Beantown Podcast - Pokemon and Detroit (929109 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: September 30, 2019

Quinn comes to you live hot of the heels of his Detroit trip to talk about Misty turning boys into men, the Belle Isle Casino, and the awfulness of today's football outcomes...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinty of the Furnace. Welcome to my show, Quinty of the Furnace Presents, the Bean Town podcast for Sunday, September 29th, 2019. What's going on? How are you? What's happening? My name is Quint, this is my voice, and this is my show.
Starting point is 00:00:15 Well, it's been, it hasn't actually rained for most of the day here in Chicago, but it really has just kind of been misty. I was like the second Pokemon gym leader, right? She was pretty hot. Okay, let's just put that out there. I mean, you got a bunch of seven year olds, seven year old boys across the US,
Starting point is 00:00:39 playing Pokemon Blue back there in 1997 or whatever. And you're your tool in the long, and Pokemon Blue back there in 1997 or whatever. And you're tooling along, you made it through Brock and you got past the hidden tunnel or whatever it is, Moon Cave, whatever it's called, and then you get out to the third or fourth city, whatever it's called. And boom, there's Misty. First you had to go over the nugget bridge
Starting point is 00:01:08 and fight your rival. And then the rocket guy beat him and gives you a nugget. If you're really having fun with the game, you can get a mu at that point. Just make sure you get an Abra first that has teleport. Hey, for any of you listeners out there, if you're saying, whoa, I've been playing Pokemon for 25 years and I never got a Mew,
Starting point is 00:01:31 just DM me for details. You can always message us Again, this beantown, B-E-A-N-T-D-N-Podcast at, we'll hook you up with how to get that level seven Mew, which is just a pretty tough to beat Pokemon. Let me tell you, my ultimate dream was to create a Pokemon lineup. You can have six Pokemon in your kind of Q at one time, and Q's Q was always supposed to be a Dragonite and five mues, all six Pokemon at level 100,
Starting point is 00:02:10 which is the highest you can train a Pokemon to be. I'm trying to think of skill set. I think my Dragonite had probably hyper beam, surf, thunder, and dragon rage, maybe and dragon rage is a, for any of you, epic gamers or hardcore gamers out there, you know, dragon rage is an absolute total crap move. It's just like super weak, but it's the only like dragon move, right? There are no, there were no other moves, I believe, in the original Pokemon that were like a dragon move. That was the only one. So that was just, you know, you kind of had to have it just because it was so cool. Not that you would ever use it over surf thunder or hyper beam, but pretty fun regardless.
Starting point is 00:03:02 But then the Muse would have, and I think this is up for debate, and I'm sure there are lots of different schools of thought on what Move sets to have your Muse have, because the thing with Muse they can learn any Move, but they don't learn very many moves just by leveling up, so they all got to be TM's and HMs and stuff. I think my muse always had surf, thunderbolt, blizzard and earthquake, maybe. I'm trying to think. I'm sure somebody could run some algorithms out there
Starting point is 00:03:37 and you turn what the actual best move set is from using. And in retrospect, it probably would have been cool to have each one of my mues like do something differently because here's a thing once you get one level 100 mu once you get one like level 60 mu in Pokemon you can just run through the Elite Four without getting touched normally. And so then, if you can do that with one level 60 mu, imagine when you have five level 100 mu's and a level 100 dragon night, it doesn't really make sense. There's nothing in Pokemon that can really stand up to you at all or come close.
Starting point is 00:04:24 So it was kind of a waste to just do the same thing over and over and over again. I think I came up short. I never quite finished that dream out. It's still I believe the stored or the saved game on our copy of Pokemon Blue, which is somewhere in my parents's house, I believe, I hope, and I don't know, because you know, those game cartridges, or maybe it's just the game boys that do this, or I think it's a game cartridge, too. It's not like a battery that's in there, but there's something where after enough time pass, is it like resets, or the game just fries or something.
