Beantown Podcast - Pokemon and Lasagna Recipes (01242021 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: January 24, 2021

Quinn comes to you LIVE from chilly Chicago to discuss making lasagna in a cooking class as well as PTSD from losing Pokemon Gold as a kid (aka brothers stole it and hid it)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn Furnace. Quinn David Furnace. Welcome to my show. Quinn David Furnace presents the Bean Town podcast for Sunday January 24th, right? Who knows January is you know we everyone talks about you know the days between Christmas and New Year's Eve running together and not knowing what day the week it is not knowing what the the date on the calendar says which I agree and I understand but I kind of feel that way with January or two because it's just like put your head down, keep your head down, and come back out when it's warm. Honestly, it's kind of how I feel. So what is happening? My name is Quint and this is my show. And this game that I'm watching, it's championship weekend in the
Starting point is 00:00:58 NFL. I'm watching the Packers get absolutely slammed at halftime and it's very refreshing. But you know with the packers and the ruffs, the green bay cheeseheads are never quite out of a game. So that's what's going on. We have a very brief but hopefully exciting show for you today. We are going to be kind of recapping the week and talking through a little recipe action to the cooking class with Rachel last night and it was awesome. It was a lot of fun. We're coming up on our one-year anniversary here. So it was a fun little thing to do and then we'll announce like I'll just say this now You know that the pledge drive fundraiser February is pledge drive month And so this is our second to last show of January and here in year four and we I haven't
Starting point is 00:01:59 Officially decided but looking at the calendar here. I think we're gonna shoot for the Saturday the 20th for the pledge drive fundraiser. How does that sound? We will be out of town the weekend before for Valentine's Day. But then the weekend after that is all all clear. So I think we're gonna shoot for Saturday the 20th for our fourth annual Pledge Drive fundraiser and we'll have more info and details on that for you coming up here. So that's in what four weeks, something like that. Um, let's end our discussion.
Starting point is 00:02:36 His advice when you're listening to the bean-time podcast number one will occasionally use some language. Number two, this podcast is objectively terrible. Although I'm gonna, we're gonna plow right ahead here, we're gonna go fast, we're gonna go quick. I had asked actually this morning, I asked Rachel, hey, you know, you want to come on the show today, talk about our cooking class from last night. And next saying, oh, she is left. Not only my apartment, but the city. She has gone to the suburbs. That's how far away she wanted apartment, but the city. She has gone to the suburbs.
Starting point is 00:03:06 That's how far away she wanted to be from the show. That is what true love is all about. Am I right? I am munching not on the air because that would be rude. But previous to this, I got to stop because these things are way too addicting and definitely not good for me. Off brand vanillailla Wafers, good stuff. The Always Save brand.
Starting point is 00:03:30 They're like $1.99 for a jumbo box. Not that like, you know how the name brand boxes cereal and crackers and cookies, they go super, they'll keep the same height on their box, but they go super thin. And so you're really not getting a ton of volume, right? Volume 3D, base times length times height, base times width, base times width times height. You're not fooling me, okay, by just having a big height, you gotta have a good width,
Starting point is 00:04:03 too, width, WIDTH. A lot of name-brain companies have width on the width, if you will, but not me, not always save at least. And on the side, oh, I love this. The box says natural and artificial flavors. I appreciate that, okay, they're not trying to hide anything. They're not saying natural flavors, but you know, asbestos, stein and monolestine and cordial fluorocarbon and stuff, you know, your HGHs.
Starting point is 00:04:40 They're saying, hey, we've got natural vanilla and we've got a whole lot more artificial vanilla as well. But on the side of this box, there's a caramel apple pie dip. Let's see, we've got the one box of always saved vanilla instant pudding mix, instant pudding, that's good stuff. Half a cup of always saved milk. You gotta love this brand promotion here.
Starting point is 00:05:08 I think that's vertical integration, I don't know. An eight ounce container of always save whipped topping thought, boy, everything on here is always save except for the last two ingredients. Anyways, you got apple pie filling, chocolate flavored chips. Chocolate flavored chips, is that just chocolate chips, or is that like a potato chip that's chocolate flavored? Someone should look into that.
