you back, right? No one ever calls you back these days. It's the big problem. He might be a little bit busy driving through Oklahoma currently, but I tell you what, when he gets back to the Pacific Northwest, he'll take care of you. Call 541-140-0316. Ask for Steve or leave a message again that's 541-140-0316 or you can visit Homepiredorgan inspection, perfection. I also wanna give a big shout out to the Samson Q2U series
Starting point is 00:24:31 for its never wavering crisp, clear, and clean audio quality from Genesis to Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, and any of those Corinthians, when God speaks, he uses a Samson. And then of course, our good friends, the cut spy cue, barber shop, boutique, experience, if you will. Again, everything's got to be an experience these days. I'm going to do a little neck shave later, probably getting a little bit close to like touch of time.
Starting point is 00:25:00 I don't know if that will happen before we go to Mexico or not. That's another thing that's coming up and just like, well, we got our Easter show next week, which is always a big hit. But we've got, we've got a Mexico trip coming up. I don't know. We do a bean town podcast from outside of the country. I don't know if that's happened before. We've definitely teased it and I've been outside of the country recently, but I don't know. We're going to see what happens. It could be good. It's a wrap around Thursday to Tuesday kind of experience. So it would fit right in. We'll see.
Starting point is 00:25:30 I don't know how we got off track with that, but cuts by Q. Oh yeah, that's where we were. When you need to fresh do something snappy or new called the experts at cuts by Q. All right, we got to move things ahead here. I'm on the secondary secondary laptop today and we're down to 29% and it's got all of our good GMA articles on it. Okay, so these are new stadium foods around the nationally starting, oh, speaking of the Mets, as we're going to start in city field. I saw
Starting point is 00:26:01 a George Santos Go Mets essentially video that he posted yesterday for opening day. It was like 12 seconds, but someone said it was so weird. It was like watching a new shape be invented, which there isn't really anything in the video itself that you know like makes you think that it's just a very funny way of kind of describing George Santos and it seemed very just on the nose very appropriate. That dude is so weird. It's so strange to me that like it's very clear. It's not like oh there's some sort of scandal like maybe he lied about this, maybe he wasn't telling the whole truth. It's just like very clear that he is just straight up misled the American people on so many different things.
Starting point is 00:26:48 And he doesn't really seem to care or show when he sort of remorse or what's the word, not attrition, petition, something like that. But it's just wild that he's just casually serving as a congressman. Now, after all of that stuff, it's crazy to me. It's crazy to everyone else too. I'm not the first one to say it,
Starting point is 00:27:11 but he made a really cringy, cringy, I guess it's cringy to just say cringy now. You have to say cringy video. So now we hope the Metzgo 0 and 162 after that. All right, New Et City Field. You're going to really want to see the image for this one. This is from Matt Monaghan, M-O-N-A-G-A-N on Twitter. New Et City Field is this dessert masterpiece milkshake topped with glazed donut topped
Starting point is 00:27:40 with popcorn courtesy of Sunday donut. So essentially from bottom up here we got maybe like a 12, 14 ounce cup with milkshake in it and around the rim, but not just the rim, but like a solid like almost half of the cup are, uh, Metzcolor sprinkles orange and blue and white. And then on top of that, you got just like a pretty classic like glazed old fashioned donut it looks like. And then what looks to be like caramel popcorn on top kind of stuck together with like
Starting point is 00:28:08 a caramel glaze on it and then a straw. That's one of those things that never really had that type of milkshake or that type of dessert before because I love sweet things but I think if I had the popcorn and the donut and the milkshake and the sprinkles, I don't know what would happen. I think my heart rate would get dangerously high. So that's the donut popcorn milkshake and the sprinkles. I don't know what would happen. I think my heart rate would get dangerously high. So that's the donut popcorn milkshake. Also, there's no, oh no image for this, but also at city field this year.
