Beantown Podcast - Quinn Gets Catfished (Aug 11, 2019)

Episode Date: August 11, 2019

Quinn comes to you LIVE to describe downloading Clover and immediately getting catfished by someone with a San Francisco area code pretending to be Brazilian actress Flavia Alessandra...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furnace and this is my show Quinn David Furnace presents the bean Tom podcast for August 11th 2019 what's going on how are you? August a where we are in the eighth month of the year I was about to say oh we're over halfway through with 2019 but I feel like you kind of hit that mark in June and July August 19 but I feel like you kind of hit that mark in June and July August. It might not feel like it because it's still so warm out, but you know, we're we're four months away from Christmas here and only two months away from Halloween. That's
Starting point is 00:00:40 strange Labor Day coming up soon here. It's a beautiful day in Chicago and frankly the last like two to three weeks here in Chicago have been glorious. Humidity has them in too bad. It's usually in the 40s or 50s. The temperature has been great. It's rarely hitting 90. I mean, probably once or twice in the last two weeks. It's been up there. Usually in today's a perfect example, it's kind of hanging out right in the high 70s.
Starting point is 00:01:11 Some days gets into the low to mid 80s, but I don't know. And people are always complaining, not complaining. People are always commenting on the fact that they don't have air conditioning. And you know what? It's who? I don't need it like there were some you know some days June, July, Fourth of July was a barnburner real hot
Starting point is 00:01:33 where it was kind of getting dicey but now you know as long as he doesn't consistently hit 90 I mean like I don't even need fans right now. I've got them I have a fan directly next to me and it's ready to go If if needed, but I don't you know, it's it's perfect. I got my windows open The other thing Chicago the last couple weeks the the breeze has picked up a little bit. I feel like in July it really wasn't that breezy or windy. We weren't getting much of that but it's been delicious. You know and I have the weather app on my phone as most people do and I've been you know I've
Starting point is 00:02:19 got pre-selected cities wherever and they're mostly where family members reside. But you know, Baltimore DC, it's been same old stuff, 90s and high humidity. Even New York has been warmer than Chicago. And humidity is not terrible, but it's still pretty warm. And then, you know, pretty much anywhere else, it's been just real hot. But not that way in Chicago, this with the exception of a couple of extreme heat days has not been a bad summer. It's been real nice.
Starting point is 00:02:55 The people who really want their summers to be blazing hot might disagree with me, but I don't know. It feels great to me. Well, we are the Bean Tom podcast, your number one source for misinformation probably. We're one of the better podcasts on the north side of Chicago. And you should know that when you're listening to the Bean Tom podcast, listener discretion is advised.
Starting point is 00:03:20 For a couple of reasons, number one will occasionally use some objective viable language. And number two, I feel like I've used that one in the last like three episodes. I got to come up with something new here. Need new adjectives. Hey, if you have any new adjectives that you'd like us to use, you can always tweet at us where you're at bean-towncast or you can shoot us a comment or an email of any kind either through or you can always go straight to the source.
Starting point is 00:03:51 and get this Bintown Bintown Podcast at Well that's number one. Number two, the podcast is objectively terrible. Well, it's summer in Chicago, and that means Quinn is hot on the dating scene, not hot in the fact that I have a very attractive profile that a lot of people swipe on, hot in that I am on it like white on rice, like stink on a monkey, and whichever other simile you would like to use.
Starting point is 00:04:27 Here's what that means. I'm rock and tinder and I had to, so my original tinder that's connected to my, my actual phone number got banned. So that's done. Didn't know, didn't get a good reason why it's never been reinstated. That's just, it's dead. I used another number.
Starting point is 00:04:50 I was doing an experiment about a year ago and just trying to see if I just picked some attractive photos from a hot guy on the internet. And then just pretending to be a hot guy on the internet. How would that do? And I got a lot of matches, but then pretty shortly I got banned. So I'm on Tinder profile number three,
Starting point is 00:05:12 using just random numbers from a certain website. And we're doing okay on that. Made some moves actually, but I'm on Tinder, I'm on Bumble, which goes in waves. I'll have like two weeks where there's no action on Bumble. And you read, I think more than any other dating site, dating site app, excuse me, or dating app.