Starting point is 00:05:34 One box of always save vanilla wafers, two fresh apples. They use Granny Smith. And then two to three tablespoons of caramel, caramel syrup or sauce. And then you basically just mix it all together. Anyways, that's what's going on with these, this box of vanilla. Always save naturally and artificially flavored vanilla wafer cookies. Well, John, welcome to year four of the bean ton podcast. Today's episode Quinn reads you the side of a Vanilla Wafers cookie box. Never thought it would be that entertaining. I reminded we watched we watched
Starting point is 00:06:13 UHF, the weird L 1989 film last night with Michael Richards, Fran Drescher, whatever that guy's name is who plays RJ Fletcher. And he's got a famous name. Anyway, I was reminded there's a scene where Michael Richards is doing Stanley Spitalse's clubhouse and he pulls, he gets the free toy from the cereal box and wasn't that such a treat as a kid, especially when you didn't know what the toy was going to be inside. You know, one time, I think I have this in my like pertinent things box in my bedroom. My pertinent things box. It's a new label. It's got like my birth certificate, my, like $50 or something.
Starting point is 00:07:06 I don't know, yada, yada, yada, and some weird keepsakes. Which one of them is from a cereal box. When I was like, I don't know, we could go back and look at his career or he's still playing. So, but we could see when his rookie year was, Dwight Howard originally came up with the Orlando magic and he won defensive player of the year. What, three years in a row?
Starting point is 00:07:30 I mean, he was just like, I was unstoppable. But this must have been like 2007, 2008 or something. I don't know. When was, let's see, maybe Siri can do it. Hey Siri, when was Dwight Howard's rookie year? Dwight Howard's rookie season was 2004. Isn't that crazy? He's still around, Dwight Howard is still playing. I don't recall who he plays,
Starting point is 00:08:01 where I know he played for the Lakers last year. I think he's on someone else this year. Dwight Howard's rookier 17 years ago, believe it or not. So this was like 2005, 2006 or something. To get to the story or the point of the story, it's a Dwight Howard pedometer. It's a very cheap little plastic thing with just like a plastic sticker kind of overlaid on the back of it. But it's Dwightared on the Orlando Magic.
Starting point is 00:08:26 He's what, number 12, I think. This guy's got a huge wingspan. He is a large individual. And I used to keep it in the car, the back of the family van and like the cup holder in the, you know, the seven-seater. And I would just, I never used it as a pedometer. I've never worn it while walking I would just shake it and I think some select family members If not all would get a little perturbed
Starting point is 00:08:54 By the shaking because it makes a particular noise My plan was to get to 99,999 steps and then stop. But I think it like reset somehow accidentally before I got there. I don't know. It's like when, yeah, I've been watching a lot of Pokemon streaming lately and sometimes I think about playing a little bit and I wouldn't be playing with the actual cartridge. Those are at my parents' house along with the Game Boyz. But you know that Game Boy games have like internal batteries that die after X amount of time. Yeah, it's not a one-way street.
Starting point is 00:09:40 You don't just have to have a working Game Boy with batteries. Cartridges die as well. way street you don't just have to have a working gameboy with batteries. The cartridge is die as well. It's not like a, you know, like a CD-ROM or something where your console can just like read it. It's a give and a take situation. But I have played some Pokemon actually as recent as like July or August, I played Pokemon Gold, I think it was on an emulator just on my laptop. And I don't think I ever actually finished my game. I think I got close, but you know, and I've learned a lot about Pokemon in particular first two generations just in the last couple months just from watching a YouTuber who I like to follow and he's been doing some twitch streaming as well lately and I've just been learning so much about kind of the the techniques
Starting point is 00:10:39 the technical aspect of the game, but also about the You know just like strategies. How to do things quickly more efficiently. Because the internet has changed all of that. You know, when I was playing Pokemon growing up, you know, very late 90s into very early 2000s, you know, I knew the game pretty well. Gen 1 in particular, and Gen 2 until and not to throw people under the bus, but this is one that I haven't really forgiven my brothers for, and I don't really know why I ever would or should forgive them,
Starting point is 00:11:15 because this is just like the ultimate dick move. They took my Pokemon gold, which was my game. I bought it with my money. It was like 40 bucks. It toys our us, you know, 2002 or whatever year that game came out. And they just hit it and never revealed the location of it to me. And then, you know, six years ago, whatever, my parents moved. And the childhood house says, you know, obviously different owners.