Starting point is 00:28:33 The Chitties cheese steak. There's a reason Chitties was named the best cheese steak on all of Long Island. The cheese oozes out of the bun. The steak smells fresh off the grill. And the peppers at a jolt of flavor, you need a round out of sandwich. You may have always thought the best cheese steaks
Starting point is 00:28:46 are just down 9.95, but chitties might prove otherwise that you can say so on their website. So that's kind of lame. They really tell me anything about the sandwich itself. Okay, we go to a place we've already mentioned all the way across the country here to Petco where the Padres play. Two new items, no pictures unfortunately,
Starting point is 00:29:04 Mexican street corn. So let's see, I think we all understand what Mexican street corn is. Essentially, there's just some different toppings. cilantro, lime, cotilla, tahin. I don't know what tahin is. Let's look it up. Let's all learn something new. Okay. Let's learn something new on the bean-town podcast today. Tahini, Tahini. I've heard of Tahini, but is that Tahin, Tahin, Classico? Oh, it's the name of the brand. It's chili lime seasoning. Okay, it's got Mexican flag colors on it. So that's, oh, you could also have pop rocks on it, which would be crazy. Also in San Diego this year, the Hawaiian short rib bowl, pedcopark also had a new Pacific inspired concept at the Conan Big Wave patio, section 227. I might have to try that one. I'm out there. That sounds good. And partnered with Brent Beef to serve marinated beef with
Starting point is 00:29:52 steam rice green onions, pickled daikon, daikon. How do you say that? DAI KOM. That's something that I've like seen or heard in cooking shows before, but I don't know what it is. Carrots, okay, some other stuff. All right, we go up to San Francisco Oracle Park. All right, these are crab fries. This sounds like something you'd get in Canaryn Yards, but no, it's San Francisco. This twist on classic ballpark fairs
Starting point is 00:30:17 is made with old-based seasoned waffle fries topped with dungeonous crab, a very spooky-sounding crab, smothered in garlic lemon, and a oily and sprinkle with fresh chives. If you're curious, that's in section 122. Miami known for always doing weird stuff. They have that ugly ass stadium.
Starting point is 00:30:35 Loan Depot Park, it's called now. The Cubano Gigante, the 34 inch, 2.5 pound sand, which is served on locally sourced Cuban bread, and filled with 12 hour in house roasted pork Marinated in a homemade mojo. I don't know what that is and later with ham mustard Swiss cheese pickles and special sauce It can only be found at Lone Depot Park. They got a picture of it. There's three current marlins presumably although no one Anywhere outside of South Florida could name any current Marlon's players.
Starting point is 00:31:05 They're holding it up. And yeah, it's 34 inches. That's pretty, pretty cool. Guaranteed rates field. Oh, God, I don't know what this is. It's my first time seeing this. This is not pretty. They said we were going to the national league, didn't they?
Starting point is 00:31:19 And now we're getting the white socks. Oh, yeah. Oh, man, good morning, America. You guys, you guys, shit the bed on this one. So this is an article detailing nationally teen new foods and we have the Chicago white socks. So smooth moves. what I'm seeing this image. I see what is probably a foot long hot dog, very small, very thin. On what appears to be a slice of either super thin bread, like one slice, it's just sitting on top of it
Starting point is 00:31:55 or like a slice of thick monster cheese. There appear to be some onions on top and the whole hot dog is drizzled with what maybe like a spicy brown mustard, but again, very thin. So the bread itself only covers like the middle 50%. Or the hot dog rests on this small slice of bread. It's not even like fully folded over. It's just sitting on top, but it's not like a bun that extends from end to end. It only covers the middle portion of the dog. So all very short right up.