Starting point is 00:05:08 I know that happened to one of my Pokemon games, one of the newer ones, so I wouldn't be surprised if it had happened to this older copy that I assume has been in the family probably 20 plus years, something like that. So yeah, I don't really, I don't really know how far I got. I think I I know I had the level 100 dragon I and I think I had three or four level 100 mues, but I don't think I ever got a fifth one. Which is a damn shame. Anyways, you cross nugget bridge and you go and you can get seismic toss right is at TM20 something like that a nice little normal move but always fun to have really in the game because the graphics on that move are so cool but then you go to Misty's Gemini it's like it's like the SNL Harry Potter sketch with Lindsey
Starting point is 00:06:06 Lohan is Hermione Granger. Kawabonga. Young Quinn became a man the first time he found Misty. But she's also a cool trainer, right? Because she's got, she's really simple, but kind of a pain in the ass. She's got Star, Star Me and Star You, something like that. I don't really understand the names. I just feel like it doesn't.
Starting point is 00:06:35 And it's not even that it doesn't make sense. It's just like, what's the point? Those were her only two Pokemon. And the second one, which I think is Star You? I don't know. Could really kick your ass with bubble beam, if you weren't careful. Now it would be a good time to mention that listener discretion is advised when you're listening to the bean-tone podcast.
Starting point is 00:06:54 Number one, we'll occasionally use some Pokemon blue inspired language. And number two, podcasts is objectively terrible. Although it's always a little bit better, whether you're a hardcore Pokemon fan or not. I think it's you know, it's just kind of refreshing To go back and and and reminisce a little bit about the old days because I tell you what I Have one friend who who still I don't know if he you know actively plays Pokemon But they're still coming out with new Pokemon games. I think they're up to gen 7 or Gen 8, something like that. It's like Pokemon Crystal Math and Pokemon Opioids
Starting point is 00:07:29 or something. And I don't even know what platform, like what's the most current Nintendo handheld device? Is it an Nintendo DS? Is it a Switch? Can you play Pokemon on switch, I don't really understand any of that stuff. A Wii or something, because GameCube, I thought was a really big thing, but I don't think you could play Pokemon and GameCube. But then they never came out with another GameCube. I think they just switched to Wii, but now I think Wii is done, but isn't there a Wii 3DS or something, or Nintendo 3DS? Is that different than the Nintendo DS?
Starting point is 00:08:08 I don't really know. But let's see, where was I going? Some Pokemon. Oh, I have a friend and he'll sometimes share with me some like new age, by new age. I mean, like modern day Pokemon stuff and all these stats and different, you know, kibble numbers and special defense and Uber ratings and I, you know, my Uber ratings like a 494 which I thought was pretty good but apparently in Pokemon terms it's awful. I'm not even lying. Apparently there is some like Uber Pokemon
Starting point is 00:08:41 something. We were talking about Kinga Skahn earlier this week and I don't, you know, I don't know any of that stuff. You know what? I know I know Gen, Pokemon, something. We were talking about Kangaskan earlier this week. And I don't know any of that stuff. I know I know Gen 1 Pokemon, all 151 of them. I know kicking ass, going to the lead for with a lineup that has no business beating the elite for, but you know the elite for in and out after playing the game so many times. You know, there are strengths, you know, there are weaknesses. So you can get a team of Pokemon through there all around like high 30s, low 40s, which is on average. If you train six Pokemon evenly, that's about where you come out to. If you just go through the game, fight the trainers and fight a wild Pokemon here and there used to do speedruns, although not as common in Pokemon, but would occasionally do some speedruns against my brother
Starting point is 00:09:34 What would would be more common for us would be? We had super Mario brothers two for the Game Boy, Game Boy original and we would do speedruns on that. It was a fun game. There were 12 levels, I believe, kind of broken up into four, three level segments at the end of each, three level segment. At the end of each one of those levels, they would be a big boss fight. And I don't really remember what the bosses were.