Starting point is 00:11:45 So I'll never get my Pokemon Gold Game back. But I know, you know, just from playing it hour after hour, I know the first two generations well. But, you know, without the internet, there are still so many things about the game, both behind the scenes things as well as more readily apparent things that are programmed in that you don't even know about that can really alter how you play the game, how quickly you can defeat the game, strategies, etc. I think the biggest thing for me, last
Starting point is 00:12:21 thing I'll say before we get to our ads and then talk about this cooking classroom yesterday, is I always felt it was like imperative growing up playing Pokemon, not imperative, but it was just like you had to do this or this was the best way to go about it to have a full party of Pokemon. Six Pokemon with different types, different strengths and weaknesses to complement each other, which sounds good in theory. But you realize if you were to just have, I watch these streamers online and they do solo runs
Starting point is 00:12:57 where they only use one Pokemon more or less throughout an entire game and they're able to beat it in three hours or something like that. You know, I think about like, what if I just had three Pokemon, as long as they have complimentary move sets, and you know, that's the other thing about the more you learn the game, you know which trainers to be, so you know which types you have to have to have, and then which Pokemon are like a waste of time, et cetera. Yada, yada, yada. I would do things a lot differently now if I was playing.
Starting point is 00:13:33 So I don't know, I might pull out an emulator in the next couple of weeks here. We'll see. I wish I could just like play, since I have a PlayStation 3 now, I wish I could just straight up play like For one of the first three gents of Pokemon just like on the PlayStation rather than having to do it on the laptop but First world problems there. Let's read our ads and then I I promise you at the top of the show is gonna
Starting point is 00:14:04 Keep this show brief because I the second half of this packer game is starting right now. It's 345 on Sunday afternoon. Excuse me, Sunday the 24th. I'm sipping as I typically happen lately thanks to Rachel for the great Thank you so much for having me. Thank you so much for having me. Thank you so much for having me. Thank you so much for having me. Thank you so much for having me. Thank you so much for having me. Thank you so much for having me. Thank you so much for having me.
Starting point is 00:14:36 Thank you so much for having me. Thank you so much for having me. Thank you so much for having me. Thank you so much for having me. Thank you so much for having me. Thank you so much for having me. And I have both a porter and an IPA in the fridge and my can of old style and a can of home brew. And I was just like, you know what, just give me the lemon water, bubbly lemon water. You know, I used to think people who bought like the
Starting point is 00:14:59 12 pack cans of bubbly or any sort of like carbonated water, brand, I used to think those people are crazy. that cans of bubbly or any sort of carbonated water brand. I used to think those people were crazy. Now I get it, but now I'm like, hey, so does stream. I'm not big on physical gifts and gadgets, et cetera. But I mean, this thing is so awesome. Just like taking a little can of CO2, infusing it into your water. I can never
Starting point is 00:15:28 go back to regular water again except I normally do because the carbonated water is kind of a once in a while treat. But anyways, let's hear from our sponsors. Then we'll talk about this cooking class from last night and then I'm going to watch the second half of this football game. Are you a let's see, Home Pride organ? Are you tired of selling your house for less than a quarter of what it's worth all because you can find a reliable home specter in time? Well, Oregon listeners, I got good news for you. Home Pride inspection services in Bend, Oregon, and Central Oregon's hottest new home inspection provider with inspection
Starting point is 00:16:02 services, including things like heating and cooling, roofing, plumbing, and so much more. Hope Pride Organ is both contractor certified and home inspection certified, so you know you're getting the good stuff. If you're tired of big real estate, b-b call him at 541-410-0316. You can visit again. 541-410-0316 or just visit HomePrideOrgan in Spection.
Starting point is 00:16:41 Perfection. I want to give a shout out to the Samson Q2U series. Now in our fourth year of the Bean Town podcast, Quinn, that's me, has never sounded better. It's got crisp, clean, and clear audio quality. Holy cow, what a play by the Bucks. Whoa, mama, it was, it was third down. It started the second half, Packers first drive, third down, they've got, it looks a it was third down. It started the second half.