Starting point is 00:05:39 I read online about how Bumble, most people feel like bumble is dead. I think it probably just depends on the city you go to. But even I have a female friend who's real big on a bumble or really into bumble and according to her even when she matches with people, she messaged them and they never messaged back. So I do feel like in this, I don't know. I'll have like a two to three day period where I'm just doing great on Bumble and then I just disappears for not exaggerating,
Starting point is 00:06:14 two to three weeks at minimum. Like I'm looking at my Bumble profile right now and I had some really good conversations and got a couple of numbers and even went out with one of these ladies. But I haven't had anything since July 26th. So where do we at here? Five, 16 days.
Starting point is 00:06:34 And it's not like, oh, I'm just not using the app. Nope, I'm swiping, I'm on there consistently. I don't know. Then there's hinge, which I feel like more than most dating apps, you kind of get out what you put in. So, you know, you could spend a lot of conversations going in I have. But then there are sometimes, and people out there who are on hinge, well, no one I'm talking about when I say this, there are sometimes where you're on hinge and you're either in a mood or you're just coming across a number of profiles where it's like, this person
Starting point is 00:07:21 seems fine and I'm currently describing how people view my profile. But say this person seems fine, but like nothing about their profile is jumping out to me in a positive way, but there's also nothing like super negative about this profile. But oftentimes, you know, those will be people who, you know, in hint, there's like three different questions. You can answer and they show up on your profile alongside your pictures and those are oftentimes the things that spark through great conversations.
Starting point is 00:07:52 But if you're given like one word answers and you're just not your responses aren't interesting or engaging or creative, then me, the flip side of that, I don't really know how to engage you. And so oftentimes you'll just send those likes without any comments, which is like, you know what you're not supposed to do, because then you're putting your money on your pictures. And that's really for guys who look like me, that's not really where we excel. So, but I've been finding myself, I don't know if it's just me being feeling lazy and not wanting to put in the work or if I'm just coming across a lot of profiles that are like,
Starting point is 00:08:29 there's nothing wrong with this person, but I'm also not super attracted to you from when you want specific thing and there's nothing that interesting going on here in this profile, but it's like, you know, you don't want to just turn down all the average looking people with average profiles because hey, average is where I excel. So that's hinge and then there's okay. So the the point of this whole thing because I just spent the last four minutes telling you about a variety of dating apps that you're all familiar with already. Okay, so I'm sure other people have seen this because their advertising and marketing budget is through the roof right now. Clover, Clover dating app, you know what they do? They put all the hot people on their ads. They're like, there are sexy singles out here, and what are you still doing on Tinder?
Starting point is 00:09:24 It's not exactly like that. But if you've seen a clover app, or clover ad, excuse me, you will understand what I'm talking about. So I said, OK, I tend to be pretty untrustworthy of an app that advertises the way clover does. But I'm like, what do I have to lose? Let me check it out, you know? Let's see, summer loving.
Starting point is 00:09:49 And so I download Clover a little over a week ago, probably right at the start of August. And it's pretty normal. It's the interface is different than a lot of the other apps. I don't necessarily see it as better or worse. It's just, it's much more complex than your standard Tinder or a bumble. It's more than just swiping. Yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda,
Starting point is 00:10:18 yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, y swiping, whatever, there is some swiping, but there's a lot more than that. Anyway, so I'm looking through people and make a couple of matches. The first thing I notice, I try to message one of these people, you have to pay to message. So I go online, and I'm like, what's the deal here? And most of you probably haven't really paid attention to this, and I haven't spent a lot of time looking at it,
Starting point is 00:10:56 but it's just something that's peaked my curiosity. These dating apps are not cheap. If you go the pay to play route, which I never have on a dating app because I've been able to do okay without it. But it's really interesting, and I don't know much, and don't have an MBA, I didn't go to business school. But I don't know a ton about the business models on these things, but it's really interesting how you can, and I would probably 95% of the people on these apps operate without paying to play, and a lot of them are doing not
Starting point is 00:11:31 great, but fine enough. But you go from your either, you know, 90, whatever percent of the people who are using it are paying absolutely nothing to use the SAP, to whatever the small number of people who are using are paying a ton. I'm really curious if it costs less, if people would be more inclined to be like, oh yeah, I'll throw this a flyer just to see what happens. I'm not, you know, I'm not going to go on clover and be like, oh, I really want to see how this works because it's like 15 bucks a month.