Starting point is 00:10:06 There was one, the end of level six was like an undersea, underwater expedition. The last one at the end of level 12, you're in a plane. Level nine, there's something like rocks and pillars or something. My favorite level was, I don't know if it's level 10, level 11, something like that But there's the monkeys right they come back to life. Hey, hey, we're the monkeys and we're like zombie monkeys
Starting point is 00:10:31 That was I tell you what that that level was scared the crap on me because you can like pop them on the head But I think to kill him you have to have the fireball Which you have to get double mushroom to get or double flower whatever it was back in that game which you have to get double mushroom to get or double flower, whatever it was back in that game. Those monkeys were, were wild, man. Speaking of zombies, Armymen, two, was that the game that had the zombie level? And there's the old man and the classic sound effects. You can still, man, if you, you want to talk about like being horrified, don't show me, you know, a scary movie or anything like that.
Starting point is 00:11:05 Just show me like a YouTube run through of Armyman 2 and you get to that level and you start hearing those sound effects. Tell you what, that's all I need to piss my pants. Mercy. Anyways, going back to my original point, it's a little misty out here in Chicago. It had been raining. I was driving back from Detroit, Michigan, which we'll get to in one second here. But right when I got to Gary on Friday, late morning, early afternoon, it just started
Starting point is 00:11:34 pouring, which is always fun because I don't drive that much. In fact, less than I did, you know, the last two years, I drive even less now for work than I did before, and of course I don't own a car. So I consider myself to be a very good driver. I've been doing this for what, nine years now, something like that, never gotten in an accident. No tickets, nothing like that. But, you know, when you're on the interstate
Starting point is 00:12:03 and it starts pouring and you get to that point where your wipers are going as fast as they can and you're still a little dicey, it's just kinda, you know, you just gotta drive defensively, but even then you don't know what's gonna happen. Case in point, and this said nothing to do with weather, but I, dear friend who lives in the Nashville area and he was driving on, I don't know, I 40 or something like that, and he was stuck in traffic on the interstate.
Starting point is 00:12:30 Some random, I think a teenage girl or something, driving behind him, down, texting, looking down at her phone, going 50 miles an hour, rams into the back of my friend Matt's car. I don't know if the car is officially total. I saw a picture of it and I Instagram look pretty rough. Friend Matt's banged up. Neck is in rough shape. Did not break his nose, which was fortunate because it sounded like he took a pretty good bump head to steering wheel, but yeah, pretty rough, pretty rough. So let's see here. But I was in Detroit, which was fun. So I was working this week first in South Bend, which is a kind
Starting point is 00:13:21 of a cute little town. I don't know, I didn't spend a ton of time there But I was working at Notre Dame which is pretty neat You know, they got that new student center there it overlooks the field did not see Did not see Sean Aston which was a little bit disappointing TBH, you know, I'm thinking Rudy Rudy maybe Maybe he's you know there full time like they have Sean S and I retainer. I know they've got him doing those KFC commercials now, but no Sean S and anyway, got to look into the field because the student center is like built up alongside the field and it's actually connected.
Starting point is 00:14:03 And you can physically on one side of the Zoom Center, you just exit out and you just walk into the stands. It's really cool. I don't know exactly how they have it sort of structured during games, you know, because they must restrict access to that floor I would assume. Because there are like seats, not even the ones that you have to exit the students starting to go to. They're like bar, bar stool seats basically that overlook the stadium you can just watch. And I can't imagine that any random
Starting point is 00:14:41 person could just go up to the game and have those seats. I mean, maybe maybe add another institution, but Notre Dame is just like football haven. So, yeah, I'm not exactly sure what it was like, but I was there on a Wednesday. So, there was no football going on. Had to drive to Ann Arbor the next day, or the night of me working at Notre Dame after that, drove to Ann Arbor the next day or the night of me working at Notre Dame after that drove to Ann Arbor. It's like three hours. I was actually staying in Plymouth, Michigan, which is where Team USA Hockey has their arena, which is really neat. I actually, I still, I haven't figured this out. I was going to work at University of Michigan, which I had never been to Thursday morning,
Starting point is 00:15:31 and I'm thinking, okay, I should grab some coffee on the way there. It's like a 25-minute drive to get there. So I give myself plenty of time. So I say, okay, let me find a dunkin' because I love dunkin' man. Let me find a dunkin' on the way man. Let me find a Duncan on the way. So I punch it into the GPS.