Starting point is 00:17:05 Packers first drive third down. They've got looks like Aaron Jones, perhaps I'm still watching. Haven't seen a replay still on the live feed. Run in like a crossing route. Wide open. Yeah, Aaron Jones, he catches it, takes like five steps and then just gets
Starting point is 00:17:21 plopped by number 33 on the books, loses the ball. His second fumble of the game, if you're scoring at home, so catch, so football move, puts it in his arm, just awful ball security. It was one of those plays where you just got a running back
Starting point is 00:17:39 in the middle of field, he's just got to make a man miss. And he didn't even try to make a miss, he just took the hit and just fumble the ball away. That was a really awful play. Bucks have it. They're up by 11, but they have it first in goal. Yikes.
Starting point is 00:17:57 It's weird for me to be like, go Bucks, because I historically am not a huge Brady fan. And I really don't like Antonio Brown, although he's not playing this game In this game, but I'm just like, you know what? I can't sit here and Be like, yeah, I'd love to see the Packers go to the Super Bowl. No Like if I'm gonna suffer as a Vikings fan, all of us, okay, in this general vicinity, Chicago Detroit, Green Bay, we are all suffering, okay? So as much as it pains me to root for Tom Brady, no, PAC, you're you can lose another champion joke game.
Starting point is 00:18:45 That'd be pretty fun. I think I think if Rodgers loses today, he's what one in four in championship games now. Is that right? Someone checked. Oh, with all that being said, from Genesis Exodus, Leviticus numbers, Duteronomy, Matthew Mark, Luke and John,
Starting point is 00:19:00 all the way to Juden Revelation when God speaks. He uses the Samson. Cuts by Q Bob and weave, we all know the hairstyle and we all the way to Juden Revelation when God speaks. He uses a Samson. Cuts by Q Bob and weave. We all know the hairstyle and we all love it. But how many Chicago based independent barbers can actually give it to you the way you deserve? Enter Cuts by Q. It's a little like enter Samman only different. Cuts by Q has been independently owned and operated since 1995.
Starting point is 00:19:22 And it's probably one of the better barber shops serving Chicago, Cook County, Northwest, Indiana, and the greater Chicago land area. From Beehives to Banks, Fowlhux, to Flat Tops, and everything in between you have to call Cuts by Q at 815, 298, 7200, or you can email Cuts by Q at again. That's CUT! It's QutZ by Q at Okay, sing it with us. Warm your vocal cords up and we're starting up here. Oh, and you need to fresh do something snappy and new. Just call the experts at cuts. By Q.
Starting point is 00:20:03 I got a question for you. They got the pizza hut stuffed crust commercial on the television. How do you think they do that? Is it like a, does the whole crust come made like that? They infuse like a pocket of crust with a cheese sauce or something? Or is it like a pocket of crust with a cheese sauce or something, or is it like a separate ring that they actually build
Starting point is 00:20:30 and then stick it to just like a regular pizza crust? I don't know. If anyone, any of our listeners, ooh, touchdown. Cameron Brate, touchdown for the Buccaneers. It's about to be 28 to 10. Ouch. Packers getting embarrassed. Getting panced.
Starting point is 00:20:50 Moss style in Lambo. Not good. But very refreshing, frankly. If anyone knows about this stuffed crust, let us know. Boy, they just, their defense has just been trash. They finally getting exposed. It took 19, 18 weeks, what? 19 weeks NFL season, but their defense is finally getting exposed.
Starting point is 00:21:16 Just as it did last time, they played Tampa Bay, they lost what, 38 to 10. Yeah, that was ugly. I mean, we're 10 points away from this being 38 to 10 now. It's 28, 10 was ugly. I mean, we're 10 points away from this being 38 to 10 now. It's 28, 10 right now. Last but not least, as a reminder, in the month of January, fans of the show can go get 20% off their first ever-lasting comfort bath pillow by using code at checkout.
Starting point is 00:21:42 Again, 20% off the code is q q.queen d. You go Google everlasting bath pillow, pick it out, you're never going to want to shower again. Everlasting bath pillow, it's our January sponsor. So thanks to those guys for being part of the program today. Last night Rachel had signed us up previous the last night, but it occurred last night. Rachel signed us up for a fun cooking class done by a higher end Italian restaurant or restaurant, a R-I-S-T-O-R-A-N-T-E downtown Chicago. Kind of like, I was going to say kind of like Cortino.