Starting point is 00:12:03 That's like, I'm not paying that, that's crazy. And it might even be more than that. It might be like 29 or something. I don't know, I have to go back and check. I still have the app, I didn't mean to delete it. So the way it works is either you have to, one of the people in the two people in this match have to be a paying user to allow a message to go forth.
Starting point is 00:12:32 So I'm like, oh, this is kind of ridiculous. I don't really feel much of an incentive to swipe because I can't even talk to these people. So I kind of put it away, I'm doing other stuff, whatever. This is last Sunday, this all went down. Here's what happened, and here's the short of it, and then I'll give you the long of it.
Starting point is 00:12:57 Quinn got catfished for, I think, although I guess you don't always know, I think the first time ever in like a significant way And before I say anything else I want to say I wasn't like This wasn't pull the wool over my eyes the rug wasn't pulled out from under me I wasn't like oh my god. I can't believe this wasn't real. Are you kidding me? The whole thing before I gave you the story was fishy the entire time. It was always a little off.
Starting point is 00:13:32 It was always a little strange. Plus, you're new to a new dating app. There's always going to be these lurkers on there. Although someone who's paying to use it, which is just like, can't you catfish someone on Tinder? If you're going to use fake pictures and all that stuff, yada yada, yada, whatever. Okay, so here's how it went. I'll give you a story then it'll read some ads and then I'll think of something else to say because this is really the only point I have to make here. It's the story about being catfish. It's really weird.
Starting point is 00:14:07 In the whole time, especially now that you know what the end goal is, you're going to be able to pick up on all the things that happened. And I'm trying to remember the fine details. I never wrote any of this down, which I should have done because I'm going to end up forgetting some stuff. But okay, without further ado, here's how it goes. So I'm lying on my couch. I craigs this free couch probably watching a baseball game or something And I get a notification from the Clover app that I Got a new match this girl in Jenny
Starting point is 00:14:38 Profile says she's 18 look at the pictures. They look very normal. She's like a pretty look at the pictures, they look very normal. She's like a pretty, pretty attractive looking 18 year old, not like, oh my God, blow you away. But like standard with standard pictures, right? Nothing off about them. She just looks like a normal 18 year old. So she messages first, I think, because she has to, because she's the paying member.
Starting point is 00:15:06 It's something like that. Anyways, we're talking back and forth. I learned that she's from California. And so what are you doing in Chicago? And she says, here for my grandma's funeral. And so I'm sorry to hear that's too bad. So we're just like talking about, you know, how our time in Chicago has been, how long she's here for, et cetera, standard stuff. She's here for like four days. I'm like, all right.
Starting point is 00:15:32 So I'm like, okay, so how are you doing? Like, you just had this funeral yesterday, meaning Saturday. And I was like, how are you doing? You know, that's a big thing. And I'm doing OK, but my mom's doing really well. And because it was mom's mom, I think. And I was like, OK, red flag? Not a red flag, but like a flag of some kind. It's like when you're playing mind sweeper, and you right click to the flag, and you're like, I think there's something going on here.