Starting point is 00:15:47 There's one like two miles away. So my car take or my phone takes me to this abandoned parking lot. And it's this huge parking lot. And there's just like nothing there. And I'm trying to figure out what's going on. Well, I keep driving and driving and all of a sudden, I realized I'm at the team, team USA hockey facility. It's kind of like hitting behind some trees And so I didn't realize where it was at first
Starting point is 00:16:10 But there's no Duncan and as far as I can tell and maybe the the the Team USA officials listening to this can get back to us by tweeting at us at bean town cast But I went inside later to the arena at a different point later in the day, and I did not see any Duncan Donets. I don't think there's currently one in there, so I don't understand where my phone was taking me, probably trying to get me murdered, but yeah, I don't know. So no, I did not get any coffee. Thankfully, they had some, we're at the Michigan League, which is a building, right? It sounds like a dinner club or something,
Starting point is 00:16:53 or a supper club. I never quite understood what those are. They're really big at like old school colleges. You're like Williams College or something, or Dartmouth or something. And instead of like fraternities and sororities, they have supper clubs, or maybe they have both, I don't know. Maybe someone who went to a school where there's a party culture can can help me understand what those are, because I legit, and I work in a higher
Starting point is 00:17:23 ed and I have a master's degree in higher ed. I don't understand what a supper club is. Is it as straightforward as it seems, right? You get together once a week and have supper and piatti-adiata or is there something else going on behind the scenes? Maybe something more sinister? I don't know. I would like to find out. If you have any information on supper clubs, let us know. But I got to go to Detroit after that. And I'm going to tell you all about it real quick here after I read some ads. This is going to be a shorter episode. I went long last week and I'm in a bad mood. And I'll tell you why real quick. And I'm not going gonna ramble because I ramble a lot two weeks ago
Starting point is 00:18:10 and I just didn't like listening back to it one it wasn't that interesting but two it just made me feel Bad about myself when I was already feeling bad about me about myself, but I'll tell you what so bad day for football Both my fantasy teams well one of them my family where it's undefeated got absolutely torched like not even close Everybody on my team was just awful, save for one player. My school league team, which is 0-3, I'm defending champions, so that's pretty frustrating. But that one was looking like they were going to cruise to victory, get their first one of the year, and then the guy I'm playing, total pain in the butt coming out of nowhere scoring some big points late today.
Starting point is 00:18:48 And now I'm going to need above average games. I got two guys going on Monday night, but it's going to be not good. I don't know. And then of course the Vikings. Just absolutely torch. And okay, first things first. And only quick points here.
Starting point is 00:19:07 Bears defense played magnificently. Yep, they did really well. But the Vikings made no adjustments. Their game plan was horrendous. Kirk Hussins lost two fumbles. Got sacked, what, seven times. And I would say five or six of those were his fault. And there were there were one or two that were blindside hits that were faster
Starting point is 00:19:30 than he deserved to be hit at. But it just and then so the logical next thought is, okay, he was holding on the ball too long. He wasn't always missing reads. Occasionally he was missing reads. There was one play that Roma pointed out where cook was wide open on a wheel route would have been a touchdown. Otherwise, I don't think he was missing that much. The cornerbacks and the safeties for the Bears were just playing really well.
Starting point is 00:19:56 But so that's not me criticizing cousins. That's okay, let's change his game plan. The crazy thing, and I know you're thinking all oh, this was just garbage time, but right at the end there, when the Vikings were moving the ball, it was screens, it was drag routes, it was slants, like that should have been the game plan from the very beginning. Way too often today, Vikings receivers just looked like they didn't even want to be there. I don't know if there's some drama in the clubhouse or in the locker room. I don't know what's going on, but it reminded me I was also watching Odele Buckham Jr. today
Starting point is 00:20:35 for the Browns, and I watched quite a bit of the Browns Ravens game. And I have the routes he ran. He just was not going 100% didn't look like he wanted to be out there. And that's really the difference today in the Bears Vikings game because the Bears defense was going 100% the whole time. And then I really didn't think the Vikings defense actually played that well. They gave up 16 points, which on the road is good. But you're playing back up quarterback.