Starting point is 00:22:24 Not really. Cortino is like small plates. This is just like regular plates. A fun kind of cooking class with three menu items, if you will, a salad, a bread, and a pasta. So we made it all from scratch Not actually We did her best though. We made lasagna with cheese bread and a very kind of fresh and light chopped salad
Starting point is 00:22:56 So the the salad was was good. It was just kind of regular lettuce if you will pretty regular lettuce kind of regular lettuce, if you will, pretty regular lettuce. And then I chopped into, they called them coins. I'd never heard this term before, it makes sense. But I never really thought to chop my veggies this way. I chopped into coins asparagus. So it's just like very thin little slices. And I'd never chopped asparagus before. I always just eat it whole or until like smaller
Starting point is 00:23:26 bits, but these were coins. And a broccoli knee into coins as well. I never worked with broccoli knee before. It was a new vegetable for me. And poblano peppers, which I never worked with poblano peppers before, lots of new experiences. And we've had a lot of different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different different which is all pepper and chini, which was also pre-chopped. And some whole green olives, which they said to chop, but I just left them in there. Rachel is not a fan of green olives, but I think she ate two last night, making big strides. And then some red wine vinegar, some Parmesan on top.
Starting point is 00:24:17 Very delicious. I'm realizing I need to keep red wine vinegar in the house at all times, because honestly, if you make a salad and you toss some of that stuff in there with a little parmesan on top, it really doesn't matter what your salad consists of because if you got that red wine vinegar, man, that's all you need. Effing delicious salad. The bread was focaccia, which I had not had in a long time.
Starting point is 00:24:47 My mom used to make focaccia growing up. Always super tasty. This was two like strips, kind of long and narrow, focaccia strips. They had, they wanted to, I cut it before, I rushed ahead. So I just kind of cut them in half. We had kind of like big squares, like Detroit, South pizza. They wanted to cut them into triangles and do some plating shit, whatever, it's bread, okay. We had it. But basically you spread this like garlic butter, which they gave to us on top of that and then on top of that you layer with mozzarella cheese mozzarella
Starting point is 00:25:26 Mo Z Z a R E L L a Moza real ah Ooh Backers are trying to make it interesting And then you toasted that and then eventually put it on the boiler super good as you'd expect right it's bread and butter and cheese. It's kind of hard to mess up. And then the lasagna was very simple. We originally were thinking we might have to make our
Starting point is 00:25:52 lasagna sheets, which is something that's like we are we are capable of doing it but there's just a lot of parts that you can mess up and it just take a really long time. So I'm glad we did not have to do it. Also, I'm not sure if we could do it because it don't have any sort of like pasta machine or anything. I've never made bread or pasta before. I'm not really a chef.
Starting point is 00:26:20 You know, it's lasagna, right? So you put down, they give us a little like tens, and then you put down a little marinara, if you're cooking at home. Feel free to put me down a half speed if I'm going too fast, and then you got your lasagna sheet, and then a nice bowling sauce that had meat in it,
Starting point is 00:26:39 and a little bit of marinara, and then some cheese. I think there was like this, what was it? Like Fontana cheese spread or something? I don't know. They had us put it in ziplock bags and like you're making frosting for Christmas cookies and you snipped a little corner and you squeeze it out like a pastry bag,
Starting point is 00:26:59 I think is what it is. Pretty high tech. And then you just, you know, you like four layers of that as you'd expect. And then you bake it. And at the very end, they give us some barata, which is kind of like fresh, you know, not grated mozzarella.