Starting point is 00:16:05 It's one of those flags. It's not exactly a red flag. It's a flag nonetheless though. So I'm like, okay, that's, that's fine. And she says, you want to, she's in the pool swimming right now. Do you want to see? And I was like, okay, another flag. This is really strange. I didn't say that. I was like, okay, because I'm just kind of, you know, I don't know, whatever, see where this goes.
Starting point is 00:16:29 Summer love and, right? Hashtag Summer love and. And I'm like, okay, so she sends a picture of mom like in a bikini swimming. I'm like, okay. And she looks very attractive and I'm like, all right, you look good, mom. And so I'm still talking And I'm like, all right, you look good, mom. And so I'm still talking to Jenny right, the 18-year-old,
Starting point is 00:16:49 but now who's like showcasing her mom, which is very strange. And it's never happened before and it should never happen. But I'm like, okay. And so, get ready for another flag. Jenny says, yeah, you should text her and gives me a number. And so immediately, they go online and look at this number, look where it's from.
Starting point is 00:17:09 It's from San Francisco. So it's like, OK, this checks out. California, whatever. And so I sent mom a quick text. All I said was, hi, this is Quinn. Jenny's friend started here about your mom. And meanwhile, I have the full intention of continuing to text the 18-year-old from the
Starting point is 00:17:28 actual app. But we talk, we exchange a couple more messages, and eventually stops responding. I'm like, okay, whatever. But mom, who's under the pseudonym Raquel, as in Raquel Welch. She doesn't swing her arms. All of a sudden is now messaging with with a fair fairly frequent amount of frequency. And we're just having light conversation like sorry to hear about your mom. How are you enjoying Chicago? What do you guys got planned for today? So I learned that there's a family dinner happening at 5.30
Starting point is 00:18:08 and I'm like, well, how long you guys in town for? It's like Tuesday. I'm like, well, this is my last day without work. Before I start the work week again. So do you guys like, do you have time for a drink? You want to meet up afterwards? And ends up being like, yeah, I think we'll be done with family dinner by 7.30, I'm like,
Starting point is 00:18:28 where are you staying? Just like old town area, I'm like, okay, let me come down there. Afterwards we'll grab a drink. And this whole time, let me take a step back and give you some commentary on the story. You might be thinking, well, Quinn, what are you like trying to accomplish here?
Starting point is 00:18:44 What's the point? And to me, it's, I don't know, this is like a really strange situation, but it's these people who are in from out of town and like maybe I go down, have a drink, and just meet new people, making new friends. I don't know. That's what I'm thinking more often than not on these apps.
Starting point is 00:19:04 It's just like, I don't know, let me meet a new person. That's interesting to me. I'm not a super extroverted person, but in the sense that you're not going to find me like center of attention at parties. When it comes to like one-on-one opportunities to meet people and just learn their story and learn about them. To me, I love doing that stuff.
Starting point is 00:19:31 Okay, 7.30, Wells on Wells, which is in the old town area, if you know Chicago. So we make that plan. So I'm still talking to mom. It's probably like three o'clock in the afternoon at this point. And the converse says here's the thing, right? There are lots of signs at this point that something is weird and this isn't, you know, this is just strange, but she starts sending pictures of herself, and I'm like, okay, just kind of out of the blue, which is, again, very strange. But it's never been a thing.
Starting point is 00:20:11 It's, you know, for guys on Tinder who have matched with like, Cam girls or people who are only like, not on here, go to my Snapchat, and then you go to the Snapchat, and it's like a naked asshole. It's not one of those, right? It's not like, oh, this has been a bot this whole time. You're not actually responding to my questions.
Starting point is 00:20:32 You're saying whatever you want. Go to this site and it's some third party malware, whatever. It's done to that. This is clearly a real person. We're having actual real engagement conversation. Anton, like, oh, you look great. Whatever. Hang on one sec. Okay, so I'm back.