Starting point is 00:32:25 The champagne of dog is what it's called. A new half pound Viennabee foot long frang is served on a brioche bun topped with champagne, but daily a reddish and haminer or mustard. So it's pretty much exactly what I describe. I don't understand this brioche bun because I'm not lying. You have one third of the hot dog sticking out
Starting point is 00:32:44 then the second third is on top of this bun, I guess. And then the final third is sticking out again. I guess that's just supposed to be a regular hot dog bun. It doesn't really look like it though, maybe it's just bad image quality. All right, going down to Atlanta, oh, this looks just ridiculously good. The clean up burger, and apparently this
Starting point is 00:33:04 our last one here. So the the cleanup burger, which this article is is dumb because Riggley's got some new stuff too, not listed on here. So inaccurate, not well semi inaccurate, calling the White Sox and National Team, and incomplete results. Finally here in Atlanta, the cleanup burger made to serve up to four hungry fans. This burger is made with four grilled albalfe patties, topped with golden hash brown potatoes,
Starting point is 00:33:30 hickory smoked bacon, cheese, and a sunny side-up fried egg served on buttermilk Belgian waffle, on a buttermilk Belgian waffle with maple syrup. And if you're curious, yeah, it looks pretty dang tasty. It's got the waffles has like a whole in the middle that they got fries coming out of. I don't know if they throw syrup on that as well, that sounds kind of sticky, but there you go.
Starting point is 00:33:54 Those are some of the top foods in baseball, top new foods in baseball this year. Check it out wherever you go if you're, you know, find yourself at Petco, or you wanna get a $38.26 beer, $26 beer, I wriggly out of a plastic bat, you can do that whatever you want to do. Make sure you let us know about it. You can email us beantown podcast at again, it's beantown in podcasts at
Starting point is 00:34:22 or you can tweet at us. The show is at Bean Town Cast. I am at White Bonds with a Z. You can take some great pictures of ballpark food this summer. And we'll share it on our website, on our socials, all that good stuff. Okay, we're going to wrap up today's show
Starting point is 00:34:38 with another trivia question as we often do. Like we've been spending the first 30 minutes on this is going to be opening day theme, but we'll add a little bit of history in as well. Okay, so this is going to be, it's going to be a one question and then there'll be some kind of bonus answers, if you will. But the bonus answers are a different kind of question, if you will, they're not like secondary answers to the original question. So if you're kind of question, if you will, they're not like secondary answers
Starting point is 00:35:05 to the original question. So if you're a history buff, if you know your president, your US president's in your years, this will be a cakewalk for you, but I trust or I suspect that not everyone listening knows their exact dates, nor did I. If you had asked me this before, I looked at it. I probably would have... I think I
Starting point is 00:35:27 think I could have got this just by narrowing some things down and I'll let you in on how I think about this years-wise before we dig into it here. But here we go. So who threw the first, first pitch? So on the first day of the 1910 season, this president became the first president to throw this ceremonial first pitch. And I don't know exactly if this is the first pitch ever or if this is the first time a president, a sitting president has done it.
Starting point is 00:36:00 I think it's saying that this is the first time there was ever a ceremonial first pitch. So I don't know where it was exactly. Let's see if we, it's hyperlinked here. So let's expand this out. Again, we're looking for 1910, who was the first president to throw the ceremonial first pitch. And we're taking this from
Starting point is 00:36:22 And it says, although the ceremony's surrounding baseball's opening day of an hour, on since at least 1890, it took 20 years for the commander in chief to come out of the tradition. The first sitting president to throw a pitch was blank. Okay. Yada, yada, yada. So some some more insight into this before we reveal our answer. President tap. Oh, I just gave it away. God damn it. All right, well there you go. The answer in Clasia, you didn't figure it out already. It was a William Howard Taft.
Starting point is 00:36:52 And continuing on here, Taft wasn't even scheduled to attend the game that day. And only did so to cheer himself up after a tough morning the Oval Office. Let's see, he had met with a suffragist convention earlier in the day and apparently he had not gone well. Taftian famously explained that if women were allowed to vote power might be exercised by the least desirable person. Oh, I love this. The hostilities he under-sendly faced sourd as day so he headed to Washington, D.C.'s National Park for a pick-me-up.
Starting point is 00:37:18 It was a beautiful spring day. The hometown senators were said to play the Philadelphia athletics in front of a sold out crowd. Before the game, senators managed a Jimmy McAleer. Got the bright idea for Taft to toss out the first ball. While McAleer wanted star pitcher Walter Johnson to catch the throw, the shy reserved Johnson. I don't know the wording there. Reserve John. Oh, okay. Johnson who was shy declined the offer and said, catch your Gabby Street was chosen to receive the job.