Starting point is 00:21:03 Bears offensive line is not that great. And the Vikings until later in the third quarter or early fourth quarter, they just were not getting any pass rush. They weren't blitzing. I mean, this should have been no brainer in my mind. Mike Zimmer, aggressive defense should have been playing press coverage because your secondary is better than their wide receivers. Absolutely. So you should have been blitzing the hell out of them with Harrison Smith, and playing press coverage because your secondary is better than their wide receivers, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:21:26 So you should have been blitzing the hell out of them with Harrison Smith, Anthony Barr, and Eric Kendrick's or Michael Kendrick's, whatever his name is, Eric Kendrick's. And it just didn't happen. And I don't know. The game plan was awful from the beginning and then there were no adjustments.
Starting point is 00:21:42 So I'm really upset with Kurt Cousins, but the I'm letting it stew the more I'm frustrated with Mike Zimmer and Kevin Stofansky because they're just I don't know they don't seem to really know what they're doing. Quinn's frustrated let's read some ads here I told you I wasn't going to ruminate on it and then I proceeded to ruminate for multiple minutes. Let's make these quick home pride organ. Are you tired of selling your house for less than a quarter of what it's worth all because you
Starting point is 00:22:12 couldn't find a reliable home inspector in time? Well, Oregon listeners, we got good news for you. Home pride inspection services in bend Oregon is central Oregon's hottest new home inspection provider with inspection services, including things like heating and cooling, roofing, plumbing, and so much more. Home pride organization is both contractor certified and home inspection certified, so you know you're getting the good stuff. If you're tired of big
Starting point is 00:22:34 real estate, hang a hold on the home inspection market and you want a safe certified home inspector that you can trust. Better call Steve 541-410-0316, or visit It's 541-410-0316, or visit, HomeBrightOrgan Inspection Perfection. I got like a wart or something on the top of my foot. It's a previously unidentified bump.
Starting point is 00:23:03 Well, it's still unidentified, but now it's been noticed. I might take a nail clipper to that. I'll get back to you on that. Shout out to the Samson Q2U series, Chris Pling audio quality, even when your football teams really suck it up. You got to trust Samson. Remember when God speaks, he uses a Samson shout out Well not a shout to the TV guide because they literally I know it was the joke For a while, but they did they stopped sending me copies after four and I was promised a year's supply of TV guides I don't know I don't I don't understand why
Starting point is 00:23:43 But the reason I bring it up and I haven't brought it up in a while, you know the Conners is back in ABC. I feel like it just came out of thin air. Apparently it debuted last week to rave reviews. Sarah Chalk is not back. They went back to the original Becky, which is just confusing. And also, Johnny Galecki, I think, has been relegated to just popping up once or twice which is a shame But the Conner's is back two say nights on ABC so go check it out
Starting point is 00:24:14 Did you see the Buckingeers be the Rams 55 to 40 in LA That's that's one of those games. It's like your worst nightmare as Any NFL team, it's having the Tampa Bay Buccaneers come to your home and you give up 55 points to an offense that yet Tampa Bay here and there explodes, but for the most part, they're just inept. No run game. They have good receivers, but like James Winston will throw it to you as often as he throws it to his own team And you go at 55 points and you're supposed to be the best defense and football
Starting point is 00:24:51 Yikes no comment Last ad here cuts by Q Bob and we we all know the hairstyle We all love it But how many Chicago based independent barbers can actually give it to you the way you deserve Enter cuts by Q. It's like enter San you the way you deserve. Enter cuts by Q. It's like enter salmon, but just a little different. Cuts by Q has been independently owned and operated since 1995. It's probably one of the better barbershop operations.