Starting point is 00:20:51 So, quick, I got sidetracked for about 20 minutes there. In fact, next weekend on the podcast, we're hoping to have my friend Hunter. Come on, he's the fantasy football commissioner for one of my leagues I play in. And he was driving from Milwaukee back to his home in Indiana. Right now, and he stopped off. Why to hand off my championship trophy? So I won our league, which was, I'm sure, talked about on the podcast eight months ago
Starting point is 00:21:19 back at the end of December. And there's that we have a trophy, you know, that circulates from owner to owner, depending on who wins that year, pretty standard stuff. And I finally got the trophy on August 11th. I think I won the championship on Christmas Eve, I think, is when I won. So we are pretty much exactly eight months after that.
Starting point is 00:21:45 So I got it finally. And now I get to do my tour, the hockey players, they get the Stanley Cup, you get a friday, take it, drink out of it, Ovechkin, whatever. But I have it for four months. So it's all mine. Thank you to Hunter for bringing that by and safe travels back to Indiana.
Starting point is 00:22:02 But let me finish up, let me wrap up this story here. So I was talking about with the catfish I'm talking to Raquel now. And again, we had already made plans to get drinks, but we're still talking before this family dinner that she has to go to. And I think I was just saying how this is clearly a real person, because we having like actual engagement conversation.
Starting point is 00:22:28 Here's an example. And again, this is really weird. I totally get it. But here's what she said. Can I ask you an embarrassing question? I'm like, all right, sure. She's like, can you get an orgasm just by hugging someone. And I'm like, probably not. Like that's kind of strange. How long is the hug? She's like five minutes. I was like, okay, maybe if you're like, really horny or something. So apparently, and she tells me,
Starting point is 00:22:56 so yesterday at the funeral, my nephew was really sad and crying. So I went over to console him and we hugged for a really long time. And I'm pretty sure he had a boner But I couldn't really tell And I think he might have orgasmed and
Starting point is 00:23:12 You can imagine like how I feel like in this text conversation Because it's like this is really weird but not like in any way that is really weird, but not like in any way that is harmful or any way to me, I'm just like they're talking to this person, this supposed 46 year old mom named Merkel, and it's just like, okay, that's just an example of like one of the types of things we talked about where it was clearly strange, but very much a real, I'm talking to a real person on the other end here. This is an actual interaction. So, yada yada yada, around 5, 5, 30, whatever. She doesn't go AWOL but like is pretty intermittent in her response
Starting point is 00:24:00 times because she's at this family dinner now. So, go down to Wells on Wells, 730 I think is when we're meeting. I got a place on the patio. It's a pretty good setup because they have cheap wine on Sundays and I'm just kind of sitting there watching the Goldbergs on the TVs they have out there. Never seen it before but Jeff Garland I'll watch anything that Jeff Garland does. And so time's going by. We're occasionally texting, and I'm learning, you know, she's going to be late, and you all know where this is going. Fast forward in time.
Starting point is 00:24:35 No, she doesn't come. And basically says, I'm struggling to get out of this right now. Then she's like, and again, this is just, I'm just telling you as much as I can remember because it's real. And I'm trying not to leave any details out because it just adds to the oddity of this whole experience. She's like, yeah, I can't get out of my stupid husband though, got to leave. and now he's getting drinks with friends and I'm just like, oh, you are married. Like, okay, this whole thing is just so weird.
Starting point is 00:25:11 And again, but not in a way that's like hurting me. So yada, yada, yada, I end up leaving. It got set up. I was there for like a little over an hour drinking by by myself, and it was like an hour to get there. So it's a little bit of a commute. So I go back home, texted a couple more times. She was like, so sorry I couldn't do tonight, but I'm free tomorrow, so just text me after work.
Starting point is 00:25:35 It was like, all right, at this point, I was like, eh, probably not gonna text you. So, I get home and I engage in some hardcore reverse image searching. And it took me a long time in a lot of different sites where it's like, you know, when you look up someone's phone number and they'll be like, pay two dollars for the full report, whatever. I've never done that. I don't trust it.