Starting point is 00:37:47 Lob, okay, not job. So there you go, there's the answer. The first, on the first day of the 1910 season, William Howard Taft became the first president to throw a ceremonial for first pitch. Okay, so the bonus clues or bonus answers beyond this. Oh, and I was gonna mention, I think it would have been all to get it
Starting point is 00:38:04 because I know that McKinley was present for a turn of the century, but that he was assassinated shortly after I think at Cleveland. And I knew that Teddy took over for McKinley, and Teddy served basically two terms, I think. So who would have been around in 1910, knowing that Wilson was present during World War I, 1914 and 1918, slash 19, there had to be someone in between, so taft made sense, I think I would have been able to get that. I'm definitely, I'm a little bit fuzzy on my president's basically late 19th century, but then from there, well, and let's be honest, I don't know my eight pretty much outside of Civil War stuff,
Starting point is 00:38:45 you know, from like 10 to 16, 10 to 15, I'm not great either. In terms of, you know, which number president were you in then after Grant, I'm fuzzy too, from like 19 to 25 or whatever that would be. So anyways, our bonus clues here are bonus questions. Since then, every president besides these two have thrown at least one ceremonial first pitch for opening day or the All Star Game or the World Series well in office. So I'm looking for the two and there's some context here. You have to have been a sitting president
Starting point is 00:39:27 while you threw out the first pitch at opening day All Star Game or World Series. So basically what I'm getting at is these two guys have both thrown out first pitches at a game of some sort, but not while they were sitting present. One was before they became president, and one was after. Okay. So you got to tell me who the two were. We've narrowed it down because you know that it's after 1910. But beyond that, I understand there's not many, not much more for context clues. So
Starting point is 00:40:00 here, here's your first big clue for both of them. They're both alive. Okay, so that narrows it down to Gosh like five people basically maybe even four. I'm not sure. So both of these guys are alive Both were relatively unpopular For the most part and that should really help well. They were president for the most part. That should really help you narrow it down. Different parties, one Democrat, one Republican, and one, they've both been in the news recently, okay? I think that's about as much as I can narrow it down without just giving you stupid,
Starting point is 00:40:42 easy clues. So they've both been in the news for very different reasons. Okay, so that should probably pretty much give it away. I don't think Clinton or George W or Barack have been in the news all that much recently. So your two answers here. Again, these are presidents who've never threw out a ceremonial first pitch while at like an all-star game
Starting point is 00:41:04 or World Series opening day while they're president. Jimmy Carter, who of course was Democrat, wasn't super popular and has been in the news because he's going to hospice. And then of course a good friend, DJ, T Donald Trump, who has been in the news yesterday for very, or wasn't the news yesterday for very different reasons. And going back to last week's, last week's right on cue was very apropos. We talked about the whole Gwyneth Paltrow thing. Apparently they ruled in her favor
Starting point is 00:41:34 and she got paid $1. So good for Gwyneth. I don't think Chris Martin's gonna see any of that money. And then of course, the last part of right on cue last week was that Donald Day Trump was going to be indicted but then he wasn't and no one knew what was going on. Well, yes, sure, he finally was. So that kind of ties a little bow on last week's news show.
Starting point is 00:41:56 If you missed that episode of right on Q, you can go to be in town slash right dash on dash Q and it'll be up there eventually. Guys, that's what I had for you. Storm is coming. The guys have gotten very cloudy, very gray, very spooky. We're gonna shutter the windows and hunker down here, hunker and bunker. My name is Quinn David Furnace.
Starting point is 00:42:17 Thank you so much for listening. I appreciate it. We're gonna be back next week with a very popular episode, something I think I look forward to. And hopefully you do to our Easter special. We could do anything. We could talk 10 commandments, Charlton has to an Easter basket, bunnies. We could do an in-depth kind of rabbit special. There's so much we can do. So I hope you had some eggs. I hope you get some palm leaves this Sunday. You might listen to Scott Joplin's palm leaf reg. You could write a donkey,
Starting point is 00:42:46 whatever you want to do. Just stay safe, stay sane, play some outro music because my name is I'm just going to sit here. M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M- ndご視聴ありがとうございました you

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