Starting point is 00:25:15 Serving Chicago Cook County in all of Chicago land from beehives to banks, fohocks, the flat tops and everything in between. Just call cuts by Q8152987200 or you can email cuts by Again, that's cuts. QUTZE by Oh, and you need a fresh do something snappy and new. Just call the experts at cuts by Q. And I was singing a little arcade fire with my guitar earlier today after life which is the penultimate track from Reflector which was
Starting point is 00:25:55 there 2013 album something like that 1415 then 15 was it? It seems late doesn't it? let's let's check. Anyways, it turned out really good. I liked it. The only problem is I'm not a good singer. Ooh, hard-hitting facts. And that song's got a big range. So, to double album October 22, 2013,
Starting point is 00:26:19 there I'm not crazy. So I couldn't pull it off, but it is a really fun one to sing. Great song. If you don't know the song After Life by Arcade Fire, there's a great video from the MTV Music Awards, presumably 2014, I forget a credit Gerwig, who you might know as the director of Ladybird, writer and director amongst other things, among worse amongst. Can we get a ruling on this? I don't know what the difference between those two words is, but it's a great, great word.
Starting point is 00:26:54 She's dancing and the bands there and everyone's just having a good time. After life, arcade fire, hell of a song, hell of a video, MTV Music Awards. So I go to, so I finished work Thursday, like 130 in Ann Arbor, which for those of you who don't know your Michigan geography is about 45 minutes west of Detroit. So I run back to my hotel real quick, which is halfway between those two cities, and I change out to my suit and tie. I'm leaving on the floor tonight, and then then then tonight, let me show you a few things. Let me show you a few things, but but but I'll show you a few things about the whole.
Starting point is 00:27:40 Got me in the swing and now. Anyways, I said anyways a lot today. I blamed the two Bud Light Limes that I had. I think the amount, we could do a mathematical equation here, right? The amount of anyways that occurs in the Bintum podcast is directly proportional to the amount of Bud Light Limes and or the amount of alcohol and general consumed by Quinn. I think that's fair to say. So I stop off change and I drive the Detroit,
Starting point is 00:28:10 not really knowing what I was planning to do because I have a family friend who went to Med School at Wayne State. So he knows the city very well. But I was like, I'm going there. I'm not spending the night there. So it's not like there's, you know, an event that I'm going to or something. I'm going to get in at like 3.30 on a Thursday.
Starting point is 00:28:31 So I'm thinking like, what do I actually want to do? So I, you know, I'm a big nature fan. You might not know it by looking at me, but I'd like to walk around. I like to get moving and grooving. So there's this cool island called Bell Isle that sits in the middle of the Detroit River, which separates Michigan from Ontario and connects Lake Eerie to Lake St. Clair, which in turn connects to Lake Huron. And it belongs to Michigan, it belongs to the US. I can't drive in there without paying, I think it's a $9 park entrance fee
Starting point is 00:29:10 or something though, and I can walk in for free. So the bridge across this river is probably half a mile long, something like that. So I'm like, okay, let me just go park on land, walk in there, and just see what's going on. So I do that. There's a windies about a quarter mile, a half mile away from the bridge.
Starting point is 00:29:31 And I'm thinking, I think I'll be OK, leave my car there for a few hours, which if you're thinking, I'm doing some big foreshadowing thing. No, the car is completely fine. That's not a thing. So I parked the car, walk over there, I ended up walking around the entire island. And there were so many cool things on this island. It's really interesting because the island is built out to be
Starting point is 00:29:55 type of place that you know you could see just thousands and thousands of people there. Because there are so many like park shelters, picnic areas, soccer fields, tennis courts, almost like a, and it doesn't look like the syllable, almost like a mini-central park, you know, there's just like a million things going on, but there's also like a yacht club there. There's Sunset Point, which is a really like classic Detroit picture spot. It's a great place. It's the western tip of the island, so it faces downtown, Windsor, and downtown Detroit. There's this cool lighthouse that's really neat that I didn't get a ton of history on,
Starting point is 00:30:33 but it's just there on kind of the eastern end of the island. There's like a blue heron reserve. I didn't see any blue herons while I was there. Maybe it's out of season. Maybe they flew north through the winter or something. There were a lot of high school kids. I couldn't figure out what they were doing. They were congregating in a field and there are a bunch of different groups with different
Starting point is 00:30:57 jerseys, but I couldn't figure out what they were doing. Some of them were hanging out by the water. I was thinking, is there like some sailing thing going on in the river? I couldn't figure it out and I didn't want to stick around long enough To figure out what was going on, but there's a there's a Coast Guard station there And I saw some Coast Guard guys out for jogs So the anyways, there's just this huge path that goes around the entire island and you can drive around it Although a section of it was closed off for cars.