Starting point is 00:26:02 Don't need it. Whatever. I finally find this person or their picture at least. And you can go to her Instagram page and check it out for yourself. Her name is, and I don't know how to say it because I don't speak Portuguese. Flavia Alessandra, F-L-A-V-I-A, and then Alessandro, just like that sounds. She is an actress from Rio, who is mainly in Brazilian soap operas, and also did voice over work in the Incredibles 2 Portuguese cut. So those were the pictures.
Starting point is 00:26:42 The next morning, I sent to Texas like, okay, this is obviously a catfish. Whatever, I don't care, not mad. It doesn't really matter to me, just like why? Never responded. Sent the same thing to the original, right? You might have forgotten. This all started from a clover conversation.
Starting point is 00:27:03 Like, whoa, yeah. With Jenny, right? The 18- conversation. Like, whoa, yeah. With Jenny, right? The 18-year-old, yeah, I sat and heard the same thing. Turns out the pictures that Jenny was using was this girl was this actress's daughter. So it was very much like a family thing, but clearly not this person, mom, or daughter.
Starting point is 00:27:21 And never got a response, never got a text response from either, either through the Clover app or from the San Francisco-based number, who was posing as Raquel. I called the number and it just rang. And eventually I think it said something like, call cannot be reached or something. But after like four minutes of ringing, I let it sit for a long time.
Starting point is 00:27:43 So there's something up with that number. Then I reported the original Clover profile. I don't know if anything ever happened there. But there was never any response or anything after Sunday night when I got stood up. That was the end of the conversations. So what did we learn? Well, Clover for starters, you're
Starting point is 00:28:08 getting a two thumbs down for me right here, because you have to pay if you want to have, for the most part, if you want to have conversations and you're prone to get catfished. We also learned that Flavia Alessandra, someone is using your pictures online to catfish other people. So you're probably not listening, I don't know if you speak English, but just look out. And then also just this interfered, and this is my biggest takeaway, this interfered with
Starting point is 00:28:39 my Sunday wind down, which is usually anything after 7pm on Sundays. I don't want to be out of the house. I want to just be hanging out at home watching something or reading a book, eating something good, relaxing. This completely messed up my Sunday, Wine Down. So that was the story of Quinn getting catfished and now you know exactly how it went down. And those are the details as I remember them. Let's read some advertisements here and then couple of closing thoughts. There's no reason to make this podcast longer than it needs to be. I've told the story I wanted to tell. So let's go here go here home pride organ. Are you tired of selling your house for less than a quarter of what it's worth all? Because you can find a reliable home inspector in time.
Starting point is 00:29:31 Well organ listeners, there's good news. Home pride inspection services in Bend, Oregon is central organs hottest new home inspection provider with inspection services including things like heating and cooling, roofing, plumbing and so much more. Spectrum services including things like heating, cooling, roofing, plumbing and so much more. Home Pride Oregon is both contractor certified and home inspection certified so you know you're getting the good stuff. If you are tired and I'm sure a lot of you are, especially if you didn't get a good night's sleep, if you're tired of big real estate wrangle hold on the home inspection market and you want a safe certified home inspector you can trust, Call Steve at 541-414-0316 or visit Again, that's 541-410-0316 or visit
Starting point is 00:30:14 Homepriodorgan inspection, perfection. When I say the stranglehold, then I really shake my jowls. It reminds me so hunter, who I was just telling you about, has a dog, a great dain, I believe, is the breed named Malcolm. And I was at Hunter's house last Labor Day weekend. You recall the podcast episode driving through Indiana. I was coming back from that. Well, Hunter at the time had just recently gotten Malcolm. He's a tiny little pup with these huge pods that are way too big for him.
Starting point is 00:30:49 And you know, this is a little tiny little puppy. Let's see, where are we? 11 months later, dude. This dog is huge. Imagine a regular size great dain and then just imagine that. And that's what Malcolm was looking like. This man, same got huge in the 11 months. Good for you Malcolm, you've been eating your wheebies. But Malcolm had some pretty big jowls. And that's, I should have got him to try to say, stranglehold. Can you teach your dogs to talk? Probably not as well as parrots.