Starting point is 00:27:20 So you just have like the little balls and like the water I assume it is. You pull that out and just like pull it apart and put it on top. Super tasty, super naughty, very delicious and I will say as amazing as it was I think all the cheese my stomach take a very long time to get right. I mean until like 11 a.m. noon today and we ate at like 7 p.m. last night, my stomach was not right. It was a very long night of just like not feeling good. But we made it to today and I realized I got to start beating these vinyl wafers because they're not good for me and they definitely are not gonna help my Tom
Starting point is 00:28:10 Anyways, it was a delicious meal It was something fun. We can do um, you know, while we're still kind of stuck inside a little bit But the light is as at the end of the tunnel Right not only for for quarantine and COVID and stuff, and I have mixed feelings, is overall about like returning to quote, normal life, which we could get into in a whole other episode of the Bean Town podcast. But also with, you know, the weather
Starting point is 00:28:37 were in middle, not even in middle, we're in late January. We have one week left of January, and then February is four weeks, touch on Packers. Who is that? Tanyaan, the kid from Indiana State. February sucks, right? It's cold, but we have at least,
Starting point is 00:28:58 I have never celebrated. I have never celebrated Valentine's Day with a partner before. We're going away to Michigan for the weekend. And I've also, we have our anniversary coming up in like four weeks basically here. I have also never celebrated in anniversary. This relationship is my longest ever relationship, which is exciting. So something to look forward to, and then all of a sudden it's March, and you still get crazy up and down weather in Chicago, but at least it's like you have St. Paddy's Day and my birthday, and you'll have some bad days. You also have some days
Starting point is 00:29:43 where it's like 65, you know, not consistently, but it will happen and I can run shirtless. Only two months away from a shirtless run, which is hard to believe right now because every time I go out, it's like hat and gloves and sometimes the underarm or like spandex, looking forward to it, okay. That's what I got for you.
Starting point is 00:30:09 A lot of rambling today, I apologize for that. Oh man, the new Kong vs Godzilla trailer is out. Whoa. Oh, is that a space jam trailer too? I'll see if that's out, I miss that. Anyways, thanks everyone for listening. Thanks for putting up with the Pokemon. You know what I really want to see is the little things.
Starting point is 00:30:30 I know it's being hyped up, and I'm a little concerned that it's being overhyped. But Denzel, leto, and Malik, I mean, that's got to be good, right? Thanks everyone for tuning in. Again, Pludstrive month starts in about a week here. We'll get our GoFundMe setup coming up here. I'm going to be doing a lot more with charity this year,
Starting point is 00:30:53 which is exciting. And then the actual telephone will be, I think, it's in four weeks from today is what we decided. And yeah, that's what we got. So pretty low key, that's kind of January, right? We just got to put our heads down. We just got to make it. We're getting there.
Starting point is 00:31:09 It's the 24th, it's a grind. I get it. Keep sleeping as much as you can. Drink a lot of coffee. And I'll say this, my last, my parting thought. Yesterday it was super sunny in Chicago. I had to work to like 1.30 p.m. which was a total bummer.
Starting point is 00:31:24 But then I got out and ran a half marathon after that, enjoyed the sunlight. It was great. Even though it was cold and windy, you're still like, sun is cool. I woke up this morning and if you're not in Chicago, there's gonna be a big snow storm tomorrow and to Tuesday. And I was like, I was telling Rachel this morning,
Starting point is 00:31:42 I was like, we might never see the sun, or we might not see the sun until like, Tuesday afternoon, and she was like, maybe, and I looked at my weather app, and it's like a maybe, a maybe chance of sun on Friday, everything else, 10 days clouds, or snow. So yeah, don't this nice gray hue, this gray tint that we have going on outside. I anticipate that being the norm until at least Groundhog Day.
Starting point is 00:32:18 Okay. And one of my pet peeves, anyone who calls it Groundhog's Day, which is just a really, really little thing, there's something about that extra S which is just a really, really little thing. There's something about that extra S, though, that's just like, not my thing, Groundhog Day. Thanks everyone for listening. We are going to queue up some of our outro music here. Let's watch the rest of this football game
Starting point is 00:32:39 and go a box and more importantly, go Buffalo Bills. I know I didn't say anything about it on the show and they're playing tonight, but I'm rooting for the AFC no matter what. If it is Bills, excuse me, if it is Chief's first box, I will root for the Chiefs just because I think they're fun, they're great. The only player on their team I really don't care for is Ty WKill for his legal issues. Otherwise it's like, you know what, they are great, okay? So let's just embrace the greatness. As long as the pack lose, really I'm okay. So that's what we're going for. Thanks everyone for tuning in. Stay safe. Stay sane. And I'm going to check in on, I got close got close I'm gonna check to sit here. ndご視聴ありがとうございました

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