Starting point is 00:31:25 I don't know why because there wasn't any construction. They just had signs up. But you can bike around it, you can walk around it, no one gave me any flack. And there's some cool, like forest slash swamp type stuff in the middle of the island. So it's just really neat. I walked around the whole thing by the time all was set in done from Wendy's back to Wendy's I walked 10 miles, but It was really neat. There's a Conservatory there. There's an aquarium, right? It's just like this. There's everything going on There's so there's a soccer field and the pitch that the turf
Starting point is 00:32:02 On that or of that field was used in the Pontiac Silver Dome back in the 1990, what was it, 1994 World Cup, something like that. They physically transported the turf. I don't know how I don't know how many pieces, right? I'm not a turfologist, but that was that was pretty neat. There's a sign there says, you know, home of the World Cup, whatever. It was guarded by geese though. I saw a lot of geese. I stopped counting after about 10,000, but just a lot of geese. And then there's a, there's this building.
Starting point is 00:32:33 And we're going to need our Detroit experts to help us out here, understanding what exactly this is. But there's this building towards sunset point right next to the fountain. That's called the Bellal Casino, which I was just as perplexed by before I got there is you might be listening to this. It's not like Potawatomi or Ho Chiang Corvegas. You walk in and you can't actually go inside, but there's a lot of open air walkways that are part of the casino around the actual interior, the building that you can walk around.
Starting point is 00:33:10 So I got plenty of looks inside. It's just like an open space looks like a wedding spot maybe. I think that must, they must use it for events or something. I don't know why it's called a casino. It must have been a casino back in the day, which is crazy. I would love to learn more about that. But these are all things that are on this one island,
Starting point is 00:33:29 just east of downtown Detroit in between Michigan and Ontario. Super cool. Walked around the whole thing, I'm glad I did, because if we drove it, it would've kind of just been like, okay, you can drive around the island in a couple of minutes and then it's like all right So I did that walk back to the car and then I drove to
Starting point is 00:33:49 Bring the story all the way back together drove back to that abandoned parking lot Where I had previously searched for the Duncan Donuts 12 hours earlier and I There's a brewery at the team USA hockey facility, and so I went in there ate some chow had a black-butte porter from Deschutes Brewing because they say, you know, drink local wherever you go. And they were actually playing trivia. They started right when I got there and I was tempted. I said, hey, maybe I could come in here and clean up out of town or but I didn't want to be sitting there for you know two hours whatever so I I didn't I didn't play you know that I was picking them up knocking them down the questions
Starting point is 00:34:33 But I wasn't officially part of it so I left after you know half an hour or so but Yeah, I was Detroit. It was pretty neat Drawer on downtown a little bit on my way to the hockey facility. I saw Ford Field. I saw a America Park where the Tigers didn't win a home series after May 5th this year, which is pretty shocking considering that was five and a half months ago. Yeah, love being a Detroit sports fan.
Starting point is 00:35:05 It's a big, big grand old time. OK, that's what I want to do for you. I got to go check out this thing on the top of my foot. I tell you what, I don't know what it is. I got some nail clippers. I got some bandids. I got some salicylic acid. And we're going to get a little nuts in the bathroom.
Starting point is 00:35:26 So thanks everyone for listening kept it shorter for you this week. Hope you like that, less ranting, less rumbling, less grumbling, some grumbling, just less grumbling. And hope everyone has a good week. I think we covered everything I wanted to, right? No notes for this show. I just went in and you know VDVDV cheat it so
Starting point is 00:35:47 Joker comes out next weekend right walking Phoenix Not sure when I'll get the chance to see it. We're gonna be in I was city Shwala by champagne fall by Bloomington and I don't even know where we're gonna be recording next week, but it's going to be a Good excuse me a good time a lot of cornfield know where we're going to be recording next week, but it's going to be a good time. A lot of corn fields where we're going. All right, for all of us here, at BeantownCast and Hashtag Friends
Starting point is 00:36:15 of the podcast. Thanks for listening, and we will check in on you next week. next week.

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