Starting point is 00:31:21 Dude, parrots, any talking bird, it's really fascinating, also kind of scary to me, because I'm like, how intelligent are you actually? Are you just repeating what you hear? Do you have the ability to comprehend different words and what their purpose is and what they mean. There's this one. I think it's a cockatoo on YouTube
Starting point is 00:31:49 that actually seems to have like really intelligent conversations with its owner. You have to go check it out. If you just type in talking cockatoo YouTube, I'm sure you'll find it, but it's scary, man. Like how intelligent is this bird actually? Freaks me out. Shout out to Tor curves. We are still looking for our new toward curves catalog, but speaking of receiving
Starting point is 00:32:24 wrong mail here. I got jury summons, but not for me for a fellow by the name of Stephen Yu, who used to live at my apartment address, but who's not the same tonnett as the toured curves person. So I'm getting three years worth of different people's mail now, which is pretty cool. So I Google, because I never received someone else's jury summons before. So I Google what to do if you get someone else's jury summons. They say, just stick a post at note.
Starting point is 00:32:44 Put it that says, Steven you or whomever doesn't actually live here anymore please do not send back so I do that I put it back in the the mailbox actually at work I do it two days later I get home guess what's sitting for me in the mail post it removed Jerry summons for Steven you and And so this time, and this just happened for the second time on Friday, I think, so the story is not closed. This time, I write right on the envelope, right, right, R-I-Nope. W-R-I-T-E-Space-R-I-G-H-T, right, I'm not going to be a lot of people who are going to be able to face RIGHT right right on the envelope. Steven you I'm like homey.
Starting point is 00:33:30 Steven you don't live here no more. Please don't send back to my address. Just wait Monday morning wouldn't be surprised if I got Steven use jury summons and here's the thing that I'm not really. I'm upset I am a little perturbed though I'm not you know. Doing this because I have to I'm upset I am a little perturbed though. I'm not, you know, doing this because I have to.
Starting point is 00:33:47 I'm trying to help out Steven here because if things go bad and you get an extreme judge or something, he can, you know, issue you a warrant, which would not be fun. Or I don't know what it is in Chicago if you misjure duty, but it's like a thousand bucks or something, no thanks. Steven, if you missed your duty, but it's like a thousand bucks or something. No thanks. Steven, if you are out there, if you are a friend of the podcast,
Starting point is 00:34:09 hashtag friend of the podcast, dude, got your jury summons. Get your address updated, change your voter registration, whatever you got to do. I'm trying to help you out here, bro. Shout out to the Samson Q2U series for that crisp, clean, audio quality from Genesis to Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy and all the way to Revelation. When God speaks, he uses a Samson.
Starting point is 00:34:35 One more here. Bob and weave. Oh, no. Bob and weave. We all know the hairstyle, we all love it. But how many midtown Baltimore based independent shoot? All right hang on I'm going to physically change the ad because I'd been good
Starting point is 00:34:54 for you know Weeks it feels like where I hadn't messed it up But I hadn't actually changed the text because I'm always holding one I'm always you know, I'm always, you know, have the microphone in one hand and I don't like typing with one hand. It makes me feel very primitive, cook, counting. We are erasing the last messages of Baltimore from the ads, which is sad, but also necessary. Okay, it's not exactly how I want it, because I can't really think one thing and type something else simultaneously, much less talk and type, but I did my best.
Starting point is 00:35:41 Okay, Bob and we, if we all know the hairstyle, hairstyle we all love it But how many still says midtown Northside a Chicago based independent barbers can actually give it to you the way you deserve Enter cuts by Q. It's like enter Sandman, but different cuts by Q has been independently owned and operated Since 1995 is probably one of the better barbershop operations servicing city of Chicago cook county County in the Greater Chicago Land Area. From beehives to bangs, foehawks to flat tops and everything in between, call cuts by Q815, T9887200 or email cuts by Q at That's cuts.
Starting point is 00:36:22 QUTC, excuse me, by Q at QTUZ, oh, you need a fresh do something snappy and you just call the experts at cuts, bye, Q. Cuts, bye, Q. Let's talk to this girl from a hinge I think. It was like late 30s and she really excites us or birthday weekend. She got a fresh cut this weekend, but it wasn't from cuts by Q. I was like, hey, next time, you know, I run a little operation on my back porch. She's like, you cut women's hair. Yes, we cut women's hair.
Starting point is 00:37:03 We cut men's hair. We cut dogs hair. We cut pubic hair Whatever you need we're gonna give it to you the way you deserve and that's the cuts by Q customer satisfaction 100% promise All right In the news this last week President Trump who you'll remember from early, maybe like Spring 2018 mentioned that he was considering commuting or pardoning our former beloved governor, Rod Arbagović, prison sentence. So for those of you who don't recall, Blago has been in prison for eight years maybe,
Starting point is 00:37:47 seven, eight years on a corruption charge, and he's scheduled to be in there until 2026, I think, which is just a long time. I mean, I'm against pay to play politics for sure, but I don't know if 14 years is right for paid-of-play politics, and in fact, I vehemently disagree with that. And so I don't agree with our
Starting point is 00:38:16 agent orange president on many things or most things or really any things, but on this one, I'm with you. So you probably have seen the hashtag free Blagojevich on Twitter before. That came from yours truly. And you know, President Trump saying on Air Force One this week he's looking to part in Blago. And according to a couple sources it sounds like it's actually going to happen. Kushner really wants it to happen, we all have Jared Kushner. And so I don't know.
Starting point is 00:38:50 I don't want to take all the credit for it, but it kind of feels like Friedle-Goyvech is working. Hashtag Friedle-Goyvech, use it on Twitter, use it wherever hashtags are used. Tell your congressmen, your aldermen, your mayor, and your pediatrician. Hey, this is wrong. I want Blagoivich out. I want him home safe to patty and the kids and to America, really. So let me leave you with this parting thought. Freebligoivich free America. None of this make America great again crap.
Starting point is 00:39:33 Just freebligoivich free America. It's what this country, so desperately deserves. And maybe Trump wins Illinois if he does that TBH or TBD excuse me. We'll see. But I would love. Rod, if you're listening to this from Colorado, I don't know if you probably can't send emails from prison, but maybe I don't know, write a letter, have Patty send a message. We would love to have you on the Bean Town podcast
Starting point is 00:40:06 and you know the day you get released you're going to be hearing from us for interviews, interviews, interviews. And if anyone knows Rod, you know, any help you could offer would be great. Okay, that's what we got going on for you August 11, 2019. Thanks for tuning in, Quinn David Furnst presents the Bean Town podcast. Thanks to all the listeners. As a reminder, we have Bean Town buttons
Starting point is 00:40:29 and should have brought one down for Hunter. He was here literally half an hour ago, and I completely forgot. Oh well, next time. We'll be talking fantasy football looks like next week. So for the two of you listening who like that, that will be a great episode for you, the rest of the other one of you.
Starting point is 00:40:48 Maybe take next week off if you'd like, but there's gonna be some good comedy in there as well. It's not, we're not gonna sit down and be like, oh, and what do you feel about this position? Where's he fall? No, we're gonna be funny. Very funny. Okay, that's what we got for you.
Starting point is 00:41:04 This has been my show, Quinn Davis first presents the Bean Tom podcast. Don't forget to email us, we've already talked about that. And check out, we should have some new episodes of the White Noise podcast with co-host, Matthew Fiedler coming out very soon. We've been absent for a little while, but we should have some new material for you soon.
Starting point is 00:41:24 All right, that's all I got for you. Have a great weekend, happy summer, everyone be kind to one another, and we'll we'll check in on you next time.

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